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ZXSDR Node B Troubleshooting


1 Maintenance Overview..............................................................................................................................1

1.1 Maintenance Description...................................................................................................................1

1.1.1 Maintenance Requirements....................................................................................................1

1.2 Maintenance Principles.....................................................................................................................1

1.2.1 Right Management.................................................................................................................1

1.2.2 Data Observation....................................................................................................................2

1.2.3 Data Modification...................................................................................................................2

1.2.4 Data Synchronization.............................................................................................................3

1.2.5 Man-machine Commands.......................................................................................................3

1.2.6 Board Operations....................................................................................................................3

1.2.7 Update....................................................................................................................................4

1.3 Maintenance Classification...............................................................................................................4

1.4 Analysis Methods..............................................................................................................................5

1.4.1 Indicator Status Analysis........................................................................................................5

1.4.2 Signaling Tracing Analysis.....................................................................................................5

1.4.3 Alarm Logs Analysis..............................................................................................................6

1.4.4 Replacement Analysis............................................................................................................7

1.5 Precautions........................................................................................................................................9

1.5.1 Personnel Qualifications.........................................................................................................9

1.5.2 Maintenance Management......................................................................................................9

1.5.3 Data Maintenance.................................................................................................................10

1.5.4 Equipment Room Environment............................................................................................10

1.5.5 Tools and Instruments/Meters...............................................................................................10

1.5.6 Spare Materials and Parts.....................................................................................................10

1.5.7 Technical Documents...........................................................................................................10

1.5.8 Technical Support.................................................................................................................11

2 Routine Maintenance...............................................................................................................................13

2.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................13

2.2 Daily Routine Maintenance Items...................................................................................................13

2.3 Weekly Routine Maintenance Items................................................................................................14

2.4 Monthly Routine Maintenance Items..............................................................................................14

2.5 Semiannual Routine Maintenance Items.........................................................................................16

2.6 Other Recommended Maintenance Items........................................................................................17

3 Notification and Handling.......................................................................................................................21

3.1 Notification Messages.....................................................................................................................21

3.2 Board Notification...........................................................................................................................21

3.2.1 SSCOP Error........................................................................................................................21

3.2.2 ALCAP Link Error...............................................................................................................21

3.2.3 AAL5_MAC Error...............................................................................................................21

3.2.4 RS232 Serial Port Error........................................................................................................22

3.2.5 STM-1 B1 Error Code..........................................................................................................22

3.2.6 STM-1 B2 Error Code..........................................................................................................22

3.2.7 STM-1 Remote B2 Error Code Indication............................................................................22

3.2.8 Examples of Other Maintenance Items STM-1 B3 Error Code............................................23

3.2.9 STM-1 B3 Remote Error Code Indication............................................................................23

3.2.10 STM-1 Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication (MSRDI).........................................23

3.2.11 STM-1 Higher-order Path Defect Indication (HPRDI).......................................................23

3.2.12 STM-1 Higher-order Path Lady Type Mismatching (HPPLM)..........................................24

3.2.13 Loss of STM-1 Cell Delimitation (LCD)...........................................................................24

3.2.14 STM-1 Received Cell with CRC Error...............................................................................24

3.2.15 E1 Link HDB3 Coding Violation.......................................................................................24

3.2.16 E1 Link Slip........................................................................................................................24

3.2.17 Too-Heavy ATM Traffic.....................................................................................................25

4 Alarm and Handling.................................................................................................................................27

4.1 Alarm Messages..............................................................................................................................27

4.2 CCS Alarms.....................................................................................................................................28

4.2.1 SSCOP Signaling Link Disconnected...................................................................................28

4.2.2 Clock Reference Source Lost...............................................................................................28

4.2.3 Clock Module Error..............................................................................................................29

4.2.4 Board Communication Link Disconnected...........................................................................29

4.2.5 Active/Standby Synchronization Failure..............................................................................30

4.2.6 Software Version Error.........................................................................................................30

4.2.7 Software Operation Failure..................................................................................................30

4.2.8 Board Parameter Synchronization Abnormal.......................................................................31

4.2.9 Application Software Monitoring Alarm..............................................................................31

4.2.10 Database Save Failure........................................................................................................31

4.2.11 Reference Resource PRI Configuration Failure..................................................................32

4.2.12 SSCOP Delivery Buffer Overflow......................................................................................32

4.2.13 Board Configuration Error Alarm.......................................................................................32

4.2.14 SNTP Time Alignment Failure Alarm................................................................................32

4.2.15 Clock Reference Source Deterioration...............................................................................33

4.2.16 CPU Overload Alarm.........................................................................................................33

4.2.17 Board Hardware Error........................................................................................................33

4.3 RBI Alarms......................................................................................................................................34

4.3.1 Clock Module Alarm............................................................................................................34

4.3.2 Downlink LVDS Link Error.................................................................................................34

4.3.3 Uplink LVDS Link Error......................................................................................................34

4.3.4 Software Operation Failure..................................................................................................35

4.3.5 Board Configuration Parameter Error..................................................................................35

4.3.6 CPU Overload Alarm...........................................................................................................35

4.3.7 Remote Clock Reference Alarm...........................................................................................36

4.3.8 Board Hardware Error..........................................................................................................36

4.3.9 Optical Module Not-in-position...........................................................................................36

4.3.10 Optical Module Receiving Failure......................................................................................36

4.4 IIA Alarms.......................................................................................................................................37

4.4.1 Loss Of Signal (LOS) of STM-1..........................................................................................37

4.4.2 Loss Of Frame (LOF) of STM-1..........................................................................................38

4.4.3 Multiplex Section Alarm Indication of STM-1 (MSAIS).....................................................38

4.4.4 Loss Of Pointer (LOP) of STM-1 AU4................................................................................38

4.4.5 Loss Of Electrical Signal (LOS) of E1 Link.........................................................................38

4.4.6 Loss Of Frame (LOF) Synchronization of E1 Link..............................................................39

4.4.7 Loss of Cell Delimitation (LCD) of E1 Link........................................................................39

4.4.8 Loss of IMA Frame (LIF) of E1 Link...................................................................................39

4.4.9 E1 IMA Group in Non-Working Status................................................................................40

4.4.10 PVC Error...........................................................................................................................40

4.4.11 Transmission Clock Abnormal...........................................................................................41

4.4.12 Software Operation Failure................................................................................................41

4.4.13 Board Configuration Parameter Error................................................................................41

4.4.14 Configuring IMA Group Failure.........................................................................................41

4.4.15 Configuring STM-1 Port Failure........................................................................................42

4.4.16 Configuring TC Port Failure...............................................................................................42

4.4.17 Configuring PVC Failure...................................................................................................42

4.4.18 CPU Overload Alarm.........................................................................................................43

4.4.19 Board Hardware Error........................................................................................................43

4.4.20 Optical Module Not-in-position.........................................................................................43

4.5 TAC Alarms.....................................................................................................................................43

4.5.1 Software Operation Failure..................................................................................................43

4.5.2 Board Configuration Parameter Error..................................................................................44

4.5.3 Board Hardware Local Channel Error..................................................................................44

4.5.4 Board Hardware Error..........................................................................................................44

4.6 EMU Alarms...................................................................................................................................45

4.6.1 Ambient Temperature Abnormal..........................................................................................45

4.6.2 Whole Equipment Temperature Rise Alarm.........................................................................45

4.6.3 Clock Reference Source Loss...............................................................................................45

4.6.4 Rack Power Abnormal..........................................................................................................46

4.6.5 Board Communication Link Disconnected...........................................................................46

4.6.6 Software Operation Failure..................................................................................................47

4.6.7 Board Configuration Parameter Error..................................................................................47

4.6.8 Fan Alarm.............................................................................................................................47

4.6.9 Temperature Sensor Not-in-position.....................................................................................48

4.6.10 Father Node External Equipment Error..............................................................................48

4.6.11 CPU Overload Alarm..........................................................................................................48

4.6.12 Board Hardware Error........................................................................................................49

4.7 TRXU Alarms.................................................................................................................................49

4.7.1 Clock Module Error..............................................................................................................49

4.7.2 Downlink LVDS Link Error.................................................................................................49

4.7.3 Software Operation Failure..................................................................................................50

4.7.4 Board Configuration Parameter Error..................................................................................50

4.7.5 CPU Overload Alarm...........................................................................................................50

4.7.6 Board Hardware Local Channel Error..................................................................................50

4.7.7 Board Hardware Error..........................................................................................................51

4.8 BP Alarms........................................................................................................................................51

4.8.1 Clock Module Error..............................................................................................................51

4.8.2 Uplink LVDS Link Error......................................................................................................51

4.8.3 Uplink Path Operation Abnormal.........................................................................................52

4.8.4 Downlink Path Operation Abnormal....................................................................................52

4.8.5 Software Operation Failure..................................................................................................52

4.8.6 Board Configuration Parameter Error..................................................................................53

4.8.7 CPU Overload Alarm...........................................................................................................53

4.8.8 Board Hardware Error..........................................................................................................53

4.8.9 Signal Receiving Path Quality Abnormal Alarm..................................................................53

4.9 RDM Alarms...................................................................................................................................54

4.9.1 Clock Module Error..............................................................................................................54

4.9.2 Antenna VSWR Exceeding 3.0.............................................................................................54

4.9.3 Antenna VSWR Exceeding 1.8.............................................................................................54

4.9.4 Calibration Interface Over-power Alarm..............................................................................55

4.9.5 Software Operation Failure..................................................................................................55

4.9.6 Board Configuration Parameter Error..................................................................................55

4.9.7 CPU Overload Alarm...........................................................................................................56

4.9.8 Board Hardware Error..........................................................................................................56

4.10 LPA30 Alarms...............................................................................................................................56

4.10.1 Board Hardware Error........................................................................................................56

4.10.2 Link Disconnected between LPA30 and EMC...................................................................56

4.10.3 Over-power Alarm..............................................................................................................57

4.10.4 Over-VSWR Alarm: VSWR≥2.8........................................................................................57

4.10.5 Over-Temperature Alarm....................................................................................................57

4.10.6 Over-Current Alarm............................................................................................................58

4.10.7 LPA30 VSWR Alarm, 2.8>VSWR≥1.8..............................................................................58

5 Troubleshooting Examples.......................................................................................................................59

5.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................59

5.2 System Monitoring..........................................................................................................................59

5.2.1 High CPU Utilization...........................................................................................................59

5.2.2 Decreased Radius of BTS Coverage.....................................................................................60

5.3 User Complaints..............................................................................................................................61

5.3.1 Difficult Call Connection.....................................................................................................61

5.3.2 Poor Call Quality..................................................................................................................62

5.3.3 Slow to Access Internet........................................................................................................64

6 Emergent Fault Handling........................................................................................................................65

6.1 Definition of Emergency Fault........................................................................................................65

6.2 Handling..........................................................................................................................................65

6.3 On-site Handling Procedure............................................................................................................65

6.3.1 Sudden System Breakdown..................................................................................................66

6.3.2 Transmission Disconnected..................................................................................................67

6.3.3 Power Amplifier Output Power Protection...........................................................................68

6.3.4 Lightning Strike....................................................................................................................68

7 Terms.........................................................................................................................................................69

8 Abbreviations............................................................................................................................................71
1 Maintenance Overview

This chapter introduces common maintenance types, maintenance principles and

analysis methods and provides precautions for routine maintenance.

