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Piner High School STEAM Certificate

Level 1 Response

Kevin Le

SSU Campus Tour

17 March 2023

On a journey to Sonoma State University, a group of Piner High School students were treated to

an opportunity: a visit to Sonoma State University’s STEM Department. We got to explore the

Engineering/Maker Space and Nursing Departments, while also having the privilege of

interacting with knowledgeable professors, including one of the astrophysics and astronomy

professors, Thomas Targett.

With the group of fifty students, spanning from grades nine to twelve, we divided into two

groups. We took turns exploring each department under the guidance of our mentors, Ms.

Erickson, and Mr. Kruger. The group I was in first started with took a visit to the

Engineering/Maker Department, as I stepped into the room, the professors introduced a variety

of technology. They displayed the devices of; 3D printers, wood-burning stations, VR stations,

etc. The college students/professors showed us how they operated 3D printers, showing their

capabilities and sharing their knowledge. Then, they showed us the creations they had made with

wood with writing and different projects they made. As we moved on to the next part of our tour,

we were accompanied by two incredible professors from the Nursing Department. With a

passion for their subject, the professors shared the role nurses play and explained what they do.
Among the room, there were objects that the professors would use to teach their students like a

dummy patient. As they led us around the room, they showed us the purpose of the dummies

and models and how they would help the students in the real world. Following the informative

tours, our group re-joined with the rest of the class and had a meal in the SSU cafeteria.

Throughout the day, our vocabulary expanded as we encountered scientific terminology,

engineering concepts, and medical terminology.


Participating in this activity/field trip was a memorable experience for me as I enjoyed the view

and campus, especially the food! Every aspect of the tour, from engaging guides to the views,

sparked my curiosity and deepened my understanding of the nursing and engineering field. After

this experience, it has enlightened me to explore the field of engineering! Overall, this activity

provided me with valuable insights into the world of healthcare and a deep appreciation for the

dedication required for these fields. It has left me inspired to explore further, ask important

questions, and consider a potential career path where I can combine my passion for helping

others with an interest in healthcare and engineering!

Article Analysis: COVID-19’s Impact On Nursing Shortages, The Rise Of Travel Nurses,

And Price Gouging, By Y. Tony Yang, Diana J. Mason

I have chosen to dive into my understanding of nurses and the impact that Covid-19 has had on

nursing students. As the professor explained this topic, I felt compelled to research what has

happened to nurses and learn more in this area. The article highlights the nursing shortage crisis,

which has made matters worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey by the American

Association of Critical Care Nurses further shows that the pandemic has exhausted nurses at

hospitals, as 92 percent of respondents reported that they were tired at their hospitals, and

“sixty-six percent said they would possibly leave the profession. The article also discusses the

impact of inadequate nurse staffing on patient morbidity and mortality, as established by research

over the past three decades. It points out that the staffing shortage caused by the pandemic has

already cost hospitals an estimated $24 billion to mitigate.

During the pandemic, demand for travel nursing has increased in response to the nursing

shortage. Hospitals can maintain fully staffed units by using travel nurses, who take on

temporary positions at various healthcare facilities. Benefits of travel nursing include higher pay

rates, the freedom to choose when and where to work, and the chance to work in places that

might otherwise be out of reach financially. According to the article, travel nursing gained

popularity in the 1980s as a result of a nursing shortage, and its use increased by 35% in 2020

compared to 2019. In the future, it is anticipated to grow by an additional 40%.

The article also mentions initiatives taken by state lawmakers and federal agencies to stop price

gouging and safeguard consumers. Some lawmakers have proposed the aim to set maximum pay

rates for agency healthcare workers or get rid of non-compete clauses in staffing agency

contracts. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice's Antitrust

Division have taken a more active role in investigating claims of price gouging.

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