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Gas Laws


● Gas moves in a constant linear motion or in a straight line.
● Gas has no definite shape and size.
● If gas molecules collide, their energy remains constant,
● Gases do not attract each other nor do they have attractive forces.
● Gases have energy that is proportional to the temperature
○ The higher the temperature, the higher the energy gases have. So if the temperature is
the same, all gases have the same energy.


● This is the theory that explains the behavior of gases.
● 1: Particles of a gas are in constant motion and collide with both one another and the
○ The gas will firstly just go in a straight line but when they bounce off they will change
● 2: Gas is mostly empty space because the molecules are so far apart
● 3: Pressure is exerted when the particles hit the sides of the container
○ Pressure is actually just molecules using their kinetic energy of motion onto the
walls of their container
○ If there are a lot of particles moving very fast, there are many collisions, so there
is alot of pressure.
○ But if there are very few particles moving very slowly, there are only a few
collisions, so there is hardly any pressure.
● 4: Particles do not interact with eachother unless acted upon by an external force.
● 5: Average kinetic energy is proportional to the temperature
○ If temperature goes up, particles move faster

● Boyles Law (Pressure is indirectly proportional to Volume)
○ P1 V1 = P2 V2
● Charles Law (Volume is directly proportional to Temperature)
○ V1 T2 = V2 T 1
○ C + 273 = K
● Gay-Lussac’s Law (Pressure is directly proportional to Temperature)
○ P1 T2 = P2 T1
● Avogadro’s Law (Volume is directly proportional to the Number of Moles)
○ V1 n2 = V2 n1
○ Moles = mass/molar mass
○ Molar mass = element*quantity
● Ideal Gas Law
○ PV = nRT
○ Gas constant (R) = 0.08206 L atm/mol k OR 8.315 dm^3 kPa/mol*k
● STP (standard temperature and pressure)
○ T = 273 K or 0
○ P = 1 atm or 101.325 kPa
○ V = 22.4 L

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