Live Method - Apostila ESA Atualizada

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1. QUESTÕES ............................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Interpretação de texto ....................................................................................... 3
1.2. Tempos Verbais .............................................................................................. 12
1.3. Comparativo e Superlativo .............................................................................. 15
1.4. Plural .............................................................................................................. 16
1.5. Preposição ...................................................................................................... 18
1.6. Verbo to be ..................................................................................................... 18
1.7. Pronouns ......................................................................................................... 20
1.8. Article .............................................................................................................. 20
1.9. Contáveis e Não contáveis ............................................................................. 21
1.9.1 Wh-questions ............................................................................................. 22
1.9.2 There is/There are ..................................................................................... 23
2. DICAS ................................................................................................................... 24
2.1. Interpretação de texto ..................................................................................... 24
2.2. Tempos Verbais .............................................................................................. 24
2.3. Comparativo e Superlativo .............................................................................. 29
2.4. Plural .............................................................................................................. 30
2.5. Preposição ...................................................................................................... 31
2.6. Verbo to be ..................................................................................................... 32
2.7. Pronouns ......................................................................................................... 33
2.8. Articles ............................................................................................................ 33
2.9. Contáveis e Não contáveis ............................................................................. 33
2.9.1 Wh-questions ............................................................................................. 34
2.9.2 There is/ There are .................................................................................... 35
3. GABARITO ............................................................................................................ 37
4. ANÁLISE GERAL .................................................................................................. 37

1. Questões 2. Dicas 3. Gabarito 4. Análise


1.1. Interpretação de texto

(2023) Questão 1:

Read the comic strip.

All the statements are correct with one exception. Now mark the only statement that is
wrong according to the comic strip.

a) Private Zero is going to meet the captain.

b) Lieutenant Fuzz and Private Zero are preparing the efficiency report.
c) Private Zero fully understands what he is supposed to do.
d) Lieutenant Fuzz is saying what must be in the efficiency report.
e) Private Zero is supposed to write down what must be in the report

Questão 2:

Read the text about The Soldier’s Life: Radio Basics.

The Soldier’s Life: Radio Basics.

Radios are vital military tools. They allow soldiers to stay in contact during
combat and other operations. Most radios are made to hop frequencies. This system
prevents enemy from listening to the full conversations. The SINCGARS (man-pack)
and AN/PRC-148 (handheld) are common military radios.

Choose the right option to answer the question: What’s the meaning of “stay in
contact” in the text?

a) To hop frequencies
b) To turn off a radio
c) To hide from the enemy
d) To replace batteries
e) To have communication

Questão 3:

“When Johnny comes marching home” is a popular song from the American Civil War
(1861 – 1865) that expressed people’s longing for the return of their friends and
relatives who were fighting in the war. It was written in 1863 by na Irish-American called
Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore.

When Jhonny comes marching home

By Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore

When Johnny comes marching home again

Hurrah! Hurrah!
We’ll give him a hearty welcome then
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out

Read the song and choose the correct answer.

a) “We’ll give, the men will cheer, the boys will shout and they will turn out”are in
b) the Future Simple tense.
c) “When Johnny comes marching home” is in the Present Continuous tense.
d) “Him” is a possessive pronoun.
e) “Ladies” is the singular form of “lady”
f) “Then” is a demonstrative pronoun

(2022) Questão 4:

Basic Combat Training (BCT) in the US Army

Soldiers in the United States (US) Army are volunteers. The Army trains recruits
at basic training units. The main basic training unit is Fort Jackson in South
Basic training is nine weeks. The instructors are non-commissioned officers
(NCOs). They teach basic military skills, including drill and weapon training.
Recruits in basic training live and sleep in barracks.
They wear a military uniform. They don’t go home during basic training and they
don’t see their family before graduation.
(Source: MELLOR-CLARK, S. ALTAMIRANO, Y. B. Campaign: English for the military.
Student’s book 1. p. 14.)

According to the text above, we can infer that:

a) Basic Combat Training offers a very comfortable stay for the recruits.
b) Recruits don’t have weapon training during BCT.
c) Basic training has the duration of less than one month.
d) Recruits probably miss their family during Basic Combat Training.
e) Teenagers in the US Army are obliged to become soldiers when they are 18
years old.

Questão 5:

Mark the only correct option according to the text below.

