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Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 60 (2008) 25 – 32

Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from humans, vectors,

and animal reservoirs following an outbreak of acute human
Chagas disease in Santa Catarina State, Brazil
Mário Steindela , Letícia Kramer Pachecoa , Daniele Scholla , Marcos Soaresa ,
Milene Hoehr de Moraesa , Iriane Egera,b , Cecília Kosmanna , Thais Cristine Marques Sinceroa ,
Patrícia Hermes Stocoa , Silvane Maria Fonseca Murtac ,
Carlos José de Carvalho-Pintoa , Edmundo Carlos Grisarda,⁎
Departamento de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 88040-900, SC, Brazil
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Itajaí, 88302-202, SC, Brazil
Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou/FIOCRUZ, Belo Horizonte, 30190-002, MG, Brazil
Received 27 April 2007; accepted 21 July 2007


During March 2005, 24 cases of acute human Chagas disease were detected in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, all of them related to
the ingestion of Trypanosoma cruzi-contaminated sugar cane juice. Following field studies allowed the isolation of 13 T. cruzi strains from
humans, opossums (Didelphis aurita and Didelphis albiventris), and vectors (Triatoma tibiamaculata). The isolated strains were
characterized by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and analysis of the spliced-leader and 24Sα rRNA genes. The assays revealed
that all strains isolated from humans belong to the TcII group but revealed a TcII variant pattern for the phosphoglucomutase enzyme. Strains
isolated from opossums also showed a TcI profile in all analysis, but strains isolated from triatomines revealed a mixed TcI/TcII profile by
MLEE. No indication of the presence of Trypanosoma rangeli was observed in any assay. Considering that mixed strains (TcI/TcII) were
isolated from triatomines in an area without active vectorial transmission to humans and that all strains isolated from humans belong to the
TcII group, our results show that T. cruzi TcI and TcII groups are circulating among reservoirs and vectors in southern Brazil and indicate that
selection toward TcII group in humans may occur after ingestion of a mixed (TcI/TcII) T. cruzi population.
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Human Chagas disease; Trypanosoma cruzi; Oral infection; MLEE; Strain characterization; PCR

1. Introduction by the parasite, and 70 to 80 million individuals are living in

areas with high risk of transmission (World Health
Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, Organization [WHO], 2002).
is a protozoan parasite that infects a broad range of Primarily, T. cruzi is transmitted to man by deposition of
triatomines and mammalian species, including man, causing contaminated feces of triatomine vectors in mucous mem-
the most important parasitic infection in Latin America due branes, but outbreaks of oral transmission of the parasite by
to its impact in terms of public health and economy (Dias ingestion of contaminated food with infected triatomines or
et al., 2002). Around 14 million people are currently infected their dejection have been reported in Brazil, Colombia, and
Mexico (Silva et al., 1968; Shikanai-Yasuda et al., 1991;
Valente et al., 1999; Coura et al., 2002; WHO, 2002).
⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Microbiology, Immunology and
After infection by T. cruzi, the acute phase in humans
Parasitology, UFSC, Florianópolis 88040-900, SC, Brazil. Tel.: +55-48-
lasts for 4 to 8 weeks and can be associated by clinical
37215164; fax: +55-48-37219258. manifestations such as signs of the parasite entry and a
E-mail address: (E.C. Grisard). general malaise (WHO, 2002). Depending on the geographic
0732-8893/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
26 M. Steindel et al. / Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 60 (2008) 25–32

