Safety Criteria For Evaluation of Railway Vehicle Derailment

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Safety Criteria for Evaluation of Railway Vehicle Derailment

Hiroaki ISHIDA
Manager, Vehicle Dynamics Lab., Fundamental Research Dept.

Masaki MA TSUO
Senior Chief Engineer, Engineer Dept., TESS Co. Ltd.

Criteria for evaluating safety of railway vehicles concerning derailment are reviewed.
In the case of quasi-static wheel climb derailment, the safety criteria in current use are
available. Recently oscillatory wheel load fluctuations of considerable amplitude have been
observed on Shinkansen vehicles running at high speeds, but there were no established
evaluation methods for the dynamic derailment under such a specific condition. Based on a
study on these dynamic phenomena through computer simulation, we propose to use the
time duration of Y/Q in order to assess the safety against derailment. Moreover, the neces-
sity to control the right to left static wheel load unbalance ratio and its limit value on assem-
bling bogies are suggested in this paper with field data obtained from turnout running tests.

Keywords : Derailment, Safety Criteria, Turnout, High-speed Train, Wheel Load Fluctua-
tion, Derailment Quotient, Time Duration

1. Introduction European notations are used here. The wheel load is ex-
pressed as P in Japan and V in the United States. The
The safety criteria for railway vehicle derailment were lateral force is expressed as Q in Japan and L in the U.S.A.
established in the 1960s after theoretical analyses and ex- In order to evaluate the running safety of railway vehicles,
periments for several years, and running safety has been the wheel/rail contact forces are measured in field tests
evaluated based on these JNR criteria in Japan. Concern- and several parameters are calculated using these forces.
ing the derailment quotient Y/Q, the limit value according The parameters for evaluation in current use are as fol-
to the wheel flange angle has been allowed to use only in lows:
the field tests of conventional lines since 1993 1). Recently, (1) Derailment quotient Y/Q
oscillatory wheel load fluctuations of considerable ampli- (2) Wheel load reduction ratio ∆Q/Q0
tude have been observed on Shinkansen vehicles running (3) Axle sum Y/Q ratio Σ |Y/Q|
at high speeds. The frequency is approximately 70 Hz at Y, Q and Q0 represent the lateral force, the wheel load
300 km/h. It is estimated that these fluctuations are gener- and a half of the static axle load, respectively. Σ |Y/Q| is
ated through the small vertical irregularities on the rail the sum of right and left Y/Q absolute values, known as
surface, whose wavelength is about 1.2 m. In the case of Weinstock's criterion 4). In all countries, the derailment
conventional lines, the same phenomena have been observed quotient (1) is used to evaluate running safety as a basic
at the rail joints and rails with corrugation as well. When parameter. The wheel load reduction ratio (2) and the axle
the wheel load decreases due to this oscillatory fluctuation, sum Y/Q ratio (3) are auxiliary indexes, and (3) is used only
the derailment quotient Y/Q sometimes momentarily ex- in the United States. The theoretical limit values of these
ceeds the standard value mentioned above. parameters are calculated by the following equations.
We researched the running safety of railway vehicles
under these conditions, and investigate suitable parameters Y  tanα − µ
and criteria for the evaluation. Safety must be secured by  Q  = 1 + µ tanα ………………………………………(1)
  lim
means of established evaluation methods without fail, but
it is also important in practical use to exclude overstate- where α represents the wheel/rail contact angle and µ
ment to judge non-climbing of flange or other safe situa- the frictional coefficient between wheel and rail.
tions as dangerous. At first, the safety criteria in general
use are surveyed in this paper. Then the wheel load fluc-  ∆Q  λL − λR FY 2
tuations observed on Shinkansen and the results of com-  Q  = λ + λ − W λ + λ …………………………(2)
  lim L R L R
puter simulation on the derailment of wheelset are described
especially in the case of running on rails with corrugation. tanα L − µ L tanα R + µ R
Regarding the safety criteria, the field data obtained from λL = , λR =
1 − µ L tanα L 1 − µ R tanα R
turnout running tests and the factors of derailment are also
shown in this paper. where Fy represents the lateral force acting at the axle
mass center and W the axle load. The suffix L and R show
the left and right wheel, respectively, and the equation (2)
2. Safety criteria of incipient derailment 2) 3) expresses the case where the left wheel flange climbs the
The forces acting on a wheel tread when a vehicle runs
on rail are divided into three components as shown in Fig.1.

