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Recruitment 4.1.

3 Recruitment

Once the required number and kind of human resources are determined, the management finds the place where required human resources are/will be available and also find the means of attracting them towards the organisation before selecting suitable candidates for jobs. All this process is generally known as recruitment. The recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job in the organisation.

Eligibility criteria To get the job in The Safire Offset Printers, the candidates should possess basic eligibility. The following eligibility is expected for various cadre personnel. For Executives For Technical Operators For Designers : M.B.A with specialization. : Basic knowledge in printing technology. : all designing programs in computer and

also basic knowledge in printing technology.

Sources of Recruitment In The Safire Offset Printers, for selecting the right personnel required for the job, the following sources of recruitment are taken into consideration. Internal sources Through present permanent employees. Dependants of deceased disabled and retired employees. 16

The Safire Offset Printers

Recruitment Employee referrals.

External sources Advertisement in news paper and television Casual applicants Labour contractors

Internal sources of recruitment: Internal sources refer to present working force of the company. The Safire Offset Printers prefer the internal source of recruitment mainly for the jobs which requires more loyalty than the work. Some of the internal sources of recruitment which they prefer are 1. Present Permanent Employees From the present permanent employees, the organisation fills the casual vacancies which arise in the press. This is possible by means of promoting them to the higher level jobs. 2. Dependants of Deceased, Disabled and Retired employees Sometimes, the concern recruits the dependants of deceased, disabled and retired employees. This is done to develop the commitment and loyalty of not only the employees but also their family members. 3. Employee Referrals

The Safire Offset Printers


Recruitment Employee referrals are the candidates/applicants recommended by current employees. The present employees recommend their family members, friends and other acquaintances from whom the organisation can select the candidates. The Safire Offset Printers provide incentives to those current employees for recommending the suitable candidates.

External source of recruitment: Besides the internal sources of recruitment, The Safire Offset Printers also seek the external sources for recruitment. External recruitment concerns recruitment from outside the orgganisation. Some of the external sources of recruitment are 1. Advertisements Advertisement is the most common methods used for contracting the prospective candidates. In The Safire Offset Printers, advertisement is used for attracting managerial and technical personnel. The advertisement is the medium for informing and persuading the prospective candidates to offer themselves for employment. The Safires advertising varies from a simple advertisement in a classified page to an elaborate media campaign through television to attract applicants. This concern advertise their job vacancies in all the leading Tamil News papers including Thina Thandhi Thina Malar Thina Mani

They also advertise in the local channels for the recruitment of semiskilled and unskilled personnel. E.g.: for day/night security.

The Safire Offset Printers


Recruitment The concern generally advertise in the newspaper/television at the time when they are in need of the right personnel for the job 2. Casual Applicants The Safire Offset Printers also receives applications for jobs from many educated unemployed persons although it has not notified vacancies. So whenever the concern is in need of additional personnel, they call the casual applicants and recruit them for their job. 3. Labour Contractors The Safire Offset Printers seek the labour contractors for the supply of people. Labour contractors supply labourers, particularly the unskilled ones, by charging a nominal fee per worker. The labourers may be appointed for certain specified period as casual workers in the organisation.

Reservation seats for handicapped people The Safire Offset printers have 2% reservation seats for handicapped people.

Probation period The normal probation period for all the employees at the operational level is 6 months. This period may be extended for the late blooming employee.

The Safire Offset Printers


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