region, around 60% to 70% of the infected patients remain viduals ingested sugar cane juice in the afternoon of
asymptomatic, characterizing the indeterminate form of the February 13, 2005, in a single food court located at the
disease (Moncayo, 2003). However, 20% to 35% of the municipality of Navegantes, approximately 100 km north
infected individuals may develop irreversible lesions of of Florianópolis (Fig. 1). A detailed search for triatomines
the autonomous nervous system in the heart, esophagus, and and possible T. cruzi reservoirs was carried out in the
colon in the chronic phase of the infection (Prata, 2001; identified food court surroundings, including a forested
Moncayo, 2003). Furthermore, severe electrocardiographic area located 100 m behind the building, as well as in other
abnormalities revealing the chagasic cardiomyopathy may food courts along the same highway, involving the
be observed in almost 30% of the chronically infected Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Staff and
individuals (WHO, 2002). regional health authorities.
Based on several markers used for characterization of
2.2. Parasites
T. cruzi strains, the taxon was divided into 2 distinct major
phylogenetic lineages or groups named TcI and TcII (Anon, The origin of all parasites and strains included in this
1999). TcII group is further divided into 5 subgroups study are shown in Table 1. In this study, T. cruzi strains from
named TcIIa to TcIIe (Yeo et al., 2005; Westenberger et al., humans, reservoirs, and triatomine vectors, captured by the
2006). Despite a few exceptions, in the south of the Santa Catarina State Health Authority staff (Diretoria de
Amazon basin and throughout Brazil, TcI and TcII groups Vigilância Epidemiológica/State of Santa Catarina Health
basically correspond to parasites related to the sylvatic and Staff), were isolated by hemoculture and/or xenoculture in a
domestic transmission cycles, respectively (Anon, 1999). liver infusion tryptose (LIT) medium. All the collected
However, in areas north of the Amazon basin like samples were also examined for the presence of T. cruzi by
Venezuela and Mexico, human infection is most commonly both wet and Giemsa-stained smears. T. cruzi SC28 and
due to parasites from the TcI group (Miles et al., 1981; Colombiana (TcI group), Y (TcII group) strains, and Try-
Bosseno et al., 2002). panosoma rangeli SC58 strain were used as controls for
It is well established that the isolation method, in vitro or spliced-leader (SL) and 24Sα rDNA polymerase chain
in vivo maintenance, differential susceptibility of triatomine reaction (PCR) assays. Standard T. cruzi strains representing
vectors, host and/or parasite genetic characteristics, or even zymodemes Z1 (Barra Seca), Z2 (Y), and ZB (CL) were used
host immune system may act as selective mechanisms for as controls in the isoenzymatic assays. In this study, we will
natural parasite populations, having a major impact on the refer to T. cruzi strains of zymodemes Z1 and Z2 as TcI and
parasite characterization (Macedo and Pena, 1998; Macedo TcII strains, respectively.
et al., 2004; Pinho et al., 2000). Furthermore, the overlapping
of the sylvatic and domestic cycles (Pinho et al., 2000; 2.3. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis
Diosque et al., 2003; Macedo et al., 2004), the observation of
Isoenzymatic characterization of the strains was carried
natural and stable infection of free-living nonhuman
out as described by Steindel et al. (1995). Briefly, the
primates (Leontopithecus rosalia) by T. cruzi II parasites
parasites were harvested from the LIT medium and washed
(TcII) (Lisboa et al., 2004), the occurrence of mixed TcI/TcII
twice in cold Krebs–Ringer–Tris buffer, pH 7.4, at 2000 × g
strain infection in sylvatic triatomines (Bosseno et al., 1996),
as well as the known intra- and interstrains heterozygosity
(Ruiz-Garcia et al., 2000; Sturm et al., 2003; El-Sayed et al.,
2005) must be considered as complicating factors for parasite
characterization. This work aims to present the characteriza-
tion of T. cruzi strains isolated from humans, reservoirs and
vectors during the outbreak of acute human Chagas disease
in southern Brazil.

2. Material and methods

2.1. Geographic and temporal description of the outbreak

In March 2005, several cases of an unknown febrile

hemorrhagic disease with 3 fatal cases were reported by the
health authorities of the State of Santa Catarina (SC),
southern Brazil, being associated with the ingestion of sugar
cane juice in a roadside food court. Based on epidemiologic
data collected from the patients with confirmed Chagas
disease diagnosis and considering their clinical symptoms, Fig. 1. Map showing the SC State (shaded) in Brazil and the location of the
which will be the object of another publication, all indi- outbreak location (star) at the Navegantes Municipality in the SC State.
M. Steindel et al. / Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 60 (2008) 25–32 27

Table 1
Parasite species and strains used in the study
Parasite Strains Hosts Group Reference
T. rangeli SC58 E. dasythrix – Steindel et al. (1991)
T. cruzi SC28 D. aurita TcI Steindel et al. (1995)
Colombiana Human (chronic phase) TcI Murta et al. (1998)
Y Human (acute phase) TcII Pereira da Silva and Nussenzweig (1953)
CL T. infestans TcII Brener and Chiari (1963)
Barra Seca T. infestans TcI Filardi and Brener (1987)
SC90 D. aurita TcI/TcII This study
SC91 D. albiventris TcI/TcII This study
SC92–SC93 T. tibiamaculata TcI/TcII This study
SC94–SC102 Human (acute phase) TcII This study

