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NR 2 (44) 2020, s. 127–139


Paweł Korzeb
Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Abstract: Recent tendencies in theory aim at overcoming the Kantian conception of rationality, ques-
tioning identification of rationality with critique and the autonomy of thinking subject. Speculative
realism attempts to eliminate the transcendental level of thinking that is constitutive for critique, by
showing its inconsistency with the contingency of the world discovered through modern science. The
development of neurobiology provides a perspective of reduction of the independent level of thinking
to the neurobiological activity. Both demand a change in the concept of subjectivity and rationality.
However, Catherine Malabou, in her book Before Tomorrow: Epigenesis and Rationality, claims that
neither speculative realism nor neurobiology can provide a conception of “another rationality” suffi-
cient for current demands. In counterpart to the philosophical atmosphere of the 21st century, Before
Tomorrow urges us to construct a new paradigm of critical rationality not against Kant, but through
a dialogue with his philosophy. This paper examines Malabou’s proposition of the “epigenetic para-
digm of rationality”, which connects “epigenetic turn” in neurobiology with the interpretation of Cri-
tique of Judgement. Before presenting this paradigm, the article describes the context of the book: the
importance of the transcendental for continental philosophy, the speculative realist critique of Kantian
rationality and tensions between reductive neuroscience and humanities.

Keywords: the transcendental, speculative realism, epigenetics, neuroscience, rationality, critical


through the interpretation of the philoso-

From the whole body of work of Cath- phy of Immanuel Kant. Kant’s thought is
erine Malabou, Before Tomorrow: Epi- examined not for its historical exegesis,
genesis and Rationality can perhaps be but in order to challenge his theory with
viewed as one of the most ambitious an attempt to overcome transcendental
endeavours. Best known for her creative philosophy posed by, on one hand, the
continuation of Derrida’s deconstruction, so-called speculative realism and modern
materialist concept of plasticity and in- neurobiology on the other. The leading
fluential interpretations of Hegel and motive consists of an elaborate discussion
Heidegger, in this work Malabou propos- over the possibility of relinquishing the
es a new paradigm of critical rationality transcendental and the perspective of


Paweł Korzeb

thinking beyond the Kantian philosophy. designates as a priori). Without going


Facing Kant with its modern critique, into further detail, it is vital to mention
Malabou discusses a new outline of crit- fundamental functions of the transcen-
ical rationality at the junction between dental in the Kantian system. To start
transcendental philosophy and the mod- with, regarding Kant’s project, the tran-
ern epigenetic turn in neurobiology. The scendental supports reason with its au-
technical discussion of the foundations of tonomous criteria that limit possible
Kant’s transcendental philosophy is the knowledge and grounds the critique of
starting point for concerning the whole dogmatic metaphysics. Moreover, the
status of critical rationality, humanities, transcendental conditions our cognitive
and philosophical discourse, because, as access to the world, the fact that our per-
Malabou demonstrates, the status of the ception and categories of thinking refer
transcendental relates to autonomy, irre- to objects appropriately. The agreement
ducibility and identity of critical think- between the categories and the objects,
ing. In this paper, I examine Malabou’s which cannot be dogmatically assumed,
proposition of a new paradigm of ration- is for Kant a priori condition of possible
ality, with an emphasis on the possible in- knowledge: we can deduce the condition
teraction between the philosophical and of possibility of our knowledge from the
neurobiological discourse. First, how- fact of its existence. Such reasoning al-
ever, I would like to introduce the context lows Kant, in a gesture fundamental to
of the book, analyzing the importance of modern philosophy, to identify laws of
the transcendental for continental philo- nature with laws of our understanding
sophy, the speculative realist critique of in the popular phrase: “we can cognize
Kantian rationality and tensions between of things a priori only what we ourselves
reductive neuroscience and humanities. have put into them.”2 These issues of
“The transcendental” in Kant’s philo- transcendental philosophy, as Malabou
sophy is a system of concepts relat- attempts to depict in her book, relate to
ing not to things, but our cognition of the status of modern critical rationali-
things.1 The transcendental has two es- ty in continental philosophy. The tran-
sential characteristics: it is a condition scendental, as the level independent of
of possibility and it is independent from particular experience, grants reason and
possible experience (this is what Kant understanding their autonomous objec-
tive knowledge, distinct from other dis-
courses, e.g. the scientific one. It can be
It might be useful to recall Kant’s definition of also called, according to Malabou’s fa-
the transcendental from Critique of Pure Rea-
vourite definition, formulated by Michel
son: “I call all cognition transcendental that is
occupied not so much with objects but rather Foucault, an “irreducible residuum”3 –
with our mode of cognition of objects insofar subjectivity that cannot be reduced in
as this is to be possible a priori. A system of
such concepts would be called transcendental 2
Ibidem, p. 111.
philosophy.” I. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 3
C. Malabou, Before Tomorrow: Epigenesis and
transl. P. Guyer, A.W. Wood, Cambridge Uni- Rationality, transl. C. Shread, Polity Press,
versity Press, Cambridge 1998, p. 149. Cambridge 2016, p. 109.


