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All staff and students of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), upon signing their employment
contracts and registration forms, respectively, commit themselves to abide by the policies and rules of the institution.
The core activity of the NUST is learning and in this respect academic honesty and integrity is very important to ensure
that learning is valid, reliable and credible.

The NUST therefore does not condone any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating on tests and
assessments, amongst other such practices. The NUST requires students to always do their own assignments and to
produce their own academic work, unless given a group assignment.

Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

 Using the ideas, words, works or inventions of someone else as if it is your own work.
 Using the direct words of someone else without quotation marks, even if they are referenced.
 Copying from writings (books, articles, webpages, other students’ assignments, etc.), published or unpublished,
without referencing.
 Syndication of a piece of work, all or part of an assignment, by a group of students, unless the assignment was
a legitimate group assignment.
 The borrowing and use of another person’s assignment, with or without their knowledge or permission.
 Infringing copyright, including documents copied or cut and pasted from the internet.
 Asking someone else to prepare an assignment for you or to write or sit an assessment for you, whether this is
against payment or not.
 Re-submitting work done already for another course or programme as new work, so-called self-plagiarism.
 Bringing notes into an examination or test venue, regardless of whether the notes were used to copy or not.
 Receiving any outside assistance in any form or shape during an examination or test.

All forms of academic dishonesty are viewed as misconduct under the NUST Student Rules and Regulations. Students
who make themselves guilty of academic dishonesty will be brought before a Disciplinary Committee and may be
suspended from studying for a certain time or may be expelled. All students who are found guilty of academic dishonesty
shall have an appropriate endorsement on their academic record, which will never be erased.

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 1

Rev. 2024-S1


EEF511S – Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115

Mechanical, Industrial and Electrical Engineering (DMIEE)

 Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech) - Electrical Power Engineering (07PEN-S1)
 Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech) – Electronic Engineering (07BELL-S1)


5 hours/week


Level 5; 17 credits


01 February 2024


This course aims to introduce students to the basic and underlying principles of electrical engineering and technology;
introduce students to the analysis of direct-current circuits (including both steady state and transient behaviour) and
alternating-current circuits, in which voltage and current sources drive circuits containing resistance, capacitance and
inductance; and enable students apply basic principles to the analysis of electrical circuits and systems.

1.8.1. Courses: None
1.8.2. Essential Mathematics Topics: Vectors; Trigonometry; Complex numbers;




This course will be presented through a series of lectures (virtual/online), laboratory work (face-to-face), tutorials (face-
to-face and/or virtual). Use will be made, throughout, of the computer & Ms Teams ‘white board’ and the prescribed
textbook and practical components (for lab sessions) to illustrate theoretical concepts. The main approach will be for
the student to obtain the theoretical knowledge and then investigate the practical applications of these concepts.

 Lectures: During lectures, the lecturer presents the theoretical concepts of the course to the students, through
power-point presentations (where available), by referring to the prescribed textbook, by using the ‘white-board’
and other appropriate methods.

 Tutorials: During tutorials, the lecturer with student participation solves problems from the prescribed textbook or
gives hints on how to solve these problems in order for the students to deepen their understanding of the
theoretical concepts, to sharpen their analytical skills and to get clarity on areas of weakness. However, for most
of the exercises/problems, the lecturer gives hints only on how to solve the problems.
 Laboratory Practical Exercises/Experiments (Labs): During laboratory sessions the students carry out a series of
investigatory activities/experiments designed to verify theoretical concepts or some phenomena by collecting the
relevant data, analysing the data, drawing conclusions and reporting their findings and their conclusions.

 Self-study: During self-study sessions, the students are expected, on their own and in their own time, to study and
solve problems based on the topics covered in the class sessions for them to become conversant with the
theoretical concepts of the course and to sharpen their analytical skills even further.

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 2

Rev. 2024-S1
 Feedback: During feed-back sessions, students receive feed-back from the lecturer based on information obtained
during his/her assessment of students’ work which was previously submitted for marking.

