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March 8, 2024 To Whom It May Concern: I write this letter in support

of Rafael Almaraz's applications for scholarships. I believe he is a

highly qualified candidate and would be a great fit for your institution. I
had the pleasure of helping Rafael at El Capitan High School for the
past 3 years. He is a dedicated student who focuses on his education.
Although English is his second language, he will always try his best.
He has received certificates for earning excellent grades. Some great
qualities about Rafael are that he is willing to help others and he is
kind to his peers. Rafael's academic grades show how much potential
he has to strive for in his future. I can reassure you that Rafael will
make an excellent asset to your institution. Should you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Noami Romero

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