TS12 Forgotten Genius

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The Forgotten Genius








© Deep English, 2010-2017

Nikola Tesla was a mysterious man. He was a genius who opened the door to the
modern world. However, he is often forgotten in history books. Radio, remote controls,
x-rays: waves of energy able
and x-rays are just some of the incredible inventions that he gave the world, but he
to penetrate certain
materials, often used in died a poor man. His most important invention, a system to produce and transmit
medical imagery electricity using AC power is still used today to power the world. Without Tesla, we might
still be living in a world of darkness.
inventor: a person who
makes new things or Tesla was born in a small town, in what is now Croatia, in 1856. From a young age, Tesla
was a dreamer and an inventor. At the age of five, he designed a unique water wheel
jump off: leap off of different from any other water wheel in his country. His ideas were not always
something successful, however. Once as a child he tried to fly by jumping off the roof of his house
with an umbrella. Another time, he tried to make a motor powered by june bugs. A
june bugs: a kind of beetle, friend ate his bugs, which ended his project. Tesla also had a strange illness throughout
usually brown colored his life. He would experience flashes of light. Sometimes these flashes would also
include visions. At times, he could not tell the difference between these visions and
Niagara Falls: a famous
waterfall on the border of the reality. During one vision as a child, he saw Niagara Falls and a wheel powered by the
USA and Canada, often a waterfalls. Later, he told his uncle about his vision and said that one day he would travel
popular honeymoon spot to America and make it come true.

At the age of 28, Tesla traveled to the U.S. to work for the famous inventor, Thomas
Edison. He arrived in New York City with only four cents in his pocket and a letter of
introduction from one of Edison’s European business partners. Today, Thomas Edison is
most famous for inventing the light bulb, but he created over a thousand inventions. At
that time, he had a successful power company. He had invented a system of producing
and transmitting power using direct current or DC.

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Edison recognized Tesla’s great mind and hired him to work on his DC system. He
offered Tesla fifty thousand dollars to improve his system. Fifty thousand dollars in
today’s money is equal to a million dollars! Tesla worked incredibly hard for Edison. His
day usually started at 5:30 in the morning and he didn’t stop until 10:30 at night. After
working these long hours for almost one year, he made great improvements to Edison’s
DC system. These improvements made Edison lots of money, but when Tesla asked him
for the fifty thousand dollar payment, Edison laughed. He told Tesla, the money was just
a joke and said, “you don’t understand American humor.” Tesla did not care about
money, but he was deeply hurt. He could no longer trust Edison so he quit. Unable to
back breaking: physically
demanding and difficult find work as an engineer, he had to take a back breaking job digging holes for power
lines. Ironically, the power lines were for Edison’s DC power system.

efficient: saving time, The problem with Edison’s DC system was that it was not an efficient way to transmit
money, or resources electricity. Using direct current, electricity could only be transmitted for short distances.
This meant that power plants would need to be built in every neighborhood. This would
be incredibly expensive and would have taken a long time. Of course, this many power
plants would also make Edison a lot of money. Tesla believed that there was a much
more efficient way to produce and transmit electricity using a system called AC,
alternating current. Tesla received the money he needed to produce his AC system from
the powerful businessman, George Westinghouse. It worked. AC was cheaper, safer, and
more efficient.

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Edison was afraid that his DC system would lose to Tesla’s AC system, so he attacked
Tesla and his alternating current. It was called the “War of Currents.” Edison said Tesla’s
alternating current system was dangerous and would surely kill people. In truth, Tesla’s
system was safer. Edison traveled the country holding public demonstrations where he
connected animals to AC electricity and killed them. Many cats, dogs, pigs and even an
cruel: evil; terrible elephant were all cruelly killed in Edison’s war against Tesla and AC power. Of course,
Edison didn’t tell people that DC electricity could also kill. He didn’t stop with killing just
AC power: electricity in the animals.
form of alternating current

profits: money earned after Edison persuaded the state of New York to make the first electric chair, using alternating
expenses in a business current. Just like with animals, this was a slow and painful method of killing human
prisoners. Despite Edison’s attacks, Tesla was slowly winning the war of currents. In
1893, Tesla’s childhood vision came true. Tesla and Westinghouse won a contract to
make an AC power plant at Niagara Falls. In one day, he produced more power than all
the power plants in the world combined. That same year, Westinghouse also won a
contract to provide electricity to the Chicago World’s Fair. It was the greatest
demonstration of electrical power in the world. Everyone now knew that AC was much
more efficient and safer than Edison’s DC system. The War of Currents was over and
Tesla had won.

Tesla had a contract with Westinghouse to receive part of all future profits produced
using his invention. This contract should have made Tesla into the richest man in the
world, but Westinghouse made some poor business decisions. At one point,
Westinghouse was at risk of losing his company and asked Tesla for help. Tesla could
have watched Westinghouse lose his company and still would have become the world’s
first billionaire.

