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8, AUGUST 2022

A 0.186-pJ per Bit Latch-Based True Random

Number Generator Featuring Mismatch
Compensation and Random
Noise Enhancement
Ruilin Zhang , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Xingyu Wang , Graduate Student Member, IEEE,
Kunyang Liu , Member, IEEE, and Hirofumi Shinohara , Member, IEEE

Abstract— This article proposes a mismatch self-compensation Several random phenomena in silicon devices have been
latch-based true random number generator (TRNG) that har- well exploited in the literature. For instance, TRNGs have used
vests a metastable region’s enhanced random noise. The pro- entropy sources (ESs), such as random telegraph noise [1],
posed TRNG exhibits high randomness across a wide voltage
(0.3–1.0 V) and temperature (−20 ◦ C–100 ◦ C) range by employing Si nanodevices noise [2], SiN MOSFET noise [3], or soft gate
XOR of only four entropy sources (ESs). To achieve a full oxide breakdown noise [4]. The above noises have the merit
entropy output, an 8-bit von Neumann post-processing with of large noise magnitude. However, these noises are directly
waiting (VN8W) is used. The randomness of the TRNG’s output harvested by amplifiers, followed by a comparator [1]–[3] or
is verified by NIST SP 800-22 and NIST SP 800-90B tests. The numerous counters [4]. Therefore, the related TRNGs are not
proposed TRNG, fabricated in 130-nm CMOS, achieves state-
of-the-art energy of 0.186 pJ/bit at 0.3 V with a core (four power-efficient. Furthermore, the addition of a photomask [3]
ESs + XOR circuits) area of 661 μm2 and a total area of increases the manufacturing cost.
5561 μm2 , including VN8W. The robustness against power noise Thermal noise is present in all electrical circuits. Although
injection attacks is also demonstrated. An accelerating aging test the magnitude of its original noise is less than that of the
revealed that the TRNG achieves a stable operation after 19 h abovementioned noises, it can be directly amplified by an
of aging, which is equivalent to the 11-year life reliability. The
mismatch-to-noise ratio analysis revealed that the XOR-OUT amplifier [5] or a single inverter using multi-time amplifi-
of TRNG core has more than 6σ robustness against random cation [6]. In most cases, thermal noise is harvested indi-
mismatch variations. rectly, for example, jitter in ring oscillators (ROs) [5], [7],
Index Terms— Attack tolerant, cryptography, hardware secu- [8] or static random access memory (SRAM) bitline leakage
rity, latch, long-term reliability, low energy consumption, true current [9]; chaotic map with SAR ADC structure [10]; and
random number generator (TRNG). metastability in sense-amp [11] or in latches [12]– [18]. RO-
based TRNGs are frequently designed with simplicity and
I. I NTRODUCTION exhibit noise injection attack tolerance through an automatic
tuning loop [8]. However, many inverters in RO not only
H IGH entropy random numbers (RNs) are the founda-
tion of cryptographic systems. A pseudo-RN genera-
tor (PRNG) or a true RN generator (TRNG) can generate
occupy a large area but also consume a lot of power due to
successive charge and discharge during operation. By utilizing
the existing SRAM bitcell array, the design presented in [9]
them. A PRNG uses a deterministic algorithm, such as a
realized unified dynamic and static entropy generation with
hash function, to generate RNs. These RNs have good statis-
low area and design cost. The work presented in [10] achieved
tical quality. However, because of the algorithm’s knowledge,
an ultralow-power TRNG design by sharing an analog-to-
RNs are predictable, resulting in reduced security. On the
digital converter.
contrary, a TRNG utilizes physical device noise to generate
Latch-based TRNGs are a good fit for wide use due to
unpredictable true RNs, which is the root source of hardware
their low power consumption and small size. This is due to
the latch’s simple structure and the fact that data generation
Manuscript received 12 August 2021; revised 25 October 2021 and requires only a one-time voltage transition. However, a mis-
8 December 2021; accepted 16 December 2021. Date of publication 18 March match in the latch’s inverter pair biases the output, resulting in
2022; date of current version 25 July 2022. This article was approved by
Associate Editor Dennis Sylvester. This work was supported in part by ROHM low randomness. To overcome it, a capacitance-based charge
Company Ltd. and in part by the VLSI Design and Education Center (VDEC), pump in [12] and [13] is used. This analog method consumes
The University of Tokyo, in collaboration with Cadence Design Systems, Inc., space and power. The design in [14]–[16] requires a complex
and Mentor Graphics, Inc. (Corresponding author: Ruilin Zhang.)
The authors are with the Graduate School of Information, Production calibration circuit and feedback control loop to compensate for
and Systems, Waseda University, Kitakyushu 808-0135, Japan (e-mail: mismatches. 256 latches are needed in [17] to generate 1-bit; TRNG output.
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at In this article, based on [18], we propose a latch-based
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2021.3137312 TRNG without calibration and a feedback control circuit.
0018-9200 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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ZHANG et al.: 0.186-pJ PER BIT LATCH-BASED TRNG 2499

