Scrim Sessions (FAQ)

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Full FAQ guide to the Scrim Sessions Strategy


1. Session timings

2. The seconds time frame

3. Moving up time frames after 3 x bos

4. Ignoring the 3rd bos - liquidity factor

5. Ignoring the 1st bos

6. Working full time (chart availability)

7. Resetting structure every session

8. Fibonacci tool explained

Advanced Section

1. Time frame clashes

2. Understanding ranges and time frames

3. Making sense of mitigation on LTF

4. Advanced refinement (seconds)

5. Types of mitigation and their probabilities

6. Major vs Minor

7. When order flow builds against us

8. Psychology


1. What are the main session timings?

I favour the London Session due to my personal preferences (geographical location etc) but
there is nothing wrong with the other sessions. Trading inside the session means we can use
that fresh volume to push our trade to our take profit area and bank some profits nice and quick.

Times are in GMT - London/NY are best for this

I will watch price action from 08:00-10:00 GMT and if I have at least 2 steps complete I will stick
around and wait for my 3rd step - if there are no setups developing I will set alerts and carry on
with my day. I will repeat this during the NY session at 13:00-14:30 GMT if I am available.

2. Do I need the seconds time frame?

The seconds time frames allows us to do 3 things that we cannot do on the minutes time frames
which are:

1. Confirm an entry POI will hold with a seconds TF confirmation entry

2. Allows us to look deeper into mitigations that may not make sense on the minutes TF
3. Refine POI's down if they are too large on the minutes TF

These are only clear bonuses of adopting the seconds time frame but when you start it is very
difficult to get used to at first. I would suggest getting very good at the minutes before making
the jump.


3. Why do we move up time frames after 3 x bos?

When looking at price action and locating our highs and lows we are given a range. Once this
range gets broken we are given a new range. This is repeated indefinitely. But there is a
problem with this. Imagine you keep following prices higher and higher trying to buy at every
opportunity. You are buying heavily in the 'premium pricing' and suddenly you get taken out and
blame the banks for knowing where your individual stop loss was.

This is the problem. We want to be buying from the discount of price and selling from the
premium of price. That is why I am a huge advocate of 'playing the extreme' like you will hear
me say often.

Price has broken structure 3 times or more on our given main time frame. What do we do?

1. We move up time frames to the next applicable time frame

2. We locate our new range (our highs and lows may change)
3. We reset our rules
4. We wait for our rules to play out as normal

It's that simple. Make it as systematic as you can. Jump on the M1, get 3 x bos, move up to M2.
Same thing happens on M2, move up to M3. You can repeat this all the way to M5 before the
session is over.

I notice a lot of people try to force structure and trades but you can't. If you need to move up the
time frame and the structure is still not giving us the rules we simply do not trade. Period.


Here is the situation in chart formation:

We can see here we have 3 x bos and we have multiple levels to trade from (ignoring the
mitigation factor for this practice). Now if we keep trying to take trades higher and higher we
will end up further into the premium range on a higher time frame (2m, 3m, 4m, 5m).

So if this is the 1 minute time frame - imagine how this looks on the 3 minute time frame. We will
be heavily in the premium still trying to buy and we will very likely get washed away in price.

This will be explained more in depth in the ‘Understanding Ranges and Time Frames’ Section
but try to gain a bit of an understanding here first. I hope it clicks!

4. Ignoring the 3rd BOS - Potential inducement

The 3 x bos rule is there to protect us from chasing price deeper into the premium or discount
ranges where we will likely get taken out as liquidity (this used to happen to me loads).
Depending on your setup and if it makes sense to you there is sometimes the opportunity to
ignore the 3rd BOS and treat it as ‘inducement’ for your Entry POI. Inducement above a POI is
often a great sign paired with imbalance and a few other factors - therefore this can make a lot
of sense.

If you are going to try this out I cannot stress enough that the mitigation must be crystal clear as
you want to ensure that your Entry POI will hold strong when price does return. Regarding more
breaks of structure after the 3rd (B3) I would say delete your order and move onto the next trade
because at that point we have too many potential reaction zones.

5. Ignoring the 1st BOS (Lower probability)

In this scenario we are choosing to ignore the first break and we have our trade model appear
higher up in the session leg. Now let’s take this a step at a time because looking at this may be
confusing at first. If you have followed me for a while you will notice that my charts are extremely
empty - that’s because I can see everything I need to without having to mark it out as I have
been doing this a long time.

