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Lecture 2: Floating point arithmetic and Error Analysis

Rashidah Kasauli Namisanvu

Department of Networks
College of Computing and Information Sciences
Makerere University

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1 Numbers Representation in Computer

2 Introduction to Errors

3 Error Sources

4 Additions & Subtractions

5 Multiplication & Division

6 Using Binomial Theorem

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Numbers in a computer

Humans use decimal number system in daily life.

Most computers use binary number system (base 2)
We enter in decimal and computer transforms them to binary system
by using machine language.
(Scientific Notation). Let k be a real number, then k can be written
in the following form
k = m × 10n
where m (mantissa) is any real number and the exponent n is an
integer. This notation is called the scientific notation or scientific
form and sometimes referred to as standard form.

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Numbers in a computer: Examples

1 0.00000834 = 8.34 × 10−6

2 25.45879 = 2.545879 × 101
3 3400000 = 3.4 × 106
4 33 = 3.3 × 101
5 2,300,000,000 = 2.3 × 109

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Errors are unavoidable in the field of scientific computing.

Numberical analysts try to investigate the possible and best ways to
minimise the error.
The study of error and how to estimate and minimise it are the
fundamental issues in error analysis

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Not all Mathematical problems can be solved analytically

2x√ + 5 = 8 easy to solve
2 x + 5 = 8 not as easy
Hence use numerical rather than analytical approaches
In numerical analysis, we approximate the exact solution of the
problem by using numerical methods which introduces an error.
The numerical error is the difference between the exact solution and
the approximate solution.
(Numerical Error). Let x be the exact solution of the underlying
problem and x ∗ its approximate solution, then the error (denoted by
e) in solving this problem is

e − x − x∗

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The term error represents the imprecision and inaccuracy of a

numerical computation.
Measurements and calculations can be characterized with regard to
their accuracy and precision.
Unavoidable but needs to be tracked
As computations get complex so are the errors
Hence study how they propagate
How close the value is to the true value
How close the values are to each other

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Rounding and Truncation Errors

Occurs due to computing device’s inability to deal with inexact
numbers. π = π = 3.14159265 · · · can be rounded to four significant
digits as π = 3.142
Maximum error in rounding is 0.5 × 10−n . n is the number of rounded
Occurs because some series (finite or infinite) is truncated/choped to a
fewer number of terms. e.g. A surd π = 3.14159265 · · · can be
truncated to four significant figures to π = 3.141
Maximum error in truncation is 1 × 10−n .

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Error Propagation

Calculating the uncertainty or error of an approximation against the

actual value it is trying to approximate. Represented as absolute
value showing how far the approximation is or relative error shown as
a proportion
Absolute Error
δx = |x − x ′ |
Relative Error

RE = x = | x−x
x |
Percentage Error

PE = RE × 100 = | x−x
x | × 100
Which is better?

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Errors in Addition & Subtraction

Theorem (Errors in Addition)

For variables x1 ± δx1 and x2 ± δx2 where δxi is the maximum possible
error. The maximum possible error when they are added is (δx1 + δx2 ).

Since δx1 and δx2 are ±, the possible combinations on addition are
(δx1 + δx2 ), (δx1 − δx2 ), (−δx1 + δx2 ) and (−δx1 − δx2 ). The extremes
are the first and last. Hence the sum ∈ ±(δx1 + δx2 )

Theorem (Errors in Subtraction)

For variables x1 ± δx1 and x2 ± δx2 where δxi is the maximum possible
error. The maximum possible error when they are subtracted is (δx1 + δx2 ).

Same as addition
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Errors in Multiplication & Division

Theorem (Errors in Multiplication and Division)

The relative error in division and multiplication are the same.

Consider x1 ± δx1 and x2 ± δx2 . For multiplication, the absolute error is
(x1 + δx1 )(x2 + δx2 ) − x1 x2 = x1 δx2 + x2 δx1 (Note: δx1 δx2 tends to zero).
The relative error is x1 δxx21+x
2 δx1
= δx 1 δx2
x1 + x2 . For division, the absolute
x2 −δx2 x2 δx1 −x1 δx2
error is xx12 +δx x1 x1 +δx1 x1
+δx2 − x2 ≡ x2 +δx2 × x2 −δx2 − x2 which simplifies to
x2 δx1 −x1 δx2 x1
The relative error is x22
/ x2 which simplifies to
δx1 δx2 δx1 δx2
x1 − x2 ≡ x1 + x2 since errors are ±

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Generic use of Binomial Theorem

We have looked at errors in simple cases of

We may need error expressions for fairly complex cases: roots,
reciprocals, big powers (eg x 25 ), etc
Generally we employ the binomial theorem for any index
Approximate higer powers of δx to be very small

Theorem (Binomial theorem for any index n)

n(n − 1) 2 n(n − 1)(n − 2) 3
(1 + p)n = 1 + np + p + p + ······
2! 3!
All we do is to write the error expression as (1 + α)k and simplify

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Some samples

power 100
If the error in x is δx, the error in x 100 can be got by (x + δx)100 − x 100 .
This can be rewritten as x 100 (1 + δxx )
100 − x 100 = x 100 ((1 + ( δx ))100 − 1).
Expanding to x 100 1 + 100( δx 100×99 δx 2 100×99×98 δx 3
x ) + 2! ( x ) + 3! ( x ) ··· − 1
and simplifying to x 100 × 100( δxx ) ≡ 100x δx

