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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8

Heat transfer during the formation of an HVOF sprayed

WC±Co coating on a copper substrate
V.V. Sobolev*, J.M. Guilemany, J.A. Calero
Metalurgia FõÂsica-Ciencia de Materiales, Centro de ProyeccioÂn TeÂrmica (CPT), Departamento de IngenierõÂa QuõÂmica y Metalurgia,
Universidad de Barcelona, MartõÂ i FraqueÁs I, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Received 30 December 1997; received in revised form 17 September 1998


Mathematical modelling of the heat transfer between a WC±Co coating and a copper substrate during HVOF spraying is undertaken. This
modelling includes the investigation of temperature variation, coating solidi®cation, melting and solidi®cation in the substrate interfacial
region, and speci®c features of the substrate±coating thermal interaction. The results obtained agree well with experimental data. # 1999
Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: WC±Co coating; Copper substrate; HVOF spraying; Heat transfer; Modelling

1. Introduction on droplet ¯attening during thermal spraying [2±4,14,15].

With a rough substrate surface, the splat thickness increases
Development of the coating structure and properties and the splat radius decreases in comparison with a smooth
depends essentially on the substrate±coating heat transfer surface [14,15]. Droplet solidi®cation also in¯uences the
during coating deposition and solidi®cation [1±6]. Particu- ¯attening process [15,16].
larly, it refers to the heat transfer in the substrate±coating Heat ¯ow from the relatively thin splat formed on the
interfacial region, which includes the ®rst coating layer and smooth surface will be dispersed rapidly into the substrate,
the substrate interfacial zone, because in this region adhesive hence the thickness of the melted layer in the substrate
bonds between the coating and the substrate are developed interfacial region will be low. With a thicker splat developed
[7±11]. on a rough surface, the temperature increase at the substrate
With a given coating the dynamics of the heat transfer will be greater than with a thinner splat. Thus the depth of
depend signi®cantly on the substrate material and the mor- the melted layer will be greater.
phology of the substrate surface. Heat transfer between a The roughness of the substrate surface also contributes to
WC±Co coating and a smooth steel substrate and between an increase in the contact thermal resistance at the substrate±
this coating and a smooth aluminium alloy substrate has coating interface [2±4]. This leads to a slowing down of the
been investigated in [5,6,12,13]. Marked differences have heat transfer between the coating and the substrate and
been established between the kinetics of coating solidi®ca- hence to the temperature rise at the substrate and an increase
tion and melting and solidi®cation of the substrate interfacial in the depth of the melted layer in the substrate interfacial
region because of the different thermophysical properties of region.
the substrate materials. This paper is devoted to analysis of the heat transfer
The morphology of the substrate surface also plays an processes during the formation of HVOF sprayed WC±Co
important role in the substrate±coating thermal interaction. coatings on smooth and rough (grit-blasted) copper sub-
This is mainly due to the in¯uence of the surface roughness strates by means of the modelling of these processes. The
results obtained are shown to be consistent with experi-
mental data. The results obtained can be used also for
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-3-4021297; fax: +34-3-4021638 prediction of the coating porosity and chemical inhomo-
E-mail address: sobolev@material.qui.ub.es (V.V. Sobolev) geneity [18±23].

0924-0136/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 5 5 - 1
2 V.V. Sobolev et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8

