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Good Morning Laura,

This is Mayca, your doctor. The reason for my visit is because we already have the results of
your right breast biopsy. We saw a suspicious lump there and we want to make sure that we
are right. The results tell us that you have a carcinoma in the lower outer part of your right
breast. Carcinomas are the most common breast tumors. They appear in the epithelial cells
of the dulls, which lead to the nipple or from the lobules, the milk-producing glands.

Fortunately, we have seen them on time, and this kind of cancer has a high probability of
cure, according to recent studies, of the ninety per cent of the cases.

We will do a partial mastectomy, where we only take the tumor, which measures
approximately 3 cm, although we will clean around the affected zone to make sure that we
have removed it completely. It means that you will keep your chest, we don't need to remove
it. We also remove the sentinel node, and probably those close to this node on both sides,
which will be analyzed to confirm that no cancer cells of the carcinoma has passed to your
lymphatic system. If everything is ok, which does not have to be contrary in principle
according to our experiences in these cases, we will make an appointment in ten days and
you will receive sessions of radiotherapy everyday during ten days until completing the cycle
of twenty Greys.

It would not be necessary any chemotherapy session after the intervention, unless the nodes
analyzed indicate that they are affected.

Don’t worry about that, because everything will be fine and we are going to help you in the
whole process.

In any case, I will give you some brouchures with information about support groups,
psychologists, associations against cancer in the case that you need some help or support.

Take care Laura and we will call you back early to give some indications about the
preoperative, the intervention day and the next steps to follow.

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