Fig. 1. Concept of mismatch compensation. (a) Inverter pair. (b) Conventional

method. (c) This approach. Fig. 2. ES latch circuit.

It is achieved by enhancing the noise-to-mismatch ratio in TABLE I

two ways. First, place an initial state point of metastable T RANSISTOR S IZE OF THE ES L ATCH C IRCUIT
operation S on a metastable point M and target for mismatch
self-compensation. Second, through resistance and capaci-
tance (RC) delayed feedback, damped oscillation in a single
inverter increases the random noise. The raw randomness of
the TRNG output in the presence of the process, voltage,
and temperature (PVT) is ensured via only 4-bit XOR post-
processing. An 8-bit von Neumann post-processing with wait-
ing (VN8W) [19], [20] is used for cryptography-grade full
entropy extraction.
The robustness against power noise injection attacks is also
verified. Furthermore, considering the randomness drop due to
wear-out, the accelerated aging test [21] is conducted, showing
that the proposed TRNG has an equivalent 11-year life span.
In addition, to verify the TRNG’s mismatch compensation
ability against random process variations, the mismatch-to-
noise ratio [22] is quantified both in measurement results and
stochastic calculations. The results show the TRNG’s high
robustness with a random variation tolerance of 6σ .
The remainder of this article is organized as follows.
Section II shows the proposed TRNG structure. Section III Fig. 3. Control signal waveform.
describes the random noise enhancement using the damped
oscillation system. Section IV presents the experimental results C G by gate capacitance, and three switches S1 –S3 . Sizes
and comparisons with previous works. Section V discusses of transistors are summarized in Table I. To overcome the
mismatch-to-noise ratio analysis. Finally, this article is sum- clock feedthrough-induced randomness drop, the switches
marized in Section VI. are designed with equal sizes of nMOS and pMOS pairs.
In addition, the common-mode feedthrough noise of the pair
of switches is canceled through the differential operation.
II. TRNG S TRUCTURE Although the circuit is designed to be symmetric, it still has
A. Latch-Based Entropy Source Circuit some residual systematic bias, which is relieved by noise
Fig. 1(a) shows the basic structure of a latch-based enhancement and taking the XOR of four ESs, as shown in
TRNG. Because of process variations, its voltage transfer Section V.
curves (VTCs) are asymmetric. Therefore, when a power-on The ES latch has two basic phases: the equalization phase
latch is used as the TRNG’s initial state, the final results will (S1 ON, S2 OFF) and the evaluation phase (S1 OFF, S2 ON).
be largely biased “1” bits or “0” bits, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Switch signals are generated by a clock driver from two inputs,
We propose that the initial state S is placed on the cross point CLK1 and CLK2, as shown in Fig. 3. Each switch signal
M, which is also known as the metastable point. The advantage includes a complementary pair. The SEN signal is used for
is that M is located in the watershed line of “1” and “0,” reading VGL and VGR differences using a sense circuit. There
even when the VTCs are changed because of device mismatch. is a short S1 OFF and S2 OFF phase between the equalization
Hence, the TRNG can produce an equal number of “1” and and evaluation phases to prevent their overlapping.
“0” bits. Furthermore, on M, the random noise is amplified,
as shown in Fig. 1(c). The proposed TRNG achieves mismatch B. Mismatch Compensation
self-compensation with low circuit effort in this way. The mismatch compensation is achieved in two steps.
Fig. 2 shows the proposed ES latch circuit. Each side Step 1 (Equalization Phase): The equalized voltages VeqL
includes a large resistor R by transmission gate with a and VeqR are stored on each side at C G and parasitic capaci-
10× longer gate length than the latch inverter, capacitor tance C D , as shown in Fig. 4(a).

