Avesta Reader Texts, Notes, Glossary and Index (Hans Reichelt)

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WALTER DE G R U Y T E R & CO. B E R L I N 1968
Archir-Nr. 4301681

© 1968 by Walter de Grujter Sc Co., Tormala G. J. Gö«chcn'iche Vakgihtodluag —

J. Guttcntag, VeriagsbuchlumdhKig — G t o g Reimer — Kail J. Trtiboer — Vdt «e Comp.,
Berlin 30
Primed in Gtuuuiy
Alle Rechte de· Nachdrucks, der pbocomechiabchea Wiedergabe, der Übersetzung, der
Hentelhmg TOO Mikrofilmen und Photokopien, auch a a n u g m b e , TorhcHilten

The Avesta-Reader comprises those of the Avesta-texts that are

of most importance to philologists and historians. The t e x t e are
arranged in groups, according to their subjects; inside the groups the
easier texts come first. With the exception of the Haööxt-Nask and
the Nirangastan they follow Geldner's edition. Variations from Geld-
ner's edition are in all cases founded on the best MSS.: they are
indicated by the symbol \ corrupt words or passages by the symbol
The n o t e s are designed to introduce the reader to the Avesta in such
a manner that he may learn to translate and anderstand the texte
correctly. Accordingly they do not merely call attention to all pecu-
larities of language and especially of syntax, but also go into all
questions of the history of civilisation and religion that are of impor-
tance for the proper understanding of the texts. In order to save
space reference is frequently made to my Avesta primer (Awestisches
Elementarbuch) which gives fuller information in the paragraph (§)
indicated. The g l o s s a r y is kept within very narrow limits and sup-
plies only those Indian words which certainly correspond to the words
in the Avesta, the aim being to render easier the determination of
the form (and meaning) of the latter. The i n d e x is meant to assist
the student in employing the material worked into the notes where
this deals with the history of religion and civilisation; accordingly it
also supplies brief definitions and summaries arranged under suitable
The aims and methods adopted in composing the Avesta-Reader
are as follows: 1. The texts are given throughout in the form of
the earliest MSS. obtainable. (Hence the texts are given with all
the pecularities and mistakes of spelling, accidence and syntax that
occur in the oldest MSS. Only the text of the Nirangastdn, the
most corrupt of all, has been emended in places.) 2. These pecu·

larities and mistakes have been determined in accordance with the

grammatical principles derived from the two dialects vof the Avesta
itself, with the additional aid of those which are based upon the
Indian and the other indogermanic languages. 3. The age of the
individual texts is estimated by the language and the contents. (The
determination of the age of the texts by means of the language goes
hand in band with the indication of the peculiar forms and mistakes.
The contents are of importance only in those cases in which they
clearly prove that the corrupt language of a text is the result of its
having been incorrectly handed down.) 4. A correct translation is
aimed at as the basis for the exegesis. The exegesis itself necessarily
takes account in all cases of the standpoint of the priests who are to
be regarded as the authors of the texts: this method is essential,
since the texts are throughout of a religious character or at least
stand in some sort of relation to religion. The standard by which
any particular standpoint of the priests is to be judged depends upon
the stage reached by religion in the process of evolution from the
simple Zoroastrian doctrine to the complicated formalism of its last
period. 5. The new and original elements of the Zoroastrian doctrine
are determined by eliminating the old elements of the Aryan religion
or mythology which were preserved by Zoroaster or reincorporated
after his time. 6. The attempt is made to free the elements of the
Iranian king· and hero-legend from their religious dress and to reduce
them as fai as possible to their original form.
The philological works upon which the Avesta-Reader is based
are the well-known books of Bartholomae, Geiger, Geldner, Httbsch-
mann, Jackson, Justi etc.; in matters relating to the history of religion
and civilisation the authorities principally employed, apart from my
own investigations, are the Pahlavi-books, Geiger's Ostiranische Kultur,
Jackson's Zoroaster, Oldenberg's Religion des Veda etc. Bartholomae's
Wörterbuch and his Gäthä-Ubersetzung have however been consulted
at every turn; they are the best guide for the teacher uo less than
for the learner.
The Avesta-Reader is dedicated to the Trustees of the Funds
and Properties of the Parsee Punchayet. I welcome this opportunity
of rendering these generously-minded gentlemen, who hold out a helping
hand to every one who devotes his working powers to the investi-
gation of the Aveeta-documents, a small portion of the thanks which
I myself owe them. May they find much pleasure in this book, which
presente in all its texts a true and reliable picture of the evolution

of their religion and exhibits in the G&thfts the greatness and sublimity
of the Zoroaetrian doctrine in its original power and veracity.
To Professor Bartholomae I owe a special debt of gratitude for
the help he has given me in correcting the proofs of the Avestan part
of the book.
Finally I beg the reader not to criticise my English two severely.
I have only written the book in English because I was specially re-
qnested to do so by the Parsees who do not understand German.

Giessen. Hans Reichelt.

Preface VII—IX
Abbreviations XII—XIII
Texts 1—90
Notes on the texts 91—209
Glossary 211—281
Index 282-301
Additions and Corrections 302—304

Selection of texts.
Hörn Yatt (Υ. IX) 1—32 1-3
Ardvlsür Yast (Yt. V) 1 - 1 3 2 3—12
Mihr Yast (Yt X) 1—21, 2 8 - 3 4 , 64 - 7 2 , 83 - 9 1 , 9 5 - 9 8 13-17
Fravartln Yost (Yt. XIII) 1 - 2 5 , 49—72 17—21
Varhrän YaSt (Yt. XIV) 3 4 - 4 0 , 4 2 - 46 21-22
Tistr Ya&t (Yt. VIII) 1 - 6 1 22-28
Art Yost (Yt XVII) 1 - 2 2 , 53 - 61 28-30
Zorn Yazat Yaät (Yt. XIX) 9 - 6 4 , 7 8 - 9 0 31-36
Vidivdät II, 1 - 4 3 37-43
III, 12—35 44-47
V, 1 - 7 47-48
VI, 26—41, 4 4 - 5 1 48-51
VIII, 1 - 5 , 8 - 1 8 51-53
XIII, 1—16 53-55
XV, 1—8 56
XVII, 1 - 1 1 57—58
XVIII, 1 3 - 2 9 , 3 0 - 5 9 , 60—65 58-63
XIX, 5 - 9 , 2 7 - 3 2 63—65
Visprat II, 1 - 1 1 66—67
V, 1 - 3 67
XII, 1 - 5 67-68
NyäyiSn III, 1—11 68-69
Gäh V, 1—7 69-70
SVi Böiak II, 1, 2, 7, 13 70-71

Yasnn XI, 1—7 71
LV, 1 - 6 71—72
LXII, 1 - 1 0 72-73
XXVII, 13-15 73
XIX, 1—21 . 73—75
XII, 1—7 76—76
LIV, 1 - 2 76
Iladöxt Nask II, 1 - 1 8 76-78
Nirangastan, 19-27, 72-84 78—80
Gä&ä's Υ. XXIX, 1—11 81—82
Υ. XXX, 1 - 1 1 82
Υ. XXXI, 1 - 6 83
Υ. XXXII, 3—IB 88-84
Y. XLIII, 5 - 1 6 84—86
Y. XLVI, 9 - 1 3 86
Y. XLVin, 6—7, 10-12 86-87
Y. LI, t—7, 16—19 . 87-88
Y. LIII, 1 - 9 88—89
Yasnn Haptanhätay Υ. XXXVI, 1—6 89-90
Y. XL, 1 - 4 90

Α.: Äfrinakän. du.: dual,

AB.: Aitareya Brähmana. encl.: enclitic.
abl.: ablative. f., fem.: feminine,
abs., absol.: absolutivum. fut.: future.
acc.: accusative. g.: gä&ic.
act.: active. G.: Gäh.
adj.: adjective. GAv.: (?<S#ä-Avesta.
adv.: adverb. Geiger OIK., OK.: Ostiranische Kul-
aor.: aorist. tur.
Ar., ar.: Aryan. gen.: genitive.
Av.: Avesta. GIrPh.: Grundriss der Iranischen Phi-
Av.: Artäk Viräz Nämak. (The Book lologie,
of Arda Viraf.) gl., Gl.: gloss.
AV.: Atharva Veda. Η.: Hadöxt Nask.
Bartholomae ArF.: Arische Forschun- IF.: Indogermanische Forschungen,
gen. imp.: imperative,
— AirVb.: Altiranisches Verbum. impf.: imperfect,
— [Air]Wb.: Altiran. Wörterbuch. ind.: indicative,
— Stud.: Studien zur indogermani- inf.: infinitive,
schen Sprachgeschichte. inj.: injunctive,
— Zum AirWb.: Zum Altiranischen instr.: instrumental.
Wörterbuch. Nacharbeiten u. Vor- Ir(an): Iranian,
arbeiten. ir.: Irish.
BB.: Bezzenberger's Beiträge. JAOS.: Journal of the American Ori-
Bd.: BundahiSrn. ental Society.
caue.: causative, J As.: Journal Asiatique.
compar.: comparative, J RAS.: Journal of the Royal Asiatic
cpd.: compound. Society of Great Britain and Ire-
D.: Darius-inscription. land.
dat.: dative, KZ.: Zeitschrift für vergleichende
dein.: declension. Sprachforschung.
Delbrück AiS.: Altindische Syntax. Lat.: Latin,
Dd.: Dätastän i DSnVc. lett.: Lettisch,
dem.: demonstrative, loc.: locative.
des.: deeiderative. m(asc).: masculine,
Dk.: Denkart,. mid.: middle.

mp., Mp.: Middle Persian. RHR.: Revue de l'Histoire des Reli-

MSL.: M6moires de la Soci6t6 de Lin- RV.: Rigveda. [giona.
guietique. S.: Slh Röiak.
MX, Mx.: Dätastän i Menük i Xrat. SBE.: The Sacred Books of the East,
(The Book of the Mainyo-i-Khard). eg.: singular,
N.: Nlrangastän. skr.: Sanskrit.
n(eut).: neuter, Speijer S(kr)S.: Sanskrit Syntax.
nom.: nominative, — VuSkrS.: Vedische und Sanskrit-
num.: numeral. Syntax.
Ny.: Nyäyiin. SPreuseAW.: Sitzungsberichte der
obj.: object Königl. Preuseischen Akademie der
opt.: optative. Wissenechaften.
Pähl.: Pahlavi. subj.: subjunctive,
Pafic.: Paücatantra. superl.: superlative.
pass.: passive. ÖB.: äatapatha Brähmana.
patron(ym).: patronymic. n).: Sähnäma.
Pauly-Wiesowa RE*.: Realencyklo- TB.: Taittirlya Brähmana.
pädie der klassischen Altertums- them.: thematic.
wissenschaft. 2. Auflage, TS.: Taittirlya Samhitä.
perf.: perfect. V.: Vidivdät.
pl(ur).: plural, vb.: verb,
pose.: possessive, voc.: vocative.
pred.: predicate, Vr.: Visprat.
prep.: preposition, WZKM.: Wiener Zeitschrift für die
pres.: present, Kunde des Morgenlandes.
p r e t : preterite. Y.: Yasna.
Preuss. Jahrb.: Preussische Jahr- YAv.: Younger Avesta.
pron.: pronoun. [biicher. Yt.: Yait.
ptcpl.: participle. ZDMG.: Zeitschrift der Deutschen
RA.: Revue Arch6ologique. Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.
Horn Yast.
(Yasna IX.)
1 hdvanim Λ ratüm d haomö upäit zaraduitram dtram pai-
ri.yaozda-frantam gd&äsda srdvayantam. a dim parasat zara&uitrö:
„kö nara ahi, yim azam vispahe atahäui astvatö sraeitam dädarasa
xvahe gay ehe xvanvatö amdiahe?" 2 dat me aim paityaoxta haomö
aiava düraoiö: „azam ahmt, zara&uitra, haomö aiava düraoiö; a mqm
yäsawuha, spitama, fra mqm hunvavuha xvaratäe, aoi mqm staomaine
stüi&i, yada md aparacit saoiyantö atavqn3 dat aoxta zara-
duitrö: „namö haomdi! hass ütcqm paoiryö, haoma, maiyö astvaidydi
hunüta gae&ydif kd ahmdi aiii aranävi, cit ahmdi jasat äyaptamt"
4 üat me aem paityaoxta haomö aiava düraoiö: „vlvarahä mqm
paoiryö maiyö astvai&ydi hunüta gaeüyäi. hd ahmdi aiis aranävi,
tat ahmdi jasat dyaptam, yat hi pufrrö us.zayata yö yimö xiaetö
heq&wö x°aranarauhastamö zdtanqm hvara.darasö maiydnqm, yat
karanaot ainhe xia&räda *amarianta pasu vira atahaoiamne dpa
urvaire xvairyqn xvaradam " ajyamnam. 5 yimahe xiafrre aurvahe
nöit aotam draha nöit garamam nöit zaurva diaha nöit maraüyui nöit
araskö daevö.dätö. panca.dasa fracaröide pita pufrrasca raoöaesva
katarasöit, yavata xiayöit hvq&voö yimö vlvatauhatö pu&rö.u 6 „kasa
•fricqm bityö, haoma, masyö astvai&ydi hunüta gae&ydif kd ahmdi
asis aranävi, 6it ahmdi jasat dyaptam?u 7 dat me aem paityaoxta
haomö aiava düraoiö: „d&voyö mqm bityö maiyö astvai&ydi hunüta
gae&ydi. hd ahmdi asis arandvi, tat ahmdi jasat dyaptam, yat he
pufrrö us.zayata visö sürayA ftraetaonö. 8 yö janat ailm dahäkam
drizafanam firikamaradam xivai.ailm hazarard.yaoxitim *ai.aojataham
daevlm *drujim ayam *gaeddvayö drvantam, yqm *ai.aojastamqm
*drujim fraca karantat ararö mainyui aoi yqm astvaitim gae&qm
mahrkdi aiahe gae§anqm.u 9 nkasa dwqm ihityö, haoma, masyö ast-
vaidydi hunüta gaeftyäi? kd ahmdi asis aranävi, cit ahmdi jasat
äyaptam?a 10 äat me aem paityaoxta haomö asava düraoiö: „frritö
8dmanqm saviitö ürityö mqm maiyö astvai&yäi hunüta gaeüyäi. hd
ahmdi aiis aranävi, tat ahmäi jasat dyaptam, yat he pudra us.zayöide
Areata Reader. 1
2 Horn YaSt (Υ. IX) 10-22.

urvdxiayö karasdspasöa: tkaesö anyö ddtö.rdzö, dat anyö uparö kairyö

yava gaesui gadavarö. 11 yö janat azlm srvaram yim aspö.garam
nara.garam yim vliavantam zairitam, yim upairi *vii *raodat drityö-
baraza zairitdm, yim upairi karasdspö ayaidha pitüm pacata a rapid-
winam zrvänam. tafsatca hö mairyö xHsatca; frqs ayarahö frasparat
yaeiyanttm äpam *paränhdt. parqi taritö apatacat naire.marid
karasdspö11. 12 „kasa dwqm tüiryö, haoma, maiyö, astvai&ydi hunüta
gaö&ydi? ka ahmdi aiii arandvi, cit ahmdi jasat dyaptam?u 13 dat
mi aem paityaoxta haomö aiava düraosö: vpouruiaspö mqm tüiryö
maiyö astvaidydi hunüta gae&ydi. ha ahmdi asis arandvi, tat ahmdi
janat dyaptam, yat he tüm us.zayanha tüm arazvö, zara&uitra, nmdnahe
pourniaspahe vldaevö ahura.tkaeiö. 14 srütö airyene vaejahe tüm
paoiryö, zara&uitra, ahunam vairlm frasrdvayö vibaradwantam dx-
tüirim aparam xraoidyehya frasrüiti. 15 tüm zamargüzö *dkaranvö
vtspe daeva, zara&uitra, yöi para ahmdt vlrö.raoda apatayan paiti
*dya *zamd, yö aojiitö yö tanöiitö yö üwaxiiitö yö dsiitö yö [λ«]
vara&rajqstamö abavat mainivd ddmqn.u
16 dat aoxta zara&uitrö: „namö haomdi! vatahui haomö huddtö
haomö *ari.ddtö vaiahui ddtö baeiazyö hukarafi hvarai varaßrajd
zairi.gaonö nqmyqsui, yada xvarante, vahiitö urunaeca *pd&mainyö
tamö. 17 nl te, zdire, madam mruye ni amam ni vara&raynam nl
dasvara nl baeiazam nl frada&am ni varada&am nl aojö vtspö.tanüm
nl mastlm vlspö.paesataham nl tat ya&a gae&dhva vasö.xia&rö fra-
6ardne *fbaeiö.taurvä *drujim.vanö, 18 nl tat ya&a taurvayeni
vlspanqm tbiivatqm tbaeid daevanqm maiydnqmöa yddioqm pairi-
kanqmäa sd&rqm kaoyqm karafnqm6a mairyanqm6a bizangranqm
aiamaoyanqm6a bizangranqm vahrkanqmia cadwar a.zangranqm hae-
nyds6a para&u.ainikayd davqidyd patqidyd."
19 „imam dicqm paoirlm ydnam, haoma, jaidyemi, düraoSa:
vahiitam ahüm aiaonqm rao6ataham vlspö.x d&ram. imam dwqm
bitim ydnam, haoma, jaidyemi, düraoia: drvatdtam amhdea tanvö.
imam &wqm dritlm ydnam, haoma, jaidyemi, düraoia: darayöjltlm
uitdnahe. 20 imam thcqm tüirlm ydnam, haoma, jaidyemi, düraoia:
ya&a aeiö amavd frrafadö fraxitdne zamd paiti *tbaeiö.taurvd *dru·
jim.vanö. imam dtcqm puxdam ydnam, haoma, jaidyemi, düraoia:
ya&a vara&rajd vanat.paianö fraxitdne zamd paiti *ff>aeiö.taurvd
* drujim.vanö. 21 imam tiwqm xitüm ydnam, haoma, jaidyemi,
düraoia: paurva tdyüm paurva gadam paurva vahrkam büidyöimaide;
md 6ii paurvö büidyaeta nö, vlspe paurva büidyöimaide,u
22 haomö aeibii, yöi aurvantö hita taxianti arandum, zdvara
Höm Yast (Υ. IX) 2 2 - 3 2 , Ardvlsür Yait (Yt. V) 1 8

aojdsöa baxiaiti. haomö dzizanditibii dadditi xiaetö.pudrlm uta

aiava.frazaintlm. haomö taecit, yöi Jcatayö naskö.frasdnhö äwhznte,
spdnö mastlmca baxiaiti. 23 haomö tds£it, yd Teaininö Anhaire
dar»y»m ayrvö, *pai&lm rddamSa baxiaiti moiu jaidyamnö huxratui.
24 haomö tamöit yim kprdsänim apa-xia&ram niiddayat, yö raosta
xiadröJcdmya, yö davata: 'nöit me apqm d&rava aiwiitii *v9r»idye
damhava carat; hö vlspe varridinqm vandt nl vlspe vsraidinqm jandf.
25 „uita te, yö xvd aojanha vaxö.xia&rö ahi, haomal uita
te, apivatahe *pouru.va6qm »rsiuxdanqm! uita te, nöit pairi.frdsa
9r»iuxd»m *p9T9eahi vd6im! 26 frd te mazdd barat *paourvanlm
aiwydwhanam stahrpaeeanham mainyutditam, vamihtm daenqm müz-
dayasnlm. dat amhe ahi aiwydstö *bar»inui paiti gairinqm dra-
jawhe aiwidditiSca gravas6a mqdrahe. 27 haoma nmdnö.paite
vlspaite zantupaite damhupaite spananha * vaedyd.paite! amdi6a
dwd v&radrayndiia mdvöya upa.mruye tanuyi frrimdiöa ya{ pouru.-
baoxinahe. 28 vi nö tbiivatqm tbaeiäbli vi manö bara gramsntqm.
yö ciita ahmt nmäne yö amhe visi yö ahmt zantvö yö amhe dämhvö
aenawhd asti maiyö, gaurvaya he pddave zdvar9 pairi ie uii v»ra-
nüidi slcdndsm ie manö karanüidi. 29 md zbaraüaSibya fratuyd,
md gavaeibya aiwi.tütuyd, md zqm vainötl aiibya, md gqm vaSnöit
aiibya, yö aSnanhaiti nö manö, yö aenanhaiti nö kahrp&m. 30 paiti
aüöis zairitahe simahe vliö.vaepahe kdhrpdm ndhmndi aiaone, haoma
zdire, vadara jaidi. paiti gadahe vflvarazdavatö xrvliyatö zazardnö
kdhrpdm ndi&mndi aiaone, haoma zdire, vadar9 jaidi. 31 paiti
tnaiyehe drvatö edstari aiwi.vöiidayantahe kamaradam kahrpam nd-
iamndi asaove, haoma zdire, vadar» jaidi. paiti aiamaoyahe ana-
iaonö *ahü.marancö ainhd daenayd mqs vaca da&dnahe nöit iyaodndii
apayantahe kahrpam ndiamndi asaone, haoma zdire, vadara jaidi.
32 paiti jahikaydi ydtumaitydi maodanö.kairydi upastd.bairydi,
yenhe *frafravaite manö yada atcram vdtö.iütam, kahrpam ndiamndi
aiaone, haoma zdire, vadar» jaidi. yat he kahrpam ndsamndi asaone,
haoma zäire, vadara jaidi."

Ardvlsür Yast.
(Yast V.)
1 mraot ahurö mazdd spitamüi zaraduitrüi: „yazaeSa me him,
spitama zaradustra, yam aradvlm süram anähitam paradü.frdJwm
baesazyqm vldaivqm ahurö.tkaesqm yesvyqm amilie astcaite vahmyqm
4 Ardvleür YaSt (Yt. V) 1 - 1 3 .

amihe astvaite döü.frdöanqm aiaonlm vqüicö.frddanqm aiaonlm

gae&ö.frddanqm aiaonim iaetö.frdbanqm aiaonlm damhu.frdbanqm
aiaonlm, 2 yd vispanqm arinqm xiudrd yaoidabaiti yd vispanqm
häirisinqm zq&di garawqn yaozdadditi, yd vispd häiriiii huzdmitö
dadäiti, yd vispanqm häirisinqm dditlm ra&iclm paema avaharaiti;
3 masitam dürät frasrütqm, ya asti avavaiti masö yada vispd imd
dpö, yd zamd paiti fratacinti, yä amavaiti fratacaiti hukairyOt ha6a
barazanhal aoi zrayö vouruJcaiam, — 4 yaozmti fiepe karanö *zrayd
vouru.kaiaya, Λ vlspö maidyö yaozaiti, yat hli aoi fratadaiti, yat
hti aoi fraigaraiti aradvi süra andhita — yenhe hazanram vair-
yanqm hazataram apajzdranqm kascitca aeiqm vairyanqm kas6it6a
a&sqm apayzdranqm *cadvcarasatam ayara.baranqm hvaspdi naive
barsmnäi. 5 *a?dhdsca me "aevanhd dpö apayidrö *vijasäiti vlspdii
aoi karscqn ydii hapta, *aiahdsca me *aivanhd dpö hama&a ava.baraiti
hqminamca zayanamca. hd me dpö yaozdadditi hd arinqm xiudrd
ha xiadrinqm garavoqn hd xsadrinqm paima, 6 yqm azam yö ahurö
mazdd hizvdrana uzbaire fradadäi nmdnaheda visaheca zantäuiia
damhäuica pdfrrdica hara&rdica aiwydxstrdica nipdtayaeca niia-
7 „dat frasüsat, zara&uitra, aradvi süra andhita haca daduiat
mazdd — srlra vd atahan bdzava auruia aspö.staoyehii — frd srlra
*zui sispata *urvaiti bdzu.staoyehi avat manawha mainimna: 8 kö
mam stavdt kö yazdite haomavaitibyö gaomavaitibyö zav&räbyö yaoi-
dätdbyö *pairi.aiaharitdbyö? kahmdi azam upatahacayeni ha6a.ma-
näica ana.mandica frdratahdi haomananhdica?"
9 ahe ray a xvaranatahaca tqm yazdi surunvata yasna
tqm yazdi huyaita yasna aradvim sürqrn anähitqm aiaonlm
zao&rdbyö. ana buyd zavanö.sdsta ana buyd huyaitatara,
aradvi süre anähite, haomayö gava barasmana hizvö daraharaha
mq&raca vacaca iyao&naca zao&rdbyasca ariuxdaeibyasca
yenhe hdtqm äat yesne paiti vaiahö
mazdd ahurö vae&d asdi hacä
ydrdhamcä tascd tdscd yazamaide.

10 nyazaesa me . . . dah'ahu.frddanqm aiaonim, 11 yö *paourvö

vdsam vazdite α.χηά drazaite vdiahe, ahmya *vdia vazamna, nar»m
paitismaramna, avat manaidha mainimna: kö mqrn stavdt . . . haoma-
naiahäica?" ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.
12 „yazaesa me . . . dainhu.frädanqm aiaonim, 13 yenhe ca-
Ardvlsür Yast (Yt. V) 1 3 - 2 9 . &

&wdrö vaitdra spaeta vispa *hamagaondtahö hama.näfaeni barszanta

taurvayanta vispanqm tbiivatqm tbaeid daevanqm masyänqmca yd-
{hjcqm pairikanqmca sä&rqm kaoyqm karafnqmca.a ahe ray a
. . . tdscd yazamaide.
14 „yazaeia me . . . damhu frädanqm aiaonim 15 amavaitim
xiöi&nim barazaitlm huraodqm, yeühe avavat asnäatca xiafnäatca
tätd apö ava.barante, ya&a cispd imd äpo, yd zamd paiti fratacinti,
yd amavaiti fratacaiti.u — — ahe ray a . . . tdscd yazamaide.

16 „yazaeia mt . . . damhu.frädanqm aiaonim. 17 tqm yazata

yö dadvd ahurö mazdd airyene vaejahi varahuyä ddityayä haomayö
gava barasmana hizvö danhaiaha ... väy&ibyö. 18 äat him jaidyat:
,ava£ äyaptam dazdi me, vatauhi samite aradvi eure anähite, ya&a
azam hdcayene pu&ram yat pouruiaspahe, aiavanam zara&uitram, anu-
matäe daenayäi anuxtäe daenayäi anu.varitäe daenayäi.1 19 da&at
ahmdi tat avat dyaptdm aradvi süra andhita, *hada *zao&rö.baräi
aradräi yazamndi jaidyantdi dä&rii dyaptdm— — ahe raya . . .
täscd yazamaide.
20 „yazaeia mS . . . damhu.frädanqm aiaonim. 21 tqm yazata
haoiyaiahö paraddtö upa upa.bdi harayd sat am aspanqm arinqm
hazanram gavqm baevara anumayanqm. 22 äat him jaidyat: ,avat
dyaptdm dazdi me, vatauhi saviite aradvi süre anähite, ya&a azam
upamam xia&ram bavdni vispanqm dahyunqm daevanqm masyänqmca
yd&wqm pairikanqmca sä&rqm kaoyqm karafnqmca, ya&a azam
nijandni dva &riiva *mdzainyanqm daevanqm varanyanqmca drvatqm.'
23 da&at ahmdi tat avat äyaptam aradvi süra andhita, *hada *zao-
{frö.baräi aradräi yazamndi jaidyantdi dä&ris äyaptam.u ahe
raya . . . täs6d yazamaide.
24 „yazaeia me . . . damhu.frädanqm aiaonim. 25 tqm yazata
yö yimö xiaetö hvq&wö hukairyät paiti barazarahat satam aspanqm
arinqm, hazaiaram gavqm baevara anumayanqm. 26 äat him jaidyat:
,avat äyaptam dazdi me, vatauhi saviite aradvi süre anähite, ya&a
azam upamam xia&ram bavdni vispanqm dahyunqm, daevanqm, ma-
syänqmca yä&wqm pairikanqmca sd&rqm kaoyqm karafnqmca, ya&a
azam uzbardni haca daevaeibyö uye iitiica saokäca uye fiaoniica
vq&wdca uye &rqfsca frasastisca.' 21 da&at ahmdi tat avat äyaptam
aradvi sü ra andhita, *hada ''zao&rö.baräi aradräi yazamndi jaidyantdi
dä&rii äyaptam.a — — ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.
28 „yazaeia me . . . damhu.frädanqm asaonlm. 29 tqm yazata
aiii &rtzafd dahäkö bawröii paiti damhaove satam aspanqm
6 Ardvlsür YaSt (Yt. V) 29—46.

arinqm hazataram gavqm baivara anumayanqm. 30 äat him jaidyat:

,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vatauhi saviite aradvl süre andhite, yada
azam amaiyq karanavdni vlspdii [aoi] karivqn ydii hapta'. 31 nöit
ahmdi da&at tat avat dyaptam aradvl süra andhita.a ahe ray a
. . . tdsöd yazamaide.
32 „yazaeia mi . .. damhu.frddanqm aiaonlm. 33 tqm yazata
vlsö pufrrö d&wydnöti vlsö sürayd üraetaonö upa varanam öadru.·
gaoiam satam aspanqm arinqrn hazataram. gavqm baevar» anuma-
yanqm. 34 äat him jaidyat: ,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vatauhi saviite
aradvl s&re andhita, yat bavdni aiwi.vanyä αέΐηι dahdkam öriza-
fanam •brikamaradam xivai.ailm hazaiard.yaoxitlm * ai.aojataham
daevlm *drujim ayam * gaeddvayö drvantam, yqm *ai.aojastamqm
*drujim fra6a karantat atarö mainyuS aoi yqm astvaitlm gae&qm
mahrkai aSahe gae&anqm, Uta he vanta azdni sarahavdäi aranavdii,
yöi han kahrpa sraeita *zazdite gaedydi te yöi *abdö.tame.' 35 dadat
ahmdi tat avat dyaptam aradvl süra andhita *hada *zaodrö.bardi
aradrdi yazamndi jaiöyantdi ddfhrii dyaptam* ahe raya . ..
tdsid yazamaide.
36 „yazaeia mi . . . damhu.frddanqm aiaonlm, 37 tqm yazata
naire.mand karasdspö *paine varöii piiinanhö satam. aspanqm
arinqm hazataram gavqm baövara anumayanqm. 38 dat him jaidyat:
,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vamihi saviite aradvl süre andhite, yat bavdni
aiwi.vanyä gandarawam yim zairi.pdinam upa yaozanta karana zraya
vouru.kaiaya ataSdni süram nmdnam drvatö yat pa&anayd skara·
nayd düra&pdrayä.' 39 da&at ahmdi tat avat dyaptam aradvl süra
andhita *hada *zaodrö.bardi aradrdi yazamndi jaiöyantdi dd&rii
dyaptam.u ahe raya . . . tdsid yazamaide.
40 „yazaeia me .. . damhu.frddanqm aiaonlm. 41 tqm yazata
mairyö tüiryö fr anrase hankaine paiti *arah& zamö satam aspanqm
arinqm hazataram gavqm harvard anumayanqm. 42 äat him jaidyat:
,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vatauhi saviite aradvl süre andhite, ya&a
azam avat xvaranö apayemi, yim vazaite maidim zrayatahö vouru.-
kaiahe, yat asti airyanqm dahyunqm zdtanqm azdtanqmca yatca
aiaonö zara&uitrahe.' 43 nöit ahmdi daöat tat avat dyaptam aradvl
süra andhita.'1 ahe raya . . . tds6d yazamaide.
44 „yazaeia me .. . damhu.frddanqm aiaonlm. 45 tqm yazata
aurvö ai.varaöo kava us a arazifydt paiti garöit satam aspanqm
arinqm hazataram gavqm baivara anumayanqm. 46 dat him jaidyat:
,avat dyaptem dazdi me, vatauhi saviite aradvl süre andhite, yada
azam upamam xia&ram bavdni vlspanqm dahyunqm daevanqm mas·
Ardvlsör Yait (Yt V) 46-62. Τ

ydnqm6a yddtoqm paii-tkanqmia sddrqm kaoyqm karafnqmia/

47 da&at ahmdi tat avat dyaptam aradvi süra andhita *hada
* zaoürO.bardi aradrdi yazamndi jaidyantdi dddrii dyaptam."·
ahe raya . . . tdsid yazamaide.
48 „yazaiia mi . . . dainhu.frddanqm aiaonim. 49 tqm yazata
aria airyanqm daKyunqm xiafrrdi hankaramO haoarava *paine
varoii *ca6castahe jafrahe urvdpahe satam aepanqm arinqm hazaiaram
gavqm baivara anumayanqm. 50 dat him jaidyat: ,avat dyaptam
dazdi mi, vanuhi saviite aradvi süre anahite, ya&a azam upamam
xiafrram bavdni vfspanqm daKyunqm daivanqm maiydnqmia yd&wqm
pairikanqmia sd&rqm Jcaoyqm karafnqmia, yat vlspanqm yuxtanqm
azam fratamam danjayeni ana *6aratqm yqm darayqm *nava *frd-
ftwarasdma razuram yO mqrn mairyO nuram manO aspaiiu paiti
paratata/ 51 da&at ahmdi tat avat dyaptam aradvi süra andhita
*hada * zao&rö.baräi aradrdi yazamndi jaidyantdi dd&rü dyaptam
ahe raya . . . tAsca yazamaide.
52 „yazaiia mi .. . dainhu.frddanqm aiaonim. 53 tqm yazaJta
taxmO tu so ra&aiitdrö *baraiaiiu paiti aspanqm zdvara jaidyanto
hitaHbyö drvatdtam tanubyO pouru.spaxitim fbiiyantqm paiti.jaitlm
duimainyunqm Jia&rd.nivditlm hamara&anqm aurvadanqm tbiiyantqm.
54 dat him jaidyat: ,avat dyaptam dazdi mi, vanuhi saviite aradvi süre
anahite, yat bavdni atwi.vanyd aurva hunavo vaisakaya upa dvaram
xia&rö.sukam *apanö.tamam kanhaya *barazaintaya aiavanaya, yada
azam nijandni tairyanqm daKyunqm pandasayndi satayndiiSa sata-
yndi hazanrayndiiia hazanrayndi baivarayndiiia baivarayndi ahq-
xitayndii6a.' 55 dadat ahmdi tat avat dyaptam aradvi süra andhita,
*hada *zaofrro.bardi aradrdi yazamndi jaidyantdi dd&rii dyaptam*
ahe raya .. • tds6d yazamaide.
56 „yazaiia mi ... dainhu.frddanqm aiaonim. 57 tqm yazanta
aurva hunavo vaisakaya upa dvaram xia&rö*ukam *apanö.tamam
kanhaya *barazaintaya aiavanaya eatam aepanqm arinqm hazawram
gavqm baivara anumayanqm. 58 dat him jaidydn: ,avat dyaptam
dazdi no, vawuhi saviite aradvi süre andhite, yat bavdma aitci.vanyd
taxmam tuaam ra&aiitdram, ya&a vaim nijandma airyanqm daK-
yunqm panöasayndi . . . ahqxitayndii6a.' 59 noit aitbyasiit da&at
tat avat dyaptam aradvi süra andhita.* ahe raya . . .· tdsid
60 „yazaiia mi . . . daiiahu .frddanqm aiaonim. 61 tqm yazata
pdurvö yo vi fro navdzo, yat dim us6a uzdvqnayat varafrreyd taxmö
{haitaonO marayahe kahrpa kahrkdsahe; 62 hö avaOa vazata fori.-
8 Ardvlsür Yait (Yt, V) 62-78.

ayaram öri.xtiapanam *paitisa nmdnam yim *xtapai&»m nöi£ aora

avöirisydt- draoita xiafnö frrityayd frclymat, uidiaham sürayd *vi-
vitim, upa uidiaham upa.zbayat aradvim sürqm avdhitqm: 63 ,aradvi
süre andhite, moiu me java avaiahe nüram me bara upastqml ha-
zaiaram U azam zaofrranqm haomavaitinqm gaomavaitinqm yaoidd-
tanqm *pairi.ataharitanqm barant aoi dpam yqm rawhqm, yazi jum
frapayeni aoi zqm ahura&dtqm aoi nmdnam yim xvaepaidim.' 64 upa.-
tacat aradvi süra andhita kaininö kahrpa srlrayä *as.amayd hurao-
bayd uskat yästayd arazvaidyö raevat 6i&ram dzdtayä nizanga aoftra
*pditi.imuxta zaranyö.urvlxsna bdmya. 65 hd he bdzava gaurvayat;
mom tat äs nöit darayam, yat frdyatayat dwaxiamnö aoi zqm ahu-
radatqm aoi nmdnam yim xvaepai&lm drüm avantam airiStam ha-
mada yada paracit- 66 da&at ahmai tat avat dyaptam aradvi süra
andhita *hada * zaofrrö.bardi aradrdi yazamndi jaidyantdi dd&rii
dyaptam.u ahe raya .. . tdsöä yazamaide.
67 vyazaeia me . . . daiiahu.frdianqm aiaonim. 68 tqm yazata
jämaspö, yat spddam pairi.avainat dürdt ayantam rasmaoyö drvatqm
daevayasnanqm, satam aspanqm arinqm hazanram gavqm baivara
anumayanqm. 69 dat him jaiSyat: ,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vaiauhi
saviite aradvi süre andhite, yada azam avata vara&ra haidne yada vlspe
*anye "airye.1 70 dadat ahmai tat ava{ dyaptam aradvi süra andhita
*hada * zaodrö.baräi aradrdi yazamndi jaidyantdi dddrii dyaptam
— — ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.
71 „yazaesa me . . . damhu.frdbanqm aiaonim. 72 tqm yazanta
aSavazdä pudrö pourubdxitöii asavazdasca dritas6a sd-
yuZdröii pudra upa barazantam ahuram xiadrim xiaetam apqm
napdtam aurvat.aspam satam ospanqm arinqm hazataram gavqm
baevara anumayanqm. 73 dat htm jaibyan: ,avat dyaptam dazdi
nö, varauhi saviite aradvi süre andhite, yat bavdma ahci.vanyd dd-
navö türa vydxana karamca asabanam varamia asabanam tanciitamca
düraekaetam ahmi gaede pasandhu.' 74 dadat aeibyascit tat avat
dyaptam, aradvi süra andhita *haba "zaodrö.bardi aradrdi yazamndi
jaidyantdi dddrii dyaptam."1 ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.
75 „yazaesa me . . . dairahu.frdbanqm aiaonim. 76 tqm yazata
vistaurui yö naotairyqnö upa dparn yqm vltaiauhaitim aratuxbdt
paiti vacawhat uiti vacäbis aojanö: 77 ,td bd asa td arsuxba, aradvi
süre andhite, yat me avavat daevayasnanqm. nijatam yada *sdrama
varsanqm bardmi. äat me tum, aradvi süre andhite, huskam pasum
raecaya tarö vamihim vltamihaitlm.' 78 upa.tacat aradvi süra and-
hita kaininö kahrpa srlrayä *as.amayd huraobayä uskdt yästayd
Ardvieür YaSt (Yt. V) 7 8 - 9 1 . 9

arazvaidyö raivat cidram dzdtayd *zaranya aodra *pditi.imuxta yd

vlspö.pisa bdmya, aramalitd anyd dpö karanaoi, fraia anyd frata6at,
huSkam paium raecayai tarö canuhlm vltanuhaitim. 79 dadat, ahmdi
tat avat dyaptam aradvi süra andhita *hada *zaodrö.bardi aradrdi
yazamndi jaidyantdi dddris dyaptam." ahe ray a . . . tdscd
80 yazaiia me . . . damhu.frddanqm aiaonim, 81 tqm yazata
yöistö yö fryananqm 'pattipä *dvaipä ratahayd satam aspanqm
arsnqm hazararam gavqm baevar» anumayanqm. 82 dat him jaidyat:
,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vatauhi saviite aradvl süre andhite, yat
bavdni aiwi.vanyd axtlm duidam tamanhuntdm uta he fraina paiti -
mravdne navaca navaitimda xruidranqm (baeSö.paritanqm, yat mqm
parasat axtyö duzdd tamarauhd.' 83 dadat ahmdi tat ava( dyaptam
arddvi süra andhita *ha6a * zaodrö.bardi aradrdi yazamndi jaidyantdi
dddris dyaptam— — ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.

84 „yazaesa me ... damhu.frdbanqm aiaonim, 85 yahmya ahurö

mazdd hvapö nivaedayat: ,didi, paiti ava.jasa, aradvl süre andhite,
haca avatbyö starabyö aoi zqm ahuraddtqm! dwqm yazdnte aur-
vAidhö ahurdtahö *damhupatayö pudrdiahö * dainhupaitinqm. 86 dwqm
naracit yöi taxma jaidydnte dsu.asplm xvarananihasca uparatdto.
dwqm ddravanö maramnö, ddravanö drdyaonö mastlm jaidydnte spd-
namca varadraynamca ahuraddtam vanaintimca uparatdtam. 87 dwqm
kaininö vadre yaona xiadra hvdpä jaidydnte taxmamca nmdnö.·
paitlm. dwqm carditis zizanditiS jaidydnte huzdmim. tüm td aeibyö
xiayamna nisirinavdhi, arddvi süre andhite88 dat fraSusat, zara-
dustra, arddvi süra andhita haca avatbyö starabyö aoi zqm ahura-
ddtqm. dat aoxta arddvi süra andhita: 89 ,ardzvö, aidum spitama,
dwqm dadat ahurö mazdd ratui astvaidyö gaedayd, mqm dadat
ahurö mazdd nipdtdra vlspaya aSaonö stöis. mana raya xvarananha
pasvasca staordca upairi zqm vicaranta masydca bizangra. azam böit
tüm td nipayemi vlspa vohä mazdabdta asacidra mqnayan ahe yaOa
pasüm pasu.vastram.1 u

90 paiti *dim parasat zaraduströ aradvlm sürqm andhitqm:

,aradvi süre andhite, kana dwqm yasna yazdne, kana yasna frdyazdne,
yasa tava mazdd karanaot tacara *nöit *tacara *antara.araf)am upairi
hvaraxsaetdm, yasa died nöit aiwi.druzante azisca araOndisca ratria-
le äisca *varanacdisca raranava.vlMisca?' 91 dat aoxta aradvl süra
andhita: ,arazvö, aidum spitama, ana mqm yasna yazaesa, ana yasna
10 Ardvlsür Yaet (Yt V) 91—104.

frayazaeia ha6a hü vaxidt *d *hü fraimö.datöit· d tü me a&tayd

zao&rayd franharöii a&ravanö paritö.vaianhö paitiparitö.sravanhö
mqzdrö hada.hunarö tanu.mq&rö. 92 md me aetayd zaofhrayd
fraiaharantu haratö *md *tafto *md *druitö *md *sa6ii *ma *kasvti
*md *strl *md *dahmö asrävayat.gddö *md *paisö yö vltaratö.tanui.
93 nöit ανά zaofrrd paiti.vlse, yd mdvöya franuharanti andds6a
karandsca drvdsöa mürdsia ardsca rawhds6a ana daxita daxitavanta,
yd nöit pouru.ßra fradaxita cispanqm anu mq&ram. md me
aetayds&t zaofrrayd franharantu frakavö md apakavö md drvd vl-
mltö.dantanö.' 94 paiti dim parasat zarafruitrö aradvim sürqm and-
hitqm: ,aradvl sure andhite, kam iba ti zaofhrd bavainti, *yas» *tava
frabarante drvantö daivayasndnho pasca hü fräimö.d&itim ?' 95 dat
aoxta aradm süra andhita: ,arazvö, aSaum spitama zara&uitra, niva-
yaka nipainaka apa.sskaraka apa.xraosaka imd, paiti.vlsante, yd
mdvöya ραβδα vazanti *xivai *satdii hazaiaramia; yd nöit haiti vi-
santi daevanqm haiti yasna.'

96 yazdi hukairlm barazö vispö.vahmam zaranaenam, yahmat

me haia frazgabaite aradm süra andhita hazanrdi baraina vlranqm;
masö xiayete xvarananhö yada vlspd imd dpö, yd zamd paiti fra-
taöinti, yd amavaiti frata6aiti. ahe raya . . . tds6d yazamaide.

97 „yazaeia ms . . . damhu.frddanqm aiaonim, 98 *yim aiteitö

mazdayasna hiitanta barasmö.zasta. tqm yazanta hvövdwhö, tqm
yazanta naotairydnhö; litlm jaidyanta hvövö, dsu.asplm naotaire,
moiu pasöaeta hvövö litlm baon saviita, motu pasiaeta naotaire
vlitdspö dmhqm daliyunqm *dsu.aspö.tamö bavat. 99 da&at aeibyasSit
tat avat dyaptam aradvl süra andhita *haba *zao&rö.bardi aradrdi
yazamndi Jaibyantdi dddrii dyaptam ahe raya . . . tdscd

100 „yazaeia me .. . damhu.frddanqm aiaonim, 101 yenhe

hazararam vairyanqm . . . naire baramndi; kanhe kanhe apayidire
nmdnam hiitaite hubdtam satö.raoianam bdmlm hazanrö.stunam
hukaratam baevara.fraskambam süram; 102 kam kamiü aipi nmdne
gdtu *saUe *xvaini.staratam hubaoiölm *barazii.havantam. dtaiaiti,
zaraüuitra, aradvl süra andhita hazaiardi baraina vlranqm. masö
xiayete xvarananhö ya&a vlspd imd dpö, yd zamd paiti frataöinti,
yd amavaiti fratacaiti.u — — ahe raya . . . tdsid yazamaide.
103 „yazaeia me .. . damhu.frddanqm aiaonim. 104 tqm ya·
Ardvisür YaSt (Yt. V) 104-121. 11

zata yO aiava zaraüuitrö airyene vaejahi vanhuyd ddityayd

haomayö gava . . . vdyiibyö. 105 dat him jaidyat: ,avat dyaptam
dazdi mS, rawuhi saviite aradvl süre andhite, yada azam hdSayene
pufrram yat aurvat.aspahe taxmam Tcavaöm vlitdspam anumatäe
dainaydi anuxtäe dainaydi anu.varitäe daenayäi.' 106 da&at ahmt1t
tat avat dyaptam aradvl süra anähita *hada *zao&rö.bardi aradrdi
yaz»mnai jaidyantai dd&rii dyaptam." ahe ray a . . . tdsda
107 „yazaeia τηέ . . . damhu.frddanqm aiaonim. 108 tqm ya·
zata barazaidii Tcava vlitüspö *paine dpam frazddnaom satam . . .
anumayanqm. 109 dat him jaidyat: ,avat dyaptam dazdi mS, vanuhi
saviite aradvl süre andhite, yat bavdni aiwi.vanyd tqfrryavantam
duidaenam paianamia daevayamam drvantamöa arajat.aspam ahmi
gaede paiandhu.' 110 da&at ahmdi tat avat dyaptam aradvl süra
anühita *hada *zaa&rö.bardi aradräi yazamndi jaidyantai dddrii
dyaptam. — — ahe ray a . . . tdsöa yazamaide.
111 yazaeia me . . . damhu.frddanqm. aiaonim. 112 tqm
yazata aspdyaodo zairi.vairii *paine dpö daityayd satam . . .
anumayanqm. 113 dat him jaidyat: ,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vanuhi
saviite aradvl süre andhite, yat bavdni aiwi.vanyd *paiö.6ingham aitö.·
kdnam humayakam daSvayasnam drvantam&a arajat-aspam ahmt gaede
paiandhu.' 114 dadaf, ahmdi tat avat dyaptam aradvl süra anühita
*hada *zaofrrö.bardi aradrdi yazamndi jaidyantdi dddrii dyaptam."
ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.
115 „yazaeia me . . . damhu.frddanqm aiaonim. 116 tqm ya-
zata vandaramainii arajat.aspö upa zrayö vouru.kaiam satam...
anumayanqm. 117 dat him jaidyat: ,avat dyaptam dazdi me, vauuhi
saviite aradvl süre andhite, yat bavdni aiwi vanyd taxmam kavaem
vlitdspam [aspdyaodo zairi.vairii], ya&a azam nijandni airyanqm
daliyunqm pancasayndi. . . ahqxitaynüiica.' 118 nöit ahmdi dadat
tat dvat dyaptam aradvl süra andhita.u — — ahe raya . . . tds6d
119 „yazaeia me . . . damhu.frddanqm aiaonim, 120 yenhe
da&wdrö arsdna hqm.taiat ahurö mazdd vdtamia vdramöa maeyamäa
fyanhumöa, — mliti zl me him, spitama zara&ustra, vdrmtaeöa
snaeiintaeia srasäintaeia fyawhuntaeäa — yenhe avavat haenanqm
*nava *satdis hazanram6a.u

121 yazdi hukairlm barazö vlspövahmam zaranaenam, yahmdt

me haca frazgadaite aradvl süra anühita hazanrdi baraina vlranqm;
12 Ardvisür YaSt (Yt. V) 121-132.

maso xsayete xvaranat»hö ya&a vispd imä dpö, yd zsmd paiti fra-
taiinti, ya amavaiti fratacaiti. ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamatde.

122 „yazaisa mi . . . dainhu.frdbanqm asaonim. 123 zara-

naimm paiti.ddmm vanuhi histaite draüimnö arddvi süra andhita
zao&re vdcim paitiimaramna aval mananha mainimna: 124 JcO mqm
stavdt kö yazdite haomavaitibyö gaomavaitibyö zao&räbyö yaoiddtdbyö
*pairi.aiaharitdbyöf kahmdi azam upaiahaöayeni haca.manäiöa ana.·
mandica frdranhdi haomananhdica ?u ahe raya . . . tds6d ya-
125 „yazaesa mS . . . damhu.frdianqm aiaonlm, 126 yd histaite
fravaiddmna aradvl süra andhita JcaininO kahrpa srirayd *ai.amayd
huraodayd uskdt ydstayd drdzvaidyö raivat 6ifrr»m dzdtayd frazuidm
abkam vanhdnam pouru.paxitsm zaranaSndm. 127 bdda ya&a.mqm
hardsmö.zasta *frd *gaosdvara slspdmna cadru.karana zaranaini,
minum barat hvdzdta arddvi süra andhita upa tqm srirqm manaofrrim.
hd hi maidim nydzata, yada6a hukdrdpta fitdna ya&aca anhan ni-
vdzdna. 128 upairi pusqm bandayata aradvl süra andhita satö.-
strawhqm zaranainim aitaJcaoidqm ra&a.kairyqm drafiakavaülm
srirqm anu.pöi&waitim hukaratqm. 129 baieraini vastrd vanhata
ar»dvi süra andhita drisatanqm batoranqm *catur» *zizanatqm [yat
asti bawrii sraiita ya&a ya{ asti * gaonö.tdma; batorii bavaiti updpö],
yaüa.karatam dvoarstdi zrüne caramd vainantö brdzanta fräna ara~
zatam zaranim.u
130 „dat vaiauhi iöa sdviite arddvi sure andhite aval dyaptam
ydsdmi, ya&a azam hvdfritö masa χέα&τα nivdndni ai.pacina stüi.·
baxddra frao&at.aspa canat.caxra xivaSwayai.aätra ai.baourva ni-
ddtöpitu hubaoidi — upa staramaeiu vdrama daide paranaiahuntam
*vlspqm.hujyditlm, iriddntdm xiafrram zazditi —
131 „dat vaiauhi ida arddvi süre andhite dva aurvanta ydsdmi
yimca bipaitiitdnam aurvantdm yimca cadwara.paitistdnom; aom
bipaitiitdnam aurvantam, yö anhat dsuS uzgastö hufraourvaSsö vdid
pasanaeiuia, aom caftward.paitiitdnam, yö hainayd para^u.ainikayd
uva urvaesayat karana höyümca daiinamca daiinamca höyümca.u
132 „aeta yasna aeta vahma aeta paiti ava.jasa, arddvi süre
andhite, haca avatbyö starabyö aoi zqm ahuraddtqm aoi zaotdram
yazamnam aoi paranqm vlyidrayeintlm avarähe zao&rö.bardi aradräi
yazamndi jaibyantdi ddürii dyaptam, ya&a te vlspe aurvanta zazvätdha
paiti.jasqn yada kavöis vistdspahe.u — — ahe raya . . . tdscd ya-
Mihr YaSt (Yt. X ) 1—11. 13

Mihr Yast.
(YaSt X.)
1 mraot ahurö mazdd spitamdi zaraduitrüi: „Hat yat mi&ram
yim vouru.gaoyaoitim frdda&qm azam, spitama, aat *dim daöqm
avdntam yesnyata avdntam vahmyata yada mqmtit yim ahuram
2 „marancaite vispqm damhaom mairyö midrö.druxs, spitama;
ya&a satam kayadanqm avavat aiavajatit. mifrram ma janyd,
spitama, ma yim drvatat paraediahe ma yim xvadaßnat aSaonat;
uvayd zi asti miürö drvataica aiaonaica.u
3 ä8u.asplTn daöaiti mtörö yö vouru.gaoyaoitis, yöi mi&ram
nöii aitci.druiinti, razistam pantqm dadäiti atari mazdd ahurahe,
yöi miftram nöit aiwi.druiinti. aiaonqm vamthii sürd spantä fra·
vaiayö daöaiti äsnqm frazaintlm, yöi milh'am nöit aiwi.druiinti.
4 ahe raya xvaranatahaca Um yazäi surunvata yasna mi&ram
vouru.gaoyaoitim zaofrrdbyö. — miüram vouru.gaoyaoitim yazamaide
rümaiayanam huiayanam airydbyö daiiahubyö.
6 ata nö jamyät avatöhe, aca nö jamyät ravairahe, ata nö
jamyät rafnarahe, aca nö jamyät maridtkäi, ücanö jamyät *baiiazyäi,
ata nö jamyät varadrayndi, aca nö jamyät havatahdi, Oca nö jamyät
asavastai uyrö aiwiüürö yesnyö vahmyö anaiwi.druxdö vitpamdi
aiauhe astvaite mißrö yö vouru.gaoyaoitis.
6 tarn amavantam yazatam süram dümöhu savistam migrain
yazüi zao'&rdbyö, tarn pairijasai vantata namatahata, tarn yazäi
mrunvata yasna miüram vouru.gaoyaoitim zao&rdbyö. mi&ram vouru.-
gaoyaoitim yazamaide haomayö gava . . . vayiibyö. yenht hä-
tqm . . . tdsta yazamaide.

7 mifrram vouru.gaoyaoitim yazamaide ari.vataiaham vyäxanam

hazaiara.gaoüam hutüitam baövara.tasmanam. barazantam paradu.vaeda-
yanam süram axvafnam jaydurvdraham, 8 yim yazante dawhupatayö
"arazahi avajasantö avi haenayd xrviiyeitis avi ham.yanta ra&maoyö
antara damhu pdparatäne. 9 yatdra vd dimpaurva fräyazditi fraorat
fraxsni avi manö *zrazdatöit aiauhyat haca, atarafrra fraorisyeiti
mifrrö yö vouru.gaoyaoitis ha&ra vdta vara&rdjanö hadra ddmöiü
upamanö. ahe raya . . . tdsta yazamaide.
10 mifrram vouru.gaoyaoitim . . . *jaydurvdtaham, 11 yim ya-
zante ra&aistörö barasaSsu paiti aspanam zävara jaidyantö hitaeibyö
14 Mihr Yast (Yt. X) 1 1 - 2 1 , 28.

drvatätdm tanubyö pouru.spaxstlm tbiiyantqm paiti.faitlm duSmain-

yunqm hadrd.nivditlm hamdrdüanqm aurva&anqm tbisyantqm.
ahe raya . . . tdscä yazcimaide.
12 midrvm vouru.gaoyaoitlm . . . *jaydurvdnhdm, 13 yö paoiryö
mainyavö yazatö tarö harqm dsnaoiti paurva.naemät amz&ahe hü
yat aurvat.aspahe, yö paoiryö zaranyö.plsö srlrä bardSnava gardw
nditi; abüt vlspsm ddidäiti airyö.iayanam saviStö, 14 yahmya sdstdrö
aurva paoirii ird rdzayente, yahmya garayö bsrazantö pouru.vdstrdnhö
afdntö **&atairö gave *frd&aym, yahmya jafra varayö urvdpdwhö
hist ante, yahmya apö nävayd parddwii xsaodawha dwaxsdnte *d *is-
katdm pourutamca mourum hdröyum gaomca "suybarn xvdirizsmca.
15 avi arazahi savahi avi fradabafsu vlda&afsu avi vouru.bardsti
vouru.jardSti avi ima{ karsvara yat xvanira&dm bamlm gavaiayanam
gavahtimöa baSSazyqm mifrrö sürö ddidäiti. 16 yö vlspdhu karSvöhu
mainyavö yazatö vazaite xvardnö.ddt yö vispähu karsvöhu mainyavö
yazatö vazaite xsadrö.dd. aisqm günaoiti vdrtöraymm, yöi dim dahma
vtdus.aia zao&rdbyö frdyazdnte. ahe raya . . . tdsiä yazamaide.
17 mifrrdm vouru.gaoyaoitlm ... *jaydurvdnihdm, yö nöit kahmdi
aiwi.draoxbö nöit nmdnahe nmdnö.patäe nöit vlsö vlspatäe nöit zan-
täuS zantupatSe nöü datöhüui damhupatäe. 18 yezi vd dim aiwi.·
druiaiti nmdnahe vd nmdnö.paitii vlsö vd vispaitii zantüui vd zan-
tupaitis dainhäuS vd damhupaitiS, fraia upa.s6andayeiti mi'drö grantö
upa.tbUtö uta nmünam uta visam uta zantüm uta daJiyüm uta nmd·
nanqm nmdnö.paitis uta vlsqm vispaitii uta zantunqm zantupaitii
uta daJiyunqm dainhupaitis uta dahyunqm *fratdmatdtö. 19 ahmdi
naemdi uzjasditi miürö grantö upa.tbiitö, yahmdi naimanqm mifrrö.·
druxi naßda mainyu paiti.pdite. 20 aspaiit yöi mi&rö.drujqm vaz-
yqstra bavainti tacintö nöit apayeinti barmtö nöit frastanvanti
vazsntö nöit framanyente. apaii vazaite arstis, yqm *atdihyeiti avi.·
mi&rU, fräna ayanqm mqfrranqm, yd vdrdzyeiti avi.mi&rii. 21 yatöit
hvastdm *anhyeiti yatcit tanüm apayeiti atiit dim nöit rdiayente
frdna ayanqm maßranqm, yd vdrszyeiti avt.miüriS. vdtö tarn aritlrn
baraiti, yam +anhyeiti am.midrii, frma ayanqm mqdranqm, yd vdrdz-
yeiti avi.midrii. — — ahe raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.

28 midram vouru.gaoyaoitlm . . . *jaydurvdnhdm, yö stund vldd-
rayeiti barazimitahe nmdnahe stawrd qi&yd kdrdiiaoiti; dat ahmdi
nmdndi daöditi gsusca vq&wa viranqmca, "yahva xinütö bavaiti;
upa anyd scindayeiti, yühva tbistö bavaiti.
Mihr YaSt (Yt. X) 2 9 - 3 4 , 6 4 - 6 8 . 15

29 tum akö vahistasca, midra, ahi dainhubyö, tum akö vahii-

tasca, midra, ahi maiyäkaeibyö ; tum, OxStöii anäxitöiica, midra,
xiayehe dahyunqm. 30 tum sraogsnd sraoradd nUtardtö.spayd
nidätö.bardziitd ητηάηά masitä da Säht; tum sraoganam sraoradsm
*niitardtö.spaim nidätö.bardziitam nmänam dabahi bdrazimitam, yasd
dicä aoxtö.nämana yasna radwya ναέα yazaite barö.zaodrö aiava.
31 aoxtö.nämana dwä yasna radwya vaca, süra midra, yazäi
zaodräbyö; aoxtö.nämana died yasna radwya ναέα, sdvista midra,
yazäi zaodräbyö; aoxtö.nämana dwä yasna radwya vaca, adaoyamna
midra, yazäi zaodräbyö.
32 surunuyä nö, midr.a, yasnahe, xinuyd nö, midra, yasnahe,
upa nö yasnsm ähiäa, paiti nö zaodrd vlsawuha, paiti hii yaitd
visanuha, hqm hii 6imäne baratauha, nl hii dasva *garö *nmdnef
33 dazdi ahmäkdm tat äyaptdm, yasd dvoä yäsämahi, süra, urvaiti
dätanqm sravanhqm: iitim amam vdrddraynzmca havaiahum αέανα-
st»m6a haosravamhdm hurunimca mastlm spünö ναέίδίνιέα vsra-
draynvmca ahurabätvm vanaintlmüa uparatätvm yqm aiahe vahiitahe
paiti.paritlmäa mqdrahe spwitahe, 34 yada vaem humanaidhö frama-
narihasca urväzamna haomanawihimna vanäma vlspä *hamar9&ä, yada
vaim humanaahö framananhasia urväzmina haomananhimna vanäma
vispä duimainyui, yada vaim humanaidhö framanavhasca urväzmina
haomanatshimna vanäma vispd tba&äd taurvayama daSvanqm masyd-
nqmca yädwqm pairikanqmöa sädrqm kaoyqm karafnqmca. — —
ahe raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.

64 midram vouru.gaoyaoitim . . . 1jayüurvdnhvm, yahmi vyäne
daenayäi srirayäi p&radu.fräkayäi maza amava niöätam, * yahmi paiti
öidram vlöätam tftspäii avi karivqn yäii hapta. 65 yö äsunqm usus
yö ar»dranqm arddrö yö taxmanqm taxmö yö vyäxananam vydxanö
yö fraxSti.dä yö äzuitLdd yö vqdwö.dd yö xiadrö.dd yö puihö dd
yö gayö.dd yö havaahö.dd yö asavastö.dd. 66 yim hacaite a sis
vamuhi pärsndica raorada uyra&a naire hqm.varditU uyramca kacaem
xvar»nö uyrvmca dvoä&vm xvadät»m uyrasca dämöii upamuno uyrdsca
aiaonqm fravaSayö yasöa pourunqm hadräkö asaonqm mazdayasna-
nqm. ahe raya . . . td$6ä yazamaide.
67 midram vouru.gaoyaoitim,... *jayäurvdwihdm, yö väSa mainyu.-
hqm.täSta bardzi.iaxra fravazaite haca karsvar» yat anzahi upa
karivar» yat xvaniradam bämim radwya *6ixra haeimnö xvar3natdha(a
mazdabäta vdrddrayna6a ahura&äta, 68 yenhe väsam hangraicnditi
16 Mihr YaSt (Yt. X) 68 - 7 2 , 8 3 - 8 8 .

aiii vanuhi yd barazaiti, yenhe daSna mdzdayasnii xHte pa&ö rddaiti,

yim aurvanto mainyavdnhö auruia raoxina frddarasra spanta vld-
värahö asaya *mainivasatahö vazanti, yat *dim ddmöii upamanö hu.-
irixtam bdda irinaxti, yahmat haca fratarasanti vlspe mainyava
daeva yaeca varanya drvantö. 69 möi.tü i&ra ahurahe grantahe
valydi jasaima, yenhe hazanram vaeyanqm paiti hamaraddi jasaiti,
yd baSvara.spasänö sürö vispö.vidvd adaoyamnö. ahe raya...
tä«6d yazamaide.
70 mi&ram vowu.gaoyaoitlm ... *jayäurvdiaham, yenhe paurva.-
naemdt vazaite vara&raynö ahuraddtö hü kahrpa vardzahe paiti.aranö
tiii.dqstrahe arinö tiii.asürahe hakarat.janö vardzahe anu.pöi&wahe
grantahe parivanikahe taxmahe ayaiahö.pädahe ayaiahö.zastahe ayan-
hö.jyehe ayanhö.dumahe ayanhö.paitiixvaranahe, 71 yö *frqi *ta6ö
hamaraüdda upaJiaxtö ä.mancmha hadra natrya Jiqm.varata stija
nijainti hamara&ä naeda manyete jaynvd *ηαέδα.έίτη yanqm sadayeiti,
yavata aim nijainti marazuca stünö gayehe marazuöa xd uitdnahe;
72 hakat vispd aipiJearantaiti, yö hakat astasia varasäsöa *mastray-
ηαβέα vohuniiia zamäda hqm.raedwayeiti miürö.drujqm maiydnqm.
— — ahe raya . . . täscd yazamaide.

83 mi&ram vouru.gaoyaoitlm . . . *jaydurvdiaham, yim dainhäui
dainhupaitii bdda ustänazastö zbayeiti avainhe, yim zantäui zantu-
paitii bdda ustänazastö zbayeiti avainhe, 84 yim vlsö vlspaitii bdda
ustänazastö zbayeiti avainhe, yim nmdnahe nmdnö.paitU bdda ustdna-
zastö zbayeiti avainhe, yim dvd&ina pvde hacimna bdda ustänazastö
zbayeiti avainhe, yim *driyüicit *aiö.tka6iö apayatO havdii dätäii
bdda ustänazastö zbayeiti avainhe, 85 yenhe vdxi garazdnahe us ava
raocd abiaoiti ava pairi imqm zqm jasaiti vi hapta karivqn jasaiti,
yatiit namanha vdcim baraiti yat gaoiäit. 86 yd varata azimna
bdda ustänazastö zbayeiti avainhe gavai&im paitiimaramna: kada
nö aria gavai&im apaydt paskdt vazamnö mi&rö yö vouru.gaoyaoitii,
kada nö fraowvaisayditi aiahe paiti pantqm drujö vaesmanda
azamnqmf 87 dat yahmdi xinütö bavaiti mv&rö yö vouru.gaoyaoitii,
ahmdi jasaiti avainhe; dat yahmdi tbiito bavaiti mi&rö yö vouru.gao-
yaoitii, ahmdi frascindayeiti nmdnamca vlsamca zantümca daKyümia
dainhusastimca. — — ahe raya . . . täscd yazamaide.
88 mi&ram vouru.gaoyaoitlm . . . *jayäurvdiaham, yim yazata
haomö frdimii baiiazyö srirö xiafrryö zairidöi&rö baraziite paiti
barazahi harai&yö paiti barazayd, yat vaoöe hükairim nqtna, and-
Mihr YaSt (Yt. X) 8 8 - 9 1 , 95—98. fravartin Yast (Yt. XIII) 1. 17

hitam andhitö andhitdt parö bardsmzn andhitaydt parö zao&raydi

andhitaeibyö parö vayüibyö, 89 yim zaotdram stayata ahurö mazdd
aSava dsu.yasnam bwazLgdihsm; yazata zaota äsu.yasnö bsrazt.gd&rö
bdrvzata ναέα zaota ahurdi mazddi zaota amaianqm spsntanqm; hö
vdxi us ava rao6d ainaot, ava pairi imqm zqm Janat, vijasdt vlspdii
avi TcarSvqn ydii hapta. 90 yö paoiryö havana haomq uzdasta
stdhrpaesawha mainyutdita haraidyö paiti bar»zayd; barajayat ahurö
mazdä, barajaysn am»id spanta yetdhä Jc»hrpö huraodayd, yahmdi
hvar» aurvat.aspam dürdt namö baoöayeiti.
91 namö mi&rdi *vouru.gaoyaotse hazawrö.gaoädi baSvara.6aS-
mainef yesnyö ahi vahmyö; yemyö buyd vahmyö nmdndhu maiya-
kanqml uita buydt ahmdi naire, yasa &wd bdda frdyazdite aismö.-
zastö barasmö.zastö gaozastö hdvanö.zastö frasndta&ibya zastaeibya
frasndtaeibya hdvanatibya frastarstdt paiti barasman uzdütät paiti
haomdt srdvayamnät paiti ahundt vairydt.

95 mi&ram vouru.gaoyaoitlm . . . *jayaurtdidham, yö zam.fra&d
aiwyditi pasöa hü frdimö.dditlm marazaiti uva Tcarana amhd zamö
yat paüanayd sJcaranayd düraepürayd, vlspam irnat ddidaiti yat
antar» zqm asmanamca, 96 vazram zastaya *drazimnö satafitdmm
satö.ddram fravaSyam vlrö.nydnöim zaröii ayavhö frahixtam amavatö
*zardnyehe amavastamam zainqm varadravastamam zaönqm, 97 yah-
mat ha£a frat»r»saiti anrö mainyui pouru.mahrkö, yahmat ha6a
fratdrdsaiti aeimö duidd paiö.tanui, yahmat ha6a fratarasaiti büi·
yqsta darayö.gava, yahmat ha6a fratarasanti vlspe mainyava daSva
yaeca varanya drvantö. 98 md mifrrahe vouru.gaoyaotöii grantahe
vaeydi JasaSma; md nö grantö aipi janyd mi&ra yö vouru.gaoyaoitii
yö aojiitö yazatanqm yö taniiitö yazatanqm yö dwaxSUtö yazatanqm
yö dsUtö yazatanqm yö [as] varafrrajqstamö yazatanqm fraxitaite
paiti äya zamd, mi&rö yö vouru.gaoyaoitii. ahe raya . . . tdsdd

Frayartin Yast.
(YaSt XIII.)
1 mraot ahurö mazdd spüamdi zarafruitrdi: naSva ts zdvara
aojasöa xvaranö avas&a rafnasöa framrava arazvö, spitama, yat
aiaonqm fravaiinqm uyranqm aiwi&üranqm, ya&a me jaxan *avamhe
Avesta Reader. 2
18 Fravartln Yast (Yt. XIII) 1—18.

ya&a me baran upastqm tiyrd aiaonqm fravaiayö; 2 diahqm ray a

xvar»naiaha6a viddraem, zara&uitra, aom asmanam, yö usca raoxinö
frddarasrö yö imqm zqm αόα pairiäa bvdva mqnayan ahe ya&a vii
aim yö hiitaite *mainyu.stdtö handraxtö düraekaranö ayaiahö kdhrpa
xva6nahe raocahinö aoi +ibriivd, 3 yim mazdd vaste raiahanam stahr-
paesanham mainyu.tditam hacimnö *mi&ra rainuca drmaitica span-
taya, yahmdi nöif, cahmdi naimanqm karana pairi.vaenötöe; 4—8 dia-
hqm raya xvaranaiaha6a viddraem, zarafruitra, aradvlm sürqm and-
hitqm para&ü.frdkqm . . . = Yt. V. 1 —5 . . . ha xia&rinqm paema.
9 diahqm raya xvaranaiahaca viddraem, zaradustra, zqm para&wtm
ahuradatqm yqm masimca pa&anqmea, yd barafrri paraoi srirahe yä
vlspam ahüm astvantam baraiti jumca iristamöa garayasia yöi bara-
zantö pouru.vdstrdiahö dfantö, 10 yenhd paiti &raotö.std6ö dpö tatinti
ndvayd, yenhd paiti pouru.saradd zamada uzuxiyeinti urvard &rdüräi
pasvd mrayd {hrddrdi airyanqm dahyunqm frrdfrrdi gäui panöö.-
hyayd avatöhe naram aiaonqm. 11 diahqm raya xvaranaiahaca vi-
ddraem, zara&uitra, azarn bara&rtiva puxhra paiti.varata apara.iri&intö
*d *dätdt vlddtaot vydhva urvat.faem astica gaonaca *darawdaca
*uru&u>qm6a paidydsca fravdxias6a. 12 yeidi zl me nöit daidit
upastqm uyrd aidunqm fravaiayö, nöit me ida *dnhd{.tam *pasu
"vira, *yd *stö saradanqm vahiita; drujö aogara drujö xia&ram drujö
astvd aiahui * diahat; 13 ni antara zqm aemanamöa drujd manivd
hazdydt, nl antara zqm asmanamöa drujd manivd vaonydt, nöit
pascaeta vanö vantai upa.daydt atarö mainyus spantdi mainyave.
14 diahqm raya x aranaiahaca dpö tatinti frdtat.caratö xd paiti
afrajyamnd; diahqm raya xvaranaiahaca zamada uzuxiyeinti urvard
xä paiti afrajyamnd; diahqm raya xvaranaiahaca vdtö vdnti dunmö.-
frutö xd paiti afrajyamnd; 15 diahqm raya xvaranaiahaca hdiriiti
pufrrä varanvainti, äiahqm raya xvar»naiaha6a huzdmitö zizananti,
diahqm raya xvaranaiahaca yat bavainti hacat-pw&rd; 16 diahqm raya
xvaranaiahaca us nd zayeiti vydxanö vydxmöhu güiayat.uxdö, yö
bavaiti xratuJcdtö, yö ndidydrahö gaotamahe parö.yd paritöii avditi;
diahqm raya xvaranaiahaca hvara αυα ραϋα aeiti; diahqm raya xvara-
naiahaca md ava pafta aeiti; diahqm, raya xvaranaiahaca stdrö ava
pa&a yeinti. 17 td uyrdhu pasandhu upastqm hanti dahiitd yd fra-
vasayö aiaonqm. td fravaiayö aiaonqm aojiitd hanti, spitama, yd
paoiryanqm tkaesanam yd vd narqm azdtanqm frasö.6araftrqm saoi-
yantqm; dat anyaesqm fravaiayö jvanqm narqm aiaonqm aojyehii,
zaraduitra, ya&a iristanqm, spitama. 18 dat yö na hU hub»ratd
*baratjva asaonam fravaiayö, sdsta dainhäui hamö.xsa&rö hö aiahditi
Pravartm Vast (Yt. Xlll) 18-25, 49-54. id

zazustamO xsayö kascit maiydnqm, yö vohu.baratqm baraite mifrram

yim vouru.gaoyaoitim aritdtdmca frddat.gaS&qm varadat.gaS&qm.
19 i&a ts zdvard aojas6a x'aranö avasöa rafnaeäa framraomi drdzvO,
spitama yat aiaonqm fravasinam uyranqm aiioi&üranqm, yada mi
fassn avainhe, yada me bardn upastam uyrd asaonqm fravaSayOu.
20 mraot ahurö mazdd epitamdi zara&uStrai: „dat yasd üwa
aitahmi avihvO yat astvainti, spitama zara&uitra, padqm jasditi
vqöwaesö böiwranqm duiitanqmöa {hcayamihatqm, zara&uStra, yeziia
dvoa&id tanvO, a&a imqm vaiö drmjayOis ada imqm vaco framruyd
*vdr»&raynUi, zaradustra: 21 'asdunqm vamihli sürd spantd fravasayö
staomi zbayemi ufyemi yazamaide nmdnyd visyd zantumd daJiyumd
*zara&uitrö.tdmä hditii hdtqm hditii dwhuiqm hditis büiyantqm asao-
nqm, vlspd vispanqm daJiyunqm Zdvistyd zeviityanqm daliyunqm,
22 yd asmandm vlddrayan yd dpvm vlddraysn yd zqm vlddrayan yd
gqm vlddrayan yd bard&risva pu&rä viddraym paiti.vdrdta apara.-
irifontö *d *datdt vlddtaot vydhva urvat.caym asti6a gaonaca *dw9w-
δαόα *uru{hjoqm6a paidydsia fravdxiasöa, 23 yd aSbardtO yd uyrd-
rdtö yd hvdrdtö yd vazdratö yd taxmdrdto yd zaoydrato yd zaoyd
vaidhw&uoaiiu yd zaoyd vdrv&raynyaeiu yd zaoyd pȤandhu, 24 yd
dadrti vvrvftram zbayente ddfrrli dyaptdm cakuie dafrrlS bantdi
drvatdUm dädrls ahmdi vohu x'arsnö, yö hli yazdnö Jcuxsnvqno
zbayeiti barö.zaodrö asava, 25 yd avada para fraoirisiitd, yadra
narö asavanö ahm hanti zrazddtama yadraca maziitd frSrstd ya&raia
atbisto aSava'a.
49 asdunqm vaimhls sürd spantd fravaiayö yazamaide, yd
vlsdda dvayeinti hamaspadma&daem paiti ratüm; dat a&ra vlcarsnti
dasa pairi xiafnö avat avö zixsndnhsmnd: 50 ,kö nö stavdt, kö
yazdite, kö ufydt, kö frindt, kö paiti.zandt gaomata zasta vastra-
vata asa.ndsa namanha, kahe nö ida nama üy airyat, kahe vö urva
frdyezydt, kahmdi nö tat dädram daydt, yat he anhat xv airy an
ajyamnam yavaeca yavaStdtaeca?' 51 dat yö nd his frdyazüite gao-
mata zasta vastravata asa.näsa namaraha, ahmäi dfrinanti xsnütä
ainita atbistd uyrd asdunam fravasayö: 52 ,buydt ahmi nmdne gbusca
vaßica vlranqmca, buydt dsusca aspö ddrszrasca *vdsö, buydt na
stähyö vydxanö, yö nö baSa fräyazäite gaomata zasta vastravata
asa.ndsa namawha'.
53 asdunqm vamüus süra spmtü fravasai/o yazamaide, yd
apqm mazdaSätanqm srlra paflö daesayeinti, ya par a ahmdt hiitanta
fradätd afrafat.kus/i hamai/d (julvö dur,r;ii»cif pairi zrrCtnnn; 54 äot
20 Pravartln Yagt (Yt. XIII) 54-66.

td nürqm frata6tnti mazdadätsm paiti pantqm bayö.baxtam parti

yaonam frd&waritam paiti dfantam zaoiäi ahurahe mazdd zaoiai
amaianqm spmtanqm.
55 aidunqm vamihii sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd
urvaranqm x atcrlranqm
v srlrd uru&mli daisayeinti, yd para ahmdt
hiitanta fra&dtd * afraoxiayeintii hamaya gattö darayvmöit pairi
zrvdnam; 56 dat td nürqm fravaxiayeinti mazdaddtam paiti pantqm
bayö.baxtam paiti yaonam frddwarstam paiti zrvdnam zaoiai ahurahe
mazdd zaoiai amaianqm spantanqm.
57 aiaunqm vamihii sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd
strqm mdtaho hürö anayranqm raoianhqm ραϋΰ daisayan aiaonli,
yOi para dhmat hame gdtvö darayam hiitanta * afraiumantO da&va-
nqm parö tbaiiatahat daivanqm parö draomöhu; 58 dat te nürqm
fravazanti düraiurvaisam adwano urvaesam ndiamna yim fraio.·
Icaratöit votahuyd.
59 aidunqm vawuhii sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd
avat zrayO aiwydxiayeinti ya% *vouru.Jeaiam bdmim ηαναδα *navaitii6a
ηαναδα sata ηαναδα hazatara ηαναβδβδα baevqn.
60 aidunqm vatauhli sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd ave
strSui aiwydxiayeinti yqm *haptöiringä ηαναδα *navaitiica ηαναδα
eata ηαναδα hazatara ηαναβδβδα baSvqn.
61 aidunqm vamihii sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd
avqm Tcahrpam aiwydxiayeinti yqm sdmahe Tcarasdspahe ya{ *gae§dui
gadavarehe ηαναδα *ηαναϋϋδα ηαναδα sata ηαναδα hazatara navasäsca
62 aidunqm vawuhii sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd
avqm *xiu&rqm aiwydxiayeinti yqm spitdmahe aiaonO zaraduitrahe
ηαναδα *ηαναϋϋδα ηαναδα sata ηαναδα hazatara navasäs6a baevqn.
63 aidunqm vatauhli sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd
ahurahe xiayato daiinqm upa yüi&yeinti, yezi aim bavaiti *aiava-
xinui, yezi ii bavainti *andzaratd xinütd ainitd atbiitd uyrd aidu-
nqm fravaiayO.
64 aidunqm vatauhli sürd spantd fravaiayO yazamaide, yd mas-
yehli ahmdt yd aojyehli ahmdt tqiyehli ahmdt yd amavastard ahmdt
yd varadravastard ahmdt yd *baSiazyö.tard ahmdt yd ydskarastard
ahmdt yada ναδα framravdire, yd madamam&t myezdinqm baivani upa-
vazante. 65 dat y<*t P° uzbarante, spitama zara&uitra, zrayatahat
a haia
*vouru.kaidt x'aranasca yat mazdaddtam, dat *fraiu8anti uyrd aidunqm
fravaiayO paoirli pouru.satd paoirli pouru.hazamrd paoirli pouru.-
baivano, 66 dpam aiiamnd havdi Tcd6it ndfdi havaydi vise havdi zantave
Fravartin YaSt (Yt. XIII) 66 -72. Varhr&n Yast (Yt. XIV) 3 4 - 4 0 . 21

havayai dairahave uityaojand: ,xvaepai&e no damhus niddta&ca haoid-

taeca!' 67 td yüidyeinti paianähu have asahi έόίϋταέόα, ya&a asö
maS&anamöa aitcisitäe daddra, mqnayan ahe yafta nd täxmö radaöitd
huS.hqm.b9ratat haca sa6tät *ydstö.za&nuS paiti.ynlta. 68 Oat yds6a
dtaham nivdndnte, tä dpam pardzanti havai kdöit nafai havaydi vise
havdi zantave havaydi damhave uityaojand: ,xva$paide no damhui
fraddtaeca varaddtaecaI' 69 dat yat bavaiti avLspaitö sdsta damhäui
hamö.xsa&rö aurva&aeibyö parö £biSyanbyö, td hascit upa.zbayeite
uyrd aiäunqm fravaSayö, 70 td hi fasdnti avarahe, yezi is bavainti
anäzaratd xinütd ainitd atbistd uyrd aidunqm fravaSayö. td dim
ava nifrdvayente mqnaydn ahe ya&a nd marayö huparanö. 71 td
he snai&iiöa vara&asöa paritasca pairivdrasca visante pairi main-
yaoydt drujat *varanyaydat6a *drvö.i&ydt zizi.yüia{6a kayaödt vlspö.-
mahrkaatäa pairi drvatat yat anrät mainyaot, mqnaydn ahe yaöa
nä satam6a hazaiaramöa baSvarafa *parianqm *nijatam hydt, 72 ya&a
nöit tat paiti karatö hufrawharitö nöit vazrO hunivixtö nöit UuS
xvä&axtö nöit arStiS hvaiwydsta nöit asdnö aramö.iütö avasydt.

Yarhrän Yast.
(Yast XIV.)
34 vara&raynam ahuradätam yazamaide. pardsat zara&uströ
ahurdm mazdqm: „ahura mazda mainyö spänista datara gaedanqm
astvaitinqm aidum, yat bavdni aiwLsastö aiioi.imaratö *pouru *narqm
tbiSyantqm, 6iS ainhe asti baSsazö?u 35 dat mraot ahurö mazdd:
„marayahe pasö.paranahe vdranjinahe paranam ayasaesa, spitama za-
raduitra; ana parana tanüm aiwi.siföis, ana parana hamara&am paiti.-
saidhaesa. 36 yänd baraiti astavö vä taxmahe marayahe paranavö vd
taxmahe marayahe naeSa.cis raeva masya jainti naeda fraSsyeiti;
paourva hi namö baraiti paourva xvarand. vibärayeiti upastqm
marayahe paranö marayanqm. 37 td ahurö *sästranqm damhupaitis
nöit satam jainti vlraja, nöit hakarat jainti vaSsaipa; öim jainti f rasa
aeiti. 38 vlspe tarasanti paranine, αναΰα mdvayacit tanuye vlspe tara·
santu aurva&a vlspe tarasantu dui.mainyus amamca vara&raynamca
niddtam tanuye **manö, 39 yim vaidnte ahurdwhö vaidnte ahüirydtahö
vaidnte haosravaiahanö ; tarn vasata kava usa, yim aspö arsa baraiti,
yim uströ vadairis baraiti, yim dfs ndvaya baraiti, 40 yim üraetaonö
22 Varhrfti) Yast (Yt. XIV) 42—46. Tistr YaSt (Yt. VIII) 1 - 4 .

taxmö barat, yö Janat ailrn dahäkam örizafanam . . . = Υ. IX. 8. . .

mahrkdi aiahe gae&anqm. ahe raya . . . täscd yazamaide.

42 varafrraynam ahuraddtam yazamaide. parasat zara&uströ
ahuram mazdqm: „ahura mazda mainyö spaniäta dätara ga&danqm
astvaitinqm asdum, Teva asti vara&raynahe ahuradatahe nqma.azbditU,
Teva npaMüitiS, Teva nistüitis?u 43 äat mraot ahurö mazdd: „yat spdda
hanjasdnte, spitama zara&ustra, ra&tam raama kataras6it, vastdtahö
ahmya nöit vazydnte Jatdiahö ahmya nöit janydnte, 44 cataiarö para-
nd vidärayöiä avi paüqm katarascit; yatdrö pourvö frdyazdite, —
amö hutastö huraodö vara&raynö ahuraddtö — atdrö varafhra hacaite.
45 'amam6a vara&raynamca afrinämi dva apdtdra dva nipdtdra dva
niSharatdra. dva *adwö.ian dva *vidwö.ian dva *fradwö.zan dva dma-
razan dva vlmarazan dva framarazan!1 46 zaraduStra, a&tam mqdram
md fradaSeayöis ainyat pi&re vd pudrdi brd&re vd hadö.zdtdi d&ra-
vandi vd ördyaone. aStaica te vdcö yöi uyra da darazra ds uyra de
vydxaine ds uyra ds vara&rayne ds uyra ds baSsazya äs. aSta&ca te
ναέΰ, yöi paiameit sdram bunfainti uzgaraptameit sna&am apasa apa.-
xvanvainti. — — ahe raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.

Tistr Yast.
(YaSt VIII.)
1 mraot ahurö mazdd spitamdi zarafrustrdi: p&nihahe avahu-
{heamia ratußwamea. mdiahamia mai&anarnda myazdamca frd.yaza-
maide. yat me stdrö xvaranaiauhantö haeänte paraca md narabyö
xvaranö *baxianta, yazdi iöifrrahe baxtdram tistrlm stdram zaofrrdbyö.
2 tiitrim stdram raevantam xvaranaiauhantam yazamaide rdma.-
iayanam huiayanam auruiam raoxsnam frddarasram vydvantam bae-
iazim ravö.fraodmanam barazantam dürdt vydvantam bdnubyö rao-
xsnibyö andhitaeibyö apamca parafru.zrayaiaham varauhimca düräi
frasrutqm gäuiöa nqma mazdaddtam uyramca Tcavaem xvaranö fra-
vaiimca spitamahe aiaonö zara&ustrahe.
3 ahe raya xvaranarahaca tarn yazdi surunvata yasna tistrlm
stdram zao&rdbyö. — tistrlm stdram raevantam x°aranaiauhantam
yazamaide haomayö gava . . . täscd yazamaide.

4 tiitrim stdram raevantam xvaranaiauhantam yazamaide *afs.-

TiStr YaSt (Yt. VIII) 4 - 1 3 . 23

cidram sttram hdrazantam amavantdm düra&sükam bsrazantam uparö.-

kairim, *yahmat haca bsrazdt haosravanhdm; apqm nafadrat haia
ci&ram. ahe raya . . . tdsdd yazamaide.

5 tistrim stdrdm raSvantdm x'ardnawuhantam yazamaide, yim

paitiimawnte pasvasca staordca maiydia parö daraivqnö kaitaia
parO druzintö: ,ka&a nö aoi uzyardt tiitryö raivd xvaranamthä, kada
χά aspö.staoyehls apqrn tacdnti navaV — — ahe raya . . . tdscd

6 tiitrlm stärdm, raevant»m xvar»namihantdm yazamaide, yö

avavat xsvaSwö vazdite avi zrayö *vouru.kaiamt ya&a tiyrii main-
yavasd, yim anhat sr»xsö xsviwi.i§uS xsiwi.iivatdmö airyanqm airyö.-
xSudat haca garöit xvanvant»m avi gairim. 7 tada dim ahurö mazdd
avqn data, tat dpö urvaräsöa, pairi is vouru.gaoyaoitii mi&rö frd-
dayat pantqm. ahe raya . . . täsöd yazamaide.

8 tiitrlm stdrdm raivant&m x'aranamihantam yazamaide, yö

pairikä taurvayeiti, yö pairikd titarayeiti, yd starö kvrsmd patanti
antar9 zqm asmanamca, zraya *vouru.kasaya amavatö huraodahe ja-
frahe uruyapahe. bdSa vairlm dcaraiti aspöJcahrpqm aiaonlm upaia
tä dpö yaozayeiti aitcica vdta vdnti *yaoxstivantö. 9 dat td dpö
*frasdvayeiti satavaisö avi haptöJcaraivairls ; vydhva yat Jasaiti,
srirö histaiti rdmanivd huydiryd avi dainhus. kada atryd dainhdvö
huydiryd bavdnti? ahe raya . . . tds6d yazamaide.

10 tistrim stdrvm raövantam xtaranar3uhantdm yazamaide, yö

aoxta ahurdi mazdäi uityaojanö: ahura mazda mainyö spänista da-
ta',ra gaS&anqm astvaitinqm asäuml 11 yebi zl mil maiydka aoxtö.-
ndmcina yasna yazayanta, yaüa anye yazatdwhö aoxtö.ndmana yasna
yazinti, frd naruyö aiavaoyö 0warstahe zrü dyu iuiuyqm xvahe
gayehe x anvatö amasahe, upa -dwarstahe jaymyqm aSvqm vd avi
xsapandm duye vd pancdsatdm vd.
12 tistrimca yazamaide; tistryaSinyasca yazamaide; upa.paoi·
rlmca yazamaide; paoiryaeinyasca yazamaide; ave sträui yq *haptö.-
iringa paitistdtde yddwam pairikanamca. vanantam stdrdm mazda-
öätam yazamaide amaheca paiti hutüstahe varddraynaheca paiti ahu-
raddtahe vanaintydsca paiti uparatdtö vltard.ajzahyehe paiti vitara.-
tbaesahyeheca. tistrim drvö.casmanam yazamaide.
13 paoiryä dasa xiapanö, spitama zaraOustra, tiitryö raevd
24 TiStr Yast (Yt. VIII) 1 3 - 2 4 .

xvaranatauhd kahrpam rai&wayeiti raoxsnusva vazamnö nari kahrpa

pan6a.dasatahö xäa&tahe spiti.döi&rahe barazatö avi.amahe amavatö
hunairydncö 14 tada ayaos yada paoirim vlram avi yd bavaiti, tada
ayaoS ya&a paoirim vlram avi amö aeiti, tada ayaos yaüa paoirim
*vlrö arazuiqm adaste. 15 hö i&ra vydxmanyeiti, hö iftra *parasan-
yeiti: ,kö mqm nürqm frdyazdite gaomavaitibyö haomavaitibyö zao-
ftrabyö? kahmdi azam dadam vlrayqm Istlm vlrayqm va&wqm hava-
heca urunö yao£dd&ram? nürqm ahmi yesnyasca vahmyasca at»uhe
astvaite aSdt haca yat vahiitdt'.
16 bityd dasa xSapanö, spitama zaradustra, tistryö raevd
x aranaiauhd
v kahrpam, rae&wayeiti raoxinuüva vazamnö gäuS kahrpa
zaranyö.srvahe. 17 hö i&ra vydxmanyeiti, hö idra * parasanyeiti: ,1cö
mqm nürqm frdyazdite gaomavaitibyö haomavaitibyö zaofrräbyö?
Tcahmäi azam dabqm gaoyqm istlm gaoyqm vqdtcqm havaheöa urunö
yaozdädram ? nürqm ahmi yesnyasca vahmyasca aiauhe astvaite aädt
haca yat vahistdt'.
18 frrityd dasa xsapanö, spitama zara&ustra, tiitryö raSvd
xvaranaiduhd kahrpam raedwayeiti raoxsnusva vazamnö aspahe kahrpa
aurusahe srlrahe zairi.gaoSahe zaranyö.aiwiddnahe. 19 hö i&ra vydx-
manyeiti, hö i&ra \parasanyeiti: ,kö mqm nürqm frdyazdite gaoma-
vaitibyö haomavaitibyö zao&rdbyö? kahmäi azam dadain aspayqm
litlm aspayqm vqüwqm havaheca urunö yaofdddram? nürqm ahmi
yesnyasca vahmyasca aiauhe astvaite aSdt haca yat vahiitdt'.
20 dat paiti avditi, spitama zara&ustra, tistryö raevd xvaran-
aiauhd avi zrayö *vouru.kasam aspahe kahrpa auruSahe srlrahe zairi.-
gaoSahe zaranyö.aiwiddnahe. 21 d dim paiti.yqi nizdvaraiti daSvö
yö apaoiö aspahe kahrpa sämahe kaurvahe kaurvö.gaosahe kaurvahe
kaurvö.barasahe kaurvahe kaurvö.dümahe dayahe ahcibdtö.taritöis.
22 hqm tacit bdzui baratö, spitama zara&ustra, tistryasca raßvd
x aranaiauhd
v daivasca yö apaosö; td yüidyaüö, spitama zara&ustra,
üri.ayaram ftri.xsapanam. d dim bavaiti aiici.aojd, d dim bavaiti
aiioi.vanyd daSvö yö apaosö tistrlm raevantam xvaranarauhantam.
23 αρα dim addt vyeiti zrayawhat haca *vouru.kasdt hd&rö.masaiaham
adwanam. sddram urvistramca nimrüxte tistryö raevd xvaranaiauhd:
'sddram me, ahura mazda, urvistram, dpö urvardsca, baxtam, daene
mdzdayesne! nöit mam nürqm masydka aoxtö.ndmana yasna yazante,
ya&a anye yazatdwhö aoxtö.ndmana yasna yazanti. 24 yeidi zl md
masydka aoxtö.ndmana yasna yazayanta, yada anye yazatdrahö aoxtö.-
ndmana yasna yazanti, *ανα mam avi.bawryam dasatiqm aspanqm
aojö dasanqm ustranqm aojö dasanqm gatqm aojö dasanqm gairinqm
Tistr Yaät (Yt. VIII) 2 4 - 36. 25

aojö dasanqm apain ndvayanqm aojö.' 25 azam yö ahurö mazdä

tistrim raövantam xvarananuhantam aoxtö.ndmana yasna yaze. *ava
dim avi.bardmi dasanqm aspanqm aojö dasanqm uitranqm aojö,
dasanqm, gavqm aojö dasanqm gairinqm aojö dasanqm apqm nd-
vayanqm aojö.
26 dat paiti aväiti, spitama zaraOuStra, tistryö raivä xvaran-
aiduhä avi zrayö *vouru.kaiam . . . tä yüidya&ö, zaraduitra, d ra-
pi&winam zrvdnam. a dim bavaiti aiwi.aojd, a dim bavaiti aitcL-
vanyd tistryö raSvd xvaranamihä daeüm yim apaoiam. 29 apa dim
αδαί vyeiti zrayanhat Τιαέα *vouru.kaSdt hd&rö.masataham adwanam.
uitatdtam nimravaite tiitryö raevd xvaranarauhä: ,uita me, ahura
mazda, usta, dpö urvardsöa, usta, daöne mdzdayesne, uita d.bavdt,
dainhavöl us vö apqm adavö apaiti.aratd jasänti ai.ddnunqmca ya-
vanqm kasu.ddnunqmöa vdstranqm gaö&anqmca astvaitinqm.'
30 äat paiti aväiti, spitama zaradustra, tistryö raevd xvaran-
anuhd avi zrayö *vouru.kaiam aspahe kahrpa auruiahe srlrahe zairi.-
gaosahe zaranyö.aivciddnahe. 31 hö zrayö äyaozayeiti hö zrayö vi-
vaozayeiti hö zrayö dyzrddayeiti hö zrayö vlyzrddayeiti hö zrayö
dyidrayeiti hö zrayö vlyidrayeiti. yaozanti vlspe Tcaranö *zrayd *vouru.·
Jcaiaya, d vlspö maidyö yaozaiti.
32 MS paiti addt histaiti, spitama zaraduStra, tistryö raevd
x arananuhd zrayatahat haca *vouru.kaidt. us addt histdt satavaSsö

raSvd xvaranamihd zrayanhat haca *vouru.kaidt. dat tat dunmqn

hqmMStanti *us.handavat paiti garöit, yö histaite maidim zrayaiahö
*vouru.kaSahe. 33 dat tat dunmqn fraüdupayeiti maeyö.kara asavanö,
frd pourvö vdtqm vazaiti yqm ραϋο diti haomö frdsmti frädat.gaS&d ;
a&ra pascaSta vazaite vdtö darsis mazda&dtö vdramca maSyamca
fyarahumca avi asd avi Söidrd avi karivqn ydis hapta.
34 apqm napäsa tä dpö, spitama zaradustra, aiauhe astvaite
söi&rö.baxtd vl.baxsaiti vdtasca yö darsis awzdatamca xvaranö asao-
nqmca fravasayö. ahe raya . . . tdsöa yazamaide.

35 tiätrlm stdram raSvantam xvaranawuhantam yazamaide, yö

avadflt fravazüite xsöi&nydt **his usayät *duraöurvaesam paitipantam
bayö.baxtam paiti yaonam fraOwarstam paiti afantam zaosüi ahurahe
mazdd zaosdi amasanqm spantanqm. — — ahe raya . . . tascü

36 tistrim stdram raivantam xvaranar»uhantam yazamaide, yim

ydra.carsö masyehe ahuraca xratugütö aurunaca gairisdcö sizdraca
26 TiStr Yaet (Yt. VIII) 36 - 44.

ravascardtö "uzyö.rantam *hispö.santi huyäiryd&a damhave uzjasantam

duiydirydca: ,ka&a airyd damhävö huyäiryd bavdntiP ahe
raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.

37 tiStrlm stdram raevantam xvaranatauhantam yazamaide dsu-

xSvaiwam xSviwi.vdzam, yö avavat xSvaiwö vazaite avi zrayö *vouru.-
kaSam, ya&a tiyriS mainyavasd, yim anhat araxiö xSviwi.iSuS xivtwi.·
Uvatamö airyanqm airyö.xiudat hada garöit xvanvantam avi gairlm.
38 avi dim ahurö mazdd avqn [amaSd spanta] vouru.gaoyaoitii hi
mifrrö pouru pantqm fraöaesaetam. a dim paskat anumarazatam
asiSca vatauhi barazaiti pdrandica raora&a, vispam d ahmd{ yat aim
paiti.apayat vazamnö xvanvantam avi gairlm; xvanvata paiti ntrat.
— — ahe raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.

39 tiStrlm stdram raSvantam xvarananuhantam yazamaide, yö

pairikd taurvayeiti, yö pairikd titdrayeiti, yd uzdtahat anrö mainyuS
mamnüS stdram af$£ifrranqm vlspanqm paitLaratae. 40 td tiStryö
taurvayeiti, vlvditi MS zrayanhdt haca *vouru.kaSdt. dat maiya us.-
fravdnti huydiryd dpö barantiS, ydhva urvditiS atord paradu aipi
vljasäitlS avö urvaitls hapta Jcarivqn. ahe raya . . . tdscä

41 tiStrlm stdram raevantam xvarananuhantdm yazamaide, yim

dpö paitismarante aramaiitd *frdtat.caratasca *xqnyd draotö.stätasca
parsuyd *vairydsca: 42 ,kada nö avi vyarät tistryö raivd xvaran-
awuhd? Jcaia xä aspö.staoyehls apqm yiärqm aitciyzäram srirdsca
asö.söifrrdsca gaoyaoitlsca ätacintlS, ä varasajis urvaranqm süra
vaxsyente vaxsa?' ahe raya . . . tds6ä yazamaide.

43 tistrlm stdram raevantam xvarananuhantam yazamaide, yö

νIspäis naenizaiti simd apaya vazadris uxsyeiti vlspdsa td ddmqn
baesazyatica savistö, yezi aim bavaiti yastö xSnütö fri&ö paiti.zantö.
— — ahe raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.

44 tistrlm stdram raevantam xvaranatauhantam yazamaide, yim

ratüm paiti.daemca vispaisqm stdram fradaßat ahurö mazdd, yaüa
narqm zara&ttstram, yim nöit marayante anrö mainyus, nöit ydtavö
pairikdsca, nöit ydtavö maSydnqm naeda vlspe ha&ra daeva mahr-
ka&di upadarznvainti. — — ahe raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.
TiStr Y a s t (Yt. VIII) 4 5 - 5 7 . 27

45 tiitrlm stäram raSvantam xvarananuhantam yazamaide, yah·

mäi hazanram yaoxitinqm frada&at ahurö mazdd afici&raiiva sa-
viitdi, yö afici&raSibyö diti raoxsnuSva vazamnö; 46 hö zrayaiahö
*vouru.kaiahe amavatö huraodahe jafrahe uruyäpahe vlspä vairii
dcaraiti vlspäsca srlr» nimraokä vlspäsca srlra apayzdire aspahe
kahrpa auruiahe srlrahe zairi.gaoiahe zaranyö.aiwiddnahe. 47 dat
dpö ava.barante, spitama zaraüustra, zrayatahada haca *vouru.kasdt
tätd urvdfrrä baSiazyä; td ava&a vl.baxiaiti äbyö dainhubyö saviitö,
yad-a aim bavaiti yaitö xänütö fridö paiti.zantö. ahe raya . . .
täsöd yazamaide.

48 tiitrlm stäram raSvantam xvaranaiauhantam yazamaide, yim

vlspäii paitismarante yäii spantohe mainyäui ddmqn aöairi.zamüisca
upairi.zamdiica, ydca updpa yäca upasma yäca fraptarajqn ydca
ravascarqn yä6a upairi td akarana anayra aiaonö stii didi.
ahe raya . . . tdscä yazamaide.

49 tiitrlm stäram raSvantam xvaranaiauhantam yazamaide, *üam·

naiahuntam *varacarahuntam yaoxitivantam xsayamnam isdnam ha-
zatardi ayaptanqm, yö daöäiti kuxinvqnäi paurui ayaptd jaidyantäi
*ajiöyamndi maiydi.
50 azam dadqm, spitama zaraöuitra, aom stäram yim tiitrlm
avdntam yesnyata avdntam vahmyata aväntam xinaodtcata avdntam
frosostata ya&a mqmöit yim ahuram mazdqm 51 avainhäi pairi-
kaydi paitiitätayaSöa paitiscaptayaica paititaratayaeca paityaogat-
tbaeidKyäica, ya duiyäirya, yqm maiydka avi duivacatahö huydiryqm
nqma aojaite. 52 yedi zl azam nöit daidyqm, spitama zaraüustra,
aom stäram yim tiitrlm . . . huydiryqm nqma aojaite, 54 hamahe
zl me iöa ayqn hamayd vd xsapö *avdu pairika yd duiyäirya vl-
spahe awhäui astvatö paröit pairiönam aiahvqm ava.hisidyät äca
paraca dvaraiti. 55 tiitryö zl raevd xvaranamihä avqm pairikqm
ädarazayeiti bibdäiica dribddiica avanamnäisca vlspabdäiica mqnayan
ahe yada hazaiaram narqm öim naram ädarazayöit, yöi hyqn *asti.-
aojaiaha aojiita.
56 yat zl, spitama zaraduitra, airyä damhävö tiitryehe raevatö
xvar»naiauhato aiwLsacyärai däitim yasnamca vahmamca, *yada *he
asti *däityö.tamö yasnasca vahmasca aiät haca yat vahiität, nöit
ifrra airyd damhävö frqs hydt haSna, nöit νοΐγηα, nöit pqma, nöit
kapastii, nöit hainyö ra&ö, nöit uzgaraptö drafiö. 57 paiti dim
parasat zara&uitrö: ,kat zl asti, ahura mazda, tistryehe raevatö xvara-
28 Tistr Yast (Yt. VIII) 57—ßl. Art Yast (Yt. XVII) 1 - 7 .

nawuhatö * däityö.tamö yasnasca vahmasca aidt haca yat vahiitdt?'

58 äat mraot ahurö mazdä: ,ζαοϋτά Λδ uzbdraysn airyä damhävö,
bardsma he starsnayan airyä damhdvö, pasüm he pacayan airyä
dainhdvö aurusam vd vohu.gaonam vd Icacit vd gaonanqm hamö.·
gaonsm. 59 mä hs mairyö gdurvayöit, mä jahika, mä aSdvö asrd-
vayat.gdftö ahumaraxS paitydrsnö imqm daenqm yqm ähüirlm zara-
dustrim. 60 yezi ie mairyö gaurvaydt jahika vd aidvö vä asrdvayat.-
gd&ö ahumaraxs paitydranö imqm daenqm yqm ähüirim zara&uitrlm,
par a ba&saza hacaite tistryö raSvä x arananuhd;
v 61 hama&a airydbyö
dairshubyö vöiynä jasdnti, hama&a airydbyö dainhubyö haina frapa-
tänti, hamaüa airydbyö dainhabyö janydnti pancasayndi satayndiica
satayndi hazaiarayndiäca hazanrayndi baevarsyndÜca baivarayndi
ahqxstayndiica.' ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.

Art Yast.
(YaSt XVII.)
1 ailm vanuhlm yazamaide xiöi&nlm barszaitlm huraodqm
huyazatqm xvanat.caxrqm amavaitlm dätö.saokqm baSiazyqm p9r»&-
vlrqm sürqm, 2 duydaram ahurahe mazdä x araharam
v aimianqm
spantanqm, yd vlspanqm saoiyantqm fraia xraüwa fraöanjayeiti
uta he dsnam xratüm ava.baraiti vdrama uta he dsnaeöa zbayantdi
düraeca zbayantdi jasaiti avawhe. yö ailm yazdite zao&rdbyö, hö
mi&ram yazdite zao&rdbyö.
3 ahe raya xvarananhaca tqm yazdi surunvata yasna, tqm yazdi
huyasta yasna ailm vamihim zao&rdbyö. — aSlm vamihim yazamaide
haomayö gava . . . tdscd yazamaide.

4 asim vamihim yazamaide xiöi&nim . . . para-fhiram sürqm.

5 haomaheca namö mqftraheca asaonaeca zaraftuStrahe. atcit
bd namö haomdi, yat vlspe anye *ma6äidhö aeima hacinte xrvidrvö,
äat hö yö haomahe madö asa hacaite *xvaepai&e.
6 asis varauhi aSi srire aii bdnumaiti sditi vydvaiti bdnubyö
asi dddre vohüm xvaranö aeiqm narqm yöi hacahi; hubaoiöiS bao-
öaite nmdnam, yenhe nmäne asis vanuhi süra pdöa nida&aite dgr»-
maitis daraydi haxabrdi. 7 te narö x§a&ra xiayente ai.baourva
niddtö pitu hubaoidi, yahmya staratasca gdtus anyäsca baraxdd avar»-
tä, yöi hacahi, asis vanuhi. usta bd, yim hacahi; uta mqm upan·
Art YaSt (Yt. XVII) 7 - 2 1 . 29

haiahi vouru.sarada amavaiti. 8 aeiqm nmdnd hwiatd *gaomrdnhö

hiitante ai.paourvd darayö.upastäe, yöi hadahi. . . amavaiti. 9 aeiqm
gatava hiitdnte hustarata hupö.busta hukarata barazii.havantö zaran-
yapaxita.paddtahö, yöi haSahi . . . amavaiti. 10 aeiqm vantänhö
bat mainydwhö gatui paiti *diahante, yöi srlra barazii.havantö mara-
zyumnd * anku.pasamnd, fra gaoidvara sispimna 6a&ru.karana mi-
nuca zaranyö.pisi: kada no avi ajasdt nmdnö.paitiif Tenia iaiti
*paitiidma fry a paiti tanvif yöi hacahi . . . amavaiti. 11 aeiqm
kaininö dnhante qymö.paidii urvizö.maidyd sraotanvö darayö.an-
guitd kahrpa avavatqm sraya ya&a diöayatqm zaoiö, yöi hacahi
. . . amavaiti. 12 aeiqm aspdtahö bayente Osavö ravö.frao&amanö,
raom vdiarn vdiayante, mrdtam öarama danjayente, taxmam stao·
tdram vazanti dsu.aspam darazi.ra&am tiii.aritlm daraya.draitaem
xSvivoi.iiüm paröJcavldam vitdram paskdt hamaradam jantdram parö
duimainyüm, yöi haöahi . . . amavaiti. 13 aeiqm uitrdiahö bayente
saeniJeaofa ai.manawha *uzayantö zamat paratamna vadairyavö, yöi
haiahi . .. amavaiti. 14 aeiqm arazatam zaranim *nibara&e dbarata
baraiti aimtardbyö haca daiahubyö vastrdsia kaid bamanivd, yöi
hadahi . . . amavaiti.
15 „*upa mqm *upa.daiöya, frd mqm aiwi.urvaesayarauha mari-
dikam, aüi barazaiti! hubata ahi, hucidra, vasa&a ahi xiayamna
tanuye x'arananhe *dditim. 16 pita te yö ahurö mazdd, yö maziitö
yazatanqm, yö vahiitö yazatanqm; mdta drmaitii spanta; bräta te
yö vanhui sraoiö aiyö rainuiia barazö amavd mifrrasSa vouru.gao-
yaoitii, yö baevara.spasanö hazawra.gaoiö; xvaiaha daena mdzda-
yesnii.a 17 upa.staota yazatanqm amuyamna raziitanqm paitLstayata
rai&ya aüi vanuhi yd barazaiti uiti vaöäbii aojana: „kö ahi, yö mqm
zbayehi, yeiahe azam frdyö zbayantqm sraeitam susruye νdöim?u
18 addt uiti fravaiata: vyö spitdmö zaraüuitrö, yö paoiryö rnaiydkö
staota aiam yat vahiitam yazata ahuram mazdqm, yazata amaii
spantä; yenhe zq&aeda vaxiaeöa urvdsan dpö urvardsca, yeiahe zq-
ΰα6δα vaxiaeca uxiin dpö urvardsca, 19 yenhe zq&aSca vaxiaSca
apa.dvarat anrö mainyui haca zamat yat padanayd skaranayd du-
raepdrayd. uiti davata hö yö duidd anrö mainyui pouru.mahrkö:
,nöit mqm vispe yazatdnihö anusantam fraoraöinta, dat mqm aevö
zaraüuitrö anusantam apayeiti. 20 jainti mqm ahuna vairya
avavata snaidiia ya&a asma katö.masd; tdpayeiti mqm aia va-
hiita mqnayan ahe yada ayaoxiuetam; raekö mS haca anhd zamat
vanhö karanaoiti, yö mqm aevö jamayeiti, yö spitdmö zaraduitrö.'u
21 addt uiti fravaiata aüi vanuhi yd barazaiti: „nazdyö mqm upa.-
30 Art YaSt (Yt. XVII) 21-22, 53-61.

hiita 9T9ZVÖ, aidum spitama, upa me srayanuha vdiahe/" nazdyO tqm

upa.hiStat yö spitämö zara&uitrö, upa he srayata vdiahe. 22 d dim
usca pairi.marazat hdoöya bdzvö daSinaäa daSina bdzvö hdvayaca
uiti va&bis aojana: „srirö ahi, zara&uitra, hukardtö ahi, spitama,
hvascvö darayö.bdzduS ; ddtam te tanuye xvaranö urunae6a darayam
havaiaham, ya&a imat yat te frdvaocim.u ahe ray a . . . tdscd
53 aslm vawuhlm . . . a&rqm. 54 dat aoxta asii vawuhi yd bara-
zaiti: „md cis me äiahqm zaodranqm vindita, yd mdvöya nipdrayeinti,
md narö pairiiid.xSuörö md jaMka para.daxita md aparandyu tau-
runa md Tcainina anupaeta maSydnqm. 55 yat mqm tura pazdayanta
dsu.aspa naotaraca, dat azam tanüm aguze adairi pddam gäui arinO
baramdyaonahe; dat mqm fraguzayanta yOi aparandyu tauruna yoi
Icainina anupaeta maSydnqm. 56 yatcit mqm tura pazdayanta dsu.-
aspa naotaraca, atcit azam tanüm aguze adairi maeiahe garO yat
varsnöii satö. Tearahe; atcit mqm fraguzayanta yöi aparandyu tauruna
yöi Tcainina anupaeta maSydnqmu.
57 paoiryqm garazqm garazaeta aiii vawuhi yd barazaiti haca
apu&rö.zanydi jahikaydi: „md he avi pddam ava.hiita md gdtüm ni-
paidyamiha! ku&a his azam karanavdnif asmanam avi fraiusdni
zqm avi ni.urvisydni? a

58 bityqm garazqm garazaeta aSii varauhi yd barazaiti haca

avanhdijahikaydi, yd aom pu&ram baraiti anyahmdi arSdndi varstam
pai&e upa.baraiti. „kw&a his azarn karanavdnif asmanam avi fraSusdni
zqm avi ni.urvisydni?u
59 frrityqm garazqm garazaeta aSii vawuhi yd barazaiti: „imat
me stdvistam syaoftnam maSya varazinti sdsta, yat kainyO uzvdda-
yeinti fdarayamj αγττνδ nijdmayeinti. kuüa his azam karanavdni?
asmanam avi frasusdni zqm avi ni.urvisydni?a
60 dat mraot ahuro mazdä: nasi srire ddmiddite, md avi asma-
n,>m fraSusa md avi zqm ni.urvise; ida mi tum hqm.caramiha *an-
tara.aradam nmdnahe srirahe xiaürö.karatahe. 61 ana öwd yasna
yazdi ana yasna frdyazdne, yasa died yazata vlitdspo *pasne dpo dait-
ycnjit, barazam bardt zaota vdeim histamno pasca barasma. ana dwü
yasna yazdne ana yasna frdyazdne, a&i srire ddmidditeu. ahe
raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.
2am Yazat Yast (Yt. XIX) 9 - 2 4 . 31

Zam Yazat Yast.

(YaSt XIX.)
9 uyram lcavaem x aranö mazdaddtam yazamaide * ai.vandaram
uparojcairim damnarauhantam vara&aiauhantam yaoxitivantam tara-
ddtam anyaii ddmqn, 10 yat asti ahurahe mazdd, ya&a ddmqn
dadat ahurO mazdd pouruca vohuca pouruca sriraca pouruca abdaca
pouruöa fraia6a pouruca bdmydca, 11 yat haranavqn frasam ahum
azaraiantam amaraSantam afri&yantam apuyantam yavaejim yavaesum
vasö.xiafrram. yat irista paiti usahiitqnjasdtjvayö amaraxtis, da&aite
fraiam vasna aiahuL 12 bun ga&&d *amariantii yd asahe scmuhaitii.
*nii *tat paiti druxi ndidite, yaddt aiwicit jaymat aiavanam mahr-
kaddi aom ci&ramca stimca, *α&αδόα *maire ndidtaica mairyö ada
13 ahe raya xvaranaiauhaca tam yazdi surunvata yasna uyram
Icavaim xvaranö mazdaddtam zao&rdbyö. — uyram Jcavaem xvarano
mazdaddtam yazamaide haomayö gava . . . tdscd yazamaide.

14 uyram Jcavaim xvaranO mazdaddtam yazamaide * ai.vandaram

uparöJcairim üamnamihantam varacaiauhantam yaoxitivantam tara-
ddtam anydii ddmqn, 15 yat asti amaianqm apantanqm xsaitanqm
varazidöifrranqm barazantqm aiwydmanqm taxmanqm ahüiryanqm, yöi
ai&yejanhö aiavanö, 16 yöi hapta hamö.manaiahö, yöi hapta hamö-
vaöaiahö, yöi hapta hamöJyao&ndtdhö, yaeiqm asti hamarn manö,
hamam ναέΰ, hamarn iyao&nam, hamö pataca frasdstaöa, yö daövä
ahurö mazdd, 17 yaeiqm anyö anyehe urvdnam aiwi.vaenaiti mara-
dtcantam humataeiu, maradwantam hüxtaiiu, mara&wantam hvar-
itaeiu, mara&wantam *garö nmdnam, yaeiqm raoxsndtahö pantänö
dvayatqm avi zaa&rd, 18 yöi hanti dtahqm dämanqm yat ahurahe
•mazdä ddtarasca maraxitarasca ϋ-waraxitarasüa aiwydxitarasca ni-
pdtarasca niiharatarasca; 19 taecit, yöi fraiam vasna ahüm da&an
azaraiantam amaraiantam afridyantam apuyantam . . . = 11—12 . . .
ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.

21 uyram lcavaem . . . anyaii damqn, 22 yat asti mainyavanqm

yazatanqm gaei&yanqmca zdtanqmäa azdtanqmca frasö.caradrqm
saoiyantqmia; 2 3 — 2 4 taScit, yöi fraiam vasna ahüm da§an azarasan-
32 Zam Yazat YaSt (Yt. XIX) 24-36.

tam amaraiantam afridyantam apuyantam. ahe raya . .. tdsöd


25 uyram Tcavaem . . . anyäii dämqn, 26 yat uparahacat haoS-

yatdham paraddtam darayamdit (dpi zrvdnam, yat xiayata paiti bü-
mlm haptai&yqm daevanqm maiydnqmca yd&icqm pairikanqm&a
sdSrqm kaoyqm karafnqmöa, yö janat dva (hriiva mäzainyanqm
daevanqm varanyanqm6a drvatqm. — — ahe raya . . . tdsiä yaza-

27 uyram kavaim . . . anyäii dämqn, 28 yat uparahatat taxmam

urupi azinavantam, yat xiayata paiti bümlm haptai&yqm daevanqm
maiyänqmöa ya&vcqm pairikanqmda sd&rqm kaoyqm karafnqm6a,
29 yat bavat aiwi.vanyd vlspe daeva maiyäda vlspe ydtavO pairi-
kdsöa, yat barata araram mainyüm fraviitam aspahe kahrpa örisatam
aiwLgdmanqm uva pairi zamO karanu. ahe raya . . . tdscd

30 uyram kavoem . . . anyäii dämqn, 31 yat upawhaiat yim

yimam xiaStam hvqdwam darayamdit aipi zrvdnam, yat xiayata paiti
bümlm haptaiüyqm daevanqm . . . karafnqmia, 32 yö uzbarat ha6a
daivaeibyö uye iittiöa saokäöa, uye fiaoniiöa vq&wdäa, uye frrqfsia
frasastiiia, yeiahe xia&rdda *xvairyqn *stö uye xvara&e ajyamne
amaraianta pasu vira aahaoiamne äpa urvaire, 33 yeiahe xia&räda
nöit aotam dtaha nöit garamam, nöit zaurva dtaha nöit marad-yui,
nöit aroskö daevö.dätö para anädruxtöit, para ahmät yat him aim
*draogam vdöim aiahai&im öinmäne *paiti.barata. 34 äat yat him
aem *draogam väcim atahaifam dinmdne *paiti.barata, vaön&mnam
ahmat ha6a xvaranö marayahe kahrpa fraiuaat avainö xvaranö
fraeitö yö yimö xiaetö hvqfhoö, bräsat yimö aidtö däui.manahyäi&a
hö staratö nidärat upairt zqm
35 paoirlm xvar»nö apanamata xvaranö yimat haöa xiaetät
iusat xvaranö yimat ha6a vlva&huiät marayahe kahrpa vdraynahe.
a&m xvaranö hangäurvayata midrö yö vouru.gaoyaoitii yö srut.gaoiö
hazatarä.yaoxitii ; mi'&ram vtspanqm daüyunqm danhupaitim yaza-
maidef yim frada&at ahurö mazdä xvaranavuhastamam mainyavanqm
36 yat bitlm xvaranö apanamata xvaranö yimat haca xiaetät
iueat xvar»nö yimat ha6a vlvawhuiät marayahe kahrpa vdraynahe,
aom xvaranö hangäurvayata vlsö pu&rö ä&icyänöii vlsö sürayd
Zam Yazat Yast (Yt. XIX) 36—48. 33

draStaonö, yat ds maiydnqm vara&ravanqm varafrravastamö ainyO

zaraftuitrdt; 37 yO janat ailm dahdkam... mahrkai aiahe gae&anqm.
38 yat dritim xvaranö apanamata xvaranö yimat Τιαέα xiaStät
iusat x"aranö yimat haia vlvarahuidt marayahe kahrpa vdraynahe.
aom xvar»nö hangaurvayata naire.mand karasäspö, yat as maiydnqm
uyranqm aojiitö ainyö zara&uitrdt nairyaydt parö hqm.varatöit,
39 yat dim upanhacat yd uyra naire hqm.varaitii ; nairyqm hqm.-
varaitim yazamaide aradwö.zangqm axvafnyqm dsitö.gdtüm jdydurum,
yä upatahaiat karasdspam. 40 yö janat ailm srvaram yim aspö.garam
nara.garam yim vliavantam zairitam, yim upairi vii raodat xiva&paya
va&naya barasna, yim upairi vii raodat drityö.baraza zairitam, yim
upairi karasäspö ayataha pitüm paiata d rapühmnam zrvdnam. tafsatca
hö mairyö χνΐζαζόα; frqi ayaiahö frasparat yaeiyantim dpam pardnhat.
parqi taritö apatatat naire.mand karasäspö. 41 yö janat *gandarawam
yim zairi.-pdinam, yö apatat vlzafänö maraxidnö gaBdd astvaitii aiahe.
yö janat hunavö yat pa&anaya nava hunavasöa nivikahe hunavasca
däitayänöii. yö janat zaranyö.pusam hitdspam varaiaomia ddna-
yanam pitaonamia ai.pairikam. 42 yö janat arazö.iamanam nairyqm.-
hqm.vdrativantam taxmam frdzuitam * * uitam jiram zbaramnam
jiydurum afrakataöim "barö.zuiam apa.disam nydidduru apastananhö
gatö arazahe. 43 yö janat sndvidkam yim srvö.zanam asangö.gdum,
yö αυα&α vyOxmanyata: aparandyu ahmi nöit parandyu; yezi bavdni
parandyu, zqm öaxram karanavdne, asmanam raüam karanavdne.
44 avanayeni spantarn mainyüm haca raoxina *garö *nmdna, uspata-
yeni amram mainyüm arayata ha6a duia-aha. t& mi vdsam üanja-
ydnte spantasöa mainyui anrasca, yezi mqm nöit jandt naire.mand
karasdspö. tarn jandt naire.mand karasäspö αυα apanam gayehe *fra-
sdnam uitdnahe. ahe raya . . . tdsca yazamaide.

45 uyram axvaratam xvaranö mazdaddtam yazamaide *ai.van-

daram uparöJcairlm •damnarauhantam varacaiauhantam yaoxstivantam
tarabdtam anydii dämqn, 46 yahmi paiti **paraxvdi&e spantasca
mainyui anrasia, aStahmi paiti at axvarate. adät aste fraiaharacayat
dsiite katarascit; spantö mainyui aitam fraiaharacayat vohuca manö
aiamca vahiitam dtramöa ahurahe mazdd pufrram, ararö mainyui aitam
frataharaiayat akamca manö a&iamamca xrvl.drüm azimca dahakam
spityuramca yimö.karantam. 47 aödt fraia hqm.rdzayata dtari mazdd
ahurahe uiti avada nuwhdnö: aetat xvaranö hangarafidne yat axvara-
tam. dat hi paskdt fradvarat azii ürizafd duzdainö *uiti zaxia&ram
daomnö: 48 injal avat handaesayawuha, dtari mazdd ahurahe: yezi
Aveeta Reader. 3
34 Zam Yazat Tagt (Yt. XIX) 48—58.

aetat nydsdnhe yat axvarstam, fra •dicqm paiti αράϋα nöit apaya
uzraodayüi zqm paiti ahuradätqm &rd&rdi aiahe gae&anqm. αδα
atari zasta paiti apa.gdurvayat fraxini uitünö.6inahya, ya&a azii
bivoivdtaha. 49 aiat fraia hqm.dvarat aiii •drizafd duidainö uiti
ava&a manhdnö: aitat xvar»nö hangrafidne yat axvar»tdm. Oat he
paskdt hqm.rdzayata atari mazdd ahurahe uiti vaöäibii aojanö:
00 tinja! avat handaSsayanuha, aze drizafdm, dahdka: yezi aitat
nydsdnhe yat axvar»t9m, fra ftwqm zadanha paiti uzuxiane, zafarz
paiti uzraoiayeni nöit apaya afrapatai zqrn paiti ahuradätqm, mahrkdi
aiahe gae&anqm. αδα aiii gava paiti apa.gaurvayat fraxini uitanö-
iinahya, yada atari biwivdnha.
51 aetat xvardnö frapinvata avi zrayO vouruJcaivm. a dim
ha&ra hangaurvayat apqm napd aurvat.aspö. tatöa izyeiti apqm napd
aurvat.aspö: aetat xvaranö hangrdfidne yat axvar»tdm bun»m zra-
yanhö gufrahe bune Jafranqm vairyanqm. 52 bdr»zant»m ahuram
xia&rlm xiaetam apqm napdtam aurvat.aspdm yazamaide aridn&m
zavanö.8um, yö nzräui dada, yö n»räui tataia, yö updpö yazatö *srut.-
gaoiö.tsmö asti yezimnö. 53 dat vö Tcasöit maiyanqm, uiti mraot
ahurö mazdd, ai aiaum zara&uitra, xvar»nö axvardt&m isaital a&au-
runö hö rdtanqm raoxini.xinüt»m iidwhaßta a&aurunö hö rätanqm
pouru.xinüt9m iidiaha£ta a&aurunö hö rätanqm. 54 t&m haidt aiii
pourui.xvadra spdra.daita süra gmica vdstraheöa, tarn hoödt V9r»·
•&r»m vlspö.aydram amaöniynam tarö.yar»m. dat ana vardfrra haiimnö
vandt haenayd xrviiyeitii, dat ana varafrra hadimnö vandt vlspe
tbiiyantö. ahe raya xvar»naidha6a tdin yazäi surunvata yasna uyram
axvar9t9m xvaranö mazdadätwm, zaodrdbyö. uyram axvaratdm xvaranö
mazdadat^m yazamaide haomayö gava . . . tdsöa yazamaide.

55 uyr&m axvar&t9m . . . anydii ddmqn, 56 yat isat mairyö

tüiryö franrase zrayarahö vouru.kaiahe. maynö apa.spayat vastrd,
tat xvaranö isö, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunam zdtanqm azdtanqmca
yatäa aiaonö zara&uitrahe. d tat xvardnö frazgadata, tat xvar&nö
apataiat, tat xvar»nö apa.hidat; αδα hau apayzdrö bvat zrayanhö
vouru.Jeaiahe vairii, yö haosravä nqma. 57 dat us.patat frawrase
türö ai.varsid, spitama zarafrustra, zrayawhat haöa *vouru.kaiät ayqm
daoiftrim daomnö: iüe i&a yafrna ahmdi nöit tat xvar»nö pairi.abaom,
yat asti airyanqm dahyunqm zdtanqm azdtanqmca yatca aiaonö za-
rafruitrahe. 58 vaim hqm.rae&wayeni vispa tariuea xiudraca masa-
ηαέα varshanaca srayanaca. *&wqzjaiti ahurö mazdd paitiid ddmqn
da&dnö. dat ava.patat fr anrase türö ai.varsM, spitama zara&uitra,
Zam Yazat Yaet (Yt. XIX) 69—64, 78—86. 35

avi zrayö *vouru.kaiam. d(bitim maynö apa.spaya{ vastrd, tat x°aranö

isö, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm ... zrayanhö *vouru*kaSahe vairii, yö
vcmhazdA nqma. 60—61 dat us.pat at frawrase türö aS.varaäd, spitama
zara&uitra, zrayanhat Τιαέα *vouru.kaJät αγψη daoi&rlm daomnö: i&e
i&a ya&na ahmdi avaS&a i&a ya&na kahmdi nöit tat xvar»nö pairi.·
abaom, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm . . . avi zrayö *vouru.kaSam. 62
d&ritimapa.spayat vastrd, tat xvaranö isö, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm
. . . zrayanhö *vouru.kaiahe d f i yd awiddnva nqma. 63 dat us.patat
frawrase türö ai.varacä, spitama zara&uitra, zrayanhat *ha6a vouru.-
kaidt ayqm daoi&rfm daomnö: i&e i&a ya&na ahmdi ava&e i&a ya&na
ahmdi dvöya i&a ya&na ahmdi nöit tat xvaranö pairi.abaom, yat
asti airyanqm daJiyunqm zdtanqm azdtanqmia yatia aiaonö zara&u-
itrahe. 64 nöit tat x'aranö pairi.abavat} yat asti airyanqm daJiyu-
nqm zdtanqm azdtanqm6a yatia aiaonö zara&uitrahe. — — ahe
raya . . . tds6a yazamaide.

78 uyram kavaem . . . anydii ddmqn, 79 yat upanhaiat aiava-
nam zara&uitram anumatSe dainaydi anuxtäe dainaydi anuvaritäe
dainaydi, yat as vispahe aiaJiäui astvatö aiam aiavastamö xia&ram
*huxia&rö.tamö raim raivastamö xvaranö x'aranaiauhastamö vara&ra
vara&ravastamö. 80 vainamnam ahmat para daiva patayan, vainam-
nam mayd frdvöit, vainamnam *apa.kariayan jainii hada maiyd·
kaitbyö; dat td snao&antii garazdnd Jiazö nivarazayan daiva. 81 dat
ti aivö ahunö vairyö yim aiavanam zara&uitram frasrdvayat vl.·
bara&wantam dxtüirim aparam xraoidyehya frasrüiti *zamaragüza
avazat vlspe daiva ayesnya avahmya.
82 yenhe tat xvaranö isat mairyö tüiryö frararase vlspdis avi
karivqnydii hapta. pairi ydii hapta karivqn mairyö apatat frawrase
isö xvaranö zara&uitrdi. d tat xvaranö frazgabata avi vayqm vltdpam.
inja me urvisyatam, aezo jasatam aizahe, ya&a ka&aöa ti äs zaoiö
mana yat ahurahe mazdd dainaydsca mdzdayasnöis. ahe raya
. . . tdsSd yazamaide.

83 uyram kavaem . .. anydis ddmqn, 84 yat upaiahacat kavaSm

vlstdspam anumatäet dainaydi anuxtäe dainaydi anuvarstäe dainaydi,
yatKimqm*daenqm dstaota dusmainyüm sizdyö daSvqn apa **asavqn.
85 yö druca paurvqnca asdi ravö yaisa, yö druca paurvqnca asdi
ravö yaisa, yö druca paurvqnca asdi ravö νϊναβδα, yö bdzusca upa-
staca visata amhd daenayd yat ahuröis zaraduströis. 86 yö him std•
36 Ζ am Yazat YaSt (Yt. XIX) 86—90.

tqmia hitqm haitlm uzvaiat Τιαδα hinüiwyö nl him, dasta maidyöiiädam

barazi.rdzam afrakadavaitim aiaonlm drqfdqm gauida vastraheca
fridqm gauica vdstraheda. 87 bavai aiwi.vanyd, yasa taxmO kava
vlStäspO tq&ryüvantam du£daSnam paSanamia daivayasnam drvantamia
araja^.aspam uta anydsiit αγα duZvandravö Tiyaondnhö. ahe
raya ... tdsöä yazamaide.

88 uyram kavaim . . . anyäii ddmqn, 89 yat upanhacat Λsaoi·

yant9m varafrrqfanam uta anydsMt haxayö, yat karanavdt fraiarn
ahüm *azaraSantam amaraSantam afridyantam apuyantam yavaefim
yavaSsum vasö.xiadram, yat irista paiti usahiitat jasat Jvayö amara-
xtii, do&aite fraiam ναβηα aiahui. 90 bun . . . mare ndidtaiöa mairyö
αϋα ratui. ahe raya . . . tds6d yazamaide.


mainyö mazda ahura,, :mazdam ahur»m zara&uStrö p»r»sat

• { g l - i m f y » } • {»-gj» · · · '
maSyänqm paoiryö kahmäi }aSäum astvaitinam gae&anqm dätara sp&niäta
·.· · g*>«o ·«(*( · V·»!* •VW» "Vo '
kahmäi fzara&uSträi yat mana anyö mazdä ahurö yö tum ap9r989
•\^>o>j· · 2 .· · · · ^«"(ö^J - ^
ahurö mraot äat " ? zara&u&tnm ähüirim yam daenqm fradaesayö
• V>A>!a»ij) ' Umffy» ' ό · {myjji · Ja>Uf<£#»0' · im).^* · miQyQ ."
paoiryö ahmäi ,zara$u&tra aSäum Jivq&wäi sriräi yimäi,, : mazda

' ' e^urä · " ' Wo» · · · iö-^JÖ« · ^i-jjj-xj-^

?/a< anj/δ mazdä ahurö yö azdm apardse maSyänqm

.zara&uitnm ähüirim yqm daenqm fradaesaSm ahmäi ,zara&uiträt

•»(ylMxj!} · -^»o» · · · · juty · 3
vlsanha : mazda ahurö yö azvm ,zara&uStra ,mraom he äat
• •ijo* ·' • 8*·* ·.· J-JJ-IJU^ · · · »|J»O')»>W!? · · »-Pro 1
aem mS äat .daenayäi barstaia mdrdtö ,vivavhana srira yima ,me

Hstö nöit ahmi dätö nöit' : zara&uStra ,srirö yimö paityaoxta

·ί(·5» · · · juo* 4 ·.· J-JJ-hj^ · »("•(f^f) 'VrfW
yö azim ,zara&u$tra ,mraom he äat '.daenayäi bvrdta&i m9r»tö
Avosta Rouder. I
38 Videvdät II. 5—10.

,daenayäi bsrvtaia mdratö vi«i»e nöit yima me yezi :mazdä ahurö

•»"μ!ι ·|»ί · •««»^«k -{"»ig»»®. · · •t"ijöJ*(g. · e»»

ttfiäi mS äat varddaya gae&ä ine äat frädaya gaS&ä mS äat
WJLM^.»«ο · ήο·» · · gjun 5 .·. »r»itX)JyjmJ-> ttf»· ' · ·
paityao- aem me äat '.aiwyäxStaia hardtäia drätäüa gae&anqm

•(β«? ·•ft-^» · • { " • i j o - e s · • 41-5» · . · · · · « r t i ·

<5 azdm fräöayeni gae&a ts azvm : zara&uHra ,srirö yimö -xta
mmliJM · Mfjm^Ufy · Mfm^fm^j) · · · · · ^jju^.Ij ·
aiwyä- haratäia drätäia gaeüanqm visäne te azdm varadayeni gae&ä

• 'Vft^·© • ε^ι 'W - !? '·)*€ • c^i •.· -p-woi·

nöi< garvmö nöit vätö aotö bvat x&a&re mana nöit .-xStaöa
·Ρ>0>» '^(«o · -^jijj·^ 'mjjmJ • [Uty · gl"· 6 ' tftI '
ahurö yö az9m frabanm zaya hS äat mahrkö nöit axtiS

• ><?»* ·\£»>ό 7] · •»r^wo» · · ·

asti yimö ] .zaranyö.paSsim aitrqmia zaranaSnim suwrqm mazdä

.hrnjasdnta &risatö.Z9ma xSadrai yimäi äat [ .xSad-rayä bdrs&e

* « r ' »c-f^i«^»^* · · KjiiVu · 6^») "W-S · (oty ')·*»

maiyänqmSa staoranamia pasvqm&i pdr&ne bvat zä im hS äat
•tj^fJ^ • gj\| ·.· {grgo^jMt · i ^ i » * · »f-f^i-· · -(.^iJ»^ ·
vinddn gätvö him nöit ; sao&ntqm suxrqm ä&rqmia vayqmia sünqmia

yima :paiti.vaedaem yimäi äat .maäyä&i staoräia pasvasSa

""•"i• . »fi*»·»··«) • "f'cyf'O' • t·"-^ • • * »ι«^»»*!? · J^·^·»

maSyä- etaoranqmca pasvamia hangata zä im p»r»ne fvlvavhana srlra
· m · fyfgi^a»* · t^h»» • "γζ^έ'· · »γζχ»»!} -»γζχήΜ '»fix)

gätvö him nöit ; saoiintam suxrqm ä&rqmia vayam&x sünqmia -nqmda

fraSüsat yimö äat '.maSyäSa staoräSa pasvas&i vindvnti

aiwiSvat zqm imqm hö .aöwanvm paiti hü rapidwqm up α ä raoiä

Vidüydät II. 11—16. 89

epsnta frid-a :uityaojanö aStraya sifat dim avi zaranaSnya suwrya

""JVi * ' • xj^if^) · »o^'-fti ' "friIf ' *»£0 ' »c»^ * HJ^*^·
maSyä- staoranqmSa pasvqm£a iardffre nvma&ha tH£a Sva fraia ! ärmaite

' E^-Co" · «»jjyjSi · »»jo* · ·V^ro ' ε^"· 11

ahmät driSva aeva vlSävayat zqm imqm yimö äat .'-namfa

pasvasia fra&ir&nta id-ra astdm .ahmät para ya&a masyehlm

• JÖ0· · ' »<4»po · J ">Ι" ' ·ί#»0* ' ·

hS ka&aöa ya&a zaoivmia uStlm anu hvqm maSyäSa staoräia
• · ' ' ' β,-- 12
.hvnjasmta xSvaS.satö.zsma x&a&räi yimäi äat .zaoSö
• · · J> · Wiefel · 8*>y · («-5 ' · JOB* · ty"
maSyänamöa staoranqmia pasvamia pardne boat zä Im hS äat

vindan gätvö him nöit ; sao&ntqm suxrqm ädramia vayqmfa sünqmia

·,· · Jm^iftQ • gMjm 13 V MpmJj^jQM^ · Mfmih»<f>a · »fM||Wj|
yima : paiti.vaedaSm yimäi äat .maSyäöa staoräia pasvasia

· · *)<^>>J»*{J · · • ζι · mi^ie • '

maSyä- staoranqmla pasvamia hangata zä Im parane !vlva»hana srlra

•V><?-<a '4*0· · ^ά»·» · · · ·

gätvö him nöit ; saoiintqm suxrqm ä&rqmfa vayqmia sünqmia -namia
• )«•·>?{Jg·^ ' ^^CÖ • gj"" 14 V jiyjtijjj^j·^ · jajua^jt^ja · ji|ijaji»jMtg · 'fjgi^p'b
fraSüsat yimö äat maiyäla staoräca pasvasia vinddnti

• ^»gjjJtlii« • ·\Ο· ·.' ' -x^'t) ' ?o> ' ^Uii-'O'·^ · »Ü> ·
aiwiSvat zqm imqm hö .adwanvm paiti hü rapi&wqm upa ä raoüä
• »iffifit)» ' «i-)^ ' «Uii^doii * gja^jj» ·>»» ' <U||ga|ii)ai
spsnta frid-a :uityaojanö aStraya sifat dim avi zaranaSnya tuurrya

mafyä- staoranqm&i pasvqmia bard&re nvmawha Viöa iva fraöa !ärmaite

•W . t — 15 v-rt»ι
ahmät Srisva dva vlSävayat zqm imqm yimö äat €.-nqmla
40 Vidgvdät II. 16—19.

stao- pasvasia fra&mnta iihra astdm .ahmät para ya&a masyehlm

.zaoso he kad-aia ya&a zaoSdmia uHlm anu hvarn maiyäca -räöa

• (00" ' β** ·.· · »{(.S.^jut.«»») + · Mr^jtgg^i · · £«—

he äat .hdnjasdnta nava.satö.zdma xSad-räi yimäi äat

' "Κ*·?* ' ' "K*!"^*"?* ' »r<*>>M"e ' wi&e · · H·-^ ·
sünamia maSyänqm&i staoranqmia pasvqmSa parane όναί ζα im
• «{Münjuig · ijjjpilf "V»* - © •irfe» ' e^Vi ' ' ' 'fi*^·"· • » ^ « » t
pasvasia vindsn gätvö him nöit ;sao6intqm suxrqm ä&rqmöa vayamöa
• .
• ji^J» · »-('ye ·." ' · f»** 17 »f—Mywi ·Μγ*·Ά»ςΜ
8Tlra yima : paiti.vaeöaSm yimäi äat masyäöa staoräda

' "rfw'^wt " · ' "ftSiK'ty " f"-^ · -fv · wifW •

maSyänqmüa staoranqmia pasvamöa hangata zä im pdrdne tvlvawhana
"V»*?·"·®. {<i(y · ·.· · i^i»* · · · »f-C*»?·"
rin- gätvö him nöit ; saocintqm suxrqm ä&rqmia vayqmöa sünqmSa
• gMxjftfjiA^ ' V^po ' ty m 18 .'. · »judW«^ · ·
fraSüsat yimö äat '.maSyääa staoräia pasvasia dsnti

• · • • Vo· · . · ' ζ χ ο ΐ & Ό ' ά ·"ei> "m •{•»^d

aiwiSvat zam imqm hö .adwandm paiti hü rapifhvam upa ä rao6a

spdnta fri&a : uityaojanö aStraya sifat dim avi zaranaenya suwrya

maiyär staoranqmöa pasvqmda bars&re ndmanha vtia Sva fraSa ärmaite

• • · gjuj-n-^l? -^(«ο · e - - 19 '.•J,<*i
d-riSvaeibyö -frribyö vUävayat zqm imqm yimö äat '.-nam£a
• · JiSii · ·,· J-^ey- · • ' ' tfio1*
fraSarmta i&ra astdm .ahmät para ya&a masyehlm ahmät

' · ' irfWÜ» · ))» ' · »(«»«j^uJii · · jijuMiNug

ya$a zao§9mia uStim anu hvqm masyäia staoräia pasvasia

'S V · joo* · »r»i»5

".ζαοέδ hi kadaia
VidSvdSt II. 20—28. 41

•gjiff -m 21 ·.· txmjm^jjiij · · ' WIM'"'"

+ -
· / jftiuMtt^tm^ · fauue·)»!? · wtx}"^"· · ' · Vy»

•MfMfy · · »y^.fe.Ji.J. • * · t l t y *

• '»γ»ο» · Ε»ίο"·κο · " · 'Qjty» ·»»» ·.·

• · e^tyi» · "reftv · ^•»"^•»o" · · · · 23

• · -re-w · · "fa · · e^o-i- * »rc^ro · <*ΟΊ*·»"

• t o t y t y ' l ? ' ' r ^ y i f · * ! ? • »y^u • "•»^«-Julj · · jq^m · •((<· · •

• · »»»i^fj · · •£{<· • g*» 25 '.· ιο<τ""ΐζ>"ί? ' · »c»"

·,· »»ji^jtji»« · · fS<j}»(y • ^fimliSjj. '

· · · · «»»φ»*»* · · M^Mfy

• · ·\κ> · ·- · · • »^»σ 27 -»r-iü^

' ·ί*1"ί)·"τ;ί? · " ^ " t y '.· "C-IÜOJU · jtfMffXjJtyM^ • MfiMftXj'-^'i · Vft-5

28 ·.· «ΓΊΟου^* · »r"«o

· »^«o1 •.· »(•"•ßr'^'ViVo' ' «r'wu'-^f^y · · · «^(o· · Λκο
» e ^ j y i f y • » f M W 3 , S ^ M r "Vfii · (-.©«ΛΓ»» · · »VWJ -Aj).J.Ö) · ^ M ^ M f ,
42 Videvdät Π. 29—36.

