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MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR RAZA Marketing intern BBA Marketing

21GSOB1010455 2021 - 2024


A Summer Internship Project for


Session 2021 - 2024


Admission Number


Mr Jeevika Janmeyja Dr Ved Parkash
Senior Marketing Manager Professor
Marketing Studio Galgotias University
MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR RAZA Marketing Intern BBA Marketing
21GSOB1010455 2021 – 2024




Admission Number


Mr Jeevika Janmeyja Dr Ved Parkash
Senior Marketing Manager Professor
Marketing Studio. Galgotias University
We are happy to cer tify that Mr.MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR RAZA has completed his Summer
Internship in our "Online Reputation Department" from 03 July to 04 August, 2023.
We appreciate h i s work and contributions.
C-124, Sector-10, Noida-201301Uttar Pradesh.
Email Id:

Savings to Industry Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR RAZA students of BBA from SCHOOL OF BUSINESS,
Galgotias University, Greater Noida has completed Internship successfully from 03/07/2023 to
04/08/2023. During this period, he has shown good interest in the assignment/works given to them and
worked hard.

Students have worked during internship period on following project/industrial problem under the
guidance of Mr. Vasu Kapoor, (industry mentor).

During their tenure of internship, they were hard working and focused on activities assigned to them.
Project work submitted by them has the potential to save cost up to Rs. NIL /year. Also, they were
entitled for stipend of Rs. NIL /- per month along with canteen, transportation & accommodation


Name of HR Head
Marketingstudio , C-124, Sector-10, Noida-201301Uttar Pradesh .
C-124, Sector-10, Noida-201301Uttar Pradesh.
Email Id:

Cost of Industrial Solution Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR RAZA students of BBA from SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Galgotias
University, Greater Noida has completed Internship successfully from 03/07/2023 to 04/08/2023. During this period,
he has shown good interest in the assignment/works given to them and worked hard.

Students have worked during internship period on following project/industrial problem under the guidance of Mr.
Vasu Kapoor, (industry mentor).

Industry has spent Rs . NIL amount on their ideas /industries problem , which they have successfully implemented .


Name of HR Head
Marketingstudio , C-124, Sector-10, Noida-201301Uttar Pradesh .
C-124, Sector-10, Noida-201301Uttar Pradesh.
Email Id:

Internship Offer Letter

Mohd Hassan Akhtar Raza
Nalanda Living Boys Hostel,
Knowledge Park 3rd
Greater Noida-201310

Subject: Marketing intern at MarketingStudio

I am pleased to extend an offer to you for the position of Marketing. Intern. at

MarketingStudio . We were highly impressed by your application and believe that your
skills and enthusiasm will make a valuable contribution to our team. We are excited to have
you join us in our mission to provide exceptional hostel experiences to our guests.

Position Details:
Position Title: Marketing.intern
Department: Online Reputation Department
Reporting to: Marketing. Manager
Duration: 03/07/2023 to 04/08/2023
Location: Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Compensation and Benefits:

As an intern, you will be compensated with a monthly stipend of Rs.10000/-.
We are excited to welcome you to the Marketing Studio team and look forward to working
with you. Congratulations once again, and we wish you success in your internship with us.
Thank you


Danveer singh
Introduction about the Company

“A squad of professional shutterbugs creating visual stories for your brand

in Delhi NCR. We aim to deliver the best photography servicesas per your
demand. As they say, you know your brand and we knowyour customers.
The sharp eye for detail that we possess can bring your ideas, straight out of
your mind, to your brand canvas!”
Marketing studio is a regular photography studio in Noida sector 10 .
Offering excellence in Photography and videography to create visual
Masterpieces. It is platform where they do marketing for different brands .
They also do shoots for different brands .It is known as number one Studio
in Delhi NCR, offering value worthy photographyand videography services.
Services available here are -
 Still photography and videography at one place
 Only GGODOX equipment and lightings
 Highly aesthetic chill lounge
 Camera and Lense available on rent
 They provide photography in fields such as
 Product Photography
 Fashion Photography
 Wedding Photography
 Portraits Photography
 Interiors Photography
 Brand Ad Commercials
 Film and video Productions
 Editing Services
The basic theory presented in this report has been evolved out of
simple and readily understood principles of marketing. A sincere efforthas
been made to maintain physical concepts in various operations. Aneffort has
been made to give a balance presentation of this report with the help of
figures, different types of data and related suitable theories as well as

The brands that Marketing Studios has worked with are :-

 Boat
 Neeman’s
 Bereal
 Facklemann
 Le Tacci
 Stellar Group
 Plush
Marketing Studio also provide services not only the specified area butalso gives
studios on rent.
Studio 1
Studio 2

Marketing studios is a certified company and it has it presence on

various social media handles, like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest,
YouTube etc.

