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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

Heat transfer: a review of 1998 literature

R.J. Goldstein*, E.R.G. Eckert, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon,
T.H. Kuehn, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J.V.R. Heberlein,
J.H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F.A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick
Heat Transfer Laboratory, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, 111 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

2. Conduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.1. Contact conduction/contact resistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.2. Composite and/or heterogeneous media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.3. Thermal waves and nonclassical e€ects, microscale heat transport, and laser or pulse
heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.4. Fins, tubes and arbitrary geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.5. Modeling, analytic and numerical techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.6. Experimental and/or comparative studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.7. Thermomechanical problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.8. Inverse problems and design studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.9. Flow e€ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
2.10. Microelectronic heat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
2.11. Miscellaneous studies and special applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

3. Boundary layers and external ¯ows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

3.1. External e€ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
3.2. Geometric e€ects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
3.3. Compressibility and high-speed ¯ow e€ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
3.4. Analysis and modeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
3.5. Unsteady e€ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
3.6. Films and interfacial e€ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
3.7. E€ects of ¯uid type or ¯uid properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
3.8. Flows with reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

4. Channel ¯ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

4.1. Straight-walled ducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-612-625-0762.

E-mail address: (S.V. Patankar).

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254 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

4.2. Microchannel ¯ow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

4.3. Irregular geometries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
4.4. Finned and pro®led ducts . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
4.5. Channel ¯ows with periodic motion and secondary ¯ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
4.6. Multiphase channel ¯ow . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
4.7. Non-Newtonian ¯ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
4.8. Miscellaneous channel ¯ow . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

5. Separated ¯ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

6. Porous media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

6.1. Property determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.2. External ¯ow and heat transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.3. Packed and ¯uidized beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
6.4. Layers, enclosures and annuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
6.5. Coupled heat and mass transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
6.6. Porous surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

7. Experimental methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

7.1. Heat ¯ux measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
7.2. Temperature measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
7.3. Velocity and ¯ow measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
7.4. Thermophysical property measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
7.5. Miscellaneous methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

8. Natural convection Ð internal ¯ows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

8.1. Fundamental studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
8.2. Heat generating ¯uids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
8.3. Thermocapillary ¯ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
8.4. Enclosure heat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
8.5. Vertical ducts and annuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
8.6. Horizontal cylinders and annuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
8.7. Mixed convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
8.8. Complex geometries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
8.9. Fires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
8.10. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

9. Natural convection Ð external ¯ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

9.1. Vertical plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
9.2. Horizontal and inclined plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
9.3. Cylinders and blunt bodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
9.4. Mixed convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
9.5. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

10. Rotating surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

10.1. Rotating disks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
10.2. Rotating channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
10.3. Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
10.4. Cylinders, spheres, miscellaneous shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
10.5. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

11. Combined mass and heat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

11.1. Ablation and transpiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
11.2. Film cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
11.3. Jet impingement heat transfer Ð submerged and liquid jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
11.4. Drying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 255

11.5. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

12. Change of phase Ð boiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

12.1. Droplet and ®lm evaporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
12.2. Bubble characteristics and boiling incipience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
12.3. Pool boiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
12.4. Flow boiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
12.5. Two-phase thermohydraulics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

13. Change of phase Ð condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

13.1. Surface geometry and material e€ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
13.2. Global geometry and thermal boundary condition e€ects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
13.3. Modeling and analysis techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
13.4. Free surface condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
13.5. Binary mixtures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

14. Change of phase Ð freezing and melting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

14.1. Melting and freezing of sphere, cylinders and slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
14.2. Stefan problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
14.3. Ice formation in porous materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
14.4. Contact melting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
14.5. Melting and melt ¯ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
14.6. Powders, ®lms, emulsions and particles in a melt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.7. Crucible melts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.8. Glass melting and formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.9. Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.10. Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.11. Nuclear reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.12. Energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.13. Solidi®cation during casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.14. Mushy zone Ð dendritic growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
14.15. Metal solidi®cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
14.16. Crystal growth from melt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
14.17. Casting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
14.18. Splat cooling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

15. Radiative heat transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

15.1. In¯uence of geometry . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
15.2. Participating media . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
15.3. Radiation combined with convection, conduction or mass transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
15.4. Intensely irradiated materials . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
15.5. Experimental methods and properties ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

16. Numerical methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

16.1. Heat conduction (direct problems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
16.2. Heat conduction (inverse problems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
16.3. Phase change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
16.4. Treatment of convection and di€usion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
16.5. Solution of ¯ow equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

17. Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

17.1. Di€usion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
17.2. Thermal conductivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
17.3. Heat capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
17.4. Composite materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
17.5. Contact resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
256 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

17.6. Thin ®lms/coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

17.7. Transport properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
17.8. Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
17.9. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

18. Heat transfer applications Ð heat exchangers and heat pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
18.1. Compact and micro-heat exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
18.2. Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
18.3. Direct contact heat exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
18.4. Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
18.5. Fouling Ð surface e€ects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
18.6. Mathematical modeling, optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
18.7. Performance, factors a€ecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
18.8. Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
18.9. Power and reversed cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
18.10. Shell and tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
18.11. Thermosyphons (heat pipes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
18.12. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

19. Heat transfer applications Ð general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

19.1. Aerospace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
19.2. Bioheat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
19.3. Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
19.4. Piston engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
19.5. Gas turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
19.6. Steam power plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
19.7. Atomic reactor engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
19.8. Climatising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
19.9. Thermomechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
19.10. Meteorology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
19.11. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
19.12. Chemical processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

20. Solar energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294

20.1. Low temperature applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
20.1.1. Flat-plate and low-concentrating collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
20.1.2. Water heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
20.1.3. Space heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
20.1.4. Space cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
20.1.5. Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
20.1.6. Desalination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
20.1.7. Solar ponds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
20.2. High temperature applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
20.2.1. Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296

21. Plasma heat transfer and magnetohydrodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296

21.1. Plasma ¯uid ¯ow characterization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
21.2. Plasma±solid interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
21.3. Plasma applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
21.4. Magnetohydrodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 257

1. Introduction of theoretical methods for predicting radiative heat

transfer in participating media. The Donald Q Kern
The present review is designed to encompass the award instituted by the AIChE was presented to Dr.
English language heat transfer papers published in Ephraim Sparrow for his signi®cant contributions in
1998. The papers have been categorized into a number translating results of research into useful technological
of sub-®elds. While being exhaustive, some selection is applications. The Luikov award instituted by the
necessary. Besides reviewing the journal articles of ICHMT was awarded to Dr. Arthur Bergles for his
1998, we also brie¯y mention important conferences pioneering scholarly contributions to heat transfer, in
and meetings on heat transfer and related ®elds, major particular, in the ®eld of enhanced heat transfer.
awards to heat transfer researchers and also books on Some interesting highlights of this year's review are:
heat transfer published during the year. Gas turbine engine cooling continues to be the primary
An ASME meeting on Turbulent Heat Transfer held motivation for heat transfer studies on rotating disks
in Manchester, England on 31 May±5 June covered and channels. Work on numerical methods includes
shear ¯ows, separation and reattachment and LES in heat conduction (both direct and inverse problems),
industrial applications. The 43rd Gas Turbine and melting/freezing, convection and di€usion, and ¯uid
Aeroengine Congress, User's Symposium and Exhibi- ¯ow techniques. Methods are aimed at the treatment
tion `Turbo Expo±Land, Sea and Air 1998' was held of complex geometry, improved accuracy, and robust-
in Stockholm, Sweden on 2±5 June. Topics covered ness. Papers on heat transfer applications address pre-
included external heat transfer, internal air systems diction of temperature ®elds in electronic devices, loss
and seals, ®lm cooling, and internal heat transfer. An of coolant accidents in nuclear reactors, building envel-
International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer opes, and issues in manufacturing.
in Biomedical and Medical Engineering was organized Books on heat transfer published during 1998
by the International Centre for Heat and Mass Trans- include:
fer in Kupadasy, Turkey on 8±12 June. Sessions cov-
ered therapeutic processes, mass transfer and Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Trans-
cryobiology. The Joint AIAA/ASME Thermophysics fer V:
and Heat Transfer Conference held in Albuquerque, A.J. Nowak, M. Zerroukat, R. Bialecki, C.A. Breb-
USA on 15±18 June had sessions on computational bia (Editors),
aerothermodynamics, microscale heat transfer, and Computational Mechanics Inc.
heat transfer in porous media. The Fifth International
Conference on Advanced Computational Methods was Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnol-
held in Cracow, Poland on 17±19 June. Sessions cov- ogy
ered conduction, natural and forced convection, S. Clegg (Editor)
change of phase, and heat exchangers. The 11th Inter- ASME Press
national Heat Transfer Conference was held on 23±28
August in Kyongju, Korea. Topics covered included Advances in Heat Transfer (Vol. 31)
condensation and direct contact gas/liquid heat trans- J.P. Hartnett, T.F. Irvine, Y.I.Cho, G.A. Greene
fer, external forced convection, heat transfer augmen- Academic Press
tation, natural convection, radiation and combustion,
numerical techniques and modeling and two-phase Analytical methods in Conduction Heat Transfer
¯ow with and without phase change. The 8th Inter- Glen E. Myers
national Symposium on Flow Visualization on 1±4 AMCHT Publications
September in Sorrento, Italy covered combustion,
droplet breakup, multiphase ¯ows, and natural convec- Annual Review of Heat Transfer
tion. The 1998 International Mechanical Engineering Begell House
Congress and Exposition (IMECE) was held in Ana-
heim, USA on 15±20 November. The Heat Transfer Biotransport: Heat and Mass Transfer in Living
Division of the ASME held sessions on impingement Systems
and ®lm cooling in turbomachinery, inverse and opti- Kenneth R. Diller (Editor)
mization problems in heat transfer, and jet impinge- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
ment heat transfer.
Awards and Honors: The 1998 Heat Transfer Mem- Biological Process Engineering: An Analogical
orial Awards were presented to Dr. Amir Faghri (Art) Approach to Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass
and Dr. James V. Beck (Science). The Max Jakob Transfer Applied to Biological Systems
Award (1997) was presented to Dr. John Howell for Arthur T Johnson
his contributions to the development and application Wiley
258 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

Computer Simulations in Compact Heat Exchan- Heat Transfer Augmentation in Turbulent Flows
gers (Developments in Heat Transfer, Volume 1) A. Pedisius, A. Slanciauskas
Bengt Sunden (Editor), M. Faghri (Editor) Begell House
Computational Mechanics Inc.
Heat Transfer Essentials
Computer Technology of Solving Problems in Gas- Latif M. Jiji
dynamics Begell House
V.I. Timoshenko, Natalia K. Shveyeva
Begell House Heat Transfer Fundamentals for Metal Casting
D.R.R. Poirier, G.H. Geiger (editors)
Convection in Porous Media The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
Donald A. Nield
Springer-Verlag Heat Transfer in Electronic Packages
Rao Tummala, Eugene J. Rymaszewski, Alan G.
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer and Klopfenstein
Interactive Heat Transfer InterThom
F.P. Incropera, D.P. De Witt
Wiley Introduction to Convective Heat Transfer Analysis
P.H. Oosthuizen, David Naylor
Handbook of Heat Transfer McGraw-Hill
W.M. Rohsenow, J.P. Hartnett, Y.I. Cho
McGraw-Hill Modelling of Heat Transfer Phenomena, Vol. 2
B. Sunden, M. Faghri (editors)
Heat and Mass Transfer Computational Mechanics
Karl Stephan, H.D. Baehr
Springer-Verlag An Introduction to Convective Heat Transfer
Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Services David Naylor, Patrick H. Oosthuizen
Design McGraw-Hill
Keith Moss
Routledge Publishers Mathematics of Heat Transfer
A.S. Wood
Heat Transfer Oxford University Press
Anthony F. Mills
Prentice-Hall Methods for Inverse Heat Conduction
Dinh Nho Hao
Heat Transfer With Applications Peter Lang Publishing
Kirk D. Hagen
Prentice-Hall Operation of Counter¯ow Regenerators
B.S. Baclic, Gordan D. Dragutinovic
Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach Computational Mechanics
Yunus A. Cengel
McGraw-Hill Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Heat
The Heat Transfer Problem Solver (Problem Donald R. Pitts, Leighton E. Sissom (Contributor)
Solvers) McGraw-Hill
James R. Ogden
Sta€ of Research and Education Association Schaum's Outline of Heat Transfer
J.P. Holman
Heat and Mass Transfer Australasia 1996: Proceed- McGraw-Hill
ings of the Sixth Australasian Heat and Mass
Transfer Conference Thermal Vibrational Convection
E. Leonardi, C.V. Madhusudana D.V. Lyubimov, G. Z. Gershuni
Begell House Wiley
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 259

Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing mal transport as described in Refs. [18A, 19A, 23A,
D.R. Poirier, G.H. Geiger 27A], and laser or pulse heating applications as
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society described in Refs. [15A, 16A, 20A, 26A, 30A].

2.4. Fins, tubes and arbitrary geometries

2. Conduction The conjugate heat transfer of a plate ®n and tri-

angular ®n in a second grade ¯uid ¯ow [31A, 32A],
Numerous subtopics related to heat conduction are conduction heat transfer from con®ned spheres [33A],
reviewed in this subcategory. These are categorized as: and the application of Taylor transformation to opti-
contact conductance/contact resistance; composites mize rectangular ®ns with variable thermal parameters
and/or heterogeneous media; thermal waves and non- and prediction of thermal stresses in isotropic annular
classical e€ects, microscale heat transport, and laser or ®ns [34A, 35A] appear in the literature.
pulse heating; heat conduction in ®ns, tubes and solids;
modeling, analytic and numerical techniques; exper- 2.5. Modeling, analytic and numerical techniques
imental and/or comparative studies; thermomechanical
problems; inverse problems and design studies; ¯ow As always, this subcategory almost always receives a
e€ects, change of phase and process studies; microelec- wide variety of activity across a broad range of appli-
tronic heat transfer; and miscellaneous and special ap- cation areas employing closed form derivations, ®nite
plications. element, ®nite di€erence, boundary element techniques
and the like. The contributions range from new devel-
2.1. Contact conduction/contact resistance opments in numerical techniques to the application of
existing techniques to new problems and/or studies of
The thermal contact resistance at the interface of heat transfer in materials and structures [36A±48A].
double tubes assembled by plastic deformation is
described in the study by Bourouga and Bandon [1A].
2.6. Experimental and/or comparative studies
That involving study of bolted joints is described in
Mantelli and Yovanovich [2A] and contact conduc-
The experimental and theoretical analysis of thermo-
tance of elastomeric gaskets by Mirmira et al. [3A].
hydrodynamic seizure [49A], an experimental study
The thermal resistance of two solids in contact through
and numerical simulation of the injection stretch/blow
a cylindrical joint and between polished surfaces is
molding process [50A], and experimental and analytic
described in Refs. [4A±6A].
study of periodic heat conduction in a multilayer
medium [51A] appear in this subcategory.
2.2. Composite and/or heterogeneous media

The e€ects of thermal insulation behavior of a multi- 2.7. Thermomechanical problems

layer orthotropic cylinder [7A], an exact solution deri-
vation in composite material and application to inverse The studies involving thermomechanical problems
problems [8A], the estimation of transfer matrix of a including coupled heat transfer and thermal stresses in
thermoelastic acoustic disturbance induced in a layered high t-c thin ®lm superconductor devices [52A], ther-
medium [9A], the kinetics of thermal instability in the mal optimization in transient thermoelasticity using re-
presence of a nonuniform temperature distribution sponse surface approximations [53A], and the e€ects of
composite [10A], the the modeling of damage e€ect on thermal gradient and residual strsses in thermal barrier
heat transfer in time-dependent nonhomogeneous coating fracture [54A].
solids [11A], and the heat conduction in multilayer
spherical products by transfer functions [12A] appear 2.8. Inverse problems and design studies
in this subcategory.
Various inverse problems encompassing heat con-
2.3. Thermal waves and nonclassical e€ects, microscale duction, prediction of heat ¯ux of an m42 percussion
heat transport, and laser or pulse heating primer, solution of an inverse problem subjected to
speci®cation of energies, inverse determination of
The various subtopics in this subcategory encompass steady heat convection coecient distributions, a new
numerous studies related to heat waves and the re- space marching method, and the solution of tempera-
spective solutions as described in Refs. [13A, 14A, ture and thermal stress ®elds appear in Refs. [55A±
17A, 21A, 22A, 24A, 25A, 28A, 29A]; microscale ther- 60A].
260 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

2.9. Flow e€ects stability curves. The stability of boundary layer ¯ows
as in¯uenced by centripetal forces due to curvature
The study of chaotic heat transfer in a periodic two- was experimentally documented while the pressure
dimensional ¯ow is described in [61A] and the classi®- gradients, which usually accompany curvature in duct
cation of one- dimensional steady state two-phase ¯ows, were removed [7B].
geothermal ¯ows including permeability variations is
described in [62A]. 3.2. Geometric e€ects

2.10. Microelectronic heat transfer One paper in this category dealt with a slip-stick
boundary condition on a sphere [48B], another with
The modeling of rare®ed gas heat conduction non-stokes ¯ow over particles in turbulent ¯ow [47B],
between wafer and susceptor [63A] and a tool for a a third on a particle of irregular shape [28B], and a
compact dynamic thermal model generation [64A] fourth on the heat and mass transfer from a droplet
appear in the literature. [43B]. A mathematical model was presented for the
analysis of a granulating column [37B].
2.11. Miscellaneous studies and special applications Several papers dealt with cylinders. In one, mixed-
convection heat transfer was evaluated for slender
A wide variety of applications and studies involving cylinders [22B] and in two [34B, 17B] numerical sol-
conduction heat transfer with particular emphasis on utions were presented for ¯ow over cylinders in cross-
specialized applications appears in Refs. [65A±78A]. ¯ow; on one, both compressible and incompressible
¯ows were modeled [34B] whereas in another [17B] the
e€ects of angle of inclination of an elliptical tube were
3. Boundary layers and external ¯ows investigated. Finally, a model was developed for the
turbulent heat ¯ux in the wake of a cylinder [52B].
Papers on boundary layers and external ¯ows for On stagnation ¯ow, one paper showed equations de-
1998 have been categorized as follows: ¯ows in¯uenced rived to estimate stagnation region heat transfer [36B],
externally, ¯ows with special geometric e€ects, com- another modi®ed the unsteadiness at the edge of the
pressible and high-speed ¯ows, analysis and modeling near-wall viscous region to account for the free-stream
techniques, unsteady ¯ow e€ects, ¯ows with ®lm and turbulence, level and scale [53B], a third computed
interfacial e€ects, ¯ows with special ¯uid types and heat transfer under an impinging jet [19B], a fourth
property e€ects, and ¯ows with reactions. discussed heat transfer under an array of orthogonal
jets [32B], and a ®fth quanti®ed augmentation via
3.1. External e€ects impingement on a rough surface [25B].
Papers which focused on roughness included two on
Papers which focus on external e€ects document the the e€ects of non-homogeneous roughness [39B, 45B],
in¯uence of streamwise thermal gradient e€ects [2B, another considering a liquid ®lm surface roughness
5B, 9B, 13B], buoyancy e€ects [1B, 14B], ¯ows in¯u- [49B], and a fourth presenting the e€ect on turbulence
enced by embedded vortices [10B, 11B], ¯ows modi®ed spectra when the roughness is grass [35B]. Finally, a
by variable density e€ects [3B, 4B, 8B, 15B], and ¯ows paper was presented which discusses the e€ects of iso-
in¯uenced by electric and magnetic ®elds [6B, 12B]. lated roughness regions on transition over the Shuttle
The e€ects of thermal gradients included one in which Orbiter surface [20B].
a revised Blasius solution was developed [13B] and two Ribbed surfaces were discussed in [51B, 26B, 33B,
applied to a stretching surface [5B, 9B]. One of the 38B]. In [51B], a transient measurement technique was
buoyancy- in¯uenced ¯ows showed how suction modi- presented; in [33B], ribs were applied to narrow chan-
®ed the mixed-convection heat transfer coecient [1B] nels; and in [38B], perforated ribs were compared to
while another showed the e€ect of orientation of a solid ribs. Winglets were applied to enhance heat trans-
Rankine vortex embedded in the boundary layer [11B] fer in [29B] and the general topic of enhancement was
and a third noted a three-fold increase in heat transfer addressed in [31B].
for a situation where a vortex tube interacted with a Several papers considered representations of compu-
sphere [10B]. Acoustic enhancement was applied to ter elements on boards [24B, 41B, 46B]. In one [24B],
incineration [15B] while rapid compression in a piston± heated cubes were placed downstream of a roughness
cylinder arrangement was addressed in [8B, 3B]. The element and in another [46B], direct liquid cooling was
in¯uence of an electric ®eld on suspended drops was applied to ¯ush-mounted and protruding elements.
discussed in [6B], showing how the drops were A rather large number of papers were dedicated to
deformed, while in [12B], convective roll cells, as in¯u- turbine ¯ows [16B, 21B, 18B, 30B, 23B, 27B, 44B]. In
enced by a magnetic ®elds were analyzed to develop one, roughness e€ects were quanti®ed, some cases were
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 261

with the surface coated with grit, some were with ners was addressed in [92B]. Thermophoresis e€ects on
tumbled grit, and some were polished [16B]. In a sec- boundary layer ¯ows were analyzed by including the
ond, the combined e€ects of roughness and elevated e€ect of particle deposition on the wall [71B]. The
free stream turbulence intensity were discussed [21B]. method of characteristics was applied to an underex-
In a third, a model was presented for capturing the panded free jet ¯ow with vibrational non-equilibrium
e€ect of roughness [30B]. In one paper, transition was for application to shock tubes [87B]. The quest for
addressed, where cases of various freestream turbu- invariant descriptors in heat transfer was the topic of
lence intensity were presented along with a model for [86B]. Techniques from the literature were reviewed.
capturing the high turbulence e€ect [18B]. The e€ect of The e€ect of heat transfer on transition of ¯ow past a
isentropic work extraction in the unsteady ¯ow down- cylinder was quanti®ed in terms of an e€ective Rey-
stream of a turbine was measured [23B]. Simultaneous nolds number [73B].
temperature and velocity measurements were presented Several papers dealt with integral techniques [72B,
for a radial-in¯ow turbine [27B] and the ¯ow in face 78B, 74B]. One [72B] is an analysis of laminar, mixed
seals was documented in [44B]. convection between vertical parallel plates, another is
Several entries in this category were on a large scale. for uniformly-heated ducts [78B], and a third [74B]
Paper [40B] discussed the e€ects of boundary layer used the Chilton±Colburn analogy to compute ¯ow
thinning in o€-shore ¯ow, with the e€ects of its associ- with longitudinal pressure gradients.
ated change in roughness, whereas [42B] discussed heat Two papers dealt with conjugate heat transfer; one
losses, mantle overturn, and gas evolution in the [94B], for ¯ow past a ¯at plate while the other [93B]
earth's mantle. was to model two-row, ®nned tubes.
Finally, for this category, a paper was presented on Several papers addressed atmospheric boundary
the e€ects on pressure drop and heat transfer coe- layers. In two [64B, 65B], mass transfer from soil to
cient of non-uniform plate length in a heat exchanger the atmosphere was considered using data of land-sur-
[50B]. face ¯uxes; in a third, heat and mass transfer from a
cooled surface were addressed [66B]; and, in a two-
3.3. Compressibility and high-speed ¯ow e€ects part paper [67B, 75B], the e€ects of strong concen-
tration gradients on viscosity were quanti®ed.
In this category, there was a review of analytical sol- A series of papers was presented on boundary layer
utions for compressible unsteady boundary layers transition. One speci®cally addressed laminar-to-turbu-
[55B] and a solution for compressible ¯ow past a cylin- lent transition in gas turbine ¯ows [70B], another [68B]
der [57B]. Under hypersonic ¯ow, one paper examined presented data which shows the discrete levels of tur-
turbulence models and made a proposal for use in heat bulence intensity in a boundary layer ¯ow undergoing
transfer predictions [59B], another used a generalized transition to turbulence, and a third [88B] addressed
reference enthalpy formulation to identify a similitude transition from turbulent natural to turbulent forced
error which is stated to be important in transition convection.
zones [62B], a third showed the e€ects of angle of Several papers in this category focused on coherent
attack for a blunt- nosed, ramped, ¯at plate [58B], the structures. In one [98B], the e€ects of coherent struc-
fourth applied a stability term which is signi®cant at tures on the wall region were discussed, another [97B]
high Knudsen numbers [63B], and the ®fth discussed addressed the modeling of coherent structures for heat
non-equilibrium e€ects in molecular nitrogen [54B]. and mass transfer computation, a third discussed the
High-speed ¯ow of liquid monopropellant from a noz- modeling of temperature streaks using a statistical
zle was addressed, with focus on evaluation of numeri- model [84B], a fourth addressed the coherency between
cal schemes [61B] and compressible, low-speed ¯ow in heat ¯ux and temperature ¯uctuations in 3D boundary
an electrical furnace was discussed, including the layers [83B], and the last observed thermal signatures
e€ects of back di€usion [56B]. Finally, experimental of free-surface waves to describe a surface renewal
data taken for ¯ow characterization of a wind tunnel mechanism and its e€ects on heat ¯ux [96B].
for high speed ¯ight testing were used to propose a Turbulence modeling remains popular. New steps
thermochemical model which involves vibration±dis- this year addressed the modeling of wallward ¯ow in
sociation±recombination coupling [60B]. the viscous sublayer [69B], used an improved Louis
scheme to allow di€erent roughness lengths for the
3.4. Analysis and modeling momentum and heat transfer in atmospheric boundary
layers [81B], modeled di€usivity in grid-generated tur-
The modeling of vorticity at the wall and the in¯u- bulence [82B], modi®ed a mixing length model for
ence of the no-slip boundary condition for ¯ow past a strong heating e€ects [85B], changed a near-wall model
2D cylinder were presented in [89B]. The e€ect of heat to increase computational speed in ¯ows with buoy-
transfer from the wall on the stability of ¯ames in bur- ancy e€ects [95B], captured vortex±wall interactions
262 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

for computing unsteady heat ¯ux rates from the wall with a low-Prandtl-number ¯uid ¯owing over plates
[90B], used Lagrangian stochastic models for appli- and cylinders [118B] was presented and the e€ects of
cation to strati®ed ¯ows [77B], improved low-Rey- approaching the thermodynamic critical state on ther-
nolds-number, k±epsilon models for computation of mal resistance was shown [122B].
near-wall heat transfer coecients [79B], and, com- Heat transfer to a ferro¯uid in the presence of a
pared the performance of an RNG model against magnetic ®eld was numerically computed [111B]; in
DNS computations for wall shear ¯ows [80B]. doing so, it was found that the e€ect of the magnetic
Two papers focused on DNS. The ®rst addressed ®eld was to reduce heat transfer.
particle ¯ows in isotropic turbulence using a pseudo- Two papers were given in which the nature of a par-
spectral method [91B] and the other applied DNS to a ticle-laden ¯ow was stressed. In one [116B], the study
turbulent boundary layer solution [76B]. was on the e€ect of homogeneous turbulence whereas
the second showed the importance of Brownian
3.5. Unsteady e€ects motion [113B].