Try convince your self

That the error for the
square root of x is √
2 x
reciprocal of x is x2
square of the cuberoot of x is √

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Given the numbers a = 2.3,

1 Maximum error in a + b
b = 4.65 and c = 2.10. a and b = 0.05 + 0.005 = 0.055
were generated by rounding while 2 Max error in a + b − c
c by truncating. Find the = 0.05+0.005+0.01 = 0.065
maximum possile error in 3 Error in
1 a+b multiplication
= ac( δa δc
a + c ) = 0.128
2 a+b−c addition
= δb + δc = 0.015
4 (b − c)23 ac
= b+c × ( δ(ac) δ(b+c)
ac + b+c ) =
The maximum possible errors δa, 0.026
δb and δc are 0.5 × 10−1 , 4 Error in
0.5 × 10−2 and 1 × 10−2 b − c = δb + δc = 0.015
respectvely (b − c)23 = 23(b −
c)22 δ(b − c) = 5.02 × 107
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Recap – Errors

1 Numerical Analysis
Definition: Study of algorithms for the problems of continuous
We care about efficiency and accuracy of algorithms.
Sources of error:
truncation errors in mathematical models;
round-off error during calculations;
representation errors, e.g.:1/3 in decimal; 1/10 in binary.
We ask two important questions:
How sensitive is the output to changes in the input? – problem
Do roundoff errors in an algorithm propagate? – algorithm stability
2 Floating point representation
Hardware supports single (32bit), double (64bit) and long double
(80bit) precision
Adding floating point numbers

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Adding two floating point numbers
Consider two numbers in a system with 4 as the size of fraction:

x = 0.1101x23 and y = 0.1011x21

. Four steps to add two floating-point numbers:

1 Align the numbers so they both have the same exponent.

y = 0.1011x21 = 0.01011x22 = 0.001011x23

0.1101 x 23
2 Perform the addition. + 0.001011 x 23
0.111111 x 23
3 Round the result: x + y = 1.0000x23 .
4 Normalize the result: x + y = 0.1000x24 .
Exercise 1: check the accuracy of the sum. Translate all operations into
our familiar decimal notation.
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Loss of Significance

Consider two numbers in a system with 4 as the size of the fraction:

x = 0.1110x23 and y = 0.1101x23
Compute x − y :
0.1110 x 23
− 0.1101 x 23
0.0001 x 23
After normalisation: x − y = 0.1000x20 .
Problem: x and y have 4 bits of significance
the result x − y has only one significant bit of accuracy
Using truncated Taylor series helps avoid loss of significance in
quadratic formulae.
For polynomial evaluation, the rearrangement of terms into nested
multiplication form will sometimes produce a better result.

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Decimal places and significant figures.

The number x̂ is said to approximate x to d significant digits if d is
the largest positive integer for which

|x − xb| 10−d
|x| 2

If x = 3.141592 and x̂ = 3.14, then |x − x̂|/|x| = 0.000507 < 10−2 /2.
Therefore, x̂ approximates x to two significant digits.
If y = 4, 000, 000 and ŷ = 000, 006, then
|y − ŷ |/|y | = 0.000004 < 10−5 /2. Therefore ŷ approximates y to five
significant digits.
If z = 0.000012 and ẑ = 0.000009, then |z − ẑ|/|z| = 0.25 < 100 /2.
Therefore ẑ approximates z to no significant digits.

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Uncertainty in Data

Real world data contains uncertainty or error.

reffered to as noise
Successive computations using noisy data does not improve precision
Result and inputs should have the same number of significant digits
of accuracy.
Example: p1 = 4.152 and p2 = 0.07931 both have 4 significant digits
of accuracy.
Reporting p1 + p2 = 4.23131 includes noisy data.
Proper answer is p1 + p2 = 4.231

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Propagation of error

Error in addition and subtraction is the sum of the errors in the

The relative error in multiplication and division is the sum of the
relative errors in the approximations.
If a small error in the initial conditions produces a small error in the
final result, then the algorithm is stable. Otherwise it is unstable.
Suppose ϵ represents an initial error and ϵ(n) represents the growth of
error after n steps
If ϵ(n) ≈ nϵ the growth of error is said to be linear.
If ϵ(n) ≈ K n ϵ the growth of error is exponential.

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1 Find the error E and the relative error R. Also determine the number
of significant digits in the approximation.
x = 2.71828182, x̂ = 2.7182
y = 98.350, ŷ = 98.000
z = 0.000068, ẑ = 0.00006
2 Consider the data p1 = 1.414 and p2 = 0.09125 which have four
significant digits of accuracy. Determine the proper answer for the
sum p1 + p2 and the product p1 p2
3 Consider the data p1 = 31.415 and p2 = 0.027182which have five
significant digits of accuracy. Determine the proper answer for the
sum p1 + p2 and the product p1 p2
4 Let P(x) = x 3 − 3x 2 + 3x − 1, Q(x) = ((x − 3)x + 3)x − 1 and
R(x) = (x − 1)3
Use four-digit rounding arithmetic and compute P(2.72), Q(2.72) and
R(2.72). In the computation of P(x) assume that (2.72)3 = 20.12 and
(2.72)2 = 7.398. Compare them to the true values.
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The End

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