Paweł Korzeb

thinking. On this basis, the transcenden- cal theory (associated with the Frankfurt

tal grounds the identity of continental School) proposed a vast critique of mod-
philosophy, as opposed to the analytic ern reason and rationality and its crucial
tradition. As Malabou observes, even if concepts: universality, objective reality,
continental philosophers distance them- objectivity of science, etc. However, all
selves from Kant, a number of concepts, of them remain within the tradition of
such as language games, phenomeno- Kantian philosophy due to their identifi-
logical experience or social conditions, cation of rationality with critique, even
possess a quasi-transcendental function, if this critique undermines all positive
as an irreducible dimension conditioning demands of reason to objective truth and
every particular discourse. This refers to access to objective reality. In contrast to
the second, not strictly Kantian, line of these tendencies in theory, speculative
perceiving the transcendental in Before realism, associated with the names of
Tomorrow, as “a historico-critical di- Quentin Meillassoux, Ray Brassier, Iain
mension of rationality that accompanies Hamilton Grant and Graham Harman, at-
objectivity as its necessary shadow.”4 tempts to rehabilitate reason and formu-
Abandoning the transcendental is not late post-critical rationality through con-
without consequences for the critical di- fronting humanities with “the outside”,
mension of rationality. If the transcen- the reality independent to cognition, in-
dental is relinquished, what conditions different to ideology, culture and ethical
our cognitive access to the world and na- values. This objective, absolute reality
ture? Does the neurobiological elimina- requires the development of a new re-
tion of the “irreducible residuum” entail lation to the world, nature and scientific
reduction of human subjectivity to caus- discourse. Speculative realists recognize
ally determined brain activity, organized that a major part of the continental phi-
through sub-personal processes? What losophy of the 20th century is influenced
is the autonomy of critical rationality by Kant’s transcendental idealism, espe-
as opposed to scientific rationality? Ac- cially by its claim that we do not have ac-
cording to Malabou, both speculative re- cess to “things in themselves”, but only
alism and the neurobiological paradigm, to the way they appear to us. In his fa-
representing propositions of “another mous book After Finitude, Quentin Meil-
rationality”, attempt to overcome the lassoux argued that what is symptomatic
whole paradigm of critique. In the exam- for post-Kantian continental philosophy
ination of this point, it might be useful to is that the subject and the world are nec-
start from the speculative realist critique essarily correlated: there is no subjec-
of transcendental foundations of modern tivity without the world outside it, and
critical philosophy. there is no world without experiencing
Philosophical orientations in the sec- subject.5 Various orientations of critical
ond half of the 20th century, such as post-
modernism, poststructuralism and criti-
Q. Meillassoux, After Finitude: An Essay on the
Necessity of Contingency, transl. R. Brassier,
Ibidem, p. 89. Continuum, London 2008, p. 5.