1.1 Maintenance Description

1.1.1 Maintenance Requirements

Maintenance personnel must receive systematic training to be qualified in system

maintenance, master fundamentals of ZXWR B09, and know overall structure and
functions of each board, in addition to some knowledge about network optimization
and network maintenance.

1.2 Maintenance Principles

This section introduces what maintenance personnel must pay attention to in ZXWR
B09 maintenance. Any operation against following principles may have a negative
impact on system operation.

1.2.1 Right Management

Assign personnel-specific usernames and passwords for system login, operation and
maintenance, to restrict operation rights of maintenance individuals and find operation
history through system logs in case of system malfunction.

Different users are able to perform different groups of operations, depending on their
levels and rights. Operation and maintenance software classifies operators into four
levels, root user, advanced user, medium-level user, and ordinary user in descending
order of rights.

1. Root user, with highest level of right, can perform any operations, including
creating users, modifying user information, deleting users, setting rights and
modifying system configuration. Change initial password of root user
immediately after logging in to the system, for security of the system

2. Advanced user has the same rights as a root user, except that it cannot manage
user accounts, add/delete boards and add/delete local cells.

3. Medium-level user, with basic viewing right, can view alarm and system
information. In addition, a medium-level user can only perform limited types of
configuration operations.

4. Ordinary user, with lowest right, can only view information rather than perform
any configuration operation.


Use right management function to set ordinary equipment maintenance personnel as

medium-level users.

Do not log into the system as root user unless absolutely necessary.

Do not change network settings of NMS server and Client.

Do not run and operate any other programs not related to operation and maintenance on
NMS server or Client.

Follow general principles of network management to guard against any virus.

1.2.2 Data Observation


Perform data observation operations carefully with large quantities of data to report,
including signaling tracing, running information observation, all users of service
observation, and alarm refreshing. Excessive data report during data observation may
cause system breakdown in extreme cases.


Select appropriate time (low traffic period) for data observation operation, take
appropriate measures, save results in time and clean temporary data in time.

1.2.3 Data Modification

Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview


Take care in modifying data, particularly wireless data.

Observe carefully whether there is any effect on system operation after modifying data.


Be sure to perform backup before modifying any data, to ensure rapid restoration when
any problem occurs.

Do not perform data synchronization at rush hours (at 10 AM or 5 PM, Time varies
from place to place).

Do not modify foreground database during daytime.

1.2.4 Data Synchronization


Be sure to backup data before modifying configuration.


Do not perform data synchronization in daytime unless necessary.

Check operation log to identify the source if finding any data of an unknown source.

1.2.5 Man-machine Commands


Be careful in using commands that lead to foreground actions, including restart, reset,
changeover, save, hardware test, software download and cell block/unblock.

Do not delete current alarms and history alarms unless absolutely necessary.

Be sure to lock background man-machine interface after maintenance personnel leave

operation and maintenance console, to avoid any accidents.

1.2.6 Board Operations


Do not reset a board, plug/unplug it or power it off unless absolutely necessary.

Course Code Course Name

Prepare spare board before replacing a board. Make sure there are sufficient
technicians present for unexpected emergencies in the case of major operations, such as
changing versions of important boards, or plugging, unplugging and replacing key
boards. Maintenance personnel working on boards in the foreground must have support
from background personnel.


Always wear an antistatic wrist strap before operating boards on the rack and connect it
to the rack before touching a board.

Touch a metal object first to release static electricity on hands.

Reduce power gradually (to change users in conversation or in network access and to
prevent users off-conversation from accessing) when replacing LPA (Linear Power

1.2.7 Update


Perform upgrade at midnight when there is low traffic.

Keep contact information available for relevant personnel (like transmission and power
supply) to get their timely assistance when required.

Formulate upgrade plan in advance, covering all emergency measures.

Do not change procedures set forth in the plan, unless necessary.

Inform supervisors before upgrading for necessary technical support.

Assign a person to closely monitor the system for any faults occurring since the

1.3 Maintenance Classification

Maintenance falls into routine maintenance, notification message handling, alarm
message handling and troubleshooting, by contents.

1. Routine maintenance

Routine maintenance refers to checking equipment running status periodically. It

is to find out and handle problems in time to prevent potential damage or fault.

Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview

2. Notification message handling

Notification message handling is to analyze all kinds of notifications during

running of the system, to judge whether anything is abnormal and to take
appropriate measures.

3. Alarm message handling

Alarm message handling is to analyze different alarm messages during running

of the equipment, to judge equipment running condition and to take appropriate

4. Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is to analyze, handle and remove detected faults.

1.4 Analysis Methods

Common maintenance analysis methods:

· Analysis of indicator status

· Analysis of signalling tracing

· Analysis of alarm logs

· Analysis through instruments and meters

· Comparison by replacement

· Others

1.4.1 Indicator Status Analysis

Analyze running of a board by statuses of its indicators.

Boards need frequent observation, for the ZXWR B09, are: control clock switching
board CCS, Iub-ATM interface board IIA, baseband processing board BP and
transceiver unit TRXU.

1.4.2 Signaling Tracing Analysis

Signaling tracing analysis is to check whether signaling flow is correct. All services
have their own signaling flows. It is acceptable to diagnose system problems according
to experience by viewing differences between current flow and correct flow, when a

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service is abnormal.

Important workflow, for the ZXWR B09, includes: cell setup, common transmission
channel setup, paging, random access, system information update and wireless link

1.4.3 Alarm Logs Analysis

Alarm log analysis is to query history alarms and current alarms of the system at NM
interface, and to analyze and determine running status of the equipment. Instruments
and Meters Analysis

Commonly-used instruments and meters in routine maintenance include signaling

meters, line testers and power meters. Signaling Meter Analysis

Signaling meter is to monitor signaling interaction between Node B and RNC in real
time. Figure 1 shows the connection mode of signaling meter with the equipment.

Figure 1 Application of Signalling Meter at RNS

Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview

RNC and Node B setup several AAL5 links to bear ALCAP, common NBAP, dedicated
NBAP and IPoA after powering on the equipment. It is acceptable to query VPI and
VCI corresponding to each AAL5 link from OMC background man-machine interface.
It is also acceptable to monitor signaling of corresponding AAL5 link after configuring
appropriate VPI and VCI on signaling meter.

Set up appropriate VPI, VCI and CID on signaling meter, when AAL2 bears common
transport channels (FACH, PCH, and RACH) and DCH and observes AAL2 signaling.
Similarly, it is acceptable to query its signaling from WOMCR background man-
machine interface. Signaling meter can resolve RRC message of Uu interface and non-
access layer messages.

Signaling meter analysis allows monitoring signaling flows between Node B, RNC and
UE in real time and saving results. Line Tester Measurement

Line tester supports:

1. To measure information of common channels.

2. To measure related items in coverage area, such as locations, signal strength and
signal quality.

3. To measure energy of each synchronization code in each timeslot on

synchronization channel.

4. To measure channel power.

5. To measure scramble of the cell. Power Meter Measurement

Power meter is to measure output power of TRXU and LPA and to judge whether
TRXU and LPA are working normally.

1.4.4 Replacement Analysis

Replace a board module or possibly a faulty connection cable with a normal board
module or connection cable of same type, and observe whether the fault is recovered
after the replacement.

Use the following replacement analysis methods to rectify faulty boards or a


Course Code Course Name Active/Standby Switchover

This method applies to active and standby boards configured on the ZXWR B09 rack,
such as CCS.

Operate on background man-machine interface or press active/standby switchover key

on front panel of the board to reset the board and to trigger active/standby switchover

Perform a switchover again when traffic is light and observe whether system is normal
if the system recovers after active/standby switchover. Circuit or interface of currently
active board may fail if system is not normal. Replace it and perform further tests. Board Resource Block

This method applies to BP.

Block, possibly a faulty BP and check the working status of the system. Fault resides in
BP or interface of the board if system recovers. Replace the board, unblock it and
perform further tests. Slot Exchange

This method applies to BP and TRXU. There is need to configure multiple BPs and
TRUXs on the ZXWR B09 rack.

Exchange slot of a normal board with a possibly faulty board, and check working states
of boards to determine whether fault resides in the board or interface of the board. Board Replacement

This method applies to EMU and TRXU configured for single carrier and single fan.
Directly replace a possibly faulty board with a new board verified as normal. Cable Replacement

Cables that easily fail include TRXU RF cable, IIA port fiber/E1 line and rack fan
connection line. Specific method:

1. Connect RF cable of the TRXU, parts of which are possibly faulty, to DDL of
another normal cell, and check status of the cell. TRXU and related parts are
normal if the cell is still normal. Otherwise, replace them.

2. Remove connected optical fiber and check it through self-loop if an optical

interface of IIA is blocked. This optical interface is faulty if self-check is

Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview

abnormal. Connect the fiber to another available optical interface of IIA and
reconfigure the data. Replace the optical fiber or check peer equipment if the
other optical interface is found normal in self-loop test.

 Caution

Do not direct optical fiber interface to eyes, this may result in a serious injury.

