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Unit. Credits. Deadline to deliver.

U4 Helping out 1.5 February 12th to February 18th

Activity in the forum. Credits. Appears in Edusoft as:
2 Speaking assignment 4 TU4L6S2NEWSREPORT
Objectives: Students will analyze how is structured reported speech and the use in order to develop its main function ( report what someone
said or told)

1. Play the video related to the 12th of the worst places to live in the U.S.
2. Download the typescript about the 12th of the worst places to live in the U.S.
3. Select 2 places that are mentioned in the video example: Modesto California and Detroit Michigan.
4. You are a reporter for an American broadcast (NBC, ABC, FOX, Univision, etc.) report what the narrator said about the places that
you have selected.
5. Use reported speech for creating your report.
5. Record your participation by using Vocaroo online tool: Vocaroo.com
6. Upload and post your participation:
Example: Oscar Torres report.
7. If you need help about using reported speech go to Teacher’s content in content section from Unitec Blackboard and download the
supportive material U4.
Example about my participation: RECORD YOUR VOICE.
Original typescript:
Modesto, California. Despite being home to the largest winery in the world, the unemployment rate was nearly 13% in 2014. Modesto ranks
number one in the country for car theft and out of 200,000 residents, up to 10,000 are reported to be gang members.

You have to say or report:

Hello, this is (Your name) reporting for NBC news. This is my report about the Modesto California, the narrator said that Modesto was being
home to the largest winery in the world, he told that the unemployment rate had been nearly 13% in 2014, he mentioned that Modesto ranked
number one in the country for car theft, up of to 10,000 were reported to be gang members.

Green words: are parts to change to past.

Red words: the words were changed to past.
Purple words: part of the structure of reported speech. (told, mentioned, said—said me: incorrect , said to me: correct)


1. Ricardo: Maria is an actress. The verb (is) is in present, when you report in past the verb changes to: Ricardo said that Maria was an
actress. The verb (is) changed to past.
2. Jen: My mom bought me a nice bag last week (the verb: buy is in past: bought)
Let’s change:
Jen told me that her mom had bought her a nice bag last week.

When you report in past: the verb was changed to had.

In this case: bought --- had bought.
3. Anna: I love going to Brazil------ she said that she loved going to Brazil.
Present—changes to past.
Past changes to past perfect.
Future (will) changes to would.
Oscar: I will run in the next Mexico’s marathon. He said that he WOULD run (correría) in the next marathon.

We use:
SAID: For reporting short messages.
TOLD: For reporting long messages.


A) Open you book on page 20--- Teacher said that we opened our book on page 20.
B) I am going to narrate my last vacation in Portland Oregon...- She told us that she was going to narrate her last vacation in Portland
Reporting in past:
Will -- Would
Have --- Had
Is going to --- was going to

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