Paweł Korzeb

philosophy share a conviction that ob- the lifeless past. Science, driven by the

jective reality is transcendentally guar- discourse of mathematics, is perfect-

anteed by such an originary correlation ly capable of making statements about
between consciousness and the world, the world beyond correlation, without
language and the world or thinking and reducing it to mere appearances. As
being. Meillassoux, on the contrary, pro- a consequence, for a correlationist, these
poses the idea of “critique of critique”, statements must be defined as impossi-
rehabilitating the notion of a mind-inde- ble or at least “not quite real” (because
pendent reality that is not conditioned by “true reality” can only be correlated to
any transcendental or quasi-transcenden- the subject).6 All these complications
tal level. convince Meillassoux to abandon the
The main objection against correla- scope of Kantian philosophy, because,
tionism points to its incapability to think quite paradoxically, having assigned to
the contingency of correlation, the fact it the task of grounding science, Kant’s
that the correlation between subject and critique is unable to comprehend the
object is just one of events in natural his- possibility of certain scientific state-
tory. If thought, subjectivity or even life ments and can no longer be a guide for
are contingent events in the world, that critical rationality.
probably could never happen, there is no To overcome Kantian and post-Kan-
reason to privilege them in ontology as tian philosophy, Meillassoux urges to
an irreducible condition. One of the ar- “relinquish the transcendental”. This
guments supporting this thesis consists expression is the dominant theme of Be-
of giving examples of objects referring fore Tomorrow, where Malabou poses
to the reality that cannot be coherently a question of whether continental phi-
presumed to be correlated with possible losophy can abandon the transcendental
experience. Meillassoux adopts the term concepts without undermining itself. For
of “arche-fossil” for a material trace of Kant, the transcendental grounds the re-
distant past, like a sediment from the lation between subject and the world: the
period of accretion of the Earth, which agreement between subjective categories
refers to a reality where no conscious- and objects is a fundamental condition
ness, subjectivity or even life existed, of possible knowledge, connecting laws
to the time preceding the emergence of of nature with our understanding. If the
any possible correlation between the transcendental is relinquished, there is,
subject and the world. Events from as Meillassoux argues, no necessity in
the distant past must remain mysterious the laws of nature, but only their contin-
to correlationism because they cannot be gency, which means the possibility of be-
understood as appearances for possible coming other without reason. That leads
experience, due to the very fact of their Meillassoux to a new concept of nature,
occurrence before thought, subjectivity which, according to Malabou, is no
or life emerged out in natural history. longer home to any subject, but rather to
That does not eliminate the possibility
of acquiring knowledge about events of 6
Ibidem, pp. 9–18.


Paweł Korzeb

the dispossessed, alien, indifferent world. this revolution with scepticism and suspi-

Attempting to comprehend this world, cion, which reflects the tensions between
Meillassoux tries to devise another ra- continental philosophy and science in
tionality based on speculative thinking the 20th century, including the critique of
with the privileged role of mathematics scientific practice in Frankfurt School or
and natural sciences. The main task for “science wars” between postmodern in-
reason is to think “the absolute”, “the tellectuals and scientist philosophers. Al-
outside”, independent of experience, though the critique of scientific discourse
separated from thought or even capa- from continental philosophy operated on
ble of destroying it. However, Malabou a wide spectrum of issues, the transcen-
is dubious whether the plural form of dental, as a guarantee of autonomy and
“sciences” actually refers to something irreducibility of thought, holds special
beyond physics. Acknowledging that significance.
modern rationality must change its ap- The Language Game of Respon-
proach towards science, Malabou claims sible Agency and the Problem of Free
that Meillassoux ignores modern neuro- Will by Jürgen Habermas might serve
biology which also proposes the notion as a useful example of the fundamen-
of contingency and an even stronger tal role of the transcendental in a cri-
attack on the transcendental, challeng- tique of the neurobiological paradigm
ing it with a possibility of reducing the from continental philosophy. The text
subjective phenomena to the neuro- is the response to the “Brain and Mind”
biological brain activity. If continental manifesto by a German neuroscientist,
philosophy abandons the transcenden- who argues in a reductive tone that our
tal level of thinking, as Meillassoux conception of free will and agency will
does, it might undermine the ground for be overthrown by development in neu-
the critique of such neurobiological re- roscience. As Habermas remarks, this
ductionism. approach entails the elimination of re-
According to the dynamic develop- sponsibility, acting subject and agency
ment of modern neurobiology, scientists in general:
and theoreticians announce “the con-
In the manifesto [...] the neuroscientists
sciousness revolution”, which confronts
take the position that all mental acts and
us with a new, naturalistic and reductive experiences are not merely instantiated by
understanding of subjective phenomena brain processes but rather are causally de-
as self, consciousness, thinking or vol- termined by brain states alone. If neurolog-
untary acts through the computational ical research today already holds the key,
processes in a brain. Furthermore, a de- as is claimed, to soon explaining any given
velopment in neurotechnology that oc- motivation or deliberation exclusively on
the basis of the nomologically determined
curs in parallel to progress in empirical
interaction of neuronal processes, then we
knowledge (new medicaments, virtual would have to view free will as a fiction.
reality, methods of detailed observation For, from this perspective, we must no
of brain activity) brings forth ethical and longer presuppose that we could have acted
political dilemmas. Humanities react to differently, nor that it was up to us to act


