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Ahmed Boumendjel High School April 2021

Final Term Test 1 AS EXP/SCiences

A/ Comprehension and interpretation :

1- Are the following statements true or false ?

a- Climatologists are worried about climate change in the world.
b- Trees do not provide the world with oxygene.
c- Trees provide half of the oxygene of the world scientists believe.
d- If we cut down more trees we’ll have much more oxygene.
2- Answer the following questions according to the text.
a- What will happen if we lose the tropical forests?.............................................................................
What do trees provide us with?
b- When will the seaside towns be flooded?.....................................................................................
c- Why will it become difficult to breathe?.......................................................................................

3. find in the text words or expressions that are closest in meaning to the following.

a- temperature (1) = ………………………………. b- atmosphere (2) = ……………………………..

c- consequence (1) =……………………………………..

4. put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.

a- If the Amazon forest( diseappear)…………………….., there (be) ………………….more co2 and less oxygene
in the air.

b- If we (cut)………………………… down the trees,the earth (become) ………………………………desert.

5. Connect the parts of sentence with the following connector

Carbon dioxide is increasing in the air. The pempreture is rising. (as a result).


Good luck

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