The following communication tools will be used in this course:

Communication outside the ‘classroom’ will involve any or all of the following modes: Email, Student server, E-
learning platform (Moodle/MyNUST), Notice boards, Telegram, etc.

Course Format:
 The major components of this course are Lectures @ 2 hours per week, Tutorials @ 2 hours every other week
(alternating with the Laboratory sessions) and Laboratory (Lab.) sessions @ 2 hours every other week (alternating
with the tutorial sessions. The Tutorial and the Laboratory sessions will be alternating fortnightly to ensure a 2-
hour continuous session of each. A total of five, 2-hour Lab. sessions and a total of eight, 2-hour tutorial sessions
will be held in this course.
 Students will be required to work out Pre-lab Exercises prior to attending a Lab. session. The objective of the pre-
lab exercises is to enable the students to prepare adequately for the Lab. session. Pre-lab exercises are due at the
start of the Lab. session and students will not be allowed to take part in the Lab. session if their pre-lab exercises
have not been completed prior to the start of the Lab. session.
 Each student will be required to submit a laboratory report a week after the Lab. session (for short reports) or two
weeks after the Lab. session (for long reports). Though students may work in groups (due to limited resources),
laboratory reports will be worked out and written individually in the prescribed format as given by the Laboratory
staff. Late laboratory reports will not be accepted and any student defaulting on this requirement will receive no
marks for the event.


Lecturer’s Name: Hilde Amushembe

Office phone: (061) 207 2791
Office location: F22, 1st floor, Old Engineering building
Office hours: 07h30 – 16h30
Consultation hours: Monday – Friday 07h30 – 16h30

NB: These consultation hours may change when the timetable is out or when it is revised. In addition, students are free
to make appointments with the lecturer during working hours (or outside working hours) to seek further clarification
of concepts covered in class. Consultation days and times will be ordinarily based on available slots in the course
timetable. Consultation times can also be found on the lecturer’s door.

Laboratory Technician’s Information:

Name: Robert Tjiwemu
Office phone: (061) 207 2517
Office location: F09, 1st floor, Old Engineering building
Office hours: 07h30 – 16h30



Laptop, You Tube channel, On-line screen recording and editing software; Digital camera; Home internet connectivity.


 A register of attendance will be maintained, and students are expected to attend at least 80% of all lecture and
tutorial sessions, as this will be to their own benefit. Attendance to laboratory practical sessions is compulsory
[See section AC3.1 and AC3.3 on page 20 of the Yearbook – Part 1 General Information and Regulations 2020].
 For face-to-face sessions, no student will be allowed to enter the classroom during a lecture/tutorial session ten
(10) minutes after the start of the session (to avoid disturbances). In short, late coming will not be tolerated!

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 3

Rev. 2024-S1
 The use of cell phones during contact sessions: The use of mobile/cell phones or any electronic audio devices is
strictly not allowed during all contact sessions (lectures, laboratory sessions, tutorials and examinations, etc.),
unless under the explicit permission of the lecturer [See section AC3.1, page 20 (last paragraph) of Yearbook – Part
1 General Information and Regulations 2020].
 The three basic classroom rules for this course are summarised as follows:
(i) No late coming to contact sessions (both face-to-face and virtual).
(ii) No use of cell phones during contact sessions (unless under the explicit permission of the lecturer/facilitator).
(iii) No aimless talk during contact sessions (all talking must be constructive and controlled). The raising of hands is
mandatory in order to be allowed to talk.


NUST Library, Engineering books’ section; Computer Laboratory; Power engineering laboratory; Electronics laboratory


Hughes E., Hiley J., Brown K., Smith I. M. (2016). Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology. (12th ed.) Harlow,
England, United Kingdom: Pearson Educational Limited.


Boylestad, RL., Nashelsky, L. (2011). Introductory Circuit Analysis. (12th ed.). New York, United States: Printice Hall.