Flows in this category included one on unsteady, 3.8. Flows with reactions
conjugate heat transfer for a particle over a range of
Peclet number from 0 to 10 [99B], and another on heat Several papers were with emphasis on combustion.
transfer from a cylinder in a low-turbulence freestream In one [126B], kinetic theory was applied to plane jet
[102B]. One paper addressed pulsatile ¯ow past a cylin- ¯ows, and the e€ects of turbulent transport were
der, for application to Stirling engine regenerators included. In another [125B] temperature dissipation in
[100B], while another studied an impulsively-started jet ¯ames was analyzed looking at the interaction
¯at plate in which the e€ects of mass di€usion on the between chemistry and turbulence. Another paper pre-
velocity pro®le were quanti®ed [101B]. sented the interaction of two jets askew to one another
in a furnace to note that substantial cooling was
3.6. Films and interfacial e€ects e€ected by heat exchange with the furnace [128B]. The
combustion of coal in a shock tube was experimentally
Papers with strong emphasis on interfacial e€ects investigated where it was noted that there was very lit-
included three on droplets [109B, 104B, 103B]. In the tle heat transfer to particles in the homogeneous com-
®rst, droplet evaporation in a turbulent ¯ow was com- bustion zone [127B]. Burning on a vertical surface with
puted [109B], another was concerned with sea sprays cross-¯ow was analyzed, looking at various fuel types
[104B], while the third focused on droplet formation and various Reynolds numbers [124B]. The spread of a
[103B]. ¯ame on a thermally-thick surface was studied where
In [108B], gas bubble nucleation during rapid various models were considered and the e€ects of sev-
decompression was analyzed. Heat and mass transfer eral parameters were shown [130B]. Finally, low-NOx
in wall ®lms were studied [110B] with application to regenerative burners were numerically considered for
fuel separation. A need for modeling improvements use in a slab reheat furnace [129B]. They were shown
was noted. Models for gas±liquid interface heat trans- to perform favorably.
fer were tested and recommended in [107B].
Two papers discussed Marangoni e€ects on heat and
mass transfer. In one, critical Reynolds numbers were 4. Channel ¯ows
found, with their corresponding wave numbers [106B].
In the second, a dimensionless number for thermoca- 4.1. Straight-walled ducts
pillary-driven ¯ow was introduced [105B].
The geometrical simplicity of straight-walled ducts
3.7. E€ects of ¯uid type or ¯uid properties has proven itself to be a reliable test con®guration
for numerical simulation/validation and for the con-
Several papers in this category considered the beha- sideration of boundary and initial conditions through
vior of viscoelastic and power-law ¯uids. An analytical experimental inquiry. A critical review appeared in
solution was presented for laminar ¯ows [123B]. Flows the literature [12C] concerning the heat transfer
over stretching sheets were analyzed in [112B, 114B, characteristics of supercritical CO2 in tube ¯ow.
115B, 119B±121B]. In [114B] the e€ect of suction was Direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel
analyzed and in [112B], reversal of heat ¯ow with pos- ¯ows were conducted with linear spanwise mean tem-
ition from the leading edge was shown. perature gradients [8C] and with low to medium-high
Temperature-dependent viscosity was included in a Prandtl number ¯uids [6C]. Turbulent channel ¯ows
numerical solution of a combined free- and forced-con- were also modeled using k±e techniques. A rectangular
vection ¯ow [117B]. An exact solution for heat transfer duct having an aspect ratio of 8:1 was examined using
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 263

a combined numerical and experimental approach employing microchannel cooling indicates the dramatic
[14C]; various low Reynolds number models were com- impact that microchannel heat transfer can have on
pared in turbulent pipe ¯ow [5C]; thermal transport beam ¯ux [26C]. The ¯ow of gas in a microchannel
mechanisms in turbulent gas ¯ows were also studied was studied using nitrogen and helium as working
using k±e modeling for viscosity and kinetic energy ¯uids; the slip ¯ow regime was examined [22C]. The
[19C]. The transition from very low to high Reynolds e€ects of aspect ratio and Knudsen number on micro-
numbers in the developing zone of a channel was scale ¯ow in rectangular channels was addressed in the
examined using a control-volume-based ®nite element slip ¯ow regime [24C]. Compressibility and heat trans-
method [3C]. A ®nite element code was used for the fer e€ects were considered in the ¯ow of gas in a
analysis of mixed-convection in a horizontal channel microtube [23C].
heated from the side walls [17C]. A closed form ex-
pression for the fully developed velocity, temperature
and concentration pro®les in a vertical channel were 4.3. Irregular geometries
found in the limit of in®nite aspect ratio [9C]. An ana-
lytical solution for skin friction and heat transfer was Several straight-walled ducts with triangular, semi-
undertaken for compressible ¯ow by an extension of circular, trapezoidal, concentric annular and grooved
the law-of-the-wall to account for compressibility [4C]. walls were examined in the literature. The e€ect of
A weakly nonlinear theory was used to investigate surface roughness on forced convective heat transfer
fully developed Poiseuille ¯ow subject to constant heat in a triangular duct was studied experimentally; non-
¯ux [20C]. Heat transfer in vertical channels of a gas- dimensional expressions for heat transfer were devel-
discharge apparatus, experiencing mixed-convection, oped [34C]. Surface roughness was also examined in
was approximated using integral relations [15C]. The triangular ducts together with the impact of duct wall
three-dimensional temperature ®eld in the thermal angle [36C]. The fully-developed laminar ¯ow in a
entrance region of a rectangular duct was solved semi-circular duct was investigated to evaluate the
analytically [18C]. Variable property e€ects were e€ects of temperature-dependent viscosity [33C]. A
accounted for in one study of forced turbulent con- three-dimensional numerical simulation of a trapezoi-
vection to water in a pipe [1C]. The entrance region dal cross-sectioned duct with wavy walls was underta-
of thin vertical tubes was studied to determine the ken, using a ®nite volume technique with a
e€ect of axial di€usion on laminar heat transfer nonstaggered grid [38C]. The logarithmic wall laws of
[10C]; thick walled tubes with isothermal outer sur- mean axial velocity and temperature were obtained
faces were examined when subjected to high-pressure for the heated inner wall of a vertical concentric
¯ows of gas and liquid [2C]. A mathematical model annular channel [39C]. Laminar ¯ow was studied in
was used to predict the wicking height in a capillary the entrance region of a eccentric annuli using a
as a€ected by heat transfer in the thin ®lm region ®nite-di€erence algorithm [30C]. A direct numerical
[7C]. The viscous layer in a strongly-heated gas ¯ow simulation demonstrating heat transfer augmentation
was measured to guide the development of advanced in a transversely grooved channel was undertaken in
turbulence models [16C]. A parallel-plate electroche- the Reynolds number range of 140±2000 [31C]. Chan-
mical ¯ow cell was studied, having opposing and aid- nel ¯ows experiencing wavy walls were studied by a
ing ¯ow; relationships between heat and mass transfer number of investigators. A linear stability analysis of
rates were considered [11C]. The heat transfer the two-dimensional ¯ow in a wavy-walled channel
enhancement in the entrance region of a vertical was conducted; both symmetric and sinuous channel
channel was also investigated [13C]. con®gurations were considered [29C]. A study of Toll-
mien Schlichting waves in a wavy channel was done;
instability was found to set in at a Reynolds number
4.2. Microchannel ¯ow of approximately 90 [27C]. A combined numerical
simulation and ¯ow visualization study of a sinusoi-
While microchannel heat transfer studies are still dal wavy wall was done for very viscous liquids
relatively sparse in the literature, this trend will [37C]. The turbulent ¯ow and heat transfer in a
undoubtedly change in the near future. The use of the periodically converging±diverging channel was simu-
Brinkman number for correlating convective heat lated using a two-equation k±e model [32C]. The heat
transfer in microchannels was reexamined [25C]; a transfer characteristics from ethylene glycol and water
dimensionless geometric parameter was also proposed. solutions was examined in spirally indented tubes;
An experimental study of single-phase forced convec- Prandtl number e€ects were discussed [35C]. Non-uni-
tion of water in circular microchannels led to the form blowing and suction were studied numerically in
development of generalized correlations for the Nusselt the porous wall of a circular tube with constant heat
number [21C]. The use of a transmission window ¯ux [28C].
264 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

4.4. Finned and pro®led ducts sional corrugated channel was undertaken in the Rey-
nolds number range up to 250 [57C]. The e€ects of
The inevitable tradeo€s between heat transfer aug- ba‚e size, perforation, and orientation were con-
mentation and pressure drop make duct pro®ling a sidered on the heat transfer in a rectangular channel
rich design problem. The broad class of so-called [43C]. An experimental study was done to study the
ribbed ducts, was considered in a large number of developing turbulent mixed convection in a horizontal
studies. Experiments were performed to examine the tube with strip-type heaters [47C].
water cooling of protruding heated elements mounted
in a rectangular channel [45C]. Heat transfer enhance-
ment was studied in compact heat exchangers using 4.5. Channel ¯ows with periodic motion and secondary
holographic interferometry [50C]; holographic inter- ¯ow
ferometry was also used to investigate rectangular per-
forated ribs [52C] and solid ribs [54C] of di€erent A theoretical analysis was undertaken of the
heights in a rectangular passage. The e€ect of rib open periodic laminar ¯ow and heat transfer in a tube, as
area was also studied in a rectangular duct [53C]. Rib would be found, for instance, in Stirling engines [75C].
turbulators were used with bleed holes to achieve heat The unsteady conjugate heat transfer was studied for
transfer enhancement in a two-pass square channel ¯ow in a circular tube with periodically varying inlet
[44C]. The two-dimensional forced convective heat temperature [80C]. Sinusoidally varying inlet tempera-
transfer between plates with ¯ush mounted heat ture was examined theoretically in a parallel-plate
sources, used to simulate electronic cooling, was stu- channel [69C]. Pulsating channel ¯ows were investi-
died numerically [63C]. Steamwise periodic rods were gated for channels with grooved walls [78C] and with
used to augment heat transfer in laminar ¯ow between isolated heated electronic components [74C]. The tran-
parallel plates [64C]. Slit and solid ribs mounted on a sient thermal response of ¯ow to various pressure
single wall of a rectangular duct were studied exper- pulses was studied using the semi-direct variation
imentally; a combined ¯ow visualization and quantitat- method of Kantorovich [71C]. The unsteady motion
ive study was conducted [48C]. A series of studies was and heat transfer in Stirling and pulse-type refriger-
undertaken in one group to measure the heat transfer ators was studied [67C]. The ¯uid-thermal character-
characteristics in ducts: low-aspect-ratio ribs were istics of the ¯ow at the intake manifold of a spark-
examined in one study [58C]; staggered 45-degree rib ignition engine was examined [66C]. The pulsatile ¯ow
geometries were tested in a square channel [59C]; through a smooth constriction with area reductions of
measurements of heat transfer and friction factors 25%, 50% and 75% was investigated, experiments
were made in square and trapezoidal ducts with ribs were conducted over the physiologically relevant mean
on all walls [60C]. The e€ect of periodic ribs was inves- Reynolds number of 600 [65C]. Thermoacoustic
tigated in a straight cooling channel [56C]. Heat trans- streaming was examined in a plane parallel resonant
fer measurements were made in a rib-roughened channel; it was shown that the conjugate wall±¯uid
passage; comparisons were made between rounded and coupling is crucial in yielding the large time-averaged
sharp cornered ribs [51C]. Internally ribbed turbine axial temperature gradients that can be induced in the
blade passages were studied and the in¯uence of channel [70C]. The buoyancy-induced secondary
cylindrical vortex generators was considered [46C]. Sec- motion in the entrance region of a horizontal straight
ondary ¯ow patterns, pressure drop and heat transfer tube was studied; air and water ¯ows were considered
were investigated in a rib-roughened rectangular chan- [79C]. Combined ¯ow visualization and temperature
nel [55C]. An open channel ¯ow was studied with pro- measurements were made to investigate the e€ect of
truding heaters on one side [42C]. A horizonal printed- aspect ratio on the characteristics of longitudinal vor-
circuit board with lifted electronic components was tex ¯ow at the bottom of a horizontal rectangular duct
studied; the role of vertical protrusion on heat transfer [68C]. Secondary motion established by the imbalance
was considered [49C]. The heat transfer enhancement between centripetal acceleration and pressure gradient
caused by an array of cubic ®ns was examined in a was considered in a number of studies. The transitional
narrow channel [41C]. Three-dimensional calculations ¯ow and heat transfer occurring at high Dean number
were performed for thermally and hydrodynamically were studied [77C]. A numerical study considered the
developed laminar ¯ow in a ®nned oval tube [40C]. three-dimensional turbulent ¯ow and heat transfer in
One paper investigated the unsteady ¯ow and heat the entrance region of a curved pipe [76C]. Mild curva-
transfer from rectangular sources with and without an ture was studied at Dean numbers from 300 to 750; a
included plate in the channel [62C]; a related paper variety of laminar-to-turbulent transition ¯ow behavior
considered the impact of vortex shedding on the heat was observed [73C]. The transient behavior in a heli-
transfer performance [61C]. A combined analytical and cally coiled pipe with pulsatile fully developed turbu-
numerical study of the heat transfer in a three-dimen- lent ¯ow was examined experimentally [72C].
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 265

4.6. Multiphase channel ¯ow was considered; general formulae for the heat transfer
rates as a function of ¯ow channeling were developed
The turbulent heat transfer characteristics of ultra- [96C]. The hydrodynamics and heat transfer under
®ne metallic oxide particles suspended in water was conditions of ¯ow of conducting liquid in a ¯at chan-
investigated experimentally [86C]. The deposition of nel in a transverse magnetic ®eld were studied [101C].
small particles due to thermophoretic e€ects was An investigation was carried out to evaluate the opti-
studied using the direct numerical simulation of turbu- mal number of tubes in a dry-expansion evaporator;
lent channel ¯ow [89C]. Infrared thermography of an focus was on changes occurring when R22 is replaced
electrically heated tube was used to investigate the heat with R407C [100C]. Measurements were made of the
transfer in intermittent air±water ¯ows; both horizon- heat transfer in a severely outgassed tube bank [97C].
tal [81C] and upward inclined tubes were considered The heat transfer for rectangular solar air heater ducts
[82C]. The role of surfactant additives in reducing drag packed with wire mess screens was studied [105C]. An
and heat transfer were studied [87C, 88C]. The ¯ow of analytical study of the heat and mass transfer through
¯uids near their critical point was studied in the a parallel-plate channel with recycle was presented
entrance region of a vertical tube [85C]. Buoyancy [102C].
e€ects on the enhancement of heat transfer using an
electrohydrodynamic technique was investigated nu-
merically [84C]. Analytical and numerical tools were 5. Separated ¯ows
used to study the hydromagnetic slip ¯ow in an
inclined channel; boundary conditions for velocity and Flow past blu€ objects and obstructions leads to
temperature were addressed [83C]. ¯ow separation and often reattachment. Heat transfer
measurements were made downstream of a surface
4.7. Non-Newtonian ¯ow mounted two-dimensional rib; complementary compu-
tational results were also reported [1D]. One report
The non-Newtonian ¯ow in a rectangular duct with used the three-dimensional incompressible Boussinesq
constant temperature walls was studied; three-dimen- equations in primative variable form to examine the
sional mixed convection was considered [91C]. The ¯ow past a heated and cooled sphere [13D]. A sum-
¯ows of inelastic, shear-thinning and shear-thickening mary of numerical studies of laminar ¯ow past heated
¯uids were studied in shallow channels [95C]. Exper- circular cylinders was provided [12D]. Buoyancy ¯ow
iments were carried out in a Sulzer SMX static mixer past a circular cylinder was studied; the ¯ow ®eld and
for the heat transfer of Newtonian and non-Newtonian temperature distribution was predicted using a novel
¯uids [94C]. The heat transfer and pressure drop in ®nite volume algorithm [18D]. The ¯ow and heat
heat exchanger passages were considered for non-New- transfer over a three-dimensional spherical object pos-
tonian ¯uids [93C]. Research was done to evaluate the itioned in a pipe was presented [17D]. An analytical
e€ect of ¯uid motion on the conductivity of non-New- solution was obtained for the forced convective heat
tonian ¯uid, as well as the e€ect of shear-rate-depen- transfer from a circular cylinder at low Reynolds num-
dence on heat transfer [92C]. A numerical study was bers [11D]. The oscillatory ¯ow and heat transfer in a
performed to evaluate the following e€ects: the tem- channel with tandem transverse vortex generators was
perature dependence of viscosity; shear thinning prop- examined numerically [20D]. A combined experimental
erties; and buoyancy-induced secondary ¯ow [90C]. and numerical study was conducted to study the ¯ow
pattern and heat transfer through a tube bank [14D].
4.8. Miscellaneous channel ¯ow Pulsatile ¯ow past two heated blocks positioned in a
channel were investigated numerically [9D]. Exper-
A handful of papers did not ®t well into the primary iments were also conducted on the forced convective
categories for channel ¯ows. A fully-developed packed- heat transfer over tandem blocks in a channel [4D].
bed ¯ow was simulated numerically; a two-dimensional Single and multiple heated objects in a channel were
model incorporated the e€ects of Raschig ring packing studied [23D, 24D]. The generalized integral transform
on the Ergun equation [104C]. Drop tower experimen- technique was used to study the thermal boundary
tal results were presented of the ¯ow characteristics of layer equations for ¯ow past two-dimensional and axi-
gas±liquid two-phase annular ¯ow under microgravity symmetric bodies [2D]. A numerical study was used to
[99C]. Mass transfer coecients were measured to investigate the heat transfer from two-dimensional,
deduce heat transfer rates from particles suspended in steady, laminar ¯ow in a channel with two ribs [3D].
a vertical holding tube [98C]. An analytical model was A control-volume-based ®nite-di€erence method was
developed to examine aspects of rate-controlled seizure used to study the turbulent ¯ow downstream of a
in an unloaded journal bearing [103C]. The thermal backward facing step with jet discharge perpendicular
performance of three di€erent regenerator matrices to the main ¯ow [22D]. A new scaling procedure is
266 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

used to study the velocity and temperature turbulent fusion and reaction in bio-®lms [20DP]. The heat
boundary layer during separation [5D]. The important transfer boundary condition at the interface between a
interaction between buoyancy and inertia forces was porous medium and homogenous ¯uid was conceptual-
studied in a combined numerical and experimental ized as a ¯ux jump condition also based on volume
study of the ¯ow past a backward facing step [10D]. averaging techniques [12DP], and the general equations
Swirling ¯ow experiencing pipe divergence is studied for non-Newtonian ¯ows in porous media were rigor-
experimentally; a divergence angle of 7 degrees was ously developed within the framework of volume aver-
considered [6D]. The viscous shock layer was examined aging [3DP].
using a numerical simulation of two-dimensional none- The description of heat transfer in dispersed porous
quilibrium supersonic ¯ow past axisymmetric blunt media has been reformulated in terms of a new
bodies with catalytic surfaces [8D]. An asymptotic non- dimensionless parameter that takes into account the
adiabatic triple-deck model was used to study the disperse phase aerodynamic resistance [9DP]. A more
supersonic and hypersonic shock laminar boundary specialized study considers the description of friction
layer interaction [7D]. Experiments were performed to and heat transfer via power law relationships for
investigate the shock-wave turbulent-boundary-layer laminar cross ¯ow in sparse periodic cylinder arrays
interaction caused by a blunt swept ®n-plate con®gur- [6DP].
ation [19D]; experiments were also conducted to study Multiphase ¯ows with heat transfer have been
the shock boundary layer interaction using oil ¯ow investigated from several perspectives. A classi®cation
visualization and simultaneous measurements of ¯uctu- has been developed for one-dimensional steady
ating wall pressure [21D]. The thermal time constant geothermal ¯ows with permeability variations related
in a ®ber-®lled loudspeaker was studied [15D]. The to saturation [21DP]. A set of nonlinear governing
convective heat transfer associated with the streamwise equations has also been developed for coupled heat,
development of counterswirling co¯owing jets con®ned moisture and air transfer in deformable unsaturated
within a tube was studied [16D]. media including heat of wetting, heat sink e€ects
owing to thermal expansion, phase change, and com-
pressibility [22DP]. Basic studies of capillary porous
media have reported a derivation of the governing
6. Porous media equations that include the physical characteristics of
the medium [16DP] and a model for heat transfer in
The literature on heat and mass transfer in porous capillary pumped grooves [14DP]. The stability of
media continues to expand. Along with the traditional vapor±liquid counter ¯ow was shown to be stable
applications to packed and ¯uidized beds and insula- with respect to small disturbances in the saturation
tion systems, an increase of activity on volume aver- ®eld and the pressure ®eld was shown to be asympto-
aging techniques, property determinations, and tically stable for all choices of thermal boundary con-
dispersed phase has occurred. A number of studies ditions [13DP]. For coupled heat and mass transfer
have focused on various aspects of transport within processes in a deforming matrix, a multi-frontal al-
porous surfaces, and we present a special section gorithm that employs the e€ective stress concept,
below on this topic. latent heat release, capillary pressure, and convective
A goodly number of very fundamental studies this heat transfer has been developed [19DP].
past year have addressed issues of overarching applica- A kinetic theory for dense gases was applied to the
bility to all of the categories of this review. The analysis of heat transfer in granular ¯ows [10DP].
equations and requisite thermal boundary conditions Flow-induced kinetic di€usion in a rotating granular
for radiative transfer in translucent porous media has beds was investigated with a focus on the several ¯ow
been extensively reviewed by Siegel [17DP, 18DP]. The regimes that can exist in the bed [1DP]. Fundamental
complex process of non-isothermal/isothermal liquid data on gas-to-solid mass transfer coecients in a
composite molding has been described via macroscopic rotating bed were measured, and the e€ects of ba‚es
constitutive relations derived from a microscopic to produce a non-rolling bed were investigated [4DP].
analysis of the representative elementary volume Convective heat transfer to solid particles passing
[11DP]. through a heated tube bundle was analyzed numeri-
Witaker and co-workers have developed the con- cally [5DP]. An analysis of the thermal aspects of
straints associated with solute transport in a chemically grinding via a two-temperature model for the grit and
and mechanically heterogeneous medium and thereby ¯uid was reported [2DP].
have determined when a large scale average velocity, a A dynamic equation of state has been developed for
single absorption isotherm and a large-scale dispersion the solid±liquid interface for a liquid-saturated medium
tensor apply [15DP]. A related study uses the Witaker undergoing single-phase mass transfer and freezing±
volume averaging technique to develop models for dif- expansion at the phase front [7DP, 8DP].
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 267

6.1. Property determination through porous platinum was measured for 300±1000
K [33DP].
Research on determining the thermophysical proper-
ties of porous media continues with a focus on the 6.2. External ¯ow and heat transfer
e€ective thermal conductivity of saturated systems. An
overall review of the scalar and transport equations A variety of analytical and numerical techniques
obtained via the volume-averaging approach discusses have been applied successfully to a range of heat/mass
non-local, linear and non-linear e€ective thermal and transfer problem for external surfaces. Complex vari-
¯uid properties [36DP]. Use of temperature at the able methods via conformal mapping have been intro-
microscale level has been used to model the volume- duced for two-dimensional systems at low Prandtl
averaged e€ective thermal conductivity in two-dimen- number and arbitrary Peclet number [44DP]. The
sional anisotropic systems [30DP]. An experimental boundary layer equations for heat transfer in Darcy
and theoretical study of a radial ¯ow packed-bed reac- ¯ow have been solved via the so-called Keller box
tor indicates that a two-equation and homogeneous method, and results compare well with a more tra-
model yield values of e€ective thermal conductivity ditional Runge±Kuttta scheme [39DP]. The Keller box
that are in reasonable agreement only at low Reynolds method has also been applied to the coupled convec-
numbers [28DP]. tion±radiation problem for non-Darcy free convection
Work is underway on the relation between the in- of a dissipative non-gray gas past a vertical ¯at plate
ternal structure, or geometry, of the porous matrix and [58DP] and to coupled heat and mass transfer in
predicted and measured properties. Light scattering in mixed convection on a vertical plate and cylinder
aerogels has been used to derive data on anisotropy, imbedded in a saturated medium [63DP, 64DP]. Non-
large pore fraction, induced stress, inhomogenieties similarity methods have been applied to determine heat
and microstructure [29DP]. A geometric model using a transfer in mixed convection from a horizontal surface
random resistance network theory and parametric stat- with a variable surface heat ¯ux [42DP]. Integral
istics has been used to model the thermal conductivity methods and Prandtl's analogy have been applied suc-
of snow and to link predicted values to micro-struc- cessfully to predict Nusselt numbers for a vertical plate
tural quantities [23DP]. The radial thermal conduc- in free convection at large Rayleigh number [55DP]. A
tivity in blown-through catalyst supports with gas two-parameter perturbation analysis for radiative
motion has been measured as a function geometrical e€ects on natural convection has been applied to ¯at
parameters and estimates are provided for heat trans- surfaces and plume ¯ows [51DP].
fer from the catalyst [35DP]. Measurements of thermal External ¯ow and heat transfer past imbedded sur-
conductivity with a complete uncertainty analysis are faces with mass ¯ow (blowing or suction) have received
reported for compacted metal hydrides via the com- attention. The fundamental problem of laminar Darcy
parative method [31DP]. The growth and heat transfer ¯ow past a transpired surface has been solved for the
of deposited slag and ash were measured to provide case of variable wall temperature [62DP]. A related
estimates of internal ash temperature and e€ective study concerns MHD ¯ows in a porous medium with
thermal conductivity [26DP]. Related work deals with a periodic suction velocity at the wall [47DP].
the connection of ash microstructure and chemistry to Enhanced heat transfer in streaming ¯ow (low Rey-
transport properties [24DP]. nolds number) past a permeable sphere wherein the
Adsorption in activated carbon in constant molar radial surface ¯ow is Darcian has been determined
¯ow rate was measured at low pressure to determine analytically for Prandtl numbers of order unity
the apparent di€usivity and reveal that combined [61DP]. This problem is extended to cylinders with
pore and surface di€usion adequately explains the radial seepage that are embedded in a saturated med-
controlling mass transport mechanism [34DP]. An ium [40DP]. The e€ects of suction and blowing on
improved general model of the compaction in a por- heat transfer in two-dimensional MHD Hiemenz ¯ow
ous medium was developed by applying elasto-plas- through a porous medium have been numerically
ticity to determine the e€ective stress and horizontal determined, and the e€ects of the surface velocity on
deformation [32DP]. The accoustic properties of satu- local Nusselt numbers have been determined [65DP].
rated sporous media were modeled taking into Free convection from heated surfaces facing upward
account the e€ects of viscosity, interia and heat trans- and downward in an in®nite saturated medium has
fer [25DP]. The potential for spalling of either fully been investigated numerically to reveal the details for
or partially saturated porous medium exposed to the velocity and temperature ®elds [37DP, 38DP]. Ana-
radiant surface heating has been shown to depend on lytical and numerical solutions at large Rayleigh num-
e€ective thermal conductivity, saturation, and per- ber in free convection on a constant ¯ux plate show
meability [27DP]. The temperature dependence of the that anisotropy in the medium can have a signi®cant
overall di€usion of nitrogen, argon, and oxygen e€ect on heat transfer rates [60DP]. Similarity sol-
268 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

