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Search engines like Google don't typically personalize search results based on your past

searches.exclamation This means that every time you search for something, it treats it as a new
query and tries to find the most relevant results based on the keywords you use and various other
ranking factors.

However, there are ways to influence what you see on subsequent searches:

● Use specific keywords: When you use specific and relevant keywords in your search query, you're
more likely to get the same results or similar ones on subsequent searches because the search
engine understands your intent better.
● Refine your searches with filters: Most search engines allow you to filter your search results by
date, source, and other criteria.expand_more Using these filters can help you narrow down the
results and find the ones you're most interested in.expand_more
● Bookmark relevant websites: If you find a website that has great information on a topic you're
interested in, bookmark it so you can easily access it again in the future.
● Use a search history manager: Some browsers allow you to manage your search
history.expand_more This can be helpful for revisiting past searches and finding websites you
may have forgotten about.expand_more
● Explore through related searches: Search engines often display "related searches" at the bottom
of the search results page.expand_more Clicking on these links can lead you to new and relevant
information on the same topic.
● Use a private browsing window: If you're concerned about your search history influencing your
results, you can use a private browsing window. This will prevent the search engine from storing
your search history.expand_more

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