Paweł Korzeb

one way rather than another. Indeed, within conclusion I would like to draw from

neurological descriptions, the reference to the above discussion is that towards the
‘us,’ as agents, no longer makes any sense.7 relation between humanities or critical
In his response to the neurobiological theory and science, we face two unsatis-
perspective, Habermas does not want to factory perspectives: reductionist, which
advocate for a dualism between the mind eliminates self-reference of the subject,
and the world. Instead, he gives a purely and conservative, which cannot respond
transcendental argumentation, claiming to problems caused by consciousness
that there exist limits of objectification: revolution, and might also change our
the epistemic subject, scientist as a sub- understanding of thinking. The virtue of
ject of knowledge, cannot be eliminated Catherine Malabou’s books lies in fram-
since there is no way to practice science ing a “third way” between philosophical
as a “view from nowhere”. One cannot conservatism and scientific reduction-
reduce subjectivity to brain activity with- ism, connecting neurobiology with the
out reducing science itself. Additionally, philosophical discourse on subjectivity.
for Habermas, reductive neuroscience In one of the most engaging parts of
also does not commit to the project of Before Tomorrow, Malabou attempts to
enlightenment, because it destroys the demonstrate how a recent development
reference to the subject that would lose of epigenetics, the scientific discipline
its naivety and change his understand- that analyzes factors responsible for the
ing about itself. Here, the transcen- expression of genes, changes the whole
dental serves as a level of condition of approach to the evolution of the brain,
the experience that imposes a limit on the no longer perceived as a complex ma-
experimental objectification. However, chine. Epigenetics refers to mechanisms
as Thomas Metzinger points out, the of expression and transcription of the
development of the neurobiological par- genetic code, structuring the activation
adigm might actually change the condi- and silencing of the genes. The develop-
tions of knowledge or even the whole ment of this discipline questions the be-
understanding of what it means to know, lief that evolution is only determined by
expanding the process of disenchantment DNA and adaptive selection. Epigenetics
to the conscious self and redefining con- introduces additional factors responsi-
ditions of knowledge in neurobiological ble for the activation of code and, what
terms. Metzinger named such probably is perhaps most astonishing, these fac-
approach “Enlightenment 2.0”.8 The tors might be inheritable. Based on this,
Malabou remarks that we can argue that
individual experience is more important
J. Habermas, The Language Game of Responsi-
ble Agency and the Problem of Free Will: How for evolution than it was previously as-
Can Epistemic Dualism Be Reconciled with sumed.
Ontological Monism?, “Philosophical Explo-
rations” 2007, vol. 10(1), pp. 13–50.
Enlightenment 2.0: Interview with Thomas
Metzinger, Collapse: Collapse: Philosophical pernican Imperative, ed. D. Veal, Urbanomic,
Research and Development Issue # 5: The Co- Falmouth 2012.


