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P28 ce Rs oy NUT ts STANDARD os ee Se a f d | uC , < AL 2 Is PLANET'S ULTIMAITE FIEROES WEICOME ve tte fist issue (or 2670 i you count the imaginary 266 preceding issues) of The Sentinels: The Planet's Ultimate Heroes. ‘Writing long books is a laborious and impoverishing act of foolishness: expanding in five hundred pages an idea that could be perfectly explained in a few minutes. A better procedure is to pretend that those books already exist and to offer a summary, a commentary.” = Author Jorge Luis Borges Which is why, to date, | only wrote about my comics as though they existed. But naw here's an honest to gosh ‘eal comic and I'm pretty excited about it. This issue, the first to be published but the 267th in an imaginary long-running series, features the Planet's Ultimate Super-Heroes, the Sentinels for the first time. Three of the main heroes (Optima, UltraMan, and Raven) are my own creation, as is the villain, Dreadhelm. The other two heroes (TNT Todd and Jil Trent) are updates to two characters who debuted during World War Il and, due to the copyrights on their books never being renewed) are now in the Public Domain (that is, nobody owns them and everybody can cdo with them as they please), Thank you to everyone who supported this endeavor, especially all the people who pledged their hard eamed money on the Kickstarter campaign to make this happen. | hope you all enjoy it and read it to and with perc leona Seren aoa ST eta eee is E ‘THE SENTINELS: THE PLANET'S ULTIMATE HEROES #267, Loerie kere See acc een Pa ee rie teu econ ena ne ee een eer ee ace ein acm ceca Sie Laaa your kids, Thanks especially to my editor, Whitney Matusiak, and the artist, David Bednarski who both improved on my scribbling immensely. Anything good about this is them, anything else is on me. And thanks to my Dad for reading all those comics with Regards; Roy Johnson Standard Comics StandardinComics ly @Standard_Comics Ree ee Cae are Cee sue, the distinctive names, imac See acral THars 6000, SHARON We CAN, ULGAD THs DATA TO, Tie SeRvERS NOW. YO MAKATONI? "YOU HAVE ACCESS TO Mien LARGER TeLescores ror YOUR DATA COWECTION PriskaTONNC 1. APY [ALMA MATER. 17s ALSO WHERE WE FIRST ENCOUNTERED ASTROSCARLIS®, P Suppose That HAVE SOME SENTUAENTAL ATTACHISENT YO thy O13 SCHOOL AsaINY THIN MAT THE HANDS-ON OPPORTUNITY THAT THis OLb DEAR GIVES Wy STUDENTS MAKES MME HAPPY, BEHOLD, HEXOS! WITH HER, Z, ory s RULE THIS WORLDI NO, THEY WERE 33 CHARMING DR TRENT, I D0, HOPE OuR. SERVANTS. WERE NOT TOO. ROUGH WITH Yu, Ase, ar YOULL BE 0 FIND-AS TO STEP NTO TOuR DREADHELM Wi. SEND FOR YOU WHEN HE TS READY, THE Meannine, PLEASE 00 MAKE ‘YOURSELF ar HOME. ‘VANSHED? ‘NO, su ONE OF OUR STUDENTS ETCHED 1's HARD TO BELIEVE JUS EMERGENCY. CONTACT IAN Ase AGENT 'AND A SUPERHERO. ™ TINT TODO IS & MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN SECURITY GROUP, AS WELL AS A FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE SENTINELS ~ ED. ‘oF course, Wx saw Twe DESTRUCTION Outsiog, wha EXACTLY HAPPENED? TES; WELL 5 QUITE TERRIBLE THEARO'A HORRIELE CRASH, ENIDENILY THE ROOF BEING RIPPED FROM THE. OBSERVATORY BUNLDING, FROM THE WiNoOwW 1 COULD SEE A LARGE AIRSHIP GND THERE WeRe