First of all, we have a strong impulsive move when the session starts creating our B1 and
leaving an unmitigated OB below. We continue to follow price and our trade model appears
higher in the leg. Now we can choose to execute as normal but we must accept the fact that
price has a reason to come lower. Sometimes these setups do work when price is trending
aggressively but other times price needs to mitigate that first unmitigated OB before continuing.
It is up to you what you want to do depending on your risk appetite (I used to use half risk on
these setups as they are lower probability).

6. I work full-time. How can I trade this strategy?

I get this question a lot and this used to be my thoughts too when I was working full time. What I
suggest is starting the session on the 3/4m or 5m and following along focusing on the 3 Steps.
The set ups will take longer to play out which allows you time to plan whilst at work and saves
you staring at the charts which is not always possible. If you set a couple of alerts and when
they trigger I would try to pull up trading view and see if you can locate the 3 Steps. If they are
complete you will simply open MT4/5 and set your limit orders and wait - again using alerts.

Here is an example:

This is a 5 minute chart and it shows the session starting (start of green zone) and how long it
took for a set up to appear. In 2hr and 40m you had the 3 Steps complete, all inside the session
and at this point you only needed to set a buy limit and wait for price to return. This allows you
plenty of time to plan the trade around your work. If you can be more active I would suggest
using a lower time frame in order to find a trade sooner. This will all come with practice.

7. Why should we reset structure every session?

This is personal dependent and something that you guys will need to test and decide on for your
own personal plans but from testing and collecting data I have noticed that if price has intentions
on pushing higher or lower during a set session it will not respect anything else that happened
before that session.

For example; if price was bearish throughout the whole of London it will likely need a correction
meaning New York is likely to be bullish. Therefore, if we have our bearish POIs left over from
London we cannot use them in New York because price has no intentions of continuing bearish
and it will crash through your SL.

See the chart below:

Try and test this and see what you can find. But for me personally I will always reset my
structure and steps every new session.

8. Why do I use the 50% 'Fibonacci Retracement' tool?

You will notice I use the Fibonacci Retracement tool on every one of my setups and this is
something I have tried and tested for a long period of time and noticed it works extremely well
and adds confidence in my trade setups. In order to increase the trade probability you want to
see the OB/OB Range mitigated by at least 50% to confirm this is a complete mitigation.

If price taps the Base of the Fibonacci Tool and pushes away I will always be more cautious but
for me I still use the seconds time frame inside my POI which protects me from incomplete
mitigations. In addition Fib Tools save you time refining especially if you don’t have the seconds
time frame.

For the fib settings you just need to un-tick every box except the 0, 0.5 and the 1. You can
adjust the background and your colour settings to fit your personal charts. If you want your fib to
extend across your screen just tick the ‘extend lines right’ box and you will have that feature
unlocked. Make sure to use a magnet to capture the OBs and B2S/S2B ranges accurately.

The FAQ Advanced Concepts Section

1. Time frame clashes - When time frames work against each other

Here we have two time frames showing a clear downtrend in price. I will separate the
descriptions below:

1 minute chart: An unmitigated OB at the extreme of the session (circled pink) - price then
pushed down and pulled back before it broke structure which created a 1 minute OB. This OB
was mitigated (inside the grey box) and we are left with a 1 minute ‘Entry POI’ and the 3 steps
complete.. but it’s not safe yet.

3 minute chart: On this time frame we have the same OB at the very extreme of the session
leg (circled pink) and we only have 1 step complete which is our first bos. The issue here is that
price may come up to the unmitigated OB on this time frame and this makes our 1 minute trade
idea much lower probability.

2. Understanding ranges and time frames

*For this practice please forget about the mitigation aspect. We are focusing on our ranges and how to
use time frames to our advantage*

If you do not understand the structure of this strategy then please do take your time and study it
carefully as this will be very difficult for you to carry out on a live chart. Focus carefully on each
chart. Like the section above we have 2 different time frames and they are telling different
stories. Let’s focus on the 1 minute (left side) first.