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Instead, Tesla famously destroyed his contract with Westinghouse. He gave up all his
future profits to save Westinghouse’s company.
transmit: send a signal from
one place to another Tesla didn’t care about money. His mind was always moving towards the next great
invention. He went on to invent the technology for radio. Today, we think nothing of
limitless: without boundaries
radio technology, but in Tesla’s time, to transmit information through the air without
produce: create wires must have seemed magical. Again, Tesla’s genius attracted businessmen. They
gave him money to fund his ideas, but Tesla could not think like a practical
death ray: a weapon used to businessman. Tesla was always busier with bigger projects. A network of free and
shoot a bolt of energy at a limitless energy that would connect the world was one dream that he worked on
target during his life. Tesla was so busy with his dream of providing free energy for the world
that an Italian scientist, named Marconi, beat him in the race to produce radio. Marconi
calculate: to add up
went on to become famous for developing the radio, but the truth was he had stolen
multiple: a number that can Tesla’s ideas. Another dream of Tesla was to make a death ray that would shoot
be divided evenly by another lightning. Tesla was a peaceful man at heart. He hoped that his death ray would be so
number powerful that it would end war forever. Most people thought he had gone crazy, but
when he died the U.S. government quickly took all of his research papers, so no one else
obsessive compulsive: a
could build his weapon of death.
personality style involving
perfectionism, extreme
attention to detail, and Despite his incredible mind, he was often remembered as a strange man. He always
abnormal behaviors calculated the volume of his food and drink before eating and only did things in
multiples of threes. Today he would probably be called an ‘obsessive compulsive’. He
pigeons: common city birds, never owned a house and instead always lived in hotels. He never had a wife and never
typically white and grey,
related to the dove
had any romantic relationships. He was afraid of touching hair or even shaking hands,
which were probably connected to his lack of relationships. He was often surrounded by
the rich and famous, but his deepest friendships were with pigeons.

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inability: lack of ability Despite his inability to have relationships with people, he always wanted to help the
world. At his funeral, another scientist said, without Tesla and his inventions, “the
inventions: new things that wheels of industry would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our
people create to solve towns would be dark, our mills would be dead… The same could be said today. It’s hard
problems or make life easier to imagine a world without Tesla’s AC system; a system we still use today. Every light,
cease: stop; end
every TV, every computer, every electrical device that we use, would not be possible
without the genius of Tesla.
mills: factories that grind
wheat into flour

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Nikola Tesla was a mysterious man. He was a genius What might happen to the world without Tesla?
who opened the door to the modern world. Without Tesla, we might be living in a world of
What did Tesla open? Tesla opened the door to
the modern world. Tesla was born in a small town, in what is now
Croatia, in 1856. From a young age, Tesla was a
However, he is often forgotten in history books. dreamer and an inventor.
Radio, remote controls, and x-rays are just some of
the incredible inventions that he gave the world, but What kind of child was Tesla? He was a dreamer
he died a poor man. and an inventor.

Did Tesla die a rich man? No, he didn’t die a rich At the age of five, he designed a unique water wheel
man. He died a poor man. different from any other water wheel in his country.
His ideas were not always successful, however. Once
His most important invention, a system to produce as a child he tried to fly by jumping off the roof of his
and transmit electricity using AC power, is still used house with an umbrella.
today to power the world. Without Tesla, we might
still be living in a world of darkness. What did he do as a child? As a child he tried to
fly by jumping off the roof of his house with an

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Another time, he tried to make a motor powered by Later, he told his uncle about his vision and said that
june bugs. A friend ate his bugs, which ended his one day he would travel to America and make it
project. come true.

Why did his project end? His project ended At the age of 28, Tesla traveled to the U.S. to work for
because his friend ate his bugs. the famous inventor, Thomas Edison. He arrived in
New York City with only four cents in his pocket and a
Tesla also had a strange illness throughout his life. letter of introduction from one of Edison’s European
He would experience flashes of light. business partners.

What would he experience? He would experience How much money did he have? He had four
flashes of light. cents.

Sometimes these flashes would also include visions. Today, Thomas Edison is most famous for inventing
At times, he could not tell the difference between the light bulb, but he created over a thousand
these visions and reality. During one vision as a child, inventions. At that time, he had a successful power
he saw Niagara Falls and a wheel powered by the company.
What kind of business did Edison have? He had a
What did he see? He saw Niagara Falls and a power company.
wheel powered by the waterfalls.