and submitted to an osmotic lysis with an enzymatic rDNA (Souto et al., 1996) genes was performed by PCR
stabilizer (2 mmol/L dithiotreitol, 2 mmol/L ε-amino-caproic amplification using primers TC1/TC2/TC3/TR/ME and D-
acid, 2 mmol/L Na2EDTA, pH 7.4). Centrifugation was done 71/D-72, respectively (Table 2). These assays allow the
at 15 000 × g for 1 h at 4 °C and the resulting enzymatic confirmation of the parasite identity and typing of the
extract stored as 15-μL beads in liquid nitrogen. A total of isolated strains according to the T. cruzi major phylogenetic
6 enzymes were analyzed: glucose phosphate isomerase lineages (TcI or TcII). The expected bands for the multiplex
(GPI—E.C., malic enzyme (ME—E.C., SL amplification are of approximately 200 bp (TcI), 250 bp
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (E.C., phos- (TcII), and 150 bp (TcIII or Z3) for T. cruzi, and
phoglucomutase (PGM—E.C., aspartate amino- approximately 100 bp for T. rangeli. For the 24Sα rDNA,
transferase (E.C., and alanine aminotransferase the expected amplification product is of approximately 110
( The total enzymatic extract electrophoresis and and 125 bp for TcI and TcII strains, respectively.
the specific enzyme detection were carried out as for- DNA amplification was carried out in a Mastercycler
merly described by Carneiro et al. (1990) and the results Gradient thermocycler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) as
digitally recorded. described by each author. All pre- and post-PCR amplifica-
tion procedures were performed in distinct areas not sharing
2.4. DNA extraction and PCR assays
reagents or equipment to avoid carry-on contamination. Fifty
DNA from all strains was extracted by standard phenol– to 100 ng of DNA from standard T. cruzi strains belonging
chloroform protocols from logarithmic growth phase to the TcI (SC28 and Colombiana) and TcII (Y) groups and
cultures. After extraction, the concentration and purity of T. rangeli strain (SC58) were used as positive controls in all
the extracted DNA were assessed by spectrophotometry and assays. Tubes without DNA (negative control) were included
the samples stored at −20 °C. The identity of the isolated in each reaction set. The resulting PCR products were
strains was performed by specific amplification of the kDNA resolved in 10% polyacrylamide gels stained with ethidium
minicircle using primers S-35 and S-36 (Sturm et al., 1989). bromide and digitally recorded.
Characterization of the SL (Fernandes et al., 2001) and 24Sα
3. Results

Table 2 During the outbreak herein described, 24 patients were

Sequence and reference of each primer used for T. cruzi and/or T. rangeli
detection and characterization
infected by ingestion of sugar cane juice resulting in 3
deaths. A total of 9 T. cruzi strains were isolated from these
Primer Sequence (5′–3′) Reference
individuals by hemoculture of venous blood in the LIT
S-35 AAATAATGTACGGGTGGAGATGCATGA Sturm et al. (1989) medium, and after a maximum of 60 days' maintenance in
S-36 GGGTTCGATTGGGGTTGGTGT Sturm et al. (1989)
culture, DNA was extracted for characterization assays.
(2001) Despite the combined capture effort, only 6 adult marsupials
TC2 TTGCTCGCACACTCGGCTGCAT Fernandes et al. were captured (2 Didelphis albiventris, 3 Didelphis aurita,
(2001) and 1 Marmosa cinerea), of which natural T. cruzi infection
TC3 CCGCGWACAACCCCTMATAAAAATG Fernandes et al. was detected in 1 D. albiventris and 1 D. aurita, from which
parasites were isolated by hemoculture. From a total of 38
(2001) Triatoma tibiamaculata trapped in the forested area behind
ME TACCAATATAGTACAGAAACTG Fernandes et al. the food court, 12 tested positive for T. cruzi, from which it
(2001) was possible to isolate strains by xenoculture from 2
D-71 AAGGTGCGTCGACAGTGTGG Souto et al. (1996) individual triatomine bugs (Table 1). Only a single adult
D-72 TTTTCAGAATGGCCGAACAGT Souto et al. (1996)
triatomine was captured inside a nearby peridomestic area,
28 M. Steindel et al. / Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 60 (2008) 25–32

