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\ iw 8 DP, u What i one Trnage Prowstug? 4 Module Ling hee Digital Lmnage Fundamertols _—<———————— * When GY» % uw litude ke atu) oll iale ,duses quantities » TN" shun Ye ‘aware bd. ov digi imcage » ae The 1h 4 digftos, Mage “proce ieg vejos +o preeeied | Aigito’ images log meant ae cligitol compu aA digital frwage ‘6 caniptse bake. juale nurhoe % elernar oowh' # eS 0 eM enon b vale The olonunrte O% rele elemala vTmage demon elemnonlé pels, on Oe re | #¥ Pixel x team mest ig Us * Oe vy mest advanced OWN Lod & ro nese Trphtouct eee pa noe Pe tio . However, uako © rae visual reel Em specu cove: almost the evttive. Zh pedir, orang gor 24 ed, to denote He ON www "ho og These tvclude bbroc Sound, oledtion microscope hoe aenstatad tmage. us, oligited ‘may f gira! JE Proc oRKi f x: ee ae 0 (ele * Ti : eet i6 a cliseiplivg fv which bol Me Inu & op qa rae Ose ances * Te oa tmaage aualwis fies in bho image processing & compli vikion ( ee il . od lO Plies, 3 iuvolve image precegi ao, move , conten st enhavament & im No. ouing « Bote wee? 4, |p or fusoges w tao Yet rae, svolves Toss wee ‘ae Ob deAcipnion 2eNh A h din duitalde 46% gant ess ts clounigicot a Dn His, ips axe Tages , bu $ mortrovted om theme Taaages (ip _ as haul Of individual, objeats). ps “maki Aowhe on a” ie 4 obieels Me Se Bess : An ade re Yikion! digital f 7g 12 Heoul- ! corgi w ib -lext, The rowtih mache wo 4 = dext, peed image ) extracting (aguas He indivi ee dysuibiug tue clhuagostas iv Ceyin. & recog tata ug fs dest Maing Jevde 4 contint 4 pas aR by Weewest as hing fw Yue CloMALY; ‘a , oe ae & avn couple Widlon oe on We | el of onyp ei, "2 The he One vs a Digital Eriape aereose i Prowsing | ps >E The Sinet application cdigitet 1 eg wad in " industry, when Ppieuet Use, a Aent Py dubmanur cable bry bondi & Newyork. © oY Snivoduetion Bartle cable picture wre Hum fr i ne ee peoluted Hre tro Required to port a pela Fon pom mote fia, a week 46 “Tes Hlean oe | Speci obi ged wipment code prevectes x9 @ tun tam ah aabessoph ei rd « Tha Oe aeProviug viewed 9 quality Bits pehaes eae elated ® pie pg Pea ae otistsi bution based om ~~ Yatth in | © Wan priutig metiod. protec la a i, topes peyotoded at vs ip teinaiwal. The imeprovest 2 boas c tol gal ne md Bastlone ve Usene le cod Tis sofas ates agg sia tots 99° 4p A tn Mad. jigitol 4 use 40 wue A sabe in ia oe digitet Tauape ie GBiwip Was been sevetopeosut Sf ottal computes ext Sere yee that Webucle dota AtRage te Y & tours wuiKslo9 | 4 The hanes of, VST ¥ ULsL_im M06 bag edt {fp tthe cleckiomaguahc S ae Tae: yee aaa ae Cemupuert Red Aviad Timo grap atte catted, “Compudttiged Terno cayplen (CT) tg west athpettars event in application 4 wu q protein tn medical ahi CAT fo @ proces jr ulkich a vi Aetectods oncivelts an object (A patiout”’) % an Xa FOUN , Tondic sith detect vi ug , votes about ~te object. e Thus j= 1960s unt! te yeu, Re BOG oor : wat igen Sea “ - The wrtinul declivng im eee a emp pale dios peerage SN expansion. metioliid + comm '? Br) wo. Me low) ie taller eee Crecded [pt Arwnitis 4 5 coved ee aT Digital t Ad OSS gifal oage pomrrg | Evanples_ of Fields yse Digital Twage Procestira' use opplications