I am thankful to the Training Department of Marketing Studio.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to Jeevika Janmejya (HR- Chief
Manager) who facilitated the whole process of training in this plant. I am
thankful to all the persons who helped me through the process andespecially
Mr. Danveer who guided me during my training in plant.
Their expertise and guidance helped me to understand the inner workings
of the company and the industry, and allowed me to makethe most of my
Last but not the least my friends and mentors who helped me to complete
this report, without which my project would not be a reality.

Introduction of the company

Certificate of Approval
Role in the company
Marketing mix
Marketing mix in social media marketing
Swot Analysis
Screenshot of the final work
Learning outcome
Student feedback of internship
Certificate of Approval

The following Summer Internship Project Report on “Social Media

Marketing” is hereby approved as a certified study in management carried out
and presented in a manner
satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite for the award of
which it has been submitted. It is understood that bythis approval the
undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made,
opinion expressed, or conclusion drawn therein but approve the Summer
Internship Project Report only for the purpose it is submitted to the
Summer Internship Project Report
Examination Committee for evaluation of Summer Internship ProjectReport.

Signature Name

1. Industry Mentor
Mr. Vasu Kapoor

2. Faculty Mentor Dr Ved Parkash

School of Business
Galgotias University
The classroom theories are implemented in my summer Internship. In by
Bachelor of Business Administration journey I have learned aboutdifferent
styles of marketing and different techniques to handle data.
During the internship, l gain insights about different tools and techniques of
Digital Marketing. I worked with the latest technology, on live projects
which gave me a feel of a real job that how is it processed in an industry. So
marketing is all about observing the insight that we collect through social
Media marketing and then we target the customers accordingly. Summer
Internship is a part of our course. There is a lot of difference between
college life and the life ofan employee. When college students begin to
work, they need a lot ofthings to accept. The first thing that is needed is
social skills which can make us successful in the workplace. During this
internship, students work with other colleagues, they turn to know how the
industry works. During the digital marketing internship, they learn to adjust
themselves in the office environment. The best part is you can explore as
much as you want, you can do lots of mistakes and learn from them because
it is your internship period. The department has been discussed in detail.
The main purpose of the internship was to learn by working in practical
environment and to apply the acquired during the studies in a real-world
scenario to tackle the problems using the knowledge and skill learned
during the academic process and my personal learning journey. This report
covers many importantaspects which are related to operation, functional and
services of the marketing firm. In the end the learning and observations
which I haveundergone during my internship project.
Role In The Company
Social Media can be defined as a group or gathering of people connected
through computer-mediated technologies for a defined purpose. Major
mediums are social networking, blogging, video sharing, etc. The purpose
of all social media platforms is to create engagement with the audience. It
serves an audience with informationor entertainment or current updates.
Social media is the biggest growing digital platform as per current statics
with near to 2.65 billion people using social media and this figure is
expected to grow by 3.1 billion by 2021 (Image Source
My role was social media marketing which is important at each step of the
customer journey. It helped in achieving the business goal for prospects at
each stage. I was made to decide on their target audienceand start their
marketing activities through social media. For
example, - to create more awareness about Marketing Studio. Hence Iwas
targeted a larger audience through social media. Therefore the target
audience should be from consideration to the decision stage.
Remember, for new businesses it is not advisable to go very nicheunless you
have made your brand presence in the market.
The entire success of using social media in marketing depends onmeeting the
ultimate business goal. Social media brings amazing
results to the growth of a business. However, its real potential is still
underestimated due to an irregular pattern of customer behaviour. Bysaying
this we are trying to quote a customer who made a direct purchase on your
website is not accounted for the success of social media. This list can be
longer than this but we have tried our best to mention major key roles of
social media in marketing . The The second key role of social media
marketing is to drive online traffic.
The term online traffic is referred to visitors landing on the home webpage
through various digital platforms viz Google, Social Media, Direct Traffic,
etc. Social media is the second-highest potential
digital traffic channel after Google’s organic search. It is considered to be
one of the best contributors to the increase in website traffic. Businesses
are facing stiff competition in placing themselves on the first page of
Google with a keyword search. It is again a lengthy process and requires a
lot of research and patience. The role of socialmedia in marketing is
gaining a lot of momentum to target the right audience through social
Marketing Mix
Since the 1990s, social media has gained popularity worldwide (Campbell,
Anitsal & Anitsal, 2013). The development of internet technology has
transformed the communication manner that affects billions of people.
Social media is an online community built on internet technology that
attains what is necessary for more interactionbetween business and the
customer. Due to the expansion of internet users, high speed connection,
ease of use, and the speedy distributionof social media; more firms have
applicable marketing strategy (Goi, 2014; Zhou & Wang, 2014). The higher
growth rate of internet users and registered social media is one motive to
marketers concerning social media platform engagement (Carim &
Warwick, 2013). Socialmedia are important for viewing both customer and
business aspects.
In the customer manner that one knows as “internet users,” searching
product information, online reviews, rating of goods and services, andpre-
purchase decision-making can be obtained from social media instruments
(Wang & Chang, 2013). Therefore, businesses have morechoices for
determining marketing strategy such as building customerrelationships,
public communication, digital content diversity channels, advertising
flexibility, and low cost operations (Best, Manktelow & Taylor, 2014).