•»*(oj· ·e^po ·β«·ίο"· • · < { ι • ·"»»1(^(5 ·jo<f •.•»("»•ft«?

mg» · *\»jijj>{jj· · jmf · M^M · mf 29 iftyJ"

• iQibmyS^lf · · · —£ ••agittf'^ " ' -lO'Ui'^J ' "ζ · j^tg^a^y · V"»

Jyjt^ · ·{#«)* ' · <ll? ' V o 'V»(B*Ö ' m t

• 30 ·. -««!·

•»»gjAi^k · jo*? •»fjui»» .·. »<?*» • V^go·? •^•fifi · -^»gci'

• •ßijjgji^'^T ' -Cii*!'^"'·' •<£^«>5 ·

• kjij"»j,I{^5 ' ί^ - !? · · {0«r · »i>5 ν VGKJ ' ' 31 ·.* ("•{jo-i·^»«!»^

•• MgM^yjl)
·.·>*·ζ·?ο '
· Mtt^t^M^jtaS ' · mijjmfyfjjmy
· »^jijjji^ij ' t f '·''Vft-^ · [mfy^ta ' · M^Mfyjatt^if
· (o-f •· -»to

*.' ' ' ' "^"(d'-C · · ' wo*· ·

• · -VW» ' ' · »4>»ro · «i*»» -V^ro *B("· 32

• '^ro · B*-· 33 ·.· κ » ^ ' » " * » · " ^ ! ? · {u-ß-S · ' f »(3jii,+ ·

• • •pft^'" • " •* * »f-Cgi»^»?·» ·

·'<·"·«) •(»('•ft} • ··\-ί·>·ο · · . ·

»»-(g. · <#»»<&' 'e ^ j * · kjiMj2ylr-'iU" · ·

• · · •Λβ»}»»»

· fro·*^"· · 'Vm ' εν"^)·»β> ' · · ••f*i»oj·

•·<#ι»ϋ·"^ 36 · . · • • f w o ' o " » ! > '"ι'"xoo

VidevdSt Π. 31—43. 48

• V>*5»£j" -V»*)*^ -t^i* · 37 ·.· lieyJ" · · «urjo" 'e^ra

• -»ο*»1"·) · g^i '-«0'UiI^ ' g^i •-tj^Ui»^ ' B^I ••«ö'^iW· ' ε^ι •V»»»»J"ö" "B^Vi

• -ßtejoi·^ · ·Ό>{»ν»4 · μ ο Ά » · »r^ffo» · ΛΡΟ · »<00^9 · <#"ij· · ^r·"^")

'-W4&0 ·"»"i . M t f ^ i ) 38 · . ' ' w o "-f

.·. "'Vtt*»i - Vfta^-C · " ·

• · 'id*!? ''("tl" · *»ΐ||0*|ΐΛι·-$ · ai^U^T» · »»flj^iijy -^ty · »fittfiji

' φΐ'Ϋ"·»?·' 39 ·.· ' iiiosj^»^"·? '

·»&*)>» · "WKO ' ' »^ty» ' φ—ζϋ» •|(0,}J* · {"Ί^»"^ ' WiJJ" ' "V·"'!' ·
• c - - 40 ·.' · V^kj "Vro " " » { J · ' w w » ^ * * · -

jtj·^ a(^j>«a> ' n^^t· 41 '.· · »γχήρζ · Ufaa^atfit · χ}?·")^"^ · j»|»jtnj»^«j>

• • »f'ty · · f^ufm^.»^»» · ^»^»ϋί&Μγ ·.· • · Χ)?£Ί(3"

· -»gjjj}-,.^» · nf^uni^ · *H»Q3 · "«XJtJJ"^·» • "fjO"'? ·.· ί*)*^*·»

·ζχ,,γι*»?*» · · 42 .·. · ·\ηο · "»gjifi

• · · jq^I? ·.· · · β*- ·.· ·

44 VidSrdät III. 12—17.


• · M)>j>j>|jBgJ> · · I^IIM) · MuffynfiQ · · -(fttXJJ**^ '

«Λ M^JttSt ' «^Ο'^Ί

tS»4 S • • * ·ζ ^ , · ^i-ijo-ia ' 13

•j·) · • β*"· ·.· »^»»«»-njjji· • · »&)
»ep · «r - ^ 1 " '» » G y m · · · »ίά·^ · Λοοζ»·^ · » v o


•g-^ · »-^XJPO 'B^"" '·" iüf*^* 'CJ'KO •^»(o» "V^y ••tj'c 14

ji^jjjjif. · MfM(y •u^iiifyKM) · fMHii&fyü · ' ' »0> ' '

· » f t y · g^Jjd"" · '"ftY • Ε · »Y»(y · ^Ü,

• 4(3>J»J<| · myff · -tjdy^ · »03)0" ' Κ1«Λ» " ' 4ttW** ' (t><?+ V »f»0,+ '

•-^»i * ιββ™?(ϋ* •">») •.• i^öjj· • · ^»Ajo-ca • 15

• Β*>Ό t 1 ^-^ •^>ou* · · ε-- ·.· ' EyW · t^tyi" ·

ϋ| · · MiiUfjfjM · · Ijt^Suf · )00>»^>0"· · • ayuiL·»^»

• ΜγΜφ · · ·.· {>«£0* * · · (^»(f-} 16

• · · g-- 17 ·.· ^ii)-»-^» · Vy^d · -ι>»v · Vt^) · ^•»r ' B^"

.JI^JIJI»^ · gi>(J0 · MJIIO· · ί > · » ( £ · · )Μ>^1Ι· · a f U f y · ·.'
Videvdät III. 17—24. 45

·.· ^ « J J · » " V y t ^ J t * *YAfy ' ' ftmititmnfM^^ · · «fjtQi ·

-'^"•0 ' ι ^ ζ ν ^ ' - Ο ' {"ty^"· · » i — ' · (oo· * 18

19 ν • · Kx^jo- · • "Vyjo*^·"*!?

·ίτ(ο* · "frAfitipi · s-^jo» · · ^"»(^jjo'fi^Jiwiy^io

fr ^

·\ι»ο· · · i""" 20 ·.· --fr

·.· " • -fit"*!? ·5»»»>|Λ»<Ι · · -tj^f^} '

• * joo" · MKft<f>»o ' · ϋιό^»»^ ' » y ·*«)» · · 21

• wo" ' •ß<f'<r",ö * ' ' · » t i · »"ι» · ' 4-^ioro '

"Wü'-^-i ·•£#•£· · "^j · '^ti-ijo-ia 22

· · Mf^-Jj^fr · ·Λτοος>»^

• · · · ·^-gj» · · · {^««f·^ 23

' j y ' c^w '.· ' sj"·^ " B^·- ·.· »^»Μ·»»»—igoi· ' » ^ « i g o i · ·


• c*ko] · 'f'^-if^i} · 4itim · · •fEt)·*)'· · *fr · b^to • ·

·,· · Uti"]» · « • • -fsu·» ,j "fr

• · · ·»^»j · " ι ό · ί-ζο · · · · 24

• J^^J·)· · <IJ>1 · J|0»VQ)-,Uiu,+ ' •i(3>{0'JJ'fr " c^f ' "Φ)'* ' ·
Areata Header.
46 VidSvdät III. 25—33.

•\)>5jty ·ΜΙ>\\>Μ·fy · · a^MtftQM · ' 25

' t · · JOO« ·»{(> ·*)>«»»»»»{)>+ ·Ί}»-5ί·) · MftftyM^ ' »fMftfpM^

' ' wo"·

Sfolf-mtf» · ζ^ζί 26 ·»<·< A y . » » * · » » · ·~Ι} · ·*Ι} ·

• \H5JM) ·» W ) ' MfM)tfp»^ · \it5my • »q< · · »(n^tgM · <<·>*}"

27 · «(υ·»«»—©»+ · "i'BP*j ' T ' i ' ö J f J ·

..juiJ* . · Vco 2 8 ·.' wo"»*»"©

*·(#•£ *\co '»^"1 ·.· '«^lii '»ffwyyfy*

• »|tJ»u>»«lf)» + >\)>5m) ' "l'ff)"^ · "»l'ftUgj • * · »©Ί0«-${ ^ί

ζ>»Ι·ίϊ·»$^0 ' - O ^ ^ f ^ T " ^ » " A . · · BD 1 »"!' · Κ30",«Χ3Ό' 29

• · ·<·*» · · {H>£V· · ^tttfM»fMM · · 30

• »«.«m» Α » · · 31 *.· A e o > i A . S · · *too^,;3,j,>,o

"W ·.· yu^iiJalf •aSsmmbi) ' ^ « i u ^ i · 'W ·.· j?t)QiiA«j · Qgy·

• · ' •Λ?«» · · · • <#<·

•lf»»ro ·ί»Κ5 3 2 ·.· [' "β] · {^»(ojy ·

• g^eo · · · Β»«· • · -·ϋ>β|>- · z^ro · i{»vr " · • E^·"^

•»»jjj^J Ί " · * ' ^ C ' i B . * CyTO •(«•»»j '^»ο'β

4 +
-5 · · · J1«1*{J.I(J1J1 · · · »(»· · / jfjef^Jy

~ ^Mf^^'r" 33 ν · · ΐ"·»*) ·
Videvdät III. 33—35; V. 1—4. 47

®<? ' ΒΗΓΓ» -(ih»^J·· 'jfytfyjM · 4-5 · MMMjtfymft

•m) · g-TO ·.· · E^-C '•' "?>*3'"'»J')Qx!y ' «^"Igji' ' »ttX5'-$

' «Mjj)· 1 ' * Ά ο ΰ ' ^ * ^ ' «^ifig« -

• </£*») 'lt-iE-5 · " · M^M^tQM · '<··*{) · *>) ' 35

• »rMa"*b ,jm
' tyo"· '*rm 'ttwr* ' • »r*· 'Wir ' •u'V?·»^'· · (·»»»<·

Τ» ββ ' '


MttSt · · ·— · " · ·»» ' »«•»»"ά^··»^»«) · · —ι 1

• ^

• *r*ty · • -ii^f-C • c^«? ·» ·.· · · tum ·

tblj·^ · "-iepfe ·•<#? · *a> " ·»»» ·

• »{j>' '·»» ' ' " »fty ' · ·-) 2

»£· · ·»»» ·.· "?>*Qy ' Ι#£·ζ>* ' W^i- · 'W " <#>"0 " 'f'(ö" ' '

· · '»»« ' ioü"i • · *»» · »(•«••»i^iui'ä · · »»·» ••^'••i

• · · 3 ·.· »i'r ' 'f·*- ' (oo* ' · • · >oo"^>o"'

-Ter-!? -e^i - W i W *^ '^ι ·ι»\) - ^ ι ·.·

• 4 ·.· · -^«ι ·-xj»»»! • · ^ ι · Wi^)

• φζ • jtt^uKftx).^«^« · e—eyit— · · ίί^ι · ·υ>Μ"ΐ • " r ' f i ^ j j 'gdy-C

• JI,^ · jö)|j.<.-'!fj2ji0 · · ^^jji-iMj. · · ί»»«·*» · -xjnyi- ·

ββ • · "urn · · (m^q · · ζ^ΟΌΤ

48 Videvdät V. 5—7; VI. 26—29.

• tflMyjvify · · · · {nmyfja · «»><·"· · * 5

• jifMuig · · i)|H · · · (Mtui * ^(Oijllj · m<f · »)ja ' ' ο>«
• · "If ••ß^o'f!? · -!? · .βίΐΛ^ · · ^ίι-a" · 'r^gof^·*»* ·<»-»«ι
· W&AÜ- · -VW- " eJ"·^ ' t f 6 *6>r -joo·
• ι ·)»\ι -Wi^-VjV^ ·|»\ι

JAh^^m* • ij^j·) · · ' ' » r r f i i f - t y t y i l f ·»!"·<?&)

-l»»t· •{("go* ••x)>tyij· ·(0-C ·«ii^j-ntxj.^jjj« ·

• - »<.!»(} · {»ft} · -Cgi)*") · •iijO'Ji« · ' ' «>ύ>·ϊ£5(ϊ>'·^<£· · J»
CO 00 · m&S


«jiüi · · χ)?;»* · tfro · ' · · t W ^ 26
-.·(·»? --1? -.ft, -ml} · -fil-ft^·) • -!> · ' -!? ••ßt?*'"»- '-(Sj-i) ·-)•»-»
·,· «iMiw^jif · t^PO · jU" · · (0<? · "0>5 · I^jijij.^ ·<•>—!
• »»I? • gi.^ · · ^,-^άΐ»« · ·.· · · · t£m 27

• · · · g^-ib"· · - · tia»^ " ··»

• · "r'-^Kro · · "*»<?·"' ' ·£#ΐ"θ(ο*<ο · {^<--5 28 ο0

• 29 ·.· ''\ro ' • • »o^ • "(·'<?«">« · «(.^»«ϋά»^

• ^•«•»^('Q^'O' · «"j'jj"?»-^ · {οο» · *rt*»r ' By"»"«» '·' ' ^»ev ·

°° w^t-wV·»» · ( w
Videvdät VI. 30—38. 49

• »yitfUym ' + • jifJifJyji · φ*»! · mfiQ · · »gtJJO» · {•»•»»^omo·"^'·

'Jr"a ' B^r-ftj · ^ — ( ο · ^ « » ^ ^ • . • i ^ S a f ' E^-C ' tym 3 1 ·.· •»^Ajmjjo»^

• · «.u^tltL*»« • · "Qyo* · yfty» ·* · '

'UlMtQ) -£»{)" · («"»»^JJ» '«|>*ο· ·*» ·.· -»JJÜjO* ·)Μ·»»|(0

»<rJ*ü · · b^to · '»!? · · · · · ^t-fj}»! • · e^n»

• ^gjB · J>|MMI{) · ' \»J>JaJ·) · MflMMf) ·.· • By">>J,l ' ' -"-^ΙΟΚΟ °


¥ By ' ' ' •»jyfybib

• * ΗόΊ"«?!»" ' ' ' <#)·><·" >><?»» · · {^"«f·^ 3 3

• "Qye· · «)··»(-·«<ι··»-5> · c ·

• ν · ^jgj»^^ ·.· (w^Sj·^ ·!}\>0«> · • 34 '.• ' »c·»^·»©"" ' »(<•>*·•')>

tliJ) · J g i » | · · " »άί^'ρ-φΟί3*)* ' · ^o^J· · "(JOJU* ' 8*^0"·

•»yt^o· " · »("Ό· · ·\>Μ«»Ι '»r-ty ' ·»» ν

• •"!> · υ»»Ό ' · · B^wj " "Vi) -1 · ( r o * ^ * 3 5 ν

• · M»M<fy<f · · · ">lf · ' C ·*·!? · g^ro •

• · MJJJIJMg · ·\»·|> · · AM^tltL«^

• · · B-»r · · •f#iJ<f•"·>»?·"·· · · 36

• ^»«i · «TO · -Xji»^ · "QüjO- · »(••»—JJ^JfJ·«^ · · gi")<o

• -^»Qfji · · g»··« 3 7 '.' ' ")«·»^·>β"· ' »|"<f»»'»t)+ ' "p·"?^?"

tla]>Mjjjt • jy^jm •o^JO'· ' t f f ö ' * " ·" 'twmsb&'f 't f f t y '

• \>|»11»| · »yjtfy ·»> ·_· · -^j»·»·») * «JJOgJ» · " ' »^J

• 38 ·.· |j(->-><i->-»yi · · KJJ-XJ»«)' · • »1—0' · B^O" ·

Arest& Reader. 3
50 Videvdät VI. 39—41, 44—48.

• jffjjttti^ ·»«jiiiljijuj ·JJJ^·" · " f ü n y · ·»? "^Ü·" . « ( " » a · • ^»»»ι

39 ν qr^'o· · 'i'ro · - i - W

yjje^d ' *fJ<fJ0"" • »(<·>*··>»»0+ " ' r ' V t b " ' ·Ό>Μ"Ι ' "PO ' ' "HiJO" ' SfMJJM<f(^"ll

?jjt0 · · .((o j " JJ ) · - ( " » ( o ^ i · ί - ^ - ί ·\^>ο"· " * 40 ".•

• »u^tltL«»» · · - g j j o - · g^.-fo"' · » · · · · Λβ-1"

u ·


· . · (w^SJI^ ' ' 8*·" 45 '.' · »>>} ' · »%Q>M ' afmiit)

' fy ' efi^'ro · · '•('rJtij' · "»φ)»«?-®. · ·

• »^-«fju- 46 ·.· V W - v ^ i j ·-!? '••"k ' ^ ι ? - ·

• - j ^ j j o ^ ^ e * j ^) j (Ö j , »' , O i · · Φ?·»·^' · ^Jrjü" · · · jüo*

•VW-'b^i; " -!? • V · " · ^ · ^T-O^f^) - · wrjo» ' joc •»^»rjo*

• ifMM • joo. · ·.· £ » . » » { · · Λ ^ ί ^ ) · · ··»»* ' '(nty

•WW·\@)(ο ' '»«vrj»* "V^o"· ' "8^·" 48

· jyifJJ·»· • kjJJ^ ' ' WO"·«-- ' ' · ·

Videvdät VI. 49—61; VIII. 1—5. 51

·.' · ^»o" " · 50 '.· · »»J · · »^»o·" "

·Α»«β> · · -ftl-t)» ••»^«β» · B-äJ» · (OO" ·

• I*»»? · 51 ·.· {»ου·.»Λυ·Ι?+ '(»Κ) · ·

<!y><?f<? · ' "^ww · »»gojo-i-»» · · · (o«f{üÄ

..(W^J·) · J^J^^J.J·^. · jffAj»<fM.jmr · »iMMMMyStt · • !*»-<? ·>-5«>Ό ·.' »»(JJ


1—5, 8—18.

2 · . ' Ά Η » "mt(Ü- ·ι*"-^^ · · g — υ ά Λ » ·-!? -«ι

· -fir|0" ·*»" . · · •firto" · ^»w»

- JJ
•^«ajt») ' { ( d l ' •ft«?^ ' *ϋ> V|{ »-^fO· ' ·ίί)·"·ίί " .ifJJJiii·)

-!? · e ^ · —I? · ' m!f ' · · «i

•j.»» · · ζΐ)»·(ι · · 3 ·.· ·

•ft^JU" ,J,e> V · *(£*>>» . ίίι-ΐι · · »>>" ·

»jj'o · · • *•·? · »ο"·Α«β·>οΉ • • · I^JJ-^VU) · i'()•"•(>

" B^PO ' (θΐ·"·ίι · '•fo"· ' Ε»>Ό ' Ι* ' •(χι1?*»»'?*"' " · 4

• m!i · J^^jtii^jMfJt · JÜJ ' J^^jb—ij · g^KJJOJ^J • · J·) - J·J · —{j-» '

•w^-WiVi •VgoA»?^"* · '»ί • ' "ί '-"fgi^)

• · gi>.w 5 ·_· " ·>?ΡΟ * KJ^iC" ' 'JOS? *»0>» ' (Τί·""^
· · guwy · ••»•fey- · ·.·
52 Videvdät VIII. 8—14.

' { t f i ^ f M ^ j * Miiayfyt ' · · mguiigia • »yf^ffm · ' >|iM))

· k-tyiil» · • KJ^jO" · joty · 8 ·.·-ifl«»»^}·" ' &r0 ' »fifa*!

· · · · 1 · |{«»I«j.J»)>J· · <{,«5.»»·
• JI»J> [· —Ij · j o o ^ i A » » · mlf · myyylSfjm · , f u ^ i j · • jüfy · * » « ] · HJ-C*^}

· "If · •»ew i i te)0 J · ·|«Λ»ο» " (oo*

• · 1 • -ty»? * · juty · »sj»«^· 9 ·.· · <#ι

ζ»»©· • ^ · W^fr · ·»> · •»β» * * 1 vm^y* ' * · ιχ^'ο ·

* "bj"· 10 '."(»•"'•r

· jorje* '(JO· ,j,ipr(i>j· •^"»ηο»©· · *»» · i r f e -KJO»

· WiV-ι-ίι · · Vjpif"!

' · • »»«wVif-S · · » i ^ f [· { « r g ^ « · » - ^ ·

·.·VW-tjd^fj --ft -V'»!? •^"r-iöA&j --ft · ι # ι ·

• · V j i v i e » * • • f o ' · g»i>·»» · »^jtjü^o.jg.i · *jjgj.j.>j»«.|+ · wrjj" · »^»rjo* 11

• >|uua^5af •,· · «»»gfjj· ·

• g«— 13 ·.·-!? ••fjji»^··«) '»ft ' • ' • '

»o · • e^i · · · ' -!? ·<#»»»0 ·.• if^'4

• .»£»£}»{ · mrio* ' "r-O^o'iy'fjuT · • |{O>JJ» · »Vf^j • · ^(a·^

• • -o-ti ' Aee " ^""ζΟ" * ^ι·«·»«»?*» · ·<^ι»ά(ϋ»(ο · { W ^ 14

Vidgvdät VIII. 14—18; XIII. 1—3. 63


' c ^ i ·.· I r ^ ' t · · 15 '.· ' » " ' Q y ' · -!? ·

a " 16 • f i r f W - - ^ •«jijigjj· ·
·ώ±>0 -t-ji-i · » c A e - -«V·
taS · y.» · • »£·<·»{;•» · -»Iii"· '.' »"«^"'»τί^ "

· -<o>»»i · · · »güjjo" " •Λ^Λ»©.·»^'·»^ · ^ ^ ^ j t Q j t ·

'ΨίΊΐ· · vk -«β» · B^'VI " 17 · . · '

' · {{«fjo-en» • · ^JJV·)·.»^«). · · Λι-ο» · tHKM^^S

' M£»<flQM · ^Ι||Ι^Ι|·Ι(|$ίΐΙ ' if^'O ' (·*Τ|0" * ' { J ' f * g^f j)·

• »gejo« · · · " · Λι-β·" · A o o > A A . J

"ο·" -gAi · { W ^ r ^ T • • f t A * - * · -Cfi-o·» · m&w»

•Λ -β»

..iitaS · · •ί5·ίζΐν'(··>^"Γ ••il^»"·^ " -ftl—O·" ' · ·

5>"<jt»»i • ^^yjo-^Eii'—α - · » ^ « « ^ « o » " •υ»·"») · - c o · - g j j o - · •Cigjt-to

•ν v V i y


• '^Nffo· · · · f#ty1u<fi<3* · · · e^r • g p 1

' Jt^t^y^ ' ?o* · m · GloWr^ · · ·if?-} · ' ' Mo-rvfit)"

t j j ^ ' i ' ^>0·« · · ja-· 2 •.' · · »(jJ^iaSjlfy

• ' ' , ) '· ' ' ·£>Ό ' -^"β—ο*!"!? · ' • -Ci^eJ»,;» · ίίι—ϋ*·

• · "»«"I'^-Vrjipfe" · ' iff ' ν (Wt^- ' - ·ί*ι ·

. "Γ"*!* 3 •.•'<•»»•»>»{••'^«»0 · · »gM^itSMfy · • ·m ·

64 VideTdät XIII. 3—10.

•^«j • ·^va-«1*^ 't^tyi" ''wrie&ti-^'o "-Ct»-"ζ»©·

«λ · · g»^ι

• · · · i^tbrfj» · · e^i-q · \n> β· 4

•»(("β" - · v - ^ r

' efa^'fr · ·- · iicyJ^gj» · · · •ftv^ • · -Τ)>("ΐ«·ί · » o · 1 ^ ! *

·,· · · Β»» 6 ·,' · '<?>*Q · ·

• j»J. •aymn^j^»^ · · · »<#> · £>>«o ' •G'tSJii

• * · ' -Μ"!"^ ' κιοΆ* · »f^pte· · Aw» ' ·

>»^fMg · • »(}Al»S»ty · ' fO· ' " ' iiOOrQJ* ' "f"0

• {Bo· · · we^* ' » ί * ι · ^-»«^»--S · · »·>·>» · · £>*o

· (oo* · ··Λι<&"»5Λ> ·•fi<!"r , -a + ' V*fr * · ^ - ο ί » -Vi-·?

• · • • V'i» ' (oo· ' 9 ·.· χ^'ϊ-^Λ · «wo»

• »|*>(|.>g}lo · jijj»gi> · · · »)>*'tl>lf ' M f m n j i L u ^ · · ·

»0 e« * -r"^ ' »rm"*^<!y ' "f'^jt) ' * *f,j,e

' (ÖÖ" · · » » • » » ^ » « ο ' -'β» - '·« • ί ' « · · ^ « x j ' Ö • »1?* • \>«o 10

· <?>»() • <? • · »r»»«? " " {wo* ' "fr ' *a* " · ·Λ(33
Videvdät XIII. 10—16. 55

• · Vy'ijo»©. •»rMo> ' ><?*·ν)·'<?>*ο* · "If "^j^ci!? * -!? • -O>,,j"r ' ("Ά^ο*®.

· Vjjjjo»^ · K>o»if* ' ^«'"'j'r ·.· ^»"»j'r • ({jj^" · ' C^Y *

• j» · w ^ t y - V ' l ? -{ψο -ώχΰΟΌ 'Wlf* "V«} 11 ·.· · MO-TW

'iaaro · ' β 'joo* ·»!> '»β» · ß j j y k " ® '(oo·

• ^tjjjö"^ · »ο"·ι J * * B»"-»5»r ν " {Q^" ' "f"ü • i^ej" ' " 1 5 '

·.· i r f f ' f '^»o·· ' ' c"- *.· *&>r '" f " ' (oo· ·-5 ·
..^ggkala · «^a» · »KX)a · «1 · |Ot)»5·« · · · X^jaj· · »(tX)»

' · ·£ρο ' "Nf" 1 ^ 'Gt m ö M ' e'^e^—j 13 ·.· j»Mj»|j»iji|.

••^>0- - g ^ A f · g^- ·.· ' · '<?·»* · (oo* ' » 5 · -iiA'i*

•»(f «J» · »«»^tOO* 'fiffymgMM · ·fy^MfmSj-Q)· M^MM · m<fQ»fy ·•

· ·Λ(Β-5»1>βΉ ' S'YQ '»«M?»^ · i l ) - a a "Vo -»«^»^{gli«}-

•V^o"· · g j 3 * ^ ·.· · '?*·* ' juo"' *Λι-«»»·^)^ *

• · »»»»^too« 'kjowo** · g»V^j"ö> · ·**·»» · ·,·

»1* · Φ ο · } * ! ^ ) - - ^ ^ · -ßA·? · £>*o · * Λ1-0» · Vre ο · s W - } 15

'.'t^'C •VW» ' · . · * ' juo* ··•") *

• *<f*x> · »cjf »0 · «»»ittXJ* " Χ30"Ό** · gi^-S—g» · · *<«*.» · »Pdfö

• ·Ό«Ο>^> · »»ο* * »o»»^»}»" * >'•0' ' - O f I ? ' > m v ' · >•*©> 1 6 ·.· »»»-i-i-r

ey ββ »jj-tj> · · »»'i1· ' ' <*t

56 Videvdät XV. 1—8.



. . S t

• · M»e>)a.a · mgiJjHaj·«^ · jmlf · ' mjf · '

· " · · 3 ·.· * '

m^mm -Jml} · f ^ y y i t a f y . j f j t l f · jmjf •^ n ^ M f y - ^ M M f } · · ·» y m t t y Q » ζ ·

• wri»* · »r'^nro 4 '·*"!> •i*)"^»®. · · ·ί#ι»«)υ W o " . <#i

• «•fi^-ia • wrjo - · ·β»Κ» · w**· · · · »»oM*<ri^ ·

• iixjHo " · " f t y " β^ο" ' ο" · · • · '

• · · · ' · fir^A 5 ·.· »»i-r

-ml} · ' mjf · . < f · -!? " ' ' ί * » Ό ' "

• · · · · ' »ffJjO» · 6 · mlf ·

' ' ΜΜ
| 0> ' · · (WÜJ|»J|>| ·mlf · ' Milf · ""I? ' '(gy*!?

• J<«£.jji>)M) · · J> · *(<*{>> · gKQuftM · · <(·'»() · gJ·*· '

•Μ ^ , , ^ Μ ζ · i ^ . i ^ i ! ? · .Τ?*} · ^i-iit-i.j-tj · ^jjyo-rjo- ·

7 ·.· *»w\{2i{e

>o» • i^nj
• · J^Jiijj · · lijofH) · g-.JJjjyJ^J · » y M t y · · · i n "
Viderdit XVII. 1—9. 67


(β·" · · ·.· · · ^«f^fo 1

•M^jm^jQM^ · Μΐ^&'ζ -{φι?**»?»» • · ί^»?-} -«icxvt

» S J i ^ f y * · · · f M f f } ' V'Ci* ' ' f w j O " ' \ f V '

• Mt>tyjm^(SjiJjjf • a»(yjm • J»— 3 V »fMDMQjgyib · · jt»g»ja|>+ · jyj^jjftjlmy

—£#0" •Ap^A^i» · -«»ο·» · gJ·- · .^(y ·

· ^^ · gjipig · ι»« 4 ·.· · · * "»C-V^TO

(Sj·^ · »fyjmtlmSmS.^fy* · · · · ' ·,£θΜ,Γζ>" '
-•Λ0Μ •M^fjaMfiMMg · • jM— ·,· ' ' ·» f » f m »

• f J i i m · »fMfy ·{ w g J ^ · · · «(·«()> · £>»55.»»»^ · ^tjjlf^)

·,· jauWfU^ ' ' "fty · · • 'Y'(y '

• ' ' w^^yk^i· · ^wov^ · -t^V}·-»» · ft^-f · * e-- 5

—xiiMQ ' MU^laj) ' Js^HQ)^ @ *•* BytyS"^ * • · jnQyi ' imii^t» · g»

•.•»»»ι ·-Φ ·B^HJ · · - ! > ·β*>Ό '^{jr'r •-^V"»»-

• » W i

• <? · JgjTjJJ»·^—· £(^.Α>1>0 •jmjjbuli • Jm^M^Jy 8 ·.• ' ^»ü

•V ^ g y ? • • · "f-fipo"1 •»»»ι ·"If · ' ' - ! ?

• "«jo^-^EJJ» · · (u<f · J<f-"»ü 9 ·.· »»»ι · · 8»><ο ' ^»»tjji· ' ' e^w
Avesta Rttder. 4
58 Videvdät XVII. 9 - 1 1 ; XVIII. 13—18.

· MfMitttM/tfyi · · J|||MUI||<{\«^ ' · (imJify · »KIQ^'^m*

• rAi • 10 · · •»r·"1« · · »fm^um ·

· MfMMjBMM · • <|MUt)»jj)> * · a j i i u U M ^ a j · Myaauafgy))

-Wdiy · too**!} ·\>κ> · V r * · - » ^ ·ιοα»ν!> 1 1

<9 V


•-ι<·ίϊ«ο»)ζβ - · • 4'm •»ο»!—t^ie · · > ν * · ο 13

• »i»»» · · ' {0<f · · •fttüü^e • " »f-ft«*^

· 14 ".· · ' » ^ m n ' l~»)»o M •(«o'J J,+

»llfw "^»ijo1·® -fia^m} · • ~a%fya ·.· ••ίΐ^β"·

• (οβ·»^#ί·>ι»<τ + • M V ^ y ' f ' »οτο'ΈΟ" · ΜΟ"·^-^* ' ^»"βν· '

. . -^Vo·.» · • β»·» 1 5 ·.· · '

•i»a · j.jj.Jjyyi.^ ·A g O ^ » ^ • M&fJgM · afy, · .^ity^jtQ ·\>«0

• e»K> · -Gar» · ' » j - ^ j - w i ' -«r-wx^o'i·» 16 ·.·

• Mn^nfi ·.· · • ί ^ ο Ί » ) ' ^ ' Bv"5"t>' " G^ty

• V»i.»u£>j. · · 17 ·.· · je*· · g^Vi · »J-^J-V-C · V j f ^ j

VidSvdät XVIII. 18—26. 69

"•»"»'β ' •&<fJ-»£r\ii"-i) ·)«ο",ι·"·ίι · · *3tyM^>&M ' · ιοίhyfij? ·

Jt-fO ·,»|ΐ£» · *K)030'i*'> ' " ' kjo'^'·»- 19 ·.· ·»<?•>

• Λ^β) · · J»J« · »0'>3',j,j"TO " · ** · · *<·•»•»-$ · · agillaujgi

f^jju^MM · · · ' 8^*0 · ' -Ό^·"· · (Of • * » »

• · W 0 ,^ > 0 ,J. · · joid'yod· · y m f f j ^ i · JJKJJ^J) · Jüi · JUMB 20 V
• »1UO>tyiJ»> · · Mjjtyj)^ ίοο·^»))« 21 · ' -C*^?*"*!?

* ^ji^ji^tbLji^) ' ^fM^jajfyi * jijjmjiLm^ " ' * * ' J)>u

.•β»»"1" '{g»0>Jii ' · · • -ny-5·» . · * » * · «J-yJ ζ)* <·*«-$

• ·ι ο ί • · · jo-ί · g»··" 22 ·.· 3<f-,K>J-,^j*j· ·

' ""ftt" * ' HJO > 4^'»' ·,' · f^ffi» ' ·

· ^jt^ajjjj· -^o·)« · [' 't* m
· »fljtAo'

• ·W · g^"- 23 ·,· · • ' '

· 24 ·.· ·<#Κ5 · •fto,it-,ßo> • *Ö> · · •V^i-f

• •CfcO'i'·)·^'·^ · S>"5J,0' * •ft^*»»«?·»'· • ^o" · tio"·*!} " "o* · •"«f**")··^

ν » v r " ' (β? ' · ' ' ' W^i*^

(Jy^ty ' "mtyf'^ty ' . 25

'.' · · «i« · *-vty ' "Jyty • wrwtäjJ" • Β»·" 26 '.' wo,j,ii'^»->J5jo

60 VidSvdSt XVIII. 26—29. 30—35.

' Kty^ty " · · -"β^οΊ» · Mtyioowlf

• · -oi^ · »e> 2 7 ·.· i w a l v : t y + ' Vwoyej- • · g-w^A-

• • · mtiiii · *ö> ·
• · -e> · - ·Ό>{<&
· · »·ΐζ>*ιΐ£| · «··»© •
· ζΙζΜξ)» · Mi{Q>a · VfO
' •"e,>J*
* efcoxlyo·
· »p·?«»-^^
•{"»Ό · \ ΐ * β

• -·|<—ro 2 9 ·.· ·

•«gv·^ v»>y · <»(—!? · · & £ ) ·Ρ>ο» · -«»»ro




• —»ui>»(» · V?»»?®- ' · κ>β"·β*<!> * »»ζ»» · v-5 · · ·

• ü^kitb« ·.· · · »ro · ·<ρ«·β · •«ο· · {uo> · j » » 3 1 ·.· >&»)>ty

•.•'•£»1 >o· · '\<f»»<(»M '-fft^ty)» ' ' · »»>·»( · » e ^ X v · » " W

•»rtfii&k ' · ty • jof 3 2 •.•-i-cjji- · » e p · >?#ίο>

·,· ·<*ο> · · t-^tgjii' ··»* " ByT·"^"!* '

•ζ,ν - j - - 34 -jo* · \ ) · · w^-r»

· » ) - ^ o · • e j ^ j - i ) o> ••«»jjjji •ji^jLaij» •'»(»»J ' '*0'

··£#Ι»»>ΟΊ*ΤΟ · ' - ι "BfKJ - V ^ ' ^ - e ' · · ζ > <

Λο· 35 ·.· · MHMgjj* · · ? » > ( | · M^-gJ- -»i'-l ·

Videvdit XVIII. 35—47. 61

• »>tff}'^i»f>fj^)> * Ir^yptJijy ·*»» · · gi))«(Mt·)· •mSfO ' »«f'flf^f!? ·»i»n» '

•t—37 ·.· ^

' ^kj» · a ^ a V y · MUfi[)!» · jjyLiA«» '.'-fj^yy^ ' J>>{0^3 '"PO ' «^»»»ej·»^»»® · •»ty ' JOO"

)»3> · · Μ&ώ»

" '»£»»» ' "W 38 '.· ' ί " " ^ -Mtnfyimlf · »"»QJ» · »f»»g» ·


·.· qmSSalf ' ·<*"Ό ' t y " f ^ " M O a ' ' * \"t$3" ' 39

·\θ> · · »uyfj» · »yfj^M^M ·.· •"βά'»^) "'"»•Ο · · • Jüty

· · »i · t»ro ' •fa'co)" ' ^ κ ΐ ϋ ο τ ί ο * "jy

·»»« · ^«(wu)« · · · »b»*1» "Vo· 4 1 *.·

.(^(ga · - ^ ^ p k i A » 42 ' . ' - ί χ ν ' » » w ^ ' r u A * * H^yjyjA'

• wo1·«^"· ••Ts'r " · ••mi'»^ •.· t f ^ * ! ? ·'(?·"«) ' e ^ r ^ f O " ' i»*

·,· jf^fti^ · • •"•po · · •»ty • joo* · 43 ·.· · n·»»

• · »f""Ö * J "i ' ifyo ' ' » t f « · Mty*f,x · · «(»ΙΛΟ· · ""ff}» '

-i»r Λ^νύ '»&»)*» ' · · · ζχζ "W 44 ·.'

Μ ' »Y»ty ' |ι<···^()·) '^fijf"·^·^"'^

•jwo" ' By"- 4 6 vV»?'^ · " ^ ö J j o ' f t o " ' ς»«? · ^i-fi«

· ("•^»ζοά' ··»» · ' ' v j i f i t i f -»e»»» ·νο· 4 7

62 Viderdät ΧΥΠΙ. 47—69.

• too^l·» * ΙΟΊ* ' · x j ^ i - r * ' -wi·^} e»^»^ ·

>& · »»rts» · »fff^i^M ·.· .jQfJyt^ · · —>«ü · •^»«j.n·»»® · J«o> · |oo> · g M 4 9

-^•j)-^ · · e ^ m •»r—o · - i ' t * r o

«i>>-S> · »tfm» · yo(y*f>» · '

·.' ·Μθ>^»οκβ · • ••fti>o"·

-^it^y -^»uiii»)· · VjVf!? '««Wo · --i-»» ·\ο«50

· » • » » ^ ( ο * · to?iog(j->» · B^·" 5 1 ·.· · finita · »f»ty ·

• · JO-C · ζ[ζ> · · .£1^*1 · · -ii-f· · Wf"··^- • » ^ ( ö » "."»(«Τ

· · - ί ί ά · — '«β»

· «•<#) · joo1 " 8^"· 5 2 ·.· · ' ί ΐ ^ & ϊ ' -Λο·

' ejr^t) " ' ty'dJ-fV'" ' " ' · i^'i'i' ^ f " · -!? · • i J r ^ - ^ * »

·.· ^m^Snlf · iiffQ · »««β* ' ^•"^{ί)" * •f'ty^ • · VwA*^* 5 3

• e - - 54 'Λ'^'ΐ* · · l e w j i y r i y ' ς * Λ5 · · « ^ - r » ••ού·»^

" W ••"«^»^>0· · " ' w · Mjt^u^M ·.· - ^ t j y ^ ' · "ko · ' •"ο* * (ÜO*

•^ « y r ^ - a · "c—a [' "j'O"·^ ' - 1 " c^ro · ' -jy

· 55 ·.··»!> ' W ^ ) " ! " · · ••ft^«

- » » ι ί < » * · -ijo»!? · g»ye>' " · '\ro ' ήο*!? · «<?(u»r»"a · ·

- ^ - i - 56

· mfy - y w · gum 57 ·.· · i<fM» · mo·/'»

• t^it» • fttytfi» -Jjjifjoii) · · Hilft)» ' 'fl)^"^* ' '»jO^ ,J "tV •

• · ^f^i^JiJ· · • MfMUf) · • 58 '.*

VidSvdät XVIII. 69. 60—66; XIX. 6. 68

-"•»•Ο · ι»|>Jt»ttSiQ> · · 1 gÄJÄty ' ' ' ' »Ϋζ»»)«·''«)

V »o«qv· · · «rvisptW · ro ·


-^(o»^ · "r^wi^e - • ·£>Ό · »©»j-jfj^e · • ·<·"·α 60

'»£»»» ·\ο·)μ!Τ ' ev-o,J- • jor · · •Λοϋ^ο • «r^wi"·^·^"·®
• ^»o» 61 *.· »o,JKB^(e-»*r,J,e · · ·
• φι**·»»*·· · · " "WO'i^o* • »^»-i ·Λβ» ν

•jy • »o·»^ •^>βΜ· · · Β»" 62 ·.· »^"»nuy»)^ · J,o,Jj,güJ^)Bv

• < * £ ) - *

· jjji^^j·^— · · ftflyli 64 ·.· Ίβ?1"»

«g> ββ · t»jt · {{β» · ^iny.^Jf-^'ty · · mlf ·

• »i—ι»^ · V")"*^ " · ·.· ·-(Ol» ' g..«^»»-^ 5
64 Videvdät XIX. 6—9. 27—29.

• · 6 ·.· · »r'ty ' V y j g » · ^ ? * » ^ » · Β^ζ»"! · ·


..«01t · JjQJttM^ -*fu>o> • g j a j j ^ i ^ ) ' H)(>"a»»HB^^tl · ' V "St)0»A

• Bp*"·^ ·" i ' t v · ifi-ro · · S w x ^ - i ' · &&>)*!? · *ο>»ι»»»«·»

' »(·*£(£·>>>" · · JffJMfl 7 ·.' φ ^ α ΐ ν ώ ^ 'ii've^b

' »r*?"" ' B^· · · · ·» i · (oo* · j^V»

• · · 8 ·.· * » f ' S ^ Z ) · I^Vl · «r-it»·-too> *

•imMttftQ.MQM · »fit? · KJtyj ' »m\»lf · *Y»lf · ·.· '^l* ·

• · J m f f y a· j f f j u g Q \· j f f U J f J j " ' ' ^ί)>0* * * '

»f? -»|"··^»ο> ' » r " W U " ? • «|»»|·"»»0' V ' V C t ' O · · "ViO"

• * · Μγ»Ι} ' « I * ' J|JW|J·^ ' Mfl} * JI|JI ' ' ' jeJJji-S '


• · · · » » j · -Cuoflj» · ^ μ ? » » ? « « · ^lo^^u'ig. · 27

* *»<· · j·»^ · J ^ ^ i i D v i i j o i j m j · 'mxf · »»^ ' ' " ^ A · ^ ' "·<? " »»J*

-i&'Wf · ntemrMJ^J"^ao ' M r" M o ν I r y ^ ' i • ^ » o · » '(^»»V ' b · » 2 8 ·.· B ^ · " ^ ^

• · · · 'r"Ma · wo , Ky , J Vö J , £ · ·» f ' o ' »e·

-*{· · ' ·.· ^ » j j j ^ - i · * · •ί*?-»^

•- r - ' ^ i ) ' ' •i^rfWe,"»!1!'' » ^ " ö v · • " f ' r o · • "r·"'« ·

VidBrdSt XIX. 29—32. 65

- " " β ' ·>^·»»»»»·»ι · ·j^m«^ · · · · ' >"& 3 0

• JDtQI.Vft? · ' v\ ·.' · ' JffJtt»

• JfJLa)jim + · · -f^Mfy ' MfMM^ajf ' if(VW ' mty Γ'·' W f ' H ) ^ * ^ 1 1


• >οΉ · · W & y V " ) » ^ " ^ '^»^-(55 ·»r»(y · ^-«jo'o'f*» 3 1

^M&ia -gl>»0ijjt · » f i y · •W"(B.J· • • f » » ^ » ' "Vi v\i J , -€

.>0« · · jfjfJHfjj»Am0 • \)J»»\ · foingy, ' If^^^Jy 32 ·.· » · ' Qd»^

·*»» Λ»*»®, ' fö* ' ··>»• · · wo"·^

Avesta Reader.
1 ahmya zaofrre barasmanaiöa ratavö mainyava dyese yeiti.
ratavö gae&ya dyese yeiti. ratavö updpa dyese yeiti. ratavö upasma
dyese yeiti. ratavö fraptarajota dyese yeiti. ratavö ravas6ardta dyese
yeiti. ratavö 6awranhd6a dyese yeiti.
2 ahmya zaofrre barasmanaeöa ydirya aiavana aiahe ratavö
dyese yeiti. maidyöi.zarama8m payaraham aiavanam aiahe ratüm
dyese yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaeia maidyöiiamam vdströ.ddtai-
nim aiavanam aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti. ahmya zaodre barasmana&ia
*paitii.hahim hahlm aiavanam aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti. ahmya zao>&re
barasmanaeöa aydfrrimam fraourvaiitrimam *variniharitamia aiava-
nam aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaeöa maidydirim
saradam aiavanam aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti. ahmya zaofrre baras-
manaica hamaspafrma&daim aratöJcara&nam aiavanam aiahe ratüm
dyese yeiti.
3 ahmya zao&re barasmanaeöa gaS&anqm Anhairlm asavanam
aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti, yat dwhairyö zizanan. ahmya zao&re baras-
manaeöa vlspe te ratavö dyese yeiti, yöi aoxta ahurö mazdd zara-
•ihiitrdi yasnydöa vahmyd6a aidt haöa yat vahiitdt.
4 ahmya zaofrre barasmanaeda dwqm ratüm dyese yeiti yim
ahuram mazdqm mainyaom mainyavanqm ddmanqm mainyaoyd stöii
ahümia ratümöa. ahmya zao&re barasmanaeöa §wqm ratüm dyese
yeiti yim zaraduitram spitdmam gaedim gae&yanqm ddmanqm gaed-
yayd stöii ahüm6a ratümöa.
5 ahmya zaofrre barasmanaeöa radioqm framaratdram dyese
yeiti yim naram aiavanam da&rdnam humatamca manö hüxtamöa
vaöö hvarStamöa iyao&nam, spantqm drmaitlm daratam yöi mqfrram
saoiyantö yerahe iyaoftndii gaeftd aia frddante.
6 ahmya zao&re barasmanaeöa sarada aiavana aiahe ratavö
dyese yeiti. ahunam vairlm frasraofrram aiavanam aiahe ratüm dyese
yeiti. ahmya zaofrre barasmanaeöa aiam vahiitam stao&wam aiavanam
aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti. ahmya zaofrre barasmanaeöa yenhe.hdtqm
hufrdyaitqm aiaonim aiahe rattern ayese yeiti.
Vieprat II 7 - 1 1 , V 1 - 3 , XII 1. 67

7 ahmya zao&re barasmanaeia ahunavaitlm gd&qm aiaonlm

aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti. yand hubayd hufa&rli huraodatahö dyese
yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaSda ahumantam ratumantam aiavanam
aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti. ho zl asti *ahuma6a *ratuma6a yd **ahurö
mazdd**. ahmya zao&re barasmanaeda yasnam süram haptaiahäitlm
aiavanam aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti. aradvlm sürqm andhitqm aiaonlm
aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti.
8 ahmya zao&re barasmanaeöa uitavaitim gd&qm aiaonlm aiahe
ratüm äyese yeiti. garayö aiax'd&rd pouru.xvä&rd mazdabäta aia-
vana aiahe ratavO dyese yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaida spantd.-
mainyüm gd&qm aiaonlm aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti. vara&raynam
ahuraddtam äyese yeiti, vanaintlmia uparatdtam dyese yeiti.
9 ahmya zao&re barasmanaiia vohuxia&rqm gddqm aiaonlm
aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti. mi&ram vouru.gaoyaoitlm dyese yeiti. rdma
x'ästram äyese yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaSöa vahiitoiitlm gddqm
aiaonlm aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti. dahmqm vatauhlm dfritlm dyese
yeiti. dahmamöa naram aiavanam äyese yeiti. uyram taxmam da-
möii upamanam yazatam dyese yeiti.
10 ahmya zao&re barasmanaida airyamanam Ulm aiavanam
aiahe ratüm dyese yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaeda fiüiö.mqßram
aiavanam aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaiöa ra-
tüm barazam hadaoxtam aiavanam aiahe ratüm äyese yeiti.
11 ahmya zao&re barasmanae6a ahüirlm frainam aiavanam
aiahe ratüm, äyese yeiti. ahüirlm tkaSiam aiavanam, aiahe ratüm
dyese yeiti. ahmya zao&re barasmanaeca hadii västravatö dyese yeiti.
vdstram baratam gave huddtahe äyese yeiti. gaodäyüm naram aia-
vanam äyese yeiti.
1 vise vö, amaia spanta, staota zaota zbdta yasta framarata
aibijarata yüsmdlcam yasnüica vahmäica xsnaoOrdica frasastayaeca
yat amasanqm spantanqm ahmdlcam havanhdica ratufritayaeca asa-
vastäica vara&raynydica hurunyaica yat saosyantqm asaonqm.
2 pairl vä amaia spantd huxiadrü hubätahö daöqmi ,tanvascit
xvahyd ustanam' pairl vlspd hufltayö.
3 frä te varane ahe daenaya, asäum ahura mazda, mazdayasnö
1 haomanqmca harasyamnanam, yoi haraiyente radtce barazaite
yat ahurdi mazdäi asaone yat zaraduitrüi spitamäi fraßu 'frücira-
68 Visprat ΧΠ 1 - 5 . Nyäyi§n III 1—4.

tada ha vavhuS sraosö asyö, yö *asi hacaite *mazdraya, teca ϊδα

yöWwa *astü.
2 humaya upawhd clsmaide ahunahe vairyche asaya frasrütahe
frasrdvayamnahe hävanaydsca haomq hunvaintyä asaya frasütayd
3 arSuxdanamca vacavhqm sravavhqmca zaraOustrinqm hvarsta-
namca syao&nanqm barssmanqmca asaya frastarstanam haomanqmca
asaya hutanqm staotanqmca yesnyanqm daenaydsca müzdayasnöis
mq&wanqmöa vaxddwanqmca varstvanqmca.
4 αΰα zl mä *humdyö.taraca anhan. humaya aeta dämqn *daöd-
maide humaya cismaide humaya mainyümaide, *yam daft at ahurö
mazdä αίανα ϋ-raosta vohu manataha vaxst aia yd hdtqm mazistaca
vahiitaca sraeitaca. a&a zi n& "humdyö.taraca +lzyö.taraca dnhflma
ydii spdntahe mainyäus ddman yat hl§ humayaca Izyäca cinaddmaide.
5 humaya no buyata asmana hävana ayawhaena hävana fraoiri-
simna frasdvayamna *nmänyaca visyaca zantavaca 4danhavaca ahmt
nmane *atdhe *vise ahmt zantvö *anhe *daidhvö ahmäkdmca mazdayas-
nanqm frdyazdmnanqm haSa.aesmanqm haöa.baoi&inam hada.ratu-
fritinqm. a&a zl ns *humdyö.tara anhan.

1 ndmö ahuräi mazdäi n»mö amasaeibyö spantaeibyö vamö
mäidhdi gaoci&räi ndmö paiti.dltäi ndmö paiti.diti.
2 xsnaodra ahurahe mazdä taröidlti anrahe maimpus. haiOyä-
varstqm hyat vasnä *fdraSö.tdindm. staomi asam. — asdm vohfi ... —
fravardne mazdayasnö zaradustris vldaevö ahura.tlcaesö hävanse
asaone aiahe radwe yasnäica vahmäica xsnaodräica frasastayaeca
sävanhde vlsydica asaone asahe radice yasnäica vahmäica xsnao-
dräica frasastayaeca. mäwhahe gaociOrahe gmsca aerö.dätayd gsusca
pouru.saradayd xsnaodra yasnäica valimaica xsnaodräica frasasta-
yaeca. — yadä ahü vairyö . . . mraotü.
3 ndmö ahurdi . . . paiti.diti.
4 *Jca5a md uxsyeiti, *kada md ndrdfsaiti? panca.dasa md axs-
yeiti, panca.dasa md ndrafsaiti. yd he uxsyastütö, tu narafsastätö;
td ndrdfsqstätö, yd he uxsyastätascit. kä, yet md uxsyeiti narafsaiti
Nyäyisn III 5-11. G&h V 1-2. 69

5 mdiaham gaoci&ram aiavanam aiahe ratürn yazamaide. tat

mdiaham paiti.vaenam tat mdiaham paiti vlsam raoxinam mdiaham
aiwi.vaenam raoxinam mdiaham aiwi.visam. hiitanti amaid spant a
xvaranö darayeinti, hiitanti amaid spanta xvaranö baxianti zqm paiti
6 dat yat mdiaham raoxine tdpayeiti miiti urvaranqm zairi-
gaonanqm *zarmaem paiti zamäöa uzuxsyeinti. antaramdiahdsca para-
nö.mdiahdsca visapta&dsia. antaramdiaham aiavanam aiahe ratürn
yazamaide. par anö.mdiaham aiavanam aiahe ratürn yazamaide. vl-
iapta&am aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide.
7 yazai mdiaham gaodifrram bayam raevantam xvaranaiauhantam
afnaiauhantam t afnaiauhantam varaöaiauhantam xitdvantam litavan-
tarn yaoxitavantam saokavantam zairimydvantam vohvdvantam bayam
8 ahe raya xvaranaiahaöa tarn yazdi surunvata yasna mdiaham
gaoci&ram zaoürdbyö. mdiaham gaoci&ram aiavanam aiahe ratüm
yazamaide haomayö gava . . . tds6a yazamaide.
9 yadd ahü vairyö . . . —. yasnamia vahmamca aojasca zavara-
6a dfrindmi mdiahahe gaoci&rahe gäuica aövö.dätayd gausca pouru-
sarabayd. — aiam vohü . . . —.
10 dasta amam vara&raynamia dasta gäui xvd&i-ö.nahtm dasta
narqm *pouru.tdtam stdhyanqm vyäxananqm vanatqm avanamnanqm
*ha&ravanantqm hamara&ä *hafrravanantqm dui.mainyui *stoi *rapan-
tqm * ctöra.avaiahqm.
11 yazata pouru.xvaranaiaha yazata pouru.baöiaza äiftra vö
buyäras mosünd cidra vö zavanö.savö cixfram böit yüzamcit xvaranö
yazamndi dpö ddyata.

1 xinao&ra ahurahe mazdä. — aiam vohü . . . —. fravardne
mazdayasnö zara&uitrii vidaevö ahura.tkaeiö usahindi aiaone aiahe
ra&we yasnäica vahmdica xinao&rdica f rasastayaeca. barajyäi nmdn-
ydica aiaone aiahe ra&we yasnäica vahmdica xinaodräica frasasta-
2 sraosahe aiyehe asivatö varaOrdjanö frfldat.gae&ahe rainaoi
razistahe arstdtasca frädat.gae&ayd varadat.gaedayd xsnaodra yas-
näica vahmdica xinao&rdica frasastayaeca. — ya&d ahü vairyö
zaotd . . . mraotü.
70 Gäh V 3—7. Slh Röcak II 1, 2, 7.

3 dhuram mazdqm aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide. zara-

duitram aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide. zara&uitrahe aiaonö fra-
vailm yazamaide. amasä spanta asaonqm yazamaide.
4 aiäunqm varauhli sürd spantd fravaiayö yazamaide astvatö
manahydia. * apanö.tdmam ra&icqm yazamaide yaetuitamam yazata-
nqm harahanuitamam aiahe ra&wqm aiwinasqstamam jaymüitamqm
aiaonö aiahe ra&wö ratufritlm yazamaide.
5 uiahinam aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide. uiqm arirqm
yazamaide. uidtaham yazamaide xiöi&nlm ravat.aspqm framan.narqm
framan.narö.vlrqm ya xva&ravaiti **nmdnyditi. uidnham yazamaide
ravlm ranjat.aspqm, yd sanat aoi haptöJcarivairlm zqm. avqm usqm
yazamaide. ahuram mazdqm aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide.
vohu manö yazamaide. asam vdhiitam yazamaide. xiaüram vairim
yazamaide. spantqm vanuhlm drmaitlm yazamaide.
6 barajlm aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide. baraja varahaui
aiahe baraja dainayd varahuyd mazdayasnöii nmdnyehe ra&tcö yae-
ηάιόα vahmdica nmdnlmca aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide.
7 sraoiam ailm huraodam varafrrdjanam frädat.ga£dam aiava-
nam aiahe ratüm yazamaide. rainüm raziitam yazamaide. aritdtamia
frddat.gae&qm varadat.gaS&qm yazamaide.

Sih Röcak.
1, 2, 7, 13.
1 ahuram mazdqm raevantam xvaranaiauhantam yazamaide.
amaid spantd huxia&rd huddiahö yazamaide.
2 vohu manö amaiam spantam yazamaide. dxitim hqm.vaintlm
yazamaide taraddtam anydis ddmqn. dsnam xrotüm mazdaddtam ya-
zamaide. gaosö.srütam xratüm mazdaddtam yazamaide.
7 amaratatdtam amaiam spantam yazamaide. fiaonlm vqdwqm
yazamaide. *aspandca yavlnö yazamaide. gaokaranam süram mazda-
ddtam yazamaide. midram vouru.gaoyaoitim yazamaide. räma xvds-
tram yazamaide. asam vahiitam dtramca ahurahe mazdd pufrram yaza-
maide. barazantam dhuram xsa&rlm xiaStam apqm napdtam aurvat.-
aspam yazamaide apamca mazdaddtqm aiaonlm yazamaide. aidunqm
vanuhli sürd spantd fravaiayö yazamaide yandsca virö.vq&wd yaza-
maide ydiryqmca husitim yazamaide amamca hutaitam huraodam
Slh Röfiak II 7, 13. Yasna XI 1—7, LV 1. 71

yazamaide varafrraynam£a ahuraidtam yazamaide vanaintlmia upa-

ratdtam yazamaide. sraosam aslm huraoöam vara&rdjanam frddat.-
gai&am aiavanam aiahe ratüm yazamaide. rainüm raziitam yaza-
maide. aritdtam6a frädat.gai&qm varadat.gai&qm yazamaide.
13 tiitrlm stdram raSvantam xvaranarauhantam yazamaide. sa-
tavaisam frdpam süram mazdaödtam yazamaide. vlspe stdrö afittöra
yazamaide. vlspe stdrö zamasci&ra yazamaide. vlspe stdrö urvarö.-
&&ra yazamaide. vanantam stdram mazdaödtam yazamaide. aoe
sträui yazamaide, yöi hapta haptöiringa mazdaddta xvarananuhanta
baSiazya paitiitatäe yd&wqm pairtkanqmca.

1 ürdyö *hat&lm.aiavanö * dfri.vacarahö zavainti gdusöa aspasia
gäui zaotdram zavaiti: ,uta buyd afrazaintii uta daus.sravd
hacimnö, yö mqm xvdstqm nöit baxiahe, dat mqm tarn fiaonayehe
näiryd vd pufrrahe vd haoyd va mariuyd'.
2 aspö bdidram zavaiti: ,md buyd aurvatqm yüxta md aurva-
tqm aiwisasta md aurvatqm ni&axta, yö mqm zdvara nöit jaidyehi
*pouru.maiti hanjamaine *pouru.nairyd kariuyd'.
3 haomö xvdidram zavaiti: ,uta buyd afrazaintii uta däus.-
sravd hacimnö, yö mam * aiwiShutam ddrayehi yaüa tdyüm paiö.-
sdram; ηανα ahmt paiö.8ärö azam yö haomö aiava düraoiö. 4 us
me pita haomdi draonö fraranaot ahurö mazdd aiava havuharane
"mat hizvö höyümca döidram. 5 yö mqm tat draonö zindt vä trafyät
vd apa vd ydsditi, yat me da&at ahurö mazdd asava hatauharane
*mat hizvö höyümca döidram, 6 nöit ahmt nmdne *zdnaite ddrava
naeSa radaestd naeöa vdstryö fiuyqs, dat ahmt nmdne zayänte daha-
Tcäca mürakäca pourusarada varindca. 7 dicdsam d gaus frdßicarasö
tancistdi haomdi draonö, md §wd haomö bandaydt ya§a mairim ban-
dayat yim tüirim frararasydnam madame ßrisve *anhä zamö *pairis.-
xvaxtam ayatdhahe'.
1 vlspd gaiödsca tanvasca azdablsca ustdnasca kahrpasca ta-
vlslsca baoöasca urvänamca fravasimca pairica dadamahi üca ναέδα-
72 Yasna LV 1 -7, LXII 1-4.

yamahl: dat dii dvaidayamahi gd&dbyö spantdbyO ratuxia&rdbyO

2 yd no hanti gddd hara&ravaitiida pdfrravaitlida mainyui.-
xvara&ds£a yd no hmti urtine uvaim xvar9&»m0a vastramöa: td no hanti
gü&d haraftravaitläia pddravaitiSta mainyu8.xvar&dds6a, td no hanti
urune uvaSm xvara$amca vastrsmia, td no buyqn humizdd ai.miidd
aio.miidd paro.asndi anuhe pasca astasia baodanhasia *vl.urviitlm.
3 td no ama ta varafrrayna td *dasvar& td ba&iaza td frada&a
td varada&a td havataha td aiwydvanha td huddwha td aSavasta td
frdrditi td vldiSe uzjamyqn yd staota yesnya, yada hll frada&at
mazdd yd saviito vara&rajd frddat.gaido pdfrrdi aiahe gasdanqm
haradrdi aiahe gaedanqm suyamnanqmda saoiyantqm6a vlspaydsca
aiaonO stoii.
4 vlspam aiavanam aya ratufrita hvdvayaiaham jasantam paiti.-
bardhi humaidiiia hüxtaiS6a hvaritdiida.
5 aiamca vohuia mano yazamaide. gadd spsntd ratuxSa&rd
asaonii yazamaide.
6 staota yesnya yazamaide yd ddtd atahaui paouruyehyd ma-
ramna vsrazimna *sixiamna sdiayamna dadrana paitiidna paitii-
maramna framaramna frdyazamna fraiam vasna ahüm da&dna.
7 bayqm staotanqm yemyanqm yazamaide. staotanqm yesnya-
nqm yazamaide frasrao&ramca framarafrramöa fragddramca frdyai-
tlmöa. — yenhe hdtqm . . . tdscd yazamaide.

1 yasn»m6a vahmamda hubaratlmca uSta.baratlmca vanta.bara-
tlmca dfrindmi tava dtars, pu&ra ahurahe mazdd. yesnyO ahi vahmyO,
yesnyO buyd vahmyO nmdndhu maiydkanqm. uita buydt ahmdi naire,
yasa died bdda frdyazdite aesmo.zasto barasmö.zastö gao.zastö hd-
2 ddityo.aesmi.buyd ddityö.baoidi.buyd ddityo.pi&wi.buyd ddityO.-
upasayeni.buyd parandyuS.haradri.buyd dahmdyuS.haradri.buyd atari,
pu&ra ahurahe mazdd, 3 saoci.buye ahmya nmdne mat.saoci.buye
ahmya nmdne raocahibuye ahmya nmdne vaxiadi.buye ahmya nmdne
darayamcit aipi zrvdnam upo surojti *fraso.karaitlm λαδα sürayd
vawhuyd frasö.karatöit·
4 düya nie dtars, pudra ahurahe mazdä, dsu xvddram äsu
drdithti a*tu jlt'im pouru xvddr»m pouru ürditim pouru jitim mastlm
spdnö .vichcram hizcqm urune usi xratüm pascaeta masitam mazän-
Yasna LXTI δ-10, XXVII 13-15, XIX 1 - 2 . 73

tam apairi.d&ram 5 nairyqm pascaeta hqm.varaitlm aradtcö.zangqm

axvafnyqm dsitö.gdtüm jaydurüm tufrruiqm dsnam *frazaintim Jcariö.-
rdzqm vydxanqm hqm.raodam hvdpqm qzö.büfim hvlrqm, yd mi
frdbaydt nmdnamca vlsamca zantümca dahyümca dainhusastlmäa.
6 dayd mi atari, pudra ahurahe mazdd, yd me aiihat afra-
sdiahd nüramca yavaica tdite, vahiitam ahum, aiaonam raocataham
v\spö.xv&&ram, zaza buye vaiahduca mizde vaiahduca *sravahe urunaeca
daraye havawhe.
7 vlspaeibyö sastlm baraiti dtarS mazdd ahurahe, yaiibyö aim
*hqm.pacaiti xidfnlmca süirlmca; vlspaeibyö haia *izyeiti *hubaraitlm
*uStd.baraitlmca "vantd.baraitlmca spitama.
8 vlspanqm para.carantqm atari zasta ddidaya: ,clm haxa
haie *baraiti fracaradwd armaiididef
9 dat yezi is aem baraiti aismam vd aiaya baratam barasma
va aiaya frastaratam urvarqm vd haddnaSpatqm, a hi. pascaeta fri-
naiti atari mazdd ahurahe xinütö atbiitö *haySanham: 10 ,upa &wd
haxioit gaui vq&wa upa viranqm potirutds, upa •dwd varazvat6a
manö varazvatiia haxiöit anuha; "urvdxi.anuha gaya Jiyaeia td
xiapano yd *jvdhi'. imat d&rö dfrivanam, yO ahmdi aismam baraiti
hiküi *raocas.pairlitqm aiahe baraja *yao£ddtqm.

13 yadd ahü vairyö add ratui aidti.lt haid
vanhäus dazdd manaraho iyao&ananqm anhäui mazdüi
xiadramid ahurai d yim *dragubyO dadat vdstdram.
14 aiam vohü vahiitam astl ustd astl ustd ahmdi hyat asdi
vahiitdi aiam.
15 yenhi hdtqm dat yesnS paitl vanhö
mazdd ahurö vae&d aidt hacä
ydwhqmcd tqscd tdscd yazamaidi.

1 parasat zaraOuströ ahuram mazdam: ahura mazda mairtyö
spänista dätara rjaefianam astvaitinqm asdum, cit avat vacö ds, ahura
mazda, yat me frävaocö, 2 para asmam para dpam para zqm para
gam para urvarqm para dtram ahurahe mazdd ])u9ram para naram
asavanam para daetdiica xrafstrdis maiydisca para vlspam ahüm
astvantam para vlspa *vohü mazdaödta asaciöra?
74 Yasna XIX 3 - 1 3 .

3 dai mraot ahurö mazdd: baya a&Sa ds ahunahe vairyehe,

spitama zaraduitra, yat t6 frdvao6»m 4 para asmam para dpvm
para zqm para gqm para urvarqm para dtram ahurahe mazdd
pu&ram para naram aiavanam para daevdiica xrafstrdti maiyaiiia
para vispam ahum astvantam para vlspa *vohü mazdaiäta aia&dra.
5 hd mi baya ahunahe vairyehe, spitama zara&uitra, anapyüxda
anapiiüta srdvayamna satam paiti anyaösqm radwqm gddanqm
anapyüxdanam anapisütanqm srdvayamnanqm ; dat aipyüxda aipi-
Sata srdvayamna dasa paiti anye ratavO.
6 yasia me aitahmi aiahvö yat, astvainti, spitama zaraduitra
bayqm ahunahe vairyehe mardt frd vd marö dranjaydt frd vd dran·
jayö srdvaydt frd vd srdvayö yazdite, i"friidit tarö paratümcit hi
urvdnam vahistam ahüm frapdrayeni azam yO ahurö mazdd d va-
hiitdt anhaot d vahiitdt aidt d vahiita&ibyö raoiäbyö.
7 yasöa me aetahmi awhvö yat astvainti, spitama zara&uitra,
bayqm ahunahe vairyehe dranjayO *apa.raoSayete yat vd naimam
yat vd frrisum yat vd ca&ruium yat vd pantanhum, pairi dim ta·
nava azam yö ahurö mazdd urvdnam haca vahiitdt anhaot; ava-
vaitya bqzasca fra&asca pairi.tanuya, ya&a im zd. asti6a im zd
avaiti bqzO yavaiti fra&ascit.
8 fra6a aetat ναδΰ vaoce yat ahumat yat ratumat para avamhe
ainö ddtahoU para dpö para zamö para urvarayd para gäui ca&wara.·
paitiitdnayd ddiahoit para nari aiaono bipaitiitdnahe zq&dt para
avamhe hü {faoaritö kahrpya ape amaianqm, spantanqm ddhim.
9 frd me spanyd *mainivd ναναδα vispqm aiaonö stim haitimia
bavaintimca büsyeintimca syaofrnö.taitya: ,syaoüananqm atahäui
10 a&tatjia aesqm uxdanqm "xixdö.tdmsm, ydiS yava fraia vaoce
fraca mruye fraca *vaxiyeite. asti zl ana avavat uxdata, yada yat
dit vispö atahui astvä dsaxiat *saiqs dadrdnö Μ pairi iridyqstdtat
11 aetatca nö vacö frdvaoce *sixsaemca hiimdirimca *yadana
kahmdicit hdtqm asdt haca yat vahiitdt-
12 ya&a frd ιδα dmraot, yat dim ahümca ratümca ddadaU i&a
dim. para.cinasti yim ahuram mazdqm manas.paoiryaeibyO ddmabyö.
yada im vlspanqm mazistam cinasti ad a ahmdi ddmqn cinasti.
13 ya&a mazdd hujitis vaiahaus ιδα üritlm tkaesam ädranja-
yeiti; dazda manarahö para im ιδα manmahe cinasti yada frada-
xstdram manaiahe; manarahö aetavaitya im kdrayeiti; syaodana-
nqm ιδα ahüm kdrayeiti.
Yaena XIX 1 4 - 2 1 , XII 1—3. 75

14 yat dim damabyö iinasti mazda; ϊϋα tam yat ahmdi da·
mqn. xiadram ahurdi cinasti tat mazda tava xiadram. *dragubyö
vdstdram cinasti ya&a urvadam spitamdi panca tkaeia. vlspam
ναδϋ fravdkam haurum ναέΰ ahurahe mazdd.

15 vahiStö ahurö mazdd ahunam vairlm frdmraot, vahiitO hdmO

karayat. hi&wat ako abavat antara&a drvantam dmrüta aya antara.-
uxti: nöit nd τηαηά nöit sataha noit xratavö naeda varana nöit uxba
naSda iyao&na nöit daend nöit urvqnö hacinte.

16 aitatca vacö mazdaoxtam ftri.afsmam cadru.piitram panca.-

ratu *raiti.hankara&am. Tcdii he afsmqn? humatam hüxtam hvarstam.
17 kdii piitrdii? αύτανα ra&ae&td vdstryö fiuyqs hüitii. vlspaya
**irina hacimna naire aSaone +ari.manaiaha *ari.vacaraha *ari.Syao^na
*ratui.marata daenO.sdca, yenhe *$yaodandis gaedA αέα frddante.
18 kayo, ratavö? nmdnyö, visyd, zantumO, *dahyumö, zarafruitrö
puxdö; dtahqm dahyunqm yd anyd rajöit zaraduitröit; έafrru.ratui
ray a zara&uätrii. kayo, ainhd ratavö f nmdnyasüa visyas6a zantu-
masca zara&uitrö tüiryö. 19 hat humatamf aiavanam *manas.paoiryö.
kai hüxtam? mq&rö spantö. kat hvaritam? staotdii aia.paoiryaii6a
dämäbii. 20 mazdd frdmraot- tlm frdmraot? aiavanam mainyaomca
gaidlmia. övqs frdmraot fravdkam? vahiitö xiayamnö. cvantam?
aiavanam, vahiitamöa avasö.xiadramca.

21 bayqm ahunahe vairyehe yazamaide. ahunahe vairyehe ya-

zamaide frasrao&ram6a framarafrramda fraqddramta frdyaitlmöa.
ytnhi hdtqm dat yesne paiti.

1 ndisml daSvö. fravardne mazdayasnö, zara&uitrii, vldaevö,
ahuratkaSiö, staotd amaianqm spantanqm, yaitd amaianqm spanta-
nqm. ahurdi mazdai vatahave vohumaite vlspa vohü cinahml aidune
raevaite x aranaiauhaite yd zi clcd vahiitd, yenhe, gdui, yenhi. aiam,
yenhi rao6d, yenhi raocäbls röi&wan xvddrd. 2 spantqm armaitlm
vawuhlm varane, ha möi astü. us gäui stuye tdydatcd hazawhatid,
us mazdayasnanqm visqm zydnayaicd vivdpatcd. 3 fard manyaiibyö
rdtahe vasä.yäitlm vasa.Saitlm, ydii upairi *dya *zamd gaobli *iyeintl.
namaiahd aidi uzddtd paiti avat stuye: nöit ahmdt *d *zydnlm nöit
vivdpam xitd mdzdayasnii aoi visö, nöit astö nöit uitdnahs iinmanl.
76 Yasna XII 4—7, LIV 1 - 2 . Haböxt Nask II 1 - 3 .

4 vi daevdii aydiS *avaahU anaratdii akö.däbiS saram mruye

hdtqm draojistdii hätqm paoSistdii hdtqm avanhutamdii, vi daevdii,
vi daSvavatbii, vi yatuS, vi ydtumaiblS, vi kahydcit hdtqm dtaräii vi
manäbis vi vacäbiä vi Syao&andii vi ci&rdiS; vi zi and saram mruye
ya&and dragvdtd *rqxiyantd.
5 add add cöit ahuro mazdd zara&ustram a&axSayaetd vispaesü
*fraSnaesü vispaesü hanjamanaiiü, ydiS aparasaetam maadäscd zara-
6 αϋα a&d cöit zara&uitrö daSvdii saram vydmrvitd . vispaiüü
*fraSnaeSü vispaeSü hanjamanaSäü, ydiS aparasaetam mazddscä zara-
&uHrascd. a&d azämiit yö mazdayasnö zara&ustrii daevdis sardm
vimruyS, ya&d andis vydmrvitd yä asavd zara&uitrö.
7 *ydvarand dpö *ydvarand urvard *ydvarand gdui hudd yd-
varanö ahurö mazdd, yä gqm dadü yä naram aiavanam, ydvaranö
as zara&uitrö ydvaranö Jcavd vlitdspö ydvarand faraiaoitrd jdmdspd
ydvaranö Tcaseit saoiyantqm hai&ydvarazqm *aiaonqm, td varandcd
tkaSidcd mazdayasnö ahmt.

1 α airyämä iiyö rafadrdi jantü
narabyascd ndiribyasöd zara&uitrahs
varahäui rafadrdi manawhö yd daind vairim handt mizdam
aiahyd ydsd aiim yqm iSyqm ahurö masatd mazdd.
2 airyamanam Ulm yazamaide amavantam vara&rqfanam vi-
tbaiiaiaham maziitam aiahe sravawhqm. gä&d spantd ratuxia&rä aiao-
nii yazamaide. staota yesnya yazamaide yd ddtd atahäui *paouru-
yehyd. yenhe hdtqm dat yesng paiti . . . tdscd yazamaide.

IlaJöxt Nask.
1 parasat zara&uitrö ahuram mazdqm: „ahura mazda*mainyö
späniita dätara gae&anqm astvaitinqm aidum, yat asava para.iri&yeiti,
Teva aetqm xsapanam havö urva *vaiahaiti?u 2 dat mraot ahurö mazdd:
„asne vayöandt niihiöaiti uitavaitim gd&qm srdvayö uitatdtam ni-
mraomnö ,uitd ahmdi yahmdi uitd leahnidieit vasa xiayqs mazdd
ddydt ahurö'. upa aetqm xsapanam avavat idtöii urva *iiaiti ya&a
vispam imat yat juyö aiahui.a 3 „yqm bityqm Teva aitqm xsapanam
Haböxt Nask II 3 - 17. 77

havö urva *va7ahaiti?u 4 äat mraot ahurö mazdd: „asne . . . [ = 2],

upa aetqmcit xsapanam avavat sdtöiS . .. [ = 6].tt 5 „yqm drityqm Teva
aetqmcit xsapanam havö urva *vawhaiti?u 6 äat mraot ahurö mazdd:
„asne . . . [ = 2], updea aetqmcit xSapanam avavat sätöiS urva*Haiti
yada vlspam imat yatjuyö awhus. 7 •drityä xSapö tiraoita vyusa saöa-
yeiti yö nars asaonö urva urvarähuca paiti *baoöisca vldiöaramnö
saöayeiti: d dim vatö upa.vävö saöayeiti rapidveitarat haca naemdt
rapi&witaraeibyö haca naemaeibyö hubaoiöis huöaoiöitarö anyaeibyö
vdtaSibyö. 8 äat tarn vdtam ndiahaya *uzgrambayö saöayeiti yö nars
asaonö urva: Jcudadaem vdtö räiti, yim yava vdtdm nätshdbya hu
baoiöitamam jigaurva?' 9 anhä dim vätayd fräranta saöayeiti yd hava
daena Icainlnö kahrpa srirayd xiöi&nyd auruia.bdzvö amayd hurao-
öayd *uzaritayd barazaityd aradvafsnyd sraotanvö dzätayd raevasci-
drayd pan6a.dasayd raoöaSsva kahrpa avavatö *sraya yada ddmqn
sraeitdiS. 10 äat htm aoxta parasö yö nars asaonö urva: ,cisca
carditis ahi, yqm it yava iaräitinqm kahrpa sraeitqm dädarasaP
11 äat *he *paiti.aoxta yd hava * daena: ,azam bd *te ahmt, yum, hu-
manö hvaeö *huiyao&na *hudaSna yd hava da&na *xvaepaide.tanvö.
ci£6a •ihjoqm cakana ava masanata vanhanaca srayanaca hubaoiöitaca
vara&rajqstaca paiti.dvaesayantaca yada yat *mS saöayehi. 12 tum
mqm **cakana, yum, humanö hvaeö *huSyaodna *hudaena ava masa-
naca vanhanaca srayanaca yada yat *te saöayemi. 13 yat tum. ainim
avaenöis saocayaca karanavantam baosavasca varaxaördsca **varö-
zintam urvarö.strayqsca karanavantam, äat tum niähiööis gäüdsca
srävayö apasca varauhis yazamnö dtaramca ahurahe mazdd naramca
asavanam kuxsnvanö asndatcajasantam durdatca. 14 äat mqm fridqm
haitim fridö.taram sriram haitlm srlrö.taram baraxöqm haitlm ba-
raxöö.tarqm frataire gätvö ürahanqm fratarö.taire gätvö nisdöayöis,
aeta liumata aeta hüxta aeta hvarsta; äat mqm narö paskät yazante
ahuram mazdam darayö.yastamca hqm.parstamca.' 15 paoirlm gäma
frabarat yö nars asaonö urva humate paiti nidaöät bitlm gäma fra-
barat yö nars asaonö urva hüxte paiti nidaöät ttritim gäma frabarat
yö nars asaonö urva hvarste paiti nidaöät tüirlm gäma frabarat yö
nars asaonö urva anayraesva raocöhva nidaöät. 16 ä dim aoxta
parasö pourvö asava para.iriOyö: Je ad α, aSaum, para.iriOyöΪ kada,
asäum, apa.jasö sitibyasca haca gaomaitibyasca *rayavaitibyasca haca
mäyavaitibyasca astvatat haca aahaot manahim avi ahütn i'üyejaiau-
hatat haca aiahaot aidyejanhtintam avi ahüm ? kaiJa *te darayam uste
abavatj 17 äat mraot ahurö mazdei: mä dim parasö, yim. parasahi
yim xrvantam äiOivantam iirvistram pantojn aiwitam yat aatasca
78 Hadöxt Nask II 18. Nlrangast&n 19—26.

ύαοδαηΤιαβδα vi.urviitim. 18 xvar9&anqm *he *baratqm *zarmayehe

raoynahe tat asti yünö humanawhö hvaöanhö huiyao&nahe *hudaenahe
xvar9&9m pasda para.iristlm tat näirikayäi frdyö.humataydi fräyö.·
hüxtayai frayö.hvaritaydi hui.hqm.sdstaydi ratuxiadraydi aiaonydi
xvar9&am pasca para.iristlm.

19 dahmö dahmdi aoxte: „*frü *mä, *nar9, *gdrayöii, ya\ ratui
*fritöii *djasd£.u vlsaiti dim frayrdrayö, nöit frayrdyrdyeiti. aSsö ra-
tufrii, *yö jaydra.
20 6vaiti narqm *haxtö zaota ratufrii ahumm vainm frasraoS-
yehef *vispaSibyö aeibyö yöi he *maödmya ναδα frasrdvayamnahe vd
upa.srunvantt *ya£ vd *yasnam *yazdmnahe.
21 surunaoiti zaota upa.sraotaranqm, nöit upa.araotdrö zaotarö;
zaota ratufrii, *a€tavato upa.sraotdrö yavat *framaranti. nöit zaota
*upa.8raotaranqm; *upa.sraotdrö ratufryö, aetavatö zaota yavat fra-
22 *srao&ra *nd gd&anqm *ratufrii paiti.astica yasnahe *αδα
*fsüiö mqdrahe; ahe zi nd "sravanhö aframaranti dstryeite ya&a
gd&anqmäit. ga&A srdvayö yasnam yazantam paitistditi vlspanqm
[gü&anqm] ratufrii; yasnam *yazditi gdüanqm * srdvayamnanqm pai-
tiiti yasnahe aevahe ratufrii aratufrii gd&anqm.
23 yd gd&d *afsmainivqn *srdvayatö, uva ratufrii; vacastastivat
*srdvayatö, aetavatö *kataras6it ratufrii yavat framaranti.
24 yd yasndm *yazdnti *afsmainivan vd vacastastivat vd, uva
ratufrya; hqm.srut.vdcayäda *yazdnti uva *aratufrya. hat ham.srut.-
vdcimca? yat hakat *dmrutö *afsmainivqnca *vacastaitivatca, avi
*anyö surunvainti nöit ainyö, a&iö *ratufrii, yö nöit * aiici.srunvaiti.
25 yö gd&anqm anumaiti vd *anumainyete ainyehe vd srdva-
yantö paitiitanti anyö vd he dahmö srutä gd&ä dadäiti, *ratufrii;
asrutd dadäiti, . . .
26 yö gdM srdvayeiti apö vä paitii.xvaine raodanhö vd kdrssqm
vd *gadö.tinqm **gd&anqm vd vdsyantanqm**, yezi +hvaeibya *uiibya
aiwLsrunvaiti, ratufrii; yezi aat nöit hvaeibya usibya aivoi.surun-
vaiti, apaydt; yezi apöii, . . .; dat nöit apöis, aetada *ma6mya *vaca
framara mnö ratufris.
Nlrangaet&n 27, 72—83. 79

27 *£vata na *nitama ναδα ga&d srdvayö ratufriif yat he

nazdiitö dahmö vfjrunvaiti, yavat va aim aim havaiibya uSibya.

72 iii zaot'ari *kairlm anhat *myazdöii *ayqn? *gädds6a fra-
sravayaiti υαδΐτηδα arahe *astvaite paiti.ddayat: add ratui; Oat
hdvandnO, yat haomam6a ahunavat awhavanam£a *vimandt·
73 Oat *dtravaxiahe, yat dtramia aiwi.vaxiaydt dfrrasca
tUhrö draxtii yaoida&at ζαοϋταέόα va6im paiti.ddaydt: add ratui.
74 dat frabaratari, yat d&rasca aivqm draxtim yaozda&at
barasmqnöa fr atom d&raSöa yasnö.karataeibyö paiti.bardi.
75 dat *dsnatari, yat haomamöa dsnaydt haomamda pairi-
76 a at *rae&wiikarahe, yat haomamia gava *ra6&waydt
77 dpam dbaras dbarat; *sraoidvarazö aiwydxiaydt.

78 *zaotari daityO gdtuS ma&amya nmdnahe maddmdt ard&raot

apa.srito 79 **etnuiuxtii. havandnö daiinam upa sraxtlm fratarqn
barasmqn aparqrn d&rö; haoydt*he *naemät dsnatari. *dtravαχ-
έ ahe daityO ydtui *daJinam upa *&raxtim *fratarqm dfrrö. fra-
baratari daityO gdtui *haoyqm upa draxtim fratarqn barasmqn;
daiindt*he *naimdt raS&wii.k arahe. anaiwi.aratvO.gdtu aita dba-
rata *sraoiavaraza, vlcarayatam.
80 yeziäa *aete ratavö *anahaxta *para.tyayanti, zaota vlspe.-
ratu.&wdii *raS&wayeiti; αέναδα dsndfrrat hdvanane *raedwayeiti.
zaota *anahaxto parayat dqhiStdi arSvacastamdi zaofrram raexiaiti.
81 yat aevö zaota frdyazditi myazdahe *ayqn, zaotars gdtava;
*aeta&a myazde *aiwi.oa&öayeiti radwasöa myazdaeöa radwaö£a
*vlspayds9.6atöa aiaonO stoii yasndida vahmdica xinao&rdiia frasa-
stayasda. zaotari gdtava *ahundm vairlrn frasrdvayöit *iyaoünö.-
tditya *hdvanaetbya paiti.Jarahöit hdvandnO gdtürn ; dtravaxSahe gdtava
ataram *aiici.vaxäayöit; frabaratari * gdtava yasnam haptanhditlm
82 yas6a aetaSiqm radwqm paoiryO paiti d.jasdt, hdvandnam
aitam astayeiti bitlm dtravaxiam. frritim frabaratdram tüirlm ddnaz-
vdzam puxdam dsnatdram xitüm rai&wiäkaram *haptaüam sraosd-
83 addt anyaeiqm ra&wqm paiti.ddayöit **aStaisqm ratavö
azddi frrigdmim antara anantara αϋα antara pata&a yat antara vd
80 Nlrangaetän 83-84.

dat autars vd paiti vd**, {hri vd dzditi ayara.dräjö vd vdstrydt.

yaböit gaern yavat arddva *dri.gämim aivcydstät haca *bar9sm»n
parditi *vaidhar3ätascit zaofrranqm **paitUta sti **myazdöiS *ayqn.
ratuS **rduininam dä&ranqm sravananqmea pasu.vastranqm6a.
84 "dvöya vananti, spitama zara&ustra, yö *fraurvaixti havahe
*vanaiti l dvöya *druzanti, spitama zara&uitra, yö frauroaixti havahe
urunö druiaite! dvöya *dddram dadditi, spitama zara&uStra, yenhe
dädrahe däiti *nöit *havö urva *väurOza! *dä&re zl paiti nivditiS
vlspahe anhäuS astvatö humataeiuca TiüxtaeSuöa hvarzstaSsuca. aSia
zaofrranqm mazistaca vahistaca sraSstaca, yd *naire aiaone *daste
aiwica *haite *casdndica paitica *p9rasmandi xratüm asaoandm.
γ. χ χ ι χ .
1 ximaibyd gäui urvd garazdd: ,kahmdi mä ütoarözdüm? kä md taiat'
d md aSiamö hazascd [ramö] ähiidyd daraiid tavis6d.
nöif, möi vdstd ximat anyö: aftä möi sqstd vohü vdstryd
2 add taid gäui parasat aiam: ,ka&d töi gavöi ratus,
hyat him ddtd xiayantö hadd vdstrd gaoddyö dwaxiö ?
kam höi uitd ahuram yä dragvö.dabli aiiamam vdddyöit V
3 ahmdi aid ,nöit earajd advaiiö gavöi1 paitl.mravat.
,avaSiqm nöit vlduyS, yd Savaits ädräng 9raivdiahö—
,hdtqm hvö aojiitö, yahmdi zaväng jimd karaduid.1
4 ,mazdd saxvdrä mairiitö, yd zl vdvarazöi pairl.6i&it
daevdii6d maiydiS6d yd6d varaiaitS aipl.öi&i£.
hvö vi6irö ahurö. add nä anhat, yadd hvö vasat.'
5 ,at νd ustdndii ahvd zastdii frinamnd ahurdi d,
mä urvä gäusöd azyd, hyat mazdqm dvaidl *farasdbyö :
nöit araiajyöi frajyditii nöit fsuyente dragvasü pairi.'
6 at § vaoöat ahurö mazdd vidvd vafüs vydnayd:
,nöit aevd ahü vistö nasdd ratus aidtcit haöd;
at zl &wd fiuyantaicd vdstrydicd dwöraitd tataid.
7 tarn dzütöiS ahurö mq&ram taiat aid hazaoiö
mazdd gavöi xsvldamöd *hvö.urusaSibyö spantö sdsnayd.' —
,koste, vohü manaiahd, yä i ddydt aaüvd marataiibyö ?'
8 ,aSm möi idä vistö, yä na aevö säsnd güiatd,
zara&uitrö spitdmö: hvö nä, mazdd, vaitl aidiäd
öarakara&rd srdvayenhS. hyat höi hudamäm dydi vaxadrahyd!'
9 atöd gäui urvd raostd: ,yä anaesam xiqnmänS rddam
*vd6im naras asürahyd, *yä *md vasaml *lia.xio&rlm.
kadd yavd hvö anhat, yä höi dadat zastavat avöV
10 ,yüiäm asibyö, ahurd, aogö ddtd, aid, xiafrramöd
avat, vohü manarahd, yd huiaitii rdmqmcd ddt·
azämclt ahyd, mazdd, &wqm manht paourvlm va&dam.
Aveeta Reader. 3
82 Gaea's Y. xxix li, XXX ι - ι ΐ .

11 Tiudä aism vohucd manö xia&ramöd? at md, maid,

yüiäm, mazda, frdxämnS mazöi magdi α paitl.zänatä? —
,ahura, nü nd avarä: 9hma ratöii yüimdvatqm.'

1 at tä vaxäyd ihntö: ya mazdddd hyatilt vlduie
»taotdcd ahurai yesnyddä vanhäui manaidhö
humqzdrä aSa yeid yd rao&bli darasatd urvdzd.
2 sraotd *gäui.dii vahistd — avainatd sued manawhd —
dvarand vlci&ahyd naräm naram xvahydi tanuye
pard mazä ydnhö ahmdi n» sazdydi baodantö paiti.
3 at td mainyü *paouruyS, yd yamd *xvafnd asrvdtam,
manahi&d vacahiäd iyao&anöi hl vahyö akamöd;
άβέα huddtahö 9V9i vliyatd nöit duiddtihö.
4 at6d hyat td häm mainyü Jasaitam, paourvlm dazde
ραβτηδα ajyditlmöd ya&död aiahat apämam arahui
aeiitö dragvatqm at aJdunS vahiitam manö.
5 ayd *mainivd varatd yä dr9gvd aöiitd V9V9zyö
aidm mainyui späniStö, yä xraoidistang asänö vaste,
yaeid xinaoian ahuram haidydiä iyao&andiS fraorat mazdqm.
6 ayd nöit arai vliydtd daevdöinä, hyat is *ddabaomd
parasmanäng updjasat, hyat varandtd aiiitam manö.
at aeSamam händvdrantd, yd bqnayan ahüm maratdnö.
7 ahmdiöd xäadrd jasat mananhd vohü aSdöd,
at kahrpäm utayüitiS dadät drmaitii qnmd
aeiqm töi d anhat ya&a ayatahd dddnäU "paourvö.
8 ated yadd aeiqm Jcaend jamaitl aenatahqm,
at, mazdd, taibyö xüaßram vohü manaiahd *vöividaiti
aiibyö aaste, ahurd, yöi asdi daddn zastayö *drußm.
9 at6d töi vaim Jiydmd, yöi Im farasäm *Jcar9naon ahüm.
mazddsid ahurärahö, d! *möyastrd.baranä aided,
hyat ha&rd mand bavat yaßrd cistii anhat maeüä.
10 add zl avd drüjö [avö] bavaül skandö spayadrahyd,
at asiitd yaojante d huiitöii vawhäui manaidhö
mazdd asaJiydöd, yöi zazantl vatahdu sravahi.
11 hyat td urvatd saSadd, yd mazdd daddt, masydtahö —
xHtiid änaiti hyattd daragäm *dr9gvö.d9byö raiö
sava6d aiavabyö —: at aipl tdii anhaitl uitd.
G&ea's Υ. XXXI 1-6, XXXII 3 - 7 . 83


1 td ν» urvdtd mardntö agustd vaöd sänghdmahi

aeibyö, yöi urvdtdii drüjo aiahyd gai&d vlmarancaits,
atilt aeibyö vahiitä, yöi *zrazdd cmhdn mazddi.
2 yezt äis nöit urvdne advd aibl.darastd vahyd,
at vd vUpang dyöi ya&d ratüm ahurö vaedd
mazdd ayd qsayd, yd aidt ha6d jvdmahl.
3 yqrn dd mainyü d&rd6d — aided cöii — rdnöibyd xsnütsm,
hyat urvatam Öazdörmhvaddbyö, tat n?f mazdd, vidvanöi vaoid
hizvd dwahyd drahö, yd jvantö vlspäng vdurayd.
4 yadd ahm zdvim anhzn mazdds6d ahurdnhö
aiied drmaitl, vahistd isasd mananhd
maibyö xia&ram aojönghvat, yehyd varsdä vanaemd *drujim.
5 tat m°i vtöidydi vaoöd, hyat möi, a$d, data vahyö —
vlduyi, vohü manawhd, mänöd daidydi — yehyd md draiii,
td0l£, mazdd ahurd, yd nöit vd anhat anhaitl vd.
6 ahmdi aishat vahiStam, y» möi vldvd vaoödt haidim
mqdram yim haurvatdtö aiahyd amaratdtasdd:
mazddi avat x§a&r»m, hyat höi vohü vaxsat mananhd.

3 at yüs, daivd vispdwhö, akdt manatshö »td ci&ram
yased vd mai yazaite dräjased pairimatöiscd;
iyaomqm aipl daibitdnd, ydis *asrüzdüm bümyd haptai&e,
4 ydt yüstd framlma&d, yd maiyd acistd dantö
vaxidnte daevö.zustä, vaidhnis slzdyamnd mananhö
mazdd ahurahyd xratäus nasyantö asdated.
5 td ddbanaotä maiim hujydtöti amaratdtased,
hyat vd akä manarihd yäng daevsng aJcascd mainyus
akd syaoüanam vacaishd yd fracinas dragvantam xsayö.
ß pourü aend ändxstä ydis srdvahyeitl, — yezl tdii add:
hdtd.mardne ahurd vahistd vöistd mananhü.
dicahml vä, mazdd, xsaOröi asüicd singhö vldqm.
7 aesqm aenanhqm naeclt vldvd aojöi — hädrüyd
yd Jöyd smghaite, ydis srdvl, xvaend ayaidhd —
yaesqrn tü ahurd irixtam mazdd vaedistö aht.
84 α&θ&'β Τ. XXXII 8-15, XLin 5 - 7 .

8 aeiqm ainanhqm vlvamhuiö srüvl yimasfot,

y» maiyang 6ixinuiö ahmdkäng gdus bagd xv&r»mnö.
aSsqmilt α ahmi dwahmi, mazdd, vl6i&öi aipi.
9 duLsastis sracd mörandat hvö jydtaus sänghandiS xratüm;
apö md iitim apayantd baraxdqm haitlm vaohaui mancmhö.
ta uxöa *mainyäu$ mahyd, mazdä, asdiöd yüimaibyd garazS.
10 hvö md nd sravd mörandat, yd aöiitam *vaenaibh& aogadd
gqm astbyd hvar&6ä, yasäd düdang drsgvatö daddt,
yasöd vdstrd vivdpat, yascd vadarä vöiidat aidunS.
11 taSclt md mörandan jyötüm yöi drdgvatö mazibli ciköitaras
atauhlsfa anhvas6d apayeitl raexanaiahö vasdam
yöi vahiitdt *aSaonö, mazdd, rdraiyqn manaiahö.
12 yd rdrahayan sravaiahd vahiitdt syao&andt maratdnö,
aeibyö mazdä aJcd mraot, yöi gäui mörandan urvdxi.tixti jyötüm,
ydii *grähmd aidt varatd Tcarapd x§a&ram,6d tianqm *drujim.
13 yd xsa&rd *grähmö hlSasat aöistahyd damdnö manaidhö
awhauS maraxtdrö ahyd yas6d, mazdd, jlgarazat käme
•&wahyd mq&rdnö dütlm, yä Ii pdt darasät aiahyd.
14 ahyd *gr»hmö d.höidöi nl kdvayas&t xratüS ni dadat
*vara6dhi6d fraidivd, hyat vlsäntd dragvantam avö
hyatcd gduS jaidydi mraol, yä düraoSam saocayai avö.
15 andii d vi.nändsd yd *karapö.tds6d kavltdscä,
avdii aibl, yäng dainti nöit jydtäui xSayamnäng vasö.
töi dbyd bairydnU vcmhüus d damdne manaidhö.

5 spantam at dwd mazdd manghi ahurd,
hyat -Ihod aiahaui zqdöi darasam paourvlm,
hyat dd iyao&and mlidavqn ydcd uxöd
akäm aJcdi vanuhlm aslrn vatahaove
üwd hunard ddmöiS urvaSse apäme:
6 yahml spantd -died mainyü urvaSse jasö,
mazdd, xsa&rd, ahml vohü manawhd,
yehyd iyaodandiä gaS&d as α frddante.
aeibyö ratai sänghaitl drmaitis
üwahyd xratäus, yarn naScii ddbayeitl.
7 spantam at üiod mazdd mänghl ahurd,
hyat md vohü pairljasat manarihd
parasatcä md: ,6is ahlf — kahyd ahlf —
GäO&'s Y. XLIII 7-15. 85

7ca&a aydra daxidrd farasaydi dlia

atbi dwdhü ga&ldhü tanuiiöd?'
8 at höi aoji: ,zaraüuströ paourvlm. —
*haidyö.dvae£d, hyat tsöyd, drggvdits,
at *aiaone rafvnö Jiyäm aojönghvat,
hyat α *büitli *vasasd.xia^rahya dyd. —
*yavata died, mazda, *staomi ufyd6d.'
9 spant&m at dwä mazda mänghl ahurd,
hyat ma vohü pairijasat mananhd.
ahyd farassm: ,7cahmdi vlviduye vailV —
,at d üwahmäi d&rS rdtqm namanhö
aSahyd md, yavat isdi, manydi.
10 at tü möi ddii aism, hyat ma zaozaoml.' —
}drmaiti haiimnö it dram.
parasdöd nd, yd töi ähmd paritd.
paritäm zi dwd ya&and tat ämavatqm,
hyat üwd xiayqs aSfom dyät ämavantem.'
11 spantam at &tcd mazda mänghl ahurd,
hyat ma vohü pairijasat mananhd,
hyat x&mä uxddii didaiähe paourvlm.
sddrd möi sqs maiyaeiü *zrazdditii,
tat varazyeidydi, hyat möi mraotd vahiitamt
12 hyatäd möi mraoi: ,aiam Jasö frdximne',
at tü möi nöit asruitd pairyaoyid:
,*uziraidydi, pard hyat d.ßmat
saraoiö aii mqzä.rayd haöimnö,
yd vi aiii *rdnöibyd savöi vlddydt'.
13 spantam at &wd mazda mänghl ahurd,
hyat me· vohü pairijasat manaahd
arv&d vöizdydi kdmahyd. täm möi data
daragahyd *yaos, yam vd *nae6ii ddrait tte,
vairyd stöii, yd ihoahml xia&röi vd6l.
14 hyat nd frydi vaidamnö isvd daidlt
maibyö, mazdd, tavd rafanö frdxinanam
hyat $wd xia&rd aiat haSd frqitd:
*uziraidyäi *azä saradand sänghahyd
mat tdii vispdiä, yöi töi mq&rd marantl.
15 spantam at dwa mazdd mänghl ahurd,
hyat vohü pairijasat mananhd
daxsat usydi Hiuind.maitii vahiitd:
86 Gaea's Y. XLIII 15 -16, XLVI 9 - 1 3 , XLVIII 5.

nöit na *pourui dragvatö hyat cixsnuSö,

at töi vlspäng angräng *aiaonO ädarä.'
16 ,at, ahurd, hvö mainyüm zara&uitrö
vsranti, mazdä, yasti, ciS6a spsniitö.
astvat aiam Jiydt uitänä aojönghvat;
* xv9ng.dar9söi xia&röi hyat armaitiS;
ailm Syaodanäii vohü daidit mananhd!'

9 Jcä hvö, y» md aradrö iöi&at *paouruyö,
ya&d died zdvlitlm uzamöhl
iyao&anöi spdntsm ahuram aiavansmt
yd töi aid, yd aiäi g§ui taid mraot,
ifontl md td töi vohü mananhd.
10 y» νd möi nd g»nd vd, mazda ahurd,
ddydt ankäui yd tü vöistd vahiitd:
axim aSdi vohü xsafrram manawhd!
yqsdd haxidi ximdvatqm vahmdi d,
frO tdii vispdii cinvatö frafrd pvrvtüm.
11 xia&raii yüjän karapanö Tcdvayascd
aJcdis iyao&andii ahüm marangaidydi maiim
y»ng xvS urvd xvaS6d xraodat dainä,
hyat aibt.g9m9n, yadrd öinvatö p»r»tui,
yavöi vlspdi drüjö dsmdnäi astayö.
12 hyat us aid naptyaiiü nafiuöd
türahyd uzjän frydnahyd aojyaeäü
drmatöii gai&A frddö dwaxianhd:
at Ii vohü hsm aibi.möist manarahd,
aeibyö raf»drdi mazdä saste ahurö.
13 y» spitdmvm zaraduitrsm radanhd
mardtaiiü xindui, hvö nd *frasrüidyäi *9r?&wö :
at höi mazdä ahüm daddt ahurö,
ahmdi gaö&ä vohü frddat mananhd,
tsm V9 aid mOihmaidi hui.haxdim.

5 huxia&rd xiäntqm — md n» *dui9xsaörd xiäntd —
vanhuyä öistöii Syaoüandii, drmaiti!
G&e&'s Y. XLVIII 5—7, 10-12, LI 1-4. 87

yaoidd maiydi *aip\.zqfhm, vahiitd,

gavöi wrazydtqm! tqm n» x ar?&ai
v fiuyö!
6 Jid zi nä huiöiihmd, hä ns utayüitlm
dät tsvUlm vanh»ui mananhö bar»xdi.
at aKyäi aid mazdd urvard vaxiat
ahuro awheui zqdöi paouruyehyd.
Ί nl aiismö ni dydtqml paiti r&mtm paitl *eyödüm,
yöi d vanhdui mananhö *dldraytö.duyi
aid vyqrn, yehyd hiddui nd spvnto.
at höi ddmqm dtcahmi a dqm, ahurd.

10 Jcadd, mazdd, mqnaröii naro vis»ntSt
kadd ajsn müxfram ahyd *madahy&,
yd angrayd Jearapanö urüpayeinti
ydid xratü duidxiaffrd daJiyunqm f
11 Jeadd, mazdd, aid mat drmaitii
jimat xiadrd huiaitii vdstravaiti?
Jcöi *dr»gvö.d»bli xrürdii rdmqm ddntif
Jcäng d vawhäui jimat mananhö dtstii ?
12 at toi awihan saoiyanto daJiyunqm,
yöi xinüm, vohü manawhd, haidnti
iyaodandii, aid, frwahyd, mazdd, ssnghahyd.
töi zi datd hamaistdro *aliamahyd.

Y. LI.
1 vohü xia&rsm vairlm bdgam atbl.bairistdm
*vidisamndi iiacit aid antard.caraitl
iyao&andii, mazdd, vahiitam; tat nücit var»iän6.
2 td V9 mazdd paourcim ahurd aidt yecd
taibydcd, armaite, döisd möi iitöii xiafhraml
ximdJcdm vohü mananhd vahmdi ddidi savanhö.
3 d.vä *gmi.d hämyantü, yöi v» iyaoöandii sdranti,
ahurö aid, *hizvd uxdaii vatahäui manaahö,
yaeiqm tü paouruyö, mazdd, fradaxitd ahl.
4 Jcu&rd dröis *d *fs»ratui, Jcudrd msrszdücd axstat t
Jcudra yasö Jiyän aiam? Jcü spsntd drmaitii?
Jcuörd manö vahistdm? Jcuürd dwd xia&rd, mazddf
88 Gaea's Y. LI 5 - 7 , 16-19, L i n 1—4.

5 vispd td psrasqs, ya&d aiät ha&d gqm t&dat

vdstryö iyao&andii »raivö hqs huxratui namatshd,
yä dä&atibyö arai.ratüm xSayqs aiivd 6istd,
6 yä vahyö vanhäuS dazds yasid höi vdrdi rädat
ahurö xia&rd mazdd — at ahmäi akdt aiyö,
yd höi nöit vidäitl — apämö anhäui urva&sö.
7 daidl möi, yä gqm taiö apascü urvardsid
amaratdtd haurvdtd späniitd mainyü, mazdd,
tdvlil utayüiti mananhd vohü sännhi.
16 tqm kavd vlitdspö magahyd xiaürä nqsat
— vanteui paddbU mananhö — yqm öistim asd mantd
spantö mazdd ahurö. add n§ sazdydi ustdl
17 haraxdqm möi faraiaoitrö hvö.gvö dasdöiit Tohrpäm
daSnayäi vanhuydi yqm höi iSyqm dätü
xSayqs mazdd ahurö aiahyd didydi g&rvzdlm.
18 tqm öistim ddjämdspö hvö.gvö iitöii xvarand
aid varantö, tat xia&ram mananhö *vanhäui vldö.
tat möi däidl, ahurd, hyat, mazdd, rapän taväl
19 hvö tat na> maidyöi.mdwhd spitamd, ahmäi dazde
daenayä vasdamnö: y» ahüm iiasqs atbl,
mazdd dätd mraot gayehyd iyao&andii vahyö.

Y. Uli.
1 ,vahiitd iStiS srdvl zaraduitrahl
spitdmahyd: yezl höi ddt dyaptd
aidt ha6d ahurö mazdd yavöi vispdi d hvarshdvlm.
yaS6d höi dabdn saskancd daSnayd vanhuyd uxda syaodandcä.
2 atcd höi s6antü mananhd uxddis iyaafrandiidd
xSnüm — mazdd vahmdi d — fraorat yasnqsid
Teavaäd vtitdspö zaraöuitrii spitämö fsrasaoitrasöä
ddrahö srazüi pa&ö yqm daenqm ahurö saoiyantö dadät.
3 timed tü, pouruiistd haiöat.aspdnd
spitäml, yezivi dugadrqm zaraduitrahs,
vawhäui *paitydstlm manawhö aiahyd mazddsdd taibyö ddt saram.
add ham faraivd ίhjnd xradwd; späniitd drmatöii huddnvaraivä!'
4 ,tam zl vä * sparadd *nlvardnl, yd fabröi vidät
pai&yae6d vdstryaHbyö atcd xvaetaove
*aiaoni aiavabyö. mananhö varshäui xvänvat hanhui **m»m bäddui**
mazdd dadät ahurö daenayäi vanhuydt yavöi vispdi ä.1
Gae&'e Y. LIII 5—9. Yasna Haptawhfttay XXXVI 1—5. 89

5 sdxv5ni vazyamndbyo Jcainibyo mraomi

ximaibydid vadamnö. mania i mqzdazdüm
*vaedö.düm daenübli abyastd ahüm yä vanhäui manatahö.
aid vä anyö ainim vivanghatü; tat zl höi husSnam anhat.
6 i&d i haidyd, narö add jänayö 1
drüjö ha&d rddamö yams **spasuüd frdidlm
[drüjö] dyesö [höis pi&d] tanvö pard. vayü.baradubyö dui.xvara-
•däm, nqsat xvd&ram
*dragvö.dabyö däjlt.arataSibyö. andii d manahlm ahüm marang-
7 atcd vä mlzdam anhat ahyd magahyd
— yavat dzui *zrazdiitö bünöi haxtayd —
paraüd mraocqs aordcd yadrd mainyui dragvatö anqsat pard.
ivizayaöd magäm täm, at vä vayöi anhaitl apämam vacö.
8 andii d: duzvarainanhö dafinyd häntü
zahydcd vUpdtahö xraosantqm upd.
huxiafrrdii jänarqm xrünarqmcd rdmqmid üii daddtü iyeitibyö
iratü Ii dvafiö hvö darazä *marav&yaoi maziitö; moiuäd astü!
9 duzvarandii vaiiö rdsti. toi narapis *arajls
aSiasd däjiLaratd paiö.tanvö —:
Jcü aiavd ahurö, yä i§ jydtäus hami&ydt vasä.itöiicd ?
tat, mazdd, tavd xia&ram, yd aratajyöi ddhl drigaovS. vahyö.'

Tasna Haptawliätay.
Y. xxxvi.
1 ahyd üwd Adrö varazänd paouruyS pairijasdmaide, mazdd ahurd,
dtcd died mainyü spänista, yä d axtis ahmäi, yäm axtöyöi ddnhe.
2 urvdziitö hvö ηά yätdyd paitljamyä, ütara mazdd ahurahyd,
urvdzistahyd urvdzyd nqmistahyd namarahd.nd mazistdi ydiahqm
3 atari vöi mazdd ahurahyd ahl, mainyui vöi ahyd spänistO ahl;
hyat vä toi ndmanqm vdzistam, ütara mazdd ahurahyd, td died
4 vohü üwä manarahd vohü ϋιοά aid varahuyd died cistöii syaoda-
ndised vacäblscd pairijasdmaide.
5 namahydmahl isüidydmahi Owd, mazdfl ahurd; vlspdii died hu-
matdis vlspdii hüxtdis vispäii hvarstdis pairijasdmaide.
90 Yasna Haptawhatay Τ. XXXVI 6. XL 1 - 4 .

6 sraSstqm at töi k»hrp&m Tcahrpqm üvaedayamahi, mazdd ahurd,

imd raocd barazistam barszimanqm aval, yüt hvarä avail. —
yeidhs hätqm . . . täscd yazamaide.

Y. XL.
1 ahü at paitl adahü,
mazda, ahurd mazdqmcd
büiricd TcdrsSvä räiti töi
xrapaitl ahmat hyat aibl,
hyat mliddm *mavaiddm fradadädd daindbyö, mazdd ahurd.
2 ahyd hvö 7i9 däidl ahmdicd ahuyg manaTiydicd tat ohyd, yd tat
upd.jamydmd tavacd haxdmd asaJiydid vispdi yavS.
3 daidl at narqs, mazdd ahurd,
asdunö aiacinavho,
aidyüs vdstryäng daragdi
liydi bazvaitS haxmainS,
ahmaibyd ahmd.rafanatahö.
4 add xvaetüs add varazänd add *hax»mqm Jiyat, ydie hiiiamaidi,
add vä utd hydmd, mazdd ahurd, asavanö araiyd istäm rditi. —
yenhe hdtqm . . . täscd yazamaide.
Notes on the text.
The A v e s t a , mp. Apastäk 'text', is a collection of the remaining por-
tions of the great literature, which the reforms of Zara&uMra had called into
being. Of the developement and history of this literature little is accurately
known, but from the contents of the portions still extant themselves and
from the tradition of the Parsis we may fairly be certain of the following
facts. Zara&uitra1 s 'Sermons in Verse", which were easily retained in the
memory on account of their metrical form, became at an early date a matter
of difficulty to understand. For they presupposed the hearer Acquainted
with certain conditions and events already mentioned in a less abstruse
manner in his Prose Sermons. The priests therefore undertook the task of
interpreting these "Sermons in Verse* and elaborated and established the Cult
out of them. The outlines of the Sacred Legends, of the Cosmology and of
the Eschatology were gradualy drawn. A scheme of observances was formed
for the priests themselves and for the faithful generally. The Formulae of
Prayer and the Sacred Hymns were arranged and bound together in a liturgy.
Festival in vocations of the individual Divinities were appointed. These Di-
vinities were, moreover, steadily increasing partly on account of the intro-
duction of new gods (Yaeata'e) and partly because old Aryan gods like
Haoma and Mi&ra were too deeply rooted in the popular belief to allow
of their being permanently excluded from the Cult and had to be readmitted.
Interwoven with these invocations certain of the old Iranian heroic legends
were introduced. And last of all were added passages of historic and lega.
content with reference to the worship.
Thus there arose a sacred literature of a wide compass, which on account
of the early decay of the language needed revising. According to the
tradition there existed as early as the Achaemenidae, a thoroughly revised
and canonised text of the Avesta, containing 21 Nasks (see note on Y. 9. 14)
and altogether 100 chapters, which however expired at the time of Alexander
the Great. At any rate when the Avestic belief again became the national
religion at the beginning of the Sassanid dynasty, no complete edition was
any longer forth coming. It was not until the third century after Christ that
the Avesta was drawn up a new, when it was probably transscribed into
the mere complete Avesta-alphabet from the imperfect Pahlavi-alphabet
The Sassanian edition did indeed bring together 21 Nasks, but these were
no longer complete. The Dinkart a Pahlavi-work of the 9 t h century con-
tains in books 8 and 9 a synopsis of the Nasks, which gives us some idea
of the copiousness of the Avesta, which was even then extant.
The Avesta of to-day is about a quarter of the great Avesta, as the
Dinkart describes it. It is divided into four parts according to its matter:
the Yait'a or invocations of the separate Holy ones, the Vidivddt or book of
the law, the Yasna'a etc. or formulae for prayer and ritual, the Θάΰά'β or
'Sermons in Verse' of Zara&uitra.
94 Notes to Υ. IX.

Horn Yaet.
(Yasna IX.)
Literature: Geldner Metr. 120seq., Haug Essays 8 175seq., Mills SBE. XXXI.
230 seq., Darmesteter ZA. I. 79 seq., Manekji Baraanji Davar The Pahlavl
Version of Yasna IX Leipzig 1904.
Chapters IX, X and XI, 1—8 or 15, which compose the so-
called Hörn Yast, are, strictly speaking, no part of the Yasna, but
belong to the Yast's. The name Yait, ay. yaitay- ,worship by
prayers and sacrifices' is applied to certain collections of prayer and
praise, of which there are twenty one extant. Their chief difference
from the prayers of the Yasna and Visprat is, that each of them is
deroted to the praise and worship of one divine being only, or of a
certain limited class of divine beings. See introduction to the Slh
The devotee endeavours, by an enumeration of all the glorious
feats achieved by the particular angel, and the miracles wrought by
him, to induce him to come and enjoy the meal which is prepared
for him, and then to bestow such a blessing upon the present wor-
shipper, as had been bestowed by the angel upon his devotees in
ancient times. Gp. Haug Essays 8 194.
These praises are often highly poetical and contain metrical
verses, consisting of eight or twelve syllables. They are to be traced
to the songs of the Aryan or Iranian bards and were the primary
sources of the legends contained in the Sohndma.

Υ. IX, X and XI were specially recited in preparing the Haoma

as part of the sacrifice. The word Haoma, which is identical with
the Vedic word Soma, is used in two senses in the Avesta. First it
means the twigs of a plant of magical and healing properties, the juice
of which was extracted and drunk before the fire; secondly one under-
stands by it a spirit who had poured his life and vigour into that
particular plant. There were many stories current in Aryan times,
which told of the miraculous effects produced by drinking the Haoma
juice and led to the belief, that the performance of this ceremony
proved highly beneficial to body and soul. These stories were em-
bodied in a hymn preserved in Υ. IX which contains an enumeration
of the miracles effected by Haoma.
Notes to Υ. IX. 95

From several passages of the Ga&a'a Y. 32. 10, 12, 14; 48. 10
it follows undeniably, that Zara&uStra was fighting against the Haoma
worship and trying to overthrow it. Bat the belief in the great
efficacy of such a ceremony, as the solemn squeezing and preparing
of the Haoma juice, being too deeply rooted in the minds of the
people, the Iranians only forsook the old Aryan fashion of preparing
the sacred drink, and invented one of their own, which was more in
accordance with the spirit of their new religion. The intoxicating
Soma beverage was replaced by a more wholesome and invigorating
one, prepared from another plant than the original Soma plant; bat
its name in the original Iranian form 'Haoma remained.
The Aryan Soma plant is nnknown. As substitute for that ori-
ginal now is need by the Parsis a plant said to grow among the
mountains in southern Persia, which has not yet been identified by
botanists. Cp. West SBE. XVIII. 164, Jackson Persia past and pre-
sent 369.

1 hävanlm α ratüm 'at the time when the Haoma ceremony is per-
formed': that is from sunrise to midday. — ZaraduStra, the founder of
the Mazda-religion, is a priest of the Spitama-ta,mi\y, hence he is often
called Zar. Spitama or Spitama Zar. There is no doubt, but thAt he is
an historical personage, see Bartholomae Wb. 1675. But no one has been
able definitly to establish his date. The statements of the native chronology,
which assign hie birth to the year 660 B. C., are untrustworthy. One will have
to go considerably further back, see §20 and Eduard Meyer KZ. 42.16 seq. —
ga&äs-ia: see introduction to the Yasna. — xvahe gay ehe x»anvatö amaSahe:
genitive of quality, §499. — 2 aem . . . haomo: here aim anticipates haomö,
§ 569. — frä mqm hunvanuha (lhav-) xvardtSe (inf., § 371), aoi mqm stao-
maine (inf., § 371) stüidi (stav-) 'prepare me that I may be drunk, praise me
that I may be praised*: cf. Bartholomae ZDMG. 46. 304. — aparaiit sao&yantö
'the later S.'·. the SaoSy ant's are the future Saviours, who will appear at
the end of the world and produce the Renovation (fraSo kzratay- Yt 13. 58).
See note on Yt. 13. 62 and on Y. 52. 3, 55. 3. A detailed description of the
Renovation and the last judgement is contained in Bd. 30 which is, no
doubt, founded on original Avesta sources which are now lost. — stavqn:
pres. subj. act. 3. pi. (them.) 'they will praise': subjunctive in the sense of
the future § 646. — 3 n»mö haomäi 'reverence to HA': the copula is omitted
§ 715. — kasd &wqm: a compromise between the usual pause form kö frwqm
and the grammatical sandhi form kastvqm § 179. 5. — astvai&y&i... gae&yäi
"for the material world': dativus commodi § 460. — 4 Vlvahvant, the father
of Yima in the Avesta, and Vivasvant, the father of Yamd in the Veda, is
a legendary figure of almost forgotten activity. He is said, both in the Veda
and Avesta, to have been the first sacrificer. — yö yimö xsaetö . . .: the
relative pronoun resembling Greek article § 751. — Yima is identical with
the Vedic Yamd. Etyuiologically his name means Twin, and this is probably
96 Notes to Υ. IX.

the real meaning 1 , for his twin sister YamX is also a Vedic personage. The
Iranian Yima has a sister of like name, although she does not appear till
late in the literature (Bd. 23.1, 31. 4). According to an old indo-iranian
myth there was a primeval twin pair, Yama and his sister Yaml, the pro-
genitors of mankind. Yama was the king of the golden age, the earliest
period of human being without decline of life and death. But as he was
also the first mortal that died he became the god of the dead. In the mp.
literature and in the Sähnäma he is called JamS&d, i. e. av. yimö xSaiiö. —
aiiihe xsaüräda 'in his kingdom or during his reign': ablative of space or
time § 484. The genitive of the demonstrative pronoun ('a-) used as reflexive,
when reference is made to the grammatical subject of the sentence § 568. —
pasu vlra 'cattle and men' acc. du. m., äpa urvaire 'water and trees' acc. du.
f.: copulative or dvandva-compounds. — x"airyqn xvanfom ajfyamnam t o
eat inexhaustible food': infinitive as object of 1kar- § 690. — 5 pania.dasa
(nom. du. m.) . . raoiaeiva 'fifteen (years old) in appearance': raoiaiSva loca-
tive of respect or specification § 518. — katarastit (nom. sg. m.) 'each of
them' is in apposition to pita pu&rasia. — xSayoit (aor. act. 3 sg., § 638:
xSäy·). — 7. Ä&wya corresponds with the Vedic Äptyä-, whose name, assi-
milated to äp- 'water', is the result of a mere Volksetymologie, cp. Äbtln in
the Sähnäma and Bartholomae IF. 1. 180 f. Pähl. Aspiyän is the transcribed
form of aw. A&wya-. — Qraetaona the son of Ä&wya, is easily recognised
in the Vedic Traitänd. But Traitänd occurs only once in the Rigveda
(i. 158. 5), where he is said to have been ordered by the old Dlrghdtama's wife
to behead him. Traitänd and Tritd, who is frequently found with the sur-
name Äptyd, seem to have been confounded together in the Veda, whereas
they were originally quite distinct from one another. Qrita-Tritd of the
Säma family was the first physician, ep. V. 20. 2. θταέίαοηα-Traitänd of
the Ätypa-l&mi\y was the conqueror of a threeheaded monster and the de-
liverer of cows, cf. RV. 10. 8. 8 s and the myth of Heracles slaying Geryoneus
and taking away the cattle. In the Vedic mythology Indra as the acknow-
ledged performer of all great exploits is subsequently connected with this feat,
in the Avestan mythology Mi&ra as vouru.gaoyaoitis, the possessor of wide
pasture-grounds, cp. RV. 2. 11. 9; 10. 99. 6; Yt. 10. 86. Instead of cows Brae-
taona in the Avesta (Yt. 5. 34; 17. 34) delivers two wives; an idea, which
probably is to be explained by the fact, that Yt. 17 is devoted to ASay vanuhl,
the potectress of matrimony. In the mp. literature he is called Fritön, in
the Sähnäma Farldün. — 8. Azay Dahäka, a threeheaded monster, slain
by Qraetaona. In later times it was converted into an usurping king, who
conquered Yima, and, after a long reign of terror, was defeated by Qraztaona
(Fritön) and fettered under Mount Damävand. In the Sähnäma he is called
Zahhäk. For the legends relating to him see Darmesteter Ormazd et Ahrinian,
101 seq. — drujim·. Drug- as dogmatic term is used as the opposite otASa,
the sum of all that is opposed to the true and lawful, the Da&vic kingdom
of lies and its order; concrete Drug is used as name for several represen-

Cp. lett. jumis, ir. emuin and RV. 10. 12. 6: yamdsya (sc. n&ma) yö
mandvate sumdntv dgne tdm r§va pähy dprayuchan.
triiirfänam saptdraimim. jaghanvdn tvästräsya ein nih sasrje tritd gdh.
Motes to Υ. IX. 97

tatives of the kingdom of lies. — drvantam: Drvant- 'companion oiDrug',

the opposite of Αίαναη-, the designation of those, who stand at the side of
Drug, i. e. who do not hold the true faith. — ayam gae&ävayö 'him, who is
evil for (or toward) the creatures'; adjective with the dative §466; gae&d·
vayö written instead of gai&äbyö § 47. — yqm .. drujim: incorporation of
the antecedent § 738. — mahrkäi aiahe gal&anqm 'to destroy all that be-
longs to Αία'. Αία (neuter 'Truth, Law'): the personification of right, skr.
ftd·, the divine order that pervades the world, (a) as opposed to Drug, the
sum of all that is true and lawful, the Ahur'ic. kingdom of truth and its order,
holy, divine law. (b) with words of giving or receiving and suchlike, law
as that upon which the man of the ilia-faith warrants his right to belong
to the kingdom of Αία, i. e. Paradise, (c) as Ahura (see note on Y. 29. 1)
the next highest to Ahura Mazdäh (see note on Yt. δ. 1, Y. 30.5), his chief
councillor, ambassador and executor of his will, while later (as Amaia Spanta,
see note on Yt. 10. 89) Vohu Manah was ranged before him. The opponent
of Αία is Alsma or Indra (see Bartholomae Wb. 368). — Aiavan 'follower
of Αία'·, the designation of those, who hold by Αία, i. e. who have the
right faith; 'faithful, righteous (of men), holy (of gods)'. — 10 Urvdxiaya,
a judge and lawgiver. We have no further details about Urväxiaya's legend
than that he was killed by Hitäspa and avenged by his brother Karasdspa,
cp. Yt. 15. 28. — Karasäspa, one of the greatest heroes in the Avesta. Of
his exploits we are told that he slew the horny serpent, which devoured horses
and men (Y. 9. 11 seq.), and the golden-heeled watery monster Gandarawa
(Yt. 6.38, 19.41). We are further told that he smote Hitäspa in revenge for
the murder of his brother (Yt. 15. 28, 19.41); that he smote the nine sons of
Parana, the sons of Nivika and Däitayänay: also Varaiava, Pitaona with
the many witches, Arazö.iämana and the boaster Snäviika (Yt. 19.41); and
that he was seduced by the witch Xnq&aiti, the plague of Vaekarata i. e. Kä-
bülistän (V.l. 9). In Bd. 29. 7 seq. we are told that Karasäspa lies asleep in
the plain of Ρΐίϊη (cp. aw. varay piiinah Yt. 5.37) in Käbülistän (cp. V. 1.9),
till he is waked hereafter to slay Dahäk (av. May Dahäka), who escaped
from Mount Damävand. See SBE. XVIII. 369 seq. and GIrPh. II 138. —
11 yim upairi vii raodat ärityö.baraza (nom. sg. n.) zairitvm 'above which
yellow poison flowed measuring one cord (lit. spear)'. — ayataha: instr. sg. n.
'(by) in an iron caldron*. — hö mairyö 'this scoundrel': the demonstrative
continues perhaps the precedent relative clause yim upairi karasäspö . . .
pitüm paiata, cp. Bartholomae Wb. 1719. — frqi ayaraho frasparai 'forth
he sprang from under the caldron": ayaraho ablative-like genitive § 494. —
yaeiyantlm (yah-) äpampar&ühät (sah-) 'he spilt the boiling water': parätbhät
is pres. subj. 3 eg. used as impf. §631, cp. Yt. 5. 62. — 13 Pouruiaspa,
the father of Zaraduitra. See § 20. — 14 srütö airyene vaijahe (loc. sg. n.,
with transition to the a- declension) 'famous in Airyana Vaejah'·. Airy ana
Valjah seems to have been looked upon as the original seat of the Airy a
(the Iranian race). According to Bd. 29. 12 Erän Vez is 'bordering upon Ätur-
pdtakdn'. But it is better localized in the north-east of Iran and identified
with X»äirizam (Chorasmia). For we find Airyana Va&jah and X*>äirizam
as the names of a country, which is always mentioned in connection with
Suyda (Sogdiana) and forms the last link of a chain of countries stretching
Aveeta Reader. 7
98 Notes to Υ. IX.

roughly from south-east to north-east, cp. Yt. 10.14, V. 1.1 seq., the cuneif.-
inscriptions D. 6.2, 6.3 and Geiger OIK. 24 seq. — tum paoiryö . .. frasrävayö
(impf. act. 2 sg.) 'thou didst recite first': on the adjective agreeing with the
subject used instead of the english adverb § 610. — ahundm vairim: one of
the three most sacred prayers, so named from its initial words yadä ahü vairyö
§ 19. See Υ. 27.13. It belongs to the vaca 6a&ruSämrüta 'the words that are
to be spoken four times', cp. V. 10.11. The 21 words of the Ahuua Vairya
were connected in later times with the 21 parts or Nasks of the Avesta (§ 18)
as an attempt to make them serve the purpose of a reminder for enumerating
the Nasks in their proper order, cp. West SBE. XXXVII. XL. — vlbanfrwantrm
'by observing the pausing' i. e. with pauses between the three verses of the
AhunaVairya, cp. Y. 3.25 and Bartholomae Wb. 1448. — aparvm, xraozdyehya
(instr. sg. f.) frasrüiti 'the second half with a louder recitation': instrumental
of manner § 447, c. — 15 äkaranvö: impf. 2 sg. them. — Da ίνα·, in the Gäöä'e
the concept daeva is connected with usig-, kavay· and karapan- (see below
18). The priests and professors of the old belief, which designated the con-
cept of god by daeva-, skr. devd-, offered, as may be easily understood, op-
position to the introduction of the Zaraduitri&n religion, cp. Y. 32. 3 seq.,
9 seq., 34. 8 seq., 49. 1 seq. As the new belief was accepted, the very meaning
of daeva- grew obscure and the 'false gods' became demons and evil spirits. —
yö varvürajcptamö abavat mainivA (gen. du.) dämqn (gen. sg.) 'who became
the most victorious of the creation of the two spirits': yö refers to turn. The
most striking feature of Zara&uStra'a faith as taught in the GäM'a is the
doctrine of dualism, see Y. 30. There are two principles, the good and the
evil, which pervade the world: Spanta (Vanhav-, Vahiita-, Spanyah- or
SpiniSta-) Mainyav ' t h e H o l y S p i r i t ' and Anra (Aka-, Dragvant- or
Drujant-) Mainyav ' t h e E v i l Spirit". These principles are primeval. The
holy or good spirit and the evil are in eternal conflict. The good however
will ultimately triumph (see note on Y. 30. 2). This idea of dualism ZaraOuätra
derived from the old Aryan belief in Heaven and Hell (see note on Yt. 19.44),
which was connected with the idea of a future life and the immortality of the
soul. — 16 haomö .. ya&a Wannte vahiStö 'Haoma .., if they drink (him), the
most beneficial'. — 17 ya&a gae&ähva .. frafaräne 'that I might wander among
the creatures': final sentence § 765. — 18 tbaiSd .. säürqm kaoyqm karaf-
nqmia: kavay- and karapan- are names of certain enemies of the nation
and of the faith of the Mazdayasniaus. See note on Y. 32.12. — 19 vahiStam
ahüm aiaonqm raoicmham vlspö.x"ä&rdm 'the best existence of the faithful,
light and full of jov': i. e. the paradise, cp. Yt. 19.17, V. 18. 26. 29, Y. 30. 4. —
drvatätam aiiih&sd tanvö 'the health of this my body: demonstrative of the
first person" § 567. — 21 paurva (nom. pi. m.) täyürn . . büidyöimaide 'let us
first become aware of a thief; mä άΐέ paurvö (nom. sg. m.) büidyaeta no
'let no one else first become aware of us': the adjective used instead of the
ekiglish adverb, cp. Y. 9. 14 and § 610; on the use of mä with optative, when
a positive sentence of the same syntactical kind precedes with optative, see
§ 655. — vtspe paurva büidyöimaide 'let us all first become aware': vlspe
(nom. pi. in., pronominally declined) in contradistinction to mä 6iS. — 22 aeibiS
(instr. instead of dat. § 428) yöi aurvantö .. "to the heroes, who . .*: incor-
paration of the antecedent § 738. — annäum: terminal accusative § 436. —
Notes to Υ. IX.

äzlzanäitibii ( 1 ζαη-, pres. II. § 195) 'to those who are bearing· a child': instr.
instead of dat. §§ 428, 470. — taiiit yöi .. 'to those who . . ' : the dative of the
demonstrative attracted into the nominative of the relative, cp. Latin istum
quem quaeris, ego sum. — ärihdnte·. pres. mid. 3 pi. them. ('aft-). — 23 täscit
y&: attraction, see above. — änhaire: pres. mid. 3 pi. §257.2 (' äh-). — mo$u
jaiiyamnö (gad·) huxratuS 'as soon as he, the wise, is entreated*. — 24 Kar»·
sänay is the name of some enemy of the mazdayasnian religion; cp. Vedic
Κγέάτιαυ the guardian of the heavenly Soma. — xsadrö.kämya: instrumental
of causc §451. — apqrn adv.: see Gl. — aiuriMiS: acc. pi. f. depending upon
the infinitive v»raiSye. — me belongs to dairihava (loc. sg., § 528): "in my
land*. — vlspe wraiSinqm "all growing*, lit. 'omnia augmentorum': vlspe (acc.
pi. m.) agreeing in gender with the partitive genitive., cp. Latin cuncti ho-
minum. — vanät, janät: forms of subjunctive used in the sense of indica-
tive § 650. — 25 nöit pairi.fräsa (instr. sg., § 449) arazuxSam pansahi väcim
'thou needest not ask the rightly spoken word by asking round'.— 26 aiw-
y&nhana: the g i r d l e is the indispensable symbol of the religion of the
Parsis. As soon as the y o u n g Mazdavasna has assumed the threaded belt
(now called kustl>), he is finally adopted into the religious community; this
he usually does nowadays in his 8 t h year, earlier however he had to wait
until his 16"» year (Yt. 8.13). See note on Yt. 5. 92. The Brahmans have a
similar custom, cp. Oldenberg Religion des Veda 466 seq. It is quite possible
therefore, that as early as the Aryan period, the investiture with the belt
marked the consecration of youth. — Oat (see Gl.) aiibhe ahi aiwyästö 'since
then thou hast been begirt with it': aitihe ('a-) the genitive used with the
perfect passive participle in -ta- § 501. — 27 mävöya ('}ma-) . . tanuye 'to my
body, to m y s e l f : tanü- used to lay stress on the reflexive relation § 601; on
the writing of mävöya see § 47. 3. — frrimäi yat pouru.baoxünahe: yat
used to connect a nominal explanation or exemplification § 749; pouru.bao-
xinahe gen. instead of dat. § 495. — 28 nö tbiSvatqm tbaesSbli 'the enmities
of our enemies': tbalSiblS instr. instead of acc. § 427. — manö: 'plot', see
Gl. — yö iiiia ahmi nmäne . . aenanhä asti masyö 'whatsoever man injures
this house': ainahvant- with the locative § 519. House, in a political sense
the smallest of the political units of the old Iranian race, which arc thus
divided: nmäna- 'house' (family, see note on Yt. 13. 66), vis- 'village" (union
of families), zantav- 'country* (union of villages), danhav- 'land* (union of
countries). — päSave: abl. du. § 336. — sk»ndam si manö ksranüiSi 'disorder
his mind': two accusatives with a single verb, where the verb forms a single
phrase with one of the accusatives, and the second accusative is the object
of the phrase § 438. ß; cf. in early Latin manum inicere 'to lay hands on ..'. —
29 The subject changes, being first the 2. pers., then the 3. pers. (in the rela-
tive sentence); on mä with the optative see § 655. — 30 nähmnäi asaone
'for the faithful that will perish (in the contrary case)*: dativus commodi
§ 460; näsamnäi is part, s-aor. mid. in f u t u r e sense § 669. — 31 airihä daenayA
mas vaca daOänahe nöit SyaoOnäis apayantahe 'of him who has the words
of this religion in his memory, but does not observe them in actions': the

The kustl is formed of seventy-two fine woollen threads twisted to-
100 Notes to Υ. IX and Yt. V.

compound verb mqzdd- (see 61.) is separated into its parts, cp. yd.. zrasia
d&t 'that she may believe and . .' Yt. 9. 26, and έτάά asmai dhatta "believe
him* RV. 2 12. 6. from aw. zrazdä-, skr. iraddhä-, — 32 jahikayäi . .: dative
instead of genitive § 471. — ya{·. only introducing the refrain.