FLYING. CRERTURES COMING FROM Tr AL citearunes, wink Ba-Like WINGS, ) Aas ter Took ant aBoanor THEN IT UST. VANISHED INTO THIN A BS THEY SAY, LIKE TP BECAME INVISIBLE DREADHELM, Te WERENT BAD. ENOUGH THAT JUL. SEEN TAKEN TT Thank YOu, DEAN, HAD YO BE Mi, Trout excuse Twas ON THE (ME, THe REST OF THE UNOERSIOE OF Team SHOUD cf THE SH BEFORE ARRIVING 8Y NOW. Tr YANSHED, TTS DREADHELM, HES TAKEN Jill ABOABD wis ‘AlbshiP, BUT THERES WO SIGN OF TIT TWATNESSES SAW THE ARH VARISHL ME AST HAVE SOMME KIND OF GLOxaine Device ON BOARD. OREADHELIA COULD fave TAKEN TER ANYWHERE. NO, SUT IF WE KNEW SOMETHING SPECIFIC NOLWE FELT IT GOUT HOW I WORKS, EST NOT TO WORRY TES POLARITY THER AS THERE GIT INODULATION, OR SOME ANYTHING SHE CAN OO End OF PHOTON. TN THE SITUATION. HARMONIZATION, We Ee IMIGHT BE ABLE TO. CONTACTED Daisy? LIRY- RIG SOMETAIG, WEVE SEEN WORKING ON SOMETHING TO DETECT CLOAKED VESSELS, SLT WE NEI SOME SORT OF STARTING POINT, ME WRT BE ABLE TO CLOAK THE SHIP ITSELF, BUT THERE SHOUD STIL BE SOME KIND OF RESIDUAL EXUAUST DETECTABLE, ‘A.CLOAKED ARMY. Gee Reap ieUns ICLOAKED SH WHERE 01D THEY RIGHT, SEE IF ¥Ou. CAPTURE SOME OF THER CLOAKING TECH, TT HAVE AN IDEA VEN 80) Sean ME” WELL. ars Rat DisaBron Bone TING, THER THEY HE NOW TO LOCATE THE COMMUNICATIONS Hue SND SEND A MESSAGE. By NOW THE Team sHOULD Be LOOKING FOR ME.LETS RAKE (EASIER FOR THEM, This month’s letters are about THE SENTINELS #5, which introduced the newest sensation in super-villainy, the robotic menace known a3 EMULEX. Dear Editor: Emulex is one of the most powerful villains that The Sentinels have ever cone up against. I couldn’t imagine how the heroes were going to defeat him. But the story showed ... experience and teanwork counts. Emulex could duplicate Hydroman’ s powers but he lacked the knowledge how to turn water into steam & ice at the same time! Ingenious. T am so looking forward to the next isaue Aidan Lacy Kansas City, MI Aidan, You bring up a good point ~ although Emulex can absorb the powers of others, he doesn’t gain their experience with using them. And, we always enjoy being called “ingenious” - we don’t know what it means, but we like it!! Dear Editor, I eagerly awaited the arrival of my subscription copy of THE SENTINELS #5 to arrive in mailbox. After what seemed like an eternity, I am happy to report that it was worth the wait!! Roy Johnson and the Fraim Brothers outdid themselves! I think that Emulex is now possibly my favorite Sentinels foe. I'm hoping you'll bring him back in an upcoming issue. after seeing how much trouble the team had in taking him down, I think they're next encounter will be even more of a slugfest! My favorite member is TNT Todd. Let's get a solo series going for him, or at least a super-size special. I would buy that in a heartbeat. written by Roy and drawn by the Fraim Brothers, natch! I think he is the group's most interesting member, and would love to see him explored further. I'm very much looking forward to the next issue (and the one after that, and the one after that...). THE SENTINELS is the best comic book on the stands! As always, Standard Sets the Standard! Damon Owens Houston, TX Dear Damon, You must have read our minds -- fresh from the pages of THE SENTINELS and STANDARD