Cash Flow Problem

“Honey, you have to tell me how we are spending our money”, said the wife to her
husband. “I should know about these things.”
“Fine”, said the husband. “we are spending 25 percent on rent, 20 percent on the
kids, 30 percent on food, 15 percent on clothes, and 40 percent on the cars.”
“But honey, that’s 130 percent.”
“I know. That’s the problem”

a) The husband is complaining to her wife about her personal expenses.

b) The wife is very happy because the couple is saving money.
c) The husband wants to know how his wife is spending their money.
d) The couple is spending more money than they make.
e) The couple is spending as much money as they make.

(ver dicas de comparativo e superlativo também)

Questão 6:

Read the cartoon and mark the best option that interprets its message.

a) The son wants to be exactly like his father without any exceptions.
b) In fact, the son wants to be different from his father in adulthood.
c) The son thinks his father is very tall, smart, thin, rich, handsome and happy.
d) The father thinks his son is short, stupid, fat, poor, ugly and miserable.
e) The father is teaching his son how to be tall, rich, smart, thin, rich, handsome
and happy.

Questão 7:

Leia o texto abaixo e marque a opção que melhor descreve o assunto abordado.

Physical training (PT) is an important part of military life and Company Commander
or Platoon Commander organizes PT activities every day. Soldiers run every morning.
They go to the gym twice a week or three times a week and do weight lifting, sit-ups
and push-ups. They usually go to the swimming pool once a week. Soldiers take a
physical test every year. A lot of soldiers usually do more sports in their own time. Many
soldiers play football every weekend. Some soldiers play tennis, or do karate or boxing.

a) Cartografia e orientação no terreno

b) Treinamento físico militar

c) Tecnologia militar
d) Comunicações no Exército
e) Serviço médico em campanha

(2021) Questão 8:

Which option has one word out of context?

a) shorts – sneakers – swimsuit – cap – T-shirt – skirt.

b) short – tall – good-looking – pretty – heavy – thin.
c) friendly – serious – funny – nice – smart – shy.
d) Brazilian – Russian – New Yorker – France – Spanish – English.
e) China – Mexico – Germany – Turkey – India – United Kingdom.

Questão 9: (anulada)

In the sentence “Jackson wasn ́t really angry, he was only pretending”, the verb in
bold means that:

a) Jackson acted like he was angry.

b) Jackson will be angry.
c) Jackson tried not be angry.
d) Jackson wants to be angry.
e) Jackson becomes angry easily.

Questão 10:

Read the comic strip and mark the best option about the attitude of the soldier who is
giving food to the squirrel.

a) The soldier intends to kill the squirrel.

b) The soldier is suspicious of the quality of the food.
c) The soldier wants to know the squirrel’s opinion about the food.
d) The soldier loves animals and cares about them.
e) The soldier is sure that the food is healthy and delicious.

Questão 11:

Marque a única alternativa correta de acordo com o texto abaixo.

The Ovambo people in Namibia traditionally build a house for their children, using
wooden poles standing closely together to form circular walls. However, as the region
where they live is running short of trees, this enterprising ethnic group is turning to a
more abundant building material: the empty beer bottles that litter the roadsides and
are cheaply available at local stores.

a) Como são um grupo étnico empreendedor, os Ovambos estão se voltando

para os investimentos no ramo da construção.
b) Na Namíbia, encontra-se o litro da cerveja à venda a preços baixos nas lojas
de beira de estrada.
c) Em função da escassez de madeira, os Ovambos estão construindo casas
com garrafas de cerveja vazias.
d) As casas são construídas próximas umas das outras no interior de uma
muralha circular feita de madeira.

e) O povo Ovambo tem a tradição de construir casas para as crianças utilizando

madeira e tijolos.