Fig. 2. An ethidium bromide stained 10% polyacrylamide gel showing the amplification products obtained for the SL gene for each strain. MW = molecular
weight marker (100-bp ladder); Tr = T. rangeli SC58 strain; TcII = T. cruzi Y strain; SC28 (TcI) = T. cruzi SC28 TcI strain; COL (TcI) = T. cruzi Colombiana TcI
strain; NC = negative control (no DNA added); Tt = T. tibiamaculata; Da = D. aurita; Dal = D. albiventris; H = human.

being the 1st report of this species inside human-made SC102) belong to the TcII group, respectively, revealing the
constructions in the SC State. Due to the interest on this expected 250- and 125-bp bands as also observed for the
species biology, the remaining triatomines were used to control TcII (Y) strain. Isolates from triatomine bugs (SC92
establish a colony at UFSC for further studies. Strains and SC93) showed a clear mixed profile (TcI/TcII) on the
isolated from opossums and triatomines were cultivated for a phenotypic multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE)
maximum of 60 days (4 passages) before characterization analysis (Fig. 4A and B). This observation was not clear
assays. The identity of the parasite strains isolated from on the SL PCR assay (Fig. 2), where isolates SC90–SC93
humans, opossums, and triatomines were confirmed by revealed the same diagnostic band as obtained for the SC28
morphology and by specific PCR amplification of the strain (TcI) isolated in the SC State but differing in pattern
conserved region of the kDNA minicircle as described by and size from the Colombiana (TcI) strain. Strains SC90–
Vallejo et al. (1999) to be T. cruzi. SC93 presented bands slightly smaller than the originally
All patients with confirmed T. cruzi infection were treated described diagnostic bands of approximately 200 bp (TcI)
with 5 mg/kg of body weight/day using Benznidazol® and approximately 250 bp (TcII) as observed in the T. cruzi
(Roche, Basel, Switzerland) for 60 to 90 days. Posttreatment TcI standard strain (Colombiana) (Fig. 2). Also, we have
follow-ups have been done every 6 months using clinical observed the amplification of additional bands of approxi-
(electrocardiogram and chest radiography), parasitologic mately 125, 150, and 270 bp for the Colombiana strain not
(hemoculture), immunologic (indirect immunofluorescence described in the original article by Fernandes et al. (2001).
assay [IFA] and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Strain SC28 revealed the same bands as observed for the
[ELISA]), and molecular (PCR) methods. Thus far, no Colombiana strain and an additional approximately 120-bp
parasites have been detected, and complete recovery is band as also observed for strains SC90–SC93 isolated in the
assumed. The diagnostic clinical follow-up after treatment SC State (Fig. 2).
and epidemiologic aspects of these cases are the object of The TcII control strain (Y) showed the amplification
another publication. of 4 additional bands of approximately 125, 140, 290,
Analysis of the SL (Fig. 2) and 24Sα rRNA (Fig. 3) genes and 300 bp, which were also observed for the TcII
revealed that all strains isolated from humans (SC94 to strains (SC94–SC102) but not previously described.

Fig. 3. An ethidium bromide stained 10% polyacrylamide gel showing the amplification products obtained for the 24Sα rDNA for each strain. MW = molecular
weight marker (100-bp ladder); Tr = T. rangeli SC58 strain; TcII = T. cruzi Y strain; SC28 (TcI) = T. cruzi SC28 TcI strain; COL (TcI) = T. cruzi Colombiana TcI
strain; NC = negative control (no DNA added); Tt = T. tibiamaculata; Da = D. aurita; Dal = D. albiventris; H = human.
M. Steindel et al. / Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 60 (2008) 25–32 29