Do not look at IIA board optical interface directly, this may result in a serious injury.

It is very difficult to remove fans on the rack. Check power cable first by connecting it
to another slot or using other methods when finding that a fan is not working normally.

1.5 Precautions

1.5.1 Personnel Qualifications

Maintenance personnel must receive pre-service training to learn necessary knowledge

about the equipment and related network, and they must follow instructions given in
related manuals of the ZXWR B09 to conduct maintenance.

Maintenance personnel must have earnest attitudes and high competence.

1.5.2 Maintenance Management

Make a complete set of equipment room maintenance regulations to standardize daily

work of the maintenance personnel. Forbid non-maintenance management personnel to
perform any maintenance operation.

Make a detailed on-duty log to provide detailed records about system running, version
status, data change, upgrade and problem handling for easy analysis and
troubleshooting once any fault occurs.

Make a work shift record to clearly define responsibilities.

Do not play games or access the Internet through computer terminal. Do not install, run
and copy any other software not related to the system at the terminal. Do not use the
computer terminal for other purposes.

Set NM passwords by level. Put them under strict management and change them
periodically so that they are only accessible to maintenance personnel.

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1.5.3 Data Maintenance

Do not reset the equipment, load or change any data unless absolutely necessary. Do
not change background database at will.

Backup the data before making any changes. Do not delete backup data after changing
data until observation period (usually one week) expires and be sure that the equipment
is running normally.

1.5.4 Equipment Room Environment

Maintain normal temperature/humidity in the equipment room. Keep the environment

tidy and clean, free from dust and moisture. Keep rodents or insects out of the
equipment room.

Ensure that primary power of the system is stable and reliable, and check system
grounding and lightning protection ground periodically. Check lightning protection
system to make sure all facilities are in good condition, especially before storm seasons
and after thunderstorms.

The equipment room must have sufficient luminance compliant with relevant
standards. Repair lamps damaged in time and make sure that light reaches all around
the equipment room.

1.5.5 Tools and Instruments/Meters

All common-use tools, instruments and meters must be available.

Instruments and meters must be subject to periodic checking and calibration to ensure
function availability and accuracy.

1.5.6 Spare Materials and Parts

Check spare materials and parts regularly to ensure sufficient stocks and to prevent
them from mold.

Store spare materials and parts and faulty ones separately. Mark them properly for easy

1.5.7 Technical Documents

Store maintenance-related application software and technical documents by category at

a specified location for easy access when necessary.
Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview

1.5.8 Technical Support

Handle faults immediately when they occur. Contact local office of ZTE Corporation
for any faults you cannot solve.

Display contact information of local office of ZTE at a conspicuous location in the

equipment room. Make it known to all maintenance management personnel, and update
it regularly.

2 Routine Maintenance

This chapter introduces basic contents for routine maintenance of the ZXWR B09 and
lists daily, weekly, monthly and semiannual routine maintenance items.

2.1 Overview
Routine maintenance refers to periodic preventive maintenance and check on the
equipment so that the equipment can run in a stable state for long. Routine maintenance

1. Periodic maintenance check: Make routine check and test the BTS equipment
running, required functions, important performance indices and hardware in
compliance with prescribed operation steps and methods through various
designated background operations or with necessary instruments and meters on
regular and scheduled basis.

2. Periodic check: Check hardware parts of BTS equipment and its attached
equipment one by one. Adjust, correct or replace any defective part promptly to
ensure equipment hardware is in good condition. Regularly maintain and clean
components with high dust-proof requirements. Clean important components of
other peripherals regularly for normal running.

 Caution

Not all routine maintenance items described apply to all kinds of possible cases. It is
acceptable to refer to them and work out routine maintenance items according to actual

RNC (Radio Network Controller), in WCDMA system, controls all radio parameters,
so following maintenance items do not include network quality analysis and statistics.

2.2 Daily Routine Maintenance Items

Table 1 shows daily routine maintenance items of the ZXWR B09.

Table 1 Daily Routine Maintenance Items

Item Sub-item Contents Remarks
Check all alarms at the NM
Alarm message
terminal, and handle them
Alarms and according to alarm level
notifications Analyze notification messages
check Notification that frequently occur and it is
message handling acceptable to ignore common
Handle common faults such as
Troubleshooting transmission fault and board
Handle faults Analyze and handle network
reflected by the quality problem reflected by the
users user

2.3 Weekly Routine Maintenance Items

Table 2 shows weekly routine maintenance items of ZXWR B09.

Table 2 Weekly Routine Maintenance Items

Item Sub-item Contents Remarks

Backup configuration data Perform system
Data backup
for OMCB NMS backup at low-traffic
Install a patch for
Check and update Update operating
operation system of
operating system, anti- system immediately
OMCB system
NM virus software and when there is a key
Update virus library and
firewall software update for it
check firewall record
Check whether disk space
Disk capacity check satisfies system running

2.4 Monthly Routine Maintenance Items

Table 3 shows monthly routine maintenance items of ZXWR B09.

Table 3 Monthly Routine Maintenance Items

Item Sub-item Contents Remarks

Radio Engineering Check BTS location Update parameters
parameters parameters parameters according to project
Check antenna parameters situation. Save

Item Sub-item Contents Remarks
parameters for at least
two years
Check whether host and
peripherals are in good
Check whether network
communication is normal
Check whether operating
system is running
Software Checking whether NMS
check process is normal
Check whether database
system is running
Backup the files
Complete backup log files every time before
Data backup Complete backup data system upgrade,
files patching or network
structure adjustment
Clean the equipment rack
Clean the air filter
Check BTS Check the cable tree
equipment and Check DDF, E1/fiber and
its accessories all connectors
Check BTS equipment
Check temperature in the
Temperature equipment room
and humidity Check humidity in the
equipment room
Check spare parts for
Spare boards
Spare parts
materials and Check spare parts for
parts racks
Check other spare parts

2.5 Semiannual Routine Maintenance Items

Table 4 shows semiannual routine maintenance items of the ZXWR B09.

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Table 4 Semiannual Routine Maintenance Items

Item Sub-item Contents Remarks

Check working ground of the
Check protection ground of
the equipment room
Check all items
Lightning Lightning Check grounding trunk line of
before and after a
grounding grounding BTS
natural disaster
Check lightning grounding of
the building
Test each type of grounding
Antenna Check tower light
feeder system Check structure and
Check all items
foundation for any distortion
or sinking
when meeting gale
Iron tower Check uprightness and height
force above 8,
of the tower
earthquake or other
Check all types of bolts
natural disaster
Check anticorrosion and
rustproof measures
Check installation of fixing
Check stress on the pole, pull
wire of pull wire tower and
ground anchor
Check anticorrosion and
rustproof measures
Check uprightness of the pole
Check antenna installation
Check fixing status of the
Check pitch angle of the
Feeder Check installation of feeder
and jumper
Check feeder connectors
Check waterproof and
airproof measures for antenna
feeder system

Item Sub-item Contents Remarks
Check grounding status for
Check water-dropping bend

2.6 Other Recommended Maintenance Items

Daily Routine Maintenance Items and Semiannual Routine Maintenance Items list
maintenance items closely related to the ZXWR B09. There are still other maintenance
items that affect the running of the network in daily operations. Refer to Table 5 for
examples and recommended maintenance periods.

Table 5 Examples of Other Maintenance Items

Item Sub-item Contents
BTS Standing wave Test standing wave ratio of
equipment ratio test each cell
Clean the floor, doors,
Cleanness windows, cabinets and other
Check routine lighting and
emergency lighting facilities
Equipment Check whether AC sockets
room Sockets are complete and in good Monthly
environment condition
Check to find out hidden
safety troubles
Safety Check fire-control facilities
Check protection measures
for the equipment
Devices in the Clean outdoor machine
equipment Clean the air filter
room Check all alarm messages
Check installation of air
conditioners Semiannual
Check drainages of air
Measure input voltage and
Environment Check running status of each Monthly
monitoring type of sensor

Course Code Course Name

Item Sub-item Contents
Check the power display.
Check the battery display.
Clean chassis of monitoring
Check whether switch and
connector are in good
Check whether signal
indicator and alarm are
distribution Monthly
Clean power distribution
and switch
power supply
Check AC feeder and
connection parts
Measure temperature rise of
the fuser
Clean batteries
Measure voltage of a single
Measure end voltage of each
battery and ambient
Check whether there is any
liquid leakage Quarterly
Check whether contact of
leading wire and terminal are
well and whether there is
Check whether connection
pieces between batteries are
Capacity discharging test Yearly
Diesel Charge startup battery, and
generator add distilled water when Semimonthly
Clean the equipment Monthly
Check startup, cooling,
lubricating and fuel systems
Run the machine for 20

Item Sub-item Contents
minutes, without any load

3 Notification and Handling

This chapter introduces types of notification messages that may occur during running
of the ZXWR B09, and gives possible causes of them.

3.1 Notification Messages

When any unrepeatable or transient abnormality occurs during the running of ZXWR
B09, the system reports in the form of notification. Maintenance management
personnel learn running status of each part of Node B from notification message.

3.2 Board Notification

3.2.1 SSCOP Error

Item Contents
Description SSCOP error
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause SSCOP receives error PDU

3.2.2 ALCAP Link Error

Item Contents
Description ALCAP link error
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause ALCAP receives invalid message or the status is error

3.2.3 AAL5_MAC Error

Item Contents
Description AAL5_MAC error
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Packet loss or error packet occurs on this link, or the switching
network is error

3.2.4 RS232 Serial Port Error
Item Contents
Description RS232 serial port error
Alarm level Notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. GPS RS232 serial port receiving frame CRC error;
2. GPS RS232 serial port sending data error;
3. Micro-Control Unit (MCU) RS232 serial port receiving frame
CRC error;
4. Micro-Control Unit (MCU) RS232 serial port sending data

3.2.5 STM-1 B1 Error Code

Item Contents
Description STM-1 B1 error code alarm
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Quality of transmission line is deteriorated (optical power is too
big or too small); there is strong electromagnetic interference
near the optical interface; optical connector is not clean;
ambient temperature where the equipment works is too high.

