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(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau. 26 May 2011 (26.05.2011) NTE A000 0808 (10) International Publication Number WO 2011/062513 Al (1) International Patent Classification HN, HR, HU, 1D, IL, IN, IS, 3, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, F24C 9700200601) KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, "MG, Mik, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI 21) International Application Number: SPH, PLP? crim200y0000 NO: a (OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO,RS, RU, (22) International Filing Date: TZ, UA,UG, 22 December 2009 (22.12.2009) (4) Designated States uless otherwise indicated, for every 25) Filing Language: Faglish kind of regional prowetion available: ARIPO (BW, Gil, Gt, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, (26) Publication Language: English 2), Eurasian (AM, MD, RU, (00) Prtority Data TMD, European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, S500000447 18 November 2009 (18.11.2009) PH ES, FL, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IB, 18, IT; LT, LU, LV MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, SM, (72) Inventors; and TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GO, GW, (71) Applicants = © wc, Nw Jr [PHP = ML, MR,NE,SN, TD, 76). 48368 RM. Boulevar, Sia. Mesa, Manila (PH). LUGA, Enrieo,S.[PIVPHT, #8 Magallanes Stret, Samonte Park, Deelarations under Rule 4.17: Cavite City (PH). — as 1 applican’s emitement to apply for and be granted (74) Agent: ABES MARIANO & MALONG LAW OF. “>Htent (Rule 4.1700) FICES; 33 EDSA, Abes Building, Barangka Llaya, Man- — as 1 the applicants entitlement to claim rhe priority of daluyong City 1550 (Ph (81) Designated States fanless otherwise indicated, for every ind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, the earlier application Rule 4.37) of inventorship (Rule 4.17(0) Published 1062513 A1 Ill AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA. CH. CL, CN, CO. CR CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, — ith international search report (Art. 21(3)) DZ, BC, FE, EG, BS, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, Gr, (64) Title; COOKER USING ELECTROLYSIS TO PRODUCE HYDROGEN FIG.1 (57 Abstract: The inveaton relates toa cooking bumer system that uses wate s fue. The system does not depend on fossil fel & iivis comectad to solar, hydro or wind resources. kn ease the system is connected to aid power the consumption wil still be & ower than trattona electric stoves or microwave ovens, The stove ise electryss as its main medium fo extrac ue from wa © Hydrogen wit oxjpen gas is wed as cooking fil. This produces more BYU compared o ordinary LP-Gas, The sem a Jows fora convenient and safe way to cook witout smoke or wasted het, In addition there is no need fo store LPG oF to deliver } and eum enpty LPG containers, the appliance design is porable and user-friendly 1 0 WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 COOKER USING ELECTROLYSIS TO PRODUCE HYDROGEN TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION This utility model generally relates to a cooking apparatus and more specifically to a cooking apparatus having water as fuel by using an electrolyzer to produce the combustible gas from water. BACKGROUND OF THE UTILITY MODEL. Various types of cooking apparatus are known. Known cooking apparatus utilize liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) that is stored in a tank as fuel. When LPG tanks went empty after a certain amount of usage, delivery of a filled-up tank is necessary to replace the empty tank. This exercise has been proven impractical yet inevitable since no other convenient way of refilling the tanks are known. Another disadvantage of using LPG as burner fuel is safety since leaks can happen in the LPG line and since the LPG is a heavy gas and highly combustible, the gas leak may settle in the environment and may explode with open flame. And due to high demand for LPG, shortage of supply forces the price of LPG to soar which results in higher food prices. Moreover, the use of LPG and other fossil fuels emit compounds which are harmful to the environment. The flame coming from LPG is also proven to 1 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) 15 5 WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 be unclean that it produces carbon muck and soot under the cooking pan or kettle. OBJECTS OF THE UTILITY MODEL The main object of the present utility model is to provide a cooking apparatus which uses water as the raw fuel for use as heating medium eliminating