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A Final Year Project for the degree of Bachelor in Information and

Communication Technology




School of Engineering

Information and Communications University


Advisor : Mr. Lameck Nsama


School of Engineering
Information and Communications University

A thesis submitted to the faculty of Information and Communications

University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Information and Communication Technology with education in the School
of Engineering

Lusaka, Zambia

9th September , 2019.

Approved by


Mr. Lameck Nsama

Major Advisor

I declare that this thesis is an original report of my research, has been written by me and has
not been submitted for any previous degree. The experimental work is almost entirely my
own work; the collaborative contributions have been indicated clearly and acknowledged.
Due references have been provided on all supporting literatures and resources.





We certify that this work has passed the scholastic standards requested by the Information
and Communications University as a final year project for the degree of Bachelor of
Information and Communication Technology with Education.

9th September , 2019

Chairman of the Committee
Mr. Lameck Nsama
School of Engineering

Committee Member

Committee Member


This work would not have been possible without the financial support of The Zambia
Research and Development Centre (ZRDC) scholarship award, Information and
Communication University. I am especially indebted to Dr. Silumbe, who is director of
research and development at the Zambia Research and Development Centre, Mr Lameck
Nsama, the Head of Department School of Engineering, who have been supportive of my
career goals and who worked actively to provide me with the protected academic time to
pursue those goals. I am grateful to all of those with whom I have had the pleasure to work
during this and other related projects. Each of the members of my Dissertation Committee
has provided me extensive personal and professional guidance and taught me a great deal
about both scientific research and life in general. I would especially like to thank Ms. Silvia
Nanyangwe, the lecturer. As my teacher and mentor, she has taught me more than I could
ever give her credit for her, since the stage of proposal. She has shown me, by her example,
what a good researcher should be. Nobody has been more important to me in the pursuit of
this project than the members of my family. I would like to thank my Mother -Elesi Katete
and Mather Tembo, whose love and guidance are with me in whatever I pursue. They are the
ultimate role models. Most importantly, I wish to thank my loving and supportive wife,
Bather, and my two wonderful sons, Newton, Armstrong who provide unending inspiration.


I dedicate this project to God Almighty My Creator, My Strong Pillar, My source of

inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He has been the source of my strength
throughout this program and on His wings only have I ascended. I also dedicate this work to
my Wife ,Bather Isaacs Katete who understands so much when Iam on the computer .I have
never been there for the family ,I have been absent but present all the way and whose
encouragement has made sure that I give it all it takes to finish that which I have started. To
my children Newton Isaacs Katete the First and Armstrong Isaac Katete the 2 nd who have
been affected in every way possible by this quest. Mostly important dedication goes to Ms.
Maria Mwiko Zulu, My former Headteacher at Nkwashi Basic School, now the DEBS
Kapiri-Mposhi District. She recommended me to British Council Team to work as Zambia‘s
IT Ambassador, hardly did I know that it was the change of my career from being RE teacher
to now the ICT international specialist.Mum,I owe a lot in my life. I further dedicate this
thesis to the late Brenda Shakele, M.H.S.R.I.P, (former British Council Programs Officer), for
training me into a model icon. Not forgetting Ackim Banda, British Council Programmes
Manager for trusting and giving me Critical Thinking and Problem solving skills. I cannot
forget the entire British Council Zambia Team for changing my career from being a Religious
Education Teacher to a graduate of ICT. Special dedication is extended to Microsoft Sub
Saharan Africa Education Manager-Phil for inspiring me to be a global Microsoft Innovative
Educators Expert at the international scene. I further dedicate the thesis to Ms. Jennipher
Chishimba Banda-Central Province PEO for always trusting and believing in me and for
appointing me to coordinate ICT implementation in Central when the Province was in crisis
of human resource. I say thank you again. I owe you a lot in my Life. Thank you. My love for
you all can never be quantified. God bless you.


Abbreviations Description
API Application Programming Interface
CSS Cascading Style Sheets.
DWA Document Work Flow
ER Entity Relationship
FK Foreign Key
GB Gigabytes
GHz Gigahertz
EMSBS Electronic Management System for Boarding schools
HTML Hyper Mark Up Language
ICT Information and communication Technology
JS JavaScript
MySQL My Structured Query Language
NKA Non-Key Attributes
PHP Hypertext Pre-processor
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks or Drives,
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
SQL Structured Query Language (SQL).
UI User Interface
UML Unified Modeling Language
XAMPP Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP

(P) and Perl (P).


Electronic Management system for Boarding schools is web based software which is of help t
o Learners, parents and teachers .In the current system, at Mpunde Girls Secondary School ac
tivities are done manually. This is costly and time consuming. As a result, the management of
the school has become inefficiency and ineffectiveness .Parents has complained about the ma
nagement trends currently existing.

In this view, the EMSBS has been developed to deal with various activities related to the man
agement of the school.

With this software, students/parents can pay school fees online, check payment history of fees
, track learner classroom attendance and behaviour, take examinations online, check results o
nline, learn online, track library activities, online allocation of hostels. Administrator has the
power to control all the users while teachers have more privileges than the pupils and parents.

This system is highly recommended as it is capable of addressing the errors which may arise
as a result of Manual activities. Manual activities are much prone to errors.


DECLARATION PAGE……………………………………………………………………..i.
CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL PAGE……………………………………………………..ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PAGE………………………….…………………………………iii
DEDICATION PAGE ……………………………………..………………………………….iv
GLOSSARY PAGE……………………………………….…………………………………...v
ABSTRACT PAGE………………………………………….………..………………………vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………….………………………………. vii
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………ix
LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………..…………………………………….x

CHAPTER ONE………………………………………….…………………………….……..1
1.1.Introduction: ……………………………………………………………...………………………………………….1
1.2.Motivation and Significance of the study………….……………………….……………………………..2
1.3.Scope ……………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………2
1.4.Problem Statement……………………………….…………………………………..……………………………...2
1.7.Research Questions…………………..…………………….…………………………….………………………….3
1.8.Organization of the thesis…………………..……………………………………………………………….……3
1.9.Summary ………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………….3

TWO LITERATURE REVIEW….….…………………………….…………………………..4
1.2.Review of the Literature………………………………………………………..………………………………….4
1.3.Related Works………………………………………..…………………………….………………………………….6

CHAPTER THREE……………………………………………..……………………………10
METHODOLOGY ………………………………………..………………………………10
1.1. Introduction…………………………………………..…………………………………………………...10
1.2. Baseline Study……………………………………………..………………………………………………11
I. Data Collection……………..………………………………………..…………………………………..11
II. Research Approach………………………..…………………………………...……………………. 12
III. Development of the application……….………………………………………………………. 13
IV. System Design……………………….………………………………………………………………….. 17
1.3. System Design……………………………………………………………………………………………..30
I. Context diagram…………….………………………………………………………………………….30
II. System Software Level architectural design…………………………………..……………31
III. Modular design of the system function………………………………………..……………..34
IV. System Class Diagram…………………………………………………………………..……………..37
V. System Data Model Design……………………………..…………………………………………..38
VI. User Interface Design…………….…………………………………………………….……………..48
VII. Summary…………………………………………………………..………………………………………..51

CHAPTER FOUR…………………………………………………………………………..52
1.1. Introduction…………………………………………………….………..………………………………..52
1.2. Baseline Study Results……………………………………..………………………………………….52
1.3. Survey Results and Discussion……………..………………………………………………………52
2. System Implementation Results…………….………………..…………………………………..…………53
3. Summary…………………………………………………………………….………………….....…………………..56

CHAPTER FIVE………………………………………………………………………… ...57
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION……………………..…………….…………………..57
1.1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………..…………………………...57
1.2. Discussion………………..………………….……………………………………………………………..57
I. The baseline study…………………………………………………………..….………………..56
II. Use of technology…………………………………………..…………………..…………………58
III. Development of the system as a solution…………………………..………………….60
IV. Comparison with other similar works…….……………………..…….………………..78
V. Possible application….…………………………………………………….………….………….79
1.3. Summary………………………..…………………………………………………………………………..80
1.4. Conclusion……………………….…………………………………………………………………………80
1.5. Future works ……….………………………………………………………….………………………..80

Algorithm or code…………………………………………………………………………..86
Database Access Code sample………………………………………..……………………99


Table 1:Personal Details………………………………………………………………….102

List of Figures
Figure 1:Typical Activities of SMRS[1]………………………………………………………5
Figure 2:Life Development Cycle Phases [31]……………………………..………………..10
Figure 3 Waterfalls Stages[33]……………….………………………….……...……………11
Figure 4:Flow Chart For the system…………………………………..………...……………19
Figure 5:Teacher Management System…….…………………..……………...……………..20
Figure 6:Boarding management system Flow chart;………..………………..………………21
Figure 7:Accounts management system flow chart……..………………….………………..22
Figure 8:Library Management system flow chart……………………………………………23
Figure 9:Guidance & Counselling Management system flow chart…………………………24
Figure 10:Pupil /Parent Management system flow chart…………………………………….25
Figure 11:Online examination system flow chart…………..………………………………..26
Figure 12:ELearning system flow chart……………………………………………………..27
Figure 13:Online examination system flow chart…………………..………………………..28
Figure 14:context diagram………………………………………………………………….29
Figure 15:3-Tier Architecture Diagram[23]……………………………………...…………..32
Figure 16:Tree Structure……………………………………………………………………..35
Figure 17:System Class Diagram…………………………………...………………………..36
Figure 18:ER Diagram Model……………………………………..…………………………40
Figure 19:Unified Modelling Language Diagram……………………………….…………..41
Figure 20:Elements in the interface……………………………...…………………………..47
Figure 21:Parallel Conversion[24]………………..………………………………………….54
Figure 22:Home page of the system……………………………………….…………………60
Figure 23:Home page source code…………………………………………….……………..61
Figure 24:Photo gallery page…………………...……………………………………………62
Figure 25:login interface…………………………..…………………………………………62
Figure 26:Login source code………………………………….……………………………..63
Figure 27:Online payment page………………………………..……………………………63
Figure 28:Pupils /parents page…………………………………..………………………….64
Figure 29: attachment page for bank slip……………………………………….………….64
Figure 30:Payment History report………………………..……..…………………………..65
Figure 31:Hostel report……………………….……………………………………………..65
Figure 32:learning……………………………………………………………………………66

Figure 33:E-learning Content…………………………….………………………………….66
Figure 34:Examination Login Interface……………………………………………………..67
Figure 35:Exam questions online……………………………………………………………67
Figure 36:Online report form………………………………………………………………..68
Figure 37:Behaviour Report………………………………………………………………….68
Figure 38:class attendance……………………………………………………………………69
Figure 39:Staff Page…………………………………………………………………………69
Figure 40:Admin Page……………………………………………………………………….70
Figure 41:Teachers login Page………………………………..……………………………..70
Figure 42:Add content menu…………………………………………………………………71
Figure 43:create content……………………………………………………………………..71
Figure 44:Create online exam menu…………………………..……………………………..72
Figure 45:Teachers panel user management……………………..…………………………..72
Figure 46:List of students admin control…………………………..…….…………………..73
Figure 47:delete record -admin panel………………………………………………………..74
Figure 48:Online Class Register…………………………………………………………….74
Figure 49:Database sample………………………………………………………………...99
Figure 50:Database for Computer studies table……………………………………………99

1.0. Introduction

Now a day‘s education plays a great role in development of any country. Many of
education institutions try to increase education quality by being effective and efficient in
the management of their day to day duties. One of the aspects of this improvement is
managing of school system using electronic system(Refsnes,2019,)

Education Management System for Boarding schools (EMSBS) is web application

software which helps the institutions to engage in providing services to students, teachers,
guardians and other persons are intermediary. The system has one or more of the
following functionalities – Online payment, Student class attendance tracking system,
student behaviour tracker, library tracking, hostel allocation, online examinations-
Learning system, and Results management system(Sally,2019).