2. Description of modelling the heat transfer during the formation of the WC±Co coating
on a copper substrate during HVOF spraying.
During plasma spraying, where relatively low particle The main focus of the analysis was directed at the thermal
velocities are found, the coating may be considered to have interaction between the ®rst layer of the coating and the
been formed by the progressive build up of individual substrate, but the in¯uence of the subsequent layers of the
powder particles, which have been partially or totally coating on the heat transfer was studied also.
melted, impinging on the substrate surface [2±4,24,25]. In the basic version of the calculations the following
During HVOF spraying the particle velocities are much parameters were introduced: the substrate thickness
greater than with plasma spraying, thus the individual involved in the calculations was 3 mm; the coating layer
particles can agglomerate to produce the layers of the thickness was ˆ15 mm; the initial temperature of the
coating. Therefore, collective movement of the particles substrate was T10ˆ208C; the heat-transfer coef®cient at
and their subsequent impingement are important in asses- the upper surface of the coating layer was ˆ1000 Wmÿ2
sing how the sprayed coating builds up. It would appear that Kÿ1; the contact heat-transfer coef®cient at the substrate±
the layer formation in HVOF spraying is somewhat different coating interface for a smooth substrate surface was
6 ÿ2 ÿ1
from that found with plasma spraying: during one pass of the Cˆ6.6710 Wm K ; the same coef®cient for a rough
spray gun, a coating layer with a thickness of 10±15 mm (grit-blasted) surface of the substrate was Cˆ3.33
could be obtained [6,10,13]. The modelling results obtained 106 Wmÿ2 Kÿ1, and the gas temperature at the upper surface
under this assumption are shown to agree well with experi- of the coating layer was 5008C.
mental data [5,6,9,10,12,13].
The model developed involves numerical calculation of
the temperature distributions in the substrate T1 and the 3. Results and discussion
coating T2, which may be considered as functions of only a
transverse coordinate r and a time t. Whilst end effects could 3.1. First layer of the coating
in¯uence the periphery of the coating, the above statement is
correct for the central region of the sprayed specimen. Thus The ®rst layer of the coating is formed by ¯attened
the calculations ignore end effects and relate to the central droplets impinging on the substrate surface. Droplet-coating
part of the coating. impact interaction and development of splats are described
At the upper surface of the coating layer a boundary in detail in [11,14,15]. For the purposes of the present
condition is applied involving gas±splat heat exchange with analysis the difference in the substrate surface morphology
a heat-transfer coef®cient . At the substrate±coating inter- is taken into account by the different coef®cients of the
face the contact thermal resistance RC is accounted for by a contact heat transfer.
contact heat-transfer coef®cient C, which is inversely The liquid phase in the coating layer solidi®es as heat is
proportional to the contact thermal resistance RC and transferred to the relatively massive heat sink of the sub-
increases with an increase in a substrate surface roughness. strate. Additional cooling of the coating layer occurs as a
Solidi®cation of the coating layer as well as fusion and result of heat loss from its upper surface to the surrounding
subsequent solidi®cation of the substrate in the substrate± gas medium, but this cooling is essentially smaller than that
coating interfacial region are taken into account by means of due to the substrate. Because of the competition between
the Stefan problem formulation for the pure metal, and by these two types of cooling, the temperature pro®le through
the introduction of the effective speci®c heat according to the layer will have a maximum value at a location that is
[5] when considering the phase change in the alloy. close to the upper free surface.
The heat-transfer problem involves the non-linear heat Modelling of solidi®cation in the ®rst layer of the coating
conductivity equations for T1 and T2 and the corresponding indicates that for the grit-blasted surface the solidi®cation
boundary and initial conditions. A detailed description of the time tS2 varies non-uniformly as the initial temperatures of
model is given in [5,14,15]. the substrate T10 and the layer T20 increase (Fig. 1). This
The thermal problem was solved numerically by the behaviour can be explained as follows. The heat ¯ux q
method of ®nite differences in the implicit form with removed from the coating layer at the substrate±coating
absolute stability. The numerical results obtained and the interface is determined by the equation: qˆ CT,
parameters of the coating structure calculated on their basis ˆT1iÿT2i, where T1i and T2i are the substrate and layer
were shown to agree well with the experimental data con- temperatures at the interface. Thus an increase in T10 and T20
cerning the formation of the coating crystalline and amor- leads to a decrease in T and in q and this contributes to an
phous structure, the crystalline structure in the substrate increase in the duration of solidi®cation of the ®rst layer of
interfacial region, the depths of the substrate melting there, the coating. On the other hand, an increase in T10 and T20
the heat-affected zones of the substrate, etc., for HVOF may cause an increase in T and q and, therefore, an
sprayed coatings of WC±Co on steel and aluminium alloy acceleration of the solidi®cation of the ®rst layer. Competi-
substrates and coatings of WC±Ni on a steel substrate tion between these two tendencies leads to the non-uniform
[6,10,13]. The same model was used in this paper to study behaviour of tS2 with respect to T10 and T20. A decrease in
V.V. Sobolev et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8 3

Fig. 3. Variation of the solidification times of the layer and the substrate
with respect to the layer thickness for a rough surface.

