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SAMPLE My Dear Lawyer, My name is Mrs. Christina Yeboah. | am married to Francis Yeboah. We got married at the Presbyterian Church Tarkwa on the 16" of June 2005. Reverend Acqua celebrated the marriage. Before the marriage, ! was single and my maiden name was Christina Offei. | lived with my parents at Amonokrom. Francis was a divorcee and also lived with his parents. Francis is an Architect and has his own Consulting Firm. |am a trained nurse but gave up work when we had our first child Violet who is physically challenged. After the marriage we resided at Tarkwa for four years, Axim for three years and Bolgatanga for one year before we moved to Accra. We have three children, Violet, Jojo and Lily. Violet is fifteen years old, Jojo is twelve years old and Lily is eight years old. lam a Ghanaian and have resided in Ghana ever since | was born thirty | six years ago. Francis was born and bred in Australia. His parents are neurosurgeons and have lived in Australia for more than thirty five years. Francis returned to Ghana when he was twenty four years old. He is forty years old now and resides at House Number 22/4 Grace Street, Little Legon, Accra. | left the matrimonial home about six months ago and live with my mother at House Number A/K 46, King George Avenue, Abelempe, Accra, Lawyer, life has not been the same since we moved to Accra about three years ago. Francis has suddenly become very controlling towards the children and myself. He started coming home late from work and when | complained he slapped me around. ‘heard that he was having an affair with one of his co-workers, Amelia. When | confronted him, all hell broke loose. He beat me up mercilessly the following day and when the kids came crying to me, he shoved all of us into the garden and then locked the door. It was late at night and we had mosquito bites all over our bodies. He let us in only after his best friend arrived at the house unexpectedly. Francis refused to give me house- keeping money and shouted on the children at the least opportunity. When | refused to give him sex he got extremely angry and locked me in the bathroom for several hours. On one such occasion, he spat on my face and threw my belongings outside. He accused me of being a prostitute and a witch. | discovered about eight months ago that the lady at work was | pregnant with Francis’ child. When | confronted him, he rudely admitted that the child was his and retorted that | could leave if | wanted to. That was when I packed my belongings and left the matrimonial home for my mother’s house with the children. | Francis’ parents and my parents met a couple of times to try and settle our differences. On each occasion Francis came in drunk and very disruptive and the meeting had to be called off. Francis has three cars, a Nissan Sentra saloon car GH 1235 y,a Kia sportage Q 6667 S and a Suzuki 4 x 4 GF 7272 X. He also has @ huge banana plantation at Ofinso. Francis acquired these properties from the money he made when he worked briefly in Saudi Arabia with @ foreign Company during the Gulf War and also from his Architectural Practice. | used the Suzuki 4 x 4 to drop the kids at school and to run other gerrands but Francis took it when I left the matrimonial home. Currently, | use taxis to drop off and fetch the children from school. Lawyer, | can no longer continue with the marriage. In fact | do not love Francis any longer. Please apply for a divorce for me and ensure that! get custody of the children. | also need financial support for the children and myself. Please lawyer, also kindly ask for half of the banana plantation for me. | | 1 | |

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