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BTEC Nationals in Sport - Unit 4 Sports Leadership

LC Plan, Do, Review

Aspects to consider re safety/organisation

Venue fire/first aid precautions & procedures, Safety of participants – what
including telephone numbers to brief them on

First aid precautions will include gathering Tell everyone to make sure
everyone’s parents' number in case of they are warm to exercise
Letters of consent, water
clothing etc required by
This will not be required
Equipment check re health and safety Other areas/aspects to
Check the surface is strong consider, i.e. booking of the
Check for everyone wearing correct shoes venue, alternative
Check the surface is dry arrangements in case of bad
No other areas because this will
be in a public sports hall

Worksheet Exercise - Planning a Session (continued)

Planning a session – after reading the scenario identify what you need to prepare using
the table below.

What do I need to prepare?

Self Aim
Prepare the session plan in detail Aim is for all the athletes to improve
Organise the session prior to their score on the standing triple
everyone entering the session jump

Venue Facilities
Barnet southgate college sports hall Barnet southgate college sports hall

Time Equipment
10am-10:15am Cones, sports hall, measuring tape

Group Knowledge
Kayton Prepare in my triple jump technique
Jibril knowledge and leadership abilities

Safety Session Plan

Quick check up on the facility to Session will be planned prior to
ensure it is safe for the exercises execution in theory and through my
going to be performed. session plan

Anything else considered relevant? Review

Review will be completed after the
session has been completed

Session Plan
Date: Time: Location: Barnet Resources: Ability Levels:
15/04/2023 12:00-12:15 southgate college, Cones, basketball Beginner
southgate campus court, Age: 17-19

Aim of the session: Number expected of Participants:

To provide all participants with a basic understanding of how to 5-9
perform the standing triple jump.
To improve their technique Participant Needs:
To improve their performance of the triple jump To ensure that all the participants do not
get injured within the session.
Objectives: To perform a proper warm up to prevent
1. Improve all participants ability to do the triple jump injury as they are all football players.
To ensure they all feel safe during the
2. To improve their execution of the triple jump
3. To demonstrate my ability to teach the triple jump

Skill Activities Teaching style Learning styles

used addressed
Standing Warm up – The learning styles
triple jump autocratic style of that I will be
1. Warm-up (5minutes) teaching aiming to address
- Dynamic stretching: leg swings, walking lunges, within my practical
high knees, butt kicks, etc. Throughout the session are;
- Plyometrics: squat jumps, box jumps, skipping, main part of the Visual through
etc. session, I will video example
attempt to use a
2. Max effort attempts (5minutes) problem-solving Auditory through
- 1/2 max effort triple jump attempts (to analyse method to allow verbal feedback
their technique) them to find out
- Video demonstration their preferred Kinaesthetic
through the hands-
jumping style. on activity of the
3. Technique (5 minutes)) triple jump.
- Break down the triple jump into its three Lastly, for the cool
phases (hop, step, jump) and work on each down I will attempt
phase individually. to use a command
- Provide feedback and corrections as needed. style so that I can
keep it brief and
4. Cool-down (5 minutes)) short.
- Static stretching: hold each stretch for 20-30
- Foam rolling: focus on the legs and glutes.

Remember to tailor the session to the learners'

skill level and progress accordingly.
Reflection on practical delivery

1. Why I made certain choices

In designing my lesson, I considered the skill level of the group, which was mainly beginners. To
ensure that the learners would be able to grasp the skill, I broke it down into two separate
movements and then integrated them through their final attempt of the standing triple jump. I chose
to use manual and visual learning to help the learners understand the steps involved in performing
the skill such as the first, second and third jump as well as the landing process. Manual and visual
learning are particularly effective for learners in the cognitive stage of learning, which is the stage
that beginners are typically in such as my performers.

2. Effectiveness of selection of teaching and learning strategy

I believe that the teaching methods I employed were highly effective because the learning styles I utilised
have been proven to be effective for beginners. Different people have different learning styles, and it's
important for instructors to incorporate a variety of teaching methods to accommodate different learning
styles. In my case, the types of learning styles I used were well-suited to the beginner stage. I think that my
selection and of teaching and learning strategy was highly effective because every single participant
significantly improved their triple jump score.