Ardvlsür Yast.
(Yast V.)
Literature: Geldner KZ. 25. 378 seq., Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 52 seq., ZA. II.
363 seq.
This Yast is devoted to Ar9dot Sura A ηah.ita, a mythical
river, which was represented as a goddess. Arddvi means 'moist, fertile'
and seems to have been the name of some large river-basin, which
had become of great importance for the nomadic tribes of the Iranians,
cp. skr. Sdrasvati meaning 'abounding in lakes' and identical with aw.
Haraxvaitl, the name of the land 'Arachosia*. Süra and Anahita,
which are only epithets, mean 'powerful' and 'spotless'. In a cunei-
form inscription by Artaxerxes Mnemon (404—361) the goddess is
called Anahata (= anahitah) and when in the course of time she is
compared to Artemis as the ideal of maidenhood, even then her
epitheton Anahita 'spotless' is far more marked than her real name.
The Greeks confounded under the name Άναΐτις all the great female
deities of Asia Minor, so that this name became a common appellation
for the Artemides as well as for the Aphrodites of the East. Cf. Win-
dischmann, Die persische Anahita oder Anai'tis, Abh. d. k. bayr. Ak.
d. W. I. Kl. VIII. Bd. I. Abt.; Spiegel, Eränische Alterthumskunde,
II. 54 seq.; Darmesteter Op. cit.; Cnmont, Pauly-Wissowa's RE.* I.
2030 seq., RA. (4. s6r.) V. 24 seq.
The contents are as follows: Ahura Mazdah calls upon Zara&uitra
to worship Aradvl counting the benefits bestowed by her (1—15).
Then he enumerates the several heroes who worshiped her and asked
for her help (16—118). This enumeration is interrupted by a de-
scription of the mission which she has to fulfil on earth (84—89)
and by certain rules for her sacrifice given by herself to Zaradustra
(89—95). The YaSt closes with a description of the garments and
of the apparel of Aradvt.
1 mraot ahurö mazdä spitamäi zaraüuSträi: the prophet was believed
to have held conversations with God himself, questioning the Supreme being
about all matters of importance, and always receiving the right answers to
Notes to Yt. V. 101

his questions. — Ahura Mazdäh: the supreme Asura of the Indo-Irani&n

religion, the Heaven god, see introduction to the Mihr Yait and note on
Y. 29.4. — yazaeia mS him .. yqm aradvtm, 'worship m e her, the Aradvl ..':
yazaiia (pres. opt. mid. 2 eg.) imperative optative § 654; me ethical dative
§ 462. — yesnyqm aauht astvaite 'who is worthy to be worshipped by the
material world': dative of the agent § 461. — 2 zqöäi 'for bringing forth':
final dative § 464. — vlspA häiriSli huzämitö (acc. plur. f.) da&äiti 'she makes
all females bring forth easily': dä- (as verb of making) with two accusatives
§ 438. — y& vlspanqm häiriSinqm däitlm rafcclm paema avaJbaraiti 'who
brings milk to all women according to the circumstances and to the season':
vispanqm häiriSinqm: partitive genitive instead of terminal accusative §497;
däitlm, ra&wlm written instead of d&ityam, radwyam § 33.1. — 3 Hukairya:
name of the highest peak of the Hard from which the water of the Aradvl
leaps down the height of a thousand men, see note on Yt. 5. 21. —
Vouru.kaSa lit. 'with wide-extending inlets': a mythical lake. Which of
the two seas was so called, the Caspian-sea or the Aral-sea, cannot be deter-
mined. It is at any rate to be found in legends of very early date. It was
considered the largest area of water and the accumulation of all water. —
avavaiii masö yada . . as g r e a t in g r e a t n e s s as . .': masö accusative of
respect § 440. — 4 karanO: nom. pi. m. with transition to the consonant
declension. — yeiihe hazannm vairyanqm .. 'whose (are) thousand l a k e s . . ' :
genitive of possession as predicate §493; the copula is omitted §715. yetihe
is possibly to be traced back to the ar. sandhiform *jaijd(s) and would there-
fore here be quite regularly feminine. — kas6it6a a&iqm vairyanqm . .
6advsansatam ayan.baranqm hvaspäi naire banmnäi ' a n d each of these lakes
(is as long as) a forty day's ride for a man riding on a good horse': dative
in combination with participles giving the local point of view §463. — & ml:
ethical dative, in translation best omitted § 462. — vlspäiS aoi karimqn yäiS
hapta: instr. instead of acc. § 427; on the seven KarSvar's see note on
Yt. 10. 15. — arihäsia .. άρδ hamada ava.baraiti ( 2 &ar-) hqmimmia zaya-
namia 'and (sc. apayzärö 'the outlet') of this water flows down equally in
summer and winter': hqminamia zayan»m6a accusative of extent § 439. —
6 niSanhantaya&a written instead of niShardtaya66a (Aar-) § 103. — 7 υά
emph. particle 'indeed': see Gl. — aspö.staoyehlS nom. pi. f. instead of nom.
du. m; perhaps the word is taken from Yt. 8. 5, cp. Bartholomae Wb. 219. —
frä srira (acc. pi. n.) zui (nom. sg. f.) sispata (spay·) 'she, (who is) the graceful,
makes a show of beautiful things'. — 8 pairi.anharMdbyo written instead of
pairi.harStäbyö (haraz-) § 100. 5. — kahmäi .. upatihacayeni haia.manäiia . .
'to whom shall I be obliging, that he may be attentive in thought': upa+hak
with dative of the person and final dative. — 9 is repeated at the end of
every chapter. The first part of 9 is a typical formula of the Yost's, cp.
Y. 57. 3; Yt. 3. 18; therefore the masc. form of the demonstrative pronoun
(αλβ) stands instead of the fem. form. — ahe raya . . 'on account of her
splendour': ahe gen. sg., for the masc. form see above; raya instrumental
of cause § 451. — yazäi surunvata yasna . . zao&räbyö (abl. instead of instr.
§ 428) Ί will worship with an audible prayer, with libations': instrumental of
manner or means §§447,449. — ana 'thus': see Gl. (under 'a-). — haomayö
gava 'with milk mixed with Haoma': haomayö loc. instead of instr. § 426. —
102 Notes to Yt. V.

bansmana 'with the Bardsmari: the etymology of the word (cf. banzii-
'stuffed seat', skr. barhif- 'straw*) and the technical term employed in con-
nection with it (star-lit.'spread') indicate, that the Barasman was originally
used as a seat for the divinities like in the Vedic ceremonies. But from the
time of the Avesta it appears as a bundle of sacred twigs, which is held in
the* hand of the officiating priest while reciting many parts of the liturgy,
and is frequently washed with water or sprinkled with milk. It consists of
& number of twigs varying with the nature of the ceremony, but usually
from three to thirty-three. These twigs are cut from some particular trees,
then gathered into a bundle and bound by a girdle (aiwy&nhana-). See
note on Yt. 5. 127. In Yezd the tamarisk bush is used to form this bundle,
and it is bound with a slender strip of bark from the mulberry, probably
in exactly the same manner as it was in Zara&uätra1 s day. Brass rods are
sometimes substituted for the twigs, as is done by the Parsis in India, but
at Yezd this substitution is made only in winter, when it is impossible to
procure the branches. Cp. Bartholomae Wb. 948 and Jackson Persia past
and present 369 seq. — arSuxiaiibyasia väyzibyö (abl. instead of instr. § 428)
'and with the rightly-spoken words': on the form väyzibyö see § 353 and
Bartholomae Wb. 1235. — yeibhi hätqm .. yazamaide is one of the four most
sacred formulas § 19; it is a later imitation of Y. 51. 22. — äat: adv. in-
troducing the sentence; here inserted. — yeibhi hätqm .. varahö mazdA ahurö
va69ä . . y&nhqmia tasiä täs6ä yazamaide . . 'of whom among the beings
Mazdäh Ahura knows, that he shall receive the better good, and of whose
females (he knows it), those (males and females) do we worship': Haid- with
accusative and genitive of possession as predicate 'to know something (as
the possession) of somebody' § 493. — yeibhe hätqm .. y&nhqmia, tqsiä t&slä·.
the use of the singular (yetbhi) where the plural (yaSäqm) is expected, as
construction ad sensum § 608. — 11 yö paourvö vähm vazäite: a doubtful
passage; one expects yd paourva . . vazaite (thus some younger Mss.). —
ahmya vdia abridged for ahmya väiaya (loc. tig.), cp. Bartholomae Wb. 1418. —
13 yeiihe: for the masc. form cp. Yt.5.4 above and Yt.5.15 below. — hama-
näfaini b»nzanta taurvayanta: the dual forms are to be explained as bor-
rowed from an other text, cp. Y. 57. 27; hama.nafaeni is a new formation
on the basis of the feminine stein, see Bartholomae Wb. 1775. — 15 yeibhe
'from whom': ablative-like genitive § 472. — asnäatpa xsafnäatia (abl. sg.,
with transition to the α-declensiou) 'by day and by night': ablative of
time § 484. — frataünti: on the writing see § 148. — 17 D ait yd: the
name of a river in Airyana Vaejah, see Y. 9. 14 and West SBE. V. 79. —
18 anumatie (inf., § 371) dainaydi 'to think after the religion': daSnaydi dative
by attraction instead of accusative, cp. sanhamtit anu.mainydi Yt. 10.137 and
§713. — 19 aradvi . . hada zao&rö.baräi . . däfrriä äyaptdm 'Andvü who
always grants fortune to him, who offers libations . .*: dd&rii verbal sub-
stantive with accusative §442. — 21 HaoSyanha: the ancestor and first
monarch of the Iranians. His usual epithet is paraSdta (lit. perhaps 'placed
in front'), which is thus explained in the Pahlavi-V. 20. 7: this early law
(piSddtlh) was this, that he first set going the law of sovereignty*. For this
reason he is considered to be the founder of the earliest, or PlSdätian dy-
nasty, cp. West. SBE. Y. 58, According to the Sdhnäma the kings of this
Notes to Yt. V. 103

dynasty are Höiang, Tahmüras, Jamiid, Zahbäk, FarSdün, Manüdhr, Nödar,

Zav and Gariäsp. In the Avesta and in the mp. literature we find the
following lists of kings partly corresponding to that in the Sähnäma:
Yt. 15. 7—27 Baoiyanha (Höiang), Taxma Urupa (Taxmüraf\ Tahmüras),
Yima (Jamiid), Azay Dahäka (Zahhäk), Braltaona (FarSdün), Karasäspa
(Gariäsp)·, Yt. 19.26—38 Haoiyaraha, Taxma Urupa, Yima, Qraitaona, Kara-
säspa-, Mx. 27 Höiang, Taxmüraf, Jamiit, Aidahäk, FrUön, Manuiühr;
Bd. 34 Höiang, Taxmüraf, Jam, Dah&k, Fritön, Manuiiihr, Zav. Besides
these liste we find in the part of Yt. 13, which is devoted to the FravaSay
of the heroes before the time of Zara&uitra (130—138) the names of Yima
(130), Braltaona, Uzava(Zav), Manuif idra (131), Karasäspa (136), Haoiyaraha
(137). See further introduction to Yt. 19. — Harä: a mythical mountain,
considered to be the chief of mountains and supposed to surround the earth,
cp. Yt. 10. 60, 19.1; with the epithet barazaiti preserved in mp. Harburz, np.
Album. — 22 ya&a azam upamam xiafrram baväni . . 'that I may become
the sovereign power over . . i. e. the sovereign lord of . .*. — mäzainya- Adj.
'of Mäzana': Mäzana name of a country, which was held a place of resort
for demons and sorcerers; the Damävand mountain, to which Aiay Dahäka
was bound, is its southern boundary. Now-a-days Mäzandarän, perhaps
*Mazan-door', cp. Nöldeke GIrPh. II. 178. — varanya- Adj. 'of Varana', see note
on 33. — 26 uyS acc. plur. f. or. n., instead of uwe, cp. gAw. tibi and S 47; in
the first case it agrees with the first of its substantives in gender, in the
other two cases it does not agree with either of its substantives but is neuter.
On the other hand it is also possible, that it is in all three cases neuter. —
fiaonliia (acc. plur. m.) rq&wdia 'fatness and flocks', i. e. 'fatness of the
flocks'. — 29 Bawray. 'Babylon*. That the legend here localizes the dragon
in Babylon, is the result of a later Babylonian influence on Iran. — 33 varana
iadru.gaoia 'Four-eared Varana': name of a country for which was born
Sraitaona. who smote Aiay Dahäka. According to V. 1.17 Anra Mainyav cre-
ated to this country as a plague foreign rulers; an allusion to Azay Dahäka, who,
as a king, represents the Babylonian congueror, see above. — 34 yat baväni
aiwi.vanyä azlm . . 'that I may overcome Azay . . ' ; on bav- with a nomen
agentis in the sense of a 'perfectiv' verb see § 625. — uta hi vanta azäni
'and (that) I may take away his two women": see note on Y. 9. 7. — son-
haväti aranaväü acc. du. 'S. and A.', a dvandva-compound. — yöi (nom. du. f.)
han kahrpa sraeita (instr. sg. f.) zazäite (inf., see Gl.) 'who are of the fairest
body for giving birth (to children)'. — gai&yäi ti (nom. du. f.) yöi abdO.tame
'they the most excellent for household': in apposition to (satahavädi aranaväii)
yöi. — 37 varay piiinah: a name of a lake; it may be connected with
Piftn, a valley in Käbülistän see note on Y. 9. 10. — 38 Gandarawa: a
golden heeled monster which lived in the sea Vouru.kaia. What was the
original form of the myth in the Avesta is not clear. In the Vedic mytho-
logy Gandharvd is the name applied to a large number of various spirits,
some of whom live in the ether and light and others in the water. As in-
habitants of the ether and light the Gandharvd's are associated with the
heavenly Soma and described as gods, or as fiends, according as they are
its priests or jealous possessors who grudge it to man. As the lovers of the
nymphs Apsards's they are connected with sexual intercourse, cp. Oldenberg
104 Notes to Yt. V.

Beligion dee Veda 244 seq. Of the conception of the Gandharvd being· the
genius of generation and fertility in the embryo, the living seed, which
appears in Buddhist texts, there is no distinct trace in the Veda. — upa
yaozanta karana (acc. du.) zraya vouru.kasaya 'by the surging shores in
the P.-sea*. — ätaiäni süram, nmämm drvatö '(and that) I may run up to
the stronghold of the companion of the Drug': sünm nmämm terminal
accusative § 436. — ya£ pa&anayä skardnayä düraipärayä: before ya£ here
has been omitted at the least atöhä zamö: 'on the wide, round earth, whose
ends lie afar' cp. Yt. 5. 41, 10. 95, genitive of the place where § 507. The
passage is not clear. — 41 mairyö tüiryö franrase 'the Turanian scoundrel
Fratarasyan'·. the Türa seem to have been an Aryan (Iranian) nomadic
tribe, but the name was applied to all the nomadic tribes of the north as
the adversaries of the settled Aryans. The perpetual struggle between the
Iranians and the Turanians was represented in the legend by the wars
between Frararasyan and the Iranian kings from ManuSöifrra down to
Haosravah. In the Sähnäma Frararasyan is called Afräsiäb. — On the
writing of fraarast (nom. sg.) instead of franrasya see § 178.1. — hankaine
'in (his) cave': this cave was built underground with walls of iron, cp. Y. 11.7
and Aog. 61. — 42 aval xvaranö 'that Glory', see Yt. 19. — yim (nom.
sg. n., § 379) vazaite (see Gl.) 'that is waving'. — ya£ asti airyanqm dah-
yunqm 'that belongs to the Aryan people': 1 ah- with genitive of possession
§ 490. — 45 aS.vardiö: nom. sg. m. with transition the a-declension. — kava
usa: Kavay Usan was the second king of the second mythical or Kaydni&n
dynasty, 'Kayäni&n' being an adjectival form derived from mp. Kayak, aw.
Kavay- (a part of the name of the founder of this dynasty). The Avesta
Yt. 13.132, 19• 71 and the BundahiSn 31. 25 mention eight Kayäris, besides
Aurvat-aspa (mp. Luhräsp) and ViStäspa, who were of collateral descent:
Kavay Kaväta (Kai Kavät), Kavay Aipi.vatsihav (Kai ApivSh), Kavay Usan or
Usadan (Kai Käös), Kavay ArSan (Kai Arä), Kavay Pisinah (Kai Pisän),
Kavay ByarSan (Kai VyärS), Kavay Syävarsan (Kai SiyävaxS), Kavay Haos-
ravah (Kai Hösrav). But only three of them reigned, as the BundahiSn 34. 7,
the MSnük i Xrat 27, 54 seq. and the Sähnäma tell us: Kai Kavät (np. Kai
Kaväd, arab.Kobäd), Kai Käös, Kai Xvasrav (np. Kai Xusrau)·, to Kavay Ka-
väta succeeded his grandson Kavay Usan, the brother of Kavay ArSan, Kavay
Pisinah and Kavay Byaräan·, to Kavay Usan succeeded his grandson Kavay
Haosravah; Kavay Aipi.vanhav, the father of Kavay Usan, and Kavay Syä-
varSan, the father of Kavay Haosravah, did not reign themselves. Kavay
Aurvat-aspa, who succeeded to Kavay Haosravah, was a great-grandson
of Kavay Pisinah. To Kavay Aurvataspa succeeded his son Kavay ViS-
täspa. — On the mountain Smifya see Yt. 19. 2. — 49 xiaöräi (dat. in-
stead of gen., §471) hankaramö 'who consolidates the kingdom': Haosravah
is so called, because he killed the Franrasyan, by whom the kingdom was
harassed a long time. — Caicasta-·. a lake in Äturpätakän, cp. Bd. 22. 2. It
is the same as Lake Urumya. — urväpahe gen. sg. m. with transition to the
α-declension. — 50 nava frä&tvarasäma razunrn yö mqm mairyö . . paiti
pantata '(and that) we may not get into (lit. cut) the pit of the scoundrel,
who is striving against me': instead of frä&wdnsäma one expects fräVwar»·
sämi corresponding to danjayeni; razunm yö . . mairyö incorporation of
Notes to Yt. V. 105

the antecedent §738. — aspaiiu 'on horseback': locative of the place where
§&11. — 63 Tusa: the name of a most celebrated hero of the Iranian legend;
he was the eon of king Nödar. In the Sähnäma he is called Tos, cp. Nöl-
deke GIrPh. II. 137. — ra&aestärö .. jaiSyantö·. nom. pi. m. instead of nom.
sg. m.; the forms are borrowed from Yt. 10. 11. — tbiiyantqm . . duSmain-
yunqm . .: objective genitive § 503. — 54 Valsakaya (nom. pi. instead of
acc. pi., § 428) 'the descendants of VaSsaka*: Vaisaka (rap. Visak) was
the head of a family, whose foremost member was his son Plrän Visak (np.
Plrän Vesa), Afräsiäb'a (aw. Franrasyan) chief general in the Sähnäma, cp.
Bd. 31.16. — upa dvanm xia&ro.sukdm .. kanhaya 'by the Xi.-pass in K.'i
Kaidha is the name of a land. The castle of Kanha, Kangdiz, in the east
of Erän, was formed by SyävarSan (SiyävaxS, see note on 45), cp. Bd. 29.10,
32. δ. According to Dk. 9.16.15 Pasö.tanü (mp. PiAötän), the son of ViStäspa
resided there. — ya&a .. nijanäni tüiryanqm dahyunajn (part. gen. as object.,
§ 497) pan6asaynäi (inf., § 371) sataynäiSia .. 'that I may smite the Turanian
people in order to smite fifty with hundred smitings and . .': ραηόαβαγηάϊ
is final infinitive § 702. — 58 yat baväma aiwi.vanyä: aitvi.vanyä, which
ought to be nom. pi. m., is scarcely correct. — 61 päurvö yö vifrö naväzö
'Päurva, the experienced boatman', cp. Bartholomae Wb. 890,25. An allus-
ion is made here to a myth, belonging to the &raitaona-cycle, of which no
other trace is found in the Avesta, except Az. 4. — 62 nöit aora avöirisyät
'(but) he could not turndown': avöirisyät (vrvaes·) is pres. subj. 3 eg. used
as impf. § 631. — {hraoäta (loc. sg.) 'at the end'. — fräymat (gam-) uidnJiam
sürayä vivitlm 'he came to the dawn, to the lighting up of the mighty
(dawn)'. — 63 Ranhäi a semi-mythical river, of which the Vedic Aryans
appear to have had a legendary remembrance in the Rasi. In the Bd. it
is called Arang and supposed to encompass a great part of the known world
(see Chap. 7. 16). According to Darmesteter ZA. Π. 382 this river is to be
identified with the Tigris; but Geiger OIK. 34seq. makes Ranhä for better
reasons Yaxartes. — frapayeni (ap-): on the writing see §34.8. — 64 raivat
cifrnm (nom. sg. n.) 'rich (is her) origin': if raivat iidrsm has been accurately
handed down, it must be considered an inserted clause. — niz&nga ao&ra
(instr. sg. n.) päiti.Smuxta .. 'dressed with shoes up to the ankle*. — 65 moiu
tat &s nöi( dar»y»m yat . . 'quickly it (tat) happened, it (was) not long till
.. . — drum avantsm airiStdm ·. according to Bartholomae IF. 12. 146 the
author of this part was led to use accusatives here (instead of nominatives)
by the preceding sentence yezi jum frapayeni. — 68 Jämäspa, the prime
minister of ViStäspa·, he was the brother of FraSaoStra, belonging to the
.Hvora-family; see note on Yt. 5.98. — yat späiam pairi.avainat (with Augm.)
dürät ayantam rasmaoyö 'when he saw the army coming from afar in
battle array': on the construction of vaen- with a predicative participle see
§ 672; rasmaoyö (dat. pi. instead of instr. pi. §§ 47. 2, 428) instrumental of
manner § 447. — 69 ya&a .. avata vmfara (instr. sg. n.) haiäne yada .. 'that
I may partake of so great a victory as . Λ — 72 Aiavazdah·. the name of
a faithful; Α., the son of Pourudäxitay, is one of the seven immortal lords
of Xvanirada cp. Dk. 9. 16. 17 and will come forth to help SaoSyant in the
final struggle cp. Bd. 29. 6. — ASavazdasia Qritasia SäyuidröiS pudra
Ά. und θ., the sons of S.': cp. Yt. 13.113. — upa .. apqm napätom "at A.-N.'i
106 Notes to Yt. V.

Apqm Napät is & locality (a river, a spring or a mountain) sacred to the god
of the same name (cp. Yt. 8.4) and having all the epithets of that godhead. —
73 aiwi.vanyä: on the form see note on Yt. 5.58. — Dänavö (hereacc.pl.):
name of a Turanian tribe, perhaps originally a folk-name given, both in
the Veda and Avesta, to enemies with whom ware are to be waged, cp.
Yt. 13. 37 seq., AV. 4. 24. 2. — ahmi gae&t paianähu 'in the battles for (the
value of) their goods and chattels': paianä- is construed with the locative
of price; guide (written instead of gaedya) with masc. attributive § 367. —
76 Vistarav: an Iranian hero and descendant otNaotara, son of ManuS6i&ra,
see note on Yt. 5. 21. — Vitanuhaitl: a river not mentioned elsewere. —
»niuxiät paiti (see Gl.) vaianhai 'with well-spoken speech*. — 77 t& bä aSa
i-οχδα) tä arSuxia 'this is truly spoken, this well spoken': aSa is abridged
for aiaoxia, see Bartholomae Wb. 239. — yat mi avavat daevayasnanqm
nijafom (gan-) yada . . 'that as many (lit. as great a muchness) of Daiva-
worshippers (have been) smitten by me as . .': mi as dative of the agent
with a passive participle § 461. — sänm-a 'on the head': on the use of ä
as postposition see § 528. — varsanqm: partitive genitive as object §497.—
78 anmaiitä anyä άρδ ksnnaot fraSa anyä fratacat huikam paium raiiayat
tarö . . 'some waters she made stand still, others she made flow forward;
so she left a dry passage to pass over . .: frataiat is used in causative
sense. — 81 YoiStai name of a faithful one of the .FVydna-family, who
replies to the 99 questions of the wizard Axtya. Upon the allusions made
here a legend is based, which is fully told in the Pahlavi-tale Mätlkän i
TöH i Frydn. This tale relates how the wizard Axt came to a certain city
and killed every one who was unable to answer the questions he put to
them, till the righteous Yoit appeared and answered 33 questions asked by
Axt. But he, in his turn, was unable to answer a single one of the three
questions asked by YoSt who then destroyed him, cp. West GIrPh. II. 108 and
Jackson Zor. 84. — paitips dvaSpS 'on the island amid the surging water':
mieswritten for paitipt dvaepe loc. eg., cp. Bartholomae ZDMG. 46. 299. —
82 fraina as acc. pi. — navaia navaitimia xruzdranqm (sc. fra&nanqm)
ff>aiiö.par$tanqm 'the ninety-nine hard questions maliciously asked'. — dtti-
dam is acc. eg. of duzdä{y)- with transition to the α-declension, cp. oväirieam-
έα Yt. JO. 14. — 8δ yahmya (where-adv. instead of loc. § 515).. ahurö.. hvapö
(nom. sg. m., with transition to the α-declension).. nivaiSayat 'whom Ah. made
know*. — ha6a ava£byö stsrzbyö "from those stars': the goddess Andvi has her
seat in the star region. Between the earth and the region of infinite light are
three intermediate regions, the star region, the moon region and the sun re-
gion. Cp. Darmesteter ZA. II. 310 and Jackson GIrPh. II. 672. — 86 nara6it
yöi taxma 'the brave warriors': nor- is the designation for the second caste.
There were altogether three distinctive castes (piitra-), in Y. 19. 17 four.
Peasants and artisans were probably classed together as a general rule.
The names of the castes were: ädravan- "priest*, ra&ai&tar-'warrior*, västrya-
fiuyant- 'peasant*, hüitay- 'artisan'. Different names are found for some of
these in the gAw: namely airyaman· or (probably) haxsman- "priest", x»aUav-
or nar- 'warrior', västrya-, västrya-fSuyant- or voneina-, vanzänya- 'peasant'.
Cp. Bartholomae Wb. 908. — xoar9naoluis6a uparatätö (acc. pi.): on the
plural of abstracts see § 420. — maramnö (nom. pi., with transition to the
Notes to Yt. V. 107

consonant declension) abs. 'praying'. — 87 voire nom. pi. m., written instead
of vadrya § 178.1; on the masc. gender of kainin- see §412. — yaona xiadra
hväpä: not clear. — tum tä (acc. pi. n.) a&ibyo xiayamna (nom. eg. f.) niairi-
navdhi (them.; tray·) '(all) this wilt thou grant unto them, as it lies in thy
power*. — 89 aääum spitama Ό holy Sp.': on the form aidum see § 159. —
ratui astvai&yö gai&ayä: not clear. — nipdtdra: one expects acc. sg. f.
(nipä&rtm) agreeing with mqm, i. e. aradvlm; the form is perhaps to be ex-
plained as borrowed from another passage, where the nom. dn. m. was ap-
propiate. — upairi zqm vliaranta (*kar-) 'they walk about upon the earth':
vMaranta universal injunctive §660. — turn: not clear. — mqnayan ahe (par-
ticle, see Θ1.) ya&a 'one could verily believe as if i. e. 'just as', used regulary
in comparisons: mqnayan is probably hypothetical optative §603. — 90 yasa
tava mazdä karanaot (Inj.) taöara nöit taiara antara.ara&am upairi hvara-
xiaitam In order that Μ. may make thee a course, not a course on this side,
(but) above the sun': final sentence § 757; on the sandhi of yasa tava see
§ 179. 4. — On the sandhi of yasa &wa see note on Y. 9. 3 and § 179. 4. —
aiiiia 'serpents and . .*: sing, in collective sense § 418. — aradnäiiia vawza-
kdiiia etc.: names of daivic beasts; instr. as subject § 427. — 91 Aü (gen.
eg.: hvar- n.): on the form see § 33. 9. — zaoihrayA*.part gen. as object
§ 497. — franharöii (x»ar-) *thou shalt drink': imperative optative § 654, see
note on Yt. 5.1; on the writing see § 100. 4. — d&ravanö . . tanu.mqdrö:
a later addition; the grammar is corrupt, cp. Geldner KZ. 25. 395. — 92 md
. . franharantu: mä here is followed by the Imperative, cp. Bartholomae
Wb. 1096. — dahmö: see note on N. 19 and Y. 9. 26. — 93 ava daxita
(instr. sg. n.) daxStavanta (nom. pi. m.) yä nöit pouru.jira fradaxita '(nor
those who are) marked with that mark, with which unintelligent ones (are)
marked'. — tftspanqm anu mq&ram 'in the judgement of all'. — 94 kam . .
ζαο&τά bavointi yasa tava .. 'what is done with the libations, if ..'. — 95 ni-
vayaka nipaSnaka etc.: nom. pi. m. — i»n<l (acc. pi., sc. ζαο&τά) .. yämdvöya
pasta vaeanti 'those (libations) that are brought to me after (the sun has set?)':
behind ραβέα hü früümö.däitlm seems to be omitted, see 94; vaz»nti is written
for vazinti i. e. vasyenti pres. pass. 3 pi. §§ 131.2, 33.1, 615. — xivai satdii
1tazaiaram6a is best referred to nivayaka etc., whose number it states. — yd
nöit haiti vlsanti daivanqm haiti yasna: not clear, see Bartholomae Wb.
1327. — 96 hazanrdi barasna olranqm 'from a hundred times the height of
a man': hazanräi dat. instead of gen. § 471; banüna (barazan-) instrumen-
tal of respect § 447 a. — masö xiayete xParananho ya&a . . "she disposes
of as much Glory as . .': xidy- with gen. § 488. — 98 hiStanta: universal
injunctive § 660. — H v ö v a : the name of an Iranian family, which plays
as great a part in the religious legend, as the JTaoiara-family does in the
heroic one. ZaraduStra married into the ifvöva-family and gave a daughter
in marriage into it, cp. Jackson Zor. 21 seq. — hvövö: nom. pi. with transition
to the consonant declension. — naotaire is written for naotarya nom. pL
§ 178. 1. — litlm baon saviSta "they become most powerful by the riches*:
Mtlm accusative of respect §440; baon is written for bavan §33.4. — nao-
taire viitdspö: one expects'naoiairyö nom. sg.; naotaire is probably trans-
ferred from the antecedent sentence. Viitdspa, the patron of Zara&uitra,
was the son of Aurvat-aspa (mp. Luhrdsp) and was sprung from the Kaydni&n
108 Notes to Yt V.

dynasty, see note on Yt* 6. 45· Ho belongs to the Naotari&n family, perhaps
because an ancestor of his Kavay Kaväta was adopted by Utava the grandson
of Naotara, see Bd. 31. 23. Cp. Jackson Zor. 70. — 101 kaiihe kaiihe apay-
idire (loc.) 'by the outlet of each (of those lakes)'. — 102 kam kamiit aipi
'by each (of the outlets?)'. — g&tu (acc. sg. n.) saite xvaini.staratam .. '(?) lies
on a nice-covered divan': the subject is omitted. The whole passage is
not clear. — hubaoiilm acc. sg. m. instead of n. — 108 paint äpam Fraz-
ddnaorn 'before the lake Fr.': according to Bd. 22.6 a lake in Sakastän (np.
Saistan). — 109 Tqdryavant, Paiana, Arajat.aspa are names of un-
believers. Anjataspa is in theAvestan andPahlavi texts the leader of the
hostile folk known as Hyaona, the Chionitae of the classics, cp. Jackson Zor.
104 and Bartholomae Wb. 1858; in the Sähnäma he is called Arjdsp and
understood to be a Turanian. — 112 aspäyaoSö zairi.vairti 'Zairi.varay
who fought on horseback': son of Aurvat.aspa and brother of ViStdspa; he
is Firdausl's Zarir, cp. Hübschmann Pers. Stud. 69,170. — 113 Humayaka:
name of a datvic monster, slain by Zairi.varay. — 116 Vandaramainii:
name of the brother of Anjataspa. — araja^aspo behind vandaramainii
must be considered a gloss. — 117 aspäyaodö zairi.vairti is here inserted. —
120 yet&he .. hqm.tä&at ahurö 'for whom Ah. has made ..': yetbhe loc. sg. f.
instead of dat. sg. f.?, see §§ 515 and 426. — mläti zl me him . . varantaiia
(pres. mid. 3 pi.) . . 'they (the four stallions) make it always rain for
me*: him is here a particle without distinct meaning; on the forms snai-
zintaiia (snaig-), srasöintaeöa (srask-), fyarahuntaeia (fyanhva•) see §§ 148,
33. 2. — yetihe avava£ haenanqm nava aatäii hazcmramia 'to whom 900
and 1000 missiles were aportioned': on bav- with the gen. see §489; avavat is
written for abavat (with augm.) §47. haSnanqm: as missiles are understood
the raindrops, the snowflakes and the hailstones. satdiS: instr. instead of nom.
§ 427. — 123 draiimnö nom. sg. m. instead of f.; on the form see § 148. —
zao&re vd6im paitibnanmna 'yearning for the voice of a Z.': zaodre dat. sg.
instead of gen. sg. § 495. Zaotar is the chief priest entrusted principally with
the recitation of the Gädä's, he conducts the religious ceremonies usually
with seven subordinate priests (Batav's), but also alone if necessary; see in-
troduction to the Nlrangastän. This name is a relic of the Aryan age, be-
cause it is also to be found in the Veda, where it appears as Hotar, cp. Bar-
tholomae Wb. 1653. — 126 yä hiitaite fravaidamna 'who is always to be
observed': the participle of the present with stä· is expressive of a continuous
action, cp. sä yatnena rak#yamänä tiffhati 'she is being guarded carefully'
PaSc. 330 and § 671. — frazu&am adksm vanhänam 'dressed with a precious
mantle': vamhänam instead of vanhana (nom. sg. m., cp. fravaidamna) is con-
formed to the preceding words. — 127 yaüa.mqm barasmö.easta 'holding the
B. in her hand, according to the rules (lit. measure)'. In Y. 57. 6, V. 19. 19
and in N. 70, 90 it is stated, that the Ban&man-twigs should be from an
Asia (?) in length and a Yava (perhaps a barley-corn) in thickness, and their
number either 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 21, 33, 69 or 551 according to the circum-
stances of the ceremony, cp. Bartholomae Wb. 948. — gaoSävara slspamna
(spay-) .. zaranaeni 'making a show of golden ear-rings': zarana&ni is acc.
du. m., a new formation on the basis of the fem.-stem in -I, cp. Bartholomae
Wb. 1677 seq. — yadaia . . yaöaia anhan . .·. final sentence with injunctive
Notes to Yt. V and Yt. X. 109

(instead of subjunctive) § 765. — 128 upairi is here adverb 'above (upon

the head)', see Gl. — pusqm . . aita.kaozdqm ra&a.kairyqm ·. ra&a.kairyqm
stands instead of °kairim with transition to the ä-declension, conformed with
the precedent aStaJcaoidqm. — 129 bawraini (acc. pi. n.) is written for
bavorini § 131. — bawranqm iaturZ (acc. m.) zizanatqm (zan-) ' o f . . beavers
of those that bear four young ones'. — yat . . upäpö is a later addition. —
yat asti baivrii sraeita ya&a yat asti gaonö.tdma 'for the female beaver is
the most beautiful in as much as it is the most dense-haired'; two causal
sentences, the second depending on the first. — ianmä vainantö bräzsnta
frina inzatvm zaranim 'the skins radiate forth silver and gold in abundance
upon the spectators': bräz- with a cognate accusative (»rdzatam zaranim)
and a terminal accusative (vaenantö): cp. aqnih .. ydt süryö ηά röcate bfhdd
bhäh Ά., when he radiates forth high brightness' RV. 7.8.4 and §438, b; (a-
rsmä is nom. pi. with transition to the αΛ-declension. — 130 masa: acc.
pi. n. with transition to the α-declension. — upa . . zaz&iti seems to be a
later addition. — väram-a 'at one's wish': on the use of ä as postposition
see § 528. Cp. Yt. 5. 77. — upa . . daiSe (pres. mid. 3 sg., dä·) parsnanhuntam
vlspqm.hujyäitlm 'he puts away in safety all that could be of any use for
good living*: pannanhuntam acc. eg. m. instead of f., on the writing see
§33.2; on the treatment of the prior member of vlspqm.hujyäitlm see Bar·
tholomae IF. 9. 204. — irifontsm x&afrnm zazäiti (pres. subj. 3 eg., them.):
not clear. — 131 yimia . . yimia: the relative pronoun resembling Greek
article § 751. — aom, written instead of avarn § 33. 4. — yö anhat äsuä
uzgastö (loc. sg.) hufraourvaisö νάίά 'who is swift when he goes (to war and)
clever in turning on the chariots'. — yö halnayA .. uva urvaisayat karana
'who puts to flight both wings of the host*. — höyüm written instead of haoim
(acc. sg. m. of haoya-, *havya), see § 144.7 and Bartholomae Wb. 1736 seq. —
132 aoi zaotänm yazzmmm "to the officiating Z.\ — aoi pdnnqm vlyzära-
yeintlm 'to the (hollow of) the hand, which lets overflow (the libations)': the
hand of the priest, who is offering up libations. — ya&a te vlspe aurvanta
zazv&tdha (part. perf. act., haz-) paiti.jasqn ya&a kavöiS vlStäspahe 'that all
those gallant warriors may return victorious like (those) of king V.'; final
sentence with snbj. § 765.

Mihr Yast.
(Yait X.)
Literature: Geldner KZ. 25. 484 seq., Bertholet's RelGesch.Leseb. 337 seq.,
Darmesteter SBE. ΧΧΠΙ. 119 seq., ZA. II. 441 seq., Windischmann Abh.DMG.
I. 1 seq.
In this long YaSt Midra is invoked and praised, who in the
younger Avesta appears as the god of the heavenly light, the lord of
vast luminous space and of the wide pastures and the god of truth
and faith.
Mt&ra is identical with Mitra, one of the Indian Aditya's, who
are now represented as three, now as seven; for three and seven are
110 Notes to Yt. X.

sacred numbers. Considered as a triad, the Äditya'a are Varuna,

Mitra, Aryaman. The name of Varuna ist best derived from vr-,
to cover. A god of the midnight sky, Varuna is also 'the covering'
deity. Mitra is distinguished from him as the god of daylight, though
bis name means 'friend, friendship, league, contract'. But both deities
originally were the same, the 'Father Heaven', probably called DyauS,
answering to the Greek Ζευς πατήρ and the Latin Iuppiter. The
Father Heaven had the most ethical character, he and the Mother
Earth being regarded as the parents of (gods and) men. As Father he
was the protector and tutor of his children, the guardian of wrong,
the watcher of right. It was he, who asked men to give themselves
up to the interest of the family or of the tribe1 and to be obedient
and true. His chief-attributes therefore were protection, unselfishness or
friendship, and tribalism, the personifications of which Varuna, Mitra
and Aryaman are. They were given the common name Amra's 'Lords',
because of their power in which they permanently hold men. The
Father Heaven himself sunk into oblivion. Varuna became the heaven
of night and Mitra the heaven of day, but not exclusively and ex-
pressly distinguished from moon and sun. They were always invoked
together as an inseparable pair, whose eye the sun is. In Iranian
times Varuna appears to have been a more monotheistic deity, be-
cause he was called simply Ahura i. e. the Ahura par excellence, cp.
the old dvandva-compound mi&ra ahura Yt. 10. 113, 145; Υ. 1. 11;
2, 11. Mifrra was separated from him, he was fully identified with
the sun, and an elaborate ritual with the accompaniment of mj-steries
was established. His worship was widely spread, not only in ancient
Persia itself, but far beyond its frontiers in Asia Minor, and even in
Greece and Rome. As his name is not mentioned in the Gada's, nor
in the old persian inscriptions before Artaxerxes II, he probably was
not acknowledged as a god in the original Zara&ustnan doctrine.
Cp. Windiscbmann, Mithra, Abb. ζ. K. d. Μ. I. Leipzig 1857, E. Lehmann
De la Saussaye's Lehrb. d. Religionsgeschichte 3 II. 194 seq., Bartho-
lomae Wb. 1185.
1 äat yat . . frädaSam 'when I created': temporal sentence § 755. —
av&ntam . . ya&a mqm6i£ 'looking· like m y s e l f : aväntam is part. pres. act.
of (ä+)bä-, § 47. — yesnyata .. vahmyata: instrumental of respect § 453. —
2 msrdndaite pres. mid. 3 eg., see Gl. under marak-. — ya&a salsm kayaSa-
nqm avavat aSava jaiit (nom. sg. m. of asava.gan-) 'like hundred of A'.-men,
so he, who kills a faithful': kayaSa- as subst. is the name of a sin, as adj.
Cp. RV. 1. 185. 8: devän vä ydc cakrmd kdc cid ägah sdkhäyam vä
sddam xj jdspatim vä iyärn dhir bhüyä avayänam esäm dyävä.
Notes to T t X. HI

the uame of the person who is afflicted with that sin. — midram mä janyd
'break not the contract': to the ase of mä with optative cp. Y. 9. 29. — mä
yim drvatai paras&rahe mä yim .. 'neither (the one) that thou demandest of an
unfaithful nor (the one) that . .': on fras- with the ablative see § 476. —
uvayd (gen. du.) zl asti drvataeia αέαοηα&άα (dat. eg ) 'for it (the contract)
is in force for both the unfaithful and the faithful': 1 αλ- meaning 'to be
in force for' is construed here with gen. and dat. § 495. — 3 äsu.asplm
daSäiti mi&rö .. yöi . . 'Μ. gives possession of swift horses (to them) who ..':
absorption of the correlative § 737. — FravaSay: the everlasting and dei-
fied souls of the dead, see Yt. 13. — 6 Yazata- corresponding to the Vedic
yajatd- 'the one, who is worthy of sacrifice': the general name of all
gods. — dämöhu saviMam 'the most mighty among the creatures': superlative
with partitive locative §§ 511, 517; on the writing of dämöhu see § 158. 2. —
tarn pairi.jaeäi vantada . . 'him I will approach with homage and . .*: in-
strumental of manner § 447. — 8 (daiiihupatayö) arazahi ava.jasantö (nom.
eg m.) avi . . 'going to the field against . .': arazahi locative of the spot
whither § 512. — avi hqm.yanta (acc. pi. m.) rasmaoyd "against (enemies)
flocking together in battle array', cp. Yt. 5. 68; hqm.yanta is part. pres. act.
of (hqm +) 1ay-. — antara daiiihu päparatäne (acc. du. f.) 'within the two
fighting lands': päparatäne is part. pres. mid. of pant·. — 9 yatära (nom.
sg. f., sc. daitihui) vä dim paurva (nom. sg. f.) fräyazäiti 'which ever of the
two (lands) will first worship him': vä here eraph. particle; to paurva cp.
Y. 9.21; fräyazäiti is subj. in future sense § 646. — fraxSni avi manö 'with
careful intent': on the form fraxSni (acc. eg. n.) see § 323. — anuhyat is
written instead of anhvyai § 101; see Ql. under anhvä-. — fraorisyeiti: on
the writing see' §§ 33. 4. 7, 148; cp. Yt 5. 62. — varadräjanö ·. gen. instead
of instr. — upamanö: nom. instead of instr.; DämöiS Upamana- is the name
of a Yazata, cp. Bartholomae Wb. 392. — 13 äsnaoiti: see Gl. under *had-.
— paurva.naemät amdiahe hü . . 'before the undying sun': on the form
hü see note on Yt. 5. 91. — 14 yahmya sästärö . . paoiriS irä räzayente
'where the chiefs arrange (their) many attacks': paoirü acc. pi. f. instead of
n. § 602. 1. — öätairö, the object of frädayan, is corrupt. — yahmya äpö . .
xäaodanha (instr.) frwaxiante 'where the waters hurry with the flow". — On
the writing of mourum, häröyum (acc. sg. of maryav·, häröiva·) see §§ 56,
136; on the form x»äirizam-6a see note on Yt. 5. 82. — The situation of
I§kata and Pouruta is not clear; Maryav, belonging to Haraeva (Herat),
is Marv, Margiana; Gava-SuySa and Xväirizam are Sogdiana and Cho-
rasmia. — 15 The Parsis divide the whole world into seven Karsvar'e 'zones*
or 'regions'. Savahl is in the east, Arazahl in the west; Fradadafsav and
Vldaiaßav are in the south; Vouru.baraStay and Vouru.jaraStay are in the
north; X^anira&a is the central Karsvar. — 16 vlspähu karivöhu: change
of gender § 602.1. — aiSqm günaoiti (l gav-) van&raynam yöi . . 'he procures
victory for those who . .": aSSam is dative-like genitive or genitivus com-
modi § 495, cp. mayä tasyäbhayam pradattam Ί have granted him safety'
Pane. 85. — 17 yö nöit kahmäi aiwi.draoxdö 'who is to be imposed upon
by nobody*: kahmäi is dative of the agent § 461. — 19 ahmäi naemäi
uzjasäiti mi&rö . . yahmäi naSmanqm mi&rö.druxä 'on that side Mifrra stands
forth, on which side (there is) one who lies unto M.'\ alimäi naemäi . . yahmäi
112 Notes to Yt. X.

is the dative expressing the destination of a going § 465, cp. vanäya gaccha
Ragh. 12. 7; — ηαέδα mainyu paiti.päite 'and he (who lies unto M.) does not
expect it in his mind': mainyu is instrumental of means §449. — 20 aspaiit
yöi mi&rö.drujqm vazyqstra bavainti "and the horses of those, who lie unto
M., resist the burden (of the horseman)' i. e. they don't yield to the burden
of the horseman and will throw him. — taiintö nöit apayeinti pay-) 'run-
ning they (who lie unto M.) don't get forward'; barantö nöit frastanvanti
(stä-) 'on horseback they don't progress*. — anhyeiti: see Gl. under iah-.
frina ayanqm mqdranqm 'for the number of the evil spells': frSna is loca-
tive of cause § 516. — 21 yatcit hvastam anhyeiti yatcit tanüm apayeiti
(ap-) 'even if he fling well flinging, even if it (the spear) reach the body':
concessive sentence; hvastam is absolutivum § 682. — a£6it dim nöit räSa-
yente (ra£-) 'they (the foes of M.) don't hurt him*. — 28 ahmäi nmänäi . .
yahva (?, instead of loc.) xSnütö bavaiti 'to that house, in which he is satis-
fied': on the use of bav- with the past participle in the sense of the passive
see § 671, cp. Yt. 5. 9. — 30 yas& dwä . . yazaite . . aiava 'if the faithful
worships thee': conditional sentence § 755; on the sandhi of yasa dwä see
note on Y. 9. 3 and § 179. 14. — 32 surunuyä nö . . yasnahe xsnuyä no ..
yasnahe 'listen unto our prayer, be thou pleased with our prayer': on srav-
and χέηαν- taking the genitive see §§ 488,489. — upa no yasnam ähiia Qäh-)
'fulfil our prayer': ähiia is opt. mid. 2 sg. with i instead of I, see §§ 267,
34. 1; the optative has here the tone of an entreaty like the following im-
perative, see § 651- — paiti h\& yaStä (yaz-) vlsarauha (va6s-) 'come to them
(to the libations) when, they have been offered'. — hqm his iimäne baranuha
ηϊ his dasva garö nmäne 'gather them for paying a fine (i. e. that we may
use them as a settlement for our evil works at the last judgement), and
lay them in the House of Love (i. e. paradise see note on Yt. 19. 17)*. —
33 ahmäkam: gen. instead of dat. § 593. — tat äyaptam, yasa üwä yäsämahi
'these boons, which we beg of thee': on yds- with two acc. see § 438, γ; on
yasa (here instead of yat acc. sg. n.) &wä see above. — urvaiti 'in strictly
fulfilling': instrumental of manner § 447. — vanaintimda uparatätam aäahe
vahiitahe ·. A&a Vahista (see V. 18. 34) is the name of one of the three most
sacred prayers, so named form its initial word aSam (Y. 27. 14), § 19. It
belongs to the vaca frriSämrüta 'the words that are to be spoken three times',
cp. V. 10. 8. — vara&raynam6a ahura&ätam . . yqm is a later addition, cp.
Geldner KZ. 25. 518. — 34 yada vaem .. vanäma .. taurvayama: final sen-
tence with subj. or inj. § 765. — 64 mi&ram . . yahmi . . maza amava ni-
dätam 'Μ,, into whom a powerful greatness (is) put': amava nom. sg. n. with
transition to the τι-declension, conformed with maza. — vyäne (inf.) daenayäi ..
'for the expansion of the religion': da&nayäi dat. instead of gen. § 471. —
yahmi paiti ci&ram vlSätam vlspäii avi karsvqn "(by whom i. e.) whose face
(is) directed to all the K.\ — 66 Asay Varahvi: see introduction to Yt. 17. —
Pöranday lit. 'abundance, richness': a goddess, whose original conception
cannot be found out; she is theVedicPuramdhay. — Nairya Hqm.varatay.
the goddess of manly courage; nalre is written instead of nairya, § 178.1. —
Fravasay-: see introduction to Yt. IS. — 68 hangrawnaiti (grab-)·, on the
writing see §§ 47, 111. — vääam . . yerihe daena . . xHte pa&ö rädaiti 'the
chariot, for which the religion makes ready the ways, that he may go well
Notes to Yt. X. 113

(on them)' cp. vi nab pathdh suvitdya ciydntv indro martitah RV. 1. 90. 4:
yetihe is dative-like genitive § 495; xnte, a compound of hu + ite (§§ 34.1,
§ 174. 4) is final infinitive § 702. — yim aurvantö .. vazdnti yat dim dämöiS
upamanö hu.irixtam . . irinaxti 'which (the chariot) the swift (horses) draw
(to that place), whither D.· U. makes it race along at full pace': hu.irixt»m is
absolutivum, cp. hvastdtn Yt. 10. 21 and § 682. — vannya drvantö: the Va-
nnya companions of Drug, see note on Yt. 5.33. — 69 möi.tü (see Gl. under
möit) · · vaSyäi jasaSma (gam-') 'may we never undergo the smiting': vaiyäi
dative of the spot whither § 465. — 70 Vara&rayna, the god of victory:
see introduction to Yt. 14. — paiti.snno: the form resembling the prior
member of a compound is not clear; one expects the genitive. Cp. Bar-
tholomae Wb. 1789. — 71 frqi ta6ö ham&nöäSa 'running on before the foe',
i. e. 'overtaking the foe': tafo is part. pres. act.; hamsrdöäda is ablative of
respect § 482. — upa.haxtö (hak-) ä.mananha (instr.) 'full of impetuosity*. —
ηαέδα manyete jaynvä naeda.iim yanqm (inf.) sadayeiti yavata . . 'he does
not think he has smitten nor does he quite understand that he smites t i l l . . ' :
on the construction of man- with a part, and of sand- with an iuf. see §§ 672,
690. — 72 astasia vardsdsia 'bones and hairs': astasia masc. form instead of
asta6a, assimilated to varasasia. — zamäSa: ablative answering the que-
stion where § 484. — 84 yim dväöina piöe haiimna . . ustänazastö zbayeiti
'whom some two joining partnership for the purpose of defence invoke with
hands uplifted*: pide is final infinitive § 702; ustänazastö zbayeiti sg. in-
stead of du. — άηγϋέδίί . . apayatö (haväis dätäiS) "the poor man who is
deprived of his rights': on (apa-\-) yam- with instr. see §446. — 85 yatiit..
yat .. 6it (with tmesis) 'whether . . or". — gaoS nom. sg. m., see Gl. under
3gav-. — 86 yä var»ta azimna (sc. gäui) 'the (cow) driven away as booty*.—
kaia nö arSa gavaidim apayät (ap-) . . mi&rö 'when will the hero reach the
herd of cattle . . ?': nö is here a particle which is not to be translated. —
kaia nö fraourvaesayäiti (urvaes-) . . drujö vaesmanda az»mnqm (acc. pl.
m.) 'when will he turn us (the cows) back that were driven away to the house
of the Drug": on the sandhi of vaesm»n-da (instead of vaismam-da) see § 156.
An allusion to a myth in which Mifrra was described as an Indra delivering
the cows which had been driven away by a monster, see note on Y. 9. 7. —
aSahe paiti pantqm 'to the path of the Asa (i. e. the place, where the Aia is
at home)*, see Bartholomae Wb. 232. — 87 yahmäi xinütö bavaiti mi&rö . .
yahmäi ibi.itö (tbaes-) bavaiti mi&rö 'by whom Μ. is satisfied . . by whom M.
is offended': dative of the agent with a passive participle §461 cp. Yt. 5.77,
17. 58. — 88 yat vaoee hükairim nqma 'which is called H. by name': vao6e
(vak-) is perfect used of the present result of a remote action § 640. — (anä-
hität parö) bansmsn: the locative sing, used for the ablative, see Bartho-
lomae GIrPh. I. § 399. Cp. V. 3. 16, 17. 4. — 89 yazata zaota . . bvnzata
va6a . . zaota ahuräi mazdäi 'he performed the sacrifice with a loud voice,
the Z. . . the Z. of Ah. M.'i bdrazata vaca instrumental of manner § 447;
ahuräi mazdäi dative instead of genitive § 471. — Amdsä Spanta 'the
Immortal Holy ones' are the Ahura's of the Gäi?ä-period, see note on Y. 29.1,
introduction to the Mihr Yait find § 26. According to Yt. 2. 3, 13. 83 they
are six in number and constitute with Ahura Mazdah the heavenly host.
The seven-fold group is as follows: Ahura Mazdah (see note on Yt. 5. 1),

Aveata Reader. 8
114 Notes to Yt. X and Yt. ΧΙΠ.

Vohu Manah (see note on Yt. 19. 46), Asa Vahista (see note on Y. 9. 9),
XSadra Vairya (see note on V. 17.6), Spvntä Ärmatay (see note on Yt. 13.3),
Haurvatät, Amaratatät, also Sraoia (see note on Y. 18. 14). Hauroatät lit.
meaning 'wholeness, completeness, welfare' came in the later religion to pre-
side as guardian angel over the health-giving waters, while Amaratatät lit.
meaning 'immortality' came to preside over the plants. They are generally
both mentioned together, and seem to represent the preservation of the
original uncorrupted state of the good creation, and its remaining in the
same condition as that in which it was created by God. See Haug Essays 3 d
ed. 307. — 90 Hävanan: the name of one of the priests, who were entrusted
with the preparatory or accessory proceedings; he strains the iTaoma-drink.
See N. 79 f. — yd paoiryö Havana haomq uzdasta (dä·) stahrpaesanha mainyu-
täita 'who as the first H. lifted up the Haoma\ adorned with stars and made
by spirits': on the forms stahrpaisanha mainyutäSta (acc. pi. m. in concord
with haomq) see § 339. — barajayat (bang·) ahurö . . yerihä laihrpö hurao-
dayä 'to whose well-shapen body Ah. paid hie respect': the adjective relative
standing for the genitive of the substantive relative § 742. — 95 pasöa hü
fräSmö.däitlm: Midra was supposed to retrace hie steps during the night;
therefore he is called axvafna· 'sleepless* and jayäurvah- "ever awake',
see Yt. 10. 7. He returns after the setting of the sun from the west to the
east (Yt. 10. 67) through the darkness frightening the Daiva'a and the com-
panions of the Drug. — 91 vazram: Mi&ra is armed with a club like the
Vedic Indra, see note on Y. 9. 7. — vazram . . zaröii ayanihö frahixtem '&
club . . cast out of yellow brass': zaröii ayanhö ablative-like genitive § 499.
— 97 AiSma, the Demon of Madness, see note on Y. 29.1. This A&Sma Daeva
is the Asmodeus of the Aprocryphal book of Tobit III. 8.17. — paiö.tanus:
see note on V. 5. 4. — BüSyqstä: the longhanded Daevi of sleepiness. She
lulls back to sleep the world as soon as it is awake, and makes the faith-
ful forget in slumber the hour of prayer. See V. 18.16.

Fravartin Yast.
(YaSt XIII.)
Literature: Windischmann Zoroastrische Studien 313 seq., Geldner KZ. 25.
&32 seq., Bertholet's RelGesch. Leseb. 337 seq., Darmesteter SBE. XXII.
179 seq., ZA. II. 506 seq., extracts by Caland Totenverehrung.
The Fravartin Yait, the longest of all, is dedicated to the praise
of the FravaSay, who originally represented the departed souls of
ancestors and are to be compared with the Pitärah of the Brahmaos
and the Manes of the Romans.
These FravaSay, who are numberless, are in the younger Avesta
believed to be angels, stationed every where by Ahura Mazdoh to keep
the good creation in order, to preserve it, and guard it against the
constant attacks of fiendish powers. Every being of the good creation,
Notes to Yt. XIII. 116

whether living or deceased, or still tinhorn, has its own Fravaiay or

guardian angel who has existed from the beginning. In the Qa&a's
the Fravaiay are not mentioned; but there the daena- partly cor-
responds. Cp. Caland Totenverehrung 48, Bahadoor N. D. Khandala-
wala Cama Mem. Vol. 205, Hang Essays 8 206, Jackson GIrPh. II. 643,
Söderblom RHR. 39.229, 373, La vie future 7, Bartholomae AirWb. 994.
The Yast is to be divided into two parts. The former part
(1—84) is a glorification of the powers and attributes of the Fravaiay
in general; the latter part (85—158) is an enumeration of the Fra-
vaiay of the most celebrated heroes of Mazdeism, from the first man,
Gaya Maratan, down to the last, the future Saviour Saoiyant.
1 aiva adv., see Gl. — framrava (pres. subj. 1 sg.) ya&a mi jasan
avairihe . . fravaiay δ "I will tell . . how the Fr. came to help me': indirect
question with ya9a 'how* as object sentence § 789. — 2 vidäraem (»dar-)
Ί keep": universal injunctive § 660; on the writing gee § 33. 4. — yd
imam zqm άέα pairica bväva 'which encompasses this earth all around*:
bväva is perfect used of the present result of a remote action § 640, cp.
Yt. 10. 88; on the writing see § 47. — handraxtö: see Gl. under 1 drang·. —
ayaiahö kahrpa x»aenahe 'with the appearance of glowing metal' i. e. looking
like a glowing metal. — raoiahinö aoi drisvä 'shining over the three-thirds
(of the earth)': a division of the earth, perhaps older than the division into
seven karivar-; three earths are also mentioned in the RV. Cp. the three
intermediate regions (Yt. 5. 85) and the three airs and heavens in the RV.
These divisions were derived by anal ο pry from the threefold division of the
universe: earth, air and heaven. Cp. D;irmesteter SBE. XXIII. 181. — 3 as·
manam . . yim mazdd vaste vanhanam stahrpaesaraham 'the sky, which M.
wears as (his) garment inlaid with stars': Ahura Mazdäh is the Varuna of
Aryan times, the god of the night-heaven, see introduction to the Mihr Yait.
— Basnav: the g o d of Justice, who weighes the good works and sins in
his golden scales, when the soul's account is balanced after the third night
after death. See Mx. 2. 115—122. Ärmatay, the goddess of earth and
devotion. Originally the earth-goddess, she has become the goddess of de-
votion by personification of her most characteristic attribute. This personi-
fication goes back to the Indo-Iranian period, the name having a counter-
part in the Vedic Ardmatay. Nowhere in the ancient religion was bounti-
fulness, patience, obedience or devotion in general typified so clearly as in
the myth of the Aryan Mother Earth, who, though she bears manifoldly
what breathes and stirs 1 and what is good, has to endure the interment of the
excellent and of the evil 2 , and even the hell 3 till at the end of things, when
there is no b e g e t t i n g of children, she becomes pure and renovated. See

yd bibharti bahudhä prändd ejat AV. 12. 1. 4.
* bhadrapäpdsya nidhdnam titikfüh AV. 12. 1. 48.
tisräh pfthivir adhd astu viiväh . . yd no divd dipsati ydica ndktam
RV. 7. 104. 11.
116 Notes to Yt. ΧΙΠ.

note on Yt. 19.44 and on V. 18.51. — vlä .. yahmäi nöit iahmäi naemanqm
karana pairi.vainöide (pres. mid. 3 pi.) 'the house . . the two ends of which
can be seen on no side', lit. 'on which for none of the sides the two ends
are seen*. — 9 garayasia yöi bvnzantö . . as acc. pi. — 10 drädräi g9uA
ραηδό hyayi 'to protect the five kinds of animals': gav- is the representative
of all useful (ahuric) animals. There are five classes of these animals: those
living in the water upäpa-, those living under the ground upasma·, the flying
ones frapt9T9jät-, those living in the open country ravasiarät-, the grazing
ones iaiarcmhak·, see Vr. 1. 1 seq. and note on Vr. 2. 1. — 11 vliäraem . .
bard&riiva pufrrS paiti.wrstS (*var-) apara.iri&intö ä dädät viSätaot Ί keep
in the womb the sons that have been conceived so that they do not die until
the appointed death (of all)'. — vyähva urvat-daim (urvak-) astiia gaonaca . .
'by the allotment of the reward, I shall join again the bones and the hairs. .':
vyähva (loc. pi. of vyam-) is a new formation on the basis of the nom. and
acc. sg. ar. *j<5ft, *jom, see Bartholomae Wb. 1476; urvat-iaem is inj. in fu-
ture sense § 657, on the writing see §§ 61, 33. 4. — 12 yeiSi zl me nöit
daidlt t}dä-) upastqm . . fravaSayö, nöit Arbhat-tvm (1ah-) pasu vir a
"if the Fr. should not have given me help, I would not have cattle and men*:
ideal condition in the past § 792, ß; daiiit (inj. 3 eg. instead of 3 pi. §202)
is uncertain; Aibhät-tdm opt. perf. act. 3 du. as conditionalis § 663, on the
writing see § 52. — stö is pres. ind. act. 3 du. of lah-, — drujö aogar» . .
ärihät 'the power would belong to the Dr.'·. on 1ah- with gen. see § 490. —
13 hazdyät: see Gl. under 1 had-. — 14 (äpö). . fratat-6antö: nom. pi. f. with
transition to the consonant declension. — 15 mnnvainti·. see Gl. under
war-. — &iahqm raya .. yat bavainti haöat-pudrö 'through their brightness
(it is,) that they (the females) become blessed with children'. — 16 us nä
zayeiti i}zan·) 'a man will be born': zayeiti is pres. subj. pass. 3 sg. —
Gaotsma·. the name of an unbeliever, who was vanquished in debate
by a faithful. On the suggested identifications of Gaotsma with Gotama
the Buddha or with Gotama whose son is Nodhäs in the Veda, see
Bartholomae Wb. 481. — parStöit aväiti pay-) 'he goes away from the
discussion': parttöit is ablativus separativus § 473. — hvara ava pa&a
aiiti 'the sun goes (that i. e.) its way*: pa&a is instrumental denoting the
way, by which § 448. — 17 äat anyaesqm fravasayo jvanqm narqm asao-
nam aojyehlS .. ya&a iristanqm "but of the others (i. e. as for the rest), the
Fr. of the living faithful are more powerful than those of the dead". —
18 äat yö nä (nar-) his hubarstä barat jva . . fravaSayö, sästa daiibhSus . .
hö anhäiti zazuStdmö xSayö kasöit masyänam 'then who while alive shall
treat well (lit. in good care) these iV., he shall be a ruler of the land (and)
a prince most triumphant whosoever of men (he be)': hubsrdtä is locative
of circumstance § 514; barat is inj. in future sense § 657. — vohu.bdntam
'in good care": locativo of circumstance §§332,514.— Arstät: the goddess of
Uprightness, to whom Yt. 18 is dedicated. — 20 ya$9 divä . . pa&qm jasäiti
vadwaesö 'if a robber comes to thee up the road (i. e. if a robber stands in
thy way)*: on ynsa ύιιά written for yat &tvä 6ee note on Yt. 10. 30. dicä and
padam (padä•) are terminal accusatives § 436. — böücranqm duiitanamca
. . yezica tiivaesd (nom. pi. § 420) tamo "and if (there is) dread of the skir-
mishes and dangers for thyself": tanvö is dativc-likc genitive §495. — dran-
Notes to Yt. XIII. 117

jayöiS: see 61. under 1drang-. — 21 ufyemi: see Gl. under vaf-, — fravaiayö
.. häitii hätqm .. &iahuüqm .. büSyantqm φαν-) 'the Fr., belonging to those
that are . . that have been . . that will be* on 1afi- with the genitive see
§490. — 24 on dä&rl- with dative of the person and accusative of the thing
see §§ 442, 467. — kuxsnvqnö: see Gl. under 1xSnav-. — 25 y& avaia para
fraoirisiStä ya&ra . . 'who long ago were fond of turning towards that place,
where . .* — ahm .. zrazdätwna (nom. pi. m.) 'the best believers in the holy
law*: see § 442. — ya9ra6a maziStä frfrrdtä (nom. pi. m.) 'and where the greatest
offerings (are offered)'. — 49 yä vlsäda (them.) ävayeinti (vay-) hamaspaö-
maidaim paiti ratürn 'who come flying along from their home at the time
of the27.: HamaspadmaSdaya is the name of the god of the sixth season
and of the festival which was celebrated in the last five days of this season.
At the time of the ^.-festival the Fr. come to revisit this world and are then
specially worshipped. The last and chief-day is the 7th of March, the new
year beginning at the 8 t h , 105 days before the last day of the MaidyöiSam,
the summer-solstice (20th June). See note on Vr. 2. 2. — It was also at the
approach of the spring:, when the earth becomes fertile again, that the Athe-
nians celebrated the All Soul's feast, the Anthesteria. The souls of the dead
were supposed to partake of the revival of their mother Earth. The twelfth
month of the Zoroastrian Calendar (2 nd of February — 2 n d of March), which
was followed by the five intercalary days coinciding with the if.-festival,
was therefore named after the goddess of earth Spandaramat (av. spantä
ärmaitiS). Thus it can be explained, why the Armenian name Spandara-
met, a loan-word from the Fahlavi Spandaramat, is equivalent to Διόνυσος,
whose sufferings and trinmphs are connected with the death and the rebirth
of vegetable life. — zixSnänhdmn&i see Gl. under xsnä-. — 60 kahe nö
nqma äyairyät (*gar-) kahe . . kahmäi . . 'by whom will our name be praised':
on the genitive or dative expressing the agent by which an action is per-
formed see §§ 501,461. · - kahmäi nö tat däfrnm dayäfc (pass.), ya£ h6 anhai
3P>airyan (inf. § 369) ajyamndm (acc. sg. n.) 'to whom will this gift of ours be
given, that to him may be to eat somewhat neverfailing* i. e. 'that he may
have neverfailing food': the infinitive as subject § 689. — 53 yä apqm .. srlrd
pa&ö daesayeinti y& . . 'who show the beautiful paths to the waters, which ..'
apqm is dative-like genitive, see § 495. — 58 urvaesam naismna (*nas-) 'willing
to reach the turning-point": on the use of the part, of the s aoiist in future
sense see §669. — frasö.karstöit: abl. instead of gen. §425; see the note on
Y.9.2. — 59 navasdsca: compromise between the internal sandhi navasas-ia
and the external- or sentence-sandhi navasi 6a, see Bartholomae GIrPh. I.
§ 304. II. 43. — 60 ave strvui (3star) . . yam haptöiringi (acc. pi. m.): on the
writing of striuS see § 121. Haptö.iringa (lit. 'with seven marks'), the chieftain
of the stars in the north, is Ursa Major. — 61 Karasäspa lies asleep in the
plain of Piiln guarded by 99999 Fr., till he is awaked to slay Dahdka; see
note on Y. 9.10. — 62 According to Bd. 32. 8 Zaradustra went near unto
Η υ δ ν ϊ (his third wife) three times, and each time the seed fell to the ground.
Nairyö.sanha1 received the seed and delivered it to AndvH, who carried

Nairyo.sanha is the messenger of Ahura Mazdäh. He was origi-
ginally the same as the Vedic Näröiämsa, a name of Agni, chiefly as the
118 Notes to Yt. X I I I and Yt. XIV.

if to the lake Kqsaoya (see note on V. 19. 5). Maids bathing in the lake,
will conceive by that seed and bring forth the SaoSyanVs, cp. Yt. 13.141 seq. —
64 ahmät . . ya&a after a comparative 'than', ahmät itself being originally
an ablativus coinparationis lit. 'than that*. — framraväire: pres. mid. 3 pi.
in passive sense. — y& maiamamcit myezdinqm baivani (nom. pi. n.) upa-
vazante 'who run by tens of thousands into the midst of the sacrificers':
baivani is in apposition to yd (fravasayö). — 65 yat äpö uzbarsnte (*ftar-)..,
aat..: temporal sentence § 755. — paoirls (nom. pi. f.): see Gl. under parav-. —
66 äpam aefomnä QaeJ·) haväi kdiii (nom. eg. f.) näfäi 'willing to seek water
each one for her family': on aesamnd see the note on Yt. 13. 58 (näSamna)
Instead of näfa- stands in connection with vis-, eantav- and danhav- in other
places nmäna- see note on Y. 9. 28. — uityaojand: with sandhi instead of
uiti aojanä, § 179. 2. — xvaepaide nö daiiihuS ni&ätaeia haoiätaifa (pres.
subj. mid. 3sg.) 'shall our own land become barren and parched?': avaepai&e
is written instead of X»aipai&ya § 178.1. — 67 have asahi ioi&raiia ya&a ..
dadära: not clear, see Bartholomae Wb. 691. — mqnaym ahe ya&a ηά . .
ra&aSitä hu&.hqm.bdrBtat ha6a saetät .. paiti.ynlta (pres. opt. mid. 3 sg.; gan-)
"as if a warrior should fight for his well acquired fortune': on (jpaiti-\-) gan-
with the ablative of cause see § 483. — 71 pairi 'against' (with abl.): see Gl. —
drvö.i&yät: written instead of drvai&yä£ § 3 6 . 1 ; see Gl. under dngvant-. —
zizi.yüiatfia·. part. perf. act., see Gl. under zyä-\ on the writing g 36. 1. —
mqnayan ahe ya&a nä satamca hazanram6a .. parSanqm nijaism hyät (opt.
act. 3 eg.) 'as if a man should knock down hundreds and thousands . . of
ears': on 1 ah- with an absolutivum see § 682. — 72 yaüa nöii .. karstö ..
avasyäi: consecutive sentence with optative §§ 766, 787; avasydi written
instead of aväsyäi (ava + asyäi, see Gl. under qs-) § 34. 3. — tat paiti 'in
that way': see Gl.

Yarhrän Yeast.

(Yast X I V . )
Literature: Geldner Drei Yasht 61 seq., Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 231 seq.,
ZA. II. 561 seq.
This YaSät is devoted to Vardfrrayna, the god of Victory. Vara-
ϋταγηα is the personification of an abstract noun 'repelling the charge',
as may be seen from the etymology. But as he shows the same my-
thical features as the Vedic Indra Vrtrahan, the god must origi-
nally have had a less abstract character. In Aryan times he was a
thundergod gigantic in size; and through his enormous strength he
became then the prototype of masculinity in every respect. The In-
dians of the Vedic age therefore worshipped him as the greatest fighter,

sacrificial fire, that is, as the messenger that goes from the heavens to the
earth, and from the earth to the heavens. Mazdeism still knows that he is
a form of Atar, the Fire (Y. 17. 11). See Darmesteter SBE. IV. 231.
Notes to Y t XIV. 119

lover and drinker and connected him with various deeds performed
by other heroes. The Iranians made him a demon because of his
being fond of the Äoma-drink, yet they reestablished his honour by
deifying his distinctive Vedic epithet Vrtrahan 'repeller of the charge'
in the form of Vdrdfrrayna.
The YaSt, of which only §§ 3 4 — 4 0 , 4 2 — 4 6 are here given,
can be divided into four parts: I. ( 1 — 2 7 ) An enumeration of the ten
incarnations1 in which Varafrrayna appeared before Zara&uitra (as a
wind, a bull 1 , a horse, a camel, a boar, a youth, a bird, a ram®,
a back, a man). II. ( 2 8 — 3 3 ) The powers given by Vdra&rayna to
Zara&uitra. III. ( 3 4 — 4 6 ) The magical powers ascribed to certain
feathers. IV. (47—64) The glorification of V»r9&rayna.
34 yat baväni aiwi.sastö (sqh-) aUoi.imaratö (*mar-) .. narqm ibifyan-
tqm 'if a spell is told upon me in words and thoughts by men who hate me*:
on the genitive expressing the agent by which an action is performed see
§ 501 (cp. Yt. 13.50). — 35 marayahe . . väranjtnahe (them.) paranam ayasaiSa
(yam·) 'procure a feather of the bird V.': Värangan is the same bird as
Väragan, see note on Yt. 19. 35. — ana parana tanüm aiwi.siföis (saif·)
"with that feather thou shalt pass over thy body (for to make it fast)'. —
paili.sataha&ia: see GI. under sqh-. — 36 yänd: nom. pi. as acu. pi. — nalia.-
ίίέ ratosa masya jainti (gan-) ηαέδα fraeüyeiti (*ali-) 'no mighty man can
smite (him) or turn (him) to flight': the object is omitted; masya stands in-
stead of maSyö, assimilated to raeva the regular nom. sg. of raevant-. —
37 ti ? — vaisaipa ? — dim acc. eg. m. written instead of *öiv»m, see § 136.
— The passage is not clear. — 38 vlspe tarasanti (firah-) paranine "all tremble
before bim who holds the feather': on &rah- with the dative see § 459. —
ava&a mävaya&i£ tanuye vlspe tarasantu aurvada 'all the enemies shall there-
fore tremble before me for (their) body': tanuye is dativus commodi §460.—
manö probably instead of mana, see Geldner Drei Yasht 78: tarasantu .. am.9ra-
ta varadraynamia niiätam tanuye mana 'they shall fear the strength and vic-
torious force established in my body*. — 39 yim vai&nte (them., vat-) ahu-
r&iahö . . 'which (amamia varadraymmda) the princes (carry with themselves
i. e.) possess . . ' : vaäänte is subjunctive in the sense of an indicative § 650. —
43—44 yat späSa (nom. du.) hanjasänte (gam-).. rastam (ras ) rasma katarascii
vait&nhö ahmya nöii vazy&nte jat&nhö ahmya nöit jany&nte (pass.) iatanrö
paranA vlSärayöiä avi padqm katarasiit (adv.) 'if two armies meet together,
each in full array, (and if) the successful don't (finally) succeed (and) the
defeated don't suffer a (final) defeat, do thou distribute four feathers on the
way (i. e. the room between the two armies) on either side': raitam rasma
katarasiit is in apposition to späSa, cp. Y. 9. 6. — atärö varadra haiaite

1 RV. 6. 47. 18: rüpdm-rüpam prdtirüpo babhüva tad asya rüpäm

praticäkfanäya ind.ro mäydbhih pururupa lyate.
3 RV. 8. 33. 10: satydm itthd vffed asi.
3 RV. 1. 51. 1: abhi tydm mefdm .. indram girbhir madatä.
120 Notes to Yt. XIV and Yt. VIII.

'that (of both armies) partakes of the victory: on hak- with the instrumental
see § 446. — 45 a&wö.idn, vl&wö.idn, fraSwö.zan written instead of aSvaidn
etc. § 36. 1: see Gl. under dvag-. — 46 mq&nm: here 'spell'; see Gl. — mä
fradaisayöiS: cp. Υ. 9. 29. — aitaeia te νάδδ yöi uyra äs 'these are words
that are awful": äs (1αΛ·) 3 sg. instead of pi.; universal injunctive § 660. —
oäiö yöi p9S9m6it sänm bunjainti (baog-) uzga-nptdmiit (grab·) snafom apasa
apa.Xvanvainti (*hav-) 'words that save even him whose head was lost and
turn off even the stroke for which (the arm) was raised': pa.femdig sänm.
with tmesis; the compound is separated into its parts, cp. Y. 11. 3.

Tistr Yast.
(YaSt VIII.)
Literatur: Geldner KZ. 25. 465 seq., Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 92 seq., ZA. II.
411 seq., Pizzi Tishtar Yasht (Firenze 1882), Κ. E. Punegar Notes on the
Tlr Yasht (Bombay Fort Printing Press 1907), extracts by Geiger Tishtrya
et ses compagnons Mus6on I (1882).
The Tiitr Yast is devoted to the praise of the star Tiitrya.
Tistrya is the name of a star of singular brightness and far-
pervading rays, identified with Sirius, the dog-star, in the constellation
of Cams Major. According to Yt. 8. 36 it was at the end of the
year, when its rising was expected. But the end of the year was
either the 7 t h of March (see note on Yt. 13. 49) or in the oldest time
the day before the snmmer-solstice, as can be seen from the name of
the winter-solstice maiöyairya 'midyear'. As Sirius rose as a matter of
fact (in the year 1000, see Geiger Ostiranische Kultur 309) between
June and July at the same time as the sun, and as the month, which
falls between June and July, was dedicated to Tistrya, the day be-
fore the summer-eolstice seems to have been meant. Sirius became
first visible in the morning sky towards the end of July, appeared in
August before sunrise in full brightness, and remained visible the whole
night in November. Thus Sirius or Tistrya was above the horizon
during all the nights of the rainy season and began to be looked
upon as the harbinger of rain.
This Yait is therefore a description of the production of the
rain through the agency of the star Tistrya. It has to struggle against
the DaSva of Drought Apaosa, is first overcome and conquers at last.
1 p&nhahe (s- aor. sub.i. mid. 2 sg., pä-) anhufrwdmia ratu&wamfa 'thou
(Zaraihistra) shalt attend to the Ahü- and iZaiau-ship': the Ahü (from the caste
of warriors) is the 'Holder of the Royal Jurisdiction* or his representative the
'Lord of Judgement'; the Ratav (from the caste of priests) is the judge who
pronounces judgment. Cp. Y. 19. 12, 27. 13, 29. 6, 9; Yt. 13. 92, 152. — mae-
öanam 'house*: doubtful. — ya£ me stärö . . haöänte (hak·) . . mä nvnbyö
Notes to Yt. VIII. 121

xfannö baxfonta (part. pres. act.; nom. pi. m.), yazäi .. 'that the stars and the
moon may join, giving (i. e. for to give) glory to the warriors, I will sacrifice ..':
ndrdbyö xvardnö baxsdnta is in apposition to stärö and m&\ otherwise Bar-
tholomae Wb. 024. — 4 yahmat haia bdnzät (them.) haosravanfam 'from
whom, the sublime, (comes) the glory'. — apqm nafdirat (naptar-) haia
ii&nm 'from the 'Grandson of the Waters' he (tiStrya) descends (lit. is his)
origin*. Apqm Napät: a water genius like the Vedic Apärn Napät who
became confused with the waterborn Agni, cp. Oldenberg Religion des Veda
118 seq. — 5 kaita ?: probably the name of certain beings opposed to the reli-
gion. — uzyarät pres. subj. act. 3 sg. (them.): see Gl. under 1ar·. — xd nom. pi.
f.: see Gl. under xan·. — nava adv. 'afresh, anew': see Gl. under nava-. —

6 STraxsa: name of the well-known Iranian archer, in Pahlavi AriS Slvätlr.

In the time of Manüühr he is said to have fixed the boundary between
Iran and Turan by discharging an arrow towards the east. Cp. Bartholomae
IF. 12.103. — anhai: see Gl. under *ah-. — 7 taSa dim ahurö mazdä avqn
data (nom. sg. m., dätar-) 'then Ah. M. directed his breath to him, he the
creator": avqn impf, a c t 3 sg., see Gl. under an-. — tat 'then', in the
place of taSa. — 8 pairikd, yd stärö kdr»md patanti antar9 zqm asmanemia
'the P., who fall as shooting stars between the earth and the heaven': by
Pairikd here are meant the meteors. — (zraya ..) amavatö huraoiahe jafrahe
uruyäpahe: gen. instead of loc.; cp. Yt. 8. 46, from where the gen. may be
transferred. — äcaraiti: see GI. under 6kar-. — aspoJcahrpqm "in the shape
of a horse": the form is not clear. — 9 frasävayeiti: see Gl. under Syav-. —
Satavaisa, the chieftain of the stars in the south, is regarded as the com-
panian star of Tistrya. As an help-mate, Satavaisa distributee the rain
maintained by Tistrya. Probably the Aldebaran is meant, see Bartholomae
Wb. 1556. — vyähva: see note on Yt. 13. 11. — 11 yezi . . m& maSyäka . .
yazayanta .. frä naruyö asavaoyö . . susuyam (Syav-) 'if men would worship
me, I should come to the faithful': ideal condition with optative in both
clauscs § 792 α (yazayanta pres. opt. 3 pi., suSuyqm perf. opt. 1 sg.); niruyö
aSavaoyö, written instead of n»r»byö asavabyö § 47. 2, is terminal dative
g 465. — facaritahe zrü äyu 'with the age of the appointed time", i. e. when
the age has advanced to the fixed point, the beginning of the rainy season:
äyu is instrumental of manner § 447; on the formation of zrü, gen. of zrvan·,
see § 33. 9. — upa dwarstahe (sc. zrü) jaymyqm (perf. opt. 1 sg.; gam-)
aevqm vä avi xsapanam duyi να Ί would come at the appointed (time) for
one night or two or . .': on the writing of duyi acc. du. f. see § 144. Β. —
12 upa.paoirlmia (sc. stärsm) yazamaide 'and we sacrifice unto the star
which follows after the first (in r a n k / : it is the Satavaisa, the second of the
stars. — Paoiryainl: name of a constellation 'the Pleiades'. — Vanant·.
the chieftain of the stars in the west. Probably the Wega is meant, see
Bartholomae Wb. 1354. — 13 paoiryd dasa xSapano·. accusative of extent
§ 439. — vazsmnö narS kshrpa panöa.dasanhö . . taSa ayaoi ya&a paoirtm
vinm avi yd (*yäh-) bavaiti 'flying in the shape of a man of fifteen years,
of that age, when the man for the first time receives the girdle": ayaoi
(gen. sg.; ayav-) agrees with narS; for the investiture with the girdle see
note on Y. 9.26. — adaste pres. mid. 3sg.; see Gl. under ldä-, — 20 ApaoSa:
the name of a Daeva, see introduction. — 22 hqm täcit bäzus (acc. pi.) baratö
122 Notes to Yt. VIII.

(Inj. act. 3 du.) 'they come to close quarters'; see 01. under 1bar·. — t&
yüiiyadö (pres. act. 3 du.) 'they fight': see Gl. under yaod·. — 23 vyeiti: see
Gl. nnder vä(y)-. — hä&rö.masanhdm adwamm·. accusative of extent §439 —
sädnm mi .. urvUtnm apö urvaräsca baxtam dame, mäzdayesne 'woe unto
me! evil (be) to you, 0 ye Waters and Plants I misfortune to thee, 0 M&zd. Re-
ligion!'. — 24 ava mqm avt.bawryqm . . aojo . . Ί should take to me the
strength . .': avi.bawryqm is perf. opt. 1 sg. of 1 bar-; on the writing see
§ 47. — 28 datum acc. sg. of da&va-·. on the writiDg see $ 33. 2. — 29 us νδ
apqm aiavö . . jasänti as.dänunqmia yavanqm kasu.dänunqmia västra-
nqm gai&anqmia astvaitinqm 'the water-streams will break forth up to the
big-seeded corn and to the small-seeded grass and to the whole of the ma-
terial world': genitivus partitivus instead of terminal accusative § 497. —
32 Us.handava Garay lit. 'the mountain on yonder side of India': name
of a mountain, in Pahlavi Usind or Usindam, which is in the midst of the
wide-formed ocean (the sea Vouru.ka.4a). According to Bd. 13. 5 seq. the
mount Usindam receives its waters through a golden channel from the height
Hukairya (cp. Yt. 6.3); 'from there one portion flows forth to the ocean for
the purification of the sea, and one portion drizzles in moisture upon the
whole of the earth, and all the creatures of Ahura Mazdäh acquire health
from it, and it dispels the dryness of the atmosphere*. On the writing of
ue.handava- (instead of us.hindava-) see § 131.2. — 33 fraiäupayeiti: instead
of fraia upayeiti (pres. act. 3 pi., § 264; yd-) with external sandhi § 179. —
pourvö vätqm (gen.pl.) 'the southern of the winds': the Iranians found their
bearings looking to the south: 'southern' is therefore designated by fratara
or pauroa· 'in the front, before', 'northern' by apäxtara- 'behind', 'western*
by daHna- 'on the right*. — frä pourvö vätqm vazaiti yqm (acc. pi. m.) paöö
äiti haomö 'the southern of the winds flies forth up to the ways which H.
goes': incorporation of the antecedent § 738. — fräSmay- ?: an epithet of
Haoma. — vazaite vätö . . värsmda ma6y&m6a fyanhumia: maeyamia and
fyanhum6a beside vätö are accusative forms whether assimilated to maiyamca
(nom. n.) or transferred from Yt. 5.120. — 34 napAsa tä: on the sandhi see
§ 179. 6. — tä äpö . . äöi&rö.baxtä (acc. pi. f.) 'the waters assigned to the
(single) settlements'. — 35 xSöidnyäi MS (instead of haia?) uSayat 'from
the shining dawn': uSayät (abl. eg.) is a new formation of usah- on the base
of uSqm (acc. sg.) with transition to the ä-decleDsion, eee Bartholomae Wb.
415. — 36 yär9.6ariö maiyehe 'when the year comes to an end for man',
lit. 'when man passes the year away': genitivus absolutus § 675. — yim
. . dhuraia . . uzyö.nntsm hispö.sdnti 'whom the princes behold when he
is rising': uzyo.rantam is part. pres. act. of (uz+) 1ar-, hispQSdnti pres. act.
3 pi. of 1spas··, on the writing see § 36.1. — (yim) . . huyäiryäca (instr. sg.)
daitbhave uzjasantdm duzyäiryäca 'when he comes up to the country whether
with a good year or with a bad one*. — 38 amasä spanta is gloss. — vouru.-
gaoyaoitiS he mi&rö pouru pantqm fracaiiaetzm (impf. act. 3 du.; *kae&-) 'M.,
the lord of wide pastures, and . . (a second subject in the singular is omitted)
made him ready the path far away'. — ά dim paskät anumarvzatam (impf,
act. 3 du.) asisca .. pänndica 'behind it (the arrow) flew in its company A.
and P.*. — nirai impf. act. 3 sg. (lar-): written instead of mrat = ηϊ + Irat
§ 34.1. — 39 uzinhai: see Gl. under ( u s + ) %ah·. — aiärö mainyus mamnüs
Notes to Y t VIII. 123

stärqm . . paiti.aratSe (inf.) A. M., supposing to be able to stop the stars':

mamnüS is part. perf. act. of 1man-. — 40 vlväiti: see Gi. under väiy)-. —
maiya .. äpδ barantiS yähva urväitii atvrä psra&u aipi vljasäitli avö urväitii
'the water-bearing clouds, in which (are contained) the streaming showers
of rain, (the clouds, that) "streaming the water" spread wide over*: to maiya
nom. pi. n. refer the feminine forms barantii, vljasäitli (vi + gam-), urvaitli,
likewise to avorä nom. pi. n. urväitii, see Bartholomae Wb. 1105. avö (acc.
eg. n.: 1avah-) urvaitli 'streaming the water': avö here is accusative of
the inner object or cognate accusative § 437. — 41 frätat-iaratasia·. see
note on Yt. 13. 14. — 42 vyarät: instead of vt -f iyard£ (them.: 1 ar-), see
§ 33.1. — kaSa xä . . apqrn yzärqm (pres. subj. act. 3 pi.) aiwiyiärsm (absol.)
ä varaiajii . . süra vaxsyente vaxia 'when will the springs come flowing
along and moisten the roots with strong moistening?': regarding yzärqm one
should expect the subjunctive (in future sense) instead of vaxfynte (}vaxS·). —
43 yö vüspäiS (instr. pi. instead of acc.) na&tizaiti simä apaya vazadrii uxiyeiti
(instr. sg. f.: part. pres. act. of 3vaxi-) vlsp&ss t& dämqn baiiazyatiia 'who
washes away all things of horror from all these creations flying along with
sprinkling water and brings health (in such a way): on naig- with two accu-
satives (simd.. dämqn) see § 438; apaya is instr. eg. of äp- with transition to
the ώ-declension. — 44 marayante pres. mid. 3 sg.: see Gl. under mank-. —
upadarinvainti: see Gl. under drag-. — 45 afitiöraSiva saviitäi is in appo-
sition to ydhmäi. — yö afid&raeibyö (dat. pi. instead of instr.) äiti (ά +
ay·) .. vazvmnö 'who comes flying along with (the stars) that have in them
the seed of the waters*. — 46 apayzäire acc. pi. m., pronominally declined. —
47 ava.banntei see Gl. under sbar-. — 48 Cp. note on Yt. 13.10. — yäca upairi
t& akarana anayra aiaonö stii äiii {ad-) 'and that which being above (all)
these is called the boundless and endless world of the faithful (collective). —
49 tistrlm . . isänam (part. pres. mid.: ais-) hazanräi ayaptanqm 'T. who is
the lord of a thousand boons': hazanräi dat. instead of gen. § 471. —
kuxinvqnäi: see Gl. under 1 xinav-. — yö daiäiti . . paurus (nom. sg. in.)
ayaptd 'who often grants boons . .': see Gl. under parav-. — 51 avaitbhäi
pairikayäi: dat. instead of gen., depending upon the following infinitives.
— aojaite pres. mid. 3 pi., see Gl. under aog-. — 52—54 yedi zl az»m noil
daiiyqm . . tiitrim . . pairika . . anhvqm ava.hisidyäi (opt. perf.: said-) 'if
I had not created the T., the P. would split asunder the energy . .*: ideal
(unfilled) condition § 792, ß. — äca paraia dvaraiti (part. pres. act.; nom.
sg. f.) 'moving to and fro": in apposition to pairika. — 55 narqm . . yöi
hyqn (opt. pres. act. 3 pi.: 1ah-) asti.aojanha aoji&ta "of men, who may (or
have to) be the strongest in strength': potential or imperative optative §§ 653,
654. — 56 ya£ . . airyä dairihävö tistryehe . . auci.saiyärdi (pres. opt. 3 pi.:
sak-) däitim yasnam .. nöit i&ra airyä dahähävö (terminal accusative) frqs
hyäf, (pres. opt. 3 sg.: 1ah·) haena 'if the Aryan countries would think of the
sacrifice due to T., never would a hostile army come to the Aryan countries':
ideal (possible) condition § 792, a. — 58 pasüm .. aurusam vä vohu.gaonam vd
kätit vä gaonanqm hamö.gaonam 'cattle, either white or black or in any colour
one-coloured": käcit, upon which depends the partitive genitive gaonanqm,
is instrumental of respect § 453. — 59 mä he (gen.) mairyö gaurvayöit (grab·)
'let not a scoundrel; partake of that*. — paüyäranö imqm daenqm 'an ad-
124 Notes to Yt. VIII and Yt. XVII.

versary of the religion': verbal adjective with accusative § 442. — 60 . . para

baeSaza (acc. pi.) haiaite iistryö '(then) T. takes back his healing virtues'. —
61 airydbyö dairihubyö . . jasdnti . . frapatunti: terminal dative § 465. —
airyäbyö datöhubyö janyänti (pass.): 'the Aryan countries will be smitten':
dative instead of nominative.

Art Yast.
(YaSt XVII.)
Literature: Qeldner Drei Yasht 93 seq., Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 270 seq.,
ZA. II. 599seq.; extracts by Bartholomae ZDMG. 36. 560 seq., de Harlez
ZDMG. 37. 250 seq., Hübschmann KZ. 27. 97 seq.
In tbe Art Yast Aiay Vanuhi is invoked; she is the goddess
of wealth earned by piety.
ASay was originally an abstract idea, created by Zaradustra
with regard to tbe last day of judgement, meaning 'lot, merit, reward',
or the goddess who distributes the lots, especially the good ones.
This Yait opens with a laudation of tbe domestic wealth besto-
wed by ASay Vanuhi (1—14). The first meeting and the dialogue
between the goddess and ZaraihiStra is described (15—22). Then
follow several prayers addressed to her by the Iranian heroes (23—52).
The Yast closes with lamentations of the goddess about all sterile
people, old men, courtezans, and children.
2 ailm . . yd vispanqm saoSyantqm fraSa xraöwa fra&anjayeiti {dang-)
Ά., who comes driving along with the wisdom of all S'· Saosyant is here
the designation of the priests, who are supposed to continue JZara&uitra's
salvation-work, see Vr. 5.1. — uta hi . . xratüm ava.baraiti vdrama . . zba-
yantäi (ζαυ-) 'and she brings wisdom to him who invokes h<*r, at his wish':
on vänm-a see note on Yt. 5. 130. — 5 The whole paragraph is an inter-
polation, see Geldner Drei Yasht 99. — mmö haomäi yat vispe anye ma-
6&nhö aeüma haiinte xrvidrvö (loc. sg. instead of iustr. sg. §426: xrvidrav-)
'homage unto Η., because all other drinks are attended with A. (see note on
Yt. 10. 97), who bears a blood-covered weapon of wood": causal sentence
§756. — (aSa ..) xvaö.paiüe: instr., written instead of ocväe.paifrya §178.1. —
6 dädre (voc. sg.) voküm (acc. sg. m. instead of η.) χναηηό aeSqm narqm
yöi (as acc.) haiahi Ό giver of good glory unto those men whom thou dost
follow': dädri- (from dätar-) with acc. of the thiDg and gen. of the person
§ 503. — hubaoiiiS (acc. pi.) baodaite nmänsm 'the house smells of perfumes*. —
7 aS.baourva niiätö.pitu hubaoiSi agree with χέαϋτα (acc. pi. n.). — 8 aisam
nmän& . . hiitdnte (stä•) aS.paourvä dardyö.upastäe (dat.) yöi (.see note on 6)
. . 'the houses of those stand there . . as by far the first (best) for long resi-
dence for them, whom . Λ — 9 gätava: nom.pl. — zaranyapaxMa.pädäishö:
them. — 10 aeiqm vantänhö .. mainyänhö (nom. pi. m . ) . . änhante (pres. mid.
3 pi., them.: täh ) . . mdrszyumnä anku.p9S9mn& (nom. pi. f.) frä gaosdvara
Notes to Yt. XVII. 126

sispimna (part. pres. mid., nom. pi. m.: späy·) 6a&ru.karctna minuia ear any δ.-
pisi (acc. du. f.) 'their privileged wives sit . . (marazyumnd?) adorning· them-
selves with bracelets, making a show of four-edged ear-rings and of a neck-
lace of gold': on the double gender of vanta- see § 412. — kaia Haiti (inf.)
paiti&äma (pres. inj. act. 1 pi : 1aef) fryä (acc. pi. n.) paiti tanvi 'when shall
we live to see love on our body?'. — 11 kaininö .. kahrpa avavatqm sraya
ya&a diSayatam (gen. pi. m., part. pres. act.: *däy-) zaosö 'maidens . . with
the body of the beauty of such ones as (those are who cause) the liking of
the spectators'; see note on H. 2. 9. — 12 atsqm aspAnhö bayante (bay-)
"their horses inspire terror*. — raom: i. e. ravam for *raguam, acc. sg. them.
§ 56, see Gl. under rayav-. — mrätam iarama danjayente 'they pull at the
dressed hide (i- e. trace)'. — taxmam staotäram vazanti . . vltäram paskät
hamara&am jantäram parö dusmainyüm 'they (the horses) drive the gallant
praiser . . pursuing the enemy from behind, smiting the foe face to face'. —
13 uStr&rahö . . uzayantö zamat paratamna vaiairyavö 'the camels. . arising
from the ground (on the hind-feet), fighting with one another, (if they are)
ardent': uzayantö (nom. pi. m.) is the part. pres. act. of. (uz +) zd- §33.10:
paratamna is the part. pres. mid. of parat-, the middle used to intimate the
reciprocal relation § 613. 3. — 14 aesam arazatam zaranim nibanöe (loc. sg.)
übarata (nom. sg.) baraiti 'the steward brings to them silver and gold into
the chamber': aeäqm is dative-like genitive § 495. — 15 upa mqm upa.-
daiiya (imp. act. 2 eg.: 2däy-) frä mqm aiwi.urvaisayaiauha (imp. mid. 2 sg.:
urvaes·) marzdikam 'look upon me, turn thy mercy towards me*. — vasa&a
(instr. sg.) ahi xsayamna (nom. sg. f) tanuye xvaranaiahe d&itim (inf.) 'ac-
cording to pleasure thou art able to grant glory to thy person': the noun,
which depends upon the infinitive, is attracted into the dative, which is
supposed to be the case of the accusative-infinitive because of its final sense,
§§ 710, 712; cp. Y. 17. 22. — 16 SraoSa: see note on V. 18. 14. — 17 amu-
yamna razistanqm . . asiS "from the lightest (ways) not departing . . (is) A.':
razistanqm is ablative-like genitive § 494. — kö ahi . . yerihe azam fräyö
(see Gl.) zbayantqm (ζαν-) sraeMam susruye väcim "who art thou whose voice
I have heard the most beautiful of (all) those, who invoke (me)': susruye
perf. inid. 1 eg., written instead of suxruve (srav-) § 144. 5. — 18 akam yai
vahistam·. see note on Yt. 10. 33. — yerihe zq&aica vaxsaeca urväsan (urvöd-)
ΰρϋ urvaräsca . . uxsin (written for uxsyan § 33. 1: 1vaxs-) 'in whose birth
and growth the water and the plants rejoiced . . grew": zqdaeia vaxsaeca
are locatives of time § 514. — 19 nöil mam, vlspe yazat&iahö anusantam
fraoracinta (frä + varak· §§ 33. 4, 148) άαί mam αέυδ zaradu&trö anusantam
apayeiti (ap-) 'all the Yazata's did not remove me against my will, but the
only Zaradustra copes with me against my will': on the imperfect in the sense
of the aorist see § (530. — 20 jainti (gan·) mqm ahuna vairya avavata
snaiOisa yaOa asma katö.masä täpayeiti mqm aSa vahi&ta mqnayan ahe
ya&a ayaoxsustam 'she smites me with the Ah. V., with as strong a weapon
as a stone big as a house; she makes me hot with the Α. V. as if (it were)
melting brass': the second ya&a introduces a conditional sentence of com-
parison § 764 — raekö mi haca aühä zamat vatbhö karanaoiti 'he makes it
better for me that I should leave this earth": lit. 'he makes my leaving
this earth better* see § 479. — yö mqm aevö jümayeiti (causative from gam-)
126 Notes to Yt. XVII.

. . yö . . zaraduStrö 'he the only one makes me yield . . Z.\ — 21 nazdyö

mqm upa.hüta (stä-) .. upa me srayanuha (sray-) väSahe 'come nearer unto
me . . lean against my chariot': on sray- with the ablative-like genitive see
§§ 494, 474. — 22 ä dim usfa pairi.manzat hävöya bäzvö (loc. sg. instead
of instr. sg., § 426) daiinaia datina bäzvö hävayaca 'she caressed me all
around with the left arm and the right, with the right arm and the left*: on
the writing of hävöya, hävaya see § 144. 7. — hvasivöt nom. sg. m. them,
(from hvasiav), see Bartholomae Wb. 1862. — ya&a imat yat tl frävaoiim
(plusquamperf. act. 1 sg.: 1 vak·) 'as sure as I proclaim it unto thee', lit. 'as
(sure as) that (is), which I proclaim unto thee': frävaoiim plusquamperfect
as universal injunctive § 643. — The following clauses (54—56) allude to
some allegorical legend of Aiay connected with the warfare between the
Turanians and the Naotaras, by which the wealth of the Iranians was de-
creased. As the fighting parties dissipated the wealth, Asay, the personi-
fication of wealth, tried to flee. She hid herself under the foot of a bull and
under the neck of a ram, for these animals stand as the symbol of wealth.
But unfruitful men and children of tender age, who could not understand
that wealth consists in possession of flocks and in productiviness in general,
betrayed her. — 54 mä 6is ml dnhqm zaodranqm (part. gen. as object § 497)
vindita (pres. opt. mid. 3 sg.: *vaed-) yä (acc. pi. n. instead of f.) mävöya
(see note on Y. 9.27) nipärayeinti (*par-) 'no one shall partake of those liba-
tions, which are brought to me': on mä with the optative see § 655. —
kainina anupaeta (nom. pi. m.) ma&yanqm 'maidens who have not yet known
a man': on the gen. with participles in -ta- see § 501. — apsnnäyui nom.
du. instead of pi., see Bartholomae Wb. 81. — 55 yat mqm tura pazda-
yanta (pazdaya-) . . äat azdtn tanüm aguze (aor. mid. 1 sg.: gaoz-) aiairi
päSdin gSui arSnö 'when the T. drove me away, I went to hide myself under
the foot of a bull': temporal sentence § 755; aguze is ingressive aorist
§ 634; on tanu- as reflexive see note on Y. 9.27. — äa(, mqm fraguzayanta
yöi apsr&näyu tauruna 'then boys of tender age fetched me forth out of the
hiding-place*. — §§ 57—61 contain the lamentations of A&ay about the sterile
woman, the adulterous woman and the maid, that men abduct and get with
child. — f>7 paoiryqm gdrazqm gardzaeta (aor. mid. 3 sg., §638: ganz-) asis ..
ha6a apu&rö.zanyäi jahikayäi (dative instead ablative-like genitive § 471)
'the first wailing A. wails about the sterile courtezan'. — mä he avi päfom
(päia- η.) ava.hista (stä-) mä gätüm nipaiiyamiha {pad-) 'stand thou not
near her home, lie thou not down on her bed': on mä with the imperative
cp. mä tvam vairägyam gaccha 'do not become weary' Pane. 294. — kutia
Altf azam kardnaväni (Jkar-) 'what shall I do with them?'; asmanam avi fra-
iusäni (Syav-) zqm avi ni.urvisyäni (tirvaes-) 'shall I go away to the heaven,
shall I turn down to the earth?': subjunctive in deliberative questions § 645. —
58 . . jahikayäi yä aom pu&ram baraiti anyahmäi ariänäi varxtdm (vam·)
paidt {patay- m.) upa.baraiti '. . of the courtezan, who brings forth a child
begotten by a stranger (and) presents it to her husband": dative of the agent
with a passive participle § 461, cp. Yt. 5. 77, 10. 87. — 59 imat me stäviStam
Syao&ndm masya varvzinti (vanz-) sästa, yat kainyö uzväSayeinti (vad-)
αγτνδ (acc. pi.: ayrav- adj.) nijämayeinti (see Gl.) "this is (for) me the worst deed
(that) barbarous men do, (namely,) when they abduct maids and make them
Notes to Yt. XVII and Yt. XIX. 127

to bring forth a child without their being married'. — 60 hqm.6araiauha

( 5 fcar-) 'walk'. — 61 ana &wä yatna yazäi . . yas9 &wä yazata vUtäspö
Ί shall worship thee with such a worship as V. offered unto thee': on yas»
dwä written for ya(, facä sec note on Yt. 5. 90; comparative sentence § 760. —
öarazam barät zaota vaiim "(and as) the Z. lifted up his loud voice": barät
is pres. eubj. 3 sg. used as imperfect, see § 631; cp. Yt. 5. 62.

Zam Tazat Tast.

(Yatt XIX.)
Literature: Bartliolomae ArF. I. 99seq., Geldner Drei Yasht lseq., Darme-
steter SEE. XXIII. 286 seq., ZA. Π. 615 seq., extracts by Geldner Bertho-
let's Rel.Gesch.Lcscb. 347 seq.

Yast X I X at least from 9 down to ita close bears with much

greater right the title Kay an Yasn attested in the oldest MS. Fl, than
the title Zam Yazat YaSt which it is usually given.
The name Zam Yazat Yast refers to the earth. But only the
first sectiou which describes all the mountains that exist in the opinion
of the Iranians (1—18) is concerned with the earth, out of which the
mountains rise up. This section is a later addition. The following
sections contain the history of the Xvaranö 'the Kingly Glory', a di-
vine light or halo supposed to be possessed by the kings of the Iranian
dynasties. This is known as the KavaSm Xvaranö after the most
favourite dynasty, the Kayanva.n& (see note on Yt. 5. 45). It belongs
in the first place to Ahura Mazddh, the Am»sa Spanta's and the
Yazata'β, its political significance being subordinated to the religious
aspect of the Avesta. Then it belongs to the kings of the Peidati&n
dynasty (see note on Yt. 5. 21) HaoSyanha, Taxma Urupa, Yima,
Qraetaona and Karasäspa and after that it becomes axvarata- 'unsei-
sable', because non-Iranians want to take possession of it. But the
efforts of Arara Mainyav or, strictly speaking, of his accomplice
Azay DaTidka (see note on Y. 9. 8) are unsuccessful. Apqm Napät,
the Grandson of the Waters, saves the Xvaranö and sinks it down to
the bottom of the Sea VouruJcaSa. Then the usurper Franrasyan tries
to seize it swimming, also in vain. The Axvaratam Xvaranö remains
concealcd in the sea, till at the end of the days it will accompany
the future Saviour. An enumeration of the kings of the Kayäni&n
dynasty follows; they are Kavay KavOta, Kavay Aipi.varahav, Kavay
Usadan, Kavay Ar San, Kavay Pisinah, Kavay Byarian, Kavay
Sydvarian and Kavay Haosravah, see -note on Yt. 10. 45. The last
mortal men to whom the Xvar»nö attaches itself, arc king Vi§tdspa and
128 Notes to Yt XIX.

the prophet ZaraduStra. Ια conclasion there is an apocalypse depic-

ting the passing of the Xvaranö to the Saviour Astvat.arata and the
resurrection, the triumph of the Saviour and the final besieging of
Anra Mainyav.
The history of the Xvaranö as the distinctive sign of the political
ambition of the Iranians differs in the main very little from the Sah·
nama. Leaving the religious accessories out of question one is tempted
to see in the Kaydn Yasn one of the earliest foundatious of the
national epic of Persia.
9 χναηηδ .. yazamaide .. taradätam (acc. eg. n., them.) anyäiS (instr.
instead of acc. pi. n.) dämqn 'we sacrifice unto the Kingly Glory, (that is)
superior to all creatures*. — 10 yat asti ahurahe mazdä ya&a dämqn da&at
ahurö mazdä pouru6a (parav- adj.) vohuda '(the Kingly Glory) that belongs
to Ah.M., that he could make the creatures many and good': final sentence
with injunctive § 765. — 11 yat karanavqη (}kar-) fra&am ahum .. 'so that
they (the creatures) may restore the world': consecutive sentence with sub-
junctive § 768. — yat irista paiti usahiStqn (stä-) jasät jvayö amaraxtiS
da&aite fraiam vasna aiahuS 'when the dead will rise, the living, not endan-
gered (Sao&yant) will come, (and) the world will be restored at its wish':
temporal sentence with subjunctive in future sense § 755, ß; jvayö written
instead of jivyö §§ 33. 6, 131.4. — 12 bun (bav-) gae&& amariantiS y& asahe
sarauhaitlS (sarahvant- adj.) m'.f tat (adv.; see Gl.) paiti druxi näiäite (nös-)
yaiät aiwidit jaymat (gam-) aiavanam mahrkadäi aom 6idram6a stimia (stay-
f.) 'then the creatures that keep well to the laws of Asa, will grow deathless,
the Drug will be taken away again to that place, from which she had come
along to ruin the faithful ono, him and his kind and his goods and chattels':
bun (written for *buwn § 33. 2) is injunctive, näiäite subjunctive in future
sense §§ 657, 646; jaymat is plusquamperfect § 643. — 17 (amaSanqm span-
tanqm . .) yaeiqm anyö anyehe urvänam aiwi.vaenaiti msradivdntam huma-
taeSu . . mdrs&wdntsm garö nmänsm 'of whom the one sees another's soul
thinking of Humata . . thinking of the paradise': on msrv&want- with loc.
or. acc., see §§ 442, 619; on the meaning of Humata-, Hüxta, HvarSta see
note on H. 2.15; garö nmämm, equivalent to vahiStö arahus (Y. 9. 19) and to
anayra ταοίά (Y. 19. 6), but probably considered a particularly holy room
within the paradise, see Bartholomae Wb. 513. — yacsqrn raoxSnänhö pan-
tänö ävayatqm (part. pres. act., gen. pi. m.: lvay-) avi ζαοϋτά 'whose ways
(are) shining when they come flying along to the Ζ.' \ ävayatqm agrees with
yaeäqm• — 19 taecit yöi frasam . . ahüm daden 'it is they, who shall restore
the world': dafon is injunctive in future sense § 657. — 26 (x"aranö ..) yat
vpanhaiat (hak·) haoäyanham '(the Kingly Glory. .) that clave unto H.\ see
note on Yt. 5. 21. — yat xSayata paiti bümxm haptaifryqm daeuanqm . .
'when he ruled on the septempartite earth over the D...': temporal sentence
§ 755; see note on Yt. 10.15. — 28 taxmsm urupi: one expects urupim acc. sg.
— 29 yat barata anram mainyüm framitam (part. perf. pass.: may-) aspahe
kahrpa 'when he rode A. M. (who was) turned into the shape of a horse': on
the instrumental (kahrpa) see § 449. — According to a legend preserved in
Notes to Tt. XIX. 129

the Persian Raväyat (see ΜΗ 10, fol. 52 of the Haug Collection in the State
Library at Munich) Ahraman. while kept by Taxmüraf as his charger, in-
duced the wife of the latter to ascertain from her husband whether he ever
felt fear while riding the fiend, and, acting upon the information thus ob-
tained, he threw the king from his back and swallowed him. Information
of this event was conveyed to Yima by the angel Sröi, who advised him to
seek the fiend and propitiate him. Yima, accordingly, went into the wilder-
ness singing, to attract Ahraman, and, when the fiend appeared, Yima in-
gratiated himself into his favour and, taking- advantage of an unguarded
moment, he dragged Taxmüraf out of the fiend's entrails, and placed' the
corpse in a depository for the dead. See West SBE. XXIV. 60. — 32 (yimam ..)
yö uebarai ha6a daevaeibyö uye iStis6a saokäca . . Ύ., who took from the
D. both riches and welfare . : uye (written instead of live § 144. 5) is acc.
du. f., agreeing in gender with the nearest of its substantives § 604. — uye
fiaonisia vq&wääa 'both fatness and flocks* probably meaning 'fatness of the
flocks': uye is here acc. du. η. as attribute of substantives of different gender,
§ 604; just so the following uye. — yerihe xia&räSa x»airyqn (inf.) stö (pres.
act. 3 du.: JaA-) uye xvara&e ajyamne (acc. du. η.) 'iu (or through § 484) whose
reign there was to eat neverfailing food and drink (lit. both aliments, elliptic
dual § 423): the text of this passage is corrupt; cp. Yt. 13. 50. — 33 para
anädruxtöit para ahmdt yat him aim draogam väcim arahai&im iinmäne
(inf.) paiti.barata 'in the times before his lie, before he began to have de-
light in the word of falsehood and untruth': upon iinmäne depends the ac-
cusative vä6im·, him anticipates väiim § 579. — 34 valmmnvm ahmat haia
xvaranö mvnyahe kahrpa fraSusat (ßyav-) 'the Glory visibly flew away from
him in the shape of a bird': vaenamnam is absolutivum § 682. — avaenö (part,
pres. act.; nom. sg. m.: vaen·) χΏαηηδ fraeStö (inf.) yö yimö . . bräsa£ (Jbram-)
yimö aiätö 'when Y. saw the Glory escape, Y. sorrowful began to wander
about*: on the form of fratüö see § 373. — dduS.manahyäiia hö staratö
O-star·) nidärai <?dar-) upairi zqm 'and thrown down by the hostility (i. e.
by his foes) he had to conceal on the earth': on the dative of the agent
(here an abstract noun as representative of the persons interested) with the
past participle, see § 461. — 35 Susat: see Gl. under Syav-. — rmnydhe
kshrpa väraynahe (them.) 'in the shape of the bird V.': Ύany an is the name
of a bird which cannot be identified, in Yt. 14.19 one of the incarnations of
the Genius of Victory. Cp. the note on Yt. 14. 35 and Jackson Persia past
and present 75 seq. — hangSurvayata: see. Gl. under (ham +) grab. —
37 = Y. 9. 8. — 38 aojiStö . . nairyayät parö (see Gl.) hqm.v&ratöii, yat dim
upanhaöat yä uyra naire (§ 178. 1) hqrn.varditii 'the strongest . . by (his)
manly courage, because the strong N.H. (see note on Yt. 10.66) clave unto him':
causal sentence §756; cp. draetaonö yat äs .. varv&ravastamö (36). — 40 Cp.
Y. 9. 11. — 41 gandarawam (see note on Y. 9. 10; Yt. 5. 38) . . yö apatat
vxzafänö maraxiänö gae&ä astvaitiS aiahe 'G., who was rushing with open
jaws, eager to destroy the living world of Αέα'ι maraxiänö is part, s-aor.
mid. of marak- in future sense § 669, cp. näsamnäi Y. 9. 30. — yö janat
hunavö yat padanaya (acc. pi. πι., § 428: pa&anay- adj.) nava 'who killed
tin; nine sons of the Pa&ana clan': further particulars about these and most of
the. following persons connected with the feats of Kansäspa are not known. —

Aveuta Header. 9
130 Notes to Yt. XIX.

hitäspam: he is the murderer of Karasäspa's brother Urväxüaya, see Yt. 15.

28. — varaiaomia dänayanam: Varaiava of the Dänay-clan or of the Tura-
nian tribe named Όάηαυ-, see note on Yt. 5.73 and Bartholomae Wb. 733 seq.,
1169. — pitaonamia aS.pairikam 'P. with the many witches (?)*. — 42 arazö.-
Samanam .. frdzustam (ζαοέ-) .. uStam·. the word uStam is corrupt; the first
four letters are missing in the MSS. — apa-disam: ? — nyäidäurw. corrupt.
— apastancmhö: ? — gatö (gam-) arazahe (loc. eg., them.) 'when he has gone
to the war": on the perfect part, passive of an intrans. verb used actively
see § 670; cp. H. 2. 17. — 43 yö janat snävidkam yim srvö.zanam asangö.-
gäum (§33.4) 'who killed Sn., the horny, the stone-handed': cp. Bartholomae
Wb. 1650. — 44 avanayeni (pres. subj. act. 1 sg.: nay-) span tarn mainyüm
Ιιαέα raoxSna garö nmäna Ί shall bring down the Good Spirit from the
shining G.-Nm.': on Jiada with the instr. see § 549. — arayata liaca duzaiaha
(instr.) 'from the dreary Hell': Hell is called in the younger Avesta duzarahav-
or daozahva- V. 19. 47, meaning lit. 'bad existence, bad life", cp. the modern
Persian dözax. In the Gäöä'a Hell is called drüjö nmäna- 'house of the
Drug', daiväng dam- 'house of the Daöva's' or atistahyä manarshö damäna-
'house of the most evil spirit'. Both in the Veda and in the Avesta Hell is
a place of darkness in the depth of the earth, cp. RV. 7. 104. 3 1 and V. 3. 35,
19. 47. See note on'Yt. 13. 3. — tarn janat, · · karasäspö·. janat is pres. subj.
3 eg. (them.) used as impf. § 631. — ar.a apanom gayehe frasänam ustänahe
'(he caused) his expiring, the destruction of his energy': the verbal predicate
is omitted, more or less distinctly suggested by ava, see §§ 527, 718. —
45 uyram oxvaratam xvarano 'the mighty unseizable Glory': the Glory be-
comes now unseizable, because Non-Iranians want to take possession of it. —
46 yahmi paiti paraxȊi&e spantasca mainyus ararasca aetahmi paiti at
ax«arate 'for which the Good Spirit and the Evil one did struggle, namely
for that unseizable': on paraxväiöe impf. mid. 3 du. see Bartholomae Wb. 857.
— adät a&te fraraharacayat (harak-) äsiste katarascit 'then each of them sent
most swift messengers': aste . . äsiste is acc. pi., pronominallv declined. —
Vohu Manah lit. 'good mind" is the personification of Ahura Mazdäh's
good spirit, working in man and uniting him with God. lie pervades the
whole living creation, and all the good thoughts, words and deeds of man
are wrought by him. See note on 8. 2. 2. — aesamamca xrvl.drüm: see note
on Yt. 17. 5. — spityuramca yimö.karaittam 'and Sp., who cut Y. (with th«
saw) in two pieces': Spityura, a brother of Yima, either together with Azay
Dahäka (Bd. 31. 3) or persuaded by him, cut Yima up. Nothing more is known
of him. Firdausl does not mention him, and makes Zahhak himself saw
Jamsed. — 47—48 aSät fraSa hqm.razayata (raz-) atari . . uiti ava&a ma-
lahänö (part, s-aor. mid.: lman·): a&ta£ x*>aranö hangarafsäne ('grab-, X. cl.
§213) yat axvaratnm 'then A. stood up thinking thus: I want to seize that
unseizable Glory*. — azi.i . . uiti zaxxa&ram daomno (ldav-): inja! aval
handaesayaiauha (dais ) . . yezi aitat nyäsäiahe (yäs-) yat ax»aratam, fro
Owqm paiti αραϋα (<ä#-) Ά. . . thus speaking the slanderous language: back!
let that be a warning to you . . if thou holdest that unseizable (Glory), 1
shall utterly destroy thee': daomno is written instead of *davamnö § 33. 4;

indräsomä dufkfto ναντέ antdr anärambhane tämasi prd vidhyatam.
Notes to Yt. XIX. 131

apä&a is probably subj. act. 1 s g. with the preverb apa — no it apaya

uzraocayäi (inf.) zam paiti . . drädräi (inf.) a§ahe gae&anqm 'so that thou
mayest never more blaze upon the earth and protect the world of Αέα'·. final
infinitives § 702. — ada ätars zasta (acc. du.) paiti apa.gaurvayat i}grab·)
fraxsni (nom. sg. m., §318) uMänö.iinahya (instr. sg. f.) ya&a azii biwiv&nha
(perf. act. 3 sg.: byah-) Ά. took back his hands, anxious of his life being
attempted, as the dragon was frightful*: on fraxsnin- with the causal instr.,
see § 454; biwiv&nha is written instead of bivy&nha §§ 47, 144. 2. — 50 frä
dwqm zadanha (acc. du. m., § 422) paiti uzuxsäne (2vaxs-) zafara paiti uzrao·
cayeni (raok-) Ί will burn thee out at thy hinder part, I will blaze up in
thy jaw'. — 51 frapinvata: see Gl. underpay-. — izyeiti: see Gl. under äz-. —
aetai x»aranö hangrafsäne (on the writing see § 111) yat ax^aratam bunam
zrayanhö gufrahe bune jafranqm vairyanqm Ί want to seize that unseizable
Glory (and carry it) down to the bottom of the deep sea, in the bottom of
the deep seas': bunam is accusative of the spot whither (§ 436), bune locative
of the spot where (§511). — 52 . . yö nar$u& (acc. pi.: nar- m.) daSa (perf.
act. 3sg.: ldä-) . . srut.gaoiö.tamö asti yezimnö (pass.: yaz-) 'who made men
. . (who) best hears when he is worshipped'. — 53 äa£ vö kasci£ masyänqm
. . x»aranö ax^aratam isaeta ('aes-), a&aurunö hö rätanqm (part. gen. as ob-
ject, § 497) raox&nLxsnutam isänhaeta (*άΛ-) 'whosoever ot' you, Ο men, ehould
wish for the unseizable Glory, he should accept the gifts of the priest as a
splendid reward": ideal condition with optative in both clauses § 792. —
54 asi§ . . süra giuSca vclstraheca 'A. . . the mistress of cattle and of pas-
ture': on süra- with the gen. see § 506. — άαί ana vandra hacimnö vanät
haenayä xrvixyeitiü (acc. pl. f.) 'and partaking ot that victory he will con-
quer the blood-thirsty armies'. — 56 . . yat isat . . franrase (see note on
Yt. 5. 41) zrayanhö vouru.ka.fahe '. . which Fr. tried to seize out of the sea
V. (or in the sea V. ?)': zrayanhö vouru.kasahe is ablative-like genitive § 494
or genitive of the spot where § 507. — ηιαγηδ apa.spayat (lspä•) vastrd tat
xvaranö iso (part. pres. act.) 'naked (he was), (his) garments he had thrown
away, wishing to seize that Glory*. — ά tat xvarsno frazgadata (zgad-) "he
came along swimming to that Glory'. — apa.hiiat· see Gl. under lhad-. —
αδα häu apayi&rö bvat zrayanhö vouru.kasahe vairiS yö haosravA nqma
'and that arm of the sea V. was produced (bvat), that is called the inlet H.':
according to Bd. 22. 8 the inlet Haosravah is within fifty parasangs of
lake Caecasta (see note on Yt. 5.49). — 57 i&e ifta yadna ahmäi: is a mean-
ingless collection of words, expressing a curse. — nöit tat xvardnö pairi.-
abaom (bav-) Ί have not been able to conquer the Glory'. — 58 vaSm ham.-
rae&wayeni vlspa tarsuca xSuiraca (acc. pl η.) Ί will mix up everything
both solid and liquid': vaem written instead of uvaysm (see Gl.) § 33. 2, 4. —
dioqzjaiti (flivqz-) ahurö mazdä paitisä dämqn da&änö 'Ah. M. becomes op-
pressed when creating the hostile creatures*. — vairi§ yö vanhazdä nqma:
the situation of tliat inlet is not stated. — 62 äfs yä awzdänva nqma 'a
water, A. by name': see Bartholomae Wb. 99. — 79 anumatie da&nayäi . .·.
see note on Yt. 6. 18. — (zarafrustrsm . . .) yat as . . aSsm aSavastamö 'Z., so
that he was the holiest in holiness': asam is accusative of respect § 440. —
raem (acc. sg.: ray ay- m.): on the form see § 124. 3. — 80 vaemmnsm: see
note on Yt. 19. 34. — vatnamnan mayä frävöit (Aor. act. 3 sg., § 638: bav·)
132 Notes to Yt. X I X and to the V.

'openly (their) pairings h a p p e n e d ' : n e u t e r plural with singular v e r b § 619;

on t h e writing of frävöit see § 47 a n d Bartholomae Wb. 932 seq. — vae-
namnam apa.kariayan (impf. act. 3 pi.: Ms. αρατα karsayan, see Bartholomae
W b . 456) jainiS ha fa ma§yäkaeibyö 'openly they d r a g g e d a w a y the women
from the men*. — äat t& (acc. pi. f., sc. jainiS) snaodantiä garazänd {ganz-)
hazö nivarazayan daiva 'and the D. did violence to them, lamenting and
wailing': on ( m - f ) varaz- with two accusatives see note on Y. 9. 28 and § 438. β.
— 81 aivö ahunö vairyö yim aSavanam zara&uStram frasrdvayat ·. aiavanam
zaraduStram acc. instead of nom. § 432; cp. Y. 9. 14, 15. — 82 waranö zara-
öuiträi 'the Glory of Zaraduitra': dative instead of genitive § 471. — ä tat
xParanö frazga&ata avi vayqm vitäpam "he came along swimming to that
Glory (cp. Yt. 19. 56) . . ? . . * : the rest of the sentence is obscure. — inja me
(particle, see Gl.) urvisyatam ciizö (acc. sg.: aezah· n.) jasatam aezahe yaOa
kadaia te (particle, see Gl.) äs zaosö mana ya{. ahurahe mazdä 'they both (Zara-
duitra and the Xvaranah?) turned back, they came to the desire of the desiring
(i. e. at the desire of him, who desires) as it was my, Ah. M.'s, will': op. prntä
iva jnätäyah kdmam itya "coming like dear relatives a t (our) desire' RV. 10.
66. 14. — 84 viMäspam . . ya{ imam dainqm ästaota (impf. mid. 3 sg.) dus-
mainyüm sizdyö (part. pres. act.) daivqn apa asavqn 'V... so that he pro-
fessed that religion, repelling the foe . . ? . . ' : the rest of the sentence is
obscure, cp. Bartholomae Wb. 254 seq. — 85 yö . . asäi ravö yaeia (porf.
act. 3 sg.: 1 als-) . . ravö vlvaeda, yö bäzusca upastaia vlsata (vaes-) . . dae-
nay&'who looked for a room for.4.; who found a room; who made himself
the arm a n d the support of the religion': on the interchange of perfect a n d
imperfect in descriptive sense, see § 642. — 86 yö him (sc. daenqm) stätqm
hitqm haitlm (part. pres. act.; acc. sg. f.: 'ah-) uzvazat (vaz-) haca hinüiwyö
(abl. pi.: hinav- m.) 'who, being b r o u g h t to a stand (and) bound, fetched it out
of the bonds'. — nl him (sc. dainqm) dasta (ldä-) maiSyöUäSam) 'he estabhised
it sitting in the middle': i. e. sitting on the seat of honour. — 87 Cp. Yt. 5.
109. — 89 (xvaranö ..) yat upanhacat sao&yantam varaüräjanam uta anyäscit
haxayö 'the Glory . . that will clcave unto the "Victorious* of the S. and the
other helpers': the f u t u r e Saviour κατ' iE., Aatrat-orata (Yt. 13.129), is also
called 'the Victorious'. — Cp. Yt. 19. 11. 12.

The Yideydilt.

The Vidivdat1 or 'law against the Daeva'a is a priestly

c o d e in 2 2 chapters. It is c h i e f l y a code of purification, the l a w s
of purification being the subject of the greatest part of the book.
T h e three introductory chapters deal with (the g o d d e s s of) e a r t h ,
w h o as the giver of life and the chief centre of purity is opposed to
death as the destroyer of life and the chief centre of impurity. The
first chapter is an enumeration of the sixteen countries of the earth

T h e word Vendtdäd is a corruption of Videvdäf, caused by the bad
transcription of the Pahlavi letters.
Notes to the V. 133

created by Ahura Mazdah and of as many plagues created in oppo-

sition by Avra Mainyav l. — The second contains the legends of
Yima. In the first legend (1—20) Yima by order of Ahura Mazdah
makes the creatures thrive and increase, keeps death and desease
away from them, and three times enlarges the earth, which had be-
come too narrow for its inhabitants. In the second legend on the
approach of a dire winter, after which the flood is to destroy every
living creaturc, Yima being advised by Ahura Mazdah bnilds a Var
(castle) of earth * to keep there the finest representatives of every
kind of animals and plants, and they live there a life of perfect
happiness. These legends mast be understood here as an illustration
of the passage in the first chapter, where the winter, which causes
floods, is mentioned as one of the plagues of Anra Mainyav. — The
earth overpeopled in the golden age, when there was no death (see
note on Y. 9. 4), is unpeopled by the great flood. Yima, whose in-
direct fault it was, has to repeople it. — The third chapter describes
the five places, that comfort, and the five places, that discomfort
most the earth, and states the actions, that bring the greatest happiness
to the earth.
The fourth chapter treats of l a w s about c o n t r a c t s and as-
saults, which are the only remains extant of the civil and penal legis-
lation of Zoroastrianism, sec Darmesteter SBE. IV. 2"d ed. LXXXII seq.
Chapters 5—12 contain the l a w s of purification, which are
based on the concept of impurity.
The chief centre of impurity is d e a t h and its counterpart c h i l d -
b i r t h . And the material substance that is most felt to be impure is
Death and child-birth being phenomena which are not understood
by primitive man are 'suspect*, because they involve vague and myste-
rious danger. Primitive man will neither come into contact with a dead
body nor with a female that is giving birth to a child: it is fear and awe
as the same time which keep him at a distance. Likewise blood, the
sight of which excites an uneasy feeling, is something to be shunned. But
neither the dead body or the woman labouring with child nor blood is
impure before the priestly law is concerned in it. F o r o n l y t h a t w i t h
w h i c h o n e m u s t n o t c o m e in c o n t a c t is 'impure'. The objects of

These plagues created by Atara Mainyav to mar the earth and its
creatures are winter, unseasonable heat, locusts, serpents and other indeter-
minable noxious animals, bad and non-aryan rulers, sorcerers; moreover
sodomy, burying and cooking of the dead, weeping and groaning, scepti-
cism etc.
* See note on V. 2. 31.
134 Notes to the V.

the inanimate world are not usually regarded as impure in themselves,

but most of them are for instance capable of catching the infection from
death or child-birth.
On the other hand certain natural things come to be regarded as
specially 'pure' either on account of their being bright and lustrous or
from the fact that they are used for cleansing processes as fire or water.
As a dangerous spirit is supposed to abide in the impure thing,
the o b j e c t of p u r i f i c a t i o n is to e x p e l t h e s p i r i t .
Also in the view of the Avesta, death and child-birth are centres
of impurity.
When a man dies, as soon as the soul has parted away from
the body, the Drug Ncusav or corpse-witch rushes upon him in the
shape of a fly through one of the openings of the body (V. 3. 14),
and whoever thenceforth touches the corpse becomes unclean, and
makes unclean whomsoever he touches. The defiling power of the
dead varies according to the sanctity or rank of the deceased: thus
it is greatest in the corpse of a priest, somewhat less in that of a
warrior, and least in that of the husbandman (V. 5. 28 seq.). The
corpse of a creature of Anra Mainyav does, not defile. Women that
have just been delivered of a child, are unclean (V. 5. 45 seq.). Un-
clean also seem to have been the children; for they perform when
putting on the girdle (see note on Y. 9. 26) the nine nights Barasnüm
(see below) in order to be cleansed from the uncleanness they have
contracted in the womb of their mothers. Altogether any phenomenon,
by which the bodily nature is altered, is viewed as a work of a
spirit, and makes that person unclean in whom it takes place. Such
phenomena are the uncleanness of women during their menses (V. 1.
18 seq.) and the uncleanness of sick men.
Fire, water and earth are centres of purity. The fire being an
earthly form of the heavenly fire, is the purest part of the pure
creation of the good spirit. No uncleanness can be allowed to enter
it. In every place where Parsis are settled, an everlasting fire is
kept and fed with dry wood; whichever side its flames are brought
by the wind, it goes and kills thousands of fiends (V. 8. 79 seq.). Bur-
ning the dead is a sin for which there is no atonement (V. 1. 17).
Water was looked upon in the same light. Bringing dead matter to it
is as bad as bringing it to the fire (V. 7. 25). Not less pure was the
earth, in which a goddess lived, Spanta Ärmatay. No corpse ought
to defile her sacred breast; burying the dead is, like burning the
dead, one of the greatest sins. Therefore the corpse is laid on the
summit of a mountain, far from man, from water, from fire and from
Notes to the V. 136

the earth itself, as it is separated from it by a layer of stones or

bricks (V. 6. 44 seq.). Special buildings, the Daxma'B, were erectcd
for this purpose.
The process of cleansing varies according to the degree of nn-
cleanness. The uncleanness of the dead is the worst of all: it can
only be cured by means of the great ceremony of purification, the
BaraSnüm i nuh Saba, 'the nine nights' purification*.
The Nine Nights' BaraSnüm is described in V. 9. 1 seq.: There arc
cut out of the earth six holes, one step apart, and >vith an interval of
three steps, three more holes, one step apart, in the same line. This row
of nine holes, from north to south, is surrounded by three furrows, the
first six holes and the last three are both surrounded by a second series
of three furrows, and the first three holes are surrounded by a third
series of three furrows. And these furrows are not less than three steps
from the holes in any place, except where they separate the three series
of holes from each other. Now to the three places of nine feet (one
between the first hole and the north side, one between the sixth and the
seventh hole, and one between the last hole and the south side) are
brought some stones or a piece of a hoof or a block of wood or a clod
or any fragment of hard earth. The defiled man goes to the holes. The
cleanser from without stepping near the furrows recites: n9mas6ä yä är-
maitis Izäcä, and the defiled man answers with the same .formula. At
every one of those words the corpse-witch becomes weaker. The cleanser
then pours ox's urine into a vessel of brass or of lead. He takes a
stick with nine knots, fastens the vessel to its end and sprinkles certain
parts of the body of the defiled man at each of the first six holes. As
soon as all parts of the body from top to toe are sprinkled, the corpse-
witch flies away to the regions of the north (the hell) in the shape of a
fly. The defiled man now sits down on the other side of the room of
purification, four finger-breadths from the furrows which divide it. And
here he is dried with fifteen handfuls of earth. When his body is dry,
he goes to the remaining three holts, where, sprinkled with water, he
waehes his body once at the first hole, twice at the second, and three
times at the third. Then he perfumes himself, puts on hie clothes and
goes to his home. Here he sits nine (days and) nights apart from fire,
water, the earth, the ox, the plants and the faithful, washing his body
and his clothes with water and ox's urine after every third night. When
the nine nights have passed, he is pure and may go near the fire, the
water, the earth, the ox, the plants and the faithful.
This ceremony was regarded not merely as a washing away of the
uncleanness, or an expelling of the corpse-witch, but as a reviving and
strengthening by the earth, see Y. 30.1. And it is for this reason that
the goddess of the earth, Armatay1 is invoked and the holes, the number

The meaning of the formula nsmasiä yä ärmaitiS tzäiä, a detached
quotation cp. Y. 49. 10, is certainly 'and the prayer, the devotion and the
136 Notes to the V.

of which corresponds to that of the openings of the body, are cut

out of it. Those holes are looked upon as the openings of the body
and are intended to be filled up with the ox's urine or the water trick-
ling from the body to preserve it from the c o r p s e - w i t c h T h e object of
the furrows is to prevent the corpse-witch from forcing her way from the
defiled man within the furrows to any other person outside them; being
shut up inside the furrows and thus excluded from the world outside,
and being driven back by the strength of the ox's urine, the water and
the other spells, ahe finds at last no place of refuge but hell. As to what
is done with the stones or the pieces of hoof etc., a conjecture is made
by West SBE. XVIII. 436, that the stones were to be distributed, as ab-
lution seats, to each of the nine stations, as at present.
Chapter 10 contains the Ga&a-verses which have to be repeated
twice, thrice and four times for the expulsion of demons; 11, the
employment of Ga&a-\erses for the purpose of purification; 12, direc-
tions about mourning for dead relatives and about the purification of
the houses in which they died.
Chapter 13 deals with the dogs which as creatures of the Good
Spirit are pure animals and which include the hedgehog, the porcu-
pine, the otter and others.
Chapter 14 describes at full length, how the murder of a water-
dog (an otter) may be atoned for.
In Chapter 15 five mortal sins (consisting in the main in mal-
treatment of a dog or especially of a bitch big with young or in
intercourse with a woman who has the menses or is quick with a child)
and unlawful unions and attempts to procure miscarriage are men-
tioned. Further the obligation of the illegitimate father towards the
mother and the child are stated and precepts are given how to treat
a bitch big with young and how to breed do<?s.
Chapter 16 is devoted to the treatment of women at the time
of their menstruation.
Chapter 17 deals with hair and nails which have been cut. They
are like anything thfct has been separated from the body of man con-
sidered dead matter and accordingly unclean. The demon must be
driven away from the cuttings by spells, in the same way as he is
from the bodies of the dead. Cp. Jackson J A O S . Proceedings October
1885. LXI.
religious zeal'; but the Pahlavi version nyäyiSn spandaramat i awzünlk
'praise to Spandaramat, the propitious!' makes it indubitable, that an in-
vocation of the goddess of the earth was intended by the recitation of it.
1 In summer the holes had to be two finger-breadths deep, in winter

four finger-breadths deep.

Notes to the V. 137

The contents of chapter 18 are of very miscellaneous character.

The nnworthy priest (1—5). The right priest (6). Heterodoxy and
the heterodox teacher (7—17). On the holiness of the cock, the bird
of Sraoia, who awakes the world for prayer and for protection of the
fire, and on the spells against the demons, who make the faithful
forget in slumber the honr of prayer and extinguish the fire (14—29). —
As the right priest, who is said to sit up throughout the night and
to question the holy Wisdom (§ 6), is called Äüravan 'firepricst', it
is possible that a vague remembrance from ancient times lies hidden
here, when the firepriests had to guard the fire during the night.
Thus, at any rate can the §§ on the A&ravan be connected with those
on the bird of Sraoia, who awakes the faithful one to put wood on the
fire. — On the four sins, that make the Drug pregnant with a brood
of fiends (30—59). On the evil causcd by the Jahl, the prostitute
(60—65). How intercourse with a woman who sees blood is to be
atoned for.
Chapter 19 treats of the sacrificial implements and of the sacred
the words, by which the demons are confounded. 1—3 and 4—10 relate
attacks of the demon Bütay and of Anra Mainyav against Ζara&ustra,
who combats them singing aloud the Ahuna Vairy a and certain verses
of the Gada'β. — 4—10 presents something of a parallel to the
struggle of Buddha with Mara, or to the temptation of our Saviour
by Satan. See Jackson Avesta-Reader 47. — 11—17 give a series
of invocations to destroy the uncleanness born from contact with
the dead. — 18—19 describe the promotion of the prosperity of the
creation by the rites of the Barasman. — 20—25 state, how that
men and clothes defiled by the dead are to be purified by ox's urine,
water, and perfume. — 26—34 deal with the fate of souls after death.
The idea of a future life is expressed very distinctly even in the
Gada's and pervades the whole of the later Avesta literature. This idea
is founded upon the old Aryan belief in Heaven and Hell (see note on
Yt. 13.14). The Father Heaven (see introduction to the Mihr Yast) as the
ruler of the whole universe, rewarded not only the good, but was a
punisher of the wicked at the same time. All that was created, good or
evil, fortune or misfortune, was his work. But having arrived at the
idea of good and evil one found, that the various kinds of evils, wicked-
ness, and baseness were not compatible with the goodness, holiness, and
justice of the great Father. He, therefore, remained only the ruler of
the heaven and the author of ail that is good and useful in nature, and,
when his chief-attributes were personified, they were only good ones like
protection, friendship, tribalism etc. Although a 'bottomless darkness' or
a place 'deep down' in the Vedas is referred to as a sort of Ilell, yet on*
138 Notes to V. II.

had still no clear conception of a ruler of the Hell, who calls into existence
all that is dark and apparently noxious. (The conception of α separate
evil spirit of equal power with the good spirit and always opposed to
him, was reserved for ZaraGustra.) Nevertheless, the existence of a vague
belief in the future recompense for the good and the annihilation or the
punishment of the wicked may be inferred from such Vedic passages as
RV. 10. 14. 8 'Meet with the fathers and with Tama, with the recompense
of the sacrifices and good works in the highest heaven', 'By the good
path do thou hasten past the two four eyed brindled dogs (see note on
V. 13. 9), the offspring of Saramä' and 10. 17. 4 'May Savitar place thee,
where those sit who have done good works', or 4. 5. 5 'This deep abyss
has been produced for (those who), being sinners, false, untrue, go about
like women without brothers, like wicked females hostile to their hus-
bands'. After death the good got to the paradise awaiting them and
obtained immortality, while the wicked were supposed to be simply anni-
hilated or dragged away to hell, cp. Muir Sanskrit Texts V. 300 seq. and
the notes on V. 19. 29 seq.
ZaraÖuStra's views in regard to a future life, though incomplete
here and in the Gä0&'e, are caried out in the Ha&öxt Nask and are fully
given in the Pahlavi books. The belief in an immediate judgment of the
soul after death, the weighing in the balance, the leading of the soul
across the Cinvat-Bridge and through the mansions of paradise to bliss,
or through the grades of hell to torment, or again in special cases to an
intermediate state to await the final judgment is a genuine Mazdayasnian
dogma, which developed itself naturally from Zaraeustra's sayings.
34—42 contain another series of invocations. — 43—47 relate,
how the demons dismayed by the birth of the Prophet, rushed back
into Hell.
The last three chapters are devoted to priestly medicine, espe-
cially to the spell-medicine.

