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Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 440–445

55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

Systematic Analysis of Industrie 4.0 Design Principles
Roland Halla,*, Simon Schumachera, Andreas Bildsteina
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 711 970-1733; E-mail address:


Lean Production Systems (LPS) are established in industrial production and are typically based on the Toyota Production System
in terms of their structure and elements. The Digital Transformation is influencing LPS, leading to emerging Lean Production
Systems 4.0 (LPS 4.0). A central element of LPS are their design principles, which act as a link between the strategic level
(corporate objectives) and operationally implementable level (methods and tools) in LPS. Part of the influence of Digital
Transformation on LPS is adding new Industrie 4.0 design principles. While various scientific publications deal with the derivation
and categorization of Industrie 4.0 design principles, there is no consensus on which design principles should be included in
contemporary LPS 4.0. This paper describes the first step in addressing this overarching issue by systematically analyzing widely
cited categorizations of Industrie 4.0 design principles. The approach of this paper is based on relating the Industrie 4.0 design
principles to use cases that reflect the operative implementation of Industrie 4.0. This leads to transparency displaying which
Industrie 4.0 design principles represent best the current Industrie 4.0 implementation activities.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Programme committee of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Keywords: Design Principles; Use Cases; Lean Production Systems; Industrie 4.0

1. Introduction Industrie 4.0 application. In this way, it systematically

approaches the question of which design principles should
Lean Production Systems (LPS) are well established in complement the classic lean principles in the design of
industrial production. [1] Due to the influence of the digital contemporary LPS 4.0 influenced by Industrie 4.0. For this
transformation, LPS are adapting, raising the question of how purpose, section 2 first refers to related works and outlines the
this change affects the structure and elements of LPS. A core addressed research gap. Section 3 describes the research
element of the established LPS are its design principles, such methodology of the study, whose results are described in
as standardization or the avoidance of waste. [2] On the one section 4. Section 5 makes the limitations of the paper
hand, design principles represent the essential characteristics of transparent and section 6 finally provides a conclusion.
company-specific production systems while on the other hand,
they structure the operationally implementable part of the 2. Related works and research gap
production system - the methods and tools. Design principles
also exist for the digital transformation of industry, paraphrased This paper deals with Industrie 4.0 design principles as well
in the German-speaking world by the term Industrie 4.0. They as industrial applications described in form of use cases. In this
are used to make the characteristics of Industrie 4.0 more section, relevant terminology is defined and important research
tangible. [3] This paper addresses the extent to which Industrie contributions are presented. The identified research gap is
4.0 design principles are reflected in current examples of outlined at the end of this section.

2212-8271 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Programme committee of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

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Roland Hall et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 440–445 441

