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Analysis Sheet

Name: ……....…………….... Test No: …….…… Date: ……………

Physics Attempted Unattempted Correct Incorrect Net score
Question No.

Question No.

Chemistry Attempted Unattempted Correct Incorrect Net score

Question No.

Question No.

Biology Attempted Unattempted Correct Incorrect Net score

Question No.

Question No.

Wrong question No of Question Left out question No of Question

Total Total
1) Analysis of wrong questions
Reason for wrong questions No. of Questions
(to be filled after you have attempted wrong questions on
your own after the test)
Knew the question and solve after test but did wrong because
of calculation mistake (A)
Knew the question and solve after test but did wrong because
got confused and applied wrong concept (B)
Did not knew the question and couldn’t solve even after
exam (C)
Total number of questions attempted wrong

2) Analysis of not attempted questions: Divide the questions not attempted in 3

Reason for unattempted questions No. of Questions
(to be filled after you have tried unattempted questions on
your own after the test)
Easy Questions (A)
Average Questions (B)
Difficult Questions (C)
Total number of questions not attempted

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