 Product
A product refers to any item that intends to satisfy the needs and wants of a target
customer. It can be a tangible good, such a clothing item or piece of software, or
intangible, like a service or experience (think legal services or acruise).

Marketers must always have a clear concept of what their products stand for, and what
differentiates them from the competition, before they can be marketedsuccessfully.
Today, the internet can be considered either the medium for purchase, via e-commerce,
or the product itself, such as a social media service. Because of this, it’s vital that
marketers fully understand the product they are
selling, how it meets the needs of their target customer, and what makes theirproduct stand
above the competition.

 Pricing
First comes the product, and immediately after comes a determination of its value
among target audiences. Pricing strategy is an art and a science, in that itinvolves both
market data and careful calculations, as well as skilfully
balancing between pricing that is too high or too low, and understanding howskewing
either way might damage the brand.

Price not only refers to the monetary value of a product, but also the time or effort the
customer is willing to expend to acquire it. Determining this will be acritical factor in
revenue for the brand as it will impact profit, supply, demand, and how much
marketers should spend on a promotion or marketing strategy.
This, in and of itself, is why this ‘P’ is one of the most important. If a product ispriced too
high or too low, the product – and brand – could fail.

 Place
The internet age has introduced new challenges when it comes to reaching your
customers. Place refers to providing customers access to the product, and it alsocalls
into play convenience for the customer. Marketing, through digital means or otherwise,
is about putting the right product, in the right place, at the right price, at the right time,
in front of the customer.

Some key questions that marketers need to answer include:

• Where are target customers shopping?

• Are they using desktops or mobile devices?
• Are they shopping for similar products online, or in brickand-mortarstores?
• Where are they engaging on social media

 Promotion
Now, how to make an audience aware of the product? Within the framework
of the four Ps, promotion refers primarily to marketingcommunications.
These communications use channels such as public relations, advertising,direct
marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, or sales promotions; think
of it as any way marketers disseminate relevant product information to their
target customers.
Promotion is the area that has arguably seen the greatest growth and change as a
result of the digital age. With the exceptional access offered by B2C marketing
solutions, marketers can now promote products easier,more effectively, and with
more personalization than ever before, thus
leading to greater outcomes and ever-increasing expectations.
Marketing Mix in Social Media Marketing
It might have been dismissed as a fad by some, but the impact ofsocial
media is undeniable. Marketers need to take advantage ofit before
consumers take over completely, says Robert Lester.

Social media has exploded to such an extent that it would be remiss of even
the most antiquated marketer not to explore the opportunitiespresented by
the likes of Facebook, Second Life, blogs and “wikis”. New research shows
that internet users are spending 12 hours a weekonline – an hour more than
last year – with the crucial 16 to 24 age group increasingly logging on
rather than watching television
(European Interactive Advertising Association).

As a concept, social media is nothing new –letters pages in newspapers and

radio phoneins could be classed as older forms of social media – but its
latest incarnation is being driven by advances intechnology. A recent report
from global research consultancy
Illumines stated: “Web 2.0 translates into an online medium a rangeof
social interactions that until now have been confined to small group

Communities, forums, noticeboards and other methods of

communicating such as instant messenger were also around longbefore
the phrase “social media” was coined. More recognizable
forms of social media today are social networking or community sites
(Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Piczo and so on), usergenerated content sites
(YouTube, DailyMotion), virtual worlds (Second Life, Habbo Hotel), photo
sharing sites (Ringo and Flickr), blogs and wikis (webpages that anyone can
edit, with Wikipedia being the most well known).