Fig. 1. Variation of the layer solidification time with respect to the initial
substrate interface occurs after the time interval tS1 and the
temperatures of the substrate and the layer for a rough surface.
®rst layer becomes fully solid after the time interval tS2.
The values of tL1 and tS1 are equal and are both equal to
0.019 ms for the smooth surface and to 0.191 ms for the grit-
blasted surface of the substrate. This increase in tL1 and tS2 is
caused by the slowing down of the heat transfer from the
layer to the substrate when the contact thermal resistance
As can be seen from the results given in Table 1, as T10 is
increased from 208C to 1258C there is a corresponding
increase in tL2 and tS2 for the smooth substrate surface
and a decrease in tL2 and tS2 for the grit-blasted surface.
Similarly, an increase in T20 from 14828C to 15008C but
keeping T10 constant at 208C gives a decrease in tL2 and tS2.
The value of tL2 for the grit-blasted surface remains constant
under such variation of T20. An increase in  gives an
increase in tL2 and tS2.
Fig. 2. Variation of the layer solidification time with respect to the initial ÿ1
The parameter  1 de®ned as tL2 ÿ tL1 †tS2 is always
temperatures of the substrate and the layer for a smooth surface. ÿ1
smaller than  2 de®ned as tS2 ÿ tS1 †tS2 . This implies that
the liquidus isotherm moves faster than that of the solidus.
the contact thermal resistance in the case of a smooth surface The difference between  1 and  2 decreases with a decrease
makes the behaviour of tS2 with respect to the initial in the contact thermal resistance. As a result, liquid is
temperature of the substrate more uniform (Fig. 2). Fig. 3 present in the solidifying layer for 10±80% of the time
shows that the solidi®cation time tS2 increases with an taken for full solidi®cation tS2 for the smooth surface, and
increase in the layer thickness. for 40±70% of tS2 for the grit-blasted surface of the sub-
The kinetics of the solidi®cation process for the ®rst layer strate. The solidifying layer remains in a solid±liquid
are given in Table 1. The time interval from the impinge- (mushy) state near to the upper boundary for 85±97% of
ment of the droplets and development of the layer to the its full solidi®cation time in the case of the grit-blasted
initial formation of solid at the substrate±coating interface is surface and almost up to the end of solidi®cation for the
given by tL1. The isotherm of the liquidus then moves smooth surface.
towards the upper surface of the layer, which it reaches These results differ from those when a WC±Co coating is
after the time interval tL2. Full solidi®cation at the layer± formed on a steel and an aluminium alloy substrate due to

Table 1
Variation of the characteristic times of solidification in the coating first layer with respect to the spraying parameters and substrate surface morphology

T10 (8C) T20 (8C)  (mm) Smooth surface Grit-blasted surface

tL2 (ms) tS2 (ms) 1 2 tL2 (ms) tS2 (ms) 1 2

20 1482 15 1.22 1.57 0.77 0.988 1.15 2.11 0.46 0.91

125 1482 15 1.30 1.68 0.76 0.989 0.96 1.91 0.40 0.90
20 1500 15 1.19 1.44 0.81 0.997 1.15 1.34 0.72 0.86
20 1482 25 3.43 4.31 0.79 0.996 4.03 5.93 0.65 0.97
4 V.V. Sobolev et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8