(The legends of Yima.)
Literature: Windischmann Zoroastrische Studien 21 seq., Lindner Festgruss
an Roth 213, Geldner KZ. 25. 179 seq., Haug Essays 3d ed. 230 seq., Dar-
mesteter ZA. II. 16 seq., SBE. IV. 2nd ed. 10 seq., Söderblom La vie future
170 seq.
1 kahmäi paoiryö (adv. or nom. sg. m.) masyänam ap»n89 tum . . anyö
(adv. or nom. sg. m.) mana yai zaraduüräi 'with which of the mortals didst
thou first converse beside me, the Z.I·, instead of aparasd, which could stand
for ap»r»sö (impf. act. 2 sg.; §34.2), one expects a form of the middle voice;
the genitive mana yai zaraduSträi (dative instead of gen., § 471) as repre-
sentative of the ablativus comparationis (§§ 481, 494). — 3 vlsanha mi . .
mar»tö bdrdtafa (Iocativc-infinitivcs § 373) daenayäi (instead of gen., sec
above) 'be thou ready for preserving and cultivating the religion": on

vaes- with the final infinitive see § 695; cp. N. 19 and Y. 32.14. — nöit dätö
ahmi nöit distö (kae&-) maratö . . Ί am not born, nor taught to preserve . —
4 yezi me nöit vlvise (inf. ?) maratö .. äat me gae&ä fräSaya (fräd-) 'if thou
be not able to be ready for preserving . . then make thou my world to
increase': the first part of the sentence is not clear. — äat visäi (inf.,
§ 371) gai&anqm frrütäia (nom. sg. m.) . . 'then be ready as protector of
the world and . .': dative-infinitive with imperative force § 703. — 6 äat Λβ
zaya (acc. du. m.) frabaram azam . . sutvrqm zaranainim aitrqmia zaranyö.-
pa&slm 'then I brought two implements to him: a golden arrow and a scourge
inlaid with gold': these implements are the symbols of sovereignty. — 7 yimö
asti bara&e (inf., § 373) xiafrrayä Ύ. is in possession of the two sovereignties':
that passage seems to be a gloss. — 8 äat yimäi (dative instead of gen.,
§ 471) {hrisatö.zama hanjasanta (gam·) 'then to the kingdom of Y. three hundred
winters became complete*. — äat hi \m z& bvat parane (nom. sg. f., pronomi-
nally declined) pasvqmca 'then this earth was replenished for him with cattle
and . .*: on bav- with a part. perf. pass, in the sense of the passive see § 671. —
nöit him (particle) gätvö (part. gen. as object § 497) vindan (?va£d-) pasvasca ..
'cattle did find no room and ..'. — panne (see above) Im z& hangata (instr.
(•g.) pasvqmia .. "this earth (is) full through the gathering of cattlo and ..". —
10 äat yimö fraiüsat (Syav-) raoiä ä upa rapi&wqm hü (see note on Yt. 6. 91)
paiti adivanam ' Y. stepped forward at midday to the light towards the way
of the sun': that is, towards the south; the north is the direction of Hell, see
below. — hö imqm zqm aiwiivat (iav-) .. sifat (saef·) 'he cracked this earth
and passed over her". — frida spanta ärmaite fraca ένα (imp. act. 2 sg.,
them.: §yav-) vica namaraha (nam-) bara&re pasvqmia . . Ό Sp. Arm. gra-
ciously come forth and stretch thyself afar to bear cattle and . .': Yima in-
vokes the goddess of earth having stepped towards the south, because the
northern part of the earth encloses the hell and therefore cannot open itself
to bear the living creatures; see note on Yt. 13. 3. — 11 äat yimö imqm zqm
viSävayat (Syav·) a&va driiva (instr. sg.) ahmät (adv.: see Gl.) masyehlm ya&a
para ahmät 'then Y. made the earth expand herself by one-third larger
than she (was) before'. — qstam ifrra fraiaranta (1fcar-) pasvasia . . 'and there
a home established cattle and . .'. — 20 The phrases which constitute the
remaining part of 20 and the first part of 21 in the Mss., are later additions
and form no part of the original text. See Geldner KZ. 25. 186. — 22 avi
ahüm astvantam ayam zamö (zyam- m.) janhantu 'upon the evil material world
the winters shall come": on the writing of zamö instead oizimö see §280. —
yahmat ha6a staxrö mrürö zyä 'and, therefore, a strong deadly winter shall
be": see Gl. under yahmat haca. — yahmat ha6a paurvö snaoSö vafra (acc.
pi. m.) snaezät (snaeg-) barazistaeibyö gairibyö bqSnubyö araduyä 'therefore
at first the clouds will make snow masses of snow up to the depths as the
A. has, from the highest mountains': bqsnubyö is ablativus comparationis
§ 481. — 23 drizatca iSa . . gäus apa.jasat yatca arahat dwyqstamaeSu asa-
rahqm 'and (only) a third of the animals will then come off (unhurt), namely
fall animals) that (are) in the most wild (of the) places': that is to say in
the plain deserts as contrasted with the mountains and valleys; on the
meaning of gav- see note on Yt. 13. 10. — .yatia jafnuSva raonqm paxru-
maeäu nmänaesu 'and (all animals) that (arc) iu the valleys of the rivers in
140 Notes to V. II.

solid houses : that is to say in stables. — 24 parö zamö aetaiahä daiihSui

anhat baratö (inf., § 373) västram 'before the winter of that country (there
was) producing of grass', i. e. "before the winter that country produced grass
for cattle': locative infinitive as subject. — tarn (acc. sg. n., sc. västram) äfs
paurva (adv.; see Gl.) vazaiSyäi (inf., § 371) pasia vltaxti (instr. sg.) vafrahe
'afterwards (after the grass, produced before the winter) in consequence of the
melting of the snow water shall flow in abundance': infinitive with imperative
force § 703. — abdaia (nom. pi. n.) iia . . sadayät ('sand-) yat Ha pasiui
anumayehe paSani vaenäite 'and it will be a wonder, when here the foot-
print of a sheep appears': see Saleinanu Man. Stud. I. 42. — 25 äat torn
varam karanava (imp. act. 2 sg., them.) iaratu.dräjö kamiit paiti da&ruianqm
'therefore make thee a castle long as a 6. on every one of the four sides':
taratav-, lit. "racecourse' (see Y. 11. 2), is the name of a long measure of
distance; according to the tradition the length of a iaratav- is two hädra-, a
medium hä&ra being a thousand steps of the two feet, see West SBE. V. 98.
— vanm, karanava . . narqm aiwi.x&öi&ne (inf., § 371) . . gavqm gävayanam
'make a castle to be a dwelling for men . . stables for cattle*. — 26 ha&ra
äpam frätat.caya (tak-) hädrö.masaiaham adwanam hafrra marayA avastaya
^std-) 'there thou shalt make waters to flow a way a H. long, there thou
shalt set up meadows': on the writing of frätat-äaya see § 61; hä&rö.masaiaham
adwanam is accusative of extent § 439. — In the text of the MSS. the fol-
lowing phrase is interpolated: avi mat zairi.gaonam mat xvairyeite (pas-
sive) ajyamnam 'always the goldcoloured, always the inexhaustible (food) is
eaten'. — 27 narqm n&irinqmia . . yöi . .: the relative agrees with the
strongest gender § 604. — g5uä saraSanqm . . yöi (nom. pi. m. instead of n.).
— 28 tS karanava mifrwaire (acc. d u . η.) ajyamnam (acc. s g . n.) oispam ä
ahmät yat alte, narö varaf&va anhan '(all) those shalt thou set in pairs to be
something inexhaustible so long as those men shall stay in the castle': & . .
mi&waire referring to combined antecedents is neuter § 604; varafiva in-
stead of varaSva from 30. — 29 mä αϋτα frakavö . . mäda.iim anyqm
daxitanqm (part. gen. as subject § 497) yöi (nom. pi. m. instead of n.) hanti
anrahe mainySuS daxitam maSyäiica paiti nidätam 'there (shall be) no hump
on the chest . . nor other defects which are A. M.'s sign put into men'. —
30 fratamam daitihiuS nava parafrwö karanava maSamö xivaS . . 'in t h e lar-
gest part of the place thou shalt make nine passages, in the middle part
six . .': the grammar here is corrupt. — aiwi6a tS (sc. para&wo) varafSva
(varap-) sutvrya zaranainya apiia tam varam mama dvaram 'and thou shalt
mark them (the passages) with thy golden arrow, and thou shalt fit the
castle with a door": on ( a i p i + ) maraz- with two accusatives see note on
Y. 9.28 and §438 β. — 31 öat mqsta (s-aor. mid. 3 sg.: 1man·) yimö: 'and Y.
thought'. — kuda te (particle) azam varam karanaväne, yä (instr. sg.) me aoxta
ahurö mazdA 'how shall I make the castle (on account) of which Ah. M. has
spoken with me*: yä is instrumental of cause § 451. — ainhä zamö (gen.
as object, § 497) pöSnäbya vlspara {spar·) zastaeibyö vixaia (xad·) manayan
ahe yada nü maSyäka xsvisti zame (loc. sg.; § 354) viäövayeinte (Syav-) 'crush
this earth with thy heels, knead it with thy hands as now people knead
soaked loam*: the grammar is corrupt. The idea that after the world be-
comes an ocean by the flood Y. has to make the Vara from kneaded earth,
Notes to V. II and III. 141

may be connected with the old myth of the (first) creation of the world, as
described for exemple in the Taittirlya Br&hmana 1.1, 3, 6 seq.: "This (uni-
verse) was formerly water, fluid. With that (water) Prajäpati practised ar-
duous devotion (saying), *how shall this (universe) be (developed) ?' He beheld
a lotus-leaf standing. He thought, there is somewhat on which this (lotus-
leaf) rests'. He as a boar — having assumed this form — plunged beneath
towards it. He found the earth down below. Breaking off (a portion of)
her, he rose to the surface. He then extended it on the lotus-leaf. Inasmuch
as he extended it, that is the extension of the extended one (the earth).
This became (abhüt). From this the earth derives its name of bhüml. The
wind carried her, to the four quarters. He strengthened her with gravel,
etc., etc.", or in the Taittirlya Samhitä 7. 1, 6, 1 seq.: "This universe was
formerly waters, fluid. On it Prajäpati, becoming wind, moved. He saw
this (earth). Becoming a boar, he took her up. Becoming VUvakarman,
he wiped (th moisture from) her. She extended. The became the extended
one (prthivi). From this the earth derives her designation as the extended
one etc. etc." Cp. Muir Sanskrit Texts 152 seq. and Dähnhardt Natursagen
I. 1 seq. — 38 αρίδα hö varsm marazat dvaram raoöansm x»äraoxsnam an-
tan.naimäi 'and he fitted the castle with a door, lighting, self-shining within':
the lighting door is to be understond as the heaven with sun, moon and
stars. — 39 layo .. aete rao6ä .. yö .. ä.raocayeiti: raoiä is falsely treated
as masculine and followed by a singular relative. — vanfSa (see note on
28) yö yimö kannaoi·. yö stands instead of acc. pi. m. — 40 hcüc&nt el
irixtahe (gen. eg. n.) sadayaia (loc. sg. f.) vainaite (3 sg. instead of 3 pi.)
starasia . . 'once (in the year) the stars . . are seen rising and setting': the
grammar is corrupt. — 41 taeca (nom. pi. m.) ay an mainyeinte yat yära "and
they consider (to be) a year, what is a day": the meaning of ta- here cannot
be determined. — iafouansat&m (accusative of extent, § 439) aivoi.g&manam
dvaeibya haia vanbya dva nara us jzay einte mi&wana (nom. du.) striia nair-
yas6a a&a aUaiSam yoi (instead of gen. pi.) g5u$ sard&anqm "within (or
after) forty years by every couple two men are born, a pair: a male and a
female, and thus (it is) for (all) these sorts of cattle': aetaiSqm .. sarzdanqm
is dative-like genitive §495. — taeca narö sraesta gaya jvainti (lgay-) 'and
these men live the happiest life': on the instrumentale gaya see § 452. —
42 vi.s karSipta ·. the bird karsiptar lit. 'accipiter' dwells in the heaven; as the
messenger of the heaven he brought the religion into the castle of Y.

(The Earth.)
Literature: Geldner K Z . 5 4 2 s e q . , Studien 151 seq., Geiger ZDMG.5/.415seq.,
Haug Essays 3 d ed. 235 seq., 315seq., Jackson Avesta-Reader 44 seq., Dar-
mesteter ZA. II. 33 seq., SBE. IV. 2nd ed. 21 seq.
The present selection describes the five places that most please
the earth; it contains two long digressions, the one (14—21) on
corpse-hearers, the other (24—33) on the holiness of husbandry.
143 Notes to V. t i l .

12 paoirlm: adv. — maxist a xinaoma xSnävayeiti 'he rejoices with

g r e a t e s t j o y ' : on the i n s t r u m e n t a l see § 449. — yat. . paiti . . usksnti ( 2 fcan-)
'where (lit. in which) one digs o u t . .": 'one' e x p r e s s e d by the third person
sing. § 716. — yahmya sairi nikante (nom. du. f.; p a r t . perf. pass.: skan·)
"where d e a d bodies (are lying·) buried". — spänasca irista naraeca irista is
an exemplification of sairi: on narae-6a, p r o b a b l y declined pronominally,
see B a r t h o l o m a e Wb. 1048. — 13 daxma: as the p u r i t y of the earth was
not to b e defiled, especially b y contact with a corpse, a peculiar mode of
disposing of the d e a d arose, which h a s e v e r b e e n a characteristic m a r k of
t h e P a r s i religion. Cp. J a c k s o n A v e s t a R e a d e r 45. T h e b o d y was to be
carried to some high place {daxma), fastened a n d left to the d o g s a n d birds
to devour. T h e b o n e s were a f t e r w a r d s t a k e n to a r e c e i v e r a n d p r e s e r v e d
in some sort of a receptacle. See V. 6. 44 seq. — yat . · paiti . . daxma
(acc. pi.) uzdaeza (instr. sg.) vlkanti, yahmya narö irista niSayeinte (ldä-)
"where o n e pulls d o w n the D. b y c a r r y i n g (them) off, (those D.) on which
the corpses of m e n a r e deposited': a l t h o u g h the erection of Daxma's is
e n j o i n e d b y the law, y e t the Daxma in itself is u n c l e a n , since it is a l w a y s
in contact with the dead. E v e r y fifty y e a r s it h a s to b e pulled down, so
t h a t it m a y b e restored to its n a t u r a l purity. — 14 mä öiä barö (nom. sg.
m.: part. pres. act.) aevö yat iristam (acc. sg. n.) 'no one (shall be) c a r r y i n g
alone (that) which (is) d e a d ' : cp. H a u g E s s a y s 3 317: "No corpse c a n b e car-
ried b y less t h a n two men, a c c o r d i n g to the religious laws of the Zoroastrians'
a n d Modi T h e f u n e r a l ceremonies of the P a r s e e s 12 seq. — äat ' f o r ' : see Gl.
— υά: emphatic particle, see Gl. — äaf, yezi se (as acc.) barät aevö yat iristam,
upa vä (emphatic particle, see Gl.) nasus rae&wät nänhanat haca . . ' f o r if
one man alone carry (that) which (is) dead, t h e N. (the corpse-demon) r u s h e s
u p o n (him), f r o m the nose . .': t h e t e x t m e a n s to state, that t h e N. r u s h e s
u p o n him t h r o u g h all t h e n i n e o p e n i n g s of the body. — te aesam paiti sruye
. . druxS upa.dvqsaiti 'at t h e nails of t h e m (of m e n c a r r y i n g corpses alone)
the Drug is flying": te a g r e e s with sruye (i. e. sruve, § 144. 5). T h e corpse-
demon comes in t h e shape of a raging· fly, cp. V. 7 . 2 a n d Geiger OK. 2G3. —
bavainti: t h e p l u r a l r e f e r s to aesqm. — 15 yat . . airihä zdmö . . "where on
this e a r t h ' : the g e n i t i v e airihä zsmö d e p e n d s u p o n yat § 496. — gätus .. yat
iristö.kaiahe: t h e iristo.kasa- is h e r e opposed to nasu-kasa-, who is the
lawful c a r r i e r V. 8. 11; the Pahlavi-Version e x p l a i n s evak bar 'single carrier",
cp. H a u g E s s a y s 3 318, D a r m e s t e t e r ZA. 2, 88, 148. T o d a y t h e Parsees dis-
tinguish two classes of c o r p s e - b e a r e r s : "(a) the Nabäsälärs who alone can
e n t e r into t h e T o w e r with the corpse. T h e y also go into t h e h o u s e to ar-
r a n g e the corpse on the b i e r ; (b) the Xftndvas who a r e mere c a r r i e r s ; their
only business is to c a r r y t h e corpse f r o m the house to the T o w e r in the
inside of which it is c a r r i e d a g a i n by t h e Nasasälärs." Modi T h e f u n e r a l
Ceremonies of t h e P a r s e e s 12. — kambiMamia aete padä frayqn pasvasca ..:
in construction supply yat: ' a n d (where on) these ways least g o flocks . . ' ; p n
the following accusatives as subject-cases see §714. — (16—17 is inserted.)—
16 haia barssmdn . .·. see n o t e on Yt. 10. 88. — 17 drisata gäim: a c c u s a t i v e
of e x t e n t § 439. — 18 aetaSa he (particle) . . mazdayasna airihä zamö pairi.-
daizqn (acc. pi. m.) pairi.daezayqn 'here on this earth ( c o r r e s p o n d i n g to
"where on this earth', see 15) the M. shall erect enclosures': t h e g e n i t i v e
Notes to V. III. 143

aiibhä zamö depends upon aetaSa § 496. — xvara&aeibyo, vastraiibyö ästa-

yanta (std-) mazdayasna 'with food, with clothes the Μ. shall appear': the
ablatives plural are used for instrumentale § 428. — 19 draljiitö.tamaeivaia
niuruzdö tamal&vaca aetä xvara&ii xvaratu aet& vasträ vanhatu (svah-), vispam
ä ahmät yat hanö vä zaururö vä pairistä.x&udrö vä bavät 'among· the very
poorest and foulest he (the iristö.kaSa) shall eat that food, he shall wenr
those clothcs, until he becomes old or broken clown by age or impotent*. —
20 äat yat hanö . . bavät> aojistdmca dim (particle) . . mazdayasna tanÜ-
stamfa vaetiyö.tamomia upa maitlm barzzanhqm pqstö.fradanham he kamara-
δdm vlnä&ayan (nad-) 'thon, when he has become old, the Μ. in the most
effectual, rapid and skill'ul manner shall on the top of a mountain skin his
head, as far as the hair extends': aojiitamia, tancistamca, vaedyö.tamamia
are adverbs. — as-x^arotamaeibyo spantö .mainyavanqm dämanqm karafif.-
xvärqm karafi (nom. used as acc.) paiti nisrinuyät (sray-) vayqm kahrkdsqm
'one shall deliver (his) corpse unto the greediest of the corpse-eating creatures
of the Good Spirit, unto the vultures': vayqm kahrkä.iqm agrees in case with
dämanqm. — ανά (nom. tig. m., § 399) him (particle) paiti.mi&näiti (maed-)
vispam dusmatamia .. 'the man here renounces all that is evil thought and . .'.
— 21 yezica h€ any α αγα syao&na fravar.Ua, paitita (lay-) he iida 'and if
other evil deeds (have been) committed by him, the punishment for them (is)
remitted': the copula in both clauses is omitted; the first hi is dative of the
agent § 461; the second he is genitive, depending upon ci&a\ paitita is
written for *paitita § 34. 1. — paitilam (nom. sg. n.) ahe nari yavaica ya-
vaetätaeca "the remission of this man (is) for ever and ever'. — 22 yat . .
paiti . . vlkante (pres. mid. 3 sg., ikan-) . . garaiqm (part. gen. as object,
§ 497) "where one pulls down the barrows . .*. — 23 yat .. paiti .. kdrayeiti
(3kar-) . . yavanqmca (part. gen. as object) . . 'where ono sows corn and .
— yat vä anäpam äi üpam karanaoiti (}kar-) 'or where one brings water to
a desert land': the following passage is a worthless addition, see Bartholomae
Wb. 123. — 24 nöit zl im (pron. dem.: see Gl. under ayim) zA yd daraya
alcarita saela (säy·) yd karsya kariivata (instr. sg. m.), aibis (nom. sg. fem.:
aibiz- adj.) tat (adv.) vanhduS (part. gen. as object) aiici söi&ni (loc. eg.: aitci.-
iaitan· in.) 'unhappy is that land, which has long lain uncultivated, and ig
to be ploughed by the ploughman, desiring therefore from (lit. by) the in-
habitant what is good'. — iia (see Gl.) carditi huraoSa yd danya apuih-a
aeiti aibii tat vanhius ariänö 'like a well-shapen maid who long goes child-
less, desiring therefore from the husband what is good': the genitive ariänö
depends upon aibiz- § 476. — 25 yd (conditional § 746) imqm.zqm aiici.-
vdrazyeiti .. hävöya bäzvö dasinaia dasina bäzvö hävayaca, upa he gaonam
baraiti 'if one tills that earth with the left arm and the right, with the right
arm and the left, unto hint she brings benefit': bäzvö is locative instead of
instrumental § 42U; on the writing of hävöya, hävaya-ca (for havya, see Gl.
under haoya) see §§ 34. 3, 144. 1. — mqnayan ahe ya&a nd fryö frydi van-
taoe starata gdtus sayamanö pu&ram vd gaonam vd avi avabaraiti 'even as
a kind man unto his kind wife brings a son or (any other) benefit, lying on
the stuffed couch': on the writing of vantaoe for vantave see § 144. 4; starata
gätus is perhaps accusative of extent. — 26 aoxta: the imperfect is remar-
kable; on expects aoxte. — nara: voc. sg. with transition to the a-declen-
144 Notes to V. III.

siou. — 27 bäSa ida äfrasäne (*par·) darahubyö, bdda iia aeni (1aty-) bara&i
(infinitive, § 373) 'verily I shall come to the countries, verily I shall ever
go on bringing forth*. — vispä x»arantlS para.barqn hqm.baradwqm parö
yavahe 'they (sg. daitihavö 'the countries') shall get in all manner of food
besides the harvest*. — 29 bä&a iia hi&tahe any ehe dvara srayanö xvarantli
parasamnaesuia (fras-) 'verily thou shalt stand at another's door and among
them who beg for food': duart is locative, depending upon sray·. — bäSa
&wqm tarasca ärahänö srascintiS (srask-) χ°αηΰά bairyeinte 'verily by thee
the food trickling from the* mouth will be borne past': ärahänö (ärahan- n.)
is ablative-like genitive § 494. — te äbya bairyeinte yaeiqm dim (particle)
f r ä y ö (noin. sg. n.) vohunqm "they shall be brought to those who (have) pro-
fusion of good things': te äbya (dat. du. instead of plur.) bairyeinte is an
imitation of Y. 32. 15, see Jackson Avesta Reader I. 45, Bartholoinae Wb.
10 seq.; to yaesqtn . . f r ä y ö is asti to be supplied § 490. — 30 yat uyrsm (adv.)
paiti yaokarSti 'if one well tills corn': yat .. paiti means here 'if see Ol.—
31 yö yaom (yava- m. § 33. 4) kärayeiti (3kar-), hö afom kärayeiti 'he who
sows corn, sows Asa (righteousness)'. — fraväza (instr. eg., § 449) vazaite 'he
furthers*. — hö imqm daenqm mäzdayasnlm frapinaoiti (pay·), satarn paiti·
Stanqm hazataram paiti.daranqm baevara [paiti] yasnöJcaraitinqm 'lie suck-
less the mäzd.-religion, (he creates) an hundred (new) places of residence,
a thousand (new) dwelling places, ten thousand FeäAe.Aälqm-prayers (that
is to say, he obtains the reward for the recitation of ten thousand Yeibhe.-
Adiam-prayers)': on yasnö.karatay- see note on N> 74. — 32 yat yavo dayät
(passive; 1dä-), daeva x"lsan (xvaed-) .. tusan (taos-).. uru&an (}rao&-). . para-
dan (parad-) 'if the corn is prepared, the D. begin to sweat, lose their heads,
groan, fart": xHsan, tusan, uru&an, paradan are universal injunctives § 660;
the general meaning of the sentence is, that the Daeva's, who will destroy
all vegetation, break down by the preparing of the corn. — ida midnät
(maet•) daeva aipijaiti (inf., § 372) nmäne aitihäi gundayäi "here shall be
always (some) farinaceous food in the house for to smite the Daeva1 s: aiiihäi
gundayäi is dative instead of partitive genitive (as subject) § 471. — zafara
(loc. sg.) tafsqn (tap-) aya (instr. sg f.) masö (adv.) 'in the mouth they (the
Daeva'a) shall begin to grow very hot by it (by the farinaceous food)*. —
hqm.urvisvärahö (nom. pi. m., on the form see Bartholomae Wb. 1811) sada-
yeiti (rsand·) 'they (the Daeva'a) are seen running awav': sadayeiti is singular
instead of plural; on the construction see §672. — ya£ yavo pourus (parαν-,
adj.) bavät, αδα maßram tat (correlating with ya{) mairyät (*mar•) . .: 'in
order that there is plentyful corn, one shall recite the saying: ..". — 33 nae6iS
axoarantqm tva (tvan-, adj.) nöit • · aSayqm . . västryqm . . pu&röiätlm "no
one of those who do not eat (is) fit for the doing of works of Asa . . for the
doing of works of husbandry . . for obtaining possession of sons': on tvan-
with the accusative see § 442. — xväsaya zx vispö atahuS astvd jvaiti ( l g a y - )
axväiie framiryeite Q-mar-) 'for by eating the whole material world lives, by
not eating it dies away*: xväsaya, axväse are locatives sing, instead of in-
jtrumentals § 426. — 34 yat bä paiti . . naire asaone varazyät . . dadäiti
'if one pays to the faithful for his work*: varazyät is ablative of cause
§ 483. — 35 avi tarn spayät (}spä-) spantayä ärmatöis tamö άέα "him (who
does not pay) one shall thruet out of the earth into darkness*: the name
Notes to V. III and V. 145

of the goddess of the earth is used to signify the earth herself, see note on
Yt. 13. 3.

Literature: Darmesteter ZA. II. 66 seq., SBE. IV. ed. 49 seq., Haug Essays
3d ed. 322 seq., Geldner KZ, 25.198 seq., Scheftelowitz ZDMG. 67.112 seq.
The sabject treated in the first part of chapter V is as follows:
if a man defile the fire or the earth with dead matter, involuntarily
or unconsciously, it is no sin.
1 nä tat (adv.) para.iri&yeiti (rae&-) . . 'there dies a man". — & tat
many^m (here nom. eg. neutr.; cp. below marsyö) uzvazaite hada banSnavö
gairinqm avi jqfnavö raonqm upa tqm kihrpvm franuharaiti {xvar·) yqm
iristahe maSyehe 'a bird takes flight from the tops of the mountains down
into the depths of the vales on the corpse of the dead man, it feeds (the
corpse)': on hada with accusative see §549. — upa tqm vanqm vazaite xraoz-
dvanqm6a varadvanqm6a 'it flies to a tree of the hard-wooded or the soft-
wooded': on to- used as indefinite pronoun see § 575. — avi dim vanta . .
irita . . paitita 'for to spit . . to shit . . to deposite (dung) upon him*: loca-
tive-infinitives in final sense § 692. — 2 nä tat fraSusaiti (Syav-).. avi ban-
Snavö gairinqm upa tqm vanqm a6iti 0 ay-) yqm hö manyö obre aesmqn
Haiti (!<!&-) 'there comes a man up to the tops of the mountains, he goes
to the tree, on which that bird (has perched), he intends to take wood for
the fire': the predicate of the relative sentence is omitted see § 718. — avi
dim Jfanaiti . . frwdrvsaiti . . täSti 'he fells it, hews it, splits it into logs'. —
avi dim aiwi.raoöayeiti ä&rö ahurahe mazdä puönm "he ligths it in the fire,
the son of AhM.': on the genitive äfrrö see § 491; pudram is accusative in-
stead of genitive see § 609. — The several actions are enumerated accor-
ding to their succession: asyndetic juxtaposition § 725. — kä hi asti έίύα
'what is the penalty for that?': kä agrees with 6i&a. — 3 nöit spö.bdntö . .
nasuS narvm nöit ästärayeiti instar·) '(a part of) a dead body draged away
by a dog does not make sinful*. — 4 yezida aete nasävö yA spö.barvtaöa
vayö.btntaia .. nasui narvm ästärayantlm (absolutivum § 683) Anhät (perf.
opt. 3 sg., agreeing with nasuS: 1ah-), .. vlspö anhuS astvA [iSas»m jit-aSam]
xraodat.urva pdSö.tanui 'and if those parts of a dead body: a part draged
away by a dog, by a bird . ., should make a man sinful, all the material
world would be . . . . with hardened soul pdSö.tanü: unreal condition with
conditional (paraphrased by the opt. perf. o f 1 ah- with the absolutivum §§ 664,
683) in the protasis; the verb of the apodosis is omitted see % 792 ß. iäassm
jit.aSsm, imitated from Y. 53.9, is a worthless gloss. pdSö.tanü· lit. 'one whose
body is lost' seems to have originally amounted to 'worthy of death' and ie
in effect often interpreted in the Pahlavi Commentary by mark ariän 'worthy
of death'; but, on the whole, it was attached to the technical meaning of
'one who has to receive two hundred strokes with the horse-whip as unit
for heavy penalties* cp. V. 6.48). See Darmesteter SBE. IV. 2 nd ed. L xxxm
and Bartholomae Wb. 609, 897. — frina Anhqm nasunqm yA paiti äya tamä
iririöan (perf. act. 3 pi.: räö-) 'with regard to the great number of dead
Aveato Reader. 10
146 Notes to V. V and VI.

bodies, which ly on that earth": frSna is locative of respect §514; iriri&ara

is universal perfect § 641. — 5 nä tat äpam hin6aiti ßhaek·) ανι yavö.iaränlm
ana tä (sc. äfi) vaiiim ay& (nom. eg. fem.: a-yä- adj.) 'here is a man watering
a corn-field; it (the water) (is) streaming along the canal*. — ana bitlm ana
dritlm pasia tüirim nasävö ava.karaianti (}karS-) spänam vä . . along (the
canal it streams) again, a third time, then the fourth time they carry dead
bodies (into the water), the dog or . .': the subject of ava.karaianti are the
accusatives spänam, raoeam, vahrkam see § 714.

Literature: Darmesteter SBE. IV. 2»d ed. 67 seq., ZA. II. 92 seq., Jackson
A vesta Reader 45 seq., Scheftelowitz ZDM6. 57. 126 seq., Geldner Bertho-
let's EelGesch.Leseb. 351.
The present extracts of chapter VI treat about the purification
of the different sorts of water, when defiled by contact with a corpse,
(26—41) and about where the bodies and bones of the departed are
deposited (44—51).
26 yat aete yöi mazdayasna ράδα ayantam vä taiintam vä baramnam
vä vazamnam vä taii.apaya nasäum frajasqn (gam-) ku&a te (particle) va-
razyqn 'if these M. walking or running or riding or driving come upon a
corpse in a streaming water, how shall they behave themselves?': ayantam,
tadntam, baramnam, vazamnam are absolutiva § 682; on the instrumental
ράδα see § 452 (cp. V. 18. 27); ta6i.apaya loc. sg., written instead of *apiya
§ 131.4. — 27 mat aodranqm framuxti mat vastranqm nidäiti upa.mqnayan
('man-) 'with the (coincident) unbinding the shoes, with the taking off the
clothes they shall wait', i. e. 'they shall wait untill the shoes are unbound
and the clothes are taken off: see Bartholomae Wb. 1124 and §548. — fra&a
frayöit (pres. opt. 3sg.: 1ay-) iristam uzbaröit äpö . .: ä zangaeibyasöit äpö
ä znubyasdt äpö ä maiSyqnasiit (abl. sg. n.: with transition to the consonant
declension) äpö ä narabarazasüt äpö vispam ά ahmat yadöit upa.jasöit iristqm
tanüm 'one (change of the subject) shall go on (and) take the dead out of
the water: ankle-deep in the water, knee-deep in the water, waist-deep in
the water (or) a man's full depth in the water, till one can reach the dead
body': äpö is first ablative-like genitive § 494, then genitive in the sense
of a locative § 426; on yadöit with the optative (the idea of condition
being introduced) see § 787. — 28 yezi6a aete nasävö friöyeitiöa (fraeö-)
puyeti6a (pav-) . . 'and if these bodies be falling to pieces and rotting . .':
frifryeitiöa puyetiia 3 sg. instead of plur. § 621. — 29 yavat όναίόα hi zas-
taeibya hangaurvayqn (grab-) aetavat apat haca niibärayan huSke zame ni-
daidyqn (' dä-) 'they shall draw out of the water as much of it (of the corpse)
as they can grasp with both hands, and they shall lay it down on the dry
earth': remark the side by side of the injunctive (nizbärayan) and the opta-
tive (nidai&yqn) in imperative sense. — no it astqm nöit varasqm . . pairi.-
späiti (instr. sg.) apqm ästryänte 'ihey shall not sin against the water by
throwing bones, hairs . . (into it)': the genitives astqm, varasqm &c. depend
upon pairi.späiti. — 30 6vat aetaiahä äpö yat armaeMayd aeia druxi yä
Notes to V. VI. 147

nasui axtiia pavitiia ähitiia fräSnaoiti (qs-) 'what part of a stagnant water
does the corpse-witch hit with illness, corruption and defilement?' — 31 xivaS.·
gäim kamiit paiti ia&ruäanqm 'six steps on each of the four sides': cp.
V. 2. 25. — vispam ä ahm&t aiSa &fi ayaoidya anaiwi.x*ara&a yavat alia
nasui nizbarata 'as long as the corpse (has not been) taken out (of the water),
no long (shall) that water (be) unclean and unfit to drink': the copula is in
b o t h c l a u s e s omitted. — 3 2 aiiihä άρδ para.hiniayan phaSk-) yat vä natmam
yat vä frri&um . ., yezi tütava navä£ tütava 'of that water they shall draw
off the half, or the third . . according as one is able or not*. — pasia no-
säνδ nizbzra&i, pasia äpö para.hixti 'after the corpse has been taken out,
after the water has been drawn o f f : on pasia with the instrumental see
§ 546. — vasö 'at (their) pleasure': adverbial accusative see §§ 440, 443. —
33 6vat aitanhA άρδ yat iätayä uzuityäsia 'what part of the water in a well
and of the water bubbling forth (out of the earth)'. — 36 ivat aitanhä άρδ
yat snaizintyäiia (snaig-) sras6intyäi6a (erask-) ' w h a t p a r t of t h e s n o w - w a t e r
and of the rain-water': snaizintyäi-ia, sras6intyäi-6a dative instead of geni-
tive § 471. — 38 pasia άρδ vütaxti 'after the snow-water has melted'. —
39 ivat aitanhä άρδ yat frötat.iaratayä 'what part of the water running
forth (i. e. the water of a running stream)': on the writing of frätat.iaratayä
see § 61. — 41 pasia ä&ritim (adv.) atwi.varaiti "after the waves have gone
over it three times'; see Bartholoroae Wb. 93. — 44 kva narqm iristanqm
tanüm baräma . . kva nidaöäma (ldä-) 'whither shall we bring, where shall
we lay the bodies of the dead?': tanüm sing, used in a collective sense. —
4 5 barazistaSSva paiti gätuSva .. yaSöit dim.. avaeanqn (*ζαη·) sünö νά.. vayö
vä 'on the highest summits, in order that the dogs or birds become aware
of him (fanümy. — 4 6 aetaia hS (particle) aSte mazdayasna aStam iristom
nidamayan havaeibya pädaStbya xvalpaidyaia varasa ayaiahaänam vä zarit-
vaimam νά fravaxSainam vä 'there shall the M. fasten the dead with his own
feet and with his own hair — a piece of iron or a stone or a piece of horn
(can be used as well) — *: the words ayarahainam vä zarätvaSnam νά fra-
vaxiaStiam νά commonly explained as 'accusatives of material* or'adverbial
accusatives* seem to be a later addition, cp. V. 8. 10 and Bartholomae Wb.
156. — yezi nöit sünö vä .. vayö νά .. aStaiahqm astqm (part. g e n . a s o b j e c t )
avi apqmia urvaranqm6a (part. gen. instead of accusative § 497) barantam
frajasqn 'if not, the dogs or birds will go and carry the bones to the water
and to the plants: (avi, frä +) gam- with the absolutivum barantam means
"to go bearing*, i. e. 'to go and carry* §682. — 47 (aete sünö vä ..) frajasäf,:
s i n g , i n s t e a d of p l u r . § 6 2 1 ; cp. V . 6. 28. — 4 8 aitahe paiti pasötanuye duye
saite ( a c c . du. η.) upäzananqm upäzöit (az-) aspahe aitraya duye saite sraoSö.-
iaranaya 'on this account one appoint for him who is paSö.tanü (see note
on V. 5. 4) two hundred punishments (i. e. stripes) with the horse-whip, two
hundred with the rod of correction*: duye is written for *duve § 144. 6. —
4 9 azdibli: i n s t r u m e n t a l a s o b j e c t § 427. — 5 0 uedänam hi aSät karanaot
upatri spänam .. anavwi.värantxm upara.nafmät αρδ yat väiryayä ' o n e shall
make then a structure for them (the bones) across (i. e. out of the reach of)
the dog . ., that is not to be sprinkled condescendingly by the rain-water*:
anaivn.värantlm to be construed with uzdänam: on the genitive αρδ yat
väiryayä see § 501. uzdäna- is a bone-receptacle, 'which one is to elevate
148 Notes to V. VI and VIII.

so from the ground, and over which a roof so stands, that in no way does the
rain fall upon the dead matter, nor the water reach np to it therein, nos are
the dog and fox able to go to it', see Dd. 18.3 (West SBE. XVIII) and Bartho-
lomae Wb. 412. — 51 yezi tavqn (pres. subj. act. 3 pi., them.: 1<at>-) aete mazda-
yasna yezi asänaeäva yezi ιΛέίέα&ίυα yezi tütuxiva 'if the M. can afford it,
(the bones shall be placed) on a subsoil of stone, lime or loam (i. e. in an
tizdäna)': on stone and earth ossuaries, found in Persia, cp. Darmesteter SBE.
IV. 2 n d ed. 75 and Jackson Persia Past and Present 96 seq, 440. — yezi nöit
tavqn aite mazdayasna xvä.stairis xvä.barvziS (nom. pi. n.) raoc&.aiwi.varvna
hvara.dansya (instr. sg. m.) he (reflexive) zdme paiti nidai&lta (pres. opt.
mid. 3 sg.: 1dä·) 'if the M. cannot afford it, (the bones) shall be placed on
the earth forming their own couch and cushion (i. e. without something laid
under them) for to be exposed to light and sun': as subject of the apodosis
supply asti (nom. pi. n.) or azdibiS (instr. instead of nom.), with which x»&.-
barazii and xvä.stairU (on the forms see § 341) agree: on the singular of
the verb see § 619.

Literature: Darmesteter ZA. II. 119 seq., SBE. IV. 2nd e d. 95 seq., Geldner
KZ. 25. 569 seq., Scheftelowitz ZDMG. 57. 144 seq.
The firet part of chapter VIII deals with fnnerals and puri-
When a man dies in a small hut of wood or of hurdle-work, the
corpse shall be removed at once, if there is a Daxma in the proximity;
if there is no Daxma or the time prevents its access, the hut is first to
be purified (1—3). In case a man dies at a time, when it is difficult or
impossible to take the corpse to the Daxma, which usually stands far
from inhabitant places, the corpse is laid on the floor of such a hut,
which is too small to contain special closets for the dead, as prescribed
V. 5.10. A pit is then dug and the corpse covered with dust of dry earth.
When the bad time is over, the wind has dried up the earth and the
corpse-eating birds fly again, the corpse is carried out through a breach
made in the wall of the hut. On this custom of carrying the corpse out
through a breach and not through the door, see Scheftelowitz ZDMG.
57. 145 seq. and Jackson, Persia Past and Present, 390 seq. The corpse
must be carried to the Daxma by two corpse-bearers, who afterwards
purify themselves by washing their hair and bodies with ox's urine.
The way, along which the corpse has been carried, is purified by means
of the Sag-did (see note on 16) and of certain spells, recited by an Λϋταναη.
1 äat yai däuru.upa.darane vä ndmatö.aiwi.varane vä spä vä nävä ..
'if a dog or a man die under a hut of wood or a hut of hurdle-work . .':
äat is only introductory. — 2 pairi daxma aesayqn (laSi-) vi daxma 6aeSa·
yqn (lkaeS-) 'they shall search for Daxma's (see note on V. 3.13), they shall
build Daxma's*. — yezi aetem iristsm upa.h9r»&wö.tar9m avazanan (*zan-)
ava aetem tristem barayan ava&a (see Gl.) nmämm hanzay&n (hardz) 'if they
find it easier to remove the dead, they shall take out the dead and let stand
the house1. — upa aet»m nmänvm baoiayqn (baoiaya- denom.) urväsnayä
Notes to V. VIII. 149

vä . . 'they shall fumigate the house with the ΓΛ-plant or . urväsnayä ig

instrumental genitive § 492. The traditional explanations of the terms for
odoriferous woods are: urväsnä- 'sandal-wood', vohu.gaona- 'benzoin', vohu.·
karatay- 'aloe-wood', hadänaepatä- 'pomegranate', see Haug Essays 3 d ed. 261,
West SBE. XXXVII. 186. — 4 yat ahmi nmäne yat mäzdayasnöiä spä νά nd
vä iri&yät väranti vä snaSzinti vä baranti (3bar-) vä tamanhqm vä aiwi.gatö
ayqn vä varatafiö varatö.vlre jassnii, kuöa . . 'if in such a house of a Μ. a
dog or a man happens to die, when it is raining or snowing or when there
is a storm, or at nightfall, or when a day is coming, on which flocks and
men are not able to go out, what shall the M. do?': vännti, snaizinti, baranti
(impersonal, so that the agent is not expressed) and ayqn . . jasanti are
locativi absoluti §674; aiwi.gatö is locative of time §614. — & Cp. V. 3.15.
— 8 aetata he (particle) aete mazdayasna airihA zsmö (cp. V. 8.18) ava.·
kanan ava.kanayan maidyöi paitiitäne xrüzdisme maidyöi ηατέ varadusme
'there on this ground the M. shall dig a pit up to the midst of the leg if
the earth be hard, up to the midst of a man if it be soft': on maidyöi adv.
'up to the midst' with loc. and gen., see Gl. — ava hi gätüm barayan ätryehe
(part. gen. as object) vä sairyehe vä 'they shall bring to him (the dead) as
couch ashes or dung': this passage is a later addition, see Bartholomae Wb.
320. — ava he uparät naimät barayan istyehe vä zaritvahe vä huikö.zama-
nqm vä pqsnüm 'they shall bring to him (the dead) from above dust of
bricks, of stones or of dry earth': i. e. they shall cover his surface with dust
of bricks &c. — 9 aita&a hi uzbaodqm tanüm nidai&yqn bixiaparam vä
drixäaparam vä mäzdräjahlm vä vlspam ά ahmät ya£ frä vayö patqn frä
urvara uxfyqn (' vaxx-) nyänöö apa.taiin (tak·) us vätö zqm haiiayät (*haik-)
'there they shall lay down the lifeless body for two nights or three nights
or a month long, until the birds begin to fly, the plants to grow, the pools
to flow off, (and) the wind to dry up the earth': urvara (nom. eg. f.) as col-
lective takes the predicate in the plural § 620. — 10 dat yat hli (particle)
frä vayö patqn . . aStada h6 aite mazdayasna ahe nmänahe upa.&warasqn
upa.jhvarasayqn (frwaras·) 'when the birds begin to fly . . then the M. shall
make a breach in the (wall of the) house': ahe nmänahe lit. 'out of the house',
ablative-like genitive § 494. — dva dim nara isöide (pres. mid. 3 du., them.:
ais-) VizöiStqm vlzvänntqm mayna anaitvi.vastra zamöiitve vä zarStve vä
upa.skambam νΐόϊύαέένα dim paiti atöhä zamö nidai&yqn 'two men . . naked
and unclothed shall lay down it (the body) on the earth over a subsoil of
lime, fastening it by clay bricks or stones': vizöiätqm vlzwärantqm is gloss,
see Bartholomae Wb. 1471; upa.skambam is absolutivum §682. — yaiöii dim.
. . ava.zanqn sünö . .: cp. V. 6. 45. — 11 aitaSa alte nasuJeaäa niihidaeta
(pres. opt. mid. 3 eg. instead of pi.: 1 had-) avavat haia iristaiibyö yada &ri·
gäim 'there the corpse-bearers shall sit down three paces from the dead':
on nasukaia see note on V. 3.15. — äat ναοέάί (plusquamperf. subj. act. 3 eg.:
vak-) ratuS .. mazdayasnaiibyö 'then R. shall proclaim to the M.': the sub-
junctive of the plusquamperfect is used like the subjunctive of an aorist.
Batav- 'the judge' or the spiritual head, who passes a judgement upon all
religious questions; the Pahlavi-version explains sardär i muri kiSän 'chief
of the corpse-bearers'. — mazdayasna! hqm aete maesma (acc. pi. m.) bara-
yan, yaeibyö (abl. instead of instr., § 428) aete nasu.kaia frasny&nte (*nd-)

varasäsia ianümca 'Μ.! one shall collect that urine, wherewith these corpse-
bearers shall wash their hair aud their body': on maestna see below. —
12 6ayö äat aete maisma aiahsn . . 'well, which is the urine . . ?*: cay δ agrees
with the predicate, pasvqm vä staorqm vä narqm vä näirinqm vä 'is it (the
urine) of small-cattle or of draught-cattle? Is it of man or of women?': the
genitives depend upon the ideal subject maisma. — 13 pasvqm vä staorqm
vd 'it is of small-cattle or of draught-cattle': on the use of ox's urine as
the best means of purification next to water see Darmesteter ZA. II. 266,
Schräder Reallexikon 1021 and Wilhelm On the use of beef's urine . . and on
similar customs with other nations Bombay 1889. — noii narqm nöi% näiri-
nqm paragat dvaeibya yöi anikan x»aetvada&as6a xoaetvadaiöliia; alte maisma
malzayanta yaiibyö . . 'not of men nor of women, except (these two i. e.)
a man or a woman, who has married the next-of-kin; these shall give their
urine, wherewith . yöi arahan plur. instead of du. The next-of-kin mar-
riage is regarded as one of the most meritorious works, see West SBE. XVIII.
389 seq. Therefore the urine of men or women, who have married the next-
of-kin, is as powerful as the ox's urine. — 14 yöi (conditional § 746) pada
uzbarante spänasca irista naraS6a (see note on V. 3. 12) irista kat t& ρα&ά
(change of the number) frayqn (} ay-) pasvqm vä .. 'if they carry on a way
the dead dogs and the dead men, can draught-cattle or . . -go these ways?':
on the instrumental ραύα see § 448. — 16 spänam, zairitam iafrru.ia&mam
spaetam zairi.gao&m äfrritlm tada ait& ραϋά vivädayantu (vad-) 'they shall
lead up and down on these ways three times a yellow dog with four eyes
or a white one with yellow ears': by four-eyed dog is meant a dog with two
eye-like spots just above the two eyes. The way by which the corpse has
passed is haunted by the corpse-witch: the corpse-witch is expelled from it
by the same process at it is expelled from the corpse itself, by the Sag-did
lit. 'glance of the dog'. This process consists in making a dog look at the
(dead or the) way, since its gaze is believed to have a peculiar efficacy for
driving away the corpse witch. Cp. Jackson Persia Past and Present 388 seq.
— aiwi.niticit . . spänam . . druxS yä nasui apa.dvqsaiti (dvan-) apäxa·
Sraeibyö naemaeibyö 'and when the dog is brought there, the corpse-witch
flies away to the regions of the north': aiwi.nüitit spänam (§ 442) lit. 'by
bringing the dog*, is instrumental of manner or means §§ 447, 449; apäxa-
draiibyö naemaeibyö is terminal dative § 465. See note on Yt. 8. 33 and V. 2.10.
— 17 yezi nöit uPa vl · · spänam zairitam . . noit spaetam xsvazayacit tada
aetä padä vivädayantu 'if he (the yellow dog) goes unwillingly, they shall
lead up and down on these ways six times the yellow dog, not the white
dog": if the dog goes of his own accord, he is lead three times; if he goes
by force, six times or nine times. — [19 ä&rava paoirim aetä ρα&ά frayantu
(pres. imp. 3 pi. instead of sg.: 1ay-) . . ναέδ . . framrü 'an Ä. shall first go
these ways, saying aloud the words': on the form framrü see Bartholomae
GIrPh. I. 231. — "yadä ahü vairyö . . västäram"·. see note on Y. 9. 14 and
Y. 27. 13. — 20 "kam, nä, mazdä, . . frävaoeä" (Υ. 46. 7): lit. 'Who shall be
nppointed as a guardian for such a one as me, Ο Mazdäh, when the Com-
panion of Drug prepareth to overcome me with violence, saving Thy Fire
and Thy Manah, through the operation of which the Kingdom of Asa shall be
perfected? Make myself acquainted with such teaching*. — "kä vara&rvm.jä..
Notes to V. VIII nnrt XIII.

kahmäiilf (Y.44.16): lit. 'Who is the victorious who shall protect those that
are, according to Thy word? Promise me by a vision to assign the judge,
the healer of life. And obedience assisted by the good mind will come to
every one for whom thou wishest it, Ο Mazdäh'. These quotations from the
Gd&a1 s are together with 21 one of the most celebrated prayers used by the
Parsis now-a-davs (the so-called SröS-Vä6), probably understood as: The faith-
ful has no protection to expect but from his virtue (Vohu Manah) and from
the fire, which in the fire ordeal will show his inuocence. He must therefore
take Religion (dainayäi) as his rule. Then Sraoia (in the original Gä&ä
absract: 'obedience*) will protect his soul in its passage from this world to
the other. — 21 päta (inj. act. 2 pi.) ηδ ffniyantat pairi mazd&s6a ärmaitiSca
spdntasia 'keep us from our fiend, ο Μ. und Arm. Sp.Y: mazdäsia ärmai-
tiida spmta*6a (m. instead of f.) are nominatives, used as vocatives. — nase
'perish!': imp. 2 sg. Ona«-); on the form see § 263. — apäxsäre (loc. sg.)
apa.nasyehe (pres. subj. mid. 2 hg.) mä manniainiS (inj. 2. sg., § 202: mank)
gaidA astvaitli 'perish awav to the regions of the north, don't ruine the
material world'.]

(The dog.)
Literature: Hovelacque Le chien dans l'Aveeta Paris 1875, Darmesteter Ζ A.
II. 193 seq., SBE. IV. 2nd e d. 155 seq., Geldner KZ. 25. 406 seq.
1 kai tat dqma spantö.mainyava (instead of nom. sg. n., see Bartho-
lomae Wh. 1623, 106) aitanhqm dämanqm yöi (nom. pi. m. instead of η.)
hdnti spantahe mainyäux dqma dätam vlspam paiti u&äraham ä hü vax.4a£
hazawaja (nom. sg. n.: hazanragan- adj.) anrö.mainyus (instr. pi. as acc.
pi. n. § 350) paiti.jasaiti 'which is the creature of the Holy Spirit among
those creatures, that are the (created) creation of the Holy Spirit, (that) comes
always in the morning (lit. every morning) till sunrise thousand-killing the
creatures of the Evil Spirit*: the relative pronoun (as subject of paiti.jasaiti)
is omitted; on hü see note on Yt.5. 91. — 2 sp&nvm, slzdrsm urvlsanm (with
transition to the α-declension) yim vanhäparsm "the timid dog with the thin
muzzle, the V.': acc. sg. instead of nom. sg., probably conformed to the fol-
lowing relative pronoun yim, which depends upon aojaite. The hedgehog,
see above introduction; according to Bd. 19. 28 the hedgehog is created in
opposition to the ant. — 3 yasia dim janat •. ftpänam .. yim vanhäparam, ..,
nava.naptyaecit he urvämm para.marsncaite (pres. mid. 3 sg.: mar»k-) yaesam
anhat duzäplm cinvai.pantüm 'and whosoever shall kill the dog V., ruins
his own soul for nine generations, for which no way will be over the Bridge
of the Separator': yaesqm gen. pi. refers to nava.naptyali.it, constructio ad
sensum. The souls of all the dead come to the bridge of the separator,
where the judge (Y. 27. 3) separates the good from the evil. This bridge
extends over hell and leads to the paradise: for the souls of the righteous
it widens to a length of nine javelins; for the the souls of the wicked it
narrows to a thread, and they fall down into hell. According to the mp.
books (see Bartholomae Wb. 597) one end of the brigde is at the foot of the
mountain of Earburz on the northern side, and one end on the top of the
152 Notes to V. XIII.

mountain of Harburz on the southern side, and its middle part on the 6ikdt
i däitlk 'the judicial mountain*. Cp. Darmesteter SBE. IV. e d. 219. — yd
(conditional, § 746) noif jvQ sraoSyqm uzv&razyeiti 'unless he has, while alive,
suffers his punishment'. — 4 yö (conditional § 746) janat spänsm . . 'if one
kill the dog . Λ — hazarvnm upäzananqm upäzöit . .: cp. V. 6.48. — 5 Cp.
V. 13. 1. — 6 zairimyanura-: (lit. 'whose limbs are in a shell') a name of the
tortoise. — 7 yaaia (conditional § 746) dim janat · · 2/iwl zairimyanunm ..
paititam (part. perf. pass., lay·) he manö anhat . . ναέδ . . iyao&nam 'and if
one kill the Z., (all evil,) that he has thought, spoken and done, (is) redeemed'.
— 8 yö aita&Sqm sünqm (part. gen. as object) jainti yim pasui.haurvamca ..
xraosyö.taraöa (adv.) no (particle) ahmä{, voyö.taraia (adv.) hvö urva paräiti
(i ay·) parö.asnäi amihe ya&a V9hrkö vayöi tüite (pres. mid. 3 sg.: ttav·)
dramnö ('dar-) bamiSte razüire 'whosoever shall smite these dogs, the shep-
herd's dogs and . . his soul shall go to the other world howling louder and
more lamenting than the wolf does when trapped in a very deep pitfall': yim
like yat used to connect a nominal explanation or exemplification, see note
on Y. 9. 27; on ahmüt . . yada after a comparative see note on Yt. 13. 64;
vayöi is interjection used as subst. (in the acc.). — 9 nöit he anyö urva haom
urvänam paiti irista (loc. sg.: § 532) bqzaiti (pres. subj. 3 sg.) 'no other soul
will help his soul, when he dies': this refers probably to Y. 45.11: 'to him
(the faithful) will the holy Daina (soul) of the Helper, the ruling Lord, be friend,
brother or father!' i. e. the soul of the prophet will at the last intercede for
each one of his followers, as though it were that of his friend, brother or
father. See Bartholomae GäOä-transIation 72 seq. — ηαΐδα späna paSu.päna
paiti irista bqzaiti (3 sg. instead of du.) xraosyäia voyaca arahe (loc. sg.: 1a
prom. dem.) 'nor will the dogs that keep the bridge help, when he dies, in
spite of its (the soul's) howling and lamenting': see V. 19. 30. — yö süne
piStram jainti yim pasuS.haurve . . apa vä hi paiiyqm kirmtaiti {karat-)
yas» tat paiti ανά gaiöä täyui vä whrkö vä apaiti.busti ha6a gaööäbyö para.-
baraiti dasa (acc. pl.: dasa- n.) aiät paiti afsS iikayat (käy-) 'if one smite
a shepherd's dog or cut off its paw, if then, concerning the property, a thief
or a wolf without being perceived carry away goods and chattels from the
property, he shall pay for the loss': on the sandhi of yass tat see § 179. 4. —
iikayat sünahe raiiö baoiö.varätahe ci&aya (instr. sg. f.) 'he shall pay for
the wound of the dog as for wilful wounding': bao&ö.varstdm (supply £yao&-
nam) n. lit. 'deed, done with full conscience', see West SBE. 37. 44. — 12 yö
spänam jainti . . frazäbao&anhsm snafom vlkardt-uitänam kä he asti όϊύα
'if a man smite a dog that it gives up the ghost and the soul parts from
the body, what is the penalty (that he shall pay)?': on gan- with two accu-
satives see note on T. 9. 28 and § 438 β. — 16 häu (nom. sg. f.: supply 6i&a)
jazäuS häu vlzäui häu sukurdnahe häu urupiS (nom. instead of gen.) tizi.-
dätahe häu raopii (nom. instead of gen.) yaonö.x»atahe häu vlspanqm
spmtö.mainyavanqm spa6i6ranqm anya udra upäpa 'this (is also the penalty
for the wounding) of a J., of a S., of a F., of a sharp-toothed UB., of a . .
R., of any of the creatures of the Holy Spirit belonging to the canine race
except the otter": jazav-, νϊζαυ-, urupay-, raopay- are unknown names of a
special kind of the canine race, sukunna is the name of the porcupine; on
anya adv. with instr., see Gl.
Notee to V. X V and X V I I . 163

Literature: Geldner KZ. 25. 192 seq., Bertholet's RelGesch. Leseb. 350, Dar-
mesteter 8BE. IV. 2nd e d . 176 seq., ZA. II. 220 seq.
(Five mortal sins.)
1 iaiti tä syaodna varsta yä anhus astvä varazyeiti — fraita (part,
pcrf. pass.; lay-) apatita anuzvarsta —: aiibhat haca iyaofrnävaraza (nom.pl.
m.) aOa bavainti pasö.tanva "how many arc the committed actions, which men
commit — committed (are they), not settled, not made good — : by that means
the committers become P . ' : on the meaning of posö.tanü- see note on V. 5. 4.
— 2 paoirim (acc. sg. n.) aetaisqm syaodnanqm yöi varazinti maiyäka yd
naram aiavanam anyo.varanäi vä .. kasyarahe sarahäi daiäiti — νΐίνά aval
haca xraüwa paräiti (' ay-) . . airbhat haca .. 'the first of these actions men
commit, if one surrenders a faithful one to the disregard of an heteradox
one or . . — knowingly, with full intention he sets to work — by that means . .*:
kasyarahe sarahäi is final dative §464; on the writing of paoirim (instead of
paoiryam) and of varazinti (instead of varazydnti) see § 33.1. — 3 . . yö süne
yim (particle) pasus.haurve vä . . astanqm ahmarätanqm (part. gen. as ob-
ject § 497) 'if one gives bones not cut into small pieces to a shepherd's
dog or . .". — 4 yezica aete asti dätähva aränte (3ar-) garamö.hva (garaman-
n.) vliänte Qdä·) yat vä aete cjarama xvars&a stamanam . . apa.dazat (inj.;
dag-) ahmat haca irisyät yezi tat paiti irisyeiti . . 'and if these bones stick
iu the teeth (of the dog) or stop in the throat, or if this hot food burn the
mouth, he may thereby come to grief; (and) if he thereby do come to g r i e f . .*:
real condition § 791; the subjunctive iriSyät is here potential of the future
§647. — 5 vayeiti: see Gl. under way-. — 6 yezica ae.fa gaitoa maSye (*maeya·
m.) vä 6äiti vä vaemi vä urüiöi vä apö nävayä paiiyäite . . 'if this bitch fall
into a hole, or a well, or a rocky split, or the bed of a flowing water': vaemi
stands for vaeme, assimilated in the form to the neighbouring words. —
7 . . yö näirikam cidravaitlm . . xsudrä avi franharazaiti (haraz-) . . 'if one
pours forth (his) seed into a woman who sees blood'. — 8 para adv. 'before,
(Hair and Nails.)
Literature: Geldner KZ. 24. 553 seq., Darmesteter SBE. IV. 2»"l ed. 190 seq.,
ZA. II. 237 seq.
1 kam aojiita mahrka maiyäka daSvö aoSö yazäite 'how je the Dafva
A. worshipped by a man for his strongest killing': aojiita mahrka is pro-
bably causal instrumental § 451, masyäka instrumental of agent § 450. Aoia-
lit. 'death by fire' is the name of a Daeva. — 2 häu . . yö varas&sta ham.·
räzayeiti (ras·) varasäsca pairi.brlnanti (bräy-) srvalia (acc. du.: srü-t.) upa.-
Owarasanti ada dim upa.taoiayeiti unähva dim ralSayaia (loc. eg.) 'this . .,
whoever combs his hair and cuts off his hair and (or) pares off his nails and
drops them (the hair and the nails) in earth-holes and (or) in a crack': pairi.-
brlnanti and upa.dwarasanti are corrupt forms, one expects *pairi.brln(ai)te
3 sg. mid. (thein.) and *upaMc9rasaiti\ the dual srvai-6a means the nails of
the hands and of the feet or the nails of both hands §422; dim is accusative
154 Note» to V. XVII.

regardless of n u m b e r a n d gender. — 3 äat ähva vyan&ähva . . zsmö xraf-

stra hqm.bavainti yim (acc. sg. n., them.) maSyäka spii (nom. sg.) nqma
aojaite yim [maiyäka ?] yaom yavö-hva nizgaiäfwnti (gah-) vastra vasträhva 'at
these abused places of the earth the Xr. are produced, what men call 'lice'
which eat up the corn in the corn-lofts and the clothes in the wardrobes':
the grammar is corrupt. Xrafstra is a general denomination for all noxious
(daevic) animals, especially for the lower ones. Killing the Xrafstra's is kil-
ling Anra Mainyav himself, and sin may beat oned for by this means. —
4 äat . . apa.baröiS dasa.gäim haia ndribyö aiavabyö . . 'then thou shalt
take them awav ten paces from the f a i t h f u l . . ' : on the writing of dasa.gäim
see § 33. 1. — 5 mayam . . dlStlm xrüzdisme vUastlm varadusme 'a hole, a
D. deep in the hard earth, a V. deep in the soft earth': the Frahang i-oim
(27 a) mentions three kinds of spans, the VUastay· of twelve finger-breadths,
which is a full span between the thumb and little finger, the IHStay- of ten
finger-breadths, which is a span between the thumb and middle finger, and
the Uza§tay- of eight finger-breadths, which is a span between the thumb
and fore-finger. See West SBE. V. 98. — paiti dim äbaröiä 'thou shalt take
it (the hair) there (to t h e hole)". — a&a imqm υαδδ framruyä ..: at ahyäi
αέά mazdä urvarä vaxSat 'and thou shalt say these words: *but for him M.
makes the plants grow up through Αέα.'·. a quotation from Y.48 6, used as
a special spell for the cleansing of plants (V. 11.6). According to the Great Bd.
man is considered a microcosm,' and every element in him has its counter-
part in nature: the skin is like the sky, the flesh is like the earth, the bones
are like the mountains, the veins are like the rivers, the blood in the body
is like the water in the sea, the hair is like the plante, the more hairy parts
are like the forests, see Darmesteter ZA. 2. 238. Cp. Edda, Grimnesmql 16
(B. 40) Or Ymes holde vas jgrp of skopop, en or sveita seer, bjqrg &r beinom
bapmr &r hire, en όr house himenn "out of the flesh of Y. the earth was
produced, but oiit of the sweat the sea, the mountains out of the bones, the
trees out of the hair, but out of the skull the heaven". — 6 xSafrräi vairyäi
pairi.kansm pairi.kärayöis pkar·) 'with a piece of metal thou shalt draw a
furrow going round about': XSaöra Vairya lit. 'the wished-for sovereignty*
is a personification of the aliuric sovereignty and of the ahuric kingdom.
As divinity he seems to have been particularly the god of war, appearing
as such on coins (see Stein Or & Bab. Ree. 1887. 159 seq.), and the genius
of metal arms or of metals in general. See Jackson Avesta Studies 1.159 seq.
— ti.irö yat vä xsvaS ya{ vä nava ahunsm vairim frasrävayöiS ' t h r e e or six
or nine Ah. V. thou shalt chant': tisrö is a acc. pi. f., grown stiff §403; in-
stead of the acc. sg. ahunarn vairim one expects the acc. pi., see Bartho-
lomae Wb. 802. — 7 mayam . . avat aipi ya&a kasistahe arazvö fratamsm
tbiiiä (nom. sg. n.) "a hole as deep as the top-joint of the little finger'. — αέά
vohü mananhä yä sruye (srav·) pars magaonö lit. Ό Α., Ο VM., that I may
be heard even outside the members of the league': a quotation from Y.33.7,
understood (with a play lipon the word sruye Ί am heard' and 'nails of both
hands' and with a false translation of magaonö*) as: 'OA., Ο VM.. the nails

magaono seems to have been derived from maya· 'pure* F.ll\ in the
Pahlavi-trunslation of Y. 33. 7 it is explained by apeiak.

of the pure [are for you]', cp. Darmeeteter SBE. IV. 2nd ed. 191. — 9 αίδ.-
zusta lit. 'friend of Αέα: a theological denomination of the owl, according
to modem tradition (see Bartholomae Wb. 259). When the nails have had
the Avesta-formula uttered over them as a spell, the bird takes and eats
them up, that the fiends not do any harm by their means, cp. Bd. 19.19 seq.
— im&8a te sro& many α aiö.zuäta hyän (pres. opt. act. 3 eg.: 1ah-) ar&iayasia
. . paiti daivö mäzanyqn 'may these nails be for thee, ο .4.-bird, spears
. . against the Mäzainya D.\ — 10 yezi nöit paiti.vaeSayeinti t& srv& pas-
0aita bun (inj. act. 3 pi.: bav-) mäzainyanqm daevanqm arStayasia . . 'if
they do not consecrate those nails (unto the bird), then they become spears
of the Mäzainya D. and . .'. — paiti daivö mäzanyqn: repeated by mistake
from § 9 . - 1 1 vlspe drvantö tanu.drujö yö adardtö.ffcaSiö vflspe adarztö.-
tkaeäö yö asraoSö 'all are unfaithful and embodiments of the Drug, that do
not esteem the teacher; all do not esteem the teacher, that disobey (him)':
instead of yö, adaratö.tka&sö, asraoäö, one expects the nom. pi.

Literature: Haug SBayrAW. 1868. II. 509 seq., Essays 3« ed. 243 seq., Dar-
meeteter ZA. II. 240 seq., SBE. IV. 2nd ed. 193 seq., Geldner SPreussAW.
1903. I. 420 seq.
(The holiness of the cock, the bird of SraoSa.)
13 pvrssaauha mqm yim . . vaediSt»m6a paiti.vaiiitzmia par&tzm (acc.
eg. n.) 'demand of me, who am the best knowing, the most pleased in answering
what is asked of me'. — ava&a ti anhat vanhö avada anhä (subj. 2 sg.,
them.) spanyd yezi mqm paiti.paras&ahe 'so will it be better for thee, so wilt
thou be holier, ; f thou wilt demand of me*. — 14 kö asti sraosahe . . darii.-
draoS .. srao&ävanzö 'who is the servant of SraoSa with a wooden weapon*:
SraoSa, to whom the SröS YaSt (Y. 57) and the late SröS Yost Hadöxt (Yt.11)
are devoted, ie the Genius of Obedience. His name does not appear to have
lost its meaning as an abstract quality, because all that is said of him in
the SröS Yast fully agrees with its meaning. — 15 marvyö yö parö.dari: a
special (theological) name of the cock, meaning 'he who foreshows (the co-
ming dawn)'. Cp. Jackson J AOS. Proceedings October 1885. LIX. — kahr-
katas: a nickname of the cock. — 16 usdhistata (inj. act. 2 pi.: stä-) mas-
yäka staota asam . . nista (naed-) daeva 'arise, Ο men, praise the Α., curse
the D.'. — a6sa vö dvaraiti bü&yqsta '(in the other case) this B. is coming
upon you': on Büsyqsta see note on Yt. 10. 97. — raoiarshqm frayrätö (loc.
sg.) 'at the awakening of the light". — x»afsa dardyö masyäka nöit te saiaite
"sleep long, Ο man, thy time is not yet come': dardyö nom. s<r. m. instead
of the English adverb § 610. — 17 md drayqm vahistanam ahoidyö (nom.
pi.) buyata (pres. opt. act. 2 pi.; bav- § 267): 'do not trouble about the. three best
(things)'. — 19 yänhayamiha: see Gl. under lyüh-, — paiti mqm raocaya
aesmanqm 'make me blaze again along (or round about) the firewood': on
the gen. aesmanqm see § 491. — ava me äzis . . paröit pairidnzm (adv.)
anhvqm ava.diranqm (inf. § 369: 1dar-) sadayeiti (lsand-) 'to me A. seems
156 Notes to V. XVin.

tearing asunder every vital strength': Äzay is the demon of avidity; he

extinguishes the fire, while he devours the wood; on isand· with the accu-
sative-infinitive see § 690. — 21 fiuyax voc. eg. of fiuyant· part. pres. act.
(fiav~) with transition to the α-declension § 359. — 22 da£ kqm6i£ (adv.)
anh&ui astvatö aismanqm (part. gen. as object § 497) paiti.baraiti 'some one
of the material world brings me firewood': kqmii£ is here subject, see Bar-
tholomae Wb. 470. — 23 frayrärayeüi·. see Gl. under 1gar-. — 26—27 aa{
aoiete haxa haia (instr. sg., § 174. &: haxay- m.) ana banzii sayamnanqm
(say·) 'then speaks, when one lies (still) on the cushions, the friend to (with)
the friend': sayamnanqm is probably gen. abs. — usahiita tü vyärayeite
par-) mqm 'Do thou arise! he (the cock) drives me away*. — paräiti (}ay·)
vahiitahe arahiui 'he goes to the Paradise': genitivus partitivus instead of
terminal accusative § 497, cp. Yt. 8. 29. — ahmäi ätari äfrlnäi (fray-) . .
haydanlum (adv.): up α frwä haxäöi£ Q-hak·) gäus vqfrwa .. 'him will At. bless
by granting his prayer: may a herd of cattle accompany thee . .'. — varvz·
vatiia .. arauha (nom. sg.: anhvä- f.) 'and an active feeling': on the writing
of anuha see § 100. 1. — urväxs.amiha gaya jiyaeia (inj. mid. 2 sg.: 1gay-)
t& xiapanö y& jvähi (subj. act. 2sg.: 1gay-) 'mayst thou live a cheerful life,
so many nights as thou shalt live': on the instr. gaya see §452; t& xiapanö
and yd are accusatives of extent in time, cp. iatam jlva iarddah 'live hundred
iiutumns' RV. 10. 161. 4. — imat άϋτδ afrivan»m yö ahmäi alsmam baraiti
hilcüS raodas.pairlitqm 'this is the blessing of the fire (for him), who brings
dry firewood selected for burning': absorption of the correlative §737; hiküi
rao6as.pairlitqm (acc. pi.) agree with the collective aesmam (acc. sg.), following
the construction according to the sense § 608. — 28 yas6a me alte m»nya
(as acc. pi.) . . midwana strica nairyasca (instead of acc.) aiaya vanhuya
(adv.) naire aSaone .. para.da&at (inj. act. 3 sg., them.) nmämm hö manyaSta
(pres. opt. mid. 3 sg.) para.da&ö (nom. sg. m.; part. pres. act.) satö.stünam ..
'and whoever gives away with perfect rectitude these my birds in a pair,
male and female, to a faithful man, may think he has given a house with a
hundred columns . . ' : for the construction of 1man with a part. cp. Yt. 10. 71.
— 29 yasta mi aetahe mvnyahe yat par δ.dar sähe (gen. eg.: from th& form
of the nom., like an α-stem) tanumazö giui da&at, nöi£ dim yava . . bitim
vädm paiti.pdrdsdmnö (fras-) bva (subj. act. 1 sg.: bav-) 'and whoever gives
meat (to one of the faithful) as much of it as the body of this P.-bird of
mine, I shall never ask him a second question': aetahe mvnyahe .. tanumazö
giui lit. 'body-size of this bird in meat'; the gen. mvrvyahe depends upon
the first member of the compound, cp. Whitney Gr. 2 § 1316. — fraia frayäi
(inf., §371) vahistsm ä ahüm ά 'he shall directly go to the Paradise': dative-
infinitive with imperative force § 703.

(The discussion between SraoSa and the Drug on the four sins that
make the Drug pregnant with a brood of fiends.)
30 apayüxtäi (yaog-) paiti vaurä£ 'having put aside the club': Sraosa
puts aside his club, intending; to have a discussion with the Drug. — tum
.. aeva .. anaiwyästis hunahi (them.: 3hav-) 'dost thou alone bear offspring
Note» to V. XVIII.

without cohabitation?'. — 32 ti mam avada varansnte (*var-) yada any&sdt

arsänö am xSudrä xsa&risva hqm.vannavainti (them.: 1var) 'they make me
conceive progeny just as any other males hide their seed in their females'. —
34 yat nä katvikqmdina y&nhuyanqm avantanqm naire aSaone jasta (loc.
sg.) . . nöit daiäiti 'when a man does not give to a faithful man anything,
be it ever so little, of his riches, though being entreated': kasvikqm agrees
in gender with the part. gen.; jasta is locative of circumstance § 514. Libe-
rality (aw. frärätay• or vldlsä·) is regarded as the highest virtue by the
Zoroastriane, see Y. 55. 3, V. 19. 29, Av. 12.1 seq. and MX. 37. 4. — 38 Ad
mqm ava&a vsnnqn (acc. pi.) nijainti yada vahrkö .. bandry&t haia puibram
niidara.dairy at (' dar·) 'he destroys the fruit of my womb just as a wolf
would utterly tear the child out of the womb'. — 40 yat nä paurva frabda
(acc. du.) fräbdö.dräjö framaizaiti 'when a man makes water the length of
the forepart of the foot beyond the upper forpart of the foot': the faithful
who makes water has to squat down and to let fall the water between the
feet, cp. Haug Essays 3 d ed. 374, Av. 25. 6. — 43 yat n& pasfa yat usahiität
örigäim drii aS&m upa.stuyät .. 6afrwärö aSät ahunam vairim frasrävayöit
yeibhe hätqm fräyazäite "when a man, after he has stood up, three steps off
prays the ASam (see note on Yt. 10. 33) thrice, four times then recites the
Ah. V. (and) offers the Y.H.': on yat with subj. and opt. in future sense see
§§ 755, 787; on pasia yat with the subj. in the sense of the Latin future
perfect see § 787. — humatanqm: Y. 35. 2. — huxiaörö.tamäi: Y. 36. 6. —
61 tptnta ärmaite imsm ti nanm nisrinaomi (»ray-) imam mi nanm nisrä-
rayä upa sürqm fraSoJanittm Ό Sp. Arm., this man do I deliver unto thee,
this man deliver thou back unto me, at the triumphant renovation*. The
goddess of the earth shall receive the seed which was emited by this man
during his sleep, and let grow from it a son at the day of resurrection. See
note on Yt. 13. 3. — 52 äat he nqma fradaidyA ät&n.dätdm vä .. kqmtit vä
ätra.däfahe nqma 'and thou shalt give him (the son to be born) as name:
Ä. . . or any name, connected with Ä.'. Atar is here understood as the fire
at the end of things, when the earth becomes pure and renovated by it.
See note on Yt. 13. 3. — 54 yat fid [jahika] pasia panfadaslm saraiam
frapataiti anaiwyästa (loc. sg.) vä anabdätö (loc. sg.) vä 'when man after
(his) fifteenth year, walks without wearing the girdle or the shirt': jahika is
gloss. The girdle (see note on Y. 9.26) must be worn by every Parsi, man or
woman, from his fifteenth year of age. Another piece of clothing which
every Parsi is enjoinced to wear is the shirt, that does not reach lower than
the hips. He who does not wear the girdle and the shirt, undergoes the sin
of viSät daväriänlh 'of running about uncovered", cp. Av. 25. 6. — 55 pasta
tüirim gämö.bsrditlm isarv pasiaSta vaem yöi daiva hakat vaim ava.mivämahi
(myav·) hizvasia pivasca 'at the fourth step, immediately afterwards, we, the
Daeva, take away at the same time both, his tongue and his marrow*. —
x&ayamna . .maraymte (pres. mid.3sg.; monk-) gai&A . . aSahe yada zanda
(nom. pi.) yätumanta mar&niUa (pres. opt. mid. 3 sg. instead of pi.) gai&& . .
asahe 'then she (the Drug) is able to destroy the world of Α., as the Z.,
practising sorcery would destroy the world of A.': doubtful; the participle
of xiay- in connection with the verbum finitum stands in the sense of 'to
be able to do something*.
158 Notes to V. XVIII aud XIX.

(On the evil caused by the prostitute, who mixes the seed of the
faithful and of the unfaithful.)
60 Cp. V. 18.13. — 61 fcö frwqm .. maziStaya inti (instr. sg.) inaoiti (aen-)
'who grieves thee with the sorest grief?" — 62 jahi bä . . yö (nom. sg. m.
instead of f.) xSudrä hqm.rae&wayeiti dahmanam adahmanqmia 'it is the
courtezan, who mixes the seed of the members of the community and of the
non-members of the community': see note on Yt. 5. 92. — 63 driSum apqm
&raotö.stä6qm taxmanqm pairiätayeiti (stä-) paiti.dlti (instr. sg.) 'one-third
of the waters flowing in the river-bed she prevents from running by looking
(at them)'; taxmanqm is ablative-like genitive § 494. — frriSum urvaranqm
.. vaxiä apayasaite {yam·) . . 'from one-third of the plants she takes away
the growth . .*: on (αρα+) yam- with two accusatives see § 438 γ. — 64 frriSum
spvntayä ärmatöU υαηηά apayasaite . . 'from one-third of the earth (see
note on Yt. 13. 3) she takes away the colour . .': that is to say, her look
makes one-third of the earth a desert. — &ri$um narS aSaonö (collective)..
amahef-a . . apayasaite paiti.pasti (instr. sg.) 'one-third of the faithful ones
she keeps away from the power . . by standing in their way': amahe . . is
ablative-like genitive § 494; cp. 63. — 65 täs6a ti mraomi . . jqöwö.tara
. . ya&a azaya xävaewänhö . . 'and such (courtezans) I call more deserving
of death than darting serpents ..'. — ya&a vä vahrkqm azrö.daiSlm (acc. eg.
f. instead of nom.) gai&qm avi frapataiti (part. pres. act., nom. eg. f.) ya&a
vä vaxayqm (acc. sg. f. instead of nom.) . . hazanrö.hunam äpam avi frapa-
taiti 'or than the prowling she-wolf that breaks into a farm or than the she-
frog with her thousandfold brood that plunges into the water*.

Literature: Haug Essays 3d ed. 252 seq., Darmesteter SBE. IV. 2nd e d. 208 seq.,
ZA. II. 256 seq., Jackson Avesta Reader I. 47 seq., Zoroaster 51 seq., Fr.
Müller WZKM. 3. 20 seq., Justi Avesta . . Studies 125 seq., Geldner Ber-
tholet's RelGesch. Leseb. 347 seq.
(The temptation of ZaraOuStra by the Evil Spirit.)
5 janäni nasui (instead of acc. sg.) daevö.dät»m Ί will smite the N.,
created by the Daeva's': the grammar of the whole chapter is corrupt, though
the material is doubtless old, cp. Jackson Avesta Reader 47. — janäni pairi-
kqm yqm xnq&aiti Ί will smite the witch Xn.': xnq&aiti the name of a
witch, by whom Kansäspa was seduccd (see note on Y. 9. 10), is not in-
flected; it is probably a non-iranian word. — yahmäi (see Gl.) us.zayäiti
(}zan-) saoSyqs vsn&raja haia apat kqsaoyät 'untill the Saviour, the Victo-
rious, shall be born from the water K.'·. Kqsaoya is the name of the Hämün
sea in Saistän, cp. Stein JA. 15. 21 and Bd. 13. 16. See note on Yt. 13. 62,
Y. 9.2 and Yt. 19.89. — 6 mä me dqma manneanuha (marsk-) 'do not destroy
my creatures': on mä followed by the imperative see note on Yt. 5. 92. —
bara&ryäl haia zävisi (s-aor. raid. 1 sg,t ΖΛν-) *by the mother I was invoked 1 :
Notes to V. XIX. 159

the mother of the prophet must naturally have followed a false religion; her
name is Duydö.vä,· see FrD. 4. — apa.stavamiha (them.) . . daenqm mäzda-
yasnlm vindäi (inf., § 371) yänam ya&a vindat ναδαγαηό (them.) daiiihupaitii
'renounce the mazdayasnian religion for to gain (each) a favour as V. gained
the ruler of the land': Vadayan- is the name of an enemy of the mazdayasnian
religion, according to MX. 57. 24 seq. identical with Az Dahäk (see note on
Y. 9. 8). — 7 nöit hi apa.staväne . . daenqm mäzdayasnlm nöit astaia (nom.
pi. n.: them.) nöit u&tänamea nöit baodasia trt.urvisyät (urvaes·) "I shall not
renounce the mazdayasnian religion, that the body, the life (vital power) and
the soul (perceptive faculty) may not part asunder': on nöit in the sense of
'(in order) that not' with the subjunctive see Bartholomae Wb. 1078; on the
singular number of »f.urvisyät see § 619. — 8 kahe ναδα vanäi (pres. subj.
2 sg., written instead of vanähi or ναηά) kahe ναδα apa.yasäi (yam-, cp.
vanäi) [kana zaya hukdrdt&nhö] mana dqma anrö.mainyui (instr. pi. instead
of acc. pi. n. §§ 427, 33. 8) 'by whoso word wilt thou beat, by whose word
wilt thou expel my creatures belonging to the creation of the Evil Spirit':
kana zaya kant&nho is worthless gloss. — 9 [hävanada taitaia haomaia]
υαέα mazdö.fraoxta [mana zaya asti vahiMam] : ana va6a vanäni ana υαόα
apa.yasäni [ana zaya hukvnt&nhö] äi duzda anra mainyö: 'by the word
tought by Mazda; by this word will I beat, by this word will I expel (thy
creatures), Ο evil-minded Aura Mainyav'·. the words enclosed in square
brackets, are worthless glosses. — daüat spantö mainyus dadat zrüne (loc.
sg., them.: zrvan· m.) akarane fradafon (them.) amaSA spanta . . 'the Holy
Spirit has created (this word), he has created (it) in the boundless time, the
Am. Sp. havercreated (it) . .*. — [10 The word, by which ZaraÖuStra beats
iind ezpells the creatures of the Evil Spirit, is now fixed: it is the Ahuna
Vairya. — tat p&rasä artt me vaocä ahurä 'concerning this matter do I
question thee — Ο Ahura give me true tidings': this verse is the beginning
of Y. 44.}

(On the fate of the soul after death.)
27 leva tä dädra bavainti kva tä dädra pairyeite !}par·) kva tä däfrra
pairi.bavainti kva tä däfrra paiti.hanjasante masyö astvainti anhvö haväi
urune para.daidyät 'where do the recordings take place, where are the re-
cordings compared (with one another), where are the recordings brought to
an issue, where are the recordings balanced (with one another), (even these
recordings, which) the man causes for his soul in the material life?': the
relative is omitted. Cp. Bartholomae Wb. 733. Every thing that a man thinks,
says or does, good or bad, is recorded, with a view to the final reckoning
or weighing of the deeds in the balance against one another. The greater
the entry in the side of evil, the greater is the account of due. When the
reckoning is finished, the lot is distributed; those who have a balance
on the side of good receive the reward (benefit), but thoee who have a
balance on the side of evil receive the punishment (harm). — 28 para-
iristahe (ra&fr·) maäyehe . . frasaxtahe (ssak·) maSyehe 'when the man has
died, when the man has gf>lie fast*: absolute genitives § 675. — pas6a pairi-
160 Notes to V. XIX.

&nam darminti daiva . .: not clear. — •drityä xiapö viusaiti (lvah-) usi.-
raoiaüi b&mya 'on the third night the dawn blazes up, beams forth': drityd
xiapö is genitive of time § 607. — gairinqm aäaxoäfrranqm (gen. part, as
object, § 497) dsnaoiti (%had-) mifrnm (instead of nom. eg.) 'M. reaches the
mountains, that yield the fortune of Αία': cp. Yt. 10. 13. — hvanxiaetom
uzyö.raiti (them.; 1ar-) 'the sun rises': on the writing of uzyö.raiti see § 36.1.
— 29 VizanSa 'lit. who drags away' is he who binds and drags off the soul
of the wicked to the bridge of the separator (see note on V. 13. 3) and after
the judgement to hell, see below. — mvnzujWLm?·. see Bartholomae Wb. 1174.
paöqm zrvö.dätanqm jasaiti yas6a drvaite yas6a aSaone iinvat.psra&üm
mazdaSätqm 'each one of the ways made by Zrvan, this for the wicked as
well as this for the faithful, leads to the dmvaf-bridge': Zrvan· lit. 'time' is
the god of time. Zrvan especially Zrvan akarana "boundless time' in later
times was considered the universal principle, from which the two principles,
the good and the evil (see note on Y. 9.16), are to be derived, and became
the centralpoint of the Zervanitic system. To the whole passage cp. MX. II.
116, DK. IX. 20. 3. — baoicuia tirvänamia (acc. instead of nom.) yätam
gaManqm paiti.jaiiyeinti (gad·) dät»m astvainti anhvö 'the consciousness and
the soul are asked about the lot of goods, which was granted (to the dead)
in the material world': the soul of a dead man is asked about its worldly
goods that its liberality may be ascertained, cp. V. 18. 34; on the accusative
yätam see Speyer SS. 36. — 30 häu (sc. kaine) . . jasaiti spänavaiti 'sh e,
with the dogs at her sides, comes': this maid is according to H. 2. 11 the
Da&nä or Religion of the faithful departed, that is the sum of his religious
deeds; the dogs keep the bridge of the separator, see V. 13. 9. — hä drva-
tqm ayqm urvänö tamö.hva nizarSaite (ζατνέ-) 'he (Vlean ία) drags away
the souls of the wicked into the glooms (hell)': an interpolation. — hä aSäu-
nqm urvänö — tarasfa harqm banzaitlm äsnaoiti — tarö έίηυαίδ psratüm
viiärayeiti (*dar-) haetö (loc. sg.) mainyavanqm yazatanqm 'she guides the
souls of the faithful ones — above the H. she comes along — above the bridge
of the separator to the quay of the spiritual gods'. — 31 usshiMat (stä-) vohu
manö ha6a gätvö zaranyö.kdratö (gen. sg. with transition to the consonant
declension or conformed with gätvö) . . fravaoiat f}vak ) . . 'up rises V. M.
from (his) golden throne, he exclaims': imperfect and plusquamperfect as
universal injunctives § 660. — kaSa nö (particle) iia . . agatö (sc. ahi) *how
hast thou come along': agatö is nom. sg. m. of the perfect participle passive
of (d+) gam· used actively § 670; cp. note on H. 2.17. — 32 xSnutö (nom.
pi. m. with transition to the consonant-declension) aiaonqm urvänö pära-
yeinti (}ay·) . . avi gätvö zaranyö.k»ntö (acc. pi. with transition to the con-
sonant declension) 'gladly the souls of the faithful ones proceed to the golden
Notes to Vr. II. 161

Literature: Mills SBE. X X X I . 335 seq., Darmesteter ZA. I 443 seq.
The name Visprat (av. vtspe ratavö, Yt. 10. 122) means 'all
Ratav's', i. e. 'all chiefs or heads' 1 . By this name a collection of
supplements to various portions of the Yasna is understood. They
bear, as regards to their contents, a great resemblance to the first
part of the later Yasna (1—27). They refer to the same ceremony,
as does that part of the Yasna, viz., to the consecration of certain
libations and meat-offerings which were partaken of by the priests;
see introduction to the Yasna.

Visprat II should be read after Yasna 1. 8, of which it is an
1 ahmya zao&re barasmanae6a (loc. sg. them, instead of instr. sg. § 426)
ratavö mainyava äyese (yäs·) yeSti (inf, § 372) 'in this Z. and with the B.
I fetch here the spiritual R. for praise'. The enumeration of "the heads" be-
gins in the Vr. with the heads of the spiritual (mainyava-) and material (gaS&ya-)
world, the chiefs of all that is living in waters (upäpa-), living under the
ground (upasma-), flying (fraptanjät-), living in the open country (ravasdarät-)
or grazing (öanranhak-). In this rough division of created living beings (of
the good creation) the whole animal kingdom is included. The primary type
of each class is its respective Ratav. According to Bd. 24 the chief of the
water-creatures is the Äar-fish (aw. kara-, V. 19. 42), the chief of fur animals
(living under the ground) is the (white) ermine, the chief of birds is Kariipt9
(aw. karSiptar-, V. 2. 42), the chief of those living in the open country (fräxv
raftärän 'wide-travellers') is the hare, the chief of the grazing creatures is
the white ass-goat. The Pahlavi-Vr. 1. 1 gives the following list of chiefs:
the chief of spirits is Öhrmazd (Ahura Mazdäh), the chief of wordlv existences
is Zaratu&t (Zaradu&tra), the chief of water-creatures is the /iar-fish, the
chief of Zand-animals (göspandänl) is the ermine, the chief of birds is the
Iiar&ipt, the chief of the wide-travellers is . . (the name is omitted), the chief
of the grazing creatures is the ass-goat. — 2 yäirya . . ratavö: the chiefs
of the six seasons. The ancient name for 'season* was the word ratav- itself,
cp. hamaspa&maedaem, paiti ratüm Yt. 13. 49, ekr. jtdv-; but after the em-
ployment of this word in a more general sense, yäirya- was used for 'season'
and especially for the god of the season or of the season-festival. The names
of these six seasons are: maiöyöi&anmaya lit. 'mid-spring', originally a vernal

1 Every being of the ^sa-world, looked upon as authority in any

sphere, is callcd Ratav.
1 Bd. 24.11; in 29 CamröS is said to be the chief.
A vesta Reader. 11
162 Notee to Vr. II.

festival, held on the five days ending with the 45 t h day after the beginning
of the year (see note on Yt. 13. 49 and introduction to the Tiitr YaSt), i. e.
with the 21·' April (now 3 d November); maiiyöiJam- lit. 'mid-summer', ori-
ginally a summer-solstice festival, held on the five days ending with the
105 th day of the year, i. e. the 20th June (now 2»d January); paitii.hahya-
lit. 'bearing corn', originally a harvest-festival, held on the five days ending
with the 75 th day after the summer-solstice festival, i. e. with the 3 d Sep-
tember (now 18 th March); ayä&rima- (from ayä&ra- 'return") originally the
festival of the return of herdsman and herds from the mountain-meAdows,
held on the five days ending with the 30 th day of the 7 t h month, i. e. the
3 d October (now 17 th April); maiiyäirya- lit. 'mid-year', originally the winter-
solstice festival, held on the five days ending with the 185th day after the
summer-solstice festival, i. e. the 22nd December (now 6 t h July); hamaspad-
maSdaya, see note on Yt. 13. 49. Originally rustic festivals 1 , they are later
on believed to have been instituted by Ahura Mazd&h in commemoration
of the six periods, during which the world was created; cp. Bd. 25. 1. —
3 gae&anqm Atahairlm . . yat Aiahairyö (nom. pi. f.) zlzanan (}zan-) 'the G. Ä.,
which will the bearing women bring forth': yae&anqm Arahairya- is the de-
signation of a divine being or idea ('?). It is possible, that the 'bearing women'
are to be understood as the maids, who will bring forth the future Saviours,
see note on Yt. 13. 62; the Anhairya- then is the totality of all those who
will come into existence from the seed (of ZaraQuitra), by which these maids
conceive. — vlspe ti ratavö . . yöi (instead of acc. pi.) aoxta ahurö tnazdä
zara&uSträi yasnyäia vahmyäia 'all the R., whom Ah. M. declared to Ζ.
venerable and praiseworthy*. — 4 Ahura Mazdäh is the. ahü- and ratav- of
the spiritual world, Zara&uätra the ahü- and ratav- of the material world; see
above. — 5 radwqm framaratäram äyese yeiti yim naram aSavanam daSrärwm
I? dar·) humatam6a manö .. spantqm ärmaitim daratam Ί fetch here him of
the Ratav's, who recites (prayers), the faithful man, who is maintaining (thus)
the thought well thought and . ., who holds with Sp. Arm.*: on darat- with
the accusative see §442. — yöi mq&ram saoSyantö: this passage is not clear;
it seems to be a quotation out of place, like the following passage: yetihe
Syao&näiS gaS&ä asa fradante, which is taken from Y. 43. 6. — 6 samba
aSavana (as acc. pi. m.): sania- is the name of the gods of the years. —
7 ahuvidntdm, ratumzntam . . ratüm äyese . . hö zi asti ah.um.a6a (nom. sg.)
ratumaia yö ahurö mazdA Ί fctcli here the R., who has an Ahü and a Ratav ..
for he has an Ahü and a Ratav, the . .*: the passage hö zl asti &c is an in-
terpolation; according to the Pahlavi translation ahumant- ratumant- is a
god, see Bartholoinae Wb. 281. — yamam haptarahäitlm: Y. 35. 3—41. 6, see
introduction to the Yasna. — 8 uitavaitlm gä&qm: Y. 43—46, see introduc-
tion to the Yasna. — spantä.mainyüm gädam: Υ. 47—60, see introduction
to the Yasna. — 9 vohu.xSa&ram, gäOam: Y.51, see introduction to the Yasna.
— räma xvästnm lit. 'peace, who gives good pastures', a god, who is always
invoked together with Mifrro vouru.gaoyaoitis 'the lord of the wide pastures'.
Yast 15, which is called the Ram Yait, has nothing to do with Raman, who
si never mentioned in it. In fact this Yait is devoted to Vayav, the god of

Observe the meaning of the attributes of the several festival gods.
Notes to Vr. II, V and XII. 163

the ftir. — vahUtöiMXm gS&qm: T. S3, see introduction to the Yaena. —

dahmd äfritay- lit. 'doAma-like blessing': the goddess of blessing; for dahma-
see note on N. 19. — dämöiS upamanam: see note on Yt. 10. 9. — 10 air-
yamanam ϊέΧτη: name of one of the most sacred prayers beginning with a
äiryimä iSyö (Υ. 54), see § 19. — fiüSö mqöram: lit. 'the verse of the owner
of cattle', designation of Y. 68 (4—7). — baraeam haiaoxtam: see introduction
to the Haiöxt Nask. — 11 ahüirlm frainam: the question asked of Ahura
(by Zara&ustra), see note on Yt. 5.1. — ahüirlm tkalsvm: the teaching of
Ahura. — hadiS västravatö (instead of acc. eg. η ) : the god of the native
abode, who procures pastures; see Darmesteter Etlr. 2. 201. — västram bara-
tam gave huSärahe äyese . . gaodäyüm naram a&avanam Ί fetch here the
faithful man, who produces pastures for the beneficent ox (and) who takes
care for the ox': on bant- with the accusative see § 442.

Visprat V should be read after Yaena 14., with which it is nearly
1 vise vö, ama&a spanta, staota (nom. sg.) . . yüSmäkam yasnäica . .
yat amaSanqm spantanqm Ί keep ready, ο Am. Sp., as a praiser . . for your
sacrifice . . (for yours) the Am. Sp.'β"; ahmäkam havanhäiia (written for
havanuhäiia § 100. 4: havaiahva- η.) . . yat saofyantqm a&aonqm 'for our
blessedness . . (for ours) the holy priests': for the meaning of eaoSyant- see
note on Yt. 17. 2. — 2 pairl v5 . . daiqmi tanvas&i X»aJly& (see Gl. under
hava·) uStanam pain vispä hujltayö Ί devote you the vital power of my
own body, all (my) good works of life". — 3 frä te varane (*var-) ahe daenaya
.. ahura . . mazdayasnö zara&uätriS *1 confess to thee, ο Ah., my belief in
this (our) religion as a Mazdayasni&n and a Zaraüuitri&n'.

Visprat XII follows Yasna 27. 6.
1 haomanqmta hara&yamnanqm (part. fut. pass.: ham-) yni hara&yente
radice barazaite yat ahuräi .. yat zara&usträi .. fraf&u frävlratä6a 'and to
the Haoma\ which are to be filtered, which are to be filtered for the high
R., namely for Ahura (or) for Zarafhistra, (belongs) possession of good cattle,
and of good men': that is to say 'for the offering of the Haoma to Ahura
or ZaraduMra the faithful gets possession of good cattle and men'; the pre-
dicate (asti), upon which the gen. poss. haomanqm depends, is omitted, see
§ 490; frafSu frävlratäca is abrigded for frafSuta fräviratäca, see note on
Yt. 5. 77. — This passage is probably on explanation of the first part of
Y. 27. 6: haoma pairi.harasyente mazda.xsadra asa.ratavö. hä νauhus sraoxö
.., yö asi (instr. sg.) hacaite mqzäraya, höca ida yöiüivä (nom. sg., part. perf.
act.: yat-) astü 'this (here) is the good Sr. with the rich Α., and this may
be here with energetic effort', cf. Y. 43.12. Sraosa, the priest god, does
best justice to the sacrificers merit and Asay, the goddess of wealth earned
by piety, rewards the sacrificer. — 2 humaya upanhä (acc. pi. n.) cMmaide
(8 kaeS-) ahunahe vairyehe asay α frasrütahe frasrävayamnahe hävanayAsca
164 Notes to Vr. XII and Ny. III.

haomq hunvaintyä !}hav·).. fraSütayä fraSävayamnayä {Syav-) 'we teach the

blessed working at the Ah. F.-prayer, which has been recited as prescribed
or is recited, and at the mortar, which pours the H. out, which has been set
in motion and is kept in motion': hävana- m. (du.) is here, as hunvaintyä
shows, treated as a feminine stem in -ά. — 3 The genitives depend upon
upcmhä, see Y. 27. 7. — 4 a&a zl ηϋ (particle) humäyö.tara anhan 'for thus
it (sg. upanhä) will become more blessed': Y. 27. 7. — humaya aeta dämqn
dadzmaide humaya clämaide humaya mainyämaide yqm άαΰα(, ahurö mazdä
a.iava frraogta vohu raananha vax.it aia yä hätqm maziitaca vahistaca sraextaca
'we make these creatures blessed, we designate (them) blessed, wc consider
(them) blessed, (these creatures) which Ah. M. has created, (which) he will
make perfect through V. M., exalt through ASa, which (are) the greatest,
the best and the most beautiful of the beings'; a&a zl nS humäyö.tara6a
izyö.taraia änhäma yäiS spsntahe mainySuS dämqn (instead of instr. pl.) yai
hU humayaia Izyäia δina&ämaide (kae&-) 'for thus we will become more
blessed and successful through the creatures of the Holy Spirit, if we teach
them (to be) blessed and successful': the priests, who were the authors of
this passage, seem to have been believed, that as the subject of the sentence
from Y. 27. 7: a&a zi nä humäyö.tara anhan is to be thought {spantahe main-
ySuä) damqn, and added therefore an extensive explanation. — 5 humaya
nö buyata . . hävana (acc. du.) fraoirisimna (urvaes-) fraSävayamna (Syav-)
.. ahmi nmäne .. ahmäk»m6a mazdayasnanqm fräyazsmnanqm 'blessed be
thou, ο mortar, which is brought on here, which is set in motion . . in this
house and in (every house) of ours, the Mazdayasnians, who are praying'.


Literature: Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 349 seq., ZA. I. 691 seq.

NydyiSn, a middle-Persian word meaning cpraise' is a term ap-
plied to to five prayers addressed to the Sun, to Mi&ra, to the Moon,
to Waters and to Fire. The prayers addressed to the Sun and to
Miftra are to be recited three times a day. The prayer addressed to
the moon is to be recited three times a month; first at the time, when
it beginns to be seen; second, when it is at the full; third, when it
is on the wane. The prayers addressed to Waters and to Fire arc
to be recited every day, when one finds oneself in the proximity of
those elements.
Mäh Nyäyisn.
1 namö murshäi gaoci-dräi nomö paiti.ditäi (*däy-) namo paiti.dtti (instr.
instead of loc., § 426) 'hail to the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Ox,
hail to him, who has been looked at, hail to him, when he is looked at':
according to Bd. 10 the seminal energy of the primeval Ox was, when it
Notes to Ny. III. 165

passed away, delivered to the moon and purified by the light of moon.
Thence arose two oxen, one male and one female; and, afterwards, two
hundred and eighty-two species of each kind, see below. — 2 (2—9=Mäh YaSt,
Yt. VII) xänao&ra (instr. sg. n.) ahurahe mazdä taröiditi (instr. sg. f.) awahe
mainyiuS 'by the satisfaction of Ah. M., by the overcoming of the Evil Spirit!'.
— hai&vävaritqm (acc. sg. f.) hyat vasnä farasö.tdmam, 'the performance (of
that) what best conforms with (God's) will!': here a predicate (probably I or
we praise), upon which the accusative depends, is to be supplied; the cor-
relative is absorbed. This clause is imitated from Y. 50. 11. — fravaräne
Cvar·) mazdayasnö . . hävanäe . . yasnäica (dative as infinitive) . . sävanhSe
visyäiia . . yasnäica Ί confess myself a Mazdayasnian . . for sacrifice . .
unto Hävanay, for sacrifice . . unto Sävaiahay and Vlsya: hävanSe, sd-
vanhSe, vlsyäi datives by attraction instead of genitives § 713. Hävanay·
is the god of the first of the five divisions of the day, see introduction to
the Gäh's. Sävaiahay- and Vlsya- are the gods who cooperate with him:
Sävankay- is said to preside over cattle, Visya- to preside over the com-
monalties. — mänhahe gaoü&rahe gSuiöa aivd.dätayd g$uS6a pouru.sandayä
xinao&ra (instr. sg.) yasnäiia 'by the satisfaction of the Moon that keeps in
it the seed of the Ox, of the only-created Ox and of the Ox of many species
for sacrifice and . .'·: it is possible, that xänaofrra is nom. pi. n.; then one
has to translate: 'the satisfaction of the moon . . (may come) for the sacri-
fice . Λ The whole passage is doubtful. — 4 kada mä uxiyeiti (lvaxi-), kaSa
mä nardfsaiti (nanp·) 'how long does the moon wax, how long does the
moon wane?'. — pania.dasa mä uxsyeiti .. 'fifteen (days) the moon waxes . .'.
yd he uxSyqstätö (nom. pi.) t& ndrdfsastätö 'as (long as) the duration of his
waxing, so (long) is the duration of his waning*. — ZcS, yä (instr. sg.) mä
uxsyeiti nsrsfsaiti Owat (adv., see GI.) 'who (is it), through whom the moon
waxes and wanes?*: quoted from Y. 44. 3; it is naturally Ahura Maedäh. —
5 tat mänfi»m paiti.vaenzm . . tat mdnJiem paiti.vlsam (lvaed-) raox&nam . .
aiwi.vaenam . . aivn.vlsdm Ί looked at this moon, I have (now) perceived
him, I looked at this bright moon, I have (now) perceived him': paiti.visam,
aiwi.vUdm are forms of the s-Aorist § 635. — hiitdnti am»Sä spanta x»annö
därayeinti (sdar-) .. xparvnö baxsanti zqm paiti . . 'the Am. Sp. stand there
(and) hold (its) glory (and) pour (its) glory upon the earth*. — 6 yat märahsm
(instead of nom. sg.) raoxSne (instr. sg.) täpayeiti, miiti urvaranqm zairi.-
gaonanqm (gen. part, as subj., § 497) zaramaem paiti zamäia uzuxsyeinti
ναχέ-) 'when the moon brings warmth by his light, golden-hued plants
promiscuously grow on from the earth during the spring': raoxSnt is written
for raoxinya § 178. 1. — anta-nmänhäsia pannö.m&rsh&sia vtiaptad&aia (as
acc. pi.) sc. yazamaide '(we praise) the gods of the new moon, the gods of
the full moon, the ViSaptada's': ViSapta&a- lit. 'the seventh within' is the name
of the 8 t h or 23d day of every month, which is called the day of the Creator
(da&uäö) and follows as the seventh upon the new-moon-day (l a t ) or full-
moon-day (16th); see Bartholomae Wb. 1472. — 10 dasta {ldä ) narqm pouru -
tatem . . hamvnM ha&ravanantqm dui.mainyuS (acc. pi.) stöi rapantqm
'grant a great number of men, who smite at one stroke the spiteful enemies,
who are devoted (to the gods)': stöi rapantqm, is a misapplied reminiscence
from Y. 34. 4. — 11 yazata (voc. pi.) . . iifrra vö buyäni (pres. opt. act. 3 pi.:
166 Notes to Ny. III, G. V and S. II.

bav•).. 6i&ra υδ ζαυαηδ,βαυδ (voc. pi.) 'Ye gods, your great deeds may become
manifest, ye who help when invoked': zavanö.savö is written for zavanö.suvö
§ 131. 4. — 6i&nm böii yuzimi.it &>αηηδ yaz9mnäi äpö (voc. pl.) däyata
( l dd-) 'ye, Ο Waters, impart your manifest Glory to the man who offers you
a sacrifice'.

Literature: Mills SB£. XXXI. 379 seq., Darmesteter Ζ Α. II. 709 seq.
The five Gah's1 are the prayers which are devoted to the
several gods who are called Asnya- (see Υ. 1. 3) and preside over
the five periods, into which the day and the night are divided:
Hdvanay- * from snnrise till noon, Rapi&wina-3 from noon till the
half afternoon, Uzayeirina- from the half afternoon till sunset, Aiwi.-
sru&rima-5 from sunset till midnight, Uiahina-6 from midnight till
sunrise. These prayers are to be recited every day at their respec-
tive times.
USahin Gah.
1 Cp. Ny. 3. 2. — bdrdjyäi nmänyäiia: B&rajya- and Nmänya- are the
gods who cooperate with USahina-: Bsrdjya is said to preside over corn,
Nmänya to preside over the houses. — δ ui&nhdm yazamaide . . framan.-
narqm, framdn.narö.virqm yä xvä&ravaiti nmänyäiti: the meaning of framan.-
narqm, framdn.narö.vlrqm is not clear; nmänyäiti stands probably for nmä-
nyavaiti 'who is connected with Nmänya', see Bartholomae Wb. 1094. —
uiänJiam .. yä sanat Q-sand-) aoi .. eqm 'the Dawn, which becomes visible
over the earth'. — 6 b&rvja (instr. eg.) . . aiahe 'according to the rite of Asa'.

Sih Rocak.
Literature: Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 1 seq., ZA. II. 294 f.
Slh Rocak means 'thirty days': it is a prayer enumerating the
names and attributes of the thirty Yazata's, each of whom is sup-

The meaning of the word gäh· is not clear; see West Glossary and
Index 181.
The time, when the Haoma ceremony is performed; see note on Y. 9.1.
Cp. rapi&wä- t. "midday*.
* Cp. uzayara- n. 'afternoon', lit. 'towards the end of day'.
Cp. aiwi.srü&ra- η. 'the coming along (of the night)'.
« Cp. uiah- i. 'the dawn'.
Note« to S. II. 167

posed to preside over one of the thirty days of the month, and by
whose names the days are called.
There are two Slh Eöcak, but the only difference between them
is that the formulas in the former are shorter, and there is also,
occasionally, some difference in the epithets, which are fuller in the
latter. See Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 1 seq.

1 The day of Ahura Mazdäh. — 2 The day of Vohu Manah. — äxSttm
hqm.vaintim yazamaide taraSätem anyäii (instr. instead acc.) dämqn ütnam
xratüm . . yazamaide 'we sacrifice to the victorious Peace, superior to the
other creatures, to the inborn wisdom we sacrifice'; gaoiö.8rütdm xratüm ..
yazamaide 'to the wisdom acquired bv (hearing1) learning we sacrifice': cp.
the passage from the great Bd. (ZA. II. 307): "Vohüman bon, fort, qui donne
la paix. — Et ea vertu pacifique consiste en ce qu'il donne la paix k toutee
les creatures d'Aurhmazd, et c'est eurtout par cette vertu pacifique de lui
que Bont possibles ['annihilation d'Ahriman et des demons, le röveil des morts,
la rösurrection, l'immortalitö. L'Intelligence naturelle et l'lntelligence acquiee
paraissant d'abord en Vohüman. Qui a l'une et l'autre va en Paradis; qui
n'a ni l'une ni l'autre va en Enfer". — 7 The day of Amantatät. — fiaonlm
vq&wqm yazamaide. aspanäia yavlnö yazamaide. gaok&nn&m süram .. yaza-
maide. 'we sacrifice to the fat flock, we sacrifice to the- profitable corn-fields,
we sacrifice to the powerful Gaokarana': cp. the passage from the great Bd.
(ZA. II. 321): "C'est lui (l'Amürdat) qui fait pousser les plantes et croltre lee
troupeaux de h£tail, car toutes lee creatures mangent et vivent de lui; et
au Renouveau du monde, c'est d'Amürdat que l'on fait l'elixir d'immortaliM",
and West SBE. 37. 165 (on D&nkart XLIV. 80), "Gaolarana — which is the
white Horn — a mythical tree, or plant, supposed to grow in the ocean,
where it is guarded by ten enormous fish, and, at the time' of the renova-
tion of the universe, the elixir of immortality is expected to be prepared
from its twigs mingled with the fat of a mythical ox." — An invocation of
the gods who cooperate with the gods of the Gäh's (see introduction to the
Gäh's) follows, cp. Υ. 1.1—7, where after Ahura Mazdah and the six AmaSa
Spanta the Asnya or gods, who preside over the five periods of the days,
and the gods, who cooperate with them, are invoked. At the Hävan Gäh
is Mi&ra and Räman Xvästra invoked (Υ. 1. 3), as the Rapi&vdn Gäh Aia
Vahi&ta and Ätar (Υ. 1. 4), at the Uzlrin Gäh Apqm Napät and the Waters
(Υ. 1. δ), at the Aiicisrü&rim Gäh the Fravaiay's, the females, who bring forth
flocke and heroes, the god, who grants good lodging during the whole year,
the gods of Strength, of Victory and of Superiority (Υ. 1. 6), at the Uiahin
Gäh Sraoia, Rasnav and Aritat. — 13 The day of Tiitrya-. — Cp. Yt. 8 (4,
9,12, 39).
168 Notes to the Υ.

The Tasna.

The name Yasna, corresponding exactly to skr. yajfid-, means

'worship'. By this name in the Avesta only the text df the Seven-
Chapter- Yasna (yasno haptawhaitiS) is understood, see Y. 71. 6 and
Bartholomae Wb. 1271 seq. But in the later times of Zoroastrianism,
when the high office of the Yasna or YaziSn 1 was established, Yasna
has become the name of all the texts, which were recited at this
The Yasna, though composed for the purposes of the high office,
has only in part a real and original connection with the ceremonial
act which it accompanies. It is a variegated mixture of monotonous
drawling formulae and of interesting and in part very ancient texts.
These heterogeneous elements have, however, been skilfully knitted
together into one whole. The larger sections have appropriate intro-
ductions prefixed to them and close with longer or shorter resumes.
See Geldner GIrPh. II. 4.
The Yasna at the present time comprises seventy-two chapters,
Hatay-. This number is not accidental, but was reached by any arti-
ficial method, several chapters being simply repetitions of some of the
others, see Haug Essays 3 d ed. 140, Geldner op. cit. On close inquiry,
we find the Yasna really consists of at least three different parts,
distinguishable by considerable differences in language and contents:
the l a t e r Yasna" Y. 1—27, 5 4 — 7 2 ; the Yasna Haptawhatay Y.35—
41; the 'old Yasna' or the 'Ga&a's' Y. 28- 34, 42—63.
The first part of the l a t e r Yasna' Υ. 1—27 begins with formal
invitations to the offering addressed to all the divinities and genii in
a definite order according to their rank (Y. 1—2); it refers to the
consecration of certain libations (zao&ra-) and meat offerings (myazda-),
such as the milk (gäui, gäus hudd, gduS jlvya), the juice of the
Haoma- and of the HadanaSpata-\\&ai (if mixed with the milk called
ParaJiaoma) and the meat of the ox (gnus baoirya), which were par-
taken of by the priests 8 (Y. 3—8. 4). Then follows a prayer Y. 8.
The YaziSn Ceremony consists, apart from a number of subordinate
performances, chiefly in the preparation and offering of the Para.haoma,
the juice extracted from the flaoma-plant. mixed with consecrated water,
milk and aromatic ingrediants. It is preceded by a preperatory ceremonial
entitled Paragra (a corruption of the Sanskrit-word präkriyä, see Darme-
steter ZA. I. lxx). Cp. Haug Essays 3d ed. 393 seq.
These offerings, which are nothing but a remnant of the ancient
Notes to the Y. 169

5—8. 8. 9 is an introduction to t h e Hörn- Yait, in w h i c h t h e Haoma

is glorified as a plant and as a god in the style of the YaSt's (Y. 9—
11). 11. 16 introdncee a new section, the confession of faith of the
Mazdayasnians which extends from 11. 17 to the end of 13. The
most interesting of these chapters is the ancient Creed in chapter 12.
Chapters 14 and 15 are songs of praise. Chapters 16 and 17 contain
invocations of the genii of the day, of the times of the day, of the
seasons of the year and of the various forms of fire etc. Chapter 18
is the same as 47. Chapters 19—21 are homilies on the three most
sacred prayers. Chapters 22—27 are the so-called Hömäst Yait, which
accompanies the second preparation of the Haoma-juice which now
begins. The second part of the 'later Yasna' (Y. 64—72) begins with
the ancient prayer a airy»ma Uyo. Chapter 55 gives a short poetical
resum6 of the Gala's. Chapters 56 and 57 are the small and the
large 'Sröi Yait\ devoted to the praise of SraoSa. Chapter 58 con-
tains the FSüiö Maftra 'the verse of the owner of cattle'. Chapter 59
contains renewed invocations. Chapter 60 is a prayer for the dwelling
of the sacrificer; joined to it is an exorcism in Chapter 61 and a
homage offered to the fire in Chapter 62. Then follows the 'offering
to the waters', 63—68. Renewed invocations and a conclusion of the
whole ceremony form the end.
T h e Yasna Haptawhatay, or as its name indicates, the Yasna
of the Seven Hat ay's (Y. 35—41), is inserted in the midst of the
Gada's. Although it is more recent than the GaOci's, still it has just
claims to be considered as more ancient and original than the sections
of the later Yasna. A very striking proof, besides its being written
in the archaic language, is that the objects of worship are much fewer
than in the later prayers. It formed originally a separate book, and
was very likely composed by one of the earliest successors of Zara-
duitra, as it stands mid-way between the Gai/a'a and the later Yasna,
in point of style.
The Ga&a's are by far the oldest literary monument of the Ira-
nians, and in their essential elements they are to be traced back to
Zaradustra himself. The word Gada means properly 'song'. But as
far as their content is concerned they may be called sermons in verse
form. The manner of their delivery and their general tenor seems
to take for granted, that the hearers were thoroughly acquainted not
only with all the circumstances and events to which occasionally re-
Aryan sacrifices, represent a meal, given to all the divinities and genii who
are all severally invoked.
170 Notes to Υ. XI.

ference is made, bat also with the doctrines of the Zaraduitri&n

religion. We may conclude therefore, that such a 'Sermon in Verse'
was either interrupted by explanations in prose in which the subject
of the sermon was treated of in more detail, or that it formed the
conclusion of a sermon, in which the matter of a prose dissertation
was put together in verse form, easily to be committed to memory.
The latter apears the more probable; but even so the introduction of
short explanations could not have been entirely dispensed with, espe-
cialy in the case of Gada's in dialogue form (such as Y. 29), where
the persons of the speakers would have to be indicated.
Seventeen such sermons in verse have come down to us, Y. 28
—29, 43—51, and 63. They were divided at quite an early date into
five parts different widely in size, the 'Five Gada'β' in the narrower
sense, the principal of classification being resemblance in the structure
of the verses and lines. The metre of the G a l a ' s is much the same
as that of the Yeda. We find lines with the same number of syl-
lables, as in the Veda, and verses with the same number of lines;
the caesura also is here and there found at the same place. But in
one point there is a fundamental difference: the Vedic metre is one
of quantity, while the Gd&ic metre is one of accent. See Bartholomae
(?a#ö-translation II seq. and the introduction to the Gala's.

Literatare: Hübscbmann ZDMG. 26. 453 seq., Bang Bull, de l'Ac. roy. de
Belgique 1889. 247 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 244 seq., Darmesteter ZA. I.
109 seq., Jackson Avesta Reader 37 seq., Geldner Bertholet's RelGescb.
Leseb. 345.
Yasna 11 is one of three chapters (Y. 9 — 11) which were spe-
cially recited in preparing the Haoma as a part of sacrifice. See
introduction to Y. 9. The verses of Y. 11 form the conclusion of
the Haoma-riiasX. They contain an allusion to the old custom of
offering animals and of holding horse-races in honour of the god
Haoma. Before the sacred wine was drunk by the priest, the cheeks
with the tongue and the left eye of the immolated ox were offered
to Haoma as his portion ( d r a o n ö ) . But the offerings of animals were
soon suppressed through Zara&uStra's opposition. Instead of the flesh-
pieces of the victims sacred breads were used, hence the mp. word
drön, corresponding to aw. draonah·, means 'sacred bread'.
The verses here given narrate how three good creatures, the Oz,
the Horse and the Haoma utter imprecations. These three creatures are
not respectivly typical of the three classes, peasant, warrior, priest, as
Notes to Υ. XL 171

Jackson Avesta Header 37 infers. The Ox curses the priest, who will not
distribute him at the sacrifice, but fattens him for himself and his family.
The Horse curses the horseman, who will not show its strength at the
races. (Races must have been an essential part of the sacrificial feast,
cp. the άγώνες Ιππικοί of the Greek.) Haoma curses the priest, who has to
drink him, that he keeps him back, and asks his due portion in the victim
furnishing proof of his power by mentioning his triumph over Franrasyan.
1 öräyö haidim.aSavanö äfri.vaiarahö zavainti gäuiia aspasia haomasia
'three very faithful (creatures) utter imprecations, the ox, the horse and the
Haoma'. — 2 gäui zaotdnm zavaiti 'the ox curses the Z.'·. see note on
Yt. 5. 123. — via buyä afrazaintii via dSuS.sravä (acc. pi. n.) haiimnö (hak-)
yö mqm x»ästqm nöit baxiahe, äat mqm tum fiaonayehe näiryä vä pudrahe
vä haoyä (hava- adj.) vä marSuyä (gen. instead of dat. § 495) 'childless be
thou and evil-famed, because thou dost not distribute me, when I am well
cooked, but fattenest me for the belly of the wife or of the son or for
thy own belly*. — mä buyä aurvatqm (part. gen. as object § 497) yüxta
(inf., § 373) . . aiwisasta . . ni&axta, yo mqm zävar» nöit jaidyehi pouru-
maiti hanjamaine (loc. eg.) pouru.nairyä karsuyä (gen. flg. f.) 'thou shalt not
bridle any more a racer, not mount, not master, because thou dost not pray
me (to show my) strength in the plenary meeting of the country througed
with men': on bav- with the infinitive in the sense of the perfectiv verb see
§ 695. — 3 via buyä afrazaintii . . yö mqm aiwiä.hutem (}hav·) därayehi
(}dar-) yada täyüm paiö.sänm 'childless be thou, because thou keepst back
me when I have been pressed, as a thief, whose head is lost*: cp. Yt. 14.46. —
4 us ml pita haomäi draonö frirdnaof, ( a ar-) ahurö mazdä . . hanuhar»ne (acc.
du.) mat hizvö (gen. sg.) höyümia döi&nm 'the father Ah. M. has assigned
to me, the Η., as portion the cheeks with the tongue and the left eye*. —
5—6 yö mqm tat draonö zinät (zyä-) vä trafyät (tanp-) apa vä yäsäiti .. nöit
ahmi nmäne zänaite (pres. mid. 3 pl.: 1 zon-) äfrrava ηαβδα ra&aestä ηαίδα
västryö f&uyqs 'who makes me lose this portion, steals it or takes it away,
in the house of this are not born a priest and not a warrior and not a hus-
bandman raising cattle': on syä- with two accusatives see § 438. — dahaka·,
müraka-, varina-: designations of da&vic. creatures. — 7 {hoä&dm (adv.) ά
g9uS frädv&nsö (inj. act. 2sg.: divaras·) . . haomäi draonö, mä xkvä haomö
bandayät yada . . bandayat . · franrasyändm . . pairi&sxPaxtvm ayanhahe
'quickly cut off for Η. the portion of the ox, so that he may not bind thee,
as he bound Fr., who was surrounded by iron': the clause introduced by mä
is here a subordinate clause with final sense, see Bartholomae Wb. 1097; on
the gen. with participles in -ta- see § 501. According to the legend Fr. took
refuge in a palace built under-ground, with walls of iron and a hundred
columns: see Darmesteter SBE. XXIII. 64. — maSdme ύτϊένε arihä zamö:
see note on Yt. 13. 2.
Literature: Mills SBE. XXXI. 294 seq., Darmesteter ZA. I. 352 seq., Jackson
JAOSr 13, Proc. CCVIII seq., Geldner Bertholet's BelGesch. Leseb. 336.
In Y. 05 the Gada's and the Staota Yesnya are praised. The
Staota Yesnya lit. 'songs of praise and prayers' designate a collection
172 Notes to Y. LV and LXII.

of texts incorporated in the Yasna (between Y. 14 and 59) and com-

prising 33 portions, cp. West SBE. XXXVII. 169. They include, as
far as we know, the five Ga&a's, the Yasna Haptawhatay, Y. 14, 15,
54, 56, 58; see Bartholomae Wb. 1589.
1 vlspä gae&äsca tanvasia azddbisia (instr. as object §427) ustänqsöa kdhr-
pas6a tdvi§l§6a baodasca urvänwmia fravaslmia pairiia dadamahl äca vaedaya-
mahl·. äa£ dii avaeSayamahl gä&äbyö spantäbyö . . 'wc present and dedicate
all (our) riches, persons, bones, vital powers, forms, forces, (our) conciousness,
(our) soul and (our) FravaSay·. (all) these we dedicate to the holy Gä&ä's ..'.
— 2 yd nö hanti gädd harsfrravaitisia . .yd no hanti urune uvaem &>arafom6a
vastnmia·. td no hanti gäM hard^ravaitiSca . ., td no hanti urune uvaem
X°anfom6a vastramca, td nö buyqn humizdd . . parö.asnäi anuhe (aiahav- ro.)
pasca astas6a bao6arahas6a vi.urviMim 'the Gä&ä's, which are to us guardians
and .., which are to (our) soul both food and clothing, these Gä&ti's are to
us guardians and . ., these are to us both food and clothing, these may be
to us givers of good reward . . for the future life after the parting of (our)
body and consciousness'. — 3 tä ηδ ama (instr. sg.) . . tä dasvan (instead
of instr. eg.) . . uzjamyqn (gam,-) yd staota yesnya, yada his frada&at mazdd
. . pä&räi asahe gae&anqm 'with power, with health . . may come to us the
Staota Yesnya, because M. has produced them for to protect the material
world': hara&räi aiahe gae&anqm suyamnanqmia saoiyantqmia (sav-) 'for
to guard the beings of Asa, who get the benefit and who will produce the
benefit': the benefit is to be understood the good lot in the other life, see note
on Y. 9.2. — 4 vtspam aiavanam aya ratufrita (loc. instead of instr. § 426)
jasantam paiti.barähi humatäiiia huxtäUia hvarMäiiia 'may'st thou receive
every faithful man who comes begging pardon with this prayer for satis-
faction of the Batav's in Humata and Hüxta and Hvarsia': that is to say in
the three forecourts of the paradise, see note on H. 2.15. — 6 staota yesnya
yazamaide yä dätä anhäus paouruyehyä (see Gl. under paouruya-, paoirya-)
.. sixsamna ('safe-) säcayamna (1safc-, caus.) dadräna (2dar-) paitisäna paeä-)
. . fraäam vasna ahüm daftäna 'we worship the St.- Y., which are the statutes
for the first life, to be learned and tought, borne in mind and willingly ob-
served, making the world ready according to (their?) will': yä dätä atahäus
paouruyehyä is a quotation from Y. 33. 1; for frasam vasna ahüm da&äna
cp. Y. 34. 15. — 7 bayqm staotanqm yesnyanqm yazamaide 'we worship the
section St.-Y.': staotanqm yesnyanqm is genitive of specification §500.

Literature: Mills SBE. XXXI. 313 seq., Darmesteter Ζ A. I. 386.
Y. 6 2 is devoted to Ätar the god of the fire, who is usually
mentioned as the son of AhM., as the fire that springs from heaven
can be conceived as born of it. See note on Yt. 13. 62. Zoroastrians
have been for a long time called "Fire worshippers" on account of
their especial use of fire in worship. And as the province to the
southwest of the Caspian Sea was named Äturpätokan, the assumption
Notes to Y. LXII and XXVII. 173

is fair, that the naphtha fires of Baku, which have been unextin-
guished for long periods, attributed to the fire-worship the greater
importance. See Ch. Marvin The Region of the eternal fire 160 scq.
2 däityö.aesmi.buyd .. ätari .. saoii.buye (inf., § 371) ahmya nmäne . .
darsydmcit aipi zrvanom upa sürqrn fraäöJanitim hada sürayä vamhuyA
fraSöJcantöit 'may'st thou be fed with wood as the prescription orders, ()
Fire, for to be aflame within this house long time until the great renova-
tion . . ? . . ' : the end of this passage is not clear. — 6 ddy& me ätar.i, puüra
ahurahe mazdä, yä (absorption of the correlative) mS anhat afrasänhä (nom.
sg., afrasdhvant- adj.: § 100. 4) . . vahiitdm ahüm . . zazd (nom. sg., part,
pres. act.: haz·) buye (inf., § 371) vanhäuia müde .. sravahe (loc. sg.: them.)
Μrunaeca daraye havanhe (havanhva- n.: § 100. 4) 'may'st thou grant me, Ο
Fire, Ah.M.'a son, (that) whereby he (Ah. M.) will comply with my wish, (namely)
the paradise, that I may gain the good reward, the . . renown, the eternal
blessedness for the soul': cp. Y. 30. 10. — ηΰητηάα yavaeca täite 'now and
for evermore", with tmesis instead of yavaetätaeia. — 7 vlspaeibyö sastlm
baraiti atari .., yaeibyö aem ham.paiaiti xiäfnimia süirimia 'the Fire ad-
dresses this admonition to all for whom he cooks the night- and morning-
meal'. — vispaeibyö Ηαόα izyeiti (dz-) hubdnitim .. 'from all these he wishes
a good offering*. — 8 vispanqm para.canntqm, (bkar-) atari zasta ädiäaya
(2däy-): cim haxa (nom. sg.: haxay- ra.) hase (dat. sg.) baraiti fracarvdna
armaesäide "the Fire looks at the hands of all, who go by it, (thinking): wluit
brings the friend to the friend, the one who moves forwards to him who
sits quietly?' — 9, 10 Cp. V. 18. 26, 27.

Literature: Haug Essays 3d ed. 141, Mills SBE. XXXI. 281, Darmesteter ZA.
I. 197 seq., Fr. Müller WZKM. 11. 115, Baunack Stud. I 308, West SBE.
XXXVII. 5,175, BartholomaeAF. 3.47,Wb. 702, ZumAirWb.l27seq., Ludwig
SBöhmGW. 1897. XXVI, Geldner SPreussAW. 1904. 1081 seq., KZ. 27. 248.
The section here given contains three of the most sacred for-
mulas, § 19: The Ahuna Vairya (see note on Y. 9 . 1 4 ) , the Asam Vohü
(see note on Yt. 10. 33) and the Yenhe Hätqni (see note on Yt. 5. 10).
13 yaOa ahü (nom. sg. in.: on the form see Bartholomae GIrPh. I. § 411)
vairyö add ratus asdtcit ha6a 'as the best supreme lord, eo the best judge
is he (ZaraOustra) according to the holy law': as 'supreme lord' Zara6ustm
lakes care, that none of the good deeds of the faithful one get lost, but be
recorded and kept in Ah. M.'s house (Y. 28.11, 49.10), as 'judge' at the re-
surrection he ascertains the final powerlessness of the Drugr-world and the
final authority of Ah. Μ. (Y. 33.1, 31.2). — vanhSus dazdd mananhö .iyaoOa-
naiiqrn anhDux mazdäi xsadramcä ahuräi d "he, who brings the life's actions
of the good mind to M. and (thus) the supreme authority to Ah.'. — yim
drdgubyö dadat västänm "he, whom they have appointed as herdsman for
the poor': cp. Y. 53. 9. — 14 akam vohü vahistdm asti 'Asa is the best good':
Asa here means 'the best doing' as well as 'the best reward'; therefore the
text is worded as follows: ιtstd (adv.) asti ustu ahmdi liyai asfii vahistäi
174 Notes to Τ. XXVII and XIX.

a&m 'according to (our) desire it will, according to (our) desire it will fall
to our share, the ASa (the best reward) for the best ASa (the best doing)'.
This formula is of course an intended play with the meanings of ASa. —
16 See note on Yt. 5. 10.
Literature: Mills SBE. XXXI. 259 seq., Darmesteter Ζ A. I. 161 seq., Haug
Essays 3d ed. 185 seq., Geldner KZ. 27. 246 seq., Baunack Studien 1.303 seq.,
West SBE. XXXVII. 453 seq.
Y. 19 is a kind of theological commentary on the Ahuna Vairya-
prayer. As it is a commentary on a text, which had become already
obscure, it most be expected to be difficult to translate with certainty.
1 6it aval ναδδ äs, . . yat me frävaoiö para asmsm (with transition to
the d-declension: asan·, asman- m.) . . 'which was the word, that thou didst
declare me before (the creation of) the heaven . . ?*. — 3 baya aSSa äs ahunahe
vairyehe 'this was the piece Ahuna Vairya'·. ahunahe vairyehe is genitive of
specification § 500. — 6 ha ml baya ahunahe vairyehe .. anapyüxSa anapi-
Süta (loc. sg.) srävayamna satom paiti anyaisqm .. radwqm gä&anqm anap-
yüxianqm anapiSütanqm srävayamnanqm 'this piece Ah. V., when recited with-
out insertion and displacement of words, (is) equal to hundred of the other
θάόά'β of Ratav-force recited without insertion and displacement of words':
on paiti with accusative expressing 'equal with' see § 532; as Gä&ä's here
are understood all pieces of theAvesta, written in the Gä&x-dialect. — dasa
paiti anye ratavö 'equal with ten other (Gä&ä's having the force of) Ratav's. —
6 yasia mi . . bayqm ahunahe vairyehe marät (*mar-) frä vä marö (notn.
sg. m., part. pres. act.) dnnjayät (* drang·) frä vä dnnjayö srävayät frä vä
srävayö yaeäite,frriS&i£tarö p»r3tüm6i£ he urvänam vahi&tam ahüm fra-
pärayeni (*par-).. ä vahiStät atähao£ ä vahiStät aSät ä vahistaSibyö raocSbyö
'whoever shall recall (mentally) the piece Ah. V. or recalling shall mutter it
or muttering shall chant it or chanting prays to it, his soul will I carry even
three times over the bridge to Paradise, to the best life, to the best Asa, to
the best luminaries': there are three expressions used for the recital of the
sacred texts, viz. *mar- 'recite', %drang- "to recite in a law tone', and srävaya-
or frä + srävaya- 'to recite with a loud voice*. The first expression conveys
the most general meaning 'to repeat from memory"; *drang- means 'recite,
when learning by heart'; fräsrävaya- is the solemn recital. See Haug Essay's
3d ed. 143. — 7 yasia . . bayqm ahunahe vairyehe dnnjayö apa.raodayete
(3raod-) yat vä naemsm yat vä drisum . . pairi dim tanava (pres. subj. act.
1 sg.: tan-) azam . . urvämm haca vahistät anhaot 'and whoever muttering
the piece Ah. V. omits either a half or a third . . his soul will I separate from
Paradise*. — avavaitya (adv.) bqzasca fra&asca pairi.tanuya (pres. opt. mul.
1 sg.: tan-) ya&a im zd 'to such a distance in height and breadth I will se-
parate (his soul), as this earth (is)'. — 8 fraia aeta(, vaeö vaote (plusquam-
perf. mid. 1 sg.: 1vak-) ya£ ahumat ya£ ratumat 'and I spoke for myself this
saying containing the word ahü- and ratav-'. — para avaitihe ainö (asan-
m.) d&nhöit 'before the creation of that heaven*: 'that heaven* as contrasted
with 'this earth'. — para avaifihe hü (hvar- n.) ϋ-warstö (loc. sg.) kdhrpya
(loc.sg.) "before that sun was created unto her configuration': fori<hcarMay-
Notes to Υ. XIX. 175

(f.) with the locative cp. § 519. — 9 frä me spanyd (nom. eg.) mainivi (gen.
du.) ναυαέα tilspqm αέαοηό stlm Kaitlmia bavaintlmCa bu&yeintlm6a Syaodnö.-
täitya: '$y. a. m.' 'the holier of the two Spirits has produced the whole holy
creation, which exists or comes into existence or will come into existence,
by (speaking) the passage Syao&anqm, viz. &y. a. m.'·. Spantö MainyuS 'the
Holy Spirit' is meant, see note on Y. 9. 15. — 10 aitaffia aeiqm uxdanqm
(gen. pi. n.) uxdo-tomam yäiS (instr. instead of nom. pi. n., § 427) yava fraia
vaode .. mruye .. vaxSyeite 'and this is the most effective word of the words,
which have ever been spoken . . are spoken . . and shall be spoken': on
the neuter plural with the singular verb see § 619. — asti zi ana (instr. eg.)
avavat uxiata ya&a yat dit vispö anhuS . . äsaxiat (s-Aor. eubj. act. 3 eg.:
sak-) saäqs (part. pres. act. with 4 instead of äy, § 174. δ: lsak-) dadränö (^dar-)
ni pairi iri&yqstätat Karaite 'for with it (with this word) is such an effec-
tiveness (lit. is the word-effectiveness as something so great), that the whole
world, if it has learned it, retaining and keeping it in mind, would escape
from dying': the conditional sentence yat dim vispö anhui . . äsaxiat saxqs
dadränö depends upon the consecutive sentence ya&a .. nl pairi iri&yqstätat
Karaite, which forms its apodosis. — 11 aet&ita ηδ ναόό frävao6e six&a&rnfia
hiSmäirimöa yaöana kahmäiÜt Kätqm 'and this our saying has been pro-
claimed (for to be) learned and thought over by every one of the beings':
kahmäifit is dative of the agent with the passive participle § 461. — 12 'yada
frä ida ämraot, yat dim ahüm&a ratüm6a ädadat 'yada proclaims, that they
have made him AKü and Ratav'·. ämraot is universal injunctive § 660. Ac-
cording to Y. 27.13 ZaradvMra is he, who has been made AKü and Ratav, but
the commentator seems to be of opinion, that it is AKurα MazdäK; he conti-
nues to explain: ida (instead of a&a) dim para.Hnasti (}kae£·) aKursm mazdqm
manas.-paoiryaSibyö dämabyö 'a&a 'thus* refers to AK. M. (as AKü and Ratav)
for the creatures with the first thinking (?)': obscure; according to thePahlavi-
translation these creatures are Gayömart (aw. gayeKe mantan, cp. Yt. 13. 87
yö paoiryö ahuräi mazdäi manas6a guita säsndsda) and the first creatures
of the good creation, see Bartholomae Wb. 1126 and Darmesteter ZA. I. 167,
170. — 'ya&a' im vtspanqm maziitam 6inasti 'ada' aKmäi dämqm iinasti
'yaöa teaches, that he {Ah. M.) is the greatest of all, ada, that the beings
are for him'. — 13 ya&a mazdä hujitli (nom. sg.) 'vanhius ida dritim tkaesam
ädranjayeiti (} dräng-) 'that good conduct of life (comes) from M., thus
'vanhius determines the third proposition': obscure. — 'dazda mananhö'
para im ida mananhe cinasti ya&a fradaxstänm mananhe 'dazda mananhö
is to be understood thus, that he is there for the thinking, viz. as teacher
for the thinking". — 'manarahö' aetavaitya im. kärayeiti ( s fcar); 'iyao&ananqm'
ida ahüm kärayeiti 'mananhö·. with that (word) he points towards him;
syaothnanqm points towards (him as the) AKü'. — 14 yat dim dämabyö ci-
nasti 'mazda' ϊΰα t»m yat ahmäi dämqn: obscure. — 'xiafrram ahuräi' cinasti
tat mazda tava x&afrrdm: 'xsafrram ahuräi refers to t. m. t. xs. (Y. 53. 9)\ —
'dragubyö vastdram' iinasti yaOa urvafom spitamdi: obscure, cp. West SBE.
XXXVII. 458 (Pähl. Yasn. 19. 35, 36). — pania tkaisa (the Ah. V. contains
therefore) 'five propositions'. — vlspam υαέδ fraväkam, Kaurum υαδδ ahurahe
mazdä 'the whole saying is a manifestation, the whole saying (a mani-
festation) of Ah. M.'. — 15 vaKiStö ahurö mazdä ahunam vairlm främraot,
176 Notes to Υ. X I X and X I I .

hämo vahistö kärayat (}kar-). hi&wat (adv.) akö abava£ antaraca drvantam
ämrüta (impf. mid. 3 sg.) aya antan.uxti (instr. sg.) 'the best A. M. pro-
claimed the Ah. V., the same impressed it on ('his* or'our'?) memory. The Evil
(therefore) was seized with anxiety (and) broke with the Dr. with the follo-
wing interdict': this interdict is a quotation from Y. 45.2 ('Neither our thoughts,
nor our doctrines, nor our purposes, nor our convictions, nor our words, nor
our works, nor our personalities, nor our souls are in union one with the
other'.) — 16 käii (instr. pi. instead of nom. pi. n., § 427) he afsmqn (nom.
pi. n.) 'which are (its) verses?" — humatvm hüoctom hvarStam: cp. 19. —
17 Here four classes are distinguished: the priest, the warrior, the peasant
and the artisan; but generally only three classes are mentioned, the peasant-
class and the artisan-class being treated as a whole. See Bartholomae Wb.
908. — vlspaya irina haiimna noire asaone (dat. sg.) arS.mananha (instr.
sg.) ars.vatamha ari.&yao&na . . '(?) . . with the faithful, whose thinking,
speaking and doing is right . .': the grammar is corrupt; the cases do not
agree. — 18 kaya ratavö? nmänyö vfisyö zantumö daliyumö zara&uströ
puxdö, ärahqm dahyunqm yd anyä rajöit (rayay- f.) zara&uStröit; 6afh-u.ratu§
raya zaradu&trii. kaya airbhä ratavö f nmänyasca msyasia zantumasia zara-
Shiitrö tüiryö "which are the Ratav's? Those of the house, of the village, of
the country, of the land (and) ZaradvMra as the fifth in those countries,
which are distinct from the Zarafruätri&n Rayay. The Zara&ustn&u Rayay
lias four Ratav'e. Which are its Ratals? Those of the house, of the village,
of the country, (and) Zara&ustra as the fourth': rajöit is ablativus compa-
rationis § 481; on the declension of rayay- see Bartholomae Wb. 1497. —
This passage evidently signifies, that the Dahyuma, as governor, is every-
where the supreme head, but there is acknowledged one who stands above
him as representative of the church, as well as state, the chief pontiff Zara-
{hittra or 'the supreme Zara&uitra', 'ZaraduStro.tdma', as he is elsewhere
termed (e. g. Y. 26.1, Yt. 10. 115 etc.). In the Papal See of Rayay, however,
the temporal power (Dahyuma) and the spiritual lordship (Zarafruätra) are
united in the one person. The Fahlavi Version (ad. loc.) speaks of Rayay in
connection with Zara&uStra as being his native place, see Jackson Zoroaster
202 seq., Marquart Eransahr 122, Bartholomae Wb. 1497. — The following
passage is obscure, cp. West SBE. X X X V I I . 460 (Pähl. Y. 19. 5 3 - 55). —
20 mazdä främraot• cirn främraoi ? aiavanvm mainyaomia gaedimca. 6vqs
främraoi fraväkdm? vähistö xSayamnö. ivantamf aiavanam .. 'M. spoke. —
T o whom did he speak? — T o the spiritual and material righteous one. —
What kind of person is he, who pronounced the manifestation? — The best
ruler. — What kind of person is he, to whom (he pronounced the manifesta-
tion)? — To the . . righteous one (he pronounced the manifestation)'.