18 QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar. ’99

tanα − µ mW iWX φW =
(∑ Y /Q )lim = + µ ……………………………(3)
1 + µ tanα
QL1 (bL1 + rL1φW ) + QL 2 (bL 2 + rL 2φW )
The equation (1) is called Nadal's formula. The equa-
tion (2) when Fy = 0 is called Kunieda's formula 1). As is − QR 1 (bR 1 − rR 1φW ) − QR 2 (bR 2 − rR 2φW )
evident from these equations, the limit value of every index + YL1 (rL1 − bL1φW ) + YL 2 (rL 2 − bL 2φW )
is influenced by the wheel/rail contact angle α and the fric-
tional coefficient µ. The frictional coefficient µ also changes + YR1 (rR1 + bR1φW ) + YR 2 (rR 2 + bR 2φW )
depending on the attack angle of wheel and the longitudi-
nal creep force between wheel and rail. − X L1 rL1ϕW − X L 2 rL 2ϕW
Concerning the derailment quotient Y/Q, the sliding − X R 1 rR 1ϕW − X R 2 rR 2ϕW + M x ……………………(6)
mean value on base of two meters window advanced by in-
crements ∆s of 0.5 m is used in Europe 5), while the maxi- mW iWX ΩW =
mum instantaneous value is used in other countries. This
subject will be discussed later. QL1 rL1θ L1 + QL 2 rL 2θ L 2 + QR 1 rR 1θ R 1 + QR 2 rR 2θ R 2
− YL1 rL1φW − YL 2 rL 2φW − YR 1 rR 1φW − YR 2 rR 2φW
3. Wheel climb derailment − X L1 rL1 − X L 2 rL 2 − X R 1 rR 1 − X R 2 rR 2 ……………(7)

3. 1 Simulation results on safety criteria where symbols mean the following, respectively.
b : Distance between wheel/rail contact point and center of
3.1.1 Simulation model and equations of motion wheelset,
The simulation model is a rigid wheelset running at a r : Radius of wheel at the wheel/rail contact point,
constant velocity. Outer forces act on the wheelset as shown mw : Mass of wheelset, iwx, iwy: Radius of inertia about x-
in Fig.1. and y-axis,
Here, we assume the following calculation conditions. Suffix L : Left wheel, Suffix R: Right wheel,
(1) Constant loads Fz and Fy act at the wheelset mass Suffix 1 : Contact point of wheel tread,
center. Suffix 2 : Contact point of flange
(2) The moment about y-axis My is equal to zero, that is,
the frictional resistance of axlebox bearing is negli- The forces X, Y and Q acting at the wheel/rail contact
gible and the rotating torque is zero. point can be divided into the normal force and tangential
(3) The yawing angle of the wheelset ψw is constant. forces. The tangential forces are creep forces induced by
(4) The direction of rail agrees with the x-axis. rolling contact. When a wheel derails and the flange con-
Then, we obtain the following equations of motion. tacts the rail, we have to consider the nonlinear creep force
because of large creepage.
mW yW = YL + YR + FY …………………………………………(4)

mW ZW = QL + QR + FZ ………………………………………(5)
3.1.2 Critical condition of quasi-static derailment
In the case of quasi-static derailment, the flanging wheel
contacts the rail at one point and the terms of inertia forces
z㩾 in the equation (4) through (7) are eliminated. Thus, the
Ǿw critical condition of derailment can be obtained by solving
nonlinear simultaneous equations. The calculation results
Ǿw y㩾
10.0 100
Wheel load reduction ratio ∆ Q / Q 0 (%)

Ȁw y
9.0 90
8.0 80
Derailment quotient Y / Q

F y = 0 kN
7.0 70
Fz 6.0 60
F y = 25 kN
5.0 50

QR Ω 4.0 40 F y = 50 kN

Fx 3.0 30
θR Fy
YR 2.0 20
XR 1.0 10
0.0 00
v YL −50 −30 −10 0 1020 30 40 50 −50 −30 −10 0 1020 30 40 50
XL Angle of attack Ȁw (mrad) Angle of attack Ȁw (mrad)