3. Did I match the selected strategy to the type of tasks?

In hindsight, I believe that the strategies I employed were not tailored to the needs of the learners. If I were to
modify the strategies, I would have chosen to execute a simpler activity that does not rely as heavily on
technique. This would have allowed the jumps to flow more smoothly and kept the learners more engaged as
they are still novices.

4. Did I match the selected strategy to the needs of the performer?

The warm-up exercises and simple activities I used were appropriate for the performers
since the majority of the class were beginners. The group size was ideal for my activity as
there were only six people, allowing me to provide one-on-one attention to most of the
participants. Furthermore, since the group consisted entirely of beginners, I allowed the
participants to utilise any technique they preferred within the first attempt of the triple

5. Did I match the selected strategy to my own needs?

The strategies I employed were aligned with my own needs since I possess a decent proficiency in the
standing triple jump, which makes it specific to my own personal needs. However, it's important to
remember that just because a strategy works for the instructor, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will work
for the learners as they are usually not as skilled meaning that they will not be able to as effectively
implement your selected strategy. For example, one of my participants let me know after the session that they
weren’t fully understanding how to properly execute because of the strategy I used, which had limited depth
as they only had 2 attempts at the jump. I may have potentially been able to improve their technique and
performance of the skill more effectively if I had allowed them to have more attempts with the same amount
of feedback. I would have been able to implement this is I allowed all of the performers to execute the jump
all at the same time.

6. Did I match the selected strategy to the demands of the situation and the environment?

After careful reflection, I came to the realisation that the strategies I employed during the
lesson were not as effective as I had initially intended. There were two main reasons for
this. Firstly, the equipment required for the activity was not readily available (as I wasn’t
able to accurately measure the scores) and a member of the class had to improvise by
reminding me which score they had. This impeded the flow of the activity and hindered
the learners' ability to fully engage with the lesson. Secondly, I did not consider the
differences in technique and skill level among the learners. This oversight resulted in a
lack of fluidity in the activity, which further detracted from the learners' overall
experience. Considering these shortcomings, I plan to modify my strategies in the future
to better meet the needs of the learners and provide a more engaging and effective
learning experience.

7. Could a different approach have been more effective? Why/why not?

In hindsight, I believe that the approach I used in the lesson could have been modified to be more effective.
Instead of concluding the lesson with a last attempt at the triple jump, I could have opted for an alternative
activity that would have allowed for a more consistent flow such as analysing their technique through video
analysis, thereby increasing the learners' confidence and skill level. That being said, I found the warm-up
exercises and repetition of the jumps to be relevant and effective. The consistent flow of these activities
resulted in a smooth lesson that was enjoyable for the learners.

Summary of performance

In summary to my performance, I believe I executed my session as planned with the correct

application of my knowledge and experience in performing the standing triple jump. I think
that in general I performed very well in my execution of the session planned. However, I
think that I could've improved my performance by being more prepared in measuring the
results in more detail so that I can accurately measure the difference between their first
attempt and their final attempt.

Strengths Weaknesses
- I was able to show everyone the correct technique for
the triple jump.
- Everyone was able to have their technique individually
- The session was nice and brief to not exhaust
the athlete too much
- The athletes only have 2-3 attempts at the triple
- Landing mechanics were not optimal due to the
surface used

Recommendations for improvement

I recommend that I change my method of execution if I were to execute this session again.
The way I would do this is to line everyone up in a straight line and allocate a certain amount
of time for them to continuously practice their execution of the triple jump, while also going
around to each individual and showing them how to execute the jumps more optimally.

Please circle
Did the structure of the session follow the session plan? Yes

If not, why?.........................................................................................................

Did the candidate lead the session independently? Yes

Signed (tutor)…………………………………………… Date ………………

Signed (learner)………Yacine Lakehal Date 23/05/2023

Detail the State why or why not a particular

strategies used strategy worked
What types of Verbal This strategy worked since these
communication strategies communication athletes were football players and
were used? and manual they are used to having both
communication. verbal and manual communication
to learn.
What type of The techniques This was an effective strategy
skills/techniques were used used include because it allowed the participants
to demonstrate activities? showing them to view the correct technique in a
visual visual sense because if I had only
demonstrations of used verbal techniques, they may
a high-level triple have been confused.
jump athlete.