3.2.6 STM-1 B2 Error Code

Item Contents
Description STM-1 B2 error code alarm
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Quality of transmission line is deteriorated (optical power is too
big or too small); there is strong electromagnetic interference
near the optical interface; optical connector is not clean;
ambient temperature where the equipment works is too high.

3.2.7 STM-1 Remote B2 Error Code Indication

Item Contents
Description STM-1 remote B2 error code indication alarm
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause This alarm is the reply alarm when peer end detects received B2

Chapter 3 Notification and Handling

Item Contents
error codes.

3.2.8 Examples of Other Maintenance Items STM-1 B3 Error Code

Item Contents
Description STM-1 B3 error code alarm
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Quality of transmission line is deteriorated (optical power is too
big or too small); there is strong electromagnetic interference
near the optical interface; optical connector is not clean;
ambient temperature where the equipment works is too high.

3.2.9 STM-1 B3 Remote Error Code Indication

Item Contents
Description STM-1 B3 remote error code indication alarm
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
This alarm is the reply alarm when peer end detects received B2
bit error.

3.2.10 STM-1 Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication (MSRDI)

Item Contents
Description STM-1 Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication (MSRDI)
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Peer end returns MSRDI alarm to this end when receiving LOS,
LOF or MSAIS alarm.

3.2.11 STM-1 Higher-order Path Defect Indication (HPRDI)

Item Contents
Description STM-1 Higher-order Path Defect Indication (HPRDI)
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Remote end returns HPRDI alarm to this end when receiving
HP-AIS, AU-LOP or path tracing byte mismatching message.

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3.2.12 STM-1 Higher-order Path Lady Type Mismatching (HPPLM)

Item Contents
Description STM-1 Higher-order Path Lady Type Mismatching (HPPLM)
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Load type (C2 byte) borne by higher-order path in STM-1 frame
Cause structure received by this end is not ATM. This alarm occurs
along with other alarms.

3.2.13 Loss of STM-1 Cell Delimitation (LCD)

Item Contents
Description Loss of Cell Delimitation (LCD) of STM-1
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
The clock is not synchronized or there is a bit error. Other STM-
1 alarms occur at the same time usually.

3.2.14 STM-1 Received Cell with CRC Error

Item Contents
Description STM-1 received cell with CRC error
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
The clock is not synchronized or there are error codes. Other
STM-1 alarms occur at the same time generally.

3.2.15 E1 Link HDB3 Coding Violation

Item Contents
Description E1 link HDB3 coding violates the rule
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
IIA board interface performance; E1 cable quality is poor;
equipment shares the ground.

3.2.16 E1 Link Slip

Item Contents
Description E1 link slip alarm
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm

Chapter 3 Notification and Handling

Item Contents
Cause The E1 clock is out of synchronization.

3.2.17 Too-Heavy ATM Traffic

Item Contents
Description ATM traffic is too heavy.
Alarm level Alarm notification
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause Actual traffic of ATM exceeds the preset bandwidth.

4 Alarm and Handling

This chapter introduces types of alarm messages that may occur during running of the
ZXWR B09, and gives severities (levels), possible causes and troubleshooting

4.1 Alarm Messages

Any problem or fault that occurs during running of the ZXWR B09 is reported in form
of an alarm message.

Usually, alarm messages last some time and do not disappear until corresponding
problems or faults disappear.

Alarm messages fall into four levels, level 1: Critical, level 2: Major, level 3: Minor
and level 4: Alarming.

1. Critical alarm

It is an alarm for board failure.

For example: related resources of a board are blocked, functions of the system are
fatally affected, and maintenance and management personnel need to replace the board
or perform other troubleshooting procedures to clear the fault.

2. Major alarm

It is an alarm for a serious fault, and it will last for some time.

Functions of the system are seriously affected, with signs of services being affected.
For example, QoS of a type of equipment severely degrades, and maintenance and
management personnel need to perform emergency repair to eliminate the fault.

3. Minor alarm

It is an alarm for a minor fault.

Functions of the system are slightly affected, indicating existence of factors that do not
affect normal services. It is necessary to take measures to prevent severe faults and to
let maintenance and management personnel eliminate the fault.

4. Alarming alarm

It is an alarm that indicates existence of potential problems or problems that are about
to affect normal services. It is necessary to take measures to prevent them from
developing into faults that may severely affect normal services.

Following sections details possible alarms in the system for user’s reference. Contact
Customer Support Center of ZTE in time if failing to handle a generated alarm.

4.2 CCS Alarms

 Note

When handling with alarms, perform in the order of “Handling” until alarm vanish. For
example, if there are 5 steps in “Handling” and alarms vanish when you go on with
Step 3, Seps 4 and 5 are unnecessary.

4.2.1 SSCOP Signaling Link Disconnected

Item Contents
Description SSCOP signaling link is disconnected.
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. Transmission layer parameters are not configured consistent
for Node B, RNC and cascaded Node B;
Cause 2. Node B transmission layer error;
3. Communication cable error;
4. Peer RNC or cascaded Node B fails.
1. Check whether transmission layer parameters are configured
consistent for Node B, RNC and cascaded Node B. Modify
configurations if not consistent;
2. Reset IIA or CCS;
3. Check whether communication cable gets faulty;
4. Check whether peer RNC or cascaded Node B fails.

4.2.2 Clock Reference Source Lost

Item Contents
Description Clock reference source lost
Alarm level Alarming alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause 1. IIA1 clock reference source lost;

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
2. IIA2 clock reference source lost;
3. GPS clock lost;
4. BITS clock lost,
If it is the line clock reference source lost, check whether the
system configures the line clock reference source by mistake;
If it is GPS 1pps reference source lost:
1. Check whether there are alarms with GPS. Handle with them
if there are any;
Handling 2. Check whether connection between EMC and CCS is normal;
3. Replace GPS.
If it is 8 kHz clock reference source lost:
1. Check whether connection between EMU and CCS is
2. Check the external clock.

4.2.3 Clock Module Error

Item Contents
Description Clock module error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. 61.44 M clock alarm;
2. 10 M clock alarm;
3. FR alarm;
4. FN alarm.
1. Check whether system clock signal are abnormal;
2. Check whether there are clock signals input on boards;
Handling 3. Check whether connection between boards and backplane is
4. Check whether board clock receiving module is abnormal.

4.2.4 Board Communication Link Disconnected

Item Contents
Description Board communication link is disconnected.
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. Communication cables error;
2. Board error.
Handling 1. Configuration board must be inserted in the slot. If it is the
middle transfer board error, unplug the middle link

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Item Contents
disconnected board first;
2. Unplug the link disconnected board;
3. Replace the link disconnected board or middle transfer

4.2.5 Active/Standby Synchronization Failure

Item Contents
Description Active/Standby synchronization failure
Alarm level Minor alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
1. Database active/standby synchronization failure;
Cause 2. Operation software version synchronization failure;
3. Backup software version synchronization failure.
1. Confirm whether there are active/standby link disconnected
2. Confirm there are version error alarms on MS board and
Handling hardware error on backup board;
3. Not intervene, waiting for the system to restore automatically;
4. Reset the board if the system fails to restore automatically;
5. Replace CCS backplane.

4.2.6 Software Version Error

Item Contents
Description Software version error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
There are correlated records of this software on the foreground
Cause or the file of this type software saved on the foreground is
Handling Re-download faulty software version.

4.2.7 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
Handling 1. Check whether software version alarm exits;

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

4.2.8 Board Parameter Synchronization Abnormal

Item Contents
Description Board parameter synchronization abnormal
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. Board is configured but not plugged;
Cause 2. Board link is disconnected;
3. Board software is abnormal.
1. Check whether there are board link alarms. If so, handle with
the alarm and repeat the configuration process or restart the
2. Check whether there are board application software
monitoring alarms. If so, handle with the alarm and reset the
3. Re-configure parameters on the background;
4. Re-start the board.

4.2.9 Application Software Monitoring Alarm

Item Contents
Description Application software monitoring alarm
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. Communication line error;
2. Board error.
1. Check whether there are board link alarms;
Handling 2. Reset;
3. Replace the board with alarms.

4.2.10 Database Save Failure

Item Contents
Description Database save failure
Alarm level Minor alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause 1. Harddisk error;

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2. Harddisk is full.
Handling Replace the board.

4.2.11 Reference Resource PRI Configuration Failure

Item Contents
Description Reference resource PRI configuration failure
Alarm level Minor alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
The system configures the reference source that is not
Check whether the system has configured the reference source
Handling that is not supported. If so, delete it and reset the board and the

4.2.12 SSCOP Delivery Buffer Overflow

Item Contents
Description SSCOP delivery buffer overflow
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause The message is abnormal.
Handling Reset the CCS.

4.2.13 Board Configuration Error Alarm

Item Contents
Description Board configuration error alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. The board on the left RBI slot is configured error;
Cause 2. The board on the right RBI slot is configured error;
3. The board on the BP slot is configured error.
Handling Modify the background configurations.

4.2.14 SNTP Time Alignment Failure Alarm

Item Contents
Description SNTP time alignment failure alarm
Alarm level Alarming alarm

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. IP address of SNTP server is configured faulty;
2. Link with SNTP server error.
1. Check whether the link with SNTP server is error;
Handling 2. Check whether the IP address of SNTP server is configured

4.2.15 Clock Reference Source Deterioration

Item Contents
Description Clock reference source deterioration
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause The reference clock quality is too bad.
1. If current reference source is a line clock, inform RNC-
Handling related personnel of normal clock input;
2. Replace the reference source.

4.2.16 CPU Overload Alarm

Item Contents
Description Board configuration error alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
High-layer software operation abnormal or board error, which
results in frequent alarm reports.
Check whether there are alarms on the board and isolate the
faulty board.

4.2.17 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware is abnormal.
Handling Replace the error board.

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4.3 RBI Alarms

4.3.1 Clock Module Alarm

Item Contents
Description RBI clock module alarm
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. System clock signal is abnormal;
Cause 2. Connection between board and backplane is abnormal;
3. Board clock receiving module gets abnormal.
1. Check whether CCS has a clock alarm. Solve it first if such a
clock alarm exists;
Handling 2. Reset the RBI;
3. Unplug and plug the RBI;
4. Replace the RBI.