utions for free convection driven by an exothermic and a general momentum equation were used to model
chemical reaction were obtained via similarity methods transient heat transfer in compressible ¯ow in a packed
for a vertical plate [50DP, 54DP]. The instability of bed [67DP]. Heat transfer to water ¯owing through a
buoyant boundary layers in a type of wedge ¯ow are rigid bed comprising sintered mono-dispersed metal
shown to depend strongly on the outer ¯ow ®eld ®bers has been measured, and an increase of critical
[56DP]. heat ¯ux over that for pool boiling is measured
Mixed convection, with viscous dissipation and ther- [85DP]. A numerical study for non-Darcy forced con-
mal dispersion e€ects included, has been investigated vection in a power law ¯uid with constant temperature
via a seers solution for aiding and opposing ¯ows heating determined the e€ects of particle diameter and
[52DP]. Non-similarity methods have been applied for the power-law index on convective coecients. [72DP].
hydromagnetic mixed convection on a vertical plate to A theoretical study of heat and mass transfer in a zeo-
determine the skin friction and heat transfer coe- lite bed during water desorption tested the assumption
cients [41DP] and to non-Darcy mixed convection of local thermal equilibrium [84DP].
from a horizontal surface with a variable surface tem- The characterization of ¯ow in packed beds has
perature [43DP]. A non-similar boundary layer sol- been carried out experimentally for intermediate Rey-
ution for mixed convection of a power-law ¯uid on nolds numbers (0100±400) for air [86DP] and for
vertical [45DP] and horizontal [46DP] plates. liquids [76DP]. Measurements of the e€ects of buoy-
Heat transfer measurements have been reported for ancy on ¯ow at high pressure call into question the
a vertical surface and a horizontal cylinder embedded usual plug ¯ow assumption [69DP]. Wall e€ects on
in a vibrating porous layer [59DP]. Double di€usive pressure drop in an annular bed were modeled by a
problems for natural and mixed convection from multi-zone ¯ow model that produced good agreement
imbedded surfaces have also received some attention with measurements [101DP]. The spreading of thin vis-
and re-examination [53DP, 49DP, 48DP]. An exact sol- cous ®lms over complex surfaces has been shown to
ution for the e€ects of visco-elastic ¯ow with heat represent the ¯ow from a drip point over an ordered
transfer and heat generation in a porous medium over packed bed [99DP]. An experimental study to deter-
a stretching sheet has been determined for both pre- mine the in¯uence of tube and particle diameters on
scribed surface temperature and heat ¯ux [57DP]. heat transfer in a wall-heated bed has shown that the
ratio of the tube-to-particle diameter is the controlling
6.3. Packed and ¯uidized beds design parameter [73DP]. Theoretical work shows
bubble growth and dynamics depends on particle size
Several papers have appeared this past year that distribution [77DP].
have focused on the fundamentals of ¯uid ¯ow, heat Models of packed bed rotary heat exchangers have
transfer, and mass transfer in packed and ¯uidized been developed to account for axial heat dispersion
beds. The characterization of bed properties, ¯ow and longitudinal matrix conduction [88DP]. as well as
structure, and controlling physical parameters have the various compactness of the matrix [87DP]. Com-
received attention as well. bined mode heat transfer in soil with a bulk water ¯ow
Heat transfer data from a well characterized exper- has been obtained analytically with results being in
imental study of a single-blow transient in a packed good agreement with ®eld data [96DP]. Energy storage
bed yield some de®nitive information on heat transfer in packed beds using either sensible heat storage ma-
and pressure drop [104DP]. The e€ect of temperature- terials or phase-change materials was modeled and
dependent thermophysical properties on a ®xed bed validated with laboratory experiments [66DP, 98DP,
containing heat transfer tubes was seen mainly through 106DP].
velocity pro®les as they are a€ected by the wall cooled Fluidization regimes in air±glass bead beds have
and wall heated cases [80DP, 81DP]. A numerical in- been experimentally identi®ed via statistical analysis of
vestigation of a packed bed of eight spherical particles ¯uctuating temperatures within the bed [95DP,
was conducted to determine wall heat transfer coe- 102DP]. Cluster motion and particle-convective heat
cients and the radial e€ective thermal conductivity transfer at the wall of a circulating ¯uidized bed have
[81DP]. The analysis of unsteady conjugate heat trans- been determined using a novel infrared imaging tech-
fer from a single particle in a multi-particle system niques [89DP]. Several studies report measurements of
showed that the prediction of heat transfer is strongly wall-to-bed heat transfer coecients, local pressure
a€ected by thermal conductivity and heat capacity ¯uctuations, and instantaneous temperature measure-
ratios [78DP]. Numerical analysis of the fully coupled ment [100DP, 82DP, 92DP, 97DP, 74DP, 75DP]. Data
conduction±convection±radiation problem in a packed from a hydrodynamically scaled ¯uid bed have been
bed of small diameter silicon ®bers in laminar ¯ow used to predict particle residence time and heat trans-
shows that heat transfer enhancement occurs largely fer rates [91DP].
via the radiation [83DP]. A two-equation energy model Heat transfer in a ¯uid bed combustor was success-
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 269

fully predicted with a bubble assemblage model that A two-temperature model for heat transfer in insula-
accounted for inter-phase heat transfer and thermal tion materials has been developed and applied to insu-
radiation to the wall [93DP]. lating materials [144DP]. A simple semi-implicit time
The e€ects of ¯ow distributing grates and packing stepping procedure has been successfully applied to
on pressure and heat transfer in a ¯uidized bed have buoyancy driven ¯ow in a square cavity [134DP]. A
been reported for various hydrodynamic regimes two-®eld model for natural convection in an annulus
[68DP]. Design parameters have been developed for in which porosity varies near the wall and ¯uid proper-
water-cooled distributors for ¯uidized bed [105DP]. ties are temperature-dependent was reported [115DP].
Fluidized bed membrane reforming has been proposed Non-Darcy e€ects have been considered for saturated
as an improvement over steam reforming for its econ- media in which either a density maximum exists in the
omic and overall thermodynamic advantages [94DP]. ¯uid or a volume-averaged heat source exists [111DP,
Experimental and numerical studies of coupled heat 114DP, 124DP].
and mass transfer in packed beds have been reported. Double-di€usive e€ects that lead to layering have
Experiments were run on a cross-current absorber, and been experimentally simulated with a rigid porous
results were compared to predictions obtained with matrix saturated with a salt-water solution and heated
commercially available software [103DP]. Oberg and from below [138DP]. Vertical and inclined enclosures
Goswami reported experiments on a packed bed, liquid with binary and non-Newtonian ¯uids were also inves-
desiccant dehumidi®er including a comparison to a nu- tigated [118DP, 117DP, 130DP, 131DP].
merical model [90DP]. Experiments also show that op- Transient natural convection in a vertical saturated
timal heat±mass transfer reactors can be constructed cylinder opened at the extremities and heated on the
of copper coated, compressed metal hydride powders wall was numerically determined using the extended
[79DP]. Related studies report the use of micro-encap- Darcy model and a two-temperature model [139DP].
sulated phase change materials to enhance heat trans- Oscillating forced ¯ow and heat transfer in porous
fer in gas ¯uidized beds [71DP] and the e€ects of heat exchangers were investigated experimentally
particle thermal time constants on ¯uidized bed con- [128DP] and numerically [122DP]. The transient
vective coecients [70DP]. entrance region problem for the forced convection in a
porous annulus was investigated for the case of fully
6.4. Layers, enclosures and annuli developed entering ¯ow [109DP].
Forced ¯ow in channels and pipes either partially or
Research on heat transfer in a variety of enclosure completely ®lled with a porous medium was the topic
types included both fundamental and technology- of several investigations. Analytical studies for the cou-
speci®c topics during the past year. The more standard ette ¯ow in a partially porous channel [126DP] and in
problem of determining the e€ects of boundary con- a fully porous channel [127DP, 112DP] were reported.
ditions on steady and transient convection has given Turbulent convection in a fully porous channel was
way to investigations focusing on the structural, calculated using direct numerical simulation and an ad
thermo-di€usion, thermo-osmosis, and thermal-®l- hoc model of the structure of matrix [140DP]. A nu-
tration characteristics of the matrix and the enclosure, merical analysis was reported for ¯ow and heat trans-
or layer [135DP, 120DP, 110DP, 107DP, 145DP, fer in the entrance region of pipe partially ®lled with a
125DP]. The growth of porous substrates, such as porous material [108DP]. Open channel ¯ow with a
encountered in soldering, has been modeled with a dif- porous medium was used to model the edge e€ect in
fusion-reaction mechanism and an implicit numerical liquid composites molding [119DP]. Unidirectional,
scheme to track layer growth. An optimization scheme adiabatic in®ltration with solidi®cation and re-melting
assigns length scales for di€usion smaller than the in a porous medium were modeled numerically to pro-
smallest macroscopic ¯ow path, optimizes ¯ow geome- duce pro®les of solute, temperature and solid volume
try, and thereby deduces both the structural features of fraction [123DP].
the ¯ow and the important heat transfer relations Predictions using a non-Darcian formulation of
[132DP]. axial and radial temperature distributions in forced
Convection in rotating porous systems was analyzed ¯ow in cylinder were in good agreement with exper-
to determine coriolis e€ects for stability in layers iments [121DP]. The use of open-celled foam in the
heated from below and for weak, non-linear convec- form of heated slender cylinders as compact heat
tion [141DP]. Bifurcations in supercritical rotating con- exchangers in a channel was analyzed for constant wall
vection and the nature of multiple solutions of the temperature and a range of geometries [129DP]. Flow
time-dependent Darcy±Boussinesq equation were ana- and heat transfer were investigated for a porous
lyzed via a truncated Galerkin method [143DP]. A medium supporting a lateral temperature gradient and
rotating Hele±Shaw cell and a thermo-sensitive liquid vertical through¯ow [133DP, 137DP].
crystal tracer are discussed [142DP]. Three specialized studies in 1998 merit mention.
270 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

Volumetric heat transfer coecients for cellular cer- against laboratory scale reactors for prescribed bed
amics ®xed to the wall in forced convection were characteristics and air saturation [182DP, 160DP]. The
measured via the single-blow transient technique pyrolysis of biomass particles in a ¯uid bed has been
[116DP]. Fluid ¯ow and heat transfer were analyzed modeled to investigate the coupling of the kinetic and
numerically for channel ¯ow with intermittent heated transport processes [183DP]. Related studies include
porous blocks on the wall [113DP]. A experimental the simulation of a carbon-packed bed for the absorp-
study by the same group considered enhancement of tion of toluene and experiments on the nitridation of
laminar forced convection from heated non-porous palletized silicon at 12008C [181DP, 167DP].
blocks at the wall by insertion of a porous material Stationary porous channels and ¯at moving beds
between them [136DP]. have been investigated both experimentally and ana-
lytically. Experiments using sintered copper for a two-
6.5. Coupled heat and mass transfer phase heat sink suggest applications to the cooling of
micorelectronics [180DP]. The ¯uid±solid mechanics of
Several very fundamental studies of coupled heat a moving bed of particles with a counterblow of a
and mass transfer have appeared on the e€ect of struc- chemically reacting gas was experimentally investigated
tural inhomogeneity in the solid matrix. These include in the context of a model development for iron ore re-
the e€ects of thermal gradients, reactive chemical duction [159DP]. Coupled heat and vapor ¯ow in a
transport, evaporation±condensation processes, and ¯at plate heat pipe was analyzed using a pseudo three-
cooling produced by the dissociation of the matrix dimensional analytical model [196DP].
under high heat ¯ux boundary conditions [148DP, Research on combustion in porous media has
173DP, 194DP, 151DP, 171DP]. The deterioration of a addressed gas±solid reactions as possible thermo-
brittle matrix due to freezing and thawing was exper- chemical heat pumps [177DP] and the e€ects of multi-
imentally studied and modeled at the micropore level mode heat transfer and kinetics on the evaporation
[162DP]. and combustion of liquid fuel droplets in an inert
A screening procedure based on transport attributes matrix [176DP]. One study has aimed at developing a
has been developed for synthesizing isothermal multi- general model for non-equilmolar transient reactions in
phase reactors at the early stages of chemical process porous pellets [179DP], and others treat the role of a
design [169DP]. A homogenization of the pore- and reaction-dependent matrix structure during the com-
macro-levels has been proposed as the basis for model- bustion process [146DP, 154DP, 156DP, 168DP]. Cata-
ing heat transfer in a non-saturated porous medium lytic and non-catalytic porous burners under
[147DP], and a related study presents two- dimensional stagnation ¯ow conditions, localized heating con-
numerical solutions for transport in non-saturated soils ditions, and with radiative heat transport were the sub-
[175DP]. Devolitization of an individual coal particle, ject of modeling e€orts [158DP, 195DP, 170DP,
such as is found in a ¯uid bed reactor, has been mod- 163DP, 192DP].
eled as a function of heating rate and particle diameter Studies related to ®res have continued to focus on
[184DP]. Heat and mass transfer both within and ex- the coupled heat and mass transfer problem under
terior to a porous catalyst particle were modeled using applied heat ¯uxes at the boundary [164DP±166DP].
recently obtained kinetics for methane±steam reform- Some new work on di€usive self-heating of wet com-
ing [172DP]. bustible materials has appeared [150DP]. The e€ect of
A review of mechanisms and analytical models for moisture level on coupled heat and mass transfer in
enhanced vapor-di€usion has been presented [161DP] hollow cavities driven by an external ®re was modeled
that demonstrates the need for additional experimental to deduce an overall mass exchange coecient
work to sharpen future analysis. A related group of [185DP].
studies has addressed various aspects of the drying
problem, including capillary phenomena, steam injec- 6.6. Porous surfaces
tion, e€ects of boundary conditions, ¯ow instability,
and all aspects of phase change including freezing and During the past year, the literature has developed a
sublimation [193DP, 155DP, 153DP, 152DP, 174DP, subset of articles on transport to and within porous
178DP, 186DP±190DP, 157DP, 149DP]. A porous surfaces. Phase change heat transfer is clearly one area
media model has been applied to the continuous cast- that is receiving more attention. Studies range from
ing process to take account of the formation of colum- the augmentation of condensation [199DP] to ¯ow and
nar dendrites in the mushy zone [191DP]. boiling studies [202DP±205DP].
Packed bed bio-reactors, essentially mass exchangers Heat and mass transfer e€ects of porous inserts
with reaction, have been modeled in connection with down stream of a rearward facing step [200DP] and
solid state fermentation processes. Two-dimensional the e€ects of pyrolysis on a carbon surface [198DP]
models have been developed and successfully validated were modeled and analyzed numerically. Heat transfer
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 271

with particle deposition during a vapor deposition pro- describe the use of liquid crystals for temperature
cess was studied experimentally to characterize surface measurement were published [26E, 31E, 36E]. Various
e€ects on temperatures and mass transfer rates aspects of the use of infrared thermometry were dis-
[197DP]. An analytical model of the conjugate heat± cussed [28±30E, 38E].
mass transfer problem for a porous wall was developed
in connection with modeling the transpiration cooling 7.3. Velocity and ¯ow measurements
process [201DP].
Liquid crystals were used to visualize the thermal
wakes from small heated spots [40E] to determine ¯ow
7. Experimental methods direction. A new particle image velocimetry technique
was developed for studying the ¯ow near an evaporat-
Many experimental results are cited in other cat- ing ®lm [42E]. The use of a pulsed wire method [41E]
egories of this review. The purpose of this section is to and signal correction for nonisothermal ¯ows [44E]
identify papers that focus on new or improved exper- were given for hot wire anemometry. An array of ®ve
imental measurement techniques or devices that are hot ®lm sensors mounted on a hemispherical tip was
useful in experimental studies of heat transfer. The used to determine the three components of local ¯ow
publications referenced here deal explicitly with some velocity [46E]. Flow visualization using an electronic
aspect of heat transfer measurement or include a gen- speckle pattern interferometer [48E] and a holographic
eral review of techniques that are applicable to heat interferometer were described [43E]. The characteriz-
transfer measurements. ation of two types of total ¯ow meters was given [45E,
7.1. Heat ¯ux measurements
7.4. Thermophysical property measurements
Several authors described the design or characteriz-
ation of heat ¯ux gauges [6E, 10E, 18E]. Infrared ima- Methods to measure the thermal conductivity in
ging technology was used to measure the surface heat solid methane [52E] and in low thermal conductivity
¯ux or heat transfer coecient [15E, 16E, 19E]. Thin materials [51E] were presented. A heat pulse method
®lm technology [9E] was used to measure the heat was described for measuring the thermal properties of
transfer coecient in a ®lm cooling application and at- soils [49E], and a sensitivity analysis was presented for
mospheric boundary layer heat ¯ux was estimated measurements of thermal di€usivity using a periodic
from a single-level measurement of air temperature method [53E]. A novel method to measure thermal
[23E]. Local heat transfer coecients were determined and optical properties simultaneously during sintering
using liquid crystals [2E, 3E] and the color change was given [55E]. A method to measure the index of
caused by chemisorption of a dye was used for local refraction of a liquid was described that can be used to
mass transfer determination [13E, 14E]. Other infer the composition of a liquid mixture [54E]. The
measurements of local heat transfer included optical di€usion coecient of a binary liquid solution was
methods such as laser speckle photography [12E] and a determined using a transient concentration pulse [50E].
quantitative Schlieren technique [22E]. The design and
construction of guarded hot plate and cold plate 7.5. Miscellaneous methods
instruments was given [4E, 5E]. Several authors
reported on the use of various types of calorimeters A novel data reduction procedure for transient heat
[1E, 7E, 8E, 11E, 17E, 20E, 21E]. transfer measurements [63E] and statistical design of
inverse heat transfer problems [61E] were described.
7.2. Temperature measurements Several authors describe the use of infrared radio-
meters and IR sensors [56E±60E, 64E]. A solar pyran-
Discussions of novel thermocouple applications were ometer using a thermoresistive element is described
presented [34E, 37E]. Thin ®lm heat ¯ux gauge tech- [59E] and a photographic procedure to determine local
nology was used to construct a fast response total tem- mass transfer coecients is demonstrated [62E].
perature probe [24E, 25E]. An application of laser
re¯ectance thermometry [32E] was given. Magnetic res-
onance imaging was used to measure the temperature 8. Natural convection Ð internal ¯ows
distribution within potatoes [33E] and may be a useful
method to measure the temperature in human tissue 8.1. Fundamental studies
noninvasively [27E]. Image processing in Mach±Zehn-
der interferometry [35E] and limitations in holographic Fundamental studies of natural convection in in-
interferometry [39E] were described. Three papers that ternal ¯ows span the analysis of the onset of ¯ow to
272 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

direct numerical simulation of the turbulent Rayleigh± region that is dependent on the magnitude of the
Benard (R±B) problem. Perhaps for the ®rst time, a impressed ®eld [18F].
benchmark problem has been de®ned for validating A linear stability analysis of thermocapillary
computational ¯uid dynamics codes. This problem is instabilities in ¯oating half-zone convection in a micro-
the cubical air-®lled cavity, tilted at 0, 45 and 908, with gravity environment was compared to experiments to
one pair of di€erently heated faces and the other faces determine the e€ect of the liquid bridge volume and
having a linear temperature variation [7F]. aspect ratio on the critical Marangoni number [15F].
The onset of ¯ow in the R±B problem, the stability Oscillatory instabilities appearing in a two-¯uid layer
of mixed convection in a vertical channel, turbulence via buoyancy have been studied numerically, and
in the horizontal layer, and direct numerical simulation results suggest criteria for encapsulation of the low
of turbulence have all received attention [3F, 2F, 8F, Prandtl number ¯uid and the role of Marangoni forces
5F]. The scaling laws for Nusselt-versus-Rayleigh num- in suppressing oscillatory ¯ow [24F]. The development
ber in the horizontal layer have also been investigated of oscillatory instability in thermocapillary ¯ow con-
numerically, and a new generalization has been pro- tained in a cylindrical column was found to depend on
posed [1F]. An upper bound on heat transport in R±B the deformation of the free surface and its subsequent
convection at moderately high Rayleigh number has e€ect on heat transfer in the hot-corner region [20F].
been calculated via variational principles [10F]. Induced multicellular thermocapillary ¯ows in a dielec-
Several studies report on the dynamics of double dif- tric droplet translating in dielectric ¯uid with an
fusive instabilities and ¯ow intrusions in laterally impressed electrical ®eld were found to depend on the
heated layers [4F, 6F]. The limitation of boundary induced interfacial temperature distribution and may
layer analysis for the heat surfaces is also demon- either enhance or decrease heat transfer to the droplet
strated [9F]. [21F].
In a somewhat specialized study of thermosolutal
8.2. Heat generating ¯uids convection in a ¯uid layer, the existence of the surface
tension e€ect is found to alter the evolution of the
An interesting extension of the R±B problem to ¯ow ®eld and can either increase or decrease local heat
develop a parameterized model of the thermal evol- and mass transfer coecients [19F]. For a single com-
ution of the planets via a temperature-dependent vis- ponent layer with two free surfaces, thermocapillary
cosity with volumetric heat generation has been forces can produce stronger multicellular convection
presented [13F]. On a more fundamental level, the than for the case of one free surface [16F].
heat transfer relation has been determined at low New experimental facilities have been developed in
Rayleigh numbers for a ¯at layer with adiabatic hori- Japan to determine the thermocapillary velocity of
zontal boundaries and cooled end walls [12F]. Bol- drop migration in microgravity [25F]. Fundamental ex-
shov et al. [11F] have reported a semi-quantitative perimental studies have also been conducted on Mar-
study of the Nusselt-versus-Rayleigh number relation angoni R±B instability and convection with
with results being in good agreement with existing ex- evaporation to reveal the ¯ow mechanisms at the onset
periments. of convection [14F].

8.3. Thermocapillary ¯ows 8.4. Enclosure heat transfer

Thermocapillary ¯ows have received a good deal of Experimental studies for strati®ed ¯uids in rectangu-
attention within the context of microgravity and crys- lar domains presented correlations for heat transfer
tal growth applications. Work also continues on the and new data on roll convection in high Prandtl num-
¯oating half-zone convection problem and new results ber ¯uids and have investigated long-standing issues in
are presented for a three-dimensional unsteady simu- wavenumber±heat ¯ux characteristics [27F, 29F, 30F].
lation [22F]. The e€ect of tilt angle on the evaporation Experiments on the near-wall dynamics of ¯ow in R±B
of a liquid ®lm in a microgrooved channel has been convection at moderately high Rayleigh numbers
determined via a perturbation technique up to the ®rst suggest a heat transport model comprising a periodic
order perturbation [17F]. One study has analyzed Mar- array of two-dimensional plumes [47F]. Average heat
angoni e€ects on a liquid drop in an immiscible ¯uid transfer coecients have been measured in R±B con-
with surface reaction, the spreading of drops on a vection at low Prandtl number [51F].
liquid surface with surfactant, and the modi®ed R±B Mixing of hot and cold ¯uids in a rectangular enclo-
problem with heat and mass transfer at the upper, sure has been studied to determine both the details of
shear free surface [23F]. Weakly non-linear Marangoni temperature and velocity ®elds, as well as the relation
R±B convection in a layer with a uniform vertical between key dynamic parameters [34F, 41F]. The con-
magnetic ®eld reveals the presence of a sub-critical trol of vorticity in R±B convection was approached via
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 273

the use of Lagrange multipliers and the Pontryagin ocity ®elds in vertical annuli with local circumferential
minimum principle [42F]. A comparison of turbulent heating were reported [56F].
di€usive transport in R±B convection and in internally Transition from laminar to oscillatory ¯ow was
heated layers showed that distinct correlations of Nus- investigated via DNS to determine the contributions
selt versus Rayleigh number apply for the two ¯ows made by ¯ow shear and buoyancy to the generation of
and suggest that di€erent closure relations are needed ¯uctuating kinetic energy in the vertical annulus of
for transport in time-averaged models [50F]. The radius ratio two [55F]. For an eccentric annulus with
e€ects of surface roughness with a characteristic length an open end, new results for developing heat transfer
equal to the to thermal layer thickness have been and ¯ow ®eld were presented [53F].
found to alter the relation between the Nusselt and
Rayleigh number [49F]. 8.6. Horizontal cylinders and annuli
The presence of mixed boundary conditions on a
square cavity leads to a sequence of Rayleigh num- Time-dependent and turbulent ¯ows were also a
bers at which cellular ¯ows of increasing frequency focal point of research on natural convection in hori-
develop as the system traverses the steady to quasi- zontal cylinders and annuli. Numerical and experimen-
steady regimes of ¯ow [37F]. Two-dimensional enclo- tal studies were reported on the existence of multiple
sures were investigated for the e€ect of tilt angle ¯ow regimes and their relation to a bifurcation in the
[33F], magnetic ®eld [26F, 45F], thermally coupled solution [58F], on oscillatory ¯ow and its transition to
walls [46F], unstable wall temperature distributions chaos [62F], on the e€ect of piecewise heating on the
[35F], and double di€usion e€ects [43F, 36F, 48F]. outer wall [63F]; and on ¯ow structures in annuli with
When thermal boundary conditions are time-depen- Pr < 0.3 [64F].
dent, resonance between the induced ¯ow and the Additionally, a numerical study of convection in the
period of wall ¯uctuations can be obtained with a re- horizontal annulus containing a micropolar ¯uid near
lated increase in mean Nusselt numbers [38F, 39F]. A its maximum density reported overall heat transfer
two-dimensional analysis was applied to a cylinder coecients [59F]. Special studies were conducted for
heated on the vertical wall and cooled at the top to the inclined annulus [60F] and for the annulus with
reveal tendencies toward roll ¯ows with a preferred multiple geometric perturbations on the inner cylinder
structure [40F]. [61F].
Heat transfer correlations have been developed via
experiments for a small heat source mounted on a rec- 8.7. Mixed convection
tangular surface and shown to be signi®cantly di€erent
from the usual correlations for heated ¯at plates [44F]. A variety of ¯ow geometries have been the focus of
For a series of parallel, interacting open-top cavities largely numerical studies of mixed convection, some of
with multiple heat sources, numerically predicted heat more fundamental importance than others. Developing
transfer coecients have been used to determine the ¯ow in a horizontal concentric annulus with an adia-
e€ects of the several key parameters on heat transfer batic outer wall exhibits secondary ¯ows that are
coecients, especially wall conductivity [28F]. The mainly con®ned to the entry length [69F]. Buoyancy
characteristics of the buoyant plume rising from a e€ects on heat transfer from a horizontal surface in a
®nite source in a cavity have been experimentally stu- partially open enclosure can have a signi®cant e€ect
died and new regimes of ¯ow and heat transfer have depending on the conditions imposed on the open sur-
been suggested [32F]. face [67F]. Several studies for vertical channels exam-
Numerical studies have also been conducted for free ine buoyancy e€ects on ¯ow structure, viscous
convection in ¯uids continuing a suspension of ®ne dissipation and heat transfer [74F, 70F, 73F, 66F, 65F,
particles such as dust. Thermo-rheological models were 68F].
employed in one case. Major features of the ¯ow ®elds A study of contaminant removal in a two-dimen-
and heat transfer coecients have been presented [52F, sional enclosure with one inlet and one outlet reveals
31F]. that buoyancy can have a signi®cant e€ect on removal
time [72F]. A related study examines the heat transfer
8.5. Vertical ducts and annuli relations for a rectangular cavity that is both heated
and ventilated from the side walls [71F].
Turbulence in vertical cavities and annuli has been
investigated numerically to determine overall heat 8.8. Complex geometries
transfer and turbulence budgets. With both direct nu-
merical simulation (DNS) and k±e methods, good Several specialized ¯ow geometries have been the
agreement was found with available experiments [54F, focus of research this past year. A parametric study of
57F]. New experimental data for heat transfer and vel- a combined vertical and horizontal enclosure indicates
274 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

