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Exercise 1.

2 Extracting rocks and minerals

Rocks and minerals are valuable resources: their discovery in the ground and their location will affect the way they are
extracted. This exercise will help you to understand these processes.

1 Describe three methods used to search for deposits of minerals that may be found in the Earth.

a. Geological Mapping and Surveying: Geologists conduct surveys and mapping of rock formations, surface
features, and subsurface structures to identify potential mineral deposits. They analyze the composition and
structure of rocks, as well as the geological history of an area, to predict the presence of valuable minerals.

b. Geophysical Exploration: This method involves using various instruments to measure physical properties of
rocks and subsurface structures, such as magnetic, electrical, gravitational, and seismic characteristics.
Differences in these properties can indicate the presence of mineral deposits below the surface.

c. Remote Sensing and Satellite Imagery: Advanced technologies, including satellite imagery and aerial
surveys, are used to detect anomalies on the Earth's surface that may indicate the presence of mineral
deposits. These methods can identify geological features, mineral alterations, and vegetation patterns
associated with mineralization.

2 A new source of minerals has been found. It is decided that the minerals should be extracted from this new
source. Explain how the following three factors might affect the way the minerals might be extracted.


Geological factors play a crucial role in determining the feasibility and method of mineral extraction.
The type of rock formation, depth, structure, and grade of the mineral deposit influence the mining
technique to be employed.

For example, if the minerals are located in a narrow vein within hard rock formations, underground
mining methods such as drilling and blasting may be necessary. Conversely, if the minerals are
found in loose sedimentary deposits near the surface, open-pit mining or dredging might be more

Environmental impact

The environmental impact of mineral extraction is a significant consideration in modern mining

operations. Factors such as habitat disruption, soil erosion, water pollution, and air quality
degradation must be assessed and mitigated.

Mining companies may adopt environmentally responsible practices, such as reclamation of

disturbed land, implementation of water management systems, and utilization of technologies to
reduce emissions and waste generation

Market price for the minerals

The market price for minerals directly affects the profitability and economic viability of extraction
projects. Higher market prices may incentivize investment in exploration and extraction, while lower
prices may render certain deposits uneconomical to exploit.

Mining companies may adjust their extraction methods, production rates, and investment decisions
based on market dynamics to maximize profitability. Additionally, fluctuations in market prices can
influence long-term planning and investment in mineral extraction projects.
3 Complete the table to identify the advantages and disadvantages of these different types of mining
Mine type Advantages Disadvantages

Open pit mining - High production rates - Environmental degradation

- Low operating costs due to large-scale excavation
- Accessibility of minerals - Habitat destruction and loss of
located near the surface biodiversity
- Safety hazards for workers
due to steep walls

Strip mining - Efficient extraction of - Extensive land disturbance

shallow, horizontal and ecosystem disruption
deposits -Soil and vegetation removal
- Lower cost compared to leads to erosion and runoff
other methods - Generation of large volumes of
- Ability to recover waste material (overburden)
minerals close to the

Drif mining - Less expensive than - Limited access to deep mineral deposits
- Increased risk of flooding and water
shaft mining infiltration
- Lower risk of cave-ins
and other safety hazards - Ventilation and lighting challenges in
underground tunnels
- Access to horizontal
mineral seams

Shaft mining - Access to deep mineral deposits High initial capital investment required for
- Safe working conditions for infrastructure
- Ability to extract minerals from
multiple levels

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