EMSBS has been designed and developed specifically for Mpunde girls Secondary school
65 KM from Kapiri District in Central Province. The system is such a service which
provides all services for an educational institute to make life easier and faster by assuring
its performance,( CCA,2019).

In short EMSBS is a management information system that helps to manage the different
processes in an educational institution like General Administration, Staff Management,
Academics, Student Management, and Accounts etc. The information is made using the
latest technologies and help‘s to make decision making a lot faster, effective and easier
than ever before. Also helps to improve the overall quality of education of the
institution,(Chris, 2019).

Database technology are has been used considering that it has a major impact on the
growing use of computers. The implementation of the system was done using HTML,
PHP, Javascript, Xampp and SQL Server 2012 technologies, allowing system to be run in
Windows OS(Alden, 2018,).

In a nutshell, EMSBS Software manages education institution by simplifying and

automating processes and addressing the needs of all stakeholders helping them to be
more efficient in their respective roles(Alden, 2018,).

1.0.Motivation and Significance of the study

The EMSBS project will provide the Mpunde Girls Secondary school the best clod
platform to manage the school. The results will enable the management to improve the
scheduling of programmes both academic and non-academic, (Alden, 2018,).
The research project will also help the parents and learners to initiate collaboration using
the online platform. The future researchers will also benefit from the project, (Alden,

The difference area where we can use this application as:

 Boarding secondary and primary schools
 Colleges
 Universities
 Day schools
 Any education institution makes use of it providing class schedule.
 It can be used in offices and modifications can be easily done according to requirements.

1.2.Problem Statement

The problem currently facing the Mpunde Girls Secondary School is the management of the
institution. Teachers, Accountant and boarding master do not properly handle their workload,
and sometimes the services such as registration of students, allocation of hostels; payment of
school fees takes a lot of time and queues. The main problem is to manage the students
effectively and efficiently,(Chris, 2019).


The aim of this project is to design and develop Electronic management system for Boarding
Secondary school.

a. Designing and a new system that will provide a good way and easy to manage the
school activities.
b. Develop a new system that will provide a good way and easy to manage the school
activities .

1.5.Research Questions.
1. What challenges is the institution facing in managing the school?
2. What tools are needed to design this system?
3. Outline the procedure needed to develop the system
4. Explain how the system can be deployed?

1.6.Organization of the thesis

The introduction to the research is chapter one. Detailed information about literature
review is in chapter two. Chapter three gives the methodology while results of the
findings are in chapter four. Chapter five is all about discussion and conclusion

Electronic Management System of Boarding schools, is a system designed to help
pupils, parents and school management to acquire services which include Payment
online, Exams online, Hostel allocation online, Meal card online, Library facilities
online, Chatting online and SMS notification online specifically for Mpunde Girls
Boarding secondary based in the outskirt of Kapiri District , central Province .
The system is built using the integration of database and the web based interface. The
main purpose of EMSBS is to store pupils and management records electronically.
It addresses the following objectives ;(a) Record Keeping and (b) Reports


According to Adam (2019), A school management sytem is an online tool to manage the
school database. It has got the capability of controlling the student details and every
department worksheet. To begin with, proper management of time along with an effective and
an error-free atmosphere, school management software leaves all the traditional techniques
far behind. This is the best way to manage exam system, holidays, fee and time table for
each and every student of class. Teachers can also submit online report of examinations and
this can be notified to parents through notification.
2.2.Review of the Literature

The school records management process.

Creation of EMSBS can be related to A School Records Management System typically
involves the following eight activities (see Figure 1): (UNESCO, 2019)
Creation – beginning a new record and starting to record data and information, for example
creating a student record card for a new student.
Storage – keeping the records in an organized manner so they can be accessed by authorized
people but kept secure from unauthorized access, loss or damage.
Update – adding new information to a record or modifying existing information in a record.
Retrieval – searching for, locating and extracting records from storage.
Use – applying information from the records to help make management and policy decisions.
Appraisal and retention– determining whether and how long a record should be:
Retained for active use;
Archived; or
Disposed of.
Archiving – storing inactive records so they can be later retrieved for use.
Disposal – discarding, deleting or destroying a record.

Figure 51:Typical Activities of SMRS[1]

In a school, the SRMS has to involve various school staff to systematically record data and
information about different aspects of the school‘s operations. They use specific, pre-
designed school record forms and follow procedures that are defined by school regulations
and requirements, (UNESCO, 2019)
Different staff can be responsible for different school records and procedures in recording,
storing, updating and retrieving information. At the end of each school year, the records that
have been accumulated are appraised to determine which records should be retained, archived
or disposed of. (UNESCO, 2019)
A good SRMS is characterized by organized classification and filing of the school records in
a way that makes it easy to search, access, retrieve and use the recorded data and information.
Records about the same topic or issue are grouped and arranged in a logical order, such as by
alphabetical order, chronological order, or sorted by other criteria. (UNESCO, 2019)For
example, individual student records can be classified and filed by grade, class or subject.
Teacher records can be sorted according to years of service, and school facilities by type of
facilities, etc.
( UNESCO, 2019),If the information is recorded on paper, each file will group together all
relevant supporting documents such as detailed inventories, receipts, invoices, payment
records, copies of important correspondence and other related documents. If the records are
computerized, such paper evidences can be scanned and stored in electronic format.
Computers can help to manage school records by storing information in a way that allows for
rapid sorting, searching and retrieval of data. Besides reducing the use and handling of

papers, an additional advantage of a computerized system is that it can help to analyse the
recorded data and quickly generate various summary statistics, performance indicators, tables
and graphs, and even detailed school management information such as lists of students and
teachers who were absent on a specific day, or list of equipment‘s needing repair, etc.
Computers can also be used to archive inactive school records in electronic form such as on
CD-ROMs, DVDs or other media, for efficient storage and retrieval. (UNESCO, 2019)
Each of the record management functions (items 1 to 8 above) has a direct influence on the
availability of information and their use for school management. Since various people in a
school generate and use information, poor recording of key school management information
and poorly managed school records can seriously affect the efficiency and effectiveness of a
school. To systematically manage school records, each person must assume their respective
roles in creating and updating school records using correct records forms, terminology and
practices, and submit the record files to the designated place of storage on time .( UNESCO,

2.3.Related Works

Schools, universities and colleges - Treeno Electronic Document Management Solutions

Most tertiary institution around the globe uses electronic management system of their
institutions. Treeno Electronic Document Management Solutions
Is one such system used in UK? Educational institutions rely on Treeno EDM to:
 Improve customer service across all departments including enrolment services.
 Improve student quality through faster and more accurate application response and
 Access and manage student and business documentation anytime and from anyplace.
 Gain secure, centralized access to teacher and student records (including reports and
documents from all other existing applications) from any location.
 Automate and track grant writing processes, improving your ability to meet deadlines
and secure funding.
 Reduce paper, paper storage, photocopying, and faxing costs.
 Improve your ability to manage contracts and budget revisions with Treeno‘s version
control and automated records management.
 Recruit and retain high quality employees by streamlining human resources processes.
 Improve information security and document integrity improving regulatory

Education Institutions Rely on Treeno EDM to:
•Integrate with existing business applications for one-click automated filing, search, and
•Provide document workflow automation (DWA) tracking and accountability for improved
internal productivity and customer service.
•Simplify access to documents by providing secure mobile access to information anytime,
•Address regulatory compliance for securing sensitive data and providing audited access to
on authorized personnel.
Boardingware and Challenges of Boarding School Management
Boardingware is the application system designed to address the day to day school challenges.
Boardingware understands the challenges of boarding school management and provides an
easy-to-use solution, (John. 2019)
Some of the functionalities include;
Keeping Track Of Students.
Aside from education, one of the biggest responsibilities of a boarding school is keeping their
students safe and happy. When it comes to safety, schools need robust systems for knowing
where each of their students is. In an emergency, information needs to be available quickly
and from anywhere in the school.
It also provides an easy way for staff and students to log movement, and with a cloud-based
system, any member of staff can see where pupils are at that moment.
Boarding ware‘s cloud-based system provides apps for staff and students. Pupils can sign in
and out as they move, while staff can access information from wherever they are on site. A
live roll means multiple staff can account for pupils on one list, highlighting missing students
quickly. It also help to keep track of students is one of the challenges faced by boarding
schools, (John. 2019)
Management of Student Leave.
The nature of a boarding school is such that pupils come and go at different times and for a
variety of activities. Whatever the reason for student leave, it needs to be properly approved
and responsibility for the child‘s safety appropriately delegated, (John. 2019)
Boardingware allows requests for leave to be submitted by the pupil or a parent, and the
school can determine their own approval pathways. Notifications are automatically sent,
removing any extra administration for boarding house staff. Terms and conditions can be set
as part of the approval process, and different clauses added for each party giving their consent

to the request. This allows the school to ensure that non-parental hosts, such as those caring
for international students during short breaks, understand their responsibilities in caring for
the pupil during the leave period.
The cloud-based system means that boarding staff can check on the location of a pupil, or
group of students, from wherever they are and know that the information is up-to-date. There
is no need for a handover at shift changes. If the school deems it appropriate, secondary
school pupils can sign themselves back in rather than having a staff member on-hand, (John.
Pastoral Care.
A student‘s time at boarding school can span many of their formative years. Providing the
best possible level of pastoral care for them can have a significant effect on their well-being
both now and in the future. Having an online system in place to help manage the school‘s
pastoral policy can help staff work together to achieve all-round care, 24 hours a day (John.
One of the challenges of pastoral care is keeping all relevant members of staff up-to-date with
new information or changes, (John. 2019)
A cloud-based recording system means that staff can record pastoral information the moment
it comes to light and make it available to all teachers as soon as it is saved. Staffs don‘t need
to access a central filing system or wait until the paper memo reaches them. Teachers can
react immediately and adapt study sessions or interactions accordingly (John. 2019)
Recording data online also makes it easy to spot trends and keep an eye on specific students.
Pupils can be placed on a watch list, and graphs or lists can be created and exported to enable
staff to identify patterns and trends, adjusting their level of care appropriately. A cloud-based
system for pastoral information enables teachers to react immediately (John. 2019)
Keeping Data Secure
Schools collect data about their students and parents to help inform their academic and
pastoral decisions – but this means they have to take responsibility for keeping that
information safe. Paper systems present challenges in that there must be adequate physical
storage, secure enough that unauthorized individuals cannot access it, but open enough that
relevant teachers can use it to inform their care,( John. 2019)
Moving to an online system makes it much easier to staff to access pupil data from anywhere
on campus or at home, and ensures it cannot be lost if there is a fire or burglary. Boarding
ware‘s cloud-based system is regularly backed up, servers are professionally maintained and
data is encrypted to industry standard. Security is in the hands of experts rather than

administrative staff, (John. 2019)
Costs of Operation
Data can be analysed to understand what provision needs to be made or where costs can be
reduced. Although many independent schools are set up as charitable trusts, in order to
continue functioning they have to work like a business. Long and short-term strategic and
financial planning is an essential part of the organization. For boarding school management,
this means understanding what pupils need and use to ensure funds are directed appropriately
(John. 2019)
Boardingware acts as a repository for a wide range of information such as leave types and
extra-curricular information. This type of data can be analysed to understand what provision
needs to be made or where costs can be reduced according to what pupils really need and use.
(John. 2019)
Current trends in Zambian schools
According to the Zambia Country Report, the use of ICTs levels in Zambia‘s education
institutions is critically low. Even the higher institutions such as University of Zambia and
copper belt universities have not yet adopted the use of application system to fully manage
their institutions. The situation is worrying in secondary and primary schools, (Shafika,


Electronic Management system for Boarding Schools is a web based system that
contains data and information about various aspects of Boarding Secondary school
operations, including data about its students, teachers, facilities and finances.
The system has got the capabilities of helping the institutions to manage most of their task
electronically. Most institutions in Zambia have not yet adopted the electronic management
of the schools.

