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Training on Digital Literacy and Reference management


Introduction to reference management

Introduction to Mendeley
How to install Mendeley
Types of Mendeley
How to cite using Mendeley
How to generate reference
How to edit reference style
How to cite from external databases, websites, blogs etc.
Reference Management tool
Why citation and reference first?
• Citation and referencing is one of the best and most techniques to
minimize plagiarism in academic writing.

• The main purpose is to give credit to authors whose works have

consulted in the research.
• So we can cite and reference in two ways:
Manual way or
Automatic (using reference management tools) way
‘Before moving to the new way, it is better to
understand the existing way’

…Thus, let us start with the manual

Manual citation and referencing process
• To cite and reference your work in the manual way, go through
the following steps:

• Step 1: Open Microsoft word and click on reference menu

• Step 2: Click on insert citation

Manual citation and referencing process
• Step 3: Click on add a new source

• Step 4: Fill in bibliographic information of the work you are

Manual citation and referencing process
• Step 3: Click Ok

• Cited

• Step 4: To generate reference click on bibliography and select

reference layout
Manual citation and referencing process
• Step 5: Referenced

• Step 5: Click on manage your reference (adding sources,

deleting sources, etc.)
Manual citation and referencing process
• Managing sources
Drawbacks of manual way
• The followings are the main drawbacks:
1.We have to fill bibliographic information for all
2. Time consuming
3. What if our Microsoft word crashed ?
4. How we can site online sources ?
5. What if we want a new citation style ? E.g. HU guideline?
5. inconsistency, prone to error, security issues etc.

‘Do you agree that Haramaya University follows

APA citation and referencing style?’

See the following

APA Referencing Style

Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley
Journal, 67(2), 81-95
HU Referencing Style
Mitchell, J.A. 2017. Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal,
67(2), 81-95

What is the difference… ?

Also discover for other document types…..
Reference Management tools
• Previously, researcher tend to compile citation, reference and
bibliography manually.

• But this way of compiling citation and reference has the stated

• Recently, researcher can use citation or reference management

software to do in text citation and reference automatically

• This can not only improve the efficiency of academic writing but
also contributes to the quality of the work.
Reference Management tools
• Reference Management tools helps to easily create citations and
• The following are the most popular software for this purpose:
• Mendeley
• End note

• Mendeley is a free reference management program, accessible

online via a web application, and locally via a desktop application
Reference Management tools
• In Mendeley, References can be collected in a personalized
online library which can be synchronized with a desktop

• A browser plugin allows for quick harvesting of bibliographic


• While a plugin for MS Word allows you to insert citations from

your Mendeley library.

• Lets start with mendeley desktop ….

Mendeley Desktop

• Let us first focus on Mendeley Desktop.

• We can use Mendeley Desktop without internet connection.

• This means, if there is a list of literature in our computer, we can

simply cite and reference them.
Getting started with Mendeley:
Download and install Mendeley Desktop
• To use mendeley desktop, we have to download and install it first
• Thus, download mendeley desktop from its official website:
Install mendeley desktop

• Like that of any other software, install it as admin account

• …next …next…next then click finish
Login to mendeley desktop

• When we open the Mendeley Desktop application for the first

time we will be prompted to sign into your Mendeley account.
Integrate Mendeley with Microsoft word
• To integrate with Microsoft word, sign in to mendeley and open it.
Under Tool menu click on Install Microsoft word plugin
Reference Management tools
• After it is installed successfully, we will find it under Microsoft
word access reference menu.

• Here, we have the integration of mendeley for both citation and

reference in Microsoft word
Creating folder and subfolder in mendeley
• Now that, we have installed and integrated mendeley desktop to
Microsoft word.