4.3.2 Downlink LVDS Link Error

Item Contents
Description Downlink LVDS link error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. LVDS transmitting module of upstream board is abnormal;
2. LVDS link of corresponding backplane is abnormal;
3. Interface between board and backplane is abnormal;
4. LVDS receiving module gets abnormal.
1. Make sure corresponding board and backplane are in good
2. Reset the RBI;
3. Reset upstream boards (BP and TRXU);
4. Replace the RBI;
5. Replace upstream boards.

4.3.3 Uplink LVDS Link Error

Item Contents
Description Uplink LVDS link error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause 1. LVDS transmitting module of corresponding TRXU is

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
2. LVDS link of corresponding backplane is abnormal;
3. Interface between board and backplane is abnormal;
4. LVDS receiving module gets abnormal.
1. Make sure corresponding board and backplane are in good
2. Reset the RBI;
3. Reset corresponding TRXU;
4. Replace the RBI;
5. Replace corresponding TRXU.

4.3.4 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
1. Check whether there are software version alarm;
Handling 2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

4.3.5 Board Configuration Parameter Error

Item Contents
Description Board configuration parameter error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Configuration parameter error or hardware error
1. Reset the board;
2. Replace the board.

4.3.6 CPU Overload Alarm

Item Contents
Description CPU overload alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
High-layer software operation abnormal or board error, which
results in frequent alarm reports.
Handling Observe whether there are alarms on the board and isolate the

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Item Contents
faulty board.

4.3.7 Remote Clock Reference Alarm

Item Contents
Description Remote clock reference alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. System clock signals are abnormal;
2. Connection between the board and the backplane is
3. Board clock receiving module is abnormal.
1. Check whether there are clock type alarms on the CCS. If so,
handle with it first;
Handling 2. Reset the RBI;
3. Unplug the RBI;
4. Replace RBI.

4.3.8 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware is abnormal.
Handling Replace the error board.

4.3.9 Optical Module Not-in-position

Item Contents
Description Optical module is not in position.
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Corresponding optical module is not in position or abnormal.
Check whether the corresponding optical module is in position.
If so, replace the corresponding optical module.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

4.3.10 Optical Module Receiving Failure

Item Contents
Description Optical module receiving failure
Alarm level Minor alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. The corresponding RF remote is abnormal;
2. Fibers on corresponding optical interface are abnormal;
Cause 3. Connection of optical interface that the board corresponds to
is abnormal;
4. Optical module that the board corresponds to is abnormal.
1. Confirm that the connection of the corresponding optical
interface is well;
2. Self-loop corresponding optical interface. If the alarm still
exists, go on with Step 3. If the alarm disappears, it proves that
it is the fiber or corresponding RF remote error. Check the
Handling fibers. If the fibers are normal, go on with Step 6;
3. Reset the RBI;
4. Replace RBI alarm optical module;
5. Replace the RBI;
6. If conditions permit, check whether corresponding RF remote
is normal.

4.4 IIA Alarms

4.4.1 Loss Of Signal (LOS) of STM-1

Item Contents
Description Loss Of Signal (LOS) of STM-1
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
The fiber is not corrected or connected with inverse receiving and
Cause transmitting; the fiber is disconnected; local optical module is
damaged; peer end does not send optical interface.
Handling 1. Connect the fiber with Node B if not already connected.
Exchange receiving and transmitting fibers if the alarm still exists;
2. Make self-loop for Node-B optical interface with a fiber. Replace
optical module of IIA or replace IIA if the alarm still exists. Node B
is OK if the alarm disappears. Go on with Step 3;
3. Check status of RNC or optical transmission equipment
connecting Node B. Loop back with fiber level by level to locate the

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Item Contents

4.4.2 Loss Of Frame (LOF) of STM-1

Item Contents
Description Loss Of Frame (LOF) of STM-1
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause The clock is not synchronized.
1. Check CCS alarm status. Eliminate clock alarm first if it exists;
Handling 2. Check whether clock status of RNC or transmission equipment is

4.4.3 Multiplex Section Alarm Indication of STM-1 (MSAIS)

Item Contents
Description Multiplex Section Alarm Indication of STM-1 (MSAIS)
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
MS-AIS alarm is sent to downstream equipment when LOS and LOF
Cause alarms occur to upstream equipment of Node B. It is also possible that
NMS inserts an MSAIS alarm in transmission equipment.
Check alarm status of upstream equipment of Node B and eliminate
the alarm.

4.4.4 Loss Of Pointer (LOP) of STM-1 AU4

Item Contents
Description Loss Of Pointer (LOP) of STM-1 AU4
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Unsynchronized clock of transmission equipment results in pointer
1. Check whether CCS has a clock alarm;
2. Check whether RNC or transmission equipment has a clock alarm.

4.4.5 Loss Of Electrical Signal (LOS) of E1 Link

Item Contents
Description Loss Of electrical Signal (LOS) of E1 Link
Alarm level Major alarm

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
Alarm type Communication alarm
E1 line is not connected or connected with inverse receiving and
Cause transmitting; E1 cable is disconnected; local E1 receiving module or
peer E1 transmitting module is damaged.
1. Check whether E1 line of the alarm link is connected properly or
connected with inverse receiving and transmitting;
2. Make self-loop for the alarm link with E1 line. Node B is OK if the
Handling alarm disappears. Check whether peer equipment is normal;
3. Insert IIA to another slot, and make self-loop with E1 line. E1 cable
or E1 transfer board fails and must be replaced if the alarm disappears
and replace IIA if the alarm still exists.

4.4.6 Loss Of Frame (LOF) Synchronization of E1 Link

Item Contents
Description Loss Of Frame (LOF) synchronization of E1 Link
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause The clock is out of synchronization.
1. Check whether there are Loss of electric Signal (LOS) alarm on
2. Check whether there are lock alarms on the IIA;
Handling 3. Check the alarm status of CCS;
4. Reset the IIA;
5. Check whether the clock status of RNC or transmission equipment
is normal.

4.4.7 Loss of Cell Delimitation (LCD) of E1 Link

Item Contents
Description Loss of Cell Delimitation (LCD) of E1 link
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. The clock is out of synchronization;
Cause 2. The TC layer parameters for IMA connecting both parties are
1. Check the TC layer parameters for IMA connecting both
Handling parties. Modify them consistent if they are inconsistent;
2. Check whether the RNC has a clock alarm.

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4.4.8 Loss of IMA Frame (LIF) of E1 Link

Item Contents
Description Loss of IMA Frame (LIF) of E1 link
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. The scrambling/descrambling parameters for IMA connecting
Cause dual-transmitting are set inconsistent;
2. The clock is out of synchronization.
1. Check scrambling/descrambling parameters for IMA
connecting dual-transmitting. Modify them consistent if they are
Handling inconsistent;
2. Check whether the CCS has a clock alarm;
3. Check whether RNC has a clock alarm.

4.4.9 E1 IMA Group in Non-Working Status

Item Contents
Description The E1 IMA group is not in a working status.
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
This alarm indicates E1 link in IMA group gets faulty, and IMA
Cause group is not in a working state, unable to receive/send data. All
above E1 alarms may result in this alarm.
1. Make self-loop for E1 link in IMA group at Node-B side.
Node B fails if the alarm still exists. Solve the problem step by
step by with the method for solving other E1 alarms. Go on with
Step 2 if the alarm disappears
2. Check whether both parties’ IMA settings (IMA version,
Handling scrambling/descrambling or not and frame length) are consistent.
Modify them if they are inconsistent. Set IMA clock mode of
Node B as ITC if doubting the clock fails. The clock is error and
check clock boards of the peer end and local end if the alarm
disappears. Make loop-back level by level to locate the section
where the problem occurs if doubting E1 connection line fails.

4.4.10 PVC Error

Item Contents
Description PVC error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
Cause ATM link error
Perform the link self-loop. If the alarm disappears, it indicates
Handling that Node B is normal. Check the opposite equipment. If the
alarm still exists, replace the board.

4.4.11 Transmission Clock Abnormal

Item Contents
Description Transmission clock abnormal
Alarm level Minor alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
The board is not inserted tight. CCS clock unit error. Board
error. Backplane error, etc.
1. Check whether there are clock type alarm on CCS;
Handling 2. Unplug and plug the IIA;
3. Replace the IIA.

4.4.12 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
1. Check whether there are software version alarm;
Handling 2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

4.4.13 Board Configuration Parameter Error

Item Contents
Description Board configuration parameter error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Configuration parameter error or hardware error
1. Reset the board;
2. Replace the board.

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4.4.14 Configuring IMA Group Failure

Item Contents
Description Configuring IMA group failure
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause Iub port already exists or parameter error
1. Confirm that parameter configurations are correct;
2. Delete this IMA group and configure again;
3. Reset the board;
4. Replace the board.

4.4.15 Configuring STM-1 Port Failure

Item Contents
Description Configuring STM-1 port failure
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause Iub port already exists or parameter error
1. Confirm that parameter configurations are correct;
2. Delete this IMA group and configure again;
3. Reset the board;
4. Replace the board.

4.4.16 Configuring TC Port Failure

Item Contents
Description Configuring TC port failure
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause Parameter error
1. Confirm that parameter configurations are correct;
2. Delete this TC group and configure again;
3. Reset the board;
4. Replace the board.

4.4.17 Configuring PVC Failure

Item Contents
Description Configuring PVC failure
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
1. Parameter error;
2. Hardware error.
1. Confirm that parameter configurations are correct;
2. Delete this PVC and configure again;
3. Reset the board;
4. Replace the board.

4.4.18 CPU Overload Alarm

Item Contents
Description CPU overload alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
High-layer software operation abnormal or board error, which
results in frequent alarm reports.
Observe whether there are alarms on the board and isolate the
faulty board.

4.4.19 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware error
Handling Replace the error board

4.4.20 Optical Module Not-in-position

Item Contents
Description Optical module is not in position.
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Corresponding optical module is not in position or abnormal.
Check whether the corresponding optical module is in position.
If so, replace the corresponding optical module.

