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Bài tập vận dụng

1. The company's new project, __________ next week, aims to revolutionize the tech
A) launching B) C) will be launched D) to launch
2. The sales team, __________ extensively, was able to achieve record-breaking
results last quarter.
A) trains B) training C) trained D) to train
3. By the time the conference starts, all the attendees __________ online.
A) B) registers C) D) registration
registered registering
4. The new software, __________ by our talented engineers, promises increased
efficiency and reliability.
A) B) develops C) will be developed D) developed
5. The project, __________ due to budget constraints, left the team disappointed.
A) canceled B) cancels C) canceling D) cancelation
6. The marketing campaign, __________ to attract younger audiences, resulted in a
significant increase in sales.
A) designing B) designs C) designed D) to design
7. The report, __________ last week, contains valuable insights into market trends.
A) publishes B) published C) publishing D) to publish
8. The team members, __________ diligently, managed to meet the project deadline.
A) B) works C) working D) to work
9. The project is __________ ahead of schedule due to the team’s hard work.
A) progressed B) progresses C) D) progressing
10. The manager was __________ about the delay of the shipment.
A) infuriate B) C) infuriating D) infuriates
11. The __________ crowd cheered loudly as the team scored the winning goal.
A) B) excited C) excitable D) excitation
12. The __________ speech motivated the students to pursue their dreams.
A) B) inspired C) inspire D) inspiration
13. The __________ movie kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
A) B) frightening C) D) frighten
frightened frightful
14. The __________ view from the mountaintop took their breath away.
A) amazed B) amazement C) amaze D) amazing
15. The __________ situation required immediate action.
A) B) frustrate C) frustrating D)
frustrated frustration
16. The __________ employees were in desperate need of a vacation.
A) B) exhausting C) exhaust D) exhaustion
17. The __________ children giggled at the clown's funny tricks.
A) B) amused C) amusement D) amuse
18. The __________ instructions made it difficult to assemble the furniture.
A) confused B) confusing C) D) confuse
19. The ________ project manager delegated tasks to team members.
A) delegate B) delegated C) delegates D) delegating
20. The ________ report raised important questions about the company's financial
A) questionnaire B) C) questioning D) questioned
21. The project manager, _______ by the team's dedication, praised their exceptional
A) being B) to impress C) impressed D) impressing
22. _________ in the meeting room, the participants eagerly awaited the start of the
A) B) To be seated C) Seated D) Being seated
23. _________ with the latest technology, the new smartphone offers advanced
A) Developed B) To develop C) D) Having developed
24. _________ the deadline, the engineering team worked overtime to complete the
A) B) Approaches C) Approached D) Approach
25. The child, __________ from playing all day, fell asleep in the car.
A) exhausted B) exhausting C) to D) having exhausted
26. The package, __________ by express mail, arrived earlier than expected.
A) B) sending C) sent D) sends
27. The team, __________ by a former professional athlete, won the championship.
A) coach B) having C) coached D) coaching
28. The concert, __________ heavily on social media, was sold out within hours.
A) being B) advertised C) advertising D) advertisement
29. John, _____ the meeting was postponed, decided to go home early.
A) hearing B) heard C) having D) having been heard
30. ________ the presentation, the clients were thoroughly impressed with the
speaker's expertise.
A) B) Completing C) Having completed D) To complete
1. Chairman Park will review the ———— budget for the petroleum firm’s
expansion program
A. propose
B. proposing
C. proposes
D. proposed

2. The Odeon Theater is pleased to announce a new film festival ——– the work of
local filmmakers
A. feature
B. features
C. featuring
D. featured

3. Dominic Weston won the Independent Cinema Award for his ———-
A. fascinating
B. fascinated
C. fascinate
D. fascination

4. The staff of the production department is ————- with the new equipment
A. satisfied
B. satisfy
C. to satisfy
D. satisfying

5. The figures released by the firm were lower than the ———- annual earnings
A. anticipating
B. to anticipate
C. anticipated
D. anticipation

6. ———– more than one thousand salespeople nationwide, Altus Telecom is the
largest firm in its field
A. Employ
B. Employing
C. Employed
D. Employment

7. ———— to work over the weekend, the project team was able to finish the
proposal before the deadline
A. Instruct
B. Instructs
C. Instructing
D. Instructed

8. The marketing team’s survey received an ————- number of responses from

potential customers
A. overwhelming
B. overwhelmed
C. overwhelms
D. overwhelm

9. The new advertising campaign is a ——— factor to Hixon’s recent success

A. contribute
B. contributing
C. contributed
D. contribution

10. ————- only last week, the photocopier should be working perfectly
A. repaired
B. to repair
C. repairing
D. repairable

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