Paweł Korzeb

Malabou offers a metaphor that ren- ophy seems to be convincing, Malabou

ders useful for understanding this change doubts if speculative realism can be a real
in genetics. For a long time, genetics alternative. Meillassoux claims that laws
was dominated by the notion of DNA as of nature are contingent, but at the same
a code or a program which constitutes time he cannot give an explanation for
the living being. The brain is a mere their empirical stability, the simple fact
actualization of what has already been that the world does not change dramat-
determined by the code. Epigenetics ically. Malabou expresses the objection
perceives DNA rather as a book, open to that the absolute contingency does not
various interpretations caused by exter- seem to be supported by any empirical
nal and environmental factors. The rela- phenomena. Moreover, contingency ac-
tion between genetic code and epigenetic tually changes nothing, because it makes
factors is reciprocal: a living being can no difference to the world conceived as
influence the mechanism of activation undetermined by our categories of cog-
of the code that determines it. Although nition, except for the sheer statement of
epigenetics is a constantly growing sci- its instability. Furthermore, in neurobiol-
entific discipline, Malabou predicts that ogy, as Malabou claims, it is possible to
many conditions, taken as determined by find a far more interesting notion of con-
genes, are far more open for changes and tingency through the “epigenetic struc-
modifications. Therefore it matters what ture of the real”, where the categories of
social and political environment the brain subjectivity are understood as a result
develops in. Malabou sees the epigenet- of the contingent, evolutionary history of
ic paradigm as containing the possibility a brain. If the modern development
that a reductionist perspective might not of neuroscience is, as Malabou claims,
deprive the subject of its spontaneity ex- one of the most important challenges for
cluded by a strict deterministic approach modern rationality, Meillassoux cannot
to the concept of gene and, perhaps, even propose “another” rationality sufficient
offer a new understanding of the relation for current demands, since he shares its
between the biological and the social. silence and indifference to biology with
Speculative realism and the neuro- the philosophical tradition.
biological paradigm, as presented above, Regarding the neurobiological para-
are ambitious attempts to overcome the digm, Malabou expresses similar objec-
Kantian tradition of conceiving rational- tions to Jürgen Habermas. Neurobiology
ity as a critique, questioning the notion is unable to comprehend self-reference
of the necessary, invariant transcenden- of the subject and its ability to self-de-
tal level, independent from experience. termine, and it does not provide a narra-
However, as one would expect, for Ma- tive of the subject getting conscious of
labou, neither speculative realism nor its brain, eliminating the dimension
the neurobiological paradigm appear as of change of subject knowledge and
alternatives sufficient for the demands self-understanding. Furthermore, it does
of modern rationality. Although Meillas- not leave the opportunity to understand
soux’s critique of transcendental philos- the brain not only as a biological, but also


Paweł Korzeb

a political and ideological entity. In a short of the 21st century, in Before Tomorrow

book What Should We Do with Our Brain, Malabou urges us to construct a new par-
Malabou argues that precisely for this rea- adigm of rationality not against Kant, but
son, scientific revolutions, despite their through a dialogue with his philosophy:
radicalism, actually, change nothing:
What I am saying is that the relinquishing
But really, what’s the point of having an of Kant must be negotiated with him, not
all-new brain if we don’t have an all new against him. Indeed, as I shall attempt to
identity, if synaptic change changes noth- show, in Kant himself we find, at the heart
ing? And what do we get from all these of the Critique, the orchestration of an en-
discourses, from all these descriptions of counter between the transcendental and
neuronal man, from all these scientific re- that which resists it. This encounter is not
volutions, if not the absence of revolution about the divide between the transcendental
in our lives, the absence of revolution in and the empirical; instead it is the confron-
ourselves? What new horizons do the new tation of the transcendental and that which
brains, the new theoreticians of the brain, organizes itself without it [...] Once again,
open up?9 we have no choice but to acknowledge that
neither fundamental ontology, nor biologi-
This not so recent book continues to cal reductionism, nor “speculative realism”
strike by its attempt to connect empirical manages to successfully answer the current
researches in neurobiology with Mala- demand for a rigorous post-critical philo-
sophical rationality. This post-critical crisis
bou’s famous concept of plasticity: the
of reason must therefore be brought back
capacity to receive a form and to give to the dialogue with Kant, and, in return,
a form, to be formable and formative at we must force Kantian thought to speak
the same time. Neurobiology, for Mala- about its own founding validity, to measure
bou, proves that a brain has history, its the force of its “before” in terms of the de-
organization is formed not only by the mands of its tomorrows.10
genetic code, but also environmental
In an attempt to force Kant to speak
factors and individual experience. But
for himself after more than 200 years,
neurobiology alone cannot conceive how
Malabou examines the historical discus-
a brain is formed by political organiza-
sion of paragraph 27 from Critique of
tion, ethical choices, etc. Plasticity al-
Pure Reason, where the concept of “epi-
lows us to perceive a brain not only as
genesis of pure reason” is introduced by
a neurobiological, but also a historical,
Kant to explain the origin of the relations
ideological and political entity. Although
between categories and objects. “Epi-
this method of creating a theory already
genesis” is a metaphor used by Kant to
might be seen as a new paradigm, the
suggest that reason with its a priori cate-
problem of the transcendental remains
gories and agreement between categories
to be solved. Quite surprisingly, in coun-
and objects is neither innate nor acquired
terpart to the philosophical atmosphere
through experience but rather “develops
like a living individual”. Pure reason does
C. Malabou, What Should We Do with Our not develop through experience, but it
Brain, transl. S. Rand, Fordham University
Press, New York 2008, p. 66. 10
Eadem, Before Tomorrow..., p. 15.