3.1 Introduction

Electronic management system built to manage the Mpunde girls boarding school has a set of
organized components which interact with each other in order to archive the. This approach
for it to be developed, a system development methodology was used. System Development
method is referred to as the framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the process
of developing an information system. The series of task which were followed in SDLC were
predefined in this manner (Sami, 2019).t Life Cycle.

Figure 52:Life Development Cycle Phases [31]

The model Waterfall Model

As one of the designing models, the researcher used the waterfall model of SDLC and its
stage are illustrated in the diagram below.

System Development

Figure 53 Waterfalls Stages[31]

3.2 Baseline Study

According to Richard (2013), the purpose of a baseline study is to unearth vital information
base against which to the system has to be built. The researcher used several instruments to
get the existing information from the institution. .
The software requirements baseline was established as a way of getting the requirements
against which the product was to be developed until the formal functional requirements
baseline is established, (Richard, 2013).

3.2.1 Data Collection

Application development is the process of creating a computer program or a set of programs

to perform the different tasks that a business requires. From the SDLC when building up a
system the following are the steps to be followed: gathering requirements, system analysis.
Requirement Analysis designing prototypes, testing, implementation, and integration. That
the system analysis has been done, in this section the analyst will focus on system
Requirement Analysis, (Ashi, 2019)

3.2.2. Research approach
System requirement analysis
Requirements analysis in systems can be defined to as activities that help to determine the
needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product or project, taking account of the
possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, analysing, documenting,
validating and managing software or system requirements. It is sometimes known as
A System Requirements Specification (SRS) or Software Requirements Specification. ,
(Ashi, 2019)
There are two main groups of specific requirements which were considered. Functional and
non-functional requirements.
Functional requirements.
Functional requirements are the product features or its functions that are designed directly for
the users and their convenience. They define the functionality of the system. Users can easily
perform their tasks up to the needs, (Ashi, 2019).This document records and provides
information about the operations and activities that a system must perform and acts as the
brain of documents that defines how everything works together in the software. Details that
are included in the functional specifications are categorized as follows:
 Output specification
 Input specification
 Data/files
 Hardware and software requirements.

Output specification function

These are the main output from the system information .The reports are generated by users.
They are at times referred to as User Requirements .They describe the requirements of the
users and the clients of the product. The user requirements are in a form of the reports which
can be utilized both in hardcopy and softcopy, (Ashi, 2019)
Output specific requirement is the first component that the systems analyst prepares. For the
Electronic management system of Boarding school to meet its obligations, the system is
designed perform the following tasks;
 Report on student admission
 Report on the class subject management
 Report on school time table for all grades

 Track report of Students‘ daily attendance
 Track report on learner behaviour
 Generate track report on assessment for each learner.
 Payment report on real time
 Receipt download
 Details of parents associated to each leaner.
 Report on teacher‘s profile
 Keep track of the library report
 Report on the accommodation
 Report on the dinning
 Report on the finances
 Report on eLearning
 Be able to produce meal card report

The following were considered when designing the output specifications

The target audience

This determines the content of the reports to be generated.Top management reports were
apportioned as follows;

Admin. Headteacher:

Students record, Financial reports, Boarding allocation, Behaviour tracking, Results for all
learners, Library tracking, accounts tracking, electronic learning tracking, exams setting,
Payment report, balances, receipt download ,teachers details and allocation of time table,
( Ashi, 2019).

Students record, Behaviour tracking, Results for all learners, electronic learning tracking,
exams setting, time table, learners results. Content development.
Boarding master
Metres, room, hotel name and meal card, payments
Payment report, balances, receipt download, Check payment history, balance and invoices.

Librarian. Library tracking, payments.
Guidance and counseling. Behavioral tracking
 Track the behaviour
 Check results
 Check accommodation
 Check library and meal card
 Take exams
 Payment history
 ELearning

Input specification
After identifying the output system requirements, the analysts went further to identify the inp
ut needed to produce the output stated above, ( Ashi, 2019). For EMSBS, to function
properly .Data is needed to be added in the system. The following input requirements were
identified and assigned to the audience involved.
It should allow the admin to have login privileges over the user with the table created in
database – multi login system
Inputting data for students and parents for admission and in admission
The admin should be able to control the records of all classes and teachers teaching each
subject on the time table.
Students‘ daily attendance, offences and other behaviour committed daily.
Create the assessment and keep the assessment records for learners.
Add and control all users in the system.
Create content, edit and publish

To administrator to enter the Students‘ daily attendance, offences and other behaviour
committed daily.
Content management
Crate content, edit and publish
Create the assessment and keep the assessment records for learners.

Admin/Accounts section should add payments and download the receipt sent online and
Enter all records of the books and users.
Boarding Master
Able to enter details for the leaners accommodation and meal cards
Pupils /Parents

Add payment details

File /database storage specification

From the output and input specific requirements, files to be made into the sytem are identified
at this stage. Attributes of the records such as data element name, type, length, source, data
stores, outputs, aliases, and description were taken considerations .when designing the
database; the key fields, data type, the length of the field, primary keys are also highlighted.
See the appendix i (Ashi, 2019)

Hardware and software specification

The system analyst specified the hardware and software for the EMSBS sytem, (SDL, 2019).
Looking at the database design system, the software for Database Server Requirements needs
to meet the requirements below:
 Supported RDBMS Operating Systems
 English Windows 2003
 English Windows 2008
 English Windows 2008 R2
 English Windows Server 2012 R2

Note: Microsoft SQL Server is only supported on the Microsoft Windows platforms.
Recommended Hardware for Database Server
Database machine meet the following minimum specifications:
 Microsoft Windows servers:
 Minimum 1 GHz processor (dual processor 3 GHz or better is recommended)
 Minimum of 2 GB RAM (8 GB or better is recommended)
 SCSI RAID Disk Array with a minimum of 100 GB free disk space (250 GB or better
is recommended).

Linux servers:
 Minimum 1 GHz processor (dual processor 3 GHz is recommended)
 Minimum of 2 GB RAM (8 GB is recommended)
SCSI RAID Disk Array with a minimum of 100 GB free disk space (250 GB is
3.2.3. Development of the application

Development of the application refers to coding, installation and testing program modules
and their components, (Mirriam, 2019).The components discussed in the research approach
are supposed to be built here into functional system that fulfils the business and design
The programmer chose the programming environment to come up with the functional system.
This section will focus on the environment used to program the system as listed below:
Front-End Roadmap
The first step of the developer was to select he desirable programming tools which are used to
build the front end. Front-End. The front-end is everything involved with what the user sees,
the developer focused on designing and developing the tools used include Css and HTML5
and JavaScript, (Mirriam, 2019).The next step the programmer had to choose suitable
Frameworks using the css.
After developing the front end, the programmer started developing the back end. The back-
end, or the "server-side", is basically how the site works, updates and changes. This refers to
everything the user can't see in the browser, like databases and servers, (Mirriam, 2019).

3.2.4. System Design

Designing is the process of synthesizing or putting together the system components that will
address the system requirements. The requirements stated above are arranged in logical order
at this stage. The system design is decomposed into subsystems because it too large. On the
other hand the approach will make the system design simplified and efficiency, (Mirriam,

That the specific requirements have been identified, above, it is possible now to make use of
tools like algorithm s and flowcharts to develop the design of Electronic Management
system for Boarding Schools.


An algorithm represents the logic of the processing to be performed. It is a sequence of

instructions which are designed in such a way that if they are executed in the specified
sequence, the desired goal is achieved. It is imperative that the result be obtained
after execution of a f finity number of steps, (Mirriam, 2019).

The following is the flow algorithm designed for the EMSBS;

1. Administration management system
o If you are admin, login
o If you are not admin then you are a user,
o If none of the above you have to be registered
o Or else you will not use the system.

o If you are logged in have the privileges to control the following;

o Teacher management system.
o Boarding master
o Accounts
o Librarian management system
o Guidance and counselling
o Parents/Pupils management
o Online examination system
o Online payment system

2. Teacher management system

 Start
 If you are a teacher login as user
 If not stop

 If you login you can control the following by adding, viewing and deleting;
 Enter Daily attendance of learners
 Content adding, deleting and update
 Add /edit exams
 Enter /update/delete results
 Enter /edit and delete offences learners commit.
 Content management
 Create content, edit and publish

3. Boarding master
 Start
 If you have credentials login if not stop and wait to be registered
 If you have entered add, edit/delete the following;
o Metres, room, hotel name and meal card
4. Accounts
 If you have credentials login if not stop and wait to be registered
 If you have entered add, edit/delete the following;
o Payment report, balances, receipt download, payment history, balance and
 Stop

5. Librarian management system

 If you have credentials login if not stop and wait to be registered
 If you have entered add, edit/delete the following;
o Borrowing, return date, title, code, comment.
6. Guidance and counselling
 If you have credentials login if not stop and wait to be registered
 If you have entered add, edit/delete the following;
o Disciplinary section, insults, fights, rudeness, missing lessons. Other
7. Parents/Pupils management
 If you have credentials login if not stop and wait to be registered
 If you have entered view the following;
 Track my behaviour
 Check results
 Payment history
 Check my accommodation online.
 Receive an automated sms
 Access to online library
 Access to meal card.
8. Online examination system
 If you have credentials login
 if not register yourself for exams
 If you have entered do the following;
 Learn online

 Take exams
 ELearning
9. Online payment system
 If you have credentials login if not stop and wait to be registered
 If you have entered pay the fees.
 If you have paid you will access all the services online.
 If not, you will not access any service on the platform
 Enter registration details
 Attach the receipt

The algorithm above is going to be represented in a pictorial shows the
procedure and the logical sequence of processing using boxes of different shapes.
The instruction to be executed is mentioned in the boxes. These boxes are connected
together by solid lines with arrows, which indicate the flow of operation.