Lean Production as a concept is based on the Toyota critical information, real-time information provision
Production System. [4,5] LPS are a company-specific set of is of importance.
strategic goals and principles in combination with operative Decentral The combination of interconnected and
methods and tools for the holistic management of production decisions decentralized decision-makers allows to utilize local
with global information at the same time for better
processes. [1] The general structure of LPS is set up with a decision-making. The IoE participants perform their
composition of the elements objectives, processes, principles, tasks as autonomous as possible.
methods and tools, while the content of these elements is Technical Due to the increasing complexity of production,
company-specific. Nowadays, numerous companies have assistance humans need to be supported by assistance systems,
developed and customized an individual LPS to their specific which aggregate and visualize information. With
requirements. [1,2] further advances in robotics, the physical support of
According to Erlach et al., design principles are the basic humans is regarded as another aspect of technical
ideas, to which the system design must always be oriented to.
[6] VDI 2870 defines principles as laws overriding other laws.
[2] In other words, principles or design principles are Another widely cited categorization of Industrie 4.0 design
overarching regularities for structuring methods, tools and principles also originates from Hermann et al. [16] and is used
technologies that are similar or linked in terms of content. As for example in [17–25]. According to this categorization, the
described, principles help to ensure that methods and tools are Industrie 4.0 design principles are interoperability,
used in coherence with strategic objectives in LPS. According virtualization, decentralization, real-time capability, service
to VDI 2870, the eight design principles of LPS are orientation and modularity. Table 2 describes the design
standardization, zero defects principle, flow principle, pull principles according to this categorization. Other related works
principle, continuous improvement process, employee identify deviating or additional design principles, including
orientation and management by objectives, avoidance of waste [19,26,27]. However, this paper bases its further investigation
and visual management. [2] on the Industrie 4.0 design principles, which originate from
Industrie 4.0 is a German-coined and widely approved Hermann et al. Both categorizations derive from the same
vision of a fourth industrial revolution and refers to the smart literature review.
networking of machines and processes for industry based on
Table 2: Industrie 4.0 design principles according to [16]
information and communication technology (ICT). [7–9]
Industrie 4.0 involves the following four stages: digitization,
Design principle Description
virtualization, connectedness, and autonomization. [8]
Interoperability Interoperability is a very important enabler of
Digitized and virtualized systems of systems lead to new
Industrie 4.0. In Industrie 4.0 companies, CPS and
scenarios of industrial work, i.e. cooperation between humans humans are connected over the Internet. Standards
and machines within a smart factory. [9–11] As a main will be a key success factor for communication.
component, cyber-physical systems (CPS) are connected, Virtualization Virtualization means that CPS are able to monitor
digitally assisted, responsive and steadily communicating. physical processes. These sensor data are linked to
Shop floor organization changes towards smaller, self-directed, virtual plant models and simulation models. Thus, a
and agile teams. [12] Given these technological and virtual copy of the physical world is created.
organizational changes, new Industrie 4.0 design principles Decentralization Embedded computers enable CPS to make decisions
arise. on their own. Only in cases of failure tasks are
delegated to a higher level.
These Industrie 4.0 design principles are defined and
categorized differently in various scientific publications. A Real-time For organizational tasks it is necessary that data is
capability collected and analyzed in real time. Thus, the plant
widely cited categorization is provided by Hermann et al. [3]
can react to the failure of a machine and reroute
They identify interconnection, information transparency, products to another machine.
decentral decisions and technical assistance as Industrie 4.0
Service The services of companies, CPS, and humans are
design principles. This categorization is used among others in orientation available over the Internet and can be used by other
recent publications of the authors themselves and in [13–15]. participants. They can be offered both internally and
Table 1 describes the design principles according to this across company borders.
categorization. Modularity Modular systems are able to flexibly adapt to
changing requirements by replacing or expanding
Table 1: Industrie 4.0 design principles according to [3] individual modules. Therefore, modular systems can
be easily adjusted to varying requirements.
Design principle Description
Interconnection Machines, devices, sensors, and people are A use case can be defined as an exemplary application of a
connected over the Internet of Everything (IoE). For
technology, method or tool. Use cases are implementation-
connecting various entities with each other,
communication standards and cyber security are of oriented and provide technical solutions to specific problems.
great importance. The use of standards allows Use cases can be attributed with contextual information such as
modularization in the factory. roles, business practices and relevant key performance
Information The fusion of the physical and virtual world enables indicators. [28]
transparency a new form of information transparency. A virtual The approaches of LPS and Industrie 4.0 interact in the
copy of the physical world is created. Context- design of contemporary production systems. This interaction is
aware information are indispensable. For process-

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442 Roland Hall et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 440–445