Questão 12:

Text: Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is Brazil’s heart, its cultural capital and emotional nerve-center
(...). It’s wise to remember that the romantic sparking lights that glimmer in the hillsides
illuminate the city’s notorious shanty towns. Crime, especially in the tourist-filled
Copacabana district, is common. Most visitors are easy targets, if only because they
usually lack a tan. Don’t wear expensive watches or jewelry and carry as little cash as
possible, especially when going to the beach. (...) The subway system (Metro) is clean,
fast and efficient, but only goes as far as Botafogo. It does not extend to Copacabana.
Buses are plentiful but are uncomfortable and can be dangerous. (...) Business visitors
should not be surprised when meetings start late or executives are informally dressed.
This relaxed attitude is counterbalanced by the “carioca’s” quickness and creativity.
“Cafezinhos” (literally little coffees), usually highly sugared, and mineral water are
staple of nearly every business meeting in this city. In meetings between men and
women (and between women), kisses on both cheeks are common. Men shake hands
enthusiastically. Cariocas are easy going and slow to take offence. (...)
(Source: 1998 Business Travel Guide adaptado de Inglês Instrumental de Rosângela

Quais destas características, de acordo com o texto, se referem ao transporte

público feito pelos ônibus do Rio de Janeiro:

a) Clean and comfortable.

b) Fast and dangerous.
c) Efficient and plentiful.
d) Uncomfortable and plentiful.
e) Clean and dangerous.

(2020) Questão 13:

Brazilian Armed Forces

The Brazilian Armed Forces is the unified military organization formed by the
Brazilian Army (including the Brazilian Army Aviation), the Brazilian Navy (including the
Brazilian Marine Corps and Brazilian Naval Aviation) and the Brazilian Air Force.

Brazil's armed forces are the third largest in the Americas, after the United States
and Colombia, and the largest in Latin America by the level of military equipment, with
approximately 318,480 active-duty troops and officers. They are expanding their presence
in the Amazon under the Northern Corridor (Calha Norte) program. In 1994, Brazilian
troops joined United Nations (UN) peacekeeping forces in five countries.
The Brazilian military, especially the army, is more involved in civic-action
programs, education, health care, and constructing roads, bridges, and railroads across
the nation. The 1988 Constitution preserves the external and internal roles of the Armed
Forces, but it places the military under presidential authority.

(Adaptado de Brazilian Armed Forces. Revolvy, 2019. Disponível em Forces?cr=1. Acesso em: 19 de ago.
de 2019)

a) the Brazilian Naval Aviation is part of the Brazilian Air Force.

b) the Brazilian Army Aviation is part of the Brazilian Navy.
c) the Brazilian Armed Forces is part of Brazilian Air Force.
d) the Brazilian Air Force is part of the Brazilian Armed Forces.
e) the Brazilian Marine Corps is part of the Brazilian Army.

(2019) Questão 14:

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Exactly one month after Brazil’s most deadly
mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still
missing under tons of mud left behind after a dam in the Feijão mining complex, owned

by Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have been
retrieved and identified.
“The search starts at 5am, when the teams get up. At 6:30 am, we gather for
directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be done throughout the day.
The teams are then taken into the field,” firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells
“At the end of the day, when the teams return, they give us feedback on how
the search went. We then hold a meeting to plan the next day and everything repeats
itself,” concluded the official.
(Adapted from:

According to the text, it is correct to say that:

a) only volunteers are working to find the missing people.

b) Vale’s officials are working to retrieve the corpses from the mud.
c) firefighters and volunteers are working together to find the missing people.
d) firefighters and volunteers are working together to identify the retrieved
e) only firefighters are working to find the missing people.

1.2. Tempos Verbais

(2023) Questão 15:

Rewrite the verbs in parentheses in the correct verb tense (Simple Past or Present
Perfect) according to the context.


(ESA), Três Corações – Sergeant Major Rodrigo Pereira Menezes
______________(be) 17 years old when he______________(decide) to become an

He______________(join) the Brazilian Army in March 7, 1994. He__________(be) in

the Army for 29 years. Since his graduation, he____________(serve) in five different
states across Brazil.
For his exemplary service and impeccable career, the Combat Arms NCO Academy
awards SGT MAJ Menezes with the prize NCO of the Year.

a) Was – has decided – joined – has been – served

b) Has been – decided – joined – has been – has served
c) Has been – decided – has joined – has been – has served
d) Was – decided – joined – has been – has served
e) Was – decided – joined – was – served

Questão 16:

Read the text. Use the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous to
complete the sentences:


Four soldiers were injured yesterday because a bomb_________(explode) near their

armored vehicle. The incident ________ (happen) at 4:30 pm while the soldiers
_______(return) to base after a routine patrol. Their vehicle________(travel) along the
High Street when suddenly they ______(have) to slow down because a bomb which
was hidden in a rubbish bin__________(explode).

a) Exploded – happend – were returning – was traveling – had – exploded

b) Were exploding – were happening – returned – were traveling – had –
c) Was exploding – happened – returned – traveled – have – exploded
d) Were exploding – was happening – return – was traveling – have – was
e) Exploded – was happening – return – traveled – have – was exploding

(2021) Questão 17:

Mark the correct alternative.