(SC28) but differing from the Colombiana strain. The SC28

strain, isolated in the SC State and characterized as TcI
(Steindel et al., 1995), revealed an intermediate band of
approximately 120 bp (Fig. 3).
Strains SC92 and SC93 isolated from T. tibiamaculata
showed on the 24Sα rDNA assay a distinct amplification
pattern than all control and SC strains (Fig. 3), not sharing
the 110- or 125-bp bands and, thus, not allowing a clear
definition of the strain classification. Considering the clear
TcI/TcII mixture on strains SC92 and SC93 as revealed by
MLEE analysis (Fig. 4), the 24Sα rDNA assay was not able
to clearly detect both T. cruzi populations in triatomines,
and the SL gene assay only clearly detected the existence
of a TcI population (Fig. 2). Moreover, the band pat-
tern obtained for SC92 and SC93 strains isolated from
T. tibiamaculata neither match the band pattern obtained for
human strains (SC94–SC102) nor match with the strains
isolated from Didelphis spp. (SC90 and SC91) (Fig. 3).
On the 24Sα rDNA assay, the Colombiana strain revealed
a more distinct amplification pattern than the TcI strains
isolated in the SC State, including the SC28 (TcI) control
strain (Fig. 3), as also observed on the SL gene analysis
(Fig. 2). Thus, the variability observed for the SC93 and
Fig. 4. Zymograms obtained for the GPI (A) and PGM (B) enzymes for the SC94 strains must be further addressed and can be due to
T. cruzi strains isolated from humans, opossums, and triatomine bugs during
the lack of sensitivity of this assay to detect TcI/TcII mixed
the outbreak of Chagas disease in the State of SC by MLEE analysis. TcI and
TcII groups and ZB zymodeme are represented by T. cruzi Barra Seca, Y, infections. No T. rangeli infections were recorded among the
and CL standard strains, respectively. Tt = T. tibiamaculata; Da = D. aurita; isolates in any assay, and all employees of the food court
Dal = D. albiventris; H = human. tested negative for T. cruzi infection in serologic assays (IFA
and ELISA).

Considering that the original description of this SL assay

by Fernandes et al. (2001) used low-resolution ethidium 4. Discussion
bromide-stained agarose gels, the herein presented results
may indicate a differential amplification pattern for strains The 1st report of acute Chagas disease acquired by oral
from distinct groups (TcI or TcII) and/or geographic route in Brazil occurred in 1965 in the State of Rio Grande
origins, but further studies addressing such variability must do Sul, when 17 patients were simultaneously infected,
be performed. resulting in 6 fatal cases (Silva et al., 1968). From 1968 to
Isoenzymatic analysis agreed with both the SL and 24Sα 2000, outbreaks of acute Chagas disease by oral transmission
rRNA PCR data showing a TcII profile for all strains isolated were reported in Brazil (Shikanai-Yasuda et al., 1991; Coura
from humans (SC94–SC102). Interestingly, these samples et al., 2002). Epidemiologic studies of some of these
revealed a TcII variant pattern for the PGM enzyme (Fig. outbreaks that occurred in the northern region of the country
4B). Because no subtyping of TcII strains were performed, pointed out that ingestion of contaminated palm fruit juice
we cannot infer that this variation is a TcII group subtype (açaí) was strongly associated with these infections (Valente
(TcIIa–TcIIe) or even a new distinct genotype. A typical TcI et al., 1999).
pattern was observed for strains SC90 and 91 isolated from Despite having borders with 2 endemic states (Rio
opossums (Fig. 4A and B) as confirmed by both PCR assays Grande do Sul and Paraná) and Argentina, and the presence
(Figs. 2 and 3). Strains SC92 and SC93 isolated from of naturally infected reservoirs and vectors, the State of SC is
T. tibiamaculata clearly revealed a mixed TcI/TcII isoenzy- considered as a nonendemic area for human Chagas disease.
matic profile (Figs. 4A and B), which was not confirmed by Epidemiologic and biologic studies carried out for the last 25
both PCR assays (Fig. 2). years at the coastal area of the State covered by the Atlantic
Strains isolated from humans (SC94–SC102) showed the rain forest revealed natural infection by T. cruzi among
typical 125-bp band (Fig. 3) as also observed for the TcII marsupials (D. aurita and D. albiventris), rodents (Echimys
control strain (Y) on the 24Sα rDNA assay as described by dasythrix and Akodon sp.), and sylvatic triatomines (Pan-
Souto et al. (1996). In this assay, strains SC90 and SC91 and Rhodnius domesticus) (Steindel et al., 1995), as well as
isolated from opossums clearly demonstrated the same the occurrence of T. rangeli in single or mixed infections
amplification pattern as observed for the TcI control strain with T. cruzi (Steindel et al., 1991; Grisard et al., 1999).
30 M. Steindel et al. / Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 60 (2008) 25–32