Flow chart: Main system

Start Algorithm
 Start
 Input: username/password
 Login if you have username
Username, password and password. if not stop
 If successful gain the control
of the system
 stop

Enter username and password

Are you the Display

NO ―Details not valid‖


Manage the following; Teacher,
master, Accounts, Librarian, Guidance and
counseling, Parents/Pupils, Online
examination system, Online payment


Figure 54:Flow Chart For the system


Username, Password

NO Are you a teacher? CMS



Behaviour Process record: My_Exam

table Pupil‘s attendance, CMS, Exams, Behavior, table


Figure 55:Teacher Management System

- Start: the user access the web page
- User name and password are the inputs to be used by user.
- Decision: it is represented by a diamond symbol. If the user has password and user
name should login if you don’t have it should take the user to login.
- If you login, the record will be processed
- Then stop

Boarding management system


Username, Password

NO Are you the Boarding



Process record:
Accommod Metres, room, hostel name and meal
ation table card, Pupils name


Figure 56:Boarding management system Flow chart

Start: begin the process
Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: the program ends

Accounts management system


Username, Password

NO Are you the



Payments Process record:

table Payment records, balances, Bank receipt
download, payment history, balance


Figure 57:Accounts management system flow chart

Start: begin the process
Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: the program ends

Library Management system


Username, Password

NO Are you the Librarian?


Process record:
Book title, Name, Date of return,
Author, comment.


Figure 58:Library Management system flow


Start: begin the process
Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: the program ends

Guidance & Counseling Management system


Username, Password

NO Are you the Guidance



Process record
Behaviour Disciplinary action, insults, fights,
rudeness, missing lessons, noise making.
Other offences


Figure 59:Guidance & Counseling Management system flow chart

Start: begin the process
Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: the program ends

Pupil /Parent Management system


Username, Password

NO Are you the Parent?


Process record; Track Pupils behaviour,

check results, payment history, check my
accommodation, meal card


Figure 60: Pupil /Parent Management system flow chart

Start: begin the process
Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: the program ends

Online examination system


Username, Password

NO Are you the Parent?


Process record;
Take exams, ELearning,


Figure 61:Online examination system flow chart

Start: begin the process
Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: the program ends

ELearning system


Username, Password

NO Are you a pupil/Parent?


My-Exams Process record;

Take exams, ELearning,


Figure 62:ELearning system flow chart


Start: begin the process

Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: the program ends

Online examination system


Username, Password

NO Are you the



Process record;
Payments  Enter registration details
Table  Attach the receipt


Figure 63:Online examination system flow chart

Start: begin the process
Input: Username and password are the inputs.
Decision: login if you have the password and username else if return.
Process: The data base process
Stop: The program ends

From the system requirements, structural tools are used to depict the proposed system to
be designed. The tools used include System context diagram, System Software Level
architectural design, Modular design of the system function, System Class Diagram,
System Data Model Design, User Interface Design.

3.1.Context diagram
System context diagrams show a system, as a whole and its inputs and outputs from/to
external factors. Arrows going towards the circle shows the input while the arrows towards
the boxes show the output, as stated by Adams, (2019)

Figure 64:context diagram

Add Exam Questions

Online Examination Accounts Manage

System Cash Flow System
Take Exams

Check results

Create Lessons

Manage Classes/subjects
ELearning System
management system Results

Records of Pupils

Track Uses
Library management Management
Book Record
Source: Adams, (2019) Room/Meal cards

Record Offences
Pupils Profile
Guidance &
Parents/Pupils counselling
Track behaviour
Personal /School Record

Adams, (2019), alludes that Context Diagram represent all external entities that may interact
with a system .This diagram pictures the Electronic Management System for Boarding school
system at the center- EMSBS. This diagram has no details of its interior structure, surrounded
by all its interacting systems, environments and activities. The objective of the system
context diagram is to focus attention on external factors and events that should be considered
in developing a complete set of systems requirements and constraints. (Systems,
organizational groups, external data stores, etc.).

According to Yamikani, (2017), contextual diagram depicts 4 main aspects of the system.
Processes (circle): this represents some transformation of the data processed through some
calculations, retrieved data or updated record or queries.
External Entities (rectangle): these represents the physical objects that interact with the
system by inputting input requirements from the falls outside the boundary of the
main system.
Data flow (two horizontal, parallel lines or sometimes and ellipse) .they represent the data to
and from the processes
Data store: represents the data store from the system. When developing begins it becomes
3.2.System Software Level architectural design

The software architecture of a system depicts the system‘s organization or structure, and
provides an explanation of how it behaves. A system represents the collection of modules that
accomplish a specific task or set of functions. In other words, the software architecture
provides a well-made foundation on which software can be assembled.
We should understand that in the creation of the software there are a lot of activities involved
that include Definition of software architecture analysis, design, development, maintenance
and update. These phases build upon one another. System Software Level architectural design
falls in the designing phase, (Synop, 2019).
In System Software architecture, there are other sub portions which include architecture
pattern, quality attributes, massage and APIs.

Software Architectural pattern.
There are multiple high-level architecture patterns and principles commonly used in modern
systems. These are often referred to as architectural styles. The architecture of a software
system is rarely limited to a single architectural style. Instead, a combination of styles often
makes up the complete system.
An architectural pattern is a concept that solves and delineates some essential cohesive
elements of software architecture. Software architectural pattern dictates what the system is
composed of .minus the pattern coding can be reflects the shape of the system. The
software architectural pattern deals with the overall scope of the system while the design
pattern deals with the lower level activities. Notion‘ of an architectural pattern is essential to
good architectural design. We call these architectural patterns or architectural styles. Patterns
provide for flexible systems using components are as independent as possible. (Hunks of
executable components…)
The software architectural pattern is divided into level 1 and level 2.In this system the
designer chose level level 1 there are sub division which include monotonic, server based
and distributed pattern.
Monolithic architectural software pattern
Layered pattern
This is the pattern which has been used to structure programs in EMSBS that can be
decomposed into groups of subtasks, each of which is at a particular level of abstraction.
Each layer provides services to the next higher layer, (Mallawaarachchi, 2019).
What is a 3-Tier Architecture?
3-tier architecture is a type of software architecture which is composed of three ―tiers‖ or
―layers‖ of logical computing has been adopted. 3-tier architectures provide many benefits
for production and development environments by modularizing the user interface, business
logic, and data storage layers. Doing so gives greater flexibility during because it allows
developers to update a specific part of an application independently of the other parts. This
added flexibility helps to improve overall time-to-market and decrease development cycle
times by giving development teams the ability to replace or upgrade independent tiers
without affecting the other parts of the system.
Considering that the EMSBS system is a web based system, the user interface of a web
application can be redeveloped or modernized without affecting the underlying functional
business and data access logic underneath, (Peter, 2019).
This architectural system is ideal for embedding and integrating 3rd party software into an

existing application. This integration flexibility also makes it ideal for embedding analytics
software into pre-existing applications.

Figure 65:3-Tier Architecture Diagram [23]


Application Logic

Database Network
Operating system Communicatio

Figure 66: Presentation Tier diagram [23]

Presentation Tier
The presentation tier is the front end layer in the 3-tier system and consists of the user
interface. This user interface is mostly graphical one accessible through a web browser or
web-based application and displays content and information useful to an end user. This tier is
built on web technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, or through other popular web
development frameworks, and communicates with others layers through API calls, (Peter,

Application Tier
The application tier contains the functional business logic which drives an application‘s core
capabilities. It‘s often written in Dreamweaver, Java, .NET, C#, Python, C++, etc., (Peter,
Data Tier- The data tier comprises of the database/data storage system and data access layer.
In this system the designer has used XAMPP. XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache
(A), Maria DB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P). Everything needed to set up a web server – server
application (Apache), database (Maria DB), and scripting language (PHP) – is included in an
extractable file. XAMPP is also cross-platform, which means it works equally well on Linux,
Mac and Windows.
XAMPP has the ability to serve web pages on the World Wide Web. A special tool is provided
to password-protect the most important parts of the package. XAMPP also provides support
for creating and manipulating databases .in Maria DB and SQLite among others, (Peter,
Once XAMPP is installed, it is possible to treat a local host like a remote host by connecting
using an FTP client. Using a program like FileZilla has many advantages when installing
a content management system (CMS) like Joomla or WordPress. It is also possible to connect
to localhost via FTP with an HTML editor. In all these activities Data is accessed by the
application layer via API calls, (Peter, 2019).

3.3.Modular design of the system function

We should understand that Software architecture reveals the structure of a system while
hiding the implementation details, (Synop, 2019). Architecture also focuses on how the
elements and constituents within a system interact with one other. Software design explores
deeper into the implementation details of the system. Design concerns include the collection
of data structures and algorithms, or the implementation facts of individual components.
Modular design, or "modularity in design", is an approach (design theory and practice) that
subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules. In this section, the designer will
discuss what is involved in the modularity of the system. The first task involved was
unbundling the software architecture monolithic pattern.

The objective of this modular programming is to depict an overall organization of the system.
A top-down diagram shows the breakdown of a system to its lowest manageable levels. They
are used in structured programming to arrange program modules into a tree. Each module is
represented by a box, which contains the module's name. The tree structure visualizes the
relationships between modules. This tree structure is referred to as hierarchical diagram as
shown in figure 4 to depict the architecture of EMSBS for Mpunde Girls secondary school.
The EMSBS is system consists of two modules. It further decomposes into 12 modules.
MODULES OF Electronic Management system for Boarding Schools. (EMSBS)


Pupils/Parents Staff

Academic Payments Track My conduct Accommodation Library

Lessons Online Exams


Figure 67:Tree Structure

The system has a different segment to process a specific task which is the modules. This will
help the system to develop easily and makes it more user-friendly.

When you check in the diagram, one module controls the other or maybe controlled by the
other module. The topmost rectangle represents the EMSBS itself while the lower levels
represent the system modules, subgroups or procedures, Yamikani, (2017) allude.

