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1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

(0) They flew (fly) to Barcelona last week.

A funny thing happened to me the other day.

(1) I ________ (be) in a hurry to get to work and I found that my car wasn’t working.
(2) I ________ (have to) rush out of the house to catch the bus.
(3) While I __________________ (walk) along the street, I (4) ________ (notice) a woman
of about my age on the opposite side of the road. I looked at her again and I (5)
_____________ (realize) that we (6) ______________ (meet) before. She arrived at the bus
stop a couple of seconds after me. „She must be catching the bus too, “ I thought. We
(7)________ just ________ (miss) the previous bus and we had fifteen minutes to wait before
the next one. „And you’re Claire …?’ ‘Lewis. Well, my name was Lewis but I (8) ________
(be) married now.“ „ What (9) _______ you ________ (do) nowadays?“ „I
(10)________(live) in this area, in George Street, for about three years.“

2. Write conditional sentences as given in the example.

Example: I’m broke at the moment. If / I / have some money, I / go on holiday.

If I had some money, I’d go on holiday.

1. She can never travel by sea. If / she / get / on a boat, she / get / seasick.

2. I’m quite short. If / I / be taller, I / play / in the basketball team.


3. ‘I’ve put my glasses down somewhere.’ ‘If / I / find them, I / bring / them to you.’

4. He’s feeling much better now. If / he / be / completely well tomorrow, he / go to school.


5. My car is very economical. If / you / fill it with petrol, it / go / for two weeks.

3. Transform the sentences into passive as given in the example.

Example: Germany has exported thousands of cars to Asia.

Thousands of cars have been exported to Asia from Germany.

1. They made hundreds of employees redundant


2. Do you know if they have completed the tunnel yet?


3. The people of the region will choose a new mayor.

4. They have made huge improvements in the dvelopment of drugs.

5. Teenagers in Europe are voting for the best band of the year.

4. Fill in the gaps with a modal verb and the correct tense of the verb in brackets:

1.Jenny's brother _____________( be) a doctor because he is only 18.

2. Samantha said she would go for a swim as soon as she reached the seaside so she
___________________ (swim )in the sea right now.
3. I left Camilla a message on her answerphone but she hasn't rung yet. She ______________
( not listen ) to it yet.
4. I found this watch in the changing rooms. It ______________ (be ) Peter's. I think he
has got one like that.
5. I don't seem to have my wallet . I ____________ ( leave ) it at home because I paid for
my train ticket.

5. Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun, conjunction or preposition.

Example: UAVs are small planes __that\which__ can carry sensors and weapons
controlled __by__ a ground station.

01. The Navy is secretive about future carrier technology _______________ some
developments can be predicted.
02. The flight wasn’t very good _______________ we had quite a lot of turbulence.
03. Officer of primary responsibility is a person _______________ is responsible for
completing a task.
04. In my opinion the best tank _______________ all is the German Leopard 2.
05. _______________ the recruits are assigned to one of the companies, they complete four
months of intensive training.
06. Your units are much better prepared for this mission _______________ theirs.
07. Dalton has a bad reputation among people _______________ know him.
08. They were extremely surprised _______________ their commander when he told them to
stay there.
09. _______________ the man was laying on the beach, a thief broke into his car
_______________ stole his wallet _______________ was on the back seat.
10. This is an informal party _______________ you don’t have to come in your uniform.

1. was
2. had to
3. was walking
4. noticed
5. realized
6. had met
7. had just missed
8. am married
9. are you doing?
10. have lived

1. If she gets on a boat, she gets seasick.
2. If i was taller, I would play in the basketball team.
3. If I find them , I will bring them to you.
4. If he is completely well tomorrow, he will go to school.
5. If you fill it with petrol, it goes for two weeks.

1. Hundreds of employees were made redundant in local government.
2. Do you know if the tunnel has been completed yet?
3. A new mayor will be chosen.( by the people in the region)
4. Huge improvements have been made in the development of the drugs.
5. For the best band of the year is being voted by teenagers in Europe.

1. Jenny's brother can't be a doctor because he is only 18.

2. Samantha said she would go for a swim as soon as she reached the seaside so she
should be swimmimg / must be swimming in the sea right now.
3. I left Camilla a message on her answerphone but she hasn't rung yet. She might not / may
not have listened to it yet.
4. I found this watch in the changing rooms. It might / may / could be Peter's. I think he
hs got one like that.
5. I don't seem to have my wallet . I can't / could not have left it at home because I paid for
my train ticket.

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