Characterization of 68 T. cruzi strains isolated from sylvatic arboreal/terrestrial behavior harboring a mix of TcI/TcII
reservoirs and vectors in this state showed that 91.5% (54) of strains have been reported for D. aurita (Pinho et al., 2000)
the strains belong to the T. cruzi TcI group and 3 (5.1%) to and L. rosalia (Lisboa et al., 2004).
the TcII group, and 2 (3.4%) presented a mixture of TcI/TcII Studies carried out in Bolivia revealed mixed T. cruzi TcI/
strains (Steindel et al., 1995). TcII infections in Triatoma infestans (Bosseno et al., 1996)
In the present study, a total of 13 T. cruzi strains were and in humans (Breniere et al., 1998). Based on these
isolated from infected humans as well as from triatomine observations, these authors proposed a “synanthropic
vectors and opossums captured in the outbreak area. mammals–vector cycle” model suggesting that a restricted
Characterization of the isolated strains by MLEE and PCR cycle of transmission involving humans and vectors supports
analysis of the SL and 24Sα rRNA genes showed that all the a selection toward TcII strains in humans. However, in some
strains isolated from humans undoubtedly belonged to the areas like Mexico, a clear predominance of TcI group
TcII group. Strains isolated from T. tibiamaculata (SC92 and parasites infecting humans, hosts, and triatomines can be
SC93) had mixed TcI/TcII profiles as confirmed by MLEE observed (Bosseno et al., 2002).
(Fig. 4). The 24Sα rDNA assay (Fig. 3) was not sensitive In Brazil, as well as in the south of the Amazon basin area,
enough to detect this mixed profile and indicated the the majority of strains from chronic chagasic patients present
existence of a size variability of this gene among strains a TcII pattern, whereas both TcI and TcII strains were found
SC28 and Colombiana, both belonging to the same TcI in acute infection in humans (Luquetti et al., 1986; Di Noia
group. Strains SC90 and SC91 isolated from sylvatic et al., 2002). Thus, the detection of single TcII in acutely
mammals (D. aurita and D. albiventris) showed a clear TcI infected humans in our study can be explained by i) a
profile by PCR assays (Figs. 2 and 3) and by MLEE (Fig. 4). predominant infection by a TcII group clones, ii) a selection
Thus, considering the observed variation on the character- of the TcII group by humans, or iii) the lack of sensitivity of
ization assays and the limitations of some used techniques in the available methods in detecting cryptic presence of TcI
detecting mixed infections, we strongly encourage the clones because parasites of this group are capable of
combined use of specific phenotypic and genotypic markers sustainable infections in humans (Miles et al., 1981; Bosseno
for T. cruzi characterization. et al., 2002).
Interestingly, primers D71/D72 directed to the 24Sα The biologic diversity of the T. cruzi taxon could be
rRNA gene generated a distinct amplification pattern for attributed to the genetic potential of each vertebrate host in
strains isolated during the outbreak from opossums (SC90 selecting parasite clones (Dvorak, 1984; Veloso et al., 2005)
and SC91) and triatomines (SC92 and SC93), as well as for but not having a clear relationship of distinct clones with the
the SC28 and Colombiana strains used as TcI standard distinct Chagas disease pathologies (Buscaglia and Di Noia,
(Figs. 2 and 3). These observations point out a disagreement 2003) and epidemiology (Miles et al., 2003).
with the results reported by Souto et al. (1996), demonstrat- Considering that one of the possibilities of contamination
ing that it is not possible to group the parasites based on the of humans in this outbreak was by crushing infected
PCR product size alone. Based on this size variation, triatomines during the juice preparation, the survival of T.
preliminary assays carried out with 5 TcI T. cruzi strains cruzi on sugar cane juice as reported by Pinto et al. (1990),
from SC and Rio Grande do Sul States, southern Brazil, and the finding of mixed T. cruzi TcI/TcII in T. tibiamaculata
confirmed our findings (data not shown), but further studies in the present study, our results may indicate, despite the
must be performed to address such variation. small data set available, the intraspecific variability and the
In the SC State, mixed TcI/TcII infection in adults sensitivity of the methods that selection toward TcII group in
P. megistus was previously reported (Steindel et al., 1995). humans may occur as formerly reported (Bosseno et al.,
These findings reinforced the occurrence of hybrid T. cruzi 1996; Breniere et al., 1998). However, considering that a
populations under natural conditions, also named as T. cruzi small number of samples were examined and that natural
group III or TcIII (Macedo et al., 2004). However, circulation in the past in triatomines and marsupials were
considering the absence of active transmission of T. cruzi represented by TcII or TcI/II mixture strains in the SC
to humans in the state and the existing records of circulation State (Steindel et al., 1995), another hypothesis is that
of TcII strains in wild animals such as the golden lion patients could be infected only by T. cruzi TcII strains.
tamarins (L. rosalia) (Lisboa et al., 2004) and TcI/TcII in Furthermore, our results confirm the maintenance of both
opossums (D. aurita) (Bosseno et al., 1996), our results TcI and TcII clones circulating in the sylvatic environment
reinforce the natural mixing and transmission of TcI/TcII in the SC State.
strains among reservoirs and hosts, pointing out for the This is the 1st report of T. tibiamaculata inside a
1st time the transmission of such mixed strains by peridomestic area in the SC State, a vector species not
T. tibiamaculata in the State of SC, Brazil. previously studied in this state but with an increasing
Studies in the Paraguayan Chaco have associated T. cruzi importance on the Chagas disease epidemiology (Dias-
TcI and TcII strains with arboreal and terrestrial mammalian, Lima and Sherlock, 2000). These conclusions are rein-
respectively (Yeo et al., 2005). On the other hand, findings of forced by the fact that, in this State, the most prevalent
T. cruzi infection in mammals with or without mixed triatomine species entering human domiciles is P. megistus
M. Steindel et al. / Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 60 (2008) 25–32 31