By the end of this course of study, you should be able to:

 Apply the various basic circuit rules, laws, solution techniques and theorems to analyse simple direct-current
(d.c.) circuits and more advanced electrical networks consisting of resistors only and driven by current and/or
voltage sources.
 Define the basic quantities, parameters and units associated with the electric-field phenomenon, the magnetic-
field phenomenon and magnetic circuits.
 Analyse the steady-state and transient behavior of a capacitor and an inductor in a d.c. circuit.
 Explain Faraday’s and Lenz’s law in relation to the induction of an electromotive force (e.m.f.) in a conductor lying
in a magnetic field.
 Solve basic problems related to electric-field phenomenon, the magnetic-field phenomenon and magnetic
 Analyse alternating-current single-phase series circuits and parallel networks consisting of resistance, inductance
and capacitance.


International System of Measurement – A Review; Introduction to Electrical Systems and Properties of Electrical Circuits;
Batteries; Simple Direct-current (d.c.) Circuits; Network Theorems; Electric-field and Magnetic-field Phenomena
(Capacitance and Capacitors; Electromagnetism; Simple Magnetic Circuits; Inductance in a Direct-current (d.c.) Circuit);
Alternating Voltage and Current; Single-phase Series Circuits; Single-phase Parallel Networks; Power in Alternating-
current (a.c.) Circuits.

4.2.1 International System of Measurement

Define and use SI units of length, mass, and time; Write numbers using the scientific and engineering notations

4.2.2 Introduction to Electrical Systems and batteries

Distinguish the different categories of Electrical Engineering; Describe the four basic parts/components of an electrical
system; Discuss: (Electric charge, Movement of electrons, and/or current flow in an electric circuit; Electromotive force
and potential difference); Define and use electrical units; Apply Ohm’s Law to basic circuits; Calculate resistivity of
various circuits; Explain the effect of temperature on various conductor circuits; Describe the basic construction and
characteristics of primary and secondary cells; Explain the effect of internal resistance in a resistive circuit; Draw basic
constant voltage and current charging circuits; Discuss the performance of voltage cells, and solve problems involving
internal resistance, ampere-hour rating and performance under load.

4.2.3 Simple Direct-current (d.c.) Circuits

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 4

Rev. 2024-S1
Distinguish between parallel and series connection; Explain voltage and current-divider rules and solve problems
involving voltage and current-divider rules;

4.2.4 Network Theorems

Analyse resistive networks using: (Kirchhoff’s Laws, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Superposition Theorem);

4.2.5 Capacitance and Capacitors

Make use of sketches to illustrate the process of electronic charge in two metal plates separated by a layer of insulating
material; Solve problems to illustrate: ( Electric Flux, Electric Flux Density, Electric Strength in the dielectric of a
capacitor); Calculate the capacitance of a capacitor with a given dimension and type of dielectric; Calculate the
equivalent capacitance of several capacitors connected in series and/or parallel; Calculate the energy stored in a
charged capacitor; Demonstrate through the use of graphs the growth of capacitor voltage and current with time in a
RC circuit; Calculate the instantaneous levels of voltage and current in a RC circuit at any given time.

4.2.6 Electromagnetism
Discuss magnetic flux, its direction and characteristics; Sketch the magnetic fields that occur around various shaped coils
when current flows in the coils; Calculate the force exerted on a current carrying conductor situated in a magnetic field
and define the direction of the force; Define flux density and solve problems involving this quantity; Explain
electromagnetic induction and state Fleming, Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws; Solve problems involving induced EMF in a
conductor and a coil; Calculate the torque exerted on a coil pivoted in a magnetic field, and illustrate how it occurs;
Describe the construction, operation and use of analogue and digital instruments in DC and AC circuits; Illustrate the
use and operation of a Megger instrument (insulation tester).

4.2.7 Simple Magnetic Circuits

Define: (Magnetomotive force, Magnetic Field Strength, Permeability of Free Space, Relative Permeability and
Reluctance); Solve problems involving the above variables; Solve problems involving flux and flux density for both series
and parallel magnetic circuits; Apply Kirchhoff’s Laws to magnetic circuits; Sketch and explain hysteresis loops for various
ferromagnetic materials; Explain the influence of magnetic leakage and fringing on a magnetic circuit; Explain Eddy
current loss.

