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A Project Review (MCA2099)


7 Minutes Workout

Submitted by

1. Suryakant Panda
2. Tarang Jaiswal
3. Gadhave Jay Digambar
4. Avinash Grover
5. Pawan Kayande

Guided by
Dr. Chandan Kumar Behera
Assistant Professor

Submitted to
School of Computing Science and Engineering
VIT Bhopal University
Bhopal (MP) – 466 114

May 2023



We hereby declare that the Dissertation entitled “7 Minute Workout" is our own work conducted
under the supervision of Dr. Chandan Kumar Behera, Assistant Professor, at VIT University, Bhopal.

We further declare that to the best of us knowledge this report does not contain any part of work that
has been submitted for the award of any degree either in this university or in other university / Deemed
University without proper citation.
Suryakant Panda (22MCA10095)
Tarang Jaiswal (22MCA10113)
Gadhave Jay Digambar (22MCA10084)
Avinash Grover (22MCA10063)
Pawan Kayande (22MCA10158)

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my

Date: 04/05/2023
Guide Name: Dr. Chandan Kumar Behera

Table of Contents

SL.NO Name of the experiment Page No.

1. Introduction 04
2. About Existing System 05
3. Problems in Existing System 06
4. Proposed System 07
5. System Requirement Profile 08
6. Software Requirement Specification 08
7. Hardware Requirement Specification 08
8. Tools and Techniques Used 09
9. System Analysis 10
10. Design 11
11. Flow Chart 12-15
12. Use Case Diagram 16-17
13. ER Diagram 18
14. DFD 19
15. Working Layout of Forms 20-21
16. Home Screen 21
17. Exercise Selection Screen 22-35
18. Reports and Testing Results 36
19. Conclusion 37
20. References/Bibliography 37


The introduction section provides a comprehensive overview of the 7 Minutes Workout application.
It explains the purpose of the application, its target audience, and the importance of incorporating
regular exercise into a busy lifestyle. It highlights the main features of the application, such as
customizable workout routines, progress tracking, and audio/visual guidance.
The 7-Minute Workout App is a popular fitness application designed to provide users with a quick
and efficient workout routine. In today's fast-paced world, where time is often a limiting factor for
individuals seeking to stay fit, this app offers a convenient solution by condensing a full-body workout
into just seven minutes. This brief introduction will provide an overview of the 7-Minute Workout
App, its features, benefits, and how it can help users achieve their fitness goals.
The 7-Minute Workout App is a mobile application available for iOS and Android devices. It is based
on the concept of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which involves short bursts of intense
exercise followed by brief periods of rest. The app provides users with a series of exercises that target
different muscle groups, focusing on cardiovascular fitness, strength, and endurance.

A 7-minute workout app is a fitness application that offers a quick and effective workout routine that
can be done in just seven minutes. These apps typically provide a series of bodyweight exercises that
can be performed at home, in the gym, or anywhere else without the need for any equipment. The
workouts usually consist of a series of high-intensity exercises, such as jumping jacks, push-ups,
squats, lunges, and planks, that are performed in rapid succession with minimal rest periods. The goal
of these workouts is to get the heart rate up, burn calories, and improve overall fitness.
Some 7-minute workout apps also come with additional features, such as personalized workout plans,
progress tracking, and video demonstrations of each exercise. Many of these apps are available for
free, while others require a subscription to access all features.

The convenience and simplicity of 7-minute workout apps make them a popular choice for people
with busy schedules or those who prefer to exercise at home. They offer a quick and effective way to
improve overall fitness and can be easily integrated into a daily routine

About Existing System:

This section explores the existing workout applications and methods that served as inspiration for the
development of the 7 Minutes Workout application. It delves into the strengths and weaknesses of
these systems, highlighting the need for a more efficient and user-friendly workout application.