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He had invented a system of producing and Was Tesla successful? Yes, he was successful. He
transmitting power using direct current or DC. Edison made great improvement to Edison’s DC system.
recognized Tesla’s great mind and hired him to work
on his DC system. He offered Tesla fifty thousand These improvements made Edison lots of money, but
dollars to improve his system. when Tesla asked him for the fifty thousand dollar
payment, Edison laughed. He told Tesla, the money
How much money did Edison offer Tesla? He was just a joke and said, “you don’t understand
offered Tesla fifty thousand dollars. American humor.”

Fifty thousand dollars in today’s money is equal to a Did Edison pay Tesla the fifty thousand dollars?
million dollars! Tesla worked incredibly hard for No, Edison didn’t pay Tesla the fifty thousand
Edison. dollars.

Was Tesla lazy? No, Tesla wasn’t lazy. He worked Tesla did not care about money, but he was deeply
incredibly hard. hurt. He could no longer trust Edison, so he quit.
Unable to find work as an engineer, he had to take a
His day usually started at 5:30 in the morning and he backbreaking job digging holes for power lines.
didn’t stop until 10:30 at night. After working these
long hours for almost one year, he made great What was Tesla’s next job? His next job was
improvements to Edison’s DC system. digging holes for power lines.

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Ironically, the power lines were for Edison’s DC power Would this make Edison a lot of money? Yes, this
system. The problem with Edison’s DC system was would make Edison a lot of money.
that it was not an efficient way to transmit electricity.
Tesla believed that there was a much more efficient
Was Edison’s DC system efficient? No, Edison’s DC way to produce and transmit electricity using a
system wasn’t efficient. system called AC, alternating current. Tesla received
the money he needed to produce his AC system from
Using direct current, electricity could only be the powerful businessman, George Westinghouse.
transmitted for short distances. This meant that
power plants would need to be built in every Where did Tesla get his money? Tesla got his
neighborhood. money from George Westinghouse.

Where would they need to build power plants? It worked. AC was cheaper, safer, and more efficient.
They would need to build power plants in every Edison was afraid that his DC system would lose to
neighborhood. Tesla’s AC system, so he attacked Tesla and his
alternating current.
This would be incredibly expensive and would have
taken a long time. Of course, this many power plants What was Edison afraid of? He was afraid that his
would also make Edison a lot of money. DC system would lose to Tesla’s AC system.

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It was called the “War of Currents.” Edison said Tesla’s He didn’t stop with killing just animals. Edison
alternating current system was dangerous and would persuaded the state of New York to make the first
surely kill people. In truth, Tesla’s system was safer. electric chair, using alternating current.

Which system was safer? Tesla’s system was What kind of current did the first electric chair
safer. use? The first electric chair used alternating
Edison traveled the country holding public
demonstrations where he connected animals to AC Just like with animals, this was a slow and painful
electricity and killed them. Many cats, dogs, pigs and method of killing human prisoners. Despite Edison’s
even an elephant were all cruelly killed in Edison’s attacks, Tesla was slowly winning the war of currents.
war against Tesla and AC power. In 1893, Tesla’s childhood vision came true.

What kind of animals did Edison kill? He killed Did Tesla’s vision come true? Yes, Tesla’s vision
cats, dogs, pigs, and even an elephant. came true.

Of course, Edison didn’t tell people that DC electricity Tesla and Westinghouse won a contract to make an
could also kill. AC power plant at Niagara Falls. In one day, he
produced more power than all the power plants in
the world combined.

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How much power did he produce in one day? He Did Tesla ask Westinghouse for help? No, Tesla
produced more power than all the power plants didn’t ask Westinghouse for help. Westinghouse
in the world combined. asked Tesla for help.

That same year, Westinghouse also won a contract to Tesla could have watched Westinghouse lose his
provide electricity to the Chicago world’s fair. It was company and still would have become the world’s
the greatest demonstration of electrical power in the first billionaire. Instead, Tesla famously destroyed his
world. Everyone now knew that AC was much more contract with Westinghouse.
efficient and safer than Edison’s DC system. The war
of currents was over and Tesla had won. What did Tesla do to the contract? Tesla
destroyed the contract.
Who won the war of currents? Tesla won the war
of currents. He gave up all his future profits to save
Westinghouse’s company.
Tesla had a contract with Westinghouse to receive
part of all future profits produced using his Tesla didn’t care about money. His mind was always
invention. This contract should have made Tesla into moving towards the next great invention. He went on
the richest man in the world, but Westinghouse to invent the technology for radio.
made some poor business decisions. At one point,
Westinghouse was at risk of losing his company and
asked Tesla for help.

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Who invented the technology for radio? Tesla Who made the first radio? Marconi made the first
invented the technology for radio. radio.