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Fig. 7. Mismatch compensation efficiency versus C G .

Results of the transient simulation without noise for the

circuit with 20-mV nMOS artificial mismatch Vmis_n in Fig. 4
are summarized in Fig. 6. As C G increases from 5 to 40 fF,
Fig. 4. Two steps of mismatch compensation. (a) Equalization.
S gradually approaches M. Fig. 7 compares the simulation and
(b) Evaluation. theoretical results using (1).
There is a tradeoff between the mismatch compensation and
noise filtering effect for the size of C G . From compensation
efficiency, the mismatch (d) is inversely proportional to C G :
d ∝ (1 − ηcom ) ∝ (1/C G ). On the other hand, the thermal
noise power is expressed in (kT /C) considering a low pass
√ the thermal noise voltage σn is inversely
filtering by C. Then,
proportional to C G . The randomness of a latch circuit
output is evaluated by the mismatch-to-noise ratio (d/σn ) [22].
Fig. 5. Position of the initial state S. A smaller ratio is better √ for randomness. From the above
discussion, d/σn ∝ (1/ C G ). Thus, randomness is improved
using larger C G . However, larger C G consumes more power.
In this design, C G is set to 10 fF, achieving more than 60%
compensation efficiency, as shown in Fig. 7.

C. Noise Enhancement
The equalization phase is divided into a low-resistance (LR)
phase and high-resistance (HR) phase by turning S3 ON and
OFF , respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. During the LR phase, the
gate and drain voltages in each inverter are quickly equalized,
as shown in Fig. 8. The LR phase time should be larger than
the time in which the differences of the average drain and
Fig. 6. Position of S as a function of C G . gate voltages from the equilibrium condition become smaller
enough than the noise voltage. In the HR phase, a damped
oscillation is introduced by adding RC delay time in the
Step 2 (Beginning of the Evaluation Phase): VeqL and VeqR feedback loop. Small noise is amplified into large-amplitude
are used to set the initial state S (VeqR *, VeqL *) close to M, noise with a random phase. The details of noise enhancement
as shown in Figs. 4(b) and 5. are discussed in Section III.
The coordinate of M in the ideal case of infinity inverter
gain is (VeqR , VeqL ). The position of S is affected by C D D. Full Entropy Extraction
through charge redistribution. However, the initial S can be As shown in Fig. 9, we proposed a TRNG architecture to
placed close to M by setting C G  C D . Equation (1) shows ensure full entropy extraction under PVT variations. It con-
the compensation efficiency (ηcom ). As a result, the mismatch sists of a TRNG core block and a VN8W [19] post-processing
is self-compensated block. The TRNG core block includes four ESs and 4-bit XOR

VeqL ∗
− VeqR 1− CD circuits. Each ES is built with a CLK driver, an ES latch, and
ηcom  = ≈1− a sense circuit.
VeqL − VeqR 1+ CD
CG The randomness extraction process is divided into two
(when C G  C D ). (1) steps. In the first step, the four ESs are post-processed by

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ZHANG et al.: 0.186-pJ PER BIT LATCH-BASED TRNG 2501

Fig. 10. Half ES latch circuit with initial voltage setting switches for the
damped oscillation system analysis.

Fig. 8. Simulated noise waveforms in the equalization phase.

Fig. 11. Monte Carlo noise simulation of 100 runs under non-equilibrium
Fig. 9. Full entropy extraction structure. initial voltage.