Figure 68:System Class Diagram

3.4. System Class Diagram Teachers

- Login
- Logout
Admin - Id: int
 Id: int - Username: char
 Username: char - Password: char
 Password: char - Mobile: int
 Email: char - Create lesson ();
- Create Exams();
 Add,Edit,Delete Students()
+ Attendance ();
 Add,Edit,Delete Teachers() - Add Results();
- Track Conduct
 Add,Edit,Delete
 Add,Edit,Delete Libralian() Accounts
Id: int
 Add,Edit,Delete Boarding
Username: char
Master() Password: char
Mobile: int
 Add,Edit,Delete Marks() Add, delete, update Payments()
Add Hostel, meal card, library code ()
 Add,Edit,Delete Exams() Payment History, balances
SMS notification ()
 Add,Edit,Delete CMS()
 Add,Edit,Delete Payments()
 Add,Edit,Delete Guidance() PUPILS/PUPILS
Id: int, Username: char, Password:
 Add,Edit,Delete Parents() char, user_type: char, email: chart

Make Payments ()
Check Hostel, meal card, library code ()
Check Payment History, balances
Receive SMS notification ()
Take exams ()
Check results ()
Check time table (), Menu

Id: int, Username:
char, Password:
Mobile: int
Books () Parents
Transaction () Id: int, Username: char,
Password: char,
Boarding Master Mobile: int
Guidance Id: int, Username: char, Make Payments ()
Id: int, Username: Password: char, Check Hostel, meal card,
char, Password: Mobile: int library code ()
char, Allocate Hostel () Check Payment History,
Mobile: int Issue mattress no () balances
Books () Menu () Receive SMS notification
Transaction () ()
Take exams ()

Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an application. Class
diagram is used for visualizing, describing, documenting different aspects of a system and for
constructing executable code of the software application, (Scott, 2018).
The class diagrams have been in the modeling of object-oriented systems because they are the
only UML diagrams, which can be mapped directly with object-oriented languages, (Scott,
Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations, and
constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram, (Scott, 2018).
Purpose of Class Diagrams
The purpose of this diagram is to model the static view of an application. Class diagrams are
the only diagrams which can be directly mapped with object-oriented languages and thus
widely used at the time of construction, (Scott, 2018).
UML diagrams like activity diagram, sequence diagram can only give the sequence flow of
the application; however class diagram is a bit different, (Scott, 2018).

3.4.System Data Model Design

Adrienne (2019), states that System data model is a diagram that displays the set of tables and
their relationship between them. When designing the data model the first aspect is to look at
the list of tables in the database or entities the list of tables. Secondly we need to identify
their dependence when designing them.
According to Abhishek, (2019), to create and organize data in tables, there are several
database models used to design the data into tables. Tables have the names which are referred
to as entity while each entity has attributes. Relational database system is being used to avoid
the duplication of and anomalies of data. The design of the Electronic Management system of
Boarding school-Mpunde Girls Secondary School is being depicted by using the Entity
Relationship diagram shown
In this project the following are the identified list of entities;
1. Content management system (CMS)
Under this group the teachers create lessons and the learners access the lessons
2. Attendance
The teacher get the attendance list and feed the system while the users (parents and other
integrated party are able to retrieve the information.

3. Behaviour entity
The careers and teachers are able to entre record of the learners committing offences while
the parents can print the report form concerning the same.
4. Blog
The teacher can post the authenticated news on the blog and the learners would be able to
read and give comments.
5. Payments
The accountant can assist the pupils and parents to make payments for as long as they have
deposited the amount .the parents or pupils can also make online payments by filling the form
and later submit the receipt which would be seen by the accountant and the school Head
6. Computer studies
This group is controlled by the subject teacher who enters his credentials and add the content,
update and delete. The particular pupil of parents would be able to access the learning
7. Integrated Science
This group is controlled by the subject teacher who enters his credentials and add the content,
update and delete. The particular pupil of parents would be able to access the learning
8. Library
The librarian will track the books borrowed and the learners will check the library usage
9. Accommodation
The boarding master would be able to track the learners‘ hostels, room number, mattress,
conduct or behaviour and neatness of the child. The boarding master is supposed to feed the
system two times a day.
10. Members of staff
The members of staff will be able to print person employment details while the school
manager will be able to access the report of staff return.
11. Results
The parents and learners can print report forms.

12. Table of user

This contains the list of registered users to seat for online exams. They can do self-
registration or the admin can add.
13. Table of user
These are answers entity composed by the teacher or admin
14. Table of questions
This is the question entity where questions are set during the exams and the pupils are able to
access the questions for as long as they have credentials.
15. Compare
It is a child entity of the questions which compares the right and wrong answers.
16. Admin
Controls the entire department in the system.
After identifying the entities the three data model designing stages were followed.
These include;
Conceptual data model design
Logical model design
Physical model design.

Data modeling is the first step in the process of database design. The results obtained from
one stage of model serves as a starting point for the next stage, and the last stage we have
the desired result. Note that each of these data design models breaks down the system into
small manageable parts that can be modeled to easily understand the process and data needed.
The conceptual, logic and physical models can be are represented in a form of diagrammatic
form which known as Entity relation Diagrams. (ERD).
Entity relation diagrams come into two styles: for the conceptual database design we will use
the flow chart design diagram.
Flow chart data flow and UML Class diagram
Conceptual data model design

Figure 69: ER Diagram Model
Conceptual design expressed in the ER model
These models designs move from the higher lever to a more detailed level. Conceptual data
base model is in the higher lever and can easily interact with the users, as stated by Abhishek,
This stage contains the set of squared rectangle shapes connected by a line. Attributes are
highly abstract with no much detail about the tables. A non-technical person would be easily
understood. Information is much hidden, (Abhishek, (2019).
In other ways it has a structure for future information to be employed. It does not really take
into account what type of database is used. No database specific language or how it will
implement the database. Thus, the conceptual design stage allows us to concentrate solely on
the problem of structuring information, without having to worry about at the same time to
solve technical issues, (Dataprix, 2016).
The results in this conceptual model data base design is the entities represented by the
rectangular boxes and the lines showing the relationships. The type of relationships is
reflected in the diamond shape, (Dataprix, 2016).

Logical Design Stage:
Using the entities and the relationship in conceptual model design, at this stage the attributes
and the keys are included. Bothe primary and foreign keys are determined at this stage,
(Dataprix, 2016).

In this system a class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes,

Figure 70:Unified Modeling Language Diagram

their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.

The class diagram is the main building block of object-oriented modelling. It is used for
general conceptual modelling of the structure of the application, and for data modelling.

The classes in a class diagram represent both the main elements, interactions in the
application, and the classes to be programmed.

In the diagram, classes are represented with boxes that contain three compartments:

In the design of a system, a number of classes are identified and grouped together in a class
diagram that helps to determine the static relations between them. With detailed modeling,
the classes of the conceptual design are often split into a number of subclasses.
The following is the attributes just added in logical model design
1. Attendance
This has the following attributes; id, Time reporting, name, surname, attendance,
day_tracker, comment, date
Id is a number used by the for each learner. No number can be the same.
Name is the first name of the pupil
Surname is the given names to the pupil
day_tracker, ids the column that tracks the daily activities of the learner from
period one to last period.
Comment is the column that the teacher issues.
Date: it is the date the information is updated in the system
2. Behaviour

 Id
 name
 Parents
 Cell_parents
 Class
 Offence
 Details
 date
3. Blog Entity

 post_id,
 title
 blog_entry
 updated

4. Payments entity:
 id,
 name
 depositor
 date,
 bank_refrence.
 mobile, email
5. computer studies Entity: attribute are
 ID
 Topic
 Content
 Tasks,Date_Created
 Tbl_user
6. Integrated Science Entity: attribute are
 ID,
 Topic
 Content
 Tasks,
 Date_Created
7. Library entity has the following attributes:
 Id
 Name
 Designation
 Title_book
 date borrowed
 Date_returned

 Comments
 Librarian_name.
8. Memebers_staff entity
teretirement,substaentpost,subject_teaching,confirmation status
9. Qsn entity has
 ;id
 ,qsn
10. Results entity
11. User entity has is the multilogin system and has the following attributes;
 Id
 Username
 Password
 User_type
 Email
12. Behaviour entity
 Behaviour entity: id,name,parents,Cell_parents,Clas,Offence,Details,date
 Blog Entity:post_id,title ,blog_entry,updated
 Memebers_staff entity has:id,username,password,mobile,sex,station,employee_no,
,substaentpost,subject_teaching,confirmation status
 Results entity

In this stage the logical model diagram the Key attributes are arranged above the line and
non-key attributes are below the line. Non-key attributes are attributes that are not part of a
key. Generally, most attributes are simply descriptive, and fall into this category. (Prepaway,

Physical data model design stage
At this point the developer is converts the logical system design into computer system using
the database development tools. The name of the database in EMSBS –Mpunde girls‘
secondary school is the database given. EMSBS stand for Electronic management System for
boarding schools. To implement the user interface and database, Xampp application was
Xampp has got the good advantages because it has Apache web server, PHP, MySQL. Other
web application includes HTML web development tools which would render assistance to
implement a database driven application on the web browser. (Yamikani, 2017).
This now involves the stage that transforms the structure obtained in the logical design stage,
with the view to achieving greater efficiency, in addition, complete with physical
implementation issues will depend on the DBMS, (eWebArcthitecture, 2019).
Physical database design translates the logical data model into a set of SQL statements that
define the database. For relational database systems, it is relatively easy to translate from a
logical data model into a physical database, (eWebArcthitecture, 2019).
At this stage the entities are referred to as tables. Attributes are known as columns. Column
names are no longer user friendly but compatible to table names in the database.
Unique identifiers become columns that are not allowed to have NULL values. These are
referred to as primary keys in the physical database Relationships are modeled as foreign
keys, (eWebArcthitecture, 2019).
The SQL NULL is the term used to represent a missing value. A NULL value in a table is a
value in a field that appears to be blank.
A field with a NULL value is a field with no value. It is very important to understand that a
NULL value is different than a zero value or a field that contains spaces.
Identifies that column should always accept an explicit value of the given data type. There are
two columns where we did not use NOT NULL, which means these columns could be
A field with a NULL value is the one that has been left blank during the record creation. The
NULL value can cause problems when selecting data, (eWebArcthitecture, 2019). However,
because when comparing an unknown value to any other value, the result is always unknown
and not included in the results.
There are technical rules which must be followed when coming up with a logical diagram.
These include;
You must use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operators to check for a NULL value.

Names are kept as short as possible
No technical users can‘t understand the language used
Spaces are not allowed in entity names in a physical schema because these names must
translate into SQL calls to create the tables ,Rouse( 2019).Table names should therefore
conform to SQL naming rules.
Because primary key attributes are complete inventions, they can be of any index able data
type. (Each database engine has different rules about which data types can be index able.)
Making primary keys of type INT is almost purely arbitrary, (eWebArcthitecture, 2019).
It is almost arbitrary because it is actually faster to search on numeric fields in many database
engines. However, one could just have well have chosen CHAR as the type for the primary
key fields, (eWebArcthitecture, 2019).
Model relationships by adding a foreign key to one of the tables involved in the relationship.
A foreign key is the unique identifier or primary key of the table on the other side of the
relationship. The last remaining task is to translate the complete physical database schema
into SQL. For each table in the schema, write one CREATE table statement. Typically,
designers create unique indices on the primary keys to enforce uniqueness,
(eWebArcthitecture, 2019).
Data models are meant to be database independent. These techniques and data models may
therefore be applied not only to MySQL, but also to Oracle, Sybase, Ingres or any other
relational database engine. Below is the schema for EMSBS database, (eWebArcthitecture,
3.4. User Interface Design
According to Rouse, (2019), the user interface (UI) is the point through which a user interacts
with an application or a website. That‘s in this system the business is based on the web
application. With the aid of the designed database system, it was easier to design the output
and input user interface which are used play the input of data and the output of reports.
The type of user interface in this EMSBS is the GUI (graphical user interface). Each GUI
element is defined as a class widget from which you can create object instances are created
through coding.
User interface designing tools
The web interface designing tool used in this system is Dreamweaver Cs6.Dream weaver
help to do the work, code and create the interface faster. It is also flexible, (Adobe Creative
Cloud, 2016)

User Interface (UI) Design in this system focuses on anticipating what users might need to
do and ensuring that the interface has elements that are easy to access, understood, and use to
facilitate those actions.
Choosing Interface Elements
The design of this system, the interface elements actions are consistent and predictable to the
choice of the user. This helps them with task completion, efficiency, and satisfaction.
Interface elements

 Input Controls: buttons, text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, list
Figure 71:Elements in the interface

boxes, toggles, date field are consistent on all pages.

