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Subject Theme Topic Date


Time: 40 minutes Period: 3 Class: JSS1 Number of
students: 2 Average age: 11 Sex: Mixed
Learning objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students will be
able to;
1. Solve simple equations by collecting like terms
2. Solve simple equation involving brackets.
3. Solve simple word problems in equation
4. Solve word problems involving simple equations.
Rationale; the knowledge gotten from this lesson will help students
develop numerical skills and also to think critically
Prerequisite knowledge: They are familiar with algebraic terms.
Instructional materials: short math on simple equations

Day 1
Solving simple equations by collecting like terms
Steps/time Teacher activity Students Differentiatio
Introduction/step 1 Teacher assesses the students Students Whole class
by asking them to write out solve activity
(5 minutes) some algebraic terms. problems
He also asks them to write out
2 like terms and 2 unlike
Teacher corrects them by
displaying the picture below
and also explaining.

Step2 (10 minutes) Teacher explains that “like Students Whole class
terms” in mathematics simply listens to the activity
means terms whose variables explanations
(and their exponents such as
the 2 in 2x) are the same.
In other words, terms that
are "like" each other.
For example, 2x + 3y + x – y +
3y = 5y
In the equation above, terms
that are like x can be grouped
separately and same as y
We therefore have, 2x + x +
3y – y + 3y = 5y
3x +5y = 5y
3x = 5y – 5y
3x = 0.
The above is just to explain like
Let’s solve some examples
on how to solve simple
equation by collecting like
a. 8x – 6 = 3x + 9
b. 2x – 1 = 3x – 2

a. 8x – 6 = 3x + 9
(we need to collect like terms,
and the like terms include x
and just digits)
Therefore, 8x – 3x = 9 + 6
5x = 15
:. X = 3
b. 2x – 1 = 3x – 2
2x – 3x = - 2 – 1
-1x = -3
(divide both side by – 1)
Step 3 (5 minutes) Teachers gives jotter work Students Individual
attempts the activity
Solve the following equations jotter work
by collecting like terms:
a. 2x + 15 = 3x + 10
b. 6x + 5 = 21 + 2x
c. 12x + 3 = 45 – 9x
Step 4 (10 minutes) New Concept Mathematics Students Individual
Evaluation for JSS1, Chapter 11, page attempts the activity
131, Exercise 11.2, No 5 - problems

Summary (5 Teacher summarizes the topic Students

minutes) listens
Assignment New Concept Mathematics Students Individual
for JSS1, Chapter 11, page workout activity
131, Exercise 11.2, No 14 - tasks

New Concept Mathematics for JSS1, Chapter 11, page 131,

Day 2
Solve simple equation involving brackets
Steps/time Teacher activity Students Differentiatio
Introduction/ Teacher assesses the students Students Whole class
step 1 based on previous topic. differentiates activity
(10 minutes) Teacher leads the students to the
topic by writing out the following:

Teacher asks students to point out the

similarities or differences from/
between the written them.

He listens, corrects and explains to them

that the answer is same throughout.

Here, brackets also means


Teacher tells students that they will be

solving equations involving brackets.
Step 2 (10 Teacher explains the guidelines to Students pay Whole class
minutes) solving equations involving attention to activity
brackets as below: the solutions.

- Open the brackets first (by

multiplying the terms in the
brackets by the number
- Collect like terms where
- Solve the resulting

For example,
Solve each of the following
a. 3 (4x + 5) = 27
b. 2 (6y – 5) – 4 (2y – 7) = 6

a. 3(4x + 5) = 27
(multiply the terms in the bracket by
the number outside
 12x + 15 = 27
(collect like terms)
 12x = 27 – 15
 12x = 12
b. 2 (6y – 5) – 4(2y – 7) = 6
(multiply the terms inside each
brackets by the numbers
outside respectively)
 12y – 10 -8y + 28 = 6
 (collect like terms)
 12y – 8y + 28 – 10 = 6
 4y + 18 = 6
 4y = 6 – 18
 4y = -12
 Divide both side by 4
 Y = -3

Step 3(5 Teacher gives jotter work Students Individual

minutes) solve the activity
Solve the following equations: jotter work
a. 2(3x – 5) = 7x – 34
b. 3 (4a + 25) + 8(6a + 1) = 218
Evaluation New Concept Mathematics for Students Whole class
JSS1, Chapter 11, page 132, attempts the activity
(10 minutes) Exercise 11.3, No 2 - 5 questions

Conclusion The teacher summarizes the lesson

(5 minutes)
Assignment New Concept Mathematics for Students Individual
JSS1, Chapter 11, page 132, workout the activity
Exercise 11.3, No 6 - 10 tasks
New Concept Mathematics for JSS1, Chapter 11, page 132,
Exercise 11.3, No 2 – 5

Day 3 & 4
Solve word problems involving simple equations.
Steps/time Teacher activity Students Differentiatio
Introduction/ Teacher reminds students about Students Whole class
step 1 converting word problems into quickly solve activity
mathematical statement for easy the questions
solving. Though students already
(10 minutes) learnt this partially in JSS1.
An example is introduced for better

18 is taken away from 8 times of

a number is 30. Find the

(one simple trick is that you can

actually read it over and over
again to understand better)
18 is taken away from 8 times of
a number
8 times a number
A number which we don’t know.
8 × x (x here is an unknown)
8x – 18 = 30
After translating, then solve
Collecting like terms
8x = 30 + 14
8x = 48
Divide both sides by 8
Step 2 (10 Teacher gives more examples on Students pay Whole class
minutes) word problems on simple attention to activity
equation the solutions.
Example 1: when a number is
doubled and 12 is added to it, the
result is 40. Find the number.
Let the number be w
So, twice the number is 2 × w = 2w.
:. 2w + 12 = 40
(adding the additive inverse of 12)
2w + 12 – 12 = 40 - 12
2w = 28
Divide both sides by 2
2w/ 2 = 28/ 2
W = 14
Check: (we can check if truly the
answer is 14)
Note that if the answer is
correct, then the equation
should be true.

Note w = 2
The equation is 2w + 12 = 40
2 (14) + 12 = 40
28 + 12 = 40
Voila! LHS = RHS

Example 2:
Calculate the value of x given that
the perimeter of the triangle is 28
cm with the sides (3x + 1) cm, (2x -
1) cm and (x + 4) cm.
We need to remind ourselves that
perimeter simply means the total
distance around a particular
Meaning we need to add all the
sides together to give 28cm.

(3x + 1) cm + (2x -1) cm +(x +

4)cm = 28cm
:. 3x + 1 + 2x – 1 + x + 4 = 28
(collect like terms)
3x + 2x + x + 1 – 1 + 4 = 28
6x + 4 = 28
6x = 28 – 4
6x = 24
Divide both sides by 6
6x/ 6 = 24 / 6
X = 4cm
Step 3(5 Teacher gives jotter work Students Individual
minutes) solve the activity
a. If thrice of A's age 6 years jotter work
ago be subtracted from
twice his present age, the
result would be equal to his
present age. Find A's
present age.

b. The width of the rectangle

is 2/3 of its length. If the
perimeter of the rectangle
is 80 cm. Find its area.
Evaluation New Concept Mathematics for Students Whole class
JSS1, Chapter 11, page 135, attempts the activity
(10 minutes) Exercise 11.5, No 1 – 5 questions
Conclusion The teacher summarizes the lesson
(5 minutes)
Assignment New Concept Mathematics Students Individual
for JSS1, Chapter 11, page workout the activity
135, Exercise 11.5, No 6 – tasks
New Concept Mathematics for JSS1, Chapter 11, page 135.


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