“Don’t speak so loud! The baby ________________ now.”

a) sleeps.
b) are sleeping.
c) sleep.
d) to sleep.
e) is sleeping.

(2021) Questão 18:

Observe the extract below:

“Everybody’s going on holiday”, Bill said. He laughed. “It’s going to be wonderful. No

work for two weeks”

Choose the option in which you can observe the same verb tense as in the underlined

a) They are travel until Saturday.

b) We can playing basketball really well.
c) I am eating. Can you call me later?
d) She is going home every weekend.
e) I studying Japanese. It is fantastic!

(2020) Questão 19:


“The President ___________ The New York Times everyday.” Complete the space
with the correct form of the verb:

a) are reading
b) is read
c) reads
d) is reading
e) read

(2019) Questão 20:

Complete the sentence below using the appropriate words: Mr. Harris ______ trains:
He is afraid of airplanes and _______ like buses, but _______ trains.

a) like/don’t/love
b) likes/don’t/love
c) like/does/love
d) likes/doesn’t/loves
e) like/do/loves

1.3. Comparativo e Superlativo

(2023) Questão 21:

What is the best option to fill in the blank?

A pistol is a sidearm. Soldiers can aim and fire it with one hand. Pistols
are________than other firearms, making them useful in close combat.

a) The smallest

b) Smaller
c) Small
d) Smallest
e) The smaller

(2022) Questão 22:

Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.

“Colonel is a _______________ rank in the army but it is _______________ than

a) highest – lowest
b) low – high
c) highest – low
d) lowest – highest
e) high – lower

(2019) Questão 23:

Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) Camila’s dress is cheaper than mine

b) Going by train is expensiver than by car
c) Gustavo is more old than his brother
d) My car is more fast than my sister’s car
e) I went to bed more earlier than usual.

1.4. Plural

(2022) Questão 24:


The plural form of the sentence “the thief is threatening the child with a knife” is:

a) The thiefs are threatening the childs with knives.

b) The thieves are threatening the childs with knives.
c) The thieves are threatening the children with knives.
d) The thiefs are threatening the children with knives.
e) The thieves is threatening the children with knives.

(2021) Questão 25:

Todas as palavras abaixo formam o plural em inglês como a palavra “photo”, exceto:

a) video.
b) piano.
c) radio.
d) hero.
e) kilo.

(2020) Questão 26:

The plural forms of table, box, kilo, sky, wife and tooth are respectively:

a) tables, boxes, kiloes, skies, wives and teeth

b) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wives and tooths
c) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wifes and teeth
d) tables, boxes, kilos, skys, wives and teeth
e) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wives and teeth

1.5. Preposição

(2022) Questão 27:

Mark the option that correctly completes the sentence below “My parents are
seriously thinking about _______________ to Canada.”

a) moves
b) moving
c) moved
d) to move
e) move

Questão 28:

Preencha o espaço em branco com a única preposição correta.

Fair Play
“Hey, break the rules again and you are _____ of the game”, said the referee to
the soccer player.”
“Sorry, Sir”, said the soccer player. “It won’t happen again.”

a) out
b) at
c) off
d) with
e) along

1.6. Verbo to be

(2022) Questão 29:


Choose the best alternative to fill in the box and complete the sentence correctly.

a) Is
b) Am
c) Are
d) Be
e) Was

(2019) Questão 30:

“________ American?” Complete the space with the correct form of the verb and the

a) Are you
b) You is
c) You are
d) Is you
e) Am you

1.7. Pronouns

(2021) Questão 31:

Complete the sentence below using the appropriate pronoun:

“Sometimes, you want a search engine to find pages that have one word on _______
but not another word”.

a) They.
b) Them.
c) Their.
d) These.
e) There

(2020) Questão 32:

“My brother has a new job. He doesn’t like _______ very much. Fill in the blank with
the correct forms of the personal pronoun:

a) her
b) she
c) him
d) it
e) he

1.8. Article

(2023) Questão 33:

Complete the text using the articles a, an, the or x (when no article is required):

“Bright Star is a joint exercise. It is __________ important part of combat training.

