Socio Emotional Development: Outdoors Impact On Children's

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Outdoors Impact on

Socio Emotional Development

Our Research Question

How is children’s social-emotional
development enhanced through outdoor

Theoretical Framework
Ecological Systems Theory - Bronfenbrenner
Gain understanding of human development. Evaluating the
multi systems and environment that an individual is apart in
(Bronfenbrenner, 1996, p. 21).
Attention Restoration Theory (ART) - Kaplan
Natural environments have restorative qualities that
engage with nature helps “replenish” resources such as
one’s self-regulation (Weeland et al., 2019, p. 2).
Reggio Emilia Approach - Loris Malaguzzi
The environment provides a space for learning and
impacts learning adding to the idea of the environment as
the third teacher (Strong-Wilson & Ellis, 2007, p. 40).

Methodology & Data Analysis

Research was conducted through the shape of a scoping
review methodology (Arksey & O’Malley, 2005).
A total of 42 sources were found but selected 6 sources
that fit the criteria.
An inductive thematic analysis was captured by following
the five phases of conducting a thematic analysis (Braun &
Clarke, 2006, p. 87).

Next Steps Main Findings

The sector providing more recent
studies on specifically outdoor 1. Self-Regulation
learning, rather than ties to forest 2. Language Development
schools. 3. Responsible Decision Making
Finding sources that provide and Critical Thinking
specific developmental impact the 4. Self-Esteem and Self-
outdoors has to outdoor Confidence
Updating the current curriculums
including the Ontario How Does
Learning Happen and ELECT
document to include specific
information for children’s overall

Arksey, H., & O’Malley, L. (2005). Scoping studies: towards a methodological framework. International
Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8(1), 19–32.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in
Psychology, 3(2), 77–101.
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1996). The ecology of human development experiments by nature and design.
Harvard University Press.
Strong-Wilson, T., & Ellis, J. (2007). Children and Place: Reggio Emilia’s Environment As Third Teacher.
Theory into Practice, 46(1), 40–47.
Weeland, J., Moens, M. A., Beute, F., Assink, M., Staaks, J. P. C., & Overbeek, G. (2019). A dose of nature:
Two three-level meta-analyses of the beneficial effects of exposure to nature on children’s self-
regulation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65, 101326–.

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