Director of media consultancy Elemental Communications Tim Gibbon

says: “Quite simply, social media may be classed as content that is created
by individuals or groups collaborating and sharing information, mainly for
the Web but also for other digital media suchas mobile phones. It normally
takes the form of text, images, audio and video.”
But, inevitably, it is social networks that grab the vast majority of newspaper
headlines. Social networking has come of age this year, with 42% of internet
users across Europe visiting sites such as Facebook and MySpace on a
regular basis compared with 23% in 2006. Two years ago the figure was so
small it did not even register asa separate category in the annual survey by
the EIAA, while a recently published Jupiter Research report shows that the
UK leads the way, with almost a fifth of all internet users regularly visiting
these sites.

The study also revealed that for the first time young people now use the
internet more often than they watch TV. As many as 82% of 16- to24-year-
olds use the Web between five and seven days a week, while only 77%
watch TV as regularly – down 5% from last year.

Head of UK marketing for Microsoft Digital Advertising SolutionsAlex

Marks believes this presents a significant opportunity for
marketers. “Advertising is a poor substitute for conversation,” he says. “It’s
better for a brand to be able to talk directly to its customersand ask their
opinion, and for those customers to feel that their feedback will be taken on
board. A lot of brands are starting to do thatthrough the internet. Technology
is making conversations between brands and customers much easier.”

Social advertising
Facebook and MySpace – the world’s two biggest social networking sites –
have just announced advertising strategies that they hope will enhance that
interaction. Facebook’s system – “Facebook Ads” and Beacon – enables
businesses to create their own pages which users can then recommend to
friends and uses behavioural targeting techniques to serve ads, while
MySpace is launching a platform that allows brands to target users based on
the interests listed on their profile pages. Meanwhile, Google is
spearheading an initiative calledOpenSocial – a set of software standards
that aims to open up and link a plethora of social networking sites. Some
cynics have dismissed social networking as a fad, but with 250 million
around the world belonging to a social network – and 10 million in the UK
– it is easy to see why most industry experts believe it will bearound, in one
form or another, for many years to come. Marks adds:“Social networks –
and social media as a whole – have hit upon
something quite deep within human behaviour; the need to connect,share
and self-express – and that’s not going to go away.”

But, while few are in doubt about the long term future of social media,
not everyone is convinced that users of social networks willwelcome the
increasing number of commercial messages on sites.
European managing director of teen social network Piczo Chris Seth
acknowledges that sites must get the balance right: “We are very aware that
our brand is in many ways owned by the users who createdit. We have to
keep giving them what they want and if we do
something they don’t like we re-evaluate that very quickly. But 95%of the
things we create are positively received.”

He adds: “Teens like playing around with content from brands such as
Nintendo. They look at it as content rather than advertising. But we need to
make sure it’s not getting in the way of what we want to do.”
Swot Analysis of Company

 Strengths –

▪ Positive environment
A work environment can have a positive or negative effect on ourdaily life.
“Positive” work environments can be defined as those workplaces where
there is trust, cooperation, safety, risk-taking support, accountability, and
▪ Talented superiors
A talent superior would be an employee who possesses the potentialto drive
organisational growth.
▪ Innovative workplace
The benefits of a innovative workspace is that we get to learn so
many things and there is improved staff. An innovative workplace isbeneficial not
only for a employee but for the company itself.
▪ Creative minds of workforce
Creativity in the workplace is the act of transforming new, innovative ideas
into reality. Creative employees and managers ask questions andidentify new
ways to perform tasks.

 Weaknesses –

▪ Narrow approach
Some jobs require managers to interact with their employees morefrequently than
others. High volumes of calls, meetings and
interactive work activities can take more time and require managers toundertake a
narrower span of control.
▪ Not fully established
If the company or job requirement is new to managers or employees,
implementing narrow spans of control can help teams adjust to new tasks.

 Opportunities –

▪ Collaborated with well-known brands

There were so many brands which the company was already worked forbut
there were more brands which we worked for as an intern.
▪ Growing Field
Social Media marketing is a growing field, as every brand, company, wants to
promote their business. Social media is good and very effectiveway to do the
same. There are so many people who are active on social media now a days.