Oke explain. N e as Onectf the Atuap lest yoo, to develop a basic dot ap Ye, Octet Of fracge precelsiid, (3 Here, fo calaghize im accerding, to Huir Aouxce (6.9. visual, x-vaip, & kom): e4 in we to Te princpal ene ay Rouse 4% fuas ; f Apectoum . Oe, Souter |. jp Wirokmic % elecltonio. Syntshc tnolude anouttic ay G Vsuligation oe eect Smwanes, wok ‘modelin Be pul # 4 ' EM voaves Can be conceptual ded a4 prepagioan ape sea Siruacidal woes 4 et wsavelergtis sean bx throug at 6 8 O& Aron { moseles pagheles cade travelino an a weaweike pattean & eid ug at He Apes ty, sue ete mass les posticle emtrius a certain amon (a bndle) a onstgg Fou unde. 4 ong 1 ited a. photon. |B! auclude * ico user tmagtng boned mm pene: rays er aithonerial obcewatie couch % to tuject= O cpatient (ith. & wOdioortive isotope qrok emi gamma vous at it dap. Dogs sp ope pom Wan vemidsions eollecte on vay, detectors . . ye Another MYR modality nuclease huaging celled positeon emission tome (PET). Th tis , the pattetay % aver. & wadloachve ‘Aotope Juot emila pesitwons aa it Ceca When a positeon meets On eleckoon , bot, ene cletoctect vo i image by otal wa Ho baste. pune 4 tomo 3.8 Xorg Tonagog— Xv are we cldest Aowreet_y EM radiation ured foi ° ‘ a i Ag. The best Known woe fe 6 enrdico! diagnosis 5 alto wed tn trdustry & axias 8 [ike aaternomy e ; ae Xo ~wauys ynedical & juolustsial fm Ser F truoe , Wich 8 0 pat ee" wsngion & & anode. The cotuode. th Ee. to ro releaaed, There , Septic Apeed. to Ww pest Brrrke a _nuclens noleaned tt fu ste x postiation . The eniegy ( (pereteotling, pousex x-T0yp ye coudonll ry a Goto applieol casts a anole 5 We nel sf ew % ee by 2 sia applied ene, due. planet fa He cotiode : aa tal images O8 Olbrtained, by % In digirals Lito ty oat relies Ww ny, bigitigl Aro Aiton a “Huot pus Hol sow count a low ot high je! anode. Khun oo nt wr " psn oS Pi oe ee taal on protphat Tegan $s = Nat - The ifs P einiuin i oo lta = eusitive dt else. casteun . Te cottuter ig Headed into the blood, VEER y to aug +o he Audie. When He cotuater seoulat the Lite andes: fuvetigation O° xray coutroutt amodiura inlet tot! fue cawutes . Ts anhonees covtrost 64 He Sie vowels & enddoles Hue mactiologiat: to hee ty ~ bl eS. Vrvegubaaitir ca eben * The best Known e aut woes of ete gi oT imagenine ‘Sires pce ot. the, patie WRNous Slice 4 ee = Sita is red ae ce es eh tudes & a TD xenditon % Manne | potent att ae cogr tution long, peat. | +o Ie m0. 1 1a imag +oKun. - 1.3.3 Dmeging, fo He Ultraviolet Baral i on vsosied TOY fudué x Appieations eueraiotel ‘Ugut ue * tei ot ind es a HPI lanes > Viren Cosme gay Stel = observations * urel uBier comer microscopy When @ a “ee ‘alee idled warts or electro ‘> . yor uttsoviolee IR 4 yew level Susseguattly, ye exci eae tt, aL & emia ligt fa Hat fu the visible (wed) ligh , x-rays in medical a ig tO woe ¢ exdiolial ligt to verotiole & ee fio ade Nght frre bri HAUS y "9 ee abet ta he eye d ofl dlote chy aD Reever Pe ee Ea CU Darkghound pote Lufficiuct couliazt to bit Aateehon Tg, oonKer the backgrounel bf due ronflunes cust mateo He mee epgteienet fle lucha, na Traging tu Haw visible Tnjrwted Bawls t pe The Mtraret baud 1% often ured in oy undion Wit. igual