the use of LPG by employing an electrolyzer which produces combustible hydrogen and oxygen from water. Another object is to provide a cooking apparatus which produces a cleaner and more efficient flame than the prior art since the flame from hydrogen and oxygen are denser and does not produce carbon muck and soot. Another object is to provide a cooking apparatus that is safer since leaking of hydrogen or oxygen is not hazardous to any accidental explosion since hydro gas is about 14 times lighter than air and will quickly dissipate back into the atmosphere and becomes inert. Compared to LPG, a leak in this system will not pose any danger to safety in terms of air pollution or fire hazards Other and allied objects will be apparent to those skilled in the art after a careful perusal, examination, and study of the accompanying illustrations, the present specification, and the appended claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS. To facilitate understanding, reference will be made to the herein below- described figures, in which: 2 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a cooking apparatus of the present utility model; FIG. 2 is a front view of the cooking apparatus showing the elements comprising the same; FIG. 3 is a diagram showing the structural interconnections of the elements; and FIG. 4 is a circuit diagram of the power control module and its outside connection to other elements. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring now to the several views of the drawings wherein like reference numerals designate same parts throughout, there is shown my utility model for a cooking apparatus generally designated as 10. The cooking apparatus 10 uses electrolytic process to extract from water combustible gases hydrogen and oxygen to be used as fuel instead of the conventionally used LPG, Electrolyzed water which forms gases of hydrogen and oxygen, also known as HydrOxy or Oxy-hydrogen enriched gas, which is a full reformation of water rom its non-combustible liquid state to a highly combustible and implosive diatomic gas state through electrolysis by applying electricity on a clean tap or distilled waterwith a small amount of electrolyte. The apparatus 10 comprises of an electrolyzer 11 which extracts the hydrogen and the. oxygen from water coming from a water source. The water source is stored in a water reservoir 12. The electrolyzer is powered by a DC electricity 30. The water flowing to the electrolyzer 11 flows through and from 3 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 a main, scrubber unit 13 wherein the primary condensation and recirculation takes place. The hydrogen and oxygen gases then passes through a series of conditioning chambers 14 wherein compressed ambient air is injected into the system. The ambient air is supplied from an air pump 15 and is stored in an ai tank 16° The ambient air mixes in a proportional ratio with the scrubbed hydrogen and oxygen gases. The compressed air also manages and conditions the flow of the combustible gases upstream to a burner 17, A power control module 18, being provided with a power cord 19 connectible to a wall electrical source, supplies power to the air pump 15 and DC supply 30 to the electrolyzer 11 via a bridge rectifier 31. A dry cell 32 is provided in series connection with the DC source 30. This electrolytic cell has. a very low resistance and the cell acts like a “Kinetic Magnetic Current Inducer" which allows electrons to pass through the resistive water solution cavity at a much higher velocity. The higher electron speed creates a resonant vibration or frequency which allows the cell to extract or push out hydrogen and oxygen gas at a much higher rate All the elements making up the system such as the electrolyzer 11, reservoir 12, main scrubber 13, conditioning chambers 14, air pump 15, air tank 16 and power control module 18 are lodged in a single cabinet-type housing module 20 except for the burner 17 which is disposed at the top of the housing module 20. The cabinet housing allows the present cooker to be easily transported from one location to another. The water reservoir 12 has an extended filler port 21 which is disposed outside the housing module 20 to facilitate easy water refilling to the system. 