Servicemen and women from__________ army, navy and air force participate in
__________exercise. It takes place in_____________ north-east of Egypt,
near_________Mediterranean. They practise military skills.”

a) The – the – an – x – the

b) An – the – the – the – the
c) A – x – the – an – an
d) An – a – x – the – an
e) X – an – a – a – x

(2021) Questão 34:

Complete the blanks with the right articles when necessary. Attention: the blank
space (________) in the options means no article.

“In my cottage there are ________ tables in the dining room and there is _________
armchair in _________ living room.

a) a, an, _______.
b) _______, a, the.
c) a, ____ , ______.
d) ______ ,an, the.
e) a, an, an.

1.9. Contáveis e Não contáveis

(2023) Questão 35:

Which sequence of quantifiers completes the text correctly and meaningfully?


“As a soldier you may not make________money but you’ll make _______ true
friends. Perhaps you’ll have________idle time than you expected but you’ll get a lot
of glory in serving in your country”.

a) Much – much – a little

b) Many – much – fewer
c) Much – many – little
d) Many – much – fewer
e) Much – many – less

(2022) Questão 36:

Em “This leads many people to seek help in neighboring countries”, a palavra em

negrito pode ser substituída, sem alterar o sentido, por:

a) a lot of
b) much
c) little
d) few
e) some

1.9.1 Wh-questions

(2023) Questão 37:

What are the missing question words in the inquiry made by Sergeant Brooks?

Sergeant Brooks: Can you tell me___________ you last saw Private Johnson?
Corporal Diaz: I last saw him in Colonel Grant’s office.
Sergeant Brooks: _______ did you see him exactly?
Corporal Diaz: Five minutes before lunch break.

Sergeant Brooks: And ________was he doing there?

Corporal Diaz: He was repairing the colonel’s computer.
Sergeant Brooks: _______was he with?
Corporal Diaz: Nobody. He was alone.
Sergeant Brooks: _________ did you go to the Colonel’s Office?
Corporal Diaz: Because I had to take documents to Colonel Grant before he left for

a) Where – when – what – why – who

b) Who – why – what – where – when
c) Where – when – what – who – why
d) Who – when – what – where – why
e) Where – what – when – who – why

1.9.2 There is/There are

(2023) Questão 38:

Choose the option that correctly corresponds to the blank spaces.

“Remember that where___________courageous soldiers, _____________ eternal


a) There are – there are

b) There – there is
c) There’s – there’s
d) There is – there
e) There are – there’s


2.1. Interpretação de texto

1º passo: Leia o enunciado. Identifique as palavras que se destacam e as que são

fáceis de compreender.

2º passo: Olhe as opções de respostas. Identifique as palavras que compreende.

Dependendo do estilo da questão é possível marcar a opção correta sem precisar ler
o texto.

3º passo: Leia atentamente a primeira frase dos textos. Muitas vezes a resposta está
na interpretação da mesma. O texto normalmente segue se aprofundando de acordo
com essa frase introdutória.

Se a resposta não estiver logo no início, fiquem atentos as ‘palavras chaves’ no meio
do texto. Provavelmente já mencionada no enunciado, ou nas respostas. Por isso é
importante seguir o 1º e 2º passo.

Não identificando a resposta nem no início nem no meio, a resposta pode está no
fechamento junto com algum aspecto já mencionado ao longo do texto. Normalmente
a resposta não é algo isolado no fim do texto.

*Caso tenha identificado a resposta sem precisar ler nada do texto, faça ao menos
uma ‘leitura dinâmica’ para ter certeza que escolheu a opção certa.

**Leitura de textos buscando interpretar e expandir vocabulário é muito útil.

Recomendo o site .

2.2. Tempos Verbais


Utilize a tabela resumida abaixo para facilitar a distinção entre as estruturas

gramaticais dos tempos verbais:

1. Simple Present I live, he/she/it lives

2. Present Continuous To be + verb + ING

3. Simple Past Verb + ED (exceto verbos irregulares)

4. Past Continuous To be (past) + verb + ING

5. Present Perfect Have + past participle of main verb

6. Present Perfect Continuous Have + Been + verb + ING

7. Past Perfect Had + past part. of main verb

8. Past Perfect Continuous Had + Been + verb + ING

9. Future Will + verb

10. Future Continuous Will + Be + verb + ING

11. Future Perfect Will + Have + past part. of main verb

12. Future Perfect Continuous Will + Have + verb + ING

Segue um breve resumo do uso de cada tempo verbal.