4.2.8 Inductance in a Direct-current (d.c.) Circuit

Explain self-inductance, define the Henry and illustrate self-inductance of a coil by means of an equation; Solve problems
involving the self-inductance of air-cored and ferromagnetic-cored coils; Explain mutual induction, and illustrate the
equation for mutual inductance between two coils; Solve problems involving mutual inductance between two coils
having a single core; Explain coupling coefficient and dot notation; Calculate the energy stored in an inductive circuit;
Sketch a graph to indicate the growth of inductive current with time in a RL circuit; Calculate the instantaneous levels
of voltage and current in a RL circuit at any given time.

4.2.9 Alternating Voltage and Current

Explain how the generator produces an AC output and sketch the output waveform; Determine, for a given sinusoidal
waveform: (Peak Value, R.M.S value, Average Value, Frequency); Calculate the time period and wavelength of a given
sine wave and determine the phase relationship between two or more sine waves; Explain reactance and impedance;
Calculate the total complex impedance of series and parallel AC RLC circuits using complex arithmetic; Analyse series
and parallel AC RCL networks; Calculate the real, reactive and apparent power for an AC circuit; Discuss power factor
and its effect on the power dissipated in a network; Draw the complex power triangle for a RCL network.


NOTE: The following dates are subject to change based on the needs of the students at the lecturer’s prerogative.
Students will be notified ahead of time of any changes.

Week Date Topic/Activity Learning Hours

1 05 Feb - 09 Feb International System of Measurement 5 5
2 12 Feb - 16 Feb Simple Direct-current (d.c.) Circuits 5 5
3 19 Feb - 23 Feb Simple Direct-current (d.c.) Circuits 3 2 5
4 26 Feb - 01 Mar Network Theorems 3 2 5
Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 5
Rev. 2024-S1
5 04 Mar - 08 Mar Network Theorems 5 5
6 11 Mar - 15 Mar Network Theorems 5 5
7 18 Mar - 22 Mar Capacitance and Capacitors 5 5
8 25 Mar - 29 Mar Capacitance and Capacitors 3 2 5
9 01 Apr - 05 Apr Mid-Semester Break
10 08 Apr - 12 Apr Electromagnetism 3 2 5
11 15 Apr - 19 Apr Simple Magnetic Circuits 5
12 22 Apr - 26 Apr Simple Magnetic Circuits 5 2 5
13 29 Apr - 03 May Inductance in a Direct-Current (d.c.) Circuit 3 2 5
14 06 May - 10 May Inductance in a Direct-Current (d.c.) Circuit 5 5
15 13 May - 17 May Alternating Voltage and Current 5 5
16 20 May - 24 May Alternating Voltage and Current 3 2 5
17 27 May - 31 May Alternating Voltage and Current 3 2
18 03 Jun - 07 Jun SUPPLEMENTARIES 5 2 13
Totals 71 8 8 96

E Exam
T Tutorial/Quiz
L Lecture
LB Laboratory
F Feedback
S Self-study at home
SO Second opportunity exams


Assessment Summary:
Diversified Continuous Evaluation Components Minimum Pass Mark (%) Component Weight (CW)
Three (3) Examinations (E) 50 60
Four (4) Laboratory Experiments and Reports (L) 60 10
Two Library Assignments 50 30

Total: 100

In order to pass this course, a student must obtain a minimum AVERAGE of 50% in the examinations and a minimum
of 50% in the non-examination assessment components.

𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘 = 𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝐸) × 𝐶𝑊 + 𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝐿 & 𝑇) × 𝐶𝑊 + 𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝑄) × 𝐶𝑊

The assessment strategy in this course is based on the ‘continuous and diversified assessment’ system (CASS) of
evaluation. It is the students’ responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to the institution (NUST)’s assessment
policies. These policies can be found in the Yearbooks (Parts 1 and 5).

