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GRAMMAR IN POINTS (650) eget ie ‘rennin the rt ved Yo 10 gO wih us Wo our relatives ride aby vary fen in Pe was a cid tu now he We re no longer smokes as he used to do, (Not would 8) _ | SS GES tant rv etn SRI THe war became [got grew used 10 working hard during hi exams. _(Sane 2 Nee ee Tiel send wt wey err PIES children ave used to tings being done fo" hem ving ms Se eet ‘used to take /is yseed (9 pis pe eT ES Taihu made me a cake Wasted St ert Tagan GIST a a A Tiny are you smelng the Yad? shee anyinng wrong? Mote} G9 oo ee aS Tat understand fs um bore bul now | understand # wel ite AY A Were are you? B.[m seeing my doctor [= vst /mast/ say goodbye) Fagen to Ay gad Jat op $00 eS ‘sal lat nthe ity contre a Ep gly a aan Sr ‘Since 2070, my parents have lived in a small at the city centre. is spams fp 2010 nS a smal fat the ay cent Sa Day 2010 Sd a in201O_ my paren tved fen] was seven | wrote @ poem which won a prize iit A ges ee 22 When [was sever | usualy weote shor siones. = _3vsed wile shor stone Bad jsp SEIS [2 Sipee was seven_| have written /have been willing short stones Tee Day nied pt eS] [elaine age of seven wrote a shor son whic won an vel Sei a at Ba Re a alan now han hai sre Bape IS Lie | [26 Fw ‘beer meeting / known each ater? ed | a) oe a Sade a riche cova back ipm Landon? Tis gone = Jess when 5 al wa [2 When Where / How di you find this book U GateT B47 LAT» (= 5 fad YA ae oo Sas oe Het ie stones when | was al prmary school (ae & BE) ed ytn I i 1 ‘mat Mi ee nae RCT ms Bony AS > IN bom J] ‘rst time | bi jer met Mr Shazly. =| i rar gota wea Thane booked int Canada aa 33 By anne te Mur had prepared all the dishes wo ike most Nwes Gelcous. [ft pad ie ao A id ad SE aed a ots esa ac Fg oe a eh ederdayevenng, we wee revising IX ou veer a Dolio | [36,1 couldn t go out with them "because | was revising for my exams. Wa aa a ge aa 7A We sail Hels" but he cidriteeply. 6 Sorry, [was listening to the news, Aaale Jans JAY Fn ot nie S| was frshing one story. | was planning te next one a dish gal [3e we swaying at Oxford jones CUT pea BW ec de og es [a@.while | was ai Oxford. {joined a chub SW 52-5 WD is was [wore 4 AEs J ay a i Tat. while at Ovfors joned a club of debating. a ¥-ToBe ee Hs EE OG TTS “of-n-a7_ = hile = ico suddenly 1G Maging. s, pn) a a pee date | [Swe were dong some work when ne arived sudden Nc ie = es i jot he wn lynn oa SR aes oe se otal [47 Aner Mona hed played the piano_she Nelped her sister wih Net noriework a ee ae (petetera ie eed se none Seen te © [22 owng payed the pao, Mons hapes er ser wih ne: homeware eS moving as SU [50 Aer the piano lesson, Mone helped het ster wih her homework PP ha teh Wet si | [Stitt nner im gen aby onory ae et wer So 52 Having been honoured, Pe was given a big sum of money (Sate jai) janie Seb po Typ _—|S24te enmity se ses Cpe i) gine Ja = Jaen Soon as he had seen A the pole ea] se | 55:As soon as he saw the thet he galled the police, _Ss——> ee Ba ST ea la] 56.48 on as we arived al school. he frst lesson had Tica cet onl p Oo a a a ae The Yeacher was ®TANEASNAWE av é6j;dliell olid Telegram gibi ,olc ‘(@taneasnawe 6Lidll bly ler a0 he) eV @taneasnawe 4 ern Fit was only when she ad a yar ha hy tound a evdece an ey epri e pol. : fie 76 After (nding his telephone nurber_| wnt hin ews wale = [7 Before watching the match, we had bough some Whats cap wie ou [78 While watching the mach, he suaeny fated 73-During waking you fe! some swrel and faigue ian 3 resised | hod fe my watch nthe offer wen | returned home. Many people nave grown up reading the books of Abdol- Tawa Youssef [2She has writen a bok about wy fe wer ecame o success [TA bad actidant has taken place on Caro-Alex desert road a Since when have you Wved n ths home’? 