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an approach toward decision making in

Business Ethics which a person evaluates moral principles

professional standards of conduct based on

Confidentiality moral principles and values,
guides decision making processes and
Ethical/Unethical Choices
occurs when information relating to a
company, product or person is not available
Legal/Illegal Choices or disclosed to unauthorized individuals

choices made based on moral principles and

Disclose values

Code of Ethics

Moral Principles choices made according to law

a set of guidelines which govern behavior

Values the principles of right and wrong accepted by
an individual or a social group

Discrimination beliefs of a person or social group in which

they have an emotional investment ( either
for or against something )

to make known; reveal or uncover

the treatment or consideration of making a
distinction in favor of or against a person or
thing based on the group, class or category
to which that person or thing belong rather
than on individual merit
What is business ethics?
Business ethics is a practice that determines what is
…….., wrong, and appropriate in the workplace. Business
ethics is often ……… by laws, and keep companies and
individuals from engaging in …….activity such as insider
trading, discrimination and bribery. However, other
principles can influence how employees treat one another,
corporate social responsibility and relationships with
clients and vendors. The purpose of business ethics is to
ensure a consistent ……………………………..within the
company, from executive-level management to new hires.
It helps to ensure everyone is treated with respect,
…………. and honesty.

The primary means by which a company communicates its

ethical principles is through a “code of conduct” document,
which establishes the ethical standards of the company and
its employees. You’re likely to be given a copy of this
document upon employment and can review it when
determining the best way to maintain business ethics in your

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