Examination Events:
The institution’s examinations procedures will apply. See the Examinations Procedures Manual (Part 4: Student
Information). Each student is expected to familiarise themselves with ‘Part 4.B’ of this manual.
 All examinations will be written under ‘typical examination conditions’.

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 6

Rev. 2024-S1
 During an examination, all students are required to arrive at the examination venue at least thirty (30) minutes
before the start of an examination. Any student who arrives at an examination venue more than one (1) hour after
the examination has started will not be allowed to take the examination.



It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to the institution’s Policies. These Policies can be found
in the NUST Prospectus or online at (Download Documents).


The supplementary policies are found in the Faculty of Engineering Yearbook, section C. The term ‘examination’ refers
to an assessment conducted under controlled (examination) conditions. Some of the salient points are:
 A student who fails or misses any of the first-opportunity examinations will be allowed to write a supplementary
examination towards the end of the semester.
 The above-mentioned student will be given the opportunity to improve their results for all but one (1) such failed-
or missed examinations.
 No student who obtains a mark of less than 50 % for the supplementary examination passes the course.
 The minimum weight allocated for the examination component of the course (i.e., the aggregated mark of all
examination assessments as defined in C.2), will be 50%.



Classification of Mathematical Natural Sciences Engineering Design and Complimentary

Knowledge Areas Sciences Sciences Synthesis Studies
(Weighted by 50 50


1 2 3 4 5
Problem Application of scientific Engineering design Investigations, Engineering methods,
solving and engineering experiments & data skills and tools, including
knowledge analysis information technology
6 7 8 9 10
Professional & Sustainability & impact Individual, team & Independent Engineering
technical of engineering activity multidisciplinary learning ability professionalism
communication working

Legend: X – Minor; XX – Significant; XXX – GAs examined at exit level.


Graduate Attribute 1: Problem solving

Demonstrate competence to identify, formulate, analyse and solve complex engineering problems.

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 7

Rev. 2024-S1
Range Statement: Problems requires identification and analysis. Some cases occur in unfamiliar contexts.
Problems are both concrete and abstract and may involve uncertainty. Solutions are based on theory and
evidence, together with judgement where necessary.

Level descriptor: complex engineering problems:

a) Require in-depth fundamental and specialized engineering knowledge and have one or more of the
 are ill-posed, under- or over-specified, or require identification and refinement;
 are high-level problems including component parts or sub-problems;
 are unfamiliar or involve infrequently encountered issues;
b) And their solution has one or more of the characteristics:
 are not obvious, require originality or analysis based on fundamentals;
 are outside the scope of standards and codes;
 require information from variety of sources that is complex, abstract or incomplete;
 involve wide-ranging or conflicting issues: technical, engineering and interested or affected parties.

Associated Assessment Criteria

The candidate applies in a number of varied instances, a systematic problem solving method including:
1. Analyses and defines the problem, identifies the criteria for an acceptable solution;
2. Identifies necessary information and applicable engineering and other knowledge and skills;
3. Generates and formulates possible approaches to solution of problem;
4. Models and analyses possible solution(s);
5. Evaluates possible solutions and selects best solution;
6. Formulates and presents the solution in an appropriate form.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through tests, a laboratory project and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge

Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering fundamentals and an engineering speciality to start to
solve complex engineering problems.

Range Statement: Mathematics, natural science and engineering sciences are applied in formal analysis and
modelling of engineering situations, and for reasoning about and conceptualizing engineering problems.

Level descriptor: knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences is characterized by:
 a systematic, theory-based understanding of the natural sciences applicable to the discipline;
 conceptually-based mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and formal aspects of computer and
information science to support analysis and modelling applicable to the discipline;
 a systematic, theory-based formulation of engineering fundamentals required in the engineering
 engineering specialist knowledge that provides theoretical frameworks and bodies of knowledge for the
accepted practice areas in the engineering discipline; much is at the forefront of the discipline.

