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1. Metabolic myopathies:
1. Heterogeneous hereditary conditions.
2. Caused by specific enzymatic defects due to defective genes.
3. Affects muscle ability to maintain adequate energy & ATP → skeletal muscle dysfunction.
Example: glycogen storage diseases, Lipid storage disease.
Pathophysiology of MM:
A- MM presenting with exercise intolerance, cramps, and myoglobinuria.
Explanation Cramps and myalgia may occur after:
 Brief exercise:
Glycogen is the main source of energy during brief exercise,
so development of muscle cramps during brief exercise
indicates Glycogen storage diseases.
 Prolonged physical activity:
Free fatty acids are main source of energy during prolonged exercise,
so development of muscle cramps only after prolonged exercise and are worse during
fasting indicates lipid storage disease.
B- MM presenting with progressive muscle weakness due to deficiencies of de-branching
enzyme and carnitine.

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special types of MM:

Primary mitochondrial myopathy:
1. Genetic disorder of mitochondrial respiratory chain affecting SK MS.
2. Due to mutations in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA.
3. Exercise induces exercise intolerance + myalgia + muscle cramps.
4. Lack of energy production due to:
SK Ms mitochondrial dysfunction → appearance of exercise induced symptoms + ↑ lactate
production + phosphocreatine depletion.
Primary mitochondrial myopathy ‫ للفهم قراءة‬:
-Mitochondrial inheritance:
In this unique type of inheritance,
the mitochondria contain their own DNA.
-Only mitochondrial disorders caused by
mutations in the mitochondrial DNA
are exclusively inherited from mothers.
-If this is the way
a mitochondrial disease was inherited,
there is a 100% chance that each child in
the family will inherit a mitochondrial disease.
special types of MM :
a) Myopathic carnitine deficiency: b) Systemic carnitine deficiency:
Cause Impaired active carnitine transport Due to impaired hepatic
from plasma into muscle cells. biosynthesis and/or excessive renal
excretion of carnitine.

Level → ↓ carnitine level in muscles, but → ↓ Plasma, liver, and muscle

normal carnitine in plasma and carnitine levels.
Clinically Clinically: it manifests during Clinically: It manifests in infancy or
childhood or early adult life as childhood as
progressive proximal muscle 1. Progressive muscle weakness
weakness, exertional myalgia 2. Sustained exercise or fasting →
Attacks of hepatic and cerebral
Ms biopsy increased number of lipid droplets markedly increased number of lipid

tut1 bio

2. metabolic bone disorder:

Bone Cells:
Common progenitor mesenchymal stem cells give:
produce and secrete α1 type-1 collagen and mineralize bone "Bone-forming cells
a. make 95% of cells in adult skeleton.
b are embedded in mineralized bone.
c. secrete osteokines.
d. function as mechanical sensors.
-Marrow adipocytes.
Bone marrow macrophage gives:
-Osteoclasts "Bone resorbing cells".

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Bone Cell Energetic:

1. Osteoblasts:
- Utilize oxidative phosphorylation to:
a. Generate ATP.
b. Increase antioxidant enzymes production to combat effects of reactive oxygen species.
2. Osteocytes:
- Osteocytes are embedded in hypoxic environment, so depend on glycolysis.
3. Osteoclasts:
- Glycolysis is needed for its normal differentiation.
↑mitochondrial mass → ↑oxidative phosphorylation.
Bone Turnover Markers (BTM) :
Definition: Protein or protein derivative released during bone remodeling.
Example: C- and N-terminal telo-peptides of type-1 collagen are cleaved during bone resorption
and liberated in circulation at rate proportional to bone resorption activity.
1. Diagnosis of fracture risk.
2. BTM respond rapidly to changes in bone physiology, so can be used to determine response to
therapies for osteoporosis.
a. Hereditary and acquired conditions: occurring secondary to disturbed bone metabolism.
b. May be primary affecting bone or secondary to:
- Nutritional deficiencies. - Chronic disorders. - Drug induced.
a. Causes non-traumatic fractures, bone pain and disability.
b. In pediatrics → reduced linear growth, bone deformations.
Important Metabolic bone diseases:
A- Rickets
• Rickets is an infantile bone disease.
• Etiology:
1. ↓ Ca, phosphorous and/or vitamin D in diet
2. ↓ Sunlight exposure → ↓ vitamin D synthesis.
• Manifestations:
1. ↓ Ca and phosphorus in bone cortex → Soft and deformed bone
2. Bowing of legs
3. Swelling in ankles and wrists.

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B- Osteogenesis imperfecta (Brittle bone disease):

• A bone disorder secondary to defect in genes of collagen synthesis.
• Clinically: A child born with soft bones.

C- Paget's disease:
• It is a chronic disease of the skeleton mostly affects old people.
• It mostly affects the spine, pelvis, long bones of the limbs, and skull.
• In healthy bone: remodeling removes old bone pieces and replaces them with new, fresh bone.
• In Paget’s disease: remodeling is out of balance → new bone that is abnormally shaped, weak,
and brittle.


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