COMICS TEAM-UP, be on the lookout for the first issue of the exciting new series starring INT Todd coming early next year! As always, we want to hear from you about who your favorites are! Dear Sentinels’ Posts: All I can say about The sentinels #5 is AMAZING! I was not sure that you could ever top the Mighty Cyborilla as a supervillain but Emulex could easily be the team's true arch-nemesis! Is there a chance that Cyborilla and Emulex could ever team-up against the Sentinels? T think that would be really cool! Nelvana was really smart in the fight and I was surprised that it was TNT Todd who finally defeated Emulex. I think the Fraims are really good artists and I hope they stick around for a long, long time. best, Kevin Moorhead Red Hook, NY Kevin, A supervillain team-up is something we have considered doing, but we’re not sure if it’s something our readers would like - = does anyone else out there think a team- up is a good idea? Let us know! Dear Editor: I really liked THE SENTINELS #5, especially the way that Emulex couldn't beat them, even though he had all their powers. That's a really cool villain and I hope to see him again soon. I was wondering what happens after the cover, like a minute later. T drew up what I think would happen and included it with my letter - I hope you like it. I really like Nelvana, she is the best and her dog-brother (Tanero) is cool, too! I hope you keep THE SENTINELS going for even 5 more years Mike om Mike, Thank you for the drawing, unfortunately we cannot publish readers’ works at this time. Dear Editor: I just finished THE SENTINELS #5 and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. The idea of a robot that can steal the powers of the heroes is pretty neat and I really ike the way he looks. When Jill zapped him with that ‘reversal' beam, he lit up like a Christmas tree! I was surprised when the scientist who built Emulex got away. What will happen to him? Surely he won't escape justice. The Fraims did a great job drawing the story ~ someday I think I'd like to draw comics, too. Mitch Ballard Austin, Texas Mitch, Keep drawing and maybe someday your work will appear in one of our comics!! Dear Sirs, This is the first comic letter I have ever sent. T just wanted you to know how much T liked THE SENTINELS #5. I have been buying this book since the first issue and it keeps getting better and better. I showed my friends this comic and they were lucky enough to get their own copies at my local drug store. I think Emulex is the best villain so far. I thought it was neat how he could absorb the powers of The Sentinels and use them against the team. I hope he will be. I really like how Jill Tent came in to help save the day - my little sister likes her and Daisy. My favorite characters are TNT Todd and Hydroman. I think the group could use some more members. Will you be adding anyone new? And will we see the mad scientist who created Emulex again? I really like the artwork from Brendon and Brian Fraim, The have such a modern style to their work and they make each character they draw look cool! I hope they will be the artists on The Sentinels forever. i I can't wait for the next issue. Now if my one buddy who didn't get a copy would only give me mine back. Rob