What teaching/coaching Directive The directive coaching that I used

methods were used? coaching and no worked quite well because I have
directive somewhat of a base of knowledge
coaching. in this field however, non directive
coaching didn’t work well because
the participants didn’t have
What health and safety There was no need for extensive
checks were carried out: Medical check medical checks because the
a) Prior to the prior to the participants are all healthy
session? session. athletes.
b) During the
c) After the

What evaluation techniques Summative Summative evaluation worked

were used? evaluation. quite well because this type of
evaluation is done after the
completion of the project to let all
the participants know if they were
successful in progressing their

Worksheet Personal Evaluation of a Session

You should try to reflect on your own performance whenever you can. Use the questions
below to evaluate how the session went.

List 3 things that you think went well with your session.
1. All the participants improved their standing triple jump score

2. The participants found the session enjoyable

3. The goals set prior to the session were achieved

For each of the 3 things identified state why you think they worked well.
1. They improved their score because I improved their technique

2. The session was enjoyable because it was competitive and brief

3. The goals were achieved because I had a clear image of what I wanted
out of the session.

List 3 things that did not go very well in your session.

1. Some of the participants were not fully applying themselves within the
2.Slight lack of resources meant that improvisation occurred.
3. I struggled to effectively project my voice for everyone to hear.

For each of the 3 things you identified explain why you think they did not work as well.
1.Lack of interest from the participants lead to less focus
2.I was not aware that the facility has no measuring tape
3. Lack of experience in coaching meant that I was unaware some people
couldn’t hear me.

For each of these 3 things identify what you could have done to make them work better.
1. I could have attempted to make the session more interesting and

2. I could have asked whether the facility had measuring equipment

3. Performing more coaching session will allow me to fix this issue

If you had to do this session again, what would you do differently? How? Why?
If I were to perform this session again I would make sure that I kept the full
focus and attention of every participant by making the session more
spontaneous and fun. I would have done this by making the session slightly
more competitive as this makes the session more challenging and less
Secondly, I would have improvised more effectively when I found out that the
facility didn’t have any accurate measuring equipment by using the ‘measure’
application on my phone. This would have allowed me to more accurately
measure the progress of the individuals and the group as a whole.

What are the main things that you have learned from taking this session?
The main thing that I have learnt from conducting this session is that
previous coaching experience is very important due to the fact that there are
many small aspects of a coaching session that are very difficult to prepare for
if you have never conducted a coaching session before.

Worksheet Monitoring Participants

Discuss with your peers and your tutor the following questions. Make your own notes
under each question

What formative feedback was given to the participants during the time they
were allowed to practise the skill?
-Bend knees/hips more so you can produce more power at the start
- Use arms for momentum

How was this feedback given?

-Verbal feedback
-Manual guidance

What was the reaction of the receiver of the formative feedback?

Some of the participants simply attempted to implement these techniques
ques. However, some asked me to clarify my advice which is when I used
manual advice.

How did the participants improve their performance

They did this through repetition of the feedback given to them.
What summative feedback was given at the end of the session to the
I explained to all the participants that this session had been successful
because they were all able to improve their technique and the results proved

How did the recipients of the summative feedback feel?

Some of the recipients let me know that they enjoyed the session and were
happy to have improved.

How would you do things differently?

If I were to perform this session again I would make sure that I kept the full
focus and attention of every participant by making the session more
spontaneous and fun. I would have done this by making the session slightly
more competitive as this makes the session more challenging and less

Worksheet SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
- Knowledge of the skills required - Lack of awareness to notice some
participants were not focused
- Knowledge of the sport

- Lack of experience
- Knowledge of technique

- Confidence

Opportunities Threats

- Opportunity to progress in - Social life may be distracting me

coaching with youth participants from achieving this goal

- Lack of job opportunities in my

Worksheet SMARTER Targets
To help you start, complete the following table:

Description of what it involves

Specific Specific: The target should be clearly defined and
specific. It should answer the questions of who,
what, where, when, why, and how. The more
specific the target is, the easier it is to understand
and achieve.

Measurable Measurable: The target should be quantifiable so that

progress can be tracked. This means that there
should be a clear way to measure whether the target
has been achieved or not. Measurable targets help to
keep people motivated and focused on achieving
their goals.