Literature: Mills SBE. XXXΓ. 247 seq., Darmesteter ZA. I. 116 seq., Geldner
Studien I. 132 seq., Geldner Bertholet's RelGesch. Lesebuch 335 seq.
T h e Mazdayasnian Confession.
This piece in the Gdtfic-dialect has claims to higher antiquity
next after the Yasna HaptanMtay. See Mills S B E . X X X I . 247.
Notes to Υ. XII and LIV. 177

1 näisml (naed-) daevö (acc. pi. with transition to the consonant de-
clension) Ί curse the Daiva's". — fravaräni (*var-) mazdayasnö Ί confess
as a Mazdayasni&n': cp. Vr. 5. 3. — ahuräi mazdäi . . vlspä vohü iinahml
(%kaSä-) 'to Ah. Μ. I attribute all good things'. — yä ζϊ δϊόά vahiitä "the very
best things": cp. Y. 47. 5. — yeidhe gäuS, yerihe aSam, yerihi ταοέά, yetihi
raoidblS röi{hv»n (inf., § 373) X°ä-drä 'whose (is) the Ox, whose (is) the Αία,
whose (are) the lights, with whose lights the rooms shall be filled': cp. Y. 31.7.
— 2 spsntqm ärmaitim. . vardne (?var-) hä möi astü 'the Sp. im. I choose,
mine may she be!' — us g§u& stuye täyäatfä hazanhatfiä us mazdayasnanqm
visqm zyänayaeiä (dat. instead of abl.) titväpa£6ä Ί loudly deprecate (all)
robbery and violence against the Ox, (all) damage and wasting of the Mazda-
yasni&n villages". — 3 farä mainyaeibyö ränhe. (1 s-aor. subj. mid. l s g . : rä-)
vass.yäitlm vasS.&itim, yäiS (instr. as subject) . . gaobli Syeinti (Say-) 'to
(those) landlords I grant wandering at will and lodging at will, who hold
by the Ox'. — namarihä (instr.) αέάί uzdätä (seil, zaofrrä?) paiti avat stuyi:
'with reference to Αία, with (offerings) lifted up I promise solemnly": on
namah- with the dative, see § 467; (ue+) da- is the usual term for the bringing
of the offerings to the appointed place, see Bartholomae Wb. 719. — nöit
ahmät ä zyänlm nöit vlväpdm xStä (pres. subj. act. 1 sg.: stä-) mäzdayasnlf
aoi visö nöit ostö nöit uitänahS 6inmän\ 'Never from now I shall practise
damage or wasting towards the Mazdayasni&n villages', nor (I shall realise)
the design upon body and life*. — 5—6 adä aöä 6öit ahurö mazdä zara&uMnm
aiaxiayaitä (aor. mid. 3 sg., § 638: daxS·).. vispaiiü hanjamanaiiü yäii apara-
saetam (impf. mid. 3 d.: fras-) mazd&siä zara&uStrasiä a&ä αι?α 6öit zara-
öuStrö daiväii sanm vyämrvitä (pret. mid. 3 sg.: mrav-) . . αΰά αζ5τηέϊ£ yö
mazdayasnö daiväii sanm vlmruyi 'so, so, as Ah. M. has teached Zara-
duStra in all the consultations, in which they two conversed together, so, so,
as Zaraduitra has abjured the communication with the Dalva's, so I myself
abjure the communication with the Daeva'e'. — 7 yävaranä äpö . ., tä van·
ηάέά {kaeiäiä mazdayasnö ahmi 'to what religion the waters belong, accor-
ding to that religion I am a Mazdayasni&n': instead of yävaranä äpö one
expects yävaranä äpö (noin. pi. f.).

Literature: Bartholomae ZDMG.35.158, Geldner S t u d . 3 3 , Mills SBE.XXXI.
293, Darmesteter ZA. I. 349 seq.
Y. 54 contains the Ä.Airyvmd.Byö-prayer, which belongs to the
va6a öaürusämrüta (VJ0.11) and ranks with the Ahuna Vairy a and Asam
Vohü (Υ 27. 13. 14) in importance. This prayer is addressed to Air-
yaman, the old Aryan god of tribalism (see introduction to the MihrYait).
1 ä äirySmä . . rafadräi (inf., § 371) jantü (gam-) nanbyasiä näiri-
byasöä . . vanhiui rafd&räi mananhö 'Airy. . . shall come for to grant pro-
tection to the men and to the women . . for to grant protection to the good
mind". — yä dainä vairlm hanät (han·) aiahyä yäsä (yäs-) aSlm 'what Daena
(Self, Personality) earns the precious reward, (for that Daena) I ask the prize
of righteousness': daenä- designates the sum of all psychical and religious
parts of man. See note on Y. 46. 11.
Aveata Reader. 12
178 Notes to the Η. Ν.

The HaJöxt Nask.

Manuscripts: ΜΗ 6, Cod. Zend. 51 in the Hof- und Staatsbibliothek at
Munich, written in A. D. 1397. Κ 20 in the university library at Kopen-
hagen, a contemporary of MH6. The close correspondence of both MSS.
renders it possible, that they were copied from the same original, in which
case Κ 20 must have been written several years earlier than ΜΠ6, see
West SBE. V. xxx.
E d i t i o n s : Westergaard Zendavesta. Yasht Fragment XXI, XXII. 1—38. Hos-
hangj-i and Haug The book of Arda Viraf. Appendix II. (269 seq.)
L i t e r a t u r e : Hoshangji and Haug The book of Arda Viraf. (Appendix II.)
303 seq., Haug Essays 3d ed. 217 seq., Darmesteter SBE. XXHI. 311 seq.,
West SBE. XXXVII. 166, GIrPh. II. 88, Hübschmann Jahrb. f. prot. Theol.
5, 212 seq., Geldner Bertholet's RelGesch. Leseb. 352 seq.
The Haböxt Nash is a mere fragment, consisting of three not
consecutive sections, which were probably in the original Nask, de-
scribed in Denkart V I I I , XLV. I. The first section on the value of
reciting the ASdm FoÄü-formula may possibly be the first section of
the Nask. But the contents of the second and third section on the
fate of the soul after death do not agree with the description of the
The name Haböxt occurs in the Avesta (Vr. 1. 8, 2. 10) in the
form hadaoxta- 'together with that which is spoken' as the name of
certain Avestan texts collected in the twentieth or Hadoxt Nask.
Y t . X X I , X X I I as given by Westergaard (see above), the little SrOS
Ya£t (Yt. X I ) and th6 Afrinakdn i Gäsäribär (A. 3) are traditionally
supposed to belong to this Nask, cp. Geldner GIrPh. I I . 20.
The present section describes the fate of the soul of the pious
after death.
2 nishiiaiti: see Gl. under (nl +) 1had-. — uStä (adv.) ahmäi yahmäi
ustä (part. perf. pass.; acc. pi. n.; vas·) kahmäiclf· vasS xSayqs mazdä däyä£
ahurö 'Hail unto everyone, to whom Ah. M., the ruler by his own will, should
grant what he desires': an abrigded quotation from Y.43. 1, where the first
uitä is adverb and the dative ahmäi depends upon vasdmi; here the first
uMä is badly understood as substantive (nom. sg.) as in phrases like u§ta te
Y. 9.25. — upa .. avavat iätöiS urva isaiti (laes·) yada vispam imat yat juyo
(see Gl. under jlvya-) anhus 'the soul perceives as much of pleasure as all that
(is) which mankind (perceives) alive'. — 7 ürityä χέαρδ frraoSta (loc. sg.)
vyusa sadayeiti (sand-) 'at the end of the third night one sees the dawn
flash up*, lit. "illucescere videtur'. — yö . . urva urvarähuca paiti baoiiUia
vididänmnö f*dar-) sadayeiti 'the soul appears (standing) on meadow-land
and receiving sweet scents': on the construction of sand- with a part, see
§ 672. — a dim vät δ upa.vävö (part. pres. act.; nom. sg. τη.: ivä-) sadayeiti..
Notes to the Η. Ν. 179

hubaoiiiS hubaoiditarö anyaSibyö vätaeibyo 'to him there seems a wind blo-
wing . . well-ecented, more well-scented than other winds': anyaeibyö νά-
talibyö is ablativus comparationis § 481. — 8' äat tvm vätzm n&nhaya uz-
gnmbayö (part. pres. act.; nom.sg. m.: grab·) saSayeiti yö . . urva 'then the
soul believes to perceive the wind with the nose'. — kudaäaim: one expects
kudai aim. — vätö . . yim yava vätern n&nhäbya (abl. da., § 422) hubaoidi-
tsmam jigaurva (grab-, § 642) 'the wind .., the most well-scented wind which
1 have ever perceived with the nose': incorporation of the relative § 738. —
9 atihä dim vätayä frbnnta (loc. eg.) saiayeiti yä hava daina 'when this
wind blows upon it (the soul), his own self appears to him': upon frirvntay·
depends him (as terminal accusative) see § 442; on da&tä- see note on Y.46.11.
— pania.dasayA raoiaiSva: see note on T. 9. 6. — kdhrpa avavatö sraya
(sräy- f.) ya&a dämqn sraeitäii (instr. instead of acc., § 427) 'with a body of
the beauty of such one as the most beautiful creatures (are)': kahrpa and
eraya are instrumentale of manner §447. — 10 pstvtö (part. pres. a c t ; nom.
sg. m.: fras-). — 11 yum: voc. eg. § 319; see Gl. under yvan·. — azvm ti ..
ahmt . . yä hava daina xPaipai&e.tanvö (gen. sg.) Ί am . . the own self of
thy own person*. — δϋδa dwqm 6alcana t}kan-) ava maeanaia . . 'everyone
has loved thee for that (thy) greatness and . . ' : on ava- referring to the second
person see § 682. — 12 ,tum mqm iakana 'thou hast loved me': cakana is
transferred from 11; one expects the second person. — 13 yai tum ainim
ava&nöiS (aor. act. 2 eg., § 638: vaen-) saotayaia ksnnavantam pkar-) .., äat
tum niihiiöii (aor. act. 2 gg., § 638: 1had·) gä&&s6a srävayö . . 'when thou
sawest another performing . . ? . . and . ., then thou commencedst chanting
the Gäöä'B.taoiaya-, baosav·, varax»Sra- are names of sinful actions, the
meaning of which is not clear, cp. Haug The book of Arda Viraf 312 eeq.
and Bartholomae Wb. under the single words. — varoiintem is miswritten
for mnztntdm (nam-). — kuxinvqnd: see Gl. under 1xSnav-. — 14 äaf, mqm
fridqm haitlm (part. pres. act.; acc. sg. f.: lah-) .. frataire g&tvö änhanqm
(part. pres. mid.; acc. sg. f.: läh-) fratarö.taire g&tvö niiädayöiS (aor. act.
2 sg., § 638: 1had-) 'then thou madest me, being beloved, . . me, when· I sat
on an immensely good chair, sitting on α still better chair*. — aita humata
(instr. sg.) . . äat mqm narö paskät yazsnte ahunm mazdqm danyö.yastsmia
hqm.paritdmia 'for this (thy) good thinking . . then men afterwards worship
me, if they permanently worship and consult the Ah. M.': darayö.yaUamia
hqm.parStdmca abridged for danyö.yaitdmia darayö.hqm.par&temia, (absolu-
tives [or gerunds], upon which depends the acc. ahurdm mazdqm § 682), cp.
pataydn mandaydtsakham RV. 1. 4. 7, where pataydt represents pataydt-
sakham (Whitney Grammar* § 1309b), and Bartholomae IF. 11. 112 seq. —
15 frabarat pbar-), nida&ät (}da-): universal injunctives § 660. — humata-
is here the name of the first of the three forecourts of the paradise, hüxta-
the name of the second, hvarSta- the name of the third; the paradise itself
is called anayra raoöä (}rao6ah-) 'the endless lights', see note on Yt. 19.17.
— 16 ä dim aoxta psrasö (see note on 10) pourvö aJava para.iriOyö (part,
pres. act.; nom. sg. m.: rat&-): ka&a asäum para.iridyö (impf. act. 2 sg.: raeil·-)
'to him spoke a pious one, who had previously died, asking: How, Ο pious
one, didst thou die?': on paurva- with the present instead of the past, see
§ 629; cp. sd hägnir uväcätha ydn mam purd prathamdrp. ydjatha kvdhdm
180 Notes to the Η. N. and N.

bhav&niti 'Agni then said: But whereas hitherto you used to offer prayer
to ine in the first place, what is now to become of me?', SB. 1. 6. 1. 6 and ol
Kuptiot πρόσθίν σύν ήμίν ταττόμίνοι νΟν άφεστήκασιν 'the troops of Cyrus, who
were formerly marshalled with us, have now deserted us' Xen. An. 3.2.17. —
ka&a te darayam uste (adv. as neutr. subst.) abava£ 'how was it, that the
long hail felt to thy share ?\ — 17 mä dim para sö (impf, a c t 2 sg.: freu-)
yim parasahi yim xrvantam . . pantqm aiivitam 'ask not him, whom thou
askest, him who has gone along the frightful path': aiwitam is acc. sg. m. of
the perfect, part, passive of {aiwi-{-)1ay- used actively §670; cp. sürya üdite
'when the sun has risen' RV. 6. 64.10 and quid causae excogitari potest, cur
te lautum voluerit, cenatum noluerit ocddere? Cicero, Dei., 7, 20. — xrvan-
tam pantqm . . ya£ astasia baodanhasia vi.urviitlm 'the frightful path, the
separation of body and soul': on yat (acc. sg. n. from ya-) connecting a no-
minal completion or explanation to a preceding noun see § 749. — 18 x»ar9-
öanqm he baratqm (imp. mid. 3 sg.) zarmayehe raoynahe 'as food shall be
brought to him spring-butter': xParadanqm and raoynahe are partitive geni-
tives used as predicative and subject. T h e spring-butter is the heavenly
food, cp. Bartholomae W b . 144.

The Nirangastän.
M a n u s c r i p t s : H, belonging to Dr. Hoshangji Jamaspji of Poona, copied in
India, in the year 1727, from a manuscript which was brought from
Iran in 1720 and seems to have been written in 1471. T, belonging· to
Tahmurae D. Anklesaria, was written in Iran. It is without a colophon,
as the last 16 folios of the text were lost. This copy supplies the con-
tents of three folios and several other short passages omitted in Π. And
so far as it goes, it is more correct than H, though both MSS. mutually
correct each other.
E d i t i o n s : Darmesteter ZA. I I I . 78 seq., SBE. IV. 2nd e d. 300 seq., Darab
Dastur Peshotan Sanjana, Nirangistan, a photozincographed facsimile,
Bombay 1894.
L i t e r a t u r e : Darmesteter ZA. I I I . C I I I eeq., 78 seq., SBE. IV. 2n<i ed. 300seq.,
West GIrPh. II. 85 seq.
The last seven-eights of the Nirangastän (§§ 19—109) correspond exactly
with the account of the first half of the Nirangastän section of the seven-
teenth Nask, given in Denkart VIII. χχιχ. ι—17; and the previous part of
the Nirangastän (§§ 1—18) corresponds with the description of some portions
of the previous Ehrpatastän section of the same Nask. As this correspon-
dence is quite close, it may be considered certain, that the Nirangastän con-
sists of two fragments of that Nask, nearly as it existed in Sasanian times.

The Nirangastän has been long known under that title, but
onght to be called *Ehrpatastän (Sacerdotal Code) and Nirangastän
(Ritual Code)' the former dealing chiefly with clerical organisation,
and the latter with a portion of the ritual. The technical character
Notes to the Ν. 181

of the matter treated of and the corrupt state of the texts cause ns
ordinary difficulties for the interpretation. But Professor Bartholomae
has surmounted them as far as it is possible through his philological
ingenuity and with the help of the Pahlavi-version, so that his trans-
lation in the AirWb. gives a correct general idea of the whole. This
translation is taken as basis of the notes below.
A summary of the matter treated of, with references to the ana-
lysis in the Denkart, is given by Darmesteter SBE. IV. 2 nd ed. 300 seq.
The present extracts deal with the Zaotar and the Ratav's
(§§ 19—27) and with their functions at the sacrifice (§§ 72—84). The
Zaotar is the chief priest entrusted principally with the recitation of
the Gada's, he conducts the religious ceremonies usually with seven
subordinate priests, the Ratav'e, but also alone if necessary, see note
on N. 81. The names of the seven Ratav's are: Hdvanan, he stamps
the Haoma and throws the pestle into gear; ÄtrdvaxS, he pokes the
fire; Frab&r9tar, he brings to the Zaotar the Barasman-stems and
to the fire the firewood; Äbaratar, he brings the water; Ämatar, he
washes and strains the Haoma\ Ra^&wiSTcara, he mixes the Haoma
with the milk; Sraoiävar»z, he superintends the sacrifice, cp. Vr. 3.1;
V. 5. 57; N. 72 seq. In the later sacrifice one priest, the Ra&wik,
steps into the place of the seven Ratav'e.
19 dahma·: the designation of a real member of the Zoroastrian com-
munity; the male faithful becomes it at the day of the investiture with the
sacred thread, see note on Y. 9. 26. — ratui (see GI. under ratav·) fritöiS
'the prayer-time'. — vlsaiti (vals-) dim frayrärayö (inf.) nöit frayräyr&ytiti
(lgar-) 'he undertakes to rouse him, (but) makes him not awake': see § 695. —
αίέδ ratufriä yö Jayära '(then) this is r., who has been awake': on the per-
fect used of a past action that is dated see $ 642. — 20 ivaiti (loc. sg.) narqm
.. zaota . . ahunam vairim frasraoiyehe 'for how many persons may the Z.
recite the Ah.-V.?'; lit. 'for how many persons (may be) the Z. in reciting
the.4A.-F. or when he recites the Ah.· F.*: cvaiti is dative-like locative § 515,
cp. the following dative vlspaeibyö aeibyö; frasraoäyehe is genitive instead
of locative § 426. — . . yöi Μ maädmya υαέα frasrävayamnahe vä upa.srun-
vanti yat vä yasnsm yazamnahe . (for all), that can hear him reciting in a
half-loud voice or offering up the Yasna': on (upa+) srav- with the gen. see
§ 488. — 21 surunaoiti (srav-) zaota upa.sraotaranqm (gen. pi., them.?) nöit
upa.sraotärö (nom. pi.) zaotarö (gen. sg.) 'the Z. listens to the U., not the U.
to the Z.\ — zaota ratufriä aetavatö (gen. sg.) upa.sraotärö yavat framannti
'(then) the Z. is r., (but) the S. (only) by as much as they recite (themselves)':
by what or for what one is or becomes r., stands in the gen. — nöit zaota
upa.sraotaranqm 'the Z. (does) not (listen) to the U.·, (then) . .*: the verb
(surunaoiti) is omitted. — 22 iraofrra (instr. sg.) nä (nar·) gädänqm ratufrii
paiti.astica (instr. sg.) yasnahe . . 'by reciting the Ga&ä'a one (becomes) r.
182 Notes to the N.

and by silent participation in the prayer of the Yasna . o n nd expressing

one" see § 716. — ahe zl nd sravanhö aframannti (instr. sg.) ästryeite yada
gädanqm6it 'for by non-recitation of this verse one sins even as (by non-
recitation) of the Gddä's'. — gädä srävayö (part, pres.; nom. eg. m.) yasnam
yazsntdm paitiitäiti (pres. subj. 3 eg.; stä-), vlspanqm ratufrii; yasnam ya-
zditi gädanqm srävayamnanqm paitiiti (instr. sg.) yasnahe aevahe ratufrii
aratufrii gädanqm '(who) reciting the G. stands by the side of him, who
offers up the Tasna, is r. for all; (who) offers up the Yasna, standing by the
side, where the Gädä'β are recited, is for the Yasna alone r., not for the
Gä&ä'a r.': the members of the conditional sentence are here put side by
side without a conditional sign § 725; on paitiiti beside paiti.asti see Gl.
under paiti.astay. — 23 yä gädä . . srdvayatö uνα ratufrii (instead of nom.
du.) 'if the two (the Zaotar and the Batav) recite the Gä&z's, both (are) r'·.
the protasis expressed by a relative § 746. 2. — framarvnti 3 pi. instead of
du., cp. the following yazanti. — 24 kat hqm.srüt-väiimia 'what (is) reciting
by listening?". — ya£ hakat ämrutö (pres. act. 3 du.; ä + mrav-) .. avi anyö
surunvainti (3 pi. instead of sg.) nöit ainyö aSiö ratufrii yö nöit aiwi.srun-
vaiti (them.) 'if the two recite together . . (and if) the one listen, the other
listen not, this, who does not listen, is r.·. hqm.srüt-väiaya- therefere is the
reciting of two persons who pray the Yasna assisting one another's memory
in speaking. — 25 yö gädanqm (part. gen. as object § 497) anumaiti (instr.
sg.) vä anumainyete ainyehe vd srävayantö paitiitanti (pres. act. 3 pi. in-
stead of sg., paiti + stä·) anyö vä hS dahmö srutä gädä dadäiti ratufrii
asrutd dadäiti {aratufriS) 'if one repeats the Gä&ä'a in mind (i. e. inaudibly)
or stands by the side of one, who recites them, or (if) an other D. recites
(lit. makes) the Gddd's audible for him, he is r.; (if this) recites (them) in-
audible, he is ar.'i paiti+std- 'to stand by side of is here construed with
the gen., cp. above yazantam paitiitäiti; at the end of the passage aratufrii
is to be restored. — 26 yö gädä srävayeiti apö vä paitii.x«aine raoSanhö
vd kansqm vä gaöö.tinqm gä&anqm vä väsyantanqm yezi hvaiibya usibya
aiwi.srunvaiti (them.) ratufrii 'who recites the Gd&ä's whilst the noise of the
water or of a river or of highwaymen or of bandits or o f . . ? .. rises against
it, (is), if he hears (himself) with his own ears, r.': paitii.X»aine is locative
of time § 514. — yezi dat (see Gl.) nöit .. aiwi.surunvaiti (them.) apayät (ap-)
'but if he cannot hear (himself), he shall come up (to the noise with his
voice)'. — yezi apöii äa£ nöit apöii aetada madmya ναόα framarvmnö ratufrii
'if he (is) coming up, (he is r.); (if) he is not coming up, then he is r., if
reciting in a half-loud voice': apöii is nom. sg. of apayav·, on the writing
see $ 33. 8. — 27 ivata nd nitsma ναόα gä&ä srävayö ratufrii 'in what a
loud voice at least (shall) one (be) reciting the Gd&d's, (in order to be) r.?'
— yat hi nazdiitö dahmö vl.srunvaiti yavat vd (= yat vä) aim aem havaeibya
uSibya 'so that the nearest Z>. or anybody else can hear him': consecutive sen-
tence . § 758. 72 öii zaotari (gen. sg.) kairlm (kairya- n.) anhat myazdöii
ayqn 'what is the function of the Z. on the day of the My'. — . . ναδΐηιδα
anhe astvaite paiti.ddaydt: add ratui 'and he shall give response to the com-
munity: add ratui (etc.)': anhe is written instead of anhve (§ 100. 4), see Gl.
under anhav-; with add ratui the prayer Y..27. 13 (Ahuna-Vairya) from the
second paragraph is cited. — äat hävanänö yat haomdmca ahunavat araha-
Notes to the N. 183

vanamia vvmanät '(the function) of the H. (is), that he stamps the Haoma and
throws the pestle into gear': ahunavat is pres. subj. act. 3 eg. of ä + 1havt
vlmanät the same form of vl+mant- see § 41. 2. — 74 frabsntarS .. yat ..
bansmqnia frafom äfrra&a yasnö.kanta&ibyö paiti.barät '(the function) of
the Fr. (is), that (he brings) the B.-stems and that he brings (fire-wood) to the
fire at every Yeidhl-hätam-prayer": yasnoJcanta 'the ceremonious mentioning
of the word Yasna', in the recitation of the YA.-prayer, which contains the
word yesne. — 76 raSöwiikarahe yat haomsmia gava (iustr. sg.) ra&hoayät
baxäayäatöa '(the function) of the R. (is), that he mixes the Haoma with the
milk and divides (the mixture)': the place of the first-Ja is remarkable; one
expects haomam gava raßfrwayäatfia baxSayäaffia. — 78 zaotarä däityö.götuS
maSamya nmänahe mai&mat arä&raot apa.sritö stnuiuxtiS 'the right place
of the Ζ. (is) in the middle of the house, directed against the middle of the
tool-table . . ? . . ' : on apa+sray· with the ablative see § 474; on stnuiuxtii
see Bartholomae Wb. 1609. — 79 hävanänö däityö.gdtui daiinam upa sraxtlm
'the right place of the H. (is) on the right side': i. e. on the right side of
the sacrificial place from the view of the Zaotar. — haoyät hs naimät äsna-
tarS 'on his (the Hävanan's) left-hand side (is the place of) the Ä.'. — anaiwi -
aratvö.gätu (nom. du. m.) aeta äbarata sraoSavaraza vliarayatam (skar-) 'with-
out a fixed place are the both: the Ab. and the Sr.·, they walk to and fro*.
— 80 yeziia aite ratavö anahaxta (nom. pi. m.) para.iyayanti (lay-), zaota
vlspe.ratu.frwäiS ralüwayeiti 'and if the R., (because) not qualified, go away,
the Z. shall concern himself with the functions of all the R.'. — aiva&a
äsnä&rat hävanäne rai&wayeiti: unclear. — ra&cSaiti·. β-Aor. subj. act. 3 eg.
of raek-. — 81 yat aevö zaota fräyazäiti . . zaotari gätava (loc. sg.) 'if the
Z. sacrifice alone .., (he shall post) at the place of the Z.'. — aitada myazde
(acc. pi.; pronominally declined) aiwi.vae&ayeiti ra&waeia myazdaeia ra&waiia
"(here) he shall assign the My. to the . . ? . . * . — syao&nö.täitya (loc. sg.) hä-
vanaSibya paiti.janhöit (β-Aor. opt. 3 sg. them., gam-) hävanänö gätüm 'at
the word Syao&ananqm he shall go to the mortar into the place of the H.'·.
see note on Y. 19. 9. — 82 yasöa aitalSqm ra&wam paoiryö paiti ä.jasät
hävanändm aetsm ästayeia .. 'and him who is in his place first of these R.,
he (the Zaotar) installs as Π. ..'. — 83 adät anyaeäqm ra&wqm (seil, väiim)
paiti.adayöit 'then he (the Zaotar) shall give response to (the song of) the R.
on the other side". The whole remaining part of this paragraph is unclear.
— 84 ävöya vananti . . yo fraurvaixti (instr. sg.) havahe (seil, urunö; see
below) vanaiti 'woe to the conqueror, if he conquers with destruction of his
soul". — druzanti, druzaitei see Gl. under draog-. — ävöya dä&nm da&äiti ..
yerihe dä&rahe däiti (instr. sg.) nöit havö urva väuräza 'woe (to him, who)
bestows alms, if his soul does not rejoice in bestowing alms': väuräza is perf.
act. 3 sg. of urväz- see §§ 238,640. — dä&re (loc. sg.) zl paiti nivAitii (nom. sg.)
vlspahe aishSuS astvatö humataeSuca . . 'for in the (bestowing) alms lies for
the whole world the decision for good thoughts and . i . e. from the manner,
how one bestows alms, one can recognise, if his thinking and . . is good, see
Bartholomae Wb. 733. — aesa zaodranqm mazi&taia . . yd naire a&aone daste
(pass., da-) aivcica haite (part pres. act., dat. sg.; lah·) 6aäänäi6a (kai-)paitiia
pvrasmanäi xratüm aSavansm 'this is the greatest of (all) libations, which is
granted to the faithful, who studies, teaches and fathoms the holy wisdom*.
184 Notes to Υ- XXIX.

The strophe (av. vaiastastay-, mp. vaitast) of the Ahunavait%-Gä&ä
(Y. 28—34), including the Ahuna Vairya, consists of 3 lines (av. afsmart-, mp.
gäs) of 7+9 (or 8) syllables. The caesura occurs at the end of the 7 t h syllable,
l i s * β β 7 I S 3 4 5 β 7 89
Υ. 29.2a: adä taiä g§uä pansaf, | afom ka&ä töi gavöi ratui.
The strophe of the Uätavaiti-Gä&ä (Y. 43—46) consists of 5 lines of
4+7 syllables. The caesura occurs at the end of the 4th syllable.
IS 3 4 1 8 8 4567
Y. 43. 5a: spantam at &wä | mazdä m$nghi ahurä.
The strophe of the Spantä Mainyü-Gä&ä (Υ. 47—50) consists of 4 lines
each of 4 + 7 syllables, and thus corresponds to the Vedic Tri§tubh. In indi-
vidual cases the Jagatl measure, 5 + 7 syllables, takes its place, especially in
Y. 48. 5 and 6. The caesura occurs at the end of the 4th ( 0 r 5 th ) syllable.
1334 I S 3 4 56 7
Y. 48.10 b: kadä afin | mü&nm ahyä madahyä.
12 346 1 8 3 4 5 6 7
6c: at afiyäi aSä \ mazdä urvarä vaxsat·
The strophe of the Vohu.xSa&rd-GäM (Y. 51) consists of 3 lines each
of 7+7 syllables. This caesura occurs at the end of the 7 t h syllable.
1 S3 4567 1 S 3 4 567
Y. 61. l b : vldlidmnäi liäclt I αέά antan.6araiti.
The strophe of the Vahiitöitay Gä&ä (Y. 53) consists of two shorter
and two longer lines, the former of 7 + 5 syllables with one caesura, the latter
of 7 + 7 + 5 syllables with double caesura.
1 8 34 5 67 183 45
Y. 53. la: vahistä IstiS srävI | zara&nMrahe.
1 8 3 46 67 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 3 45
1 d: yaS6ä höi dabsn sa§k»n\6a dainayä vanhuyä | uxSä Syao&anäiä.
Cp. Bartholomae ArF. II. 1 seq., III. 11 seq., Geldner GIrPh. II. 26 seq.

Literature: Roth ZDMG. 25. 1 seq., Darmesteter ZA. I. 212 seq., Mills SBE.
XXXI. 3 seq., Justi Ir. Rel. (Preuss. Jahrb. 88 p. 78 seq.), Bartholomae ArF.
III., Die Gätha's 6 seq., Gätfä-Ubersetzung 6 seq.
This song is in the form of a dialogue spoken in heaven. The
deified soul of the Primeval Bull as the guardian of the ox com-
plains to the gods of the evil treatment, which his charge has to
undergo at the hands of mankind, and demands as a remedy the in-
troduction of the 'Husbandry' (1). A second godhead, the Creator of
the Bull, hearing the complaint asks Asa, if there is no judicial system
to which the ox could have recourse to obtain protection (2). To
this ASa makes no definite reply: it is impossible for mankind because
of its imperfect discernment to keep the ox from all harm. There-
upon the Creator of the Bull declares that he will himself stand by
Notes to Υ. XXIX. 185

the οχ (3), but Asa refers to Mazdah Ahura: with him as the all
knowing the decision rests (4). To him therefore the guardian of the
ox comes with his intercession (5). The answer is: judicial systems
were established only for mankind and not for the ox, who had
been given to the husbandman as his property, to supply him with
the nourishment of its flesh and milk. On the further demand, that,
as the ox could not have the protection of the law, it should at
least have some one to look after it (7), Vohu Manah declares: the
only man who knows the divine ordinances for the ox is Zara&uStra,
he is ready to proclaim these to mankind and for this purpose he
should be granted the gift of speech (8). The Soul of the Bull who
had looked for a warrior, who could defend the ox with the strength
of his arm complains at having to be content with the mere inter-
cession of a priest, and begs the gods to grant him at least so much
power as will enable him to procure the ox safety from the foreign
enemy and then it will be contented (10). Zara&uitra now begins to
speak: one must indeed depend on the Gods before anything else,
mankind however must do its best, to listen to the divine teaching
and take it to heart. Finally the Soul of the Bull declares in the
name of the ox, that, if Ahura will give help, it will be contented.
T h e i m p o r t a n t p o i n t in t h i s Ga&a ia t h e 8 t h s t r o p h e , in
w h i c h t h e God himself is m a d e to say, t h a t t h e P o e t h a s
t h e d i v i n e c o m m a n d to e n t e r n p o n t h e t a s k of l o o k i n g
a f t e r t h e ox.
The reformation which is connected with the name of ZarafruStra, is
not altogether religion, but at the same time economic, and its object is to
accustom the nomad tribes in Eastern Iran to a settled life and the pursuit
of agriculture and cattle breeding.
The ox was the most important of the possessions of these tribes; the
proper treatment of the ox is therefore the chief point of Zaraduitra'β
1 xSmaibyd giui urvä garvidä (imperf. mid. 3 sg., § 79: ganz·) 'the
Soul of the Bull complaining said to Yon (Ye Gods)': on g. xima- beside g. j.
yuSma- (personal pronoun of the second person plural) see §386; the 'Soul
of t h e Bull' is an Ahura (the deified soul of the Primeval Bull), the Guar-
dian of the Ox. Ahura is the name of the Gods of the world and re-
ligion, the true gods as opposed to the Daiva's (see note on Y. 9. 8, 15, in-
troduction to the Mihr Ya&t and §§ 21, 26). It is chiefly used as the de-
signation of the highest of them. — kahmäi mä öwarözdüm («-aor. mid. 2 pi.
§ 151: &wards-), ki mä taiat "for whom have Ye fashioned mc? who hath
created me?: kahmäi is dativus commodi § 460; remark the side by side of
the aorist and the imperfect of a perfective verb §§ 635, 630. — ä mä aiismö
.. ähisäyä (perf. act. 3 sg.: häy ) 'Madness oppresseth me': on the use of
186 Notes to Τ. X X I X .

the perfect see § 640. Aeima, a Daiva: lit. 'Madness* used particularly of
the orgiastrian frensy, under which the ox had to suffer. Cp. note on Yt. 10.
97. — nmö is an old gloss, supported both by the metre and construction
(without -6ä\). — nöi£ möi västä xSmat any δ Ί have no other herdsman
save T e (O Gods)!': möt is dativus commodi § 460 or genitivus possessions
§ 490, the copula is omitted; on any a- with ablativus comparationis see §481.
— ada möi sqstä (β-aor. act. 2 pi.: , «ar»rf·) vohü västryä 'render me therefore
the good (of) the Husbandry': västryä (acc. pi. n.) is in apposition to vohü
(acc. sg. n.)· — 2 adä taiä giui parasat atom . . 'then asked the Creator of
the Bull of the i l i a (sayiug): ..'. C r e a t o r of t h e B u l l : an Ahura, the creator
of the first Bull and thus of all the animal world; like the Soul of the (first)
Bull he is a guardian of the ox. Αία: see note on Y.9.8. — ka&d (inter-
rogative particle) töi gavöi ratuS hya£ him (acc. sg. u.) dätä xSayantö hadä
västrä gaodäyö ΰιυαχέο 'hast Thou a J u d g e (appointed) for the ox, that
Ye (the number changes, Αία and the other Gods being addressed) may yield (to
it) besides its fodder anxious care?': on the meaning of the participle of xiäy-
in connection with the verbum finitum see note on V. 18. 5δ; him anticipates
dwaxiö. J u d g e : in legal procedure of the official who passes and proclaims
the sentence, which the L o r d of J u d g e m e n t (*ahura-or ahü-) proceeds to
execute; see uote on Yt. 8.1. — kim höi uStä (imperf. act. 2 pi.: vat-) ahuram
pahura- m.) y5 dragvö.ddbli aihmam vädäyöit 'whom did Ye appoint as a
Lord of Judgement unto it, who might thrust off the Aeima (see above)
and the Companions of Drug'·, dragvö.dabli is sociative instrumental § 446 b, β
Dragvant, j. Drvant: see note on Y. 9. 8. In the Gä&ä's ' C o m p a n i o n of
Drug' is often found referring to some definite character known to the
hearers, an unbelieving prince (as in Y. 32. 6) or prophet (as in Y. 32. 14). —
3 ahmäi aid (instr. as subject § 427) 'nöil sarajä (nom. sg.: saragan- m.)
advaiiö gavöi' paitl.mravai 'Αία answered him and said: (there is) no helper
for the ox, who could keep all harm far from it': advaiia- lit. 'without
harm'. — avaeiqm nöi£ vfiduye (inf., § 373) yd (adv.) iavaiti (pres. mid. 3 pi.:
fyav-) ddring (acc. pi. m., § 178. 4: ädra· adj.) 9nSv&nhö 'they over yonder
(i. e. mankind) cannot understand, how the righteous dealers fare with the
mean': lit. '(there is) no understanding of those*, vüduye being the subject.
Cp. Bartholomae Zum AirWb. 139 seq. — [the Creator of the Bull says]: hätqm
hvö aojiStö, yahmäi zatöng (loc. sg.: zavan- n.) jimä (pres. subj. l e g . : gam-)
ksnduiä 'the strongest of those that axe is he, to whom I come and succour
(lit. with succour) when he calls': zavSng is locative of time § 514; on the
instrumental kanduiä see § 446; jimä is subjunctive in future sense §646. —
4 [Αία says]: mazdA saxväri (acc. pi. n. § 341) mairiStö, yä .. vavanzöi (perf.
mid. 3 sg. § 619: vanz-) . . dalväiiiä maSyäiiiä y&cä var»Saiti (i-aor. subj.
mid. 3 sg.) 'M. hath the plots best in remembrance, which have been per-
formed by the Daiva's (see note on Y. 9. 15) and men and which shall be
performed (by them)': on the accusative with verbal adjectives (mairista-)
see § 442; vaniaite. is subjunctive in future sense § 646 (cp. Y t 19. 12).
Mazdäh· (m. 'the one of knowledge, wise one'): the chief ο the ^Aura's. He
is called Ahura par excellence, see note on Yt. 5 . 1 and introduction to the
Mihr Yait. In most cases the two names Mazdäh and Ahura are used for
his designation, sometimes together or sometimes separated by one or more
Notes to Τ. XXIX. 187

words. The other Ahura's are sharply distinguished from him, bearing to
Mazdäh the same relation as a kings ministers and ambassadors bear to the
king (see Y. 28. 7). They are further known as the creatures of Mazdäh
(Y. 43, 3,4) like the other beings in the ilia-world. On Mazdäh's connection
with the Holy Spirit see note on Y. 80. 3. DaSva (m. 'God'): designates the
spirits of the world and religion of Drug, as opposed to the Ahura's; the
false, pseudo-Gods. See note on Y. 9.16. — hvö viötrö ahurö·. hvö anticipates
ahurö. — 6 [the Soul of the Boll says]: at vä (emphatic particle) . . ahvä
(impf.act. 1 du.: iah·) .. frimmnä ahuräi ä, m& (nom. eg. m.: tma· adj.) tirvä
giui6ä azyä, hyat mazdqm dvaidl (pres. mid. 1 du.: *dav-) farasäbyö (abl.
pi. instead of instr. pl. § 428) 'let us both pray to Ah., my soul and (the soul)
of the cow great with young (as the souls of the primeval pair of cattle),
vexing M. with entreaties': 1 αλ- in connection with the participle used as
circumlocation of the verbum finitum § 671; hyat introduces a temporal
clause (of contemporaneous action). — nöi£ arszzjyöi frajyäitiS nöit fSuyenti
dragvasü (loc. pl. § 49) pairi '(let) not destruction (come) to the righteous
liver, (let) not (destruction come) to the Breeder of Cattle from (the hands of)
the Companions of Drug'·, these words are the tenor of the entreaties. The
chief enemies of the ox are the nomadic tribes. The protection of the
settled husbandmen against invasions from these tribes is of service to it
too, see below. — 6 at 2 (nom. sg.: *a- pron.) vaofat (pluequamperf. act. 3 sg.:
vak·) ahurö mazdä vidvi (part. perf. pass.: 1va6d·) vafüi vyänayä 'then Ah.
M. himself who knows the statutes spake with wisdom': vyänayä is instru-
mental of manner § 447. — nöit aevä (emphatic particle) ahü (nom. sg. m.:
on the form see note on Y. 27.13) vistö (part. perf. pass.: ivaid·) naidä ratuS
aäätßlt ha6ä 'there is (for thee) no Lord of Judgement or Judge according
to the Holy LAW': lit. 'there is found no ..'. — fiuyantaSöä västry&iiä 'for
the Breeder of Cattle and for the Husbandman'. H u s b a n d m a n : (a) the
settled farmer who pursues agriculture and cattle-breeding as a opposed to
the Nomad. In the same sense are used 'Breeder of Cattle and Husbandman',
'Husbandman who breeder cattle' and just 'Breeder of Cattle', (β) the name
given to the third or peasant-caste, see note on Yt. 5. 86, Y. 48. 10. — 7 t5m
äzütöiS ahurö mq&nm taSat.. mazdä gavöi xävidamöä hvö.uruiaSibyö spantö
säsnayä 'the word concerning the fat hath M. Ah. formed for the ox and
the milk for them who hunger after nurture through his command, the holy
one': the arrangement of the words ahura- and mazdäh·, usually governed
by rhythm, is ah° .. mo, mo .. aho or mo ah», ah° mo, see above (4). The
expression 'the word concerning the fat' naturally presupposes the hearers
acquainted with doctrine connected with it, see introduction to the Yama. —
[The Soul of the Bull savs]: käste vohü mananhä (instr. as voc. § 427), y5 i
(acc. du. m.: *ay- pron. dem.) däyät (%däy-) Saävä mantaeibyö 'whom hast
Thou, ο V. Μ., who can minister unto us both (my soul and the soul of the
cow who is great with young, see 5) among men': t anticipates Saävä (i. e.
ävä § 34. &); mantaeibyö is ablative of the place where § 484. Vohu Manah
('good mind, good thinking*): one of the highest of the Ahura'e. He is
often mentioned with Mazdäh and ASa and is next to the latter Mazdäh's
highest minister. See note on Yt. 19. 46. — 8 [Vohu Manah says:] aim möi
idä vistö (part. perf. pass.: xvaed-) yS ni aevö sösnä güiata (iinperf. mid. 3sg.:
188 Notes to Υ. XXIX and XXX.

gaoä-), Zaraduitrö spitämö 'this (mau) alone is known to ine here who hath
understood our doctrine, Z. Sp.'. — hvö ni mazdä (voc. eg. with transition
to the d-declension) vaitl (vas·) aSdiid iankara&rä (acc. pi. n.) srdvayerihe
(infinitive as object § 707) 'he will proclaim our thoughts, ο Μ., and (the
thoughts) of Αία': aSäi-6ä is dative instead of gen. pose. §467. — hyat (intro-
ducing particle) höi hudamim dydi (inf. § 371) vaxsirahyä 'let us grant him
therefore the beauty of discourse!': the infinitive dydi stands in the sense
of the first person, cp. Rv. 6. 67. 1 glrbhir mitrivarunä vävfdhddhyai 'with
songs I will strengthen M. and V.'. — 9 a{fiä giuS urvd raostä (s-aor. mid.
3 eg.: iraod·) 'then the Soul of the Bull began to lament': raostä is ingres-
sive aorist § 634. — yS anae&m xSqnmdne (inf. § 371 τ) rädam väiim mnS
asürahyä, yS mä (emph. particle) vassml iid.xiaörim 'that I (shall) must be
content with the improfitable word of a weakling man as (my) minister, while
that my wish is set upon a mighty lord!': the infinitive χäqnmSnS stands in
imperative sense § 703. Cp. Bartholomae Zum AirWb. 129 seq. — ttadä yavd
hvö ai»ha% j/ä höi dadat zastavaf, ανδ 'when will there any one come, who
will vouchsafe to it (i.e. the ox) succour with a mighty arm?*. — 10 [Zara-
fruitra says:] yüsSm aeibyö ahurä aogö dätä aid xSadnmiä aval vohü ma-
nanhd, yd huiditlä rämqmiä dät 'Ye, Ο Ah., grant for them (i. e. the oxen)
strength, and Ο Αέα, Ο V.M. that lordly authority, by the means of which
he (the appointed minister) may yield (them) a goodly habitation and peace'.
— azSmiit ahyä mazdä üwqm mitihi (s-aor. mid. 1 sg.: lman·) paourvlm
vaedsm 'for I also have acknowledged that Thou, Ο Μ. canst first (of all)
bring this to pass': on 1man· with two accusatives § 438a; vaeda- verbal
adjective with genitive (ahyä) § 506. — 11 kudd atom vohuiä manö x&afrrvmiä
'where (else can) righteousness (be found) and, good mind and lordly autho-
rity?' — at md maid (voc. sg. in collective sense) yüism mazdä fräxSnml
(inf. § 373Σ) mazöi magäi ä paitl.zänatä (impf. act. 2 pi. them.: szan-) 'so
take me up among you, Ο Ye people, that I may, Ο M., for the great League
obtain instruction': 'the League' in particular sense of the ZaraüuStri&n re-
ligious community. The political head is ViStdspa. — [The Soul of the Bull
says): ahurä nü ηά avarS 9hmä (impf. act. 1 pi.: 1ah-) rätöiS yüSmävatqm
'now, Ο Ah., let help come unto us: then we shall prepare ourselves to mi-
nister unto such as You (i. e. to ye, the gods)': on 1ah- with the genitive of
possession (or quality) see § 490; dhmd is voluntative injunctive § 658.

Y. X X X .
Literature: Hübschmann Ein zoroastrisches Lied München 1872, Darmesteter
ZA. I. 219 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 25 seq., Haug Essays 3d ed. 149 seq.,
Geldner Bertholet'sSelGesch. Leseb. 324 seq., Bartholomae ArF. II. 117 seq.,
Die Gfttha's 13 seq., Gädä-Ubersetzung 13 seq., Andreas Nachr. Gött. Ges.
W. 1909 p. 42 seq.
The two first strophee introduce the subject of the sermon, and
exhort the hearers to take it well to heart. T h e f o l l o w i n g s i x
s t r o p h e s c o n t a i n the f u n d a m e n t a l p o i n t s of the d a a l i s t i c
b e l i e f : the doctrine of the two First Spirits who are looked upon
Notes to Υ. XXX. 189

aa twins, of the ordinances which they decided npon at the beginning,

and of the division into a world of Truth or Asa and a world of Lie
or Drug. The Daiva'e who belong to the party of Lie seek to cor-
rupt man, bnt the Ahura's stand on his side and are ready to grant
him the highest salvation, if he prepares himself to help to fight
out the fight against the Drug. In the last three strophes the poet
expresses the hope that he will bring mankind to the side of the Aia
and puts once more before hie hearers the consequences of their
choice: eternal bless and eternal torture.
1 at tä vaxiyä (fut. act. 1 eg.: 1vak-) i&ntö (ιαέέ-) yä mazdä&ä hyatiit
vüduSe·. staotäiä ahuräi yesnyäcä vanhSui mananhö humqzdrä (instr. 8g.:
humqzdar- m.) aiä yeiä yä rao6Sbli darasatä (pres. subj. mid. 3 sg.) urväzä
'now I will speak unto them that will hear, of all (things) that the Man of
Knowledge must remember: the hymns of praise unto Ah. and the prayers
unto V. M.% and of the joy, which together with the Aia and together with
the place of light shall be beholden of him who marketh well (these things)':
vak· has here two accusatives, one of the person (iävntö) and one of the
thing (tä .. yä mazdä&ä hyatiit •. humqzdrä aiä yecä yä raoiSbU dan sat ä
urväzä); in the first relative sentence the copula is omitted, in the second
the antecedent (urväzä) is incorporated; ahuräi is dative instead of objective
genitive § 471. Man of K n o w l e d g e : who knows Zara&uMra'B doctrine.
The place of light: in which the Gods and the Saints live. — 2 sraotä . .
vahistä .. ävannh (gen. du.) viii&ahyä 'hear what is beet for the discernment
between the two confessions of faith': viöidahyä depends upon vahiStä; άυα-
nn& is objective genitive. — narSm nar»m xvaftyäi tanuye parä mazi yänhö
ahmäi sazdyäi (inf. % 371 Σ) baodantö paitι 'man for man mindful for his
own person before the great closing work that it will be fulfilled in our
favour': baodantö refers to the subject which is implied in sraotä; ahmäi nä
is dativus commodi, remark the combination of the accented and unaccented
form of the personal pronoun. The two confessions of faith are the Daeva- and
the ^Aura-religion. ' C l o s i n g work* designates the finish of the ZaraduStri&n
work of conversion, to which the helpers (see note ou Y. 63. 2) will give their
support and energies, and the finish of the struggle between the worlds of
ASa and of Drug, which is thought about by the former (the finish of the
work of conversion) and falls coincident with it, itself leading to the foun-
dation of the everlasting kingdom (see note on 8). — 3 at (introducing)
tä mainyü paouruye (adv.) yä ySmä x»afnä asrvätam (impf. mid. 3 du.:
srav-) manahicä vaiahicä syaodanöi hl vahyö akamiä 'the two spirits at the
beginning, who in the vision of a dream revealed themselves as twin brothers,
(are) the better and the evil in thought, word and deed': according to Bar-
tholomae Gäthä-translation 17 vahyö akamöä are accusatives and a transitiv
verb is wanted. — ds6ä (gen. du.: 1α· pron. dem.) hud&rahö srai (adv.) viiyätä
(impf. mid. 3 pi.: 1kay-) nöit duidänhö 'and the Men of Understanding did
come upon the right discernment from between the twain, but they of no
understanding did not': 'Man of u n d e r s t a n d i n g ' , who has made the right
choice in the matter of belief; cp. 'judicious', 'prudent', 'wise', used in the
190 Notes to Υ. XXX.

same sense. — 4 paourvim (adv.) dazd6 (perf. mid. 3 du.: 1dä-) galmid
ajyäitlmiä ya&äiä anhat apSimm (adv.) anhuS aüStö dragvatqm at aSäunS
vahiitdm manö (%manah- n.) 'they (the two spirits) established first the life
and the destruction of life (lit. the not-life) and that at the end of all things
the most evil existence shall be apportioned unto the Companions of Drug,
but unto the followers of ASa the most pleasant dwelling': yadä anhat •. anhuS
. . is object sentence § 768; anhuS afostö 'the most evil existence' or 'Hell',
cp. note on Yt. 19. 44 and Y.9. 19. — 6 ay& (gen. du. m.: 1a- pron. dem.)
mainivä varatä (impf. mid. 3 pi.: 1var-) yS dngvA aii&tA (acc. pi. n.) vaneyö
ahm mainyuS spiniStö j/5 xraoidiSting as5nö vasti yaiiä xSnaoSdn (s-aor.
subj. act. 3 pi.) ahuram hai&yäiS Syaa&anäiS fraont mazdqm 'of these two
spirits he, who holds with the Drug (the lie), chose the doing of the most
evil, but the Holiest Spirit, who wears the firmest heavens for a garment,
ohose the ASa (the truth) and so did also they, who do gladly satisfy Ah. M.
with righteous doing': wnzyo verbal substantive with accusative (aiiStä)
§442. The spirit of good is called ' t h e H o l y , t h e H o l i e r o r t h e H o l i e s t
S p i r i t ' , further 'thy (i. e. Mazdäh's) Spirit' or simply 'the Spirit'; the spirit
of evil is called ' t h e E v i l , t h e W i c k e d S p i r i t ' or 'the Spirit, who holds
with the Drug*. The dualistic thought of the first two spirits (see note on
Y. 9.15) is not strictly adhered to throughout the Gäöä'e. More stress is laid
upon Mazdäh himself, who stands at the head of the Ahura'e, than upon the
spirit of good. The latter is looked upon like the other Ahura\ rather as
a spirit subordinate to Mazddh, and Mazdäh takes its place as the counter-
part of the evil spirit. Nevertheless the spirit of good and Ahura (Mazdäh)
is originally the same conception, the old Heaven-god (see introduction to
the VidSvdät, ch. 19): it is proved by the fact, that the spirit of good is said
to wear the firmest h e a v e n s — 6 ay& nöit sraS vlSyätä daivädinä hyat IS
Odebaomä pansmaning (part pres. mid.: fras-) upä.jasat, hyat vann&tä
(impf. mid. 3 pi.: lvar-) aiiitom manö 'and the Da&va'e also did not come upon
the right decision from between the twain, for even as they were taking
counsel together, confusion came upon them, so that they chose the most
evil thinking'. — at aeSdtnam hsndvärvntä dvar-), ya (inetr. sg. m.) bqnayan
(ban-) ahüm maratänö "therefore went they over unto Aeima, through whom
they corrupt the life of men': in honour of the Daeva'e or the old gods
bacchantic festivals took place, whereby priests and laymen got drunk par-
taking of the Haoma-drink, see note on Y. 48. 10. — 7 ahmäiiä xsa&rä jasat
mananhä vohü αΜέά 'and XS., V. Μ. and ASa came and stood upon his (man's)
side': ahtnät dative denoting the place whither §465; xSaürä, mananhä vohü,
αίά·(& instrumentals as subject §427; jasat agrees in number only with the
first subject (xSa&rä). XSaQra (n. 'authority, power; dominion; kingdom'):
an Ahura, cp. V. 17. 6 and Y. 30. 8 ('Kingdom'). — at kahrpim utayüitlS (acc.
pi.) dadät ärmaitis qnmä (acc. pi.) aeSqm töi ä anhat yaüä ayanhä adänäiS
paourvö 'and Arm. granted steadfastness and perseverance of the bodies
(of men), so that at thy (Mazdäh'a) allotments through the metal he (man)
will be first before them (the Daeva's and the believers of the £>aeya-religion),

The Heaven (asan- lit. 'stone') was thought to be formed from stone;
therefore it is callcd firm or firmest (i. e. everlasting).
Notes to Υ. XXX. 191

i. e. he will be the first and only one to reach the paradise': on the plural
of abstracts (utayüitU, qnmä) bee § 420; the genitive aeSqm depending upon
ä stands instead of ablativus comparationis. The A l l o t m e n t of the lot,
which has been earned, takes place at the beginning of the second life. All
men must pass after death through a fiery stream of molten M e t a l (see
Y. 31. 3, 32. 7, 51. 9): this will cause the evil the greatest torture, but it will
be to the good like the pleasant sensation of a luke warm bath. Ärmatay
(f. 'piety') is here the goddess of earth (see note on Yt. 13. 3) and mother of
men (see introduction to the Vidivdät). — 8 α{δά yadä aeiqm kaenä jamaitl
(pres. subj. 3sg.: gam-) aSnanhqm (}aenah- n.), at, mazdä, taibyö (abl.: {hva-
pron. 2 pers.) xSa&nm vohü mananhä (instr. as subj.) vöivldaitl (pres. subj.
3sg.: *vaZd·) aiibyö sasti (loc. sg.), yöi aiäi dadan zastayö (loc. du.) drujim
'and when their punishment shall come for offences, then, ο Μ., will V.M. at
the Fulfilment procure the Kingdom for them according to Thy command
(lit. from off Thee), who have delivered up the Drug into the hands of Αία':
upon kainä- depends here a genitive of the person (aeiqm) and a genitive
of the thing (aSnanhqm). ' K i n g d o m ' : used of paradise as the dominion of
the ^Aura's; ' F u l f i l m e n t ' : used of the perfection of 'the closing work' (see
note on Y. 30. 2). — 9 at6ä töi vaem hyämä (pres. opt. 1 pi.: 1αΛ·) yöi Im
farajfcm ksranaon (inj. act. 3 pl.: 1kar-) ahüm 'and we would be those, who
make mankind ready': J&ranaon is universal injunctive § 660. Mankind is
said to be 'ready', when it has finished preparing itself for the closing work.
mazdäsiä ahur&nhö ά möyasträ.baranä (nom. pl. m.: written instead of myasträ.-
baranä § 144. 1) αίάδά, hyat ha&rä manä bavat yadrä iiütiS anhat mae&ä
'(come) hither, Ο Μ. and Ye other Ahura'sl, granting your companionship,
and Αία (come), that there the thoughts may gather themselves together
where wisdom still doth waver': the verb of the leading clause is omitted
§ 718; mazdä ahur&nhö is elliptic plural § 421; bavat singular verb with
neuter plural. — 10 adä zi ανά drüjö bavaitl sksndö spayafrrahyä 'then
will follow the destruction of the joy of the (kingdom of) Drug'·, cp. Y. S3.6.
— at asiUä (loc. sg.: asistay- f.) yaojanti. ä huHtöiS vanhäus mananhö mazdä
aSahyäöä yöi zazantl (pres. act. 3 pl., them.: haz-) vanhäu sravahl 'but they
who gain a good report shall become partaken of the promised reward in
the goodly abode of M. and of A£a and of V.M.': yaog- and haz· are con-
strued with the locative § 513. — 11 hyat tä urvätä saSadä (pres. act. 2 pl.:
sak-), yä mazdä dadät, masy&nhö: — xviticä äneiti (acc. du. f.) hyatcä
danyäm drsgvö.dabyö rasö savaeä (acc. pl. n.) aäavabyö —: at aipl täiS
anhaitl (pres. subj. 3sg.: 1ah-) ustä: "if ye mark well, ye people, the dooms
which Μ. hath ordained, — the comfort (on the one hand) and (on the other
hand) the torment, the long (i. e. everlasting) harm for the companions of
Drug and the benefit for the followers of Asa —: then will it be well here-
after': χνϊϋύα Snaiti (written instead of initl § 131) is dvandva-compound; cä
connects the whole compound to the following hyatcä ... B e n e f i t ; used in
an eschatological sense of that, which is promised to the faithful in the fu-
ture life. H a r m : used of that, which the unbeliever has to await in the
other world.
192 Notes to Υ. X X X I .

Literatare: Roth Yasna 31 Tübingen 1876, Darmesteter ZA. I. 226seq., Mills
SBE. ΧΧΧΓ. 40 seq., Jackson A hymn of Zoroaster Yasna 31. Stuttgart
18ä8, Bartholomae Die Gätha's 18 seq., Gdfla-Ubersetzung 18 seq.

Strophes 1 — 6 belong together and form a sort of introduction.

Zara&uitra promises as the prophet sent by God to publish to hie
hearers the doctrines of salvation and to show them the way of truth
(1, 2). And hopes for help from the Gods in hie work of conversion
and his campaign against the men of false belief and especially for
enlightenment concerning the future state, whicb is known only to
the Gods. T o every one, however, who will help him to propagate
the truth of salvation he promises the highest reward (6). — With
strophe 7 the sermon proper begins, and the subject is following: Mazddh
is the true God; Zara&uStra is his prophet; he who believes on him,
will be blessed.

1 tä υ3 urvätä manntö . . vafä sSnghämaht (sqh-) 'mindful of Your

commandment (i. e. commandment of the Gods) do we utter sentences'. —
aguStä ναδά .. aeibyö, yöi .. at&t aeibyö vahtitä, yöi ..: 'sentences very bitter
to hear for those, who . . , but very comfortable unto those, who ..', datives
of personal interest § 460. — yöi urvätäiS drüjö aSahyä gae&ä vimanniaiti
(pres. mid. 3 pi.: marsk-) '. . who after the commandment of the Drug destroy
the beings of Aäa': urvätäiS instrumental in answer to the question accor-
ding to what? § 448. — 2 yezi äü (adv., see Gl.) nöit urväni (inf., § 373)
advä (nom. sg., advan- n.: on the form see Bartholomae GIPh. I. 118) aibi.·
dvrv&tä (loc. eg.) vahyä 'as therefore (because there are two different com-
mands) the way which is the better to choose (doth) not (lie) before (our)
eyes': causal sentence § 785. — at v& visp5ng äyöi (pres. mid. 1 sg.: 1 ay-)
ya&ä ratüm ahurö vaedä mazdä ayd qsayä 'so I come unto you all (i. e. to
the listeners) as the J u d g e of the two Factions here, for as such doth Ah. M.
know me': yadä stände here instead of the relative pronoun; the antecedent
is incorporated into the ya&d-sentence. T h e t w o f a c t i o n s (qsa- or räna·,
rqna·): used with regard to the religion, of the faithful and the unbelievers,
the followers of Αία and of Drug. J u d g e : Zarafrustra is the judge at the
time of the last judgement. — yä aSät haiä jvämahl (gay-) 'that we may
live according to the Holy Law": final sentence with subjunctive § 779. —
3 yqm dd mainyü ä&räcä — αέάδά 6öiS (pret act. 2 sg.: ikaei-) — ränöibyä
xSnütam 'that wich Thou wilt prepare though the Holy Spirit and through
the Fire, — and (that which) thou hast tought through Αέα, — as a reward
for the two Factions', hyat urvatam tazdönrihvadabyö (cazdahvant- adj., on
the writing see § 99) 'what (are) the ordinances for the Men of Understan-
ding': incorporation of the antecedent § 738. F i r e : eschatologicaly used
in the same sense as metal, see note on Y. 30. 7. — tat i® mazdä vidvanöi
(inf., § 371) ναοέά (imp. 2 8g., 1vak-) 'that make known to us, ο Μ, that it
may be comprehensible'. — yä jvantö (part. pres. act., gay-) vispSng väurayä
Notes to Υ. XXXI and XXXII. 193

(opt. mid. 1 sg., ivar-) 'that I may persuade all men living': final sentence
with optative §§779,787. — 4 yadä aSam zavfm (zaoya- adj : on the writing
see §§ 33. 1, 118) anh&n maxd&s6ä ahurdnhö a&ifiä ärmaitl 'if Aia is to be
called and M. and all the other Ahura's (see note on Y. 30. 9) are (willing to
be called) and Aiay and Arm.': the adjective predicate follows the number
and gender of the first subject (ai?m) § 604. — isasä: imp. 2 sg., 1aeS-. —
& tat möi .. ναοόά, hya£ möi .. data, vahyö .. yehyä mä sniiä, tä6%t • yä
nölt vä anhat anhaitl vä 'make known unto me that, which Ye have assigned
to me the better (lot), wherefore I am envied, and every thing, that will
not come to pass and that shall come to pass': sniay- takes the acc. of the
person and the gen. of the thing § 422. — vHÜdyäi (§ 371) . . viduyi (§ 373)
. . mSniä daidyäi (§ 371, with tmesis; cp. mundäidyäi Y.44. 8) 'so that I may
discern, comprehend and hold in remenbrance': final infinitives §§ 692,702. —
6 mazdäi avat χέαϋηιη 'the kingdom of M.': mazdäi dative instead of ge-
nitive § 471. — ahmäi anhat vahiitam, y9 möi vidvä vaoiät haidlm mqdrvm
yim haurvatätö asahyä amsrdtätasiä 'the best shall be the portion unto him,
a Man of Knowledge who maketh known unto me the true word of Αία con-
cerning the Welfare and the Immortality'. W e l f a r e : always found with
Immortality; used also for the drink of the blessed. I m m o r t a l i t y : also
used to denote the meat of the blessed. See note on Yt. 10. 89.

Literature: Darmesteter ZA. I. 277 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 98 seq., ZDMG. 42.
439 seq., Haug Essays 3d ed. 155 seq., West Avesta . . Studies 1. 182 seq.,
Geldner KZ. 28. 256 seq., Bertholet's Bel.Gesch. Leseb. 324 seq., Bartholomae
Die GäOä's 32 seq., Gädd-Obersetzung 27 seq.
Zara&uitra turns with sharp words against one of his most in-
fluential opponents Grähma, a prophet of the Do^ca-religion, points
out his pernicious dealings and warns his hearers of being guilty of
such wickedness as is practised and taught by him; for every snch
wicked-doer shall meet with everlasting punishment, however high his
position (3—8). When once he receives the everlasting punishment
for his corrupt living and doctrine (details of which are given 8—12),
then he will recognize, that salvation is to be found in ZaraduStra's
teaching, which he is now combating with all his power (13). But
it will be too late then: he and all those who stand by him, have
incurred the penalty, while those who now have to suffer so much
at their hands, are certain of Paradise.
3—4 [Zara&uMra saith]: at yüS, daivä vispänhö, äkät mananhö stä
(pres. 2pl.: lah·) {ifrram yasiä vä maä (adv.) yazaite drüjasiä pairimatöiiiä
'but Ye are the offspring of the Evil Spirit and of the lie and of the vaunt,
Ye DaJboa all and he (Grihma), who highly esteems You*: iifrra- takes here
the ablative (or genitive) of origin § 497; the correlative of the relative is
absorbed § 737. — Syaomqm aipl daibitänä, yäii asrüzdüm (s-aor. pass. 2 pi.:
Aveata Reader. 13
194 Note» to Τ. XXXII.

trav-) bümyä haptai&S, yät yüStä framlmadä (perf. act. 2 pl.: mäy·), yä
maäyä .. vaxfonti (s-aor. sabj. pass. 3 pl.: 1vak-) da&vö.zuStä 'and also (aipl
adds the new subject to stä di&rvm) Your deeds, for which Ye have long
been famed, even at the seventh region of the earth, since Ye have enacted,
that men . . shall be called the favouriteis of the Daeva'e': on the sandhi of
yüilä see § 179; tä. is adv.; haptada- n., the seventh (and last) region of the
earth, i. e. Karivar Xvanira&a, cp. note on Yt. 10. 15. — maSyä a6iStä dantö
(dä-) . . vanhSuS slzdyamnä (slzdya-) mancmhö mazdä ahurahyä xratvuä nas-
yantö ζ1 nas·) aSäatfiä 'men, who do that which is most evil, who renounce
the good thinking, who decline from the will of M. Ah and from the Holy
Law': vanhiuS manarahö, xratSus aiäatiä ablative (or genitive) of the place
whence g 473. — 5 tä (instr. sg. n.) d»b»naotä (pret. act. 2 pl.: 1dab-) mailm
hujyätöiS .. hyat v& akä manaohä ySng daeving akasiä mainyuä akä Syao-
öanam vaianhä yä (acc. pl. η.) fraiinas (*kae&•) dngvantom xSayö (inf., § 373)
'and by this means do ye destroy life . . for men, even with the doing, which
he (Grihma) and the Evil Spirit with evil thinking and evil speaking hath
taught unto You, the Da&va, even that which he (Grihma) hath taught unto
the Companion of Drug for the destruction (of men)': tä .. hyat Syaodamm
incorporation of the antecedent § 738. The first of the subjects of the rela-
tive sentence combined by 6ä is omitted; it ought to be a demonstrative
pronoun in the nom. sg. m. § 720. The expression is not quite accurate. The
Evil Spirit is meant to be represented as leading the Daeva'a astray, and
GrShma (see note on Y. 32. 12) as leading the Companion of Drug astray. —
6 pourü aenä {xaenah- η.) inäx&ta (s-aor. mid. 2 eg.: 2nas·) yäiS srävahyeitl
(inf., § 372), yezi täis adä: hätä.maräne ahurä vahiStä vöistä mananhä 'the
many works of mischief, through which he hath contrived to become of ill
report, — whether (it will come to pass) by means of them (lit. thus): Thou
who hast every man's merit in remembrance, Ο Ah., Thou knowest it through
the Best Mind! — frwahml vi, mazdä, xäa&röi aMiiä sSnghö vidqm (imp.
mid. 3 sg., § 268: dä-) 'in Thy kingdom will Your sentences, (thine), Ο Μ., and
(the sentences) of Αία (on this point) be placed': asäi dative instead of geni-
tive § 471. — 7 aeiqm ainarahqm (}aenah- n.) naeilt (acc. sg. n.: naekay-
pron.) tndvä aojöi (inf., § 371) 'the Man of Knowledge shall practise none
of these works of mischief*: aojöi infinitive in an imperative sense § 703. —
hädröyä (instr.'sg.) yä jöyä sSnghaiti (sqh-), yäiS (adv.) srävI (aor. pass.; srav·)
xvaenä ayanhä 'in (his) desire for the attainment of the Prize (i. e. the Be-
nefit), which, it is known, will be made manifest through the glowing Metal':
lit. 'in his desire for the attainement of that, which will be made manifest
as the price . .: absorption of the correlative; the relative agrees with the
predicate. M e t a l : see note on Y.30.7, 31. 3. — yaeSqm (sz. aenarahqm)
irixtdm . . vaedistö ahl·. vaediSta- verbal adjective with accusative § 442. —
8 aeiqm aenanhqm (saenah- adj.) . . sräm yimasilt, y$ mafySng 6ixMusö
(part. pres. act., nom. sg. m.: ιχέηαν·) ahmäkSng gäui bagä (acc.pl. η.) Xväramnö
('As one) of these workers of mischief also Y. is known, who to make men
satisfied gave unto our people the pieces of meat to eat': aeSqm aenarahqm
partitive genitive as a predicate; the causative XvOra- (}x»ar-) takes two accu-
satives (ahmäkSng, bagä). On Yima see note on Y. 9. 4. He made, as the
context shows, his subjects immortal for the length of its reign by the gift
Notes to Υ. XXXII. 195

of a dish of meat. His works of mischief, which caused his kingdom to fall,
consisted according to the younger Avesta of lies and untruthful speech,
according to Firdausl of 'vaunting*. See Bartholomae Crddä-Ubersetzung 33,
Wb. 1866. — aeSqmiit d ahml dwahml, mazdä, vlii&öi (loc. sg.) aipl (adv.)
'from them (the workers of mischief) shall I hereafter be separated by Thee,
Ο Af.": 1 ah with the locative of a noraen actionis in the sense of the passive
§ 512 1 ; on d with the genitive (aeiqm) instead of ablative see § 528. —
9 mönndat (impf. act. 3 sg. §§ 111, 211; marvd·) 'he bringeth to naught':
universal injunctive § 660. — xratav- 'plan*: see Gl. — apö mä (emph. par-
ticle) litlm apayantä (yam-) bdrixiqm häitlm vanhSuS mananhö 'he hinderetb
that possession of the Good Mind shall be esteemed': (apa - f ) yam· with a
predicative participle, meaning 'hinder, that . § 672. — tä uxSd .., mazdä,
aiäii5ä yüSmaibyd ganze 'these words I complain unto You, unto (Thee), 0
M. and unto ASa': the personal pronoun of the second person sing., which
one would expect (in the same case as yü&maibyä and aSäi) before the
vocative mazdä, is omitted § 720. — 10 hvö mä (emph. particle) nd (nom.
sg. n.: nar- m.) eravA mönndat, yi aiiStdm vaenatbhi (inf., § 371) aogadä
(impf. mid. 3 sg.: aog-) gqm aäibyä hvan6d 'it is he who bringeth the (sacred)
words to naught, who speaketh of the Ox and of the Sun as the most evil
thing that can be beheld with the eyes': an allusion to the orgiastic feasts
in honour of Haoma which involved animal sacrifices. They most probably
took place at night like the Dionysian festivals, with which they have many
other points of comparison. — 11 tae6lt . . mönndan jyötüm, yöi dngvatö
maziblS (adv.) Hköit»ni (perf. act. 3 pi.: kaSt·) anuhliiä anhvasid (ahü- m.)
apayeiti (inf., § 372) raexananhö vaedsm 'it is they who destroy the life, the
Companions of Drug, who are earnestly intended to hinder the mistresses
and the masters of the house from the attainment of the heritage': on apa-
yeiti (apa + yam•) with two accusatives see note on V. 18. 63. H e r i t a g e : in
the reference to the eschatology, that which has been appointed to the faithful
as their reward in the future. — yöi vahiität aSaonö . . räniyqn (pres. eubj.
3 pi.: rah-) mananhö 'as they estrange the Followers of Αία from the Best
Mind': the relative clause takes here the subjunctive, giving a ground. —
12 yd r&nhaysn (pres. inj.3 pi.: rah-) sravanhd vahi&tdt Syao&anät mantänö,
aeibyö mazdä akd (acc. pi. n.) mraot, yöi .. 'because by (their) doctrine they
estrange men from the best doing, doth M. make evil known to them, who . .*:
the relation of yd is not accurate; the relative, which we would expect in
the nom. pi. m., is probably attracted into the case of sravanhd. — urväxi.·
uxtl 'amid shouts of joi': instrumental of manner § 447, c. — aiibyö . . yäix
grShmä aiät varatä (impf. mid. 3 pl.: 3var·) karapä xsaürvmiä lianqm drujim
*.. by whom Gr. and bis followers (see note on Υ. 30. 9) are prefered before
Asa, and K. and the dominion of those, who seek after Drug'·. *var- with
abl. 'better like than, prefer' § 478. GrShma: a priest and prophet of the
Daeva-i&ith. —Kar ρ an·, member of the priest-class among the non-zara&u&rian
Iranians, who bold to the DaSva-t&ith. — 13 yd xiafrrd grihmö hliasat
(lhant-) aiiitahyd damänS mananhö anhius maraxtärö ahyä yaiiä .. jlgmzai
(impf. act. 3 pl.: ganz-) '(and) because Gr. will attain to the kingdoms in
the House of the most Evil Mind and so also the destroyers of this live, so
shall they (the Companions of Drug) weep'; xia^rd terminal accusative $436;
196 Notes to Υ. XXXII and XLIII.

hlSasat, jig&rvzat injunctive in future sense § 657. H o u s e of t h e m o s t

E v i l Mind: designation of Hell; in the same sense is used ' H o u s e of Drug\
' H o u s e of t h e Daeva's\ Cp. Y. 30. 4, 46. 11. — kämS frwahya mq&rano
dütlm, yS i§ pät dansät aiahyä 'in (their) desire for the proclamation of
Thy prophet, who will not suffer them to hehold the ASa{i.e. the paradise)':
käma- verbal subst. with accusative § 442; pät injunctive in future sense
§ 657, on the construction see § 473'). — 14 ahyä (sc. mq&ranö) grihmö
ä.höi&öi (inf., § 371) nl kävayasilt (§ 34. 3) xratüS nl dadai (impf. act. 3 pi.)
vaniähliä (acc. pi. n.) "for his (the Prophet's) suppression Gr. and the K.
direct their purposes and energies': on (ηϊ-f-) dä- with a predicative infinitive
see §704; dadat is universal injnnctiv §660. Kavay-: member of the warrior-
class among the non-Zara&uitri&n Iranians, wo hold to the DaSva-faith. —
hyat vlsSntä (vaes-) dragvantam ανδ (inf., § 373) hyatfä gäuS jaidyäi (inf.,
§ 371) tnraol, y5 düraoS&m saoiayat ανδ 'because they are intent (upou
this end) to succour the Companion of Drug (i. e. GrShma), and that this
might be the cry (hyatiä . . mraol): the Ox (must be) killed, so that it may
incite 'the averter of death' (i. e.Haoma, see Y. 9. 2) 'to help": va&s- 'to mean
to . with infinitive or object-sentence §§ 695, 759; jaidyäi is predicative
infinitive §704; the relative sentence, referring to gäui (nom. sg. m.) stands
in a final sense. — 15 anäiS ä (see Gl.) ιft.nSnäsä (perf. act. 3 pl.: 1nas-)
karapOtäsöä kdvitäsia, aväii aibl, y$ng daintl nöit jyät5u$ x.iayamn3ng vasö
'therefore the Karparia and the Kavay'e have fallen to destruction, even
through those, whom they do not allow to live according to their pleasure':
(aiöi+) 1 dä- with the accusative of a predicative participle and the negative
'not allow to do something'; the genitive jyätSui depends upon xsayamnSng.

Literature: Darmesteter Ζ A. I. 277 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 98 seq., ZDMG. 42.
439 seq., Geldner KZ. 30. 316 seq., Bertholet's RelGesch. Leseb. 329 seq.,
Bartholomae Die Gä0ä'a 41 seq., Gä^a-Übersetzung· 49 seq.
The Prophet describes, how he has hitherto beheld his God and
the manner in which he has associated with him. This description
encompasses six doable strophes, all beginning with the same line,
and contains the same number of visions. First vision (5, 6): Mazddh
comes at the beginning of the first life to a decision about the reward
and the punishment, which will be uttered in the judgement at the
beginning of the second life. — The next five double-strophes have
the second as well as the first line in common, in which Vohu Manah
is represented as mediator in the transaction between Mazddh and
the Prophet. Second vision (7, 8): On Vohu Manah asking Zaradustra:

Bartholomae Wb. 697 takes d a n s ä t as infinitive. But it is better to
take it as a substantive, on which the genitive aiahyä depends; for this
genitive can hardly be explained as being attracted into the case (ablative)
of the .infinitive.
Notes to Y. XLIII. 197

(a) who he is, (ß) will whom he holde, (γ) when he will receive in-
struction, he answers: (a) he is Zarafhiitra, (β) he holds with Aia
against Drug and (γ) will never cease listening to instruction. — Third
vision (9, 10): Vohu Manah asks Zara&uitra, for which side he will
decide. He answers, he will always endeavour to think upon the Asa
(the Holy Law) and to comprehend it, he wishes therefore to behold
Aia (the God) in bodily form. There upon Mazdah appears accom-
panied by Asa and Armatay and declares himself willing to consent
to Zara&uitra's questions and wishes. — Fourth vision (11, 12):
Zara&uitra assures Mazdah, Vohu Manah and Aia, who instruct him,
that the fulfilment of the divine will, the ready obedience, with whom
he has just entered upon his office, will cause him no adversity
from men. — Fifth vision (13, 14): Vohu Manah inquires after Zara-
duitra's desires. He has two wishes: that in the future Paradise
should be vouchsafed him, and that for the present active help should
be assured him in order that he may successfully meet the enemies
of the faith. — Sixth vision (15, 16): Ärmatay promises the fulfil-
ment of the latter wish telling Zara&uitra to preach, that all friendly
intercourse with the unbelievers should cease, upon which the Prophet
solemnly confesses his faith, and expresses his sure expectation of
the everlasting kingdom.
5, 6 spantdm at frwä, mazdä, mänghl (e-aor. mid. 1 sg. §§ 98, 99: lman-)
ahurä *I acknowledged Thee to be the Holy one, Ο Μ. Ah': cp. Y. 29.10. —
anhäui zq&öi 'at the creation of the Life': i. e. at the creation of the first
life, cp. Y. 30. 4. — hyat frwä . . darzsam . hyat dä iyao&anä mlidavqn
(acc. pi. n.) yäüä tixSä akäm akäi vanuhlm aiim vanhaovi (§ 144. 4) 'when I
beheld Thee, how Thou didst ordain for deeds and words their reward (how
Thou didst arrange for a reward) the evil lot unto the evil (and) the goodly
lot unto the good': lit. 'how Thou didst make deeds and words rewarded*. —
dämöii urvaesi apSme, yahml sp&ntä öivä mainyü urvaiai josö (impf. act.
2 sg.), mazdä, xiadrä, ahml vohü mananhä, yehyä äyaoöanäii gai&ä aiä
frädanti 'at the last end of the creation, at which end Thou wilt come with
the Holy Spirit, Ο Μ., and with XS., at which (Thou wilt come) with V. ΑΓ.,
through whose activity house and home are made by Aia to flourish': the
demonstrative continues the precedent relative clause § 748. — aeibyö ratüi
pratav-) sSnghaitl (sqh-) ärmaitii frwahyä xratSui, yim ηαδέϊέ däbayeiti
'Arm. will publish their dooms, (the dooms) of Thy wisdom, which no one
can deceive': aSibyö is ablative in pregnant sense (origin), depending upon
ratüi. — 7 hyat mä vohü pairi.jasat mananhä 'when V. Μ. came unto me':
ma terminal accusative § 436; vohü mananhä instrumental as subject § 427.
— kadä ayäri daxsärä farasayäi dliä (s-aor. mid. 2 sg.: dals·) aibl dwähü
gae&ähü tanuüiä 'by what sign wilt Thou make known the days for the
inquiry concerning what is Thine and Thee Thyself?': kaöä stands instead

of the instr. sg. of the interrogative pronoun; tanuS- used in the sense of
the reflexive § 601. — 8 at höi aoji: Zara&uStrö paourvim 'thereupon said
I to him: firstly (I ain) Z.'·. firstly, that is to say in answer to the first
question. — hai&yö.dvaeSä, hyat isöyä (pres. opt. mid. 1 eg.: ais-), dngväite
.. ftySm (pres. opt. act. 1 eg.: 1ah-) Ί will be a true enemy of the Companion
of Drug so well as I may*: wishing optative § 651. — hyat ä büstlS vasas».·
xSadrahyä dyä (pres. opt. mid. 1 eg.: 1dä-) 'that I may acquire the future
things of the unlimited Kingdom': final sentence with optative § 757. —
yavatä &wä . . staoml ufyä6ä (pres. act. 1 sg.: vaf-) '(always) so long as I
praise Thee and sing of Thee!" — 9 ahyä firasäm: 'kahmäi vlviduye (inf.,
§ 371) vaSlT 'at ä dwahmäi ä&re rätqm namamhö aSahyä mä (emph. particle),
yavat isäi (pres. subj. mid. 1 sg.: aes-) manyäΐ upon his question: 'for which
wilt Thou decide?" [I (i. e. Zara&uStra) said:] At every gift of reverence of-
fered to Thy Fire I shall, so long as I may, think upon the ASa (i. e. as
often as I fas priest, cp. Y. 33. 6) put fresh fuel on Thy holy fire, it shall ad-
monish me to· think upon the ASa)'·. rätä- verbal subst. with dative of the
person and genitive of the thing §467; 1man- with a genitive-object §488. —
10 at tü möi däiS (s-aor. act. 2 sg.: dais-) aS»m, hyat mä (emph. particle)
zaozaoml (zav-) 'let me behold the ASa, after thai I call': däiS injunctive in
imperative sense § 659. — [Mazddh says:] ärmaitl hacimnö it (acc. sg. n.:
*ay- pron. dein.) ärsm (impf. act. 1 sg.: 1ar·) 'together with Arm. in company
with it (the ASa) I have come hither'. — parasäcä ηά, yä töi Shmä (impf. act.
1 pl.: 1ah) parstä (inf., §373) 'ask, what Thou hast to ask of us': 1ah- with
an infinitive in the sense of the Latin Gerundive § 694. — parStSm zl &wä
(instr.) ya&anä tat imavatqm, hyat (acc.) xSayqs ae&m dyät (pres. opt.
act. 3 sg.: 1 dä-) Smavantam 'a question of thine is as a question of mighty
ones, for whosoever can maketh Thee happy (and) mighty (i. e. for who-
soever can fulfil thy wishes, the wishes of the mighty one, desireth to do
it)': cp. Yt. 5. 87. — 11 hyat x&niä (instr.) tixdäiä dldaitihe (impf. mid. 1 sg.
them.: dqh-) paourvim "when first I was instructed by You in Your sen-
tences': uxdäii instrumental of respect § 453. — sädrä möi sqs (s-aor. act.
3 sg.: 8sand·) maäyaeäü zraedäitii tat V9razyeidyäi (inf., § 371), hyat w»öi
mraotA vahiitam 'shall my confidence: to do that concerning which Thou
didst say to me, that it is the best, bring me sorrow from among men?':
zrazd&tay- construed here like the cognate verb with the infinitive instead
of (accusative or) objective genitive. — 12 hyatdä möi mraoä: afom jasö
fräxändni, (cp. Y. 29. 11), at tü möi nöit asruStä (loc. sg.) pairyaoyzä (impf,
mid. 2sg.: aog·) 'and when Thou didst say unto me: 'thou shalt go unto ASa,
for to be instructed' then didst Thou not command without that I hearkened':
asruStä locative of circumstance § 614. — uzirvidyäi (inf., § 371), parä hyat
möi ä.jimat saraoSö aSl mqzä.rayä hadimnö, yä vi aSlS ränöibyä savöi (acc.
du. f.) vidäyät {ldä-) 'arise and go (i. e. begin, thy work of conversion), be-
fore my SraoSa will come in union with A Say rich in treasure, who will
portion unto the two factions benefit and harm as a reward for them':
uzirvidyäi infinitive as representative of the imperative § 703: savöi elliptic
dual § 432. SraoSa (m. 'obedience'): an Ahura. See note on V. 18. 14.
A Say (f. 'portion, lot, merit, reward'): an Ahura, who gives every one the
portion, that his conduct has earned, especially in the second life. See in-
Notes to Y. XLIII and XLVI. 199

troduction to Yt. 11. The sense of the passage is: mankind should be made
ready as soon as possible, for the beginning of the second life is thought
to be at hand. Cp. Matth. 3. 2, 4. 17 Μετανοείτε- ήγγικεν γάρ ή βασιλεία τΦν
ούρανών and Bartholomae Gätfä-Übersetzung 57. — 13 t5m möi dätä dar»-
gahyä yaoS (yav- n.), y9m v& naSüS dänSt («-aor. act. 8 eg.: %dar·) iti (inf.,
§ 373), vairyä stöiS, yd öicahml xiaöröi νάόΐ Ύβ shall vouchsafe that unto,
me, to which no one can force You to consent, (the desire) for the long
continuance of the precious existence, concerning which it is said, that it is
in Thy Kingdom': tim refers to kdmähyä, which is to be supplied in the
accusative-form; xftm depends upon the infinitive iti. — 14 hyat nd (nar- m.)
fryäi vaedamnö isvä daidU (impf. act. 3 eg. §202: dä·) maibyö, mazdä, tavä
rafvnö fräxSriarwm hyat öwä xiafrrä aidt haf.ä frq&tä (impf. mid. 3 eg.: qs-)
ueinidyäi (inf., see above) azi (inf., § 378) 'if Thy careful succour, such as
a Man of Knowledge, when he may, vouchsafeth unto his friend, by virtue
of Thy authority (and) through Aia fall to ray share, I will arise and go for
the attack (upon) . . : conditional sentence with injunctive in the protasis, and
infinitive as representative of a subjunctive in the apodosis §§791,703,693.
— 15 . . hyat m<* vohü pairi.jaaat mananhä daxiat uäyäi (inf., § 371) tüind.·
maitii vahiitä: .. 'when V. M. came unto me, (when) the best T. taught me
to proclaim: . . ' : TuSnä.matay· (f. 'silent thinking*): an Ahura. Probably
only an other name for Ärmatay-, see note on Y. 30. 7, Yt. 13. 3. — nöit ηά
(nar- m.) pourüS (nom. sg. m.: see 01. under parav-) dngvatö (acc. pL) Hy&t
üxinuiö (cp. Y. 32. 8), at töi vlspSng angring aSaonö ädarb (impf. act. 8 pi.:
dä-) 'one shall not always seek to please the Companions of the Drug, for
these make all Followers of Aia fiends': to the meaning of pourüS cp. Yt. 8.49.
— 16 [Zaraduitra says:] at, ahurä, hvö mainyüm zaraöu&tro varanti (lvar·),
mazdä, yaste 6liiä spSniitö 'he, 0 Ah., even Ζ. choseth every one of Thy
holiest Spirits, Ο Μ.': the poet speaks of himeelf here, as he frequently does
elsewhere, in the third person. — astvat atom hyät uitänd aojönghvat 'may
Αέα be incarnate, full of life and strength': uitänä aojönghvat abridged for
uStänavat aojönghvat• — asim syaoöanäiA vohü daidit (cp. Y.43.14) mananhä
(instr. as subject, § 427) 'V.M. ehall assign the lot even according to the
deeds': iyaodandii instr. of respect §453.

Literature: Darmesteter Ζ A. I. 301 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 134 seq., Hang
Essays 3d ed. 163 seq., Geldner 6B. 14.1 seq., Bertholet's RelGesch. Leseb.
325 seq., Bartholomae Die Gä6ä's 49 seq., Die Gäflä-Übereetzung 75 seq.
This Gada falls into a number of sections which are but loosely
connected with one another.
In the fourth section, reaching from strophe 9 np to etrophe 13,
the prophet comes to speak about himself and hie doctrine. He is
the first to publish the truth of salvation (9). Every one who hear-
kens to his commandment will reach Paradise (10), while hig oppo-
nents, who want to destroy mankind, are sure of Hell (11). He hopes
200 Notes to Y. XLVI.

however that peoples like the Türa1 β who are still on the other Bide,
will take np the faith and thus reach Paradise (12), which will be
granted to every one who does his (the prophet's) will (13).
9 k3 hvö, yS mä aradrö iöidal (impf. act. 3sg. them.: kae&-) paouruyö,
ya&ä dwä zevüStlm uzamöhi (aoz-) Syao&anöi . . ahunm . . 'who is he the
faithful one, who first did teach me, that we should esteem Thee (i. e. Ah. M.)
as the most serviceable one, as the Lord of Judgement over the doing': on
the form uzzmöhl see Bartholomae Wb. 43; *ahura- with locative § 519. Cp.
Y. 31. 8: Ί acknowledged of Thee, ο Μ., within my heart, that Thou art the
First and the Last, that Thou art the father of V. M. — even when I beheld
Thee with mine eyes —, that Thou art the true creator of the ASa, that Thou
art the Lord of Judgement over the deeds of life*. — yä töi aSä (instr. as
subject § 427), yä aSäi g5uS taiä mraot, iianti i}a&S-) mä (emph. particle) tä
töi vohü mananhä 'that which Thy ASa, which the Creator of the Bull hath
made known to the ASa, that will they hear through Thy V. M.'·. cp. Y. 29.
2—4. — 10 ys vä (emph. particle) möt nä gsnä vä . . däyäi anhSuS yä tü
vöistä vahiStä, aSlrn aSäi vohü xSaönm mananhä 'who doeth that which
Thou knowest as the best for life, man or woman: (grant him) through V.M.
the Kingdom as reward for his^righteousness!': absorption of the correlative
§ 737; the predicate of the principal clause is omitted § 718; aiay- verbal
eubst. with dative § 467. — frö täiS vüspäiS iinvatö frafrä (pres. s u b j . l s g . :
par-) paratüm 'with all these shall I go before over the Bridge of the Sepa-
rator*. B r i d g e of t h e S e p a r a t o r : an eschatological concept, cp. note on
V. 13. 3. — 11 xSadräiS yüjin (impf. act. 3 pi.: yaog-) karapanö kävayasfä
akäiS Syao&anäiS ahüm mvnngaidyäi (inf., § 371) maSim 'the Karparia and
Kavay's accustom men to evil deeds by their dominion, in order to destroy
the (second) life': yaog· 'accustom to . w i t h instr. § 446; on the writing of
msnngaidyäi see §§ 210, 35. Cp. Y. 32.12, 14. — karapanö kävayasiä . .
y5ng Xo5 urvä χναδόά xraodat datnä, hyai aibl.gaman (aor. -act. 3 pi.: gam-),
ya&rä tinvatö pantuS, yavöi ιΛβράί drüjö damänäi astayö '. . whom their
own Soul and their own Self will frighten, when they come thither, where
(is) the Bridge of the Separator, they, the comrades in the House of Drug
for ever and ever': drüjö damänäi astayö (in apposition to karapanö käva-
yasiä) lit. 'the comrades for the House of Drug'. Daenä (f. "Self, P e r s o -
n a l i t y ' ) : designates the sum of all the psychical and religious parts of man.
It continues as a separate existence after his death, finally to be brought
with him (or his soul) into Paradise or Hell according to his deserts. —
12 hyai us (instr. as subject § 427) naptyaeSü nafSucä türahyä uzjän
(impf. act. 3 sg.: gam-) fryänahyä . ., at Ii vohü hsm aibl.möist (mae&-) ma-
nanhä (instr. as subject), aeibyö rafsiräi (inf., § 371) mazdä sasti ahurö
'when ASa will comc to the grand-children and descendants of Fryäna, the
Türa, then will V. M. receive them (in the Kingdom), (and) Ah. M. will vouch-
safe them succour at the Fulfilment': rafobrai infinitive as representative of
(future) subjunctive § 703. Fryäna, the prince of the Tura'e, au Iranian
tribe outside VlStdspa's dominion (cp. note on Yt. 5. 41), is one who has not
yet been converted, but who is not opposed to the new doctrine, so that
the prophet may hope to convert him. — 13 yS . . zara&uStnm rädanhä
Notes to Y. XLVI and XLVIII. 201

marataliü xsnättS (nom. m.: *χΰηαν- a<1j), hvö nä frasrüidyäi (inf., §371)
»n&wö 'whoso among mankind by readiness-of will doth satisfy Z., is worthy
to be heard* (equivalent to 'that he be famous'): frä.trüidyäi infinitive in
passive sense. — tSm vi aid mshmaidl (s-aor. mid. 1 pi.: lman-) hui.haxäim
"(and) wo count him (who doth satisfy Z.) for a good friond with Your ASa\

Literature: Darmcsteter ZA. 1. 316 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 153 seq., Geldner
KZ. 30. 524 seq, Borthole,t's RelGcsch. Leseb. 326 seq., Bartholomae Die
GäOä's 64 seq, Gd&i-Übersetzung 87 seq.
There are here fire sections consisting of two or three strophes
a piece, without any close connection.
In the third section reaching from strophe 5 up to strophe 7, the
prophet says: Armatay may see to it, that under the dominion of
good princes mankind may acquire the title to Paradise, and that the
ox which serves them for nourishment may receive its due care (5).
The earth is the appointed habitation of us men, and the pasture of
the ox (6). Every one who wishes to make sure of the everlasting
reward, must endeavour to keep the ox from madness and cruelty (7).
The fith section, reaching from strophe 10 up to 12, contains
an appeal to the nobility: When will the nobleman keep away from
the orgies, with which the priests and the princes of the false belief
deceive him? (10). Then and then only will there be safety from the
enemy and real peace (11). It is the nobleman's duty to bring sal-
vation to the country and by this very means namely of turning
against the 'madness'.
& hux&a&rä xiSntqm (imp. mid. 3 pi.: xiäy·) — mä n9 duSsxSafrrä xüntä
(impf. mid. 3 pi.) — vanhuyä 6istöii Syao&anäiS ärmaitS 'good rulers shall
rule — evil rulers shall not rule, over us — with the works of the good
doctrine, Ο Ärm.!': mä with injunctive §661. — yaozdA (nom. sg. f.) maiyäi
aipl.zqfom . ., gavöi vnnzyätqm 'fulfil the future birth (equivalent to the
other life) for man, but for the Ox (create) the Husbandry': yaozdah- verb,
adjective with accusative § 442; the copula of the first clause and the verb
of the second clause are omitted § 718. — tqm (sz. gqm) η3 xvanüäi föuyö
(impf. act. 2sg.: ßav-) 'let it (the Ox) become fat for our nurture!': fäuyö
injunctive in imperative sense § 659. — 6 hä zl n5 huiöiihmä, ha n3 uta-
yüitlm däi tavlilm varahSus mananhö bsnxde (nom. eg. f.: pronominally de-
clined) 'she (Armatay, especially in her aspect as the godess of earth) hath
given us a goodly habitation, steadfastness and strength, she the beloved of
the Good Mind': banxia- with subjective genitive § 501, see note on Y. 9.26.
— at aftyäi aiä mazdä urvarä vaxiat ahurö 'but for him (the Ox) Μ. Ah. did
cause the herbs to grow through Αία': vaxia£ is pres. subj. 3 eg. used as impf.
§ 631. — 7 nl aii»mö nl dyätqm (imp. mid. 3 sg. in passive sense: dyä-) 'an
end shall be made of the Madness!'. — paiti nmam paitt syödüm (impf. mid.
202 Notes to Y. XLYIII and LI.

2 pi.: sä-), yöi ά vaahsui mananhö dldrayzö.duyS (pres. mid. 2 pi.: 1 drang-)
aSä vyqm, yehyd htöäuä (gen. sg.) ηα epantö 'guard yourselves against the
cruelty (towards the Ox, cp. Y. 49. 4), ye who will ensure for yourselves the
reward of the Good Mind through A.fo, of whose fellowship the holy man
(shall be)': syödüm in injunctive in imperative sense § 659; on the writing
of syödüm and dldrayzö.duye see § 36. 1. nä spantö 'the holy man* (sing, in
collective sense): cp. Y.5/. 21 ärmatöii nä spantö 'through piety doth a man
become holy*.
10 kadä .. mqnaröii narö vlsanti (s-aor. subj. mid. 3 pi.: ivaid-) 'when
will the Men of War learn to understand the message (of the Prophet)?': for
the future sense of visante cp. Y. 29. 4. The members of the second or
warrior caste (see note on Yt. 5. 86, Y. 29. 6) are called 'Man of War' (nar-)
or ' N o b l e m a n * (ocaetav-). — kadä ajSn (impf. act. 2 sg.: gan·) mü&ram
ahyä madahyä, yd angrayä (adv.) karapanö wrüpayeintl yäiä xratü duia-
xäa&rä daftyunqm 'when wilt Thou come upon the filthinees of this Strong
Drink, by the means of which the K. mischievously and the evil rulers with
intent do deceive the lands': S t r o n g D r i n k : i. e. the ifaoma-drink, which
Zara&uitra attacks chiefly because of the orgiastic festivals, in which the
Haoma-cult culminated. Zara&u&tra'e efforts had no euccess, at least no
lasting one. For the flaoroa-worship is later an integral part of the religion.
See introduction to Y. 9. — 11 ärmaitii . . huiaitU vdstravaitl: cp. note
on Y. 30.1. — köi dragvö.dablS ocrüräii rämqm ddnti (pres. subj. mid. 3 pi.:
dä-) '(who are) they, who will cause peace from the bloodthirsty Companions
of Drug Τ: dragvö.dablS xrüräiS instrumental of separation § 446. — king ά
vanhSuS jimat mancmhö έϊ&Ιίέ '(who are) they, to whom the knowledge of
the Good Mind will come?': ksng terminal accusative § 436. — 12 a£ töi
anhan saoiyanto dahyunqm. yöi xinüm, vohü manatahä (instr. as voc. § 427),
hai&nte äyaoöanäii, aid (instr. as voc. § 427), Swahyä, mazdä, anghahyä
'they are the Helpers of the lands, Ο V. Μ., who in their doing, Ο ASa, strive
for the fulfilment of Thy commandment*. H e l p e r (lit.'he, who will be pro-
fitable'): such is the name given by ZaradvMra to himself, when it is em-
ployed in the singular, in the plural to the chief supporters of his teaching,
who stand by his side at the closing work, i. e. stand by him to fulfil the
work of salvation which has been undertaken, and to bring the transfor-
mation of things to pass. Cp. note on Y. 9. 2.

Y. LI.
Literature: Darmesteter ZA. I. 331 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 178 seq., Geldner
Bertholct's RelGesch. Leseb. 333 seq., Bartholomae Die Gael's 59 seq., Gä&ä-
Übersetzung 106 seq.
Section I (1—7).
It is my aim as the prophet to win for myself and my people
the heavenly kingdom (1). Promise me, 0 Mazdah, to take US' np
therein, if we faithfully serve Yon (2) 5 listen to the prayers of those
who follow Your teaching (3) and above all grant the husbandman the
possession of the heavenly Ox. Thon hast appointed me as a jadge
Notes to Y. LI. 203

η tbe matter of who shall receive the reward at the last and who
the punishment (5, 6). The first section ends with a prayer for ever-
lasting welfare.
Section III (16—19).
In the four strophes contained in this section the prophet makes
honourable mention of the four principle promoters of his doctrine:
the prince Viitdspa, the political head of the community (16), the
two influential nobles of the Hvögvaf&müy, Fraiaoitra (17), his fathes-
in-law and Jamdspa (18), his son-in-law, and also Maidyöi.mdnha (.19),
who is occupied in a special extent in teaching for the propagation
of the faith.
1 vohü χέα&ηπι . . bägdm . . vldl&mnäi (part. mid. s-aor.: dä) Izäöil
aSä (instr. as subject § 427) antar9.6araitl (1kar-) iyao&anäiä . . vahi&tom 'the
Good Kingdom will Aia cause to be the portion unto him, who in his works
with zeal performeth that which is best*: izä- instrumental of manner § 447.
— tat nüiit vard&äne (s-aor. subj. mid. 1 eg.: varaz-) I will now make it
(the portion) to be ours. — 2 tä (adv.) vfi mazdä . . ahurä aiäi yeöä taib-
yäiä, ärmaite, döiiä (ί-aor. mid. 2 βg.: dais-) möi iitöii xia&nm "so make
me sure, Ο Μ, of the Kingdom) that is in Your possession (lit. the Kingdom
of Your possession) and (in the possesion) of Αία and in thine (possession),
Ο Ärm': v5 . . aiäi yeiä (nom. sg. f.) taibyäiä . . iStöii xäa&ram probably
instead of v5 . . ahyäsiä, yä aiäi taibyäiä (dative instead of possessive ge-
nitive § 468), . . iStöiS x&a&ram, absorption of the correlative § 737, cp. Bar-
tholomae Wb. 377. — ximakam (acc. eg. n.) vohü mananhä vahmäi däidi
savanhö 'grant Thou through V. Μ. Your (kingdom) of Benefit unto him, who
prayeth (unto You)'. — 3 ä.v5 gSui.ä (§ 36. 1) hsmyantü (lay ), yöi v5 Syao-
üanäii särante psar-), ahurö asä, hizvä uxdäii vawhSuS mananhö 'Your ears
shall set themselves in alliance with them, who in their deeds and in their
speech (hizvä: see Gl.) cleave to Your words, Ο Ah. and Αία, (and to those)
of V. M.': absorption of the correlative § 737; ahurö aSä (voc. du.) is dvandva-
compound. — 4 kudrä äröis ä fsaratuS, ku&rä mdrazdikä axitat (impf.-inj.
act. 3 sg.: stä-) 'where is recompense made for the sorrow, where are forgi-
venesses given?': that is to say "where is recompense made for the sorrow,
which has been undergone, where is forgiveness given for the sorrow, which
has been practised'; ä with genitive (instead of ablative) §528. — kuürä yasö
Hy9n afom 'where will they receive the Aia?': yas- verb, adjective with ac-
cusative § 442; HySn as representative of the (future) subjunctive § 652. —
fcw spantä ärmaitii? ku&rä manö vahiitsm? the seitevident answer to the
first four questions is: in Thy Kingdoms, thus the last question becomes
'where are Thy Kingdom's'. — 5 vispä tä pansqs 'concerning all these mat-
ters do I ask": on the periphrastic use of the present participle, with 1ah-
(here omitted) see § 671. — ya&ä asä£ haiä gqm wdat isvaed-) västryö iyao-
&anäii drdsvö hqs huxratui namatahä (nom. sg. m.), t/5 dä&aeibyö arai.ratüm
xiayqs αίίνά 6iitä (*kaei·) 'will the Husbandman, who is righteous in his
doing (and) judicious, attain to the possession of the Ox, when he prayeth
204 Notes to Y. LI.

(unto him), who hath promised tho right Judge (see note ou Y. 31. 2) for the
Prudent, (the Judge) wo disposeth of each kind of lot': absorption of the
correlative § 737. Tho Husbandtnan, for whom the ox and its pasture are
ou earth the fountain of all joy, cannot imagine the future without them.
The ox of paradise is here meant (as in Y. 44.6, 50. 2). — 6 yS vahyö vat»·
h5ui dazdi (da-), yasiä höi väräi rädat, ahurö xSa&rä mazdä — at ahmäi
ak&t aiyö, y9 höi nöif, vldäitl — (unto him:), who ever through his Kingdom
causeth what is better than good to be his, who doeth his will, (even) Ah. M.
— but what is more evil than evil to be his, who is not complaisant unto
him —': the correlative of the indefinite relative (yas6ä) is absorbed § 737;
vanhSui, akät ablativus comparatiouis §§ 481, 472. — 7 däidi τηδί . . tavlii
utayüitl mananhä vohü s5nnh& 'grant ine strength and steadfastness at (the
time of) the judgement*: see note on Y. 31. 2. — 16 tqm kavä vüitäspö ma-
gahyä xsadrä nqsat (plusquamperf. 3 eg. § 643: *nas·) — vatdh5u§ paddblS
(see Gl. under pantay-) mananhö — yqm iistim αέά mantä spantö mazdä
ahurö 'Kavay V. hath at the same time with the command over the League
accepted the doctrine — together with the paths of V.M. —, which together
with ASa the holy M. Ah. hath thought out': Kavay Vlätäspa, the patron of
Zaraihi&ra, see note on Yt. 5. 98- — α&ά τα sazdyäi (inf., § 371) uitä "thus
shall it be fulfilled according to our will!': sazdyäi infinitive as represen-
tative of the imperative §703. — 17 b9r»xdqm möi fsraiaoMrö hvö.gvö dai-
döüt (impf. act. 3 sg.: dais·) kshrpSm daenayäi vanhuyäi yqm höi iSyqm
dätü xiayqe mazdä ahurö aiahyä äzdyäi (inf., § 371) garvzdlm 'the beloved
body of the dear (maiden) hath Fr. Hv. assigned me, whom (the maiden)
may the ruler i f . Ah. grant, that for her good Self ehe do attain to the pos-
session of the ASa'i Jahrp&m .. yqm iSyqm .. the dear body (of the maiden),
whom . . incorporation of tho antecedent § 738; note the imperative {dätü)
in the relative sentence § 662. FraiaoStra: a nobleman of the Hvögva-
family, called therefore FraäaoStra Hvögva\ one of the chief supporters of
Zara&uitra, whom he gave his daughter in marriage. See note on Y t 5.98.
Tradition states, that Zaraöu&tra was thrice married. The names of the firHt
wife and of the second are not preserved- By the first, or privileged wife,
the Prophet had one son and three daughters. One of the daughters Pou-
ruiistd was married to Jämäspa (seo Y. 53). By the third wife, HvövI, the
daughter of Fraäaoitra, no earthly children were born, but she ie the noble
consort from whom ultimately are descended the future millenial prophets
Uxiyat.9T9ta, Uxiyat.namah, and the Messiah, Saoäyant, see note on Yt. 13.62.
Cp. Jackson Zoroaster 20 seq. — 18 tqm 6istlm dijämäspö hvö.gvö iitöii
xparanä aM wrvnte (pres. mid. 3 sg.: 2war-), tat xia&nm mananhö vanhiui
vidö (nom. pi. m.: tftd- adj.) 'Jämäspa Hv., eminent in riches, believes in this
doctrine together with M a , (and so) they, who possess the Good Mind, (believe)
in this Kingdom': remark the genitive ιΜόιέ depending upon xPannah-, which
is found with instrumental in Yt. 14. 41. Dijämäspa, written instead of
Jämäspa §61: a rich nobleman of the flüö^wi-family, brother of FraiaoStra,
see note on Yt. 5. 68. — tat möi däidl, ahurä, hyat, mazdä, rap5n tavä "this
do Thou for me, Ο Ah., that they may have in Thee, Ο M., a strong support':
hyat • · rapSn object sentence with injunctive § 769. — 19 hvö tat maidyöi.·
m&nhä spitamä, ahmäi (reflexive, § 568) dazde dainayä vaSdamnö: . . 'this
Notes to Y. LI and LIII. 205

man here, ο Μ. Sp., hath purposed doing that after having· comprehended
it in his heart: . . hvö .. nä 'this man here', equivalent to 'thou*. Maidyöi.-
mänha: a Helper, who is chiefly operative as teacher, sprang like Zara-
ihi&tra from the Äpiioma-family, known therefore as Maidyöi.md.nha Spitäma.
— yS ahüm isasas f}aei·) aibl, mazdä data (instr.) mraoi gayehyä üyaodanäii
vahyö 'to him, who striveth after the (second) life, he will pronounce that
which is better for the doing during the (first) life according to the law of
Mazdäh'·. absorption of the correlative § 737; for the use of the participle
(iHasqs) cp. Y. 51. 5.

Literature: Darmesteter ZA. 1.342 seq., Mills SBE. ΧΧΧΓ. 196 seq., Geldner KZ.
28. 190 seq., Bartholomae Die GäOä's 63 seq., Gddd-Übersetzung 115 seq.
This is the only Gada the occasion of whose composition is
known. It was the celebration of the marriage of Jdmaspa with
ZaradustrcC8 youngest daughter Pouruiista. At the ecclestiastical
ceremony, at which the prince Viitaspa and Frasaostra and a eon of
Zara&ustra were present, several other betrothed couples were joined
together. The speaker, as priest and father of the bride is Zara&uitra
except in the case of strophe 4 which is pat into the month of Jamaspa.
The two first strophes contain a sort of greeting for those pre-
sent: the prophet is certain of the finest lot in the future; so are all
they who follow his doctrine, and so are the supporters of his faith:
the prince Viitaspa, Frasaostra and the prophet's son (1, 2). In the
third strophe the prophet sanctions the marriage of his daughter, ex-
horting her in matter of religion also to be obedient to her husband (3).
This answers with the promise that he will do his uttermost, to see
that she fulfils her religious vows and so may earn the everlasting
reward (4). The Prophet now turns to the other betrothed couples.
They must vie with one another in pious works, in order to gain the
blessed life (5). The joy of the unbelievers is only of short duration;
for after death the most dreadful things await them, while the fairest
reward beckons to him who holds steadfastly to the true faith (6, 7).
The essence of the last two strophes (8, 9) is another .summons to
Viitaspa to advance with arms against the unbelievers. Hell is sure
for the unbelievers. But is there no prince who will destroy them
and free us from their deeds of violence? Mazdah has the power to
bring this to pass.
1 [Zaraduitra says:] vahiita litii srävi zaraduStrahS . .: yezl hoi däi
äyaptä .. ahurö .. yavöi vispäi ä hvcmhwim 'the highest good that is known
(is that) of Z.i even that Ah. will grant him the delights, namely a blessed
life for ever and ever': the sentence with yezl is used to give the contents
206 Notes to Y. LI II.

of äyaptä. The Prophet speaks of himself throughout this Gä&ä in the third
person. — yaeiä hoi daban (?dab·: or mis written for dadan?) saikan6d(}sak-)
dainayä vanhuyä ttxiä Syao&anä6ä 'and (so also to those), who exercise
themselves in the words and works of his goodly faith and mark them': the
correlative is to be supplied in the dative pi., depending upon dät. — 2 a{6d
höi sdantü (hak-) . . xSnüm . . yasnqs6ä . . vistäspö zaradu&trii spitämö
fvraäao&irasiä därahö (nom. pl. m.: *dä- adj.) arazüi ραϋδ yqm daenqm ahurö
saoüyantö dadät 'and these shall strive for his (Mazdäh'e) contentment and
for his worship: even V. and the son of Z., the Sp., and Fr., preparing the
straight pathways of the faith of the Helper (see note on Y. 48. 11), which
Ah. hath established': yqm daenqm incorporation of the antecedent § 738.
The son, whom Z. had by his first wife (see note on Y.5i.l7), is Isat-västra,
as we find out from Yt 13. 98. — 3 tSmdä tu, pouruöistä haefataspänä spi-
täml, yezivü dugadrqm zarafruätrahe, vcmkSus paityästlm mananhö asahyä
mazd&stä taibyö dät saram 'and this man (Jämäspa) he (ZaraduStra) hath
ordained for thee, Ο P., sprung from Β. and from Sp., thou youngest of Z.'s
daughters, as the instructor (in matters) of the League with V. Μ., Αέα and
M.': paiiyästay- abstract subst. used concrete with accusative (sanm) § 442.
Hai0a(.aspa is Zarafrustra'a great-grandfather; and Spitäma is the heros
eponymus of the family, whence the Prophet's appellative Zara&uMra Spi-
tama 'ZarafruStra the Spitamid'. See Jackson Zor. 17 seq. — adä hsm faraivä
(fras-) frwä xrafrwä 'go thou therefore with thy understanding and take
counsel*. — spiniStä ärmatöü hudänvaraSvä 'with great prudence exercise
thyself in the holiest (works) of piety': hudänvarvSvä written instead of hu-
dänü (nom. sg. f.) vara&vd (s-aor. imp. mid. 2 sg.: vans ). — 4 [Jämäspa
says:] tSm el vS sparadd nivaränl, yd fairöi (pitar- m.) vldät (svaSd-) paidyaiid
västrya(.ibyö aifiä x»aetaov$ (collective) aSaonl aSavabyö 'Lo, I will zealously
turn her unto the faith, that she piously do serve her father and her hus-
band, the Husbandmen and the Nobility, (that she) the faithful one (do serve)
the faithful people": final sentence with subjunctive § 779. — mananhö van-
hiSui x°Snva£ haiahuS mSm bSaduS mazdd dadät ahurö daenayäi varahuyäi ..
'and for her good Self will M. Ah. grant her the glorious prise of the Good
Mind': mSm bSadux is corrupt. — & [Zara{hi&tra says:] säxtfinl vazyamnäbyö
kainibyö mraomi xfrmaibyäid vadamnö 'to the maidens who are being given
in marriage and unto you (the bridegrooms) do I make teachings known,
exhorting you*. — m&niä i (acc. pl. n.: 2ay- dem. pron.) mqzdazdüm (impf,
mid. 2 pl.: mand-) vaidö.düm i}vald·) daenäbli abyastä ahürn ys vanteui
mananho "grave them (the teachings) in your remembrance, and learn to
comprehend them in your hearts in striving zealously after the life of the
QoodMind': the verb mand- (pres. m5n.. dad·) is separated in two parts like
the synomymous compound verbs mqzdä- (see note on Y. 9. 31) and zrazdä-
and formed on the model of these verbs. — αέα vS anyö ainim vlvSnghatü
Qvan-) 'each one you shall (seek to) outdo the other in righteous doing": aid
instrumental of respect § 453. — 6 i&ä i (emph. particle) haifryä (adv.) 'verily
thus it is". — drüjö haid räihmö (loc. sg. instead of rätomöi, because a word
beginning with y follows § 179. 7) y5ma (i. e. yam acc. sg. m. § 34. 2) spaSuM
(pres. act. 3 pl., probably instead spaSnu&ä : spas-) fräidlm, [drüjö] äyese
(pres. mid. 3 sg.: yds-) [höiäpi&ä] tanvö parä 'the joy, which ye behold upon
Notes to Y. LIII and XXXVI. 207

the Follower of Drug, will be taken away from his person: incorporation of
the antecedent § 738; räfoma· is here construed with ha6ä and an ablativus
(or genitivus) sociativus. The words which are put in square brackets,
cannot be understood and seem to be later additions. Cp. Y. 30. 1. — vayü.-
bdrvdubyö duä.ocan&Sm, nqsat (plusquaraperf. act. 3 sg.: inas·) dngvö.dabyö . .
'before them who lament (shall be set) evil meats, and Paradise will be lost
unto the Companions of Drug*·, cp. Y. 49.11: 'the souls go to meet the Com-
panions of Drug with evil meats' and H. 2. 36: 'as meats shall be brought to
him poison and poisonous stench: that is foot, after death, of a youth of evil
thought . — 7 aicä v9 mizdam anhat ahyä magahyä — yavat äzui zraz-
dütö bünöi haxtayä (gen. eg.: haxt- η.) — paraiä mraoiqs aoräiä ya&rä
mainyuS drvgvatö anasat parä 'and the reward of this League shall be
given unto you — provided that the most faithful zeal (is) in your flesh and
blood — there, where bending downward and aside the Spirit of the Com-
panion of Drug shall fall in with destruction': haxtayä is a new formation on
the basis of the nom. du. (haxti), cp. Bartholomae Wb. 1745. — ivlzayaüä
(pres. act. 2 pi.: eäy-) magSm t5m, a% vS vayöi anhaitt apZmsm (adv.) ναέδ
'but if ye separate yourselves from this League, 'woe' will be your word at
the end of all things': the members of the conditional sentence are put side
by side without a conditional sign, cp. Latin unum cognoris, omnia noria
(Terence); note the singular writing of iwzayaöä instead of vlzaya&ä. —
8 huxia&räiS finsrqm xrünarqmdä rämqmdä äii dadätü iyeitibyö (part,
pres. act.: Syä-) mzibyö 'he {Mazdäh, see below) (shall cause them) murder
and bloodshed by means of good rulers and so shall give peace from them
to the joiful villages': äi$ instrumental of separation § 446, cp. Y. 48. 11. —
Iratü ('ar-) l& dvaf&ö hvö danzä mardidyaoS maziMö "he shall bring torment
upon them, he who is the greatest, and (lit. with) the fetters of death': he
i. e. Mazdäh, cp. Y. 45. 6: "I will speak of him, who is the greatest of a l l . .
May Mazdäh hearken ..'. — 9 duzvannäiä vaeSö rästi (rä#-) 'to the man of
false belief belongeth the place of corruption". — töi nanpli (acc. eg. n.)
ar»jlS aeiasä dtfit-ardtä psSö.tanvö —: kü . . ahurö, y5 Ιέ jyätSui hSmiüyät
(mae&·) . . 'they who set out to degrade the worthy (i. e. the faithful), (they)
who despise the Holy Law, (they) who have forfeited their bodies —: where
is the Lord of Judgement who will take from them their life . . ? ' : for psio.-
tanü- see note on V. 5. 4.

Yasna Haptarahätay.
Prayer to Fire for mercy at the last judgement (the great fire-
Literature: Darmesteter Ζ A. I. 261 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 284 seq., Th. Baunack
ZDMG. 38. 440 seq., Stud. I 333, 358 seq., Justi Preuss. Jahrb. 88. 85 seq.,
Geldner RZ. 27. 584 seq., Bertholet's RelGesch. Leseb. 335.
1 ahyä frwä ä&rö varazSnä paouruyi pain jasämaide, mazdä ahurä,
&wä &wä mainyü spSniitä, xß ä axtii ahmäi, y5m axtoyöi dänhS 'on account
208 Notes to Υ. XXXVI and XL.

(or 'concerning') the activity of this Fire and on account of Thy Holiest Spirit,
we first come near to Thee, Ο Ah. M., who preparest (lit. art.) torment for
him, for whom Thou purposest to prepare torment': wrazinä is instrumental
of cause or respect §§ 451, 453. Ahura Mazdäh is the 'Lord of Judgement*,
see note on Y. 29. 2, 30. 7, 31. 2. The Fire and the Holiest Spirit watch over
tlie ordeal, cp. Y. 31. 3 . - 2 urväziitö hvö nä yätäyä paitl.jamyä, ätarg
mazdä ahurahyä, urväziätahyä urväzyä nqmiitahyä namarahä ηά mazistäi
yäiahqm paitl.jamyä 'as the most blissful come Thou toward us . ., Ο Fire,
son of Ah. M.\ with the bliss of the most blissful, with the reverence of the
most reverential come Thou toward us to the greatest of the decisions': hvö
refers to paitljamyä the subject of which is understood § 571; yätäyä is ob-
scure, see Bartholomae Wb. 1284. maziitäi yärshqm: terminal dative § 465.
The greatest of the decisions is the 'cloeing work' (Y. 30.2). The faithful one
prays to the Fire, that it may meet him most favourably at the ordeal which
takes place at the time of the closing work, i. e. that it may not bring him
torment, but bliss (Y. 30. 7). — 3 atari vöi (inf., see Bartholomae Wb. 1427)
mazdä . . ahl 'as Fire Thou art the joy of ΑΓ.": on 1ah- with final infinitive
see § 704. — hyat vä (emph. particle) töi nämanqm väziStam, ätara . ., tä
•ihoä pairijasämaidS 'that oue of Thy names, Ο Λ., is the most propitious,
with that name (on our lips) we will come near to Thee': the fire has accor-
ding to Y. 17.11 five names, to which the five kinds of fire in the later
theology correspond: banzieavah- "that, which gives great benefit' — the fire
of the daily use, which only consumes meat and not water; vohü.fryäna-
'that which loves the good' — the fire, which abides in the bodiee of men
and beests, which consumes alike meat and water; — urväzista- 'the most
blissful' — the fire which abides in herbs, which only consumes water and
no herbs; väziita· 'the most propitious' — the fire, which consumes neither
meat nor water; spSniita- 'the most holy' — the fire, which burns in para-
dise before Ah. M. See Bd. 17.1 seq., Zs. 11.1. — 6 sraiStqm at töi kahrpSm
kahrpqm ävaSdayamahi, mazdä ahurä, imä raoiä baraziitom bamimanqm
avat, yät hvarS aväil 'we account Thee the most beautiful shape of shapes:
the lights here and that which is the highest of all things, which are high,
called the sun': for the antithesis of ima- and ava- see § 567. Cp. V. 2. 40:
Xvodätaöa raoiä stiiätaia 'there are eternal lights and transient lights*. The
Commentary has here the following Avesta quotation: νispa anayra raoiä
usia us.raoiayeiti vUspa stiiäta raoeä aora äraoiayeiti antarät 'all eternal
lights shine above, all transient lights shine below', imä raoiä are therefore
the transient or artificial lights, the various kinds of fire. The passage con-
tains an allusion to the ancient worship of the sky connected with light and
fire, when there were as yet no real gods in the later sense of the term.
See introduction to the Mihr Yait and note on Yt. 13. 3.

Prayer to Ahura Mazdah for the highest reward in both lives.
Literature: Darmesteter Ζ A. I. 271 seq., Mills SBE. XXXI. 288 seq., Baunack
Stud. I 339 seq., Geldner KZ. 27. 240 seq.
1 ähü (1a-, pron. dem.) at paiti adähü, mazdä ahurä, mazdqmiä (acc.
Notes to Y. XL. 209

eg. with transition to the 5·declension: mazdäh- η.) büiriiä karaSvä (lkar-)
räiti (instr. sg.: srätay-) töi xrapaitl ahmat hyat aibl, hyat mlzdsm mavaifom
fradadä&ä daenäbyö 'at these allotments (see note on Y. 30. 7), Ο Μ. Ah.,
think upon that and fulfil it, (that) which is our request, through the gran-
ting (of that), which Thou hast ordained unto the Daenä's (see note on
Y. 46.11 and introduction to Yt.13) for the reward unto such as I': in maz-
dqmiä . . keraSvä . . xrapaitl ahmat hyat aibl the relative sentence is the
object of xfcar-, which forms a single phrase with the accusative mazdqm
(see § 438 β and note on Y. 9. 28); in büiriiä . . kvrsävä . . xrapaitl ahmat
hyat a-ibl the relative sentence is one of the two accusatives depending of
kar- as verb of making, büiri-δά being the other and agreeing with hyat·
räiti töi . . hyat mlzdam mavaifom fradadä&ä daenäbyö absorption of the
correlative §737; mavaiihin refers either to Zara&ustra (cp. movant- Y. 44.1,
46. 7) as a sort of hackneyed phrase or to the priest (cp. N. 20.81). — 2 ahyd
(gen. part, as object § 497) hvö (cp. Y. 36. 2) nS däidl ahmäiiä ahuyi manali·
yäiiä tat (adv.) ahyä, yä tat upä.jamyämä: tavacä haxdmä asaftyäcä vlspäi
yave 'this (reward) procure Thou for this life and for the spiritual (life);
therefore procure Thou it, that we may attain to that: to communion with
Thee and with ASa for ever and ever'. — 3 däidl at narqs (nar- m.) . .
asäunö (acc. pi.) asaiinanho, aidyüS västrySng daragäi.. haxmaine, ahmaibyä
ahmä.rafananhö 'cause, (that) the noblemen believe in the ASa and seek after
him, that the husbandmen become fitted for continuous companionship, (but)
for us [the priests] (that they both) may be faithfully submissive to us': see
note on Y. 29. 6, 48. 10. — 4 a&ä x»aUüä (nom. sg., collective) a&ä v»r»z5nä
(nom. pi. n.) adä haxSmqm hyät (§ 619), yäiS hiicamaide (hak-), a&ä v5 utä
hyämä, mazdä ahurä, asavanö araSyä iStSm (1aei-) räiti (inf., § 372) "thus may
the noblemen, thus may the husbandmen, thus may the priests, with whom
we are in union, induce You (i. e. to the gods) thus may we all, ο Ah. M.,
as followers of Αία (and) righteous ones induce You to grant us, (what) we
desire': on lah- with (the dative and) the predicative infinitive see § 699.