Fig. 1 Outer forces acting on a wheelset and Fig. 2 Calculation results on the limit of quasi-static
co-ordinate system derailment

QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar. ’99 19

3. 2 Field test running through turnouts No.8 8)
a 㧩 60q㧘r 㧩 0.439 m 3.2.1 Test conditions
Ǵ 㧩 0.3 㧘N 㧩 30000 N The field tests were carried out in order to investigate
the cause of derailment accidents running through turnout
1.4 No.8 in sidings. The structure of the turnout No.8 which
has a straight tongue rail is shown in Fig.4. The test condi-

Ȁw 㧩㩷0 mrad
1.2 tions are as follows:
(1) Vehicles : 211 EMU and 167 EMU, whose flange
1.0 Ȁw 㧩㩷2 mrad angles are 60 degrees.
Ȁw 㧩㩷10 mrad (2) Running velocity : 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 km/h
Nadal㩾s results (3) Turnouts : Two types of frog no.8 for sidings and main
−0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 tracks
(4) Running direction : Trailing (Fig.4)
Fig. 3 Relation between X/Q and Y/Q that cause (5) Right to left static wheel load ratio K : 1/1, 1/1.7, 1/
flange climbing 2.5
The same test was performed previously, and it has al-
on a Shinkansen wheel, whose flange angle is 70 degrees ready been clarified that the unbalance between the right
and inclination of wheel tread is 1/40, are shown in Fig.2. and left static wheel loads has a great influence on the flange
The dotted lines in the graph of Y/Q are values obtained climbing derailment. In this test, the right wheel became
from Nadal's formula (1) and those in the graph of ∆Q/Q0 the outer wheel with a decreased load when the vehicle ran
are values from the equation (2). The nonlinear creep forces on a leading curve of the turnout. The wheel load unbal-
are calculated using J.J.Kalker's theory 6). The following ance of the leading wheelset was given by inserting liners
facts are recognized from Fig.2. in the axlebox suspension and changing the height of air
(1) The limit value of derailment quotient Y/Q is a func- suspensions. The wheel/rail contact forces X, Y and Q and
tion of the attack angle ψw, but Y/Q is not influenced the vertical displacement between the wheel tread and rail
by the lateral force Fy acting on the wheelset. On the were measured in this test.
other hand, however, the wheel load reduction ratio
∆Q/Q0 at incipient derailment is greatly influenced Trailing
by Fy. 2㫦4㩾39㩾㩾 Leading
(2) When the attack angle ψw becomes zero and there is
no lateral creep, the limit value of Y/Q is less than R = 100.701m R = 100.701m
Y/Q = tanα, that is obtained from the equation (1), Straight
Lead rail
as the frictional coefficient µ is equal to zero. The tongue
reason of this fact is that the lateral force induced by 4.0m
spin creep at the flange/rail contact area causes the
wheel to rise and derail.
In the case of typical conventional vehicle whose flange 0.862m
2.234m 3.31m
angle is 60 degrees, the value of Y/Q ratio must not exceed 0.904m 10mm

0.8, and the ∆Q/Q0 must not be greater than 0.6 in Japan.
㧖 Side view
The latter limit value of quasi-static ∆Q/Q0 was derived from
the equation (2) at α L = 60 degrees, α R = 1/20, µ = 0.2 and Fig. 4 Turnout No.8 for sidings
Fy=0. So, there is no room left for safety limit in ∆Q/Q0 =
0.6, and safety assessment must be performed together with 3.2.2 Test results
evaluation of Y/Q 7). The wheelsets of test vehicles started to climb the rail
The tangential forces on the flanging wheel are also at a position one meter before the tongue rail end (at the
the functions of attack angle ψw and longitudinal creep. point * in Fig.4). Figure 5 shows the test results on the
When a vehicle is driving or braking, the longitudinal relation between the running distance from the starting to
creep force X increases and the creep force in the contact the maximum point of flange climbing, and the height of
area will saturate in spite of small lateral creep. Figure wheel rise. Figure 6 plots the same data of 211 EMU in
3 shows the calculation results of the relation between Fig.5, whose x- and y- axis are altered to mean velocities
the limit value of Y/Q and the X/Q ratio that represents that are calculated from the distance divided by the time
the influence of the longitudinal creep. The value of Y/Q duration of wheel rise. The lines in Fig.6 indicate simula-
becomes minimum when ψw=10 mrad and X/Q= 0 (Fig.3). tion results using one-vehicle model running through a turn-
Moreover, the limit value of Y/Q becomes greater as the out No.8. These results suggest the following.
X/Q ratio increases, and it is constant when X/Q is greater (1) The running distance while the wheel is rising de-
than 0.6. The X/Q ratio will reach the value of 0.8, which pends on the track condition, vehicle characteristics
is the product of 1/cos α and the ratio of longitudinal to and the right to left static wheel load ratio K.
normal force X/N . (2) The larger the wheel load ratio K is set, the higher
the speed of flange climbing becomes. The test ve-
hicle derailed while running one or one and a half
meters from the point * in Fig.4, when the wheel load

