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English as a Second Language

Stage 6

Paper 3 Writing 2024

Cambridge Primary Progression Test
Mark Scheme

© UCLES 2024
S6/03 E2L Stage 6 Paper 3 Mark Scheme 2024

General guidelines on marking

In schools where several classes at the same grade are taking a progression test, we advise all
teachers marking the tests to meet and discuss the mark scheme after learners have taken the test
and before marking begins. This allows teachers to reach a common understanding of how to apply
the mark scheme and will result in more consistent marking.

Teachers should not deduct marks for mistakes but should look for where marks can be awarded in
accordance with the mark scheme. Marks are always awarded as whole marks (not half marks, or
other fractions).

Question Answer Marks

1 Notes to markers

• Use the marking scale on the next page.

• Award up to 5 marks for each of the three criteria. Decide
on a mark for Content, Organisation and Language
separately. It is possible to award different marks for the
different criteria.
• The maximum total mark for this question is 15 marks.

Content 5

Organisation 5

Language 5

[Total: 15]

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S6/03 E2L Stage 6 Paper 3 Mark Scheme 2024

Part 1

Question 1 Marking Scale

Content Organisation Language

5 All three content points are fully Text is well organised and Language is sufficiently accurate
covered. coherent, using appropriate for the message to be conveyed
linking devices. clearly.

4 All three content points are Performance shares features Performance shares features
covered. of the descriptors for 3 marks of the descriptors for 3 marks
and 5 marks. and 5 marks.

3 Two content points are fully Most of the text is organised Language errors mean the
covered. and coherent, using basic message is sometimes unclear.
linking devices.

2 Two content points are covered. Performance shares features Performance shares features
of the descriptors for 1 mark of the descriptors for 1 mark
and 3 marks. and 3 marks.

1 One content point is covered or Some parts of the text are Language errors make the
attempted. organised and linked, but text message difficult to understand.
may lack overall coherence.

0 Response is not relevant to the Performance below 1 mark. Performance below 1 mark.

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S6/03 E2L Stage 6 Paper 3 Mark Scheme 2024

Question Answer Marks

2 Notes to markers

• Use the marking scale on the next page.

• Award up to 5 marks for each of the four criteria. Decide on
a mark for Content, Communicative Achievement,
Organisation and Language separately. It is possible to
award different marks for the different criteria.
• The maximum total mark for this question is 20 marks.

Content 5

Communicative Achievement 5

Organisation 5

Language 5

[Total: 20]

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S6/03 E2L Stage 6 Paper 3 Mark Scheme 2024

Part 2

Question 2 Marking Scale

Content Organisation Language

All content is relevant to Text communicates Text is well organised Uses a range of
the task. ideas clearly, in a style and coherent, using a vocabulary appropriate
that is generally range of linking for the task.
appropriate to the task. devices.
Uses a range of
The reader is fully
grammatical structures
5 informed.
with good control.
Occasional errors do
not impede

4 Performance shares features of the descriptors for 3 marks and 5 marks.

Some of the content Text communicates Most of the text is Uses everyday
may not be relevant to some ideas clearly, in a organised and vocabulary generally
the task and/or some style that is mostly coherent, using some appropriate for the
content is missing. appropriate to the task. linking devices. task.
The reader is only Uses simple
partly informed. grammatical structures
3 with good control.
While errors are
noticeable, meaning
can still be determined.

2 Performance shares features of the descriptors for 1 mark and 3 marks.

There may be some Text only Some parts of the text Uses basic vocabulary
misinterpretation of the communicates simple are organised and reasonably
task. ideas in simple ways. linked, but the text may appropriately.
lack overall coherence.
The reader is minimally Uses simple
informed. grammatical structures
1 with some control.
Errors may impede
meaning at times.

Content is totally
0 Performance below 1 mark.
The reader is not

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