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To whom it may concern, April 6, 2024

I've had the pleasure of knowing Jorge Luis Barerra since 2022 when she began working for
Jack in the box. At the time I was assistant manager for our location, but since day one I noticed
Jorge determinaion to learn the postition we had assigned her too. I remember asking Jorge her
age and she told me she had just turned sixteen. It took me by surprise that someone that
young was ready to work, but then she told me the reasoning behind her decision on taking
employement with our company. Jorge handed me an assignment to help me write this letter of
recommendation for her. One of the questions on this assignment was "What three adjectives
describe you?", I noticed she left this area blank. It astounded me that she could not find any
adjectives to describe her. Once I read that question I automatically knew what words would
easily describe her. Without hesitation Jorge is an over achiever, dependable, and hard working
young lady. Not only has she shown me these characteristics at work but outside of our
company as well. Let's begin by describing how Nataliy is an over achiever. Here at work she
goes above and beyond to help me meet our weekly goals. She is one of my few employees
that will never be standing around. She maintains herself occupied and does not mind doing the
work others would hesitate to do. While working part time she has managed to maintain a 3.12
gpa, and do other extra curricular activities from school like being on the soccer team. Nataliy is
also very dependable. Here at work a lot of our co-workers call her my "protegida" which means
"my protected employee". Every single employee knows that Nataliy is someone I can depend
on. Whenever I need a shift covered I know who exactly to call, that will not hesitate to come
into work. She has always told me "if you have extra hours please bring me to mind". Although
she has school and her hobbies to fulfill she would rather be making money to help out her
family. With that being said it brings me to my last word to desribe Nataliy which is hard working.
She has shown her hard work here at Jack in the Box and at school. I know that if she continues
being the smart young lady she has shown all of us she is, she will complete her goals in life.
She has three characteristics that will help her achieve her goal of being a immigration attorney.
She just has to continue on being an over achiever. With the mindset she has, it is with no doubt
she will be able to attend any college she'd like and be the business owner she hopes to be one

Sincerely, Soledad Garcia.

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