that ¯ow and heat transfer can be approximated by solutions, and local heat transfer coecients [98F,
the processes within the vertical and horizontal subdo- 99F].
mains [81F]. A numerical study of three-dimensional The study of free convection loops placed in a mag-
convection in a cube with one side open reports overall netic ®eld has been reported in connection with the
heat transfer coecients for low Rayleigh numbers development of MHD power generators [96F, 97F],
[84F]. and an analytical model has been developed for the
Double di€usive convection in a v-shaped sump is induced electric current from such a loop [95F].
characterized by thin boundary layers and di€ering An experimental study of longitudinal temperature
gradients of solute and temperature for a general class distributions in double-glazed window cavities has
of boundary conditions [79F]. Multi-cavity, or parti- highlighted the role of convection in overall heat trans-
tioned, enclosures have been the subject of several fully fer process [93F]. With a focus on free convection in
numerical studies addressing both free and mixed con- complex, partitioned ¯ow geometries, Dyko and Vafai
vection [78F, 85F, 82F]. Boundary conditions compris- [94F] have reviewed all of the factors related to the op-
ing multiple heat sources in parallel, interacting timal thermal design of aircraft braking systems.
activities have been varied to produce an overall heat
transfer correlation for such [75F].
A numerical investigation of natural convection in a 9. Natural convection Ð external ¯ows
horizontal rod bundle has produced heat transfer
results that are in good agreement with experimental 9.1. Vertical plate
data [76F]. Heat transfer correlations were also
obtained for a cooled cylinder in a rectangular cavity Studies on buoyancy driven convection heat transfer
®lled with water near the density maximum [83F] and from a vertical plate include ¯ows of power-law non-
for heating of a ®nite cylinder in a ¯uid well above the Newtonian ¯uids [6FF] and micropolar ¯uids [2FF] A
density maximum [77F]. Free convection in green- new physical model [5FF] predicts the onset of tran-
houses heated by an array of heating pipes has been sition along a vertical plate, while several turbulence
numerically determinedwith several internal geometri- models describe the turbulent ¯ow along a ¯at plate
cal factors being considered [80F]. within an isothermal cavity [1FF]. An analytical and
experimental study of conjugate natural convection
8.9. Fires shows the interaction between a ¯uid and slabs of
di€erent material [7FF]. The in¯uence of horizontal
Fundamental studies of heat transfer and ¯uid ¯ow rectangular grooves on a vertical plate on the local
in ®res has touched on the structure of a one-dimen- and average heat transfer [8FF] as well as in¯uence of
sional spray di€usion ¯ame [88F] and the e€ective the equivalent of venetian blinds on heat transfer from
thermal conductivity during ¯ame spread over a shal- a vertical surface [9FF] have been studied. Numerical
low sub-¯ash liquid fuel layer [87F]. A related study studies describe transient natural convection from sur-
examines the radiant heat ¯ux to a body engulfed in a faces with an oscillating mean surface heat ¯ux [4FF]
pool ®re [90F]. and a sudden change in surface temperature [3FF].
Basic investigations that have signi®cance to human Other studies of ¯ows on vertical plates include ther-
safety include a simulation of turbulence of indoor mocapillary convection to bubbles in close proximity
gas ¯ow in the presence of an ignition source [91F]. to a heated wall [12FF], and the ¯ow and heat transfer
The problem of ¯ashover has been investigated to with falling liquid ®lms [11FF], including the in¯uence
determine the interacting in¯uences of material prop- of gas absorption [10FF].
erties, room con®guration and ventilation [86F]. The
thermal properties of ¯ame resistant fabrics in a ¯ash 9.2. Horizontal and inclined plates
®re have been investigated for to develop thermal de-
sign guidelines for fabric design [92F]. Peacock et al. A study of the transient cooling of a thin horizontal
have presented a discussion of the overall modeling plate [13FF] in an isothermal cavity uses asymptotic
strategies and issues involved with developing ®re and numerical techniques. Numerical solutions of the
models [89F]. ¯ow and heat transfer from a vertical rectangular ®n
attached to a partially heated horizontal base have
8.10. Miscellaneous been reported [14FF].

Fundamental numerical studies of free convection in 9.3. Cylinders and blunt bodies
the spherical annulus and in a spherical sector reveal a
number of interesting structural aspects of the ¯ow An analysis [19FF] describes the heat transfer from
and heat transfer, including hysteresis e€ects, branch horizontal cylinders at small Grashof number, while
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 275

experiments [22FF] indicate the in¯uence of humidity the ¯ows in rotating rectangular channels, some with
on convective heat transfer from small cylinders. ribbed surfaces [12G, 17G, 20G, 24G]. Experimental
Entropy generated in laminar natural convection from and numerical investigations were performed on rotat-
a horizontal isothermal cylinder has been described ing two-pass channels of rectangular cross section
[15FF]. Analyses for unsteady ¯ows include thermal [11G, 14G±16G, 23G, 25G]. The e€ects of jet impinge-
and solutal buoyancy forces [20FF], combined heat ment [9G, 27G, 28G] wall transpiration [19G] and ejec-
and mass transfer [16FF] and convection in the stagna- tion holes [26G] were reported for rotating rectangular
tion point region of a three dimensional body [21FF]. channels. Flow and heat transfer were investigated in
Convective heat transfer from a complex surface has rotating smooth-walled tubes [21G, 29G]. The e€ect of
been described analytically [17FF], while heat transfer a rotating inner cylinder on forced convection through
including interaction with pyrolosis on di€erent shaped a concentric cylindrical annulus was studied [18G,
obstacles [18FF] and plumes from a vertical cylinder 22G, 30G]. Numerical solutions were presented for
[23FF] has been studied experimentally. mixed convection in a horizontal cylindrical annulus
when the inner cylinder [13G] or outer cylinder [31G]
9.4. Mixed convection rotates. A numerical solution was obtained for the
case of a gas-®lled rotating annulus [10G] when strong
Mixed (combined forced and natural) convection natural convection is present.
studies consider the in¯uence of a magnetic ®eld on
oscillating convection [28FF], boundary layer ¯ow of a 10.3. Enclosures
micropolar ¯uid on a horizontal plate [26FF] and ¯ow
over an isothermal plate of a variable viscosity [27FF] A review of ¯uid motion inside rotating cylindrical
¯uid. Similarity, solutions include di€usion and chemi- containers was given [35G]. Heat and mass transfer
cal reaction over a moving horizontal plate [25FF] and within rotating horizontal convection layers was inves-
the in¯uence of a continually stretching sheet on con- tigated [33G, 34G, 43G]. Experimental results were
vection [24FF]. presented for unsteady thermal convection within a
vertical circular cylinder and a section of a cone heated
9.5. Miscellaneous from below [36G, 37G]. The e€ects of a rotating oscil-
lating endwall disk on a vertical circular cylinder was
Analytical solutions describe the performance of investigated [38G]. Numerical solutions were published
pin-®n heat sinks [31FF], while experiments on the for mixed convection in a spherical annulus rotating
heat ¯ow from helical coiled tubes in air [29FF] show about its vertical axis [41G]. Applications of heat
the in¯uence of various factors on overall heat transfer in rotating enclosures include food-containers
transfer. The cooling capacity in electronic equipment [42G], heat pipes [39G], condensers [40G] and rotary
casings [33FF] and convection in electro-chemical sys- kilns [32G].
tems [32FF] have been described. Calculations show
the heat transfer losses from various surfaces held 10.4. Cylinders, spheres, miscellaneous shapes
inside a room that includes heated walls, ¯oor and
ceiling [30FF]. Mass transfer from a rotating cylinder with an
impinging slot jet was measured [46G, 47G]. Other
rotating geometries that were studied include spheres
10. Rotating surfaces [48G], cubes [44G] and turbine blades [45G].

10.1. Rotating disks 10.5. Miscellaneous

Two experimental studies considered the e€ect of a Heat transfer between two opposed counter-rotating
jet on a single rotating disk [2G, 3G]. Several theoreti- jets was reported [50G]. An investigation into the per-
cal studies were performed on heat and mass transfer formance of a centrifugal bubbling apparatus was pre-
to a spinning disk [1G, 5G, 7G, 8G]. The heat transfer sented for use in gas±liquid contact processes [49G].
within two parallel rotating disks was also investigated
[4G, 6G].
11. Combined mass and heat transfer
10.2. Rotating channels
11.1. Ablation and transpiration
Cooling of gas turbine engine components continues
to be a driving force in the study of ¯ow and heat A number of studies in the area of ablation were
transfer in rotating channels. Several authors studied performed. Two of the investigations considered heat
276 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

transfer and thermal stresses during the ablation of 11.3. Jet impingement heat transfer Ð submerged and
ceramics. The ®rst utilized a numerical model to pre- liquid jets
dict temporal temperature ®elds during laser drilling
[3H]. The second focused on the experimental In studying the heat transfer due to submerged jet
measurement of laser re¯ectance and surface tempera- impingement, several numerical techniques were uti-
ture on a variety of composite materials [7H]. lized. In the Reynolds-averaged context, investigations
Another study developed a general departure function focused on the ¯uid ¯ow and heat transfer character-
to characterize ablation of a cavity in comparison to istics on both single [33H], and multiple [43H] jets
ablation of a ¯at plate [4H]. Researchers also utilized impinging on con®ned surfaces. Large eddy simu-
experimental data in developing numerical models to lations were used to study the impingement of both
describe the ablation of volatile ®lms [1H]. In ad- round and planar [36H, 42H] jet impingement. Direct
dition, a fully three-dimensional k±e model for the numerical simulation was used to investigate the
laser heating of solid substances with gas impinge- impingement of a round jet into a parallel disk [39H].
ment was developed [5H]. An experimental study on the isothermal convective
A computational study utilizing the vorticity±vel- mass transfer behavior of a circular cylinder exposed
ocity method was performed to examine the e€ects of to an air jet was performed [38H] The e€ect of the
wall transpiration the convective ¯ow, and heat trans- angle of inclination on the heat transfer characteristics
fer in the entrance region of horizontal ducts [2H]. was considered [40H, 32H]. Experiments were used to
Transpiration was also studied in a large scale, en- develop correlations for mass transfer eciencies for a
vironmental context. Investigators used an extensive hot air jet impinging on a cool water surface [31H].
global root database to describe the root distribution The impingement of liquid nitrogen jets on one
in a widely-used land model [6H] another at supercritical pressure and temperature was
studied [41H]. The ¯ow structure of inclined jets [34H]
and con®ned jets [27H] impinging on a ¯at plate was
11.2. Film cooling examined. Liquid jet and spray impingement cooling
were studied [35H, 26H]. Forced and mixed convection
The e€ect of unsteady ¯ow on ®lm cooling was heat transfer from an array of cylinders to a liquid jet
studied. Investigators considered the e€ect of an was studied for a range of Reynolds, Prandtl, and
unsteady wake [13H], periodic unsteady wakes with Grashof numbers [25H]. Distributions of the local heat
varying free stream turbulence [16H] and bulk ¯ow transfer coecient were measured in a model engine
pulsations [21H]. The e€ect of coolant density, and wall [28H]. Researchers also considered the e€ects of
blowing rate was studied [14H]. The e€ect of turbu- jet swirl, oscillation, and spread in combined heat and
lence in single and staggered rows of cooling holes on mass transfer jet impingement [29H, 30H, 37H].
the e€ectiveness and heat transfer was considered
[8H±10H]. In addition the e€ect of the length-to-di- 11.4. Drying
ameter ratio on the mean velocity and also on the
turbulence intensity [12H] were studied. Water±air Heat and mass transfer are integral to drying. Sev-
cooling technology was applied to the cooling of tur- eral studies considered the drying of foodstu€. In the
bine blades [20H]. Numerical simulations were used drying of fruits and vegetables, investigators performed
to study heat transfer characteristics of compound both experimental studies [56H, 95H, 44H, 76H±78H,
angle holes [19H], the ®lm cooling e€ectiveness of a 84H, 86H] and numerical modeling and simulation
¯at plate by a row of laterally injected jets [18H], and [49H, 79H, 80H, 87H, 59H, 65H]. These include simu-
evaporative cooling of liquid ®lms in turbulent mixed lation of the cooling process for tortillas [97H], in
convection channel ¯ows [23H]. Heat and mass trans- which a model was developed to predict temperature,
fer in a heated vertical tube in the presence of a fall- moisture content, and water activity of evaporatively
ing ®lm of water on the inside wall was studied cooled tortillas, and the simulation of deep bed drying
[17H]. The in¯uence of ¯ow leakage through a gap of hazelnuts [69H]. Investigators also performed a
on the performance of ®lm cooling [24H], and the combined experimental±numerical investigation of the
®lm cooling e€ectiveness produced by slot injection heat and mass transfer in cheddar cheese during cool-
into a uniform cross ¯ow was studied [15H]. The ing [51H, 88H] and food products during bulk forced-
results of experiments were used to assess the per- air precooling. Recent investigations also include heat
formance of algebraic models in predicting heat trans- and mass transfer during refrigeration [48H], frying
fer with supersonic ®lm cooling [11H]. A fuel ®lm [53H, 72H, 68H] and microwaving [70H]. In addition
model incorporating both spray±wall and spray±®lm to foodstu€ drying, investigators considered the drying
interactions was developed for use in the simulation of non-foodstu€ material [52H, 94H, 71H, 96H, 82H,
of combustion [22H]. 74H, 67H, 57H, 60H]. These include both theoretical
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 277

[83H], and experimental [100H, 85H] drying of paper, (19 papers), pool boiling (43 papers), ¯ow boiling (30),
and the drying of polymer ®lms [47H, 63H, 45H]. The and two-phase thermohydraulics (13). In addition to
drying of soils and crops was studied. These include these 132 papers, the interested reader will ®nd refer-
the modeling of coupled heat and mass transfer in a ence to studies of evaporative and ebullient heat trans-
solar crop dryer [54H], the development of heat and fer among the papers included in: change of phase Ð
mass transfer relations [62H], and a fully three-dimen- condensation (JJ), heat transfer applications Ð heat
sional, numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer pipes and heat exchangers (Q), and heat transfer appli-
in unsaturated soils [99H]. Researchers also investi- cations Ð general (S).
gated a variety of drying techniques [64H, 89H±92H,
46H, 50H]. Mathematical models were developed to 12.1. Droplet and ®lm evaporation
predict moisture content and temperature in an indir-
ect contact rotary dryer [93H]. Modeling and simu- The 1998 archival literature provides several funda-
lation was utilized in studying industrial convective mental studies of droplet evaporation, including the
dryers [73H] and spouted bed dryers [55H]. In ad- introduction of a new dimensionless group [17J], the
dition, a simulation tool which models the dryer sec- development of a numerical solution algorithm [7J],
tion of a paper machine was developed [58H]. Other detailed numerical simulation of hollow-cone water
studies include the investigation of spray dynamics in a sprays [9J], and evaluation of non-equilibrium e€ects
pilot spray dryer [75H], the analogy between heat and in droplet-laden ¯ows [13J]. The evaporation of sol-
mass transfer during the drying of liquid materials ution droplets was examined in [4J] for binary fuel
[81H] the modeling of forced-air precooling [61H], the mixtures, in [10J] for ideal mixtures of alcohols, and in
modeling of hydrothermal and hydromechanical beha- [26J] for spray pyrolisis in which solute precipitation
vior of clay barriers [98H], and the measurement of e€ects must be addressed. The evaporation of a single
tree transpiration in forests [66H]. droplet on a solid surface, using a molecular dynamics
simulation method, is described in [11J], weak evapor-
11.5. Miscellaneous ation (or condensation) on a sphere in [20J], and direct
contact evaporation for a droplet rising in an immis-
A variety of studies in which heat and mass transfer cible liquid in [23J].
occurs in combination have been performed. Several The evaporation of atomised droplets in a turbulent
included the utilization of computational ¯uid environment attracted considerable attention in the
dynamics (CFD) in studying heat and mass transfer two-phase community. [18J, 19J] used enhanced phase-
[113H, 101H, 106H]. CFD was also used in the devel- Doppler anemometry to explore droplet collisions and
opment and assessment of models in combined heat coalescence, secondary atomization, and air stream
and mass transfer [114H]. Hydrodynamic e€ects were heating. While the results of a direct numerical simu-
also considered; investigators studied the e€ects of den- lation of evaporating droplets in low Mach number
sity and pressure gradients [107H], coherent structures ¯ows was reported in [12J], [2J] provides numerical
[104H], instabilities due to an unsteady density strati®- results for the e€ects of gas temperature ¯uctuations
cation [109H], intense mixing [110H], and natural con- on a turbulent evaporating spray. The in¯uences of
vection [112H]. Researchers studied heat and mass inlet gas swirling and heating on droplet evaporation
transfer in the presence of non-isothermal chemical are described in [27J].
reactions [108H]. Researchers also considered the redis- Growing interest in applications of evaporative cool-
tribution of soil water by tree roots [102H], the model- ing and optimization of evaporation processes
ing of con®ned multi-material heat and mass transfer prompted the development of a general mathematical
[103H], and the in¯uence of local feedback mechanisms model of evaporative cooling devices by [8J]. Evapor-
on land±air energy and mass exchange [111H]. In ad- ation of liquid ®lms is described in [15J] dealing with
dition, transfer from internal ¯ows to hemispheres and the in¯uence of wall proximity on the interface equili-
¯at plates was made using the napthalene sublimation brium temperature, in [14J] dealing with the evapor-
technique [105H]. ation rates at the tip of the liquid wedge under a
bubble, and in [1J] providing a considerable extension
of the database and correlations. [21J], [5J], and [3J]
12. Change of phase Ð boiling describe evaporation processes associated with solar
stills, desalination process, and food preservation, re-
Thermal transport phenomena associated with spectively. [16J] explores evaporating ¯ows in micro-
liquid-to-vapor phase change are addressed in the pub- channels, [25J] presents system-level analyses of `®rst-
lications reviewed in this section and classi®ed into ®ve wall' liquid surfaces for high power fusion reactors,
major categories: droplet and ®lm evaporation (27 and the ®lm evaporation of refrigerants, ¯owing in
papers), bubble characteristics and boiling incipience small diameter tubes, is the subject of [24J] and [22J].
278 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

Heat transfer correlations for evaporation in thermosy- body force to simulate the e€ects of variable gravita-
phons are presented in [6J]. tional acceleration on pool boiling in [84J], and the in-
teraction of an acoustic ®eld with boiling, at both
12.2. Bubble characteristics and boiling incipience terrestrial and microgravity conditions, is described in
[82J, 83J]. A new theoretical model for the pool boiling
The dynamics of vapor and gas bubbles in uncon- of binary mixtures is o€ered in [65J], while experimen-
ventional environments attracted considerable atten- tal results for nonazeotropic binary mixtures of re-
tion from the two-phase ¯ow community. The frigerants are reported in [63J], for binary hydrocarbon
behavior of preheated gas bubbles injected into a mixtures in [48J], and water/propanol mixtures Ð over
liquid bath is described in [32J]. [29J] proposes a a range of gravitational accelerations Ð in [47J].
microwedge model to explain binary mixture bubble Nucleate pool boiling on downward and upward-
growth and departure under microgravity conditions. facing, inclined surfaces is detailed in [77J], on a down-
[35J] presents the results of a comprehensive numerical ward-facing hemispherical surface in [61J], along a
simulation of a single vapor bubble of variable radius heat exchanger tube in [55J], on the outside of a hori-
moving in a superheated or subcooled liquid. [46J] zontal tube in [56J], and on the inside of relatively
points to the bene®ts of a bubble sliding along the large diameter short tubes in [66J]. The studies docu-
heated surface to explain the higher heat transfer coef- mented in [58J, 49J] explore boiling in a narrow verti-
®cients observed for down¯ow than up¯ow ¯ow boil- cal slot, while [59J] presents an extensive compilation
ing. [28J] reports on the use of a photographic of data for boiling in a small cylindrical enclosure,
technique to determine vapor volume ¯ow departing [86J] provides data on ebullient cooling of a power
from a single wire. While the e€ects of electric ®elds module, and [87J] discusses parametric e€ects on boil-
on the behavior of a bubble attached to a wall is the ing in a closed two-phase thermosyphon.
subject of [33J], the growth and collapse of a bubble in In boiling heat transfer, the Critical Heat Flux
an ultrasound ®eld is studied in [44J]. The e€ects of oil (CHF), or `crisis,' represents the heat ¯ux value at
enrichment at the interface of a bubble embedded in which vapor blankets the heater surface and the heat
an in®nite refrigerant±oil mixture are described in transfer coecient deteriorates. [81J] describes a new
[40J]. dry-out mechanism for the pool boiling crisis and [78J]
Bubble formation was the subject of several studies, o€ers new observations on the liquid±solid contact
including [37J, 36J] in which microscale homogeneous patterns and bubble structure distribution at ¯uxes
nucleation was observed, [31J] in which an interphase approaching the CHF value. Critical heat ¯ux in con-
¯uctuation propagation model is proposed to explain centric-tube open thermosyphons and vertical, closed-
heterogeneous nucleation processes, [34J] which ident- bottom rod bundles is discussed in [64J] and [69J], re-
i®es a new liquid±vapor interface instability and its spectively. A CHF correlation for droplet impact cool-
impact on bubble formation in microgravity, and [42J, ing is the subject of [62J].
43J] which discuss the e€ect of microchannel spacing Despite the relatively high heat transfer coecients
on bubble formation. Boiling incipience in supercritical associated with boiling heat transfer, considerable
¯uids is reported for the ®rst time in [45J]. Bubble for- e€ort is devoted to the identi®cation, development,
mation and growth during underwater detonations are and implementation of pool boiling enhancement tech-
studied experimentally in [38J, 39J] and ®lm boiling niques. In [75J] attention is focused on boiling from a
incipience directly from natural convection is described uniform thickness pin ®n, in [74J] on the enhancement
in [30J]. In [41J] vapor generation during ¯ash boiling associated with boiling on micro-graphite-®ber compo-
is described. site surfaces, in [89J] and [79J] on the use of surfac-
tants to enhance nucleate boiling, in [68J] and [67J] on
12.3. Pool boiling the use of electrical ®elds on pool nucleate boiling
from heat exchanger tubes, and in [88J] on the in¯u-
Many of the pool boiling heat transfer studies in the ence of electric ®elds on ®lm boiling. The bubble
1998 literature deal with extension of the ebullient characteristics and governing phenomena responsible
transport knowledgebase to unconventional ¯uids, en- for the e€ectiveness of ebullient thermal transport
vironments, and geometries. [73J] describes the in¯u- from structured enhanced surfaces is described in a
ence of subcooling on the pool boiling of methanol on series of publications by Webb and Chein [50J±54J].
a tungsten wire, while [57J] reports on the nucleate Film boiling heat transfer is the subject of several
pool boiling of mercury in the presence of a magnetic publications, including [76J] presenting a correlation
®eld. [85J] deals with the simulation of ®lm boiling for binary mixture, pool ®lm boiling on horizontal
near the thermodynamic critical point. The impact of cylinders, [71J] presenting an analytical solution for
long-term reduced gravity on pool boiling and bubble ®lm boiling on spheres and vertical plates, [60J] o€er-
dynamics is reported in [80J], the use of an electrical ing a theoretical dry-spot model for transition boiling,
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 279

[72J] exploring the ampli®cation of wall temperature tures in micro®n tubes and plain tubes, respectively,
¯uctuations during transition pool boiling, and [70J] and [97J] and [93J] on ¯ow boiling heat transfer to
which describes the e€ect of refractory paints on mist binary mixtures of refrigerants.
¯ow heat transfer rates from metallic surfaces.
12.5. Two-phase thermohydraulics
12.4. Flow boiling
The design of ¯ow boiling systems must include
The broad range of interactions between a pumped attention to the thermohydraulic aspects of two phase
¯ow of liquid and vapor bubbles generated and ¯ow. Contributions to the 1998 archival literature in
released on a heated surface provide a large number of this domain included: [127J] Ð which presents a
¯ow boiling heat transfer mechanisms and a diverse coupled phasic exchange algorithm for the prediction
¯ow boiling literature. The primary research and mod- of general two-phase ¯ows, [120J] Ð which applies
eling challenges facing the two-phase community are control analysis techniques to the determination of the
reviewed in [117J] and are re¯ected in the 1998 archival boiling boundary in a heated channel, [124J] Ð which
literature. A numerical simulation technique is o€ers a new transition boiling model for use in the
described in [96J], a broad review of subcooled ¯ow Relap5/mod3 computer code, [131J] Ð which explores
boiling correlations and ¯ow regimes in [98J], a tech- two-phase instabilities in a natural circulation loop,
nique for identifying the thermal equilibrium entry [130J] Ð which o€ers data for ¯ow in slightly inclined
length is presented in [91J], and experimental results tubes, [132J] Ð which develops an analytic interfacial
for ¯ow boiling in sub-atmospheric, vertical ¯ow in area equation, and [125J] and [121J] Ð which deal
[105J]. with determination of void fraction distributions using
The in¯uence of channel geometry on ebullient ther- electrical impedance measurements and gamma densi-
mal transport is the subject of [106J] Ð where atten- tometry, respectively.
tion is focused on a heated inner annulus, of [109J] Ð The dispersion of two-phase releases is the subject of
dealing with a nonuniformly heated surface, and of [122J] and [129J]. A numerical simulation of the non-
[107J] and [112J] Ð addressing behavior in small-di- homogeneous ¯ow in a di€user pipe is presented in
ameter tubes and microchannels, respectively. The e- [123J]. Aspects of slug ¯ow are explored in [126J] Ð
cacy of several ¯ow boiling enhancement techniques is focusing on the onset of slugging in a strati®ed ¯ow
reported in [95J] Ð dealing with nitrogen ¯owing over approaching a junction and [128J] Ð the role of longi-
a structured surface, in [104J] Ð dealing with the use tudinal dispersion in fully-developed slug ¯ow in a
of annular crevices, and in [114J] reporting the results channel.
of interference sleeves on cylinders. Field e€ects were
addressed by [99J], which describes the e€ect of an
electric ®eld on ¯ow boiling heat transfer and by [110J] 13. Change of phase Ð condensation
which provides results of an experimental study of
¯ow boiling under microgravity conditions. Papers on condensation during 1998 were separated
The archival literature of 1998 provides insight into into those which dealt with surface geometry e€ects,
progress in the understanding and enhancement of the those on the e€ects of global geometry and thermal
¯ow boiling `crisis,' including both critical heat ¯ux boundary conditions, papers presenting techniques for
and dryout. A new dry-spot model for CHF prediction modeling and analysis, papers on free-surface conden-
is the subject of [92J], the prediction of liquid ®lm dry- sation, and papers dealing with binary mixtures.
out in narrow channels is the subject of [116J], a
method of calculating dryout and post-dryout heat 13.1. Surface geometry and material e€ects
transfer in tubes is described in [94J], and CHF on rod
bundles in [103J]. The critical heat ¯ux from a simu- One paper in this category dealt with the e€ect of
lated microelectronic chip is discussed in [108J] and surface conductivity [2JJ]. A hygrogenated carbon ®lm
enhancement of CHF with microchanneled surfaces in for promoting dropwise condensation of steam was
[113J]. coated on various metallic surfaces. Three papers
Flow boiling heat transfer of refrigerants attracted focused on the nature of the surface material. One dis-
considerable attention, including a 3-paper sequence cussed the hygrogenated carbon ®lm [3JJ], another was
by Thome and co workers [100J±102J] on the relation- on a PTFE coating [4JJ], and a third was with a com-
ship between two-phase ¯ow patterns and heat transfer posite nickel±PTFE plated coating [1JJ]. The last in
for refrigerants in horizontal tubes, [115J] on the heat this category dealt more with the coating processes,
transfer characteristics of microchannels, [90J] and but did discuss a synthesized surface with a polymer
[111J] on the thermo¯uid behavior of ®nned tubes, ®lm for enhanced heat transfer in steam condensers
[118J] and [119J] on ¯ow boiling of refrigerant/oil mix- [5JJ].
280 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