the difference in the thermophysical properties of the substrate down the heat transfer at the substrate±coating interface and
materials. In the case of the steel substrate the ®rst coating layer increases the time interval when the heat ¯ux passes the
during solidi®cation has a liquid phase during 20±30% of its substrate interfacial region. This increases the time of
full solidi®cation time and the mushy state to near the upper duration of this region under relatively higher temperatures
edge of the ®rst layer remains during 60±80% of tS2 [5]. For the and, therefore, leads to an increase in hSm.
aluminium alloysubstratealiquidphasestillremainsinthe®rst As heat is lost, solidi®cation in the substrate interfacial
coating layer during 60±80% of tS2, whilst the mushy state region starts and the liquidus isotherm moves back towards
exists during 20±40% of its full solidi®cation time [12]. the substrate±coating interface. It reaches the interface at
The value of  1 for the smooth surface increases as T20 and time tL4 and at time tS4 the solidus isotherm reaches the
 increase but  1 decreases as T10 increases. The value of  2 interface when the solidi®cation is complete. Hence tS4 is
in this case is enhanced with an increase in T10, T20 and . the full solidi®cation time of the substrate interfacial region,
For the grit-blasted surface the behaviour of  1 with respect the value which is chie¯y the time of the solidi®cation
to T10, T20 and  is the same as in the case of the smooth isotherm movement. The parameters 3 ˆ tL4 ÿ tL3 †tS4
surface of the substrate, but the value of  2 decreases as T10 and 4 ˆ tS4 ÿ tS3 †tS4 are the relative times of movement
and T20 increase and  2 increases with an increase in . of the liquidus and solidus isotherms, respectively.
From the value of  2 it can be deduced that during the For the smooth surface the values of tL3 and tS3 vary
signi®cant period of the cooling process of the ®rst layer between 0.1 and 0.2 ms when the layer initial temperature
both liquid and solid phases are present. This is especially changes from 208C to 1258C, the substrate initial tempera-
true in the vicinity of the upper surface of the layer before ture is between 14828C and 15008C and the variation of the
solidi®cation is complete. This gives rise to favourable layer thickness is from 15 to 25 mm. In the case of the grit-
conditions for the development of porosity in the coating blasted surface under these variations of T10, T20 and , the
[11,18±20]. The results show that the value of  2 increases as values of tL3 and tS3 are the same and tL3ˆtS3ˆ0.765 ms.
T10, T20 and  increase for the smooth surface but  2 The most representative are the variations of tS4 and  4,
decreases as T10 and T20 increase for the grit-blasted surface. shown in Table 2. For the smooth surface of the substrate the
values of tS4 and  4 increase with an increase in T10 and T20
3.2. Substrate interfacial region and practically do not vary as  increases. In the case of the
grit-blasted surface the parameters tS4 and  4 also increase
The thermal history of the substrate involves the follow- with an increase in T10 and T20 but decrease as  increases.
ing stages: (i) heating as a result of heat transfer from the ®rst The substrate interfacial region remains in the mushy state
layer of the coating; (ii) melting of the substrate interfacial during a signi®cant portion of its solidi®cation time, this
region if the temperature attained is high enough; (iii) portion for the grit-blasted surface being greater than that for
subsequent solidi®cation and cooling of the solid state in the smooth surface.
the substrate; (iv) reheating and cooling of the substrate from The values of hS increase with time, reaching a maximum
the second and subsequent layers of the coating. value hSm and then decreasing. Figs. 4 and 5 show that the
In the present case copper was used as the substrate and a values of hSm increase as T10 and T20 are increased. The
clear melt condition is believed to occur at a temperature of variations of hSm in relation to T10 are sharper than in
10838C. Melting takes place when the solidus temperature relation to T20 because the initial temperature of the sub-
TS1 is exceeded at the time tS1. The isotherm for the solidus strate has more in¯uence on the heat transfer in the substrate
then moves away from the substrate±coating interface into interfacial region than the initial temperature of the layer.
the substrate for a distance hS as heating continues, where it The values of hSm for the grit-blasted surface are greater than
reaches a maximum value hSm when the temperature in the those for the smooth surface because of the intensive
substrate is insuf®cient to exceed TS1 and at the time tS3. accumulation of heat in the former case.
The liquidus temperature is reached at the interface on Due to absorption of the latent heat in the mushy zone
heating at the time tL1 and full liquation for a distance hL is during melting, the value of hLm practically does not depend
achieved until a maximum value hLm is reached at time tL3.
The calculations show that tL1ˆtS1ˆ0.0383 ms for the Table 2
smooth surface of the substrate and tL1ˆtS1ˆ0.191 ms for Variation of the characteristic times of solidification of the substrate
the grit-blasted surface. During HVOF spraying the tem- interfacial region with respect to the spraying parameters and substrate
perature may not be great enough for full liquation to occur surface morphology
and the substrate interfacial region is retained in the solid± T10 (8C) T20 (8C)  (mm) Smooth surface Grit-blasted surface
liquid (mushy) state [5,6]. In the present case this situation
tS4 (ms) 4 tS4 (ms) 4
exists and the value of hSm found for the basic version of the
calculations was about 0.1 mm in the case of the smooth 20 1482 15 0.23 0.500 2.68 0.714
surface and about 0.5 mm for the grit-blasted surface. This 125 1482 15 1.76 0.881 4.11 0.814
20 1500 15 0.40 0.667 2.87 0.733
can be explained as follows: with the same heat energy of the
20 1482 25 0.23 0.500 2.49 0.692
coating layer the higher contact thermal resistance C slows
V.V. Sobolev et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8 5