Today, we think nothing of radio technology, but in Marconi went on to become famous for developing
Tesla’s time, to transmit information through the air the radio, but the truth was he had stolen Tesla’s
without wires must have seemed magical. Again, ideas.
Tesla’s genius attracted businessmen. They gave him
money to fund his ideas, but Tesla could not think Whose ideas did Marconi use? Marconi used
like a practical businessman. Tesla’s ideas.

Was Tesla a practical businessman? No, he wasn’t Another dream of Tesla’s was to make a death ray
a practical businessman. that would shoot lightning. Tesla was a peaceful man
at heart. He hoped that his death ray would be so
Tesla was always busier with bigger projects. A powerful that it would end war forever.
network of free and limitless energy that would
connect the world was one dream that he worked on Did Tesla want to start more wars? No, Tesla
during his life. Tesla was so busy with his dream of didn’t want to start more wars. He wanted to end
providing free energy for the world that an Italian war forever.
scientist, named Marconi, beat him in the race to
produce radio.

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Most people thought he had gone crazy, but when he He never had a wife and never had any romantic
died the U.S. government quickly took all of his relationships with a woman. He was afraid of
research papers so no one else could build his touching hair or even shaking hands, which were
weapon of death. probably connected to his lack of relationships.

Who took his research papers? The U.S. What was Tesla afraid of? He was afraid of
government took his research papers. touching hair or shaking hands.

Despite his incredible mind, he was often He was often surrounded by the rich and famous,
remembered as a strange man. but his deepest friendships were with pigeons.

How was Tesla often remembered? He was often Despite his inability to have relationships with
remembered as a strange man. people, he always wanted to help the world. At his
funeral, another scientist said, without Tesla and his
He always calculated the volume of his food and inventions, “the wheels of industry would cease to
drink before eating and only did things in multiples turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our
of threes. Today he would probably be called an towns would be dark, our mills would be dead...”
obsessive compulsive. He never owned a house and
instead always lived in hotels. Without Tesla, what would stop? Without Tesla,
our electric cars would stop.
Where did Tesla live? He always lived in hotels.

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The same could be said today. It’s hard to

imagine a world without Tesla’s AC
system; a system we still use today. Every
light, every TV, every computer, every
electrical device that we use, would not
be possible without the genius of Tesla.

What did Tesla make possible? He

made every electrical device that we
use possible.

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Tesla is going to be born in a small town, in what is A friend is going to eat his bugs, which is going to
now Croatia. From a young age, Tesla will be a end his project. Tesla also will have a strange illness
dreamer and an inventor. throughout his life.

What will Tesla be like as a child? Tesla will be a Will Tesla have any strange problems? Yes, he will
dreamer and an inventor. have a strange illness.

At the age of five, he will design a unique water He is going to experience flashes of light. Sometimes
wheel different from any other water wheel in his these flashes will also include visions.
country. His ideas are not always going to be
successful. What will the flashes include? The flashes will
include visions.
Are his ideas going to be successful? His ideas are
not always going to be successful. At times, he won’t be able to tell the difference
between these visions and reality. During one vision
As a child he will try to fly by jumping off the roof of as a child, he is going to see Niagara Falls and a
his house with an umbrella. Later, he will try to make wheel powered by the waterfalls.
a motor powered by june bugs.
What is he going to see? He is going to see
What kind of motor will he try to make? He will Niagara Falls and a wheel powered by the
try to make a motor powered by june bugs. waterfalls.

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Later, he will tell his uncle about his vision and say
that one day he will travel to America and make it
come true.

What will he tell his uncle. He will tell his uncle

about his vision and say that one day he will
travel to America and make it come true.

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Tesla is traveling to the U.S. to work for the famous He is offering Tesla fifty thousand dollars to improve
inventor, Thomas Edison. his system.

Where is he traveling to? He is traveling to the How much is he offering Tesla? He is offering
U.S. Tesla fifty thousand dollars.

He is arriving in New York City with only four cents in Tesla is working incredibly hard for Edison. He is
his pocket and a letter of introduction from one of working for 17 hours a day.
Edison’s European business partners. Edison is
managing a successful power company. How many hours a day is he working? He is
working for 17 hours a day.
What is Edison managing? Edison is managing a
successful power company. He is making great improvements to Edison’s DC
system. These improvements are making Edison a lot
He is also inventing a system of producing and of money.
transmitting power using direct current or DC. Edison
recognizes Tesla’s great mind and is hiring him to Is Edison making a lot of money? Yes, Edison is
work on his DC system. making lots of money.

What is Edison hiring him to do? He is hiring him

to work on his DC system.

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When Tesla is asking him for the fifty thousand dollar Unable to find work as an engineer, he is taking a
payment, Edison laughs. He is telling Tesla, the backbreaking job digging holes for power lines.
money is just a joke.
What kind of job is he taking? He is taking a
What is he telling Tesla? He is telling Tesla the backbreaking job digging holes for power lines.
money is just a joke.
Ironically, the power lines are for Edison’s DC power
He is saying, “You don’t understand American system.
humor.” Tesla is not thinking about the money, but
he is feeling deeply hurt.