20 QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar. ’99

unbalance K was set at 1/2.5.
30 (3) The mean velocity of flange climbing when K=1/1.5
Height of wheel rise z (mm)

is almost the same as that when K=1/1, when ve-

hicles run through the turnout No.8 at a speed lower
20 than 25 km/h.
Since the static wheel load unbalance gives the roll
moment about x-axis and increases the lateral force at the
10 non-flanging wheel/rail contact point, it causes the wheel
to rise and derail. As a result, it is clarified that the static
wheel load unbalance ratio K has to be within 1.5 in order
0 2 4 6 8 10 to secure running safety. A computer simulation of
Running distance x (m) Shinkansen vehicles running at the maximum speed of
350km/h has also been made to investigate the influence of
ٌ㧦211, K = 1/1, siding ˜㧦167, K = 1/1, siding wheel load unbalance on running stability and safety on
٠㧗㧦211, K = 1/2.5, siding ‫غ‬㧦211, K = 1/2.5, main track track irregularities 9). The results indicate that the wheel
load unbalance has little influence on running stability, and
Fig. 5 Height of wheel rise and running distance that the resonance to track irregularities has no problems
(field test) when the value of K is within 1.5. The maintenance and
adjustment of assembling bogies should be performed with
this wheel load unbalance ratio K taken into consideration.
ٌ㧦211, K = 1/1, Simulation Some parameters for safety assessment calculated us-
Mean velocity z/t (m/s)

0.10 ٠㧦211, K = 1/2.5, (K = 1/1) ing running test data are shown in Fig.7 in comparison with
˜㧦167, K = 1/1, the distance to climb. All parameters tend to increase their
Simulation values according to the height of wheel rise within 6 mm.
0.06 (K = 1/2.5) Derailment The limit values of these parameters obtained only from
these test data are as follows:
0.04 (1) Derailment quotient : Y/Q < 1.1
(2) Sliding mean value of Y/Q with 2 m-window :
(K = 1/1.5)
(Y/Q)smv < 0.8
0 (3) Axle sum Y/Q ratio : Σ |Y/Q| < 1.4
0 10 20 30 40
Running speed v (km/h)
(4) Time duration of Y/Q : t 0 < 150 msec
Time duration of Y/Q means the time while the value of
Fig. 6 Mean velocity of wheel rising and running speed Y/Q exceeds 0.8 continuously. In the case of running through
(field test) a turnout with a sever curve, the axle sum Y/Q known as

30 30
Height of wheel rise z (mm)
Height of wheel rise z (mm)

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 2 4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Y/Q (Y/Q)smv

30 30
Height of wheel rise z (mm)
Height of wheel rise z (mm)

25 25

20 20

15 15
: 211
10 10
: 211 (Rain),
5 5
: 167
0 0
0 200 400 0 1 2 3
t 0 (msec) в | Y/Q |
Fig. 7 Height of wheel rise and maximum value of parameters measured in field test running through turnouts

QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar. ’99 21

50kN Lateral force Y

200kN Wheel load Q

1.0 Derailment quotient Y/Q

Axlebox vertical acceleration

200 m/s2

1 sec

Fig. 8 Example chart of field test data at 340 km/h

Weinstock's criterion does not show its feature, because the

attack angle of wheelset ψw is large. If we use 0.8 as the N
limit value of Y/Q, the sliding mean value with 2 m-window
is more practical than the instantaneous value. Wheel
The main factors of derailment at turnouts are the wheel
load unbalance, the frictional coefficient between wheel and
rail and the mass of a carbody and unsprung mass. The Y
results of running tests and vehicle dynamics simulation α
are described in detail in the reference 8).
4. Dynamic derailment
4. 1 Wheel load fluctuation at high frequencies