Fig. 7. Variation of the substrate solidification time with respect to the

Fig. 4. Variation of the substrate melting depth with respect to the initial
initial temperatures of the substrate and the layer for a rough surface.
temperatures of the substrate and the layer for a rough surface.

The solidi®cation time tS4 of the substrate interfacial

region for the grit-blasted surface is about two times greater
than that of the ®rst layer of the coating (Figs. 1 and 7). In
the case of the smooth surface the solidi®cation time of the
substrate interfacial region is about one order of magnitude
greater than that of the ®rst layer (Figs. 2 and 8). This differs
substantially from the situation when a WC±Co coating is
sprayed onto a steel substrate. In this case the value of tS4 is
about two orders of magnitude greater than tS2 because of
the difference in the thermophysical properties of copper
and steel.
From the Figs. 7 and 8 it can be seen that the value of tS4
Fig. 5. Variation of the substrate melting depth with respect to the initial increases with an increase in T10 and T20 and that this
temperatures of the substrate and the layer for a smooth surface. increase in relation to T10 depends on the substrate surface
morphology. In the case of the smooth surface a uniform
increase of tS4 is observed when T10 increases (Fig. 8). For
the grit-blasted surface with an increase in the substrate
initial temperature a balance between heat coming to and
removed from the substrate interfacial region occurs and
``saturation'' of tS4 takes place (Fig. 7). As can be seen from
Fig. 3 for the smooth surface the value of tS4 varies non-
uniformly with respect to the ®rst layer thickness and attains
the maximum value at 22 mm.

Fig. 6. Variation of the substrate melting depth and the substrate liquidus
position with respect to the layer thickness for a smooth surface.

on the layer thickness  for the smooth surface (Fig. 6). As

the contact thermal resistance at the substrate±coating inter-
face increases the value of hSm starts to increase with an
increase in  because the heat ¯ux in the substrate interfacial
region enhances due to an increase in the energy content of
the coating layer. The further increase in  leads to the
establishing of a balance between heat coming to the sub-
strate interfacial region from the layer and heat removed
from this region by heat transfer to the massive heat sink of
the substrate. That is why the further increase in  causes the Fig. 8. Variation of the substrate solidification time with respect to the
``saturation'' of the value of hSm. initial temperatures of the substrate and the layer for a smooth surface.
6 V.V. Sobolev et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8

This behaviour of tS4 is associated strongly with that of

hSm, which in the case of the rough surface is similar to the
situation shown in Fig. 3. An increase in  causes an increase
in hSm and, therefore, in  S4. Further increase in  increases
the thermal energy transferred to the substrate interfacial
region that is added to the latent heat extracted during
solidi®cation. This enhances the temperature difference
between the substrate interfacial region and the rest of
the substrate and, therefore, slightly increases the heat
removal from this region. This is the reason for a decrease
in the time  S4 of solidi®cation of the substrate interfacial
region with further increase in .