also strongly addressed in scientific discourse. Divers LPS 4.0. The research question is stated as follows: "Which
publications focus on the fundamental interaction of the design principles are represented to which degree by existing
approaches [29,30] or the interaction of single elements of LPS Industrie 4.0 use cases?" The study was performed as a desk
with elements of Industrie 4.0. Table 3 shows an excerpt of research on basis of industrial use cases according to the
publications that refer to Lean or Industrie 4.0 design principles process displayed in Figure 1.
in this context. The selection of the Industrie 4.0 design principles
The German norm VDI 2870 (2012) describes the general represents the first step of the research process. As shown in
relationship between Lean principles and Lean methods and the previous section, two categorizations of Industrie 4.0
tools. [2] Rosin et al. (2020) discuss the relationship between design principles are considered, being based on Hermann et
the LPS design principles and Industrie 4.0 technologies [18]. al. and widely cited. Both categorizations represent the input
Lai et al. (2019) emphasize the influence of Industrie 4.0 on the side of the design principles.
technologies on the avoidance of waste, as a fundamental LPS  Categorization 1 (C1): interconnection, information
design principle. [31] Dombrowski et al. (2017) assign transparency, decentral decisions, technical assistance
Industrie 4.0 use cases to LPS principles. [32] Ghobakhloo  Categorization 2 (C2): interoperability, virtualization,
(2018) characterizes Industrie 4.0 by bringing together decentralization, real-time capability, service orientation,
Industrie 4.0 design principles and technologies. [27] Langlotz modularity
and Aurich (2020) combine Industrie 4.0 design principles and
Industrie 4.0 technologies in the structure of an LPS. [33] Step two of the research process focuses on the selection of
Sanders et. al (2017) analyze the relation between Industrie 4.0 a use cases repository. This repository was required to describe
design principles and LPS methods and tools. [17] current Industrie 4.0 use cases in sufficient quantity and
The research gap addressed by this paper concerns the quality. Therefore a choice between publicly accessible
relationship between Industrie 4.0 design principles and use repositories such as that of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 [34] or
cases. According to Table 3, the authors are not aware of any the Fraunhofer IPA's internal use case database was necessary.
scientific publication that systematically analyzes the The decision was made in favour of the Fraunhofer IPA
interaction of Industrie 4.0 design principles and Industrie 4.0 repository. 44 use cases described in detail and high quality
use cases. Nevertheless, such an analysis appears necessary for from the areas of production, production planning and control,
various reasons: First, there is no study available that considers quality management, intralogistics, SCM and HRM were
whether the identified design principles are suitable for included for further investigation representing the input on the
representing and structuring Industrie 4.0 use cases. Second, it side of the use cases.
is not transparent which design principles dominate the current
Industrie 4.0 implementation. Third, it is questionable which of 1) Selection and definition Industrie 4.0 design principles as input
the two categorization of design principles is more suitable for
describing the current Industrie 4.0 implementation activities. 2) Selection of a use case repository as input
Hence, this research gap is to be addressed in the following.
3) Attribution of input use cases to design principles
Table 3: Research gap in comparison to related relevant analyses
4) Analysis of contribution rates and white spots

5) Conclusions with regard to suitability of design principles

design principles

design principles
methods & tools

Industrie 4.0

Industrie 4.0

Industrie 4.0

use cases

Figure 1 Research process of this study



In the third step, the use cases were related to the design
[2] x x principles (see Table 4). For all 44 use cases, it was examined
[18,31] x x to which degree the Industrie 4.0 design principles are
[32] x x represented. As the research question shows, it was assumed a
[27,33] x x priori that the Industrie 4.0 design principles affect the use
[17] x x cases to different degrees. Four types of relationship were
This study x x therefore defined for the analysis:
 Design principle is central to the use case and represents
its basic implementation motivation (in Table 4
3. Research methodology symbolized by +++)
 Design principle is of great importance for the use case and
Our research aims to analyze existing Industrie 4.0 design takes the role of a use case enabler (in Table 4 symbolized
principles regarding their fit with Industrie 4.0 use cases. The by ++)
study assumes that by analyzing Industrie 4.0 use cases, it is  Design principle is not insignificant for the use case, but is
possible to determine which design principles are dominating not of decisive relevance (in Table 4 symbolized by +)
the actual Industrie 4.0 implementation. These principles must  Design principle and use case are not related to each other
therefore be taken into account in order to design contemporary (in Table 4 symbolized by 0)

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Roland Hall et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 440–445 443

Table 4: Analysis of the relationship between design principles and use cases of 44 use cases this design principle is of outstanding
importance. For 6 of 44 use cases the principle is irrelevant.
Interconnection has enabling significance for 36 of 44 use