13.2. Global geometry and thermal boundary condition one, a direct contact condensation model was devel-
e€ects oped, including the transition criteria [22JJ] and in
another, a comparison of models in the program was
Several papers presented results for condensing ¯ow made [18JJ].
within con®gured tubes. In the ®rst, heat transfer coef- One paper dealt with cooling tower analysis. It pre-
®cients for condensation of steam on thick-walled hori- sented a study of non-equilibrium characteristics of
zontal tubes were given [14JJ] and, in another, a mixtures and noted an unusual rise in interfacial tem-
review of techniques for integral, ®nned tubes was pre- perature immediately below the onset of condensation
sented [7JJ]. A numerical analysis was documented for [29JJ]. A model was presented for the growth of micro-
vertical, ®nned surfaces to show the e€ects of ®n shape drops in inert gases when the droplets are of the size
on heat transfer enhancement [13JJ]. Several papers of the mean free path [19JJ]. A model was presented
addressed condensation inside tubes. In one, regimes for the condensation coecient of superheated vapor
were described for ¯ow in smooth, horizontal tubes condensing inside of tubes [30JJ]. A numerical model
[9JJ]. Another discussed the value of micro®nned sur- for including the e€ects of the sorption curve was for-
faces in horizontal tubes [15JJ]. A correlation equation mulated for condensation on rotary heat exchangers
was given, including the e€ects on pressure gradient. [28JJ]. Rules for ®tting the condensation curve with
In a third, ¯ow maps and transition points were docu- piecewise linearization were given [20JJ].
mented showing the e€ects of inclination angle for R-
11 condensation in smooth tubes [17JJ]. And, in a 13.4. Free surface condensation
fourth, the e€ects of coiled wire inserts in a horizontal
tube were evaluated [6JJ]. The measurements indicated Two papers focused on free surface condensation. In
a doubling of the condensation heat transfer coecient one, a model was presented to predict drop size distri-
due to the coil. Several papers addressed nuclear reac- butions in dropwise condensation [32JJ]. Thermal re-
tor geometries. One addressed the loss of coolant acci- sistance in the drop and the promoter layer must be
dent in the cold leg of a primary loop [10JJ], another included in the analysis. Another experimented with
presented a model for condensation in a containment choking and the behavior of under-expanded vapor
[11JJ], and a third discussed the e€ects of condensation jets [33JJ], where a model was developed which
on depressurization during a fusion reactor ingress- included entrainment and condensation e€ects.
of-coolant event [16JJ]. One paper presented a numeri-
cal prediction of the performance of a high-eciency 13.5. Binary mixtures
boiler [12JJ] and another released a model for optimiz-
ation of falling ®lm evaporation in a desalination plant Several papers were with multiple components. In
[8JJ]. one [34JJ], the e€ects of having noncondensables were
addressed for vertical plates, to give the ®n tempera-
13.3. Modeling and analysis techniques ture and heat transfer coecient distributions. Another
addressed steam condensation augmentation with
An article was presented on the fundamentals of methylamine [38JJ]. A third presented a model which
condensation heat transfer, including the complications describes the e€ect of back di€usion for turbulent ¯ow
which arise with forced convection [26JJ]. Another condensation in tubes with nonazeotropic binary re-
accounted for the e€ects of subcooling of condensate frigeration mixtures [37JJ], while a fourth, also with
when there is a variable temperature surface [24JJ]. A nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures, discussed the
stability analysis was presented for ®lm-wise conden- e€ects of non-ideal properties [39JJ]. Marangoni con-
sation where it was noted that the surface tension vection was experimented upon under condensation in
always stabilized a ®lm but the e€ects of van der binary drops [36JJ]. A data set for model evaluation
Waals force depend on the Hamaker constant [23JJ]. on multicomponent condensation in the shell and tube
An analysis was presented for condensation with exter- con®guration was presented [40JJ]. The e€ect of non-
nal ¯ow over a horizontal tube [27JJ]. A single-tube condensables on condensation in a rotating drum, with
model was presented for predicting the frequency scraper, was analyzed [41JJ]. Finally, condensation in
characteristics of multi-tube, two-phase, condensing premixed ¯ame quenching was discussed [35JJ].
¯ow [21JJ]. A weakness of a previous equivalent Rey-
nolds number model was noted and modi®cations were
recommended for condensation in smooth tubes [25JJ]. 14. Change of phase Ð freezing and melting
In a similar paper, the utility of the equivalent Rey-
nolds number model for application to condensation 14.1. Melting and freezing of sphere, cylinders and slabs
in small diameter tubes was shown [31JJ]. Two papers
were with the reactor analysis program Ð RELAP. In Freezing studies in cylindrical, ellipsoidal, slab, plate
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 281

and miscellaneous geometries were presented in this theoretical study of model food freezing [30JM]; and
section. In cylindrical geometry the studies included: a simulation of ice recrystallization in ice cream during
study of supercooling phenomenon and freezing prob- storage [18JM]
ability of water inside horizontal cylinders [3JM]; an Investigations in the cryobiology area included: in-
analytical study of natural convection on cryogenic ¯uence of anti-freeze proteins on the freezing of cell
pipe freezing [9JM]; freezing and melting with multiple suspensions [25JM]; freeze±thaw of bovine embryos in
phase fronts along the outside of a tube [14JM]; and the presence of propylene glycol and ethylene glycol
frost deposition on a cylinder in cross ¯ow [13JM]. In protective additives [22JM]; optimization of high press-
elliptical geometry an analytical solution of the heat ure freezing for a new microbiopsy device [26JM];
transfer process during contact melting of PCM inside assessment of the properties of pure water and solute
a horizontal elliptical tube was presented [4JM], as laden solutions at low temperatures and in the solid
well as heating and melting of slender samples in phase [27JM]; in situ assessment of cell viability after
monoellipsoidal mirror furnaces [7JM]. Slab geometry freezing [31JM]; and thermal analysis of a cryomicro-
studies included: interface temperature during high- scope due to heat spreading and contact resistance
Peclet number ¯ow over a ¯at substrate [2JM]; [19JM].
measurement of the heat transfer coecient in food
thawing using an in®nite slab geometry approximation 14.4. Contact melting
[6JM]; and undercooling and contact resistance in stag-
nation-¯ow solidi®cation on a semi-in®nite substrate Studies included: e€ects of vibration on ice contact
[12JM]. A study in plate geometry of solidi®cation of melting within rectangular enclosures [32JM]; e€ects of
pure metals using Greens functions was presented transverse convection and s/l density di€erence on the
[8JM]. steady close-contact melting [33JM].
Several other miscellaneous geometric studies were
presented including melting and solidi®cation in multi- 14.5. Melting and melt ¯ows
dimensions with more than one interface [5JM], 1D
phase ®eld models with adaptive grids [10JM], a mov- Experimental work in this area included: interactive
ing boundary problem in a ®nite domain [11JM], and solutal and thermal Marangoni convection in a metal
evolution of ice over freezing winter leads in Arctic melt during directional solidi®cation [34JM]; visualiza-
waters [1JM]. tion of melting and solidi®cation in convecting hypoeu-
tectic gallium alloy [35JM]; heat transfer, ¯uid ¯ow
14.2. Stefan problems and interface shapes in zone melt processing with in-
duction heating [39JM]; thermocapillary convection in
Studies included: a novel enthalpy formulation two-layer systems [41JM]; factors a€ecting solder
applied to Stefan problems in various domains [15JM]; microdroplet deposition [48JM]; interface propagation
and imposition of an energy balance condition on a in the processing of metal matrix composites [36JM];
phase change interface with thermal wave e€ect and continuous fractional crystallization on a moving
[16JM]. cooled belt [42JM].
Numerical studies in this area included: use of a
14.3. Ice formation in porous materials modi®ed control volume model to predict natural
convection dominated melting of pure metal [38JM];
Work in this area included freezing in traditional a model of marangoni e€ects in electron beam melt-
porous material freezing as well as in foods and bio- ing [40JM]; modeling of micro-level volume expansion
logically relevant material (cryobiology). Studies on during reactive melt in®ltration [43JM]; a moving grid
traditional materials included: heat and mass transfer approach to modeling melt in phase change problems
in freezing and frozen peaty soils [23JM]; seasonal [44JM]; simulation of the melting of a horizontal sub-
¯uxes of water and heat in the active layer from spring strate placed beneath a heavier liquid [45JM]; model-
thaw to fall freeze-back in a permafrost site [20JM]; ing of convective heat transfer in horizontal zone
density e€ect on laminar water pipe ¯ow solidi®cation melting [46JM]; a model of 3D laser heating including
[28JM]; eutectic freeze crystallization used in waste moving heat source and phase change [49JM]; heat
water puri®cation [29JM]; and glass transition and and solute di€usion with a moving interface by BEM
relaxation kinetics of polymers studied with DSC tech- [50JM]; and FEM analysis of heat and ¯uid ¯ow in
niques [24JM]. an electron-beam vaporization system for metals
In food science investigations included: food freezing [47JM].
and chilling behavior using an enthalpy based tech- In addition a hypothesis concerning the evolution of
nique [17JM]; a review of thermal design calculations the earth's mantle was proposed as caused by a plan-
for food freezing equipment [21JM]; experimental and etary collision. The impact is suggested to have formed
282 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

a melt ocean of magma which ¯oated the mantle 14.10. Enclosures

Numerical work included: FVM and FEM simu-
14.6. Powders, ®lms, emulsions and particles in a melt lation of macrosegregation of an alloy in a rectangular
cavity [75JM]; natural-convection-dominated melting
Experimental work in this area included: nickel alu- inside heated rectangular cavities [76JM]; FEM model
minide intermetallices synthesis using a spray atomiza- for convection-dominated melting and solidi®cation in
tion and deposition technique [55JM]; observation of a rectangular cavity [77JM]; and a FEM model of
inclusion behavior in a steel melt by the advancing melting of a pure PCM in a rectangular container
melt/solid interface [57JM]; di€erential thermal analy- heated from below [78JM].
sis DTA) study to determine thermal property changes Other studies included: gas ¯ow analysis in melting
of mold powders used in continuous casting of steel furnaces [80JM]; bifurcation and stability analyses for
slabs [58JM]; thermal process in high velocity oxygen- a two-phase Rayleigh±Benard problem in a cavity
fuel (HVOF) spray coating on a copper substrate [81JM]; and an experimental study of melting heat
[59JM]; melting and resolidi®cation of subcooled transfer in an enclosure with three discrete protruding
mixed powder bed with moving heat source [60JM] heat sources [79JM].
and heat transfer through source powder in sublima-
tion growth of SiC crystals [53JM]. 14.11. Nuclear reactors
Modeling work in this area included: modeling of
the melting of solid particles in an agitated molten A simulation of a fuel/coolant accident simulated by
metal bath [51JM]; 3D simulation of dendritic grain experiments on hot melt injected into sodium was pre-
structures of gas-atomized Al±Cu alloy droplets sented [82JM].
[52JM]; modeling of particle behavior of nanocrystal-
line Ni during high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray 14.12. Energy storage
[54JM]; and free surface shape and temperature distri-
bution in liquid metal droplets produced in the TEM- Modeling work included: simulation of a multi-layer
PUS electromagnetic levitation facility [56JM]; latent heat thermal energy storage system [83JM];
analysis of a latent heat thermal energy storage system
14.7. Crucible melts with enhanced heat conduction using ®ns [84JM]; cyc-
lic melting and freezing of an encapsulated PCM inte-
A crucible melt numerical study of combustion in a grated into a solar heat receiver [85JM]; exergy
zinc ¯ash smelter was reported [61JM]. analysis of latent heat storage systems with PCMs
[91JM]; convection based modeling of vertical cylindri-
14.8. Glass melting and formation cal storage unit for PCMs [87JM]; a numerical analysis
of the strati®cation properties of chilled water storage
Reports include: an FEM study of bouyant ¯ow of tanks at the freezing point [93JM]; and a numerical
an optically thick ¯uid representative of molten glass study of vibration on melting of an un®xed rectangular
[62JM] and evaluation of bubble removing perform- PCM under variable gravity environment [92JM].
ance in a glass furnace [63JM]. Other studies included: latent cold heat energy
storage by oil droplets [86JM]; natural convection
14.9. Welding melting from a heated wall with vertically oriented ®ns
[88JM]; improvements of heat transfer in latent heat
Welding work included: modeling of resistance weld- thermal energy storage with embedded heat sources
ing of thermoplastic matrix composite lap shear speci- [89JM]; thermal management of an avionics module
mens [64JM, 65JM]; exothermically assisted shielded using s/l phase change materials [90JM]; and an exper-
metal arc welding [66JM]; globular transfer in gas imental and analytical phase change study in an energy
metal arc welding [69JM]; hot plate welding of poly- storage system [94JM].
propylene [72JM]; analysis of a weakly ionized plasma
arc between geometrically dissimilar electrodes [73JM]; 14.13. Solidi®cation during casting
thermal modeling of laser welding for titanium dental
restorations [74JM]; numerical dynamic analysis of a Modeling of dendritic structure of steel billets pro-
moving GTA weld pool [68JM]; modeling of GMA cessed by continuous casting was presented [95JM].
weld pools with consideration of droplet impact
[67JM]; analysis of pulsed current GTA weld pool heat 14.14. Mushy zone Ð dendritic growth
and ¯ow ®elds [70JM]; and an FEM analysis of dual-
beam laser welded tailored blanks [71JM]. Modeling studies included: a numerical study of con-
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 283

vection±di€usion phase change problems in the mushy 14.16. Crystal growth from melt
region [96JM]; a continuum model of mass, heat and
momentum transport in multicomponent s/l phase Experimental studies included: comparative study of
change [97JM]; modeling of dendritic tip temperature crystallization and orientation development in melt
under conditions of free growth (no gravity) [98JM]; spinning for polyole®n ®bers [130JM]; columnar
simulation of dendritic growth in a shear ¯ow growth of melt-spun steel [135JM]; distribution of Sb
[102JM]; re®ned solute di€usion model for columnar dopant in Ge single crystals grown by the ¯oating
dendritic alloy solidi®cation [103JM]; thermal model zone technique in space [138JM]; direct contact heat
for mushy zone formation in binary solutions [104JM]; transfer in melt crystallization [139JM]; crystal for-
and integral solutions of di€usion controlled dendrite mation in amorphous metals after heavy ion bom-
tip growth [101JM]. bardment [156JM]; fragmentation of dendritic crystals
Additional studies investigated the concave casting during solidi®cation of aqueous ammonium chloride
surface during mushy-zone solidi®cation [99JM] and [146JM]; cooling and crystallization of hot melt ad-
scaling behavior of 3D dendrites [100JM]. hesives [131JM]; composition of MOVPE horizontal
reactor grown ternary alloys [155JM]; gallium
14.15. Metal solidi®cation arsenide growth in a pancake and MOCVD reactor
[148JM]; convective e€ects during liquid encapsulated
Modeling studies included: computational study of crystal growth in a magnetic ®eld [145JM]; e€ect of
planar solid±liquid interface stability during rapid magnetic ®elds on heat ¯ow and interfaces in ¯oating
solidi®cation of binary metal alloys under laser treat- zone silicon crystal growth [140JM]; ¯oating zone
ment [105JM]; FEM and experimental analysis of growth of large silicon crystals with radiation on dif-
compression holding in semi-solid forging [107JM]; fuse and specular surfaces [132JM]; radiation in sili-
numerical simulation of layer solidi®cation for con ¯oating zone crystal growth furnace with
unsteady conditions in a eutectic binary ¯uid specular re¯ection on concave surfaces [133JM];
[109JM]; numerical analysis of pulsed laser heating thermo-¯ow structure during chemical vapor depo-
for the deformation of metals [112JM]; numerical sition epitaxy [153JM]; and creation of vicinal facets
analysis of semi-solid forming technology for light on the surface of epitaxially grown gallium arsenide
metals in die casting; explicit interface tracking in [127JM]. In addition, a geological study of crystalliza-
three dimensions on a ®xed grid during solidi®cation tion of the Skaergaard Layered Series geography was
[114JM]; numerical modeling of ductile iron solidi®ca- presented [152JM].
tion [115JM]; heat and mass transfer in solidifying Modeling studies included: dopant segregation in
binary alloy [116JM]; quanti®cation of quenching vertical zone-melting crystal growth [142JM]; theoreti-
thermal stresses and heat transfer [118JM]; evaluation cal analysis of the micro-pulling-down process for ®ber
of solutal, thermal and ¯ow ®elds in unidirectional crystal growth [143JM]; dynamic simulation of vertical
alloy solidi®cation [122JM]; modeling the heat ¯ow to zone-melting crystal growth [144JM]; a model of thin-
an operating sirosmelt lance [123JM]; a mathematical ®lament melt spinning [136JM]; transient growth
model for free surface problems with application to analysis of LE±VGF growth of compound semicon-
solidi®cation [125JM]; the in¯uence of thermoelectric ductors [147JM]; and a computational study of smear-
and magnetohydrodynamic e€ects on solidi®cation induced crystallization in polymers [149JM].
[126JM]; the computer modeling of microstructural Additional work on Bridgman and Czochralski crys-
evolution and ®nal properties of C-MN-NB steels tal growth was also presented. Bridgman growth stu-
[108JM]. dies included: temperature distribution and solid±
Experimental studies included: melting and solidi®- liquid interface shape in vertical Bridgman crystal
cation characteristics of solders using DSC [106JM]; growth of semi-transparent materials [128JM]; bifur-
interfacial instability and microstructural growth cation and stability analyses of horizontal Bridgman
during rapid solidi®cation in laser processing [111JM]; crystal growth of a low Pr material [141JM]; exper-
squeeze casting and hot/cold forging [113JM]; layer imental determination and numerical modeling of s/l
merging during solidi®cation of the supereutectic interface shapes for vertical Bridgman grown antino-
NH4Cl±H2O system [117JM]; rapidly solidi®ed 12Cr± mide crystals [129JM]; local and global simulations of
Mo±V stainless steel [120JM]; melting and resolidi®ca- Bridgman and liquid-encapsulated CZ crystal growth
tion of a substrate in contact with a molten metal [158JM]; and a review of heat and mass transfer
[124JM]; gamma titanium aluminide alloy phase during crystal growth Ð either CZ or Bridgman
change during supertransus heating [121JM]; stud-to- [137JM].
plate laser braze studied [119JM]; and the in¯uence of Studies on Czochralski crystal growth included:
quenched-in clustering of vacancies in electron±phonon single CZ crystal growth of silicon with respect to
coupling [110JM] specular and di€use surfaces [134JM]; morphology
284 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

and heat transfer in sillenite compounds grown by 14.18. Splat cooling

CZ method [150JM]; interface approximations in
multi-domain simulations of CZ bulk ¯ows [151JM]; Studies included: deformation and solidi®cation of a
¯ow and temperature in molten silicon during CZ droplet impinging on a ¯at surface [185JM]; and
crystal growth in cusp magnetic ®eld [154JM]; and di- impact and solidi®cation of till droplets on a steel
ameter controlled CZ growth of silicon crystals plate [186JM].

14.17. Casting 15. Radiative heat transfer

Experimental work included: radiative heat transfer The papers below are divided into subcategories,
through mold ¯ux ®lm during initial solidi®cation in which focus on the di€erent impacts of radiation.
continuous casting of steel [163JM]; measurement of Papers describing the development or application of
thermal resistance at the interface between mold ¯ux models dominate the literature on radiative heat trans-
®lm and mold [164JM]; heat transfer across mold ¯ux fer. Papers focusing on the new numerical methods
®lm during initial solidi®cation in continuous casting themselves are reviewed in the numerical methods sec-
of steel [165JM]; experimental studies of heat transfer tion under subcategory radiation.
and solidi®cation pertinent to strip casting [176JM];
roll strip interfacial heat ¯uxes and e€ect on micro- 15.1. In¯uence of geometry
structure in twin-roll casting of steels [178JM]; e€ects
around the immersion nozzle in billet continuous cast- The calculation of view factors for di€erent geome-
ing mold [183JM]; and thermal stress during vacuum tries continues to be of interest. However, compared to
arc remelting and mold casting of ingots [160JM]. In previous years fewer publications addressed this topic.
addition, double-gated, modulated-pressure injection Bazin et al. [3K] use a view-factor method to study
molding was reported by [184JM]. heat transfer through X-rays in heavy-ion fusion. A
Modeling studies included: shape deposition manu- semianalytical algorithm for calculating di€use plane
facturing with microcasting using metal droplet view factors is presented in [16K]. Nunes and Naraghi
deposition [161JM]; numerical step type technique [21K] use a discrete exchange factor method to analyze
for determining interfacial condition in die-casting transfer in axisymmetric enclosures. Monte Carlo
[159JM]; a FEM formulation for solving transient methods are also used for tracking radiative paths
multidimensional phase-change problems [162JM]; [26K, 27K]. Jung et al. [12K] determine view factors
mathematical and physical modeling of steel ¯ow and for a crystal growth furnace.
solidi®cation in twin-roll/horizontal belt thin-strip cast- This year, the discrete ordinate method is frequently
ing machines [166JM]; simulation of microporosity for- employed to model radiative heat transfer in three-
mation in modi®ed and unmodi®ed A356 alloy dimensional geometries. Nonorthogonal grids for com-
castings [167JM]; modeling of transient ¯ow phenom- plex 3D-geometries are used in [23K±25K]. Rectangu-
ena in continuous casting of steel [168JM]; numerical lar enclosures are modeled in [22K, 15K]. Jessee et al.
modeling of heat transfer and ¯uid ¯ow during casting [10K] use a discrete ordinate scheme with an adaptive
[169JM]; numerical investigation of macrosegregation grid re®nement algorithm to solve the radiative trans-
during thin strip casting of steel [170JM]; modeling of port equation. Irregular 3D-systems are modeled in
heat transfer between an iron casting and a metallic [14K]. A discussion of the discrete ordinate method for
mold [171JM]; and a 3D model of continuous beam participating media is given in [30K].
blank casting [172JM]; interfacial heat transfer during A comparison of discrete transfer, discrete ordinate
solidi®cation and its use in design of optimal feeding and ®nite volume methods for 2D-systems is presented
of castings [173JM]; prediction of interfacial contact by Coelho et al.[6K]. The discrete ordinate and the
conductance of investment cast alloy [174JM]; 3D nu- ®nite volume method turn out to be the most economi-
merical prediction of turbulent ¯ow, heat transfer and cal ones. A ®nite volume method for three- dimen-
solidi®cation in a continuous slab caster for steel sional enclosures is used in [1K]. Another method used
[175JM]; computational ¯uid dynamics applied to to describe radiative transfer in complex geometries is
twin-roll casting [177JM]; characterization of the mold based on variational principles [9K]. Cumber and Beeri
metal interface e€ects in metal casting [179JM]; analy- [7K] discuss a strategy for parallelization of discrete
sis of mold wear during continuous casting [180JM]; a transfer models. The ®nite volume method is used for
mathematical study of EMBR ruler on the continuous axisymmetric enclosures [13K, 20K], and in complex
casting process [181JM]; and external mold surface geometries using unstructured meshes [19K]. Miller
heat transfer applied to metal-matrix composite casting uses a Monte Carlo method for a random medium
[182JM]. with plane geometry [17K]. The same author also
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 285

describes a stochastic construction method for Feyn- aerogels are studied by Cunnington et al. [38K]. The
man path integral representation of Greens functions in¯uence of using Planck mean properties compared to
[18K]. A second order ®nite di€erence scheme is used spectral and ¯ux-weighted properties when modeling
to model multidimensional radiation problems in the radiative transfer in ®brous media is discussed in
di€usion limit [8K]. Stasiek [28K] uses a transfer [31K]. The properties of participating media in com-
con®guration factor method to model radiative trans- bustion, ¯ames and ®res have attracted particular
fer in open enclosures. A wavelet basic function interest. Carvalho and Farias model heat transfer in
method is used for the modeling of a one-dimensional radiating and combusting systems focusing on the
equilibrium problem [2K]. radiative properties of combustion products [33K]. The
The geometry of the system also plays an important radiative properties of the combustion products are im-
role in the radiative heat transfer in catalytic monoliths portant in heavy fuel oil combustion [62K], compart-
[4K], in ultra-high temperature heat exchangers [11K], ment ®res [42K], and in radiative transfer in ceramic-
and in one-dimensional gas enclosures with re¯ective coated furnaces [47K]. The radiative properties of the
surfaces [5K]. The e€ect of the location of heating fuel are emphasized in the study of radiation reabsorp-
tubes in greenhouses is studied in [29K]. tion in CH4/CO2/air and CH4/CO2/O2 premixed ¯ames
[44K], and of gas ®red furnaces [50K]. Soot also has a
15.2. Participating media strong in¯uence on the radiative transfer in combus-
tion and ®res [46K, 40K, 41K, 36K, 57K]. Cumber et
Papers in this category can be divided into those, al. [37K] use a wide band radiation model for non-
which focus on emission and absorption properties of homogeneous combustion systems. Liakos et al. [49K]
the media, and those, which emphasize scattering. study radiative transfer in pulverized coal char com-
This year, fewer papers consider radiative transfer in bustion.
molecular gases. A macrostatistical model to describe
the vibrational band spectrum of CO2 and H2O is used 15.3. Radiation combined with convection, conduction or
by Surzhikov [59K, 60K]. Isothermal water and CO2/ mass transfer
H2O/N2 mixtures are considered in a three-dimensional
radiation analysis in [52K]. Liu et al. [51K] also pre- Within the papers on combined heat transfer modes
sent a new gray-band approximation which utilizes a most papers focus on two modes. A large number of
local absorption coecient. Gokcen et al. [43K] pre- publications address radiative heat transfer combined
sent simulations of emission spectra from shock-layer with convection.
¯ows in an arcjet facility. Higano et al. [45K] discuss Viskanta [98K] gives an overview of convection and
the heat transfer in large toroidal fusion plasmas by radiation in high temperature gas ¯ows. Radiation and
approximating the plasma as a gray, participating natural convection are important for the heating el-
medium. ement con®guration of tunnel ovens [77K]. The combi-
A good number of papers focus on the in¯uence of nation of natural convection and radiative heat
scattering, absorption, emission, and re¯ection. Scat- transfer also plays an important role for the scaling of
tering and re¯ection are important in coating layers organic light-emitting ¯at-panel displays [97K], and for
containing pigments [32K], since high re¯ectivities in large-eddy simulations of contrails [74K]. Numerical
the infrared can in¯uence the combustibility of ma- models for natural convection±radiation heat transfer
terials. Absorption is important for radiative heat are presented for arbitrarily shaped enclosures [94K],
transfer in suspensions [35K], in translucent thermal partitioned cavities [92K], the ¯ow of optically dense
barrier coatings [55K], and in semitransparent molten ¯uids along cylinders with elliptic cross section [82K],
glass jets [56K]. Vitkin and Ivanov [63K] discuss the and large vertical channels with asymmetric heating
heat transfer in a light-scattering and absorbing slab. [73K]. Bril et al. [71K] present similarity laws for heat
The e€ects of scattering are emphasized in [54K, 61K]. radiation from turbulent buoyant jets. The combined
Emission, absorption and scattering are considered for heat transfer upon turbulent ¯ow of a high-tempera-
multidimensional geometries [53K], for media bounded ture radiating gas past a thin semitransparent plate is
by gray, di€usely re¯ecting and emitting enclosures studied in [95K]. Breitholtz and Leckner study the heat
[58K], for media between plane and concentric, spheri- balance of a circulating ¯uidized bed furnace [70K].
cal boundaries [64K], and for ¯uoride salt phase Radiative transfer and forced convection for air in
change media bounded by concentric cylinders [65K]. channels with o€set plates is studied by Ali et al.
The unsteady cooling of solid spheres in radiatively [66K]. A computational model for heat transfer in very
active media is discussed in [34K]. high temperature gas cooled reactors is presented in
Absorption and scattering are also pivotal for the [68K]. Lee and Viskanta [88K] study the quenching of
radiative transfer in ®brous media as pointed out in ¯at glass by impinging air jets. An infrared re¯ow
[48K, 39K]. The radiative properties of ®ber-reinforced oven with convection fan is considered in [84K].
286 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