4-bit XOR. This generates high- to middle-level randomness

raw outputs (XOR-OUT). Then, VN8W is used to remove
residual bias and correlations to obtain a cryptography level
full entropy bitstream (VN-OUT). Extraction efficiency (ExE)
is defined as m-bit VN-OUT over n-bit XOR-OUT. VN8W
achieves 62.21% ExE at zero input bias, which is 2.49× larger
than the original von Neumann method. While VN8W has a
larger area overhead, it brings higher throughput and higher
energy efficiency for the TRNG core. By using the low energy
implementation [19], total energy can be minimized.


To quantify the random noise enhanced by the damped Fig. 12. Random noise and damping ratio versus resistor gate length.
oscillation, we simulated a half ES latch circuit with two
identical switches, i.e., S, as shown in Fig. 10. Switch S
intentionally sets the initial voltage of VG and VD to Vinitial , Because of the non-equilibrium initial state, VD shows a
which is different from the equilibrium voltage Veq to analyze large swing at first and then exhibits damped oscillation. The
the damped oscillation system. Note that, by setting the LR damping ratio ζ can be derived from the waveform according
phase for the equilibrium initial state, the system will skip the to ln(A1 /A2 ) = 2πζ /(1 − ζ 2 )1/2 , where A1 and A2 are two
damped oscillation and go into a random noise dominant state successive peaks. When the oscillation swings decay, noise
immediately in the HR phase, as shown in Fig. 8. waveforms become dominant. Phases of noise waveforms are
Monte Carlo noise simulations of 100 runs are repeated observed to be random across the runs. The noise peak-to-peak
with the resistor gate length (L reg ) varying from 0.13 to 9 μm. voltage, Vpp, and root mean square σn are used to quantify
Fig. 11 shows the simulation waveforms when L reg is 5 μm. the noise level. Fig. 12 summarizes the average results of

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W HEN L reg = 5 μm

Fig. 13. Root mean square of noise voltage versus noise GF.

Fig. 15. Chip micrographs of the TRNG core and VN8W.

the corresponding R increases by the factor of 4kT R (V2 /Hz).

In the middle-frequency range, a mild peak in resonance with
damped oscillation appears. This part dominates the total noise
power. In the high-frequency range, L reg has little effect.
The bandwidth defined by 3 dB below the peak of PSD is
f L = 63.2 MHz and f H = 96 MHz, and f L = 58.7 MHz
and f H = 66.7 MHz when L reg = 5 and 7 μm, respectively.
Their f H / f L ratios of 1.52 and 1.14 are much larger than that
Fig. 14. PSD of random noise in the HR phase.
of full oscillation (<1.01 at L reg = 9 μm). Thus, as can be
seen from Fig. 11, even if phases are aligned in the beginning,
they become random in a few cycles.
100 runs. When L reg reaches 2 μm, the system changes from In this design, L reg is set to 5 μm (equivalent value is
overdamped (ζ > 1) to underdamped (0 < ζ < 1). The system 0.43 M at 1.0 V/27 ◦ C during the HR phase), which achieves
is in full oscillation state (ζ = 0) when L reg is 9 μm. In the 2.26-mV σn and 12.9-mV Vpp of random noise in simulation.
damped oscillation mode, as L reg increases, the Vpp and σn Compared with 0.13-μm L reg , both Vpp and σn are enhanced
values of random noise increase. Vpp is five to six times the by three times.
σn value.
The relationship between σn and the swings ratio a IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
(=A2 /A1 ) in the damped oscillation is investigated. We intro- The latch-based TRNG is designed and implemented in
duce a gain factor (GF) from an analogous to the sum of 130-nm standard CMOS technology. Fig. 15 shows chip
geometric progression, as shown in the following equation: micrographs of the TRNG core and VN8W. The TRNG core,
1 including four ESs and 4-bit XOR, occupied an area of
GF = . (2) 661 μm2 , which is 0.0391 × 106 F 2 when normalized with
the feature size F (130 nm in this case). VN8W occupied an
Fig. 13 shows a linear relationship between σn and GF. σn area of 4900 μm2 (0.2899 × 106 F 2 ).
of noise is enhanced with the GF. Table II summarizes the
simulation results of the half ES latch circuit. It indicated
stable random noise voltage across voltage and temperature A. Randomness Verification and Autocorrelation Check
variations. To verify the randomness of XOR-OUT and VN-OUT, 12
Fig. 14 shows the power spectral density (PSD) of random TRNGs in six chips are tested across a wide range of supply
noise with different L reg values. When L reg = 0.13 μm, the voltage VD D (0.3–1.0 V) and temperature (−20 ◦ C–100 ◦ C).
system is overdamped, and the PSD is nearly flat until reaching The average Shannon entropy of XOR-OUT and average min-
the cutoff frequency. When L reg = 5 and 7 μm, the system is entropy (=− log2 max(P1, 1 − P1), where P1 is the probabil-
underdamped, and noises are shaped with damped oscillation. ity of “1”) of VN-OUT variations on VD D and temperature are
The flat PSD in the low-frequency region grows as L reg , and shown in Fig. 16(a) and (b), respectively. The Shannon entropy