How is Tesla feeling? He is feeling deeply hurt.

He is thinking that he can no longer trust Edison. He

is quitting Edison’s company.

Why is he quitting Edison’s company? He is

quitting Edison’s company because he is thinking
that he can no longer trust Edison.

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Tesla was getting the money he needed to produce Was Edison saying that AC was safe? No, Edison
his AC system from the powerful businessman, wasn’t saying that AC was safe. He was saying that
George Westinghouse. AC was dangerous.

Who was Tesla getting money from? Tesla was In truth, Tesla’s system was safer. Edison was traveling
getting money from George Westinghouse. the country holding public demonstrations. He was
connecting animals to AC electricity and killing them.
It was working. AC was cheaper, safer, and more
efficient. Was he healing the animals? No, he wasn’t healing
Edison was feeling afraid that his DC system would the animals. He was killing the animals.
lose to Tesla’s AC system.
Many cats, dogs, pigs and even an elephant were all
How was Edison feeling? Edison was feeling afraid cruelly being killed in Edison’s war against Tesla and
that his DC system would lose to Tesla’s AC AC power. Of course, Edison wasn’t telling people that
system. DC electricity could also kill.

He was attacking Tesla and his alternating current. It Was Edison telling people that DC electricity could
was called the “War of Currents.” Edison was saying also kill? No, Edison wasn’t telling people that DC
that Tesla’s alternating current system was electricity could also kill.
dangerous and would surely kill people.

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He wasn’t stopping with just animals. Edison was

persuading the state of New York to make the first
electric chair, using alternating current.

What kind of current was the first electric chair

using? The first electric chair was using
alternating current.

Just like with animals, this was a slow and painful

method of killing human prisoners. Despite Edison’s
attacks, Tesla was slowly winning the War of

Who was winning the War of Currents? Tesla was

winning the War of Currents.

In 1893, Tesla’s childhood vision was coming true.

Tesla and Westinghouse were making an AC power
plant at Niagara Falls.

What were they making? They were making an AC

power plant at Niagara Falls.

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In one day, he was producing more power than all

the power plants in the world combined. That same
year, Westinghouse was also providing AC electricity
to the Chicago world’s fair.

What kind of electricity was Westinghouse

providing at the Chicago world’s fair? He was
providing AC electricity to the Chicago world’s

It was the greatest demonstration of electrical power

in the world. Everyone was thinking that AC was
much more efficient and safer than Edison’s DC

Was everyone thinking that AC was safer than

DC? Yes, everyone was thinking that AC was safer
than DC.

The War of Currents was over and Tesla had won


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Nikola Tesla has been remembered as a strange However, he has often been forgotten in history
man. books. Radio, remote controls, and x-rays have been
just some of the incredible inventions that he has
How has he been remembered? He has been given the world.
remembered as a strange man.
What invention has he given the world? He has
He has always calculated the volume of his food and given the world radio, remote controls, and x-rays.
drink. He has always done things in multiples of
three. He has been afraid of hair and shaking hands. He has had contracts with rich businessmen. He has
received money for his inventions, but he hasn’t cared
What has he been afraid of? He has been afraid of about money.
hair and shaking hands.
Has he cared about money? No, he hasn’t cared
He has been friends with pigeons. He has been an about money.
obsessive compulsive. He has also been a genius. He
has opened the door to the modern world. Westinghouse has made poor business decisions. He
has asked Tesla for help. Tesla has destroyed his
What has he opened? He has opened the door to contract with Westinghouse.
the modern world.
What has Tesla destroyed? He has destroyed his
contract with Westinghouse.

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Tesla has saved Westinghouse. Most people think he has gone crazy. Later on, they
realize Tesla has died. The government has taken his
Tesla has had big dreams. research papers.

What kind of dreams has he had? He has had big Who has taken his research papers? The
dreams. government has taken his research papers.

He has always wanted to create free energy. He has His most important invention has been AC power. We
also wanted to create a death ray. have continued to use this system today. Tesla has
made all of our electrical devices possible.
What has he wanted to create? He has wanted to
create free energy and a death ray. What has Tesla made possible? Tesla has made all
of our electrical devices possible.
He hasn’t been a warmonger. He has been a man of
peace. He has dreamed of ending all wars. Tesla has powered the world.

What has he dreamed of? He has dreamed of

ending all wars.