Avert* Reader. 14
Glossary and Index.
Order of letters for Glossary.
α ά 9,5 e,e o,ö & q i,l u,ü k g,y χ δ j t d,S & t Ρ
f ® ύ η τη y ν r,hr (*rl-,"rü-) s ζ .4 ζ h Λ χν.
aiSaya-χ fut.aeij/a-; perf. ptcpl. pass.
a. Uta··, 'to seek for; to desire; to wish
Vi, ä prep., postpos. and vbl. prefix, to bear; to demand*. With aibi 'to
see under ά. strive for (acc.)', with upa 'to per-
α-, a-, g. 9- (skt. α-) neg. prefix 'un-*, ceive", with paiti 'to observe, to
see also an·, ana·. perceive', with pairi 'to search for'.
'a- pron. dem. (skt. a·) 'this; this here, *aii- vb. (skt. If ate, ifyati), pres. iSya- ·.
this now; this my, this our*. Dclu. 'to drive*. With fr& "to drive, to turn
§ 397. to flight*.
g. *a- pron. ident. 'myself, thouself, 1 αέία- adj. 'efficient, effectual; in-
himself, only nom. sg. S. fluential; having the (desired) effect,
y. aeta- pron. dem. (skt. eta-) 'this; happy*.
this here, this now'. Dein. § 397. *ai&a· pron. dem. (skt. efd, efdh) 'this
y. a&aia ad ν 'here, there; then, thus; here, this now, this my, this our*.
thereupon', Dein. § 397.
y. aetavant- adj. (skt. etdvant-) 'so g. alSasa- adj. 'setting out to (acc.)*.
much, so great, so many', only neutr., y. aisma-, y. g. at&dma- sb. m. 'mad-
aStavaitya (loc. eg·.) adv. 'thus*, ness'; name of a Dalva.
y. at&ra.patay· sb.m. 'teacher'. y. aoe: see under lava·.
ain- vb. (skt indti), pres. inav-: 'to in- y. aoi: see under am.
jure, to offend, to do violence to', aog- vb. (skt. dhate), pres. aog-, perf.
y. ainanhaiti: see under a&nahya-. ptcpL pass, aoxta··. only mid. 'to pro-
g. (y.) lainah- sb. n. (skt. Snas-) 'vio- claim, to say'; 'to epeak of (instr.)';
lence; work of mischief, crime, with two acc. 'to call, proclaim a.
outrage. p...'. With avi and two acc. 'to
g. *a8nah- adj. 'worker of mischief, call, proclaim a. p.. .*, with & 'to say*,
y. aSnahya· (written ainanha-, § 100.4) with paiti 'to answer', with pairl 'to
denom. pres. 'to offer violence to, command*,
to use force with", y. aogar- sb. n. (cp. aojah-) 'strength*.
y. aSnahvant- adj. 'doing violence to g.(y.)aogah- sb. n. (cp. aojah·) 'strength*,
{loc.)\ y. aoxtö.näman· adj. 'wherein the na-
aim·. see under aySm. me (of the invocated god) is espe-
aSvd adv. (skt. evd) "so, thus'. cially named' (of prayers).
aiva-, y. diva (only acc. sg. m., n. dim) aojah- sb. n. (skt. djas·) 'strength'.
num. 'one; only, single. aojahvant- adj.(skt.djasvant-) 'strong*,
y. aSvaSa adv. 'in the same place' or g. aojoi inf. (cp. skt. ühati 'he moves')
"at the same time*, 'to practise*.
y. aevandasa- num. adj. 'eleventh*, aojiita- adj. (superl. of uyra-·, ai. 6ji-
y. aSvö.däta- adj. 'sole-created*. ffha·) 'strongest, very strong*,
ais- vb. (skt. I f f e , lie, liändh), pres. is-: g. aojya- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass, of aog·
only mid. 'to be master of, to rule vb.) 'worthy of praise',
over; to be able; to be obliged to*, y. aojyah- adj. (compar. of uyra-; skt.
y. aSsma- sb. m. (cp. skt. indhate) pi. djlya»-) "stronger*,
and eg. collect, 'fire wood, fuel', y. aota- adj. (cp. aodar- sb. n. 'cold-
y. aismd.zasta- adj. 'having fire-wood ness', s k t Üdhar-) 'cold'; sb. n. 'cold-
in the baud*, ness, frigidity',
ν. aZza- adj. (from dz- vb.; skt. ehd-) y. aodra- sb. n. 'shoe, boot'.
'desiring, wishing*, aord adv. (instr. sg. of *aora- adj.,
y. 1αδζαΑ· sb.n. (skt. ihas·) 'wish, desire*, compar. of avd; cp. skt. dvara- 'in-
y. a&l· vb. (skt. ifati, icchdti, efifyati, ferior') 'down, downwards',
efayati·, i f f d f r ) , pres.tia-; tea-; ύα»α·; g. aoe· vb. (skt. uhati 'he esteems'),
214 αοί- — apara-

pres. uz-: 'to esteem a. p . . .* with y. a-ddrvto.tkaiia- adj. 'not esteeming

two acc. the teacher*,
y. αοέ- vb. (cp. ναέ- vb.), pres. αοέα-: y. adka- sb. m. (skt. dtka-) 'mantle',
only mid. 'to say to (dat.), to speak y. a-äbiäta-, α-φΐ&ία- adj. 'not infested,
with (instr.)'. not injured',
y. αοέα- eb. in. (litt, 'death by fire" cp. g. aidy-ü- adj. (from av- vb. 'to help',
skt. o$a- eb. m. 'burning') 'destruc- skt. ävati) 'fit, fitted*,
tion, ruin, death'; name of a Daiva. g. a-dvaeSah- adj. 'without harm',
oka- adj. (skt. dka-) 'bad, evil, wicked', g. advan-, y. adwan- sb. m. (skt. ddh-
y. a-karana· adj. 'boundless' (of the van·) 'way, path*.
time). e M adv. (skt. äthä) 'so, thus; there-
y. a-karSta· adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass, of fore; and',
kari- vb. "to plough"; skt. akj-fta·) y. aöaurvan-, a&aurun-, άύταναη- sb.
'uncultivated', m. (skt. ätharvan·) 'priest*,
y. akö.dä· adj. 'producing evil*, y. add ratui·. quotes the prayer Y. 27.
y. αγα- adj. (skt. aghd- adj.) 'bad, evil, 13 from the second paragraph,
wicked*. y. a-i&yajah·, a-i&yejah- adj. 'not en-
g. a-gu&ta- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass, of dangered*,
gaoi- vb. 'to hear") 'not (to be) heard, y. a-i&yejahvant- adj.'not endangered'.
bitter to hear*, a&rd adv. (skt. dtrd) 'here; there'.
y. α-γτΰ- adj. (lit. "not pregnant* from at particle 'then; but; and',
*garav- 'heavy'; skt. a-grü-) only g. at-id particle 'and then, and'.
fem.'single, unmarried' (of maidens). at-ili particle 'then; however; but'.
axtay- sb. m. 'suffering, pain, tor- aibiSta··. see under a&biSta-.
ment, illness*, g. at zi particle 'for*.
y. axtya- sb. m., name of a wizard. ap- vb. (skt. präpat, prdpeyam), pres.
afista· adj. (superl. of aka-) 'most evil, apaya•: "to reach, overtake; to par-
most wicked, worst', take of (acc.); to observe; to cope
y. a-jastay- (front gad- vb.) 'non-en- with (acc.); to come up*. With paiti
treaty*. or with/rä 'to come to (avi with acc.)*.
y. a-jidyamna- adj. (pres. ptcpl. mid. ap- sb. f. 'water': see under άρ-.
of gad· vb.) 'unasked*, apä vbl. prefix (skr. άρα).
y. a-jyamna- adj.'inexhaustible, never- y. αραοέα- sb. m. (*apa-uia- lit. 'drying
failing', up', cp. αοέα- sb.) name of a Daiva.
g. a-jyätay- sb. f. "not-life", y. apa-kava- adj. 'humpbacked*,
y. a-tanu.pervüa- sb. m. 'aon-tanu.- y. apa-yzära- sb. m. 'outlet',
pan&a\ y. apa.xraosaka- adj. (from xraos- vb.)
y. atära- adj. (compar. of 'a·) 'this of 'slanderous',
the two*. y. αρα.χέα&τα- adj. 'dethroned*,
y. ad- vb. (skt. äha perf.) pres. aiaya-·, y. a-paitisrata- adj. (from 1ar- vb.)
(iter.) ä day a-·, aor. pass, äidi: 'to 'unhindered, in a continuous course*,
say'; pass, 'to be called' with two y. a-paitita- adj. 'not settled',
nom. With paiti 'to answer', y. a-paiti.busti adv. (from baod- vb.)
y. ada, g. add adv. (skt. ddhd) 'then; 'without being perceived',
and, also; so*, y. apa.dis- adj.: obscure,
y. a-daevayasna- adj. 'who is not a y. apana- sb. m. (skt. apänd-) 'expi-
worshipper of the Daiva.'s\ ring'.
y. a-daoyamna- adj. (pres. ptcpl. mid. y. apano.tama- adj. (superl. of *apana-
from 1dab- vb.) 'who cannot be de- a d j , derived from apa) 'highest,
ceived, infallible*, best".
y. αδαν- sb. f. 'rivulet', v. apaya adv. 'afterwards, hereafter',
y. adairi prep. (cp. skt. ddhara· adj.) y. apayav- adj. (from ap- vb.) 'co-
with acc. 'under, below*, ming up*,
y. adairi zjma- adj. 'being under the g. apa-yeitl inf. (from yam- vb.) 'to
earth, residing under the earth*, hinder from (with two acc.)*.
y. a-dahma- adj. 'non-dahma'. apara- adj. (compar. of apa; cp. skr.
g. a-dä·, y.a-Sä-sb.f. η.: see under ädä·. dpara- adj.)'posterior; the one (who
y. laiät adv. 'then, afterwards", is) behind; the second; the future'.
y. *adät [Yt. 10. 13] adv. 'from there, aparqm (acc. sg. f.) adv. 'behind, on
from that point*. the other side of (gen.)*.
apara.iridyant- — aframanntl- 216

y. a-para.iri&yant- adj. 'not dying*, y. aiwi-iätay- sb. f. 'word*,

y. a'pairi.ä&ra- adj. (from vb.) y. aiwidätö.tarStay· adj. "horrifying*,
'imperishable', g. aibl.d»nStay- sb. f. (from dans- vb.;
y. apa.skaraka- adj. 'scornful', skt. dfftay-) 'sight, aspect*,
y. apa.stanah- adj.: obscure, y. aitvi.draoxda- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass.
y. apaia adv.: see under ap&nk-. of draog· vb.) 'to be deceived*,
y. apaSi (nom.sg.f.): see under ap&nk-. y. aiwi.&äy-adj .'troubling about(gen.)*.
y. apäxtara-, apäxaira- adj. (compar. y. aiwi-&üra- adj. 'very victorious*,
of ap&nk-) 'northern*, g. aibl.bairiSta- adj. 'most advanta-
y. a-pätar· sb. m. 'protector', geous, useful*,
y. apävaya- sb. m. (cpd. ava+*ävaya- y. aiwi.nltay- sb. f. (from nay· vb.;
'without testicles, castrated'?), name skt. nltay-) 'bringing on*,
of a sickness or a defect. y. aiwi.vanyah- adj. (compar.; skt.
apsma, g. apima- adj. (superL of apa; vdnlyas·) 'overcoming*,
skt. apamd-) 'last'; apdmam adv. y. aiun.varatay- sb. f. (from 'var- vb.)
'at last, at the end of all things', 'waving over*,
y. o-p9r»n<iyat>-adj.'underage,minor'. y. aibiz- adj. (cpd. aibi+*iz·, from äe-
v. ape prep, with acc. 'after*, vb.) 'wishing, desiring' (with gen.).
g. apö vbL prefix, y. aiwi.iaetan- sb. m. (from Say- vb.)
y. ap&nk- adj., f. apaSl- (derived from 'inhabitant*,
apa·, skt. dpäiik-) 'turned back- y. aiwi-Sasta inf. (from lhad- vb.) 'to
(wards)'; apaia (instr. sg.) adv. mount (a horse)',
'back(wards)'. y. aitvi-Sitse inf. (from Say-) "to inhabit',
y. apqm adv. 'hereafter, henceforth*. v. aiwiStay- sb.f. (from'oA- vb.) "study*,
aipl (skt. dpi) adv. 'and, also; after- y. aiwi&xvan&a adj. 'drinkable*,
wards; even, very'; prep, with acc. y. abda- adj. 'wonderful, excellent*,
'over; by'. Vbl. prefix, y. abdö.tdma- adj. (superl. of abda·)
y. aipi.jaiti inf. (from gan· vb.) 'to 'the most excellent*,
smite'. g. abyastay- sb. f. (cpd. atbi+*yastay,
g. aipl t&iS adv. (lit. 'after these from yat-vb.) 'zealous striving'(with
[things]') "hereafter", acc.).
y. a-pipyüSi- adj., only fem. 'not gi- y. aiwy-äxStar- sb. m. (from äxi- vb.)
ving suck*, 'overseer, guardian",
g. aipl.zq&a sb. n. 'the future birth*, y. aiwy-äxiträi inf. 'to watch over'
y. aipiJütay- sb. f. 'displacement', (with acc.).
y. la-pudra- adj. 'childless*, y. aiwyäma- adj. 'exceedingly strong*,
y. *α-ρυ.&τά- adj., only fem. 'who (newly) y. aiwyävah- sb.n.(cpd.attoi-(-1!awaA-?)
has born*, 'assistance, help, succour*,
y. apu&rö.zanä- adj., only fem. (from y. aiwyänhana- sb. n. (cpd. aiwi -f
1zan- vb.) "sterile", *y&T3hana·, from lyäh- vb.) 'girdle*,
y. a-puyant- adj. (pres. ptcpl. act. from y. awra- sb. n. (skt. abhrd-) 'cloud;
pav- vb.) 'not rotting, not putre- rain, shower of rain',
fying*. y. awz-däta- adj. 'laid in the water,
y. aipy-üxiay- sb. f. (from vak- vb.) lying in the water',
'insertion of words*, y. atczdänvan- sb.m., name of a water,
g. (y.) aibl, y. aiwi (skt. abhi) prep. y. a-fraoxSayant- adj. (pres. ptcpl. act.
with loc. 'concerning'; vbl. prefix, from lvaxi- vb.) 'not growing up',
y. aiwi.aojah- adj. 'having superior y. a-frakatak- adj. (from tak- vb.) 'not
power, mastering*, running forward (out of the hiding-
v. aiwi.gatay- sb. f. 'approach', place)*.
y. aiwi.gäma- sb. m. 'winter; year', y. a-frakaSavata- adj. (cp. skr. dhü-
y. aiwi.yzänm absol. (from yzar- vb.) nöti 'he shakes') 'not movable*,
'flowing along', v. a-frajyamna- adj. 'inexhaustible*,
y. avwi.xSöidne inf. (from Say- vb.) "to y. a-fratat-kuSl- adj. (*tat.kvah· perf.
be a dwelling f o r . .*. ptcpl. act. of tak- vb.) fem. "not
v. aibi-jantar- sb. m. (from '^ar- vb.) flowing forward*,
"praiser". y. a-fra-patäi inf. (from pat- vb.) 'to
y. aiwitara- adj. 'foreign', come along' (in daivic manner),
y. aiwito prep. (skt. abhitah) with acc. y. a-framanntl- sb. f. (from hnar- vb.)
'around, round about'. 'non-recitation*.
216 afrasähvant- — antarS

y. afrasähvant- adj. 'complying with y. αη-αϊίϋϊί.χναηύα- adj. 'unfit to

a p.'s wish' (with dat.). drink*.
y. 'a-frazantay· adj. 'childless*, y. an-abddtay- sb. f. "not-dressing (the
y. a-fraSlmant- adj. "not proceeding, shirt)'.
not moving forward*, y. xan-aiwyüstay- sb. f. 'not-pulling on
y. a-fri&yant- adj. (pres. ptcpl. act. the girdle*,
from fral&- vb.) 'not putrefying*, y. *an-aiwydstay- adj. (from lah· vb.),
y. afsmart- sb. n. 'line" (of the Gä&ä'a). only fem. 'without cohabitation*,
y. afsmainivqn adv. 'line by line*, y. an-antan adv. 'not inside, not with-
y. afSa- eb. m. (pi.) 'loss', in* (doubtful),
y. af&Mfrra- adj. 'containing the seed y. ana.mana- adj."attentive in thought,
of the waters*, devoted*,
y. anra-, g. angra- adj. 'hostile, fiend; y. anarsta- adj. 'lawless*.
evil*. ana-saxtd- adj., only fem. 'not having
y. anrö.mainyav- adj. 'creature of the stayed to the end of her time, still
Evil Spirit*, lying-in*.
y. anrö.mainyava- adj. 'creature of y. an-aiavan- adj. 'unfaithful, enemy
the Evil Spirit", of the faith*,
y. a-nhaofomna- adj. (pres. ptcpl. mid. y. an-ahaxto- adj. 'not qualified*,
from *haos· vb., cp. skt. bifyati). g. anäiS d adv. (lit "by means of these
'not drying up', [things]") 'therefore; in such a way*,
y. a-nhai&ya- adj. (skt. asatyd-) "un- y. an-äxitay- sb. f. 'non-peace*,
true*. y. an-ädruxtay- sb. f. 'not-lying*,
anhav-, ahu- sb. m. (from 1ah· vb.; skt. y. an-äpa- sb. n. 'deserf.
äsav·) 'being, existence, life; place y. an-äzanta- adj. 'not made angry*,
of the existence; world; mankind; y. an-ähita- adj. 'spotless*,
community*, y. ainita- adj. (*an-inita- by haplo-
y. a-nhavana- sb. m. 'pestle*, logy; from αέη- vb.) 'not offended,
y. anhuia [V. 2.43]: see under ahü·. not injured*,
y. anku&wa- sb. n. 'JAw-ship*. y. anu, g. Sadnü (skt. dnu) prep, with
y. a-nhvä- sb. f. (from *hav- vb.) acc. 'according to, after, along*.
"energy, vital strength*, Vbl. prefix,
an- neg. prefix: see under *a·. y. anuxtSe inf. (from vak- vb.) 'to
y. an- vb. (skt. dniti) .pres. an·: 'to speak according to, after*,
breathe*. With ava or avi and ava y. an-upaSta· adj. (cpd. upa+ita-) "not
'to direct the breath to (acc.)\ yet to be known by a man*,
y. ana prep, with acc. 'over; along; y. an-upöifrwa- (cpd. upa + idwa-)
on*. adj. 'out of reach*,
y. ana- neg. prefix: see under , o-. y. anupoi&want- adj. 'with a promi-
ana- pron. dem. (skt. and·) 'this, he'; nent circlet, edge*,
with ya&and and a subst. 'any . Λ y. anu-matay-sb.f.'repeatingin mind*,
Dein. § 379. y. anu-matie inf. (from lman- vb.) 'to
g. an-aiia- adj. "who does'nt achieve think according to, after*,
anything", y. anu-maya- adj. (cp. skt. mimdti)
y. an-ayra- adj. 'endless, eternal*, 'bleating, with pasav- 'sheep*; sb.
y. anaiilm adv. "cross, across*, 'sheep*.
y. an-aptäüta- adj. 'without displace- y. anu-var&tie inf. (from vanz- vb.)
ment*. 'to work according to, after*,
y. an-apiiütay- sb.f.'non-displacement*, y. an-usant- adj. "against one's will*,
y. an-apyüxda- adj. 'without insertion y. an-uzvarSta· adj. 'not made good*,
of words*, y. anku.passmna- adj. (cp. skt. ankd-
y. an-apyüxiay- sb. f. 'non-insertion sb. m.; pssamna- pres. ptcpl. mid.
of words*, of pais- vb. "to adorn") 'adorning
y. an-aiivi.&ntvö.gätav- adj. 'without o. s. with bracelets',
a fixed place*, g. -angra·: see under anra-.
y. an-aiwi.druxda- adj. 'not deceived, g. angrayd adv. (from angra·) 'mis-
not belied*, chievously*.
y. an-aiwi.vastra· adj. 'unclothed*, antarS (skt. antdr) adv. 'within, be-
y. an-aiwi.vdr»ntya- adj. (from vär- tween"; prep, with acc. 'within, in,
vb.) 'not to be sprinkled". under, between*. Vbl. prefix.
antara· — ανά 217

y. antara- adj. (skt. dntara- adj.) 'in- with d 'to come', d and upa 'to go
ner, interior*. near, to come to (acc.)', with d and
j . antar9.ani9tn adv. (cp. skt. dp· ham 'to set o. s. in alliance with',
yardham adv.) 'within* with gen.; with upa 'to go near, to come on',
'on this side*, with paitt 'to remit', with paiti and
v. antara uxtay- sb. f. 'interdict*, ava 'to go, to come down to (avi
y. antan.natmät (abl. sg.) adv. 'from with acc.), with pdra 'to go away,
within; within*, to depart; to set', with frd 'to go
y. anda- adj. (skt. andhd- adj.)' blind*, on, to proceed', frd and fraSa 'to
y. anya adv. (instr. eg. of anya·) 'ex- walk over a way, to commit a deed',
cept, save', with instr. s
with ham 'to flock together'.
•anya·, ainya- adj. (skt.anyd·) 'another, ay- eubst. pron. dem., only enclit.
other'; 'one-another'; 'other than, acc. m. and n. Im, if; Is, I 'him, her,
different from, else than (with abl.)'; it'. Dein. § 398.
'strange*. y. ayaoxiusta- ·. see under ayöxiusta-,
v. ainyat adv. (acc. sg. n. of anya-) y. a-yaozdya- adj. (*yaozdya- fut.
'except, save*, ptcpl. pass. from yaozdd- vb.) 'not
y . anyö, ainyö adv. (nom. eg·, m. of to be purified, unclean*.
anya·) 'except, save' with abl. ayapta-: see under dyapta·.
y . anyö-tkaUa-, adj. 'of an other do.c- y. ayanhaena· adj. 'made of metal
trine'. (iron)'; sb. n. 'a thing made of metal
y. anyö.vanna- adj. 'of an other re- (iron)'.
ligion, heterodox*, y. ayanhöjyd- adj. 'with metal (iron)
j . lama- adj. 'strong, powerful, vigo- tendons*.
rous*. y. ayanhö.duma- ad j. 'with metal (iron)
jr. *ama· sb. m. (skt. dma·) 'strength, tail'.
force; charge; attack*, y. ayanhö.paitiix'anna' adj. 'with
y. amaknigan- adj. 'smiting in the metal (iron) jaws*,
attack*. y. ayanhö.pdd- adj. 'with metal (iron)
y. amavant-, g. Smavant- adj. (skt. feet'.
dmavant- adj.) 'strong, powerful, y. ayanho.zasta- adj. 'with metal (iron)
vigorous*, claws'.
y. amavastara- adj.: compar. of ama- y. ay an-, g. y. ayar- sb. n. 'day, day-
vant-. time".
y. amavastdma- adj.: superl. of ama- y. ayantdm absol. 'going, walking*,
vant·. y. ayav- adj. (cp. dyav- sb. n. 'age')
y. a-mariant- adj. (β-aor. ptcpl. act. 'old, of a certain age*,
from 1mar· vb.) 'not dying, im- g. y. ayar-·. see under ay an-.
mortal*. y. ayan.drdja.h- sb. n. 'duration of
y. a-maSya· adj. (skt. dmartya- 'im- one day*,
mortal') 'unpeopled, deserted*, y. ayanbara- sb. n. 'day's ride*,
v. a-manxtay· adj. (from marik- vb.) y. a-yasnya-, a-yesnya- adj. (skt. aya-
'not endangered*. jntyd-) 'unworthy of worship*.
amantatät-, amsratdt- (by haplology) ayah- sb. n. (skt. dyas-) 'metal (iron);
sb. f. (cp. skt. amftatvd- sb. n.) 'im- iron caldron*,
mortality, eternity'; also deified. y. a-yd- adj. (also fem.) 'going on,
-a-m9$a- adj. (skt. amfta-) 'immortal*, streaming' (of waters),
y. a-muyamna- adj. (ptcpl. pres. mid. y. ayd&rima- sb. m., name of the deity
of *muya- 'to move*; cp. skt. kd- of the 4 t h season and of the season-
mamüta- adj.) 'not departing*. festival.
^ay- vb. (skt. iti, dyat [subj.], ydnti, g. ayim, g. y. aim (only masc.; skt.
»Λί; diyeh), pres. ay·, y·; äy-·, pert. ay dm), y. Im (only fem.; skt iydm)
ptcpl. pass. ita-·. 'to go'; with ptcpl., pron. dem., nom. sg. m. and f. 'this;
adj. or inf. 'to go on' (i. e. to do, to this here; he, she'; aim aim 'any,
be permanently). With apa 'to go any one*,
away', neg. 'to go not away, to get y. ayesnya-i see under ayasnya-.
not on', with aiwi 'to go, to come y. ayö-x&usta-, ayaoxiusta- sb. n. 'mel-
near; to go along (a way)*, with ted metal*.
ava 'to go away from (abl.)', with avd (skt. dva) prep, with acc. 'towards,
•avi 'to go near to (acc.), to befall', to*. Vbl. prefix.
218 ανα- — airyaman·

ava- pron. dem. (skt. avöh gen. du.) "to move'. With aoi and tu 'to rise*1
'that, yonder; he; the'. Dein. §399. (of stars), with avi and trt 'to rise*
y.*a«a-adj. du. "both": eee under uba-. (of stars), with ä 'to come hither',
y. ανα(άα indecl.: meaningless word with us 'to rise' (of stars), with nl
of curse. 'to come down, sink', with vi caus.
y. ava-kana- sb. m. (from ikan· vb.) 'to drive away',
'pit, hole*, •or- vb., pres.annav·, vntvo-\ aor.pass.
y. αναδα adv. 'there; thither', 9nnävi\ perf. ptcpl. pass, »nta-: 'to
y. avaiät adv. 'thence, from thence*, grant, allot'. With us and frd 'to
y. ava.cbrvnajn inf. (from 1 dar- vb.) assign'.
'to tear asunder*, y. sar- vb.(cp. skt. arpdyati), pres. ara-:
y. ava&d adv. 'thus, so; therefore; mid. 'to stick',
there'. y. ara· adj. 'afflicted with a certain
y. ava&e indecl.: meaningless word defect*.
of curse, y. a-ratufri- adj. 'who is not ratufrir
y. a-vanhav- adj. "bad, evil*, not blessing the R a t a l s ' with gen.
y. avanhe, avaitihe inf. (skt dvase) of that by or for which one becomes
'to help'. aratufrl-.
y. avanhutvma- adj. (superl. of avan- y. araska- sb. m. 'envy' (doubtful),
hav-) 'worst, most evil*, y. arä&rav- sb. m., name of the tool-
y. a-van»mna- adj. (pres. ptcpl. mid. table, which stands before the
from lvan- vb.) 'invincible; unbrea- Zaotar-.
kable (of fetters)', y. a-iriita- adj. (skt. arif(a-) 'unhurt,.
y. avant- adj.'such; so great; so much; safe*.
so long'. auruna- adj. 'wild*,
y. avanta- adj. (from ban- vb.)'not sick', y. auru&a- adj. (cp. skt. arufd-) 'white*,
y. avavaitya adv. (loc. sg. of avavant- y. auru&a.bäzav- adj. 'with white arms'-
adj.) 'to such a distance', y. anjat-aspa- m., name of a Hycona-
y. avavat adv. (acc. sg. n. of avavant- prince.
adj.) 'in such a greatness, measure, g. an jay· adj. (cp. skr. drhati) 'worthy*,
distance, manner', y. antöJcandna- adj. (*anta- sb. n.
y. avavant- adj. 'such; so great; so 'law; duty' from 3ar- vb.; *kandna-
much*. sb. n. 'performance') 'wherefore the
g. avar· sb. n. 'help* (with vbl. accu- performance of the religious duty
sative § 442). is significant' (of the Hamaspad-
y. a-vantä- sb. f. "object of value, TnaMaya-festival).
possession; riches', y. arvdvi- sb. f. (lit. 'moist, fertile'; cp.
y. a-vasö.xSa&ra- adj. 'not free, de- skt. γάΰ-), name of a mythic and
pendent'. deified river.
y. lavah- sb. n. (cp. skt. dmbhas-) andra- adj. 'true, trustworthy; reli-
"water". gious, pious'.
*avah- sb. n. (cp. avar-) "help*, an&a- sb. n. (skr. drtha-) 'affair, mat-
y. a-vahmya- adj. 'unworthy of praise*, ter, business; desire',
y. 1i avö vbl. prefix, y. ar»dna- sb. n., name of a daevic
g. av5 inf. (cp. *avah-) 'to help*, animal.
y. avdnt- (pres. ptcpL act.): see under y. annav- sb. m. 'combat, struggle',
bä-. y. annavak- sb. f., name of a sister
y. avi. aoi (cp. aibl, aitvi) prep, with of Yima and of Sanhavak.
acc. 'upon, to, unto; against;'; 'for' y. armaS-idd- adj. 'sitting quietly*,
(of time); 'in, on*. Vbl. prefix, y. armaS-stä-, arvmai-itä- adj. (also
y. avi.ama- adj. 'exceedingly strong*, fem.) 'stagnant* (of waters),
y. avi paitita inf. 'to deposite (dung) y. anmo.Suta-Adj. (cp. skt. Irmd- sb. m.)
upon (acc.)'. 'put into motion by the arm, flung',
y. avi.mi&ray- adj. "enemy of MiOra". y. airya- (cp. skt. ärya- sb. m.) adj.
y. avi vanta inf. 'to vomit, to spit 'aryan'; sb. m. 'Aryan*.
upon (acc.)'. '. airyana- adj. 'aryan".
y. avi irita inf. 'to shit upon (acc.)'. ?airyaman-, g. airySman· sb. m. (skt.
*ar- vb. (skt. ärta, ranta·, iyarti, irte; aryamdn·) "fellow; priestly fellow,,
fcchdti), pres. ar-, era-; iyar-, Ir-; priest'; name of a deity,
cans. äraya-\ perf.ptcpl.pass.srvta-: y. iairyaman* eb. m., name of the-
airy δ Jayana· — aia- 219

prayer beginning with ä airtflmä asti.aojah- sb. n. 'strength of the·

üyö. bones, physical strength*,
y. airy δ Jayana- sb. η. 'domicile, resi- y. astvat.srvta· sb m., name of the fu-
dence of the Aryans', ture Saviour, see note on Yt. 19. 89.
y. ain/0.:c&i0a-8b.m.,naineof a mount, astvant- adj. (cp. skt. asthanvdnt-, as-
y. laurva- adj. "quick, speedy; brave', thimant-) 'bodily, material*,
y. aurvat-aepa· adj. 'who has quick y. aspa- sb. m., aspä- sb. f. (skt diva·,
horses'. diva·) "horse, mare*,
y. *aurvatM8pa- 6b. m., name of the y. a-span· adj. (from sav· vb.) 'useful,
father of Viitdspa. profitable*,
y. a-urva#a- adj. 'enemy'. y. aspaya·, aspya- adj. (skt. aiviyd-,
aurvant-, aourvant- adj. (skt. drvant· d&vya-) 'consisting of horses',
adj., sb. m.) 'quick, speedy; brave; y. aspäyaoSa· adj. "fighting on horse-
hero'; sb. m. 'racer' (of horses), back'.
y. anzah- sb. n. 'combat, battle', y. aspö.kahrp- sb. f. 'shape of a horse',
y. arszahl- sb. n., name of the western y. aspö.gar- adj. 'devouring horses',
region of the world, y. aspö.staoyah- adj. 'stouter than a
y. arszöJamana- sb. m., name of an horse*.
enemy of Kdnsaspa. g. asna-, y. äsna· adj. (cp. skt. dsanna-
y. arS adv.: see under ar»S. adj.) 'near'; asne, äsnai-ia (loc. eg.)
y. arsan- sb. m. (cp. skt. ffabhd- sb. adv. 'near* (with abl.), aenäat-6a
m.) 'male' used to denote the male (abl. sg.) adv. 'from near*.
eex of men and animals; 'man, hero', asnäapia (abl.), asne (loc.), asnqrnt
y. ari-uxda-, arez-uxda· adj. 'rightly asni: see under asna- and a&an·.
spoken'. y. asmana- adj. 'stone-*,
y. arstay· sb. f. m. (skt. f^dy-) "spear, y. asraosa- adj, 'disobedient*,
lance*. y. a-srävayat.gä&a- adj. 'not reciting
y. ar&tät- sb. f. (*ar$ta-tät- by haplo-the Gädä's'.
logy), name of the deity of upright- y. a-srtUa- adj. (skt. a&ruta-) 'not heard,
ness. inaudible*.
y. arS.däta- adj. 'rightly made', a-sruitay- sb. f. (cp. skt. irutfdy·) 'dis-
y. ari.manah- adj. 'whose thinking is obedience*,
right'. y. az- vb. (skt. djati, ajydit), pres. aza-\
y. ar&.vaiaxtsma- adj. 'who knows best pass, azya·: "to drive, to drive away*.
the right words', With ά act.'to inflict (a punishment)",
y. arS.vaiah·, g. dni.vaiah- adj.'whose with upa 'to appoint (a punishment)*,
speaking is right*, with para 'to drive away*.
y. arsJyao&na- adj. 'whose doing is azan-, asn- sb. n. (skt. dhan·) 'day*,
right*. y. a-zan&ant- (cp. skt. jlryati- 'he
y. asabana· adj., name of a Turanian grows old*) 'not growing old',
family. y. a-zäta- adj. (skt. djäta·) "not (yet)
asan-, αέη-, y. asman- sb. m. (skt. άέ- born; future*,
man··, αέαη·) 'stone; sling-stone; g. a-zS inf. (from zä- vb.) "to go against
heaven*. (acc.), to attack',
y. a-saya- adj. (cp. skr. chäyd- sb. f.) y. azdm, g. azSm nom. sg., pron. 1 s t
'shadeless'. pers. (skt. ahdm) T .
y. asah- sb. n. (cp. skt. άέά- sb.f.) 'place, azl- adj. (skt. ahi·), only fem. 'great
room". with young* (of cows),
y. asdngo.gav- adj. 'stone-handed', y. azinavant- adj. 'watchful, vigilant;
y. asöjöifrra- sb. n. plur. 'places and agile, quick*,
domiciles*, y. aerö.daSay- adj. (*azrä- sb. f. from
g. a-si&tay- sb. f. (from sah- vb.) 'pro- az- vb.) 'prowling*.
mise; promised reward", αέ- sb. n. (skt. ak?t) 'eye' (of daevic
g. a-süra- adj. 'not strong, weakling*. beings).
ast- sb. n. (skt. dsthi, asthndh) 'bone;»aia- sb. η (from 8 ar-) 'truth, right,
body'. law; righteousness; right to, claim
y. asta- sb. n. (skr. data-) 'home'.. on', also personified; name of a
astay- sb. m. (cp. skt. dtithay- sb. m. deity. See note on Y. 9. 8.
'guest*) 'fellow, companion', v. *α&α- sb. n. name of the prayer be-
y. astava-adj. 'haviDg, wearing a bone*. ginning with the words atom vohü
220 aia· — 1ahura-

vahiit»m astl\ also with vahiita- y. aiträ-sb.t. (fromaz-vb.; skt.d?trä·)

adj. 'goad, whip*,
y. aia[-oxSa-, .see note on Yt. 5. 77] y. ai.dänav· adj. 'big-seeded*,
adj. 'truly spoken', y. ai.paourva- adj. 'by far the first*,
y. ai.aojastama- adj. 'by far the stron- y. ai.pa&ina- adj. 'where one cooks
gest'. much*.
v. aS.aojah- adj. "very strong*, y. ai.pairika- adj. 'with many wit-
y. a£a-6i&ra· adj. 'offspring of Aia'. ches' (doubtful),
"aia-iinah- adj. 'longing for the Ada'.
y. aiMaourva- adj. (lit. 'where one
y. aia.paoirya- adj. 'the first in right- chews much') 'having abundance
eousness', of (solid) food*,
y. aia.näsa- adj. 'wherefore one gets y. ai-b9nt· adj. 'bringing much*,
the (highest) claim*, y. a&näaffia, αέηό: see under asan·.
y. aS.ama- adj. 'very strong*. y. αί.τηαπαΛ-adj.'withviolant passion*,
•aiay· sb. f. (from 2 ar- vb.) 'lot, merit, y. ai.mizda- adj. "yielding abundant
reward') du. 'each kind of lot' (the reward".
good and the bad)'; name of a deity, y. aiya- adj. "who holds with Aia,
y. aiaya adv. (cp. skt. ftayi adv.) pious, righteous*,
'in order, duly; precisely, exactly', g. aSyak- adj. (compar. of aka-) "worse,
y. aiaya- sb. f. 'doing works of Aia'. more evil*,
y. cwava.^aw-adj.'killingafaithful one*, y. ai.vand.ara- adj. 'often praised, fa-
y. aiava.xinav- adj. 'satisfying the mous*.
faithful'. y. ai.vania.h- adj. 'possessing great
y. aiava.frazantay- sb. f. 'faithful des- strength, energy*,
cendants'. y. as.xvarztama· adj. 'greediest*,
•aidvan-, aiaon-, aiäun- adj. (cp. skt. y. aiay- sb. m. (skt. ahay-) 'serpent;
jidvan-) 'follower of Aia\ faithful, 1
dragon, monster*.
righteous (of men); holy (of gods)'. aA- vb. (skt. ästi, sdnti; dsa), pres. ah·,
j . abavasta- sb. n. (from aiavant· adj., Λ ; perf. äh-: 'to be, exist; to stay,
skt. ftavant·) 'possession of the high- reside, live; to belong to (gen.); to
est claim'. fall to the share of (dat.); to take
j . aiavastoma· adj. (superl. of aia- place, happen; to become*. With
vant·) 'most righteous, holiest', aiwi 'to study*,
y. aiavastö.dä- adj. 'giving the pos- y. *ah- vb. (skt. dsyati, astah), pres.
session of the highest claim*, ahya·, arshya- (aüha-, anha-)\ perf.
y. aiavaedah· sb. m., name of two be- ptcpl. pass, asta•: 'to throw, dart*.
lievers. With us 'to send out, up*, with para
y. aiavqn [Yt. 19. 84]: obscure, 'to overturn, spill*,
y. a&a.xvädra- adj. 'granting the for- y. ahe particle 'indeed, certainly*,
tune of Aia' (of mounts), y. eft<yoiia-yna-8b.n.(plur.) 'a hundred
y. aiäun··. see under aiavan·. thousand of stripes'.
y. a-iäta- adj. 'sorrowful*, a-hü-, a-nhü- sb. m., g. a-nuhl· sb. f.
y. aiäva- sb. m., name of a class of (from shav- vb.) 'master (of the house),
enemies of the aAuric creation, mistress (of the house); supreme
y. aiävan-: see under aiavan·. lord; lord of judgement, judge*,
y. asamaova- sb. m. (cp. skt. möha- y. ahuna sb. m., name of the prayer
sb. m.) heterodox teacher*, beginning with the words yabä ahü
y. aiö-tkaiia- adj. "following the doc- vairyö\ mostly with vairya- adj.
trine of Aia'. y. ahunavant- adj. 'containing the
y. aiö.mieda- adj. 'yielding the re- Ahuncf, name of the first Gäöä
ward of Aia,'. (Y. 28—34).
y. aiö&uita- sb. m., name of the owl. ahüm ι see under awhav- and ahu·.
y. aHvant- 'possessing, producing the y. lahumant- adj. 'having an Ahü'.
rewards', of Sraoia. y. *ahumant- adj."containing the word
y. ^aita- num. (skr. a$td) "eight", ahü'.
y. *aita· sb. m. 'messenger', y. ahu-mahrk- adj. 'destroying the
y. aita.kaozda- adj. (cp. skt vifü-kuh- 1
(other) life*.
adj.) 'of eight parts*, ahura· sb. m. (skt. dsura-) 'god*; mostly
y. aitökäna- adj. (from *kan- vb.) 'ha- with mazdäh- of the highest god
ving eight holes, living in eight holes'. 'Ahura*.
ahura- — äyav- 221

*ahura- eb. m. (from 1 αΛΰ·) 'lord, from ä) prep, with acc. 'to, into*.
prince'; g. 'lord of judgement*, Vbl. prefix.
y. ahura-iäta- adj. 'made, created by ätar-, ätsra-, &ϋτ·, dtr- sb. m. 'fire';,
Ahura*. also personified and deified,
y. ahura.ika&sa, °rö.£kaSäa- adj. 'fol- y. dtara- adj. 'pernicious to (gen.)',
lowing the doctrine of Ah. M.'. y. ätaradra adv. (from atära- adj.)
ahma·, g. 3hma- pron. 1st pers. plur. (skt. 'on, to this of the two sides',
asmdt, asmdkam) 'us*. Dein. § 402. y. ätra-vaxü- sb. m. (lit. "poking the
y. a-hmarSta- adj. 'not cut into email fire') name of the second subordinate
pieces'. priest (ratav·), who pokes the fire,
ahmäka- adj. (skt. asmdka·) 'our, ours'; y. ätn.ii&ra- sb. m., a name,
plur. 'our people*. y. ätn.daftyav- sb. m., a name,
ahmat adv. (abl. sg. of 1 α·) with yada y. ätr9.däta- adj.'connected with Ätar'.
after a compar. 'than*. See note y. 'dtrv.ddta- sb. m., a name,
on Yt. 13. 64. y. <Ur9.zantav- sb. m., a name,
y. ahmäi ά adv. "henceforth*, y. ätrya- eb. n. (from ätar- sb.) 'ashes*.
g. ahmd.raf»nah- adj. "truly devoted ä-dä, g. a-diS-, y. a-iä- sb. f., η. (from
to us (the priests), studious of our dä- vb.) 'allotment*,
service*. g. ä-däna· sb. n. (skt. ädäna-) 'allot-
y. ahmi, ahmya adv. (loc. sg. of 1 a-) ment*.
'there; then'; after yat 'when, i f in y. ddü.fräSana- adj. 'increasing the
temporal sense, eagerness, energy*,
y. a-x°afna- adj. (fi\at.asvapnd-) 'sleep- g. d-dibaoman- sb. n. (cp. ldab·) "de-
less*. lusion, confusion',
y. a-xvafnya- adj. 'sleepless, ever g. ädra- adj. (skt. ädhrd·) 'mean, in-
watching*, ferior, dependent*,
y. a-x*arant- adj. 'not eating*, v. άϋ~ vb., pres. dda·: trans, and in-
y. a xPanta· adj. 'unseizable*. trans. 'to perish; to ruin, to destroy*.
y. a-xO&ra- adj.'bringing misfortune*, With frä, paiti and apa trans, 'to
jr. axvdsa- sb. n. 'not-eating*. destroy utterly*,
y. äi&ivant- (from ä&- vb.) adj. 'per-
a. nicious*.
y. ä&wya- sb. m. (skt. äptyd·), name
d, α-, y. -a (skt. d) adv. "hither, hitherto; of the father of θταϋαοηα.
thereto, moreover", άέα paraia "to y. Αϋνη/änay- adj 'belonging to Äöwya'.
and fro'; prep, and encl. postpos. y. ä&ravan·: see under a&aurvan·.
with acc. 'to, towards; by, on (of y. ä-üritlm adv. 'three times; at the
space); in, at (of time); accor- third time*,
ding to"; with loc. "in, on"; with y. ä-ibitlm adv. 'at the second time*.
abl. or. gen. 'away, o f f , also after "dp-·, ap- sb. f. (skt. αρά, dpah, apdtn>
paouruya- adj. "before"; "for; up to; 'water; waters'; also deified, apqm
till, until (of space and time); in, napdt- sb. m., name of a deity,
on (of space)*. Vbl. prefix. y. äbdnt- sb. m. (cpd. äp- +&ar»<-),name
äat adv. (abl. sg. of la-, skt. At) 'then, of the fourth subordinate priest
thereon, thereupon; since that time; (ratav-), who brings the water,
and; but; for*, y. d-bsntar- sb. m. 'servant, steward*,
y. iät- prep, with acc. 'towards*, y. &fant- (cp. skr. dpavant-) "aboun-
y. *äi interj. before the voc. ding in water, rich in waters',
v. äiti: see under 1ay·. v. d-frUay- sb. f. (cp. skr. äprt- sb. f.)
y. äi&i [Yt. 5. 85]: see under *ay-. "blessing*, also deified,
g. äii adv. (instr. pi. of 1a-) 'therefore*, y. dfrl.vaiah- adj. 'uttering impreca-
y. dgn-matay- adj. (from 'gar- vb.) tions'.
"of consenting mind*, y. dfri-vana· sb. n. (from van- vb. 'to
y. dxtüirim adv. 'four times', desire, wish") "blessing*.
y. αχέ- vb. only with aitci, pres. aitcy- ä.mananha- sb. n. 'energy, impetuo-
äx&aya··. 'to superintend; to watch sity*.
over (acc.)'. äyapta-, y. ay apt a- sb. n. 'gain, profit,
y. dxStay-sb. f.'peace; treaty of peace; success, fortune'; pi. 'boons, riches,
agreement with (instr.)'. delights',
v. άέα· (instr. sg. of *&nk- adj., derived y. äyav- sb. n. (ekr. dyav·) 'age*.
222 ävarvna- — Anhö

g. ä-vanna- eb. m. 'confession of faith'. y. ldhüxrya· adj. (from lahura·) 'ahu-

y. ävöya inteij. 'woe!*. rian, pertaining, devoted to Ahura'.
g. dray· eb. n. (cp. skr. Artay- sb. f.) y. *ähüirya- (from *aÄura-) sb. m. 'son
'sorrow, woe*. of a prince*.
ärmatay-, ärmaiti- sb. f. (skr. aräma-
t a y - ) 'devotion'; also deified, origi-
nally the earth-goddess, 9,
y. ärityö.barazan- adj. (*aritya· sb. n.
'length of a spear*) 'measuring one 9-, g. 9·: see under *a- neg. prefix,
cord (lit.' spear)'. g. 9 [Y. 29. 6]: see 'a- pron. ident.
Δίαν- adj. (skr. άέάυ-) 'swift*, g. 99ävä (i. e. ävä acc. da. § 34. 5:
y. äsitö.gätav- adj. {ä-sita- perf. ptcpl. cp. skr. άνάτη) pron. 1** pers. 'us
pass, of säy·) 'sitting on the couch*. both*.
j . äsiita- adj. (superl. of äsav-) 'swift- g. 9nitay-i see under intay-.
est*. g. 9mavant-: see under amavant·.
y. äsu.aspa- adj. 'having swift horses'. y. 9-V9T9zika- adj. 'not working, lazy*,
j . äsu.aspö.tdma- adj. 'having the y. 9nyant- adj. "awful, horrid*,
swiftest horses', y. anxSa-sb.m., name of a well-known
y. deu.aspl- adj. 'having swift mares', Iranian archer,
y . äsu.aspya- sb. n. 'possession of swift v. arddva- adj. (cp. skr. ürdhvd-) 'rai-
horses. sed on high, lifted up*,
y. äsu.x&vaewa- adj. 'swift-flying*, y. andva-fSnd- adj. (fem.; cp. fitdna-
y. äsu.yasna- adj. 'quick in perfor- sb. m.) "with prominent breasts',
ming the Tasna'. y. ardSwö&anga- adj. 'with uplifted
y. ä-xtärayanttm absol. (from the cau- ankle, always on the legs',
sative base of *star·) with asti "he g. »nfrwa- adj. "worthy*,
makes sinful*, v. anzata- sb. n. (cp. skr. rajatd-)
y. *ά-βηα- [Yt 17. '2] adj. (from 1βα»-) "silver*.
'innate, natural', g. hnzav- adj. (skr. f j d v - ) 'right*,
y. *ä-sna- adj. (ar. *d-z(dh)-na- § 39. y. ,9Τ9ζαυ- sb. m. 'finger*,
IV., perf. ptcpl. pass, of skr. sädh- y. arasi-fya- sb. m. (skr. f j i p y d - ) 'eagle';
nöti) 'successful, effective, efficient*, name of a mountain,
y . äsnai-Sa: see under aena-. y. anzifyö.parzna- adj. "eagle-feath-
y. ä-snatar-, ä-snädr- sb. m. (from ered*.
• and- vb.), name of the fifth sub- y. 9r9zuia- sb. f. "(coming of) age, ma-
ordinate priest (ratav-) who washes jority',
and strains the Haoma. y. 9r9zvant- adj. "straight*,
y. äs- vb. (skr. ihate), pres. izya-: 'to y. οτοζνδ adv. "verily, indeed*,
wish, desire, long for*, g. 9r9§ (, y. arS) adv. "rightly, truly*,
y. äzay- sb. m. (from äz- vb.) 'avidity'; g. 9T9iay- sb. f. 'envy*,
name of a Daiva. g. 9r9iya- adj. 'righteous, just*,
y. d-zdta- adj. 'of noble lineage, noble g. 9r»Sva- adj. "righteous, just*,
(born)'. g. 9nSvaiah··. see under ari vacah·.
g. ä-zütay- sb. f. (skr. dhutay-) 'fat', g. 9r9S.rata.v- sb. m. 'the right judge*,
y. äzuiti.dä- adj. "(fat- i. e.) prosperity- y. 9r9z-uxda-: see under arSuxda·.
giving'. g. 9r9Z9-jl- adj. 'living righteously*.
g. äsav- sb. m. (from äz- vb.) 'zeal',
g. azdy&i inf. (from qs- vb., with <S)
"to attain to*, 0, 0.
y. 1äh- vb. (skr. dste-), pres. äh-; Anhd·: y. dim: see under aiva-.
only mid. 'to sit'; often used with
an adjective or an absolutivum to
denote a continuous action,
v. *ah- vb., pres. iSäh·: "to accept'. A.
*äh- sb. n. (skr. äs-) "mouth*, y. Anhan• sb. n. (cp. iäh- sb.) "mouth*,
g. ä.höidöi inf. (from hdy- vb.) 'to sup- y. dishairl sb. f. 'bearing woman*,
press*. y. Anhairya- sb. n., with galdanqm
y. ähitay- sb. f. 'defilement, pollution*, (gen. pi.) designation of a divine
y. ähüray· adj. (from^Aura-)'ahuri&n, being or idea,
pertaining, devoted to AJiura'. g. Anhö: see under *άλ·.
qymö.paii I- — upara.na&mdt 223

q. g. lidjxtodrya· adj. 'being a mighty

y. qymö.paiSl- adj. (fem.) 'adorned g. ruler, lord*,
üüidya- vb. (skr. iSudhyä-) 'to clear
with anklets', off the debt (to the gods), to thank
y. qxnah- ab. n. 'bridle*,
y. qi&yä- eb. f. (cp. skr. Ata-) 'post'. y. (them)'.
iSkata· sb. n. collect, 'rock*.
g. qnman- sb. n. 'perseverance. litay- sb. f. (from als- vb.) 'possession,
qs- vb. (skr. αέηόϋ), pres. qs-; αέηαυ··.
'to reach, to come to*. With ava y. riches'.iStya- sb. n. (cp. skr. iffakä- sb. f.)
'to reach, hit', with us 'to reach, •brick*.
come np to', with frd 'to fall to the iSya- adj. (from ια£έ- vb.) 'desired,
share of one*,
g. qsa- sb. m. (skr. άψέα-) 'faction', Izd· sb. f. dear'.
y. qz- vb. (cp. qzah- sb.), pres. dza·: gious zeal*.(from dz- vb.) 'zeal, reli-
'to tie*. With nl "to lace o. s.\
y. qzah- sb. n. (skr. diphas·) 'strait-izya· adj. (from fid· sb.) 'successful*,
ness, affliction, distress; captivity*, y. 'more
Izyö.tara- adj. (compar. of Izya-)
y. qzö.büg- adj. 'delivering from af-
fliction, captivity*.
u, Ü.
i, i. y. uyra-, g. ugra- adj. (skr. ugrd-)
g. Π strengthening particle. 'strong, mighty",
g. Η (acc. pi. ln.): see under *ay-. y. uyrdnt· adj. (cpd. uyra- + ant-)
itl inf. (from ay) 'to go, to enter into; 'rising strongly*.
to consent to*, uxia- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass, of vak-, cp.
y. HSa adv. (skr. idd) 'now'; from that skr. uktha- sb. n.) 'spoken, uttered';
thereupon, then*, sb. n. 'word, sentence; speaking',
y. ida, g. idd adv. (skr. ihä) 'here y. uxiutd· sb. f. 'word-effectiveness',
(referring to place or direction)'; y. uxdö.tdma- sb. n. 'most effective
with yat 'where*; 'likewise, like"; in word*.
Y. 19. 12 seq. used to denote one or uxSan- sb. m. (skr. ukfän-) 'bull*,
more preceding words as quotation. y. uta, g. utd particle (skr. utd) 'and*,
idd adv.'thus, so; here'; in Yt.iS.B7seq. g. uta yütay- sb. f. 'steadfastness*,
meaningless word of curse, y. uiti, g. üiti adv. 'thus, so*,
y. i&e meaningless word of curse, y. udra· sb. m. (skr. udrd·) 'otter*,
y. i&yejah-, i&yejahvant-: see undery.A. Ma- sb. n. 'fat*.
y. i&ra adv. 'here (referring to place upd prep. (skr. ύρά) with acc. 'towards,
and direction); often only streng- to; by, near (of space); about, at
thening. (of time)"; with loc. 'by, at, in (of
y. it, g. (skr. it) strengthening par- space)'. Vbl. prefix,
ticle. y. upa.dtC9r&8a- sb. m. (from dwans-
g. Ht (acc. sg. n.): see under ®ay-. vb.), plur. 'breach*,
y. inja adv. 'back*. y. upa.pad-, upa.bd- sb. m. 'region at
y. intay-, g. Snitay- sb. f. (from ain- the foot (of a mountain); incline,
vb.) 'offence; grief; torment*, ascent'.
y. Hm (nom. sg. f.): see under ay5m. y. upa.paoirya- adj. 'following after
g. m (acc. eg. m.): see under *ay-. the first (in rank)*,
tma- dem. pron. (skr. imd·) 'this, this g. upa.ban&wo.tara- adj. 'easier to
here; he, she; the'. Dein. § 397. remove*,
y. Ira- sb. n. (from 'or-) 'attack*, y. upa.bdi: see under upapad-.
g. y. iri- (i. e. hi-): see under r. y. upanha-
sb. n. (cpd. upa + *amha·,
g. isvan- adj. (from aes- vb.) 'power- from ah- vb.) 'the working at (gen.)*,
ful, able*, y. upa.mana- sb. m., with dämöis (gen.
g. Ii (acc. pi. m.): see under iay-. sg.) name of a deity,
g. Ιέαη· adj. (frotn 'αέί vb.) 'seeking y. upara- adj. (skr. üpara- 'being
after (acc)'. below, lower') 'being above, upper,
y. iiav· sb. m. (skr. ipav·) 'arrow*, higher, superior*,
y. i&an adv. 'immediately*, y. uparatdt· sb. f. "superiority",
y. iSan itditya adv. 'in an instant*, y. upara.naemät (abl. sg.) adv. 'from
y. iSasa· adj. 'setting out to*. above*.
224 uparöJcairya uSyäi

y. uparö.kairya- adj. "working with 'with hands stretched forth (in en-
superiority', treaty)'.
y. upairi adv. (skr. tipdri) 'above*; y. ustama- adj. (skr. üttama·) 'outer-
prep, with acc. or. instr. 'above, most, last*,
over, upon; across', y. us.handava- adj. '(situated) beyond
y. upairi.zama- adj. "living above on India', with garay- name of a moun-
the earth*, tain.
y. upa-skambam. absol. "fastening*, uz- vbl. prefix: see under us.
y. upa.staota- adj. "worthy of praise*, y. uz.ar&ta· adj. *high-statured*.
y. upa-stä· sb. f. 'assistance, support, g. uz-inidyäi inf. (from 1 ar-) 'to arise
help*. and go'.
y. upa.stütay- sb. f. (skr. üpastutay-) y. uzutay· adj. (cpd. uz + zutay·) "bub-
"praise". bling forth*,
y. upasma- adj. (cpd. upa + zarn-) y. uzgastay- sb. f. (cpd. us + zgastay·)
'Jiving in the earth, under the 'departure (for battle)',
ground*. y. uz-daiza- sb. m. 'raising up, buil-
v. upa.sraotar- sb. m. (lit. 'assistant- ding up', in V. 3.13 instead of vl-
prayer, -reciter', skr. upafrotdr-) daeza- 'razing, carrying off*,
designation of those who make the v. uz-däna- sb. n. "structure; bone-
responses to the Zaotar. receptacle*,
y. upastd.bara- adj.: obscure, y. uz-baodah- adj. "lifeless*,
y. upäpa- adj. (cpd. upa + άρ-) 'living y. uz-varaza- sb. n. 'undoing*,
in waters*, y. uz-raoiaydi inf. 'to blaze',
v. upäzana- sb. n. (cpd. upa + azana-, y. uä· sb. n. 'ear; hearing, i. e. per-
from az· vb.) '(appointed) punish- ceptive faculty, intellect*,
ment; stripe*, y. uiiastara- adj. "eastern*.
y. upama- adj. (skr. upamd-) 'highest, usah- sb. f. (skr. Ufas·) 'dawn, mor-
uppermost', ning', also deified; name of the time
g. uba-, y. uva-, uva-, ava- adj. (skr. between midnight and sunrise; with
ubhd·), only du. 'both*, süra- name of the time between
y. und- sb. f. 'earth-hole*, midnight and daybreak,
y. uye, uyS: see under uba-. y. uSahina- sb. ro., name of the deity
y. uva- adj., du. 'both*: see under presiding over uSah-, the time be-
uba·. tween midnight and sunrise.
v. uvaya-, vaya- adj. (skr. ubhdya-) uitd adv. (loc. sg. of uStay- sb.) 'ac-
"both*; though dual in sense, used cording to one's will, desire'; a s s b .
in the sing. acc. n. uvaem, va&m. •fortune, hail*, with astl "it is, will
g. y. urä-, uro- (i. e. urü-, **rv-): see be well*.
under r. y. uMatdt· sb. f. 'prosperity, success*,
y. uruyäp- adj. (cpd. uruya adv. 'far* y. u&tdbantay- sb. f. 'desired offering'.
+ άρ·) 'having a great expanse of uStana·, ustdna- sb. m. n. 'life; vital
water". power*.
urvard- sb. f. (skr. urvdrd· 'land, soil*) uMay- sb. f. (from vas- vb.) 'will, wish,
'plant*, often deified; plur. [H. 2. 7] desire'.
'meadow-land*, v. uStavant- adj. 'containing the word
y. urvarö.6i&ra- adj. 'containing the uAtd, beginning with the word uitä\
seed of the plants', the second of the five Gd&ä'e con-
y. urvarö straya- sb. m. "cutting down sisting of Y. 43—46.
the plants', name of a sinful action, y. u&tdbantay-·. see under usta.ba-
y. ui~o-äp- adj. 'having a g r e a t ex- ratay-.
panse of water'. y. u&tdna-·. see under uitana·.
us, us-, uz· (cp. skr. üt, ut-, ud-): vbl. g. uitäna{vant)- adj. 'living, full of life',
prefix. v. uitänöMnahyä- sb. f. ( * 6 i n a h f r o m
y. vsan- sb. m., name of a king of 1kan-) 'attempting a p.'s life',

the KayänieLTi dynasty, y. . . uitam [Yt. 19, 42]: obscure,

y. usi.raoiaiti: see under rook-. y. uite adv. (loc. sg. of uitay- sb.),
y. uskdt adv. (from us) 'above, high', as sb. 'fortune, hail*,
y. usia adv. (skr. need) 'above, high; tultra- sb. m. (skr. üftra-) 'camel*,
upwards; from above*, g. uäydi inf. (from vak· vb.) 'to say,
y. ustana-easta- adj. (skr. uttänahasta-) proclaim*.
ka- - kant-

k. cpd. with an interrog. pron. as first

member, expressing a depreciation;
ka-, *kay· interrog·. pron. (skr. kdh; cp. skr. mürdhdn·) "head' (of dalvic
Mm) who?, which?'; in indefinite beings).
sense with fflt 'some one, some, any; v. kambiitsm adv. 'least, the least',
whoever; each one, every*, with the g. *kay- vb. (skr. acet. ciyantu), pres.
relative pronoun and (It (behind {(ay-,) Sy-·. "to choose'. With vi and
ka-), (d (behind kay-) 'whoever', &ηέ mid. 'to come upon the right
g. kalt- vb. (skr. cik(ia-) perf. iiköit-·. s discernment from between (gen.)'.
'to intend to (inf.)'. kay- interrog. pron.: see under ka-.
y. kaSta- sb. m.: obscure. y. kayada- adj. "afflicted with the Ka-
ka&&- vb., pres. <5α6Φ-·, έΐηαϋ-; perf. ya<5a-sin\
ptcpl. pass. 6ista·: 'to teach; to con- y. kavaem: see under kaoya-.
vert to (loc.)'. kavay- sb. m. 1. designation of the
g. kaend- sb. f. (from kay- vb.) "pu- members of the warrior-class among
nishment', thenon-.Zara#u&rianIranians; title
y. lka&§- vb., pres.daiia-; (atitaya-: 'to of the princes of the dynasty foun-
build*. With frä 'to make ready', ded by Kaväta. 2. name of certain
with ttf *to build*. enemies of the nation and of the
*ka€if-vb., pres. όδί$-, (Ιέ-; δϊηαΐι·, (is-·. 1 faith of the Mazdayasnians.
'to teach; to promise; to attribute'; kar- vb. (skr. dkar, dkfta; krndti;
(inasti 3 sg. alone or with para kriydt·, cakri; kftdh), pres. (aor.)
(Υ.Ϊ9)'teaches, refers to (acc.)*. With (ar-, kor& ; karanav-; pass, kirya-·,
frä 'to teach*, l (iter.) käraya-; perf. (axr-, (äxr-·,
y. kaoya- adj. (from kavay- eb.)'/iat>ic, perf. ptcpl. pass.fcarata-: 'to make, pro-
belonging to the Kavay-(or Kayä- duce, perforin, prepare, create", with
nian) dynasty*, sle»nd9m 'to break, disorder", with
y. kata- sb. m. '(small) room, closet; two acc. 'to make a p. . .*. With
(small) house*, antarS 'to cause a th. (acc.) to be
y. katay- adj. (from 'fcan-vb.) 'willing, the portion unto (dat.)', with ά and
ready'. two acc. 'to make a p. . .*, with frä
y. kataras&t adv.: see katära. mid.
'to establish*,
katära- adj. (cp. skr. katard-) "who, y. kar- vb. (skr. carkrtdt), pres. 6arv-
which of two?'; in indefinite sense to-j caus. käraya-·. 'to remember";
with 6l£ 'each of two*; katarasdt caus. 'to impress on memory; to
(acc. eg. n.) adv. 'on either side*, point towards (acc.)*.
y. katö.masah- adj. 'as big as a house,' y. Bkar- vb. (skr. kirdti), pres. (iter.)
y. kada, g. kadä adv. (skr. kadi) käraya- "to sow',
'when?; how?'; interrogative par y. 4kar- vb., pres. (iter.) käraya- 'to
tide (Yt. 8. 36). furrow*. With pairi 'to draw fur-
ka&d adv. (skr. kathä) 'how?, in what rows (going) round about'.
manner?'; yaüa ka&aca "in whatever kar- vb. (skr. cdrati), pres. (ara-; ca-
manner, howsoever"; interrogative raya··. 'to walk, move, go about; to
particle. stay'. With ä 'to go, come to (acc.)",
kat adv. (skr. kdt) 'when?'; interro- with para 'to go by, to pass', with
gative particle, frä 'to wander", with vl 'to walk to
y. kapastay- sb. f., name of an epi- and fro, to walk',
demy raging in time of war. y. kara- sb m., name of a Turanian.
y. kanha- sb. in., name of a land, y. karana- sb.m.'end; boundary,edge,
y. 'fcan- vb.(skr.cafcana), perf. cakan- ·. shore'.
"to have a longing for; to love', y. kahrkalät- sb. f. (cp. skr. kfkavdkav-
y. *kan- vb. (cp. skr. khänati), pres. sb. m. 'cock'), nickname of the cock,
kan-·, kana-\ känaya-; perf. ptcpl. y. kahrkäsa- sb. m. (cpd.*kahrka- + äsa-~
pass, kanta-: 'to dig*. With ava 'to d i g, 'cock-eater', from skr. aändti) 'vul-
excavate', with us 'to dig out*, with ture'.
nl 'to bury', with vl 'to pull down*, y. kant- vb. (skr. kj-ntäti, krntdyati)
y. kainl-, kainln-: see under kainyä-, pres. kdranta · kdrontaya-: 'to cut".
kainyä-, kainl-, kainln- sb. f. in. (»kr. With apa 'to cut off, with aipi "to
kanyh-) 'maid*, cut in pieces', with fra(a 'to bring
y. ka-mdnia- sb. n. (lit. "what a head", forth, create'.
A vesta Reader. 15
226 kanta gaoz-

y. fcar9ia-sb.nl. (fromfcarai-vb.) 'knife; y. kansäspa- sb. m., name of a hero,

poniard'. y. kssa- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass, from
karapan·, karafn- sb. m., in Y. 9. 18 lkar-, § 111) 'made, ready",
name of certain enemies of the na- y. kqrniit adv., used instead of an
tion and of the faith of the Mazda- indefinite pron. 'some one, any*,
yasnians, in the Gä&ä'ß name of the y. kqsaoya- adj., with zrayah- sb. n.
members of the priest-class among or dp- sb. f. name of the Hämün-sea.
the non-zara#u&rian Iranians, g. kü adv. (skr. ku) "where?",
g. karapö.tät- sb. f. 'Karpan-ship, the y. kuxsnväna-, kux&nvana··. see un-
Karpan'a'. der lxSnav·.
y. kanna- adj. (ekr. karnd-) 'deaf, g. kudä adv. (skr. küha) 'where?',
y. kairya- sb. n. (from Vcar- vb.) 'func- y. kudad-aem: see under kudat-
tion'. y. kudat adv. "whence, where.. from ?'.
y. kaurva- adj. (skr. dti-kürva-) 'bald', i y. kuOa adv. "how?'.
y. kaurvö.gaoia- adj. 'with bald ears', I kufrrd adv. (skr. kütra) 'where?; whi-
y. kaurvö.düma- adj. 'with a bald tail', | ther?, where (to)?'.
y. kaurvo.ban&a- adj. 'with a bald ! v. kva- adv. (skr. kva) 'where?; whi-
neck, back', j " ther?'.
y. karS- vb. (skr. kdrfati) pres. kania-;
karSaya· 'to draw'. With apa 'to 9, Y-
draw away', with ava "to carry", y. gae&av-: see under gaesav·.
y. kar&ö.räzah- adj. "prescribing the gae&d- sb. f. (from gay- vb.) 'being;
laws to the country', world, mankind; house, farm, pro-
y. karSiptar- sb. in., name of a bird, perty, goods and chattels',
y. kariivant- adj. (cp. skr. krfivald-) y. gae&ö!fräSana- adj. 'multiplying
'ploughman', goods and chattels',
y. kariü- sb. f. (skr. karfü- 'furrow') y. gaeidya-, gae&ya- adj. 'material*,
'country', y. gaesav-, gae&av· adj. 'curly, curly-
y. kar&ya- adj. 'to be ploughed', haired'.
y. karivan-, kar&var- sb. n. (cp. kariü-) y. gaokdrsna- sb. m., name of a my-
"district, region of the earth". thical tree,
kasiSta- adj. 'smallest', y. gaod&ra- adj. 'keeping in it the
y. kasu.dänav- adj. 'small-seeded', seed of the ox' (of the moon),
y. kasyah- adj. 'smaller; making smal- y. gaotsma- sb. m. (skr. götama-), name
ler, surrendering a p. to the dis- of an unbeliever,
regard of (dat.)'. y. gao-ddyav- adj. 'taking care for
y. kasvika- adj. 'stark little', the ox*.
y. kasvUi· sb. m., name of a defect, g. gao-däyah- adj. (skr. gödhäyas·)
illness or the like, 'taking care for the ox*,
y. fcai- vb., pres. 6ai··. 'to teach*, y. 1gaona- sb. n. 'hair; hair-colour,
y. kä- vb. (cp. skr. kdyamäna- adj. colour".
'asking, desiring'), pres. kaya-\ perf. y. tgaona- sb. m. (from 1gav- vb.) 'gain,
6ak··. "to desire'. benefit*.
käma- sb. m. (from kä- v b ) "desire*, v. gaonö.tsma- adj. "most dense-haired',
y. käy- vb. (skr. cdyate 'he punishes'), y. gao-maeza- sb. m. 'urine of the ox*,
pres. iikay-: "to atone, pay for (acc.). y. gaoman- adj. (cp. skr. gomin-) "con-
With paiti 'to pay for (acc.)'. taining milk, rich in juice',
g. kävayas-iä, -fit: see under kavay-. y. gaomunt- adj. (skr. g&mant-) 'sup-
y. kam adv. (acc. sg. n. of ka·) 'how?', plied with cattle, containing meat',
g. kavität- sb. f. 'Kavay-ship, the Ka- y. $rao»iawan£-adj.'provided with milk,
vay'e,'. containing milk*,
g. fcarsdwi- sb. n. 'succour*. y. gaoya- adj. (skr. gdvya-, gavyä-)
kahrp-, kdnf- sb. f. n. (skr. krpä instr. 'consisting of cattle',
sg.) 'form, shape, body', y. gaoyaotay- sb.f. (cp. skr. gdvyütay)
y. karsfSocar- adj. 'corpse-eating', 'pasture-ground, pasture',
y. kdrvmi- adj., with star- sb. m. 'shoo- y. gao-sura- adj. 'rich in cattle*,
ting star", y. gaoz- vb. (skr. gühati·) pres. guza·;
y. karasa- sb. m. 'highwayman', guzaya-: 'to conceal, hide*. With ä
y. kdnsänay- sb. m., name of some 'to go to hide o. s. under..', with frä
enemy of the mazdavasnian religion. 'to fetch forth out of the hiding-place".
gao-zasia gä&d- 227

y. gao-zasia- adj. 'with milk in hand'. unto (acc.)', with ham 'to meet to-
gaos- vb. (skr. ghofati 'it sounds'), gether; to become complete'.
pres. gäS-·, güüa-: mid. 'hear', gay- vb. (skr. jivati), pres. jiyay-; jva-·.
y. gaoia, g. gSui.a- sb. m. (from gaoi- 'to live'.
vb.) 'ear', gaya- sb. m. (skr. gdya- 'family, houRe',
y. gaosävara- sb. m. du. 'ear-ring·«', cp. gae&ä-·, from gay- vb.) 'life*,
y. gaoiö.srüta adj. 'heard with the y. gayö.dä- adj. 'life-giving*,
ear'. y. lgav- vb., pres. günav- 'to procure,',
gad- vb., pres. jaitya-·, pass. jaiSya-, y. *gav- vb. (skr. javate), pres. java-
jiSya-·. 'to ask, pray, entreat'. With *to hasten",
paiti 'to ask a p. (acc.) about (acc.)'. y. 3gav- adj.(cp. skr. jöguve'he sounds')
y. gaSa- sb m. 'brigand, bandit', 'crying, shouting*,
y. gaia-vara· adj. (gada- + *bara-) v. *gav- sb. m. 'hand' (of daSvic beings).
'club-bearer*, ^gav- sb. m. f. (skr. gdv-) "beef, ox, bull,
y. gada- sb. f. (skr. gada ) 'club*, cow', also as representative of all
y. ga&o.tay- sb. m. "brigand, bandit', useful animals; 'meat; milk'.
y. gaiwa- sb. m., gaSwä- f. 'dog, bitch'. gava- sb. m., name of a land,
gan- vb. (skr. hdnti, hanydte, jagh- v. gavai&ya- sb. n. (from bgav- sb.)
nüfah, hatälι), pres. jan-, γη , ja-·, 'herd of cattle',
jayn-·, pass.janya-·, pass. aor. jaini; y. gav-aiayana- adj. 'inhabited, occu-
perf. jayn-; perf. ptcpl. pass, jata-: pied by cattle',
'to strike, smite, slay; to hurt; to y. gav-aiitay- sb. f. 'abode, dwelling
break (a contract)'. With aipi 'to of cattle',
slay, kill', with ava 'to knock down, y. lgar- vb.(skr. jägarti), caus. gäraya-,
kill*, with avi "to fell (a tree)*, with yräraya-,yräyräya-\ perf./ayär-: 'to
ä 'to come upon', with paiti "to strike be awake' With frä caus. 'to awa-
against(acc.)'; mid.'to fight for (abl.)', ken, to rouse',
with nl 'to slay, kill, destroy", y. *gar- vb. (skr. gpidti), pres. gann-;
y. gandamca- sb. m., name of a pass, gairya··. 'to praise". With ä
monster. 'to praise*.
gam- vb. (skr. gan, gmdn, gahi\ ga- igar- sb. f. (skr. gir-) 'praise', gen. sg.
mima\ gdcchati·, gämaya; agamsi·, garö with g. damäna-, v. nmäna-
jagmuh; gatdh), pres. jam-, jim-, 'house of love, paradise',
jim-, gm-, gam-, ga-; -gema-, -γma-\ y. *gar- sb. f. (cp. skr. gala- sb. m.),
jäma-(e&us.); jasa-; dea.jiha-; cans. plur. 'throat, neck*,
jämaya-; S-ΛΟΤ. j5ngh-, janh-\ perf. v. garay-, gairi- sb. m. (skr. girdy-)
jaym-\ perf. ptcpl. pass, gata-, ya- 'mountain; mountain-chain',
mata-·. "to go, come; to go, come to v. gairi-salc- adj. (from hak- vb.) 'mo-
(acc., loc. or dat.)'; 'tc go away', ving in mountains, mountain-bred*,
Caus. "to make yield*. With apa 'to y. garawa- sb. m. (skr. gärbha-) 'womb,
come away: to come off (unhurt)', uterus".
with at&t, aiwi 'to come to, near', garsma- adj. (skr. gharma-sb.m.'hcat')
with ava 'to go, come to (loc.)', with 'hot, warm*; sb. n. 'heat*,
avi 'to come upon', with avi and ä y. ganman- sb. m. (cp. *gar- sb.) plur.
'to come to (dat.)', wit avi, frä and 'throat, neck*.
the absolutivum bannt dm 'to go gam- vb. (skr. garhate "he complains,
and carry to', with ä (Ma) 'to come bl am es") ρ res. gsrvz-; jlgdraz-; aor. g9-
to, near; to approach', with upa 'to nzaita·. 'to complain, lament, weep*,
come, come to, upon", with us 'to y. gah- vb., pres. ganha- 'to eat, feed'
come up, rise (of stars); to break (of dalvic beings). With nii 'to eat
forth (of waters); to comc to (loc., up, devour*.
dat.)', with paiti 'to come to (acc., gätav- sb. m. n. (skr. gätäv·) 'place,
dat.); to undergo (with dat.); to re- locality, spot; the appointed, right
turn*, with paiti and ava 'to come place; couch, bed, divan, throne*,
again to (avi with acc.)', with paiti y. gäOanqm [Ν. 26]: obscure,
and ä 'to come to the (right) place, to y. gäOä-sb f.(skr.gäthä-) 'song, hymn",
be in one's place', with paiti and ham esp. the five GrWä's in the narrower
mid. 'to be balanced', with pairi 'to sense; designation of all pieces of
come to; to approach', with frä 'to the Avesta, written in the peculiar
come to, upon', with v\ 'to spread Gäflä-dialect: Y. 28 -34, 43—61, 63,
228 gäman xta&rö.kämyä-

the YasnaHaptcmhätay and the four y. xd (nom. pi., acc. pi.): see xan-.
sacred prayers Υ. 27.13—15, 54.1. y. xqnya- adj. (from xan-) 'spring-,
y. gäman- eb. η. (from gä- vb. 'to go') fountain-*,
'step, pace*, y. xnq&aitl- sb. f., name of a witch,
y. gämö.bdratay- sb. f. 'making a step*, g. xraod- vb., pree.xraod- 'to frighten*,
y. gävayana- sb. n. (from bgav-) 'stable y. xraodat.urvan- adj.'with frightened
(for cattle)', soul'.
g. gbuS.ä, gSuS.äiS: see under gaoSa-. xraos- vb. (skr. kröfati), pres. xraosa·;
y. garvda- sb. m. (skr. grhd- 'house') xraosya-: "to cry; to affright*. With
'burrow', as dwelling of daevic be- upa "to cry aloud',
ings. y. xraosya- sb. m. 'howling*,
y. ganzä- sb. f. (from ganz- vb.) 'com- y. χraosyö.tara- adj. (compar. of
plaint, lamentation, wailing', xraosya-) 'howling louder',
g. gsmday- sb. f. (lit. 'entering on', g xraozdiita- adj.(superl. oixrüzdra-)
from gand- vb. 'to stride, go, go on") 'firmest*.
'possession'. y. xraozdyah- adj. (compar. of xrüz-
gqm: see under bgav-. dra-) 'louder',
y. gufra- adj. 'deep; mysterious, won- y. xraozdva· adj. (cp.xrüidra-) 'hard*.
derful'. xratav-, xraxho- sb. m. (skr. krätav-)
y. gunda- sb. m., gundä· f. 'farina- 'will, plan, purpose, counsel; in-
ceous food', telligence, understanding, wisdom*,
y. güSayat-uxda· adj. (from gaos- vb.) y. xratuJcäta- adj. (käta- perf. ptcpl.
"causing the word to be heard", pass, of 1fcan- or kä- vb.) 'who is ap-
g. gznä-, y. γ»ηά- sb. f. (skr. gnä-) plied for counsel, instruction',
'woman'. y. xratu-gut- adj. (from 1gav-) "giving
y. yanqm inf. (from gan- vb.) 'to smite'. counsel, instruction*,
grab- vb. (skr. gfbhnäti, gpbhdyantah), g. xrap- vb., pres. xrapa· only with
prea. ganumä-; gdnfita-; g§urvaya-; aipl 'to be the request of (abl.)'.
gurdmbaya-·, perf. jigaurv-\ perf. y. xrafstra· sb. n. plur., designation
ptcpl. pass, gvnpta-·. "to seize, take, of the nomadic enemies of themazda-
take hold of, keep hold of; to lake yasnian religion and of their gods
away from (abl.); to partake of 'gang of thieves'; also general de-
(gen.); to reach; to perceive'. With nomination for all noxious (daivic)
ä and ham 'to try to seize', with us animals, esp. for the lower ones,
'to raise (the arm) for (acc.); to per- g. xrünarä- sb. f. (cp. xrüra- adj.)
ceive', with paiti and apa 'to take "bloodshed",
back*, with ham 'to grasp, seize; g. xrüra- adj. (skr. krürd-) "bloody,
to drive (a chariot)', blood-thirsty, cruel',
y. granta-: see under gram-. v. xrüzdisma- sb. n. (cpd. xrüzdi- 4-
y. gram- vb., pres. grama- ·, peri, ptcpl. zam-) "hard earth, ground*,
pass, granta- 'to grow angry; to be y. xr&zdra- adj. 'hard; difficult*,
angry'. y. xrvant- adj. (cp. xrüra- adj.) 'hor-
y. grava- sb. m. "stick, staff; support", rible, frightful',
g. grthma- sb. m., name of a priest y. xrvi-drav-, xrvü.drav- adj. "bearing
of the Daeva-faith, a blood-covered weapon of wood*,
y. yzräd- vb. (cp.yzar-vb.), caus.yzrdi- y. xrvisyant- adj. 'horrible, frightful;
aya- 'to flow'. With ficaus.'to cause blood-thirsty, cruel',
to rage", with vl caus. 'to cause to y. xiaSfa- adj., fem. xsöiύηΐ- 'shining,
run over", brilliant, splendid, excellent',
y. yzar- vb. (skr. kfdrati), pres. yzära-\y. xsaUö.pudrya- sb. n. 'possession of
caus. yidraya-: 'to flow*. With ά caus. brilliant sons*,
'to cause to flow along", with vi y. xSaodah- sb.n. (skr.kfödas-) "stream,
caus. 'to cause to overflow*. flow*.
xsafrra- sb. n. (skr. k$atrd-) "dominion,
X. reign, kingdom; kingly or supreme
authority, sovereign power, com-
y. xad- vb. (cp. skr. khädati), pres. mand', also deified. See note on
χαία- only with rt 'to knead", V. 11. 6.
y. xan- sb. f. 'source, fountain, spring; y. xsa&rö.kämyä- sb. f. (from kama-
well*. s b ) 'apprehension for the reign'.
xSa&ro.kdnta- — cavant- 229

y. xsa&röJcanta· adj. 'built for the y. xsvaepä- sb. f. "backside".

sovereign", y. x.ivaeiva- adj. 'darting, swift',
y. xsc&rö.dä- adj. "bestowing sove- y. xsvaewayat-astra- adj. "whiping" (of
reignty'. lands, where one swings the whip),
y. xsadrö.suka- sb. m., name of a y. xSvaS num. (skr. ?ät) 'six*,
mountain-pass, v. xSvas.a.il- adj. 'with six eyes',
y. xsa&rl- sb. f. 'woman, female', y. x&vaA.gäya- sb. n. '(length of) six
y. xSa&rya- adj. 'kingly, lordly', paces'.
y. xüap- sb. f. (skr. ksap-) 'night', y. χäva&.satö.zyam- sb. m. plur. "six
y. χέαραη-, x&afn- sb. f. n. 'night'; as hundred winters',
time from sun-set till sun-set 'day y. xsvazaya adv. 'six times'.
and night, day', x&old- sb. in. 'milk',
y. xSaya- sb. m. (skr. kfdya-, from y. xsviwi.isav- sb. m. (lit. 'having swift
xSäy- vb.) 'sovereign, prince, king*, arrows', xSviivi- sideform of xiiiora-
g. xäayö inf. (cp. skr. ksindti 'he in compounds) 'archer',
destroys') 'to destroy'. y. xsviivi.i.watsma- adj. (superl. of
xte(y)- vb. (skr. kfayati), pres. xxa-; xShoi.isav·) "the best archer*,
xSayaaor. x&ayöit·. 'to be power- y. xüiwi.väza- adj. 'swiftly flying',
ful, rule, govern over, be master v. xsviwra- adj. "swift, quick, vo-
of(geu.); to be able to (inf.); to reign*, luble'.
y. xiäfnya- sb. n. (from xiapan- sb.) y. xSvisti: see under x&usta-.
y. χάδιϋηϊ-: see under xSaeta-. 6.
g. xäqnmSne inf. (cp. skr. k$amati)
'to have to put up with, to be con- -6ä encl. particle (skr. -ca), expressing
tent with (ace.)', copulation 'and; also, as well as;
y. xäudra-, x&udra- adj. (cp. xSusta-) moreover"; generalising with inter-
'liquid*; sb. n. 'seed', rog. pron. or rel. pron.
y. xiusta- (V. 2. 21 xävisti written in- y. 6ae6asta- sb. m., name of a lake,
stead of xSusti § 33. 8, loc. sg. with y. 6axra- sb. m. (skr. cakrd- sb. n.)
transition to the consonant declen- 'wheel*.
sion) adj.'liquid'; soaked (of loam)', y. 6ataidr··. see under 6a0war-.
y. xMüm (acc. sg. m. n.): see x§tva-. y. caiti indecl. interrog. pron. (cp.
y. xitva- num. adj. (cp. χέυαύ) 'sixth', skr. käti) 'how many?'
y. xSnao&watä- sb. f. (from ^xknav- y. iatur·: see under iafrwar·.
vb.) 'worthiness of being satisfied*, y. iafrwar-, iatur- num., fem. iatanr-
ν. χέηαούτα- sb. n. (from ^Snav- vb.) (skr. catvdrah, catiirah, cdtasrah)
'satisfaction*, plur. 'four',
y. xxnaodräi inf. (dat. of xinaofrra- y. iafrward.paitistäna· adj. 'four-leg-
sb.) 'to satisfy*, ged* (of ahuric beings),
y. xinaoma- sb. n. (from 1xSnav- vb.) j y. <?a&wcm-sa(n)t- sb. f. num. (cp. skr.
'satisfaction, blessing, joy'. j catvärimsät-) 'forty',
xsnav- vb., pres. xinu-; kuxsnu-; des. i y. ca&ward.zangra- adj. 'four-footed'
6ixhiu$a-; (iter.) xinävaya-\ s-aor. j (of daewie beings),
xinaos-; perf. ptcpl. pass, xsnüta-: ; y. cadru.kara.na- adj. 'with four cor-
'to be pleased, content with (gen.); j ners, edges',
to satisfy, rejoice'. j v. cadru.gaoSa- adj. 'four-eared',
g. *χέηαυ- adj. (from Λχέηαυ- vb.) 'sa- [ y. cadru.&a&man- adj. 'with four eyes',
tisfying'; sb. f.'satisfaction, content- y. cafrru.pixtra- adj. 'containing, com-
ment, fulfilment (of a duty)'. [ prehending the four classes',
y. χέηα- vb. {skr. jijnäsati, cp. "hum·), ιy. 6a&ru.ratav- adj.'having (only) four
pres. des.zixsn&ßha·:'to know'. With j Ratav's.
avö des. "desire to know", y. άαΰτυ,έα- sb. m. plur. "four sides (of-
g. xSnüt· sb. f. (from ^xsnav- vb.) "re- a four-sided figure)*,
ward'. y. ta&ruxva- sb. n. 'one fourth',
g. x&ma- pron. pers. plur.: see un- y. danra-nhak- adj. 'grazing',
der yüsma-. y. 6anat.iaxra· adj. (probably mis-
g. xSmaka- adj.: see under yü&mäka-. written for xvanat.caxra-) 'with
g. xsmävant- adj.: see under yüimä- whizzing wheels',
vant-. ι y. iavant-: see under 6vant-:
230 6aräitl jvaya-

y. iaräitl· sb. f. 'young woman',3 great?, how far?, how much?, how
g. tankandra- sb. n. (from kar-) many?, of what extent?, of what
'thought*. qualities?'.
y. 6antä· sb. f. (cp. taiar- sb.) 'race-
y. caraiu.dräjah- sb. n. 'length of a J-
fardtav- (cp. 6ardtä-)\ y. jayäurvah-, A jiyäurvah- adj. (perf.
v. earaman- sb. n. (skr. cdrman-) 'skin, ptcpl. act. of gar-)'awake, watchful',
leather*. g. jatdyäi inf. (from gan-) 'to kill; to
g. iazdahvant- adj. "(man of) under- be killed",
standing'. y. jafra- adj. 'deep',
daxman- sb. n. (cp. skr. cdksu$-) "eye", y. janay-, g. finay- sb. f. ( s k r . j d n a y )
y. 6ät- sb. f. (from zkan- vb.) 'well', 'woman, wife*,
y. iätaya- adj. (from iät- sb.) '(being) y. jantar- sb. m. (from yan-, skr. han-
in a well', tdr-) 'one who smites, kills',
y. cöit particle (skr. cet), introducing y. Java (Yt. 5. 63): see under igav-.
a comparative sentence 'as; so, as*, jasaiti etc., verbal forms: see under
y. ctxra-sb.m.(fr.om 'fear-vb.) "energy", gam-.
y. 6i&ä- sb. f. (from käy- vb.) 'atone- y. jastay-sb. f. (from gad- vb.) "prayer,
ment; punishment, penalty', request".
-ii&lt [Y.29.4], Sandhiform for 6it if. y. jazav- sb. m., name of a special
ci&ra- adj. (skr. citrd-) 'manifest, vi- kind of the canine race,
sible, clear, plain'; sb. n. 'face; vi- y. jahi· sb. f. 'wife' (of daevic beings),
sion; manifestation'. 'courtezan, prostitute*,
6i&ra- sb. n. 'origin, birth; offspring', y. jahikä- sb. f. = jahi-.
y. 6i&ravaitl- adj. (from l6i&ra- sb.), y. jämäspa-, g. dSjämäspa- sb. m.,
only fem.'having the signs of the name of the prime minister of Vis-
female sex*, täspa.
y. 6i&ra.avah- adj. 'of manifest joy', g. jSnay-: see under janay-.
y. -6it, g. y. -cIt encl. particle (skr. -tit), g. jOnarä- sb. f. (from gan- vb.) 'murder',
emphatic "even, also, further (more)'; g. jöyä- sb. f. (from gay- vb. 'to win',
generalising with interrog. pron. or skr. jdyati) 'gain, prize, benefit',
rel. pron. y. jq&wa- adj. (from gan-) "(deserving)
-find encl. particle (skr. cand), with to be killed*,
nöit 'also not; not even', y. jq&wö.tara- (compar. of jq&wa-)
y. 6ina- interrog. pron.'who?, which?", 'more deserving to be killed*,
in indefinitive sense behind dva- y. jqfnav- sb. m. (cp.jafra- adj.) 'valley',
'some two', y. jiyäurvah-'. see under jayäurvah-.
y. Unman- sb. n. (frort 'fcan- vb.) 'lon- y. jitay- sb. f. (from gay- vb.) 'life',
ging for, design upon", g. dsjit-arata- adj. (from jyä- vb. 'to
y. cinmäne inf. (cp. skr. cintayati) "to diminish*) 'despising the (holy) law*,
think of, have delight in (acc.). y. jlt-aäa- adj.: — g. ddjl£.anta-.
y. 6invat.p9r9ta.v- sb. f. 'bridge of the jimaiti etc., verbal forms: see under
separator*. gam-.
iinvant- adj. (from xkay- vb.) 'sepa- y. jivya, jvaya-, juya- adj. (from jva-
rating', only gen. sg. öinvatö with adj.) 'living, alive',
pantav- or p»Sav- 'bridge of the y. jlra· adj. (from gay- vb., skr.jlrd-)
separator' (at the last judgement), 'swift, quick; intelligent, artful*,
y. 61 mane inf. (from käy- vb.) 'to y. jum absol. (from gay- vb.) 'living*,
make amends'. y. jum acc. sg. m. [ Yt. 13.9]: see un-
6istay- sb. f. (from lcaet- vb , skr. cittay ) der jva-.
'thinking; knowledge', y. juya-·. see under jivya-.
g. 26istay- sb. f. (from ka&fr- vb.) 'tea- g. jyätav-, jyötu- sb. m. (from gay-
ching, doctrine", vb., cp. skr. fivdtav-) 'life*,
y. 6istä· sb. f. (from kaet- vb.) 'know- g. jyötu-: see under jyätav-.
ledge*, with razistä- name of a deity, jva- adj. (from gay- vb., skr. jlvd-)
y. (vat adv. (acc. sg. n. of 6vant- adj.) 'living, alive*,
'how?, how far?, how long?, of what y. jvan- adj. (from gay- vb.) 'living,
extent?'. alive*.
y. 6vant- adj. (cp. skr. kivant-) 'how y. jvaya-·. see under jivya-.
tä — tamah- 231

t. y. tanu drug- adj. 'incorporated with

the Drug',
tä adv. (instr. sg. of ta· dem. pron.) v. tanu.panOa- adj. (cp. paäö.tanü-,
'therefore, for that reason, iu that panto.tanü-). lit. 'one whose body
manner; then*. is lost', designation of a sinner, who
ta- dem. pron. (skr. td·) "this here, this; has to receive 200 strokes with the
he, she, it". Dein. § 397. horse-whip,
y. taoxman- sb. n. (skr. tökman- 'a y. tanu-mazah- sb. n. "body-size*,
young green barley*) 'seed, germ", y. tanumqdra- ηdj. 'incorporated with
y. taox- vb. (cp. skr. tucchyd- adj. the holy word*,
'empty'), pres. tusa-, caus. taoAaya : g. tanui·: see under tanü-.
'to become empty, to lose the head*. y. taniUt.a- adj. (superl. of taxma-)
With upa caus. 'to drop', 'bravest, boldest, most heroic'.
y. tak- vb. (skr. takti 'he flies, rush- Hav- vb. (skr. tavUti, tütäva), pres. tav-,
es at, upon') pres. taia-; tat cay a-\ tu-; perf. tütav-, tütu-: 'to have po-
caus. t&6aya-\ perf. tat-k-i "to run (of wer, to be able'. With aiwi 'to be
men), flow, stream (of waters)'. With effective by means of (instr.)*.
apa 'to run away", with aoi and frä Hath vb., pres tü-\ with vayöi 'to raise
'to flow up to', with ä 'to flow to- a woeful bawling'.
wards; to run up to'; with upa 'to tavä: see under 1üwa-.
come here flowing*, with frä 'to flow tar- vb. (skr. titarti), pres. titar··. taur-
forward', caus. 'to make flow for- vaya-\ titäraya-·. 'to cross over; to
ward'. get over, overcome',
taxma- adj. "brave, bold, strong, he- y. tara-iät-, tan-dät- (cpd. tarö, tan
roic*. -\-*dät-, from *däy- vb.) 'looking
y. taxman- sb. n. (from tak- vb.) "cur- over (acc.), superior',
rent, stream*, y. tarasia prep. (skr. tiraiid adv.
y. taxmänt- adj. (cpd. taxma- +*arat) 'across') with acc. 'across, over,
"rushing forth with courage*, above; by*,
y. iaaw-vb.(fromfak-vb.), pres.taxia··. y. tani&t··. see under taraSät·.
'to let run (horses), send forth to*, y. tarö, g. tars prep. (skr. tirdh), with
y. taiar- sb. n. (from tak- vb.) 'course', acc. 'across, over, above*,
y. tad.äp- sb. f. (from tak- vb.) 'strea- y. tarö.yära- adj. 'outlasting the years',
ming water', y. taurvna- adj. (skr. tdruna·) 'young*
y. tatintsm absol. (from tak- vb ) 'run- (of men and animals); sb. m. "boy*,
ning'. y. tanp- vb., pres. tnfya-·. 'to steal*,
y. taia adv. (skr. tadä) 'then, at that y. taurvayeiti etc., verbal forms: see
time*. under tar·.
tat adv. (skr. tat) 'thither; for that y. tar&av- adj. (skr. tffdv thirsting
reason, for this purpose; then, at for') 'dry, solid*,
that time; so, thus*, y. tarsta-: see under &rah-.
y. tatpaiti adv. 'thereby; under these y. tarSna- sb. in. (cp. skr. tf$nä- sb. f.)
circumstances, in this manner*, "thirst*.
y. tap- vb. (skr. tdpati, täpdyati), pres. tak- vb. (skr. tdkfati, ίάφ, tatdkfa),
tafsa-, caus. täpaya-: 'to be hot', in- pres. taia-\ täS-; s-aor. tdi·; perf. ta·
choat. "to grow hot*, caus. 'to make ia#-,plusquamperf. iatasa-: 'to chop,
hot*. cut off, fashion, shape, form, make,
g. taibyä, taibyö: see under lOwa-. creatc*. With avi 'to split (wood)
y. tafta- adj. (instead of tapta- perf. into logs', with ham "to make, create*.
ptcpl. pass, of tap-, λνιΜ f from taäan- sb. m. (from tai- vb., skr .tdkfan)
tafnav- sb.) 'suffering from fever*, 'creator',
y. tafnav- sb. m. (from tap- vb.) "fever, y. ta.Ua- sb. n. 'dish, cup*,
feverish heat*. y. täta- adj. (instead of *ptäta-, from
tan- vb. (skr. tanöti, uttändh), pres. pat- vb.) 'falling*,
tanav-, tanv-; perf. ptcpl. pass. <άηα-: v. [yavaeia] täite (Y.62.6): see yavai-
'to stretch, extend*. With us 'to tät:
stretch out', with pairi 'to separate v. täya- sb. m. (cp. täyav·) 'theft*,
from*. y täyav- sb. m. (skr. täydv-, stäydv-)
tanü- sb. f. m., g. tanus- sb. n. (skr. 'thief*.
tanü· f., tanuf- η.) 'body'. tamah- sb. n. (skr. tamas-) 'darkness*.
232 tdmahvant- — xdab-

y. tvmahvant· adj. (skr. tdmasvant-) conscience') 'religion', also deified;

'affected with mental darkness, blin- 'self, personality',
ded*. y. daönö.sak· adj. 'understanding the
g. tsvii- sb. n. (cp. tavl.Ji-) "violence, religion'.
brutality'. y.
daemon- sb. n. (from *däy- vb.) 'eye'.
tavlsi- sb. f. (from Hat>- vb., skr. tdvisi-) daeva- sb. m., y. daevi- f. (skr. devd-
'strength*, m. 'god*, dein- f. 'goddess'), name of
y. tansaiti etc., verbal forms: see the false gods, of demons, devils
under &rah-. 2
and evil spirits.
y. te strengthening· particle, daeva- adj., fem. *daevi- (cp. skr.
y. tqfrrydvant- sb. in., name of an ddiva-, ddivl-) 'daevic,'.
unbeliever, y. daeva-yasna- adj. 'daeva-worship-
y. tqiyah- adj. (compar. of taxma-) per*.
'braver, bolder, more heroic', y. daeva-yaz- adj. (skr. devayäj·
y. tiyra- adj. (cp. skr. tejate 'he pricks') 'daeva-worshipper*.
"pointed". y. daSvavant- adj. (skr.devdvant-) 'one
y. tiyray- sb. m. (cp. tiyra·) 'arrow'. who holds with the Daiva's'.
y. tinja adv. 'back'. v. da&vl-: see under daiva-.
y. tistrya- sb. m., name of the deified y. daevö.däta- adj. "created by the
star Sirius, Daeva' s\
y. tiStryaiinl- sb. f. plur., name of g. daevö.zuMa- adj. (skr. devdju$ta-)
stars in neighbourhood of the Tiü- 'favourite of the Daiva's'.
trya. dais- vh. (skr. diMti, didisat, deia-
y. tub·- (fem. num.): see dray-. yati, adiksi), pres. daedats·; dai-
y. tiii.aritay- adj. (cp. tiyra·) "with saya-\ s-aor. däi$-, döis-, dls-·. 'to
the pointed spear', show a th. (acc.) to a p. (gen.); to
y. tizi.asüra- adj. 'with pointed fangs' assign a th. to a p. (dat.); to make
(doubtful), known*. With frä 'to enlighten a
y. tizi.dätä- adj. "sharp-toothed", p. (dat.) on (acc.)", with ham mid.
y. tizi.dqstra- adj. (cp. skr. tik$na- imp. 'let (that) be a warning to you',
damftra- adj. and ddiati 'he bites') y. daez- vb. (skr. ddgdhi, dihpnti), pres.
'sharp-toothed*. diz·; (iter.) daezaya-: 'to heap (up),
Hü (skr. tü, tu) strengthening particle, accumulate*. With pairi "to heap
g. Hü encl. nom. sg., pron. 2 n d pers. round about, to erect*,
(cp. tvSm) 'thou', y. daoi&n- sb. f. (from Λάαν· vb.) 'saying,
y. tütuk· sb. f. 'loam' (doubtful), speech*.
y. tu&ruia- adj. (from ϋταοέ- vb.) 'fully y. daomna- pres. ptcpl. mid.: see ldav-
developed, grown*, vb.
y. tüm·. see under tvim. y. dag- vb. (skr. ddhati), pres. daia-.
türa- adj. Turanian', name of noma- 'to burn*. With apa "to burn, scorch*,
dic tribes of the north of Iran, with ham 'to burn completely, con-
y. tüirim adv.: see under Hüirya-. sume',
y. Hüirya- adj.*belonging to the Türa,'. y. daya- adj : obscure,
y. Hüirya- num. adj. (skr. turiya-, y. daxma- sb. m. (lit. 'place where
turya-) 'fourth'; tüirim (acc. sg. n.) dead bodies are burnt'?, from dag-
adv. "(at) the fourth time', vb.) 'burial· place'.
y. tusa- sb. m., name of a hero, άαχέ- vb., pres. daxia-; dax&aya-;
g. tu&nä.matay- sb. f. (*tu.sna- adj., cp. aor. adaxxayaita: 'to teach',
skr. tü^nim adv. 'silently') lit. "silent g. daxmra- sb. m. (cp. daxsta- sb.)
thinking', name of an Ahura. 'sign'.
y. tvan- adj. (from Παν- vb.) 'fit for daxsta- sb. n. 'sign, mark, defect*,
(acc.)'. y. daxitavant- adj. "marked, stamped
g. tvdm, y, tüm nom. sg., pron. 2nd with; having the (monthly) signs'
pers. (skr. tvam) 'thou*. (of women),
g.· [mania] daidyäi [Y. 31. 5]: see un-
d. der mand-.
y. dadvah-, daduä-, da&u4- adj. (perf.
j. -da encl. postpos. with acc. 'to': ptcpl. act. of 1 dä-, cp. skr. dadvdn)
see vaesma-. 1
'having created; creative; creator*.
daenä-sb.f. (from*däy- vb., lit.'insight, dab- vb. (skr. dabhnoti), pres. da να-;
"-dab "dö- 233

dabanav-; (iter.) däbaya-: 'to deceive; daraz- vb. (skr. dfmhati), pres. dara-
to cheat a p. oat of (gen.)', zaya-; (iter.) darazaya-·. 'to hold,
g. Mab- vb., pres. daba-: "to exercise", fasten*. With ά 'to fetter', with ni
y. daway- 8b. f., name of a certain "to fasten",
defect. y. darsay- adj. (cp. skr. dhfpiöti)
g. daibitänä adv. (written for *dvi- 'bold, hardy',
tänä, cp. skr. dvit.A) "long, long ago*, y. darii.drav- adj. 'with strong a woo-
g. dafsnya- adj. (from 1dab- vb.) 'to den weapon*,
be deceived'. v. dara&van· adj. (cp. darai- sb.) "prac-
darara- adj. (from dqh- vb., skr. dasrä·) tising deeds of violence'.
"experienced, clever, skilled', dasa num. (skr. dd£a) 'ten',
y. darahah- sb. n. (from dqh- vb., skr. v. dasa- sb. n. (plur.) 'effects, goods
ddmsas-) "skill*, and chattels*,
y. dairbhavdaibhav-, darahav··. see y. dasa.gäya- sb. n. '(length of) ten
under ddhyav·. puces'.
y. dairihu-patay- sb.m.'ruler of a land, y. dasama- num. adj. (skr. da&amd-)
lord of a province', 'tenth*.
y. daiiihu.frädana- adj. 'making the v. dasta, daste verbal forms: see un-
land prosperous*, der 'da-,
v. daiibhu-sastay- sb. f. 'fame, cele- dasvd: see under 1dä.
brity of a land*. y. dasvar- sb. n. 'health*,
dam- eb. m. (skr. ddm-) 'house*, g. dazdar· sb. m. (from 1dä ) 'one,
y, 'dav- vb., pres. dava-: "to speak* who brintrs a tli. to (dat.)'.
(of dalvic beings). With paiti 'to dazdS, dazdl, dazdum: see under 'da-,
ansAver". ! y. dasina- adj. (skr. daksina-) "right";
g. "dav- vb. (skr. dhünöti?), pres. du , ! sb. f. 'right side',
dv-: 'to oppress, vex*. ' y. dahaka- sb. m., designation of
J dar- vb. (skr. dardirat, drnlyät), pres. j
daivic beings,
daradar··, daranä-: 'to split*. With | y. dahüka- sb. m., with azay- nnme
nii 'to tear out of (hafa with abl )*. > of mythicnl daSvic king of Iran.
*dar- vb. (skr. dhrthäh, didharat, dhä- ! dahma- sb. m. (from dqh·, skr. dasmd-
räyati\ dadhära), pres. dara-, dr-\ j adj.), 'instructed, wise', (of a real mem-
dära-\ di5är-\ (iter.) däraya··, perf. ber of the Zoroastrian community),
daSär-, dadr-, dair-; e aor. därss-, y. dahmäyuä.hara&ri.-bav- vb. 'to be
dar*-: 'to hold, hold fast; to keep maintained by the D.'.
back; to maintain; to keep in mind; dahyav-, daäyu-, y. daiibhav-, datihav-,
to force a p. to (inf.)'. With nl 'to darahav- eb. f. 'land, province',
conceal o. s.*, with v f ' t o distribute; y. dahyuma- adj. 'belonging to the
to assign; to keep, sustain, support; land, province".
to guide to (loc.); to receive*, xdä- vb. (sfcr. ddh, däti, data 2 pi. and
g. daraga-, y.daraya- adj. (skr.dlrghd) ddhät, dhäma, dhüh\ dadämi, dad-
'long*. mast, daddhi, datta 2 pl. and dä-
y. daraya.ära&taya- adj. 'with a long dhäsi, dädhati 3 pl., dadhätu, da-
shaft (of a lance)', dhyät, dddhlta: orig. *dä-, *dhä-
y. darayo.anguxta- adj. 'with long fin- are practically fallen together in
gers*. A v . as dä-), pres. da-, da-, dl-, d-;
y. darayö.upastay- sb. f. 'long endu- dadä-, dadä-, da&ä·, dad-, daS-, daO-;
ring residence', daidl-, daiil··, däya-; pass. daya-;
y. darayö.gava- adj. 'long-handed*, perf. dadä-, dadä-, daS-·, däd-; perf.
y. darayöjitay- sb. f. "long life*, ptcpl. pass. data·. 1. to give, grant,
g. daragö.jyätay- sb. f. "long life*, vouchsafe, bestow, yield; assign;
y. darayö.bäzav- adj. 'long-armed', cause*. 2. 'to put; prepare, esta-
y. darayö.yaStam absol. 'with perma- blish; appoint, ordain; make, cre-
nent worship', ate'; with loc. zastayö and dat. of
y. darat- adj. (from 2dar-) "holding the person 'to deliver into the hands
with (acc.)'. o f ; 'to purpose to*(mid.); 'to do any-
daras- vb. (skr. adaräuh, darsati; da- thing'; with two acc. 'to make a p.
darsa), pres. dar?«-; perf. dädaras-·. a ..'. With aibi and the acc. of a
'to behold, view, perceive', predicative ptcpl. 'to allow to a p.
g. darasa- sb. in. (from dans- vb.)'sight'. to do something', with ä 'to acquire;
234 da- — di&tay-

to make a p. (acc.) a . . (acc.)\ with y. dänav- adj., name of a Turanian

upa 'to yield, give way; to place tribe.
in (loc.)", with us 'to lift up', with y. dänazväza- sb. m., the same as the
para 'to give, give away; to cause äbvnt-.
(recordings) for (dat.)', with pairl g. 1 daman-, y. dqman- sb. n. (from
to vouchsafe, dedicate', with frä 'to dä· vb.; skr. dhdman·) 'dwelling-
give; create, ordain; mid. "to ad- place, abode* (plur.); 'creature, cre-
vance', with ni 'to lay, put down, 1
ation' (collective).
establish in (loc. or dat.)', mid. 'to damay- sb. f. (from 'da- Λvb.) 'creation',
become barren* (of lands); 'to direct y. Mämay- adj. (from άά- vb.) 'cre-
(his purpose) to (inf.)', with vl 'to ating, creator",
direct (hither and thither)'; 'to place y. dämi.dät- adj. (from 'da- vb.) 'cre-
(sentences)'; (mid.) 'to stop at a ating the creation, creator of the
place (loc.)*; 'to do, perform", creation".
g. a da- adj. (from 1dd- vb.) 'creating, y. dami.data-,dqmi-ääta- adj. 'created
preparing' with acc. by the creator',
g. xday- vb. (skr. dhindti 'he satisfies), y. däuru.-upa.darana- sb. n. (skr. dä-
pres. day a-: *to nurse carefully, to rav-) 'hut of wood",
minister*. y. dä&tayänay- sb. m , name of an
däy- vb. (skr. didkye, didhaya), pres. unbeliever, whose sons were killed
didä·, diday·, daiSy·; perf. diSay·, by Ksnsäspa.
didi-; perf. ptcpl. pass. dUa-ι 'to y. ddhista- adj. (superl. of 2 da- adj.)
see; to look at*. With avi and ä 'to 'most giving' with acc.
look at*, with upa 'to look upon', y. dählm: see under dänhay-,
with paiti "to behold'. y. dSus.manahya- sb. n. (from dui-
data sb. n. (from 'da- vb.) "right, law*, tnanah- adj.) 'hostility',
y. dätaydäiti- 6b. f. (from ldä- vb.) y. dSus.sravah- sb. n. (from *dui.sra-
"bestowing". vah- adj.) plur. 'ill fame',
dätar-, dä&r- sb. m., dä&rl- sb. f. (from g. dSjämäspa-: see under jämäspa-.
'da- vb.; skr. dätar-, dhätdr-) 'he, y. ddrawia- sb. n. (cp. skr. dfbhati
she who gives; giver' with acc. of 'he ties') plur. 'muscle-flesh',
the thing and dat. or gen. of the y. ddrvninti·. obscure,
person; 'maker, creator*, g. daraz- sb. f. (from dam- vb.) 'fet-
y. data- sb. f. (cp. skr. ddnt- sb. m.)'tooth\ ters'.
y. dätö.räzah- adj. 'law-giver*, y. dardzi.raüa- adj. 'having a strong
y. dätö.saoka- adj. 'welfare-giving', chariot'.
y. däitim inf. (from 1dä- vb) 'to give, y. darazra-, drazra- adj. (from daraz-
grant". vb., cp. skr. drdhd) 'strong, firm',
y. daitya- adj. (from data- sb.) "due, g. darai- sb. f. (cp. skr. dhrfndti 'he
proper; lawful, right; according to dares, ventures') "assault, ill-treat-
the usage, circumstances', nient'.
y. däityä- sb. f., name of a river, y. doidra- sb. n. (from 2 dät/- vb.) "eye"
y. däityö.aesmi.-bav- vb. 'to be pro- (of ahuna beings),
vided with proper fuel*, y. dänhay-, dähi- sb. f. (from 'dä- vb.;
y. däityö.upasayeni.-hav- vb. 'to be skr. dhäsäy-) 'creation',
provided with proper up-keep*. g. dqm: see under dam-.
y. däityö.toma- adj. (superl. of däitya- g. dqman: see under daman-,
adj.) 'most due*, y. dqmi-däta- adj.: see under dämi.-
y. däityö.pi&wi.-bav- vb. 'to be pro- däta.
vided with proper nourishment", g. dqh- vb., pres. dldah-ι 'to teach";
y. däityö.baoi&i-bav- vb. 'to be pro- mid. in passive sense "to be in-
vided with proper incense", structed bv a p. (instr.) in (instr.)*.
y. lda-da- adj. (from 2däy- vb.) 'prudent', y. dqhista- adj. (superl. of dahma-
y. dä&ra- sb. n. (from 'da- vb., skr. adj., skr. ddmsistha-) "wisest",
dä-) 'gift; alms*. y, di- dem. pron., only encl. acc. (dim,
*dä&ra· sb. n. (from 'da- vb , ski·, dhä-) dig; dls, di) "him, her, it; them".
"(fixed) wages, reward; recording', Dein. § 398.
y. dä&ri-: see under dätar-. y. dim strengthening particle,
y. dänayana- patronym. adj. 'descen- y. diitay- sb. f. (skr. di$tay-), a mea-
dant of Dänay'. sure of distance.
dugadar- — draojista- 235

g. dugddary. duySar- sb. f. (skr. du- g.dui-manah-·. see u n d e r dusmanah-.

kitdr-) 'daughter*, y. duzyäirya- a d j . ' b r i n g i n g a bad
g. duty a- sb. n. (skr. dütyä-) 'procla- year, a bad harvest", sb. n. 'bad
mation'. year, bad harvest*.
y. dunman sb. n. (cp. skr. dhülikä- dui-va6ah- a d j . 'of evil speech, evil-
sb. f.) 'mist; cloud', speaking*,
y . dunmö.frut- a d j . (from frav- vb.) y. duz-vandrav- adj. ifroin vand- vb.
'flying in the clouds', 'to praise', skr. vandate) 'slandering,
y. duye: see u n d e r dva-. defaming*,
dura· adj. 'distant, f a r o f f , only loc. g. duz-varana- adj. 'of false belief*.
sg. dürae-da adv. (skr. dürij "far, dui-varsta- adj. 'evil-done*,
afar", dürät, düräai-6a (skr. dürät) g. duz-varsSnah- a d j . 'whose doing is
'from afar, afar', evil*.
y . düraekaita- sb. m., name of an un- g. daibitya-·. see u n d e r bitya-.
believer. g. dvm&na-·. see u n d e r nmäna-.
y. dürae-karana- adj. "with ends that g. dyä- vb. (cp. skr. ά-dyati), pros.
lie a f a r ' . dyä-, only with ni: "tofetter; to sup-
y. dürae-pära- a d j . 'with shores or press, to mako an end to*,
ends that lie afar*, g. dyäi inf. (from 1dä- vb.) 'to grant',
y. dürae-urvaesa- a d j . '(a path) whose y. dva· num. (skr. dvd, dod), du. 'two",
turning-point lies afar', sb. m. 'the y. dvaepa- sb. n. (cpd. dvae+ipa-
far turning-point (of the path)*, 'between two waters', from άρ- sb.
v. dürae-nüka- a d j . 'far-looking'. f.: cp. skr. dvipd- sb. in., n.) 'island',
düraosa- adj. 'holding death afar, y. dvaei-: see u n d e r φαεέ-.
avert er of death', epithet of Haoma. g. dvaeiah·: see u n d e r tbaeiah-.
duS-, duz- (skr. du$-, dur-), inseparable y. dvag- vb. (cp. skr. dhvajd- sb. m.
prefix "evil, bad', 'flag'), pres.dvaza-: 'to flutter'. With
g. du&a-x&a&ra- a d j . 'evil ruler*, ä 'to flutter up(wards)", with fra 'to
y. dui-mata- a d j . 'evil-thought*, flutter away", with vi 'to flutter to
y. dus-manah-, g. duz-manah- adj. and fro'·
(skr durmanas-) "of ill intend, evil- y. dvadasa- num. adj. (skr dvädasd-)
minded*. "twelfth*,
y. duS-mainyav- adj.'evil-minded', sb. g. dvafiah- sb. m. 'torment*,
m. 'enemy, foe*, y. dvan- vb. (cp. skr. dhvamsati 'he
g. dui.sastay- a d j . 'whose teaching is falls to pieces'), pres. dvqsa-; caus.
. false, false teacher', dvqnaya-: 'to fly'. With apa 'to fly
g. dui.Syao&ana-, y. duiJyao&na- a d j . awav", with us caus. ' m a k e to fly up',
'whose doing is evil, whose deeds ' d v a r - vb. (cp. ekr. drdvati 'he runs'),
a r e evil'. pres. dvara-\ dvära-: 'to go' (of
y. duä.-hqm.sästa- a d j . 'hard to be daevic beings). With apa 'to go
advised'. away, shrink back from', with ά
g. dui.X»an&a- sb. n. 'evil meat*, and niS 'to corae forth a n d spring
y. duzaka- sb. m., v u l g a r n a m e or u p against', with fra 'to sidle u p
nickname of the hedgehog, to", with ham 'to go together to;
y. duz-atahav- sb. m. (lit. 'bad exi- (intens.) to rush along',
stence') 'hell', y. sdvar- sb. m. (skr. dvärau, durah)
y. duzdpya- sb. n. (from ap- vb., cp. 'door, g a t e ; (mountain-)pass'.
skr. düräpa- adj.) "difficulty to reach y. draijiitö.tema- a d j . (superl. of the
or cross something (acc.)'. superl. of driyav-) 'the v e r y poorest',
y. duz-ita- sb. n. (skr. duritä-) "diffi- y. draog- vb. (skr. drühyati, druhah
culty, danger, calamity', 2 sg.; drugdlidh), pres. druza-·, perf.
y. duz-üxta- a d j . (skr. duruktdr) 'evil- ptcpl. pass, druxta·, druxda-: "to lie,
spoken'. deceive; to act badly". With aiwv
duz-daSna- a d j . "whose Daend (self) 'to deceive a p. by lies; (with rni-
is evil'. ihvm) to deceive M. a n d to b r e a k
duz-dä(y}- adj. (skr. düdhi-, durdhl-) a contract; to hurt (by deceit)',
'of no u n d e r s t a n d i n g ; evil-thinking, y. draoga-, draoya- adj. (from draog-
malignant', vb.) 'false, untrue*,
y . duz-daman- a d j . 'of ill intend, evil- y. draojista- adj. (superl. of draoga-)
minded'. 'the most lying of the liars'.
2ΰ6 draonah {hraoto.stät-

y. draonah- sb. 11 (skr. drdvinas- the trace); to drive, rein (of the
'wealth, money, property') 'portion*, charioteer)'. With/Vä *to come dri-
y. draoman- sb. n. (from drav- vb. 'to ving along',
rush') 'assault*, y. öanvan-, öanvar- sb. η. (from dang-
y. drag- vb., pres. draia-; darznv-ι 'to vb.) 'bow*,
hold*. With upa 'to hold out, carry y. damnahvant- adj.(cp. skr samnifva
through*. imp. 'labour') 'careful',
y. draxtö.hunara- s adj. (draxta·: perf. v. dätairö ·. obscure.
ptcpl. pass, of drang) 'skilled, trai- *{hva- pron. 2nd pers. sg. (skr. tväm,
ned-up*. tvdi, tdva; tvd, te) 'thee'. Dein. § 402.
y. drafia- sb. m. (skr. drapsd·) 'flag*, g. *&ινα- adj. (skr. tvd·) 'thy, thine',
y. drafSakavant- adj. 'adorned with y. {hcaiäah- sb. n. (from frway- vb. "to
ribbons'. frighten') 'fear, fright*.
*drang- vb., pres. (des.) dldrayza-; y. dwaxä- vb. (cp. skr. pratvakfändh)
drdnjaya-; perf. ptcpl. pass, draxta-: 'to work, be active, be stirring,
'to strengthen, harden*. With ä 'to make haste*,
determine; (des.) desire to ensure", g. dicax&ah- sb. n. (from dwaxs- vb.,
with ham "to strengthen throughly', skr. tvdk$as-)"activity, zeal; anxious
y. *drang- vb., pres. dranjaya-: 'to care*.
learn by heart; recite when lear- y. dwaxiiita- adj. (superl. of frwaxsa-
ning by heart, mutter*. With fra adj. 'active, busy*, from dwaxi- vb.)
'to mutter*, "most active, busy*,
y. drazimna·: see under drag·. y. 1fouayahvant· adj. (cp. &waiiah- sb.)
y. dräjah- sb. n. (cp. danya- adj., •frightful",
skr. dräghimdn- sb. m.) 'length'; y. Qioarvxitar- sb. m. (from &wans-
dat. dräjamhe "for a long period, vb.) 'former*.
for ever*, ihcards- vb., pres. frwarvsa-; {hvdra-
g. dngu-·. see under driyav-. saya-j s-aor. &tvani-·, perf. ptcpl.
g. dngvant-, y. drvant- adj. (from pass, frwarita·: "to cut, create; to
drug- sb.) "one who holds with the appoint, prescribe'. With avi 'to
Drug, companion of Drug' (of men), hew', with ä and frä 'to cut off',
"holding with the Drug, wicked, with upa 'to pare off (the nails),
fiendish' (of gods), cut off; (with acc. pi. upa.frwdrasan)
y. dnzra-: see under ddrdzra-. to make a breach in (gen.)', with
v. driyav-, g. drigav-, dngu- adj.'poor*. us 'to tear out', with fra 'to create;
y. driway- sb. f. "mole, birth-mark*, to appoint, prescribe; to break in,
y. dru adv. 'on all sides'. get into (acc.)*.
drug- sb. f. (from draog- vb.) 'lie, de- y. dwartta-·. see under frwaras-.
ceive'; personified 'Drug'. y. fcvarstay- sb. f. (from &war»s- vb.)
y. druia·. see under drü. 'creating*,
y. drujant- adj. (cp. drvant- and drug-) y. liüwäia- adj. (cp. skr. tvarita-) "quick",
'one who holds with the Drug'. y. &wäSa- sb. n. 'atmosphere, king-
y. drujim.vana- adj. "overcoming the dom of the air', also deified,
Drug'. g. dworvitar- sb. m. (from tbwans- vb.)
y. drum·, see under drva-. 'creator'.
y. druita- adj. 'afflicted with rupture, y. dwqz- vb., pres. dwqzja-: "to become
ruptured', oppressed",
y. ldruzant··. see under draog-. y. {hvyqstama- adj. (superl. of *frwyant-,
y. drva- adj. (skr. dhruvd-) "healthy, from öway- vb. 'to frighten") 'most
firm, sound", frightful, dreadful'.
y. *drva- adj. 'dwarfish, dwarf', i&yejah- sh. n. (skr. tydjas-) "trouble,
y. drva&na- adj .(from därav-) "wooden", danger'.
y. drvatdt- sb. f. 'health, soundness*, y. i&yejahvant- adj. (from i&yejah- sb.)
y. drvant-·. see under dngvant-. 'full of danger, hazardous',
y. drvö.iaiman- adj. 'of sound eyes'. y. draetaona- sb. m., name of a hero,
y. draotö.stäk- adj. (cpd. *{hraotah- +
tak·, from tak- vb.) 'flowing in the
v. dang-νb., pres. (iter.) danjaya-: 'to v. hraoto.stät- adj. 'being in the river-
draw (a chariot); (mid.) to pull (at 11 " fed*.
draoS paiti.&nna- 237

draoi- vb., pres. frraoi-: 'to bring to y. φαΜ- vb. (skr. dvtfdnti; dviffdh),
maturity, to make perfect*, pres. (iter.) tbaesaya-·, perf. ptcpl.
y. draoitay- sb. f. (from Oraos- vb.) pass, ffnita-: 'to hate, dislike, be ho-
"(maturity,) end', stile towards; to injure, offend',
y. draxtay··. see under sraxtay·. y. tbaexah- sb. n. (skr. dve$as-) 'hatred,
y. dray- num., fem. tixr· (skr. trdyatjt, enmity; offence',
tlsrdh), plur. 'three', y. tbaiiö.taurvan- adj. 'getting over
v. drah- vb. (skr. trdsati; trastdh), hatred'.
pres. terasa-; perf. ptcpl. pass. tarMa-: y. tbaeäö.paräta- adj. (from fras· vb.)
'to fear, tremble, be afraid of (acc.)*. 'maliciously asked'.
With frä 'to be in dread of (haia tbiHS- sb. m. 'joint (of the finger)',
with abl.)*. y. tbUyant- adj. 'hating, malicious;
y. örätay- sb. f. (from drä- vb. 'to opposed, hostile to*,
protect*) 'protection*, y. tbiSvant' adj. 'opposed, hostile to;
y. drätar- sb. m. 'protector', enemy*.
y. drafrra- sb. n. 'protection*,
y. dräöräi inf. (dat. of ϋτάϋτα- sb.)
'to protect*, P-
y. dräyavan·, Sräyaon- adj.: obscure, y. paiman- sb. n.(from pay- vb.) 'milk*,
y. frrqfd&a-, Orafia- adj. (cp. skr. v. paisa- adj. (from pais· vb. 'to make
tpnpdti 'he becomes satisfied*) 'sa- coloured") 'leprous'; sb. m. 'leprosy*,
tisfied, content*, y. paosiMa- adj. (from pav- vb.) 'most
y. Orqfs- sb. n. (cp. örqfsda- adj.) stinking, filthy*,
'contentment*, y. pak- vb. (skr. pacati), pres. ραέα-ι
y. Ori.afsman- adj. 'containing three 'to cook'. With ham 'to cook",
lines'. y. paxruma- adj. 'solid*.
v. frri.ayar- sb. n. 'three days', pat- vb. (skr. pdtati, patdyati), pres.
j*. öriJcaman&a- adj. 'threeheaded*. pata-\pataya-\ CAUS.pataya-: 'to fly,
y. üri.gämya- sb. n. 'three paces', cast o. s. at; to fall, fall down; to
v. Ori-gäya- sb, n. 'three paces', rush (techn. term for the going of
y. örix&apar- sb. n. "three nights; daivic beings)'. With ava 'to rush
three nights (including day-time)', along", with avi and frä 'to rush
y. drita- sb. m., name of two believers, in', with ά 'to rush along', with UM
y. dritya- num. adj. (sp. skr. tjiiya-) 'to rush out'; caus. 'cause to rush
'Ihird'; Oritlm (acc.sg.), frrityäi (dat. out", with pairi 'to rush over (acc.)',
eg.) adv. "(at) the third time', with frä 'to walk (in daSvic man-
y. dri-bda· sb. m. 'three-fold bonds', ner); to rush along (dat.)*.
y. Orima- sb. m. 'nourishment, refresh- y. patada [N. S3]: obscure.
ment; strength', patay-, paiti-, paiöy- sb. m. (skr.pdtay-)
y. {hri-sata- num. (8kr. trisatd ) 'three 'master, lord, ruler; husband*.
hundred*. paiti prep, with acc. or loc. "to, to-
y. frrisata.gäya- sb. n. (from drisant- wards, against; in, at. on (of space
num.) 'thirty paces', and time); for; by means o f , with
y. Orisatö.eyam- sb. m., plur. "three acc. "according to', with abl. 'in, at,
hundred winters*, on (of space)', with abl. combined
y. drisant- num. f. (cp. skr. trimMt-) with a ptcpl. in the' sense of the
'thirty*. English so-called Nominative (orig.
y. dri-zafan-, Sri-zafah- adj. 'three- Dative) Absolute, with instr. 'to, to-
niouthed*. wards; in, at, on (of space)', with
y M..1 adv. (skr. trih) 'three times', dat. 'in, at (of space)', with gen. 'in,
y. {hris-ämrüta- adj. 'to be recitcd at, on (of space); for*,
three times', y. paitüd-stay-, paiti-Stay- sb. f. (cp.
y. ürisva- sb. n. 'third (part)', skr. pratiffhdy- sb. f. 'resistance")
y . ^ r i i a n t - sb. n. 'third (part)'. lit'placing o. s. by the side of (gen.)',
techn. term for the silent participa-
tion in the prayer of an other,
I y. paiti.antie inf. (from tar-) 'to check,
y. 1tkaesa- sb. m. (from 2fcae.i- vb.) stop'.
'doctrine; proposition, dogma. y. paiti.»nna- adj. (from'ar-vb.) 'of
i ikaeia- sb. m. (cp^{kaesa· sb.) 'teachcr*. fering resistance'.
238 paiti.jatay *par-

y. paiti.jatay- sb. f. (from gan- vb.) y. paity.äpsm adv. 'against the tide,
'defence'. up-stream",
y. paitita inf. [V. 5. 1]: see under avi y. paityänna- adj. (cpd. paiti+anna-,
paitita. from 1ar- vb.) 'adversary*, 1
y. paitita- sb. n. (cpd. paiti + *ita-) g. paityä-stay- sb. f. (from dä- vb.
'remission", with paiti and ά '(repetition;) repe-
y. paiti-taTvtayae-6a inf. (from tar- vb.) titor, instructor*,
'to overcome', y. pad- vb. (skr.pddyate), pres. paidya-:
y. paiti.daya- sb. m. (from *däy- vb.) 'to move (down)*. With ni 'to lie
'overseer, superintendent*, down on (acc.)\
y. paiti.darana- sb. n. (from *dar- vb.) *pad-, päd- sb. m. (skr. pädä, paddh)
'dwelling(-place)". 'foot'.
y. paiti.däna- sb. m. (cp. skr. pra- y. pada- sb. m. (skr.padd-) 'step, foot-
tidhäna- sb. n. 'putting on') 'plastron', step".
y. paiti.dltay- sb. f. (from idäy-) "be- y. paiSyä- sb. f. (skr. pädyä-) "foot*,
holding". y. pa9-: see under pantay-.
y. paiti.dvaeSayantä- sa. f. 'fitness for y. pa&ana- adj. 'broad, wide, spacious',
overcoming enemies', y. padanay- patronym. adj. 'descen-
y. paitipa- adj. (cpd. paiti -f άρ· sb. f., dant of Pa&ana'.
cp.skT.pratipd-) 'against the stream, ραΰά- sb. f. (cp. pantay- sb.) 'path,
amid the surging water*, way'.
y. paiti.parStay- sb. f. 'information, y. pantahva- sb. n. 'the fifth (part)",
ascertainment', y. pania num. (skr. pdnca) 'five',
y. paiti.paritö.-sravah- adj. 'one who y. pania.dasa num. (skr. pdncadaita)
has ascertained the (holy) rules', 'fifteen'.
y. paiti.pastay- sb. f. (from pat- vb.) y. x panf.a.dasa- num. adj. (skr. panca-
'standing in a p.'s way', da&d-) 'fifteenth',
y. paiti.yqS adv. (nom. sg. m. of pait- y. *panca.dasa- adj. 'of fifteen years
yarik- adj. 'turned or directed to- (of age)*.
wards", cp. skr. pratydnk-) 'towards, y. pania.dasah- adj. 'of fifteen years
against". (of age)'.
y. paiti.vaciSta- adj. (superl. oipaiti.- y. panca.ratav- adj. "having five Ra-
vak- adj.) 'who knows the best to tav's'.
give an answer', y. pan6asa-ynäi inf. (from gan- vb.)
y. paiti.s6aptayaS-ia inf. (from skamb· "for to smite fifty*,
vb., cp. upa.skamb»m absol.) 'to ob- y. panca-sant-: see under pancdsant-.
struct'. y. pancäsata.gäya- sb. n. 'fifty paces',
y. paitiSa- adj. "contrary, hostile', pai- y. paniä-sant- num. (skr. pancäsdt-),
ti&a (instr. sg.) adv. 'in the direc- fem. 'fifty',
tion to'. y. pancö.hya- adj. '(animals) of five
v. paitiita sti [N. 83]: obscure, kinds*.
y. paiti-stätSe, paiti-stätayae-6a inf. pantay- sb. m., pail·- sb. m. f. (skr.
(from s<d-vb.) 'to resist, overcome' pdnthäh, pathdh) 'path, way*. Dein.
with gen. §§ 353. ·>, 3l!3.
y. paiti-stäna-, paiti-stana- sb. n. (from y. pay- vb. (skr. pinväte, pinvati), pres.
stä- vb., cp. skr. prati$thäna- 'basis; pinav-, pinv-: "to swell*. With frä
resting-place; leg") 'residence; leg], mid. 'to l'low towards; to suckle*,
y. pditi.smuxta- adj. (cp. skr. prati- y. ipayah- sb. n. (skr. pdyas·; from
mukta- 'put on, worn, applied*) 'dres- pay- vb.) 'milk',
sed with shoes', y. *payah- adj. (cp. lpayah- sb.) 'giving,
y. paitis.hahya- sb. iu., name of the producing (milk i. e.) verdure* (to
deity of the 3d season and of the the vegetable kingdom),
season-festival, y. pav- vb. (skr.püyati), pres.puya-:
y. paitis.x»ana- sb. m. (skr. svand- 'to rot'.
"sound") 'noise rising against. .*. y. pavitay- sb. f. (from pav- vb.) 'rot-
v. paitiä.xvarvna- tb. n. 'the upper tenness, putrefaction*,
part of the face (i. e. forehead and y. ipar- vb., pres. pära-·, pass.pairya-:
ears)'. 'to make equal; to compare",
y. paityaogvl-tbaesahya- sb. n. 'enmity y. ^par- vb., pres. frasa-\ frä-; caus.
turning back (to him, who shows it)'. päraya·: 'to reach the other side of
parä — paoiryö 239

a th., cross'. With ä 'to come to y. pairi.kara- sb, m. (from *kar- vb.)
(dat.)', with frä (fro) "to go before 'a furrow round about',
over (acc.)*; caus. 'to bring, carry y. pairikä- sb. f. 'sorceress, witch',
to (acc.)*, with ni cans. 'to bring to y. pairi.daisa- sb.m., piur.'enclosures',
(dat.)'. y. pairifrnam adv. 'absolutely, tho-
*pard adv. (skr. pärä) 'away, aside', roughly*.
άέα paraia 'to and fro*. Vbl. prefix. y. pairi.fräsa- sb. m. (from freut- vb.)
pard adv. (skr. purä) "at first, in the 'asking round about*,
first place; in former times, for- y. paoirimtiAv.: see under paourvim.
merly', y. para ahmät 'before, hi- g. pairi-matay- sb. f. 'vaunt*,
therto, up to the present time*, g. y. pairi.vära- sb. m. "sheltering wall;
parä hyat, y. para ahmät yat "be- circumvallation*.
fore"; prep, with acc., abl. or loc. g. pairi.spätay- sb. f. (from spä- vb.)
"before" (of time), 'throwing into*,
y. parao.i (gen. sg.): sec under parav-. v. pairiStä.xi'udra-, pairistä.x&uira-
y. paragdt adv. (acc. sg. u. of paränk-, adj. (from sta- vb., with pairi) 'one
pardfc-adj.'turned away, off')'aside; whose seed is dried u p ; impo-
except' with abl. tent*.
y. para.dax.ita- adj., only fem. "who y.pairiSjx»axta- adj. (skr. parifvakta-,
has no more tokens', from svajate 'he embraces, clasps')
y. para-ddta- adj., epithet of Ηαοέ- "surrounded*,
yanha: obscure. g. paouruyö,paouruyehyä: see under
parav-, pauru-, paouru·, pouru- adj., paouruya- (i. e. *parvya-).
iem.paoiri(&kr.purdv-,purvi-)'mvic.b, y. pant- vb. (cp. skr. pft- sb. f. 'fight'),
abundant, many; (doing a. th.) re- p r e s . p a n t a - \ p a n t a \ (iut.) päparat-:
peatedly, often'; pouru (acc. sg. n.) 'to fight'. With paiti "to strive
adv. 'much; in abundance, abun- against (acc.)*.
dantly; far away', paurva (instr. y. pand- vb. (cp. skr. pardate), pres.
sg.) 'in abundance*, parada-: 'to fart",
y. para.iristay- sb. f. (from raid· vb.) y. panna- sb. n. (skr. parnd ) 'feather',
'dying, death*, y. parenava- adj. 'having, wearing a
y. para.hixtay- sb. f. (skr. siktdy-, feather'.
from haek- vb.) 'drawing off. y. pannahvant· adj.(cp. skr. pdrinah-)
y. pardx»ai&e pret. mid. 3 du. 'they 'copious, abundant',
struggled for'(?): obscure, y. paurva adv.: see under parav-.
y , l p a r ö prep. (skr. pardft), with acc. y. paourva adv.: 6ee under paourva-.
'besides'. paourva-, y. paurva-, pourva- adj.
.y. *parö adv. (skr. purdh) "before, in (skr. pürvd-) 'being iu the front,
front (of space); before, formerly first, foremost; southern (of space)';
(of time)'; prep, with abl. (or loc.) former, prior,first (of time); paourva
"in consequence of, owing to; by (instr. sg.), paurvqn (acc. sg. f.) adv.
means of, by; before (of time)', 'in (the) front; (at) first*,
y. parö.asna- adj. (from lah- vb.) 'fu- y. paurva.naema- sb. m. "front, front
ture'. side', only abl. sg. paurva.naemät
y. paröit vbl. prefix (cpd. para + it) 'in the front of, before' with gen.
'away'. y. paourvanya- adj.: obscure,
y. paro.kd-vid- adj. (cpd. *paraka- + y. paurvqn adv.: see under paourva-.
vid-) 'hitting the far (goal)', g. paourvim, y. paoirlm adv. (skr.
v. parö.darS (nom. sg. m.): see under pürrydm) '(at) first; at the begin-
parö.daras-, ning; the first time; in the first
y. parö dans- sb. m., name of the place; above all',
cock. g. paouruya-, y. paoirya- adj. (skr.
y. parö.yä- adj. (from yä- vb.) 'going pürvyd-) 'first'; paouruyi (loc. sg.)
in front, victorious', adv. '(at) first, first of all", paoiryö
y. parqS adv. (nom. sg. m. of paränk- (nom. sg. m ) adv. 'first' (of time),
adj., cp. paragdt adv.) 'aside'. y. paoiryaeinl- sb. f., name of a con-
pairl adv. (skr. pari) 'before, formerly stellation 'Pleiades',
(of time)', prep, witli acc. 'over (of g. paouruyi adv.: s. under paouruya-.
space); during, through (of time)', y. paoiryö adv. [V. 2. 1, 2]: see under
with loc. or abl. "from". paouruya-.
240 parSa pouru.jira-

y. parsa- sb. m. (skr. par$d-) 'ear (of y. päranday- sb. f. (lit. 'plenty', cp. skr.
com)*. püramdhay-'), name of a goddess,
y. par&uya- adj., with äp- sb. f. 'snow- y. päurva- sb. m., name of a man.
water". y. päina- sb. n. (cp. skr. pdrfnay-)
g. paritd inf. (from fras- vb.) 'to ask*, 'heel'.
y. par&a- sb. m. (skr. pf§(hd-) 'back; paratav- sb. m. (from *par vb.) 'pas-
cover, protection, guard*, sage; bridge'.
y. parStay- sb. f. (from fras· vb.) 'dis- parabav- adj. (skr. pfthdv·) 'broad,
cussion*. wide'; para&u (acc. sg. m.) adv.
y. paritö.vaiah- adj. 'one who has as- 'abroad, far away',
certained the (holy) words, sayings*, joara&u adv.: see under para&av-.
y. pariv-anika- adj. (y. ainika- sb. m. y. paraiht.ainika- adj. (cp.parsvanika-
'face, front", skr. dnika· sb. n.) 'with adj.) "with the wide front*,
a speckled forehead'. y. para&ü.fräka- adj. (from frArik· adj.,
pasav·, fiav· sb. m. (skr,ραέάυ·) 'cattle, cp. frakam adv.) 'spreading abroad",
small cattle (both singly and collec- y. para&u.vaedayana- adj. 'being on a
tively); sacrificial animal, such as broad look-out",
a goat or a sheep*, y. pan&u.zrayah- adj. 'spreading over
y. lpasu vastra- [N.&3] sb. n.'garment wide expanses of water*.
of the skin of an animal, esp. of y.para&vvra- adj. [c.pA. paradav--\-vlra-
sheepskin*, sb. n. 'understanding') 'far-sighted*,
y. *pasu.vastra- [Yt. 5. 89] sb. n. (from y. Parana- adj. (cp. skr. pün}dh·) 'full',
*vah- vb.) 'stall for cattle*, y. *parana- sb. m. n. (cp. parana- sb.)
y. pasu&.haurva- adj. (from har- vb.), 'feather*.
with span- sb. 'shepherd's dog*, y. panna- sb. f. (cp. skr. pändy- sb.
y. paskät adv. (cp. pasta adv.) 'from m. 'hand') '(the hollow of the) hand*,
behind, behind (of space); then, y. paranäyav- adj. (cpd. parana- +
afterwards (of time)', äyav-) "of full age',
y. pasia adv. (skr. paScä) 'behind (of y. paranayui.hara&ri-bav- vb. 'to be
space); then, afterwards (of time)'; maintained by the P.'.
prep, with acc- 'behind after*, with y. paranin- adj. 'having, wearing a
dat. (instead of abl.) 'behind', feather*.
y. pasiaita adv. {cp. pasia adv.) 'then, y. parasaiti, parasat etc. verbal forms:
afterwards*, see under fras-.
y. pasvant- adj. (cp. skr. ραέ- sb. f.) y. lpaSana- sb. n., paSanä- sb. f. (from
'having a line': doubtful", parat- vb., skr.pftanä- sb. f.) "battle,
y. pazdaya- vb. (*pa-zda-ya-, from fight, struggle for (the price of)'
*had-), caus. 'to scare, frighten; with loc.
drive away", y. 2paSana- sb. m., name of an un-
y. ραέηα· sb. m. (from spas- vb.) 'loo- believer.
king at", only loc. eg.paöne 'in sight, y. paSav- sb. m. (cp. paratav- sb.) 'pas-
in the face of (gen. or acc.)'. sage; bridge".
pä(y)- vb. (skr. päti, päsati), pres.pd-; pasamiit säram: see under paid sära-,
pay a-·, päpay·; pay a-; s-aor. päh-; y. paäö.iingha- adj. 'cloven-footed',
perf. ptcpl. pass, päta·: 'to protect; y. paäö.tanü- adj. (cp. tanu.para&a-)
to prevent from labl.); to observe, 'one whose body is lost',
attend to (acc.)'. With paiti mid. y. paSO.parana- adj. "with stretched
"to expect*, with nl "to protect, guard*, feathers, with wings of great span',
y. päiti.Smuxta-: see under paiti.- y. paiö.sära- adj. "one whose head is
imuxia-. lost".
y. päda- [Yt. 17. 6] päSave, pädam y. paäu.päna- adj. (from pay- vb.)
[Yt. 17. 55]: see under *pad-. "keeping the bridge*,
y. ρόδα- sb. n. (cp. ραδα- sb.) 'step, y. pouru adv.: see under parav·.
pace; striding; lialting-place, home', g.pourü (acc.pi.η.): see uuder parav-.
y. päfhnainyö.tama- adj. (super), of y. pouru.xänüt- sb. f. "abundant re
*pa&mainya- adj., from pa&man- ward*.
sb. n. "path, way') 'best preparing g. pouruiistä- sb. f., name of the third
the way for (dat.)'. daughter of Zara&u&tra
y. pädravant· adj. 'giving protection*, y. pouru.jira- adj. 'of great intelli-
y. pä&räi inf. (from pay· vb.)"to protect". gence*.
pouruta baodaya- §41

v. pouruta- sb. m., name of a land, y. ipistra- sb. n. (from pals- vb. 'to
y. pouru.tät- sb. f. 'multitude, great make coloured*) 'class, caste',
number*. y. *piStra- sb. m. (cp. skr. pindtfi 'he
y. pouruiäxitay- sb. m., name of the pounds, grinds') 'pinching, wound
father of Aiavazdah. caused by a pinch; flour, meal*,
y. pouru.paxäta- adj. 'fully plaited*, y. pux&a- num. adj. "fifth"; puxSsm
y. pouru.baivan- adj. 'many ten thou- (acc. sg. n.) adv. 'fifthly, in .the fifth
sands'. place*.
v. pouru.baeSaza- adj. 'full of heal : pu&ra- sb. m. (skr. putrd-) 'son*,
" ing\ y. pxidröi&tay- sb. f. (cpd. pu&ra- +
' y. pouru baoxSna- adj. (from baog-vb.) iitay ) 'possession of sons',
'one who brings saving, salvation y. pudrö.dä- adj. 'son-giving*,
to many people', y. pue&- sb. f. 'diadem*.
y. pouru.nar- adj. 'rich in men, thron-
ged with men', b.
y. pourunqm: see under parav-.
y. pouru.mant- adj. (fromparav- adj.) bä strengthening particle 'verily, in-
'crowded; plenary (meeting)*, deed*.
y. pouru.mahrka- ädj. 'deadly*, y. baevan-, baivar- sb.n. 'ten thousand,
y. pouru.vak· sb. m., plur. 'many myriad*.
sayings'. y. baZvan-yna- sb. n. (from gan· vb.)
y. pouru.vä8tra· adj. 'rich in pastures', '10000 strokes*,
y. pouruvq&wa- adj. 'abounding in y. baivan-ynai inf. (from gan- vb.)
herds'. 'for to smite 10000*.
y. pouru sata- adj. 'many hundreds', v. baevar9.6aSman- adj. 'with ten thou-
y. pouru.sanda- adj. 'of many kinds sand eyes*,
or species', y. baSvara.fraskamba- adj. 'supported
y. pouru.spaxätay- sb. f. 'far-reaching by ten thousand beams',
espying*. y. baevan.miita· adj. 'with ten thou-
y. pouruiaspa- sb. in., name of the sand towers' (doubtful),
father of Zara&uitra. y. balvan.valbayana- adj. 'with ten
y. pouruijcvä&ra- adj. 'giving much thousand look-out's*,
fortune, pleasure*, y. balvarv.spasan- adj. 'having ten
y. pouru.hazanra- adj. 'many thou- thousand spies',
sands'. y. baeSaza- adj. (skr. bhefajd-) adj.
y. pouru.xvannah- adj. 'full of glory*, 'healing, curative"; sb. n. 'remedy,
y. pourva-: see under paourva-, pa- medicine, drug*,
urva-. y. xbal&azya- denom. pres. (from baS-
y. pqman- sb. n. (skr. pämdn- sb. m.) έαζα- adj.) 'to give health, cure*,
'a kind of skin-disease, scab', y. 2ba£$azya- adj. (skr. bhefajyd-) 'heal-
y. pqsto.fra&anham adv. {pasta- sb. m. ing, curative, having healing pro-
'skin, hairy skiu') 'of the breadth of perties'.
the (hairy) skin, as far as the hair y. balSazyäi inf. (from lbaeSazya- vb.)
extends*. 'for to bring health',
y. pqgnav- sb. m. n. (cp. skr. pämsdv- y. baizasyö.tara-: compar. of 2bai-
sb. m.) 'dust*, zasya-.
y. pitaona- sb. m., name of a man, y. baog- vb., pres. bunja· 'to deliver,
killed by Ksrvsäspa. set free, save'.
y. pitav- sb. m. (skr. pitdv-) 'food, baod- vb. (skr. bddhate, biidhyate,
solid food*. bodhdyati, buddhdh), pres baoda-,
pitar-, pi&r-, fair- sb. m. (skr. pitdr-) baoda·, büidya-·, caus. baodaya-;
'father*, perf. ptcpl. pass.-öusia-: 'to perceive,
g. ρίύά [Y. 63. 6]: obscure, notice, recognise, become aware of;
y. pi&e inf. (from p&y- vb.) 'to protect*, to smell of (acc.); caus.: 'to signify,
y. pipyüil- adj. fem. (from pipivah- convey, indicate*. Willi paitl 'to be
perf. ptcpl. act. of pay-, s k r . p i p y ü f i - ) mindful of (inf.)*, with frä mid. 'to
'having milk in the breasts, suckling*, awake, rise from sleep*,
y. plvah- sb. n. (skr. pivas·) 'fat; mar- y. baoday- sb. f. (from baod- vb.) 'per-
row*. fume, sweet scent; incense*,
y. piUnah- sb. m., name of a lake. y. baodaya- denom. pres. (from baoda·
Aveeta Reader. 16
242 baodah- — barö.zao&ra-