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ZHANG et al.: 0.186-pJ PER BIT LATCH-BASED TRNG 2503



gate voltages. Fig. 17 shows that XOR-OUT autocorrelation

factors are located in the 95% confidence interval. Meanwhile,
VN8W also has a de-correlation capability [19], which further
enhances the quality of the TRNG output.
The NIST SP 800-22 test site [23] is used to evaluate
randomness. The condition to pass a test is P − value ≥ 0.01.
The results for a total 12M bits of VN-OUT under low-voltage
corner 0.3 V/20 ◦ C and a total 16M bits of VN-OUT under
temperature corners 0.5 V/−20, 100 ◦ C, as summarized in
Table III, demonstrate the randomness of the TRNG. The
Fig. 16. Randomness verification (a) under voltage variations and (b) under related NIST SP 800-90B IID test [24] results are summarized
temperature variations. in Table IV.

is greater than 0.90, excluding the point at 0.4 V/20 ◦ C, which B. Energy Consumption and Throughput
is 0.898. After VN8W post-processing, the min-entropy of Fig. 18 shows the AC characteristics of one TRNG chip. The
VN-OUT is greater than 0.978 for approximately 6k random TRNG core current and cycle time versus supply voltage are
bitstream, which is within the stochastic error and high enough shown in Fig. 18(a). About 50% of cycle time was used for LR
for cryptography applications. time to ensure the equilibrium condition. The related energy
Bit correlation is another problem limiting many TRNGs, consumption of XOR-OUT, VN-OUT, and the total energy,
which can degrade the quality of TRNG raw output. In this including VN8W post-processing, is shown in Fig. 18(b). The
study, a correlation problem is avoided by maintaining a proposed TRNG achieved a minimum energy consumption
sufficient LR phase time, i.e., fully equalizing the drain and of 0.186 pJ/bit at 0.3 V: 0.114 VN-OUT + 0.072 VN8W.

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Fig. 17. Autocorrelation check result.

Fig. 19. Power noise injection attacks. (a) Supply noise frequency depen-
dence. (b) Supply noise voltage Vpp dependence. (c) Bit map.

Fig. 18. AC characteristics. (a) Current and cycle time. (b) Energy

growth step. This frequency range covers the simulated noise

The energy consumption of VN8W is smaller than that of bandwidth of f L = 7.9 MHz and f H = 18 MHz at 0.7 V.
TRNG core (VN-OUT). If the original von Neumann was The noise voltage is 0.2-V peak-to-peak. Fig. 19(a) shows the
applied, the energy of only VN-OUT would exceed 0.28 dependence of the probability of “1” (P1) of XOR-OUT on
(0.114 × 2.49) pJ/bit. After VN8W post-processing, the final the noise frequency. Several peaks and bottoms were observed
throughput is 0.00787 Mb/s at 0.3 V and 2.39 Mb/s at 1.0 V. in the frequency range of 1–10 MHz, but P1 remained within
0.3–0.8. We selected four peak position frequencies (1.192,
2.810, 4.114, and 6.800 MHz) and implemented the attack
C. Power Noise Injection Attack under noise Vpp variations from 0 to 0.6 V. As summarized
A TRNG may lose randomness under a noise injection in Fig. 19(b), the Shannon entropy slightly drops at 0.2 and
attack. The power noise injection attack has been reported to 0.6 Vpp. However, after VN8W post-processing, the average
affect RO-based TRNG [25]. To verify this attack tolerance, min-entropy is 0.999 at both 0.2 and 0.6 Vpp. Randomness
one chip with two TRNGs (#1, #2) is measured under a is verified by NIST SP 800-22 tests, as shown in Table V.
supply noise frequency range of 0.1–59.335 MHz with a 1.1× It also passed all NIST SP 800-90B IID tests, as shown