 Navigational Components: slider, search field, tags, icons are all also similar
 Informational Components: icons, progress bar, notifications, message boxes, modal
 Containers: accordion

Best Practices for Designing an Interface
Having looked at the preferences of the users from the survey, the following considerations
were drawn when designing the interface:

 Keep the interface simple.

 The interfaces are almost invisible to the user. They avoid unnecessary elements and are
clear in the language they use on labels and in messaging.
 Create consistency and use common UI elements.
By using common elements in your UI, users feel more comfortable and are able
to get things done more quickly. There is a consistency patterns in language,
layout and design throughout the site to help facilitate efficiency (Design
Development Centre. (2018.)

Be purposeful in page layout.

Consideration of spatial relationships between items on the page and structure the page based
on importance. Important Items that can help draw attention to the most important pieces of
information and can aid scanning and readability are placed in strategic areas.
Strategically use color and texture. The colour scheme gives direct attention toward the
items using color, light, contrast, and texture.
Use typography to create hierarchy and clarity. Carefully consider how you use typeface. Different
sizes, fonts, and arrangement of the text to help increase scan ability, legibility and readability.

Make sure that the system communicates what‘s happening.

This helps to inform users of location, actions, changes in state, or errors.
Think about the defaults.
Input and Output User Interface design
Once the database models and flow are identified, it is possible to design the output reports
and input forms. The user interface involves the designing of both input forms and output
reports. The Electronic management system for Boarding schools-Mpunde Girls secondary
school has both the forms and report interface to be generated by the system. Although other
output reports were designed as per system only a few will be illustrated. These forms are
representing both the Front End and the back end of the system.
Front end and back end
In content management systems, the terms front end and back end may refer to the end-user

facing views of the CMS and the administrative views, respectively. Design Development
Centre, (2018).
Front End
 Public Holidays
o The notices from backend
 Departments
o Allowed by admin to show from settings
 School Gallery
o The galleries with images which are allowed by admin to show on the website
 Login
o The parents & Pupils are assigned with the username & password by the
admin. The user/parent has to click on EMSBS ONLINE tab to access the
login form
 Payments
o The pupil/Parent fills in the input and submits the details which will be
received by the accounts department and the receipt is attached.
 Payment History
o The parent/pupils are able to check the payment record depending once
approved by the Admin.
 Meal Card Number & Hostel Name Report
o The parents are able to check the hostel number and meal card upon payment.
These are approved by admin
 E-Learning
o The user can access the online lesson on provision that he already paid up. The
lessons are uploaded by various subject teachers.
 Online examination system
o The user can take online examination on condition that he or she registers for
 Check Results Online
o The user can check the results which are Fed by the Subject teachers
 Behaviour Report
o The pupils behaviour report can be tracked once the computer number is

 Class attendance Report
o The class attendance can also be tracked once the class teacher or admin enter
the record.
 Backend
o Admin/Teacher Login
o It has multilogin system with different levels of privilege
 Admin Login System.
o Teachers use teachers
 Admin uses admin but admin can control everyone else.
 Teachers’ login
o The teacher has to use his login details to access the control
 E-Learning
o The teacher can add edit and delete the content of the lessons
 Online Examination System
o The admin can add, edit and delete exams and manage candidates
 Results System
o The admin can Add, View and delete results from various subjects by
individual teacher.
 Online Class attendance Register
o Recording reporting time for learners
o Track the learner activity during lessons

The user interface design is different from the general graphic design. It focuses on the
theme of ―information communication‖. In this case the theme is EMSBS (Electronic
Management System for Boarding Schools)-Mpunde Girls secondary school. It must be
visibly appeared to users. This information is made clear, accurate and effective.

4.1. Introduction
In this chapter the developer will give the analysis of the survey from the
questionnaire before the system was made and after the development of the system as
what impact it has brought to the school. The designer will further explain the cross
cutting issues patterning to the system and the strategies which will be used for
4.2.0. Baseline Study Results

According to Domaradzka ,(2016),A baseline survey it‘s a kind of survey that is being
conducted during the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) process to define an impact of a this project there are some of the base line survey which have been noted
through the use of instruments of questionnaire and observation after the project was
constructed. The following are the survey results;
1. Less use of paper during the payment of school fees
2. Parents do not travel long distance to pay school fees
3. Queues and congestion has reduced in the institution
4. There is less labour force to control the learner‘s behaviour
5. The learning materials can be accessed online and suitable to the local content
6. Reduction of noise in classroom
7. The results are generated online and accessed by parents
8. Teachers can access the questions from the database bank.
9. Conducting of exams still possess the challenge as few computers are available

4.2.1. Survey Results and Discussion

The baseline survey acts as experimental control to the original questionnaires during the
analysis. From the findings and results of the survey a number of issues are worthwhile to
discus. These include the school management in general.
Online examination.
Conducting exams and test on internet is called online exam. With the introduction of
online examination has reduced the aspect of high expenses on the paper work and time.
The institution used to have a huge budgetary allocation of paper and ink .there was time
wastage for preparing the questions and giving out the exams to candidates. Sometimes
some teachers were unable to submit the test items on time. The aspect of invigilators to

supervise the examination process has reduced. The best part of online exam is that
examiner can start the test using mobile or PC from anywhere

Marking exam papers

The system has reduced the challenge where the teachers spend much time to mark
answer scripts for the learners .Now this task is done instantly as the learner submit the
Tracking learner’s behaviour.
It was difficult to track learner‘s behaviour and conduct using the traditional approach
where the prefects would hire the learners for offences. This system proves to be effective
as the parents would be able to know the offence he child has committed in school within
24 hours.
Tracking learner’s attendance.
The system has also provided an opportunity of tracking the registration of the learner and
what he really does in classroom from the first period to the last period.
Payment system
Unlike previous the system will address the issue of queuing and time saving for the
parents to be attended to pay school fees. The pupils who have had the habit of
squandering the boarding fees instead of paying are curtailed by the system
Hostel management.
The system allows the learners to see which hostel is allocated including the room
number, bed and mattresses. The precious system the management would spend time to
allocate the rooms to the students and would take days before they clear the long queues.
Library tracking system
The system is able to track the stock of books in the library .at the same time those who
borrow the books can be easily tracked on the usage of books and the expected date to
return them.
4.3. System Implementation Results

According to Yamikani, (2017), System implementation is the process of delivering the

system to the user for the day to day operational environment. System implementation
covers the following strategies;
a) File conversion
b) Change over strategies.
c) Staff training

a. File conversion

Rick (2010) states that Conversion and installation is the process of upgrading or
replacing the existing system with the new system. The installation of a new system will
need installation of internet and new hardware.
The hardware minimum requirement is stipulated as follows in various places;
1) Computer hardware
a) Hard drive minimum 500 GB
b) CPU processor 3.5GHZ
c) RAM 4GB
2) Software
a) Operating system windows 10.
b) Xampp

The following departments need to have their own computers;

Head teacher‘s office, the accounts, Boarding master, Guidance and Counseling
department, library and staffroom.
b. Change over strategies.
During the conversion and installation process, all the requirements must be taken into
account. There are four approaches to system conversion:
● Parallel
● Pilot
● phased
● direct cutover

Figure 72: Parallel Conversion [24]
Of these parallel changeover has been chosen. In a parallel conversion, the old system
continues to be used at the same time as the new system is introduced. Both systems run
in parallel for a three terms starting January 2020.People use both systems but increase
the amount of time that they use the new system until it is in use the majority of the time.
Then the old system is discontinued, (Rick, 2010).
A parallel conversion allows for a comparison of the new system to the old so that you
can benchmark and quantify its effectiveness. It also minimizes the risks of operational
and data-processing failures because the old system continues to function with the new
system, (Rick, 2010).
The parallel approach is considered the least risky conversion approach. Nevertheless, the
cost and potential confusion of running two systems at once makes it a poor choice for
large, complex systems. It is a good choice for smaller systems that use the existing
infrastructure. (Rick, 2010).

c. Staff Training
Staff training manual will be developed for the user and it will be also uploaded online.
The training will be segmented in three parts;
The management heeded by the Headteacher the training will last for two day
The general members of staff for academic for two days
Orientation to learners a day per stream of classes. Meaning it will go for five days on
how to use it.

4.4. Summary
The EMBS has proven to be the most effective management of the school. Various
departments in school uphold the system as it is saving the paper.

This chapter will focus on the tools used and how the system was developed using the
programming skills.
5.2.0. Discussion
5.2.1. The baseline study

From the baseline study survey, it has pointed out that the use of electronic management of
the school requires technological leadership qualities. Effectiveness and efficiency of the
electronic schools, which is run by the technological leader, is has a long way to go.
According to the teachers at Mpunde Girls secondary school, the use of technology provides
support for orderly, management planning, project development and decision-making process
not forgetting the running of various departments.
The survey conducted also reflects that the EMSBS web application depends on a web/cloud
based system that connects the users. The users being the ones connected with the institute
like students, staff and parents, (Academy, 2019).
Parents play an essential role in shaping their child‘s character the system helps in the child‘s
educational journey by allowing parents getting involved in school activities, (Academy,
A positive working relationship between the tutor and parent can indeed help in improving
the student‘s academic performance, (Academy, 2019).
According to, Ashish, (2010), stationary right from the paper and pens can help to save the
natural resources and time as most of the data is stored addition, there is a
decreased time to maintain the track records and thus increased accuracy in organizing the
data. Less time leads to keep the institute focused on the productivity of the school.
The system has got the capability to be accessed from anywhere from anywhere, anytime. A
record of everything can be kept due to its easy accessibility. It also facilitates providing
immediate information, (Ashish, 2010).
Due to the hectic schedule of the organizations and the tough decision making policies, it
becomes troublesome to check in with the enrolment of the students when using the
traditional approaches of education. The implementation of EMSBS reduces the burden from
various activities, (Ashish, 2010).

5.2.2. Use of technology.

Several technologies were used to develop the system. The EMSBS has several technologies
which were used to develop. These include PHP, Mysql, HTML, CSS, java script, Ajax,
Xamp, (Peter, 2019).
PHP is a server side scripting language .in this system it has been selected because it has the
ability to easily create simple websites. PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Pre-
processor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language can be embedded
into HTML. It is a vital backend tool for EMSBS.
Instead of lots of commands to output HTML, (Peter, 2019), PHP pages contain HTML with
embedded code that does something" (in this case, output "Hi, I'm a PHP script!"). The PHP
code is enclosed in special start and end processing instructions <? Php and?> that allow you
to jump into and out of "PHP mode."
What distinguishes PHP from something like client-side JavaScript is that the code is
executed on the server, generating HTML which is then sent to the client. The client would
receive the results of running that script, but would not know what the underlying code was,
(Peter, 2019).
XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl
(P).XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack consisting
mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in
the PHP and Perl programming languages.
The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is the world's most used web server
software. MariaDB database-MariaDB is a community-developed fork of the MySQL
relational database management system intended to remain free under the GNU GPL. It's
made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source. There
are interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl
This is the PHP tool is well supported, easy to install and free for anyone to download it‘s
especially helpful when come to use MySQL for database management.