Shalda Warren, Mi Rob, We are indeed looking to expand the membership. Beginning in issue 11, we will be adding two new members ~ we'll leave it ae a surprice as to who they are, though. We’11 give you these hints: he’s not mad, but he can get angry; and she’s a crackling hot doll! As for Emulex’s creator, maybe he will show up in the future, who can say? (Hamm - you have our wheels spinning) Well that about wraps it up for this month's dip into the Sentinels’ mail bag. Remember to keep those letters coming, we always enjoy reading what our readers think about our magazines, and keep your eyes peeled for some great upcoming . contests! -- The Editor WE WERE ASLE GET THE ONY. PIECE OF TECH FROM THE ‘TRAN eoN-cAoRes sus Nee HOXGONAL Ofte, 1 HOPE, THAT'S WHAT YOURE LOOKING FOR ‘ALRIGHT, TODD. WE NEED A SacKuP PUAN IN INE GVENT WE CANT Clack. ‘THE CLOAKING FIELD PROBLEM S MOTE TN SNATCHING ULL? HAVE YOU CONSIDERED READHELANS ‘NO OOUBT ADDING HER ScIENTIFC W] NowLeDGE TO mis Own IN THAT CSE HES PROBABLY HEADED By TO TECHNA® THAT MEANS HES TKELY HEADING SOUTHWEST. ECHNIA IS THE TECHNOLOGICALLY ry ED NATION DREADHELN RULES. 'DREADAEUNS NOT GOING TO BE EAST TO FIND. Tas PORTABLE VERSION Has GUITE & LIMITED RANGE: Bur HE UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGY Is INCREDIBLE THE ‘COMPUTER TENT DETECTING A PATTERN INTHE ANPLITUDE/FREGUENCY POLARITY MODULATION ave yOu CONSIDERED THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ‘ON'THE MODULATION. “aR THEY ChANGING ‘EROS THE ENTIRE ance? HAVA, NO, LOOKS Like WErRE UMITED TO & NARROW ‘BAND OF VALLES THAT WAS MY FIRST THOUGHT AS WELL YIM MEAN: We SACULD BE HEXONG WEST NOW IN ORDER TO OVERTAKE Hi ED. AT LEAST Teves Us SOME Wis PEAN KNOW We NEED SOME END OF BEER. SEL A COURSE FOR TECHN, MAXIALIM SPEED. \e r YLORD, aN ALAR | (mt beteniion centme per WAS ESCAPED HER CELL. = aes Co TRUST SHE was SEARCHED THOROUGHLY? LETS SEE IFT ah TO THE LOOKS UKE Z.cAN GaN ENTRY, ‘Give alana Wil CO Out GuicKL T WONT HAVE TUNE TO'GIVE sty LOCATION, EVEN TR KNEW WHERE T WAS, No, my LORD, is MERELY A HELPLESS WOMAN MAYBE wUsT A QUICK SCREECH SIGNAL TO. GWE THEM A VECTOR? Se Wo DOUBT CARRIED SOME Deuce whic ‘Sue USED TO. FREE HERSELF FINO HER AT ‘ONCEANG "DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY ‘BS 16 Wh HES TAKEN HER? WITH HIS LUST FOR POWER, HE ‘MUST WANT HES TO BUILD SOME KIND OF WEAPON FOR HIM. AN SEE ANOTHER REASON TO IONAP HER, SINCE SHE SWITCHED FROM INVENTING TO ASTROPHYSICS iano Teacrine. T JUST HOPE THAT ve QoeshT Use THAT ‘LASTED INTELLANET BELICE® ON HER TO DRAIN HER /AINO. WHAT IF HE Wants MOUSE HER knomEsce 10 [OPEN A PORTAL TO THE ‘GOD-REALM AN TRY TO tse is BeINas TO. DESTROY THE PLANED? RAVEN, WHERE WAS THE LAST KNOMN] PORTAL OPENING AND WHERES THe CLOSEST 0 Clik CURRENT POSTON?