Associated Assessment Criteria

The candidate:
1. Brings mathematical, numerical analysis and statistical knowledge and methods to bear on
engineering problems by using an appropriate mix of:
 Formal analysis and modelling of engineering components, systems or processes;
 Communicating concepts, ideas and theories with the aid of mathematics;
 Reasoning about and conceptualising engineering components, systems or processes
using mathematical concepts;
 Dealing with uncertainty and risk through the use of probability and statistics.

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 8

Rev. 2024-S1
2. Uses physical laws and knowledge of the physical world as a foundation for the engineering sciences
and the solution of engineering problems by an appropriate mix of:
 Formal analysis and modelling of engineering components, systems or processes using principles
and knowledge of the basic sciences;
 Reasoning about and conceptualising engineering problems, components, systems or processes
using principles of the basic sciences.
3. Uses the techniques, principles and laws of engineering science at a fundamental level and in at least
one specialist area to:
 Identify and solve open-ended engineering problems;
 Identify and pursue engineering applications;
 Work across engineering disciplinary boundaries through cross disciplinary literacy and shared
fundamental knowledge.

Note: Problems used for the assessment may provide evidence in the application of one, two or all three
categories of knowledge listed above.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through tests, a laboratory project and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 3: Engineering design

Perform creative, procedural and non-procedural design and synthesis of components, systems, engineering works,
products or processes.

Range Statement: Design problems used in exit-level assessment must conform to the definition of a complex
engineering problem. A major design problem should be used to provide evidence. The design knowledge base
and components, systems, engineering works, products or processes to be designed are dependent on the
discipline or practice area.

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate executes an acceptable design process encompassing the following:
1. Identifies and formulates the design problem to satisfy user needs, applicable standards, codes of
practice and legislation;
2. Plans and manages the design process: focusses on important issues, recognises and deals with
3. Acquires and evaluates the requisite knowledge, information and resources: applies correct principles,
evaluates and uses design tools;
4. Performs design tasks including analysis, quantitative modelling and optimisation;
5. Evaluates alternatives and preferred solution: exercises judgment, tests implementability and
performs techno-economic analyses;
6. Assesses impacts and benefits of the design: social, legal, health, safety, and environmental;
7. Communicates the design logic and information.

How this attribute will be assessed


Graduate Attribute 4: Investigations, experiments and data analysis

Demonstrate competence to design and conduct investigations and experiments.

Range Statement: The balance of investigation and experiment should be appropriate to the discipline.
Research methodology is to be applied in research or an investigation where the student engages with selected
knowledge in the research literature of the discipline.

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 9

Rev. 2024-S1
Note: An investigation differs from a design in that the objective is to produce knowledge and understanding
of a phenomenon and a recommended course of action rather than specifying how an artifact could be

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate executes an acceptable process including but not restricted to:
1. Plans and conducts investigations and experiments;
2. Conducts a literature search and critically evaluates material;
3. Performs necessary analyses;
4. Selects and uses appropriate equipment or software;
5. Analyses, interprets and derives information from data;
6. Draws conclusions based on evidence;
7. Communicates the purpose, process and outcomes in a technical report.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through laboratory projects and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 5: Engineering methods, skills and tools, including Information Technology
Demonstrate competence to use appropriate engineering methods, skills and tools, including those based on information

Range Statement: A range of methods, skills and tools appropriate to the disciplinary designation of the
program including:
1. Discipline-specific tools, processes or procedures;
2. Computer packages for computation, modelling, simulation, and information handling;
3. Computers and networks and information infrastructure for accessing, processing, managing, and
storing information to enhance personal productivity and teamwork.

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate:
1. Uses method, skill or tool effectively by:
 Selecting and assessing the applicability and limitations of the method, skill or tool;
 Properly applying the method, skill or tool;
 Critically testing and assessing the end-results produced by the method, skill or tool.
2. Creates computer applications as required by the discipline.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through laboratory projects and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 6: Professional and technical communication

Demonstrate competence to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with engineering audiences and the
community at large.