HTML is the standard Markup language for creating Web pages.HTML stands for Hyper
Text Markup Language. The tool describes the structure of a Web page. All pages in these
projects consist of a series of elements, (Refsnes, 2019).

According to (Refsnes, 2019), CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.CSS describes how
HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media. It saves a lot of
work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at this project the External
style sheets are stored in CSS files with an extension of .css
CSS is used to define styles for your web pages, including the design, layout and variations in
display for different devices and screen sizes.
The programs in this language are called scripts initially created to ―make web pages alive‖.
The Js can be written right in a web page‘s HTML and run automatically as the page loads.
Scripts are provided and executed as plain text. They don‘t need special preparation or
compilation to run, (Ilya, 2019).
JavaScript can execute in the browser and on the server, the browser has an embedded engine
sometimes called a ―JavaScript virtual machine‖. Modern JavaScript is a ―safe‖ programming
language. It does not provide low-level access to memory or CPU, because it was initially
created for browsers which do not require it, (Ilya, 2019).
JavaScript‘s capabilities greatly depend on the environment it‘s running in. In-browser
JavaScript can do everything related to webpage manipulation, interaction with the user, and
the webserver, (Ilya, 2019).
For instance, in-browser JavaScript is able to:
 Add new HTML to the page, change the existing content, and modify styles.
 React to user actions, run on mouse clicks, pointer movements, and key presses.
 Send requests over the network to remote servers, download and upload files (so-
called AJAX and COMET technologies
 Get and set cookies, ask questions to the visitor, show messages.
 Remember the data on the client-side (―local storage‖).

MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL), (Cal, 2019).
SQL is the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a database.
It is most noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use. One of
the most important things about using MySQL is to have a MySQL specialized host, (Cal,
MySQL is based on a client-server model. The core of MySQL is MySQL server, which
handles all of the database instructions (or commands). MySQL server is available as a
separate program for use in a client-server networked environment and as a library that can
be embedded (or linked) into separate applications, (Rouse, 2019).
MySQL operates along with several utility programs which support the administration of
MySQL databases. Commands are sent to MySQL Server via the MySQL client, which is
installed on a computer, (Rouse, 2019).
MySQL was originally developed to handle large databases quickly. Although MySQL is
typically installed on only one machine, it is able to send the database to multiple locations,
as users are able to access it via different MySQL client interfaces. These interfaces send SQL
statements to the server and then display the results, (Rouse, 2019).
5.2.3. Development of the system as a solution

Development of the system refers to the coding, installation and testing of the program as
stated by Yamikani (2017).This deals directly with the construction of system modules and
their components. A module is a software component or part of a program that contains one
or more routines. The whole idea of this stage is to construct the functional system for the
users to use and the developer has to follow the designer stipulated in the previous chapters.
The development of the system in short conveys the designer‘s task into computer code.
Computer code or program code is the set of instructions forming a computer program which
is executed by a computer. It is one of two components of the software which runs
on computer hardware, the other being the data, (Atlasin, 2019).
In this Electronic Management System for Boarding Schools-Mpunde girls Secondary school
the developer converted the design of the system into various interfaces which interacts with
the database, (Atlasin, 2019).

Website and database development tools used.
To implement the user interface and Database driven system for EMSBS the developer used
the following programming environment.
―Xamp contains apache web server, PHP, Mysql and HTML. These are web development
tools that implement a database driven application that is capable of running on the web
browser‖, (Yamikani, 2017.P.109)
Others are Javascript and AJAX technologies.
Below are sampled modules and codes used to develop the system?
Home Page

Figure 73: Home page of the system

On the home page the navigation buttons include; Home, Departments, Extracurricular,
religious activities, Projects, EMSBS ONLINE, about us
(See the source code in figure 26)

Figure 74: Home page source code

 Public Holidays
o The notices from backend
 Departments
o Allowed by admin to show from settings
School Gallery

Figure 75: Photo gallery page

 School Gallery
o The galleries with images which are allowed by admin to show on the website

o The parents & Pupils are assigned with the username & password by the
admin. The user/parent has to click on EMSBS ONLINE tab to access the
login form

Figure 76:login interface

Figure 77:Login source code
Source code

Figure 78:Online payment page

Reports the Pupil/parent can access asre as follows after login.

 Payments,careers & Guidance,Hostels,Bevaiour,Library Report and academic

Figure 79: Pupils /parents page
The pupil/Parent fills in the input and submits the details which will be received by the
accounts department and the receipt is attached.

Figure 80: attachment page for bank slip

 Payment History

Figure 81: Payment History report

The parent/pupils are able to check the payment record depending once approved by
the Admin.

Meal Card Number & Hostel Name Report

 The parents are able to check the hostel number and meal card upon payment. These
are approved by admin

Figure 82: Hostel report

The user can access the online lesson on provision that he already paid up. The
lessons are uploaded by various subject teachers.

Figure 83: learning

Figure 84: E-learning Content

Online examination system

The user can take online examination on condition that he or she registers for exams

Figure 85: Examination Login Interface

Figure 86: Exam questions online

Check Results Online
The user can check the results which are Fed by the Subject teachers

Figure 87: Online report form

Behaviour Report
The pupil‘s behaviour report can be tracked once the computer number is entered

Figure 88: Behaviour Report

Class attendance Report

The class attendance can also be tracked once the class teacher or admin enter the

Figure 89: class attendance

Backend Electronic Management System of Boarding School-Mpunde Girls Secondary

 Admin/Teacher Login
 It has multi ;login system with different levels of privilege

Figure 90: Staff Page

Figure 91: Admin Page

Admin Login System.

 Teachers use teachers
 Admin uses admin but admin can control everyone else.

Teachers’ login
The teacher has to use his login details to access the control

Figure 92: Teachers login Page

The teacher can add edit and delete the content of the lessons

Figure 93: Add content menu

Figure 94: create content

Online Examination System

The admin can add, edit and delete exams and manage candidates

Figure 95: Create online exam menu

Figure 96: Teachers panel user management

Results System
The admin can Add, View and delete results from various subjects by individual teacher

Figure 97: List of student admin control

Figure 98: delete record -admin panel

Online Class attendance Register

Figure 99: Online Class Register

Testing the system

After development of the system data was tested by entering it into input forms and the
desired results were produced. Integrated testing was also done to test whether the pages were
inking properly.
Web testing
Web testing is the name given to software testing that focuses on web applications. Complete
testing of a web-based system before going live help to address issues before the system is
revealed to the public. Issues may include the security of the web application, the basic
functionality of the site, its accessibility to handicapped users and fully able users, its ability
to adapt to the multitude of desktops, devices, and operating systems, as well as readiness for
expected traffic and number of users and the ability to survive a massive spike in user traffic,
both of which are related to load testing, (Smart, 2019).
Types of web testing
Functional testing
This form of testing aims to ensure that the website works correctly or as it was intended to.
You need to test if the website returns the correct search results. The Functional testing is has
to go through the entire website, including content management system or admin area, to
make sure that each function within the website is performing as it should be, (Tom, 2018).
Browser compatibility testing
Different web browsers display web pages differently from each other. This is one of the least

helpful aspects of the Internet and browser compatibility testing or browser checking involves
testing the website on each of the major browsers (or each browser that you have decided to
support), which generally includes IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 3, Chrome, Safari 3 and Safari 4 on
both PCs and Macs,( Tom,2018).
Usability testing
Usability testing assumes that your website works correctly and displays in each major
browser correctly. Usability testing enables you to show your website to a group of users, ask
them to perform certain actions and see how they accomplish those tasks. This helps you gain
great insight into how people actually use your website and a lot of the experts agree that you
can pick up most usability issues when testing with only 5 users, (Tom, 2018).
Accessibility testing
Accessibility testing is makes sure that the website system does not decimate users.
Performance testing
Performance testing is an area that has always been important but possibly even more so now
that Google is starting to incorporate the performance of a website into its ranking
algorithms. There used to be an 8 second rule, which believed that a user will wait no longer
than 8 seconds for a page to download before they click back and try another website. That
rule is a long way out of date; it is now no more than 1 or 2 seconds, (Tom, 2018).
Security testing
Websites can have security holes that could be extremely damaging for your business if they
were to be found and exploited. Security testing aims to find where those security holes exist
so that you can do something about them, (Tom, 2018).
The term load testing is used in different ways in the professional software
testing community. Load testing generally refers to the practice of modeling the expected
usage of a software program by simulating multiple users accessing the program
concurrently. , (Smart, 2019).
Load testing lets you measure your website's quality of service (QOS) performance based on
actual customer behaviour. Nearly all the load testing tools and frame-works follow the
classical load testing paradigm: when customers visit your web site, a script recorder records
the communication and then creates related interaction scripts, (Smart, 2019).

5.2.4. Comparison with other similar works

Today several companies are building electronic management of school system which are
either web based or mobile applications.
It is a cloud-based student information solution that helps schools collect, manage and
analyse student information. The solution's core modules—which include attendance,
scheduling, enrolment, discipline, student billing, grade book, report cards and parent and
student is tied to into a customizable student information database, where
critical student and staff data is stored and available for real-time analysis and reporting
(Redike, 2019).
The report cards module provides a way for schools to record and edit both letter and
number grades and create report cards and transcripts. It also integrates with both Teacher
plus Web grade book and Parent plus Web portal to streamline reporting and
communications (Redike, 2019).
Within Plus Portals online communication modules, students and parents can view
grades, submit course requests, review schedules, send and receive communications and
more. Mobile access is available through apps for iOS and Android devices. Support is
offered is offered through an online support portal and via phone, (Redike, 2019).
IGradePlus is a cloud-based school management solution designed for individual
instructors, schools and colleges. Key features include student and class management,
school and district management, grade management, attendance and behaviour tracking,
communication tool and more, (Nick,2019)
IGradePlus helps teachers and administrators to create custom student and parent profiles
and store them in a central database. The solution‘s student and class management
features include student document storage, seating charts, lesson plans, assignments,
attendance and more, (Nick,2019)
IGradePlus communication tools for parents, students and teachers include student and
parent web portals, bulk email support, notifications, document sharing, event calendars,
bulletin boards, lesson logs and teacher blogs. Additionally, the solution offers a custom
report generation and distribution engine and encrypts data transfer via secure socket
layer (SSL) encryption technology, (Nick,2019)
Services are offered on an annual subscription basis that includes support via email

Orbund is a cloud-based education management solution for training institutes, higher
education, K-12 schools and universities. Primary features include an online application,
lead forms, registration portal, instructor portal, administrator portal and a student
portal,( Jonathan,2019).
It automates the online student enrolment processes and allows users to capture leads and
applications from the website. The instructor portal allows teachers to manage classroom
activities, online course materials, prepare and distribute assignments and broadcast
messages to groups of students. They can track attendance records, the overall academic
progress of students and generate assessment reports, (Jonathan, 2019).
The student portal allows students to access communication, take tests, view and track
progress in real time. The administrative portal provides admission management, alumni
management, contact management, registrar's office management, student finance
management and career services management features, (Jonathan, 2019).
Orbund offers integration with QuickBooks, DocuSign, Moodle, Weber, Campus Ivy and
LTI tools. Support is provided via email, live chat and over the phone. (Jonathan, 2019).