1 minute chart: Price is clearly bullish and continues to break structure and pullback leaving
unmitigated OB’s along the way (Levels 1/2/3). This creates a series of potential POI’s for
traders to look to enter from. To me I see liquidity and I see stop losses getting taken (this was
my most common cause of personal losses). How can we continue to follow price higher and
higher up the bullish leg without considering what might be happening on an alternative time
frame. It makes no sense. Never ever get fixated on a single time frame. We have all these time
frames at our disposal and you need to use them. Price does not know time and we can use the
time frames to our advantage.

3 minute chart: Similarly to the 1 minute price is clearly bullish but the key difference is that
there is no major pullback in the bullish leg (a pullback must be a candle body closure according
to our structure rules) and price has left 1 unmitigated OB (Level 1) which happens to be at the
extreme of the leg (higher probability). There are a couple of key things to note here. We must
assume that the higher the time frame the higher the probability price will respect it. Therefore if
the 3 minute is overruling the 1 minute we must ignore the 1 minute. We can only trade a lower
time frame if price is perfectly aligned on both time frames. In this example this is simply not the
case. One chart shows multiple OB’s sitting up the bullish leg and one chart shows a single OB
at the extreme of the leg.

What happens next?

So we ignored the time frame advice and we went ahead and decided to trade from our highest
POI on the 1 minute (Level 3) which coincidentally ended up failing. We are confused, angry,
annoyed. This always happens. Why me? Etc etc. But we have not looked at the bigger picture
and noticed that this move makes complete sense on the 3 minute time frame. Price was simply
coming lower to mitigate the extreme OB on the 3 minute and our ‘1 minute - Level 3’ POI was
so high up on the 3 minute leg it made no sense - especially from a premium and discount

3. Making sense of mitigations on the seconds time frames

Sometimes we will get into a situation where our main time frame is not very clear but the setup
makes sense and we want to get involved. In order to keep our trade probabilities high and in
our favour we can use the seconds time frame to our advantage. We would simply drop to the
30s, 15s and 5s to see if price has reacted to a valid order block. If we can see a clear reaction
to the order block candle we can tick this off and continue to look for an entry. If the reaction in
price still makes no sense and we can’t see a valid mitigation we will leave the set up. I will
share an example below:

As we can see price is showing us clear bullish intentions but the mitigation does not make a
whole load of sense on this time frame. We can see it has tapped into this extreme wick of the
large sell candle but the main B1 bos did not come from here - this is where we must use our
available lower time frames and investigate what price actually mitigated and if it makes sense
to continue trying to enter this trade.

4. Refining POIs using the seconds time frames

IMPORTANT - This section also explains why I use ‘wicks’ as my OB’s and not full candles. It is
a simple refinement practice I have tested and found to work time and time again.

This is advanced refinement and not something that beginners should try to do as you will get
confused trying to be overly precise. This is something that comes with experience but if you
can refine a POI right down and price reacts at this exact level it provides us with a large
amount of confidence when looking to enter the trade. Below we have a chart which shows a
potential trade set up but no clear refinement under 2 pips (my preferred pip number). Because
we are on the 3 minute time frame we cannot execute this unless we refine further (nothing was
clear on the 2 minute or 1 minute either).

Trade Before Refinement:

Remember that this POI is equivalent to 3.7 pips before refinement. If you want to trade from a
POI this size that is completely fine and it does have its pros and cons but it is not always
necessary if you can use simple refinement tactics. By using the seconds time frame we can
look inside this POI and see if we can refine it further.

15s Time Frame View (Searching for Refinement):

By using the seconds time frame we have located a new refinement which is equivalent to 1.3
pips in total (under half of the first one). It is also at the extreme of the leg and it caused the
imbalance too - this to me is a perfect order block and exactly where I would expect price to
react. You can extend this POI slightly and add more imbalance and a sell candle or two but for
me this is usually good enough as I am confident we will get a reaction here.

Trade After Refinement & Reaction:

As expected the refinement ended up being the equivalent to this 3 minute wick (this explains
my wick POIs) and price reacted perfectly to the 50% of this wick refinement and went on to
make a new high - when price is moving like this it is very satisfying to see.

I don’t expect everyone to use my 2 pip POI rule and this may become ‘fiddly’ or difficult for a lot
of you but this is for the advanced traders who want to really focus on their trade accuracy.

