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10/4/24, 14:48 CyberTeachers® de Berlitz Connect®

Would like


Utilizamos 'would like' (quisiera, me gustaría, apetecer) para proponer algo a alguien o pedir algo.

Would you like a dessert? (¿Te apetece un postre?)

Would you like to go to the cinema? (¿Te apetece ir al cine?)
I would like some free time. (Me gustaría tener tiempo libre.)
We would like to travel. (Nos gustaría viajar.)



'would' + sujeto + like + sustantivo

Would you like a drink? (¿Te apetece beber algo?)

Would she like some juice? (¿Le apetece un zumo?)

'would' + sujeto + like + infinitivo

Would you like to have lunch? (¿Quieres comer?)

Would he like to come with us? (¿Le apetece a él venir con nosotros?)


Sujeto + would like + sustantivo

I would like more time. (Me gustaría tener más tiempo.)

She would like some chicken. (Quiero pollo.)

Sujeto + would like + infinitivo

We would like to work with you. (Nos gustaría trabajar contigo.)

The children would like to go outside. (Los niños quieren salir.)


Para proponer e invitar

Would you like a drink? (¿Quieres beber algo?)

Would you like to go shopping? (¿Te apetece ir de compras?)

Would he like to go to the beach today? (¿Le apetece a él ir a la playa hoy?)

Para pedir algo

'Would like' es la forma de cortesía del verbo 'want'(querer):

I would like a table for four at 8:00 pm. (Quisiera una mesa para cuatro a las 20:00 h.)

We would like to go to the restaurant. (Nos gustaría ir al restaurante.)

They'd like to go home now. (Les gustaría ir a casa ahora.)

I'd like some books about the moon, please. (Quisiera algunos libros sobre la luna, por favor.)

We'd like three sandwiches, please. (Queremos tres bocadillos, por favor.) 1/2
10/4/24, 14:48 CyberTeachers® de Berlitz Connect®

'Would' tiene una forma contraída.

He'd/She'd/It would...

Sin embargo, NO SE PUEDE decir 'it'd'. 2/2

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