5.2.5. Possible application

Managing school is a challenge for the school administrator. Technology and internet will
help you complete your time consuming jobs quite faster with higher accuracy level.
Diverse software is available now to help with essential functioning and running of a
school. Perfect school management system software accommodates as many tools as
required to manage and perform the routine work much quicker and easier, (Academy,
Fees account status
Attendance status
Exam Result status
Home assignments
Test schedules and syllabus
Automated Fees reminders
Vacancies for Staff
Zambia has adopted a new approach to strengthen school leadership in school
management. In an effort to strengthen school leadership, Zambia‘s ministry of general

education is providing school leaders with toolkits, which give step-by-step guidance on
implementing effective school management systems and strategies, (Moyana, 2018).
This trend on the ground there is strong possibilities that this application will be of use in
the country.

Coding is the most crucial component which cam takes months to come up with the
desirable system. Lot of patience is absolutely needed.

Before begin the actual coding, you should spend some time on selecting development tool,
which will be suitable for your debugging, coding, modification and designing needs.
Before actual writing code, some standard should be defined, as multiple developers going to
use the same file for coding.
During development developer should write appropriate comments so that other developers
will come to know the logic behind the code. Last but most important point. There should be
a regular review meeting need to conduct in this stage. It helps to identify the prospective
defects in an early stage. Helps to improve product and coding quality.
5.5.Future works

The role of a management information system in schools is making a big difference in the
lives of students, teachers, parents and the admin. It is also helping in improving the security
and safety of students by a better monitoring system. School administration is realizing the
importance of using such software and thus the competition is also increasing among the
manufacturers to come up with all-inclusive management systems helping schools to do
everything with the help of technology,(Clever,2019).
This has increased opportunity for this project to expand. Some of the functionalities intended
to be included in this package is the SMS alert to the parents and staff, (Clever, 2019).
The sms alert is a solution that does cheap and SMS alerts costs have proven in-call
management in schools.
The sms alert helps prevent responsible for any malfunctions of all types: computer, gtb, etc,
automated power supplies, production line, warning SMS is used to inform on sometimes
very sensitive areas,(Clever,2019).The sms alert participates in securing an information
system. The SMS alert to alert people to a major risk.In case of failure, sms alert is
automatically sent by mini message to the person concerned, (Clever, 2019).


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509. white DIV that covers the website. $(window).load(function() { // makes
sure the whole site is loaded </script>

512. $('body').delay(350).css({'overflow':'visible'}); $('#status').fadeOut();

511. // will first fade out the loading animation });

514. }) $('#preloader').delay(350).fadeOut('slow'); // will fade out the

513. white DIV that covers the website. <!-- Preloader --> </script>

516. //]]> $('body').delay(350).css({'overflow':'visible'}); <script

515. type="text/javascript">

517. </script> }) //<![CDATA[ <!-- Preloader -->

520. //]]> $(window).load(function() { // makes sure the whole site is

519. loaded <script type="text/javascript">

522. <body> </script> $('#status').fadeOut(); // will first fade out the

521. loading animation //<![CDATA[

524. $('#preloader').delay(350).fadeOut('slow'); // will fade out the

523. white DIV that covers the website. $(window).load(function() { // makes
sure the whole site is loaded

526. <div class="footer" id="footer"> <body>

525. $('body').delay(350).css({'overflow':'visible'}); $('#status').fadeOut(); // will
first fade out the loading animation

528. <font color="white"> <h6> Mpunde Girls secondaly School

website.Proudly Created By Katete Isaac (SIN:1504283551) All Rights
527. Reserved (c) Copyright July 2019 </h6> </font> })
$('#preloader').delay(350).fadeOut('slow'); // will fade out the white DIV
that covers the website.

530. </div> <div class="footer" id="footer"> //]]>

529. $('body').delay(350).css({'overflow':'visible'});

532. <!-- PhotoDiv --></div> <font color="white"> <h6> Mpunde Girls

secondaly School website.Proudly Created By Katete Isaac
531. (SIN:1504283551) All Rights Reserved (c) Copyright July 2019 </h6> </font>
</script> })

533. </body> </div> //]]>

535. </html><!-- PhotoDiv --></div> <body> </script>

537. </body>

539. </html><div class="footer" id="footer"> <body>

542. <font color="white"> <h6> Mpunde Girls secondaly School

541. website.Proudly Created By Katete Isaac (SIN:1504283551) All Rights
Reserved (c) Copyright July 2019 </h6> </font>

543. </div> <div class="footer" id="footer">

546. <!-- PhotoDiv --></div> <font color="white"> <h6> Mpunde Girls

545. secondaly School website.Proudly Created By Katete Isaac
(SIN:1504283551) All Rights Reserved (c) Copyright July 2019 </h6> </font>

547. </body> </div>

549. </html><!-- PhotoDiv --></div>

551. </body>

553. </html>


A2: Database Access Code sample
1. <?php
2. # FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"
3. # Type="MYSQL"
4. # HTTP="true"
5. $hostname_db = "localhost";
6. $database_db = "mpunde";
7. $username_db = "root";
8. $password_db = "";
9. $db = mysql_pconnect($hostname_db, $username_db, $password_db) or
10. ?>

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- Database: `mpunde`

-- Table structure for table `user`


`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`username` int(100) NOT NULL,
`amount` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Bank_reference` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
`depositor` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`mobile` int(11) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`Address` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`attachmentFile` varchar(225) NOT NULL,
`description` text NOT NULL,
`term` int(11) NOT NULL,
`MealCard` varchar(11) NOT NULL,
`Hostel` varchar(100) NOT NULL

Figure 100:Database sample

Figure 101:Database for Computer studies table

-- Database: `mpunde`

-- Table structure for table `computer_studies`--

CREATE TABLE `computer_studies` (

`ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Topic` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`Content` text,
`Tasks` varchar(11) NOT NULL,




Table 2:Personal Details

Project Title: EMSBS

Developer's Name: Katete Isaac

Date:19th August 2019

Place: ………………………………

Part A: Introduction

Information is requested concerning the development of Electronic Management System of

Boarding schools. Th system is a website based application which will be accessed by only
authorized users anywhere. The key stakeholders are parents, teachers and leaners. The
aspects of the proposed system are meant to be used at the said school to migrate from
traditional operation to automated system.
The developer therefore is requesting you to complete the form in as much detail as possible
in sections where your input is needed. All information supplied will be treated as

The sections to be completes are;

Section A. Management of Examination system
Section B. Management of teaching and Learning Process
Section C. Management of School report form
Section D. Management of Class register

Section E. Management of Behaviour
Section F. Management of Library
Section G.Managemnet of Hostels and meal cards
Section H..Management of Payment system.

1. Examination system
i. How is the current sytem of examination process like? The Monthly and End of
term exams).Choose which is applicable to your school
A. The teachers prepare the questions in various subjects.
B. They take the questions to HOD
C. They take the questions to Examination committee
D. The exam committee prints
E. The time table is set
F. School has to buy paper and ink to print exams
ii. How many streams are at;
A. Junior secondary:…………………………………………………………..………..
B. Senior secondary level.:……………………………………………………………….
iii. List down the identification of each class. e.g. 8A etc.
A. Grade Eight:………………………………………………………………………….
B. Grade Nine:………………………………………………………………………….
C. Grade Ten:…………………………………………………….…………………….
D. Grade Eleven:……………………………………………………………………….
E. Grade Twelve:……………………………………………………………………….
iv. What is the approximately enrolment for the learners in each class?
A. Grade Eight:……………………………………………………………………………….
B. Grade Nine:……………………………………………………………………………….
C. Grade Ten:………………………………………………………………………………….
D. Grade Eleven:……………………………………………………………………………….
E. Grade Twelve:…………………………………………………………………………….
v. How long does it take for you to finish marking the learners’ test after they write?
A. 5-20 minutes after exams

B. 1-5 days after exams
C. 2 weeks
D. 3 weeks +

2. Results Publication
i. How long does it take to give the results to the parents or learners from the time
they write an assessment?
A. 5-20 minutes after exams
B. 1-5 days after exams
C. 2 weeks
D. 3 weeks +
ii. Explain any challenges you encounter at this stages;
A. Setting exams:………………………………………………………………………………

B. Printing exams:……………………………………………………………………………
C. Administering exams

D. Giving out results.


3. School Assessment Results
i. How is the process of giving out results done in your school?
ii. Who is responsible to collect the results of the learner in your school?
iii. Do you experience the situation where the learners fake their guardians to collect
the results on the behalf?
iv. What other challenges do you encounter when giving out the results to learners?
v. How would you like this system come to the aid of this challenge?
4. Teaching and Learning materials
i. What source of materials do you use when preparing the lesson? Choose below
A. Books
B. Videos
C. Internet
D. ELearning
ii. Explain why the source you picked in question one is not favorable?

iii. How would you like the proposed system solve the challenge above?
5. Management of Class register
i. How is registration of learners done each day?
ii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
iii. Is there any registration between reporting and knocking off time? Yes/NO
iv. What time are the learners supposed to report for lessons and knock
v. What challenges does the grade teacher face when tracking the activities the
learners do between the time they report for lessons and the time they knock off?
6. Management of Behaviour
i. Who is in charge of the discipline of children?..................................................
ii. What are some of the offences the children may be bleach during the school days
and at the hostels?
iii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
iv. Do the parents know immediately that the child has committed the offence? Yes/No
7. Management of Library
i. What information is needed when one need to borrow the book.

8. Management of Hostels and meal cards
i. What record is needed for the child to be given the following?
A. Hostel
B. Room
C. Bed
D. Mattress
E. Meal card
ii. What are the rules of the hostel?


9. Management of Payment system.

i. How do pupils make payments?
ii. What information is needed when making payments?

10. Software system characteristics
i. Please choose the response below which you believe best describes the system you
are proposing to develop and circle the appropriate system type code no.
A. The system is entirely new – It must allow teachers and parents /pupils to track the
class attendance /behaviour of the learners within 24 hours on daily basis.
B. The system should allow the teachers set online exams and activate /deactivate the
candidates who are not eligible at the same time candidates should take exams
C. The system should allow the teachers create content management system for the
D. It should allow the pupils/parents track the assessment result/report form
E. It should have the learner tracking class attendance to determine which learners are
in class or not at that particular time.
F. The parents to be aware of the child’s conduct every 24 hours.
G. The system tracks the learner behaviour in school. Activities such as drug abuse, bad
language out of bounds can be known to parents within 24 hours.
H. The system should be composed of library tracking system concerning the details of
the books borrowed by learners and when they are due to return
I. The EMSBS should give tracking records of the Hostel/Meal card upon payment of
the school fees.
J. It should enable the pupils/parents to pay school fees online despite the distance
and check the payment records.
11. Any other functions you want the system to do:……………………………………………



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