(Steindel et al., 1995), which was not found in the roadside potential of selecting population after in vitro culturing and mice
food court surroundings. infection. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 98:1–12.
Dias JC, Silveira AC, Schofield CJ (2002) The impact of Chagas disease
Breniere et al. (1998) emphasize that the clone distribution control in Latin America: a review. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 97:
must be comparatively studied using clones obtained from 603–612.
vectors and from recently infected patients, suggesting that Dias-Lima AG, Sherlock IA (2000) Sylvatic vectors invading houses
the clonal selection must occur in later stage of the infection, and the risk of emergence of cases of Chagas Disease in Sal-
probably by selective pressure of the human immune system vador, State of Bahia, northeast Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 95:
in response to the infection. Several studies have proposed Di Noia JM, Buscaglia CA, Marchi CR, Almeida IC, Frasch AC (2002) A
that strains isolated from patients in the acute phase of Trypanosoma cruzi small surface molecule provides the first immuno-
Chagas disease had a more complex genetic composition logical evidence that Chagas' disease is due to a single parasite lineage.
than those obtained during the chronic phase (Macedo and J Exp Med 195:401–413.
Pena, 1998; Devera et al., 2003). The SC outbreak provided a Diosque P, Barnabe C, Padilla AM, Marco JD, Cardozo RM, Cimino RO,
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obtaining samples from patients in acute phase following oral
El-Sayed NM, Myler PJ, Bartholomeu DC, Nilsson D, Aggarwal G, Tran
infection as well as to obtain samples from reservoirs and AN, Ghedin E, Worthey EA, Delcher AL, Blandin G, Westenberger SJ,
vectors captured in the outbreak area is unique. Caler E, Cerqueira GC, Branche C, Haas B, Anupama A, Arner E,
Aslund L, Attipoe P, Bontempi E, Bringaud F, Burton P, Cadag E,
Acknowledgments Campbell DA, Carrington M, Crabtree J, Darban H, da Silveira JF, de
Jong P, Edwards K, Englund PT, Fazelina G, Feldblyum T, Ferella M,
Frasch AC, Gull K, Horn D, Hou L, Huang Y, Kindlund E, Klingbeil M,
The authors thank Dr. Michael Miles for his valuable Kluge S, Koo H, Lacerda D, Levin MJ, Lorenzi H, Louie T, Machado
suggestions on the manuscript, the Diretoria de Vigilância CR, McCulloch R, McKenna A, Mizuno Y, Mottram JC, Nelson S,
Epidemiológica, the Laboratório Central, and the State of Ochaya S, Osoegawa K, Pai G, Parsons M, Pentony M, Pettersson U,
Santa Catarina Health Staff, Brazil, for the field works and Pop M, Ramirez JL, Rinta J, Robertson L, Salzberg SL, Sanchez DO,
for laboratory support, respectively. L.K.P., D.S., M.H.M., Seyler A, Sharma R, Shetty J, Simpson AJ, Sisk E, Tammi MT, Tarleton
R, Teixeira S, Van Aken S, Vogt C, Ward PN, Wickstead B, Wortman J,
C.K., T.C.M.S., and P.H.S. were recipients of CNPq or White O, Fraser CM, Stuart KD, Andersson0 B (2005) The genome
CAPES scholarships. sequence of Trypanosoma cruzi, etiologic agent of Chagas disease.
Science 309:409–415.
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