The existing system in the realm of fitness routines and workout methods typically involved
traditional methods, such as working with personal trainers, attending fitness classes, following
workout DVDs, or creating their exercise routines. However, these methods often require more time,
resources, and expertise.
In the absence of a dedicated app, individuals would typically have to manually time their workouts,
choose exercises, and keep track of their progress using pen and paper or memory. They might need
to reference workout guides or watch instructional videos to ensure they are performing exercises
The existing system may also involve limitations such as lack of customization options, difficulty in
tracking progress accurately, and challenges in maintaining consistency due to time constraints or
lack of motivation.

7-minute workout apps can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Time-efficient exercise: 7-minute workout apps are an excellent choice for people with busy
schedules who find it difficult to find time for longer workouts. These apps offer a quick and effective
way to get in a workout, without sacrificing too much time.
Cardiovascular fitness: The high-intensity exercises included in 7-minute workout apps are designed
to get the heart rate up and improve cardiovascular fitness. Regular use of these apps can help improve
heart health, increase endurance, and boost overall fitness levels.
Strength training: 7-minute workout apps can also be used to improve muscular strength. The
bodyweight exercises included in these workouts can help build muscle and increase strength over
Weight loss: 7-minute workout apps can be a useful tool for weight loss when combined with a healthy
diet. The high-intensity exercises included in these workouts can help burn calories and boost
metabolism, leading to weight loss over time.
Convenience: 7-minute workout apps can be used at home, at the gym, or anywhere else, making
them a convenient way to exercise. They require no equipment, and many apps offer video
demonstrations to ensure proper form.
Motivation: Many 7-minute workout apps offer progress tracking and personalized workout plans,
which can help motivate users to continue exercising regularly and track their progress over time.
7-minute workout apps can be used for a variety of purposes, including time-efficient exercise,
cardiovascular fitness, strength training, weight loss, convenience, and motivation.

Problems in Existing System:

The problems in the existing system section elaborates on the specific issues or challenges faced by
users of traditional workout applications. It discusses the lack of flexibility in workout routines,
limited guidance or instructional content, and difficulties in tracking progress effectively. It
emphasizes the user pain points that the 7 Minutes Workout application aims to address.

Following terms needs to be considered:

a) Lack of Time Efficiency: Many traditional workout methods required a significant time
commitment. Attending fitness classes, working with personal trainers, or creating elaborate
exercise routines often demanded extended periods, making it challenging for individuals with
busy schedules to dedicate time consistently.
b) Limited Customization Options: The existing system offered limited flexibility in
customizing workouts according to individual needs and preferences. Individuals often had to
follow generic workout routines without the ability to tailor exercises or intensity levels to
their specific fitness levels or goals.
c) Difficulty in Tracking Progress: Manual tracking of progress, using methods such as pen and
paper or memory, proved to be cumbersome and prone to errors. This lack of accurate progress
tracking made it challenging for individuals to monitor their advancements, leading to a lack
of motivation and accountability.
d) Lack of Guidance and Instruction: Without dedicated workout apps or trainers, individuals
often had to rely on external resources, such as workout guides or instructional videos, to learn
exercises and ensure proper form. This reliance on external sources made it difficult for
individuals to receive immediate guidance and feedback during their workouts.
e) Inconsistent Motivation: Without a structured and engaging system, individuals struggled to
maintain consistent motivation over time. The lack of variety and interactive features in the
existing system often led to boredom and diminished enthusiasm for regular exercise.

Proposed System:

The proposed system section presents the 7 Minutes Workout application as a solution to the problems
identified in the existing systems. It outlines the key features and functionalities of the application,
including the ability to create personalized workout routines, access to instructional videos, visual
and audio guidance during workouts, and comprehensive progress tracking.