An example of field test data on a Shinkansen vehicle kGz CGz

running at 340 km/h is shown in Fig.8. Figure 8 is a time
chart of lateral force Y, wheel load Q, derailment quotient
Y/Q and axlebox vertical acceleration measured with newly-
developed measuring device 10). The wheel/rail contact force Fig. 9 Model of elastically suspended rail
less than 100 Hz can be measured accurately by using this
new device. In this case, Y/Q reaches 1.5 momentarily due 4.2.1 Influence of wheel load fluctuation on flange climb
to the wheel load reduction induced by the wheel load fluc- derailment 12)
tuation at high frequencies that correlates with the axlebox Figure 10 shows the results of simulation when a con-
vertical acceleration. It is well known that this phenom- stant lateral force Fy=50 kN acts at the axle mass center
enon is often observed when railway vehicles run at high and the roll moment about x-axis Mx gradually increases.
speeds on rails with corrugations. Figure 10-(a) is the case without wheel load fluctuation, and
The main subject of this research is to evaluate run- Fig.10-(b) is the case with the wheel load fluctuation at 50
ning safety and establish an evaluation method when the Hz caused by the vertical irregularities on rail surface. The
phenomena mentioned above are observed. results of this simulation indicate the following.
(1) The amplitude of roll moment Mx when a wheel starts
4. 2 Simulation on dynamic derailment of wheelset to climb is almost independent of the vertical irregu-
The simulation model is almost the same as that of the (2) The threshold Y/Q value of incipient derailment un-
wheelset shown in Fig.1. In order to express jumping of der wheel load fluctuation is almost the same as that
wheel, a rail model supported elastically with suspensions of the quasi-static derailment without fluctuation.
and dampers in the vertical and lateral directions is used (3) The value of Y/Q after the wheel starts to climb gradu-
as shown in Fig.9 11). ally increases according to the distance to climb, be-
cause the wheel/rail contact angle α also increases.

22 QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar. ’99

120.0 200.0

Q (kN)
Q (kN)

60.0 100.0
0.0 0.0
120.0 120.0
100.0 100.0
Y (kN)

∆ Q /Q0
80.0 80.0
60.0 60.0
40.0 40.0
20.0 20.0
0.0 0.0
3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0


1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
∆ Q /Q0

100.0 100.0

Y (kN)
0.0 −50.0
−50.0 −150.0
0.030 0.030
Z (m)

Z (m)
0.020 0.020
0.010 0.010
0.000 0.000
Mx (kN䊶m)
Mx (kN䊶m)

120.0 120.0
100.0 100.0
80.0 80.0
60.0 60.0
40.0 40.0
20.0 20.0
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00
Time (sec) Time (sec)
㩿a㪀 Without wheel load fluctuation 㩿b㪀 With wheel load fluctuation
Fig. 10 Influence of wheel load fluctuation on derailment (simulation)

(4) When the height of flange climbing exceeds about 10 ing and jumping.
mm, the wheel flange loses its effect to resist derail- (3) If the time duration while the wheel load continues
ing. Then, the value of Y/Q decreases, but the wheel to be zero because of jumping is added to the time
continues to climb higher. while Y/Q exceeds the limit value before jumping, the
Since the time duration while the wheel load decreases sum of time duration correlates with the height of
is less than 0.01 seconds under 50 Hz fluctuation, the wheel wheel rise.
which starts to climb is retracted immediately by the in- An example of simulation results is shown in Fig.11. In
creased wheel load and does not easily derail. this case, the limit value of Y/Q is set at 1.0, and the time
duration of Y/Q includes the time while the wheel load is
4.2.2 Safety criteria hypothesis on dynamic derailment 13) zero, that is, the condition of no wheel load is defined as the
In order to get more information with regard to dy-
namic derailment acting large inertia forces, derailment 100
simulations have been performed in a number of cases
where a wheel comes into collision to rail with a constant 50 Q 0 = 58.5 kN
attack angle and jumps while running on a rail with a
sine-shaped protuberance. Calculation results of
Height of wheel rise z (mm)