Decentral decisions
cases (82 %). In addition, in 8 of the 44 use cases,
C1 of Interconnection interconnection was of central importance. None of the

Industrie 4.0
analyzed use cases can be implemented without considering

this design principle. The design principle of information
transparency also serves as a necessary use case enabler in
Use Case 1 ++ +++ + ++ many cases (26 of 44). However, a significant proportion of the
Use Case 2 ++ ++ + +++ use cases (16 of 44) also centrally target this principle. The
… categorization of the Industrie 4.0 design principles into
Use Case 44 +++ ++ + + interconnection, information transparency, decentral decisions
AND and technical assistance allows that at least one central design
principle can be identified for each use case. The categorization
Real-time capability

Categorization C1 thus seems to be suitable for representing the basic

Service orientation

implementation motivation of the studied use cases.


C2 of

Industrie 4.0 Modularity

Results based on C1
principles 50
2 2
Use Case 1 ++ ++ + ++ ++ + 40 6
Use Case 2 ++ ++ + + + +
30 26
… 36 21
Use Case 44 +++ ++ + +++ + + 20
Since both categorizations (C1 & C2) of the Industrie 4.0 10 16 15
design principles are analyzed, the described investigation was 8 2
executed for both categorizations respectively (see Table 4). Interconnection Information Decentral Technical
To realize the fourth step of the research process, the results transparency decisions assistance
from step 3 were analyzed quantitatively regarding Number of +++ Number of ++ Number of + Number of 0
accumulations and gaps. In doing so, C1 and C2 were first
examined separately. The following questions were crucial for
this step of the investigation: Figure 2: Results of use case analysis based on categorization C1
 Which design principles are of greatest and least
importance for the use cases considered? (Analysis of the 4.2 Results for categorization C2
"+++" relationships) According to this categorization, the most important design
 Are there design principles that are essential as enablers principle of the examined use cases is virtualization. This
for all or most use cases? (Analysis of the "++" design principle is of central relevance for 22 of the 44 (50 %)
relationships) use cases considered. Decentralization was rated least often as
 Is the basic implementation motivation of each use case central. It was the basic implementation motivation for only 2
covered by a design principle? (Analysis of the use cases of 44 use cases. The principle of interoperability is important
regarding "+++" relationships) for all the analyzed use cases. It is the enabling principle for 36
of 44 use cases. Furthermore, in 8 of the 44 use cases, the
In step five of the research process, the two categorizations design principle was also of central importance. None of the
and their relationship to the studied use cases were compared use cases can be implemented without taking this design
and considered as a whole. The results of steps four and five principle into account. Real-time capability was evaluated as a
are discussed in the following section. central design principle for 8 of 44 use cases. For 22 additional
use cases, the design principle was also highly relevant as an
enabler. Service orientation is of central importance for 6 of 44
4. Results
use cases. 24 times, the design principle was rated as possibly,
but not significantly important for the use case. In 3 use cases,
As outlined previously, the results are first described
the design principle is irrelevant. This rather low significance
separately for C1 and C2 and then considered as a whole. The of service orientation may also be caused by the selection of
results of the evaluation as well as short descriptions of the the use cases, which relate more to processes of value creation
analyzed use cases are available via the link in the attachment. and less to the service offering. The design principle of
4.1 Results for categorization C1 modularity is only central to 3 use cases. It thus appears to be
of minor importance in the examined use case data basis. Our
Technical assistance is the most important design principle analysis based on the categorization C2 results in 9 use cases
of the analyzed use cases. This design principle was evaluated for which no central design principle can be identified.
as central for 33 of 44 use cases (75 %). The principle of
Decentral decisions was rated least often as central. For only 2