1. Present simple:

Usamos o Simple Present para falar de coisas em geral, expressar que algo
acontece o tempo todo ou repetidamente.

*Lembre-se que dizemos He, She, IT com “S”. Não esqueça do “S”!
Ex: I work in a bank - He works in a bank

*Fazemos o negativo adicionando DON’T ou DOESN’T (para He, She, It) antes do
Ex.: They don't work in a bank. / He doesn't work in a bank

*Fazemos o interrogativo adicionando DO/DOES antes do sujeito.

Ex.: Don ' t they work in a bank? / Doesn' t he work in a bank?

2. Present Continuous:

Usamos o Present Continuous para falar sobre algo que está acontecendo no
momento da fala.
Ex.: David is driving to work.

*Ou uma ação programada no futuro.

Ex.: David is taking an English course next month.

3. Past simple:

Usamos este tempo verbal para falar de coisas que aconteceram em um tempo
definido no passado.

*Os verbos regulares fazem o passado acrescentando-se ED ao infinitivo sem a

preposição ‘TO’.
Ex.: TO LIVE LIVED (past)

*Existe uma lista de verbos irregulares para dominar precisa ser estudada com

*Fazemos o negativo acrescentando Did not (didn’t) antes do verbo principal da

Ex.: I didn ' t live in London last year.

*Fazemos o interrogativo colocando-se Did antes do sujeito da frase.

Ex.: Did she pass her examination?

4. Past Continuous:

Usamos o Past Continuous para dizer que alguém estava em meio de fazer algo em
certo tempo.
Ex.: In April last year I was living in France (LIVE)

5. Present Perfect:

Usamos Para falar de um período de tempo que continua até o presente

Afirmativa - You have lived He (She, It) has lived

Negativa - You have not lived He (She, It) has not lived
Interrogativa - Have you lived? Has he (she,it) lived?

6. Present Perfect Continuous:

Este tempo é usado para indicar uma ação que começou no passado e acabou de
terminar ou que continua até agora.
Ex.: Have you been running? / I have been talking to Jennifer about you.

Afirmativa - You have been living He (She, It) has been living
Negativa - You have not been living He (She, It) has not been living
Interrogativa - Have you been living? Has he (she,it) been living?

7. Past Perfect:

O Past Perfect é usado para indicar uma ação, ou estado, que aconteceu antes de
uma outra ação no passado, ou que continuou até certo momento no passado.

Ex.: When I arrived at the airport, the plane had already gone away.
Quando eu cheguei ao aeroporto, o avião já tinha ido embora.

Afirmativa - You had lived He (She, It) had lived

Negativa - You had not lived He (She, It) had not lived
Interrogativa - Had you lived? Had he (she,it) lived?

8. Past Perfect Continuous:

Podemos usar este tempo para dizer há quanto tempo algo estava acontecendo
antes que outra coisa acontecesse.

Ex.: Her room 's color is different. She has been painting it.
A cor da sala dela está diferente. Ela a tem pintado.

Afirmativa - You had been living He (She, It) had been living
Negativa - You had not been living He (She, It) had not been living
Interrogativa - Had you been living? Had he (she,it) been living?

9. Future:

Usamos WILL para expressar uma ação que acreditamos que acontecerá no futuro,
ou para falar de decisões que tomamos no momento da fala.

Afirmativa - You will live He (She, It) will live

Negativa - You will not live He (She, It) will not live
Interrogativa - Will you live? Will he (she, It) live?

10. Future Continuous:

Usamos este tempo para dizer que estaremos fazendo algo em certo tempo no

Afirmativa - You will be living He (She, It) will be living

Negativa - You will not be living He (She, It) will not be living
Interrogativa - Will you be living? Will he (she,it) be living?

11. Future Perfect:

É usado para expressar uma ação que acontecerá antes de uma outra ação no

Afirmativa - You will have lived He (She, It) will have lived
Negativa - You will not have lived He (She, It) will not have lived
Interrogativa - Will you have lived? Will he (she,it) have lived?

12. Future Perfect Continuous:

Usamos este tempo para enfatizar a continuação de uma ação.