5. nave never been to the zoo Defoe I cant phone them a5 nave lost my phone 7_Oh! ve lost my passpon. What should | 607 He De) tee el Since Te became lamous_paople have tansTated is books mio many languages ea Jer = since mew = 'a-His books have been published here for ten years / since jen years ago. Fipamtasinonyte digit Jie] worker ma chines I Uy ol for Js 1 Ab has lived in Giza tor § years. TZ ived Cav ten years age. Then means (haven't ved im Cairo for ten years. tie AS Jame = Saba tow goa ST ton chr se toro as Tear vonembers0\gag (along ine. Wr Ate J Aah el [Tue wnt stor sos since Z070/ my emiood ithe age tn. soe a ETS se ply etal Can TELS wo month since we visited ou unc in he lage Tos gil Ss Dad dl TE.We haven! seen Al for the last week. /since last woek./ since thelast meeting, Si) % sly Suu the last = Vl 77 Olver is starwng vince he has eaten nothing for two days (= because) ea dem ge Nae 8. The ache wi my tgs geting better since | have rested DSO is Osta sae 18. haven! seen Wael since te last time we met inthe village wae 20, Tha's the most teresting book [ve ever read 1 ching Ine ths has ever hapsened to me Z Have you ever Wed Engh food? [23 Its the first time we have ever seen this place. [pe hs sy Rte wo Wi The never eo 28. What have you never done thal you would te to do? [26.He still haven't done his hamework He must do il soon, (27 He still hadn't done his home work when we arnved. [28.Did Alexander The Greal ever wsit Egypt? Fhe 25 He fas always been 60 generous vince we Knew Ri Sea =F se 20 They were deceiving us but everything has been discovered now 31 The plane has just taken off Look! I's there in the have been watch sa He 0 | mas you 89 much [Raver seen you Wr ages! eS 51. nave anown my fend Karel sce we wore af SOO! = 2 Ez She has done 5 rough Gang of he house. verging 6 spating — Bp Sa oe [53 Tamer has nad has new crf" fve MOMS NOW : pee Ga Please help me have lost my pasepor. What can i oT eee E when ne gol the promation. wi > penn We respect him 86 much ___ : dae extremely [36 He has no money He is extremely poor Rees el) dee Sufi pecause | rather Oxpenve — 38 Disables people | The disabled have te right io drve their own cars [40 Vou should ck te. $0 as Not o hurt yoursel - [a1 hr Arenee «san extremely po0a teacher a indoors Hy a= indoor SS fF [scuybera pod suaer se ner wal CST Re am geet = [64.1 must see my doctor I'm not well (Im unwell) Bao ae AT hs go oo wal E [#Stast tow enough staight oght cary daly weekly monthly. yearly ae Ep HE 5 Be 2 [46 We should teat foregners in a thenaly way TiS Tp ph Maas a ia toes ly ~ Seed dnd | [a7 harahhardy ‘atetately eetneary deepdeephy highthghly fee wrong pretty line Juma TSS ig 5 jh | isaac SSeS [Shas does ner wor. ‘She 5 fear at an nd al 1 Once [have finished fe meeting | wd goto the cub, sa Dl) Sa Nine Sieh ae 7 [2s soon 8s you push ths buon. the der will open Parsears § [zee Ip a8 $00 as ov! car has been repaired after as soon as. before, by the time. FP & [4 stay here tl Lina comes back from school when, til until, once, the moment 5 [Si won ge m te Beave un | meet my fends ae tS Sid linia! Jy Y deny § [Ext vou buy bans etre you come nome’ Emel mis ly it gh Reh ay 7-AS $00n a6 you see fhe criminal telephone the police at once Dos AD) Sia) pines dod bod [6 The mament | have prepared everything for the party | will contact you. (BD as ey OI Song Jt aan Tere ae no cutee ty oda thnks gong to Bevery Ro ie 1071 predict that i the future mobie phones will be much smaller. = TT He so clever | tink he will be a doctor = a [12 Theres 2 book cub meeting after school and everyone is going to aa & [131/am going to spenc the summer hoday m Matrouh as planned 2 hee —) f 14 Lam gong te go fo Pe book ar ctu he books I need Ths «Ty Aon ae 15. Those bags look heavy 80 will earry them fr you Ges ay & | A6.Newt year my grandpa wil be 7S years ol /The sun wil rive tomo wt 17 Look, there's 2 sandstorm. { will close the windows. a Ss ]81 have made up my mind. Tim going to buy a new mobile hs i ) com J 12. wil resign # | dont get a pay nse sy) J [22 Ther ve got