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According to case study it says that,Mrs. suman prbhakar worked for 20years in the
zavier Ltd., as the production manager , she was supposed to attend a routine departmental heads
meeting last Friday at 4.30pm.,which was presided over by the managing director of the
company .she did not atte Mrs. suman prbhakar nd the meeting as their was no formal or
informal commiunication to her , the managing director did not like her absence as there were
many important items to be discussed regarding production department, Mrs.suman prbhakar
was called by the managing director on the next day and asked explanation for not attending the
meeting Mrs.suman prbhakar replies that they was no information.The secretry said that it was a
routine meeting and as such information was not sent to any departmental head. But all other
heads,except Mrs. suman prbhakar attended the meeting


Firstly, Mrs. suman prbhakar is new to this organisation so preferably she is unaware of
routine meeting schedules of this organisation that’s the reason she didn’t attend the meeting
.The secretary should pass informations to all the employees in the organisation.

Secondly, Mrs. suman prbhakar is also equally responsible for this mistake , since she is
the new employee in this organisation she should ask and gather all the information about her
new workplace, but she didn’t do that either .

So, Both sides are equally responsible for the mistake which is happened on that day .


Mrs. suman prbhakar and The secretary both failed to do their own responsibility of
work in organization.

Mrs. suman prbhakar failed to ask information about the organization.

The secretary missed to pass the information to all the employee in the organization

Organization should take care that all the information is reached to all employees

Lack of communication and lack of interest are the main reason of this incidents


Organization information should pass to end to end employees

Organization shoule create a role to employee ,to make sure for passing organization
information to all working employees .

Proper communication system is the best solution to avoid this kind of problems in


It is also referred as “organizational socialization process”.The onboarding process is really new

employee orientation process.organization also engage in different activities,such as
implementing programs or matching new employees with mentors,which may facilitate


It is the process that adapts employees to the organization’s culture.organization wants to help
new employees adapt to its culture .The adaptation is done through the process of
“socialization”. To accomplish socialization must follow three steps they are

The pre-arrival stage is encompasses all the learning that occurs before a new member
joins the organization

Encounter stage is the stage of socialization process,the new employess sees what the
organization is really like and confronts the possibility the expectations and reality may diverge.

Metamorphosis stage is the stage in the socialization process in which a new employee
changes and adjusts to the job,work group and organization.

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