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Nikola Tesla was a mysterious man. He was a genius His most important invention, a system to produce
who opened the door to the modern world. and transmit electricity using AC power, is still used
today to power the world. Without Tesla, we might still
Was Tesla a normal man? No, Tesla wasn't a be living in a world of darkness.
normal man. He was a mysterious man. What did
Tesla open? Tesla opened the door to the modern What was his most important invention? His most
world. important invention was a system to produce and
transmit electricity using AC power. What is AC
However, he is often forgotten in history books. power used for today? Today, AC power is used to
Radio, remote controls, and x- rays are just some of power the world. What might happen to the world
the incredible inventions that he gave the world, but without Tesla? Without Tesla, we might be living in
he died a poor man. a world of darkness.

Is he often remembered? No, he isn't often Tesla was born in a small town, in what is now Croatia,
remembered. He is often forgotten. What are in 1856. From a young age, Tesla was a dreamer and
some of his inventions? Radio, remote controls an inventor.
and x-rays are some of his inventions. Did Tesla
die a rich man? No, he didn’t die a rich man. He Where was Tesla born? Tesla was born in a small
died a poor man. town in Croatia. When was he born? He was born
in 1856. What kind of child was Tesla? He was a
dreamer and an inventor.

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At the age of five, he designed a unique water wheel What kind of motor did he try to make? He tried to
different from any other water wheel in his country. make a motor powered by June bugs. Why did his
project end? His project ended because his friend
What did he design at the age of five? At the age ate his bugs.
of five, he designed a unique water wheel.
Tesla also had a strange illness throughout his life. He
His ideas were not always successful, however. Once would experience flashes of light.
as a child he tried to fly by jumping off the roof of his
house with an umbrella. What kind of illness did he have? He had a strange
illness. What would he experience? He would
Were his ideas always successful? No, his ideas experience flashes of light.
weren't always successful. What did he do as a
child? As a child he tried to fly by jumping off the Sometimes these flashes would also include visions.
roof of his house with an umbrella. At times, he could not tell the difference between
these visions and reality. During one vision as a child,
Another time, he tried to make a motor powered by he saw Niagara Falls and a wheel powered by the
June bugs. A friend ate his bugs, which ended his waterfalls.

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What did the flashes include? Sometimes the

flashes would also include visions. Did his visions
seem real? Yes, his visions seemed real. What did
he see? He saw Niagara Falls and a wheel
powered by the waterfalls.

Later, he told his uncle about his vision and said that
one day he would travel to America and make it
come true.

What did he tell his uncle? He told his uncle

about his vision and said that one day he would
travel to America and make it come true.

At the age of 28, Tesla traveled to the U.S. to work for

the famous inventor, Thomas Edison.

How old was Edison when he traveled to the U.S.?

He was 28 when he traveled to the U.S. Who did
he go to work for? He went to work for Thomas

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He arrived in New York City with only four cents in his What does DC mean? DC means direct current.
pocket and a letter of introduction from one of
Edison’s European business partners. Edison recognized Tesla’s great mind and hired him to
work on his DC system. He offered Tesla fifty
How much money did he have? He had four thousand dollars to improve his system.
cents. Who introduced him to Edison? One of
Edison's European business partners introduced What did Edison hire Tesla to work on? Edison
him to Edison. hired Tesla to work on his DC system. How much
money did Edison offer Tesla? He offered Tesla
Today, Thomas Edison is most famous for inventing fifty thousand dollars.
the light bulb, but he created over a thousand
inventions. At that time, he had a successful power Fifty thousand dollars in today’s money is equal to a
company. million dollars! Tesla worked incredibly hard for
What is Edison most famous for? Edison is most
famous for inventing the light bulb. How many
How much is fifty thousand dollars in today's
inventions did Edison create? He created over a
money? Fifty thousand dollars in today's money is
thousand inventions. What kind of business did
a million dollars. Was Tesla lazy? No, Tesla wasn’t
Edison have? He had a power company.
lazy. He worked incredibly hard.
He had invented a system of producing and
transmitting power using direct current or DC.

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His day usually started at 5:30 in the morning and he Did Edison pay Tesla the fifty thousand dollars?
didn’t stop until 10:30 at night. No, Edison didn’t pay Tesla the fifty thousand
dollars. What did Edison say to Tesla? He said,
What time did he start in the morning? He "You don't understand American humor."
started at 5:30 in the morning. What time did he
stop? He stopped at 10:30 at night. Tesla did not care about money, but he was deeply
hurt. He could no longer trust Edison, so he quit.
After working these long hours for almost one year,
he made great improvements to Edison’s DC system. Did Tesla care about money? No, he didn't care
about money. Why did he quit? He quit because he
How long did he work on Edison's DC system? He didn't trust Edison.
worked on Edison's DC system for one year. Was
Tesla successful? Yes, he was successful. He made Unable to find work as an engineer, he had to take a
great improvements to Edison’s DC system. backbreaking job digging holes for power lines.