5. Different types of mitigation to consider

Mitigation A (High Probability)

- Single refined OB candle mitigation (often on seconds time frame)

This is a highly advanced skill to possess and I do not expect anyone to be able to do this within
the first 4-6 months of trading this strategy. This is more for the veterans who have stuck to the
strategy, made consistent returns and now want to try and maximise their returns with extreme
precision. This is the highest probability approach to the session scalping and it requires the
seconds time frame for maximum precision.

As we can see above we have a 5s chart showing our mitigation line striking through this 5s OB
at the extreme of the leg. This candle is an OB because it caused a break in market structure on
this time frame. We can now confirm that price has mitigated an OB and we can tick this off as a
valid mitigation and continue to follow along for our trade setup to appear.

Mitigation B (Medium Probability)
- Wick mitigation
- 50% mitigation

Wick Mitigation is referring to the mitigation of a candle wick which caused the main time frame
BOS. The example below shows clearly what I mean by this. It is best if there is no pullback in
the B1 leg and price impulsively breaks structure as this shows a powerful OB is at the extreme.

Once the extreme wick has been mitigated price reverses and creates our B2 which gives us
our 3 steps and our desired trade set up. There is no other reason price would return back here
other than to mitigate an order block. This is one of the clearest setups for this wick type you will
see - make sure to journal them!

50% Mitigation is when we get a mitigation at the 0.5 (50%) level of our order block, or order
block range (as featured in The 3 Steps PDF). I will share a simple chart below and in this
example I set a Gann Box over my OBR which consists of a simple buy and sell candle and we
can clearly see price has come back and wicked into this zone - this confirms our mitigation and
confirms our orderflow. This would shortly be followed up by an entry given we have our B2
break after.

Mitigation C (Lower Probability)
- Candle base
- Sub 50%

Candle Base Mitigation is where price comes up and respects our B1 OB/OBR but does not
provide a deep mitigation. These are always ones I am unsure of but if price action is showing
us clear intentions I will sometimes take the risk (although I can reconfirm my POIs with the
seconds time frame for entries) which gives me more ability to be more risky.

I will provide an example below. This price action printed very quickly from the start of the NY
session but the trade model is there and it is completely valid to take.

We can see that price wicked up and reversed with a large impulsive sell candle - this is my
main driving factor for getting involved in these setups but personally I don’t like the mitigation
and I think it is considered uncertain. Price tapped into roughly 0.1 (10%) of the B1 OB (not far
at all) so always be cautious of these ones!

Sub 50% Mitigation is fairly obvious but it is important to be honest with yourself and not try to
force anything. We have this rule for a reason and if you keep bending the rules to get yourself
in the market you will have inaccurate data.

From the chart above you can see if you look closely that price has tapped into the 0-0.5 region
but has not fully tapped the 0.5 (50%) mark. This makes our trade set up slightly lower
probability and it is for you to decide if you would like to enter the trade at a slightly higher risk.
From my personal testing I have noticed that once the 50% mark has been mitigated we can be
more confident that order flow is in the market.

6. Major vs minor structure

You will notice in this strategy that there is the possibility to choose between trading major vs
minor but this does come with a few factors to consider which will ensure we do not get washed
away in price. The chart below will show clearly what I mean when I say ‘the time frames and
structure must align’ for this to work.

From this chart we can see the session has begun and price puts in the first high (B1 Major)
which we are waiting to break. During our wait we notice that price is also trending bullish on the
minor structure and has created The 3 Steps in line with our major structure directional bias.
This provides us with a slightly earlier opportunity to get long - but a higher probability
opportunity as we have had our minor mitigation and we know price should continue trending
bullish looking at our major structure goals.

It is extremely important to try to overlap the major and minor structure biases as we can end up
getting on the complete wrong side of the market if we do not pay attention to the structure
building around us. It is also important that we have a nice clear, clean mitigation on our minor
structure too.

7. When order flow starts to build against us

This also answers the question ‘when should we delete an order’ and for me I usually say if
price has pushed away around 20 pips I am no longer interested. This is because price has the
opportunity to build order flow against us if it starts to retrace back to our POI which I will
demonstrate in a chart below.