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ZHANG et al.: 0.186-pJ PER BIT LATCH-BASED TRNG 2505


Fig. 20. Shannon entropy versus aging time for (a) single ES output: ES-OUT
and (b) 4-bit XOR output: XOR-OUT.

after 19 h of aging. However, the XOR-OUT Shannon entropy

is always greater than 0.9 before and after 19 h of aging
[see Fig. 20(b)]. This indicates that the TRNG has an equiva-
lent life of approximately 11 years under the nominal operating
condition of 0.6 V/25 ◦ C [21].

E. Comparisons
Table VII summarizes the comparison with previous works.
The proposed TRNG operates across a wide voltage and
temperature range without any calibration or feedback control.
in Table VI. One 10k bitmap under a noise frequency of Although the throughput is not high compared with works
4.114 MHz/0.6 Vpp is shown in Fig. 19(c). in [9], [11], and [16], it has the smallest energy of 0.186 pJ/bit.
The wide bandwidth of the damped oscillation and their Its robustness against power noise injection attacks is verified.
frequency variations among eight feedback inverters within Furthermore, the equivalent 11-year life reliability of the
a TRNG core due to random V th variation performed well TRNG is confirmed.
to avoid a rapid entropy degradation and enhance tolerance
against the power noise injection attack. V. M ISMATCH - TO -N OISE R ATIO A NALYSIS
In this section, the mismatch-to-noise ratio is analyzed to
D. Long-Term Reliability
discuss robustness against random process variations. Accord-
The performance of the CMOS circuit may degrade over ing to the model, the latch output is “1” when the sum
time. To verify long-term reliability, an accelerated aging test of mismatch and noise voltages is positive, and assuming a
is conducted on one chip with two TRNGs by maintaining Gaussian noise voltage distribution, the relationship between
the supply voltage at 2.0 V and the ambient temperature at the probability of “1” P1 and the mismatch-to-noise ratio is
125 ◦ C without clock inputs for a long period. Fig. 20(a) expressed in the following equation [22]:
and (b) shows the average Shannon entropy of four ES  
outputs (ES-OUT) and two XOR-OUT versus the aging time, P1 =  (3)
respectively. At each data point, the TRNG is measured at VD D σn
from 0.5 to 0.8 V at 25 ◦ C. Fig. 20(a) shows that ES-OUT where d represents the mismatch, σn stands for the root
entropy becomes better after 11 h of aging and slightly drops mean square of the noise voltage, and (x) is the cumulative

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Fig. 21. ExE of VN8W and target range.

distribution function of the normal distribution N (0, 1). There-

fore, by taking the inverse function −1 (P1), the mismatch-
to-noise ratio can be quantified. To realize ExE of 50% or Fig. 22. Measurement results of d/σn , (a) ES-OUT @ HR = 0 μs,
(b) ES-OUT @ HR = 2 μs, (c) XOR-OUT @ HR = 0 μs, and
more by VN8W post-processing, P1 of XOR-OUT bitstream (d) XOR-OUT @ HR = 2 μs.
should satisfy 0.27 ≤ P1 ≤ 0.73 [19] (see Fig. 21). Thus,
d/σn should be located within the interval of [−0.61, 0.61]
[where 0.61 = −1 (0.73)]. ES-OUT @ HR = 0 μs has μ = −0.927 and σ = 1.335,
To analyze the effect of damped oscillation on noise which is reduced to nearly half by introducing HR time (2 μs)
enhancement and 4-bit XOR, ten chips with 20 XOR-OUT for noise enhancement. The d/σn ratios are further improved
and 40 ES-OUT are measured at 0.6 V/20 ◦ C under HR = by applying 4-bit XOR. XOR-OUT achieved μ = −0.118
0 μs (without noise enhancement) and HR = 2 μs (with (0.127× of ES-OUT), σ = 0.358 (0.268×) @ HR = 0 μs,
noise enhancement, 4× larger than the nominal condition for μ = −0.0396 (0.0568×), and σ = 0.0812 (0.105×) @ HR =
sufficient margin under chip variations), respectively. For each 2 μs. When we consider 6σ random variation for the case of
cell output, 200k bits are recorded to calculate the P1 value. mass production, μ ± 6σ ranges from −0.5268 to 0.4476.
The distribution histograms of d/σn are shown in Fig. 22. This is within the target range of ±0.61.