Shinkansen wheelset with different static wheel loads, 10

running speeds, wheelset angles of attack, frictional co-
efficients, the amplitudes of lateral force and the heights 5
of protuberance indicate the following.
(1) When a wheel does not jump, the distance to climb
correlates with the time duration while the Y/Q ratio 1
exceeds a limit value continuously. The longer the ٨ : 300km/h
duration of Y/Q is, the higher the wheel climbs. 0.5
٠ : 400km/h
(2) When a wheel jumps due to an impulsive lateral force,
‫ع‬ : 500km/h
the wheel load Q becomes zero immediately, and the
Y/Q ratio comes to be undefined. The height of wheel 0.1
jumping has relation with the amplitude of lateral 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.5 1
force pulse. However, the maximum value of Y/Q and
Time duration of Y/Q t 0 (sec)
the time duration while Y/Q exceeds the limit value
before the wheel jumps do not correlate with the Fig. 11 Height of wheel rise and time duration of
height of wheel rise that is the sum of flange climb- Y/Q (simulation)

QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar. ’99 23

0.5 sec

Effective time duration (sec)

Y 0.04
0.4 kN

٨ : Q 0 = 78.0 kN
0.5 kN ً : Q 0 = 58.8 kN
‫ع‬ : Q 0 = 39.2 kN

X 0.00
0 100 200 300 400 500
0.5 kN Running speed (km/h)
Fig. 13 Effective time duration (simulation)
t 0 㩿Y/Q㻢0.8㪀
1.0 same as filtering in a sense. The subject is whether the
distance or time is suitable for the window. In the case of
Z (mm) wheel climb derailment like an accident at a turnout, the
1 mm sliding mean value of Y/Q using 2 m-distance window can
be used for assessment as already described. However, it is
Fig. 12 Chart of experiments using 1/5 scale model unknown whether the same evaluation method is available
or not when a vehicle runs at a high speed and derails dy-
excess of the Y/Q limit value. As the results from the same namically.
arrangement of various calculated data, it is found that the We did simulations to investigate this subject under the
height of wheel rise is less than 1 mm, when the time dura- following conditions, which seems to be severe but probable
tion of Y/Q is less than or equal to 15 msec. The duration in actual operation.
from the start of flange climbing to derailment of the wheel (1) Static wheel load reduction ratio ∆Q/Q0 =0.4 ~ 0.5
is larger than 30 msec under the actual and severe running (2) Lateral force acting on wheelset Fy = W×0.3~0.4 ,where
conditions. W is the axle load.
This suggests that the following hypothesis is applicable (3) Maximum angle of attack ψw =20 mrad
as a criterion to evaluate the safety against the dynamic (4) Static wheel load Q0 =39 ~ 78 kN
derailment. As a wheel starts to climb, the value of Y/Q increases
(1) The limit value of Y/Q is set at 1.0 in the case of gradually according to the distance to climb and reaches a
Shinkansen wheel whose flange angle is 70 degrees. maximum value, but Y/Q decreases after the wheel rises
(2) If the time duration while the value of Y/Q continues higher than a certain displacement. The wheel flange re-
to exceed 1.0 is equal to or less than 15 msec, the sists effectively only while the value of Y/Q increases, so we
vehicle is evaluated to be safe against derailment. investigate the time for this process, which we call the ef-
(3) The time duration of Y/Q includes the time while the fective time duration. The simulation results are shown in
wheel load Q is equal to zero. Fig.13. This indicates that the effective time duration is in
In the case of typical conventional line vehicles whose proportion to the running velocity lower than 150 km/h ap-
flange angles are 60 degrees, the same criterion holds for proximately, but that it becomes constant over 150 km/h.
setting the limit value of Y/Q at 0.8. This is confirmed by This fact shows that the criterion hypothesis using the time
computer simulations and experiments using a 1/5 scale duration of Y/Q that we proposed is correct for the evalua-
model of wheelset as well 13) 14). An example of measured tion of safety at high speeds. Moreover, it is thought that
data in the experiments using a 1/5 scale model is shown in the time window should be used rather than the running
Fig.12. The new safety criterion has been used tentatively distance window, if the filtered Y/Q value is applied to the
with the Y/Q criterion for six years in Japan setting the evaluation. The concrete length of the window as a stan-
limit value of Y/Q at 0.8 in running tests of both Shinkansen dard will have to be determined and confirmed by collect-
vehicles and conventional vehicles in order to secure room ing field test data in quantities from now on.
for safety at high speeds. So far, no problems have hap-
pened on the safety assessment.
5. Conclusions
4.2.3 Sliding mean value of Y/Q
It was found that a momentary large value of Y/Q did Field tests running through turnouts indicate that the
not cause the wheel to derail. This fact suggests that the right to left static wheel load unbalance ratio K is impor-
high frequency fluctuations of Y/Q and wheel load can be tant to assure safety against derailment, and that the value
ignored, that is, the value of Y/Q filtered through a low pass of K should be less than 1.5. The derailment quotient Y/Q
filter may be applicable to practical safety evaluation. The is generally used for safety assessment. This method is
sliding mean value of Y/Q used in Europe is basically the applicable to the wheel climb derailment, but there were no