Paweł Korzeb

also does not have performed, strict, nec- reason” one has to choose between a cre-

essary limits with which each individual ative, epigenetic development of reason
is born. This would mean that Kantian understood as a brain and pure, autono-
reason combines the autonomy of think- mous reason with its innate a priori cate-
ing guaranteed by the transcendental and gories, unless, as Malabou demonstrates,
the idea of creative development, which Kant is interpreted through the retroac-
can now be observed in the neurobiologi- tive effect that Critique of Judgement has
cal paradigm. Interpreting Kant through on the Critique of Pure Reason. In the
this phrase could be a chance for a new movement between the First and Third
understanding of critical rationality. But critique, Malabou sees the possibility for
how can the development of a priori cat- a new, epigenetic paradigm of rationali-
egories or the agreement between them ty, where the autonomy of the transcen-
and objects be comprehended coherent- dental meets contingency and facticity of
ly? For Malabou, the idea of pure de- life.
velopment, at first glance, appears to be In her reading, Malabou interprets
contradictory. If a priori is the product Critique of Judgement as an encounter
of a dynamic, creative and self-forming between the reason and a living being,
relation, how can it be pure, necessary, between the transcendental and the na-
and not derived from experience? ture that resists it. The problem pure rea-
Various philosophical orientations son has with self-forming life is that it
are discussed in the book, from pref- cannot be understood simply as an object
ormationist interpretations of Kant, of possible experience. Nature addresses
through approaches linking Kantianism the question of independence of order or
to the theory of evolution, to Foucault, organization in relation to reason and de-
Heidegger and Meillassoux. The long mands a change in the system of catego-
discussion of the transcendental leads to ries. To integrate the phenomenon of life
an unsatisfactory opposition. To defend into his critical enterprise, Kant is forced
the necessity and autonomy of the tran- to introduce “purposiveness” as a new
scendental, categories of reason have to transcendental principle, which entails
be presented as innate (at least in part). the modification of two categories of the
To claim that reason develops as a liv- system: causality and necessity.
ing being, it is necessary to replace the In Critique of Pure Reason, causal-
transcendental with the contingent, evo- ity is conceived in a strictly mechanis-
lutionary agreement between categories tic manner (as a chain of causes, where
and objects, their “gradual harmoniza- one thing causes the other). However, in
tion” in the process of biological evo- Critique of Judgement, where Kant con-
lution. In many passages of the book, siders beauty and life, it is claimed that
Malabou reminds us that the first possi- a living being cannot be understood as
bility is clearly rejected by Kant, because a mechanism, for the reason that it forms
treating categories of reason as innate itself and maintains its own existence.
deprives reason of spontaneity of the un- A living being is not mechanistically
derstanding. From “epigenesis of pure determined by its parts. It is rather an