Forced convection±radiation heat transfer is also con- derive the surface temperature [104K]. Blackwell et al.
sidered important for turbulent ¯ows of participating [103K] report measurements of shock-layer vibrational
gases through ducts [79K], nonhomogeneous rectangu- populations and temperatures in nitrogen arcjets. A
lar pipes [80K], and in chemical vapor deposition reac- high-power, radiatively cooled hydrogen arcjet thruster
tors [76K]. Fewer publications deal with the combined is studied in [102K]. Shen et al. [108K] report measure-
e€ects of radiation and conduction. Several papers ments of absolute infrared intensities in thermal wave
deal with new approaches to the modeling of combined resonant cavities.
radiation and conduction. Andre and Degiovanni
[67K] model a semitransparent layer by a matrix trans-
fer function to solve the one-dimensional transient
16. Numerical methods
energy transfer by conduction and radiation. The inte-
gro-di€erential equation modeling in conducting,
The development and application of numerical
radiating and semi-transparent materials is described
methods continues to be an area of intense research ac-
in [87K]. Banoczi and Kelley use a multilevel algor-
tivity. Newer procedures are developed for solving the
ithm to solve the nonlinear system of equations for
partial di€erential equations involving heat conduction
radiation±conduction transfer [69K]. Conduction±radi-
and ¯uid ¯ow. Also, numerical methods are applied to
ation in cylindrical media is studied in [86K], and in
a variety of practical problems. In this review, the
general axisymmetric media in [99K]. Conductive and
papers that focus on the application of numerical
radiative heat transfer are also important in glass man-
methods to speci®c physical situations are included in
ufacturing [89K, 96K, 85K]. Chen and Lin [72K] study
the appropriate application category. The papers that
heat and mass transfer in polymer solutions exposed to
describe the details of a numerical method are refer-
intermittent infrared heating and air¯ow.
enced in this section.
Several papers consider combined convection, con-
duction, and radiation. Hossain and Rees [83K] study
heat transfer from a vertical cylinder. Combined con- 16.1. Heat conduction (direct problems)
duction±convection±radiation also plays a role in the
heat transfer from residential attics [91K], heat transfer A network model has been developed for heat con-
between insulated cables suspended in air [90K], for duction with varying thermal properties [6N]. A mesh-
the ¯ame shape and quenching in ducts [81K], for the free method based on the method of fundamental sol-
modeling of lighting/HVAC interaction in enclosures utions is described in [2N]. For the problem of obtain-
[75K], and for the heating of continuously moving ing iterative solutions of strongly nonlinear equations,
loads in industrial radiant ovens [78K]. A spray-cool- an auto-adjustable damping method is proposed [1N].
ing problem for hot surfaces is considered in [93K]. Radial basis functions are used to create a mesh-free
method for heat conduction [15N]. A ®nite-volume
15.4. Intensely irradiated materials method is described for moving-boundary problems
[16N]. The non-Fourier heat conduction problem is
Only few papers this year deal with intensely irra- addressed in [13N, 9N]. A harmonic-sine procedure is
diated materials. Asta®eva and Phrishivalko study the described for heat conduction problems with singular-
heating of solid aerosol particles exposed to intense ities [11N]. A variational approach is presented for
optical radiation [100K]. Laser-driven shock waves are nonlinear heat conduction problems with random par-
analyzed by Steiner et al. [101K] including radiative ameters [7N]. Reference [10N] shows the incorporation
and conductive heat transfer. of anisotropic conduction using unstructured meshes.
Nonlinear heat conduction in a system of di€erent ma-
15.5. Experimental methods and properties terials is treated [3N]. The di€use approximation
method is compared with a control volume method
Several papers are dedicated to the development of [12N]. Boundary element methods for heat conduction
new experimental methods. High-Tc superconductors have been presented in [14N, 8N, 4N, 5N].
are considered for the design of far-infrared radiation
modulators [109K], and for radiation detectors [110K, 16.2. Heat conduction (inverse problems)
106K]. A laser-¯ash method is used to measure the
thermal di€usivity of semitransparent materials [107K]. Inverse problems for the piezoelectric phenomenon
The e€ect of Stefan ¯ow on the characteristics of have been considered in [20N, 21N]. Parabolic and
stable (burning) and critical (ignition and extinction) hyperbolic inverse heat conduction are treated in
regimes of heat and mass transfer between a carbon [17N±19N]. An inverse geometry heat conduction
particle and air is established in [105K]. Blackbody problem is addressed in [23N, 24N]. The method of
radiation of single spherical particles has been used to mode reduction is used for solving inverse heat con-
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 287

duction problems [25N]. A boundary element method 17. Properties

is used for solving an inverse problem [22N].
In contrast with the investigations of the several pre-
16.3. Phase change ceding years interest has shifted to the characteristics
of modern materials and their applications: composite
A numerical scheme is described for the Stefan systems, thin ®lms and contact resistance.
problem [26N]. A moving-boundary technique is used
for solid±liquid phase change [27N]. The dynamic 17.1. Di€usion
behaviour of a melting sample is analyzed in [29N].
The solidi®cation of binary alloys is addressed via an Species transport by di€usion is measured in a
inverse domain problem [28N]. liquid (5 mol% Sr-substituted LaPO4) in the course of
investigating the electrical conductivity. Critical con-
16.4. Treatment of convection and di€usion stants of mass di€usion through a membrane are
found to be related to a critical di€usion time marking
A higher-order convection±di€usion scheme for the conversion between transient and steady-state
thermally driven ¯ows is described [31N]. A multi®eld conditions of the process [1P, 7P]. Analytical e€orts
model for advection-di€usion is presented in [34N]. determine the role of species di€usion in a multi com-
Adaptive very-high-resolution schemes are proposed ponent, reacting, laminar ¯ow system involving heat
[32N, 33N]. Multilevel solution-adaptive strategies are and mass transfer; model the mass-transfer Ð con-
examined on selected test problems [30N]. Precondi- trolled spherical bubble growth in a quiescent liquid,
tioning techniques for convection±di€usion problems the dissolution of alumina in cryolite at elevated tem-
are investigated [35N]. peratures, and the behavior of an isolated ¯uid drop
of a single compound immersed in another compound
16.5. Solution of ¯ow equations in ®nite, quiescent surroundings at supercritical con-
ditions. The phenomenological di€usion equation for
A number of variations of the SIMPLE algorithm solute atoms under a temperature gradient is examined
have been proposed and examined. A comparison and a new error-estimating parameter in di€usion
of SIMPLE and PISO algorithms is described [36N]. modeling proposed for certain engineering problems
Various pressure-based procedures are tested for the [2P±6P, 8P].
shock-tube problem [38N]. Convergence criteria for
SIMPLE-based algorithms are examined [40N]. A 17.2. Thermal conductivity
pressure-based procedure is applied to duct ¯ows
[55N]. A multigrid algorithm is used in combination Experimental measurements provide the e€ective
with the SIMPLE procedure [56N]. Reference [52N] thermal conductivity for beds of CaCl2 reactive par-
describes the treatment of pressure boundary con- ticles in the course of gas±solid reactions. For the mag-
ditions for the ¯ow equations. A SIMPLE-like algor- nesium±magnesium-hydride±hydrogen (Mg±MgH2±
ithm on colocated grids is described in [54N]. A H2) packed bed system a new technique measures the
variant of SIMPLE for treating buoyancy-driven ¯ows e€ective thermal conductivity. Because Fe±Cr alloys
is presented [50N, 51N]. with more than 30% (mass) chromium are potentially
A ®nite analytic method is reviewed [44N] and useful in many industrial applications, Mechanical and
applied to the ¯ow equations [37N]. An adaptive Physical properties were investigated for alloy systems
®nite element method is used for turbulent forced in which Fe mass percent ranges from 50 to 70%
convection [39N]. A ®nite-element multigrid method (mass). Other works determine the thermal di€usivity
is described for ¯ow problems [41N, 42N]. Reference of levitated, oblate, spheroidal samples by the ¯ash
[49N] proposes techniques for exploiting the ¯exibility method, model the thermal di€usion in a temperature
of unstructured grids. Arti®cial compressibility is Ð modulated di€erential scanning calorimeter and in-
used for computing ¯ows with free surfaces [48N]. A vestigate the combined conductive and non-gray radia-
diagonal Cartesian method is proposed for incom- tive heat transfer of open cell polyurethane (PU) foam
pressible ¯ows [43N]. A spectral domain decompo- [15P, 16P, 9P, 18P, 10P, 20P]. Using existing data the
sition technique is described for ¯ow equations dependency of physical properties on temperature and
[45N]. composition for 11 alloys of the Al±M6 system are
A strongly coupled technique is used for non-New- generalized to represent the full range of system beha-
tonian ¯ow [53N]. A technique is proposed for the vior. Other solid phase systems are studied for calcu-
treatment of the singularity at the radial center in lating heat ¯ow under inhomogeneous conditions and
cylindrical coordinates [47N]. Benchmark solutions are simply modeled for determining thermal properties and
presented for unsteady ¯ow problems [46N]. heat transfer coecients when being refrigerated in
288 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

any medium. A semitheoretical method is proposed for mal waves are used to study the thermal properties of
predicting liquid thermal conductivity and numerical hard coatings and the heat transfer between the coat-
methods for estimating temperature-dependent thermal ing and piece. Joule heating of poly-silicon micro-
conductivity and heat capacity using internal tempera- structures has scant in¯uence on the Young's
ture measurements [19P, 14P, 13P, 17P, 11P, 12P]. modulus of the microstructure. It is also used to
determine the thermal conductivity of the passive, low
17.3. Heat capacity dielectric-constant layers employed in integrated cir-
cuits (e.g. polymers and porous oxides) without
Calorimetric experiments yield data for n-C-8-, C-9-, knowledge of the layer heat capacity. Other papers
and C-10-dimethylphosphine oxides, putidaredoxin describe the use of laser-¯ash method to measure the
(Pdx), an iron±sulphur protein containing a 2Fe±2S normal di€usivity of ®lms (e.g., diamond) with thick-
cluster, and a procedure for separating the enthalpic nesses in the range 200±700 mm, a technique for
e€ect and the heat capacity. Additional works report measuring the lateral thermal conduction in a silicon
values for lithium bis(tri¯uoromethylsulfone)imide layer, and the e€ects induced by electrical current
(litfsi) (a promising electrolyte for high-energy lithium (DC) on the adherence of thin gold ®lms to the sub-
batteries), partial molar heat capacities for ®ve linear strate [44P, 49P, 47P, 39P±41P].
alcohols and ®ve N-substituted amides, and liquid Analytical e€orts focus on: the three-dimensional
ammonia [21P±23P, 26P±28P]. Analysis yields infor- modeling of heat ¯ow into substrate with temperature
mation about liquid selenium and a theoretical one- dependent thermal conductivity; the e€ective thermal
dimensional liquid of the Hubbard type [24P, 25P]. conductivity of a thin, randomly oriented, composite
material; the prediction of thermal boundary resistance
17.4. Composite materials in thin-®lm, high thermal conductivity, superconduc-
tors; and the minimum thermal conductivity of thin-
The behavior of the alloy, 2124 Al, reinforced by 20 ®lm materials [48P, 45P, 46P, 42P, 43P].
percent (volume) silicon carbide particulates, is
observed for creep at various temperatures and applied 17.7. Transport properties
stresses. Using a thermal pulse technique, thermal dif-
fusion through aluminum oxide/molybdenum multi- The ¯ash method measures heat capacity, thermal
layers is studied. Analytical works consider: two- conductivity, and thermal di€usivity for polycrystal-
dimensional, transient heat transfer in a multilayered line ZnIn2Se4 300±600 K. Simple formulas (based on
system, composite materials with parallelepiped in- the latest, tabulated, experimental data) for liquid
clusions, and model rubberized materials undergoing water (0±1508C) allow the full range of thermodynamic
thermal treatment [29P±33P]. and transport properties to be calculated. Analytical
studies: describe the use of genetic algorithms to de-
17.5. Contact resistance sign experiments and develop estimates for thermal
properties; study the transport properties of multi-
Adhesion and homogeneity of thin ®lms are related component, reacting, gas mixtures using kinetic theory;
closely to the subsurface physical and chemical proper- determine transport coecients and equation of state
ties. Interface thermal resistance and subsurface e€u- of supercritical ¯uids and calculate transport cross-
sivity of submicron metallic ®lms on substrates are sections and collision integrals for interactions of
determined simultaneously by experiment. Analytical hydrogen atoms and diatomic molecules [50P±56P].
investigations include: An analysis of the thermal re-
sistance between two semi-in®nite solids in contact due 17.8. Viscosity
to the interstitial medium presence; the application of
statistical mechanics to study thermal contact conduc- Measurement of the viscosity of a dilute polymer
tance; the success of existing analytical models in pre- solution at a reference temperature, before and after
dicting the thermal contact conductance for aluminum/ heating, allows the thermal degradation of the non-
aluminum and aluminum/stainless-steel surfaces in Newtonian viscosity to be assessed. A dispersion of n-
contact; the ecacy of a modi®ed thermal conductivity alkanes in water, proposed for energy storage and
relation when modeling heat transfer through micron- transport, is studied for viscosity (and heat capacity)
sized caps in areas such as insulation and contact behavior. Analytical works treat: the coupled ¯ow and
regions [34P±38P]. heat transfer in circular Couvette ¯ow with tempera-
ture dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity; the
17.6. Thin ®lms/coatings in¯uence of the thermo mechanical coupling, called the
Piston e€ect, on heat transfer near the critical point;
There is considerable activity in this sector. Ther- the e€ect of lubricant viscosity variation within the
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 289

®lm on journal bearing performance; and the role of 18.3. Direct contact heat exchangers
thermal history and viscosity for modeling the resin
transfer moulding process [57P±63P]. For gas±solid particle heat transfer: heat transfer
coecients have been measured and analyzed for radi-
17.9. Miscellaneous ation e€ects, and particle growth during chemical reac-
tion. The eciency of a direct-contact metal recovery
Thermal properties are reported for a number of condenser is modelled. For water sprays the par-
special systems: chicken-drum muscle over a wide ameters important in industrial spray cooling of a
range of muscle moisture content and temperature heated surface are observed and the evaporative cool-
(Food Science); pressure-composition isotherms of ing of air measured and simulated. Cooling towers are
high and low temperature metal hydrides; and heat modeled and analyzed and for evaporators and absor-
transfer in the vicinity of an active volcano (New Zeal- bers, analytical works consider compact bubble absor-
and) [64P, 65P, 66P]. ber design, the evaporation process in a bubble
column, and falling ®lms in vertical tube evaporators
18. Heat transfer applications Ð heat exchangers and
heat pipes 18.4. Enhancement

Heat exchangers and heat pipes and marked activity An impressively large body of work explores, exper-
across a broad front of heat transfer applications imentally and numerically, geometrical, ¯ow, and sur-
characterize this section, particularly e€orts made to face treatment approaches to promoting heat transfer.
enhance the heat transfer process by various tech- The experimental studies consider the use of louvered
niques. ®ns and hydrophilic coating to improve exchanger heat
transfer; the e€ect of narrow, twisted, thin metallic
18.1. Compact and micro-heat exchangers strips, grooves in turn sections, triangular and pin ®n
arrays, corrugated±undulated exchanger surfaces and
By experiment and numerical modeling investigators o€set strip-®n exchangers. Other works study the ben-
consider: the performance of a new swirl ¯ow duct e®t of elliptical pin ®ns in rectangular and circular
suitable for compact heat exchangers; the development ducts, develop experiment-based correlations for round
of a CO2 exchanger for automotive use and a minia- tube and plate ®nned exchangers (28 exchanger
ture glass tube exchanger for low temperature service samples tested), and examine the role of humidity in
using nitrogen. Micro-heat exchangers are examined exchanger performance. Fin usage in a circulating
for future 3D electronics packaging systems, low ¯uidized bed and rectangular ®n performance in free
hydraulic losses, forced liquid convection in rectangu- convection are also reported [31Q, 32Q, 35Q, 40Q,
lar channels, and the thermal resistance of ¯at plate 41Q, 53Q, 54Q, 56Q, 61Q, 63Q, 64Q, 66Q±70Q,
designs [1Q±7Q]. 72Q].
Another group of papers investigate speci®c systems
18.2. Design of heat transfer enhancement techniques: swirl
chambers and turbine blade cooling, roughened tube
Contemporary developments in the thermal design bundles, perforated ba‚es, air ¯ow in contemporary
(correlations, procedures and sizing) of ®nned-tube compact exchangers (a review), rule of binary gas mix-
heat exchangers and the role of nonuniform overall tures, and the in¯uence of turbulence and ¯ow rate
heat transfer coecients and ¯ow maldistribution are variation. Also considered are mass transfer in a falling
examined. Cross¯ow exchangers are considered for ®lm absorber (L1Br±H2O absorbers), use of vertical
indirect evaporative cooling, the e€ect of longitudi- pinned plates in communication equipment, and manu-
nal wall conduction and minimization of entropy facturing technology for plate-®ns or pin-®ns with
generation. Other works re-examine the Reynolds± extremely narrow pin pitch [34Q, 42Q±45Q, 50Q, 52Q,
Prandtl analogy between heat and momentum trans- 55Q, 57Q, 59Q, 65Q].
fer in turbulent ¯ow, analyze the relationship of Studies employing numerical analysis or modeling
temperature di€erences in heat transformation consider: laminar and mixed convective laminar ¯ow
devices, and test an extended temperature oscillation in horizontal, internally ®nned tubes, laminar natural
measurement technique for determining the heat convection in enclosures with ®ns on active wall, and
transfer coecient. Analytical e€orts treat hot-wall exchanger performance with fully Ð and partially Ð
condenser and evaporate con®gurations in refriger- wet ®n assembly. For ®nned oval tube, vortex gener-
ation appliances and a new condenser tube arrange- ation is analyzed as are optimum dimensions for con-
ment [8Q±19Q]. tinuous plate ®n with various tube arrays and forced
290 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

convection Ð radiation heat transfer in the entrance 18.7. Performance, factors a€ecting
region of internally ®nned tubes. Studies on louvered
®n arrays in compact heat exchangers, transient heat The works here cited examine the in¯uence of cer-
transfer in annular ®ns and second-law analysis on tain factors on heat exchanger performance. Exper-
wavy plate ®n-and-tube exchangers conclude the ana- imental works consider: ¯ow-inducted vibrations for a
lytical studies or enhancement [33Q, 36Q±39Q, 46Q± high-temperature gas-gas exchanger with helically
51Q, 58Q, 60Q, 62Q, 71Q]. coiled tube bundles; nonplanarity (torsion) in¯uence
on convective heat transfer and friction loss for helical
ducts of rectangular cross section; rotating drum heat
18.5. Fouling Ð surface e€ects
exchanger (RDHE); oscillating ¯ow e€ect on local
heat transfer in a channel; and variable area heat
Heat exchanger performance depends on the main-
exchangers. Analytical works focus on: countercurrent
tenance of clean surfaces. E€orts center on under-
heat-transfer systems with three streams, perfect mix-
standing the mechanism of fouling, preventive
ing and plug-¯ow conditions; thermoeconomic factors
strategies, and remedies. Speci®c experiments consider
in design and rating of two-phase exchangers; radial
the gravity e€ect on particle deposition on smooth
®n assembly eciency under dehumidifying conditions,
surface, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scaling mechan-
and the development of mixed convection in a coiled
ism and kinetics, the fouling phenomena over a
heat exchanger. Additional e€orts treat: falling-®lm
single tube in gas ¯ow and the e€ect of thermophor-
NH3±H2O generators and absorbers; sub-slab heat
esis on particle deposition (a simulation). Bacterial
exchanger for geothermal heat pumps; air conditioning
bio®lms, their structure and properties, are reviewed
coil performance prediction; thermoelastic stability of
and the use of biocides tested. Other approaches use
duplex heat exchanger tubes; and heat exchanger per-
wood pulp ®bers, chemical cleaning (sugar re®ning),
formance comparison for air-conditioning cycles using
electronic anti-fouling technology, and study the
R-22 or CO2 [103Q±117Q].
e€ect of fouling on temperature measurement. Where
fouling of surfaces is unavoidable design and opti-
18.8. Reactors
mum performance attempt to manage the problem.
Thus plate exchangers in automotive use are
Predominantly, investigations reported are numerical
reviewed for corrosion failures, frost growth on cool-
rather than experimental. Among the latter works
ing surfaces modeled, the milk fouling of heat
there are papers on annular ®nned pyrolysers and their
exchangers modeled are simulated, and an expert
merit in promoting clean combustion of biomass ma-
system devised for detecting fouling, optimum oper-
terials, a calorimetric scheme for adjusting the mass of
ating conditions and schedules predicted through a
culture ¯uid in a bioreactor, the use of a multi-layer,
combination of fundamental studies, laboratory and
packed bed, reactor in citric acid production, and a
plant measurements combined with models of the
trickle bed reactor for hydrogenation of 2,4-dinitro-
actual heat transfer process [73Q±92Q]
toluene. Other works consider temperature trajectories
for well-mixed adsorptive reactors; the simulation of a
18.6. Mathematical modeling, optimization full-scale pressurized bed combustor using pilot plant
data; `runaway' limits for adiabatic, packed-bed, cata-
Increasingly, mathematical models are developed to lytic reactors; and gas±solid, two-phase turbulent ¯ow
achieve optimum performance of heat exchangers. The in ¯uid catalytic cracking riser reactors. The polymeriz-
MINLP model is applied to heat exchanger networks, ing reactor heat transfer for material (ethylene and
one version allows the designer to specify beforehand methyl methacrylate) production is noted as are works
desired topology features as design targets. Additional on the modeling of reactors for photocatalytic oxi-
works solve the problem of maximizing mechanical dation of air contaminants and the passive residual
power derived from a hot single-phase stream when heat removal in a natural convection heat exchanger
total heat transfer area is ®xed, use ®nite element simu- for a nuclear reactor. Design tools and design par-
lation of transient laminar ¯ow heat transfer for an in- ameter estimators are described as well as the modeling
line tube bank, and present a thermodynamic of catalytic processes [118Q±134Q].
approach to a plate heat exchanger with a dispersive
wave and the synthesis of optimal thermal systems. 18.9. Power and reversed cycles
Other e€orts model the heat and mass transfer of a
ground heat exchanger, the cooling and dehumidi®ca- The in¯uence of heat exchanger characteristics on
tion of air by a parallel, falling desiccant ®lm, and the power and reversed cycle performance is analyzed in a
transverse heat transfer in thermoacoustics [93Q± number of studies. The closed Brayton cycle thermal
102Q]. eciency is considered in one instance; in other cases
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 291

thermal resistances and regenerative losses are exam- to turbine cooling in aircraft propulsion; liquid metal
ined for their in¯uence on the performance of a mag- heat pipe performance during space shuttle ¯ight and
netic Ericsson refrigeration cycle; and an air possible application to fusion processes; and rotating
refrigeration cycle, and a model proposed to predict heat pipes using water and methanol. Additional
the performance of alternative refrigerants in vapor works tested air-to-air exchangers according to HVAC
compression refrigeration/heat pump systems. The guidelines and design methodology, observed the
absorption refrigeration cycle, with losses, is analyzed e€ects of transverse acceleration-induced body forces
for optimum performance and serves as a model to on the capillary limit of helically grooved heat pipes,
analyze a absorption heat transformer, and in another and examined the similarity of the heat pipe to the
study a mathematical model is developed to predict non-isothermal constrained vapor bubble.
performance of a vapor compression/liquid desiccant Analytical modeling is applied to: the startup
hybrid cooling and dehumidi®cation absorber. The characteristics of asymmetrical ¯at-plate and disk-
absorption process is employed in a number of ways: shaped heat pipes; a network thermodynamic analysis
internally-cooled liquid desiccants cool and dehumi- of the transient behavior of device; the study of
dify, a hybrid liquid desiccant integrates evaporative inclined, open thermosyphons; the simulation of a
cooling to achieve nearly isothermal operation, and parabolic solar collector heat-pipe heat exchanger reac-
non-absorbable gas presence in a falling ®lm absorber tor for the dehydrogenation of cyclohexanes; and cor-
in¯uences chiller performance. A group of papers treat relation for mixed convection heat transfer and
matters related to his section: matrix heat exchangers pressure drop in tube-in-shell thermosyphon exchan-
and energy recovery from liquid hydrogen, multi-stage gers [163Q±178Q].
¯ash desalination, regenerative monolithic rotor de-
humidi®er used for a absorption cooling, evaporative 18.12. Miscellaneous
cooling of a falling water ®lm on horizontal tubes,
developing ¯ow on heat transfer in laminar, oscillating In the area of food science, spatial non-uniformity
pipe ¯ow, and laminar ¯ow and strati®ed chilled-water in microwave reheating is characterized, the electrocon-
storage [135Q±152Q]. ductive heating in solid- liquid mixtures investigated,
and two continuous precrytallization process of choc-
18.10. Shell and tube olate compared. Other papers consider the role of inte-
grated thin-®lm heaters in thermal crosstalk of laser
Experimental investigations of local heat transfer arrays, compared DOE-2 predicted building energy
coecients on the outer surface of staggered tubes and ¯ows with measurements on full scale structures and
in-line arrangement are accompanied by mass transfer determined recombination and accommodation coe-
measurements and the application of the analogy cients for oxygen atoms, important in calculating the
between heat and mass transfer. The e€ect of ba‚e energy release by spacecraft thermal protection during
spaging and leakage on pressure drop and local heat the atmospheric entry phase [179Q±184Q].
transfer are also observed. Fluid ¯ow and heat transfer
have been simulated using the distributed resistance
concept. Inverting classical design, i.e. primary water 19. Heat transfer applications Ð general
¯ow in the shell side, secondary water in the tube bun-
dle, reduces the collective dose to operators inside the The large number of papers in the subsections on
exchanger channel head. A review article summarizes meteorology and chemical processing of this section
developments in conventional shell-and-tube and com- make a selection necessary. Papers are included, the
pact heat exchangers [153Q±162Q]. emphasis of which is on the characteristics of the ther-
mal energy transport processes.
18.11. Thermosyphons (heat pipes)
19.1. Aerospace
Research on micro heat pipes includes the analysis
of minimum meniscus radius and capillary heat trans- The reentry aerodynamics are examined [7S] within
port limit and the re-evaluation of maximum heat wide ranges of angle of attack and ¯ight attitudes by a
transport capacity, as modeled by Cotter, in the light Monte Carlo method. Three thermal protective systems
of current experimental data. Micro heat pipes pro- (tile, blanket, metallic) are analyzed [12S] for reusable
cessed as an integral part of semiconductor devices are launch vehicles. A method is developed to study [11S]
also examined as an alternative to heat spreaders. the ground e€ect on a delta clipper. Aeroassisted orbi-
Experiments continue to explore the variety or appli- tal transfer is optimized numerically [13S]. The per-
cations of heat pipes: horizontal mantle exchangers in formance of a folding heatshield reentry vehicle is
thermosyphon solar water heaters; heat pipes applied investigated [9S]. Embedded cooling channels in the
292 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