This is a hard concept but it makes sense - focus on the left side first then the right side. As we
can see we have the start of our session and the 3 steps end up appearing but price releases
off the mitigation and drops 20+ pips. We have our limit set waiting to catch it when it retraces
but price has created a large space where it can potentially build the 3 steps in the opposite
direction and break our Entry POI we are waiting to trade from. It is down to you to make your
own personal pip rule or just monitor price to ensure order flow is not building against you.

Chart example for ‘order flow building against us’ scenario

8. Psychology

Perhaps the hardest part of any strategy and trading journey is this word ‘psychology’ and it
keeps popping up time and time again. You may have heard of this quote before, and it still
resonates with me every week.

“Trading is 90% psychology and 10% technical.”

Although these percentages may not be completely accurate we can just accept that the
concept is true. There are various emotions that spring to mind when I think of trading such as
greed, impatience, impulsiveness, fear etc. What you need to understand is these emotions
cannot be taught to an individual and they must be acquired through experience and
relentlessness to your set goals. If you want to be a professional trader you have to improve
these emotions and really get them under control time and time again.

We all know how quickly you can throw away your capital. Imagine acquiring max funding. 400k
in funding sitting in your account. All those years you grafted and you finally got it. You see a
trade that almost fits the plan and you execute early anyway. 1 minute later .. boom. CPI news
comes in and your position gets slipped and your account gets wiped. Gameover. From here,
you are feeling depressed, frustrated, emotional, fed up, all of the above. You start to think
about ‘what you could have had’ if that trade hit TP. We’re talking about cars, apartments,
holidays, giving back to friends, family. Now you have fear inside of you when you approach
your next trade. What if I lose again. Before you even enter you are thinking about losing. This
creates a spiral in your mind. You start to go against your plan. You feel hopeless and take a
break and all that potential remains bottled up from simply not being able to act without

Everything improves with time and practise. That’s all it is. I know people who have entered the
trading space and made 6 figures in their first 18 months. I also read a book once written by a
trader who did not find true consistency for over 10 years using his personal methods (the main
issue was his psychology and the fact he changed his plan so often). The main point here is that
it will come eventually. But you need to keep showing up and make a promise to yourself you
will make it happen.

Final thoughts to note

Structure Recap:

Let’s look at this chart above - we have a large push up followed by one sell candle and a
second sell candle which body closes below the first one. THIS becomes our low. Next price
reverses and continues bullish and we get a body close above which creates our BOS and our
most recent high. Our low is then the lowest point which is the wick next to our pullback candle.
From here we simply wait for a break of either side to continue our range.

Next page.

Following on we see price pulls back again and then puts in a new high - our most recent high.
We need to find our most recent low which is the wick next to our most recent pullback candle.
Why is that a valid pullback? Because its body closed below the previous candle. We then wait
again for a break on either side and continue this.

Keep practising and keep asking yourself if the candle has body closed above or below the
previous one - that’s all it is. Follow structure from left to right and work backwards looking for
these body breaks - never rush structure as this leads to incorrect trading ranges and getting
washed away in price!!

How to use the other time frames:

So I am aware a lot of you are new to using the time frames I use which is fine and you don’t
need to use them all for this strategy but I would suggest the M1/M3/M5 is the least amount you
can do this with.

Time frames will allow you to keep your trade setups clear and condense so we can see exactly
what we are trading without too much noise. They will also help you with refinement and to
detect clear mitigations as mentioned in this FAQ.

There still seems to be some confusion with what timeframes I actually use or start on so this is
what I do,

When I start at the session open - I am sitting on the M1 waiting for price to form our 3 Steps.

If we get 3 x BOS on the M1 going bullish I will move up time frame to M2/M3
I will do the exact same if we get 3 x BOS on M1 going bearish.

From here - if M2/M3 is showing no steps complete I will simply wait for the steps to start to form
on this new time frame.

The only time I drop back down to M1 is if we have a reversal and price decides to break
structure in the opposite direction.

For example - we have 2 x BOS on the M3 going bullish but suddenly the low gets broken and
we are now bearish. I will drop to the M1 and follow price bearish and repeat the same process I
always do - look for my 3 steps again but this time bearish.

I hope this has answered your questions and I am happy to extend this PDF moving forward but
ideally I will make videos to publish inside the Discord as I feel that will be more beneficial to

Thank-you for the continued support and I hope to see you in the Discord when it is ready -
hopefully for January 2023.

Many thanks,



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