 Threats –

▪ Employee Retention
There are a number of reasons for leaving a job that have nothing to do with the
employer, such as relocating for a spouse, family issues, a careerchange or health
▪ Not everyone like this style of marketing
People who do not know how to handle social media, how to putstories
or how to conduct polls over various social handles are not likely to
like this kind of work.
I was given several situational tasks in which I had to choose onthe
basis of important components and factors affecting the overall
working of the organization and best suited for my role as an intern.
There were also the insights based on which I had to choose the
software or the method to use in attracting traffic on social
media platforms.

Other work which I was told to do was – post stories, pictures,

conduct polls, send, and edit pictures, make posters etc. I had todo
this work on daily basis and evaluated on the basis of these as well.

Choosing these alternatives were based on factors like

o More beneficial
o Less time taking and efficient at the same time
o Some which suits the eyes of the audience
o Which is within the availability of resources
o My level of preference
o More valuable used technology
o Trained workforce in the chosen methodology
o Given time
o Proper Utilisation of resources
o Familiarity in the organisation
Screenshot of my Final work

After going into depth of social media marketing in Marketing Studio Ihave
learned several things. And tried my best to give them my 100% skills for the
organisation and meet their expectations. Here are some attached files of my


Data Analysis tools and techniques
In order to tabulate and study the data, Microsoft Excel was used. The
various tools and techniques available in Excel enabled a
comprehensive and accurate analysis of the data.

▪ Promotions: Promotional activities using social media sites for cross

promotions and promotions of the site, like online contest on Twitter,
uploading fan made videos on You Tube, using onlineforums for
promotions etc.
▪ Wen Analytics: The other major task was to implement Google
Analytics so that the consumer behaviour on the website may be
studied in detail. Using this data, proposals were to bemade
to improve conversion rates as well as bring down bounce
After going into depth of marketing analysis of Marketing Studio. We can
conclude that the joint venture company is doing well following all the
necessary marketing models and branding techniques. To the closure of the
report, I have some proposed measures regarding marketstrategy that can be
taken by the company to grow and flourish in the market:
Google Analytics which provide digital analytics for any firm withweb
presence. It gives frame work analysis of acquisition data, engagement
data and conversion data.
Google Analytics which provide digital analytics for any firm with web
presence. It gives frame work analysis of acquisition data,
engagement data and conversion data. Through acquisition data we
concluded the information that how many users land up on our site directly
and how many visit our site through social network or uses any other source
of traffic to visit our site. Also collected the information through
google analytics about the type of audience visiting our site like on
the basis of age and gender, that is which age group is mostly visiting our
site and which gender mostly visiting oursite
Marketing Studio Marketing Strategy development requires a
comprehensive market analysis. It can be done by quantitatively and
qualitatively assessing the customer market. The information obtainedfrom
the market surveys can help Marketing Studio management in identifying
the emerging opportunities. And I learned to deal with those opportunities.
Learning Outcome
For a company with professional photographers, videographers,
professional work experience, it is extremely important to understandwhat
their customers’ preferences are as far as popular culture is concerned. For
most of the customers, it is an expression of their interest and passion for
the aspect of the pop culture involved.
Therefore, producing a unique promotion based on an aspect of pop culture.
Therefore, I learnt that how we have to promote the brand oversocial media
and by using pop culture in proper time at proper place topull the customers
and to provide them with services. Hence, as a student I
learned almost every little thing about social
media marketing and main thing which I learnt is we should know the
customer’s needs and demands.
F-10 Student Feedback of Internship


Student Name - MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR Roll No. –
RAZA 21GSOB1010455
Institute Name - Galgotias University
Faculty Mentor Name – Dr Ved Parkash Faculty’s Designation –
Internship Project Title – Digital Marketing
Industry Supervisor Name - Mr vasu kapoor Supervisor’s Designation - Supervisor
Organisation Name – Marketing Studios
Internship From (Start Date) – 03/07/23 Internship To (End Date) –
Give a brief description of Internship Work-
My work as an Intern was to handle the social
media handles of the company. The daily task I
was given was to post pictures, stories, create
polls etc.
Was your internship Yes, to a large Yes, to a slight degree Not related at
experience related to degree all
your major area of study
This experience has: Strongly Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Given me the
opportunity to explore
a career field
Allowed me to apply
classroom theory to
Did the curriculum
found to be in
consistent with the