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4.5 TAC Alarms

4.5.1 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
1. Check whether there are software version alarm;
Handling 2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

4.5.2 Board Configuration Parameter Error

Item Contents
Description Board configuration parameter error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Configuration parameter error or hardware error
1. Reset the board;
2. Replace the board.

4.5.3 Board Hardware Local Channel Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware local channel error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Error of tower amplifier that TA corresponds to
Handling Replace the tower amplifier

4.5.4 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware error
Handling Replace the error board.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

4.6 EMU Alarms

4.6.1 Ambient Temperature Abnormal

Item Contents
Description Ambient temperature is abnormal.
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Ambient alarm
1. The temperature is too high or too low (out of the
Cause temperature range that the system configures);
2. EMU board error
1. Check whether the threshold of configuration parameters is
too high or too low;
2. Check whether the ambient temperature is too high (low)
Handling with the thermometer;
3. Reset the EMU;
4. Replace the temperature sensor;
5. Replace the EMU.

4.6.2 Whole Equipment Temperature Rise Alarm

Item Contents
Description Whole equipment temperature rise alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Ambient alarm
Temperature difference at EMU intake and outtake detected by
EMU is over 15 ºC. Possible causes are:
1. Dust-proof net is blocked;
2. Fan error;
3. Temperature sensor error;
4. EMU board error.
1. Check whether there are alarms on fans;
2. Check whether the dust-proof net on racks are blocked;
Handling 3. Replace the two temperature sensors of set-top fans;
4. Reset the EMU;
5. Replace the EMU.

4.6.3 Clock Reference Source Loss

Item Contents
Description Clock reference source loss
Alarm level Alarming alarm

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Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. EMU 2 MHz loss;
2. EMU 2 Mbps loss.
1. Check whether the clock reference source is configured;
2. Check whether there are external BITS. If so, check whether
Handling the BITS has clock output signals and whether it is normal;
3. Check whether the connection between BITS and EMU is

4.6.4 Rack Power Abnormal

Item Contents
Description Rack power abnormal
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. 48 V over-voltage (over 57 V ± 1 V);
2. 48 V under-voltage (below 40 V ± 1 V);
3. EMU board error;
4. Lightening arrester error.
1. If it is the voltage alarm, use the multimeter to detect the rack
power voltage. If the measured value is over or under voltage, it
indicates that something is wrong with the voltage of –48 V
power and it needs solution;
2. If it is the lightening arrester alarm, replace it to detect the
alarm status. If the alarm disappears, it indicates that the
lightening arrester is damaged and it is necessary to replace
3. Reset the EMU;
4. Replace the EMU.

4.6.5 Board Communication Link Disconnected

Item Contents
Description Board communication link disconnected
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. Communication cable error;
2. Board error.
Handling 1. The configured board should be inserted in the slot. If it is the
middle transit board error, unplug it first;
2. Unplug the link disconnected board;

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
3. Replace the link disconnected board or middle transit board.

4.6.6 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
1. Check whether there are software version alarms;
Handling 2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

4.6.7 Board Configuration Parameter Error

Item Contents
Description Board configuration parameter error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Configuration parameter error or hardware error
1. Reset the board;
2. Replace the board.

4.6.8 Fan Alarm

Item Contents
Description Fan alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. Cable error;
Cause 2. Fan error;
3. EMU error.
1. Check whether there are alarms on the whole layer of fans. If
so, check cables of EMU and fans;
Handling 2. Replace faulty fans;
3. Reset the EMU;
4. Replace the EMU.

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4.6.9 Temperature Sensor Not-in-position

Item Contents
Description Temperature sensor is not in position.
Alarm level Minor alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. Cables between EMU and fan layer is error;
2. Temperature sensor connection is error;
3. FCC or FCD error;
4. EMU error.
1. Check whether connection between the fan board in the layer
that faulty temperature sensor locates and EMU is faulty;
2. Open corresponding fan layer to check whether the
temperature sensor is connected to FC correctly;
3. Replace the FC board that the faulty temperature sensor
corresponds to;
4. Reset EMU;
5. Replace EMU.

4.6.10 Father Node External Equipment Error

Item Contents
Description Father node external equipment error
Alarm level Alarming alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. External equipment error;
Cause 2. Father node connection error;
3. EMU error.
1. Check whether there are faults with external equipment;
2. Check whether connections between external equipment and
father node is normal;
3. Replace the EMU.

4.6.11 CPU Overload Alarm

Item Contents
Description CPU overload alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
High-layer software operation abnormal or board error, which
results in frequent alarm reports.
Handling Observe whether there are alarms on the board and isolate the

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
error board.

4.6.12 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware is abnormal.
Handling Replace the error board.

4.7 TRXU Alarms

4.7.1 Clock Module Error

Item Contents
Description Clock module error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. 61.44 M clock alarm;
2. 10 M clock alarm;
3. FR alarm;
4. FN alarm.
1. Check whether system clock signals are normal;
2. Check whether there are clock signal input on boards;
Handling 3. Check whether the connection between the board and the
back plane is normal;
4. Check whether the board time receiving module is normal.

4.7.2 Downlink LVDS Link Error

Item Contents
Description Downlink LVDS link error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. Upstream board LVDS transmitting module is abnormal;
2. LVDS link of corresponding backplane is abnormal;
3. Interface between board and backplane is abnormal;
4. Board LVDS receiving module is abnormal.
Handling 1. Make sure alarm board and backplane are in good contact;

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Item Contents
2. Reset the alarm board;
3. Reset the upstream boards (RBI);
4. Replace the alarm board;
5. Replace the upstream boards.

4.7.3 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
1. Check whether there are software version
2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

4.7.4 Board Configuration Parameter Error

Item Contents
Description Board configuration parameter error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Configuration parameter error or hardware error
1. Reset the board;
2. Replace the board.

4.7.5 CPU Overload Alarm

Item Contents
Description CPU overload alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
High-layer software operation abnormal or board error, which
results in frequent alarm reports.
Observe whether there are alarms on the board and isolate the
faulty board.

4.7.6 Board Hardware Local Channel Error

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
Description Board hardware local channel error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Transmitting or receiving channel error
Handling Replace the tower amplifier

4.7.7 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware error
Handling Replace the error board

4.8 BP Alarms

4.8.1 Clock Module Error

Item Contents
Description Clock module error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. 61.44 M clock alarm;
2. 10 M clock alarm;
3. FR alarm;
4. FN alarm.
1. Check whether system clock signals are normal;
2. Check whether there are clock signal input on the board;
Handling 3. Check whether the connection between the board and the
backplane is normal;
4. Check whether the board clock receiving module is normal.

4.8.2 Uplink LVDS Link Error

Item Contents
Description Uplink LVDS link error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause 1. LVDS link of corresponding backplane is abnormal;

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2. Interface between the board and the backplane is abnormal;
3. Board LVDS receiving module is abnormal.
1. Determine whether the board and the backplane is well
2. Reset the RBI;
3. Reset the corresponding TRXU;
4. Replace the RBI;
5. Replace the corresponding TRXU.

4.8.3 Uplink Path Operation Abnormal

Item Contents
Description Uplink path operation is abnormal.
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. Internal communication error;
2. Hardware error.
1. Reset or unplug the board;
2. Replace the BP.

4.8.4 Downlink Path Operation Abnormal

Item Contents
Description Downlink path operation is abnormal.
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
Cause BP high-layer software and DSP communication error
1. Reset or unplug the board;
2. Replace the BP.

4.8.5 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
1. Check whether there are software version alarm;
Handling 2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

4.8.6 Board Configuration Parameter Error

Item Contents
Description Board configuration parameter error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Configuration parameter error or hardware error
1. Reset the board;
2. Replace the board.

4.8.7 CPU Overload Alarm

Item Contents
Description CPU overload alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
High-layer software operation abnormal or board error, which
results in frequent alarm reports.
Observe whether there are alarms on the board and isolate the
faulty board.

4.8.8 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware is abnormal.
Handling Replace the error board.

4.8.9 Signal Receiving Path Quality Abnormal Alarm

Item Contents
Description Signal receiving path quality abnormal alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Receiving path error
Check whether the RF cable interface (including antenna
interface) of corresponding path is loose.

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4.9 RDM Alarms

4.9.1 Clock Module Error

Item Contents
Description Clock module error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
1. 61.44 M clock alarm;
2. 10 M clock alarm;
3. FR alarm;
4. FN alarm.
1. Check whether system clock signals are normal;
2. Check whether there are clock signal input on the board;
Handling 3. Check whether the connection between the board and the
backplane is normal;
4. Check whether the board clock receiving module is normal.

4.9.2 Antenna VSWR Exceeding 3.0

Item Contents
The antenna VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) exceeds
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause The backplane and RF cable are not in good contact.
1. Unplug and plug RDM board to make sure it is in good
contact with the backplane;
2. Check to make sure antenna at DDL antenna interface is
screwed tight;
3. Check to confirm if water enters the antenna;
4. Reset RDM.

4.9.3 Antenna VSWR Exceeding 1.8

Item Contents
Description The antenna VSWR exceeds 1.8.
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause The backplane and RF cable are not in good contact.
1. Unplug and plug RDM to make sure it is in good contact
with the backplane;

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

Item Contents
2. Check to make sure the antenna at the DDL antenna interface
is screwed tight;
3. Check to confirm if water enters the antenna;
4. Reset RDM.

4.9.4 Calibration Interface Over-power Alarm

Item Contents
Description Calibration interface over-power alarm
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Power at calibration interface is over 30 dBm.
1. Check whether there are RF cables connected with DDL
antenna interface at RDM calibration interface. If so, go on
with Step 2. If not, go on with Step 3;
2. Check whether there are local cells in TRXU connecting
DDL RF cables. If so, block this local cell;
3. Reset the RDM.

4.9.5 Software Operation Failure

Item Contents
Description Software operation failure
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Error handling alarm
Cause Software version error or board error
1. Check whether there are software version error;
Handling 2. Reset the board;
3. Replace the board.

4.9.6 Board Configuration Parameter Error

Item Contents
Description Board configuration parameter error
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Configuration parameter error or board error
1. Reset the board;
2. Replace the board.