the tickets. they are fying t London 21 We are having a faily party on Saturday: Wouls iz see ut tis evenng am dong my oe 1 Se eee aa * 24. There's good film on TV tonight I finishes alten o'clock 25 There $ @ good film on TV | think # will finish at ten o/clock aT AG | won't have finishes preg dre yt aan seer my cen tor five yar sure a J22 (By) Next monn. ry eer will have 0 yoo Fir oe 35, Peagle wil live on the moon by Me engl thw 71st century Who baci” So Ese 9 a [7 Yad musth ARS pos Z-You must’ put the newspaper on he ove, ta 13 Yeu mustn'tpark there says No Parke [14 You needn't pack wwe Theres x beter poe Ree ———_—_———"* rrescnt pet the Bast te pare Wal aka ror Ow at ‘ary. yu awe ao te fo calc the Wa 30 | da tv 10 TE INe needn't have unto the museum DeSMuse WS 15 You are Wasi you need Thave bought more sugar We aeady nave a 20 Mona is economeal_she didn t have to buy more bread ‘she has much in the indge. [21 You must know alot abcut ths case You understand eventing abou! zz is puting ter umbvela up Hmust have stared 23 Leis iooks very unhaspy She ea} cn hav gad er rg Who sent this parce? — donthnaw M might be ~ Re ea i nigh tate happened gra een poned? at 2B The ight coming fram New York was postponed: there might have Been a problem) yy 6. cans) Yuin! so! wan the De you Mink 0 due to bad weather conditions? 77 han ames yet She might have missed the train Who howe? [eae din varsity cal He must have been 3 ee. [28 Read cant have been insulted al ous Spove politely with het CTs probable hal he won come today due Yo hs ness, he might cancel the meeting. 31h money, reould have bough Pa exponswe swt. tut | dort the bggy othes, (aT = 8) 32 aly tna ny ren traveled to Alana by tan. This means he may have travelled Jian | [33 You showid work to aplan fs my best ip for you! __ a | 34 You ought to take an underground vain W's so comforable.(=should) Wns flay Aneel 6A sid“ were you. 1 read this book * This means Aya advises me to read that Book ay oe Fi. should have used the underground before! | dn know it's comfortable and fast. (pl) Fainem AI WS ai soy te | ET Look ifs rang! | ought to have ought an unbreli,-shouldhave *pp) Saves «should & pass ought to [38 You shouldn't have bought another mabile phone. The one you have i¢ just ine A MS Sane jog te IS ig 38, shaun | have repeated that mistake This means that! repeated i OTE Lor fad He oughint fo have sent the emai wihout enclosing the attachment. This mean that he sent the email without enclosing the attachment. Bal ae Sam inte aang ate iS) [eT Why don't you stat leaming Chinese” nan 3 [22 Have you considered spending the weekend m Alexandria? = ae Justa 23 You could consult your dictionary or ask your wacher for help age! [24 Let's get together and discuss the problem we are faxing + vsing ¢) pe se Je 45 Vou could do tis task wath your frend f you wish. This shows suggestion. | Sp! Ay Alans hs 26 Why don't you spend the weekend in the countyside’ . That sa good dea. CHE cia eT ont 47 Why eran? you spend the weekend in the countryside? - Bi was so busy | (4) Sie) seat hs ae ee hae | They expect howtands of people to vist Sanpe2 [211 were you [a aves waveling into te ly ving | Before you go to London, you shout pactae speaking am san 0 reget gong Yo te crema, was 16.On my he aay a scnoo | resemiber pon 17 Dad was happy with me bucasse | remembered te post the lee ___ {8 erouian rave unnoyed my brother This means that | regret doing that 19 Because of the ba weather conditions, Egypt Ar regres to cancel ts te go 10 Me club wih you? _ [22 Ho dewnted hs ide te helping the needy 23. preter wading to watching TV [24 He rf to carry cul our pian This mars he objected to carying foul. 25 My inend allowed rme 1 use fs motile (mie me WS) {2 mcomnend reading that report or futher information 30.! recomend thal you not be le anymore: [31 Teachers encourage hard study | studying hard 32 Teachers encourage tar luaants to study hard 3 