iwsnging- . IF s ne ae et i ao & Tugrosed, peqic Y botow swort He qhomotie b ge Table Lawp sat sadteltile - OQ Biomox Ss | EhOe]ivve } enor“ | Moi, tue | &oi] Suge Sot] movstre| thewnrot I. nappy | 12.8 Trneugng, fee taowout, CONE eg » Tue dow appl” ‘ca ig in mminowave bat 12 redox t Tue unique pee 4 tag ug, odo if tb ability te Cn mui git anima a ds “4 alto penasdlen 2 yorayee of auibiens | ei podas, wICUNs coun wjahim,ice & ecteonrely, dey eed, exp Re) Hea.sceeie & Rodan i4 He to mea Bit en nw 1 5a hax perks ie « a Alash nah wo. fu ri provides th oun ee an os an aca oat gourd G rok phot | 2. Instead i m0 ee Seno im =6proc Ca to. & ih nein oa | r pote hee He microwcuse 1 yuo radar audenna® band or0 fr angie wu radi oe In: medias, oie yoauses O42 wrod im vreau rwebnOune (MRI). THOS Jechnique placseo ient iw Oo Ca al magut z pos arseh valid yoo thy! bib Rh bod, yn Abit pues. Rach ae COLNE Q see ule yadio Woues irut eue the location iil LE & thar 4 ‘PP producee a d pi i ‘prone qt. wu wre pickianes iw ant pase 1.3.4 Farge, Oe used eae ae oy, te 1 ‘lst BOs, 4 Syteto (op B-§ wage 4, iucaging < "coud. ” duds In iu eplogival wg sa” as OB eg _Tmagias a Modolities ove * soot explosion 5 iuctuuaherp op % ‘medicine 01h amosine 4 Bi TO: x Geological opp in ‘sre fourral mo ond ap som Mbp. Pa Otis Gpettrum (nusratieots 04 12) noite 7m oroa, use utteaso cued (webliivns O¢ H8) * W peas eyppln’'s ty mar fod ae, eon 6 in Aex_cletet os a. beh RA seas elector oe 2 CTEM) dlide, ject OR - Ing elector ary bre wars | om e. =m works mucly LiKe OT a TV ; i quot ase nor el 4 a ra cpa pan ot strilci example a 3 Bol np A fractal OM hens dust ono a powic poder acer dug tho Adve, Madlenote rules. ge Oe Arsucrused appro ch to nda ee 0 utr Ves ta 32D modell de 9 He J hate shes arch ah vi 4 mS duth 8 civdual terensias % Sperkal eh}: bas tH the Simplest rd dossied a to wg Toole Ce e_ onan tern: bt eee tae oe “casei eee sas usp aie atti dust ae as io ant e Cole | wocesingd ts an asea wat has been Pos oe couse, Aiguiniraut theserae wm qe woe Oo cigital | ColR 1% wad ag We _bavis aii ty vex ue tubionel. extoreti ca treo’ 4 sSeLestantn GAN aa ge * solution ABo wed foi f and p fu vebich innages oe Salter region’. AO *¥ Cua i familia do most users Gf comApute ns” ee uc Os Hae extengion unad tn Wwe Components oO 9 io: zt ie > hwo element am 0 i, by tae object w9e of Aig ttt it a device rretting ts Op OF sae pageicod 4G dolce ‘als digital fn org a digital video are ee Ta oun eboetet col outpue —propetion! a "3 ee ae gee ei ° outpuls to digital dak 3 Speool ed = in ow exo. at ctiaed Yee sages on quickig ep ; poduetion TOS Beli end i < Ho 1 Ie “4 HIVE IVEY A LUG PIAS , 1H) WH") Woe ‘wtennity 8) ead pixel fe an &bit Wot Bee Dre mega je 4 {a el i fe i A f¢ wot Covupressed , me vol B evan. rillirns, a feng, providing oe coe fu an tage processi ug fystun tO be & ty Cp Shett -teun stekage et pol nott @) Oncline Sthkage Jot velatt (2) exchival Setage fe ES a by Fupreqponte access + One method44 pore Abate ~ ney Rae, 15 conmpuba monty * eal ah e Bue KR moe Mag A ce thot Ate access ek saptdly at vies a Conryrln metiod Foutoneous Imape pmol vad as egontor, £hipls) - Froune louffers Oxce uted fn spectoig ed ange