These improvements made Edison lots of money, but What was Tesla’s next job? His next job was
when Tesla asked him for the fifty thousand dollar digging holes for power lines.
payment, Edison laughed. He told Tesla, the money
was just a joke and said, “You don’t understand Ironically, the power lines were for Edison’s DC power
American humor.” system.

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The problem with Edison’s DC system was that it was Would building many power plants be expensive?
not an efficient way to transmit electricity. Yes, it would be very expensive. Would it take a
long time? Yes, it would take a long time. Would
Was Edison’s DC system efficient? No, Edison’s DC this make Edison a lot of money? Yes, this would
system wasn’t efficient. make Edison a lot of money.

Using direct current, electricity could only be Tesla believed that there was a much more efficient
transmitted for short distances. This meant that way to produce and transmit electricity using a system
power plants would need to be built in every called AC, alternating current. Tesla received the
neighborhood. money he needed to produce his AC system from the
powerful businessman, George Westinghouse.
Using direct current, how far could electricity be
transmitted? Using direct current, electricity Which system did Tesla believe was more
could only be transmitted for short distances. efficient? Tesla believed that AC was more
Where would they need to build power plants? efficient. Where did Tesla get his money? Tesla got
They would need to build power plants in every his money from George Westinghouse.
It worked. AC was cheaper, safer, and more efficient.
This would be incredibly expensive and would have
taken a long time. Of course, this many power plants
would also make Edison a lot of money.

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as AC more expensive? No, AC wasn't more Edison traveled the country holding public
expensive. It was cheaper. Was it more demonstrations where he connected animals to AC
dangerous? No, it wasn't more dangerous. It was electricity and killed them. Many cats, dogs, pigs and
safer. Was it less efficient? No, it wasn't less even an elephant were all cruelly killed in Edison’s war
efficient. It was more efficient. against Tesla and AC power.

Edison was afraid that his DC system would lose to What kind of animals did Edison kill? He killed cats,
Tesla’s AC system, so he attacked Tesla and his dogs, pigs, and even an elephant. How did he kill
alternating current. them? He connected them to AC electricity.

What was Edison afraid of? He was afraid that his Of course, Edison didn’t tell people that DC electricity
DC system would lose to Tesla’s AC system. could also kill.

It was called the “War of Currents.” Edison said Tesla’s Could Edison's DC electricity also kill people and
alternating current system was dangerous and would animals? Yes, Edison's DC electricity could also kill
surely kill people. In truth, Tesla’s system was safer. people and animals. Did Edison tell people this? No,
he didn't tell people this.
What did Edison say about AC? Edison said it was
dangerous and would surely kill people. Which He didn’t stop with killing just animals. Edison
system was safer? Tesla’s system was safer. persuaded the state of New York to make the first
electric chair, using alternating current.

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What kind of current did the first electric chair Where did Tesla build a power plant? Tesla built a
use? The first electric chair used alternating power plant at Niagara Falls. How much power did
current. Where was the first electric chair used? he produce in one day? He produced more power
The first electric chair was used in New York. Did than all the power plants in the world combined.
it use AC or DC? It used AC.
That same year, Westinghouse also won a contract to
Just like with animals, this was a slow and painful provide electricity to the Chicago World’s Fair. It was the
method of killing human prisoners. Despite Edison’s greatest demonstration of electrical power in the world.
attacks, Tesla was slowly winning the war of currents.
In 1893, Tesla’s childhood vision came true. Who provided electricity to the Chicago World's
Fair? Westinghouse and Tesla provided electricity to
Who was slowly winning the war of currents? the Chicago World's Fair.
Tesla was slowly winning the war of currents. Did
Tesla’s vision come true? Yes, Tesla’s vision came Everyone now knew that AC was much more efficient
true. and safer than Edison’s DC system. The war of currents
was over and Tesla had won.
Tesla and Westinghouse won a contract to make an
AC power plant at Niagara Falls. In one day, he Who won the war of currents? Tesla won the war of
produced more power than all the power plants in currents.
the world combined.

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Tesla had a contract with Westinghouse to receive Tesla could have watched Westinghouse lose his
part of all future profits produced using his company and still would have become the world’s first
invention. billionaire. Instead, Tesla famously destroyed his
contract with Westinghouse.
What kind of contract did Tesla have with
Westinghouse? Tesla had a contract with Did Westinghouse lose his company? No,
Westinghouse to receive part of all future profits Westinghouse didn't lose his company. What did
produced using his invention. Tesla do to the contract? Tesla destroyed the
This contract should have made Tesla into the richest
man in the world, but Westinghouse made some He gave up all his future profits to save Westinghouse’s
poor business decisions. At one point, Westinghouse company.
was at risk of losing his company and asked Tesla for
help. What did Tesla give up? He gave up all his future
Who made some poor business decisions?
Westinghouse made some poor business
decisions. Did Tesla ask Westinghouse for help?
No, Tesla didn’t ask Westinghouse for help.
Westinghouse asked Tesla for help.