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ZHANG et al.: 0.186-pJ PER BIT LATCH-BASED TRNG 2507

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[24] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2018). NIST SP Kunyang Liu (Member, IEEE) received the B.E.
800-90B: Recommendation for the Entropy Sources Used for Random Bit degree in electronic and information engineering
Generation. [Online]. Available: from the South China University of Technology
sp/800-90b/final (SCUT), Guangzhou, China, in 2015, and the M.E.
[25] A. T. Markettos and S. W. Moore, “The frequency injection attack on and Ph.D. degrees from the Graduate School of
ring-oscillator-based true random number generators,” in Cryptographic Information, Production and Systems, Waseda Uni-
Hardware and Embedded Systems. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2009, versity, Kitakyushu, Japan, in 2017 and 2021,
pp. 317–331. respectively.
He has been with the Information, Production
and Systems Research Center, Waseda University,
since April 2021, where he is currently an Assis-
tant Professor. His current research interests include physically unclonable
function (PUF) circuit design, PUF post-processing techniques, true random
number generator (TRNG) circuit design, and hardware security.
Dr. Liu was a recipient of the IEEE SSCS A-SSCC Student Travel Grant
Award in 2018 and the IEEE Fukuoka Section Excellent Student Award in
2020. He also serves as a Reviewer for the IEEE J OURNAL OF S OLID -S TATE
Ruilin Zhang (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) C IRCUITS .
received the B.S. degree from the Beijing Uni-
versity of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China,
in 2015, and the M.S. degree from Waseda Univer-
sity, Fukuoka, Japan, in 2017, where she is currently Hirofumi Shinohara (Member, IEEE) received the
pursuing the Ph.D. degree. B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering
Her current research interests include true random and the Ph.D. degree in informatics from Kyoto
number generators (TRNGs) design, TRNG post- University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1976, 1978, and 2008,
processing, and hardware security. respectively.
In 1978, he joined the LSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi
Electric Corporation, Itami, Japan, where he was
involved in the research and development of Metal
Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) static random access
memories (SRAMs), memory compilers, logic build-
ing blocks, and neuro-chips. From 2003 to 2009,
he was engaged in the development of basic logic circuits, memory macros,
and design methodology for advanced CMOS technologies in Renesas Tech-
nology Corporation, Itami. He moved to the Semiconductor Technology
Research Academic Center (STARC), Yokohama, Japan, in 2009 and directed
Xingyu Wang (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) a joint research project on extremely low-power circuits and systems that
received the B.S. degree in advanced energy material operate near/sub-threshold regions with universities in Japan. Since 2015,
and devices from Southeast University, Nanjing, he has been a Professor with the Graduate School of Information, Production
China, in 2018, and the M.S. degree in electri- and Systems, Waseda University, Kitakyushu, Japan. His current research
cal engineering from Waseda University, Fukuoka, interests include energy-efficient random circuits for security, such as physical
Japan, in 2019, where he is currently pursuing the unclonable functions, true random number generators, and low-power analog
Ph.D. degree. circuits.
His research interests include hardware security Dr. Shinohara has been serving on the International Technical Program
and mixed-signal VLSI design. Committee of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits (ISSCC) since
2017 and the IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation
and Test (VLSI-DAT) since 2016.

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