24 QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 1, Mar. ’99

criteria for the evaluation of dynamic derailment due to 1993
wheel load fluctuations at high frequencies caused by ir- 3) Ishida,H.: “Derailment Phenomena and Safety Criteria
regularities on rail surface. We propose the following crite- for Evaluation”, JSME P-SC253 Rep.(in Japanese),
ria based on the simulation results in order to evaluate these pp.19-22, 1997
dynamic phenomena accurately. 4) Weinstock, H.: “Wheel Climb Derailment Criteria for
(1) The limit value of Y/Q is set according to the wheel Evaluation of Rail Vehicle Safety”, ASME paper, #84-
flange angle. WA/RT-1, pp.1-7, 1984
(2) If the time duration, while the value of Y/Q contin- 5) ORE Rep.: Question C138, No.9(Final), 1986
ues to exceed the limit value, is equal to or less than 6) Kalker, J. J.: “On the Rolling Contact of Two Elastic
15 msec, the vehicle is evaluated to be safe from de- Bodies in the Presence of Friction”, Doctoral Thesis,
railment. University of Delft, 1967
(3) The time duration of Y/Q includes the time while the 7) Kunieda, M.: “Several Problems about Rolling Stock
wheel load Q is equal to zero. Which Can Run on Curves at High Speed”, Quar. Rep.
This new safety criterion has already been used tenta- of RTRI, 13, 1, pp.1-7, 1972
tively with the Y/Q criterion setting the limit value of Y/Q 8) Ishida, H.: “Evaluation of Railway Vehicle derailment
at 0.8 in Japan. It seems that the filtered value of Y/Q like when Passing Switch and Crossing”, RTRI Rep. (in Japa-
the sliding mean value of Y/Q is also available, but it is nec- nese), 10, 5, pp.13-18, 1996
essary to measure and collect plenty of field test data at 9) Ishida, H., Matsuo, M.: “Influence of Static Wheel Load
high speeds in order to define the most suitable filter and Unbalance on Running Safety of High Speed
standard. Shinkansen”, JSME J-Rail’97 Conference (in Japanese),
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10) Ishida, H., et. al.: “A New Continuous Measuring Method
Acknowledgement of Wheel/Rail Contact Forces”, Quar. Rep. of RTRI, 35,
2, pp.105-111, 1994
Field tests described here were performed by JR-East. 11) Miyamoto, T., et. al.: “Running Safety of Railway Ve-
We would like to thank Mr. Tezuka and researchers of Ve- hicle as Earthquake Occurs”, Quar. Rep. of RTRI, 38, 3,
hicle Dynamics Laboratory in RTRI for helpful discussions pp.117-122, 1997
and joint efforts in the field tests. 12) Matsuo, M., et. al.: “Derailment under Oscillatory Wheel
Load Fluctuation”, RTRI Rep. (in Japanese), 4, 6, pp.8-
15, 1990
References 13) Ishida, H., et. al.: “Safety Criteria for Evaluation of the
Railway Vehicle Derailment”, RTRI Rep.(in Japanese),
1) RTRI: “Manual for Speed-up Tests of Conventional Lines 9, 8, pp.49-54, 1995
(in Japanese)”, pp.78-96, 1993 14) Ishida, H., et. al.: “Experiment on Derailment Using a
2) Elkins, J. A., Carter, A.: “Testing and Analysis Tech- 1/5 Scale Wheelset and Roller-rigs”, JSME J-Rail'94
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