Sudents are encouraged to study hard ‘urgiar admitied fo) stealing / that he had stolen the ladys joraliery got im to change nis mind This Means that | persuaded him to change his mind from the tre_ you ae gomg Wo nar [38-Don make this metate agar at you of but you repeat A won Torgive you [38 vou should trave tot cur secret fo Aya, you Wt me down sate AV ST pel [+ How can we Bring about a change m the napproprate behawou' of same young eagle who abuse the internet? "Bring about” means ‘cause Many new ways of saving energy are being developed by scieniats al the moment 2 All he students are giver alt of traning bore hey salthe boats 2 The fin has beon watched by many millions of people shoe f was made m 1965 [4 What was said n the meeting hadn't been expected 5 had waited at the garage unt my car was repaired [& When we arived at the hotel cur roorn was being prepared A new space station will probably be bull inthe future. the hadn t escaped from the battle. he would have been killed. }2Lam being taken wth to other asvonaus to a secret locaton, ‘1€-Meat should be Cooked wall belore you eat 11.A party is going to be given for my siste’s engagement 12By next ari ‘schoo! will have been built i our 13A fot of profits have bean achieved singe the factory was establ {14 Will we be told about the result ofthe exam nest weak? 15: Could your mats problem be solved? 16 There «2 hole nthe rool which needs to be looked a [17 He doesn ike being laughed a 16 He doesn" et hmsel be laughed a ge eon aa ep mes lo forint was pas would Ihe| Pap BS os eo aah ie] Vang aos good ae Jol >t eter oan eng now ng To + noun / vang sob object Gow etoent slot + in ng a 4 ae a Wn +f, ins aa 5 a ans Jas ie sl eel i (Jase G35) +e wing Wan ng Giles ins th ae a Wig J mt eh ne iit es Iman ow 10+inl ab Joe (fo) + wang +e = asi ey a Sr eee) ie aie pay oe Cae a al a ee A sh J Ae Jae oi Aaa Soma A oS 5 | Jad) 2 | ad Jet damp ae at Sal] se ths Pot ye wl be shown o ur rR ht cae aaen RO yeu Gaspar aio? As soon as Twas tal Mw good news, got extiad 25 Cont be wasteful or your mony wil run out vorh_yestentay _ TY the hows collapeed suserny Fo [51am seat rma os tn Gorn fom at Is oe [32s eared al De no aris pe ee z Tai ae a aa mae EP te J Sas me [34 She's thought to have suffered from aabeten te ion SE He + ough! te have Beor kiled ni yeiesday «quae _ 36 The PE taacher had ws run ara the paygrouns fou 37 yes dont naw how t use the compte ge ou! ober brine to help you | 38:My omer usualy ts my ee see make uch wen ss 8 OY [3:1 tet my tna use my mobilephone. Ths mans tat alowed fn to use ¢__ 6 Una ts al nae stoped fom gone = [1.My father usually discourages us from playing veo games « out spare INE. 1 [42 How often do you get your teeth checked atthe daists” arr = [23 Weve eating i a resiurant toh as our paves are having ou ichen parted SS Have Gat as Have an ai condtorer salen your room, lib hot So hal sl [a5 Newer have your homework done always de i yours a6 had my computer fed Tis moans fal someone fixed ‘When Iwas a child, 'ysed te have my room tided_| was too young to do 80. 281 was made te rewrite the composition because it was fill of mistakes. Tom POs Mil pa sinall gt pee nell 48. Kamval Dit you prepare wet’? Yonus No | hat ‘ae | was 100 pal pas Se wi No HY 50 had the new washing machne installed The machine was installed forme __ a al St Are you going to have your shoes polshed”- No, | will polish them mysel! Tad ADA ae pe Eps A '52'\ have watered the garden recently, fio one Heips me = se ‘a basket match, gach team has 6 players [2 Each of the some Ei ‘but Sara is the best! bought bananas fora of us_ Two each a The police have taken fingesprns from each mann the neghbourhood Each of he fe tours fom the non of Evrape had blend hai 6. heard every word the manager sax al the meeting [7.190 to te echool ibrar every week every woweeks lay Lahn rl. [8 Thay vies amiost every one ofthe family for then party [| exerted