Following features and benefits:

a) Time Efficiency: The app offers a condensed workout routine that can be completed in just
seven minutes, making it suitable for individuals with busy schedules. This time-efficient
approach eliminates the need for extended workout sessions, allowing users to fit exercise
into their daily routines more easily.

b) Customization Options: The app allows users to customize their workouts based on their
fitness levels and preferences. Users can select the intensity level, choose specific exercises,
and even adjust the number of circuits to create a personalized workout experience that aligns
with their goals.

c) Guided Instructions and Demonstrations: The app provides detailed instructions and
demonstrations for each exercise, ensuring users perform them correctly and effectively.

d) Progress Tracking and Statistics: The app tracks users' workout history, including the number
of workouts completed, calories burned, and progress over time.

e) Motivational Features: The app incorporates motivational elements such as achievement

badges, workout challenges, and reminders to encourage users to stay consistent and engaged
with their fitness routines.

f) Accessibility and Convenience: The 7-Minute Workout App is available for iOS and Android
devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users. It can be used at home, in the gym, or
even while traveling, providing individuals with the flexibility to exercise whenever and
wherever they choose.

System Requirement Profile:

The system requirement profile section provides detailed specifications for the software and hardware
required to run the 7 Minutes Workout application effectively.

● Software Requirement Specification:

The software requirement specification delves into the specific software requirements needed for the
application, such as the supported operating systems (e.g., iOS, Android), programming languages
(e.g., Kotlin, Java), and any third-party libraries or frameworks utilized.

● Hardware Requirement Specification:

The hardware requirement specification outlines the necessary hardware components and
specifications for the application to function optimally. It covers aspects such as the required
processor speed, memory capacity, storage space, and compatibility with sensors (e.g., heart rate
monitor) if applicable.

Tools and Techniques Used:

This section provides an in-depth discussion of the tools, technologies, and programming languages
employed during the development of the 7 Minutes Workout application. It explains the rationale
behind the selection of each tool or technique and highlights how they contribute to the overall
functionality and user experience of the application.

a) Here are some common tools and techniques that could be involved:
1. Programming Languages: The app may be developed using programming languages such as Swift
or Objective-C for iOS development and Java or Kotlin for Android development.
2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Developers may use popular IDEs like Xcode for
iOS or Android Studio for Android to write, debug, and test the app's code.
3. Software Development Kit (SDK): The respective SDKs provided by Apple (iOS) and Google
(Android) may be utilized to access platform-specific features and functionalities.
4. User Interface (UI) Design Tools: Tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, or Figma could be used to design
the app's user interface, allowing designers to create wireframes, mock-ups, and interactive
5. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): The app might integrate with various APIs to access
external data or services. For example, it could utilize health and fitness APIs to retrieve workout
data or social media APIs to enable users to share their progress.
6. Version Control: Developers may utilize version control systems like Git to manage and track
changes to the app's codebase, allowing for collaboration and easy rollback if necessary.
7. Agile Development Methodology: The development process may follow agile methodologies,
such as Scrum or Kanban, to ensure iterative development, frequent feedback, and continuous
8. Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing: Various testing techniques, including unit testing,
integration testing, and user acceptance testing, may be employed to ensure the app functions
correctly and meets the desired quality standards.
9. Analytics and Performance Monitoring: Tools like Google Analytics or Firebase could be
integrated into the app to track user engagement, monitor performance metrics, and gather insights
for further enhancements.
10. Continuous Integration and Deployment: Automation tools like Jenkins or Fastlane may be used
to automate the build, testing, and deployment processes, ensuring efficient and consistent
delivery of updates and bug fixes.

System Analysis:

The system analysis section outlines the methodologies and techniques used to analyse user
requirements and translate them into system specifications. It discusses the process of gathering user
feedback, conducting surveys or interviews, and analysing data related to workout routines and user
preferences. It highlights the importance of understanding user needs and expectations to design an
effective and user-friendly workout application.