4 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 The cooking apparatus further includes a circuit breaker 33 disposed inside the power control module 18 to provide electrical safety from abnormal conditions such as overcurrent and overvoltage. Pressure sensor and pressure switch module 34 are provided to cut-off system flow when very large pressure develop. The embodiment of the present utility model specifically described herein is exemplary only, and is not intended to limit the scope of the present utility mode! to the precise form disclosed, and many modifications and variations are possible in light of the above teaching without deviating from the spirit and the scope of the utility model. SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 CLAIMS: 4 A cooking apparatus comprising: an electrolyzer which produces a combustible fuel from a water source, a burner downstream from the electrolyzer, a main scrubber unit in flow communication with the electrolyzer, a series of conditioning chambers which manage and condition the flow of the combustible gas with a compressed air from an air tank before the combustible gas flows upstream to the burner, an air pump to supply said compressed air to the air tank, and a power: control module connectible to a power supply by a power cord, sai power control module supplying power to said air pump and electrolyzer. A cooking apparatus as set forth in claim 1, wherein said power control module includes a bridge rectifier to supply DC power source to the electrolyzer A cooking apparatus as set forth in claim 2, wherein said power control module further includes a dry cell in series connection with the DC power source. A cooking apparatus as set forth in claim 3, wherein the electrolyzer, air tank, main scrubber unit, series of conditioning chambers and power control module are lodged in a single housing module, and said bumer being disposed on top of said housing module 6 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 5. A cooking apparatus as set forth in claim 4, wherein said water source includes a water reservoir having a filler port disposed outside the housing module to facilitate easy water refilling. SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 FIG. 1 V4, SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 FIG. 2 24 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 PCT/PH2009/000020 JANN duu FIG. 3 34 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) WO 2011/062513 Delay Timer ‘Off 32 ee — POSITIVE (+1 NEGATIVE (4 —— 220v86 44 SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) PCT/PH2009/000020 FIG. 4 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Teterationa application Ne PCT/PH2009/000020 7, GL ASSFIGATION OF SUBJECT MATTER INV. F24C9/00 ADD. 8. FIELDS SEARCHED Acca t Ivgmatoral Paton Clasieaton WC) ro buh ater clasoaton and PC F24c Taearabcurreeation SeacTad (Gassicaton Sysa Trova by CUSSIEATON AFREOR) ‘Dosarionaton sorted ae tan nam docureraion he wnt Wal cua oars ae WG Ww Tals auch €PO-Internal, WPI Data esac data bas consuod Gag ivaralona sar (Taw Of Gala DGGE and, wie SSCA, SOA ara Use) ‘DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT ‘Caegon7 | aon of ocumert, wh ndaton, whore appropvae of ero: pasaBes paragraph [0394] 24 May 1989 (1989-05-24) ‘the whole document EQUIPMENT CO [CNJ) 8B July 2009 (2009-07-08) * abstract * abstract paragraph [0405]; figures 4, 4a,5 x WO_2006/116849 A1 (CROPLEY HOLDINGS LTD 1 [BS]; CONRAD WAYNE ERNEST [CA]) 9 November 2006 (2006-11-09) x DE 88 15 513 Ul (WIECHERT, S. 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Oto, PB. 5619 Patntaan 2 TNE S200 Hy Psa Ter (eatera) sag2000 Fae (931-70) 90-8006 Taos oar Verdoodt, Luk Fes POTATO rere nea) TB) page 1 of 2 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT ‘wteratona! pplication No PCT/PH2009/000020 ‘iGontinanion) DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT SCIENCE AN [CN]) 23 August 2000 (2000-08-23) * abstract ‘category | taton o eceument wth ieaton whee appropriate, fhe evan passages Relevant io cin No. x CN 1 196 464 A (HUANG RENQING [CN]) 1 21 October 1998 (1998-10-21) * abstract x CN 2 177 902 Y (WANG SHUSHENG [CN]) 1 21 September 1994 (1994-09-21) * abstract x CN 2 138 760 Y (LI XIUTAI [CN]) 1 21 July 1993 (1993-07-21) * abstract x CN 2 393 001 Y (GREEN ENERGY SOURCE 1 Fm Tana 0 rina Ta HO TB page 2 of 2 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT ‘eteratonal eppizaion No Information on patent tamty members PCT/PH2009/000020 Patant document Publication Patent family ubleaton cited in search report cate member(s), ate WO 2006116849 Al 09-11-2006 AU 2006243710 Al (09-11-2006 CN 101495811 A 29-07-2009 EP 2019947 Al 04-02-2009 Us 2009202690 Al 13-08-2009 DE 8815513 Ul 24-05-1989 NONE CN 101476745 =A 08-07-2009 NONE 21-07-1993 NONE 23-08-2000 NONE CN 2393001 CN 2830919 Y 25-10-2006 NONE CN 1196464 A 21-10-1998 NONE CN 2177902 Y 21-09-1994 NONE cn 2138760. 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