pgcces hard wat peti 4 2 tomes fe cama y magnetic — . iged mmawive . et ehnga 4 chrorooter ¥ eee i sie but Myrequert ne acces! Naghve eee housed. Tm "\ukebort or, woul wreck oy a anclivel applications. re Tnewie cltaplays ln woe tod axe, mainly colo evewniie Meniteas ore Agee. boy o) ‘N ss bool!) Of. tmougen % wee ells plan enrds twat ote an Haga pou sue MW 14 necesad lalate Ane cons 5 gysem. dn gt ereo clidplays ond Hrue axe fi lomescted fr dea fim 6 headgear tontotuig hwo Amal olispla Wet. annbedded. tn qoqg'es won hy +o * Maid copy ctovices Jo% ssvoo' oli i egcindude Laren prrwldus pile cores » Feat “beste aul oF ails h,, cugitedaunt Auras optical fajee wl Cb"ROM cLUKKS. a networking 16 a.dfault- pure tr ore conpuls | System jn we jody. Beeaure 4 lasge ammount _ rdohions , He ke Avirerent 14 ) @ cons appli censideration ee e, ne foandwidt. In r dedicated nw’) teotly uw not apron” { aa, vomote S118 vio We quiere always of ogpicrend. THI ito a frapwov' wekty mo % wert Of optic fiber is Owe et feehnolog (4: 1G Bremen 6 Visual Pecception’ | Atxough wt cligtral | e const ied is built o” a oda Pet cs uo babilict gins humour tubulttrn ralysis ploy, 4 Frole tn ius Solon Of st technique verss anol an te made based m ‘ub ecti ve visual judgments. Heuer , developing a borte wdersavding of coantten Hae, divst Mep 1 undusstand the fmHage promi. From reat acim” ee, compoaison between how hunan and. electronic Tmaging. adapt to chousges tn fluminad’er, and sesolubion 1% res +o Mud: Wl Ghruchwe 9 Hoe Human E4ES™ bv! oc trib x / datetish chai : ine EN eet muscle AC A ie S WA wr i Bgeia A o> pes } et Racy Sheath Fig: Crmapligied diogeom > & cans ection a | human eye Peer eye bm 0 APWHe ) Waly Cun ONELOGS ctiamele_6 approxten 20mm. ag Thee monubrones oncloie, dina eye 1 the “Crhinoor 4 ae chitold g tue seta . Theee meron ‘Solero’ pudel cover ', | * The cha % tough ,pranspatant t4sue +4ar coveL® the auctetio’ Ae i due cai de tonkivous wil cotnua ) toe Scleeg ih ow O ue menbrone yuot encloses ye woncin det oi te optic loke- ae Tre cleeRoiot_ lies directly. below dus seletor This memb coutas O& yetwAk blood vessels toc Ave a fue. may Bousee nutrihen to UL cee The chido cook 18 heavily. pigraauted anol heute bt i ee extraneous lta ee lobe. He lacks alter wiitan Haye ti eee Fe ihoidt aivided aK The, lent fe -madeup of concentric louy ets 4 bar is A ed. spas quar attach * cose 6. us pens fou. ~ Ae eae, jue tory body. Tt contours % mie poe ; The tunes most membranrt a eye fs tue wetina walls entire yori hues We ae u . b, eHe w ppg hae Qn object? % i oo Hua, vetina, . eided by. 1, distri bution Hy tub fuNioce of wetina. Iaglat gonesin Vein 4 Oth Aanete fight recepiths over *Thete. ase, pee CLLLYSES Op peveviuey) wee D pills The comes fu each ue number sansa Gat million “They, ase locectect prinanaily ja dean covetro, porbon | , de vetina , ceulecl ‘Hu fovea, , 4 aie hight es, +o colo, Muscles comtoallt ya eye yott eyeball wat} qe 1 t an EF sic qutevest P Lotopic a on tue fovea » Comm ce 16 Brigit= lege aio ton). Roda ore yer te so million fy muse or distributes over a wetinal oN Border ewe to i Hts view, pa Or & om! ae a not ive in eae iive__to low ley Tumduoction. Fe example, obese