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1. Give and explain the major activities of 2.

What is meant by “off-balance-sheet”

banks for the last 5 decades activities of commercial banks?

Traditional Banking Services (1970s-1980s): Off-balance-sheet activities refer to financial

transactions that do not appear on a bank's
Deposits and Loans: Banks primarily focused on
balance sheet but can impact its financial
taking deposits and providing loans to
position. Examples include loan commitments,
individuals and businesses.
letters of credit, and derivatives. These activities
Payment Services: Offering payment services, allow banks to manage risk and provide
such as check clearing and wire transfers. additional services without directly affecting
their balance sheet ratios.
Deregulation and Expansion (1980s-1990s):

Diversification: Banks started diversifying their

services, including insurance and investment 3. Why are investment banks considered
products. engaged in “shadows banking”?

Global Expansion: Increased international Investment banks are considered engaged in

presence and operations. "shadow banking" due to their involvement in
activities outside traditional banking
Technological Advances (1990s-2000s): regulations. Shadow banking involves financial
Digital Banking: Introduction of online banking, intermediaries facilitating credit creation and
ATMs, and other technological innovations. liquidity outside the traditional banking system.
Investment banks engage in activities like
Risk Management: Enhanced risk management securitization, money market funds, and
practices due to increased financial complex financial products, operating in the
complexities. shadows of traditional banking regulations.
Financial Crisis and Regulatory Changes (2008-
4. What are sources of income of
Regulatory Reforms: Stringent regulations post investment banks?
the 2008 financial crisis to enhance stability.
Underwriting Fees: Earnings from underwriting
Focus on Risk Management: Greater emphasis new securities issuances.
on risk management and compliance.
Trading and Sales: Profits from buying and
Digital Transformation (2010s-Present): selling financial instruments.
Fintech Collaboration: Collaboration with Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): Advisory fees
fintech firms for innovation and digital services. for facilitating mergers and acquisitions.
Cybersecurity: Heightened focus on Asset Management: Management fees for
cybersecurity due to increased digitalization. handling investment portfolios.

Advisory Services: Fees for providing financial

advice to clients.
5. Distinguish between the industry 1. Indicators of Improvement in the
coverage groups and financial services Philippine Banking System:
group within the organization of
Capital Adequacy: Higher capital adequacy
investment banks
ratios signify a strengthened financial position,
Industry Coverage Groups: Focus on specific ensuring banks can absorb potential losses and
industries (e.g., technology, healthcare) and maintain stability.
provide specialized financial services tailored to
the needs of those industries.
Asset Quality: Improvements in asset quality,
Financial Services Group: Covers a range of
with a lower ratio of non-performing loans
financial products and services, including
(NPLs) to total loans, reflect effective risk
mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, and
capital raising, not limited to a specific industry.

6. Enumerate / describe the classification

of firms engaged in investment banking Profitability: Rising return on assets (ROA) and
according to size. return on equity (ROE) indicate that banks are
generating healthy profits from their operations.
Bulge Bracket Firms: Large, globally recognized
investment banks with extensive capabilities
and services.
Liquidity Position: Adequate liquidity, reflected
Middle Market Firms: Medium-sized in favorable loan-to-deposit ratios and liquid
investment banks that focus on mid-sized asset holdings, ensures banks can meet short-
companies, often regionally or sector-specific. term obligations.
Boutique Firms: Small, specialized firms that
provide niche services, such as M&A advisory in
specific industries. Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to
regulatory standards, such as Basel III
Regional/Local Firms: Smaller banks that requirements, demonstrates a commitment to
operate within a specific region or locality, financial stability.
offering a range of financial services.

Technological Adoption: Implementation of

innovative technologies and digital banking
services shows adaptability to evolving
customer needs.

Governance and Risk Management:

Strengthened governance practices and robust
risk management frameworks contribute to the
overall stability of the banking sector.
Financial Inclusion: Efforts to enhance access to 3. Major Forces Leading to the Growth of
financial services for underserved populations the Philippine Banking System:
contribute to a more inclusive banking system.
Economic Expansion: A growing economy
creates demand for banking services,
encouraging the expansion of the banking
2. Importance of the Banking Sector in the
Philippine Economy:

The banking sector is considered a key anchor of

the country's growing economy for several Financial Inclusion Initiatives: Government
reasons: efforts to promote financial inclusion increase
the reach and impact of the banking system.

Financial Intermediation: Banks facilitate the

flow of funds between savers and borrowers, Regulatory Reforms: Regulatory changes aimed
supporting economic activities and investments. at enhancing governance, risk management,
and compliance contribute to a more robust
banking sector.
Credit Provision: Banks provide loans to
businesses and individuals, fostering
entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic Technological Advancements: Adoption of
development. modern technologies and digital banking
solutions enhances efficiency and broadens
service offerings.
Payment and Settlement Systems: Efficient
banking systems facilitate smooth and secure
transactions, promoting trade and commerce. Globalization: Increased integration with global
financial markets exposes Philippine banks to
international opportunities and fosters
Capital Mobilization: Banks play a crucial role in competitiveness.
mobilizing and allocating capital, channeling
funds to sectors with growth potential.
4. Unfavorable Effects of COVID-19 on the
Philippine Banking and Insurance Industries (as
Risk Management: Banks help manage financial of Q2 2021):
risks, contributing to overall economic stability.
a. Philippine Banking Industry:

Monetary Policy Transmission: The banking

Asset Quality Deterioration: Economic
sector acts as a conduit for monetary policy
uncertainties led to an increase in non-
implementation, influencing interest rates and
performing loans.
liquidity in the economy.
Provisions and Reserves: Banks had to allocate
higher provisions for potential loan losses.
Liquidity Challenges: Some sectors faced
liquidity constraints due to disruptions in
business operations.

b. Philippine Insurance Industry:

Claims and Underwriting Challenges: Increased

claims and underwriting difficulties due to the
pandemic's impact on health and business

Investment Portfolio Volatility: Market volatility

affected the value and returns of insurance
companies' investment portfolios.

Operational Disruptions: Operational challenges

arose, impacting the seamless delivery of
insurance services.

Both industries experienced challenges related

to economic uncertainties, business disruptions,
and the need to adapt to new operating
conditions during the pandemic. The severity of
these effects varied across sectors and

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