skin of an aircraft structure are investigated [4S]. The the temperature prediction of a ®nite domain with
causes of unstart for ram accelerators are explained source arrays [38S].
[6S]. Study projects assess [10S] an advanced heat
shield concept. Experiments evaluate [1S] the perform- 19.4. Piston engines
ance of supersonic exhaust di€users. The thermal prop-
erties of honeycomb core sandwich structures are Heat transfer processes in the combustion chamber
analyzed [3S]. Brightness calculations for visible emis- of direct-injection diesel engines are reviewed based on
sions from nitric oxide (the spacecraft glow) are pre- experiments in an atmospheric test rig [40S]. A ®nite
sented [8S] for altitudes between 140 and 180 km. Fuel element analysis studies heat transfer in diesel engines
regression characteristics are measured [2S] in a radial [44S]. A study assesses the e€ect of the overall heat
¯ow hybrid rocket. A model describes [5S] the ¯uid transfer coecient on optimal distribution of the heat
drop behavior in a cluster of surrounding drops at transfer surface in a Sterling engine [43S]. Optimum
rocket chamber pressure. cylinder cooling for advanced diesel engines is studied
[45S] numerically and by experiments. Instantaneous
19.2. Bioheat transfer unsteady heat transfer is calculated [41S] for a rapid
compression engine. The optimal motion of a piston
A large number of papers were devoted to heating ®tted in a cylinder in a cooling bath maximizes the
of various tissues. Thermal wave propagation [21S], expansion work [42S].
laser radiation [26S] are considered. A generic convec-
tive equation describes energy balance in tissue [25S].
19.5. Gas turbines
A two-compartment model estimates the temperature
during general anesthesia [17S]. Thermal damage in
E€ect of squealer tips on rotor heat transfer and e-
cutaneous contact burns is predicted [24S] as in the
ciency was calculated [46S]. A procedure for optimiz-
shrinkage of collagenous tissue [16S]. Thermal models
ation of turbine blades is based on maximum blade
for transient temperature analysis are evaluated by
temperature and on tangential force coecient [48S].
comparison with experiments [19S]. Heat transfer in
Endwall heat transfer measurements were measured in
heat surgery is modeled [28S]. Heat and vapor trans-
a transonic cascade [47S].
fer is computed [23S] in the human nasal cavity. Tis-
sue temperatures during the removal of subcutaneous
fat are determined [14S]. Heat Transfer during laser 19.6. Steam power plants
cutting of brain tissue is analyzed [31S]. Thermo
regulation in the prostate during hermotherapy found Heat transfer and combustion are simulated [50S] in
attention [30S, 32S]. Water and aircooling are dis- a large tangentially ®red utility boiler at the furnace
cussed [22S, 18S] in hyperthermia. A heat transfer exit. Deposition and corrosion measurements in a 10
model [27S] predicts safe touch temperatures of MW straw ®red boiler detected enhanced corrosion on
plates. Heat and moisture transfer is simulated in heat transfer surfaces [49S].
human clothing [20S]. The wind chill factor under
predicts the chill temperature [15S]. A ¯exible algor- 19.7. Atomic reactor engineering
ithm constructs 3D arterial and venous networks
[29S]. Recent advances in sensitivity analysis of nuclear
reactors using perturbation methods are described
19.3. Electronics [57S]. The Canadian algorithm [53S] covers postulated
upset conditions in CANDU reactors. Experiments
Thermal characteristics of power-sensor Microsys- study [55S] core thermohydraulics under natural circu-
tems are studied [33S] by simulation and experiments. lation conditions. The fuel pin temperature can be
A transient thermal management strategy enables cro- modeled using water [63S] and can be calculated [64S]
blems in thermal simulation [34S]. An ecient thermal by water reactor dynamics.
simulation is discussed [35S]. An experimental study Post test calculations of noko experiments are
deals with heat transfer enhancement in electronic described [60S] in the European research program. A
modules varying secondary air injection hole arrange- linearized model is derived for the safe integral reactor
ments [36S]. Hot spots by current crowding can be pre- [56S]. Analysis was performed for ®ve accident
dicted [39S] in power transistors. Cooling sequences [52S]. Failure mode and e€ect analysis of
characteristics of formed convection of ¯at form elec- the heat transfer system of a thermonuclear reactor
tronic components are studied [37S] in channel ¯ow was performed [58S]. Passive safety injection exper-
introducing adiabatic heat transfer coecients. A ®nite iments are analyzed [62S] for advanced light water
element analysis studies the e€ect of moist air ¯ow on reactor and for a new AP 600 reactor [51S]. A code
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 293

for best estimate of large break LOCA analysis was culate [82S] mantle convection on Mars and Venus.
extended to an upper plenum injection plant [61S]. Studies on the thermal evolution of permafrost predict
An experiment [54S] studies an ingress-of-coolant [86S] the retreat of alpine glaciers. The German conti-
accident in fusion reactors. The fusion breeder with nental deep-drilling program was used to study heat
enhanced safeguarding capabilities against nuclear transfer processes in the deep continental crust [80S].
weapon proliferation is analyzed [59S]. Detailed thermoalkaline water pathways were calcu-
lated [87S] and found consistent with observations in
19.8. Climatising the Mediterranean sea. A new method computed [78S]
surface transfer coecients based on state-of-the-art
A computer code describes [68S] the performance of empirical ¯ux pro®le measurements. A biosphere
metal hydride heating/air-conditioning systems. A model is coupled to a global dynamic model to study
mathematical model characterizes the cooling of an the climatic impact of land surface operations [85S].
evaporative cooler coupled to a room [72S]. Space
cooling using metal ceiling panels is analyzed exper- 19.11. Manufacturing
imentally and analytically [66S]. Laminar air ¯ow with
low water-vapor concentration is cooled at tempera- Mathematical modeling is applied more and more to
tures well below 08C to remove the humidity. This is manufacturing processes whereas the number of exper-
studied experimentally and computationally [70S]. The imental studies remains relatively small.
in®ltration load of air into a cold room through its Many aspects of tribology of hot metal forming
doorways is modeled [69S]. A comparison of simulated need clari®cation [89S]. Cooling systems, cooling rates,
and measured data is presented for three-dimensional transient mold temperatures, and simulation of the ®ll-
earth contact of a buried structure [65S]. ing stage are discussed [105S, 106S, 94S, 93S]. Heat
It is studied parametrically whether liquid desiccant transfer in forging [95S, 96S] is simulated, heat release,
can be used e€ectively to reduce energy consumed in temperature, velocity are modeled in smelting [102S,
air conditioning [71S]. Absorption chillers are generally 103S]. Thermal transport in optical ®ber drawing is
considered inecient. An entropy generation analysis clari®ed [108S, 91S, 92S]. Continuous sheet casting and
study shows that the largest rate of entropy generation strip casting are modeled [101S, 90S]. Friction welding
occurs in the beds of a silica gel±water chiller during [100S] arc welding [107S], and hot plate welding [99S]
the switching phase [67S]. are objects of investigation. Publications deal with cold
and hot rolling [98S, 104S]. Experiments clarify heat
19.9. Thermomechanical transfer and life of metal cutting tools [88S] and of the
peel and powder in grinding [97S].
A method is described by which the time can be cal-
culated [76S] which is required for a steel structure to 19.12. Chemical processing
sustain the e€ects of a temperature rise prescribed by
real ®re curves. The concept of generalized modeling Synthesis of a heat exchanger network develops a
and control of thermal deformation of machine tool systematic procedure to ®nd an optimal network and
structures is described [73S] and studied [74S] using heat transfer areas to meet target temperatures at mini-
generalized transfer functions. The yield limits of plates mum cost [122S]. Unsteady calculations are capable to
at heat ¯uxes of order 10 MW/m2 are predicted by a predict [121S] the detailed deposition pro®le even in
calculation of the elastic stresses [75S]. the inlet region of a chemical vapor deposition process.
An investigation of membrane distillation with a lami-
19.10. Meteorology nar ¯ow of the streams in a module has been per-
formed [115S]. An analysis studies [114S] the problem
A model for weather prediction represents the e€ects of heat generation in a ¯uid ¯owing through a pipe of
of hills on temperature and moisture in the atmos- ®nite length and the development of thermal runaway.
pheric boundary layer [79S]. A heat and water model Inverse and predictive control systems are applied
simulates [77S] the surface energy ¯uxes and surface [113S] to the real-time control of the heat transfer ¯uid
temperatures in soil vegetation atmosphere transfer temperature in a pilot chemical reactor. The e€ect of
and studies [81S] the e€ect of soil thermal conductivity. surfactant monolayers on heat transfer through air/
An ice±ocean model is developed and applied to the water interfaces is studied by observing changes in the
Hudson bay [83S]. Spaceborne thermal emission and surface temperature [112S]. Impulse drying was simu-
re¯ection radiometer measurements are used to esti- lated [118S] with a platen press equipped with a heated
mate energy ¯uxes from the land surface [84S]. Ther- pressing head. A two-dimensional model was devel-
mal boundary layer and stagnant lid convection oped [119S] for the reacting gas ¯ow, heat transfer and
analyses with non-Newtonian viscosity are used to cal- electro dynamics in the discharge reactor for diamond
294 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

®lm deposition. The non-linear equations based on transfer in a traditional geometry is an experimental
moments of the aerosol size distribution function are study of wind-induced losses. Convective heat transfer
solved asymptotically for aerosol reactors [124S]. The coecients from a heated surface mounted onto a roof
fundamental heat transfer processes in multi-zone were in good agreement with previously published cor-
batch furnaces are analyzed [111S]. The numerical sol- relations [7T].
ution of current and temperature distribution in a Studies of air collectors include numerical analysis
solid oxide fuel cell can be simpli®ed signi®cantly by of the use of porous substrates [1T], optimization of
analogy with modeling of radiative heat transfer in the shape of triangular absorbers [4T], and a model
packed bed reactors [117S]. The deposition of thin of transient heat transfer in a rectangular vertical
solid ®lms in CVD processes is determined by hydro- channel [5T]. A relatively new concept for solar air
dynamics, chemical kinetics, and transport phenomena heating is to preheat ventilation air by cooling
and modeled [123S] to study the in¯uence of an electric photovoltaic modules on ventilated facades and roofs
®eld. Heat transfer and deposition rate in an CVD [6T].
process are modeled [116S] as a buoyant jet ¯ow Two studies address heat pipe solar collectors. Ex-
impinging on a circular cylinder. The analysis of heat perimental analysis of a heat pipe solar collector that
transfer during sterilization and cooling of a cylindrical uses R11 shows the e€ects of tilt angle, and design of
canned product is presented [110S]. The application of the condenser and wick on thermal performance [2T].
transfer functions in foods for heat and mass transfer [3T] compares outdoor performance of a heat pipe
problems was the subject of several studies over the collector with methanol to a conventional liquid col-
last decade [120S]. A model for the prediction of tem- lector.
perature pro®les in a microwaved dough was devel- Collectors that combine collection and water storage
oped [125S]. A ®nite element method to solve the are discussed in Section 20.1.2 [10T].
unsteady heat transfer equations describing the heating
of turkeys in a conventional electric oven was devel- 20.1.2. Water heating
oped [109S]. Papers in this category deal exclusively with dom-
estic water heating, speci®cally use of photovoltaic
pumps, design of collectors with integrated storage,
20. Solar energy thermal strati®cation and ¯uid mixing in water sto-
rage tanks, and heat exchanger performance. [8T]
Papers are broadly divided into low-temperature provides a practical method for selection of the com-
solar applications, high-temperature solar applications, ponents of a photovoltaic pumping system (motor,
and energy use in buildings. Papers on solar energy or PV cells and pump) to optimize system performance.
energy conservation that do not primarily focus on A nomogram based on dimensionless parameters is
heat transfer, for example, papers on photovoltaics, developed for predicting performance of integrated
wind energy, architectural aspects of building design collector storage (ICS) systems [10T]. Thermal beha-
and control of thermal systems, are excluded. vior and ¯uid dynamics of water storage tanks are
Low temperature solar applications include domestic examined in [9T], [11T] and [12T]. [9T] considers the
water heating, space heating and cooling, desalination e€ect on entrainment and di€usion of location of the
of water, and solar ponds. Within this category, papers inlet and outlet ports. The numerical study of Hahne
on non-concentrating solar thermal collectors and ther- and Chen [11T] characterizes thermal strati®cation
mal storage are discussed. with Richardson and Peclet numbers. A three-dimen-
High temperature solar thermal applications require sional model of a vertical mantle tank/heat exchanger
use of concentrated solar energy. Uses include elec- is validated and used to develop a Nusselt±Rayleigh
tricity generation, thermochemical reactions and indus- correlation for natural convection heat transfer. [13T]
trial process heat. Papers address processes as well as presents experimental data for a load-side heat
system components such as heliostats, concentrators, exchanger used with an unpressurized drain-back sys-
and receivers/reactors. tem.
The section on energy use in buildings includes
papers on characterization of energy use and heat 20.1.3. Space heating
transfer in building components. Most work on solar air heating addresses design of
the collector. Those papers are discussed in Section
20.1. Low temperature applications 20.1.1 [1T, 4T, 5T]).
A model of a solar driven heat pump is presented by
20.1.1. Flat-plate and low-concentrating collectors Wu et al. [15T]. Inalli [14T] models a community solar
Conventional ¯at-plate liquid solar collectors are a heating system with a large underground storage tank.
mature technology. The only paper that adresses heat Emphasis is on ground temperature distribution.
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 295

20.1.4. Space cooling between water and glazing [34T]. Two groups con-
Data on enhancement of heat transfer and more sidered preheating of the saline feed water. [32T]
e€ective absorption/desorption using a zeolite-active circulated air in a closed-humidi®cation±condensation
carbon is presented by Loiu et al. [18T]. Performance cycle. Productivity of the still was improved at low
of an ammonia±water storage combined with a heat air temperatures [32T]. Mink and Karmazsin [33T]
pump that uses the ammonia mixture as the refrigerant were able to achieve a three-fold increase in yield in
is compared to an eutectic salt storage system [21T]. A an air blown still with heat recycling.
comparison of double- and single-glazed lithium-chlor-
ide solar systems operating in Taiwan is presented 20.1.7. Solar ponds
along with heat and mass transfer correlations useful In their presentation of a model of heat and mass
for design [23T]. transfer in a shallow pond for green house aquacul-
Papers that address cooling applications in buildings ture, [36T] provides insight on the use of polyethylene
include a control strategy to minimize operating cost and polyvinyl chloride glazing as opposed to low emis-
and energy use of ice storage systems [17T], modeling sivity glass. [35T] models the e€ect of load on the
of heat transfer through a spray cooled roof [16T], and thickness of the non-convective zone in a traditional
simulation of an attic radiant barrier [20T]. A transient pond.
heat and mass transfer model of radiant barrier retro-
®ts indicates that emissivity is the most signi®cant par- 20.2. High temperature applications
ameter [19T].
[22T] presents a model of solar desiccant cooling for Papers address design of the concentrating system,
aeration of stored grains. including heliostats, parabolic troughs and solar
towers, receiver/reactors for thermochemical processes,
20.1.5. Storage and heat engines. [37T] discuss the upper bound for
This section includes papers that speci®cally address the eciency of converting solar energy into work.
storage. Papers that address the use of storage as part Yogev et al. [46T] provide an overview of high tem-
of domestic water heating [9T, 11T, 12T] or space perature solar systems and give a promising economic
cooling systems [17T, 21T] are discussed in the sections analysis. [38T] models the eciency of a solar Stirling
on those applications. engine system. Kribus et al. [42T] derive upper limits
[25T] gives an economic analysis of sensible heat on the performance of an axis-symmetric heliostat
storage. [24T] presents a generalized model to deter- ®eld, a solar tower, secondary optics and black recei-
mine the optimum phase change temperature for ver. The tower-top cone provides the best concen-
latent storage. [26T] considers the e€ect of geometry tration and eciency. The suitability of di€erent
on the transient behavior of phase change material. design options is presented. Odeh et al. [43T] model
In one geometry, the material is packed in cylinders direct stream generation in parabolic trough collectors.
and the heat transfer ¯uid ¯ows parallel to the They compare current technology that uses synthetic
cylinders. In the second geometry, pipes containing oil in the collectors to use of water. Tchinda et al.
the heat transfer ¯uid are embedded in the storage [45T] model transfer heat in the CPC collector. Con-
material. Optimal geometric design is discussed in struction and behavior of vacuum glazing is reviewed
terms of material, ¯ow rates and temperatures. in [39T]. Emphasis is on vacuum stability and mechan-
Measurement of heat extraction from ammonium ical strength.
alum and ammonium nitrate encapsulated in poly- Thermochemical reactions and reactor/receivers are
ethylene balls packed in a cylindrical bed through the topics of three papers. Ries et al. [44T] model a
which air passes indicate that the Stanton number decomposition reaction of a solid particle into solid
is increased by 74% for sensible heat extraction plus gas in an open receiver. They derive the criteria
[28T]. for reaction stability and give the limits of stable op-
Storage in buildings is the subject of [27T, 29T, eration. For many applications, a transparent win-
30T]. The e€ect of thermal storage walls (Trombe dow is required. Design of the `window' is a
walls) on air temperature and movement are studied challenge because of the high temperature and press-
numerically by Gan and Khalifa [27T, 29T]. [30T] ure usually demanded. Karni et al. [40T] present a
models heat transfer of air ¯ow through a hollow core frustrum-like design made of fused silica. Optical,
concrete slab. mechanical and thermal analysis as well as exper-
imental data indicate satisfactory performance at 30
20.1.6. Desalination bar and 17008C. Extended evaluation of the novel
Studies of conventional single basin solar stills `Porcupine' absorber in the solar furnace at the
model the e€ect of the slope of the cover [31T] Weizmann Institute provide evidence of its endurance
and measure the overall heat transfer coecient at high ¯ux [41T].
296 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

20.2.1. Buildings ¯oors made of a polyethylene pacing waste is investi-

Papers in this area are subdivided into modeling of gated by Megari et al. [64T].
energy use and HVAC systems, measurement and in-
terpretation of energy data, and development and
characterization of building components. 21. Plasma heat transfer and magnetohydrodynamics
Modeling of hourly energy requirements and HVAC
systems is the subject of [49T, 52T, 56T, 58T, 62T]. 21.1. Plasma ¯uid ¯ow characterization
[49T] addresses building heat storage in an urban en-
vironment where adjacent buildings, street level use Several new models have been presented describing
and enclosed air volume a€ect heat ¯uxes. Numerical speci®c aspects of plasma nozzle ¯ows. Capitelli et al.
experiments examine the importance of various par- [1U] have determined the electron energy distribution
ameters. Multiple linear regression is used to predict function for expanding nitrogen arcs based on sol-
hourly energy consumption in commercial buildings utions of the Boltzmann equation and have found a
[58T]. Accuracy of multiple and linear regression strong e€ect of excited state densities. A two-dimen-
models of cooling energy use for two commercial sional, two-temperature viscous ¯ow model of a super-
buildings are compared. The same group from Texas sonic hydrazine arcjet has demonstrated the thermal
A&M University model hourly energy use with Fourier and chemical non-equilibrium in such a plasma and
series functional forms [52T]. [56T] discusses pro- the e€ect of ionization and excitation on the anode
cedures for calibrating building energy simulation attachment location [9U]. A similar con®guration has
models like DOE2. A calibrated model is used to opti- been modeled by Jodoin et al. [7U] including the non-
mize HVAC operation in 18 buildings with a potential equilibrium cathode sheath. A model of a subsonic dc
savings of two million dollars annually [62T]. Re- plasma torch using the PHOENICS code with the k±
gression analysis [59T, 65T] and neural network [60T] epsilon turbulence description, but assuming thermal
models of energy saving are presented. [50T] uses DOE and chemical equilibrium, has provided temperature
2 to categorize the construction characteristics of the and velocity pro®les for an argon Ð hydrogen plasma
building envelope to the cooling load in sub-tropical ¯ow and shows the e€ects of entrainment of an ambi-
climates. ent gas [4U]. A new theoretical approach for the
Measurement techniques and data interpretation are description of ¯ows of ¯uids which are in far-non-equi-
discussed in [47T, 51T, 53T±55T]. A review of the librium has been presented by Itoh and Itoh [6U], with
methods used to analyze measured energy use in com- special treatment of the non-linear turbulence e€ects.
mercial buildings is given by Claridge [51T]. Develop- The ¯uid dynamics and heat transfer in an argon±
ment of graphical indices for displaying data are hydrogen radio frequency induction plasma torch have
reviewed and illustrated in two papers [54T, 55T]. An been modeled by Chen et al. [2U] incorporating a com-
algorithm to disaggregate hourly electrical load into bined-di€usion-coecient approach, and the e€ects of
hourly load pro®les for air conditioning, lighting fans a central injection probe and of varying central ¯ow
and pumps is presented and applied to data for rates are described. Another model of a similar r®
Department of Defense facilities [47T]. A method for plasma reactor has concentrated on determining the
detecting and evaluating thermal ¯aws in buildings mixing patterns between the central helium or nitrogen
uses transient thermographic measurements of tem- ¯ow and the hydrogen sheath gas, and the results are
perature [53T]. compared with those from enthalpy probe measure-
Analysis of heat transfer in building components is ments [3U]. A report of an experimental study of the
the subject of papers on window glazing [48T, 63T, plasma ¯ow generated by a magnetoplasmadynamic
57T], and slab ¯oors [61T, 64T]. Work on radiant bar- generator in a reentry simulation describes the results
riers is discussed in the section on solar cooling see of electrostatic probe measurements [5U]. Electron
[19T]. [48T] uses a transient one- dimensional analysis density and temperature distributions have been de-
to evaluate conductive, convective and radiative heat rived and plasma velocities have been determined from
transfer in laminated glazing with chemically deposited the time of ¯ight measurements of natural pertur-
solar control coating. CFD models and ¯ow visualiza- bations in the plasma. In another experimental study,
tion of di€usion, convection and radiation is double the production of atomic nitrogen in a rectangular
pane windows with a screen and a semi-open cavity microwave plasma generator has been investigated
for thermal siphon are used to develop a Nusselt num- using emission spectroscopy, and it has been found
ber correlation [63T]. Ismail et al. [57T] present a two- that 3.3% of the absorbed power is transformed into
dimensional model of a double pane window ®lled dissociation energy [11U]. An accurate model predic-
with phase change material. Krarti and Piot [61T] pre- tion of the characteristics of a low pressure parallel
sent a steady-periodic solution of conduction under a plate plasma reactor operating with nitrogen is pre-
slab ¯oor adjacent to another slab. Insulation for sented by Longo et al. [8U], and it has been shown
R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366 297

that a self-consistent treatment of the plasma dynamics cient alternative for calcium carbide production. An
together with the non-equilibrium molecular kinetics is interactive ¯ow visualization program has been devel-
necessary. Menart and Lin [10U] present a model of a oped for plasma spraying applications, based on sol-
free-burning argon arc including the cathode, and they utions from the LAVA code, and it has been used for
point out the e€ect of the selection of a length scale in showing transient e€ects on temperature and pressure
the radiation treatment using net emission coecients. distributions and particle ¯ows [22U]. Measurements
on an aluminum welding process have shown arc heat-
21.2. Plasma±solid interaction ing eciencies of 48±66%, increasing with voltage and
decreasing with increasing current, and the di€erent
The arc±cathode interaction is modeled in two heat transfer mechanisms from the arc to the work-
papers. One of them describes the supersonic hydrazine piece have been critically examined [21U]. An analysis
arcjet con®guration [16U] with two di€erent of the e€ect of pulsing on the droplet transfer rate in
approaches, and with the results from an arcjet model arc welding with a consumable electrode is presented
[9U] as an input and the results giving sheath voltage by Nemchinsky [23U] showing that a high pulse fre-
and electron temperature and density distributions. quency leads to a lower thermal load on the weld and
The second model attempts to explain the observed lower metal fume formation.
di€erent attachment modes on thermionic cathodes
(di€use or ®lamentary) with a non-uniqueness of the 21.4. Magnetohydrodynamics
solutions of a multidimensional thermal balance with
non-linear external energy ¯uxes [13U]. An experimen- Several models deal with special boundary con-
tal investigation of the arc cathode interaction is ditions for MHD ¯ows. The three-dimensional ¯ow
reported by Zhou and Heberlein [19U] including tem- and heat transfer characteristics of the MHD ¯ow at a
perature and electron density data in front of the cath- transpiration cooled stagnation point are modeled
ode and cathode surface temperatures for di€erent using a similarity solution for the boundary layer
operating conditions. A numerical anode heat transfer [27U]. Another model describes the e€ect of suction
analysis presented by Amakawa et al. [12U] describes and blowing on the ¯ow and heat transfer of a MHD
the abrupt change in ¯uid ¯ow and heat transfer ¯ow over a vertical stretching surface [28U]. The e€ect
characteristics between an arc and the anode when the of blowing rate and magnetic ®elds on the boundary
¯ow velocity in the direction of the anode surface, i.e. layer for an MHD ¯ow over a wedge is presented by
the boundary layer thickness is altered. Two further Kumari [32U] using an implicit ®nite di€erence
papers describe the heat transfer from a plasma ¯ow scheme. In another calculation of unsteady ¯ow, the
to a spherical particle [14U, 18U] as function of e€ect of surface temperature oscillations on the heat
plasma and particle parameters. The heat transfer transfer to or from a free convection MHD ¯ow along
from a low pressure (1 torr) rf plasma to a surface in a a vertical plate has been determined using a linearized
plasma CVD reactor has been modeled [15U], and the theory [30U]. A new modeling approach for supersonic
resulting temperature pro®les have been compared MHD channel ¯ow is presented by Harada et al. [29U]
with those obtained from CARS measurements. The using a fourth order modi®ed Runge±Kutta scheme
results allowed the determination of thermal accommo- augmented with total variation diminishing models.
dation coecients for di€erent gas/surface combi- The e€ect of magnetic ®elds on the stability of liquid
nations and for di€erent pressures. The e€ect of an metal ¯ows across a cylinder has been investigated by
ultrafast laser pulse on the crystal structure of a GaAs Mutschke et al. [33U], and it has been found that
crystal has been investigated in [17U], and the results strong ®elds can stabilize 2D ¯ow and suppress vortex
have been explained by heat transfer from a plasma shedding. A similar con®guration has been investigated
®lling the laser induced crater. theoretically and experimentally by the same group
[38U] using an electrolyte solution ¯ow across a cylin-
21.3. Plasma applications der. Flow visualization and modeling results have been
used to demonstrate the e€ects of the electromagnetic
Experimental results from a high power electric dis- forces. The pressure drop and heat transfer from a
charge launcher have been used to derive plasma tem- gas±liquid metal two phase ¯ow in a rectangular chan-
peratures (23±35 kK), and gas heating eciencies have nel have been calculated using an annular con®gur-
been found to increase with the initial gas pressure ation model, and the results have shown that lower
reaching 90% for starting pressures of 40 MPa [24U]. pressure drops and increased heat transfer can be
Elnaas et al. [20U] have investigated the plasma syn- expected compared to single phase liquid metal ¯ow
thesis of calcium carbide in a spouted-¯uidized bed [31U]. The pressure drop and heat transfer character-
reactor operated with argon and hydrogen, and have istics for liquid lithium ¯ow and helium±liquid lithium
concluded that this plasma process o€ers a more e- two phase ¯ow have been experimentally determined
298 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

for rectangular and circular channels by Takahashi et Conduction: composite and/or heterogeneous media
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and Mass Transfer 41 (1) (1998) 127. [36A] B.A.K. Abuhijleh, Numerical solution of periodic
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ance under periodic thermal conditions, Applied
asymmetric heat ¯ux, Heat Transfer Engineering 19
Mathematical Modelling 22 (8) (1998) 629.
(4) (1998) 68.
[23A] L.M. Phinney, C.L. Tien, Electronic desorption of
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perature-jump method for the transition and low-
Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME 120 (3)
pressure regime, Journal of Heat Transfer,
(1998) 765.
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[24A] B. Pulvirenti, A. Barletta, E. Zanchini, Finite-
[38A] R.M. Cotta, R. Ramos, Integral transforms in the
di€erence solution of hyperbolic heat conduction
two-dimensional non-linear formulation of longitudi-
with temperature-dependent properties, Numerical
nal ®ns with variable pro®le, International Journal of
Heat Transfer Part A: Applications 34 (2) (1998)
Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow 8 (1)
(1998) 27.
[25A] P. Puri, P.K. Kythe, Stokes ®rst and second pro-
[39A] F. Erdogdu, M.O. Balaban, K.V. Chau, Modeling of
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heat conduction in elliptical cross section Ð I Ð
heat conduction, Journal of Heat Transfer,
development and testing of the model, Journal of
Transactions of the ASME 120 (1) (1998) 44.
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[26A] S.Z. Shuja, B.S. Yilbas, Pulsative heating of surfaces,
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aided calculation of approximate closed-form sol-
(23) (1998) 3899.
utions for linear transient heat conduction problems
[27A] C.L. Tien, J.R. Lukes, F.C. Chou, Molecular
in multilayered bodies, Numerical Heat Transfer Part
dynamics simulation of thermal transport in solids,
A: Applications 33 (8) (1998) 829.
Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 2 (3) (1998)
[41A] M.B.H. Mantelli, M.M. Yovanovich, Compact ana-
lytical model for overall thermal resistance of bolted
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[42A] R.A. Meric, Shape design sensitivity analysis and
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optimization for nonlinear heat and electric conduc-
phenomenon of two-dimensional hyperbolic heat
tion problems, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A:
conduction problem, Numerical Heat Transfer Part
Applications 34 (2) (1998) 185.
A: Applications 33 (6) (1998) 635.
[43A] Y. Murer, P. Millan, Two-dimensional modeling of
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ing Ð Fourier and electron kinetic theory
geneous boundary conditions on the faces, Journal
approaches, Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (4) (1998)
of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME 120 (3)
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[44A] S.J. Park, T.H. Kwon, Optimization method for
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[31A] C.H. Hsu, K.L. Hsiao, Conjugate heat transfer of a 1109.
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300 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

