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uk Volume 94 • Number 377 • October 2020

a review of
world archaeology
edited by robert witcher
ISSN 0003 598X Published online by Cambridge University Press
Robert Witcher
Claire Nesbitt Liz Ryan
Robin Skeates Thomas Swindells
Ross Kendall Adam Benton

Antiquity, Department of Archaeology,
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Peter Bellwood, The Australian National University, Australia Peter Mitchell, University of Oxford, UK
Xingcan Chen, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Timothy Pauketat, University of Illinois, USA
Eduardo Goés Neves, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Victor Paz, University of The Philippines, The Philippines
Elizabeth Graham, University College London, UK Michael Petraglia, Max Planck Institute for the Science of
Charles Higham, University of Otago, New Zealand Human History, Jena, Germany
Corinne Hofman, Leiden University, the Netherlands Innocent Pikirayi, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Stephen Houston, Brown University, USA Susan Pollock, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Timothy Insoll, University of Exeter, UK Natalia Shishlina, State Historical Museum, Moscow, Russia
Susan Keech McIntosh, Rice University, USA Benjamin Smith, University of Western Australia, Australia
Ian Kuijt, University of Notre Dame, USA Claire Smith, Flinders University, Australia
Kevin Lane, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Monica Smith, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Akira Matsuda, University of Tokyo, Japan Miriam Stark, University of Hawai‘i-Manoa, USA
Barbara Mills, University of Arizona, USA Sarah Tarlow, University of Leicester, UK

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Cover. Results of a terrestrial laser scanning survey of intertidal structures in the Léguer Estuary, Brittany, France. The images show an
axonometric view of the stone-paved trackway leading to the fishweir at Petit Taureau: (top) a terrestrial laser scanning DEM, with
photographic imagery draped over it, and (bottom) with the intensity of return draped over it. The intensity of return shows the sand
(in yellow and red) burying the lower part of the trackway where it enters the tidal frame (image by M. Lobb; for further details, see
the full article by Lobb et al. in this issue on `An estuarine tidescape of production: terrestrial laser scanning of fixed fishing structures
and a tide mill in the Léguer Estuary, Brittany’). Published online by Cambridge University Press

Volume 94 Number 377 October 2020

Guest Editorial 1127

Paromita Bose, Sutonuka Bhattacharya, Prachi Joshi, Mokshada Salunke &
Chintan Thakar

Research Articles
Who painted that? The authorship of Schematic rock art at the Los Machos 1133
rockshelter in southern Iberia
Francisco Martínez-Sevilla, Meritxell Arqués, Xavier Jordana, Assumpció
Malgosa, José Antonio Lozano Rodríguez, Margarita Sánchez Romero,
Kate Sharpe & Javier Carrasco Rus
No pottery at the western periphery of Europe: why was the Final Mesolithic 1152
of Britain and Ireland aceramic?
Ben Elliott, Aimée Little, Graeme Warren, Alexandre Lucquin,
Edward Blinkhorn & Oliver E. Craig
Migrations or local interactions? Spheres of interaction in third-millennium 1168
BC Central Europe
Jan Kolář
Death is not the end: radiocarbon and histo-taphonomic evidence for the 1186
curation and excarnation of human remains in Bronze Age Britain
Thomas J. Booth & Joanna Brück
The agroecology of an early state: new results from Hattusha 1204
Charlotte Diffey, Reinder Neef, Jürgen Seeher & Amy Bogaard
Phoenician lime for Phoenician wine: Iron Age plaster from a wine press at Tell 1224
el-Burak, Lebanon
Adriano Orsingher, Silvia Amicone, Jens Kamlah, Hélène Sader &
Christoph Berthold
Make a desert and call it peace: massacre at the Iberian Iron Age village of La 1245
Teresa Fernández-Crespo, Javier Ordoño, Armando Llanos & Rick J. Schulting
Summary justice or the King’s will? The first case of formal facial mutilation 1263
from Anglo-Saxon England
Garrard Cole, Peter W. Ditchfield, Katharina Dulias, Ceiridwen J. Edwards,
Andrew Reynolds & Tony Waldron
Constructing and deconstructing the Gokstad mound 1278
Rebecca J.S. Cannell, Jan Bill & Richard Macphail Published online by Cambridge University Press

An estuarine tidescape of production: terrestrial laser scanning of fixed fishing 1296
structures and a tide mill in the Léguer Estuary, Brittany
Michael Lobb, Tony Brown, Jules Leyland, Vincent Bernard, Marie-Yvane Daire
& Loïc Langouët
What’s that smell? New directions for materials studies 1314
Sarah Newstead & Tânia Manuel Casimiro
Sherds as archaeobotanical assemblages: Gua Sireh reconsidered 1325
Aleese Barron, Ipoi Datan, Peter Bellwood, Rachel Wood, Dorian Q Fuller &
Tim Denham
The future of archaeology, interdisciplinarity and global challenges 1337
Sarah Kerr