Afirmativa - You (or He, She, It) will have been living
Negativa - You (or He, She, It) will not have been living
Interrogativa - Will you (or He, She, It) will you have been living?

2.3. Comparativo e Superlativo


Usamos para uma coisa/pessoa a outra.

Ex.: My house is larger than hers.

This box is smaller than the one I lost.

Jack is a better at sports than Jim.


Usamos para uma coisa/pessoa a um conjunto de outras.

Ex.: My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.

This is the smallest box I've ever seen.

Tom is the best student in the class.

2.4. Plural

Segue um resumo de formação de plural dos substantivos.

Regra simples:

Adicionar -s
Ex.: Apple / apples
Book / Books

Palavras terminadas em – s, – ss, – sh, – ch, – x, – o e – z:

Ex.: Box / Boxes

Bus / Buses

Palavras terminadas em – y precedido de vogal:

Ex.: Boy / Boys

Palavras terminadas em – y precedido de consoante:

Ex.: baby / babies


Palavras terminadas em – f ou – fe :

Ex.: thief / thieves

Sequência vocálica – oo no meio da palavra:

Ex.: tooth / teeth

Palavras que terminam em – man:

Ex.: policeman / policemen

Palavras com singular e plural iguais:

Ex.: fish / fish


Ex.: child / children

foot / feet
mouse / mice

2.5. Preposição

*Utiliza-se os verbos com ING quando ele aparece logo após uma preposição.
Ex.: Thank you for coming to my birthday party.

2.6. Verbo to be

Pronomes Present Passado Futuro

I am was will

You are were will

He/she/it is was will

We are were will

They are were will


As regras abaixo se aplicam a todas as formas do verbo to be.

Afirmativo: sem o ‘not’. Ex. : He is handsome.

Negativo: not após o verbo (ou will). Ex.: He is not handsome.

Interrogativo: verbo to be vem antes do pronome. Ex.: Is he handsome?

2.7. Pronouns

2.8. Articles

A Artigo indefinido: som de consoante. Ex.: a book / a uniforme

An Artigo indefinido: som de vogal. Ex.: an umbrella / an hour

The Artigo definido: significa o, a, os, as. Ex.: The table/ The books

2.9. Contáveis e Não contáveis

Segue os quantificadores (quantifier) mais usados em inglês.


2.9.1 Wh-questions

Wh Questions são palavras que começam com W ou H. Elas são comumente mais
reconhecidas em início de perguntas, porém também são usadas em outros tipos
de frases.

What O que:
What is this? O que é isso?

Where Onde:
Where are you? Onde está você?

When Quando:

When is Easter? Quando é a Páscoa?

Which Qual:
Which colour do you prefer? Qual cor você prefere?

Who Quem:
Who is he? Quem é ele?

Whose De quem
Whose book is this? De quem é esse livro?

Why Por que:

Why are you crying? Por que você está chorando?

How Como:
How are you? Como você está?

2.9.2 There is/ There are



a pen on the table.

There is There was There will be

(Existe, há) (Existiu, há) some water in the cup.

a lot money in my

some books in the bag.

There are There were

(Existem, há) (Existiram, two cats on the floor.


há) a lot of kids in the garden.



a pen on the table.

There is NOT There was There will
(There isn't) some water in the cup.

(There (There won’t

a lot money in my
wasn’t) be)

some books in the bag.

There are There were
two cats on the floor.

(There aren’t) (There

a lot of kids in the garden.



a pen on the table?

Is there Was there Will there be

(Existe, há) (Existiu, há)

some water in the cup?

a lot money in my

some books in the bag?

Are there Were there

two cats on the floor?

(Existem, há) (Existiram,
a lot of kids in the garden?


Q.01: C Q.02: E Q.03: A Q.04: D Q.05: D Q.06: B Q.07: B

Q.08: D Q.09: A Q.10: B Q.11: C Q.12: D Q.13: D Q.14: C

Q.15: D Q.16: A Q.17: E Q.18: C Q.19: C Q.20: D Q.21: B

Q.22: E Q.23: A Q.24: C Q.25: D Q.26: E Q.27: B Q.28: A

Q.29: C Q.30: A Q.31: B Q.32: D Q.33: B Q.34: D Q.35: E

Q.36: A Q.37: C Q.38: E x x x x


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