• The next step is how to create a folder and subfolder under

mendeley library for further management of the information
resource we use for our research writing.
Creating folder and subfolder in mendeley
• Step 1: go to your mendeley desktop app

• Step 2: under my library right click, click on new folder

New folder
named MSc
Folder is

• It is also possible to create subfolder under this folder …do it yourself

Adding files to the folder
Step 1: click on your newly created folder
We can also drag and
drop files into folders
Step 2: Then right click on display area from anywhere

Step 3: select add file and add it

Adding files to the folder
• As we can see, one file is added to our mendeley library

• Mendeley Automatically extract metadata from our files most of

the time.
Adding files to the folder
• Metadata extracted by mendeley
Different types of documents
• Metadata of some document may not be extracted automatically.
Thus fill it your self from that document

Here, there is no
any information
extracted from this

Thus, we have to fill

Thesis and Dissertation
Select Thesis for

Add word MSc Thesis or

MA Thesis or Doctoral
Dissertation or ….
Depending on your field
and level to the title page

Depends on the
university that the
work done in

See Hu guideline
Citation and reference
• Before, inserting citation and reference list in our document, it is
better to change default font type, size and indentation in
Microsoft word.

• This will helps to save the time to re-align these setting while we
insert citation and reference using mendeley.
Citation and reference
• Let us change our default font type to : Times new roman; size=12;
Font style =Regular

• Thus, whenever, we insert our in text citation and reference list to our
document, it takes this default settings.

• That means, we don’t need to redefine the font type, size and style each
time in inserting citation and reference list using mendeley.

• This will save our time

• Steps: go to home, then click on font style launcher … see

the next slide
Citation and reference
• Changing default font types and size

Step2: Click
Step1: font style
Click on home launcher

Step3: Step4: Select

Select Times… 12 font size

Step6: Step5:
Save as Select regular
default &
click Ok
Citation and reference
• Changing paragraph style
Step 2: click
Step 1: paragraph
click on style
home launcher

Step 3:
select Step 4: select
justified 1.5 line

Step 5: click on
set as Default
& Ok
Citation and reference: How to cite
Step 1: Open your Microsoft word, then click reference menu
Step 2: Point your cursor on where you want to insert citation
Step 3: click on insert citation button
Step 4: click on go to mendeley
Citation and reference: How to cite
Step 5: click the document you want to cite in your mendeley
library and click cite button on the top left.

How to insert reference
Step 1: Click on reference menu of Microsoft word
Step 3: Point your cursor where you want to insert reference list
Step 2: Click on insert bibliography
Subject centered and Author centered citation in
In subject centered citation, both author and year are
enclosed in parenthesis and b/n author and year, comma
should be exist. E.g. (Bekele, 2018)

In author centered citation, only year is in parenthesis and

there is no comma. E.g. Bekele (2018)

NB: Mendeley insert citation always as subject centered.

So edit it carefully

How to cite Author centered in mendeley
Step 1: Insert citation according to your previous steps
Step 2: Click on citation and change parenthesis manually
Step 3: When the message pop up click on keep manual

Note: if we do this carefully, nothing can be issue

Changing citation and reference style
To change the style of citation and reference, just click on
reference menu and click on style
Merge citation
 To combine two citations, just add the citation of the other
article to your text, highlight them both and now you can see
that the ‘insert citation’ button is now called ‘merge
citation’ just click.

Merged citation output

Selecting the citation new style
 If you unable to find citation style you want to use, click on
More style under the style of Microsoft word.

Click on more style

Selecting new style
What if the all the available style does not meet our requirement ?

If all the available citation and reference style does not meet
our requirement (e.g. HU SGS guideline) , we can create our
new citation and reference style using citation style language
However, this may be complicated for you and also it will take
a time
Therefore, I have customized the new style as per the
Haramaya University guideline
Thus, you can use that one and integrate to your mendeley
How to install mendeley Web Importer

Step 1: click on Install web importer

Step 2: It will redirect you to the


Step 3. Click this link

How to install mendeley Web Importer

Step 4: Integrate mendeley extension to google chrome

How to install mendeley Web Importer

Step 5: click on mendeley file extension on google chrome

and sign in to
How to install mendeley Web Importer

Step 6: Now, we have successfully installed it we can use it

We have installed successfully

Using Mendeley Web Importer

Ideally you should aim to collect references electronically, and

only use manual entry when no alternative is available. Reference
data can usually be acquired from:
Bibliographic databases
Google Scholar
Library catalogues
How to cite from Google scholar using web importer
• Google Scholar is a Web search engine that specifically searches
scholarly literature and academic resources.
• Google scholar contain the bibliographic information of each
articles or books
• Thus, it is possible to cite directly from it
• Step 1: Open