every effort to persuade him io come wih us bul in vain Til Tarek loves tennis and waiches every maich cn television, All ur staf members are trained to make sure thal you have a perfect Rolday 12 She spent neary all her life al home 13.7 wlido all | canto help you. you are my close fend 14/He is 50 helpful He nearly helped afl his tnends / al of us. 5 [never Detiowe a hat ne says he usualy tel es! 16 None ofthe suderts fated, al of them passed 17 Who attended Rams bithday party? - Sorowtlly none '8.None of the questions was dificult_most sludents could answar them easly 19 After the vetim had recognised the real comin, all of the 3 friends were st free [20,8 ot Lots of young people preter to work in rear places to ther homes. [21 Theres alot tts of lurture inside the fla, foe tis rather crowded ed when mete pare Buy ba SAY Aran whee NED eS apendng oI ine wh TE ni And who or Wucher of Engi tery bd RE De yu tor French widely eponen a ce Aa’ Se She awtong wes woman who Sean give up aa The ache’ was angi Desate the ais re badly oh 1 She war mae 8 tal nd gooe toary younger Zod wah a hy empected sar 2 a se omton att rong gir a Rs 8 welkbmown fat hat beg inngualcan expos Some Bae 4 Ths artical bul caste 45 When growang older mar becomes ove absent-minded. Tat salad was 90 Tce Wal Pane the veaurant tr Me rece 2 Have you ever seen such a funny Wim th you cmunt top laughing?” 3 The uo throws a toe that nearly everyone has ead # Tre stadt ty enough etd 56,000 spectanrs Trt tie toe eng oe pl en ha ack of yor cat 6 The nat am too smal | eouletweat t 1 wai! dark enough to soo any stars te wy 6 Trt can s ol¢ enough to be Kept nine musum 9.00 + never 100 old to ham 10, Weve cold enough o sean Egy ‘msm | dont have enough money io Rap you 2 The party was mtureting #s such a pty al you dint come 13 was euch sou ih hatte baby couldn ain 14 Thay ne such ting shor stones tat ead Der tad 15 The boys ran too slowly to wn the race 16 Such « bewutll aay she hat we aarwe Fer ‘admitted robbing that they hed robbed ine Via 6 enplared to he that every ting was OK ‘She aged Tat she wouia 5 EAowr: sae Pat he was wr Mahia ashes me wnether | has beer Anew tt 8 new senondety schoo! had been bull Sar lores re hat he had 12 Tey f by vas at mate wih hs tens Soul wee ca for te next bus ‘policeman said we mustn't park there B.Da wai that | must eadache | spend io ong on the complet. _ iron rusts you leave 6 the as [sf nose goeis eat he tan or the ees. the wees wil le [aif sre irains hard, she wil win next weeks aoe Z rei scientets study tees, they can nd information about chmate Fé Contact ne ambulance there i an accent wl goto Ales s0_| wil contact you TE may | might go othe eb, Nave bme. havent decided. fa matali neoled Rexpands (this metals heated wil expand. r0idetal expands (heatec (when alihough, 2s. unless) you ived in ts are. you would brow ths man. [Zi hey nad taken cave they would t have made thal trible accident [13.) would have that mobile f (had enough money = [ait she read the news, she would be shocked to read about the temble accident 8 [15.What would you do you got big oy? —— . [1e.What t you passpor was stolen” ~ Surely. 'dinform the, z mor had wasn'tenough, [were nat 14 vs you. relly | am i _ tiie ital | ad been cussed wl ad hve hed areas saion ine aoe ne didn't medicine at is ie J+ £ [23.She would ike to have more tme. She wishes she could have more imme. [24 Raga wishes he knew how to play a musical instrument [25 | wish [hadn't forgotten where | put the mobile [261 wrsh knew where | Yorgot my moble He wishes he harn' neglected hus work. This means he [42 Supposing thal yo + 143. ‘could go to the wsland an condition that [se Should tbe very hot tormorow_we wll oo gt He Me it my aunt's name [48 Were | in your shoes. [47 Had he some free time he would wsit a8 Had he not put down ris roots, he wouldn't have Nad @ [49.Open the door in case of an emergency [Sena would ot have passed he exon who evs at wet 1 Without Amy, | woud nave finshed ME 152 But for ‘carefuiness, you would have hit the ie | 53. He wouldnt agre to co exe tasks wihoul being paid n Truly a git to Egypt Wino wales, ne Egyptian 1 She Kot i 2 we shoul a spread ( as isthe basi of. | [3:Dont mx wih bed tends. beter alone then vad company, [6 (iS) oranges ae. Nt “we ran as fast as we could, we missed the bus. _ refuel, he sometimes makes msiaies rng he book you lent me haven fnhed (ih of ea b never! Aswan by Sip | navent travelled to Aswan by ship already. 