Debate Article
Pathways to past ways: a positive approach to routeways and mobility 1349
Martin Bell & Jim Leary


Review Articles

An ode to conference proceedings from the U.S. Southwest 1360

Life beyond the boundaries: constructing identity in edge regions of the North
American Southwest
Karen G. Harry & Sarah Herr
Interaction and connectivity in the greater Southwest
Karen G. Harry & Barbara J. Roth
Communities and households in the greater American Southwest: new perspectives
and case studies
Robert J. Stokes

Archaeologies of dispossession: removal, resettlement, community formations 1363

The archaeology of northern slavery and freedom
James A. Delle
The archaeology of removal in North America
Terrance Weik

Book Reviews

David Miles The land of the White Horse: visions of England 1367
RICHARD BRADLEY Published online by Cambridge University Press

Greg Woolf The life and death of ancient cities: a natural history 1369
María Cecilia Lozada & Henry Tantaleán Andean ontologies: new 1371
archaeological perspectives
Mark Gillings, Piraye Hacıgüzeller & Gary Lock Archaeological spatial 1373
analysis: a methodological guide
Caroline Wickham-Jones Landscape beneath the waves: the archaeological 1375
investigation of underwater landscapes
R.N.E. Barton, Abdeljalil Bouzouggar, Simon N. Collcutt & 1378
Louise T. Humphries Cemeteries and sedentism in the later Stone Age of
NW Africa: excavations at Grotte des Pigeons, Taforalt, Morocco
Brais X. Currás & Inés Sastre Alternative Iron Ages: social theory from 1380
archaeological analysis
Clairy Palyvou Daidalos at work: a phenomenological approach to the study of 1382
Minoan architecture
Kathryn Weedman Arthur The lives of stone tools: crafting the status, skill, and 1385
identity of flintknappers
New Book Chronicle 1387

Early commensal interaction between humans and hares in Neolithic northern 1395
Pengfei Sheng, Yaowu Hu, Zhouyong Sun, Liping Yang, Songmei Hu,
Benjamin T. Fuller & Xue Shang
From pack animals to polo: donkeys from the ninth-century Tang tomb of an 1396
elite lady in Xi’an, China—CORRIGENDUM
Songmei Hu, Yaowu Hu, Junkai Yang, Miaomiao Yang, Pianpian Wei, Yemao
Hou & Fiona B. Marshall
Archaeological evidence of early settlement in Venice: a comment on 1397
Ammerman et al. (2017)—CORRIGENDUM
John Meadows, Nicoletta Martinelli & Luigi Fozzati Published online by Cambridge University Press

Project Gallery on the website (
The Palaeolithic stone assemblage of Kota Tampan, West Malaysia
Hsiao Mei Goh, Noridayu Bakry, Mokhtar Saidin, Shaiful Shahidan,
Darren Curnoe, Chaw Yeh Saw, Zainal bin Ariffin & Yeng Meng Kiew
The Early Upper Palaeolithic bone industry of the Central Altai, Russia: new
evidence from the Kara-Bom site
Natalia E. Belousova, Alexander Yu. Fedorchenko, Evgeny P. Rybin,
Maxim V. Seletskiy, Samantha Brown, Katerina Douka & Tom Higham
The Early Upper Palaeolithic in the south Judean Desert, Israel: preliminary
excavation results from Nahal Rahaf 2 rockshelter
Omry Barzilai, Emil Aladjem, Maayan Shemer, Rami Zituni,
Noam Greenbaum, Elisabetta Boaretto & Nimrod Marom
Early agricultural colonisation of peripheral areas of loess uplands: new data
from Sandomierz Upland, Poland
Marcin Szeliga, Radosław Dobrowolski, Przemysław Mroczek, Jacek
Chodorowski, Mirosław Furmanek, Irena Agnieszka Pidek, Maria Lityńska-
Zajac̨ , Daniel Makowiecki, Katarzyna Gawryjołek-Szeliga, Piotr Bartmiński,
Marcin Siłuch & Piotr Demczuk
More Bronze Age less bronze: copper axes in the late Bronze Age hoard from
Karmin, Poland
Justyna Baron, Marcin Maciejewski, Beata Miazga, Kamil Nowak & Dawid Sych
The origins of low-fire polychrome glazed pottery in China
Yulai Chen, Rui Wen & Tianyi Wang Published online by Cambridge University Press

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