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injection stretch/blow molding process, Polymer tion between wafer and susceptor, IEEE
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Conduction: thermomechanical problems

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[55A] C.C. Ji, H.Y. Ja, Experimental investigation in
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Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME
one point, Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of
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method for solving inverse boundary problems,
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[74A] B. Prasad, A. Gupta, Note on the performance of an
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[75A] V. Torra, H. Tachoire, Conduction calorimeters Ð
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[61A] E. Saatdjian, J.C. Leprevost, Chaotic heat transfer in [76A] A.C. West, S.J. Lombardo, The role of thermal and
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transport properties on the binder burnout of injec- ¯at plate subjected to a variable heat ¯ux,
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(1998) 1234. Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology 22
[17S] C.D. Deakin, Changes in core temperature compart- (6) (1998) 274.
ment size on induction of general anaesthesia, British [32S] L. Zhu, L.X. Xu, N. Chencinski, Quanti®cation of
Journal of Anaesthesia 81 (6) (1998) 861. the 3D electromagnetic power absorption rate in tis-
[18S] D.L. Deardor€, C.J. Diederich, W.H. Nau, Air-cool- sue during transurethral prostatic microwave thermo-
ing of direct-coupled ultrasound applicators for inter- therapy using heat transfer model, IEEE
stitial hyperthermia and thermal coagulation, Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 45 (9)
Medical Physics 25 (12) (1998) 2400. (1998) 1163.
[19S] M.C. Kolios, A.E. Worthington, M.D. Sherar, J.W.
Hunt, Experimental evaluation of two simple thermal
models using transient temperature analysis, Physics
Heat transfer applications Ð general: electronics
in Medicine and Biology 43 (11) (1998) 3325.
[20S] Y. Li, B.V. Holcombe, Mathematical simulation of [33S] E. Burian, D. Pogany, T. Lalinsky, N. Seliger, E.
heat and moisture transfer in a human-clothing-en- Gornik, Thermal simulation and characterization of
vironment system, Textile Research Journal 68 (6) gas micromachined power-sensor microsystems,
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 68 (1±3) (1998)
(1998) 389.
[21S] W.Q. Lu, J. Liu, Y.T. Zeng, Simulation of the ther-
[34S] L.P. Cao, J.P. Krusius, M.A. Korhonen, T.S. Fisher,
mal wave propagation in biological tissues by the
Transient thermal management of portable elec-
dual reciprocity boundary element method,
tronics using heat storage and dynamic power dissi-
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 22 (3)
pation control, IEEE Transactions on Components
(1998) 167.
Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Part A 21
[22S] D.J. Marlin, C.M. Scott, C.A. Roberts, I. Casas, G.
(1) (1998) 113.
Holah, R.C. Schroter, Post exercise changes in com-
[35S] A. Csendes, V. Szekely, M. Rencz, An ecient ther-
partmental body temperature accompanying intermit-
mal simulation tool for ics, microsystem elements
tent cold water cooling in the hyperthermic horse,
and mcms: Ð the m±s-thermanal, Microelectronics
Equine Veterinary Journal 30 (1) (1998) 28.
Journal 29 (4±5) (1998) 241.
[23S] S. Naftali, R.C. Schroter, R.J. Shiner, D. Elad,
[36S] B.A. Jubran, M.S. Alharoun, Heat transfer enhance-
Transport phenomena in the human nasal cavity Ð
ment in electronic modules using various secondary
a computational model, Annals of Biomedical
air injection hole arrangements, Journal of Heat
Engineering 26 (5) (1998) 831.
Transfer, Transactions of the ASME 120 (2) (1998)
[24S] D.P. Orgill, M.G. Solari, M.S. Barlow, N.E.
Oconnor, A ®nite-element model predicts thermal
[37S] K.S. Kim, W.T. Kim, K.B. Lee, Cooling character-
damage in cutaneous contact burns, Journal of Burn
istics on the forced convection of an array of ¯at-
Care and Rehabilitation 19 (3) (1998) 203.
form electronic components in channel ¯ow, KSME
[25S] R.B. Roemer, A.W. Dutton, A generic tissue convec- Journal 12 (1) (1998) 132.
tive energy balance equation. Part I: theory and deri- [38S] H.W. Wu, M.C. Liu, E€ect of a moist-air ¯ow on
vation, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 120 (3) temperature prediction of a ®nite domain with
(1998) 395. source arrays using a combined analysis ®nite el-
[26S] E.N. Sobol, M.S. Kitai, Calculation of the kinetics ement method, Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (1)
of heating and structural changes in the cartilaginous (1998) 27.
tissue under the action of laser radiation, Quantum [39S] L. Zhu, K. Vafai, L. Xu, Modeling of non-uniform
Electronics 28 (7) (1998) 633. heat dissipation and prediction of hot spots in power
[27S] B. Subramanian, J.C. Chato, Safe touch tempera- transistors, International Journal of Heat and Mass
tures for hot plates, Journal of Biomechanical Transfer 41 (15) (1998) 2399.
Engineering 120 (6) (1998) 727.
[28S] R. Trobec, B. Slivnik, B. Gersak, T. Gabrijelcic,
Computer simulation and spatial modelling in heart Heat transfer applications Ð general: piston engines
surgery, Computers in Biology and Medicine 28 (4)
(1998) 393. [40S] C. Arcoumanis, P. Cutter, D.S. Whitelaw, Heat
[29S] G.M.J. Vanleeuwen, A. Kotte, J.J.W. Lagendijk, A transfer processes in diesel engines, Chemical
¯exible algorithm for construction of 3D vessel net- Engineering Research and Design 76 (A2) (1998)
works for use in thermal modeling, IEEE 124.
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 45 (5) [41S] K. Chen, G.A. Karim, Evaluation of the instan-
(1998) 596. taneous unsteady heat transfer in a rapid com-
[30S] L.X. Xu, L. Zhu, K.R. Holmes, Thermoregulation in pression±expansion machine, Proceedings of the
360 R.J. Goldstein et al. / Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 253±366

Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A: Journal [52S] G. Cambi, M.T. Por®ri, H. Jahn, D.G. Cepraga,
of Power and Energy 212 (A5) (1998) 351. H.W. Bartels, Iter divertor heat transfer system and
[42S] L.G. Chen, F.R. Sun, C.I. Wu, Optimal expansion loss of vacuum accident sequence analyses overview,
of a heated working ¯uid with phenomenological Fusion Engineering and Design 42 (1998) 95.
heat transfer, Energy Conversion and Management [53S] B.N. Hanna, Cathena Ð a thermalhydraulic code
39 (3±4) (1998) 149. for Candu analysis, Nuclear Engineering and Design
[43S] M. Costea, M. Feidt, The e€ect of the overall heat 180 (2) (1998) 113.
transfer coecient variation on the optimal distri- [54S] M.Z. Hasan, M. Monde, Y. Mitsutake, K. Iwamoto,
bution of the heat transfer surface conductance or An experimental study of ingress-of-coolant accident
area in a stirling engine, Energy Conversion and in fusion reactors, Fusion Engineering and Design 42
Management 39 (16±18) (1998) 1753. (1998) 73.
[44S] C.D. Rakopoulos, G.C. Mavropoulos, Components [55S] H. Kamide, K. Hayashi, S. Toda, An experimental
heat transfer studies in a low heat rejection di diesel study of inter-subassembly heat transfer during natu-
engine using a hybrid thermostructural ®nite element ral circulation decay heat removal in fast breeder
model, Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (5) (1998) reactors, Nuclear Engineering and Design 183 (1±2)
301. (1998) 97.
[45S] F. Trenc, S. Rodman, L. Skerget, M. Delic, [56S] R.M. Kuridan, T.D. Beynon, A linearized non
Optimum cylinder cooling for advanced diesel steady state model for the pressurizer of the safe inte-
engines, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines gral reactor concept, Progress in Nuclear Energy 33
and Power, Transactions of the ASME 120 (3) (4) (1998) 421.
(1998) 657. [57S] F.R.A. Lima, A. Gandini, A. Blanco, C. Lira,
E.S.G. Maciel, A.C.M. Alvim, F.C. Silva, P.F.F.
Heat transfer applications Ð general: gas turbines Melo, W.F.L. Franca, J.L. Balino, A.E. Larreteguy,
A. Lorenzo, Recent advances in perturbative
methods applied to nuclear engineering problems,
[46S] A.A. Ameri, E. Steinthorsson, D.L. Rigby, E€ect of
Progress in Nuclear Energy 33 (1±2) (1998) 23.
squealer tip on rotor heat transfer and eciency,
[58S] T. Pinna, R. Caporali, G. Cambi, L. Burgazzi, A.
Journal of Turbomachinery, Transactions of the
Poucet, M.T. Por®ri, Failure mode and e€ect analy-
ASME 120 (4) (1998) 753.
sis on iter heat transfer systems, Fusion Engineering
[47S] P.W. Giel, D.R. Thurman, G.J. Vanfossen, S.A.
and Design 42 (1998) 431.
Hippensteele, R.J. Boyle, Endwall heat transfer
[59S] S. Sahin, H. Yapici, E. Baltacioglu, Fusion breeder
measurements in a transonic turbine cascade, Journal
with enhanced safeguarding capabilities against
of Turbomachinery, Transactions of the ASME 120
nuclear weapon proliferation, Energy Conversion
(2) (1998) 305.
and Management 39 (9) (1998) 899.
[48S] J.N. Rajadas, A. Chattopadhyay, N. Pagaldipti, S.
[60S] A. Scha€rath, P. Dumaz, Post test calculations of
Zhang, Shape optimization of turbine blades with
Noko experiments within the framework of a
the integration of aerodynamics and heat transfer,
European research program, Kerntechnik 63 (3)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 (1) (1998)
(1998) 113.
[61S] K. Takeuchi, M.E. Nissley, M.Y. Young, Analyses
of subcooled CCFL tests for evaluation of
Heat transfer applications Ð general: steam power (W)under-barCOBRA/TRAC applicability, Nuclear
plants Engineering and Design 185 (2±3) (1998) 127.
[62S] J. Tuunanen, V. Riikonen, J. Kouhia, J. Vihavainen,
[49S] H.P. Michelsen, F. Frandsen, K. Damjohansen, Analyses of Pactel passive safety injection exper-
O.H. Larsen, Deposition and high temperature cor- iments GDE-21 through GDE-25, Nuclear
rosion in a 10 MW straw ®red boiler, Fuel Engineering and Design 180 (1) (1998) 67.
Processing Technology 54 (1±3) (1998) 95. [63S] P.A. Ushakov, A.P. Sorokin, G.P. Bogoslovskaya,
[50S] M.H. Xu, J.W. Yuan, S.F. Ding, H.D. Cao, Modeling of LMR fuel pin temperature behavior
Simulation of the gas temperature deviation in large- using water, Journal of Hydraulic Research 36 (1)
scale tangential coal ®red utility boilers, Computer (1998) 19.
Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 155 [64S] T. Vanderhagen, Fuel heat transfer modelling in
(3±4) (1998) 369. reduced-order boiling water reactor dynamics
models, Annals of Nuclear Energy 25 (16) (1998)
Heat transfer applications Ð general: atomic reactor
Heat transfer applications Ð general: climatising
[51S] M.H. Anderson, L.E. Herranz, M.L. Corradini,
Experimental analysis of heat transfer within the [65S] M.H. Adjali, M. Davies, J. Littler, Three-dimen-
AP600 containment under postulated accident con- sional Earth-contact heat ¯ows Ð a comparison of
ditions, Nuclear Engineering and Design 185 (2±3) simulated and measured data for a buried structure,
(1998) 153. Renewable Energy 15 (1±4) (1998) 356.
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[66S] K.A. Antonopoulos, M. Vrachopoulos, C. nities using the Shaw model, Journal of Applied
Tzivanidis, Experimental evaluation of energy Meteorology 37 (5) (1998) 449.
savings in air-conditioning using metal ceiling [78S] E. Guilloteau, Optimized computation of transfer
panels, Applied Thermal Engineering 18 (11) (1998) coecients in surface layer with di€erent momentum
1129. and heat roughness lengths, Boundary Layer
[67S] H.T. Chua, K.C. Ng, A. Malek, T. Kashiwagi, A. Meteorology 87 (1) (1998) 147.
Akisawa, B.B. Saha, Entropy generation analysis of [79S] F.E. Hewer, N. Wood, The e€ective roughness
two-bed, silica gel±water, non-regenerative adsorp- length for scaler transfer in neutral conditions over
tion chillers, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics hilly terrain, Quarterly Journal of the Royal
31 (12) (1998) 1471. Meteorological Society 124 (547 Part A) (1998)
[68S] Z. Dehouche, W. Dejong, E. Willers, A. Isselhorst, 659.
M. Groll, Modelling and simulation of heating/ [80S] H. Lehmann, K.L. Wang, C. Clauser, Parameter
airconditioning systems using the multi-hydride- identi®cation and uncertainty analysis for heat trans-
thermal-wave concept, Applied Thermal Engineering fer at the KTB drill site using a 2D inverse method,
18 (6) (1998) 457. Tectonophysics 291 (1±4) (1998) 179.
[69S] M.M. Elsayed, In®ltration load in cold rooms, [81S] C.D. Peterslidard, E. Blackburn, X. Liang, E.F.
Hvac&R Research 4 (2) (1998) 179. Wood, The e€ect of soil thermal conductivity para-
[70S] C. Housiadas, K.H. Schrader, Y. Drossinos, meterization on surface energy ¯uxes and tempera-
Dehumidi®cation of air ¯ow through cooling at sub- tures, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 55 (7)
freezing temperatures, International Journal of Heat (1998) 1209.
and Mass Transfer 41 (12) (1998) 1821. [82S] C.C. Reese, V.S. Solomatov, L.N. Moresi, Heat
[71S] A.A. Kinsara, O.M. Alrabghi, M.M. Elsayed, transport eciency for stagnant lid convection with
Parametric study of an energy ecient air condition- dislocation viscosity Ð application to Mars and
ing system using liquid desiccant, Applied Thermal Venus, Journal of Geophysical Research Planets 103
Engineering 18 (5) (1998) 327. (E6) (1998) 13643.
[72S] T.R. Tulsidasani, R.L. Sawhney, S.P. Singh, M.S. [83S] F.J. Saucier, J. Dionne, A 3D coupled ice±ocean
Sodha, Recent researches in indirect evaporative model applied to Hudson bay, Canada Ð the seaso-
cooler. Part III: optimization of the cooling potential nal cycle and time-dependent climate response to at-
of a room-coupled indirect evaporative cooler, mospheric forcing and runo€, Journal of
International Journal of Energy Research 22 (8) Geophysical Research, Oceans 103 (C12) (1998)
(1998) 741. 27689.
[84S] T.J. Schmugge, W.P. Kustas, K.S. Humes,
Monitoring land surface ¯uxes using Aster obser-
Heat transfer applications Ð general: thermomechanical vations, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing 36 (5 Part 1) (1998) 1421.
[73S] S. Fraser, M.H. Attia, M.O.M. Osman, Modelling, [85S] M.A. Varejaosilva, S.H. Franchito, V.B. Rao, A
identi®cation and control of thermal deformation of coupled biosphere±atmosphere climate model suit-
machine tool structures. Part 1: concept of general- able for studies of climatic change due to land sur-
ized modelling, Journal of Manufacturing Science face alterations, Journal of Climate 11 (7) (1998)
and Engineering: Transactions of the ASME 120 (3) 1749.
(1998) 623. [86S] M. Wegmann, G.H. Gudmundsson, W. Haeberli,
[74S] S. Fraser, M.H. Attia, M.O.M. Osman, Modelling, Permafrost changes in rock walls and the retreat
identi®cation and control of thermal deformation of of Alpine glaciers Ð a thermal modelling
machine tool structures. Part II: generalized transfer approach, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 9
function, Journal of Manufacturing Science and (1) (1998) 23.
Engineering: Transactions of the ASME 120 (3) [87S] P.L. Wu, K. Haines, The general circulation of the
(1998) 632. mediterranean sea from a 100-year simulation,
[75S] J.H. Lienhard, D.S. Napolitano, Yield limits of Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans 103 (C1)
plates at extremely high heat ¯ux, Journal of Heat (1998) 1121.
Transfer, Transactions of the ASME 120 (1) (1998)
[76S] M.B. Wong, J.I. Ghojel, D.A. Crozier, Heat transfer applications Ð general: manufacturing
Temperature±time analysis for steel structures under
free conditions, Structural Engineering and [88S] H. Ay, W.J. Yang, Heat transfer and life of metal
Mechanics 6 (3) (1998) 275. cutting tools in turning, International Journal of
Heat and Mass Transfer 41 (3) (1998) 613.
[89S] J.H. Beynon, Tribology of hot metal forming,
Heat transfer applications Ð general: meteorology Tribology International 31 (1±3) (1998) 73.
[90S] J.G. Chang, C.I. Weng, Analysis of ¯ow and heat
[77S] G.N. Flerchinger, W.P. Kustas, M.A. Weltz, transfer in twin-roll strip casting process,
Simulating surface energy ¯uxes and radiometric sur- International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 41
face temperatures for two arid vegetation commu- (2) (1998) 475.
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[91S] S.R. Choudhury, Y. Jaluria, Thermal transport due approach for the design of injection mold cooling
to material and gas ¯ow in a furnace for drawing an systems, Journal of Mechanical Design 120 (2) (1998)
optical ®ber, Journal of Materials Research 13 (2) 165.
(1998) 494. [106S] R. Thomas, M. Ganesapillai, P.B. Aswath, K.L.
[92S] A.J.C. Grellier, N.K. Zayer, C.N. Pannell, Heat Lawrence, A. Hajisheikh, Analytical/®nite-element
transfer modelling in CO2 laser processing of optical modeling and experimental veri®cation of spray-cool-
®bres, Optics Communications 152 (4±6) (1998) 324. ing process in steel, Metallurgical and Materials
[93S] J.F. Hetu, D.M. Gao, A. Garciarejon, G. Salloum, Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials
3D ®nite element method for the simulation of the Science 29 (5) (1998) 1485.
®lling stage in injection molding, Polymer [107S] M.A. Wahab, M.J. Painter, M.H. Davies, The pre-
Engineering and Science 38 (2) (1998) 223. diction of the temperature distribution and weld pool
[94S] S.Y. Hu, S.C. Chen, J.T. Twu, L.J. Lee, Simulations geometry in the gas metal arc welding process,
of cyclic, transient variations of mold temperatures Journal of Materials Processing Technology 77 (1±3)
in the SMC compression molding process, Polymer (1998) 233.
Composites 19 (4) (1998) 311. [108S] Z.L. Yin, Y. Jaluria, Thermal transport and ¯ow in
[95S] Z.M. Hu, J.W. Brooks, T.A. Dean, The interfacial high-speed optical ®ber drawing, Journal of Heat
heat transfer coecient in hot die forging of titanium Transfer, Transactions of the ASME 120 (4) (1998)
alloy, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical 916.
Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Science 212 (6) (1998) 485. Heat transfer applications Ð general: chemical
[96S] M.S. Joun, H.K. Moon, R. Shivpuri, Automatic processing
simulation of a sequence of hot-former forging pro-
cesses by a rigid-thermoviscoplastic ®nite element [109S] H.C. Chang, J.A. Carpenter, R.T. Toledo, Modeling
method, Journal of Engineering Materials and heat transfer during oven roasting of unstu€ed
Technology, Transactions of the ASME 120 (4) Turkeys, Journal of Food Science 63 (2) (1998) 257.
(1998) 291. [110S] I. Dincer, Heat transfer during heat sterilization and
[97S] S.B. Liang, Y.Q. Fang, X.Y. Zheng, Transient heat cooling processes of canned products, Heat and
transfer of scrap tire peel and its ®ne powder in the Mass Transfer 34 (2±3) (1998) 101.
cryogenic grinding process, Chemical Engineering [111S] Y.H. Fan, T.Q. Qiu, Transient heat transfer in batch
Communications 163 (1998) 133. thermal reactors for silicon wafer processing,
[98S] S. Matysiak, S. Konieczny, A. Yevtushenko, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 41
Distribution of friction heat during cold-rolling of (11) (1998) 1549.
metals by using composite rolls, Numerical Heat [112S] H. Fang, D.O. Shah, The e€ect of surfactant mono-
Transfer Part A: Applications 34 (7) (1998) 719. layers on the heat transfer through air/water and oil/
[99S] J.Y. Nieh, L.J. Lee, Hot plate welding of polypro- water interfaces using IR imaging technique, Journal
pylene. Part I: crystallization kinetics, Polymer of Colloid and Interface Science 205 (2) (1998) 531.
Engineering and Science 38 (7) (1998) 1121. [113S] I.M. Galvan, J.M. Zaldivar, Application of recurrent
[100S] A.Z. Sahin, B.S. Yibas, M. Ahmed, J. Nickel, neural networks in batch reactors. Part II: nonlinear
Analysis of the friction welding process in relation to inverse and predictive control of the heat transfer
the welding of copper and steel bars, Journal of ¯uid temperature, Chemical Engineering and
Materials Processing Technology 82 (1±3) (1998) Processing 37 (2) (1998) 149.
127. [114S] J. Geer, J. Fillo, Control of thermal runaway Ð
[101S] M. Shamsi, S.P. Mehrotra, Full rotation model of some mathematical insights, International Journal of
single roll continuous sheet casting process, Heat and Mass Transfer 41 (19) (1998) 2979.
Ironmaking and Steelmaking 25 (2) (1998) 150. [115S] M. Gryta, M. Tomaszewska, Heat transport in the
[102S] Y.Y. Sheng, G.A. Irons, Mathematical and physical membrane distillation process, Journal of Membrane
modelling of ¯uid ¯ow and heat transfer in electric Science 144 (1±2) (1998) 211.
smelting, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 37 (3±4) [116S] K.H. Hong, S.H. Kang, Three-dimensional analysis
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[103S] Y.Y. Sheng, G.A. Irons, D.G. Tisdale, Transport sition in OVD process, International Journal of Heat
phenomena in electric smelting of nickel matter. Part and Mass Transfer 41 (10) (1998) 1339.
II: mathematical modeling, Metallurgical and [117S] H. Karoliussen, K. Nisancioglu, A. Solheim, Use of
Materials Transactions B Process Metallurgy and e€ective conductivities and unit cell-based supraele-
Materials Processing Science 29 (1) (1998) 85. ments in the numerical simulation of solid oxide fuel
[104S] C.G. Sun, C.S. Yun, J.S. Chung, S.M. Hwang, cell stacks, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 28
Investigation of thermomechanical behavior of a (3) (1998) 283.
work roll and of roll life in hot strip rolling, [118S] R. Krook, S. Stenstrom, Temperature gradients and
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical heat ¯ux measurements in hot pressing of paper,
Metallurgy and Materials Science 29 (9) (1998) 2407. Experimental Heat Transfer 11 (3) (1998) 221.
[105S] L.Q. Tang, K. Pochiraju, C. Chassapis, S. [119S] Y.A. Mankelevich, A.T. Rakhimov, N.V. Suetin,
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moment equations for constant-rate aerosol reactors, Engineering, Transactions of the ASME 120 (4)
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[125S] H. Zuckerman, J. Miltz, Temperature pro®les in
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[3T] K.A.R. Ismail, M.M. Abogderah, Performance of a [16T] J.A. Clements, S.A. Sherif, Thermal analysis of roof-
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[4T] A.E. Kabeel, K. Mecarik, Shape optimization for for the reduction of operating cost and energy use,
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[5T] G. Rodono, R. Volpes, Transfer calculation in a free [18T] Z.Y. Liu, Y.Z. Lu, J.X. Zhao, Zeolite-active carbon
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