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4.9.7 CPU Overload Alarm

Item Contents
Description CPU overload alarm
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
High-layer software operation abnormal or board error, which
results in frequent alarm reports.
Observe whether there are alarms on the board and isolate the
faulty board.

4.9.8 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware is abnormal.
Handling Replace the error board

4.10 LPA30 Alarms

4.10.1 Board Hardware Error

Item Contents
Description Board hardware error
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Equipment hardware is abnormal.
Handling Replace the error board.

4.10.2 Link Disconnected between LPA30 and EMC

Item Contents
Description Link between LPA30 and EMC is disconnected.
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Communication alarm
1. Communication cable is error;
2. LPA30 fails.
1. Unplug and plug the LPA30;
2. Replace the LPA30.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

4.10.3 Over-power Alarm

Item Contents
Description LPA30 over-power alarm
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Possibly signal power of power amplifier LPA30 input port,
exceeds maximum output power 2dB.
1. Enable protected power amplifier;
2. Reset or restart the alarm power amplifier LPA30;
3. Replace the TRXU;
4. Replace the LPA30.

4.10.4 Over-VSWR Alarm: VSWR≥2.8

Item Contents
Description LPA30 over-VSWR alarm, VSWR≥2.8
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Matching of power amplifier LPA30 port may fail (for example,
Cause cable output to the duplexer is not in good contact, or duplexer
output port is not in good contact with the feeder).
1. Check whether power amplifier cable output to the duplexer
is in good contact, and whether cable connector is screwed
Handling 2. Check whether connectors between duplexer output port and
feeder and between antenna and feeder are screwed tightly;
3. Reset the LPA30;
4. Replace the LPA30.

4.10.5 Over-Temperature Alarm

Item Contents
Description LPA30 over-temperature alarm
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Power amplifier layer may fail in heat sinking. For example,
fans on the power amplifier layer work abnormally.
1. Confirm if EMU generates a heat-sinking fan alarm on power
amplifier layer;
2. Enable protected LPA30 board and make a recovery attempt;
3. Reset the LPA30;

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Item Contents
4. Replace the LPA30.

4.10.6 Over-Current Alarm

Item Contents
Description LPA30 over-current alarm
Alarm level Critical alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Possibly power amplifier LPA30 fails.
1. Enable protected LPA30 board and make a recovery attempt;
Handling 2. Reset the LPA30;
3. Replace the LPA30.

4.10.7 LPA30 VSWR Alarm, 2.8>VSWR≥1.8

Item Contents
Description LPA30 VSWR alarm, 2.8>VSWR≥1.8
Alarm level Major alarm
Alarm type Equipment alarm
Cause Matching of power amplifier LPA30 port may fail.
1. Check to make sure that power amplifier cable output to
duplexer is in good contact and cable connector is screwed
2. Check to make sure that connectors between duplexer output
port and feeder and between antenna and feeder are screwed

5 Troubleshooting Examples

This chapter introduces some common problems during routine operation and
maintenance of the ZXWR B09, and presents symptoms, possible causes and solutions.

5.1 Overview
Table 6 shows possible problems during routine maintenance of the ZXWR B09.

Table 6 Common Problems in Routine Maintenance

Classification Problem Remarks

CPU utilization too
See High CPU Utilization
System high
monitoring Decreased cell radius of
See Decreased Radius of BTS Coverage
BTS coverage
Difficult call
See Difficult Call Connection
User complaint
Poor call quality See Poor Call Quality
Slow to access Internet See Slow to Access Internet

5.2 System Monitoring

5.2.1 High CPU Utilization Symptoms and Effects

Alarm man-machine interface of operation and maintenance console has a CPU

utilization alarm reported, or CPU utilization exceeds normal value for a long time
when monitoring CPU utilization at performance management man-machine interface.

High CPU utilization is of great concern. Processing capability of the system decreases
if CPU of CCS is at a high utilization for a long time. It results in sharp rise of call loss
and may cause memory exhaustion or system breakdown. Causes

Rise of CPU utilization of a board (particularly CCS board) may result from:

1. The system is busy currently, for example, high traffic.

2. Too many measurement tasks are set, and there are more measurement report

3. The system has a local emergency fault, causing a large number of alarm
messages reported Handling

Analyze the cause and take appropriate measures in case of high CPU utilization ratio
for a long time.

1. Locate the fault and isolate it by blocking failed board and parts or using other
methods if there is a large amount of burst alarm reports.

2. Adjust measurement strategy properly if there are too many measurement

message reported, for example, cancel some less important measurement tasks
or change the period when performing measurement tasks.

5.2.2 Decreased Radius of BTS Coverage Symptoms and Effects

Conversation quality at the edge of cell decreases, and measurement with instruments
shows that coverage radius of BTS signals decreases. Causes

1. Some radio parameters are set improperly, particularly pilot channel transmitting
power and forward transmitting power, which affects actual coverage of BTS.

2. Surrounding landform and geographical feature changes, for example, urban

construction, also affect actual coverage.

3. Interference in space electromagnetic environment causes pilot pollution.

4. Antenna feeder system gets faulty. Handling

Conduct an on-site survey and detailed spectrum test near the site, and configure radio
parameters again based on ambient characteristics and test result. It is better to let
professional network optimization personnel perform this task.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

5.3 User Complaints

5.3.1 Difficult Call Connection Symptoms and Effects

Users complain that call completion rate (successfully connected to called party)
decreases significantly and calls cannot be connected at all in extreme cases. Causes

Call completion rate is a basic index to evaluate overall performance of the system. A
great variety of factors may affect it, including:

1. Boards and parts of access side equipment (including Node B and RNC) fail, or
parts of core network side equipment (such as MSC) fail, so less resources are
available and users’ access requests are mostly rejected.

2. Software version mismatch exists among some equipment or parts, for operation
mistakes at system upgrade or version update. It affects normal working of the
system, particularly putting interactive flow of important signaling or message
into disorder. As a result, user access becomes difficult.

3. Early-stage network planning or network construction is not perfect or resource

configuration is incorrect, so allocation of system service resources is not
reasonable. There are insufficient resources in some areas, particularly those
with large traffic, which reduce success ratio of user access.

3. User access is more likely to fail in promulgation environment, if there is

electromagnetic interference (for example, pilot pollution) and SNR degrades. Handling

1. Set statistical tasks on performance statistics man-machine interface of operation

and maintenance background, to measure call completion rate in user complaint
area, and compare the result with old statistical data.

2. There is a large possibility of external electromagnetic interference if statistical

indices do not decrease significantly.

· Use a radio signaling analyzer to observe connection process of radio signaling,

and record characteristics of abnormal interruptions.

· Use a spectrum analyzer to scan frequency band in use for any external

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electromagnetic contamination.

· Locate interference source and try to eliminate it.

3. Check equipment faults, resource configurations and software versions if

statistical indices decrease significantly.

· Determine whether whole network, a BTS, or a sector is affected according to

problem area reported by the user first.

· Check current alarms and history alarms. Check working status of equipment
parts, transmission equipment and clock source. Eliminate any fault found.

· Observe utilization of related sources continuously, for example, board CPU

utilization, link load, cell traffic, and radio channel utilization. Adjust resource
configuration data and expand capacity of the equipment if necessary, if related
resources cannot meet needs continuously.

· Check software/hardware versions of each equipment and part, to eliminate

version mismatch.

4. It may be a sign that the system is to be down if performance indices of the

whole network degrade. Handle the problem immediately, and report it ZTE in

5.3.2 Poor Call Quality Symptom and Effect

Common symptoms of poor conversation quality are:

1. Call drop: There is frequent abnormal interruption during conversation of users.

2. One-way conversation: One party cannot hear the other party during the

3. Intermittent voice: The voice is intermittent when users are in conversation. Causes

1. Mobile terminal has poor demodulation performance (receiving sensitivity), and

fluctuation of receiving field strength affects conversation quality.

2. Either or both parties of the call are on edge of cell(s) or the call is blocked by
landform or buildings, so signal field strength is weak and fluctuates greatly.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Examples

They result in a high frame error rate and affecting voice quality.

3. Strong electromagnetic interference is present in the space, including pilot

pollution, carrier interference, and abnormal sector power of adjacent BTSs.
They result in decreased voice quality.

· Pilot pollution: Surplus pilot frequencies become a strong interference source

when there are three or more pilot frequencies with nearly equal magnitude in
coverage area.

· Carrier interference: It is strong signal interference at a frequency close to

carrier frequency of BTS in coverage area. The interference may be continuous
or in a burst.

· Abnormal sector power of adjacent BTS: Power output of sectors of adjacent

BTS is fluctuating often at amplitude over 3dB, producing interference to
overlapped soft handover area of corresponding sector of other BTSs or its
adjacent BTS.

4. Users are moving during the conversation. Signals are seriously blocked
suddenly, and air links undergo fast fading or receiving signal strength
undergoes sudden change when there are obstacles in the surrounding. They
affect continuity of voice because rapid power control function cannot
effectively follow up.

5. Resources occupied during the conversation, such as carrier frequency, link,

board, switching network and transmission equipment have faults and do not
work stably. They affect stability of the conversation.

6. Data configurations are incorrect or versions of hardware and software do not

match. They affect stability of the conversation. Handling

1. Check mobile terminal used for conversation. Use multiple terminals of different
models for comparison if possible, to determine whether the terminal has any

2. Test signal field strength in conversation area to evaluate coverage effect.

Optimize the network if the area has weak signal field strength.

3. Monitor with instruments to see whether any pilot pollution or carrier

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interference exists in the region. Find out interference source and handle it
properly if so.

4. Query recent forward power output status of all adjacent BTSs at operation and
maintenance console. Check corresponding BTS and eliminate related fault if
finding any abnormal power output.

5. Usual reason for voice quality degradation only occurring during motion is that
power control mechanism in special geographical and ambient system cannot
accommodate the application. There is need to optimize the network in this case,
for example, by adjusting the antenna.

6. Use a signaling monitoring meter or start signaling tracing at operation and

maintenance background, and perform on-site dialing test, to monitor signaling
flow. Query history alarms and current alarms simultaneously as a supplement to
locate the fault. Check corresponding data configuration and hardware/software
versions to eliminate the fault if locating the fault to a specific board or part.
5.3.3 Slow to Access Internet Symptoms and Effects

Connection speed is relatively slow when users access the Internet through packet
service. Causes

1. Signals on forward radio link are of poor quality. For example, received power
at the edge is below -90dBm, or received power is high but FER is above 10%,
which limits rate of the forward link.