Components of system analysis:

1. Requirement Gathering: System analysts gather information from stakeholders and users. This
may involve conducting interviews, surveys, and workshops to elicit requirements.
2. Feasibility Study: System analysts assess the feasibility of implementing the proposed system,
considering factors such as technical feasibility, economic viability, and operational feasibility
3. Requirements Analysis: System analysts analyse and document the collected requirements,
organizing them into functional and non-functional requirements. They identify any
inconsistencies, conflicts, or missing information in the requirements and work with
stakeholders to resolve them.
4. Use Case Modelling: Use case diagrams and scenarios are created to represent the interactions
between system users (actors) and the proposed system.
5. Data Modelling: System analysts create data models, such as entity-relationship diagrams, to
identify the data entities, their attributes, and relationships within the system. This aids in
understanding the data requirements and designing an efficient database structure.
6. System Design: System analysts collaborate with designers and architects to create the system
design, including the overall architecture, interfaces, and system components. This phase
defines how the system will meet the specified requirements.
7. Risk Assessment: System analysts assess potential risks and vulnerabilities in the system,
considering factors such as security, data integrity, and compliance with regulations.
8. Cost-Benefit Analysis: System analysts evaluate the costs and benefits associated with the
proposed system.
9. Stakeholder Communication: Throughout the analysis process, system analysts communicate
and collaborate with stakeholders, including users, managers, developers, and testers.
10. Documentation: System analysts document the analysis process, including requirements
specifications, use cases, data models, system design, and any other relevant documentation.
These artifacts serve as references for the development team and other stakeholders.


The design section presents the visual and architectural design of the 7 Minutes Workout application.
It includes various diagrams and models that provide a clear understanding of the system's structure
and behaviour.

Flow Chart:

The flow chart diagram illustrates the flow of actions and interactions within the application,
showcasing the step-by-step process of selecting and performing exercises within the 7 Minutes
Workout routines.

Use Case Diagram:

The use case diagram depicts the different actors (users) and the various use cases or functionalities
they can perform within the application. It helps visualize the interactions between users and the

ER Diagram:

The entity-relationship (ER) diagram represents the data model and relationships between entities
within the application. It shows how entities such as workouts, exercises, user profiles, and progress
tracking are connected to each other.

The data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates the flow of data within the different components of the
application. It visually represents the input, output, and processes involved in managing and
processing workout data.

Working Layout of Forms:

The working layout of forms section presents screenshots or wireframes of the application's user
interface. It showcases the design and layout of key forms and screens, including the home screen,
exercise selection screen, and workout timer screen. It describes the purpose and functionality of each
form, highlighting the intuitive user interface and ease of navigation.

After click on BMI we get another page in that we have to enter our details and application calculate
our BMI After entering the required details, such as height and weight, the app will calculate the
user's BMI (Body Mass Index), which is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. The app
will then provide the user with information about their BMI, including whether they are underweight,
normal weight, overweight, or obese, and offer suggestions for improving their BMI if necessary.

Jumping jacks are a cardiovascular exercise that involves jumping while simultaneously raising the
arms and separating the legs. They are an effective way to warm up the body and get the heart rate
up. To perform jumping jacks, the user begins in a standing position with the feet together and the
arms at the sides. They then jump and spread the feet apart while simultaneously raising the arms
above the head. The user then returns to the starting position by jumping back to the original stance
and lowering the arms to the sides. This movement is repeated for a specified amount of time,
typically around 30 seconds to one minute, as part of a larger workout routine. Jumping jacks can be
modified to increase or decrease the intensity, depending on the user's fitness level.

After finishing the first exercise, we go on to the wall sit, a lower-body exercise that targets the
quadriceps muscles in the thighs in particular. The user stands with their back against a wall and
lowers their body until their thighs are parallel to the floor, forming a sitting position

This is known as a "wall, sit." The knees should be directly above the ankles and the feet should be
flat on the ground.