Helped me develop
my decision-making
and problem-solving
Expanded my
knowledge about the
work world prior to
Helped me develop
my written and oral
communication skills
Provided a chance to
use leadership skills
(influence others,
develop ideas with
others, stimulate
decision-making and
Expanded my
sensitivity to the
ethical implications
of the work involved
Made it possible for
me to be more
confident in new
Given me a chance to
improve my
interpersonal skills
Helped me learn to
handle responsibility
and use my time
Helped me discover
new aspects of myself
that I didn’t know
existed before
Helped me develop
new interests and
Helped me clarify my
career goals
Provided me with
contacts which may
lead to future
Allowed me to
acquire information

and/ or use equipment

not available at my
In the Institute internship program, faculty members are expected to be mentors for students.
Do you feel that your faculty coordinator served such a function? Why or why not?
Yes, the faculty members were mentors and they guide each one of on how to make this report
helped us in telling what the mistakes were how should they be corrected.

How well were you able to accomplish the initial goals, tasks and new skills that were set
down in your learning contract? In what ways were you able to take a new direction or expand
beyond your contract? Why were some goals not accomplished adequately?
I am interested in this particular field and I was enjoying my time working there but if there are any
reasons that I cannot accomplish my goals is because I did not have much time to work there.
In what areas did you most develop and improve?
I did improve my communication and team building skills. I am more confident while giving a
presentation now and know how to communicate with my superiors and keep my point in front
of them and ask questions related to my work.

What has been the most significant accomplishment or satisfying moment of your
The project that I completed on my recent internship gave me a lot of satisfaction, since I
delivered the project on schedule and it is currently being used at my intern employer.
What did you dislike about the internship?

Nothing. I was satisfied with my internship.

Considering your overall experience, how would you rate this internship? (Tick One)
Satisfactory Good Excellent

Give suggestions as to how your internship experience could have been improved.

Signature Date- 06/08/23

Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-1c

F-1 Student Application for 4-6 weeks Internship

Complete and submit to the Dean through School Internship Program Coordinator. (Type or write clearly)

Home Address Nalanda living boys Phone 7272000329

hostel , knowledge park
3rd, Greater Noida.

Email address

Program BBA(Marketing) Internship Semester 5

Overall GPA 7.9 8.2 8.0

Internship Preferences

Location Core Area Company/ institution

F-1 Preferance-1 online Digital Marketing Marketing studios

(social media



Faculty mentor Signature: Date .

(Signature confirms that the student has attended the internship orientation and has met all paperwork and process
requirements to participate in the internship program, and has received approval from his/her Advisor)
Student Signature: Date_05/08/22_.

(Signature confirms that the student agrees to the terms, conditions, and requirements of the Internship Program)

Dean Dean IIIC Dean Academic

Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-3

F-2 4-8 weeks internship Request Letter from University to internship provider

The General Manager

(HR)Ms. Jeevika


Subject: REQUEST FOR 04/06 Weeks internship training of BBA/3 years Degree Programme,

Greetings from Galgotias Educational Institutions!!

We feel privileged to introduce Galgotias Educational Institutions (GEI) as one of the leading
andquality-driven educational groups in the Delhi-NCR Region. Galgotias Educational
Institutions consist of three institutions:
Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology (GCET)
Galgotias Institute of Management & Technology (GIMT)
Galgotias University (GU).

Galgotias Educational Institutions combine a supremely empowering educational process, industry

stalwarts in their faculty, global educational associations, and relentless placement efforts, to offer the
best of career opportunities to its students. Galgotias Educational Institutions are known for a
combination of state-of-the-art campus, strategic teaching-learning process, together with the most
advanced facilities, creating an environment in which wholesome corporate personalities are created.

Further, we would like to furnish that as a part of the course curriculum, our students are required to
undergo a Summer Internship Program of 30 Days. The Internship Duration will be from July 03 till
August 04, 2023.

