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acum 5 luni
Also in the same process....L.A has become really difficult to live in. I noticed it even more when
my car died on me and I was taken public trans. A lot of mentally ill in the busses, I got attacked
while waiting for one. Another thing also I noticed, people have become very arrogant and rude.
Almost like NY. Everyone is in survival mode, arrogance, thinking they are somebody better.
Difficult to form new friendships. I came also almost 17 years ago from much further, Europe,
and the first 10 years it was O.K. but it has changed to the worst now. Everywhere now tent
cities in the city. Everything dirty. Streets smell piss and poop, so many mentally sick on the
street. I don't feel safe anymore. I had so many dreams when I came here, but I take the
experience and move on and go to take care of my elderly mom. It will be hard, and cold too, but
its O.K. Its time to be with family and time to start a new and better chapter. Another factor also,
you cant live forever in a small bachelor or with roommates, even with a good job, you can't
afford anything, and for what, pay $2-3000 a month and live with tents on your street? Its o.k
when you in 20, or 30s, but once you start to realize you getting older & perhaps wiser, you can
not live forever like this.....
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acum 5 luni
RoseNewAge yes. Exactly what you just said. I get it completely. I made it to the East coast and am at my parents home. Yes it’s colder but
guess what...It’s nice! Family dinners, people to talk too, safer, cleaner, cheaper and new adventures. You can do it!

OG Fingers FB
acum 6 luni
Don't blame you at all for leaving, I live in Joshua tree CA and go to the comedy store in Hollywood all the time for years, just went
for a visit, first time since covid, place looked crazy homeless zombies everywhere, Junkies everywhere, my normal hotel I stay at
looked like a homeless hotel, with no tourist being there all you see is craziness, place had a weird vibe, woke up early from my
hotel and got the hell out of there.

acum 5 luni
I'm in Philadelphia, and met a couple who moved from San Francisco to
Philadelphia. The company they worked for moved to PA. I was kind of shocked
Cali going through so much
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acum 5 luni
whatever you understand ca to be going through right's worse

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