After that 3rd exercise is Push-Up

After that 4th exercise is Abdominal Crunch

5th exercise is Step-Up onto Chair

6th exercise is Squat

7th exercise is Triceps Dip on Chair

8th exercise is plank

9th exercise is High Knees Running in place

10th exercise is Lunges

11th exercise is Push Up and Rotation

12th exercise is Side Plunk

7-minute workout apps can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Time-efficient exercise: 7-minute workout apps are an excellent choice for people with busy
schedules who find it difficult to find time for longer workouts. These apps offer a quick and effective
way to get in a workout, without sacrificing too much time.

Cardiovascular fitness: The high-intensity exercises included in 7-minute workout apps are
designed to get the heart rate up and improve cardiovascular fitness. Regular use of these apps can
help improve heart health, increase endurance, and boost overall fitness levels.

Strength training: 7-minute workout apps can also be used to improve muscular strength. The
bodyweight exercises included in these workouts can help build muscle and increase strength over

Weight loss: 7-minute workout apps can be a useful tool for weight loss when combined with a
healthy diet. The high-intensity exercises included in these workouts can help burn calories and boost
metabolism, leading to weight loss over time.

Convenience: 7-minute workout apps can be used at home, at the gym, or anywhere else, making
them a convenient way to exercise. They require no equipment, and many apps offer video
demonstrations to ensure proper form.

Motivation: Many 7-minute workout apps offer progress tracking and personalized workout plans,
which can help motivate users to continue exercising regularly and track their progress over time.

In summary, 7-minute workout apps can be used for a variety of purposes, including time-efficient
exercise, cardiovascular fitness, strength training, weight loss, convenience, and motivation.

Reports and Testing Results:

The reports and testing results section provides an overview of the testing process conducted during
the development of the application. It includes information about the testing methodologies
employed, such as functional testing, usability testing, and performance testing. It presents the results
of these tests, including any bugs or issues encountered and their resolutions. Additionally, it includes
performance metrics and user feedback collected during the testing phase, demonstrating the
effectiveness and reliability of the 7 Minutes Workout application.
Our team has created an application that is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and promotes physical
fitness and a healthy lifestyle. The application includes a BMI calculator that helps users determine
their body mass index and provides them with a corresponding BMI category. This feature allows
users to track their progress and set fitness goals.
The application includes 12 different exercises that can be performed at home without any equipment.
These exercises are designed to target different muscle groups and provide a full-body workout. The
application provides clear instructions and images to help users understand the correct form and
technique for each exercise.
The timer feature of A the application is also an essential tool for users. The timer allows users to
track the duration of their exercise session and stay on track with their fitness goals. Users can choose
the duration of their exercise session and select from pre-set options or input their own custom
Overall, our application is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to improve their physical fitness
and adopt a healthy lifestyle. It is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and provides essential features such
as the BMI calculator, 12 exercises, and timer. Our team hopes that this application will encourage
users to stay active and healthy.

Features of the Applications:

BMI Calculator: The application's built-in BMI calculator assists users in calculating their body mass
index (BMI), a measurement of body fat based on height and weight. When users enter their height
and weight, the application calculates their BMI and assigns them to one of four BMI categories—
underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese—based on that calculation.
12 Exercises: The app offers 12 unique exercises that concentrate on various muscle regions. They
include push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and other exercises. Users can choose an exercise from the
list and correctly complete it by adhering to the instructions. Users can also access images and videos
in the programme to better grasp the proper posture and technique.
Timer: Users of the application can customize the length of their exercise sessions by using the timer
feature. The application gives users 30 seconds to complete each exercise before redirecting them to
the next one. If a user decides not to participate in any of the exercises, they can choose to skip that

The conclusion section summarizes the key findings and outcomes of the 7 Minutes Workout
application's development process. It highlights the successful implementation of the proposed
system, the fulfilment of user requirements, and the overall benefits and impact of the application on
users' fitness routines.

The references/bibliography section lists all the sources and references consulted during the
documentation process. It includes books, research papers, websites, and any other relevant sources
cited throughout the document. The references follow a consistent citation style, such as APA or
MLA, ensuring proper credit is given to the original authors and sources of information.


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