3.3. Subsequent layers of the coating

Fig. 9. Variation of the maximum interface temperature with respect to the
layer number.
With a rotating system for the specimen used during
HVOF spraying with a CDS gun (PT100) in the Centre
of Thermal Spraying of the University of Barcelona, the
second and subsequent layers of the coating are deposited
with a 1.32 s time interval.
The in¯uence of the subsequent coating layers on heat
transfer depends signi®cantly on the thermophysical proper-
ties of the substrate and coating materials. Both modelling
results and coating characterisation show that for the HVOF
sprayed WC±Co coating on a steel substrate, the in¯uence of
the second layer is very weak and that of subsequent layers
decreases, nearly vanishing with the fourth layer [5,6]. Thus,
in this case, the interfacial heat transfer is determined mostly
by the thermal interaction between the substrate and the ®rst
coating layer.
The situation is different when the WC±Co coating is Fig. 10. Variation of the maximum temperatures at the interfaces between
formed on an aluminium alloy (Al-4%Cu) substrate [12,13]. the different layers with respect to the layer number.
Due to the thermophysical properties of this alloy, the
subsequent coating layers markedly in¯uence the heat
transfer and the structure development. The heat trans- 4. Comparison with experimental data
fer from the second layer causes the remelting of the
substrate interfacial region and its subsequent repeated The results obtained were compared with experimental
solidi®cation. data concerning the substrate±coating thermal interaction.
The situation is also different when the WC±Co coating is HVOF sparying was provided with the Plasma Technik AG
formed on a copper substrate. Calculations show that during PT PT100 system. A commercial WC±Co powder was
the cooling of the second layer, the temperature at the sprayed on to a copper substrate.
substrate±coating interface increases up to about 4808C, The microstructure of the substrate interfacial region
which is obviously not enough for the remelting of the depends essentially on the morphology of the substrate
substrate interfacial region. The maximum temperature surface [17] and differs markedly from that with the same
Tm at the interface decreases with an increase in the layer coating on a steel and an aluminium alloy substrates [6,13].
number (Fig. 9). This temperature depends weakly on the
morphology of the substrate surface. In Fig. 9 the values of 4.1. Substrate±coating interfacial region without grit
Tm are given for the smooth substrate surface. blasting
The variation of the maximum temperature at the inter-
faces between the ®rst and the second layers (Tm ), second In the substrate interfacial region ®ne crystals were found
2;3† 3;4†
and third layers (Tm ), third and fourth layers (Tm ) and in the copper extending for a depth of about 0.1 mm, but in
fourth and ®fth layers (Tm ) in relation to the layer number some regions these crystals were absent. The grain size of
is shown in Fig. 10. These temperatures decrease with the ®ne copper crystals was 5±20 nm and there was observed
increasing layer number and practically does not depend a sharp boundary between the ®ne crystalline structure and
on the morphology of the substrate surface. the original coarse-grained structure of the substrate.
V.V. Sobolev et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8 7

