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Modeling With Data: The Cheat while ( ondition){ do {

do_while_true; do_while_true;
Sheet } } while ( ondition);

Basic C for (pre-loop; ondition; at_ea h_loop){

Types }
int Integer
double Real Number
For example, the standard means of operating on every element of an
har character
array declared with array[n℄:
Creating a structure:
typedef stru t{
har* name; for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
int number; operation(array[i℄);
} person; }
Declare & initialize:
int i = 8; Printf family format specifiers
int an_array[℄ = {2, 4, 6, 8}
har string[50℄ = "Hi there."; %i integer
int *array_ptr = mallo (sizeof(int)*20) %g general real number
%s string
The three laws of pointers %f float
(1) To declare a pointer to an integer, use int *k. %lf double (formerly long float)
(2) After its declaration, to refer to the int being pointed to, use *k. %Lf long double
(3) After its declaration, to refer to the pointer itself, use k. %- left-justify
For example, if p1 is an existing pointer, and p2 is being declared, set %n allow n spaces for the number
p2’s address equal to p1’s with int *p1 = p2, because p1 abides by %.n allow n spaces after the decimal
rule 1 and p2 abides by rule 3. %% plain old percent sign
\n begin a new line
Comparisons \t tab
(a > b) a is greater than b \" quotation mark
(a < b) a is less than b \(newline) continue string on the next line
(a >= b) a is greater than or equal to b
(a <= b) a is less than or equal to b Matrices and data
(a == b) a equals b Per-element operations
(a != b) a is not equal to b
(a && b) a and b gsl_matrix *a, *b;
(a || b) a or b gsl_ve tor *av, *bv;
(!a) not a double x;

A minimal program gsl_matrix_add (a,b);

#in lude <apop.h> gsl_matrix_sub (a,b);
int main(){ gsl_matrix_mul_elements (a,b);
printf("Hi.\n"); gsl_matrix_div_elements (a,b);
} gsl_ve tor_add (av,bv);
gsl_ve tor_sub (av,bv);
If you haven’t built a makefile yet, name this hello. and compile gsl_ve tor_mul (av,bv);
with gsl_ve tor_div (av,bv);
gsl_matrix_s ale (a,x);
g -g -Wall -std=gnu99 hello. gsl_matrix_add_ onstant (av,x);
gsl_ve tor_s ale (av,x);
Flow gsl_ve tor_add_ onstant (av,x);
Conditional evaluation: apop_ve tor_log(av);
apop_ve tor_exp(av);
if ( ondition){
} else { Linear algebra
do_if_false; int *gsl_blas_ddot(gsl_ve tor *L, gsl_ve tor *R, double *out);
} apop_data *apop_dot(apop_data *L, apop_data *R, ...);
double apop_matrix_determinant(gsl_matrix *in);
Three types of loop: while, do-while, and for. gsl_matrix* apop_matrix_inverse(gsl_matrix *in);
[Info] [Settings]
e s t i m a t e ( apop_data * d a t a , apop_model * model)
int vbase, mbase1, mbase2, dsize log_likelihood(data, model) cdf (data, model) void * m o r e
p(data, model) constraint(data, model)
char name[101] int prepared, status predict(data, model) print (data, model) int more_size
d r a w ( double * o u t , gsl_rng * r, model) prep(data, model)
a p o p _ d a t a * data apop_data *parameters *settings
s c o r e ( d a t a , gsl_vector *gradient, model)

apop_data apop_settings_type
gsl_vector * v e c t o r apop_data * more apop_data apop_data char* name
gsl_vector * w e i g h t s gsl_matrix *matrix ... ... void * a s s t
c h a r ***text int text_size[2] more more free(settings)
apop_name * names copy(settings)

gsl_vector gsl_matrix
c h a r title[101]
double* d a t a double * d a t a
i n t colct, rowct, textct
i n t size int size1 int size2
char * vector
... ...
char ** column, **r o w , **t e x t

Figure 1: Key structures are built using other key structures. From the bottom up:
≻ The GSL provides simple vector and matrix structures.
≻ The apop_data struct has one of each, plus a text grid, weights vector, and metadata in an apop_name struct.
≻ Also, the more element points to an apop_data struct as well, allowing for a list of data sets (retrieved via, e.g.,
apop_data_get_page(basedata, "infopage")).
≻ The apop_model includes three types of item: information like data and parameters (which are apop_data structs)
functions that act on the model, and settings. See the online refs on using the settings.

SQL Table maintenance

The basic query format: create: reate table t(row1, row2, row3)
sele t olumns add data: insert into t values(1, 2, 3)
from tables add via query: insert into t sele t ...
where row_ onditions delete: drop table t
Specifying columns (select) Gnuplot
All cols: sele t * Basic 2D: plot 'datafile'
Only a few: sele t ol1, ol2 Basic 3D: splot 'datafile'
with table name: sele t t1. ol1, t2. ol2 Inline data:
with an alias: sele t ol1+ ol2 as sum
plot '-'
Specifying data sources (from) 1 2
3 4
just list tables: from table1, table2 5 6
or alias them: from table1 t1, table2 t2 e
or use a subquery:
from table1, (sele t a, b from a_tab) qtab Settings
Specifying rows (where) set term ...: set the output format, one of
posts ript, posts ript olor, png, gif, latex
The usual conditions: To return to screen display, use windows or X11.
where ol1+ ol2 > 3 and ( ol1=0 or ol2!=1) set out outfile: use in conjunction with set term.
join two tables via a common column: where = unset border: Delete the border of the plot.
Vertical query merging unset grid: Make the plot even more minimalist.
set size square: Set axes to have equal length on screen or paper.
Put on table on top of another, deleting dups: union set format y "%.3g": Use printf strings to format axis labels.
Put on table on top of another, do not delete dups: union all set format y "": Or just turn off printing on the Y axis entirely.
Find rows that appear in two queries: interse t
Find rows that appear only in first query: ex ept
All four of these must go between two queries (that return the same Comment Corner
number of columns), e.g.: C, one line //two slashes
SQL, one line --two dashes
sele t * from t1 Gnuplot & shell languages #number sign
union C & SQL, multiline /* star-slash
sele t * from t2 to slash-star*/

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