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444 Roland Hall et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 440–445

advantage or disadvantage cannot be told conclusively at this

Results based on C2 point. Even if the examination of the selected use case
45 3 2 3 repository suggests that the design principles play a
40 6 5
35 12 subordinate role. Future research will have to show whether
30 19
25 36 21 24 23 this impression remains valid after analyzing further use cases.
20 22
15 5. Limitations
10 22 15 11 13
5 8 8 6 3
0 2
Several limitations have to be taken into account with regard
to this research. First, the presented study is dependent on the
carefully chosen research process presented in section 3. For
instance, the design principle definitions directly influence the
results of use case assignment. However, the authors have
identified established and most relevant references for Industrie
Number of +++ Number of ++ Number of + Number of 0 4.0 design principles. Second, there are open access and
restricted use case inputs. For this study, the authors had access
Figure 3: Results of use case analysis based on categorization C2 to a restricted database with Industrie 4.0 use cases from
Fraunhofer, which were available in the most uniform and
4.3 Comparison of categorizations C1 and C2 standardized form and thus serve as a high-quality input for
analysis. Other open source use cases from online databases
The comparison of the results shows that the 9 use cases would have to be pre-processed in order to be on the same
without identification of central design principle in informational level of use case description. Despite the efforts
categorization C2 are all represented by the principle of for standardization, the use of different inputs helps to increase
technical assistance in categorization C1. The lack of technical the overall quality of the analysis.
assistance is therefore not compensated by the design
principles interoperability, virtualization, decentralization, 6. Conclusions
real-time capability, service orientation and modularity. A
comparison of the results also shows that the design principles This paper shows that the analysis of use cases allows a
of interconnection and interoperability as well as decentral differentiated, practice-oriented analysis of Industrie 4.0 design
decisions and decentralization were evaluated in the same way. principles. The underlying assumption that use cases and
However, this is not surprising given the largely identical design principles can be linked is confirmed. The design
description of these design principles. Furthermore, the design principles of both categorizations C1 and C2 can be found in
principles of information transparency and virtualization have the analyzed use cases. This emphasizes the fundamental
thematic similarities. suitability of the design principles for representing the Industrie
Both categorizations of the Industrie 4.0 design principles 4.0 implementation activities. Both categorizations C1 and C2
have advantages and disadvantages. The use of the four design each have advantages: C1 takes the design principle of
principles interconnection, information transparency, decentral technical assistance into account, which is of decisive
decisions and technical assistance has proven to be importance. C2 takes the design principle of real-time
advantageous in order to be able to assign at least one central capability prominently into account and allows a differentiated
design principle to each use case. In particular, the principle of assignment to the use cases due to a higher number of design
technical assistance is of central importance for many use principles. In addition, it was proven that some design
cases. A critical aspect of the categorization C1 is that the principles have an enabling function. They are a necessary
principle of technical assistance is abstract and includes both precondition for all or most use cases and consequently also for
informational and physical assistance. It can be concluded that the residual design principles. This relationship is reflected
the design principle of technical assistance is a catch-all for especially in the categorization C1. Interconnection and
diverse use cases. In addition, the categorization C1 assigns a information transparency often serve as use case enablers. It
rather subordinate relevance to the design principle of real-time can also be observed that no use case was assigned to one single
capability. According to its description, it is part of the design design principle. 1:1 relationships between design principles
principle of information transparency. However, the results of and use cases were not identified with the research design used.
this paper show that real-time capability is of central As the limitations of this paper indicate, future research
importance for 8 of 44 use cases and of great importance for 22 should broaden the scope to a more extensive use cases sample.
other use cases. Based on these results, real-time capability The aim of this study was to analyze whether the less strongly
seems to be underrepresented in the categorization C1. addressed design principles (C1: decentralized decisions; C2:
In contrast, the categorization C2 has the advantage of decentralization, service orientation, modularity) are in fact
representing real-time capability as an independent design less relevant for the current Industrie 4.0 implementation, or
principle. The main disadvantage of the categorization C2 is were simply underrepresented in the Fraunhofer IPA's use case
the absence of the design principle of technical assistance. As repository. In addition, it is necessary to clarify how to deal
a consequence, no central design principle could be assigned to with the different categorizations of the design principles. Are
9 use cases. Whether the consideration of the design principles the most relevant design principles of both categorizations
service orientation and modularity is to be evaluated as an

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This is a resupply of March 2023 as the template used in the publication of the original article contained errors. The content of the article has remained unaffected.

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