The ®ne crystalline structure develops because of melting 5. Conclusions

of the copper by the heat ¯ux from the coating ®rst layer and
its further solidi®cation under very high cooling velocities. 1. The full solidi®cation time of the ®rst coating layer for
Below the ®ne crystal zone there were not detected any the grit-blasted surface of the substrate varies non-
structural changes that could be associated with a heat- uniformly with respect to the initial temperatures of the
affected zone. substrate and the layer. In the case of the smooth surface
The experimental data are consistent with the modelling the behaviour of this solidi®cation time with respect to
results, which indicate that the depth of partial melting in the the initial substrate temperature becomes more uniform.
substrate interfacial region is about 0.1 mm. The crystal size The layer solidi®cation time increases with an increase
 calculated using the thermal gradients G and solidi®cation in the layer thickness.
velocities Vs found on the base of the results obtained 2. The relative time of the liquidus isotherm movement
 ˆ 10ÿ4 Vsÿ0:25 Gÿ0:5 † is shown to be within the experi- during the solidification of the first coating layer for the
mentally observed range [17]. smooth surface of the substrate increases as the initial
substrate temperature and the layer thickness increase,
but this relative time decreases as the initial layer tem-
4.2. Substrate±coating interfacial region with grit perature increases. The relative time of the solidus iso-
blasting therm movement for the smooth surface increases with an
increase in the layer thickness and initial temperatures of
In the case of the grit-blasted substrate surface four zones the layer and the substrate.
were identi®ed in the substrate interfacial region. Zone one 3. For the grit-blasted surface of the substrate, the behaviour
was in the substrate immediately adjacent to the interface of the relative time of the solidus isotherm movement
and consisted of ®ne crystals with a size of about 50 nm, during solidification of the first coating layer with respect
which is somewhat larger than that of the polished substrate. to the layer thickness and the initial temperatures of the
The depth of this zone was about 0.5 mm. Zone one is the layer and the substrate is the same as in the case of the
region where the copper has been in the molten state. This is smooth surface, but the value of the relative time of the
consistent with the modelling results, which show that the solidus isotherm movement decreases as the initial tem-
depth of this zone is about 0.5 mm and that the crystal size is peratures of the layer and the substrate increase and
about 40±60 nm. With the grid-blasted surface the crystal increases with an increase in the layer thickness.
size is larger than that in the case of the smooth substrate 4. During solidification of the first coating layer the liquidus
surface. isotherm moves faster than that of the solidus. The
Immediately below zone one is a sharp boundary to give difference between the relative times of movement of
zone two, consisting of a recrystallized copper region and a the isotherms of the liquidus and the solidus decreases
®ne crystalline region. The former region has the grain size with a decrease in the contact thermal resistance between
over a wide range of from 0.7 to 4.5 mm and extends for a the coating and the substrate, i.e. with a decrease in the
depth of 1±5 mm, but the usual width is about 1.5±2 mm. The roughness of the substrate surface.
®nal crystalline region has a width of about 0.5 mm and the 5. Liquid is present in the solidifying first layer for 70±80%
crystal size is 50±100 nm. The structural sequence recrys- of its full solidification time for the smooth surface of
tallized grains±®ne grains is repeated 3±4 times to give a the substrate and for 40±70% of the full solidification
total depth below the interace of 5±8 mm. The structure of time for the grit-blasted surface of the substrate. The
zone two in consistent with the results of calculations. They mushy state remains near to the upper boundary of the
indicate that at a depth of 5±10 mm below the interface layer during 85±97% of its full solidification time. This
between the coating and the grit-blasted substrate, tempera- differs markedly from the situation when a WC±Co
tures within the range of 925±7008C are maintained for coating is developed on a steel and an aluminium alloy
about 40 ms, which would seem to be suf®cient to give the substrates.
partial recrystallization observed in the heavily cold-worked 6. During heating from the coating layer the substrate
region. interfacial region melts partially and is retained in the
Zone three is below zone two and consists of the recrys- solid±liquid (mushy) state. For the smooth surface of the
tallised copper and extends to a depth of 30±40 mm below substrate the depth of melting is about 0.1 mm and for the
the interface. The modelling studies show that at this depth grit-blasted surface this depth is about 0.5 mm.
from the interface the maximum temperatures attained are 7. For the smooth surface of the substrate the full solidifica-
about 550±6008C, which is suf®cient to produce the tion time of the substrate interfacial region increases with
observed effects. an increase in the initial temperatures of the substrate and
Zone four of the microstructure is identical to the original the layer and practically does not vary as the layer
substrate structure, as con®rmed by the results of the mod- thickness increases. In the case of the grit-blasted surface
elling of the substrate thermal history. Thus, the theoretical the full solidification time of the substrate interfacial
results agree well with the experimental data. region also increases with an increase in the initial
8 V.V. Sobolev et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1999) 1±8

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Catalunya (project GRQ93-1017) and CICYT (project HVOF Sprayed WC±Co Coating on a Copper Substrate, in: C.C.
MAT94-0013) for ®nancial support. Berndt (Ed.), A United Forum for Scientific and Technological
Advances, ASM International, 1997, pp. 943±948.
[18] V.V. Sobolev, J.M. Guilemany, Investigation of coating porosity
References formation during high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying, Mater.
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