Paweł Korzeb

idea concerning a whole that determines a whole), Kant ascribes self-propagating,


a combination of parts, as in the case of formative power to organized, living be-

an artefact, for example, a watch. The be- ings. Kant used the term “teleological” to
coming of a watch is, for Kant, caused name the form of judgement that treats
not by specific parts of a watch, but by things not as objects, but as purposes and
the idea of a whole watch. In this case, the ends.
concept of an object should be under- In Critique of Judgement, purposive-
stood as its cause. For this reason, Kant ness involves contingency, a concept
identifies purposiveness with the causal- absent in Critique of Pure Reason. Or-
ity of a concept. What separates a living ganization of a living being cannot be
being from an artefact is that parts are conceived as necessary, because nature,
correlated with a whole in a reciprocal without contradiction, could be organ-
relation, simultaneously determining ized otherwise. Because life organizes
each other. In Kant’s words: “a thing itself in a spontaneous, contingent way,
exists as a natural end if it is (though in purposiveness is understood as the “law-
a double sense) both cause and effect fulness of a contingent”. In her interpre-
of itself.”11 Kant gives a simple example of tation, Malabou argues that Meillassoux
a house to illustrate this reciprocal cau- is inaccurate about contingency in Kant’s
sality: “a house is certainly the cause philosophy because he focuses only
of the money that is received as rent, on Critique of Pure Reason. However, in
but yet, conversely, the representation Critique of Judgement, meaning, particu-
of this possible income was the cause of lar laws of nature, and even the transcen-
the building the house.”12 All parts of an dental structure are understood by Kant
organism determine each other, and are as contingent. According to Malabou,
related to an idea of a whole, precise- this contingency does not exclude the
ly through this causal structure. Kant necessity of a priori, but necessity and
gives an example of a tree, to show that contingency are entwined together. The
in many of its functions, a living being necessity of the condition of our knowl-
is both cause and effect of itself. A tree edge is itself grounded in the spontaneity
as a whole depends on the growth of its of nature. Although multiple natural laws
parts, but at the same time all parts mu- are contingent, their unity is necessary
tually maintain themselves in existence, for our knowledge of (one) nature. This
and an idea of a whole organizes the analysis leads to a conclusion that the
growth of new parts and reproduction of concept of the transcendental is not in-
itself. Because reciprocal causation be- variable itself, because one can observe
tween a whole and parts is structured as a change in the transcendental structure
a positive feedback loop (a whole caus- between the first and the third critique.
es organized growth, and parts grow to Therefore, Malabou deems Kant,
rather than Meillassoux, the one who
I. Kant, Critique of Judgement, transl. W.S. Plu- can lead our understanding of the mod-
har, Hackett Publishing Company, Cambridge ern, biological notion of contingency. As
1987, p. 199.
Malabou claims, “long before his twen-


Paweł Korzeb

ty-first century readers, Kant completely taneously its own cause and effect. Fur-