| YOU GUYS REALLY LAST KNOWN OPENING Was IN THE PACK TNORTRWEST, THE CLOSEST IM NEVADACTO Sar IF MES LOOKING TO STUDY A PORTAL, SHE FRESHEST READINGS WOULD 82 THE Ost RELEVANT "HOLD ON! WERE” GETTING A SIGNAL TT REPEATED A FEW Tu "THEN ENDED JUST A FE swoRT sunsTs, UT IVE GOT RUNEADING. J CANE FROM THE NORTHWEST how 90 YOu KNOW Th was He "ETS iu COE wei Bepearen a FEW TIMES CEFORE 1 Cl OFF Ok, SET A COURSE: ALONG HAY LINE "AND PUNER TH DEFENCE COURSE, EL WE KNOW THATS SOMETHING. ‘AGREED. E WONDER Hi subsTranneet now SHE CEN LOO Arve ACTION WL. Ait OR TRENT HOW'Go00 OF You TOVoINUS PoReW ‘CONCERNED. ALWAYS & PLEASURE. Way wave YOu pROUGHT MMe Hee? OT CANT AUST 'BE THAT YOU NEED & NEW DANCE PARINER HEXOS STEDPING ON ‘YOuR TOES? waTcH YOURSELF, "YOU 00, HOWEVER, HAVE POINT T HAVE BROUGHT ‘YOU HERE BECAUSE 2 HAVE NEED OF YOUR SERVICES. Frou weRe THERE WHEN AsTROSTCARUIS RS 'ARRIVED ON MAY PLANET. TOU WERE Wit THe ACCLRSED SENTINE(S aT THE FRST APPEARANCE OF KHRONOCZDE*, NO HAVE NO QoUst MADE A STUDY OF ‘THE GOO-REALMN TSELF TTS ky RELIEF THAT FUNCTIONS 25.4 PHYSICAL, IMANEESTATION OF THE THOUGHTS OF MAAN AND, OTHER SENTIENT CREATIRES TH TMs LNWVERSE, PERNAS EVEN OTHER UNIVERSES, SPECIFCALLY, 10 OPEN & PORTAL TO THE SO-CALLED "SOD-REALIN" SO THAT © MAY BRING FORTH FROM ITS OTHERWORLOLY PLANE AN ARIAT Or BEINGS LNUKE ANY ‘SEEN ON EARTH BEFORE "WITH THESE CREATURES, 1 wu. MARCH ACROSS THE PLANET, BENGING EACH NATION TO AY WL AAD TAKING "MY RIGHTPL PLACE AT THE HELM OF His RuDDERLESS WORLD. (YOu, waNt 10 OPEN C THING THAT E CAN, 06 THAT FOR You? _) _——— (~ (£000 L0RD. Wow 9085 He EXPECY TO CONTROL viwat Ange ‘COME Ou OF THERE? ‘PORTAL PROVIDES & OR MEDEA” SPACEY IF YOU "10 ENTER THIS CURENSION ANY BELIEF OR CONCEPT HELD STRONGLY ENOUGH INTHE MIND ‘Or MAN esIsiS IN'THAT REAL By ACCESSING IT, CAN ERING FORTH wiv ARM AS IN EXSIS RY UNPARALLELED FIND. EXCELLENT. 8 TRENT, SHIP HAS NOW ARRIVED at AY iSeD We ‘THE LAST KNOWN APPEARANCE, HAVE ARRIVED. OF CHTHONAK ‘YOU WILL STUDY THE RESIOUAL ENERGIES FROM THs PORTAL AND ALL OTHER KNOWN PORTAL LOCATIONS. 6 COMPING AND ANALYZING THIS DATA, YOU WIL CONSTRUCT A DEVICE 10 OPEN SNEW-PORTAL WHEREVER AND "WHENEVER 1 CHOOSE WE Wiki, NO DOUBT, REQUIRE KE 10 DEVELOP SLCH A SYSTEM, YOU WiLL BE TAKEN TO TECHNIA AND YOU Wit BE ut TO WORK. YOU SHAUL HAVE THE BEST ‘OF EGUPMENT, AND WiLL PROVIDE (OTMER SCIENTIFIC ANINOS TO ASSIST YOU, TN This WAY, We SHALL BRING FORTH. "ON THIS EARTH A CONQUERING FORCE, TORED TO RY HAND. TE ONLY HE WERE ust ‘CRAZY, But THis PLAN, COULD ACTUALLY WORK: TLL BE BACK, YOU WILL ALL SENTINELS! BOW TO ME! zm so appr TE WANTED NETO GATIER DATA AT GOO-REALIN PORTAL SITES IN ORDER DEVELOP THE TECHNOLOGY TO. OPEN ‘ONE AT-HIS WHOM THEN RE PLANNED ‘ON BEINGING Out AN ABMAY OF HORRIPG CREATURES TO SERVE HIM wits wis wa, He COU acTUauLy AaKE TT HAPPEN BECAIISE T HAVE NO DESIRE IO OPEN T¥at PANOORAS SOX! ‘BUT IF HE COMES Back OR FINDS SOMEONE ELSE TO D0 MT SHUDOER AT THE THOUGHT, WELL THAT'S WHY WERE HERE, TO SiraGuaRo THE PEOPLE OF WIS PLANET FROM OICTATORS UKE BREADHELM, WHO WANT TO BEND "wn TO ws WL 30, HEXOS, WE 01 NOT TAKE INARY ‘DATA'AT ALL? NO, MASTER, THE system Was covafuerety ) DESTROYED BEFORE IT \COuiD eto Rests THE SENTINELS HAVE RUINED fA PLANS FOR THE LAST T/AE, WE WL, BEGIN AGAIN WIL HAVE TY PLAN COME TO FRUITION. IFNOT TODAY. THEN SOON IN THE MEANTIME, GET US BACK TO TECHNUA! —eposewor caus BONUSABIN-U Rach hes AOP ASR OUh ar MODEL OF ‘CAPTAIN WIZARD'S E] INVISIBILITY CLOAK MICRD-CITY ACCESS = Veit a nse Tam 88S eee THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER SILL TRENT'S. INVENTIONS . \ en) DOCTOR PLASMA'S SHRINK RAY

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