2.5. bad you low hat been working fo home fortwo mans, Hatin & id pou brow that been wortng from home fr to months Hatin? know fat | ¢ been working from name for two mentns, Halim? ‘soranay | s0nb fey [io ones uy / nOWNNA ¢ a 443 Once |nave ead tne good news. {contacted Adel 'b Once | heard the good news, | had contacted Adel 1 Once | had heard the good news, | contacted Adel 4-2 | haven't nanded m my answer sheet unt gone over al the | won! hand i my answer sheet unt | went over al the questions again. lsd rand n my answer sheet unt ve gone all the questions 5. a Wher | ha finished work, | wil Wavel sma b Winer | nave fined war | travel to ismaia, 4. When | finshed work, (wi travel to 62 The naughty boy was punished because he has made many mistakes i b The was because he had been made many mistakes, a _ The naughty boy has been punished because head made mary mistakes ' Scarvely had | gone tothe club when | met mi fends, b ely gone to the club when | met my frends, ° ® Kary nad gone oe dub nen Let a frenas. 8 a | should nave revised well for the exam, ' Tm sory for not revising well for the exam, «shoud revise fr te nent exam, regret not rewsing forthe exam. a | must Nave taken an earher train x lsete oe | should have taker an earlier train 14 the mec mae ape 9 12 a} wont beable to do te exarcie wi had reve he Ison ¢) Laud do the exerase unt | rave eased tne lesson 16 a The exercise cant revise well 1 ul of lakes, e eee idee 8 are wr 1 ee $0 a8 not ‘on many warght & "5.0 Sort wat» coer oan not pu on mae as Deen writing the final report » ede you et me ect toa wy ‘Meare ok ou tome £) He sad hat he nas eave o Hay on business 2 STRAIN OASINNR =) Heed ewe ve ba on uses o Tinie nian he ronan EP PSR Sa a) | T [esis oet sons une rd vs aconeeni ya us lame cast PP a [Mary ccs stn spending a year France. Tae melee nat $ eT @ Siw Dep se] [CF [ or must aos your mete while you are arian im TE pag im aS [Tavern yet recovered fom my astonanment iad op Sat al 9 Touts pour into Luxe dung te tov season aS I oe 710 [Ths shop doesn | handle imported goods = a aida gn) Js 9 TH |inever occured tome that you De Seas ll ge oe el 12 [ra Ergin beneind eg Tas pS fe es 713 | Tis event was oxanged n association wih ie Sports Counc a Tie he ao ap ner the plate. Pe was very pole = es 78 | The meberess chien ae starving for afetion and undoes = 6 a TG TET Ss x Oe jen Ks oe ple [46 The ci rare and slogan are marked on be players T-shins 17 [Cheese s processed $0 aging 1s iano eamneal wooden sUgTaaT iv a —— 2 a ee ee nas fares fon begat ais ‘Only access fo the vilage is by boat : ~ ener! 21 | t's hoped that people wil gan the fruits of he economic flor soar SEs rs) 2 | When | ted o ed the quarrel between ther, [received nothing but neue = Se jst sine [ 23 [Most factones are concentrated in one area of the town. = Ae ae AB ol 24 | The palce affcer torced a confession from the murderer 21s IS A tS pi [ 25 [in case of emergency, you must sound the alarm. Stilt 6 5g ‘26 [He has been released ‘rom prison after proving his innocence. 22) Spe BF Sa] [This hd has caught # serious disease_he Shout be removed fon school Sed in sal ys 52 i Seg stows Mae instal aso haber verte cae, favourite char ae al don't have any fee tie nowadays, Im completely absorbed 2 (3) [You shoves! a ays sees on orig inguagen eae Wied ey Sa) eS i

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