puck apperre bei “tated tr day -Tgut” oA a col lets geen by moonlight opp ie ee’ y becauoe oly jun rods NOU ‘7g seo topic # din-lighet vision 14 Kno’, rods & cones Ae a oe, He lens an! “Hae {on * tig below ALD as £echiom “o4 y ie awiug, tr al ence Se, phe nerve ©4507 tue ee. ern: 8 0 ty tt : a ‘Deguecs a yuuol arts (ce aS ee Fig. Diste} bution of ous & cores Mn my — wenng ~The absete ot weceptrs th tuigaren wverulla fn Lo-couled blind spor. Except ts 7 (on te dist bution veceptors gy, vodlally Aymmetric olbout ue fever. Recep tos olenei 5 measued Kees foom Hw Loven, » Tre Cones ore most dense fu due center Pat eany Thanos Aone ale, tr densi dyom center out 0 2a axis & tun decvea in dleusilg out to extrema, peuuphery af Hep veting loo Lmage Famotion qu the Rye t= ee qu Figs Grapricot eprexerstonion oj toe eye looking ok ox -pohm twee Peint poe optical, cont. Se leas. ‘ +e The diAtaee between tue counter ; kee , sottuo (cousd que forat legit) vases som Approx [me to about Iymm, as He ire eee spouse ae le fnexeo4s tte mivirmwun to tty Maximum. when He eye chek pn Oh object fartiase OWA yuo woul 3m die led exlilil® fe lovocst repeat iu qowe, wlan ta oye geouts es m ce neaibg apject, 2 le ie Fyve. Thige ; yr lems 1, most Breer eee” J v makes it easy, to cal ao b= amine GY setinal lends af any Objet. ‘" To x . te opsewver fs looking at a tree Sm . \ivatrerane nf ionm. TL hove tho healt 10 mm, squat Object” qm que wenual eae Cre J td i 15h —phagssmn: YET 0° AS pee es, fue, sehual eb Primasaly, | in i ephio a. Pere fe cacitaton g Hae ie ett elects cal takes place ae votrtle ei coil OG adel by Ha Trapulacs yuat ode vtiontely Giscodled by Hue bai 16,3 Buiguiness Adaption % Discrinanations-— * We Bee o Wight fulnsity levela 40 vil eee human vitual 4 fern cour t % enr*mous— aon te 4 I hom He nig thneso)dh, Lint. S to He ee «K Ex erimmentol- evidence udieates that Subj eutive C erceived by tte an qatrgily 8 (eG ao fabio es : 40) % ident (me Eig: Subjecti 4 ad Rouge 8 Subjective, Inlghineds souations dhowohg a. pails 7 ge fucken oy veLtsud * ri. pelow shows 4 plot Ht Subjects br igqutnes. the cue x Be cenaen wow He ples (eS +o wich que vital Syston ¢ e % obo vigion olore tee yor acoto pic to photo pi wroxt ote ic vision acterpt . In proto pie 108 Tue Pwansihon rn Over e.vel too! emititambeir (-3 to -Lmb th lagseals ag te double boanohts oy ee potion Owe in ! que wowge show. RT sneval fysto acpmplidhes yodiation b, tn ats overall Aenattivlg . TWA pista is hate brightnes toction level , notice may cotetpond ff ee to forighiness a to HA: ‘ ‘ Jone shit Tutarecting cue epresels eres 5 Yat te eye con heen 4g Tate estric Cont AaX O- opaoyr® ¢ a. Jight Soe nolo pit sity con 40s aid wy added or fu {oa A Bvalt- duration tat appears fw oe. 64 a og a circle 1% re, CULAR 6 tae, wnitdunly T thm peel ene yp te uanisioly Thmual ta bigs Basic expeimantad. Abtup und to Mhareicbense panes Arectiviuativa . * AL & not bright enough MH Aubleck says le 2. Ae bt gle” Kao”, mdicating Sop ¥ uw, foe Subj eH ae OO PEsithne vesponse ttyeg 9, fnsieatt “9 a perceived 2. Fivwally, won AT ts Strwnd, enough , tue dudbjeck WM give, a vreaponse 64 yee)” pull He He. | * The quesily Ate |x of