exposed the transcendental to the factu- thermore, introducing a circular form of
ality of life”13 and “discovered the power time, “epigenesis” describes the devel-
that certain appearances have to decor- opment of the transcendental structure.
relate thought.”14 Moreover, reason can Malabou characterizes epigenesis in
discover itself as a fact in nature: “reason a broad sense as the economy of a re-
not only sees itself in the mirror of the lation between code, interpretation, and
living being, it also sees its own life: it transformation. Genesis is an evolution
sees itself living.”15 This by no means en- from the origin to the present state. Epi-
tails the reduction of reason to its neuro- genesis, by contrast, connects the dual
biological activity but also does not lead dimension of regression and progres-
to a distinction between two separate sion, and develops in a circularity of
levels of reason that are independent of time. New parts combine and redefine
each other: transcendental and neurobio- what is pre-existing but this arrival of
logical. Critique of Judgements presents new parts is teleologically determined
how the autonomic, transcendental struc- by the pre-existing whole. Epigenesis
ture interacts with the image of itself as “takes place at the moving contact point
a living being: there is a “return effect” between origin and the present state of
that life has on thought. affairs, until their difference disappears
Malabou’s whole interpretation is right into their contact – tensed origin,
based on the perception that Kantian retrospective present, future in the mak-
“epigenesis of pure reason” coincides ing.”16 The transcendental that is a prio-
with the recent development of epi- ri condition of experience, can develop
genetics. Both Kant and the epigenet- through thinking in compliance with the
ic paradigm understand a living being experience it conditions. This transcen-
as formative and formable at the same dental circularity of time is what Mala-
time, developing through improvisation bou tries to extract from the development
that generates order, escaping the notion of the Kantian system.
of an organism as a strictly determined Let me conclude by suggesting the
mechanism. Moreover, for Malabou it is possible consequences that a new ap-
Kant who allows us to comprehend the proach might have for critical rationality.
revolution of epigenetics. By ascribing First of all, Malabou offers a third way
“formative power” to it, through circu- between transcendental autonomy and
lar causality – where it’s not only parts neurobiological reductionism. It is pos-
that determine a whole being, but also sible to perceive the brain not only as
a whole, which reciprocally determines causally determined by particular neuro-
its own parts in a living organism, Kant biological processes, but also these very
constructs a notion of life that is simul- processes as organized according to the
idea of a whole brain and its purpose:
reason and thinking. Thinking of the
C. Malabou, Before Tomorrow..., p. 161.
Ibidem, p. 169.
Ibidem, p. 180. 16
Ibidem, p. 157.


Paweł Korzeb

mind as being its own cause and effect ology, politics or culture and criticise

allows to conceive an evolution of the the neurobiological discourse when it

particular brain or even historical evo- ignores these aspects. However, the fu-
lution of the brain in terms of creative, ture task for critical rationality is not
contingent processes, where individu- merely negative but includes thinking
al experience is not without relevance. according to a new neurobiological
Rather than to conceive nature as devoid image, not as excluding autonomy,
of subjectivity, as in speculative realism, spontaneity and freedom, but, on the
Malabou proposes to use Kantian forms contrary, allowing to understand them
of teleological judgement to comprehend as grounded in contingent laws of na-
subjectivity as part of nature. ture. Critical rationality needs to pro-
However, what is essential to the new vide a narrative of subjects gaining
paradigm of rationality is the effectua- consciousness of their brains, especial-
tion of the object on thinking, a change ly of the fact that we are causes and
of thinking caused by an object that is effects of ourselves, simultaneously
thought, as in the case of the Third Cri- formed and formative, determined by
tique, where the transcendental is forced our brains and changing their structure
to change itself as an attempt to compre- through the way we use them.
hend a living being. If modern neurobiol- Though the neurobiological image
ogy provides thinking with its own image, of thinking challenges metaphysics, it
the very process of thinking and reasoning does not entail abandoning it, but, on
as a material, biological process, the new the contrary, it relies on rethinking it.
paradigm of rationality will not consist of What is remarkable about Malabou’s
separating rationality for its image, but method is her interpretative finesse,
rather of an interaction with it through re- which turns old concepts of the greatest
ciprocal causality. Although the thinking continental philosophers, such as Kant,
subject might be forced to change its un- Hegel and Heidegger, into dynamic ide-
derstanding of itself through an encoun- as that strike with new perspectives on
ter with neuroscience, it is the autonomy problems of modern thought. In Before
of the subjectivity of thinking that condi- Tomorrow, “spontaneity of the under-
tions the possibility of this change. standing” rendered possible through the
Therefore, Malabou claims that we change of the transcendental structure by
should not relinquish the transcenden- the retroactive effect of the Critique of
tal, especially its “historico-critical” Judgement on Critique of Pure Reason,
dimension. Malabou agrees with Kant which allows to conceive a change of the
that there are realities that exist only in self-knowledge subject through interac-
thought, which also demands its own, tion with its own neurobiological image.
autonomous level. This autonomy en- In consequence, as Malabou claims, it is
ables philosophical rationality to con- Kant who can guide us towards the exit
ceive the relation of the brain to ide- from Kantianism.


Paweł Korzeb

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