• Step 2: Write your article title you want to cite on google scholar
search box and click enter
How to cite from Google scholar using web importer
• Step 3: Activate mendeley extension and Select file you want and
click add
How to cite from Google scholar using web importer
• Step 4: Click view library and check it

• Step 5: Synchronize your mendeley desktop

How to cite from Google scholar using web importer

 As the Web Importer is not always effective, you may need to

export search results. Mendeley can read bibliographic
information saved in RIS, Endnote XML, or BibTeX formats.

Importing from a file

See the next slide

Citing from Google scholar using file importing method

Step 1: Open

Step 2: Write your article title you want to cite on google scholar
search box and click enter

Step 3: Click on cite button and new pop up will open as the next
Citing from Google scholar using file importing method

You see the list

of reference

• Step 4: click on RefMan and download it (remember the place

you save it)
Citing from Google scholar using file importing method

• Step 5: Add It to your Mendeley Desktop library (Your folder)

(drag and drop it to mendeley)

• Step 6: Since it is added to mendeley, we can cite it now.

Citing from PubMed database using file importing method
• Step 1: Open
• Step 2: Search your article

• Step 3: If you get the article you are seeking for, just click on that
article and find cite button and click it.

• See the next slide …

Citing from PubMed database using file importing method

• Step 4: As soon as we click on cite button, new pop up display to

show us the reference or download link
Citing from PubMed database using file importing method

• Step 5: Click on .nbilb file and download it

• Step 6: Drag and drop to your mendeley folder
• Step 7: You can cite it now
Try to cite using both method from the following
electronic database:
4. Etc…
Part two
Even how we can access the document?
Searching and accessing References
Before concluding our session topic, it is better to remind you the
way you access the reference itself.

How you access your relevant document (articles,

conference preceding, ebooks, etc.)?

Sometimes, we found our relevant document but unable to

download them.

This is because, some journals asks the payment to access

their articles.
How to download the published articles

• Today, Sci-Hub is emerged to solve this issues

• The goal of Sci-Hub is to provide free and unrestricted access to

all scientific knowledge ever published in journal or book form.

• Sci-Hub is helping millions of students and researchers and

curious people in all countries to unlock to knowledge.
Getting started with Sci-Hub
• Step 1. Go through this address:
Getting started with Sci-Hub
• Step 2. Find the article you want to download which cannot
be downloaded freely.
• For example, I want to download the following article from Science Direct database

See its cost

Copy its DOI

Getting started with Sci-Hub
• Step 4. Copy the document DOI and paste on Sci-Hub search
space as follows

Step 5: Click open 2
Getting started with Sci-Hub
• Step 6. The document is opened like this …

• Step 7. Download and enjoy using of your article

How to download eBooks

• Suppose, you want to download the relevant book over the

internet. However, the book is available only on amazon book
seller website. So how you get access to this book?

• Solution: There are a number of plenty techniques that helps us

to download these books;

• The most popular technique is using library genesis digital

library genesis digital library

• The aims is to provide users with free access to millions of fiction

and non-fiction eBooks, as well as academic journal articles

• The aim is to be a one-stop source for public domain classic

books which can be downloaded legally, and for free, by

• In addition, even if the books is free, how you download them ?

Solution: Use library genesis digital library
library genesis digital library
• Step 1: get started with its web address

• Step 2: paste the eBook title you want to download

• Step 3: click on get and download it
Local literatures

Using local (Ethiopian) institutional repositories

• Use the following site to download Thesis/ dissertation to
use as your reference:

University/institution Address
Addis Ababa University
Bahirdar university
Jimma University
Haramaya University
Gonder University
• Note: these are the most popular

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