cowled. Hue Weber vatio. i Ue pocvement of Ftumt adi on © yy dae te wit. paukgreurel din vivanable pol 5 tundvation Mandy Ginil, voloe | BTafar ne ot @ tm tlnui te disor most, e e eee Pee eweut ““pood* beige oth i age els A means Hao ge cs ange. fu teasity & senutved Tas pepres "pooh beiguinees _aigei rvivaation, * A Pl ipoy of lo AT, [2,0 a i Wun quisal la as Alou fan. t Hea = has > amet fol) es 1S et — log t Bye Typical weber ratio 08 & jurehon i fabs bj digvinnruocion t % “Tus curve sous bright An q i soves Bt pene ago a aig mec % agp ee Aarne The eA two be jour tat ot ene fUundivadion Vision “ Braet ose by aw = guanecis) ota TNR. level i, ul Kaye aod sation » Bh natal comst gs ee wept of ott ouxce, , wan Of of {asking hee a totol aa! ae ion Iucwean! sala 1M ao wane” eoioe + Me oe a con cea sil ee meant , © pron | ‘aietijoost tae wok gue pout in & qnenoenomne eae, ux ws i pnovble contour fapoble, Jetect! ob) me sso ae youose Ove Trcteud Wr resented by. ypucer tor approximuadtly toe dozer level - *e Toon amena clearly deméushede Hol- %Y praceived bri ightness i not a fi f ae fc of li Psruuttareows course. e The Hirst % boned pn tte Jot” Huot oa Weual Biter tends to undershoot™ BH overshoot? atound ne bounds a vegions o dijjtindk Wauithes - Figia) below Bhou We abr kup ex le " Gs phonBrwwen - : Atkough fun fucteiasity et atiper tg Conshaut , Wie och ll perceive @ bright portesn Hud 4 Strongly espe. reas bourdasies [pig (b] . Tare, Ne Seon cao bas Oe mat Mach i, : gto ke Tae Accord phan called Simuudiranus Com ie elated fo poor HOE «eee. a ’ v iG role gow is Sq UOKs in lat Some futerssita Hower: ae appease fo Hue oe ‘i econ GOKU 08 Yue background. get gine ae A se | | Leet Ste When lookin directly OH exourples C1 trea l fusions f Quaton we wrowly oumnlier. example % 4 i mu rors, plack . Wien el ty field Hee eyes wile ot O bright Be hun wetach Bowie exouuples One. a ob (ee - ¢ ® ee fd ta) eT © ol 4 No lives on i e— Th AML, fh quat how jute a eycephio WenDMeAa AKL 2 ate ™ nonexist apcel ves geen etrical propane Aron &u $9: lech ow sq, uae i6 Ace ukvome of % oy ngpite of lact foe wang Aucsa fae te Neos at cet Wt & civele, -AVE ew lines ase Be pietenk fo gqwe te WMusion 6 oa Coup tele eixcle ——s co ee | aL cH Optteod Turions — a 4 The prt nal al manne fu walach anay AUSOLR ICL used % shown in fg genet . tty iin ) U fiat , a cm E dina set nap TH Rone uous FL OY. form! on fwd nartion Sout sthlocked jor a Leone clomaut ditt eG coulal : ated Haough Beene elonedls. ne feat punetion eoggtmecl pee Ti A JUCLOWUY 4 tem Lhown mM 4g? ye to Collect # onwray & — 44 orto an ‘ e plave UL Atluivation Vs fight Wee joo end ¢ ig a ‘ite proj We a lens + cal plane , ors fg eOee i avo was kysm Viewed seene pute “The, Sonsor array, nplich 14 cotnetolen Wii 4X dora plane , ‘dal ofp propettiont to te juli of que light! seceiwed at “each Aus. Broital % anallo olreuittoy, ficcep tune ofp? gy lonv crn 4 a vidio siqual , which [ hon digitigeal y a Leotion Of Ww, inuaglng, Agate. Te op 4% a faire ‘mage » as shown cliagrammosicolli, in gl: ag A_ simple Trncage. Foknndtti on medal t— Tmages “ose denoted bry o 400 -dimaggtool wasn, que S(x,y). 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