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Tesla didn’t care about money. His mind was always Tesla was always busier with bigger projects. A network
moving towards the next great invention. He went on of free and limitless energy that would connect the
to invent the technology for radio. world was one dream that he worked on during his life.

What was Tesla always thinking of? Tesla was What was Tesla's dream? Tesla's dream was a
always thinking of the next great invention. Who network of free and limitless energy that would
invented the technology for radio? Tesla invented connect the world.
the technology for radio.
Tesla was so busy with his dream of providing free
Today, we think nothing of radio technology, but in energy for the world that an Italian scientist, named
Tesla’s time, to transmit information through the air Marconi, beat him in the race to produce radio.
without wires must have seemed magical. Again,
Tesla’s genius attracted businessmen. They gave him Who made the first radio? Marconi made the first
money to fund his ideas, but Tesla could not think radio. Why did Marconi beat him in the race to
like a practical businessman. produce radio? Marconi beat Tesla in the race to
produce radio because Tesla was busy with his
Where did Tesla get money for his ideas? Tesla got dream of providing free energy to the world.
money for his ideas from businessmen. Was Tesla
a practical businessman? No, he wasn’t a Marconi went on to become famous for developing the
practical businessman. radio, but the truth was he had stolen Tesla’s ideas.

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What did Marconi become famous for? Marconi Most people thought he had gone crazy, but when he
became famous for developing the radio. Whose died the U.S. government quickly took all of his research
ideas did Marconi use? Marconi used Tesla’s papers so no one else could build his weapon of death.
What did most people think about Tesla? Most
Another dream of Tesla’s was to make a death ray people thought he had gone crazy. Who took his
that would shoot lightning. Tesla was a peaceful man research papers? The U.S. government took his
at heart. He hoped that his death ray would be so research papers. Why did they take his papers? They
powerful that it would end war forever. took his papers so no one else could build his
weapon of death.
What was another dream of Tesla's? Another
dream of Tesla's was to make a death ray that Despite his incredible mind, he was often remembered
would shoot lightening. Was Tesla a man of war? as a strange man.
No, Tesla wasn't a man of war. Tesla was a man of
peace. Did Tesla want to start more wars? No, How was Tesla often remembered? He was often
Tesla didn’t want to start more wars. He wanted remembered as a strange man.
to end war forever.
He always calculated the volume of his food and drink
before eating and only did things in multiples of threes.

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What did he always calculate? He always Was he married? No, he was never married. Did he
calculated his food and drink. have a girlfriend? No, he didn't have a girlfriend. He
never had any romantic relationships. What was
Today he would probably be called an obsessive Tesla afraid of? He was afraid of touching hair or
compulsive. shaking hands.

What would people call him today? Today he He was often surrounded by the rich and famous, but
would be called an obsessive compulsive. his deepest friendships were with pigeons. Despite his
inability to have relationships with people, he always
He never owned a house and instead always lived in wanted to help the world.
What kind of people was Tesla surrounded by? Tesla
Where did Tesla live? He always lived in hotels. was surrounded by the rich and famous. Were these
his close friends? No, these weren't his close
He never had a wife and never had any romantic friends. Who were his closest friends? His closest
relationships with a woman. He was afraid of friends were pigeons. What did Tesla always want?
touching hair or even shaking hands, which were Tesla always wanted to help the world.
probably connected to his lack of relationships.

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At his funeral, another scientist said, without Tesla What electrical system do we use today, AC or DC?
and his inventions, “the wheels of industry would We use Tesla's AC system today. What did Tesla
cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, make possible? He made every electrical device that
our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead...” we use possible.

Without Tesla, what would cease to turn?

Without Tesla, the wheels of industry would
cease to turn. Without Tesla, what would stop?
Without Tesla, our electric cars would stop.
Without Tesla, what would be dark? Without
Tesla, our towns would be dark. Without Tesla,
what would be dead? Without Tesla, our mills
would be dead.

The same could be said today. It’s hard to imagine a

world without Tesla’s AC system; a system we still use
today. Every light, every TV, every computer, every
electrical device that we use, would not be possible
without the genius of Tesla.

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Photo Cover, by Martin, https://www.flickr.com/photos/martinlatter/266027686/

Photo Page 16, by paul bica, https://www.flickr.com/photos/dexxus/358919966/

Photo Page 22, by C.P.Storm, https://www.flickr.com/photos/cpstorm/132212117/

Photo Page 28, by Kevin Burkett, https://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinwburkett/2323092070/

Photo Page 38, by Jared and Corin, https://www.flickr.com/photos/redjar/136216456/

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