8b. πι. 'smell') 'to fumigate*. With with acc., with avä, (ovo) 'to take
upa 'to fumigate with (gen.)', place, happen', with ä 'to fall to a
y. baodah- sb. n. (from baod- vb.) 'con- p.'s share' with dat. or gen., with
sciousness, perception*, ä and a ptcpl. in perfective sense,
y. baodo.var&a-sb.n.'wilful wounding', with äia pairiia 'to encompass',
y. baosav- sb. m., name of a sinful with pairi 'to take possession of
action. (acc.); to take place*, with frd 'to
y. baya· sb. m. (skr. bhäga-) 'lord, god*, take place, happen, occur', with ham
g. baga- sb. n. (skr. bhdga-·, cp. baxta- 'to be produced; to meet'.
sb.) 'portion, share; piece*, 'fear- vb. (skr. bhdrati, bibharti·, ba·
y. bayä- sb. f. (cp. baga- sb.) 'part, bhära, babhre; bhrtdh), pres. (-aor.)
piece (of the holy word)', bar•; bara-\ bibar-; ρ ass. bavrya ; (iter.)
y. bayö.baxta- adj. (cp. baxta- sb.) 'or- baray a-; perf. (fea)fear-, bavar-, bavrr-\
dained by god", perf. ptcpl. pass, barata-: 'to bear,
y. baxta- sb. n. (perf. ptcpl. pass, of have, possess, keep, hold; tobring,
bag- vb. 'to share, apportion, allot") carry, offer to (dat. or gen.); to
'what is alloted: (luck,fortune;) woe, produce, bring forth; to take away,
ill-luck, misfortune*, carry of; to acquire, gain; to raise
y. baxtar- sb. m. (cp. baxta- sb.) 'distri- a shout, one's voice (vä6im); to ride
butor, bestower*. (on horseback)'. With apa 'to take,
baxs- vb. (from bag- vb., see under bring, carry away from (abl. or.
baxta- sb.), pres. bax&-\ baxia-; gen.)', with ava 'to bring (down) to
(iter.) baxiaya-: 'to apportion, distri- (gen.); to take, carry awav", with
bute, divide; give to (acc.)\ With ava and avi 'to procure a th. (acc.)
trt 'to distribute to (dat.)'. for a p. (acc.)*, with avi 'to bring to
y. bawra- sb. m. (cp. skr. babhrdv- (acc.)', with avi and ava 'to procure
adj. 'reddish-brown') 'beaver*, a th. (acc.) for a p. (dat.)', with ä
y. J feawray- sb. m. (cp. bawra- sb.) 'to possess; to bring', with upa 'to
'beaver*, sb. f. 'female beaver*, bring, present to (dat.)', with us 'to
y. *bawray•> sb. m., name of a town carry off, take out of (gen.); to take,
'Babylon*, from (abl.); to produce, create; to
y. bawrinay- adj. (cp. bawra- sb.) 'of offer to (dat.)', with us and nii 'to
(the skin of) the beaver, beaver·', take out of (abl )*, with paiti 'to
g. ban- vb. ('to be ill"), caus. bqnaya- offer; to receive -at, in (ins'.r.); to
t o make ill, corrupt*, begin (with inf.)', with paiti and &
y. banta- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass, of 'to bring (to)', with para 'to take,
ban- vb.) 'ill, sick', carry away from (abl.); to get in',
y. band- vb. (skr. badhnäti, baddhdfr), with frä 'to advance; to bring to
pres. bandaya-·, perf. ptcpl. pass. (dat. or gen.); to offer to (dat. or
basta-: 'to bind, fetter; mid. to bind gen.); mid. to manage, get up', with
round, put on', nii 'to take out, take out of (abl.);
y. bay- vb. (skr. bhdyate 'he fears'), to take, carry away from (abl.)',
pres. baya··, perf. biwi-: 'to frighten, with vt 'to spread (about), propa-
inspire terror*. gate; to take away, remove', with
bav- vb. (skr. dbhüt, dbhüvan; bhdvati, ham 'to collect', with ham and bäzuS
bhüvat; bhavifydti; babhüva; bhü- (acc. pi.) 'to come to close quarters'.
tdh)·, pres. bu-, bv-·, bava-; bva-\ fut. bar- vb. (skr. bhurdti), pres. bar a-·.
büiya-; fei-; perf. bväv-, bäbv-; s-aor. 'to quiver; to be stormy (of wea-
fewi-; perf. ptcpl. pass, büta-: 'to be; ther)'. With ava 'to flow down', with
become, take place, happen; to co- us 'to flow, stream forth'.
me, to come to (acc.); to spring y. barat-avarata· adj .'weal th-bringi ng".
from (abl.); to fall to a p.'s share', y. barat.ayapta- adj. 'boon-bringing*.
with dat. or gen., with a noun or y. barat.zaohra- adj. 'offering liba-
adj. serving to form verbs in the tions'.
sense of 'becoming what it pre- y. barantam absol. (from 1bar- vb.)
viously is not' or 'becoming' in ge- with avi fra-gam- vb. "to go and
neral, with a ptcpl. serving to form carry a th. to . . .*.
verbs in perfective sense, with a y. baramnam absol. (from 'fear- vb.)
perf. ptcpl. pass, in passive sense. 'riding'.
With aoi, avi 'to fall to a p.'s share' y. barö.zaoöra- adj.'offering libations'.
barö.zui bqz- 243

y. barö.zuS- adj. 'wearing a jewel*, y. bäzav- sb. m. (skr. bähdv-) 'arm;

y. barö.X«annah- adj. 'glorious', foreleg (of an animal),
y. bang- vb., pres. banjaya- 'to wel- y. bäzu.stavah· adj. 'as stout as an
come a. p. (gen.); to do homage to arm*.
(gen.)'. y. bäzu.staoyah- adj. 'stouter than a
y. bandre inf. (from *bar- vb.) "to fathom (the distance measured by
bear*. the extended arms)',
y. ban&rl- sb. f. (from ,bar- vb.) 'a y. bäzui.aojah- adj. 'strong-armed*,
female that bears (children), a mo- v. bääar- sb. m. (from >6ar- vb.) 'hor-
ther; womb', seman*.
y. banmäyaona- adj.: obscure, g. bSadui (Y. 53. 4]: corrupt,
y. bansman- sb. n. (cp. barazii- sb.), y. bang- sb. f. (cp skr. bfhos-pdtay-
designation of the bundle of sacred sb. m. and brdhman- sb. n.) 'rite*.
twigs used at the religious ceremo- banxia· adj.(perf.ptcpl pass.of bang-
nies. vb.)'welcome; beloved, esteemed by
y. bansmanya- adj. 'pertaining to the (gen.), dear; precious (of things)*,
B., Bansman-. y. banxdö.tara- adj. (compar. of ba-
y. bansmö.zasta- adj. 'with B. in the ηχδα-) 'more beloved, esteemed',
hand*. y. banjya- sb. m., name of a deity
y. bane·, barae- adj. (from bam· vb. who causes the increase of corn,
'to rise, go up', air.barhaya) 'high, y. bant- adj. (from *bar- vb.) 'bringing,
exalted; loud (of sounds)'; sb. f. producing',
'height, mount*, y. banta iuf. (from lbar- vb.) 'to cul-
y. banzan- sb. m. (cp. bam- adj.) tivate'.
'height*. y. bantam absol. (from lbar- vb.)
y. barazah- sb. n. (cp. banz- adj.) 'brin tring*.
'height, mount*. y. bantö inf. (from 'bar- vfe.) 'to bear,
banziman- adj. (cp. banz- adj.) 'high*, produce'.
y. banzis- sb. n. (skr. barhif- 'straw') y. bande inf. «(from lbar- vb), with
'stuffed seat, cushion*. asti 'he is in possession of (gen.)',
banziita· adj. (superl. of bam- adj.) y. ban&i inf. (from 1bar- vb.) 'to bring
'highest*. forth'.
y. banzis havant- adj. (capriciously y baraz-i see under banz-.
written for baraziivant-) 'provided y. banzant- (cp. banz- adj.) adj. 'high;
with cushions', of high growth; lofty, elevated;
y. barasa· sb. m. 'neck, back*. high, cl**ar, loud (voice),
y. barainav- sb. m. (cp. banz- adj.) y. banzaiiU (written for bfnziSis):
'height, summit, top,uppermost part*, see under banziil·.
y. bä· vb. (skr. bhati), pres. bä- 'to y. banzi—. side-form of banzant- in
shine*. With ä 'to seem, look, like, compounds,
appear as (ya&a)*, with frd 'to shine y. banzi.gä&ra- adj. 'chanting with a
forth*. loud voice*,
g. bäga- sb. n. (skr. bhägd· sb. m ) 'lot*, y. banzi.6axra- adj. 'high-wheeled*,
y. bäia strengthening particle 'verily, y. banzi iI- adj. (from *däy- vb.) 'of
indeed*. high intelligence',
y. bäiäiitam adv. (cp. bäia) 'quite y. banzipad- adj 'high-footed',
surely, safely*, y. banzi-mita- adj. (from mäy- vb.)
y. bat strengthening particle (cp. bäia) 'high-built*,
'verily, indeed*, y. banzi.yästa- adj. "high-girded*,
y. bäna»· ab. m. (from bä- vb.; skr. y. banzi.räz adj. 'ruling (in the hea-
bhändυ-) 'light, ray of light, ray, vens) above*,
beam*. y. banzy-aogat adv. 'with loud voice",
y. bänumant- adj. (skr. bhänumdnt-) g. bazvant- adj. 'firm, lasting',
'luminous, bright, splendid*, y. bi strengthening particle,
y. bänvant- adj. (*bänuvant-) 'lumi- y. böit strengthening particle (cpd.
nous, bright, splendid*, bä + it).
v. bämya- adv. (from bä- vb.) 'light, y. böiwra- sb. m. (*bai br-α-, cp. skr.
luminous, bright, splendid*, bhdra-sb.m."battle")'combat, battle*,
y. bdmaniva- adj. (cp. bämya- adj.) y. bqz- vb., pres. bqz- 'to support'
'splendid*. With paiti 'to help*.
244 bqzah- — fratamö.nmäna-

y. bqzah- sb. n. (cp. skr. bahuld· adj. y. fyanhva- denom. pres. (from fyan-
'thick, broad, large') 'height, depth', hav- sb.): 'to hail*.
y. bqbiav- sb. m. (cp. bqzah-ab.) 'height, frd, fsrd, for a-, fra· adv. (skr. prd)
depth'. 'forwards, forth'; vbl. prefix,
y. bi.ayar- sb. n. 'two days', y. fraed- vb., pres. fridya-: 'to rott,
y. bi.xkapar- sb. n. 'two nights (inclu- decay, fall to pieces',
ding day-time)', y. fraiita- adj. (superl. to parav- adj.)
y. bitlm adv.: see under bitya-. 'most'.
y. bitya- num. adj. (skr. dvitlya-) 'se- y. fraiitö inf. (cpd. fra + istö, from
cond'; bitlm (acc. sg. n.), bity&i (dat. *aei- vb.) 'to escape*,
sg.) '(at) the second time*, y. fraodat.aspa- adj. (skr. prdthati
y. bityäi adv.: see under bitya-. 'he snorts') 'with snorting horses',
y. bipaiti&täna- adj. 'two-legged' (of y. fraoirisiSta- adj. (cpd fra + urvi-
ahuric beings), siSta-, from urvais- vb.) 'fond of
y. bi-pdnsu.masah· adj. 'as large as turning towards ..'.
two ribs*, y. fraontay- sb. f. (from *var- vb.)
y. bi-bda· sb. m. 'twofold bonds', 'profession of (gen.)'; designation of
y. bi-mähya- adj. 'lasting two months', the creed beginning with the word
y. bi-eangra-, bi-zdngra- adj. 'two- fravardni Y. 12. 1 seq.
footed' (of daevic beings), fraont adv. (from *var- vb.) 'readily,
y. bizangro.iifrra- adj. 'descendant of willingly*,
the two-footed', y. fraksm adv. 1 (cp. fr&nk- adj.) 'here,
y. biS adv. 'twice*, hither', with bar- vb. in the sense
y. bU-dmrüta-adj.'to be recited twice', of frä-bar·.
y. bizvat adv. (from bis adv.) 'twice, y. fra-kava- adj. 'having a hump on
double'. the chest', sb. m.'hump on the chest*,
y. bütay- sb. m , name of a Daiva. y. fra-gädra- sb. n. 'chanting*,
büna- sb. m. (*bundna-, cp. skr. budhnd-) y. fra-yrdtay· sb. f. (from 1gar- vb.)
'ground, bottom, deep place*, 'awakening*,
y. bunava- adj. (from büna- sb.) 'from y. fra-yrdrayö inf. (from 1gar- vb.)
the underside*. "to rouse',
büml- sb. f. (skr. bhuml·) 'earth', y. frax&aite, fraxMdne: see under
y. buye inf. (from bav- vb.) 'to become'. std·.
büray- adj. (skr. bhüray-) 'abundant, y. fraxMi.dd- adj. (fraxStay- sb. f.)
copious; full, complete*, 'increase') 'increase-giving',
g. bü&tay- sb. f. (from bav- vb.), plur. y. fraxSnin-, fraSnin- adj. (from χέηά-
'the future things', vb.) 'careful; anxious of (instr.)*.
y. büSyastä- sb. f., name of the Daevl y. fraia adv.: see under frdnk-.
of sleepiness, y. fra-iara- adj. (from bkar- vb.) 'going
y. byah- vb. (skr. bhyas- 'to fear'), forward*.
perf. biwyäh,·: 'to frighten, to be y. fra-iarv&want- adj (cp. fra-iara-)
frightful'. 'moving forwards*,
y. bydw.drdjah- sb. n. 'period of two g. fra-jydtay- sb. f. (from jyä- vb. 'to
years'. diminish*) destruction, ruin*,
y. bram- vb. (skr. bhramati 'he roams y. fratama- adj. (superl. to */τα; cp.
or wanders about'), pres. brdsa-: skr. prathamd-) 'first, foremost; first
'begin to wander about'. (in rank); largeet*.
brätar-, brd&r- sb. m. (skr. bhrdtdr-) y. fratara- adj. (compar. of *fra, skr.
'brother*. praiardm adv.) 'more in lront; for-
y. bräy-vb. (skr.bhrlndnti 'they hurt'), mer, earlier; better, exceedingly
pres.ftrln: only with pairi'to cut off*, good", fratarqn, fratarqm (acc. eg.
y. brdz- vb. (skr. bhrdjate), pres. brdza- f.) adv. 'on this side of (gen.), op-
'to shine, gleam, flash; to radiate*, posite*.
y. brvat- sb. f. (cp. skr. bhru- sb. f.) y. fratarötara- adj. 'better than ex-
'brow, eyebrow*. ceedingly good',
y. fratarqn, fratarqm adv.: see un-
der fratara·.
f· y. fratdmatdt- sb. f., plur. 'authorities',
y. fd&rö, g. fdiroi·. see under pitar-. y. fratdmö.nmdna· sb. n. 'a house of
y. fyanhav- sb. m. 'hail*. the first rank*.
fradax&anä- — fras- 345

y. fradaxSanä· sb. f. 'sling*. y. frayana- sb. n. (cpd. fra + ayana·,

y. fradaxianya· adj. 'eling-', sb. n. from 1ay- vb.; skr. prdyana- sb. n.
'sling-stone'. 'entrance, beginning; path of life')
y.· fra daxSta- adj. (cp. daxSta- sb.) 'way, path',
'marked*. y. frayara- sb. n. (cpd. fra + ayara-,
y. fra-daxitar- sb. m. (fram daxS· vb.) from ayar- sb.) 'forenoon',
'teacher, guide, instructor*, y. frayäi inf. (cpd. fra + ayäi, from
y. fradaiafiü- sb. n., name of the lay- vb.) 'to go on',
south-east region of the world, y. frav- vb. (skr. plavate, plävayati),
y. fra-da&a· sb. n. (from da- vb.) pres. frava-; caus. frävaya-: 'to
'growth, increase, prosperity*, swim; to fly'. With ava and nl caus.
y. fradaQa- sb. f., name of a river. 'to cause a p. to return flying', with
frada&äi inf. (from da- vb.) 'to fur- us 'to rise'; caus. 'to wash away',
ther, promote, advance*, with frä 'to sway to and fro, tumble
g. fraidivä (cpd. fra + *divä, cp. skr. (like a swimming object)'; caus. 'to
pradivafy) adv. 'long, for a longtime*, wash away',
y. fradah- sb. 11. (ekr.prdtfAas-)"breadth\ y. fra-ναέγα- adj. 'bounding against,
y. frat.äp- adj. (*front- pres. ptcpl. skriking hard upon',
act. of par- vb. 'to fill*) 'filling the y. fra-vaeda- adj. 'partaking of.
waters'. y. fra-vaxS- sb.m. 'stalk, branch; horn;
y. fra-pad-, fra-bd- sb. m. (skr. prd- penis'.
pad-) 'forepart of the foot*, y. fravaitl- adj. (fem.) 'a barren cow",
y. fra-pi&wa- adj. 'abundant, copious*, y. fravay- sb. f. 'prosperity*,
y. fraptara-jdt- adj. '(winged, flying;) y. fra-varatar- sb. m. (from hsar· vb.)
bird*. 'who professes (the faith)'.
y. frabäzu.dräjah- sb. n. 'length of a fravaSay- sb. f. 'Fravaiay', name of
frabäzav- (the distance from the the immortal element in man, which
middle of the breast to the finger- existed before his birth and sur-
ends)'. vives him. The whole of the Fra-
fra-baratar- sb. m., name of the third vaäay is to be compared with the
subordinate priest (ratav-), who pitdrah of the Brahmans.
brings to the Zaotar all the imple- y. fra-vdka- sb. n. 'pronouncing, re-
ments and other things required citel; manifestation',
for the ceremonies, y. fraväxsaena- adj. (from fravaxS-
y. frabdö.dräjah- sb. n. 'length of the sb.) 'horny, of horn", sb. n. 'a piece
. forepart of the foot', of horn'.
y. frafäiMßä)- sb. f. 'possession of good y. fra-vära- sb. m. (skr. pravära- 'a
cattle*. covering, cover') 'fortification, ba-
y. fra-rauharatay- sb. f. (from X"ar- stion'.
vb.) 'eating, drinking', y. fra-väza- sb. m. (skr. pravöhä- 'flo-
y. frararasyan- sb. m., name of a wing; course of events') 'furthering*,
mythical Turanian king, y. (us.)frav&nte [Yt. β. 40]: see under
y. fra-manah- adj. (skr. prdmanas-) frav-.
'of undaunted courage*, y. fra-uruxtay- sb f. (cp. skr. rujdti
v. framanyente [Yt. 10.20]: see under 'he breaks to pieces,, destroys') 'de-
hnan·. struction',
y. fra-maratar- (from hnar- vb., skr. y. fraurvaixti (instead of -urvixti,
smartar·) 'reciter', -uruixti): see under fra-uruxtay-.
y. fra-mara&ra- sb. n. (cp. framaratar- y. fraourva&strima- adj. (*fra + ur-
sb.) 'reciting*, vaiMra- sb. n. 'driving home the
y. framan-nar- adj.: obscure, cattle', from urvais- vb.) 'wherefore
y. framan.narö.vlra- adj.: obscure, the driving home the cattle is signi-
y. fra-rnaratai-ia inf. (from hnar· vb.) ficant' (of the Ayä&rima-{eativ&\).
'to recite', fras- vb. (skr. prcchdti, apra$ta\
y. framaratay- sb. f. (from hnar- vb., pftfah), pres. paras-·, parasanya-;
skr. smftay·) 'reciting', parasa-·, s-aor. fraS-, faraS-\ perf.
y. fra-muxtay- sb. f. (skr. prämuklay-; ptcpl. pass, parsta-. 'to ask, que-
cp.paiti.imuxta-) 'unbinding, taking stion, inquire of (acc.); to ask a p.
off (the shoes)', (acc.) about (acc.); mid. to converse,
y. fra-mrav- adj. "reciting'. converse with (dat.), demand of(abl.),
246 fravastatä· — frayö.dufmata·

b e g for (acc.)*. With paiti 'to ask, y. fraSumaka· sb. m. 'hinder parts',
fathom', with ham 'to take counsel*, y. fraOna· sb. m. (from fras- vb., skr.
y. frasastatä· sb. f. (cp. frasastay· sb.) ρταέηα-) 'question; conversation,
'worthiness of being glorified', discourse',
y. frasastay- sb. f. (from saiah- vb., y. fraSnin- adj.: see under fraT&nin·.
skr. prddastay·) 'glory, fame, praise; y. fräitay- sb. f. (cpd. fra+d+itay·)
reputation; good reputation, esteem*, 'advance, progress' (doubtful),
y. fra-sastayae-ta inf. (dat. eg. of fra- y. frd-xSnan- adj. (cp. fraxinin- adj.)
sastay- sb.) "to glorify*, 'careful'.
y. frasasti inf. (instr. eg. of frasastay- g. frä-x&nsnl Inf. (from xSnä- vb.) 'to
sb.) 'to glorify', obtain instruction, be instructed',
g. farasä-, frasä- sb. f. (from fras- vb.) y. frdtat-ianta- adj. (derived from
'question, inquiry*, *frd-ta6an adv. 'running forth*, cp.
y. fra-säna- sb. η. (from sd- yb.) 'de- tak· vb.) 'running forth*.
struction, ruin', ifräd- vb. (cp. xd&- vb. with frä), pres.
y. fra-sästar- sb. m. (from sah- vb., fräda-, fr&Sa-\ (iter.) frädaya-: 'to
ek r. pra&dstdr-) 'ruler, governor*, further, make to flourish*. With
g. f»ra-säh- sb. f. (from sdh- vb.) 'en- pain 'to increase, extend*,
treaty*. g. *fräd- adj. (from lfräd- vb.) 'who
y. fra-skdmba- sb. m. (from skamb- makes to prosper, flourish*.
vb., skr. skambhd- 'brace') 'beam; fradat.gae&a- adj. 'who makes house
portico, porch*, and home to flourish*,
y. fra-siimbana- sb. m. (from skamb- y. frädat-fiav- sb. m. (lit. 'making
vb., skr. ekdmbhana-) 'beam, beam cattle to prosper*), name of a deity,
(of a bridge)*, y. frddat.vlra- sb. m. (lit. 'making men
y. fra-stairya- adj. (from 1star- vb.) to prosper'), name of a deity,
'to be spread*, y. frädat.-vispqm.hujyätay- sb. m. (lit.
y. fra-srao&ra- sb. n. 'reciting (with 'furthering all the necessaries of
loud voice), chanting; praying (with comfortable life'), name of a deity,
gen. or acc.)'. g. fräday· sb. t (from ifräd- vb.) 'fur-
y. fra-sraoSya· sb. n. 'reciting (with therance, promotion; joy',
loud voice), chanting*. y. frä-üäiti inf. (from 1dä- v b ) 'to
fra-srüta- adj. 'renowned, famous', hand over, deliver to (dat. or loc.)\
with dür&t 'famed afar*, y. frä-d9r»sra- adj. (from dans- vb.)
y. fra-srätay- sb. f.'reciting, chanting', 'shining forth, radiant',
g. fra-srüidyäi inf. (from srav- vb.), y. frdpa- adj.: obscure,
in passive sense 'to be heard', y. frä.nasav- adj. 'free from the Nasan
y. fra-eantay-, fra-zainti- sb. f. (from (i. e. from defilement or pollution
1 zan- vb.) 'progeny, offspring; chil- caused by her)',
dren*. y. frä-mravan- adj. 'reciting*.
y. frazä-baodah· adj. (*fra-zd- adj. fray- vb. (skr. prlnäti, prltah), pres.
from zäy vb., cp. zy<i- vb.) 'taking frlnä-, frin-; fry an-; perf. ptcpl.
away the consciousness', with sna&a pass, fnta-, frtda-: 'to satisfy, pro-
in legal phraseology techn. term pitiate; to court a deity's favour by
for bodily injury of mortal nature, means of (instr.); to pray to (dat.)'.
y. frazuS· adj. 'precious, valuable*, With d 'to wish a p. (dat., gen., loc.)
y. frazdänav- sb. m., name of a lake, something (acc.)'.
y. fraia adv. (instr. eg. of fr&nk- adj.) y. frd-yaizyanta- adj. (from yaz- vb.)
'forward, forth, in front, onward, "to be dedicated, consecrated (to
before*. the gods)',
g. fvraia-, v. fraia- adj. (cp. fr&rtk- y. frä-yaStay- sb. f. 'offering, sacri-
adj.) 'suitable, fit; ready [Y. 30. 9]; fice, consecration",
renovated (Yt. 19. 11]. y. frä-yaSa&wa- adj. (from yaz- vb.)
g. fdraiaoitra-, y. frasaoStra- sb. m., 'to be worshipped by (dat.)'.
name of a nobleman of the Hvögva- y. fräyäh- adj. (compar. to parav- adj.,
family. skr. präyafr adv.) 'more; too much,
y. fraxö.kdntay- sb. f. (from lkar- vb., very much', sb. n. "surplus, super-
skr. kftay-) 'renovation*, fluity'; fräyö (acc. sg. n.) adv. ser-
y. fraSö iaritar· sb. m. (from 'fcar- ving to strengthen a Superlativ,
vb., skr. kartdr-) 'renovater*. y. fräyö.duimata- adj. 'rich in evil
fräyo duzüxta na&- 247

thoughts', i. e. the man who has y. fSaonay- adj. (from fiav- vb.) 'fat',
more evil (than good) thoughts re- sb. n. 'fatness',
corded to his account; cp. the fol- y. fiaonaya- denom. pres. (from *fiao-
lowing words, na·, cp. fiaonay· adj.) 'to fatten',
y. fräyö.duzüxta- adj. "rich in evil y . fiaoni.manza- adj. (*manza- sb.m.,
words*. from mam- vb.) 'leaving fat ruts
y. fräyö.duzvarsta- adj. 'rich in evil behind': doubtful.
deeds'. fiav- vb., pres. fiuya-. 'to fatten';
y. fräyö.hüxta- adj. 'rich in good fiuyant- pres. ptcpl. act. 'breeder
words*. of cattle*, with vdstrya- 'husbandman
y. fräyö.humata- adj. 'rich in good who breedes cattle; peasant (name
thoughts', given to the third caste)",
y. fräyö.hvarita- adj. 'rich in good y . fiutä- sb. f. 'cheese*,
deeds'. y . fiumant- a d j . (skr. paiumant·) "who
y . frä.v9r»sa- a d j . (cp. var»sa- sb.) keeps cattle*.
'deprived of the hair', fiuyant-·. s e e u n d e r fiav-.
y . frävlratä- s b . f. (*frä-vüra· a d j . 'ha- y . fiü-ian· ( c p d . fiav-+shan·, cp. e k r .
ving good men') 'possession of good paiufan-) 'owner of cattle'; fhiiö
men'. (gen. sg.) mq&ra- "the verse of the
y. fräranha- sb. n. (from lar- vb.) 'ac- owner of cattle', designation of
tivity, agility, liveliness', Y. 58 (4-7).
y. frä-rätay· sb. f. 'liberality*. y . fiüiö: see u n d e r fiüian·.
y.frärä&ni.dräjah- s b . n. Cfrd^rädnay- y . fit&na- s b . m . (cp. s k r . stdna-) du.
sb. 'ell', cp. skr. araJtndy· 'elbow; 'female breast'.
ell') 'length of a Fr. (ell)',
y . fräimay- a d j . , e p i t h e t of Haomas
obscure. n.
y. fräimö.dätay-tib.f., with hü 'sunset', na particle of negation (skr. ηά, cp.
y. frinay- sb. f. (from par- vb. 'to fill*) nai-, ηαέάά, nöit, nava) 'not', only
'abundance; great number*, joined with other particles.
y . frinta- s b . n . (cpd. f r a + »rata-, -nd encl. strengthening particle.
from *ar- vb.) 'offering*, na- encl. pron. 1·' pers. pi. (g. ηά acc.,
y . frirstay- sb. f. (cpd. f r a + antay·, «5 gen.-dat., y. ηδ, ηά, ni acc.-geu.·
from lar- vb.) 'coming, arrival; am- dat., skr. ηα$) 'us*.
bition, zeal', naS-kay- neg. indef. pron. (cp. skr.
y . frsnntay- sb. f. (cp. frintay- sb.) nakth) 'no one, none; nothing*,
'coming; blowing upon'(of the wind), y . naig- v b . (skr. nenikti), pres. naenig-:
g. fro vbl. prefix (*pra + u, skr. prö). 'to wash away*,
y . fröit vbl. p r e f i x (*pra-\-it, s k r . pret). y. ηαέ-όα particle 'and not',
y . fr&nk· a d j . (skr. priiik-, präk·) ' t u r - y. nai.-i.ii particle (cp. skr. ndkifr 'not"),
ned towards the front'; fra&a (instr. strengthened negation,
sg.) adv. 'forward, forth' as vbl. y. naid- vb., pres. näis·, nis- "to curse*,
prefix, frqS (nom. sg. m.) adv. 'for- g . naidä, y . ηαέδα p a r t i c l e ' a n d not,
ward, forth; before (with abl.); to- nor*.
wards*. y. naiSa.cim particle, strengthened
y . frqs a d v . : s e e u n d e r fr&nk·. nalia 'nor*,
y . frailay- sb. f. (cpd. f r a + qitay-, y . natma- a d j . ( s k r . ηέτηα-) ' h a i r , sb.
from qs- vb.) 'reaching*, m. 'half, the other half or side*,
y. fri- sb. f. (from fräy- vb.) 'prayer', y. naotara- patronym. adj. 'descen-
y. fritay- sb. f. (cp. fri- sb.) 'prayer', dant of Naotara'.
y. fri&a- adj. (from fräy- vb.) 'belo- y. naotairya- patronym. adj. 'descen-
ved; dear*, dant of Naotara,'.
y . fridö.tara- adj. (compar. to frida- y. naotairyqna- patronym. adj. 'dee·
adj.) 'more beloved*, ' c e n d a n t of Naotara'.
y . frya- a d j . (skr. priyä-, from fräy- y. naoma-, nduma- n u m . a d j . ( f r o m
v b ) 'dear, kind, friend". *nava n u m . , s k r . navatnd-) 'ninth*,
frydna- sb. m., name of a Turanian y . naomaya a d v . (cp. naoma- adj.)
family. 'nine times',
g. fssratü- sb. f. 'recompense for (abl. y. nad-vb., pres. (iter.) nä&aya-: only
with ά)\ with vi 'to skin*.
248 napät näirivant-

napät-, napt- sb.ni., y. naptar-, nafaSr- y. nairya- (from nar- sb., skr. n&rya-)
sb.m., naptl-üb.i. 'grandson; grand- "male; manly',
daughter', with apqm (gen.pl./grand- y. nairyöAanha- eb. m. (cp. skr. ηά-
son of the waters' name of a deity räidmsa-), name of a deity,
aDd of a locality sacred to this y. nairyqm.hqm.värvtivant- adj. 'of
deity. manly courage',
y. naptar-·. see under napät-, 'was- vb. (skr. ndiyati, nanäka; naftäh),
y. naptl··. see under napät-. pres. nasya-; perf. n5näs-, nqs-, plus-
g. naptya· sb. m. (derived from napät· quamperf. nqsa-\ s-aor. nöi-; perf.
sb.) 'descendant', ptcpl. pass, naita·: 'to disappear,
y. nafa&r-·. see under napät-, vanish, escape; to decline from
g. nafsu-6ä: see under napät-, (abl.); to be lost; to perish'. With
nam- vb. (skr. nämate, nämayati; ä and pairi 'to fall in with destruc-
natal).), pres. n»ma-\ -nma-; näma-·, 9
tion", with vX 'to fall to destruction".
caus. nämaya-·, perf. ptcpl. pass. nas- vb. (skr. naiati, ndkfati), pres.
-nata-: 'to bow, bend, flee". With nasa-; näsa-·, β-aor. ηάέ-\ plusquam-
apa "to go away, retire", with frä perf.nqsa-: 'to come near, approach;
'to flee form', with vi 'to stretch to reach; to accept; to contrive to
o. s.\ (inf.)'.
nay· vb. (skr. ndyati, ηέ$αί), pres. y. nasav- sb. f. m. (from 'nai-vb.) 'dead
naya-\ nya-·, fut. naeiya-·, s-aor. body, corpse; part of a corpse',
naeS·: 'to guide, direct, govern; to name of the corpse-witch,
carry off; to bring or reduce a p. y. nasiSta- adj. (from htas- vb.) "most
to any state or condition (acc.)'. destructive',
With ava 'to lead down, fetch down', y. nasu-ka&a- sb. m. (cp. nasuJcarat-)
with upa 'to lead up', with para "corpse-bearer",
'to take away', y. nasu.kant- adj. (from 1kar- vb.)
y. 'nava particle (cpd. na-\-lvä) 'not 'meddling with dead bodies',
at all, by no means, in no way*, y. nasu-spaya- eb. m. (cp. nasu-spä-
y. *nava particle (cpd. na + hiä, skr. sb.) "burying of the dead',
ηά vä) 'or not', y. nasu-spä- sb. m. "burier of dead
y. Bnava num. (skr. ηάνα) 'nine', bodies'.
y. nava- adj. (skr. ηάνα-) "new, fresh', v. nasköfrasa- adj. "studying the
nava (instr. sg.) adv. 'anew, afresh', Nask's. (i. e. the collection of the
y. nava.gäya- sb. n. 'nine paces', holv texts)'.
y. nava x&apar- sb. n. 'nine nights', nazdiSta- adj. (superl. of äsna- adj.,
y. navatay- num. sb. f. (from 3nava, skr. nidiftha-) 'neareet, next*,
skr navatay-) 'ninety', y. nazdyo adv. (compar. of äsna- adj.,
y. nava.naptya- sb. m. 'ninth genera- skr. riidlyalf· adv.) 'nearer to (acc.)'.
tion'. y. näidyah- adj. (compar., cp skr.
y. navasatö.-zyam- sb. m., plur. 'nine nädhitd- adj. 'oppressed, harrassed')
hundred winters', "weaker; overthrown, defeated*,
y. navasö num. adv. (from *nava nuin.) y. näuma- adj.: see under navama·.
'nine times', y. näfa- sb. m. (cp. nafah- sb.) 'navel;
y. navät particle (from hiava) "or not', near relationship, family",
y. naväza· sb. m. (cpd. näv- + äza- y. näfah- sb. n. (cp. skr. näbhay- f.)
from az- vb., cp. skr. näväjd·) 'boat- 'near relationship, family',
man*. y. näfyö tbiS- adj. 'one who persecutes
nar-, ndr- sb. m. (skr. ηά, narah, (his own) kindred".
nfbhyafy) 'man, male; warrior (name näman-, nqman- sb. n. (skr. näman-)
given to the second caste), man, 'namß'; y. nqma (acc. sg.) adv. 'by
person*. name*.
g. nar5m nanm adv. 'man for man", y. nävaya- adj. (from *näv- sb. f. "boat,
y. nairemanah- adj. (written instead ship", skr. ηάν-) 'navigable*.
of *nairyamanah-, cp. skr. nfmd- näiri- sb. f. (skr. närl-) 'woman; wife,
•nas-) 'of manly heart', married woman",
y. nardp- vb., pres. n»nfsa· 'to be on y. näirikä- sb. f. (from näirl- sb.)
the wane' (of the moon), "woman; wife, married woman, mi-
g. narvpii· sb. n. (from nanp- vb.) stress of the house",
'degrading*. y. näirivant· adj. 'with a wife".
nä.s- — nmänö.patay- 249

n&$- vb., pres. näS-t 'to carry*. With y. niSätöpitav- abj. 'where meats are
nls 'to carry o f f , with niS tvaApaiti laid in".
'to take a w a y again*, y . niSätö.banzi.Ua- adj. (cp. baraziS-
y. näh- sb. m. (skr. η As-, nas-), sg. sb.) "with stuffed seats' (doubtful),
and da. 'nose*, y. ηί-όαχία inf. (from -dang- vb.) 'to
g . nS particle: see under no. master (a horse)',
n9 (acc.-gen.-dat.) pron. 1»' pers. pi.: y. nipaiinaka- adj. (cp. ραέηα- sb.)
see under na-. 'envious'.
y. namata- sb. m. (from nam- v b . ) y. ni-pätayai-ta inf. (from päy- vb.)
'fagots, brushwood; hurdle-work*, 'to protcct*.
y . namatö.-aiwi.varana- sb. n. (from y . ni-pätar- sb. m., ni-ράύιΛ· sb. f.
ιvar· vb.) 'hut of hurdle-work*. (from p&y- vb.) "protector, protec-
namanhan- adj. (from namah· sb.) tress*.
'respectful, humble; praying (re- y. ni-bara&a- sb. (from 'bar- vb.) 'de-
spectfully)'. pository, chamber*,
namah- sb. n. (from nam- vb., skr. y. ni-mraoka- sb. m. (cp. mraoiant-
ndmas·) 'reverence, respect, ho- adj.) 'an affluent*,
m a g e ; prayer*. y. nivayaka· adj. (derived from *ni-
namahya- denom. pres. (from namah- . vaya- sb. m. 'fright, terror' from bay-
sb.) 'to pay reverence, respect, ho- v b „ cp. skr. bhayd- sb. n.) 'frigh-
m a g e to (acc.)'. tening*.
y . nara.gar- adj. (cp. aspo.gar- adj.) y. ni-vätay· sb. f. (from Han- vb.) "de-
'devouring men*, cisive v i c t o r y ; decision*,
y. nara.baraz- sb. f. 'a man's full height y . ni-väzan- adj. (from vaz- vb.) 'mo-
or depth*, ving, swelling downwards*,
y. ηδ, g. y. nS particle (ethical dat. of y . nivika- sb. m., name of an unbe-
na-), mostly untranslatable, liever.
y . nö (acc.-gen.-dat.) pron. 1 " pers. pi.: y. niuruzdö.tama- adj. (superl. to ni-
see under na-. uruzda- adj., perf. ptcpl. pass, of
noii particle cf negation (cpd. na + *raod- vb.)'infirrnest; most decrepit*,
it, skr. nit) 'not*, y . ni-zanga· adj. 'downward from the
g . n& (acc.) pron. 1 « pers. pi.: see un- ankle, up to the ankle*.
der na-. nW, niz- adv. (skr. nih, nif-, nir ) 'out,
y. n&nhaya, n&iahabya·. see under forth*. Vbl. prefix,
näh-. y . niäaiaharatayai-ia inf. (from har-
y. n&iahan- sb. m. (cp. näh· sb.) 'nose*, vb.) 'to watch over*,
y. nqma.a-zbätay- sb.f.(from zav-, zbä- y . nistara- adj. (compnr. to ηώ" adv.)
vb.) 'invoking by name*, 'outward, outer, exterior*,
y . nqman·: see under naman·. y . niStara.naima- sb. m. 'outside', nis-
g . nqmiSta- adj. (superl. to *namra- tara.naim&t (abl. sg.) adv. 'from
adj. "bowing down, bent; submis- outside, on the outside*,
sive, humble") 'most respectful", y . niitarato spaya- adj. 'with ( g o o d )
y . nqmyqsav· adj. (*nqmt side-form cushions spread out*,
of namra- in compounds) 'with ben- y. ni-ätütay· sb. f. (from stav- vb., skr.
ding or bendable shoots*, stutdy·) 'praise',
nl, ηι-, ny- adv. 'down; to, into*. Vbl. y . niSharatar- sb. m. (cpd.nl+Äaratar-,
prefix. from har- vb.) 'one who watches
y . ni-jatam absol. (from gan- vb.), with over'.
asti 'he knocks down a p. (acc.)'. y . niz-bara&ay- sb. f. (from 'fear- vb.)
y . nifämaya· denom. pres. (from *ni- 'carrying o f f .
jdma· sb. m. 'child-birth') 'to make nü adv. (skr. ηώ, ηώ) "now, even now'.
a maid to bring forth a child*, lnürSm, y. nürqm adv. (cp. nü adv.)

y . nitama- adj. (superl. to nl, cp. skr. 'now, just now*,

nitaräm adv.) 'lowest, nethermost; y . hiuram adv. 'craftily, cunningly*,
last'. y . nürqm·. see under nürSm.
y . ni dai&yqn inf. (from 'da- vb.) 'to y. nmäna-, g. y . damdna- sb. n. (cp.
lay down on (gen.)', skr. ddma- sb. m. 'house') 'house,
y. niiätaeia [Yt. 13. 66]: see under abode; stable',
ldä-. y . nmänö.patay- sb. m. 'master of the
y. ni-dätay- sb. f. 'taking o f f . house'.
250 nmänya mai.äzantay·

y. *nmänya· adj. (derived from nmäna- y. maxiI- sb. f. (cp. skr. makfikä- sb.
sb.) 'belonging to the. house, of the f. 'bee') 'fly*,
house', name of the god of the house y. maxAi.barata- adj. 'draged away by
(or family), a fly'·
y. "nmänya- adj. 'belonging to the god y. matay- sb m. (from hnan- vb.) 'top
Nmdnya, connected with the god (of a mountain)*,
Nmänya'. y. imad- vb. (skr. mddati), pres. maia·;
v. nmänyäiti [G. 5. 5]: corrupt, maiaya-: only mid. 'to get druuk'.
y. nyäidäuru [Yt. 19. 42]: corrupt, y. hnad- vb., s-aor. mas·: 'to measure
y. ny-äpam adv. (acc. eg. n. of ni + out, apportion, allot a th. to a p.'.
äpa- adj. 'flowing down the stream') g. mada-, y. mada- sb. m. (from ^mad-
'down-stream', vb., skr. mäda-) "ecstasy caused by
y. nyäzata·. see under qz-. the Ifooma-drink; strong drink*,
y. ny&nk· adj. (derived from ni; cp. y. maiama- adj. (cp. maiiya- adj.)
skr. nyänk·) 'turned down(wards); 'middle, being in the middle; midd-
low, base; degrated', sb. n. 'pool'. ling, of a middling size or quality*;
maiamam (acc. eg. n.) adv. 'into the
m. midst of (gen.)*,
y. maiamam adv.: see under maiama-.
τηά particle of prohibition (skr. mi) y.maiiim adv.: see under maiiya-.
'not', joined usually with injunctive, y. maiumant· adj. (cp. mada- sb.) 'con-
sometimes also with optative, sub- taining wine, honey*,
junctive or imperative, y. maiamya adv.: see under madmya·.
g. *mä encl. strengthening particle y. madmya-, maiamya- adj. (derived
(skr. sma). from maiama- adj.) 'middle, being
hna- pron. I»4 pers. sing. (skr. mim, in the middle; half-loud (of the
mat; mä, me) 'me*. Dein. §402. voice)'; maiamya (instr. eg.) adv.
(derived from lma-) adj. 'my, mine*, 'in the midst of (gen.)',
y. maSya- sb. n. (skr. megha- sb. m.) y. maiiya- adj. (skr. mddhya-) 'middle*
'cloud', (of time); sb. m. n. 'the middle* (of
y. hnaeya- sb. m. "hole", space and time), esp. 'the middle of
y. maiyö.kara- adj. (from xkar- vb.) the body, the waist'; maidim (acc.
'cloud-making', sg.) adv. 'in the midst of (gen.)',
y. malt- vb., pres. mi9nä- 'to stay, maiiyoi (loc. eg.) adv. 'up to the
abide; to be (found) continually or midst of (gen., loc.)'.
always*. y. maiiyäna-, maiiyqna- sb. n. (deri-
g. maefr-vb., pres.mai&-, mid--, mi&nä-: ved from maiiya- adj.) 'the middle\
'to send*. With paiti 'to send back; y. maiiyäirya- sb. m. (from *maiiyoi-
to renounce', with ham 'to send yäirya- by haplology) lit.'mid-year",
away; to deprive of (abl.)*, with name of the god of the fifth season
ham and aibi 'to receive', and of the season-festival,
g. maSfia- adj. 'wavering', y. maiiyoi adv.: see under maiiya-.
y. mae&ana- sb. n. (from mail- vb.) g. maidyöi.mäiaha-, y. maiiyöi.m&'aha-
'abode, residence*, sb. m., name of two believers,
y. malsma- sb. m. (from maez- vb.), y. maiiyöi.zaramaya- sb. m. lit. 'mid-
plur. 'urine', spring', name of the god of the first
y. maesman- sb. n. (cp. maisma- sb.) season and of the season-festival,
'urine*. y. maiiyöi-Sam- sb. m. lit. 'mid-sum-
y. ma€z- vb. (skr. mehati), pres. maeza- mer', name of the god of the second
"to pass urine*. With f r ä 'to make season and of the season-festival,
water beyond (acc.*). y. maiiyöi-Sdd- adj. (from lhad- vb.)
y. maeia- sb. m., maeit- sb. f. (skr. 'sitting in the middle*,
mefd-, me ft-) 'ram, sheep; ewe*, y. maiiyqna-·. see under maiiyäna-.
y. maoianö.kairl- adj. (skr. modana- mat adv. (skr. smdt) 'always, for ever',
sb. n.), only fem. 'giving (sensual) prep, with instr., abl. or gen. '(to-
pleasure*. gether) with*,
g. maga- sb. m. 'league', (esp. of the y. mat.afsman- adj. 'together with all
Zoroastrian religious community), the lines*,
y. maya· sb. m., mayä- sb. f. *hole, pit", y. mai.äzantay- adj. 'together with
y. mayna- adj. (cp.skr.nagnä·)'naked'. the explanation*.
mat-gaoiävara i- — maratan- 251

y. mat-gaoiävara· adj. "with ear-ring's', note on Y. 53. 5): 'to grave a th. in
y. mat-gü&a- adj. 'afflicted with filth*, one's memory*,
y. mat-daman- adj. 'together with (his) y. mainya- adj. (from mäy- vb.) 'autho-
creation*. ritative, privileged", sb.m.'landlord*,
y. mat.-paiti.parasav· adj. 'together y. mainyav- sb. m. (from 'man- vb.,
with the answers', skr. manyäv·) 'mind, spirit; spirit
y. mat.-paiti.frasa- adj. 'together with (of the departed); spirit (the spirit
the answers', of good and the spirit of evil)',
y. mat-parasav- adj. 'together with the y. mainyava- adj. (derived from main-
questions', yav- sb.) 'spiritual; incorporal, im-
y. mat-vaiastaStay- adj. 'together with
all the strophes', y. mainyav-asah-: see under mainiv-
y. mat-saoii.buye inf. 'to be ever in y. mainyu.täSta- adj. 'made by spirits',
flame'. y. mainyu.stdta- adj. 'placed, sent by
'man- vb. (skr. many ate; amata; amam- spirits'.
sta\ maslya·, mamndte; matdh), y. mainyu.süta· adj. 'incited by the
pres. man-; mainya-\ (iter.) mq- spirit or mind',
naya·; s-aor. manh·, mSngh-; perf. y. mainyuSjcvarv&a- adj. 'spiritual
maman-, mamn-; perf. ptcpl. pass. food*.
mata-·. 'to think, believe, suppose, y. mainyu.hqm.täSta- adj. 'made, built
imagine; to consider, reflect on, by spirits',
think upon (acc., gen.); to think y. may ah- sb. n. 'cohabitation, pairing',
out a th. (acc.); to take for, take g. mävaiöya- adj. (derived from g.
to be (with two acc.)'; mid. with the movant- adj. 'like me', skr. mdvant•)
nom. of a predicative ptcpl. (para.· 'like me, such as I.',
dado, jaynvA) 'he thinks he gives, y. 'mar- vb. (skr. mjtäh), pres. miry a-;
he has smitten'; mqnayan ahe or perf. ptcpl. pass, marata-·. 'to die'.
bä with a following ya&a 'one could With ava- or frä 'to die*.
verily believe (, it is), as i f . .*, i. e. 8
mar- vb. (skr. smdrati·, smftä!}), pres.
'just as (if)'. With anu 'to repeat mar a·; mära-·, hi&mar-·, mairya-;
in mind*. (iter.) märaya-; perf. ptcpl. pass.
hnan- vb., pres. manya-·, iter., caus. marata-, marata : 'to have in mind,
mänaya-,mqnaya-: 'to stay, remain; remember; to repeat from memory,
wait*. With upa 'to wait*, recall; to pray'. With paiti 'to re-
y. hnan- vb. (cp. matay- sb.), only call to mind; to long for', with frä
with frä 'to have advantage', 'to recite',
y. manaofrri- sb. f. 'throat, neck', g. mairiMa- adj. (from hnar- vb.) "one
y. manas.paoirya- adj. 'the first in who has a th. best in remembrance*.
thinking*. marak- vb. (skr. marcdyati), pres. ma-
manah- sb. n. (from lman- vb., skr. rank-·, marania-·, mardncya-\ «-aor.
mdnas-) 'mind, spirit; thinking, maraxi-, maraxi- 'to kill, slay, de-
thought; purpose, intention; plau, stroy'. With para 'to hurt; ruin',
plot"; with varahav- 'good', in the with ri 'to destroy*,
Gä&ä'a also with vahiita- 'best' or y. mahrka- sb. m. (from marak- vb.)
with &wa- 'thy* name of a deity, 'death, destruction',
g. hnanah- sb. n. (from hnan- vb.) y. mahrka&äi inf. (from marak- vb.)
"dwelling-place, residence'. 'to destroy*,
manahya- adj. (derived from hnanah- y. mahrkäi inf. (from marak· vb.) 'to
sb.) 'spiritual', kill, ruin, destroy*,
y. manö [Yt. 14. 38]: obscure, y. maryav-, möurv- sb. m., name of a
y. manö.marata- adj. 'recited in mind', land 'Marv, Margiana*.
y. mainiv-asah- (written for *mainy^v- y. marayä- sb. f. 'meadow*,
asah-, § 33. 8), mainyav-asah- adj. g. maraxtar• sb. m. (from marak· vb.)
'moving, flying through the (spiri- 'destroyer',
tual i. e.) etherial space', y. maraxitar- sb. m. 'fashioner',
y. mant- vb. (skr. mdnthati, mathnäti), g. marata- sb. m. (from 'mar- vb.) 'a
pres. manä- (§ 41. 2) 'to stir'. With mortal, a human being, man*.
trt 'to throw into gear*, mantan- adj. (cp. marata- sb.) "mor-
g. mand· vb., pres. nan .. dad- (see tal, man*.
252 mar»d- — mdrzdyau-

g. mardd- vb. (cp, skr. mfdnäti 'he *mazdäh- sb. m. (from mqzdä- vb.)
crushes'), pres. mand··, mörvnda-·. lit. 'the one of knowledge, wise one*,
'to destroy, bring· to naught', name of the supreme Ahura.
v. mairya- adj. 'false, malicious; scoun- y. mazdö.fraoxta- adj. 'uttered, pro-
drel'. nounced by M.'.
y. mans· vb. (skr. mdrffi, mfjdnti, g. mazibls adv.: see under maz·.
mrnjyät), pres. mama··, mama-·, mazyah- adj. (compAr. to maz- adj.,
•narqz-: 'to wipe, stripe'. With aipi skr. mdhiyas-) 'greater, larger*,
'to fit a th. (acc.) with (acc.)', with ä g. mai adv. (from maz- adj.) "highly*,
'to fly up', wit ä and anu 'to fly in g. maSa- sb. m. (from hnar- vb.) 'a
one's company', with ä and pairi mortal, a human being, man*.
'to caress a p. all around', with frä maSya- eb. m. (cp. ma$a- sb., skr.
'to fly away', with vl 'to fly to and mdrtya-) 'a mortal, a human being,
fro". man*.
y. marSü- sb. f. 'belly*, y. ma&yäka- sb. m. (derived from
y. marzdika-·. see under m•anzdika-. maSya- sb.) 'man*.
y. mas· adj. 'long; extensive, wide mä(yy vb. (skr. mimlte; mitäh), pres.
(-spread), large', maya-; ρ erf. mim-·, perf. ptcpl. pass.
y. 'masan- sb. n. 'greatness, impor- -mita-mlta·, m&ta-: 'to measure; to
tance, superiority', form, build; to compare with*. With
y. *masan- adj. 'great, important', frä 'to enact; to turn into (instr.)'.
y. masah- sb. n. 'length, greatness', m&tar- sb. f. (skr. mätdr·) 'mother',
masö (acc. sg.) adv. 'very', y. mäda particle of prohibition 'and
y. masö adv.: see under masah-. not*.
y. masit- adj. (derived from mas· adj.) y. mäda.6im particle, strengthened
'large, extensive*, mäia 'and not*,
y. masita- adj. (derived from mas- y. mäyavant- adj. 'cohabitation-sup-
adj.) 'large, extensive', plied, where cohabitations or pai-
y. maxiäta- adj. (superl. to mas- adj.) rings take place' (doubtful), 1
'largest'. y. mävaya-6a, mävöya: s. under ma-.
y. mastay- sb. f. (from mand- vb.) y. mäzainya- adj. 'Mdzani&n', epithet
'knowledge', of a class of Oaiva'a.
y. mastrayan- sb. m. (cp. skr. mastifka- γ. mäzdayasna- adj. (derived from
sb. n.), plur. 'brain', mazdayasna- adj.,strengthened with
y. masyah· adj. (compar. to mas· adj.) Vrddhih) 'belonging to the wor-
'larger, greater*, shippers of M.'.
g. max- adj. (skr. mah·) 'great', instr. y. mäzdayasnay- adj. (cp.mdzdayasna-
pi. maxibli adv. 'earnestly*. adj.) 'belonging to the worshippers
mazan- sb. n. (from maz- adj., cp. of M.\
skr. mahimdn-) 'greatness, majesty, y, mäzdräjahya- sb. m. '(length of) a
high rank*, month*.
y. masant· adj. (skr. mahdnt-) "great, mäh- sb. m. (skr. mds-) 'moon', also
big, ample, copious, powerful, im- deified; 'month',
portant, lofty, noble*, y. mähya- sb. m. (from mäh- sb., skr.
y. mazah- sb. n. (skr. mdhas·) 'great- mäsya- adj.), name of the gods of the
ness; plenty'. months and of the month-festivals,
maziMa- adj. (superl. of maz- adj., skr. g. msn [Y. 53. 5, 31. 5]: see under
mdhiftha-) 'greatest, largest', mand- and mandäidyäi.
y. mazdaoxta- adj. (cpd. mazdah- -f msndäidyäi, mänöä daidyäi inf. (from
uxta-) 'uttered, pronounced by M.\ mand- vb.) 'to hold in remembrance*,
y. mazda&äadra- adj. 'one who has g. mSm [Y. 53. 4]: corrupt,
his power from M.' (doubtful), y. mvriya- sb. m. n. (skr. tnrgä- sb. m.
y. mazda-däta- adj. 'created by M.'. 'an animal of the forest; a bird')
y. mazda yasna- adj. 'worshipper of •bird'.
M., Mazdayasniaxf. y. mvrvto iuf. (from hnar- vb.) 'to hold
g. mazdä&a- sb. n. (from mqzdä- vb.), in remembrance',
plur. '(all) the things, that one must y. man&want- adj. (from hnar- vb.)
remember', 'thinking of (loc. or acc.)*.
g. imazdäh- sb. n. (from mqzdä- vb., mare&yav- sb. m. (from hnar- vb.,
cp. skr. medhä· sb. f.) 'memory'. skr. mftydv-) 'death*.
manngaidyäi — yaog- 253

g. msrangaidyäi inf. (from mardk- vb.) of those whose deeds of virtue and
'to destroy*, vice balance each other,
y. mdnzav- eb. n. "backbone*, y. mlsti adv. "always*.
y. marazu.jltay- eb. f.: obscure, mlzda- sb. n. (skr. mldhd-) 'reward;
y. marazyumna- adj.: obscure. profit, advantage',
g. mjrdzdika-, y. mar&dika- sb n. (skr. g. mlzdavant- adj. 'rewarded*.
mfdikd·) 'mercy, mercifulness, for- mä&ra- sb. n. (skr. mütra- 'urine') 'ex-
giveness, grace*, crements, dirt; filthiness'.
y. ml, g. möi s particle (ethical dat. of y. müra- adj. (skr. mürd) 'stupid,
the pron. I * pers. eg.), mostly un- silly'.
translatable, v. muraka- sb m. (cp. müra- adj.),
y. ml: see under 1 ma-. designation of dalvic beings,
g. möi particle: seex under τηέ. y. myav- vb. (skr. mivati 'he moves'),
g. möi: see under ma-. pres. miva- only with ava 'to take
y. möit particle of prohibition, streng- away'.
thened m& (möt.tü written instead g. myasträ-barana- adj. (§ 144.1) 'gran-
of möit ü; cpd. ar. *mä -f it) 'not', ting companionship*,
g. möyasträ.baranä: see under mya- y. myazda- sb. m. (skr. mtyddha-) '(sa-
strä.barana-, crificial) meat-offering*,
y. möurum·. see under margav-. y. myazday- eb. m. = myazda-.
y. moSu, g. moiü adv. (skr. makpu) y. myezdin- adj. (from myazda- sb.)
'soon, immediately*, 'one who offers Myazda, sacrificex*.
y. mqihva- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass, of g. mraoöant- adj. (cp. skr. mröcati)
man- vb.) 'to be thought*. 'bending*.
mq$ra· sb. m. (from iman vb., skr. mrav- vb. (skr. braväni, brüht, abra-
mdntra-) "word, saying, formula (of vlt, bruvandh), pres. mrav-, mrv-\
prayer); spell; judgement; com- mravä-; mrvX··, pass. aor. mraol·,
mand*, esp. "the holy word', also perf. ptcpl. pass, mruta-: 'to say,
deified. tell, speak, pronounce; to name,
sb. m. (from lman- vb., cp. call, designate (with two acc.)*. With
mq9ra·) 'thought'. antar» and ä 'to break with (acc.)',
mqdran- sb. m. (from *mq{hra- sb.) with a 'to recite', with upa "to call
'prophet*. here', with paiti 'to answer", with
g. mqnaray- sb. f. (*mämr-, from ! mar- frd 'to say, tell, speak; to say or
vb.) 'message*. spenk about, refer to (acc.); to re-
mqm: see under Λιηα-. cite*, with frä and ά 'to proclaim',
j. mqs [Y. 9. 31]: see under mqzdä-, with nl 'to call here'; (mid.) to pro-
g. mqzä.rayay-, y. mazä-rayay- adj. phesy one's fortune or misfortune',
'rich*. with vl 'to abjure*,
y. mqzdä- vb. (ar. *manzdhä-, from y. mräta- adj. (skr. mlätd-) 'dressed'
mand- vb.), pres. mqs dad-·, 'to have (of hides),
in one's memory', y. mrüra- adj. (cp.skr.wifniiii) 'deadly*.
y. mqzdra- adj. (from mqzdä- vb.)
'intelligent, wise',
y. mi&wana- adj. (cp. skr. mithund-), y-
only du. 'paired, forming a pair or yä adv. (instr. eg. of ya- rel. pron.,
couple'. cp. skr. yena) 'how', as conjunction
y. mi&wara- adj. (cp. mi&wana- adj.), 'so that (final); since, because (cau-
only du. 'paired, forming a pair or sal); if (conditional, but approaching
couple*. the causal sense).
mi&ra- sb. m. (skr. mitrd-) 'contract', ya- rel. pron. (skr. yd-) 'who, which,
name of a god. what', often only connective or re-
y. mifrrö.drug- adj. (skr. mitradruh·) sembling Greek article; in indefi-
'one who lies to MiOra; one who nite sense with -6a or -(it or with
breaks the contract*, the interrog. pron. kay- and -ca,
y. minav- sb. f. 'necklace*, respectively ka- and 6ii 'whoever*,
y. misvan- adj. (from my as- vb. 'to y. yao-karS- denom. pres. (from *yao-
mix', cp. skr. mi&rd- 'mixed'), with kari- adj. 'one who tills corn') 'to
gätav- sb. m. 'the place of the mixed', till corn*.
i. e. the place assigned to the souls yaog- vb. (skr. yojate, yujanta, pass.
254 yaoxStay- — *yat

yujyate; yuktdh), pres. yaog-, yüg-; 'to move; to endeavour, m a k e effort

yung-; yujya-; perf. ptcpl. pass. (with loc.)'. With fr& 'to come near,
yüxta-i to yoke, harness, p u t t o ; to approach',
join, unite; to accustom to (instr.); y. yatära- adj. (compar. to ya- rel.
mid. to become p a r t a k e n of (loc.)*. pron., cp. skr. yatard-) 'who or
With apa 'to p u t aside', with frd which of two*,
'to yoke, harness', g. yadä adv. (skr. yadd), as conjunc-
y. yaoxStay- sb. f. (from yaog- vb.) tion 'when, at the time when' (tem-
'skill*. p o r a l ; 'if (conditional),
y. yaoxitivant·, yaoxStavant- adj. y. yaidt a d v . (derived from ya&a
'skilled'. 'where') 'whence, where . . from*,
y. yaod- vb. (skr. yudhyati), pres. y. yadöit conjunction (cpd. *yada+iQ
yüiiya-: 'to fight, struggle', 'if (conditional); 'in order t h a t ' (fi-
y. yaona- sb. m. (cp. skr. ydnay- sb. nal); 'up to (the time) that, until'
m.) 'place', (temporal),
y. yaonö.x»ata· a d j . : obscure, y. ya&a, g. yadä adv. (skr. yathd)
y . yaoe- vb., pres. yaoza-\ caus. yao- 'where', as conjunction 'as, just as,
zaya·: 'to surge, g e t excited, caus. like, (as much) . . a s ; as if (com-
to agitate, excite; to b e thrown into parative); 'since, as, because' (.cau-
confusion or disorder (of armies), sal); 'that, so that, in order that*
caus. to confuse, disorder'. With (final or consecutive); i n t r o d u c i n g
avi caus. 'to confuse, disorder tho- an object sentence 'how, if (iu in-
roughly', with ά 'to s u r g e or r a g e , direct questions), ' t h a t ' (serving
caus. cause to s u r g e or rage', with merely to p a r a p h r a s e the o b j ) .
upa caus. 'to m a k e s u r g i n g near', y. ya&a.k»r9tom adv. (skr. yathdkftdm
with vi caus. 'cause to flow over', adv. 'according to the usual prac-
y. yaoidayqn inf. (from yaoidä- vb.) tise') 'when worked u p in the r i g h t
'to purify, cleanse'. manner*.
iyaozdä· vb. (cpd. *yaoS- sb. n. + ' d a , yaöa-nä adv. and conjunction 'as*
skr. yöf • sb. 11. 'hail'), pres. yaoidä-; (comparative); in Y. 12. 4 serving
yaozdaiä-, yaozda&ä-, yaozdad-; to t u r n the preceding dem. pron.
yaozdaya-·, perf. ptcpl. pass, yaoi- into a n indefinite {and sanm . .
däta-·. 'to m a k e perfect, i m p r o v e ; ya&anä dngvatä 'the communica-
to p u t in good condition, set in or- tion with every Or').
d e r ' esp. in ritual sense; 'to set in y. *yaöa-na copulative particle 'and,
order again, to re-establish, purify, what is more',
cleanse'. With pairi 'to set in or- y. ya&a.mqm adv. (cpd. *yada-\-*mäy-,
der, purify, cleanse r o u n d about', *mä- sb. f. from mäy- vb.) 'according
y. *yaozdä- sb. f. (from yaoidä- vb.) (to the measure,) to the rules',
'purification', y. yada yat conjunction 'in as much
y. yaozdätö.zdmö.tvma- a d j . (superl. as' (causal)'; 'as; if as'(comparative).
to *yaoidätö.zam- adj.) 'where the yadrä adv. (skr. t/a<ra)'where, whither",
g r o u n d is the cleanest', as conjunction 'in order that' (final),
y . yaoidäiti inf. (from yaoidä- vb.) y- xyat, g· 1Ryat (acc. eg. u. of ya-
'to purify, cleanse', rd. pron.) particle, serving to con-
y. yaoidäüra- sb. n. (from yaoidä- nect a nominal definition to a pre-
vb.) 'perfection, improvement; pu- ceding n o u n as representative of
rification', the rel. pron. in a n y case except
y. 1 y a o i d ä & r y a - sb. n. (derived from nom. and acc. sg. n.
yaoidätar- sb. m. 'purifier, cleanser') y· V f , g· conjunction (acc. sg.
'the function of one who performs n. of ya- rel. pron., skr. ydt) 'when,
the purificatory rites', as, if, after, since' (temporal, occa-
y. *yaoidäfrrya- adj. (derived from bionaly in causal or conditional
yaozdäüra- sb. n.)'one who performs sense); 'if, in case' (conditional);
the purificatory rites'. 'because, as, so f a r as, in as much
yaoedäh- a d j . (from yaoidä- vb.) 'ac- as'(causal); 'that, so that, in order
complishing, fulfilling*. that' (final or consecutive); 'as, so
yat- vb. (skr. ydtati "he joins'; yäta- well as' (comparative); introducing
yati; yetire), pres. yata-\ yat ay a-; an object sentence 'that'; local
caus. yätaya-·, perf. yayat-, yait··. 'where*.
yat-6it — ydr- 265

y. yai.-i.ii conjunction (skr. ydccit) "even yesnS) 'recitation of the Yeiihi-hdtqm-

if, although* (concessive); 'when' p ray er'.
(temporal); 'if, in case' (conditional); y. ya&nö.kdrvtay- sb. t.=yasnö.kar9ta·.
yaiiii . . yat . . 6ii (with tmesis) yasnya-, yesnya- adj. (derived from
'whether . . or*, yasna- sb., skr. yajniya) 'worthy
y. yat .. paiti adv. 'where; i f . of worship or sacrifice; belonging
y. yat vd particle, giving a choice to worship or sacrifice, sacrificial';
'or (, if you choose)', yat vä .. vd. sb. n. pi. with staota- adj. name of
'either . . or*. a collection of texts incorporated
yam- vb. {skr.yamate (subj.), yacchati·, in the Yasna.
yatäh), pres. yam-; yasa-; perf. ptcpl. yaz- vb. (skr. yajati, yajate\ tf(dh),
pass, yata-: 'to hold, take hold of. pres. yaza-\ pass, yazya-, yezya-·,
With apa 'to take away a th. (acc.) yaSzya-·, aor. yazaUa; perf. ptcpl.
from (acc., gen. or instr.); to hinder, pass.i&a-, yaita-: 'to worship, adore,
that (predic. ptcpl.)', with ä mid. 'to honour (esp. with sacrifice or obla-
obtain*. tions); to say the prayer (with acc.
yav- sb. n. 'continuance', dat. sg. of tbe person to whom); to conse-
yavöi, yavl with vilspdi 'for ever and crate, hallow, offer a th.'. With ä,
ever', instr. or loc. eg. yavd as adv. upa and frd, or frd in the same
'ever*. sense.
yav& adv.: see under yav-. yazata- adj.(from yaz-vb., akr.yajatd-)
y. yava [Y. 9. 10]: see under yvan-. 'worthy of worship, adorable', sb. m.
y. yava- sb. m. (skr. ydva-) "corn*, 'a deity, god'.
y. yavai-jl- adj. (*fi- sb. f. 'life', from yazav- adj. (skr. yahdv-), fem. yezivl-
lgay- vb.) 'everliving'. 'youngest; last',
y. yavaetät- sb. f. 'everlastingness*, y. yaStar- sb. m. (from yaz- vb.) wor-
only dat. sg. yavaitdite 'for ever shipper*.
and ever*, y. yah- vb. (skr, ydsyati, yiqati; yas-
y. yavae-sü- adj. (from sav- vb.) 'ever td\i) pres. yaiia-; yalfya-; perf.
prospering*. ptcpl. pass, yaita-: 'to boil up*,
yavatä adv. and conjunction (instr. y. yahmat haia adv. (abl. eg. of ya-
sg. of yavant- adj.) 'so lang as; till' rel. pron.) 'therefore*,
(temporal). y. yahmdi conjunction (dat. sg. of ya-
yavat adv. and conjunction (acc. Eg. rel. pron.) 'until*,
n. of yavant- adj., cp. skr. yivat y. yahmya adv. (loc. eg. of ya- rel.
• adv.) 'so long as; tiJl* (temporal); pron.) 'where*,
•provided that' (temporal, approach- y. yahva [Yt. 10. 18]: corrupt,
i n g conditional se.Dse). y. yd· vb. (skr. yäti 'he goes', cp. 1ay
y. yavat vä particle = yat vä. vb.), pres. yd- 'to go'. With apa 'to
y. yavan , yaon- sb. n. (derived from go away from (abl.)', with upa 'to
yava- sb.) 'corn-field; granary*, come near, approach*,
y. yavant- adj. (cp. skr. yävant-) 'how g. ydat adv. (abl. sg. of ya- rel. pron.,
large, much, wide, long"; ydvat skr. yät) 'since',
nom.-acc. sg. n. used also as sb. n. g. ydiS adv. (instr. pi. of ya· rel. pron.)
y. yave adv.: see under yav-. "so as*.
y. yavö.6aränya- sb. n. (from *kar- vb.) y. yäta- sb. n. (orig. perf. ptcpl pass.
'corn-field*, of yarn- vb.) 'portion, share*,
g. yas- adj. (from yam- vb.) 'receiving* y. yätav-, yddw- sb. m. (skr. yät.dv-)
(with acc.). 'sorcerer*,
y. yaska- sb. m. 'illness, sickness*. g. ydtdyd [Y. 36. 2]: obscure,
yasna- sb.m.(from yas- vb., skr.yajnd-) y. yätumant- adj. (skr. yätumdnt-)
"worship, devotion, prayer, praise, 'practising witchcraft or sorcery;
act of worship, offering, sacrifice'; 'holding with the sorcerers, compa-
alone or with haptanhätay- adj. nion of sorcerers*,
name of the Seven-Chapter- Yasna g. yät [Y. 36. 6J: corrupt; one expects
[Y. 35. 3-41. 6]. hyat (nom. sg. n.).
y. yasno.kvnta· sb.n. (lit.'ceremonious g. y. yäna-, y. yqna- sb. m. (from yam-
mentioning of the word Yasna' in vb.) 'favour, mark of favour*,
the recitation of the Yetihi.hdtqm- y. yä-varana- adj. 'of what religion*,
prayer, which contains the word y. ydr- sb. n. 'year*.
256 yän.iaraS ivaid-

y . yän.iwns- adj. (from karS- vb.) y. yesti inf. (from yaz- vb.) 'for to
'passing away the year*, worship*.
y . yära.dräjah- sb. n. 'the length, pe- y . lyöiSta- a d j . (superl. of yvan- a d j . )
riod of a year', 'youngest*,
y. yäirya· adj. (derived from yär- eb.) y. *yöi&ta- sb. f., name of a believer,
'lasting throughout the year', name y. y&nhuya- adj., only with avaratä-
of the gods of the six seasons and sb. f. 'personal property, goods and
of the season-festivals'. chattels, riches',
yäs-yb., pres. yäsa·: 'to have a desire y . yqna-: see" u n d e r y&na·.
for, ask for (acc.); to bid, order*. y. yim particle (acc. sg. m. or n. of
With apa 'to take away', with ä 'to ya- rel. pron.), used like xyat·
fetch', with ä and para 'to take yima- sb.m., name of a mythical king,
away', with ni 'to keep down, keep y . yimö.karanta- a d j . ( f r o m karat- v b . )
under, bridle; to hold fast*, 'cutting Y. in two pieces',
y . yäa-karat- a d j . (cpd. *yäh- +karat ) y . yüxta inf. (from yaog- vb.) 'to
'co-operating in the «closing work«', bridle'.
y . yös-karastara-i compar. to yäs- y. yuxta- sb. n. (orig. perf. ptcpl. pass,
karat- a d j . o f yaog- vb., skr. yuktd- adj.) 'team
y . yäs-karastama-: superl. t o yäs-karat- (of horses)',
adj. y . yünö: see u n d e r yvan-.
y. yästö.zaenav- adj. (yä«£a-perf. ptcpl g. yüS encl. nom. pi. pron. 2»d pers.
pass, of lyäh- vb.) 'one who has gir- (cp. yüzim) 'you'.
ded himself the sword-belt*, yüsma-, x&ma- pron. 2nd pers. plur.
y. 1ydh- vb., pres. y&nhaya-, perf. (skr. yufmdt, yu§mäkam) 'you'. Dein.
ptcpl. pass, y&sta-·. 'to gird round § 402.
about the body, put on a girdle'. g . yuämäka-, xSmäka- a d j . ( d e r i v e d
With aiwi 'to begird, put on; to f r o m yüSma-, x&ma-, skr. yuämäka·)
bundle (the Barasman-twigs)', 'your, yours',
y. tyüh· sb. n. (from 1yäh- vb.) 'girdle, g . yüimävant-, xsmävant- a d j . (skr.
thread*. yugmdvant-) 'like you, such as you',
*ydh- sb. n. 'crisis, decision; closing y . yüzam, g . yüzSm nom. pi. pron.
' work'. 2nd pere. (cp. skr. yüydm) 'you',
g . y5ma- sb. m. (skr. yamd-) 'twin', y . yvan-, yavan-, yün- sb. m. (skr.
y . yavln- sb. m. (cp. yavan- eb.) 'corn- yüvan-, yv,n-) 'a youth, young man';
field'. esp. 'young hero, hero'.
y . yedi, yeiäi c o n j u n c t i o n (skr. yadi)
'if, in case' (conditional), V.
y. yetihi.hätä- sb. f., name of the
prayer beginning with yetihe hätqm lvä strengthening particle (skr. νά).
äat yesne paitl. 2vä disjunctive particle (skr. vä) 'or',
y. yerihe hätqm: thus the prayer be- occasionally used in the sense of
ginning with this words is quoted. 'and' [Yt.8.54,,/3.17); υά.,νά 'either
yesnS: loc. sg. of yasna·. or, on the one side . . on the other'.
yesnya- a d j . : see yasnya-. va- encl. pron. 2»d pers. pi. (g. vdacc.,
yesnyatä- sb. f. 'worthiness of being v5 gen.-dat., y. vö acc.-gen.-dat., ν»
worshipped'. gen.-dat., skr. vah) 'you',
yesnyo.tama- a d j . (superl. to yasnya· y . ναδγα- sb. m. (skr. viga-) 'smiting;
adj.) 'most worthy of worship*, stroke, lash*,
g . lyezi c o n j u n c t i o n (2yat + ζ ϊ ) 'as, b e - y . vaijah- sb. n., with airyana- adj.
cause* (causal), 'whether, i f (indirect name of a land.
question). lvaed-, y . 1vaevb. (skr. vidat, veda-
y . -yezi c o n j u n c t i o n (cp. lyez%) ' i f (con- yämasi; veda, vidüh; vidvän, vi·
ditional), 'when, as soon as' (tem- ditatf.), pres. vaed-; caus. vaedaya-,
poral). vaedaya-; s-aor. vaes-, vis-; perf.
yezi ahmya a d v . ' w h e r e ' . vaed-, vaefr-, vld-, vid·; perf. ptcpl.
yezi nöit a d v . 'if not, else, otherwise, pass, vista-: 'to know, understand,
in the contrary case*, perceive, learn; to know, regard,
y. yezimna- (pres. ptcl. mid.): see un- consider as, take for, declare to be
der yaz·. (with two acc.)*, perf. 'to know, un-
g . yezivi-: see u n d e r yazav-. derstand a th., be conscious of (acc.);
vaed- — vaxSaOi.buye 257

to know a th. (acc.) as something y. vaim nom. pi., pron. 1 " pers. (skr.
belonging to (gen.); to know how, vaydm) 'we',
if (taking the object in the form of y. vaem acc. sg.: see under uvaya.
a sentence), perf. ptcpl. act. (and vaes- vb. (skr. viidti 'he enters'), pres.
mid.) 'man of knowledge (who knows visa-·, pass, vlsya-; perf. rlvis-: 'to
Zara&u&tra's doctrine)'; perf. pass, be or keep ready as, to serve as; to
'to be known as*. With aiwi caus. undertake to, intend to'. With paiti
'to assign', with d caus. 'to account, 'to come to, appear',
assign, grant; to dedicate, entrust', y. vaesaepan- adj.: obscure,
with us caus. 'to make known, an- y. vaisakay- patronym. adj. 'descen-
nounce', with paiti caus. 'to make dant of Vaesaka-'.
known; to assign', with frtJ 'to ob- y. vaesma- sb. m. (from vais- vb., cp.
serve', with ni 'to make known; to skr.v&man-)'house, dwelling, abode*.
assign, grant, dedicate'. vaeSah- sb. n. 'place of rottenness,
paed- vb. (skr. dvidat, vdvidat, vin- corruption*.
ddti, veddyati·, vivida; vittdh), pres. ναοόαί etc., verbal forms: see under
vUa-, vida-; vöivld-; iAnad·, mnd·; 1vak·.
vinda-·, c&ua.vaeiaya-·, perf.vlvaed-·, vaonan, vaonyät: see under lvan·.
perf. ptcpl. pass, vista··, 'to find, 1 vak- vb. (skr. vakfydte, ucydte (pass.);
discover, meet or fall in with; to aväcz; vaväca; avocat; uktdfr), pres.
obtain, get, partake of, possess; to ü6-\ lut.vax£ya-\ pass, vaiya-; pass,
get or procure for (dat); to con- aor. νάέΙ\ s-aor,ναχέ-; perf. vavak·,
trive, accomplish, perform', pass, vaok-, plusquamperf. ναοόα·; perf.
'to be found, exist, be'. With frd ptcpl. pass, üxta·: 'to speak, say,
'to obtain', caus. 'to let a p. share tell, utter, announce, proclaim (with
(in) a th.'. dat. or acc. of pers. and acc. of
g. lva6d- vb. (skr. vidhdti), pres. tuda-·. thing); to name, call, signify (with
'to serve piously, be complaisant', two acc.)'; pass.'to be called or ac-
g. vaeda·, y. val&a- sb. m. (from *vaid- counted*. With ä pass, 'to be called*,
vb., skr. veda- 'finding; property') with fr& 'to speak, utter, exclaim;
'finding, obtaining, acquisition, at- to call into existence, produce'.
2vak-, väk- sb. m. f. (from lvak- vb.,
tainment', adj. 'procuring, bringing
to pass*. skr. vdk- sb. f.) 'voice; speech, talk;
y. valiayand- sb. f. (from hiaid- vb.) word; saying,formula,prayer, spell*,
'a look-out*, y. vayiana- sb. n. 'head*,
g. vaSdiita-, y. vaSdiäta- adj. (superl. y. vaxsiwa- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass, of
1vak- vb., skr. vdktva·) 'to be uttered
to vldvah- adj.) 'one who best knows
a th. (acc.)'. or spoken*.
y. ναέδυα-, vaidya- sb. n. (cp. skr. g. vax»dra- sb. n. (from Hak- vb., cp.
vedya- sb. f.) 'knowledge', skr. vaktra- 'organ of speech') 'dis-
y. vaidyä.patay- sb. m. 'lord, master course*.
of the knowledge*, HaxS- (skr. ukfayanta, vakfayam),
y. vaeiyö.tdmvm adv (superl. to *vaed- pres. vaxs-; νάχέα-; uxiaya-; ux£ya-;
ya- adj., cp. skr. vaidyd-) 'in the caus. vaxiaya-: 'to grow; to make
most skilful manner', grow, cause to grow, exalt'. With
y. vae&- vb.: see under xvaed·. aiwi 'to make grow (the fire), to
vaen- vb. (skr. vinati 'he cares or poke', with us 'to grow up', with
longs for'), pres. vaena·; aor. vae- frd 'to grow, shoot up (of plants);
nöii·. 'to see, look at; to take for to make grow up',
(with two acc.)'; mid. 'to be seen, y. ivaxi- vb. (skr. ukfdti), pres. uxia-;
appear'. With aibl, aiwi 'to look vaxSya-·, uxfya-: 'to sprinkle". With
at', with d 'to see; to look upon', ό 'to moisten, wet', with frd and us
with paiti 'to look at', with pairi 'to throw out (flames), to burn out',
'to see, perceive, become aware of, y. Haxia- sb. n. (from λναχί- vb.)
with ham 'to look at', 'growing, growth', with gen. sg. hü
g. vaenaöM inf. (from vaen- vb.) 'to 'sunrise'.
see, behold*, y. *vaxsa- sb. in. (from *vax&- vb.)
y. vaend- sb. f. 'nose', 'moistening',
y. vaensmnam absol. (from vaen- vb.) y. vax.iaiH.buye inf. {vaxiada- sb. n.
'visibly'. 'growth* from xvaxi- vb., cp. skr.
Aveola Render, 17
258 vaiastaitivat — vaya-

vakfdtha-) '(in order) to be increas- y. vanhar9-Stä- adj. (*vanhar- sb. n.,

ing'. from hiah- vb.) 'clothed',
y. va6astaitivat adv. (vaiastaStay- sb. y. vanhaz-däh, varihaz-däh- (for vanhö.-
f. "strophe* of the Gäöä'e) 'strophe däh-, varihö.däh-, cp. vanhu-däh-)
by strophe*. adj. 'one who gives what is better
vaiah- eb.n. (from1«afc-vb., skr. vdcas-) (than good)*,
'speaking, speech, word; saying, y. vanhah-, vaiihah- adj.: see under
formula*. vahyah·.
y. vaiö.manta- adj. 'recited with y. vanhäpara- sb. m., name of an
(audible) words, recited aloud*. ahuric animal 'hedgehog',
vat- vb. (skr. dpivatati, dpivätayati), y. vanhänam absol. (from hiah- vb.)
pres. vata-; caus. vätaya-: 'to have 'dressed with (acc.)'.
or get knowledge of. With aipi y. vanhutät- sb. f. 'blood*,
'to understand, comprehend, be ac- g. y. vanhu-däh-, y. vanhu-däh- adj.
quainted with (gen.)', (skr. vasudds-, vasudhds-) 'granting,
y. vad- vb., pres. (iter.) väSaya-: 'to producing wealth*,
lead, draw, pull, drag*. With upa y. vanhu&wa- sb. n. (cp. vanhutät·
and ιΛ 'to lead up and down', with sb.) 'bloodshed'.
upa 'to give in marriage', with us vanhuya adv. (from vanhav- adj.):
'to carry off, abduct*, with vl 'to aSaya vanhuya 'with perfect reti-
lead up and down*, tude'.
y. ναδαγαη· sb. m., name of an in- v. vanhvl- sb. f., name of a river.
fidel prince, *van- vb. (skr. vänämahai, vamsat-,
y. vaday-, vaiii- sb. f. (cp. skr. ud-, ναυαηνάη), pres. vana-, vlvSngha-;
und- (undtti) 'to flow or issue out') vainl£; perf. vavan-, vaon-; Λ-aor.
'irrigation-channel, canal'. vSngh-, vSnnh-·, perf. ptcpl. pass.
vadar- sb. n. 'an instrument for smit- vanta-: 'to excel, surpass; des. to
ing, a weapon', seek to outdo; to conquer, over-
y. vadairyav- adj. (cp. skr. vadhüydv- come, vanquish'. With nl 'to be
'one who longs for a wife, uxorious, victorious', with ham only in hqm.-
lustful') 'longing for pairing, ar- vaintl- (fem.) 'victorious',
dent' (of the camel), y. h>an- vb. (skr. vanemahi), pres.
g. vad&mna- adj. (cp. skr. vddati 'he vana-·, vänä-: 'to win". With nl 'to
speaks') 'advising, exhorting', win, get possession of.
y. vaSrya- adj. (from vad- vb.) 'marri- y. ναηαζ.ρθέαηα- adj. 'winning the
ageable'. battle'.
g. vap- vb. (skr. vdpati 'he throws'), y. vanant- adj. (orig. pres. ptcpl. act.
pres. υάρα-: only with vi 'to de- of 1van- vb.), with star- sb. m. name
stroy*. of a deified fixed star,
y. vawzaka- sb. m. (cp. skr. ürna- y. vanä- sb. f. (cp. ekr. vdna- sb. n.
väbhay- 'a spider*), name of a daevic 'tree, forest') "tree",
animal. y. vanta inf.: see under avi vanta.
νaf- vb., pres. ufya- (lit. 'to weave; y. hianta- sb. m., vantä- sb. f. (skr.
fig. 'to string or join together arti- vanitä- sb.f.) 'a loved wife, mistress;
ficially, make compose, e. g. spee- any woman',
ches, hymns') 'to sing of, to chant*, y. *vanta- sb. m. (from van- vb. "to
g. vafav- sb. m. (from vaf- vb.) '(song,) wish') 'praise, homage',
saying; statute*, y. vantä.bdrdtay- sb. f. (hianta- sb.)
y. vafra- sb. m. 'snow'. 'rendering homage',
vanuhl-: see under vanhav-. y. vantav- sb. m. (cp. 1 vanta- sb.) 'a
y. vanuhlmfa: see under vanhvi-. loved wife, mistress*,
y. vanhan- sb. n. (cp. vanhav- adj ) y. vandanmainii- sb. m., name of a
'kindness, goodness, excellency, first- H-yaona-prince,
rate quality*, y. vam- vb. (skr. vdmiti) 'to vomit'.
y. vanhana- sb. n. (from 3vah- vb., skr. Inf. vanta.
vdsana-) 'cloth, clothes, dress, gar- y. lvay- vb., pres. vaya- 'to fly*. With
ment*. ά 'to come flying along*,
y. vanhav-, vanhv-, varahu-, vohu-, fem. y. Hay- sb. m. (from *vay- vb.; skr.
vanhvl-, adj. (skr. vdsav-) 'good, vdy-) 'bird*,
excellent; beneficent*. y. hiaya- sb. m.: see under vayav-.
vaya vanz- 259

y. *vaya- adj: see nnder uvaya-. y. vanta- adj. 'captive, captured ; ta-
y. vayav-, vaya- sb. m. (from hiä- yb., ken, driven away as booty*,
cp. skr. väyäv- sb. in. 'wind') 'air, y. vanta-fiav- adj. '(a day) on which
atmosphere*, flocks are (captured L e.) not able
y. vayavant- adj. (from *vay- eb.) "fall to go out*,
of birds'. y. vantö.v/lra· adj. '(a day) on which
y. vayah- sb. m. (cp. vayav- sb.) 'at- men are (captured i. e.) not able to
mosphere'. go out*.
vayöi interj. 'alas!, woe', sb. m. 'lamen- vand- vb. (skr. vdrdhati, vardhäyati;
ting, howling, wailing', vfddhdb), pres. vanda-, vanda-;
y. vayobanta- adj. "dragged away by (iter.) vandaya-, vaniaya-; perf.
a bird*. ptcpl. pass. V9nzda-·. 'to increase,
augment, strengthen, cause to pros-
g. vayü.bsnt- adj. lamenting', per or thrive'; mid. 'to grow, grow
y. vavana- adj. (from an- vb.) 'vic- up, increase'; perf. ptcpl. pass, 'large,
torious'. gigantic'.
y. vavanvah-, vaonui· perf. ptcpl. act.: y. vandada- sb. n. (from vand- vb.)
see under h>an· vb. 'growing, growth, increase',
y. h>ar- vb. (skr. vpiöti, vputse), pres. y. vandai.gah&a- adj. 'who causes
ναηηαν-, wnnv-·, vannä··. 'to cover, house and home to prosper',
conceil'. With aiwi 'to cover, con- y. vandutma- sb. n. (cpd. *vandu +
ceil', with avi and ham 'to conceil, earn- sb. f., cp. vandva- adj.) 'soft
hide in (loc)', with ham 'to cover*. ground*.
*var- vb. (skr. vfnitd 'he chooses', y. vandva- adj. (cp. skr. avradanta
vjnute, varat, avfta, vurita), pres. 'they became soft") "soft*,
ttar·; väur-; vannav-, v»nnv-\ mnn-; y. vanda- sb. m. (from lvar- vb.) '(de*
aor. V9nnaita\ perf. ptcpL pass. fensive) weapon',
•vanta·: mid. 'to choose, seect, y. vanp- vb. (cp. skr. vdrpae- sb. n.
choose for one's self; to like better 'any form or shape*), pres. vanp-
than, prefer to (abl.); in causative only with aiwi 'to mark*.
sense 'to convert to (acc.)'. With l
vanna- sb. m. (from *var- vb.) 'con-
frä mid. 'to choose as (with two viction; faith; profession of faith,
acc.}; to profess (a religion)'. With creed'.
nl 'to convert", y. *vanna- sb. m., name of a land,
y. *var- vb. (skr. valate), pres. vdrmav-, y. vannava- sb. m., name of a dairic
. v»nnv-\ pass. voiryar\ cana. vir aya-·. animal.
'to tarn, turn round, turn to'. With y. varmava.vüa- sb. m., name of a
avi and pairi 'to approach sprea- daivic animal,
ding over', with paiti 'to destroy', y. varanah- sb. n. (from lvar- vb.)
with pairi *to~ tear off or out*. 'colour*.
y. *»ar- vb., pres. mr&nv-; v»nn-; perf. y. vannya- adj. (derived from *van-
ptcpl. pass. -vanta-: 'to get a woman na- sb.) 'coming from or belonging
with child; to become pregnant with to V., Farenic'.
(acc.)'. With paiti 'to conceive*, vairya- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass of *var-
y. *var- eb. m. (from 'ear- vb.) 'castle', vb., skr. varya-, cp. vArya- adj.) 'to
y. vara· sb. m., name of a Turanian, be chosen, to be wished for, desir-
y. varay·, vain- sb. m. 'lake, sea; bay able; best; precious, valuable',
or inlet of the sea', y. vansa- sb. m. n. (skr. vdlia· sb. m.
y. *varav·, vouru- adj. (cp. skr. urdv-) 'a shoot, branch, twig') 'hair'.
'wide, broad, spacious, extended\ vans- vb., pres. vane-, mm··, des.
y. varäza- sb. m. (skr.vardhd·) 'a boar', riναηέα-, f u t vanfya-; xrmzya-;
y. vank- vb., pres. ναηέα-; v»r»ia- (iter.) vanzaya-; perf. vavanz-; vä-
'to draw, drag*. With frä 'to drag vvnz-; β-aor. vani-; perf. ptcpl.
away, remove*, pass, varita-: 'to work, do, perform,
y. varaxdira- sb. n., name of sinful effect, commit, exercise; to pro-
action*. cure; to beget'. With aiwi 'to cul-
g. vaniah- sb. n. (skr. väreas·) 'vital tivate, till', with us 'to suffer (a pu-
power, vigour, energy*, nishment)'; to undo (a fault)', with
y. varaiahvant· adj. (from vaniah· eb.) frä 'to commit', with nl 'to do vio-
'vigorous, energetic*. lence (hatö) to (acc.)'.
260 vania-gay· — väd-

y. vania-gay- sb. m. (lit. "that which y. vazsmnvm absol. (from vaz- vb.)
gives life to the tree'; vanSa· sb. m. 'driving'.
'tree', skr. vfk$d-) 'root', vazyqstra- adj. (cpd. vazya-+*qstra-)
y. varaSava- sb. m., name of a man, '(a horse) who resists the burden (of
killed by Karvsäspa. the horseman)',
y. var&tva- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass, of y. vaera- sb. m. (skr. vdjra-) 'club*,
vom- vb.) 'to be done', y. ναέ- vb. (cp. ao&- vb.), pres. vasa: 'to
y. varina· sb. m., name of daevic say, speak' (of ahuric beings). With
beings. paiti 'to answer*, with fra 'to begin
y. varinay- sb.m.fskr.vfjnat/-) 'manly, to speak*,
strong', applied to maesa- 'a ram*, y. vaitar- sb. m. (from vaz- vb., skr.
y. var&ni-har&ta- (from harsz- vb.) vodhdr-) 'draught-animal, draught
'wherefore the ram's leap is signi- cattle*.
ficant* (of the ^yö^rima-festival). y. vazddray· adj. (from vaz- vb.) 'one
vas- vb. (skr. vdämi, u&mdsi; uidn, who comes driving along*,
u£ati), pres. vas-, us-·, perf. ptcpl. y. Hah- vb. (skr. ucchäti), pres. usa-:
pass, uita-i 'to will; to desire, wish, 'to grow bright", with vH 'to blaze
long for; to appoint*, up*.
y. vasaöa-eh. m. (from vas-vb.) 'will, y. *vah- vb. (skr. vdsati 'he dwells,
wish, desire, pleasure*, stays'), pres. vanha-: 'to dwell, stop
g. vasasd-xiafrra- sb. n. (cp. vasö.· (at a place), stay*.
xiafrra-) 'the unlimited kingdom', Hah- vb. (skr. vdsie, vdsänah), pres.
g. vas5 adv., see under vasö. vah-\ vanha-: 'to put on, invest,
g. vasS.itay· sb. f. 'going about at l
wear (clothes &c)'.
will, freedom', vahi&ta- adj. (superl. to vanhav- adj.,
y. vasS.yätay- sb. f. 'going about or skr. vdsistha-) 'best',
wandering at will', y. *vahiSta- sb. n., name of the prayer
y. vaiSMtay- sb. f. 'lodging at will*, beginning with aiawt vohü vahishm
g. y. vasö, g. vasS adv. (from vas- vb.) astl [Y. 27. 14].
'at one's pleasure or will*, y. vahiStöiitay- adj. only fem. 'contai-
y. vasöjxSa&ra- adj. 'ruling at one's ning the words vahiitä litis [Y. 53]'.
own will, free, independent*, vahma- adj. (from *van- vb.) 'praying;
y. vastra- sb. n. (from hjah- vb., skr. adoring, worshipping', sb. m.'prayer;
vdstra-) "cloth, clothes, garment, adoration, worship; praise*,
dress, cover', y. vahmya- adj. (derived from vahma-
y. vastran- sb.n. 'a wardrobe, a trunk', sb.) 'worthy of praise or adoration*,
y. vastravant- adj. 'containing (hol- y. vahmyatd- sb. f. 'worthiness of being
ding) clothes'. praised or adored*,
vasna- sb. m. (from vas- vb.) 'will'. g. vahyah-, y. var&hah-, vanhah-, g.
vaz- vb. (skr. vdhati, pass, uhydte, ühi, vahyah- (fem. vahehl·) adj. (compar.
vakßat; üdhdh), pres. vaza-\ pass. to vanhav- adj., skr. vdsyas-, väsl-
vazya-·, perf. ναναζ-, vaoz-\ s-aor. yas-) 'better',
vaz-, va$-; perf. ptcpl. pass, vasta-: y. νά- vb. (skr. väti- 'he blows'), pres.
trans, 'to draw (a carriage &c.), to νά-·, väv-·. 'to blow (as the wind)*.
guide (horses &c.); to bring, offer; With aiwi 'to blow upon or towards",
to carry with or about one's self, with ά and upa 'to blow upon or
have, possess; to further; to take towards*.
a wife; intrans. to drive, convey, y. vä(y)- vb. (skr viti, vydnti), pres.
go or travel by any vehicle, to flv, vd{y)-, vy-\ vaya·, vya··. 'to chase,
float; to succeed". With ά and us pursue*. With apa or vl 'to drive
'to fly towards', with upa 'to come or turn away from*.
running or flying along, to fly to- vdta- sb. m. (from νά- vb., skr. väta )
wards', with frä 'to drive, fly, float 'wind', also deified,
forth*. y. vätä- sb. f. [H. 2. 9] = vdta- sb. m.
y. vazaya- sb. m., ναζαγά- sb. f. 'frog, y. vätö.b»r9ta- adj.'dragged or carried
she-frog*, away by the wind*,
y. vazaidyäi inf. 'to flow to (acc.)'. y. vätö.iüt- adj. (from Sav- vb.) 'mo-
y. vazant- adj. (cpd. *vaza- + *ardt-, ving in wind*,
cp. skr. νάja- sb. m. 'strength, energy') g. väd- vb., pres. vädäya-: "to thrust
rushing forth with energy*. off.
vär· — vöizdyäi 261

y. lvär- sb. m. (skr. vär- sb. n. 'water') cause to prosper, to propagate (the
'rain*. holy studies)',
y. 8 üär- vb. (cp. lvär- sb.), pres. vära-·, y. vanfrra- sb. n. (skr. vrtrd-) 'attack;
(iter.) väraya-·. "to rain", used per- victory".
sonally and impersonally. y. vara&rä-gan-, vara&ra-yn- adj. (skr.
vara- sb. n. (from hjar- vb.) 'will, li- vrtrahdn-, vftraghn-) 'repelling an
king, pleasure*, attack; victorious*,
y. väran-gan- sb. m.( name of a bird, y. varafrra-yna- sb. n. (cp. varafrrägan-
y värama (i. e. väram facc. sg. of vdra-) adj.) 'victory'; sb. m., name of the
+ o, cp. skr. väram a) 'at one's wish*, god of victory,
y. väriSkanä- sb. f., name of a daugh- y. lvara{hra-ynya- sb. n. (cp. skr. vftra-
ter of Viitäspa. hdtya-) 'victorious fight, victory;
y. vära-gan-, vära-γη- eb. m. (cp. varan- battle'·
gan-), name of a bird, *t»radra-ynya- adj. 'victorious',
y. vära&raynay- adj. (derived from y. vara&rajqstä- sb. f. 'victoriousness,
varadrayna- sb. with Vfddhih.) 'vic- victorious strength',
torious*. y. vara&rajqstama- adj. (superl. to va-
y. väirya- adj. (from lvär- sb., skr. radrägan- adj.) 'most victorious',
värya- 'watery, aquatic'), only with y. varaSravan- adj. 'victorious',
äρ- sb. 'rain-water*, y. varafrravant- adj. 'victorious*,
g. västar- sb. m. 'herdsman'. y. vara-dravastara- adj.: compar. to
västra- sb. n. (cp. västar- sb.) 'grass, vara&ravant·.
food, green pasture; pasture-land, y. vara&ravastama- adj.: superl. to
grazing-ground; agriculture, hus- vdra&ravant-.
bandry*. y. varana- sb. m. (from lvar- vb.),
västravant- adj. 'provided with pa- plur. 'fruit of the womb*,
stures, rich in food; procuring food*, g. ^varazSna- sb. n. (from lvaraz- vb.)
y. väströ.dätainya- adj. 'wherefore the 'activity*.
hay-harvest is significant' of the g. *varaz5na·, y. varazäna- sb. n. (skr,
Maidyöifoma-feetiv&\. vrj&na-"enclosure, cleared or fenced
väst.rya- adj. (derived from västra- or fortified place; sacrificial enclo-
sb.) 'relating to husbandry'; sb. n. sure ; settlement, town,village') 'com-
'husbandry'; sb. m. 'husbandman', munity; peasantry', also as de-
with f&uyant- 'husbandman who signation of the third caste (in so-
breedes cattle'; 'peasant (name gi- cial sense),
ven to the third caste)', y. varazi.döifrra- adj. (cp. varazvant-
v. västryä- sb. f. (cp. västra· sb.) 'agri- adj.) "whose eyes are penetrating',
culture; agricultural labour (as pu- y. varazya- sb. n. (from varaz- vb.)
nishment)', 'work, working',
y. väsyantqnam [Ν. 26]: obscure. g. varazyah- sb, n. (from varaz- vb.)
väziita- adj. (super 1. to vaz- vb., skr. 'working, doing',
vdhiftha-) 'most propitious', g. varszyätä- sb. f. (from varaz- vb.)
y. väia- sb. m. (from varat- vb. 'to 'husbandry' (as the sphere of ac-
turn") 'chariot', tion of the ox),
v. väSaya- denom. pres. "to drive the g. varazyeidyäi inf. (from varaz- vb.)
chariot'. 'to work, to do*,
gen.-dat., pron. 2nd pers. pi.: see y. varazvant- adj. (from varaz- vb.)
under va-. 'working, active; keen*,
g. vS, y. vö particle (orig. ethical dat. y. vö particle: see under nv3.
of the pron. 2 n d pers. pi.), untrans- vö acc.-gen.-dat., pron. 2 d pers. pi.:
latable. see under να-.
y. vahrka- sb. m., vahrkä- sb. f. (skr. g. vöi inf. (cp. skr. vltdy- sb. f. 'en-
vfka- sb. m.) 'wolf, she-wolf, joyment, feast') 'to gladden, delight',
y. vahrkö.barata- adj. 'dragged away with astl 'he is the joy of.
by a wolf, y. νδϊγηα- sb. f. (cp. ναέγα- sb. m., skr.
g. varad- sb. f. (from νand- vb.) 'in- vega- 'violent agitation, shock; a
crease'. stream, flood, current*) 'inundation,
y. varaday- sb. m. (cp. varad- sb.) flood'.
'growth, growing*, g. vöizdyäi inf. (from h>aed· vb.) 'to
y. varaiiye inf. (from varad- vb.) 'to know'.
262 vöizda- — vi-lbaeSah·

g. vöizda·, y. vöizdaya- pres. 'to raise'. y. vil.äpö.t9ma- adj. 'where is least

With aiwi 'to hold one's head (ka- water'.
τη»ηδ9τη) high', y. vi.urvarö.tama- adj. 'where are few-
y. voya- sb. m. (cp. ävöya, vayöi) 'la- est plants',
menting'. v. vlkdnt.uitäna- adj. 'destroying the
y. voyö.tara adv. (instr. sg. n. of the life'.
compar. to voya-) 'more lamenting', y. vlfica- sb. n. 'lime',
y. vouru- (in compounds): see under g. ιü-cidyäi inf. (from kay- vb.) 'to
*varav-. discern*.
y. vouru.kasa- adj. (*kaSa-, ar. *kdrta- g. νΐ άϊΰα- sb. n. (from kay- vb.) 'se-
'a cut', from kardt- vb.) 'with wide- paration, discernment'.
extending inlets', with zrayah- 8b. n. vl-iira- adj. (from kay- vb.)'discerning,
name of a lake, having the discernment',
y. vouru.gaoyaotay- adj. (cp. skr. uru- y. vl-taxtay- sb. f. 'melting',
gavyütay-) adj. 'having or procuring y. vltanuhaitl- sb. f., 'name of a river',
wide pastures', y. vltar- sb. m. (from väy- vb.) 'one
y. vouru.jarsStl- sb. n., name of the who chases, pursues',
northeast region of the world, y. vüaro.qzahya- sb. n. (*vl-tar- 'over-
y. vouru.döifrra- adj. 'whose eyes are coming', from tar- vb.) 'the over-
far-looking', coming of distress, calamity*,
y. vouru.baraSti- sb. n., name of the y. vUar9.(baiiahya- sb. n. 'the over-
northwest region of the world, coming of persecution, hostility*,
y. vouru.sandä- adj.: obscure, y. υϊ-tastay- sb. f. (skr. vitastay-) 'a
y. vohü-, vohu- (in compounds): see measure of length (defined as a long
under varahav-. span between the extended thumb
y. vohu-ksratay- sb. f., name of an and the little finger)',
odoriferous wood, burnt on the fire y. vitäpam [Yt. 19. 82]: obscure,
for fumigation (aloe-wood?), y. vitantö.tanü- adj. (from tar- vb.,
y. vohu.gaona- adj. 'black-haired', sb. lit. 'having a body, which is to be
m. name of an odoriferous wood, brought away') '(the leprosy,) from
burnt on the fire for fumigation which the isolation of the person
(benzoin?), results'.
y. vohu.xSa&rä- adj., only fem. 'con- g. vld- adj. (from svaed- vb.) 'parta-
taining the words vohü xsa&nm' king of, possessing',
(Y. 51). y. υΐ-daeva-, vl-döiva- adj. (cp. skr.
y. vohu.beratqm inf. (from Jbar-) 'in videva·) 'turned against the Daiva1 s,
good care', hostile to the Baeva'e'.
y. vohuna-nhag-, vohuna-zg- adj. (cp. y. vldaSafsü- sb. n., name of the south-
vohunl- sb. and skr. sajate 'he clings, west region of the world,
adheres to") 'following the track of y. vü-iätav- sb. m. (cp. skr. d&tav-
blood', with span- sb. m. "blood 'part') 'dissolution, death',
hound'. y. vl-döiva· adj.: see under vldaeva-.
y. vohunavant- adj. (cp. vohunl- sb.), y. m-dliä- sb. f. (from 1dä- vb.) 'libe-
only fem. 'seeing blood', rality, charity*,
y. vohunl- sb. f. 'blood', g. vlduyi, inf. (from lvaed- vb.) 'to
y. vohumant- adj. (skr. vdsumant-) understand, comprehend'. With vi
'having treasures, wealthy, rich', "to decide',
y. va&wa- sb. n., va&wä- sb. f. 'a herd, y. vldui.a&a- adj. 'one who knows the
a flock (of animals); a multitude holy law',
(of men)', y. vldu&.gädä- adj. 'one who knows
v. νq&waesa- sb. in. (cpd. vqdwa- -f- the Ga&J'e*.
*isa- 'being after the herds') 'foot- y. viduä.yasna- adj. 'one who knows
pad'. the Yasna'.
y. vqöwö.dä- adj 'bestowing herds', g. vldvanöi inf. (from lva£d· vb.) 'to
y. vqüwö.fräSana- adj. 'herd-increa- comprehend',
sing'. g. vldvah-, y. vldvah-, g. y. vlduS-,
g. y. vi, y. vi-, g. v. vy- adv. (skr. vi) y. viduS- adj. (perf. ptcpl. act.): see
'apart, asunder, in different direc- under Haid-.
tions; away from, off; against; y. vi-tbaesah- adj. 'keeping off the
through'. Vbl. prefix. hostilities (of the DaSva'e)'.
vib9T9&want· — vl-Sapta&a- 263

y. vriban&wanl- adj. (cp. skr. vibhftvan- trtspdm adv. (acc. eg. n. of vispa- adj.)
ad.j. 'bearing hither and thither*) 'ever*.
'bv observing the pauses', y. ιΛspama- adj. (derived from vHspa·
y. vifra- adj. (skr. vipra-) 'wise, lear- adj.) 'every*,
ned, experienced*, y. vispam ä ahmät adv. 'up to that
y. vindäi inf. (from svaed- vb.) 'to time when', with yat 'till, until; so
partake of (acc.)*. long as', with yadöit 'till, until',
y. vlmitö.dantan- (*mita· perf. ptcpl. v. vlspe.ratu.&wa- sb. n., plur. 'the
pass, of may- vb.) 'with ill-formed functions of all the Satav'%'.
teeth*. y. vispö.ayära- adj. 'lasting all the
y. vlvaozayeiti (written for vlyaoza- days*.
yeiti § 144. 2): see under yaoz-. y. vlspö.tanü- adj. (cp. skr. viävatanu-
y. vlvanhana- patronym. adj. 'descen- 'whose body is the universe') '(vi-
dant of VlvahvanP. gour) of the whole body*,
vlvanhuSa- patronym. adj.'descendant y. vispö.paisah- adj. (skr. viävdpeäas·)
of Vlvahvanf. 'containing all adornment, with all
y. vi-varvzdavant- adj. (*vanzda- perf. sorts of adornment; (fig.) univer-
ptcpl. pass, of vand- vb., cp. skr. sal*.
vivfddha- 'grown, grown up, mighty, y. vlsvö.pis- adj. (skr. viivapii-) 'all-
powerful') 'one who has become adorned; (fig.) universal*,
great, powerful*, y. vispö.mahrka- adj. 'all-destroyer',
y. vlvahvant- sb. m. (skr. vivasvant-, y. vlspö.vahma-&d). 'honoured or ado-
vivdsvant-), name of a hero, red by all*,
y. ιΛ-νάρα- sb. m. (from vap- vb.) 'de- y. vlspö.vandra- adj. 'all-conquering*,
struction*, y. vlepö.vqfrwa- adj. 'possessing all
y. vi-vitay- sb. f. (from bä- vb., cp. herds'.
skr. bhätay-) 'lighting up*, y. vlspö.vlivah· adj. (cp. skr. vi&vavid·)
g. χΛ-vHduyl inf.: see under vlduyi. 'knowing everything, omniscient*,
y. vivtse inf. (from vais- vb.) "to be y. vlspo&Pannah- adj. 'possessing all
or get ready for*. glory*.
vir a-, vira· sb. m. (skr. trtrd-) 'man, y. νΐ8ρδ.χ*άϋτα· adj. 'having or be-
(esp.) a warrior', pi. 'men, people, stowing all joy, delight or fortune*,
mankind, followers, retainers', y. vlspqm.hujyätay· sb. f. "every bless-
y. mra-gan- adj. (skr. vlrahdn-) 'slaying ing of life*,
men or enemies', y. lvHsya• adj. (from vis- sb., skr.virfyd-)
y. vlraya- adj. (derived from vHra- sb.) 'belonging to the village or com-
'consisting of men*, munity', name of the god of the
y. vürö.ny&nk- adj.'(a club) that knocks communities',
or fells men down*, v. *visya- adj. (derived from lvlsya-
y. vlro.vqihcä· adj. (fem.) 'having ma- adj.)'belonging or relating to Vlsya'.
ny heroic sons*, v. vi-zafdna- adj. (cp. &ri-zafan- adj.)
y. vlrö.raoSa- adj. 'in human shape*, 'with open jaw*,
y. rt.urvlitay- sb. f. (from urvaes· vb.) y. νΐζαηέα- sb. m. (lit. 'who drags
'separation. away' from eani- vb.), name of a
vis- sb. f. (skr. viS-) "(lordly) manor or Daeva.
castle, settlement, homestead; vil- y. vH-zöiäta- adj. (superl. to skr. hinöti
lage, community*, 'he sends forth, sets in motion')
y. visata.gäya- sb. n. 'twenty paces', 'most active, agile; most vigilant',
y. »Isant- num. f. (cp. skr. mmäatdy-) y. vl-zu$- eb. m., name of a special
'twenty*. kind of the canine race,
y. visät inf. (from vaes- vb.) 'to be or y. vl-zbäriü- sb. n. (from zbar- vb.,
get ready for", cp. skr. hvdras-) 'crookedness',
y. vistarav- sb. m., name of a hero. y. vlzvärant- adj. 'skilled' (doubtful),
vispa· adj. (skr. νϋίνα-) 'all, every, y. vli [V. 2. 42]: see under Hay-.
every one; whole, entire, universal*, y. vlA [Yt. 13. 2]: see under vis-.
y. v\s-patay- sb. m. (skr. riäpdtay-) y. viS- sb. n. (cp. skr. vifä- sb. η.)
'chief of a village, lord of the vil- 'poison'.
lage or community*, ιΛ-Saptada- sb. m., name of the god of
y. vHspa-bda- sb. m. 'with bonds all the seventh day following upon the
over the body*. new-moon-day or full-moon-day.
264 viSavant- — raod-

y. viiavant- adj. (skr. vifdvant-) 'poi- ordinate priest (ratav-), who mixes
sonous'. the Haoma with the milk,
y. νΐδδ.ναίρα- adj. (from vaep- vb. 'to y. raim: see under rayay-.
emit'; 'spouting out poison*. y. raevant- adj. (skr. revdnt-) 'wealthy,
viitäspa- sb. m., name of a prince of opulent, rich; brilliant, splendid';
the Kayanmn dynasty, name of a mountain,
y. vii.haurva- adj. (cpd. vis- + haurva- y. raevas-ci&ra- adj. 'of rich origin,
'who guards the house* from har- of noble origin',
vb.) 'house-dog'. y. raSvastama- adj. (superl. to raevant-
vyam- sb. f. (cpd. vi + *yam-, from adj.) 'richest',
yam- vb.) "allotment of the reward y. rate- vb. (skr. rifyati 'he hurts, he
(i. e. the harvest Yt. 8. 9); allotment is hurt', refdyati 'he hurts'; riftdh),
of the (everlasting) reward (at the pres. iri$ya-\ caus. raiiaya- ·. 'to
time of the last judgement Yt. 13. hurt; to be hurt*,
11, 22); the (everlasting) reward y. raesa- sb. m., ralSah- sb. n. (from
Y. 48. T. rati- vb., skr. resa-) 'damage, hurt',
y. vy-arv&a- adj. (cp. skr. vyartha- v. *raesa- sb. m. 'chasm, crack',
'useless') 'useless; abused", sb. n. (pi.) y. raesah-·, see under raiSa-.
'abused places', v. raok- vb. (skr. röcate, rocdyati),
y. vyäxa- sb. m. 'assembly, meeting', pres. raoia-\ (iter, and) caus. rao-
y. vyäxana- adj. (from vyäxa- sb.) 6aya·: 'to shine, be bright*. With
'speaking to the assembly; eloquent', aivd 'to shine upon', with avi and
y. vyäxainya- adj. (from vyäxana- aitvi 'to light, set on fire*, with ά
a d j ) 'advising the assembly', 'to 'shine*, with us 'to shine forth*,
y. vyäxman- sb. n. (cp. vyäxa- sb.) with paiti 'to make blaze again',
'assembly, meeting*, y. raoyna- sb. n. 'butter', with zara-
y. vyäxmanya- denom. pres. 'to speak maya- adj. 'spring-butter*,
at a meeting*, y. raoxfina-adj. (from raofc-vb.)'bright,
g. vyänä- sb. f. (cpd. «I + *yänä-, from shining*.
yä- vb. ?) 'wisdom' (doubtful), y. raox&nay- adj. 'bright, shining*,
y. vyäne inf. (from yam-vb.) "to spread*, y. raoxSnav- sb. n. 'light, brightness*,
y. vyävant- adj. (from bä- vb., cp. skr. y. raox&ni.xSnüt- sb. f. 'a splendid
vibhdvan-) 'shining, beaming, ra- reward".
diant*. y. rao6ana·, raocina- adj. 'bright, shin-
y. vyähva: see under vyam-. ing, radiant",
y. vy-usq inf. (from lvah- vb.) 'to flash y. raoias.painita- adj. 'selected for
up*. burning'.
r. Waoiah- sb. n. (cp. skr. rocif-) 'light;
day-light; place of light (only plur.)'.
y. ralk- vb. (skr. rindkti 'he leaves', y. h-aoiah- adj. 'bright, shining*,
recayati; draik, arikfi; riktdh), y. raodahi.buye inf. 'for to become
pres. irinak-; (des.) irinxSa-; (iter.) shining*.
raliaya-; s-aor. ra&ci-: 'to " leave, y. raoiahina- adj. 'shining over (acc.)\
set free, let off; give up, yield, cede, y. raocä.-aiwi.vardna- sb.m.'the being
transfer*. W i t h p a t f t 'to leave behind', exposed to light*,
y. ra&kah- sb. n. (from raek- vb.) 'the g. 1 raod-, y. raod~ vb. (skr. drudat,
giving up, leaving*, rodayati), pres. uru&a-; caus. urü-
g. raexanah- sb. n. (from raek- vb., döya·; s-aor.raos-: 'to lament; howl,
skr. rdkyas·) 'heritage', groan (of daevia beings)*,
y. raid- vb., pree.iri&ya-·, perf. iririd-: y. sraod- vb. (skr. rodhati, rohati, ru-
perf. ptcpl. pass, irista-: 'to die' (of roha; rüdhdh), pres. raoda-·, uruiOya·;
ahuric beings). With para in the perf. urürud-; perf. ptcpl. pass.
same sense, uruzda-, urusta-: 'to sprout, shoot,
y. ra&hca-, raedwaya- denom. pres. grow'. With frä 'to grow up, shoot
(cp. röi&wan inf.) 'to mix with (instr.); forth*.
to mix o. s. u p with, concern o. s. g. y. *raod- vb. (skr. runddhmi, rodha-
with; to aseume (a form)'. With up a yati), pres. r a o i a - ; (iter.) raoiaya-·.
'to rush upon', with ham 'to mix', "to avert, keep o f f . With apa- 'to
y. rae&ivix-kara- sb. m. 'making the omit'.
mixture', name of the sixth sub- y. *raod- vb., pres. raoSa-; caus. rao-
raoSa razi.Ua- 266

iaya-·. 'to flow*. With frä caus. 'to y. ra&öi-Stä-·. see under ra&aS-Star-.
make flow forth, potir forth or out', y. ra&wya- adj. (derived from lratav-,
y. raoSa- sb. m. (from 2raod- vb., skr. cp. skr. ftviya ) 'according to the
roha- "rising·, height") 'growth'; plur. fixed time, according to the season*.
'appearance*, rap- vb., pres. rapa-: 'to form or grant
y. raobah- sb. n. (from *raod- vb.) a strong support, be a strong sup-
"river*. port for (dat.); to have a strong
y. rao&-·. see under lraod-. support in a p. (gen ); to be faith-
y. raopay- sb. m., name of a special ful, devoted to the gods',
kind of the canine race, y. ra-pi&wä- sb. f. (cp. arSm.piöioä-
y. rao-rada- adj. (written for ravö.· sb. f. 'midday*, ra- representing an
ra&a-, cp. rava-) *(Pärenday) on her ablauts-form of *ara·) "midday,noon*,
speedy chariot*, y. rapiduitara- adj. (compar. of *ra-
y. raoza- sb. m., name of a beast of piSway- adj., derived from rapi&wä-
prey 'fox' (or 'jackal'), sb.) "southern*,
y. rayay-, rajay- sb. f., name of a y. rapiOwina- adj. (from rapidwä- sb.)
town in Media, "of midday, of noon*,
y. rayav- adj., fem. ηνI- (skr. raghdv-, g. rafairäi inf. (from rap- vb.) 'to
laghdv-) 'hastening, going speedily, vouchsafe succour*,
fleet, rapid*, y. rafnah-, g. rafvnah- sb. n. (from
y. rajöfy: see under rayay·. rap- vb.) 'support, succour*,
y. *ratav-, ra&w- sb. m. (cp. skr. ftdv-) y. ranha- adj. (from skr. srdmsate
'any settled point of time, fixed 'he falls') "epileptic",
time; an epoch, perod*. v. ranhä- sb. f. (skr. rasä-, name of
*ratav-, rafrw- sb. m. 'judge (who pro- a river), name of a mythical river,
nounces judgement)'; designation y. ranjat.aspa- adj. (*ranjant- pres.
of every being of the -<4sa-world ptcpl. act. of rang- 'to make light,
looked upon as authority in any nimble, light-fooded', cp. skr. ram-
sphere; uauie of the seven subordi- hate- 'he runs") 'having swift horses',
nate priests, y. ram• vb. (skr. rämayati), pres. räma··,
g. Vater- sb. m. (cp. aratav- sb.) rämya··, caus. rämaya··. 'to stand
"(judge's) sentence*, still, stay, rest, abide; caus. to com-
y. ratu.xSa&ra- adj. 'ruling as Ratav\ fort, soften*,
tinder the Ratav'e rule, subject to y. rayay- sb. m (skr. rayitn acc.)
the Ratav'. 'wealth, splendour, magnificence',
y. ratudwa- sb. n. 'Äatarship; func- y. rava- adj. (cp.rayav- adj./hastening,
tion of the Ratav'. going speedily, fleet, rapid*,
y. ratu-fri- adj. (from fray- vb, skr. y. ravat-aspa- adj.(*ravant·, *raguant-
-prl-) "one who satisfies or pleases pree. ptcpl. act. of rang- vb., cp.
the Ratav's, who performs his duty ranjat-aspa- adj.) 'having swift hor-
to the Ratav'β", ses'.
y. ratu-fritay- sb. f. (cp. ratufri- adj.) y. ravan-, raon- sb. m. (cp. skr. erdvati
'satisfaction of the Ratav'e·, prayer 'he flows') 'river',
for satisfaction of the Ratav'e'. y. ravas-iarät- adj. 'moving or living
y. Watumant- adj. 'having a Ratav'. in the open country or in the plains'
y. hOtumant- adj. 'containing the (of animals),
word Ratav'. y. ravah- sb. n. 'clear space, open
y. ratuS.mirat· adj. (for ratu-Smant-, country; freedom, liberty*,
from hnar- vb.) 'respecting the Ra- y. ravo.fraxeman- sb. n. (*frao&man-
tav, following the Ratav'e direction*, sb. from frav- vb.) 'whose flying is
y. ra&a- sb. m. (skr. rdtha-) 'chariot*, quick*.
y. ra&al-Star-, ra&ai-Stä-, ra&öi-Stä- y. rasman- sb. m. n. (from raz- vb.)
sb. m. (skr. rathefthä-) '(standing on "battle-array',
a chariot, a warrior fighting from y. raz- vb. (cp. hrazav- adj.), pres.
a chariot,) a warrior*; designation (iter.) räzaya-; perf. ptcpl. pass.
of the second or warrior-carte, rast a-, räSta-ι 'toset, to put in line*.
y. raöai-$tä-·. see under ra&ae-Star-. With ham mid. "to arise, stand up;
y. ra&a.kara- adj. (fem. -kairi-) "(for- to put in order, to comb (the hair)*.
ming the body of a chariot,) formed razista- adj. (superl. of sr»iav- adj.,
like the body of a chariot'. skr. rajiftha-) 'straightest (lit. and
266 razura urvata-

fig.), rightest, uprightest, most hon- y. rämanivant- adj. (from räman- sb.)
est, most righteous, most true', 'having or bringing peace',
y. razura· sb. m., razurä- sb. f. 'wood, y. räma-layana-adj.'granting a peace-
forest; pitfall (a hunting-term)', ful abode*,
y. raS- vb. (ep.skr.rdkfas- sb.n. 'harm, g. rsma- sb. m. 'cruelty',
injury, damage'), pres. (iter.) räsaya-: y. revlm: see under rayav-.
'to injure, hurt', g. roifrwvn inf. (cp. raedwa- vb.) 'to
g. rasah- sb. n. (from rai- vb., skr. fill o. s. or to be filled with (iustr.)'.
räkfas- sb. η.) 'harm*, y. rqxSyant- adj.: obscure,
y. rainav- adj. (from raz- vb.) 'just, g. rqna-: see under räna-.
righteous', sb. m. name of the god irixta- sb. n. (from raek- vb.) 'end;
of justice. issue; setting (of stars)',
rah- vb., prett.rärsSya-; caus .ränhaya-. v. irita inf. (from ray- vb. "to shit',
'to be unfaithful; to make unfaith- cp. skr. rinäti 'he releases'): see
ful, to estrange', under avi irita.
y. rä- vb. (skr. räsate s-aor. subj.), y. irifryqstät- sb. f. (from raid- vb.)
s a.OT.räh-: only mid. 'to grant, give, 'dying, death",
bestow'. With frä in the same sense, y. irina [Y. 19. 17]: obscure,
y. räuininqm [Ν. S3]: obscure, y. Hrista- perf. ptcpl. pass.: see uuder
g. Wätay-, räiti- sb. f. (skr. rätdy- adj. rae&-.
'ready, willing, cp. arvm) 'readiness y. Hrista- perf. ptcpl. pass.: see under
to serve, to minister*. rä&-.
*rät ay-, räiti- sb. f. (from rä- vb., skr. y. iristay- sb.f. (from raed- vb.) 'dying*,
rätdy- 'gift, oblation') 'gift; granting; y. iristö.kaSa- sb. m. 'one who watches
offering; liberality'. and carries a dead body',
rätä- sb. f. (from rä- vb.) 'gift', y. urüd- sb. f. (from *raod- vb.) "river-
y. räiti inf. (from rä- vb., cp. 2rätay- bed, bed',
sb.) 'to grant', y. uru&man- sb. f. (from h-aod- vb.)
y. räiti.hankardüa- adj. '(the saying) 'growing, growth*,
which is effected or accomplished y. uru&may- sb. f. (cp. uru&man- eb.)
by readiness to serve' (doubtful). 'shoot, offshoot; garden*,
räd- vb. (skr. rädhati subj.; räddhdh), y. uru&wan-, uru&war- sb. n. 'intesti-
pres. räda-, räSa-·, (iter.) räSaya-; nes, womb; core, quintessence*,
perf. ptcpl. pass, rästa-: 'to make y. 1 urupay- sb. m., name of a special
ready, prepare; to be ready, do a kind of the canine race,
p.'s will*. y. hirupay- sb. m., name of a king of
g. räda-, y. räda- sb. m. (from räd- the Kayäni&n dynasty,
vb.) 'minister*, g. urüpaya- denom. pres. (*umpa-
g. rädah- sb. n. (from rod- vb.) 'readi- sb. n. 'phantom*, skr. rüpä- sb. η.,
ness, willingness'. rüpayati 'he forms, represents, ex-
räd- vb. (cp. räfoma- adj.) pres. rä&-\ hibits by gesture, acts, feigns*) 'to
iri&ya-; perf. iriri&-, irirad-; perf. deceive*.
ptcpl. pass, irista-·. 'to cling, adhere y. urvaes- vb., pres. urvisya-; caus.
to (loc.); belong to (insti·.)'; perf. 'to urvaesaya-; s-aor.«rvii-; perf.ptcpl.
ly on (paiti with instr.). With paiti pass. urviSta-·. 'to turn; turn back,
only perf. ptcpl. pass, 'afflicted with, return; caus. to cause to turn, put
(esp.) afflicted with impure matter, to flight'. With apa and frä 'to turn
defiled'. forth, appear', with ava 'to turn
g. ra&ama- adj. (from ra&- vb.) 'ad- downwards, come down', with avi
hering or annexed to; follower of and ni 'to turn down to', with frä
(haiä with abl.)'. 'to turn towards, to bring on here;
y. xräna- sb. m. '(upper)thigh\ caus. to turn or lead back', with
*räna-, rqna- sb. m. (from 'ar- vb.) frä and aiici caus. 'to turn towards',
'fighter, warrior', only du. of the with tn 'to separate, part asunder*,
"two factions' being at variance with v. urvaesa- sb. m. (from urvaes- vb.)
one another. 'turning, turning-point; end',
räman- sb. n. (from ram- vb.) "rest, y. urvak- vb., pres. urvai-caya-: 'to
repose; peace'; with xȊstra- adj. join'.
('peace granting good pasture') g. urvata- sb. n. (skr. vratd-) 'ordi-
name of ο deity. nance'.
urvatai.nara- — sanhu- 267

y . urvatat.nara- sb. m., name of t w o y. saif- vb., only with aiwi and with
believers, avi 'to pass over*,
y . urvatay·, urvaiti- sb. f. (cp. urvata- y. saini.kaofa- adj. 'high-humped*.
sb.) 'strictly fulfilling', saok- v b . (skr. iöcati, iocayati), pres.
y. urvadä- sb. f., name of a river. sao6a·; caus. sao6aya-: 'to shine,
urva&a- adj. (from *var- vb. ?) "friend, flame, gleam, burn; caus. to set on
friendly*. f i r e ; to incite*,
urvan-, urun- sb. m. 'soul', the im- y . saoka- sb. n., saokä- sb. f . (from
mortal spirit of man, g i v i n g free- sav- vb.) 'use, utility; g a i n ; advan-
dom of will to choose g o o d or evil tage*.
and responsible for his actions com- y. saoiaya- sb. n., name of a sinful
mitted in this world, action.
y. urvant- adj. (*sruuant· pres. ptcpl. y. saoii.buye inf. 'to burst into flames'.
act., cp. lraod- vb., urüd• sb. and saoiyant- sb. m. (fut. ptcpl. act. of sav-
skr. srdvati 'he flows') 'flowing, vb.) 'Saviour, Helper, SaoSyarU'.
streaming', 1sak- vb. (skr. isakndti "he is strong or
y . urväxi.anhvä- a d j . (cp. urväd- vb. powerful', äik$ati 'he learns"), pres.
and urväz- v b . ) 'of cheerful spirit, sak-\ sasa-; des.sixäa-; c&us.8ä6aya-\
cheerful, joyful, glad*, perf. saik-, plusquamperf. saSka-;
v. urväxäaya- sb. m., name of a be- S-&OT. saxi·: 'to understand or know
liever. a th., to mark'; caus.'to teach'; des.
g . urväx&.uxtay- sb. f . (cp. urväxS.- 'to learn*. With aiwi 'to think of
amhvä- sb.) 'shout of joy*, (acc.), with ä 'to learn*,
g . urväta- sb.n. (cp. urvata- sb.) "doom, y. *sak- vb., pres. ik-\ saca-; perf.
commandment', ptcpl. pass, saxta-: 'to g o by, pass,
y . urväd,· v b . (cp. urväz- vb.), pres. pass a w a y ; to be up or over' (of
urväsa- 'to rejoice; to gain new time). With frä'to cease, expire, die*,
strength', y. saiay- adj. 'afflicted with a certain
y. urväfhra- adj. 'cleansing*, illness': obscure,
y . urvant inf. (from *var- vb.) 'to y . sata- sb. n., num. (skr. έαίά-) 'a
choose*. hundred'.
y. urväsnä- sb. f., name of an adori- y. 8αία-γηα- sb. n., plur. 'a hundred
ferous wood burnt on the fire for strokes'.
fumigation (sandal-wood), y. sata-γηάί inf. 'for to smite hundred',
y . urväz- v b . ( f r o m urväd- v b . b y ad- y. sata-fitana- adj. '(a club) with a
- dition of «), pres. urväza-\ perf. hundred knobs',
vaoräz-, väuräz-: 'to b e j o y f u l or y. satavaesa- sb. m., name of a star,
glad about, to rejoice in (instr.)'. y . satö.kara- a d j . (*kara- sb. n., skr.
g . urväzä- sb. f. ( f r o m urväz- v b . ) "joy, kula- 'a herd') 'whose herd consists
gladness, delight, bliss'. of a hundred sheep* (of the ram),
urväzista- a d j . (superl. to urväz- vb.) y . satö.dära- adj. (skr. äatadhära-)
'most blissful', 'having a hundred points or edges*,
g . urväzaman- sb. n. ( f r o m urväz- vb.) y . satö.vira- a d j . (skr. SatavUra-, epi-
'joy, delight, bliss*, thet of Vi$nu) 'a hundred times the
y. urvi-sarah- adj. 'with the thin height of a man*,
muzzle' (of the hedgehog), y. saiö.raoiana- adj. 'with a hundred
y. urvizö.maiäya- adj. 'lacing the windows',
waist'. y. satö.stüna- adj. 'with a hundred
y . urviilra- sb. n. ( f r o m urvaSs- vb., columns'.
lit. 'unfavourable turn, change for y. satö.stranha- adj. 'with a hundred
the worse') 'misfortune, calamity', gems' (doubtful),
y . urviitra{vant)- a d j . ( f r o m ui~üistra- y. saSä- sb. f. (from 1sand- vb.) 'appea-
sb.; urvistnm abridged f<>r urvii- rance, rising' (of stars),
travantdm) 'unfortunate, disastrous*. y . safa- sb. m. (skr. iaphd- sb. n.)
' h o o f (of the horse),
8. y . sanha- sb. m., see u n d e r sdngha-.
y . saed- v b . (skr. chidyate, cichide), y. sanhavak- sb. f., name of a sister
pres. siSya-; perf. hisid·: 'to split'. of Yima.
With ava and paröit 'to split as y. sanhü- sb. f. (from sah- vb.) 'order,
under'. command, law*.
268 sanhvant süka-

y. sanhvant- adj. (*sanhüvant-, from g. saxvar- sb. n. (from sqh- vb.) 'evil
sanhu- sb.) 'one, who keeps the design, plot',
laws'. g. sä- vb., pres. sya-; s-aor. sah-·, only
y. lsand- vb. (skr. chaddyati, chanda- mid. 'to defend o. s.\ With paiti
yati), pres. san\ sadaya·; sadaya·; 'to guard against (acc.)'.
saidyacaus. Sunday a-, 'to seem, y. sätar-, sä&r- sb.m. 'person in power,
appear; to be seen'; with a ptcpl. ruler, chief*.
or an inf. 'to think doing something'. sädra- sb. n. 'woe, sorrow, torment*,
*sand- vb., pres. sSnda-; s-aor. sqs-: y. slsäma- adj. (skr. iyämd·) "black*,
'to render, bring, procure'. y. säma-, name of an Iranian family,
sav- vb., fut. saoiya-; pass. suya-; y. say- vb. (skr. äete, έέτβ\ asäyata),
(iter.) sävaya-: 'to be useful, profi- pres. säy-, say-·, perf. ptcpl. pass.
table; to produce the benefit; pass, sita·: to lie, lie down, rest, repoee;
'to get the benefit', to lie on (acc. or ana with acc.)'.
g. y. sava· sb. m., n., g. savä- sb. f. y. säyuzdri- sb. m., name of a be-
(from sav- vb.) 'benefit', du. "benefit liever.
and harm'. y. sävanhay- sb. f., name of a godess
savah- sb. n. (from sav- vb.) 'use, pro- increasing the herds of large cattle,
fit, advantage, benefit*, y. sära- sb. m. (cp. sarah- sb. n. 'head*,
y. savahl- sb. n. (nom. du. of *savah- skr. Mras-) 'head*,
sb. n. 'morning, east', cp. skr. ivdh y. sasta- adj. (cp. sadra- sb.) 'cruel,
'to-morrow'), name of the eastern barbarous*.
region of the world, sästar- sb. m. (from sah- vb., skr.
g. savä- sb. f.: see under sava-. äästar-)'si ruler, commander, prince'.
isar- vb. (skr. ä&lrtah 'mixed'), pres. säsnä- sb. f. (from sah- vb., cp. skr.
sära-; s-aor. särsi-: 'to mix, join', έάsana- sb. n.) 'teaching, doctrine;
mid. 'to join, attach o. s. to, cleave command, order*.
to (instr.)'. sah- vb. (skr. äisti, a£i§at; &i§tah),
*sar- sb. f. (from sar- vb.) 'union, pres. sah-; slia-; säht-; perf. ptcpl.
league, communication with (gen. pass, sl&ta-, sasta-: 'to teach, in-
or instr.). struct, inform',
sar- sb. f. (cp. skr. äärlra· sb. η. 'the g. säx"an- sb. n. (from säh- vb.) 'teach-
body, bodily frame, solid parts of ing*.
the body, pi. the bones'), only du. g. singha-, sSrmha-, y. sanha- sb. m.
'the two solid parts of the body, i. e. (from sqh- vb., skr. ädmsa-) 'announ-
skin (with flesh &c.) and bones; cement, proclaiming, doctrine (esp.
body, dead body', the ahuric doctrine Y. 43.14); com-
g. sarvgan- sb. m. 'helper', mandment; (judge's)sentence; spea-
y. sarzta- adj. (cp. skr. έίέϊra- adj.) king, speech',
'cold'. g. sSnghana- sb. n. (cp. sZngha- sb.)
y. sand- sb.f. (cp. skr. iardd-'autumn; 'doctrine'.
a year') 'a year*, Sdviita- adj. (superl. to süra-, skr.
y. sharaSa- sb. n. 'kind, sort; species*, ädviftha-) 'strongest, most powerful'.
y. sar»da- sb. m. (derived from sand- sqh- vb. (skr. Samsati, Sasta 2. pi.;
sb.), name of the gods of the years, äastdfy), pres. sqh-, sah-; sSngha-,
g. sarddanä- sb. f. (cp. skr. &drdhati 'he sanha-·, sqsah-; perf. ptcpl. pass.
mocks at, ridicules, defies*) 'scorn, sasta-: 'to utter, proclaim, declare,
contempt, mockery', pi. (concrete) announce to, publish, make mani-
'despiser, scorner, one who dis- fest'. With aiwi 'to curse, cast a
honours, shames a th. (gen.)', spell on', with paiti 'to drive away
y. sars-dä- adj. (*sar- sb. f. 'coldness, by curses, to cast outJ or exorcise',
frigidity') 'bringing, producing cold- y. sixSaya- adj. (from sak- vb., cp.
ness*. skr. äiksenya-) 'to be learnt',
y. sairya- sb. n. 'dung*, y. sima- sb.n. 'horror, object of horror'.
y. sasta- sb. n. (from isand- vb,) 'ful- slzdya- pres. (cp.slzdra- adj.) 'to repel;
filment*. to shrink back from (abl.), to re-
y. sastay- sb. f. (from sqh- vb., skr. nounce*,
iastay-) 'praise; admonition', y. slzdra- adj. 'timid',
g. sazdyäi inf. (from *sand- vb.) 'to y. säka-, g. y. sü6a- (from saok- vb.,
fulfil'; skr. iucd-) 'shining, bright, clear*.
sukunna- — sti-Säta- 269

y. sukunna- sb. m., name of a kind nounce or abjure, to deprecate',

of the canine race 'porcupine*, with frd 'to praise',
y. suy&a- adj. 'Sogdi&n'. y. *star- vb. (skr. stfnäti, stfnöti, std-
y. suxra- adj. (from saok- vb., skr. rate; stfta\|i), pres. stdnnu-; stdnnä-,
&ukrd-) 'red (of fire)', st»nn-·, pass. -strya-·, perf. ptcpl.
y. sudui- sb. m. 'corn-mill', pass, stanta-, stvnta-·. 'to spread,
y. sutorä- sb. f. 'arrow', spread out or about, strew, scatter
y. sära- adj. (iura·) 'strong, power- (esp. of the .Bars.man-twigs)'. With
ful', with gen. 'master or mistress frd in the same sense,
of. y. 2star· vb., pres. stdra- (in causative
y. surun-(i.e.S*run-): see under srav·. sense); stmnav-·, starya-, -strya-·,
y. süirya- sb. n. (cp. savahl- sb.) 'mor- caus. stdraya-: 'to sin'. With ά act.
ning-meal'. and mid. 'to sin, to be or become
y. skand- yb., pres. siandaya-, steτι- sinful; to sin against a p. or a th.
day a-, siindaya-: 'to break, ruin, (abl. or gen.) by means of (instr. or
destroy'. With avi 'to break in two, acc. of the inner object)', caus. 'to
snap asunder', with upa or frd 'to 9
make sinful'.
destroy*. star- sb. m. (skr. instr. pi. stfbhify,
y. skamb-v b. (skr. skambhdthuh, skabh- cp. nom. pi. tdrah) 'a star',
niti, skabhäyäti) 'to prop, support*. y. stairis- sb. n. 'bed of straw, bed'.
With frd 'to make fast, fasten, fix*, stä- vb. (skr. dsthät, -sthdh), pres. etä-,
y. skanna· adj. 'round*. xitd-; hi.Ua-·, stanv··, stäya-; stay a··,
sksnda- sb.m. (from skand- vb.) 'de- perf. hast-, histä-\ s-aor. stäh-·, perf.
struction', acc. sg. with *kar- vb. 'to ptcpl. pass, stäta-, -sta-·. 'to stand,
break, disorder', stand still, stay quiet; to station o.
ιstaota- sb. m. (from stav- vb.) "song s.; to appear, come to, present o.e.;
or hymn of praise'. to put a p. in a place, to install;
*staota- adj. (derived from stüt- sb.) to be engaged in, make a practice
'belonging or relating to the hymns of, practise', with a ptcpl. or an adj.
of praise', plur. n. with yesnya- 'to continue in any condition or
'songs of praise and prayers*. action*. With ava 'to come along
staotar- sb. m. (from stav- vb., skr. or near; to set up*, with avi and
stotdr·) 'praiser*. ava 'to etand near', with ά 'to take
y. stao&wa- sb. n. (from stew-vb.)'the place, be found; to appear; to in-
praying (esp. of the A&aVahiita- stall'; with upa 'to come near, ap-
prayer)'. proach', with us 'to rise, raise ο. β.,
y. staomaine inf. (from stav- vb.) 'to arise from, stand up', with us and
praise'. paiti 'to rise again', with paiti 'to
y. staora- sb. m. 'large-cattle, draught- stand still, stop; to stand by the
cattle, draught animal (i. e. camel, side of (acc. or gen.)', with pairi 'to
horse, ox and ass)', prevent from (gen.)', with frd 'to ap-
y. staxra- adj. 'strong, firm', pear, set up; to proceed, progress',
y. stawra- adj. (cp. skr. stabdha· adj. with ham 'to arise, spring from',
'firmly fixed, supported, stiff*.from y. stavUta- adj. (superl. to *stüra-,
stabhndti 'he fixes firmly, supports') skr. sthürd- 'thick, dense, heavy,
'strong, firm', big*, cp. skr. sthdviftha-) 'very thick
v. staman- sb. m. 'mouth*. or rude or rough, worst*,
stay- sb. f. m. (from 1ah- vb., skr. stdy- y. stähya- adj. (from std- vb.) 'steady,
sb. m.) "being; existence; creation, steadfast, brave',
world; goods and chattels'. y. stshr-paesah- adj. (cpd. 9star- +
stav- vb. (skr. stdumi, stuvanti, stota paisah·) 'adorned, inlaid with stars',
2. pi., stuhl·, stutdh), pres. stav-, stv, v. stirvma- sb. m. (from lstar- vb.)
ρ erf. ptcpl. pass, stüta-·. 'to praise, 'store, place for storing goods',
laud, extol, celebrate in songs or y. sie, g. stöi inf. (from 1αΛ- vb., cp.
hymns; to chant; to pray; to pro- stay- sb.) 'to be',
mise solemnly'. With avi 'to praise', y. sti [N. S3]: obscure,
with apa 'to renounce', with ä 'to y. stig- sb. f. 'combat*,
praise', mid. 'to swear upon (acc.), y. sti-Säta- adj. (cp. stay- sb.) 'sub-
to swear upon the religion [Y.12.8], jected to the laws for the material
with upa 'to pray', with us 'to re- world, transient*.
270 stüi.baxadra sraoSa-