Agreed Agreed; The target must be agreed upon between

both the individual who has set themselves this
target and their coach/teacher. This is important
because they must both have a clear and concise
mental image of what the end goal is.
Realistic Realistic: The target should be meaningful and
aligned with broader goals and objectives. It should
be something that contributes to the overall success
of the individual or organization. Relevant targets
help to ensure that efforts are focused on the right

Time controlled Time-bound: The target should have a clear deadline

or timeframe. This helps to create a sense of urgency
and focus, and ensures that progress is being made
towards the target. Time-bound targets help to
prevent procrastination and keep people on track.

Exciting Exciting: It is crucial that the entire process as well

as actually achieving the goal is all very exciting for
the individual working towards this goal because
this enables them to stay motivated and eliminates
Recorded Recorded: The target should be assessed regularly to
determine if progress is being made. This means that
there should be a system in place to measure
progress and adjust the target if necessary.
Recording helps to identify areas of improvement
and keep people on track towards achieving their
Worksheet SMARTER Targets

Write down your own targets for improving your performance when leading a session.

My SMARTER target(s)
My individual ‘SMARTER’ target in regards to leading a session is to improve the overall
skill execution of the participants for each session. This is a specific target because it
relates very closely to my performance when leading a session and it allows me to dictate
my overall effectiveness in leading a session. It is also measurable because I can start the
session with a skills assessment/test/game and record the scores of each individual and I
can also do this at the end of the session to make sure that I did improve their skill
This goal can be agreed upon between me and the participants of the session
as I will let them know that this is the goal of the session.

This is a realistic goal because wether the participants are beginners or very
advanced they will be able to objectively improve due to the technical
improvements given within the session and the repetition of the skill
This goal is very easily time controlled because I am able to do so by planning
ahead and making sure that the session is a certain duration and I stick to the
given plan.
This goal is exciting to both me and the participants as constant improvements
in their sport/skill execution will make sure that they are able to ‘feel’ the
progress being made, making them more confident In their sport.

The whole process of this goal will be easily recorded because will be
accurately measuring all of their scores from the start of the session to the end
of the session as well as in between each session.

Identify what ‘milestones’ you would use to monitor your performance

In regard to monitoring my progress when leading coaching sessions, you

could use a variety of milestones to track progress. These might include:

- Winning a certain number of games or competitions

- Improving the team's win-loss record from the previous season
- Increasing the team's scoring average or reducing the number of points
allowed per game
- Improving individual player statistics, such as scoring, rebounding, or assists
- Achieving a certain level of fitness or conditioning for the team
- Developing specific skills or techniques in individual players
- Creating a positive team culture and improving team morale
- Achieving specific goals in practice, such as improving shooting accuracy or
reducing turnovers
- Receiving positive feedback from players, parents, or other coaches

By setting these milestones and tracking progress towards them, you can help
ensure that you are making progress as a leader and that your team is
improving over time.

Worksheet 4F (Continued)

SMARTER target setting sheet: Using the targets that you have identified for
development of your leadership, write them down making use of the columns.

Specific Measur Agreed Realistic Time Excitin Record

What do able Do you and your Are you based g? ed
you want How will coach/instructor/ just When? Is the Is it
to you tutor agree on dreaming? Today? target recorde
achieve know the target? Why? Tomorrow exciting d? If so
as a when ? and where?
leader? you have enjoyab
achieved le?
To I will Yes This target In 1-2 Persona This will
Long achieve know I is years I lly, I be
Term consisten have achievable believe find this recorde
Target t and achieved for me as that I will target d in my
(s) steady this a sports achieve very persona
(12 progress through leader success exciting l dairy
month and in success because within as I like weekly
s+) the long in I’m very competitio to win to keep
term to competiti hard ns for my in track of
produce ons. working team competi my
results and tions proggre
when my persistent ss.
Short I will aim I will Yes I am not This will This This will
Term for know just occur in 4- target is be
Target steady,co when I dreaming 8 weeks very recorde
(s) nsistent have because exciting d in my
(4 – 8 and achieved achieving and persona
weeks considera progress consistent enjoyab l dairy
) ble by progress le for where I
progress checking for a 4-8 me will
thepugho my dairy week keep
ut each period is track of
training very my
session possible proggre

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