2. Fail to provide high-rate downloading-required bandwidth because system

resources are insufficient.

3. The equipment other than Node B fails. Handling

1. Use instruments to test received power and BER of forward radio link, and
perform network optimization if required.

2. View current occupation and allocation of system resources, such as carrier

frequencies, links, boards and switching network, to find out “bottleneck” of
resources. Upgrade the equipment or expand capacity if condition permits.

6 Emergent Fault Handling

This chapter introduces emergent faults during running of the ZXWR B09, and
provides how to contact the Customer Support Center of ZTE. For some emergent
faults, a quick handling procedure on site is given.

6.1 Definition of Emergency Fault

Emergency fault means that a major fault occurs during running of the product and
fails to provide basic service, for example: the equipment is paralyzed or suspended;
the system is in disorder; abnormal running time exceeds 30 minutes for other causes
or the product endangers personnel safety. The followings are level-1 faults:

1. Fail to provide basic service (regardless of any cause such as equipment

paralysis, suspension, system disorder or ambient and human factors), and fails
to recover after preliminary handling. Emergency handling is in need.

2. Service interruption affects major sites or customers.

3. Foreground/background communication is completely interrupted.

4. Affects other equipment to provide basic service.

5. Use of the product endangers personnel safety.

6.2 Handling
Contact technical support person of ZTE in time if an emergency fault occurs to the
ZXWR B09. ZTE Corporation will immediately enable emergency fault handling to
solve the problem ensuring quality

6.3 On-site Handling Procedure

This section introduces on-site fast handling procedures for some emergency faults
with examples. Inform Customer Support Center of ZTE immediately if the problem
still exists.

Customer Support Center of ZTE provides round the clock service. Hotline call time

for fault handling is less than 20s, and user’s problem will be solved at fastest speed
and with best quality. See Table 7 for contact modes.

Table 7 Contact Mode of ZTE Customer Support Center

National hotline 800-830-1118; 0755-26770800

ADSL hotline 0755-26770188
Support website
Support mailbox

Refer to Table 8 for time standard applied to Customer Support Center.

Table 8 Time Standard Applied to ZTE Customer Support Center.

Phone Response
Fault Level Fault Description Recovery Time
The whole system is
paralyzed, and no basic
Level-1 fault function can be implemented Immediately Less than 1 day
or all basic functions are
The whole system is Less than 30 Less than 5
Level-2 fault
potentially paralyzed minutes days
The service is directly
affected, and partial system Less than 15
Level-3 fault Less than 2 hours
performances or services are days
The service is affected Less than 30
Level-4 fault Less than 2 hours
intermittently or indirectly days
Technical consultation, and
Technical consultation about the Less than 2
Less than 2 hours
consultation equipment service and days
There are new service and
Other new function requirements for Less than 48 Less than 90
problems the product, having no direct hours days
effect on the service

6.3.1 Sudden System Breakdown

Sudden system breakdown refers to sudden global failure of the system, including calls
fail globally, calls are globally hard to get connected, wireless Internet access is denied
or Internet access speed is very low globally in some district.

Check whether all board indicators on the ZXWR B09 rack are normal and whether
Chapter 6 Emergent Fault Handling

there is any critical alarm, if failing to make calls or running the dial-up program
suddenly. View global traffic on Service Observation window to determine whether
system breakdown has occurred.

Perform following steps in sequence to solve the problem:

1. Check status of BTS through background man-machine interface, and isolate

faulty board according to alarm status.

2. Check whether IIA works normally.

RNC loses contact with Node B, and operation and maintenance in

communication with Node B through IPOA fails if transmission system has any

3. Check communications of CCS with BP and TRXU.

View rack status through background interface and check whether any BP or TRXU
generates an alarm.

4. Check whether clock system has any major alarm.

5. Check RF subsystem.

Observe whether measured values of broadband receiving power and carrier

transmitting power of each RF subsystem are normal. The antenna system may have a
fault if measured power is at a significantly low level for a long time.

Observe whether power amplifier unit is closed for protection because output power is
too high.

6.3.2 Transmission Disconnected

Node B cannot communicate with RNC and user services cannot be accessed, if
transmission between RNC and Node B is faulty.

Perform following steps in sequence to solve the problem:

1. Use a piece of normal transmission wire (E1 or optical fiber) to self-loop IIA.
IIA is normal if self-loop succeeds. IIA is abnormal and needs replacement if
self-loop fails.

2. Perform a self-loop test for corresponding transmission interface of RNC by

following same procedures. Replace the board if it is abnormal.

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3. Check transmission line connecting RNC and Node B.

6.3.3 Power Amplifier Output Power Protection

Output power protection of the power amplifier is triggered, and there is no output
signal or output signal is very weak, so Node B does not work normally and user
services cannot be accessed.

Output power protection of the power amplifier is basically because SWR is too high
and power returned is too large. They may burn the power amplifier. There is need of
protection and the power amplifier adjusts output power to decrease power returned.
Improper installation of antenna feeder system results in unmatched input impedance
and output impedance in actual cases.

Perform following steps in sequence to solve the problem:

1. Remotely reset the power amplifier board, and observe whether the system
recovers. Reset it on site if not.

2. Check whether antenna feeder system is disconnected. Install antenna feeder

system properly if so.

3. Check whether antenna system is in short circuit. Replace it with a new one if

4. Check whether there is any sign that water enters antenna feeder system or
antenna feeder system becomes aging. In the first case, discharge the water in
former case and replace antenna feeder system in latter case.

6.3.4 Lightning Strike

A lightning strike may have damaged the equipment, if system service suddenly
becomes abnormal.

Check devices in the following order: antenna feeder, DDL, TRXU, power distributor,
IIA, and optical interface of IIA.

Isolate failed parts and replace them.

7 Terms

Term Description
AAA Authentication Authorization Accounting
AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5
AH Authentication Header
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DiffServ Differentiated Service
GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
HLR Home Location Register
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IMSI International Mobile Station Identity
IntServ Integrated Service
IPCP IP Control Protocol
IPsec IP Security
IPv6 IP Version 6
ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
IWF Inter Work Function
L2TP Layer2 Tunnel Protocol
LAES Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance
LAN Local Area Network
LCP Link Control Protocol
MGW Media Gateway
MIP Mobile IP
MS Mobile Station
MSC Mobile Switching Center
NCP Network Control Protocol
PAP Password Authentication Protocol
PPP Point to Point Protocol
QoS Quality of Service
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial in User Service
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

Term Description
STM Synchronous Transfer Mode
TCP Transfer Control Protocol
TOS Type of Service
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UDR User Data Record
VLR Visit Location Register
VPN Virtual Private Network
WAN Wide Area Network

8 Abbreviations

Abbreviations Description
A3 Authentication algorithm A3
A5/X Encryption algorithm A5/0-7
A8 Ciphering key generating algorithm A8
ACK ACKnowledgement
ACM Accumulated Call Meter
ACM Address Complete Message
AE Application Entity
APB ATM Process Board
AoC Advice of Charge
AoCC Advice of Charge Charging supplementary service
AoCI Advice of Charge Information supplementary service
ASE Application Service Element
ASIG Analog Signaling
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
AuC Authentication Centre
BAIC Barring of All Incoming Calls supplementary service
BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls supplementary service
BCCH Broadcast Control Channel
BCTL Back Control
BCSN Backplane of Circuit Switch Network
BDT Back Digital Trunk
BCTC Backplane of ConTrol Center
BFBI Back Fiber Bus Interface
BHCA Busy hour Calling Attempt
Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming outside
the home PLMN country supplementary service
BNET Back Network
BO all Barring of Outgoing call supplementary services
Barring of Outgoing International Calls supplementary
Barring of Outgoing International Calls except those
BOIC-exHC directed to the home PLMN Country supplementary
BPSN Backplane of Packet Switch Network

Abbreviations Description
BS Basic Service (group)
BS Bearer Service
BSG Basic Service Group
BSNM Back S Network
BTS Base Transceiver Station
BUSN Backplane of Universal Switch Network
CAI Charge Advice Information
CB Cell Broadcast
CBC Cell Broadcast Centre
CBCH Cell Broadcast Channel
CBK Clear Back signal
CC Country Code
Call Control
CCF Conditional Call Forwarding
The International Telegraph and Telephone
Consultative Committee
Cct Circuit
CF all Call Forwarding services
Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Busy
supplementary service
Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable
supplementary service
CFNRy Call Forwarding on No Reply supplementary service
CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional supplementary service
CGC Circuit Group Congestion signal
CI Cell Identity
CUG Index
CLKG CLOCK Generator
CLKI CLOCK Interface
CLI Calling Line Identity
Calling Line Identification Presentation supplementary
Calling Line Identification Restriction supplementary
CM Connection Management
CMP Control Main Processor
COLI COnnected Line Identity
COLP COnnected Line identification Presentation

Chapter 8 Abbreviations

Abbreviations Description
supplementary service
COnnected Line identification Restriction
supplementary service
DTB Digital Trunk Board
GGLP GGSN Line Processor
COnnected Line identification Presentation
supplementary service
GGMP GGSN Main Processor
GLI GE Line Interface
GERAN GSM Enhanced Radio Access Network
IPB IP Process Board
IPI IP bearer Interface
MNIC Multi-service Network Interface Card
MPB Main Process Board
MRB Media Resource Board
OMP Operation Main Processor
PLI POS Line Interface
PSN Packet Switch Network
PWRD POWER Distributor
RMP Router Main Processor
RPB Router Protocol process Board
SDTB Sonet Digital Trunk Board
SDU Selection and Distribution Unit
SGBP SGSN Gb Processor
SGLP SGSN General Line Processor
SGMP SGSN Main Processor
SGSP SGSN Processor
SIUP SGSN Iu Processor
SMP Signal Main Processor
SPB Signaling Process Board
TFI TDM Fiber Interface
TSNB TDM Switch Network Board
UIM Universal Interface Module
VTC Voice Transcoder Card

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