In this regard, we request you to kindly allow MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR RAZA (21GSOB1010455) student
of 3 years full-time program of Business Administration (Batch-2021-24) to complete
Summer Internship in your esteemed organization by assigning project work pertinent to the stream

Feedback on the student’s progress and evaluation on the assigned ‘Project’ will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Dean Industry Internship Interaction Cell

Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-4

F-3 Student Internship Undertaking

In my own interest, I am willing to complete internship at marketing Studios from 03 /07 / 2023 to 04 / 08 / 2023. I hereby give
an undertaking as under.
• I will strictly abide by all rules and regulations of the industry/Institute and Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh.
• I shall be responsible for my conduct and own safety at the industry/Institute and Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh
shall not be responsible for this in any manner.
• I shall take care of my personal belongings. I shall not make any claim and no type of any claim shall be made in my
respect and on my behalf by anyone in respect of any loss or injury to me (including fatal injury or death) or to the
property of mine which may suffer or occur during the above-mentioned programme.
• I will not act in any manner that defames the industry/Institute and Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, in any
• I will not claim the expenses over & above for stay & mess to the Industry/Institute or to the University.
• I will regardless of age, may not use or be in possession or under the influence of alcohol or unauthorized drugs on
either the industry premises or place of stay (Hostel/ rental accommodation) Violation of this regulation may result
in suspension or expulsion from the university.
• I will maintain confidentiality of work-related projects and personnel.
• I will familiarize myself with, and adhere to, relevant organizational arrangements, procedures, and functions.
• I will understand what constitutes a permissible work absence and who to notify if absent, be prompt with being
on time to work and with assignments; give it my best effort.
• I will report changes in work schedule, supervision, or problems at the site to the internship coordinator and
industry supervisor.
• If I feel victimized by a work-related incident, I will contact the internship coordinator immediately.
• I will dress appropriately for the work setting.
• I will follow through on commitments.
• I will not conduct personal business during work hours (i.e. e-mails, cell phones, and internet).
• I will keep a positive attitude, open mind; avoid jumping to conclusions; try to make informed judgments.
• I will communicate – keep people informed in a useful and succinct way, listen and ask questions.
• I will be fair, considerate, honest, trustworthy, and cooperative when dealing with co-workers.
• I will assert ideas in an appropriate and tactful manner, seek feedback from supervisors, accept suggestions for
corrective changes in behaviour and attempt to improve performance.
• I will accept constructive criticism and continuously strive to improve performance, seek to enhance
professional effectiveness by improving skills and acquiring new knowledge.
• I am fully aware that no faculty coordinator is accompanying me and no coordinator is appointed on behalf of
the university at the place of internship.
Date 05/07/23 Signature:
Place - Greater Name of Student: Mohd Hassan Akhtar Raza

Department Online reputation Phone Number: 7272000329

Semester 5th Section-Roll No 21GSOB1010455

I have allowed my ward (name as indicated above) for the above-mentioned Internship and instructed him to take
dueprecaution for safety and discipline as listed above. I also undertake that the Industry/Institute or the university shall in no
way be responsible for any loss or injury to my ward during the programme.
Date: 05/08/23 Signature

Place: Bahraich Name of Parent: Mohd Noman

Address: Gulam ali pura Mobile No: 8005200835

Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-5

F-4 Internship Synopsis/Executive Summary

Objectives/ Guidelines/ Agreement: Internship Synopsis (This Will Be Prepared In Consultation With
Faculty Mentor)

An internship is a unique learning experience that integrates studies with practical work. This
agreementis written by the student in consultation with the faculty Mentor and Industrial supervisor.
It shall serve to clarify the educational purpose of the internship and to ensure an understanding of the
total learning experience among the principal parties involved.

Part I: Contact Information

Student Name: MOHD HASSAN AKHTAR RAZA Enrolment No: 21041011007

Programme: BBA(Marketing) Semester: 5 Academic Year: 2021-24

Campus Address: Plot No. 2, Yamuna Expy, opposite Buddha International Circuit, Sector 17A,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

City: Greater Noida State: Uttar Pradesh Phone: 7272000329 Email:

Industrial Supervisor

Name: Mr Danveer Singh Title:CEO

Company/Organization: Marketing


Internship Address: Sector 10, Noida, Uttar

PradeshCity, State, Pin: Noida, Uttar Pradesh,

Phone: 9958206991 Email:

Faculty Mentor

Name: Dr Ved Parkash Phone: 9717029615

Campus Address: Plot No. 2, Yamuna Expy, opposite Buddha International Circuit, Sector 17A,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 203201

Academic Credit Information

Internship Title: digital marketing Department: online reputation

Course #: Summer Internship program Credits: 6 Grading Option: Credit

Beginning Date: 03/07/23 Ending Date: 04/08/23 Hours per Week: 42 hours Internship Type: paid

Part II: Internship Objectives/Learning Activities:

What do you intend to learn, acquire and clarify through this internship? Try to use concrete, measurable
terms in listing your learning objectives under each of the following categories:

• Knowledge and Understanding

• Skills
• Learning Activities: How will your internship activities enable you to acquire
theknowledge/understanding, and skills you listed above?
• On the job: Describe how your internship activities will enable you to meet your learning
objectives. Include projects, research, report writing, conversations, etc., which you will do
whileworking, relating them to what you intend to learn.
• Teaching/Mentoring Activities: How your technical knowledge can be applied at the site of
theinternship. How you can create value through mentoring/help people learn new things.
• Off the job: List reading, writing, contact with faculty supervisor, peer group discussion,
fieldtrips, observations, etc., you will make and carry out which will help you meet your
• Evaluation: Your Internship supervisor will provide a written evaluation of your internship.
Describe in detail what other evidence you will provide to your faculty Mentor to document what
you have learned (e.g. journal, analytic paper, project, descriptive paper, oral presentation, etc.)
Include deadline dates.

Part III: The Internship

Job Description: Describe in as much detail as possible, your role and responsibilities while on your
internship. List duties, project to be completed, deadlines, etc. How you can contribute to organization/
at site of internship
Supervision: Describe in as much detail as possible the supervision to be provided/needed at the work
site. List what kind of instruction, assistance, consultation you receive from whom, etc.

Evaluation: How will your work performance will be evaluated? By whom? When?

Part IV: Agreement

This contract may be terminated or amended by faculty mentor or Industry mentor at any time
uponwritten notice, which is received and agreed by the other two parties.

Student Signature: Date: 5/08/23

Faculty Mentor signature: Date: / /23

Industry Mentor Signature:

Date: 5/07/23
Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-6

F-5 One Page Report for Industry Training with Topic identification
Branch : BBA(Marketing)

Name of student: MOHD HASSAN Section-Roll No.: 21041011007

Contact Number: 7272000329 Project Batch:

GU mail id-

Name of Company: Marketing studios

Company Address Sector 10 , Noida , Uttar Pradesh

Industry Person Name & Designation Contact No Email ID

HR Jeevika Janmeyja 9891453682

supervisor: Vasu KApoor 7873725845

Details of Industry: Sector 10 , Noida , Uttar Pradesh

Duration of Internship: From To Total Days

03/07/23 04/08/23 30

Actual working days in 5

a week

Timing ( from – to) Task based

Work Assigned: My work there was to post pictures , videos and run campaigns on
their various social media platforms. It was basically a social media
handle task given to me.

Is this your first yes

experience of industrial

On a scale of 1to 5 5
provide utility of this
training on your

1 (no use), 5(extremely


Signature of student Name & Signature of Faculty Mentor

Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-7

F-6 Student’s Daily Diary/ Daily Log

Index – Logbook

Training records to be written every day in Training Diary at Training.

After completing training in a department, meet the Departmental Head to clarify your queries, etc.
andget his signature as indicated hereunder.

GU faculty visiting the training site may ask the students to show their work and put their
remarks on this page.

Date: 05/08/23 Time of Arrival: 10.00 am Time of Departure: 5.00 pm

Dept/Division: Project title: online reputation
Main Points of the day (including figures, if any)

My work as an intern in # marketing studios was to handle social media platforms

like Instagram , Facebook pages.
The tasks given to me included –
1. Uploading pictures on Instagram and Facebook on daily basis.
2. Running campaigns on both the platforms.
3. Creating polls on stories.
4. Replying all the DM’s regarding photoshoots.
5. Proving all the information regarding photography and videography.

Signature of Industry mentor with Seal

Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-9

Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-9

F9 Industry Internship Supervisor Feedback

Student Feedback form by Industry mentor

Student Name: MOHD HASSAN Enrolment No: 21GSOB1010455

SIP Title: Digital Marketing (Social Media Marketing)
Industry Supervisor Name: Organization Name: Marketing Studios
Mr. Vasu Kapoor
Internship From – 03/07/23 Internship From – 04/08/23
Parameters Performance
Behaviours Excellent Satisfactory Poor
Performs in a dependable manner
Cooperates with co-workers and supervisors
Shows interest in work
Learns quickly
Shows initiative
Produces high quality work
Accepts responsibility
Accepts criticism
Demonstrates organizational skills
Uses technical knowledge and expertise
Shows good judgment
Demonstrates creativity/originality
Analyse problems effectively
Is self-reliant
Communicates well
Writes effectively
Has a professional attitude
Gives a professional appearance
Is punctual
Uses time effectively
Industry Supervisor Name: Mr. Vasu Kapoor

Signature of Industry mentor:

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