y. stüi.baxadra- adj. (stüi- side-form of mainyü', the third of the flye Gä&ä's
*stüra- in compounds, see nnder consisting of Y. 47—50.
stäviäta-; baxa&ra- sb. n. from bag- y. spantö mainyav- adj. 'coming form
yb. 'to apportion') 'where one gets or belonging to (the creation of)
large portions (of meat)'. the holy spirit*,
stüt- sb. f. (from stav- yb., skr. stüt-)y. spantö.mainyava- adj. 'coming from
'praise, hymn of praise*, or belonging to (the creation of)
y. stünä- sb. m., stund- sb. f. (cp. skr. the holy spirit*,
sthünä- sb. f.) 'the post or pillar or g . spared- sb. f. (cp. skr. spdrdhate
beam of a house', 'he copes with, contends for') 'zeal',
y. strl- sb. f. (skr. stA-) *a woman, y. spö.terata· adj. 'dragged away by
female, wife; the female of any dogs*.
animal'. spitäma- patronym. adj. 'descendent
y. spalta- adj. (skr. ivetd-) 'white*, of Spitama·', esp. Spitama Zara-
y. spa-ti&ra- adj. (see span- sb.) 'be- &u&tra.
longing to the canine race*, y. spiti.döi&ra- adj. (cp. spaita- adj.)
y. span-, sün- sb. m. (skr. ένά, iiinah) 'clear-eyed*,
'dog, hound', y. spityura- sb. m., name of a brother
y. tpanah- sb. n. (cp. spinta- adj.) of Yima.
'holiness, sanctity'. y. spiS- sb. n. 'louse*,
spanyah-, spainyah- adj. (compar. to y. snalg- vb., pres. snalza- 'to snow
spanta-) 'holier', (used personally), to make it snow*,
g. spaya&ra- sb. n. (from sav- yb. or y. snaoia- sb. m. 'clouds',
spa yb. 'to further*, cp. spa- sb. n. y. snaodant- adj. 'screaming, lamen-
'prosperity, joy* and skr. sphätdy- ting'.
sb. f. 'increase, growth, prosperity*) y. snada- sb. m. (cp. skr. inathihi
'prosperity, success; joy', imp. 'pierce, strike, kill') 'stroke,
y. spar· yb. (skr. sphurdti), pres. spara- stripe, blow*,
"to spurn, dart*. With frä 'to spring y. sna&äi inf. (cp. snada- sb.) 'to strike,
forth*, with irt 'to crush*. smite, to give a p. a stroke or blow*,
spas- yb. (BVr.pd&yati·, spaf(dfi), pres.
y. snai&ii- sb. n. (cp. snada- sb.) 'wea-
hispas-·, spaiu-; spain-; spasya·; pon (for smiting)',
perf. ptcpl. pass. spaMa-·. 'to look y. end- yb. (skr. snäii; snätdh), pres.
out for a th., to behold*. With avi snäda-; snaya-, -snya-; perf. ptcpl.
'to aim at a p., to threaten or me- pass, snäta-: *to wash*. With ä 'to
nace a p.*. wash, cleanse*, with frä 'to wash
s l
y. spas- sb. m. (from spas- vb.) 'one off or up*,
who looks or beholds, a watcher, y. sndviSJca- sb. m., name of a boaster,
spy*. killed by Karasäspa.
y. ^<S-vb., pres.spaya-; β-aor. späh-·, y. syävarsan- sb. m., name of a king
perf. ptcpl. pass, späta-: 'to throw, of the Kayäni&n dynasty.
throw away, cast off. With apa sraiSta- adj. (superl. to srira-, skr.
'to throw away", with at»' 'to thrust iriftha ) 'most splendid or beauti-
into'. ful,
y. späy- yb. (cp. skr. ivdyati 'he y. srao-gana- adj. (for sravö-·, *srava-
swells, grows, increases') 'to swell adj.'beautiful, excellent*?) '(a house)
(up)*. With frä- "to make a (great) with excellent women*,
show with (acc.)'. y. srao-tanü- adj. (cp. srao-gana- adj.)
y. späia- sb. m. 'host, army', 'beautiful of body',
y. spänavant- adj. 'with the two dogs', y. srao&ra- sb. n. (from srav- vb., skr.
y. spänah- sb. n. (cp. spanah- sb.) irdtra-) 'hearing; causing to hear,
'holiness, sanctity", reciting, chanting',
y. späma- sb. m. 'spit*, y. sraonay- sb. f. (skr. kr&iuiy- sb. m.,
y. spära.däita- adj.: obscure. f. mostly du. 'the hip and loins, but-
sp&ni$ta- adj. (superl. to spanta- adj.) tocks') 'buttock',
'holiest*. y. sraoman- sb. n. (from srav- vb.)
spanta- adj. 'holy*. "hearing".
y. spantd.mainyav- adj. (fem.) 'con- y. srao-rada- adj. (cp. srao-gana- adj.)
taining the words spantä mainyü, 'with beautiful or excellent chariots',
beginning with the words spantä y. sraoSa-, g. y. saraosa- (from srav-
sraoSa-vanz zadah- 271

vb.) 'hearing'; obedience'; esp. per- of the hands and of the feet or the
sonified as divinity 'Sraoäa'. nails of the hands,
y. sraoää-varaz- sb. m. (lit. 'who keeps y. srüta- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass, of
good discipline'), name of the se- srav- vb., skr. irutd-) 'heard; au-
venth subordinate priest (ratav-) dible; known, famous, celebrated*,
who superintends the sacrifice, and y. srui.gaoSa- adj.(cp. skr. irutkarna-
of the cock, the bird of SraoSa. adj.) 'one who has hearing ears,
y. sraoSö.iaranä- sb. f. (cp. iarman-. quick to hear*,
sb.) 'rod of correction', a sort of y. srut.gaoSö.tama- adj. (superl. to
whip used in religious castiga- srut.gaoia-) 'one whose ears are the
tion'. quickest to hear',
y. srao&yä- sb. f. (derived from sraoia- y. surunvata- adj. (from srav- vb.)
sb.) 'means of correction; punish- 'audible, loud*,
ment'. y. srva- sb. n. 'lead; leaden vessel*,
y. sraxtay-, frraxtay- sb. f. (skr. srak- y. srva&na- adj. (derived from erü-
tdy-) 'a corner, edge', sb.) 'horny, of horn*,
y. tray- vb. (skr. irayati, airet, iiira- y. srvara- adj. (cpd. srü- -f *bara-)
ya; iritdh), pres. gray-, srl-·, sraya-; 'horny*.
sräray-; srtnav-, sirinav-, srinu-, y. srvö.zana- adj. 'belonging to the
sirinv-; perf. sisray-; perf. ptcpl. horn-race*.
>ass. srita-: raid, 'to lean against
! loc.)\ With apa mid. 'to lean, be z.
directed against (abl.)', with paiti y. zalna- sb. m. (cp. skr. heidy- sb. f.)
and nl act. 'to deliver', with nl act. 'weapon*.
'to deliver, grant', zaotar- sb. m. (orig. 'one who pours
y. srayan- sb. n. (cp. gray- sb.) 'beauty'; butter into the fire, offers an ob-
srav- vb. (skr. hrdvat, irdta, έρ^όϋ, lation* cp. skr. juhöti 'he pours out'
tsu&rüfate, &rüydte, irävdyati; br&vi; or 'one who in vokes the gods' cp.
&u&ruma\ irutdh), pres. srav-, srv-·, skr. hdvate 'he calls, invokes', aw.
surunav-, srunav-, surunv-·, des. zavaiti, zbayeiti 'he invokes': two
susruSa··, pass, sruya-', caus. srä- terms referring to priestly functions
vaya-; pass.aor. srävi; perf. susru·; which were fallen together in the
β-aor. srüS-; perf. ptcpl. pass, srüta-: Aryan agent noun *&hautar-) 'priest,
'to hear, listen to, give ear to; to chief priest',
hear that anything is (two acc.)'; y. lzao&ra- sb. n., zaodrd· sb. f. (cp.
pass, 'te be heard, be celebrated or skr. hotrd- sb. n., juhöti 'he pours
renowned, be known as'; caus. 'to out') 'libation*,
cause to be heard, announce, pro- y. *ζαούτα- sb. n. (derived trom zaotar-
claim, recite*. With aiwi 'to hear, sb., skr. hotrd-) 'function or office
listen to'; pass, 'to be taught, in- of a Zaotar".
structed', with avi 'to hear', with y. zao&rö.bara- adj. 'offering libations'.
upa 'to hear", with frä 'to hear'; zaoya- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass. of. zaxf-
pass, 'to be known as'; caus. 'to vb., skr. hdvya-) 'to be called or in-
recite, chant', with vi 'to hear*, voked'.
y. sravanhav- adj. 'creeping along', y. zaoydrat- adj. (cpd.. *zaoyä- sb. f.
y. gravana- sb. η. [N. S3]: obscure. 'call' + ant-) 'rising or coming when
sravah- sb. n. (from srav· vb.) 'word; called*.
saying, doctrine; report*, y. ζαοέ- vb. (skr. jujuffana·, juftah),
v. srask- vb., pres. sras6a-\ caus. pres. zizus-; perf. ptcpl. pass. ziiSta-:
srasdaya-: 'to drip, drop, trickle; 'to be pleased or satisfied, to like,
to rain, drizzle*, be fond of. With ä 'to delight in
y. sräy-, srl- sb. f. (skr. iri-) 'beauty', (acc.)', with frä 'to love'.
g. srävayerihe inf. (from srav- vb.) ζαοέα- sb. m. (from zaoS- vb., skr.}ό$α·)
'to proclaim*, 'satisfaction, pleasure, wish, will,
g. srävahyeiti inf. (cp. sravah- sb.) 'to liking'.
become of (good or) ill report*, y. zaxiadra- sb. n. 'slanderous lan-
srlra- adj. (skr. Irild-, -Mrd-)'beautifur. guage'.
y. srirö.tara- adj. (compar. to srira- y. zadah- sb. m. (cp. skr. hadati 'he
adj.) 'more beautiful', evacuates, discharges excrement'),
y. srü-, srvä- sb. f. 'nail*, du. the nails du. '(buttocks,) backside'.
272 zafar- — zairimyamira-

y. zafar- sb. n. (cp. skr. jdmbha- sb. y. zavanö.srüt- adj. (skr. havanairut-)
m. pi. 'set of teeth, mouth, jaws') 'listening to or hearing the call or
'mouth' (of daSvic beings), invocation'.
y. lzan- vb. (skr. jajanti, ajijanat, zaraduitra· sb. m., name of the foun-
jani§ydti,jäyate; jätdh), pres. zazan·, der of the Mazda-religion and of
zlzan—, zän-; f u t zqhya-; pass, zaya-: the prophet of ancient Iran.
perf. ptcpl. pass, zäta-, -zanta-,-z9nta-: zarafrustray- pratron. adj. 'descen-
'(to generate, beget, produce;) to dant of Zaraüuitra; descended from
bear, bring forth, give birth to Z., given by Z., relating to Z., fol-
a child'; pass. or. mid.'to be born*. lower of Z ' .
With ά "to bring forth", with us 'to y. 1zaraduströ t&ma- sb. m. (superl. to
beget; to bring forth'; pass, 'to be zara&uMra- 'most resembling Z.'),
born'. name of the deity presiding over
*zan- vb. (skr.jändti), pres. zanä-, zän·; the priesthood,
zaya-] perf. ptcpl. pass. -zanta-: 'to y. Haraduströ.tama- adj. 'belonging or
know, have knowledge*. With ava relating to the Zara&uMrö.tama'.
'to become aware of (acc.)' to find y. zaranaina-, zannaina-adj. (cp. skr.
that (with double acc.)', with paiti hiranin- adj.) 'golden, adorned with
'to acknowledge, appreciate, wel- gold*'.
come, take up among*, y. zaranya- sb. n. (skr.hiranya·)'gold*,
y. zanga-, zsnga- sb. m. (skr. jdnghä- y. zaranyapaxita.pad- adj. {*paxMa-
sb. f. 'shank from the ankle to the perf. ptcpl. pass, of pas- vb. 'to
knee') 'ankle* (of ahuric, beings), fetter*) 'whose feet are joined or
y. zantav- sb. m. (from Han- vb.; skr. fastened with golden clamps',
jantäv- 'creature, living being, man', y. zaranyö.aiwiiäna- adj. (cp. skr.
the eg. also used collectively) 'coun- abhidkdnl- sb. f. 'halter') '(a horse)
try' (union of villages), with a golden bit or with gold-moun-
y. zantu-patay- sb. m. 'ruler or lord ted reins*,
of the country*, y. zaranyöJarata- adj. (skr. hiranya-
y. xzarduma- adj. (derived from zantav- kfta ) 'made of gold*,
sb.) 'belonging to the country', name y. zaranyö-paisa- adj. (cp. skr. hiran-
of the god of the countries, ydpeias- adj.) 'adorned with gold*,
y. %antuma- adj. (cp. izantuma- adj.) y. zaranyö.pis-, zaranyö.pid- adj.
'belonging or relating to the god 'adorned with gold*,
Zantuma'. y. zaranyö.pusa- adj. 'adorned with
y. zanda- sb. m., name of certain he- a golden diadem*,
retics. y. zaranyö.urvxxSna- adj. (cp. urvizö.-
zam· sb. f. 'earth, ground', maiiya- adj.) 'with golden laces',
y. zamara-guz-, zamar-güz- adj. (from y. zaranyö-srva- adj. 'with golden or
gaoz- vb., cp. skr. guhä adv. 'in a gilt horns',
hiding-place') 'concealing in or be- y. zaramaya- adj. (derived from *zar-
neath the earth*, maya- sb. m. "spring") 'vernal',
y. zaya- sb. m. (cp. ζαέηα- sb.) du. or.pl. y. zairi.gaona- adj. (zaray- adj. "yellow,
'implements, utensils'; sg. 'weapon', yellowish, gold-coloured', ekr.hdray-)
y. zayana- sb. n. (cp. skr. häyand- 'yellow, gold·coloured; green, gree-
'a year") 'winter(-time)'. nish'.
zav-, zbä- vb. (skr. hdvate, juhümdsi, y. zairi.gaoSa- adj. 'with yellow or
jöhavlti, hvdyati), pres. zava-; züzv-; gold-coloured ears*,
zaozav-, zaozizv-; zbaya-; s-aor. y. zairita· adj. (skr. hdrita-Y yellowish,
zävii-; perf. ptcpl. pass, zbäta-: 'to pale vellow, fallow*,
call, invoke; to curse'. With ά 'to y. zain.döi&ra- adj. 'with yellow or
call here', with upa 'to invoke', with gold-coloured eyes',
nt 'to call down', y. zairi.pä&na- adj. 'with a yellow or
g. zavan- sb. n. (from zav- vb.) 'call', gold-coloured heel",
y. zavnnö.sästa- adj. (*zavana- sb. n. y. zairimyanura- sb. m. (cpd. zairim-
'calling, invocation' from zav- vb., ya· sb. n. 'a solid house', skr. har-
skr. hdvana-) 'directed or instructed myd--\-ar»ura- sb.m. 'limb'or'finger;
by the call', toe', cp. skr. dnga- sb. n. 'limb' and
y. zavanö.sü- adj. (from sav- vb.) 'hel- angulary- sb. f. 'a finger, a toe':
ping, when called*. lit. 'whose limbs are in a shell'; cp.
zairimyaka zrazdätama- 27ä

skr. harmuta- sb. m. 'tortoise'), name y. zamöi&tva- sb. n. (cpd. zamö, gen.
of a daevie- animal 'tortoise*, sg. of zam'+Hitva- sb. n., cp. iStya-)
y. zairimyäka- sb. m. (abbreviation "clay brick*,
from zairitnyanura- sb.), an other y. Z9m.fra&ah· adj. 'as broad or wide
name of the tortoise. as the earth'.
zairi.varay- sb. m., name of a hero, zsvlitya- adj. (skr. jdvi§tha-, cp. igav-
y. zaurura- adj. (cp. skr. jtryati "he vb.j 'quickest, fleetest; most useful,
grows old, becomes decrepit') 'bro- serviceable*,
ken down by age, decrepit*, g. zarsd- sb. n. (skr. hrd-) "heart*,
y. zarsnaina- adj.: see under zara- y. zöiidiSta- adj. (superl. to the verb
nalna·. *zöizdä- 'to make shudder', cp. y.
y. zaranumaitl- sb. f., name of a river, zaSSa- adj. 'horrible, dreadful') 'most
v. zannya- adj. (cp. zarana&na- adj.) horrible, dreadful".
'golden*. zqda- sb. n. (from. lzan-) 'birth, gene-
y. saurvan- sb. m. (cp. zaurura- adj. ration, creation*.
and skr. jarimdn·) 'old age, de- zl encl. particle (skr. At) 'for, because;
crepitude", indeed, verily, surely, of course; lo*.
y. ζαηέ- vb., pres. zarfia-; perf. ptcpl. y. eui- adj. (from. zaoS- vb.) 'kind,
pass, -zarita-·. to pull, drag". With pleasing, graceful, charming*,
frä 'to pull away, drag away', with y. zgad- vb., pres. zgada-: 'to swim
nt 'to drag down or away", away*. With ά and frä 'to come
v. zarStva- sb. n. 'stone*, swimming along', with frä 'to come
y. zarStvaena- adj. '(of) stone', sb. n. swimming or flowing along*,
'stone*. y. zbar- vb. (skr. hvdrate 'be goes
zasta- sb. m. (skr. hästa-) 'hand' (of crookedly'), pres. zbara-: 'to go, walk
ahuric beings), crookedly* (techn. term for the going
g. zastavant- adj. (skr. hastavant- 'ha- of daevic beings, cp. pat- vb.)'.
ving hands') 'with a mighty arm, y. zbaraöa- sb. n. (from zbar- vb.)
energetic*, 'foot' (of daSvic beings),
y. zazaran- adj. (from zar- vb. 'to y. zbarah- sb. n. (from zbar- vb., skr.
make angry", skr. hfrttte 'he is angry*) hvdras· 'crookedness') 'hill',
'angry, wrathful; hot-tempered*, y. zbätar- sb. m. (from zav- vb , skr.
y. zazdite inf. (from 1zan-) 'to beget; hvätar-) 'one who calls or invokes*.
to brinp forth, give birth to a child*, zyam- sb. m. (skr. him-, cp. zayana·
y. zazäiti: see under Λaz-. eb.) 'winter'.
y. zazuitema- adj. (euperl. to zazvah-, zyä- vb. (skr. jinäsi,jlyate), pres.ztnä-;
perf. ptcpl. act. of haz- vb.) 'most pass, zya-; perf. zizy-: 'to wrong a
victorious', p., to deprive any one (acc.) of pro-
g. zaliya- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass, of zah- perty (acc.); to cause injury, damage,
vb. "to forsake, desert') "to be deser- ruin, destruction',
ted or handed over to destruction'. y. zyänay- sb. f. (from zyä- vb., skr.
zä- vb. (ekr.jih.ite 'be starts or springs jyäni·) 'damage',
forward, he goes"), pres. sä-; zaya-: y. zyä·. see under zyam·.
"to R'o\ With ä 'to approach", with y. zrayah- sb.n. (skr.jrdyas- 'expanse,
uz 'to spring up, arise". space, flat surface') 'expanse of
zäy- vb. (skr. jähäti "he leaves, de- water, lake, sea',
serts'), pres. zä-, ζ-; zaya-: 'to dis- g. zraz-dä- adj. (skr. iraddhä-) 'faith-
charge, emit*. With ava 'to drive ful, in faith doing reverence to'.
away*, with w 'to abandon, give up; zrazdätay- sb. f. (cp. zrazdä- adj.)
to separate o. s. from (acc.)\ l 'faith, confidence, belief in', adj.
y. zäta- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass, of zan-, 'faithful, trusting, having confi-
skr. jätd·) 'born; present*, dence'.
y. zävar- sb. n. '(bodily) strength, vi- y. zrazdätae-6a inf. (from zrazdä· vb.
gour". 'to have faith or belief or confi-
y. zäray· adj.(cp.zaray-) "yellow, gold- dence', skr. iraddhä-·, cp. zrazdä-
coloured', adj.) 'for to believe or have faith
y. Z9nga-·. see under zanga-. in'.
y zdmar-güz-·. see under zamaraguz-. y. zrazdätama- adj. (superl. to zrazdä-
y. zamas-ci&ra- adj. '(stars) that have adj.) 'having the greatest belief in
the seed of the earth in them*. (acc.), the best believer in'.
Aveata Reader. 18
274 zrazdiSta- — haomananhimna-

g. zrazdiSta- adj. (superl. to zrazdä- 'to go away to (acc.)", with fra 'to
adj., cp. zrazdätama-) 'most faithful*, step forward; to come along from;
y. zrvan-, zrän- sb. m.'time, any settled to go away from;' cans, 'to bring
point of time, fixed time', also deified, near; to set in motion', with vi caus.
y. zrvö.däta- adj. "created by Zrvan'. 'to make expand, knead',
g. y. Syä-, y. Sä- (§ 174.6) vb., pres.
i. Syä-; perf. ptcpl. pass. sdta-: 'tobe
glad or pleased'.
y. SaSta- sb. m. 'money, fortune, wealth,
riches'. i.
y. Saitö.fräiana- adj. 'increasing the
wealth'. y. zgar-vb.(cp.yzar-vb.),pres.zgara-:
Say- vb. (skr. kfiti, kfiydnti), pres.'to flow'. With aoi and frä 'to come
Say-, Sy-, xSay·; Say apert, ptcpl.flowing along',
pass. -Sita··, 'to abide, stay, dwell, y. znao- sb. n. (cp. skr. jänav-) 'knee'.
reside; to live with, hold with (instr.)'.
ιSav· vb.: see under Syav-. h.
*sav- vb., pres. Sva-: only with aiwi
"to crack', ]
λα- dem. pron. (skr. sä, sä; $ό, sdh),
y. Sä- adj. (from Syä- vb., § 174.6) 'joy- only y. hä nom. eg. m., g. hi nom.
ful, glad, happy'. s g / f . , g. y. hä nom. sg. f., y. hö,
Säta·: see under Syä-. A5, has- nom. eg. m. 'this here, this;
y. Sätay- sb. f. (from Syä- vb., § 174.5) he, she*.
'jov, pleasure, comfort', Λα- eucl. pron. 3d pers., only gen.-
y. Säiti inf. (from Syä- vb., cp. Sätay- dat. g. höi, y. he, höi, Si employed
sb.) 'to be glad or pleased', for all genders and numbers 'him,
y. Soi&ra· sb. n. (from Say- vb., skr. her, it; them',
k?4tra-) 'dwelling (place), abode, re- y, lha(k- vb. (skr. sincdti, asicat; sik-
sidence; settlement'; asäSöi&rd(acc. tdfr), pres. M6a-; hinca-; perf. ptcpl.
pi. with transition to the «-declen- pass, -hixta-: 'to pour out, discharge
sion) 'stations and settlements', water (with am and acc.)*, With
y. Söiürö.baxta- adj. 'assigned to the paiti 'to sprinkle', with para 'to
settlements', pour away, draw off the water*,
y. Sitay· sb. f. (from Say- vb., skr. y. *haek- vb. (cp. hikav- adj.), pres.
ksitay-) 'dwelling, abode, residence', caus. hae6aya-: 'to (become) dry',
y. Syao&na-, Syaoihna-, y.g. Syao&ana-only with us caus. 'to (make) dry.
sb. n. (from Syav- vb., cp. skr. cy- g. haecai-aspäna- patron, adj. 'descen-
autnd- 'enterprise') 'doing, acting, dant of Haliat.aspa'.
working; deed (also in the sense of y. haetav- sb. in. (skr. setav- 'dam,
misdeed), action, work; activity', bridge') 'dam, dike, quay',
y. Syaodananqm: quotes the second y. haitumant- sb. m., name of a river,
half of the Ahuna Fairya-prayer Hilmand
(y. 27. 13), which begins with this y. 1haenä· sb. f. (skr. send-) 'army,
word. host'
(of daevic. beings), 'hostile army*,
y. Syaoihiä-vardza- sb. m. 'committingy. haenä- sb. f. 'missile',
an action, the committer of a sinful y. haenya- »adj. (from haenä- sb., skr.
action'. sönya- sb. m.) 'belonging to the
y. Syao&nö.tät- sb. f. 'the passage be- hostile army', l
ginning with the word Syaodananqm. y. haoma- sb. m. (from hav- vb., skr.
the passage Syao&ananqm of the soma·), name of a plant of magical
Ahuna Vairya- prayer. and healing properties and of the
g. Syaoman- sb. n. (from Syav- vb., juice of this plant, also deified,
cp. Syao&na-) 'deed, work', y. haomanarsha- sb. n. (derived from
g. Syav-, y. Sav- (§ 174.5) vb. (skr. humanah- adj., cp. skr. saumanasd-)
cydvate, cyävdyati·, cyotfhäh; cucyu- 'cheerfulness, enjoyment, comfort',
vimdhi·, cyutdlf.), pres. Syav-, y.Sav- haomananhimna- adj. (pres. ptcpl.
Sv-; Sitsa-; Sävaya·; s-aor. SaoS-·, perf. mid. oihaomanahya- den. pres. from.
SüSu-; perf. ptcpl. pass. -Suta-; 'to haomananha- sb., cp. skr. suma-
move; to deal with a p. (acc.); to nasydmäna- adj.) 'cheerful, joyful,
go away from". With avi and frä glad'.
haomayav- — hadänaepatä 275

y. haomayav· adj. (derived from haoma- 'the inner part of the thigh'; bünöi
sb.) 'containing Haoma, mixed with haxtayA(gen.du.)'in flesh and blood,
Haoma\ y. haxabra- sb. n. (from hak- vb.)
y. haomavant- adj. (skr. sömavant-) 'assembly*,
'mixed with Haoma'. g. y. haxman·, g. haa&man- sb. n.
ν haomya- adj. (ekr. somyä-) 'connec- (from hak- vb., skr. sdkman-) 'com-
ted with or belonging to Haoma'. panionship, association*; name of the
y. haoya- adj. (ekr. savyd·) 'left*, first caste 'priesthood*,
v. haoyä [Y. 11. 1]: see under hava-. y. haf,a, g. haiä adv. (skr. sdcä adv.
y. haosravanha- sb n. (derived from 'near, at hand', prep, 'at, by; to-
husravah- adj., cp. skr. sauiravasd-) gether with*) 'out (here)'; prep, with
'good reputation, (high) renown, abl. 'from' (of place and time), 'by
celebrity*, (of agent), 'on account of, owing
y. haosravanhan- adj. (derived from to, becauee of (of cause), after,
haosravanha- sb.) 'having a good according to' (of manner); with instr.
reputation*, 'from' (of place); with acc. 'from'
y. lhaosravah- sb. m.t name of an in- (of place),
let of the sea VouruJcaSa. y. haiat.pu&rd- adj., only fem. 'preg-
j. thaosravah- sb. m.f name of a king nant*.
of the KayäniKa dynasty, y. haia.mana- adj. 'in accordance with
y. haoi- vb. (cp. anhaotemna-), pres. a p.'s will, attached*,
haoi-i 'to (become) dry, dry up*, y. lHad- vb. (skr. sidati, sädäyati,
y. haoSyanha- sb. m., name of the sedüh), pres. -iad-·, hiSa-; aor. hi-
ancestor and first monarch of the Söii, ·Sädayöii; caus. -Sädaya-, -Μ·
Iranians. daya-·, perf. hazd-·, perf. ptcpl. pass.
liak- vb. (skr. sdcate, sifakti, takfat), -Sta-; 'to sit down*. Wit apa 'to
pres. hak, sk-; ha6a-\ hiS.hak-, hifk-; recede, remove*, with nl 'to sit down';
haxSa··, des. hixia-; haiaya-·, (iter.) to sit, remain sitting, stay or abide';
häöaya-; perf. ptcpl. pass, -haxta-: with a pres. ptcpl. 'to begin or com-
with acc. 'to associate o. s. with; mcnce doing something'; caus, 'to
to strive for; to instigate to; to take cause to sit down, place (down)*.
part or participate in; to fall to a *had- vb. (skr. ä-sad- vb. 'to go to,
persons lot', with instr. 'to go after, approach; meet with, reach"), only
follow, accompany, to be associated with ä, pres. ä-enav-(orig.*ä-zd-nav-,
or united with, to partake o f ; absol. § 39.4) 'to go to, go towards, ap-
.'to join, unite for to do anything*. proach; to reach, ascend (a moun-
With upa "to accompany, adhere or tain)'.
be attached to (acc.); to fall to a y. lhaSa adv. (from *ham- num. 'one',
persons lot (with acc.); to partake skr. sädä) 'always, ever, every time*,
of (instr.); 'to be obliging to a p. that y. ι 2Λαδα, g. hadä adv. (skr. aahd, cp.
(with two dat.)', with para 'to take 1ιαδα adv.) "together with', prep,
back'. with instr."together with, along with,
y. hakat adv. (cp. skr. säkdm adv. in conjunction with, jointly, con-
adv. and y. haiar»t adv.) 'at once, jointly with', with abl. ?.
at the same time*, y. hada.aisma- adj. 'having or offering
y. haksrvt adv. {ha·, connected with fire-wood',
ham-, num. 'one* as prefix ex- y. hadaoxta- sb. n. (cpd. ha&a+uxta-
pressing junction, possession, simi- "together with that whicli is spoken'),
larity, equality; skr. sdkft) 'once', name of certain Aveetan texts,
y. hak9Tvt.gan- adj. 'killing at once v. haia.baoSay- adj. "having or offe-
or at one stroke*, ring incense*,
y. ha-y&aidhdm adv. (avyaylbhäva- cpd. y. haba.ratufritay- adj. 'with the pray-
lit. 'accompanied by the object of ers unto the Ratav's, saying the
the prayer": ha-+ ySanha- sb. m. prayers unto the Ratav's,'.
'prayer, object of the prayer* from v. hada.hunara- adj. "skilful",
gad- vb.) 'with or by granting the y. hadänaepatä-, hadänaepatä- sb. f.,
prayer'. name of an odoriferous plant men-
y. haxay-, hasy-, has- (§ 174. 5) sb. m. tioned as acceptable fuel for the
(skr. säkhay-) 'friend, companion'. sacred fire, or scent for fumigation
haxt- sb. n. (cp. skr. sdkthi- 'thigh') (pomegranate).
276 hadö.zäta- — hava·

y. haiö.zäta- adj. (skr. sahajäta-) '(a cp.. skr. tuvikürmay- adj.) 'one who
brother) born from the same womb', consolidates',
y. hadiS- sb. n. (from had- vb., cp. y. han-gatay- sb. f. (skr. sdmgatay-)
skr. sddas- sb. n.) 'abode', name of 'coming together; gathering*,
the god of the native abode, y. han-jamana· sb. n. (from gam- vb.,
g. hatdlm adv.: see under haifrya-. cp. hangatay•) 'coming together,
y. haidlm.asavan- adj. 'the very faith meeting,
assembly; consultation',
ful'. g. hant- vb., pres. hlsasa··, fut. hqsya-:
y. hai&yä adv.: see under hai&ya-. 2
'to attain to'.
"hai&ya- adj. (skr. satyä-) 'true, real,hant-, iant-, hat-, hat- pres. ptcpl. act.:
truthful; righteous', instr. eg. hai&yd see under iah-.
and acc. sg. haidim as adv. 'truly, y. ham- sb. m. (cp. skr. sdmä- vb. f.
indeed, verily', 'year') 'summer'.
y. hai&yd-varsz- adj. '(making true or *ham, see under hqm.
good,) practising truth, one whose y. 1hama- adj. (skr. samd-) 'equal, like;
actions are true*, the same',
g. haidyö.dvaliah- adj. "a true enemy'. y. 2Λατηα- adj. (skr. sama- 'any, every')
ha&rd adv. (skr. satrd) 'in the same "any, every',
place, at the same time; together, g. y. hamaestar· sb. m. (from mald-
jointly, simultaneously; at once, im- vb. with ham-, §33.10) 'suppressor*,
mediatly", with bav- vb. 'to gather y. hama-gaona-, hamö.gaona- adj.'one-
o. s p r e p , with instr. 'together with, coloured*.
in conjunction with; by means of. y. hama&a adv. 'in like manner, alike,
y. hadra-vanant- adj. (from h)an- vb.) equally; at the same time with',
'vanquishing at one stroke*, y. hama.näfaSna- adj. 'of the same
y. ha&räka- adj. (derived from ha- family, of the same race*,
frr&nk· adj.) 'one who unites, as- y. hamaspa9maidaya- sb. m., name
sembles' (with gen.). of the god of the sixth season and
y. ha&rä.nivätay- sb. f. 'smiting down of the season-festival,
at one stroke, y. ham-dn&a- sb. m. (from 1 ar-, lit.
y. haüränk- adj. (derived from hafrra-, 'one who has or seeks for a hostile
skr. satrdnk-) 'concentrated, united, encounter'; cp. skr. samara- sb. m.
joined'. 'hostile encounter') 'enemy, foe*,
y. hamö.gaona- adj.: see under hama-
y. hapta num. (skr. saptd) 'seven1. gaona-.
hapta&a- num. adj. (skr. saptdtha-) y. hamö-xsadra- adj. 'omnipotent,'all-
'seventh', sb. n. 'the seventh region
of the earth', i. e. 'Karsvar Xvani- y. powerful*,
hamö.manah- adj. 'thinking the
ra&a'. same*.
y. haptai&ya- adj. (derived from hap- y. hamo.va6ah- adj. 'speaking the
ta&a- sb.) 'septempartite*. same*.
y. hapta-iahätay- adj. 'comprising se- y. hamö.Syaodna- adj. 'doing the same*.
ven Hdtay or chapters*, hay- encl. prou. dem. (skr. slm employed
y. haptö.karSvan- adj. 'consisting of for all genders and numbers), only
seven Κ or comprising the seven K.'. acc. Aim sg., hl du., his pi. for all
y. haptö.kansvar- sb. n., plur. 'the genders 'him, her, it, them*.
seven K. or regions of the earth", lhav- vb. (skr. sunöti, so§yati\ sutdh),
y. haptö-iringa- adj. 'with seven pres. hunav-, hunv-\ hun-\ fut. hao-
marks', plur. with *star- sb. m. name iya-; perf. ptcpl. pass, huta-: 'to
of the deified constellation 'Ursa stamp, press out'. With aivoi 'to ex-
major'. tract", with ä 'to stamp', with frd
y. ha-nuharzna- sb. n. (*x?ar»na- 'to prepare',
§100.1 lit. "with the jaw-bones') y. 3hav- vb. (skr. suvdti; sütdh), pres.
'cheek*. χναηυ-, hunä-; hvan-; perf. ptcpl.
g. hanhui- sb. n. (cp. hahya- sb. n.) pass. -huta•; *to urge, impel, incite'.
"(fruit,) gain, prise', With apa 'to turn o f f .
y. hana- adj. (skr. Sana-) 'old*, y. 3hav- vb. (skr. süte), pres. hunä-·,
y. han-kana- sb. n. (from *kan- vb.) 'to bear offspring, give birth to a
'cave*. child".
y. han-kirsma- adj. (from lkar- vb., y. hava-, *hva-, g. y. x*"a- adj. (skr.
havanhö.dä- — hä&rö .masah- 277

svd·) 'own, one's own, my own, thy or acting in harmony with, being
own, his own &c.' (referring to of one mind with (instr.)'.
all three persons according to con- y. hazarsra- num. n. (skr. sahdsra-)
text). *a thousand*,
v. havcmhö.dä· adj. (*havcmhvö.dä-, y. hazanrd.gaoSa-, hazanrö.gaoxa- adj.
cp. hcivanhva- sb. n. and § 100. 4) 'who has a thousand ears (i. <·.. whose
'granting good life, blessedness,hap- auditory sense is as powerful as
piness'. 1000 ears taken together'),
y. havanhva- sb. n. (derived from *hv- y. hazanra-gan- adj.'killing thousand',
anhav- adj.) 'good life, blessedness, y. hazai»ra-yna· sb. η , plur. 'thousand
happiness', strokes'.
y. har- vb., pres. hara-x haurva"to y. hazanra-ynäi inf. (cp. hazanra-yna-
pay attention to'. With ni 'to guard, sb.) 'to smite thousand*,
keep watch over (acc.), mid. to save y. hazanra-ynydi inf. (from gan- vb.)
(ο. s.), escape from ( p a i r i with abl.)\ 'to smite thousand*,
y. haraitl- sb. f. (cp. hard- sb.), name y. hazanrd.yaoxstay- adj. 'endowed
of a mountain, with a thousand accomplishments',
v. harä- sb. f. (cp. haraitl- sb.), name y. hazanrd.gao§a-: see under haza-
of a mountain, •ora.gaoSa-.
y. haröiva- sb. m. (cp. skr. sarayü- y. hazanrd.yaoxstay-·. see under ha-
sb. f., name of a river), name of a zanra.yaoxitay-.
land. y. hazanrö.gaoSa-i see under haza-
y. hank- vb., pres. (iter.) haniaya-: nra.gaoSa.
*to throw away, cast off*. With fr& y. hazanrö.frasiiiribana- adj. 'suppor-
"to send out', ted by a thousand beams',
y. hanta- adj. "afflicted with a certain y. hazanrö.stüna- adj. (skr. sahäsra-
illness'. sthüna·) 'supported by a thousand
v. hardtar- sb. m. (from har- vb.) columns'.
'guardian, keeper", y. hazanröhunä- adj. (*huna· adj.
v. hanSii- sb. n. 'insanity, madness', from 3hav- vb.), only fem. 'with her
y. harddra· sb. n. (from har- vb.) thousand-fold brood*.
'guarding, protection', hazah- sb. n. (from haz- vb., skr. sähas-)
y. har&frravant- adj. 'affording pro- 'strength, power, force; violence*,
tection'. y. hate: see under haxay-.
v. hara&rdi inf. (from har vb., cp. y. hahya- sb. n. (cp. skr. sasyd·) 'fruit,
• hanfrra- sb.) *to pay attention to, corn*.
watch over', y. hahya- adj. (cp. hahya- sb.) 'relating
v. haurva- adj. (skr. sdrva-) 'whole, to the corn'.
entire; unhurt, intact, sound'. ha{y)- vb. (skr. tydti; sifdya; sitdh),
haurvatät-, haurodt- (by haplology) pres. haya; perf. hi&äy-; perf. ptc.pl.
sb. f. (cp. skr. sdrvatdtay- sb. f.) pass. hita-·. 'to bind, tie, fetter'. With
'wholeness, completeness, perfect ά 'to oppress*,
happiness or prosperity, welfare", y. häu dem. pron. (cp. skr. a-eau),
also deified. nom. sg. m. and f. 'that' (denoting
haurvät-·. see under haurvatät-, that which is more remote from the
y. haourvö pasciö [Ν. 20]: obscure, speaker); sometimes to be translated
y. ham- vb. (skr- sdrjataj}., srjdti, by the adverb 'there' or by the pro-
pass, srjydte; srstdh), pres. haruza-; noun 'the; he, she*,
hanza-\ fut. haniya-; harszaya-; y. hätay- sb. f. (from hay- vb., skr.
hdrdzya··, perf. ptcpl. pass, -har&ta-·. sätdy- 'end'), '(binding,) section,
'to discharge, emit, send out; to let chapter*.
go or'stand; to filter*. With avi g. hädröyä- sb. f. (cp. skr. sädhnöti
and frä 'to pour forth (the seed) "he is successful, succeeds*, sidhrd-
into (acc.)*, with upa 'to throw down*, 'successful') 'desire for the attain-
with pairi "to filter'. ment of the goal',
haz- vb. (skr. satiate; sähvdri), pres. y. hddro.masah- adj. (hdOra- sb. n.,
za- \ zaz-\ perf. zaz-: 'to take posses- a measure of distance, as well as
sion of, occupy, win, gain; to be of time: 'a medium Ηάϋτα of distance
victorious*, is a thousand steps of the two feet'
y. ha-zaoia- adj. (skr. sajosa-) 'being F. 27) 'one Hd&ra long*.
278 häma hudä(y)-

häma- adj. (cp. hama- adj.) 'equal, y. hiQwat adv. (from häy- vb.) 'anxious',
like: the same*, with hav- vb. 'to be seized with
y. Havana- sb. m. (from lhav- vb.) du. anxiety*.
'mortar (and pestle) need for poun- y. hinav- sb. ra. (from häy- vb.) 'fetters*,
ding the Haoma'. y. him encl. particle (acc. eg. of hay-
y. hävanan- sb. m. (from hävana- pron., skr. «Im), generalizing and
sb. m.), name of the first subordi- emphasizing,
nate priest (ratav-) who pounds the g. y. Aim, y. him acc. sg. m., f., η.:
Haoma. see under hay-,
y. Jiävanay· adj. (derived from Hav- hizü- sb. m. (cp. skr. jihvd- sb. f.)
ana- sb. n. 'act of pressing out the 'tongue', instr. hizvä 'in the speech*,
Haoma-juice', skr. sdvana-) 'rela- y. hizuma- sb. m. (derived from hizü-
ting to the act of pressing out the sb.) 'mouth*,
i/aoma-j uice'. g. hizvah- sb. n. (cp. hizü- sb.) 'tongue*,
y. hävanö.zasta- adj. 'who holds the y. hizvä- sb. f. (cp. hizü· sb.) 'tongue*,
njortar in his hand', y. hisvärana- sb. n.: obscure,
y. häröiva- adj. (derived from haröiva- g. y. Ali, y. hii acc. pi. m., f., η.: see
eb. ra., name of a land) 'belonging under hay-.
to Haröiva'. y. hiskav- adj. 'dry',
y. häiriSl- sb. f. 'al female', y. hiimatrya- adj. (fut. ptcpl. pass, of
y. A3: see under ha·. hnar- vb.) 'to be thought over*,
g. him·, see under hqm. g. y. Au-, y. Aü-, g. hü - adv. (skr. su-)
y. hi particle (ethic, dat. of the pron. 'well, good, beautiful', prefixed to
3 d pers.), not translatable, nouns.
y. hö·. see under 'Λα-, y. hü gen. sg.: see under hvar-.
g. höiä [Y. 53. 6]: obscure, y. hükairya- sb. n., name of the highest
y. hqm, hqm.-, hqm·, ham·, han-, hart-, peak of the Hard wherefrom the
ha-, g. h9m,Mm.-,hSm3-,h9n-,hd-,ha- Aredift-river flows,
adv. (skr. »dm) "together". Vbl. prefix, y. hu-karata- adj. (skr. sukjrta·) 'well
y. hqmina- sb. n. (derived from hqm- done or made or formed*,
sb.) 'summer-time', y. hu-fohrp- adj. 'well-shapen, well-
v. hqm.paritam absol. (abridged for formed*.
darayö.hqmparStam, see note on y. hu-karapta- adj. (skr. klptd-) 'well-
H. 2. 14) 'permanently consulting' shapen, well-formed*.
(with acc.). hüxta- adj. (cpd. hu -f- uxta-, skr .süktd-)
y. hqm.bsrgfrwä- sb. f. (from, 'öar- vb.) 'well-spoken', name of the second of
'harvest'. the three forecourts of the paradise.
y. hqm.vantay·, hqm.wntay- sb. f. hu-xratav- adj. 'judicious*.
(from l var- vb.) 'courage, bravery, hu-χέαΦτα- adj. (skr. sukfatrd-) 'ruling
valour*, also deified, well, good ruler*.
y. hqm.varatay-·. see under hqm.va- huxia#rö.tama- adj. (superl. to' hu-
retay-. xiadra- adj.) 'best ruler*,
y. hqm.raoda- adj. (cp. skr. samrohä- y. huxäa&rö.tdmäi: quotes the strophe
sb. m. 'growing over') 'growing up beginning with this word Y. 35. 5.
together'. y. hu-6i&ra- adj.'good-looking, beauti-
y. hqm.urolsvant- adj. (from urvais- ful*.
vb.) 'running away, taking to flight', hu-jltay- sb. f. "good life, conduct*;
y. hqm.8ru£.-vä6aya·, hqm.srut.-vä6ya- plur. 'good works of life',
sb. η. 'reciting by listening, assisting g. hu-jydtay- sb. f. 'good life', esp. of
one another in speaking', the life in the other world,
g. Αϊ nom. sg. f.: see under 'Λα-, y. hütay- sb. f. (from shav-) 'artisan',
g. hi acc. dn. n.: see under hay·. name of the fourth caste,
y. hikav- adj. (from ^haik- vb.) "dry*, y. hu-tdita· adj. (skr. sütafta·) 'well-
y. hita- sb. m. (orig. perf. ptcpl. pass, fashioned; well made, good, robust*,
of häy- vb.) du. and pi. 'two-horse v. hu-tästa-: see under hutdsta-.
team, teams of horses*, y. hu-daena- adj. 'whose self is good',
y. hitäspa- sb. m., name of the mur- g. hu-dä(y)-, y. hu-iä{y)- adj. (cp. skr.
derer of Urväx&aya. sudhi-) 'having a good understan-
g. hiOav- sb. m. (from, häy- vb.) 'fel- ding, man of understanding; bene-
lowship'. volent, gracious*.
hud Uta- — huiköxamöJama- 279

y. hu-iäta- adj. (cp. skr. subita·) 'well y. humayaka- sb. m., name of an enemy
created, well built', of the Mazda-religion,
g. hurdänav· adj. (from *däy- vb.) 'ha- y. hu-maya- adj.: see under humäya·.
ving a good understanding, g r e a t g. y. hu-mäya-, y. hu-maya- adj. (cp.
prudence', skr. mdy'as- sb. n. 'refreshment,
y. hu-däh-, hu-däh- adj. (cp. skr. vasu- enjoyment, pleasure") 'blessed*,
dhd- adj. 'producing wealth, liberal', y. hu-mäyö.tara- adj. (compar. to hu-
name of the earth) 'doing good, mäya- adj.) 'more blessed*,
beneficent, liberal', g. hti-mqzdar- sb. m. (from mqzdd-
g. hud»ma· sb. m. (cp. skr. svädmdn- vb., cp. skr. mandhätdr-) 'one who
sb. m.'sweetness') 'sweetness,beauty', marks well a tta.\
y. hu-parana- adj. (skr. suparnd-) 'ha- y. hu-mizda- adj. "yielding good re-
ving good or beautiful wings, well- ward*.
winged'. y. hu-yazata- adj. 'to be worshipped
v. hupö.busta- (cpd. hu + upabusta·, highly*.
from baod- vb.) 'well scented', y. hu ya&ta- adj. (skr. svif(a-) "well
y. hu-ptar- adj. 'of noble parentage*, recited; well honoured*,
y. hu-baoSay- sb. f. 'perfume, sweet y. hu-yaitatara- adj. (compar. to hu-
scent', adj. 'of pleasant odour, scen- yaSta·) 'worshipped or honoured
ted, perfumed*, even better',
y. hu-baoiditara- adj. (compar. to hu- y. huyäirya- adj. (derived from *hu-
baoday- adj.) 'more sweet-scented*, ydr- sb. n.) "having a good year or
y. hu-baoiiitä- sb. f. 'perfume*, a good harvest; producing a good
y. hu-baoiditsma- adj. (superl. to hu- year or a good harvest', sb. n. 'a
baoday- adj.) 'most sweet-scented*, good year, a good harvest',
y. hu-baya- adj. (skr. subhdga-) 'pos- y. hu-raoda- adj. 'fair of form, beau-
sessing and granting conjugal feli- tiful*.
city*. v. hu-raodah- adj. 'fair of form, beau-
y. hu-bdratay- sb. f. 'good offering', " tiful*.
y. hu-baratö, hu-bdrdlä, hu-baratqm y. hu.irixtam absol. (from raek- vb.)
absol. 'in good care', 'at full pace*,
y. hu-frabaratay- sb. f. 'good offering*, y. hurunya- sb. n. (derived from *hu-
y. hu-franhar&ta- adj. (perf. ptcpl. rvan-, hu-run- adj. 'whose soul is
pass, of ham- vb.) 'well swung*, good') 'peace of mind',
y. hu-fraourvaisa- adj. 'clever in tur- y. hustarata- adj. 'well spread*,
ning on' (with acc.). v. huzaena- adj. 'well-armed*,
y. hu-fräyaita· adj. "well offered or y. hu-z&may- sb. m. (*eä-may-, from
praised or invoked', Han- vb.) 'easy delivery or child-
y. hufräyastay- sb f. 'good offering birth*.
or praise or-consecration', y. huzämit- adj. (derived from hu-
y. hu-fräyaitayae ia inf. (from yaz- zämay- sb.) 'bringing forth easily,
vb.) 'to offer or praise well*, having an easy childbirth*,
y. hunav- sb. m. (from shav-, skr. sü- y. hu-say ana- adj. 'granting a good
ηάυ-) 'son' (of daevic beings), dwelling*,
g. hitnara- sb. m. (skr. sündra- adj.) g·. hu-idna- adj. (*hina- sb. m. from
'might; skill, cleverness'. han- vb. 'to earn', skr. supdna- adj.
g. hunaravant- adj. 'skilled, clever*, 'easy to be acquired') 'bringing or
y. hunairy&nk- adj. (cp. hunara- sb.) producing a good reward or prize",
'skilled, clever*, g. hu-soidaman- sb. n. (from iay- vb.)
y. hu-nivixta- adj. (cp. vaeya- sb.) 'well "good habitation'.
flung (down)'. huiitay- sb. f. (skr. suk$itdy-) 'good
humata- adj. (skr. sumata- sb.) 'well abode or habitation', with yäirya-
thought', sb. n. sg. and pi. name of adj.'good habitation lasting through-
the first of the three forecourts of out the year", as deity,
the paradise, y." huslca- adj. (from haoü- vb., skr.
y. liumatanqm: quotes the strophe Auskär) 'dry',
beginning with this word Y. 35. 2. y. hu&kö.zam- sb. f. "dry earth*,
y. hu-manah- adj. (skr. sumdnas-) y. huskö.zamö.tama- adj. (superl. to
'whose tinking is good, good-minded, huSkö.zam-) 'where the ground in
well-disposed, well pleased, cheerful*. the driest'.
280 huiyao&na- — χ«αρ·

y. hu-syaodna-, g. hu-iyao&ana- adj. y. 1hvärat· adj. (cpd. hvä + *ant-, from

'whose doing is good*. ar- vb.) 'rising well',
g. hui-haxay-adj. (§ 103 skr.susäkhay·) y. ^hvä-zäta- adj. (skr. svajäta·) 'self-
'good friend', begotten',
y. hu$.hqm.banta- adj. (§ 103) 'well y. *hv-äzäta- adj. 'nobly born, of high
acquired', parentage'.
y. hus.hqm.sasta- adj. (§ 103, from hvö- prefixed to nouns = hu-.
sah- vb.) "easy to be governed'. g. hvö.gva-, y. hvöva- adj., name of
g. hya- pron. rel.: see under l ya-. of an Iranian family,
g. ^hyat particle: see under yat.2 y. hvöva··. see under hvö.gva-.
*hya£ conjunction: see under yai- y. hvötX- sb. f. name of the third wife
hva- dem. pron., only nom. sg. m. of Zara&uMra.
hvö 'this; the, he'. g. hvö.uruia- adj. (from x»ar- vb.)
hva·: see under hava-. 'one who hungers after nurture",
y. hvacah- adj. (cpd. *hu-vaiah, skr. y. hvqdwa· adj. (cpd. hu- + vqdwa·)
suvacas-) 'whose speaking is good', 'whose herds are good or beautiful*,
y. hvrapah- adj. (skr. svdpas- adj., cp. y. hvqfavavant- adj. "having good or
hväpah-) 'doing good works or acts', beautiful herds',
y. hv-aiwyästa- adj. (cpd. aiwi- + asta·, y. hvidäta- adj. (cpd. hu-vidäta·, skr.
from sah- vb.) 'well-darted'. suvihita-) 'well built',
g. hvanhaoya- sb. n. (derived from y. hvlra- adj. (cpd. hu- + trtra- sb. n.
*hvanhav- adj., cp. havanhva- sb.) 'understanding') 'of good under-
'good or blessed life*, standing*.
g. y. hvar-, g. xvan· sb. n. (skr. svär-)
'sun, sunshine', also deified, Ji.
y. hvara-xiaita- sb. n. 'the shining sun', y. hyaona- adj., name of a folk and
also deified, of a land.
y. hvara.darvsa- adj. (cp. s)s.T.8vardf&-)
'looking like the sun*, xv.
y. hvan.darvsä- sb. f. "the being be- oc°a- adj.: see under hava-.
held by the sun or exposed to the x»a- prefixed to nouns = hu-.
sun*. χναδ- prefixed to nouns (from hava-,
y. hvard.darvsya- adj. 'beheld by the x»a- adj.) 'sell, own".
sun, exposed to the sun*, xvaitav- adj. (from x«a-, j. hava- adj.)
y. hvaraz-adj. (cpd.hu + vanz·)'whose 'belonging to the kinship, kinsman;
doing is good'. esp. belonging to the nobility, noble
hvaritahvarsita- adj. (hu+varita-) man*.
'well done', sb. n. eg. and pi. name y. act>aetvada&a- adj. (cpd. xvaitav- +
of the third of the three forecourts vadada- sb. m. 'marriage' from vad-
of the paradise, vb.) 'one who has married the nex-
y. hvara.hazaoSa- adj. 'being of one of-kin*.
mind with the sun', y. xvaid- vb. (cp. skr. svedate 'he
y. hv-a$6av- adj. 'having beautiful cal- sweats'), pres. (inchoat.) x"lsa- 'begin
ves (of the leg)', to sweat*,
y. hv-asta- adj. (cp. hvaiwyästa- adj.) y. x*>aipatay- adj. (see Bartholomae
'well-flung, well-shot", Wb. 1860 seq.) 'he himself, self,
y. hv-astdm abeol. (from *ah- vb.) 'well y. x*>aSpai&e.tanü· sb. f. 'the own per-
flinging'. son*.
y. hvaspa- adj. (skr. svdiva-) 'having y. xvaepaidya- adj. (derived from xvaS-
excellent horses', patay- adj.) 'own', referring to all
y. hvaspä- sb. f., name of a river. three persons and numbers accor-
hvä- prefixed to nouns = hu-. ding to context.
hv äpah- adj. (cp. skr. Apas- sb. n. apa&na- adj. 'glowing',
and hvapah· adj.) 'working or crea- y. x<>atö adv.(skr.svatafy) 'of one's own
ting well' (of gods), 'active, indu- self, of one's own accord, volunta-
strious' (of men), rily'.
y. hvä-frita- adj. 'greatlyz beloved', y. xva-Säta- adj. 'one who follows his
y. hvävayam- adj. (cpd. hva- + ava- own law; imperishable, eternal',
yam- from yam- vb.) 'deprecating y. xvap- vb. (skr. svap-\ sufvApa·,
for his own self. suptdfr), pres. x»afsa-\ xvabda-; caus.
x«äwrira — x«isat 281

xvabdaya-, perf. huS&ap-, perf. sb. η. 'brigt space') 'glory, kiugly

ptcpl. pass. x«apta-; 'to fall asleep'. glory", mostly with kaoya- adj.
With ni caus. 'to lull a p. to sleep', *x»ar9nah- adj. 'glorious; eminent in
y. xPa-wrlra- adj. 'fruitful, fruitbear- (gen.)'.
ing' (of plants). y. xvar&nahvant- adj. 'glorious',
xvafna- sb. m. (skr. svdpna-) 'sleep; y. x»annö.dä· adj. 'bestowing glory',
dream, vision', y. xvairyqn inf. (from acar- vb.) 'to
y. X"ar»har- sb. f. (skr. svdsar-) 'sister*, eat or drink",
g. x°an- sb. • . 'sun'; see under hvar-. y. x»anziäta- adj. 'sweetest*,
y. xvanat-iaxra- adj. (cp. skr. svandd- y. χ°ά- prefixed to nouns = hu-.
ratha·) 'having sounding wheels', y. χνά-άαέηα- adj. 'having the same
y. xvaini- sideform of *x»anra- adj. religion, co-religionist*,
'beautiful' in compounds, cp. skr. y. χνά-ύαχία- adj. (perf. ptcpl. pass,
sundara· (*sundra-, msunra·) adj. from &ang- vb.) '(an arrow) well
'beautiful', pulled up*,
y. &>emira&a· sb. n., name of the se- y. x°äürct- sb. n. (cpd. hu- -f- *άύτα-
venth (and central) region of the sb. n. "breathing', cp. skr. dniti)
world. 'comfort; happiness; paradise',
y. xvainistarita- adj. (*star»ta- sb. n. y. xvä&ravant- adj. 'happv, blessed*,
from 18tar- vb.) 'with a beautiful y. xvädrö.nahya- sb. n. 'satisfactory
cover*. supply' (doubtful),
y. £canvant·, g. x»5nvant· adj. (cp. v. xväpaidya- adj. = x^aipaidya-.
skr. svärvant·) 'sunny, bright, bril- y. x»ä.bar»zi§- adj. 'forming the own
liant'; sb. m. name of a moun- cushion'.
tain. y. xväraoxSan- adj. (derived from
χαar- vb., pres., X»ara-\ X»ära- (in *X»a-rao6ah- sb. n. 'own light*, cp.
causative sense); pass. x"airya-; skr. svdrocif·) 'self-shining*,
caus. x»äraya-: 'to partake of food, y. xväirizam- sb. f., name of a land
consume, eat, drink', caus. 'to give 'Chorasmia*.
anything to eat". With avi 'to eat', y. x'ästa- adj. (lit. "made savoury*,
with frä 'to eat or drink', cp. skr. svättä- adj. 'seasoned, spi-
y. χvarmtl- sb. f. (from ocvar- vb.) ced") 'cooked*,
'food'. y. x'ä.stairii- adj. 'forming the own
y. vantie inf. (from xr°ar- vb.) 'to couch'.
drink'. y. χνάΑα- sb. n. (*xvdrta· from x®ar-
y. χ"ατνύα- sb. n. (from x»ar- vb.) vb.) 'eating*,
'food* (esp. "food other than grain'), y. xväSar- sb. m. ("x^drtar- from x®ar-
du. 'food and drink' or 'animal and vb.) 'drinker',
vegetable food', g. xWng.dansa· adj. "sunlike".
y. xoan&ö.bairya- adj. 'fruit-bearing* g. x»3nvant-: see under x«anvant-.
(of plants), g. xPUay- sb. f. (cpd. hu- + *itay-)
y. X»ar9ncmuhast9ma- adj. (superl. to 'comfort*.
x»ar»nahvant- adj.) 'roost glorious*, y. xvlte inf. (cpd. hu- + ite) 'to go well*,
y. 1xoannah- sb. n. (cp. skr. svdrnara- y. XHsat·. see under xvaid-.
Ovder of letters: a( = ä,ä,q), »(=5), b, c ( = c ) , <f(=3), e, f , ρ(=γ), Λ, Λ,
i ( = 0, j ( = J ) , k, I, m, η, η ( = ή), ο ( = δ), ρ, q, r, β, ί, ί, 0, ί, w ( = ΰ), ν,
w, χ, χν, y, ζ, ζ.
For abbreviations see p. XII, XIII.
The numbers refer to the pages; italic numbers refer to those pages on
which the subject in question is described comprehensively.
J.am/5TOd.i&/o(-prayer), see Airya- *Ahura, see lord of judgement.
man-iäya. Ahura Mazddh : 'the omniscient Lord',
Abtrat, see priests. the supreme Asura of the Arvan
Ab tin (S.), see AOwya. religion 110, 185, 186; the "old
aöistahyä mananhö d»mäna, see hell. Heaven-god (called the sun 208,
ädä, aaäna, see allotment. wearing the sky as hie garment
aisa, see measures of distance. inlaid with stars 115, wearing the
Aisma, a Daeva: lit. 'Madness* used firmest heavens for a garment 190,
particularly of the orgiastrian fren- the Father Heaven 110 (together
sy, under which the ox had to suf- with Armatay, the Mother Earth
fer 114,186,190; opponent of Αέα2Ί. 198); in the Gä&ä's taking the place
Äditya's (Ved.): 109. of the good spirit as the counter-
Afräsiäb (§.), see Franrafyan. part of the evil spirit 190; in the
Afritay: the goddess of blessing 163. younger Avesta ahü and ratav of
Agni (Ved.): 121. the spiritual world 162, lord of jud-
Ähraman (Pähl.), see AwraMainyav. gement 208. See also Aryan gods.
α hü, see lord of judgement, supreme — arrangement of the words ahura
lord. and maedäh 187.
AhunaVairya:' the best supreme lord', ahuric.: belonging to the creation ol
one of the three (or four) most sa- Ah. M.
cred prayers 98, 137, 159, 164,173, ahuric, question: the question asked
commentary on it 174 seq. See of Ah. M. (bv ZarafruStra) 100,
also prayers. 101, 163.
Ahunavaitl-Gä&ä, see Gäfrä's. Aipi.vanhav·. king of the Kayanian
* Ahura: 'lord*, name of the gods of 1 dynasty 104, 127. See dynasties.
the .d&z-world and religion, the Airyaman, Aryaman·. the old Aryan
true gods as opposed to theDae- god of tribalism 110, 177; one of
va's 113,185,186, 187; chiefly used s the Indian Äditya's 109, 110.
as the designation of the highest Airyaman, see castes and priests.
of them 185, 186; personifications Airyaman-i&ya: one of the three (or
of the chief-attributes of the 'Father four) most sacred prayers 98, 163,
Heaven' 110, 130, of abstract ideas 177. See prayers.
created by ZaraQuitra 97,124,155: Airyana Vaejah, see Vaejah.
Ada 'allotment*, Amantatät 'im- Airyö.xinda: a mountain Yt. 8. 6.
mortality', Armatay 'devotion, pie- Aiwisrüfrrima, see Asnya.
ty', Asa 'truth, law', Aiay 'lot, me- aiwy&nhana, see investiture with the
rit, reward', Atar 'fire*, &5ui TaSan belt.
'creator of the bull', GSus Urvan Aka Manah, see Manah.
'soul of the bull', Haurvatät 'whole- Alburz (Bd.), see Hard.
ness, completeness, welfare', Sraoia allegoric legend of Aiay, see Asay.
'obedience', Tusnä.matay 'silent Allotment {ädä, adäna), an eschatolo-
thinking*, VohuManah'good mind', gical concept: the allotment of the
XSafrra 'kingdom'. lot, which has been earned, taking
Index. 283

place at the beginning of the se- Apastäk (Pähl.), see Avesta.

cond life 191. See lAhura. Apiväh (Bd.), see Aipi.vanhav.
All Soul's feast 117. Apsards (Ved.) 103.
Ama: 'impetuosity', name of the god Äptya (Ved.) 96.
(Yazata) of strength or impetuosity Arachosia, see Xarax°aitl.
167. See Yazata'a. Aral-sea, see Vouru.ka.fa.
Amaratatät (or Amaratät): 'immorta- Ardmatay (Ved.) 115.
lity', name of the goddess (AmaSa Arang (Bd.), see JRanhä.
Spanta) of immortality, presiding Aradvi: a mythical river or river-ba-
over the plants 114, 167. See also
1 sin; meaning of the word 100;
Ahura and Gaokarana. represented as goddess, esp. as
— used to denote the meat of the goddess of waters 100 seq.; her
blessed 193. epithet anähitä 'spotless' far more
AmaSa Spanta's: 'the immortal holy marked than her real name: in
ones', the Ahura'a of the Gä&ä- cuneiform inscriptions called ana-
period, six in number and consti- hata; ΆναΤτις common appellation
tuting with Ah. M. the heavenly for the Artemides as well as for
host 113; their sevenfold group: the Aphrodites of the East 100;
Ahura Mazdäh, Vohu Manah, ASa her seat in the star region 106;
Vahifta, Χέα&τα Vairya, Spantä her mission on earth 100, 106 seq.;
Ärmatay, Eaurvatät, Amaratatät, her apparel 100, 108 seq.
(also Sraoia). Anjat.aspa: leader of the hostile folk
anayra raoiä, see paradise. known as H'yaona, the Ghionitae
Anahata, see Aradvf. of the classics 108.
ancestor-worship, see Fravaiay. Aranavak: a sister of Yima, delivered
animals: the five kinds of 116, 161; by Oraltaona 103. See ßraitaona.
the primary type of each kind 161; Anzahl, see Karivar.
the ox (gav-) the representative of
all ahuric animals 116; the'creator Arazö.iamana: an unbeliever, smitten
of the bull' (gSuitaian-) the crea- by Karasäspa 97, 130. See Kara-
tor of the animal world 186. säspa.
ant 151. Ardvtsür Yait (Yt. V), 100 seq.
Anthesteria 117. Arii Sivätlr (Pähl.), see 3ηχέα.
Änhairyö: 'bearing women*, probably Arjäsp (§.), see Arajat-aspa.
of the maids who will bring forth Ärmatay: the goddess of earth and
the future Saviours 162. devotion (Ahura and Amaia Span-
Änhairya, GaS&anqm: lit. 'bearing to), 114, 115, 193, 197, 201; the old
of the living beings', probably the earth-goddess (her name used to
designation of the totality of all signify the earth 144 seq.); the
those who will come into existence mother of men or Mother Earth
from the seed (of Zara&uStra), by (invoked in the great ceremony of
which the Atihairyö conceive 117, purification for to revive and
118, 162.
strengthen a defiled man 136, gran-
ting steadfastness and perseve-
At»ra Mainyav, see Mainyav. rance of the bodies of men for the
Aoia: lit. 'death* (by fire), a Daeva. fire-ordeal 190, 191, receiving the
Äp, Apö: 'water, waters', name of the seed of a man for to let grow from
goddesses (Yazata'a) of the waters it a son at the day of resurrection
122. See Aryan gods and Yazata'a. 157, together with the Father Hea-
Apqm Napäti 'the grandson of the ven 198); the goddess of devotion
waters', a water genius (Yazata) (ärmatay-, Ved. aramatay- 'devo-
like the Vedic Apäm Napät, who tion': as personification of her
became confused with the water- bountifulness or patience in bea-
born Agni 121, 127, 167. ring what breathes and stirs and
— locality sacred to the god of the in enduring the interment of the
same name 106. excellent and of the evil and even
Apaosa: lit.'drying up', the Daeva of the hell 116, 130, 139, 144 seq.).
drought, who, in the form of a black called also Tusnä.matay 'silent
horse, is said to fight with Tistrya, thinking* 199.
the harbinger of rain 130, 121. arm-length, see measures of distance.
284 Index.

Ar4 (Bd.), see Ar&an. Ahura Mazdäh and the Amg.fa

Arian: kin^ of the KayämRTL dynasty, Spanta'a, cp. Yt. 10. 88 seq.]. Hvar,
104, 127. See dynasties. HvarvxSaeta (skr. Svar, Sürya)
Arütät: the goddess of Uprightness the sun, called the eye of Ahura
(Yazata). Mazdäh and identified with Mi&ra
Art Yast (Yt. XVII), 124 seq. 109 seq., 164, 195. Mäh (skr. Mas)
artisan, see castes. the moon keeping in it the seed
A r y a n a n c e s t o r - w o r s h i p , sscFra- of cattle 121, 164 seq. Uiah (skr.
va§ay. Ufas) the dawn 166. Väta (skr.
— a n i m a l - s a c r i f i c e 170. Väta) the wind Yt.. 10. 6. Äp, ApO
— cosmograpbical opinions: (skr. Äp) the water or waters
threefold division of the universe: 122,169. Apqm Napät (skr. Apäm
earth, air and heaven 115; three Napät) the grandson of the waters
intermediate regions or three airs 121, 127. Ätar (cp. skr. Agni) the
106, 115; three heavens 115, 128, fire 172. Nairyö.sanha (skr. Narä-
172, 179; sevenfold division of the iamsa) the messenger of the gods
earth, see Karsvar. 117 seq. Airyaman (skr. Aryaman)
— c o u n t r i e s 123, 124. the god of tribalism 110. Fsr»-
— d o m e s t i c r i t e s , see investiture frrayna (skr. Vrtrahan) the god
with the belt. of victory, orig. a thundergod 118
— e t h i c a l c o n c e p t i o n s : the idea seq. Pärvnday (skr. Puramdhi) the
of good and evil 110, 137. Pro- goddess of abundance or richness
tection, unselfishness or friendship 112.
and tribalism, the chief-attributes A r y a n m y t h s : creation of the world
of the Father Heaven 110. 140,141; the primeval twin pair (Fa-
— g o d s , connected with moral qua- wio and Yaml) 96; Yima (skr. Yama)
lities and kept on by ZaraduStra: the king of the golden age and
the god of the sky or father of the god of the dead 96; the flood
men as the supreme benign being, 133; θταΗαοηα (skr. Traitäna) and
see Ahura Mazdäh·, the goddess the deliverance of the cows which
of the earth or mother of men as had been driven away by a three-
the goddess of devotion, see Är· headed monster 96, 113; the dogs
matay; readmitted after the time that guard the way to paradise
of Zara&uStra: Mi-dra (skr. Mitra) 138, 152, 160; the sacrificial fire
the god of the day-light, orig. com- as the messenger that goes from
bined with Varuqa-Ahura (cp. the the heavens to the earth and from
dvandva-compound mi&ra ahura), the earth to the heavens 117 seq.
then identified with the sun 93, — r e l i g i o u s c o n c e p t i o n s : The
109 seq., 164. [To the fact, that divine order aSa, skr. rta 97.
he was not acknowlegded as a god Devotion or piety Ärmatay, skr.
in the time of Zarafruitra, refers Aramatay 115, 202. Future life
the passage Yt. 10. 54 "Men do and immortality 98, 137. Future
not honour me with worship in recompense for the good and fu-
which my name is mentioned, as ture annihilation or punishment
the other Yazata's are honoured of the wicked 137. — Ahura, skr.
with worship in which their name Axura 'lord' 110. Dalva. skr. Deva
is mentioned. If men should honour 'god' 98.
m e . . , I would come (with the autho- — r e l i g i o u s o b s e r v a n c e s , see
rity) of my own sunny immortal purification.
life at the appointed time to the — sacrificial rites, seeBansman,
righteous men".] Haoma (skr. priests, Yaziin-ceremony.
Soma) the god of the Haoma- — s u p e r s t i t i o n , see sorcery and
juice, against whose worship Zara· spells.
duStra was fighting 93, 94. [Mi&ra asa, see faction.
and Haoma were introduced at Asabana: name of a Twraniaa family.
the same time; for Haoma is cal- Asmodeus 114.
led the first Zaotar and Hävanan Äsnatar, see priests.
who honoured Mi&ra with worship, Asnya: name of the gods presiding
and the cult connected with both over the five periods, into which
is said to have been accepted by the day and the night are divided:
Index. 285

Hävanay from sunrise till noon, Aurvat-asva: king of the Kayäni&n

Rapi&unna from noon till the half dynasty 104, 127. See dynasties.
afternoon, Uzayeirina from the Avesta·. name of the collection of the
half afternoon till sunset, Aiwi.trü- remaining portions of the great
örima from sunset till midnight, literature, which the reform of Za-
USahina from midnight till sunrise raduStra had called into being;
95, 166, 167. development and history of; the
Äspiyän (Pähl.), see Ädwya. Sassanian edition; the Avesta of
assgoat, the white: chief of the gra- to-day; its content; meaning of the
zing animals 161. word 93.
Astvat.»r»ta: the future Saviour, also Axt (Pähl.), see Axtya.
called the victorious 128, 132, 204. Axtya·. a wizard 106.
See SaoSyant. Ayä&rima, see Yäirya.
Asura (Ved.j: 110. Ayara, name of the gods (Yazata'e)
Αέα (VahiSta): 'truth, law', the perso· of the days 166 seq.
nification of right, skr. ftd·, the di- Äzay: the demon of avidity 156.
vine order 57; opposed to Drug, Az jDahäk (Pähl.), see Aiay Dahäka.
the sum of all that is true and Aiay Dahäka: a threeheaded monster
lawful, the kingdom of truth 97, slain by BraUaona 96, 113; slain
187, 190; with words of giving or by Karasäspa 97; king of the Pis-
receiving law as that upon which dätia.n dynasty 103; representing
the man of the Αέα- faith warrants the Babylonian conqueror 103;
his right to belong to the kingdom wanting to take possession of the
of Asa, i.e. Paradise 97, 177, 196; X»anno 127; identical with Vaiayan
as Ahura 97,187, as Ανηαέα Sp»nta 159. See dynasties.
97. Azdahäk (Pähl.), see Aiay Dahäka.
Aäa VahiSta: one of the three (or four)
most sacred prayers 112, 173 seq. 3ηχέα·. the well-known Iranian ar-
See As»m and prayers. cher 121.
Αέάνα: designation of certain enemies Snzifya: a mountain 104.
of the Ahuric creation Yt. 8, 59.
ASävan·. 'follower of Asa', designation Babylon 103. Babylonian influence
of those, who hold by the Αέα, who on Iran 103.
have the right faith; 'faithful, right- Baku 173.
eous (of men), holy (of gods)* 97. b a l a n c e , see weighing in the ba-
.Alavazdah: name of two believers lance and recordings.
105. baodah 'consciousness', see spiritual
ASay: 'lot, merit, reward', the goddess faculties.
who distributes the lots, esp. the baoiö.varStam: '(deed) done with full
good onesi£4; as goddess of wealth conscience*, a kind of injury 152.
earned by piety 126,163; as protec- baraSnüm i nuh Saba (np.): 'the nine
tress of matrimony 96; her lamen- nights' purification', the great ce-
tations about sterile people 124; remony of purification 135 seq.
the legend of 126. See also purification.
A&m (Vohu): See Asa Vahiita and Barasman: a bundle of twigs employed
prayers. in the sacrifice 102,137; etymology
ASö.zusta: 'friend of Αία', a theological and meaning of the word 102; ori-
denomination of the owl 155. ginally used as a seat for the divi-
Ätar, see AsyaD gods and fire. nities like in the Vedic ceremonies
ÄtravaxS (written for ÄtravaxS), see (cp. skr. 6arAij-'straw') 102; the
priests. the number of the twigs 108; the
ÄtravaxS, see ÄtravaxS. tamarisk bush used to form the
Äturpätakän (Bd.): name of a pro- bundle 102; brass rods substituted
vince 104, 172. for the twigs 102.
α&ά ratus: quotes the Ahuna Vairya barhif (Ved.), see Barasman.
from the second paragraph Yt. 19. Bawray, see Babylon.
12 and 182. b e a r i n g women, see Xnhairyö.
Ä&ravan, see castes and priests. bearings, found by looking to the south
A&wya·. father of θταΗαοηα, corres- 122.
ponding with the Vedic Äptya 96. b e n e f i t or. prize (av. sava·, savä-,
286 Index.

savah-): used in an eschatalogical version) and falls coincident with

sense of that, which is promised it, leading to the foundation of
to the faithful in the future life 172, the everlasting kingdom 189, 208;
191, 194, 203. the perfection of the closing work
Bvnjyax a god presiding over corn called 'fulfilment* 191; mankind
166. said to be 'ready', when it has
Brrvzisavah-fire, see fire: finished preparing itself for the
blood, as centre of impurity 133. closing work 172, 191, 199. See
bone-receptacle (av. uzdäna-) 142,147. also renovation and fire,
B r e e d e r of c a t t l e , see Husband- cock: the holiness of 137, 155; as ser-
man. vant of Sraoia 155 seq. See Parö.·
b r i d g e (of t h e S e p a r a t o r ) 151, darS.
160, 174, 200. code of purification, see VidSvdät.
Buddha, temptation of 137. code, ritual, see Nirangastän.
BüSyqstä·. the longhanded Daivi of code, sacerdotal, see Ehrpatastän.
sleepiness 114, 155. commentary on the Ahuna Vairya
Bütay: a demon 137. 174 seq.
Byar&an: king of the Kaydni&n dy- c o m p a n i o n of D r u g , see Drvant.
nasty 104, 127. See dynasties. confession, the Mazdayaenian 176 seq.
consciousness, see spiritual faculties,
CaUasta: the lake Urumya 104, 131. contract, see Midra; laws about con-
Calendar: the (fourth) month Tiitrya tracts 133.
or TUtr 120, the twelfth month corpee, see dead body,
Spandaramal (2nd of February — corpse-witch, see Nasan.
2»d of March), followed by the five cosmographical opinions, see Aryan
intercalary days 117; the end of c. o.
the year either the 7 t h of March or country (zantav), see political unite,
in the oldest time the day before courtezan (jahikd), the sterile 126,
the summersolsticel20; the six sea- bringing forth a child begotten by
sons and season festivals 161 seq. a stranger 126. See also prostitute,
Canis Major 120. cow, see ox.
iantav-, see measures of distance. creation of the world 140 seq. See
Caspian-sea, see Vouru.kain. also Aryan myths.
castes (av. piitra-): ädravan, g. airya- C r e a t o r of t h e b u l l : aaAhura, the
man or haxatnan 'priest', radai- creator of the first bull and of all
itar or nar, g. x»aetav 'warrior', the animal world; like the soul of
västrya fmyant, g. västrya or the first bull a guardian of the ox
varszdna, vdnzinya 'peasant'; in
Y. 19 as fourth caste hutay 'artisan* 184, 186, 200.
106, 120, 176, 187, 202, 209. cubit, see maesurcs of distance.
castle of Yima, see Var and Yima. l
centres of purity and impurity 133 seq. Da£nä (Mäzdayasnay): 'the niazda-
chiefs (ratavö) "of the animals 161. yasnian religion', personified and
chiefs (ratavö) of the six seasons, see i deified 112.
Yätrya. DaSnä·. 'self, personality', the sum of
childbirth, as centre of impurity 133 scq. all the psychical and religious parts
children, unclean 134. of man continuing as a separate
Chionitae, see H'yaona. existence after his death and fi-
Chorasmia, see Xväirizam. nally brought with him (or his soul)
cikät i däitik (Pähl.) 'the judicial into paradise or hell 115, 152, 160,
mountain' 151 seq. 179, 200, 209; personified as maid
«nvai-bridge, see bridge of the se- 160, 179; corresponding to the
parator, Fravasay 115. See also spiritual
classes, see castes. faculties.
c l o s i n g w o r k : the finish of the Za- Daeva ·. 'god', orig. designation of the
ra{hj,str'i&O. work of conversion and gods of the old (Aryan) belief 9S,
the finish of the struggle between 190; in the Θά9ά\ designation of
the worlds of Aia and Drug, which the false gods or of the spirits of
is brought about by the former' the world and religion of Drug
(the finish of the work of con- 185, 187, 190; in the Avesta desig-
Index. 287

nation of demons aud evil spirits Dlnkart (Pähl.), a Pahlavi-work of the

in general 98. 9 th century 93, 178, 180.
ΏαΙυα- cnlt 190. Διόνυσος 117.
dalving dam,-, see hell. dlitay, see measures of distance,
Dahäk (Pähl.), see Azay Dahäka. d o g s , as creatures of the Good Spirit
Dahaka: designation of daivic crea- and pure animals 136, 151 seq.;
tures 170. kinds of 151 seq.; the mortal sin
Dahäka, see Azay Dahaka. consisting in maltreatment of a dog
dahmai the designation of a real or of a bitch big with young 1S6,
member of the Zoroastrian com- 153; punishment for smiting a dog
munity 107, 181. See also investi- 152; the dogs that keep the bridge
ture with the belt. 138, 152, 160. See also 'Sag-did.
Dahmä Äfritay 'daAma-like blessing', dominion of the Ahura'e, see kingdom.
the goddes of blessing 163. draonah, the portion of the immolated
DaRyuma: the god (Yazata) of the ox offered to Haoma 170. See drön.
lands. See Yazata's. Dngvant, see Drvant.
Däityä: a river in AiryanaVa&jah 102. drink of the blessed, see Welfare.
Damävand, a mountain 96, 97, 103. drön (Pähl.), the sacred bread used
D&möii Upamana, see Upamana. instead of the fleshpieces of the
Dänavö: name of a Turanian tribe victims 170. See draonah.
106. Drug, as dogmatic term used as the
Dänay-clan 106. opposite of Aia, the sum of all that
danhav 'land' as union of countries, is opposed to the true and lawful,
see political units. the Daevic kingdom of lies and its
daoeahva, see hell. order; concrete as name for seve-
Däitayänay name of an unbeliever ral representatives of the kingdom
whose sons were killed by Kvr»- of lies 96.
s&spa 97. drüjö nmäna, see Hell.
dawn, see Usah. Drvant, g. Dngvant·. 'companion of
daxma, the place where the dead are Drug', the opposite of Aia·. the de-
disposed, fastened and left to the signation of those who stand at the
(dogs and) birds to devour 135,142, side of Drug and do not hold the
146, 147, 148. v true faith 97; referring to some de-
D9jämä»pa, see Jämäspa. finite character known to the hear-
dead bodies, pollution from 134, man ers 186.
and clothes defiled by 137; the Drväspä: 'giving health to (horses or)
earth defiled by 142; the water mares', a Yazata. See Yazata'a.
defiled by 146 seq., sin of burning dualistic belief 98, 188 seq. See prin-
the dead 134; sin of burying the ciples and spirits.
dead 134; funerals 142 seq., 148 seq. DuySö.vü, the mother of Zaraflustra
deaduiatter, pollution from 136, l&3scq. 158 seq.
death, chief centre of impurity 132 seq. duzarshav, see hell.
defilement, se pollution. Dyäus 110.
dynasties, mythical: the first or Pesdäüiiix dynasty 103, 127.
Yt. 15. Yt. 19. Yt. 13. Mx. Bd. Sühn.
HaoSyanha Haoiyaroha Haoiyatalia Hö.iany I Höiany Ilöxany
Taxma Urupa Taxma Urupa Taxmüraf Taxmüraf Talimüras
Yima Yima Yima Jamset Jam, Jamsed
Azay Dahäka Azdahäk Dahäk Zahhäk
Hrattaona Oravtaona Qraitaona ! Fretön Fretön Faredün
Manuscii)ra Manuscihr Manuscihr Manücihr
Uzava Ζην Zav
Kdrasäapa Karasäspa Kansäspa Gariäsp

the second or Kaydni*η dynasty 104, 127.

Yt. 13; Yt. 19. Bd.
Kaväta Kavät
Aipi.vaidhav Apiveh
Us an or Usadan Käös
Arian ArS
brothers Pisindh
Pisän —
Byarian VydrS
SyävarSan SiyävaxS
Haosravah Hösrav
Aurvai-aspa Luhräsp
e a r t h, as chief centre of purity 132 seq.; last judgement 207; liar the god
unpeopled 133, 142 seq.; overpeo- of the fire, the son of Ahura Mat-
pled 133,142 seq.; the sixteen coun- ddh 117,172. See also Aryan gods,
tries of 133 seq.; enclosing the metal and Nairyö.sanha.
hell 139; threefold division of 115; fire-worship 172 seq., in the Gddd'a 198.
sevenfold division of 111, 194. See first man, see Gaya Mantan.
Ärmatay, Aryan cosmographical flood 133, see also Aryan myths,
opinions and Kar&oar. foot, see measures of distance.
Ehrpatastdn (sacerdotal code), 180. frabdzav, see meaeures of distance.
endless lights, see paradise. Frab&ntar, see priests.
Erdn Viz (Bd.), see VaSjah. Fradaiafiav, see Karivar.
ermine, the while: chief of fur ani- Franrasyan: a Turanian king 104,
mals 161. 105; the legend of the wars between
Evil Spirit, see Spirit, him and the Iranian kings 104; as
existence: 'bad existence* (duzaidhav, usurper trying to seize the Χ ν α η η δ
daoeahva) or 'most evil existence* 127; bound by Haoma 171.
(anhuä acistö) see hell; 'best exi- frärä&nay, see measures of distance.
stence' (vahiitö anhui) see para- FraSaoStra: of the ZZwva-family, one
dise. of the chief-supporters of Zara-
ihi&tra, whom he gave his daughter
f a c t i o n s , t h e t w o (qsa or räna, in marriage 106, 203, 204, 205.
rqna): used with regard to the fraio-kantay-, see renovation.
religion of the faithful and the Fravartln fait (Yt. XIII) 114 seq.
unbelievers, the followers of ASa FravaSay. the departed souls of an-
and Drug 192. cestors, to be compared with the
Far&dün (δ.), see θταϋαοηα. Pitdrah of the Brahmans 111, 114;
fate of souls after death 137, 159 seq.; revisiting this world at the time
of the soul of the pious after death of the Hamaspa-dmaidaya-ieatival
178 seq. 117; in the younger Avesta the
Father Heaven 110, 147. See *Ahura guardian angels of all beings of
and Aryan gods, the good creation whether living
fathom, see measures of distance, or deceased, or still unborn 114 seq.;
feathers, the magical power of, 119. corresponding to g. daend 115,172.
Firdausi 103, 130, 195. See also Daend and spiritual facul-
fire, the earthly form of the heavenly ties.
fire, the purest part of the pure Frazddnav. a lake in Sakastdn 108.
creation 134; an everlasting fire Fretön (mp.), see &raeta<ma.
kept and fed with dry wood in Frydna, a prince of the Tür a'8 200.
every place where Parsis are sett- JVyäna-family: a Turanian family,
led 134; extinguished by Äzay 156; noted for its piety and virtue 106.
the five names of, corresponding See YöiSta.
to the five kinds of fire in the FsüSö Mqdra: 'the verse of the owner
later theology: banzisavah, vohü.- of cattle*, designation of Y. 58 (4—
fryäna, urväziita, väziita, sp5nista 7) 163, 169.
208; eschatologically used in the f u l f i l m e n t : used of the perfection
same sense as metal 157, 192·, of the 'closing work* 191, 200, 202.
prayer to fire for mercy at the See also closing work.
Index. 28»

fumigation, sec purification, good mind, see Τ'ohu Manah.

funerals 148 seq. See (lead bodies, Gotama, the Buddha 116.
f u t u r e life, the idea of 98,137, 172; Gotama, the son of Nodhds (Ved.) 116.
founded upon the Aryan belief in GrZhma: a priest and prophet of the
heaven and hell 137; connected Daivaimth 193, 194, 195.
with the idea of dualism 98.
Haeiai.aspa, the great grandfather
Ga&danqm Anhairya, see Anhairya. of Zara&ustra 206.
GäA's (mp.), the five: the prayers de- Hadänalpatä-plant, the juice of 168.
voted to the Asnya and recited HaSänaepatä 'pomegranate' 149.
everj- day at their respective time Hadaoxta, see HaSöxt Nask.
166, 167; meaning of the word 166. Haiiä Västravant the god of the na-
See Asnya. tive abode, who procures good
Gandanwa: a golden-heeled monster pastures 163, 167. See Yazata's.
living in the sea Vouru.kaia 103, HadöxtNask, the twentieth-Nasfcof the
appearing in the Veda under the Avesta as described in the Dinkart
name of Gandharva as a being 138, i7eseq.; meaning of the word
of doubtful character 103. 178; form and content 178 seq.
Gandharva (Ved.) 103. h a i r and n a i l s , which have been cut,
GaoJanna: a mythical tree, the white unclean 136, 153 \ pollution from
Horn 167, the elixir of immortality 136, 153 seq.
expected to be prepared from its Hamaspa&maedaya, see Yäirya.
twigs 167. See also Haoma. Hämün-sea, see Kqsaoya.
Gaotama: name of an unbeliever 116. Hqm.varatay,BeeNairyaHqm.var9tay.
garö nmäna, see paradise. Haoma, identical with the Vedic Soma,
GarSäsp (§.), see K»rasäspa. glorified as plant of magical and
Gä&ä's 'songs' or 'sermons in verse', healing powers and as god 93,
the oldest literary monument of seq., 168seq.; the juice of the
the Iranians 93, 136, 162, 169, 172, plant extracted and drunk before
181, 182, 184, in their essential ele- the fire 94, 164, 170, 183, an intoxi-
ments to be traced back to Zara· cating beverage 19k), 202, replaced
Qu&tra himself 93, 169; character, by a more wholesome one 95; the
content and metre of 93, 169, 184; god Haoma not acknowledged by
divided into five parts, the 'Five Zara&uStra 93, 95, 202, speaking
Gäüä'a' in the narrower sense: of the Ox and of the Sun as the
Ahunavaitl-Gädä (Y. 28-34), UMa- most evil things that can be beheld
vaitl-Gädä (Y. 43 — 46), Spantd with the eyes 195, animal sacrifices
Mainyü-Gä&ä (Y. 47—50), Vohu- and horse-races in honour of 170,
xäadrä-Gä&ä (Y. 51), Vahiitoistay orgiastic feaets taking place at
Gä&ä (Y. 53) 162,172, 184; poetical night in honour of 190, 195, read
r6sum& of 169, 171 seq. mitted in the time after Zara&ustra
gäus, gäus hudä, gäus jlvya, see 93, 95, 202, called the first Zaotar
zao&ra-. and Ηάναηαη who honoured MiOra
gäu.4 baoirya, see myazda. with worship Yt. 10, 88 seq., the
gav, see ox. legends of 94seq. r 171. See also
Gava: a land 'Sogdiana' 111. See Aryan gods, Gaokarana, Para-
Suyda. haoma. Strong drink and Yaziin-
Gaya Maratan, the first or primeval ceremony.
man from whom the whole human Haoma-cult, the old 190, 195, 202. Sec
race is supposed to have sprung also Haoma.
115, 175. i/aoma-ritual of the vounger Avesta
Gayömart (Pähl.), see Gaya Marstan. 164, 170, 183.
Gäus Ταέαη, see Creator of the Bull. Haosravah: king of the Kayäni&n
G5u3 Urvan, see Soul of the Bull, dynasty 104, 127.
girdle, the indispensable symbol of Haosravah·. au inlet of the seaVourw.-
the religion of the Parsis, see in- kasa 131.
vestiture with the belt. Haosyanha·. the ancestor and first
Glory, see Xvaranah. monarch of the Iranians, considered
gods, see Ahura, Am9sa Spirit a, Aryan to be the founder of the earliest
gods and Yazata"s. or Peidätinn dynasty 102, 127.
A v e s t t Reader 19
290 Index.

Haptanhäiay, see Yasna. chief-sUpporters of his teachings,

Haptö.iringa: lit. 'with seven marks', who stand by his side to fulfil the
the chieftain of the stars in the work of salvation 189, 202, 206.
north, Ursa Major 117. See Saoiiyant.
Harä, Haraiti: a mythical mountain Herät, see Haraeva.
considered to be the chief of moun- h e r i t a g e (raexanah): in reference to
tains and supposed to surround the ecliatology that which has been
the earth; with the epithet barazaitl appointed to the faithful as their
preserved in mp Harburz, nj>. Al- reward in the future 195.
burz 101, 103, 151. See Hukairya. high office, eee Υαζϊέη.
Haraeva·. a land 'Herat* 111. Hitäspa, the murderer of Karasäspa's
HaraX»aitl: a land 'Arachosia' 100; brother Urväxiaya 97, 130.
the word identical with skr. Sar- H o l y , H o l i e r or H o l i e s t S p i r i t ,
asvatl 'abounding in lakes' 100. see Spirit,
Harburz (mp.), see Hard. h o l y w o r d , see Mq&ra.
hare: the chief of the animals living Horn (mp.), see Haoma.
in the open country 161. Horn, the white, see Gaokarana.
h a r m (ra&ah): used in an eschato- Hörn Yait (Υ. IX) 94 seq.
logical sense of that, which the horse-races 171.
unbeliever has to await in the other horse-whip, βςβ religious castigation.
world 191. Höiang (Bd., S.), see HaoSyanha.
hä&ra, see measures of distance. Hotar (Ved.), see Zaotar.
Haurvatät: lit. 'wholeness, complete- house (nmäna), see political units,
ness, welfare', name of an Ahura house of love, see paradise,
or AmaSa Spanta, in the later re- house of the Daeva's, house of the
ligion presiding over the health- Drug, house of the most evil spirit,
giving waters 114; denoting the see hell.
drink of the blessed 193. H"araxsaeta 'sun', see Yazata'&.
Hävanan, see priests. Hvöva- or Hvögva- family, see Zara-
Hävanay, see Asnya and Yazata's. xhiitra.
Haxaman, see castes and priests, Hvövl: name of the third wife of Zara-
head, heads, see chiefs and Ratav. duStra, see Zara&ustra.
h e a v e n , the old Aryan belief in 98, Hukairya: name of the highest peak
137; thought to be formed from of the Harä, from which the water
stone (asan-) and called firm or of the Aradvl leaps down 101,122.
firmest 190; the old heaven-god Humata, see paradise.
or father heaven 110,115, 190. 198, Humayaka: name of a dalvic monster,
208. See Ahura Masdäh and pa- slain by Zairi.varay 108.
radise. husbandman (Husbandman who
hedgehog (varahäpara), described as breedes cattle or Breeder of cattle
the timid dog with the thin muzzle, or Peasant: västrya, västrya, f&u-
as a species of dog an ahuric ani- yant or v»razana, varazinya), the
mal 136, 151; created in opposition settled farmer who pursues agri-
to the ant 151. culture and cattle-breeding as a
hell, the old Aryan belief in 98, 137; opposed to the nomad, name of
a place of darkness in the depth the third or peasant-caste 106, 187,
of the earth 115, 130; in the nor- 203, 204, 206, 209.
thern part of the earth 139; anni- h u s b a n d r y (västra) 184, 186, 201,
hilated by the fiery stream of the holiness of 141 seq.
molten metal at the time of the Huiitay, see Yäiryä Huiitay.
renovation 115, 189, 191; in the hütay 'artisan', see castes.
Gada1 s called drüjö nmäna 'house Hüxta, see paradise.
of the Drug', daötöng dam 'house Hvarita, see paradise.
of theZ>aet;a's', aciitahyämananhö H'yaona: name of a hostile folk, the
damäna 'house of the most evil Chionitae of the classics 108.
spirit', in the younger Avesta duz-
anhav or daozahva 'bad existence, illegitime father, obligation of towards
bad life' 130, 190, 196, 200. the mother and the child 136.
H e l p e r (saoiyant), name given by immortality, see Amaratatät.
ZaraduStra to himself and to the i m p u r i t y , development of the idea of
Index. 291

133; connected with belief in spi- daugther of Zaradu&tra 204. See

rits 134; chief centres of 133 seq. Zara&uMra.
Indo-Iranian, see Aryan. JamSed (δ.) 103.
Indra Vrtrahan (Ved.) 96, 113, 118.
infection, see pollution, K&bülist&n 97, 103.
injury, see baodö.varüsm. Kaita: probably a name of certain
intercourse with a woman who has beings opposed to the mazdavas-
the menses or is quick with a child, nian religion 121.
a mortal sin 136. Kanha·. a land 105.
intermediate state, of the souls of Kangdiz, the castle of Kanha 105.
those whose deeds of virtue and Kai (Bd., S.), see Kavay.
vice balance each other 138. Kar (Pähl.), the Kar-fish (aw. Kara-),
investiture with the (sacred) belt, mar- chief of the water-creatures 161.
king the consecration of youth 99, Karapan: in the younges Avesta name
157, 181. See Aryan domestic rites of certain enemies of the nation
and girdle. and of the faith of the Mazdayas-
Iranian legends of heroes, seeSVaacia, nians 98, in the G a d a » name of a
Kmsäspa, Tusa, Braitaona, Vis- member of the priest-class among
tarav, (ViStdspa,) Yima, Zairi.· the non-Zar a&ustri&n Iranians 195,
varay. 196, 200.
— legends of kings, see dynasties KarSiptar: a mythical bird, who brings
and Xvannah. as the messenger of the heaven
— legend of the wars to be waged the religion into the castle of Yima
with the Turanians, see Όάηανδ, 141, 161.
Dänay-clan, Franrasyan and the KarSipt (Bd.), the chief [ratav) of
allegoric legend of Aiay. birds 161.
— myths (natural), see TiStrya·, (reli- karSvar's, the seven regions,into which
the world is divided: Savahl in
gious), see Änhairyö and YoiSta.
the east, Anzahl in the west, Fra-
iristö.kaSa·. name of a corpse-bearer,
dadafiav in the south(-east), VIda-
opposed to nasu-kaia 142. See Safsav in the south(-west), Vouru.-
nasu.kaSa. janStay in the north(-east), Vouru.-
Isai-västra: the son of Zara&ustra, bard§tay in the north(-west), X«ani-
whom he had from his first wife ra&a in the centre 111, 115, 194.
206. See Zarafrustra. Kqsaoya: name of the Hämün-sea, in
Iikata: a land, whose situation is not Saistän 118, 158.
clear 111. Kavaem Xvannö, see Xcaranah.
j u d g e (ratav)·. in legal procedure of Kavät (Bd.), see Kaväta.
the official who passes and pro- Kaväta, founder of the second my-
claims the sentence 120, 186; the thical or Kayäni&n dynasty, see
spiritual head, who passes a judge- I dynasties.
ment upon all religious questions i lKavay, title of the kings of the se-
149; of Ahura Mazdäh as ratav of ! cond mythical or Kayänwn dy-
the spiritual world and of Zara- nasty, which succeeded the Pei-
{hdtra as ratav of the material cieiian, see dynasties.
world 162; of Zara&u&tra as judge 2Kavay: in the younger Avesta name
at the time of the last judgement of certain enemies of the nation
151, 173, 192, 204. and of the faith of the Mazdavas-
judgement, the last, see Metal, nians 98, in the Gada's name of
judicial mountain, the, see 6ikät i the members of the warrior-class
däitlk. among the non-Zaraduxtrian Ira-
j u d i c i o u s (huxratav): used in the nians 196.
same sense as 'man of understan- Kayän Yasnz the real title of the
ding'. Zam Yazat Yast 127 seq., one of
Juppiter 110. the earliest foundations of the na-
Jam (Pähl.) 103. tional epic of Persia 128.
Jämäspa (Djjämäspa): of the Ηυόυα- Kayäni&n dynasty, see dynasties.
family, brother of FraiaoStra, the Kdrvsänay·. some enemy of the maz-
prime minister of Vistäspa 105,204; dayasnian religion 99.
his marriage with Pourucistä, the Kdrasäspa: one of the greatest heroes
292 Index.

in theAvesta 97; legends relating man, the first, see Gaya mar»tan\
to 97, 117, 129; king of the Pes- man considered a microcosm 154.
dät\an dynasty 103. Man of K n o w l e d g e (vldvah): who
K i n g d o m (üdä&ra): used of paradise knows Zaraduitra'e doctrine 189,
as the dominion of the Ahura's 193, 194, 199.
189, 191, 194, 204, the unlimited Man of U n d e r s t a n d i n g (hudä)·.
Kingdom 198, the good Kingdom who has made the right choice in
203. See XSa&ra. the matter of belief 189, 192. Cp.
Kf&änav (Ved.) 99. 'judicious*, 'prudent', "wise", used
in the same sense.
land (daibhav), see political units, M a n of W a r (nar), see Nobleman.
law against the JDaiva'a, see Videvdät. Manah: "thinking, mind'.
laws about contracts and assaults 133. Aka Manah 'evil thinking, evil
laws of purification, see purification. mind' Yt. 19. 46.
L e a g u e (maga-): in particular sense Vohu Manah 'good thinking, good
of the Zara&uStri&n religious com- mind', in the Gä&ä'e one of the
munity 154, 188, 206, 207, Viätäspa highest Ahura's, often mentioned
the political head of 188, 204. with Mazdäh and Αέα and next
libations, see zaofrra. to the latter Mazdäh'e highest
l i b e r a l i t y (frärätay or vldliä), re- minister 187; in the younger
garded as the highest virtue by Avesta the highest AmaSa Spanta
the Zoroastrians 157, 160. 114, 130, 167.
life after death, see future life,
lights, the endless or eternal, see pa- Manüiihr (δ), see Manusii&ra.
radise. Manuidihr (Bd.), see Manuici&ra.
L o r d of J u d g e m e n t (oAü, 1 ahura)'. Manusiidra: king of the Peidäüan
in legal procedure of the reigning dynasty 103, 121.
prince who proceeds to execute Mära, the temptation of Buddha by 137.
the sentence pronounced by the Maryav: a land 'Marv, Margiana' 111.
judge (ratav) 120, 186; of Ahura Margiana, see Maryav.
Mazdäh as ahü of the spiritual mark arzän (Pähl.), see paiö.tanü.
and of Zara&uttra as ahü of the Marv, see Maryav.
material world 162; of Ahura Maz- Mäzainya 'of Mäzana', see Mäzana.
däh at the time of the last judge- Mäzana: a land 'Mäzandarän' 103.
ment 200. Mäzandarän, see Mäzana.
Luhräsp (Bd.), see Aurvat.aspa. Mazdayasnian; Λ/azda-worshipper, be-
longing to the Mazda-worshippers
M a d n e s s , see Aeäma. 177.
Maidyäirya, see Yäirya. measures of distance 108, 140, 154.
MaiSyöi.mätsha Spitäma: name of a yava perhaps long (or thick) as
helper, who is chiefly operative as a barley-corn.
teacher 205. alia perhaps long as a plough-
Maiiyöiiam, see Yäirya. share, cp. V. 14. 10.
Maibyöi.zarvmaya, see Yäirya. s p a n : uzaitay between thumb and
Mäh: 'moon', the old Aryan god 164, fore-finger.
keeping in it the seed of the ox dlitay between thumb and midd-
164 seq.; as Yazata 121, 164 seq.; le-finger.
Antanmäh the god of the new vltastay between thumb and little-
moon, Pwnmö.mäh 'the god of the finger.
full moon* 165. See also Aryan c u b i t : frära&nay from elbow to
gods and Υαζαέα'β. finger-ends=two vltastay.
Mäh NyäyiSn 164 seq. a r m - l e n g t h : frabäzav from neck
Mainyav: Spsnta Mainyav 'the holy to finger-ends=two frärä&nay.
spirit', Aura Mainyav (Pähl. Ahra- f a t h o m : vibäzav extent of the two
man) 'the evil spirit' 98, 133. See arras out-stretched=two frabäz-
dualistic belief and spirit. av.
Mähya: name of the gods of the f o o t : ραδα of fourteen finger-
months, TiStrya (Pähl. Tistr) the breadths,
god of the fourth month 120, ir- p a c e or s t e p : gäya of three feet.
matay (Pähl. Spandaramat) the häöra of thousand steps.
god of the twelfth month 117. iaratav 'racecourse'of two hädra's.
Index. 293

moat ο!' the: blessed, sec Amaratatät Naotarian family: name of a family,
and spring-butter. to which the kings of the Peidatian
— -offerings, see myazda. dynasty from Naotara (Nödar §.),
meeting of the country, the plenaryl71. the ancestor of the family, and the
member of the zoroastrian community, kings of the Kayänian dynasty
see dahma. belong 102 seq., 104, 107 seq.; Κα-
menstruation: treatment of women at väy Kaväta, the founder of the
the time of their menstruation 136. Kayäni&n dynasty adoptep by
See also mortal sins, Uzava, the grandson of Naotara
m e t a l , the fiery stream of: at the last 108. See also Tusa and Vistarav.
judgement to be passed through Nasav, the Drug Nasav or corpse-
by all men 190, 191, 194; for the witch, who (in the shape of a fly)
evil the greatest torture, for the enters and pervades every corpse
good the pleasant sensation of a immediately after death 134.
luke warm bath 191; the great fire- Nasäsälär, see nasu.kaia.
ordeal 207 seq. See also fire, Nasks (aw. *naska- 'bundle, collection");
meteors, see Pairikä. the twenty-one parts of the Avesta,
metre of the Yast's 94, of the Gä&ä's 184. described in the Denkart 93, 98.
Mihr Yait 109 seq. nasukaSa: one who carries a dead
Mitra (Ved.), see MiOra. body to the Daxma in a strictly
Mi&ra, the Aryan god of daylight, ceremonious manner (Nasäsälär).
originally a personification of truth Contrast iri&tö.kaxa one who singly
and friendship 119 seq.; not ack- carries a dead person unceremoni-
nowlegded in the time of Zara- ously 142.
OuStra 93, 110; in the younger next-of-kin marriage, regarded as one
Avesta the god of the heavenly of the most meritorious works 150.
light and the god of truth and Nine Nights BaraSnüm, the great cere-
faith 109, identi fied with the sun mony of purification 134, 135 seq.,
110; connected with the myth of regarded as a reviving and streng-
the deliverance of the cows 96, 113. thening by the earth 135.
month, see calendar, Nlrangastän 180 seq.
month-gods, see Mähya. Nivika, name of an unbeliever, whose
moon, see Mäh. sons were slain by Karasäspa 295.
mortal sins 136, 153 seq. nmäna 'house", see political units.
Mother Earth, see Ärmatay and Aryan
gods. Nmänya, the god ( Y a z a t a ) of the
houses (or families) 166. See Yaz-
myazda: 'meat-offering', such as the ata'e.
meat of the ox {gaui baoirya) 168. N o b l e m a n (xvaitav), member of the
second or warrior caste, also called
näfa 'familv', used instead of ηνιάηα 'Man of War" (nar) 202, 209. See
118. castes.
n a i l s , see hair and nails. Nödar (§.), see Naotara.
Nairya Hqm.vantay: name of the Nodhäs (Ved.), 116.
goddess (Yazata) of 'manly cou- Nyäyisn (Pähl.): a term applied to
rage", see Yazata's five prayers addressed to the sun,
Nairyö.sanha·. identical with the Ve- to Midra, to the moon, to waters
dic Näräsämsa (a name of Agni), I and to fire 164 seq., meaning of
the sacrificial fire as the messenger I the word 164.
that goes from the heavens to the ι
earth and from the earth to the j odoriferous woods, 149.
heavens, in the Avesta known as a i ordeal, see fire and metal,
form of Ätar 117 η. See also Aryan j otter {udra), as a species of dog an
gods. I ahur'ic animal 136.
Naotara: king of the Peidätian dy- : owl, see Aiö.zusta.
nastv, ancestor of the Naotarian Ox (gav), the most important of the
family 103, 105, 106. 107; in the i possessions of the nomad tribes in
Sähnäma called Nödar 103, 105. Eastern Iran 185. the proper treat-
Naotara's: the Iranian kings of the ment of the ox the chief point of
Naotarian family; the warfare bet- j Zara0uitra's doctrine 185, 187, 201,
ween them and the Turanians 126. nomadic tribes the chief enemies
294 Index.

of the ox 187, the Baoma-calt and Pvnnö.mäh·. the god of the full moon,
the orgiastian frensy, under which see Mäh.
the ox had to suffer 170, 177, 186, Paäana: name of an unbeliever 108.
187, 195, 196, the representative of peasant, see castes.
all useful (ahuric) animals 116, the PlSdOtAwa. dynasty, see dynasties.
ox of paradiese 204, the primeval p»iö.tanü\ lit.'one whose body is lost',
ox 164 seq., the seed of the prime- orig. amounted to 'worthy of death'
val ox delivered to the moon and (mark arzän), but, on the whole,
purified by the light of moon 165, attached to the technical meaning
the 'Soul of the Bull' and 'the of 'one who has to receive two
Creator of the Bull* as guardians hundred strokes with the horse-
of the ox 185, 186. whip' (as unit for heavy penalties)
ox's urine, n e x t to water the best 145.
m eans of purification 136. See puri- P e a s a n t , see Husbandman.
fication. Personality, see *Da8nä.
Plrän Vösak (Bd.), son of Vaisaka,
pace, see measures of distance. see Vaisaka.
Pairikä, the meteors called the shoo- Pisän (Bd.), see Pisinah.
ting stars, 121. Pisinah: king of the Kayänie.n dy-
Paitis.hahya, see Yäirya. nasty 104, 127.
Paoiryainl: name of a constellation PiSln (Bd.): a plain in Käbülistän,
'the Pleiades' 121. where Karssäspa lies asleep 97,
Paraüäta: lit. 'placed in front', the 103, 117. See Varay PiHnah.
epithet of HaoSyanha, explained piätra, see castes.
in the Pahlavi-Vidövdät by peidä- Pitaona: name of an unbeliever? 130.
. tlh 102. See PeAdätitm dynasty, place of light, see paradise,
p a r a d i s e : called ' h o u s e o f l o v e ' ( ^ a r ö plagues created by Aura Mainyav to
nmäna) 112,128, 'the best existence' mar the earth and its creatures 133n.
(vahiSta anhav) 98, 173, 'the end- plants, deified 122.
less lights (anayra ταοέά) 128, 179, Pleiades 121.
'(best) lights, place of light' (vahiita political ambition of the Iranians, the
raoiä) 174, 189, in the Gä&ä'a also distinctive sign of 128. See X*ar9-
'kingdom' (χέα&τα) as the dominion nah.
of the Ahura's 191, 199, 200, 'good political gods, see Yazata'e.
kingdom' 203, 'most pleasant dwel- p o l i t i c a l u n i t e of the old Iranian
ling' (vahiStsm memo) 190, Ahura r a c e : nmäna- house, family, vis-
Mazdäh's house 173, and Αέα 196 village, union of families, zantav-
(see ASa); three forecourts of: Hu- country, union of villages, άαύ·
mata, Hüxta, Hvarita 127,172,179; hav- land, union of countries 99.
garö nmäna probably considered p o l l u t i o n (or defilement, infection)
a particularly holy room within chiefly arising from the dead
the paradise 128. 133 seq., pollution of fire and earth
P a r a g r a : the ceremony preparatory 145, of water 146, of houses 148 seq.,
to YasiSn 168. of ways 150; pollution arising from
Para.haoma: the juice extracted from dead matters (hair and nails)
the Haoma-plant, mixed with con- 153 seq. See purification,
secrated water, milk and aromatic porcupine (sukunna), as a species of
ingrediants 168. dog an ahuric animal 152.
prakriyä (Skt.), 168. Pouruiistä, Zarafruitra's youngest
Päranday: lit. 'abundance, richness*, daughter, wife of Jämäspa 107,205.
a goddess, cp.the Yedic Pur amdhay
112, 122. See Aryan gods. ' See Zarafruitra.
Par5.d9T9s·. 'he who foreshows (the Pourudäxitay, father of ASavaedah
coming dawn)*, a theological name 105.
of the cock 165. See cock. PouruSaspa, father of Zaradubtra 97.
Pa&ana: name of an unbeliever, whose See Zaraduitra.
nine sons were overcome by Kdrd- Pouruta: a land, whose situation is not
säspa 129. clear 111.
Pdurva: 'the experienced boatman'? p r a y e r s the three (or four) most
105. sacred prayers Ahuna Vairya Y.
Index. 296

27. 13, Atom vohü or A Sam Vahii- weighes the good works and sins
Um Y. 27. 14, Yetihi, Hatäm Y. 27. in his golden scales, when the soul's
15 (and Ä.Airy9mä.ISyö Y. 64. 1; account is balanced after tbe third
prayer to fire for mercy at the last night after death 115. See Yazata'e
judgement 207 seq., prayer to thura Ratav. 'chief or 'head', every being in
Mazdäh for the highest reward in the ^ia-world looked upon as au-
both lives 208 seq. thority in any sphere 161 n.; judge
p r i e s t s : ä&ravan the priest of the (from the caste of priests), who
Aryan time who had to worship pronounces judgement 120; judge
fire (And Soma), in theAveeta priest or spiritual head, who passes a
in general sense and representative judgement upon all religious ques-
of the priest-caste 106, 137; zaotar tions 149; subordinate priest 181.
the priest of the Aryan time who Ratav-ship: the function of the Ratav
had to (worship Soma and) to recite 120.
the prayers, in the Avesta the chief r e a d y (fraSa, faraia), see closing work,
priest entrusted principally with the recital of the sacred texts, three ex-
recitation of the holy texts 181; pressions of 174, 181, 182.
subordinate priests (ratav): Häva- r e c o m p e n s e (fnratu): used in escha-
nan, Ätnväx.i, Frab»ntar, Äbant, tologica) sense, equivalent to allot-
Ämatar, Raifrwiikara, Sraoiäva- ment 203; tbe future recompense
n z 181; members of the priest- an Aryan religious conception 138.
caste AtrySman or Haxaman 106, See allotment,
209; — the right priest 137; the r e c o r d i n g s (dädra): an eschatolo-
unworthy priest 137. gical concept 159, 173. See weigh-
primeval bull, see Soul of the primeval ing in the balance,
Bull, reformation of Zara&uitra, not alto-
primeval ox 166. gether religion, but at the same
primeval principles, see principles, time economic 185.
principles, the two primeval 98; the regions of the earth, see Karivar1 β
universal principle Zrvan akarana and threefold division of the earth,
'boundless time' lbO. See also religious caetigation: in religious casti-
dualistic belief, spirits and Zrvan. gation the horse-whip (aspahe aitra)
price, see benefit, and the rod of correction (βταοέδ.-
process of cleansing, varying accor- 6arana) are used 147.
ding to the degree of uncleanness r e n o v a t i o n (fraiö.l&ntay): the re-
135. See also purification, novation of tbe universe which is
prostitute, the (jaht), mixing the seed to take place about tbe time of the
of the faithful and of the unfaith- resurrection^, as a preparation for
ful 137, 158. See also courtezan, eternity 95,128,157, 173; produced
p r u d e n t (däda): used in the same by the SaoSyanfs 95; the earth
sense ar 'man of understanding' and the hell as a place of darkness
189, 204. in the depth of the earth becoming
purification: object of (to expel the pure and renovated by a fiery
spirit) 134, laws of 133 seq., means stream of molten metal 116,130,191.
of (water, ox's urine, perfumes, resurrection of the dead at the time
prayers or spells) 135 seq., 148,149, of the last judgement, produced
150, great ceremony of 135 seq.; by the Saoiyant's 95, 128,157, 173.
purification of waters 146 seq., of rod of correction, see religious casti-
houses 148 seq., of ways 150 seq., gation.
of hair and nails 165.
Rayay: a town 176. See Zara&uitra. sacred bread, see drön.
Ra&hoiSkara, see priests. Sag did,·, lit. 'glance of the dog', a pro-
Räma X^ästnm: lit. 'peace who gives cess of expelling the corpse-witch,
good pastures', a Yasata 162, 167. consisting in making a dog look
räna or rqna, see factions. at the defiled matter 150.
Ranhi: a semi-mythical river, the Sakaetän (Bd.): name of a land 'Sait-
Vedic Rastί 105. tän' 108, 158.
Rapifrwina, see Asnya and Yazata'a. &dma-family: an Iranian family, from
Rasä (Ved.), see Ranhd. which &rita and Ktntätpa sprang
RaSnav: the god of justice, who 96.
296 Index.

Sanhaväk·, name of a sister of Yima, span, see measures of distance.

delivered by Qraitaona 103. See Spandaramat (Pähl.), the goddess of
Annaväk and Oraetaona. earth 117,136; name of the twelfth
Saoiyant: 'saviour' a) designation of month 117. See Mdhya.
the priests, who are supposed to Spaniita-iire, see fire.
continue Zara&ustra's salvation- Spanta Mainyav, see spirit.
work 124, 163; β) the future savi- Spanta Mainyü-Gädä, see Gä&ä's.
ours, wo will appear at the end spells (mq&ra), 112, 120, 138, 148.
of the world and produce the reno- s p i r i t (mainyav), esp. of the two
vation 95, 128; born by maids ba- spirits, the holy (holier, holiest) or
thing1 in the lake Kqsaoya, who good (best) and the evil looked
will conceive by Zara&uStra'a seed upon as twins 189, being in eternal
117 seq., γ) esp. of Astva^.arata, the conflict 98,130,137; the good spirit
'victorious* 132, 158, 204. ultimately triumphing 89,138, 189;
Sarasvati (Ved.), 100. the dualistic thought of the two spi-
SarvSa: name of the gods of the years rits Dot strictly adhered to through-
162. out the Gädä's 190.
Satavaesa: name of a star, probably spiritual faculties: ahu 'vital strength',
the Aldebaran 121. daenä 'religion, conscience', baoiah
sava, savn, savah, sec benefit. 'consciousness, perception', urvan
Savahl, see karsar's. 'soul', fravasay 'the everlasting and
Saviour, see Saosyant. deified soul' 160. 172.
Sävarahay\ the god of the morning, (S'pirfäma-family, see Zara&ustra.
who makes large cattle to prosper, Spityura: a brother of Yima 'who cut
see Yazata's. Yima in two pieces' 130.
Süyuzdri: name of the father of Aia- springbutter, the heavenly food 180.
vazdah and &rita 105. Sraosa (Pähl. Sröi): a personification
seasons, see Yairya. of 'obidience', the god of obidience
seduction of maids 126, 132, 136. and the priest god 125, 155, 163,
s e e d : the sin of emitting seed during as Ahura 198, as Amaia Spanta
the sleep V.18. 46; the emitted seed 114; the bird of 137, 155.
to be received by the goddess of Srao&ävaraz, see priests.
earth for to let grow from it a son Srö$ (Pähl.), advising Yima 129. See
at the day of the resurrection „157, Taxmüraf.
the seed of Zara&uitra, see Xrih- Srös Yast (Y. 57), 155.
airyö and Saosyant. Srös Yast HaSöxt (Yt. 11), 155.
S e l f , see %Dai.nä. Staota Yasna: 'songs of praise and
sermons in verse, see Gala's, prayers', a collection of texts in-
servant of Sraosa, see cock. corporated in the Yasna and com-
Seven-Chapter-Yasna (yasno hapta- prising 33 portions 171 seq.
nhäitii), see Yasna. stars, having in them the seed of the
s h i r t , the, as a piece of clothing which waters 123.
every Parsi is enjoined to wear sterile people 124, woman 126.
after his fifteenth year 157. S t r o n g · D r i n k (mada): the Haoma-
Slh Röiak 94, 166 seq. drink, which Zaradustra attacks
Sirius, see tiätrya. chiefly because of the orgiastic
Siyävaxs (Bd.), see Syävarsan. festivals, in which the Haoma-cult
skv-worship connected with light and culminated 202.
"fire 208. struggle, the perpetual, between the
Snäviika: name of a boaster, killed Iranians and the Turanians 104,
by Karasäspa 97, 130. 126. See Naotara's.
Sogdiana, see βηγδα. Suyda: nameofaland'Sogdiana'97,111.
Soma (Ved.), see Haoma. summersolstice, see Yäirya.
sorcery, see feathers and spells, sun, see Aryan gods and Yazata's.
soul, see spiritual faculties. supreme lord (ahu): used of Zar α-
S o u l of t h e B u l l : the deified soul χhistra, who takes care, that none
of the primeval bull, the guardian of the good deeds of the faithful
of the ox, an Ahura 185. one get lost, but be recorded and
soul of the pious after death, the fate kept in Ahura Mazdäh'e house
of 178 seq. (paradise) 173.
Index. 297

Sydvarfan: king οί the Kayänicui Ursa Major, see Hapto.iringa.

dynasty 104, 105, 127, former of Urumya lake, see Caiiasta.
the castle Kangdiz 105. See Si- Urväsnä 'sandal-wood' 149.
v y&vaxi. UrvOxSaya, a judge and lawgiver,
Sähnäma 94, 96, 102, 103, 104, 105, killed by Hitäspa and avenged
108, 128. by his brother Kvnsäspa 97.
Urväziäta-tire, see fire.
Tahmüras (§.), see Taxma Urupa. Usan or Usadan, king of the Kayäninn
tamarisk bush, see Bansman. dynasty 104, 127.
Tqöryavant: name of an unbeliever. Us.h»ndava Gar ay·, 'the mountain on
Taxma Urupa·, king of thePeiddiian yonder side of India', name of a
dynasty 103, 127, 128; legend of mountain 122.
128 seq. Usind, Usindam (Pähl.), see Us.hen-
Taxmüraf (Bd.,Mx.),seeTaxma Urupa. dava Garay.
threefold division of the earth 115. Uiah: 'dawn', a Yazata 166. See Aryan
of the universe 115. gods and Yazata's.
Tigris, 105. USahina, see Asnya.
TiMr YaSt (Yt. 8), 120 seq. Uitavaitl-GäM, sue Gä&ä'a.
Tiitrya·. name of the dog-star'Sirius', uzaätay 'span', see measures of di-
looked upon as the harbinger of stance.
rain 120, his struggle against the Uzava, king of the Pesdäti&xi dynasty
Dalva of drought Apaola 120 seq. 103; said to have been adopted
tortoise (zairimyanura), as daevic ani- by Kavay Kaväta 108.
mal 152. Uzayeirina, see Asnya.
Tos (S.), see Tusa.
Traitäna (Ved.), see Oraetaona. VaSayan: an enemy of the mazd. re-
Trita (Ved.), see Brita. ligion 159.
Tura: name of an Aryan (Iranian) Vaiksnta·. a land 'Kabülist&n* 97.
nomadic tribe, applied to all the Valjah, Airyana: name of a land,
nomadic tribes of the north as the looked upon as the original eeat
adversaries of the settled Aryans of the Airya 97; its situation dis-
104, 126, 200. See Fryäna. cussed 97 seq.
Tusa: name of an Iranian hero, son Vaisaka: name of the head of a fa-
of king Nödar 105. mily, whose foremost member was
TuSnä.matay: 'silent thinking', pro- his son Pir&n Vesak (Bd.) 105.
bably an other name for Armatay VahiätöiStl-GäM, see GäM'e.
199. Vanant·. the chieftain of the stars in
the west, probably the Wega 121.
6raetaona, recognised in the Vedic Vandarzmainii-.tbe, brother otArvjat·-
Traitäna; the conqueror of a three- aspa 108.
headed monster ( A i a y Dahäka) Vanhäpara, see hedgehog.
and deliveror of two wives 96, 103; Vanhvl: a river, the Veh röt (Bd.)
born for the country Vanna, to Yt. 8. 2.
which Dahäka was created as Var, the castle of Yima, see Yima.
foreign ruler 103; flinging up Vara ·, name of a Tura Yt. 5. 73.
Päurva 105; king of the Peidät'vAii Varay PiSinah: a lake 103. See Pisln.
dynasty 103, 127. Vänyan or Värdnyan: name of a bird,
Θτϊία, the Vedic Trita, of the Säma- one of the incarnations of Vars-
family, the first physician 96. iWayna 119, 129.
0rita, son of Säyuzdrl 105. Vardna·. a country, for which was
Qwäsa·. the god of the atmosphere born Oraetaona 103.
Yt. 10. 66. See Yazata'a. Vännyan, see Vwnyan.
Vaniava: a man of the Turanian
udra, see otter. tribe named Dänav, killed by
Upamana DämöiS·. a Yazata, said to Ransäspa 130.
be a companion of Mi&ra 111, 112, Varhrän Yait (Yt. XIV), 118 seq.
163. Varuna (Ved.), 110.
Uparatät: 'superiority', the god of Väta: 'wind', as Yazata Yt. 10. 9. See
superiority Vr. 2. 8. See Yazata's. Yazata's.
urine, see ox's urine. VäziSta-fire, see fire.
298 Index.

Varaürayna: orig. a thundergod, the Mazdäh's good spirit, working in

Vedic Indra Vftrahan, made a de- man and uniting him with Ood 180,
moil because of his being fond of 167; in the GäM's one of the highest
the &oma-drink, but reestablished of the Ahura'e and next to Αία Maz-
as god of victory by deification däh's highest minister 187, in the
of his epithet Vftrahan- Vara&rayna younger Avesta the highest Ατηβέα
'repeller of the charge' 118 seq. Spanta 113 seq
See Aryan gods. Vouru.baraStay, see KarSvar's.
Vendlddd, a corruption of Vidlvdät Vouru jaraitay, see Karivar'a.
132. Vidlvdät. Vouru.kaia: 'with wide-extending in-
'verse of the owner of cattle', see lets', name of a mythical lake, the
F&üiö Mqdra. Caspian-sea or the Aral-sea 101,
Visak (Bd.), see Vaisaka. 103, 122, 131.
Victorious, the: epithet of the future Vftrahan (Ved.), see VaraOrayna.
Saviour Astvat-arata 132, 158. warrior, see castes.
Vldaiafiav, see Κανέναν's. water, as centre of purity 134.
Vidlvdät: 'law against the Baeva's', waters, deified 122, 169. See Aryan
a priestly code; content of 132 seq. gods and Yazata'6.
village (vis), see political units. Wega, see Vanant.
vis, see village. w e i g h i n g i n t h e b a l a n c e : every
Visprat (a v. vispe ratavö): 'all Ratav's, thing that a man thinks, says or
all chiefs cr heads', name of a col- does, good or bad, is recorded,
lection of supplements to various with a view to the final reckoning
portions of the Yasna 94, 161 seq. or weighing of the deeds in the
Vistarav: an Iranian hero and descen- balance against one another. The
dant of Naotara 106. greater tne entry in the side of
Vlsya: the god (Yazata) of the villages evil, the greater is the account of
or commonalties 165. See Yazata's. due. Whenthereckoningisfinished,
Viiaptaöa: 'the seventh within', name the lot is distributed; those who
of the god (Yazata) of the day, have a balance on the side of good
which follows as the seventh upon receive the reward (benefit), but
the new-moon-day or the full· those who have a balance on the
moon-day, 165. side of evil receive the punishment
vttastay (span), see measures of di- (harm). According to Mx. 2. 115—
stance. 122 BaSnav weighes the good
viiät daväriänlh (Pähl.): 'running works and sins in golden scales,
about uncovered', the sin under- when the soul's account is balan-
gone by one who does not wear ced after the third night after death
the girdle and the shirt 157. 115, 138, 169, 173.
Vi&täspa·. king of the Kayäni&n dy- w e l f a r e , see Haurvatät.
nasty 104, 105, 107 seq., 128, the wind, deified Yt. 10. 9. See Aryan
patron of ZaraduStra 107, 205, the
political head of the Zara&uStri&n gods and Yazata'e.
community (league) 188. winter-solstice, 120. See Yäirya.
w i s e (huzSntav) used in the same
vital strength or power (ahü), see sense as 'man of understanding'
spiritual faculties. 189.
Vitanuhaiti; name of a river 106.
Vlvahvant: the Vedic Vivasvant, the woman, who has the menses or is
father of Yima- Yama, said to.have quick with a child, the sin of inter-
been the first sacrificer 95. course with 136, 153.
Vizaraia: lit. 'who drags away', the Xnq&aitl, the witch, by whom Ka-
demon who binds and drags off rasöspa was seduced 97, 158.
the soul of the wicked to the bridge Xrafstra·. general denomination for
of the separator and after the jud- all noxious (daevio.) animals 154.
gement to hell 160. Χέα&τα (Vairya): l i t '(wished-for) sov-
Vohü.fryäna- fire, see fire. ereignty', a personification of the
Vohu.gaona 'benzoin*, 149. ahuric sovereignty and of the
Vohu.karatay 'aloe-wood 149. ahuric kingdom; as Ahura 190; as
Vohu Manah-. 'good mind, good thin- Amaia Spanta god of war and the
king', the personification of Ahura genius of metals 114, 154.
Index. 299

Xia&rö.suka: a mountain in Kanha or of a certain limited class of di-

105. vine beings 94,100 seq., metre of 94.
X*äirizam: a land 'Chorasraia' 97, 111. Yazartes 105.
X«anira&a: the seventh and central
Yazata'&: (ved. yajata) 'the one who
region of the earth. 105, 111, 194.
is worthy of praise', general name
See KarSvar'e.
of all gods 111. See also lAhura,
Xvannah·. 'the kingly Glory' a di- Am»&a Spsnta and Aryan gods,
vine light or halo supposed to be e t h i c a l gods (abstract^: Arität
possessed by the kings of the 'uprightness' 116. [Cistay 'in-
Iranian dynasties, esp. of the Ka- sight, understanding', Öistä Ra-
ydnian dynasty 127; the history ziitä 'rightest understanding',]
of 127 seq. Rainav 'justice' 115.
n a t u r e gods: [Asman 'sky',] Hvar
Yäirya, name of the gods of the or HvanxSaita 'sun' 109, 164,
seasons or of the season-festivals 195, Mäh 'moon* 121, 164, Utah
117, 161 seq. Maiiyöi.tanmaya 'dawn' 166, TUtrya-Siriua 120,
Payah 'mid-spring procuring milk Satavaisa - Aldebaran (?) 121,
or sap* a vernal festival ending Fananf-Wega (?) 121, Haptöi-
with the 21«' April*; MaiSyöiSam ringa-Vna. major 117; θιυ&ία
Väströ.dätainya 'mid-summer, (the atmosphere Yt. 10, 66, [ Vayav
time) of moving the ripe field', a 'air, atmosphere',] Vdta 'wind'
summer-solstice festival ending Yt. 10. 9, [Zam 'earth',] Ätar
with the 20th June; PaitiS.hahya 'fire' 172, Apö 'waters', Apqm
Hahya 'corn-festival giving corn' a Napät 'the grandson of the wa-
harvest festival ending with the ters' 121, Andvl 100, Gav *ox',
3d September; Ayäfhrima Fraour- Urvarä 'plants' 122, Haoma 94.
va&Strima 'return-festival, (the time) See also Bsrsjya.
of driving home the cattle'ending p o l i t i c a l gods: Nmänya the god
with the 3d October; Maidyätrya of the house (family) 166, Vlsya
SanSa'mid-vear bringing the cold- the god of the village or commo-
ness', a winter-solstice festival en- nalty 165, Zantuma the god of the
ding with the 22 "d December; country, Daäyuma the god of
Hamaspalhnaidaya Antö-kaw&na the land; (abstract or symbolic)
\ . (the time) of the performance Xvannah 'the kingly glory' 127
of the religious duty', a festival seq., Van&rayna the god of vic-
at the approach of the spring in tory 118, Uparatät 'superiority'
honour of the souls of the dead, Vr. 2. 8, Ama 'impetuosity' 167,
who were supposed to revisit this [3 ratay 'energy'], Nairyä Hqm.-
world and to partake of the rivi- vantay 'manly courage' 112,
val of their mother earth, ending 129, Äx&tay Hqm.vainti 'victo-
with the 17th March 117. rious peace' 167.
Yäiryä Huiitay. the Yazata. who p r i e s t l y gods: Zara&uitrö.tsma
grants 'good lodging during the 'having the greatest likeness to
whole year* 167. Zara&uitra', the god who presi-
Yama, Yaml (Ved.), see Yima. des over the priests; (abstract
Yasna: 'worship', corresponding to or symbolic) Daenä Mäzdayas-
skr. yajna·, the name of all texts, nay 'the mazdayasni&n religion*
which were recited at the high 112, 122. Afrii 'ay 'blessing' 163,
office of the Yasna or Yaziin (Pähl.) [Mq&ra 'the holy word'],
168 seq., consisting of three diffe- r u s t i c a l gods: Drväspä 'giving
rent parts, distinguishable in lan- health to (horses or) mares'; (ab-
guage and content 168 seq. stract or symbolic) CHui Urvan
Yama Haptaohätay: the Yasna of 'soul of the bull', Giui Ταέαη
the seven Hätay's (Y. 35-41) 162, 'creator of the bull* 185, 186,
169 seq., 207 seq. Räman X*ästra 'peace who gives
YaiVs: (av. yaätay-) 'worship by pray- good pastures' 162, 167, Haiti
ers and sacrifices', name of cer- Västravant 'the native abode,
tain collections of pray er and praise, who procures pastures' 163
each of them devoted to the praise Yäiryä Huiitay 'good lodging
and worship of one divine being,
300 Index.

daring the whole year* 167, the golden age 96, 133, 138, 139,
Barajya lit. 'to be welcomed* bis works of mischief, which cau-
causing the increase of corn sed his kingdom to fall 129, 194,
(see Bartholomae Wb. 958) *), in- 195, god of the dead 96; king of
voked together with Uiahina the Peidätian dynasty 103, 127;
and Nmänya, the time from mid- the legends of 129, 130,133,138 seq.
night till sunrise beiDg the time Yöiita: name of a faithful one of
of field-labour on the field of the Fry ana-family 106, legend
the family (nmäna) 166, Sävarahay of 106.
the god of the morning (savah), Yöit (Pähl.), see Yöiita.
who makes large cattle to pros-
per (see Bartholomae Wb. 1572), Zahhak (§.), see Aiay Dahäka.
invoked together with Hävanay Zairimyanura, see tortoise.
and Vlsya, the time from sun- Zairi.varay: son of Auroa&.aspa and
rise till noon being the time of brother of Viitäspa, who killed
milking the cows and leading the monster Humayaka 108.
them to the pasture of the vil- Zam Yazat Yait: the title usually
lage (vis) 165[, Frädai.fäav 'ma- given to the Kayän Yasn 127.
king small cattle to prosper' in- zantav, see country.
voked together with Bapi&wina Zantuma: the god (Yazata) of the
and Zantuma, the time from countries. See Yazata's.
noon till the half afternoon being Zaotar, see priests.
the time of leading small cattle zaofrra: 'libation', euch as the milk
to the wide pastures of the coun- (gäui, gäui hudA, gäui jivya), the
try (zantav), Frädat.vlra 'ma- juice of the Haoma-plant and of
king men (or warriors) to pros- the HaSäna6patäp\a.ut (if mixed
per* invoked together with Lza- with the milk called Para-haoma)
yeirina and DdRyuma, the time 168.
from the half afternoon till sun- Zara&u&tra: the founder of the Mazda-
set being the time of war-like religion, a priest of the Spitama-
training and political manifesta- family 95, in the Gädä's as a histo-
tion to the interest of the land rical personage 95; his date 95,
(idahyav), Fradat.vlspqm.hujyä- his native place 176, his family:
tay 'furthering all the necessa- Pouruiaspa father 97, Duyiö.vä
ries of comfortable life* invoked mother 159; three wifes 204, from
together with Aiwisrü&rima and the first wife one son (see Isat··
Zaraduitrö tama, the time from västra) and three daughters 204,
sunset till midnight being the the youngest of the daughters (see
time of repose for men and the Pouruiistä) married to Jämäspa
time of watching the fire for 204, 205 seq., Hvövl, the third wife,
the priest (see V. 18. 6, p. 137)]. of the üvöva-familv 107, 117, 218,
t i m e gods: Zrvan Akarana 'the 204; his reformation 185: his doc-
boundless time' 160; gods of the trine 188 seq., his work of conver-
years, see Sarvda·, gods of the sion and his campaign against the
months, see Mähya; gods of the men of false belief 192 seq., his
days, see Ayara\ gods of the opponents 193 seq., the principle
periods of the day, see Asnya. promoters of his doctrine 203seq.;
See also Sävanhay. his 'sermons in verse' (Gädä's) 169
Yaziin-cereniony 168 η. seq., 184 seq.; in the younger Avesta
Yetihehätqm·. one of the three (or as a mythical personage, nearly
four) most sacred prayers 102, 173, as a divinity: as Ahü and Ratav
183. See also prayers. of the material world 162, 175,
Yezd, 102. as 'supreme lord' 173, as 'judge*
Yima: (identical with the Vedic Yama) at the time of the last judgement
he and his sister (Ved. Yam\) a 151, 173, 192, 204; temptation of
primeval twin pair, the progeni- 137, 158.
tors of mankind 94 seq., king of I! Zara&uströ.tdma: the god (Yazata),
*) perhaps a name of the morningstar; according to Bd. 7. 5 coopera-
ting with TiStrya.
Index. 301

who presides over the priests, see in later times the universal prin-
Yazata's. ciple, from which the two princi-
Zarir (§.), 108. ples, the good and the evil, are
Zav (Bd.), see Uzava. to be derived, and the central
Zrvan: the ?od { Yazata) of'time' 160; point of the Zervanitic system.
Zrvan akarana 'boundless time" Zervanitic system 160
Additions and Corrections.

A few obvious misprints a r e passed over without notice.

p a g e 1 line 1 — for Horn read H ö m .
„ 8 „ 6 — „ yazi read yezi.
, 9 „ 3 5 — „ ant an.andern read antar9.anS»m.
„21 „ 30 — „ pannö read *p9ranö.
„22 „ 1 8 — „ ναέδ read väiö.
„22 „ 24 — „ paraca read paraia.
„25 „ 7 — before td insert = 20—22.
„26 „ 22 — for *vatryäsia read *väiryds6a.
„28 „ 29 — „ xrvidrvö read xrvidrvö.
„31 „ 13 — „ a&a read *a»ä.
„31 „ 2 1 — „ vanzidöi&ranqm read v&nzi.döifrranqm.
„32 „ 1 9 — „ uye read uye.
„33 „ 10, 11 — strike out vis raoiat xivaipaya vaenaya banSna, yim
„33 „ 1 5 — for zairi.-päbiam read zairi.päSnam.
„33 „ 20 — „ nyäidäuru read **nyäidäuru.
„35 „ 29 — „ vayqm read vayqn.
„56 „ 6 — before paoirlm insert 2.
„75 „ 33 — for mazdayasnanqm read *mäzdayasnanam.
„78 „ 1 — „ *zarmayehe read *zaramayehe.
„79 „ 17 — „ havanänö read Λävanänö.
„79 „ 1 7 — before daiinam insert däityö gätus.
„83 „ 26 — for yät read *yäat-
„90 „ 6 — „ mazdä, ahurä read mazdä ahurä,.
„95 „ 32 — „ Y. 52. 3 read Y. 53. 2.
„96 „ 28 — „ Ätypa-family read Ätpya-ta.m\\v.
„96 „ 3 6 — „ potectress read protectress.
„96 „ 3 7 — „ Farldün read Faridün.
„ 103 „ 31 — „ congueror read conqueror.
„ 106 „ 44 — „ hüitay read hütay.
„ 109 „ 15 — before seems insert (haz-).
„ 112 „ 17 — for worships read worship.
„ 112 „ 2 5 — „ p a y i n g a fine read to m a k e amende.
„ 112 „ 32 — „ V. 18. 34 read V. 18. 43.
Additions and Corrections. 303

page 120 line 40 — for judgment read judgement.

η 126 r> 21 — » (*par) read (?par).
η 132 * 11 — n vayqm read vayqn.
η 133 η 32 —
η as the same time read at the same time.
9 137 η 32 — ι» Yt. 13. 14 read Y. 9. 15.
η 138 ν 19 — η caried read carried.
η 139 η 23 — η (sav·) read (*iav).
η 141 η 20 — η understood read understood.
η 143 η 26 — » barrows read burrows.
η 144 η 1 — » (*par) read (*par).
η 144 η 6 — η before and insert (lit. leaning against another's door).
η 144 η 19,20— for suckless read suckles.
η 145 η 29 — η draged read dragged.
η 145 η 33 — n draged read dragged.
η 145 η 35 — η hardened read frightened.
η 148 η 2 — η nos read nor.
η 149 η 37 — η vlzwänntqm. read vizvärdntqm.
η 151 1) 41 — η (Y. 27. 3) read (Y. 27. 13).
» 152 ι» 4 — η suffers read suffered.
η 152 » 35 — before for insert (lit. by the penalty).
η 153 » 13 — for hada xrafrwa read hava xradwa.
η 153 f> 14 — η heteradox read heterodox.
η 153 η 31 — » sees blood read has the signs of the female sex.
η 154 η 31 — η pairi.kanam read pairi.karam.
η 155 η 6 after arstayasca insert karstayasca (with transition to the
it 157 η 26 — for emited read emitted.
» 157 η 28 —
71 ätdrd.dät'jm read ätrd.dätam.
η 157 η 37 —
η enjoinced read enjoined.
η 157 0 47 -
V xiay read xSäy.
η 158 η 39 κ untill read until.
η 159 7> 20 -
» tought read taught.
» 160 η 23 — before dogs insert two.
η 170 η 12 — for — 29, read — 34,.
η 171 ν 20 — JJ througed read thronged.
η 171 η 23 — ft ( dar-) read i?dar-).
η 172 » 8 —
η conciousness read consciousness.
η 174 Ii 27 — η (*par-) read (*par-).
» 174 η 32 — η law read low.
η 177 1) 9 — π mazdayasnanqm read mäzdayasnanam.
η 181 η 17 —
J» Äb'jrdtar read Äbarvt.
η 181 η 39 —
η S. read U.
η 184 n 18 — η Vahistöitay read Vahiitöi&ti.
η 184 η 27 — η Die Gätha's 6 seq. read Die Gädä's 22.
» 186 η 45 — η ο read of.
η 187 η 31 —
η breeder read breedes.
ν 188 η 40 — ι» Die Gätha's 13 seq. read Die Θάϋά's 25.
» 189 η 34 — » thought read brought.
304 Additions and Corrections.

page 192 line 4 — , Die G&tha's 18 seq. read Die Gä&ä's 27.
„ 192 „ 37 — for though read through.
„ 194 „ 1 — „ yät read yaal
„ 194 „ 5 — „ favouriteis read favourities.
„ 194 „38 — „ attainement read attainment.
„ 195 „43 — „ Kar ρ an read Karapan.
„ 200 „ 22 — „ *par- read *par-.
„ 204 „ 7 — after vldaitl insert ("vaed-).
, 206 „ 10- for Y. 48. 11 read Y. 48. 12.
„ 207 , 11 — , gen. sg. read gen. du.

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