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How to Beat Porn Addiction

Step One: Education

1. Watch documentary: Raised on Porn

2. Watch documentary: Sex Trafficking in America

2. Watch the movie: Sound of Freedom

Step Two: Urge audit

For the next 24hrs, document every time you feel the urge to look at porn, and write down
what you were doing, thinking, looking at, hearing at the time.


-scrolling on IG, and saw girls

-At the gym, saw the girls

-Watching TV
-My mate send me some photos

-I was lying in bed, trying to sleep

Make this list, so you can see what is triggering you

Step Three: Cutting triggers

Check your 'trigger list', find the easiest ones to cut:


-closing all porn & Only Fans subscriptions

-unfollowing every sexy girl on ALL your social medias

-deleting files on your computer, AND THE BACKUPS

-get rid of sexy posters, screen backgrounds

-Tell mates who send you sexual content, to stop, b/c you're doing a sexual detox

Step Four: Substitution

Replace the impulse to watch a porn video, to instead: watch a video on Youtube about one
of your interests. Do this every time you want to look at porn, and make it a new habit.

ANY interests, it doesn't matter, as long as it's not sexual:






-sports (no Girl's Volleyball, come on now…)

-Little Brittain episodes

Get a good bro to do this with you, so you can be Accountability Buddies.

Step Five: Cutting more triggers

Check your 'trigger list', and find the harder ones like:


-seeing girls at the gym

-seeing girls at the mall

Use your self discipline to STOP looking at their glutes and breasts. And tell yourself: I am a
gentleman, I have class, I'm chasing excellence, not arse.

Step Six: Night-time urges

1. Reference your 24hr audit, and see when you are looking at porn

2. Fill that time slot with gym/fitness. For example, if you usually look at porn after work, at
night, then you need to go do strenuous physical activity so that your energy is spent and
you just fall into bed and go to sleep. Weight lifting, cardio, running, etc.

3. Make sure you have an Accountability Buddy when doing this

Step Seven: Deep Purge

1. Delete all files from your computer and backups

2. Go to your IG explore feed and tag 'not interested', on all the sexy photos

3. Go to YT and click the three dots and select 'not interested', on all sexy videos

4. Throw away all video games that have characters that sexually stimulate you

5. Unfriend all girls on your Facebook who have a sexy profile photo that stimulates you

6. Block all the girls with whom you used to flirt

Step Eight: Enhancement

1. Overhaul your diet. Read "Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?" by Mark Hyman

2. Overhaul your fitness. Read "Muscle for Life: Get Lean, Strong, and Healthy at Any Age!"
by Michael Mathews

3. Overhaul your finances. Read "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George Clason

4. Fill your life with productive activities:

-Boxing/martial arts
-Online courses to learn new skills

-Volunteering in your community

Step Nine: Mentor

1. Your new mentor is Grant Cardone. Study his book 'The 10x Rule'

2. While listening to ‘The 10x Rule’, figure out your goals in life, and start taking action to
achieve them

3. Fill your life with your creations and pursuits of your goals

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