Range Statement: Material to be communicated is in an academic or simulated professional context.

Audiences range from engineering peers, management and lay persons, using appropriate academic or
professional discourse. Written reports range from short (300-1000 words plus tables diagrams) to long (10
000 to 15 000 words plus tables, diagrams and appendices), covering material at exit-level. Methods of
providing information include the conventional methods of the discipline, for example engineering drawings,
as well as subject-specific methods.

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate executes effective written communication as evidenced by:

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 10

Rev. 2024-S1
1. Uses appropriate structure, style and language for purpose and audience;
2. Uses effective graphical support;
3. Applies methods of providing information for use by others involved in engineering activity;
4. Meets the requirements of the target audience.

The candidate executes effective oral communication as evidenced by:

1. Uses appropriate structure, style and language;
2. Uses appropriate visual materials;
3. Delivers fluently;
4. Meets the requirements of the intended audience.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through laboratory projects and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 7: Sustainability and impact of engineering activity

Demonstrate critical awareness of the sustainability and impact of engineering activity on the social, industrial and
physical environment.

Range statement: The combination of social, workplace (industrial) and physical environmental factors must
be appropriate to the discipline or other designation of the qualification. Comprehension of the role of
engineering in society and identified issues in engineering practice in the discipline: ethics and the professional
responsibility of an engineer to public safety; the impacts of engineering activity: economic, social, cultural,
environmental and sustainability.

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate identifies and deals with an appropriate combination of issues in:
1. The impact of technology on society;
2. Occupational and public health and safety;
3. Impacts on the physical environment;
4. The personal, social, cultural values and requirements of those affected by engineering activity.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through laboratory projects and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 8: Individual, team and multidisciplinary working

Demonstrate competence to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multidisciplinary environments.

Range Statement: Multidisciplinary tasks require co-operation across at least one disciplinary boundary. Co-
operating disciplines may be engineering disciplines with different fundamental bases other than that of the
programme or may be outside engineering.

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate demonstrates effective individual work by performing the following:
1. Identifies and focuses on objectives;
2. Works strategically;
3. Executes tasks effectively;
4. Delivers completed work on time.

The candidate demonstrates effective team work by the following:

1. Makes individual contribution to team activity;
2. Performs critical functions;
3. Enhances work of fellow team members;
4. Benefits from support of team members;
5. Communicates effectively with team members;
6. Delivers completed work on time.

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 11

Rev. 2024-S1
The candidate demonstrates multidisciplinary work by the following:
1. Acquires a working knowledge of co-workers’ discipline;
2. Uses a systems approach;
3. Communicates across disciplinary boundaries.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through tests, a laboratory project and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 9: Independent learning ability

Demonstrate competence to engage in independent learning through well developed learning skills.

Range Statement: Operate independently in complex, ill-defined contexts requiring personal responsibility and
initiative, accurately self-evaluate and take responsibility for learning requirements; be aware of social and
ethical implications of applying knowledge in particular contexts.

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate shows evidence of being an effective independent learner by the following:
1. Reflects on own learning and determines learning requirements and strategies;
2. Sources and evaluates information;
3. Accesses, comprehends and applies knowledge acquired outside formal instruction;
4. Critically challenges assumptions and embraces new thinking.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through tests.

Graduate Attribute 10: Engineering professionalism

Demonstrate critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to exercise judgment and take
responsibility within own limits of competence.

Range Statement: Evidence includes case studies typical of engineering practice situations in which the
graduate is likely to participate. Ethics and the professional responsibility of an engineer and the contextual
knowledge specified in the range statement of Graduate Attribute 7 is generally applicable here.

Associated Assessment Criteria:

The candidate exhibits professionalism by the following:
1. Being aware of requirements to maintain continued competence and to keep abreast of up-to-
date tools and techniques;
2. Displays understanding of the system of professional development.
3. Accepts responsibility for own actions;
4. Displays judgment in decision making during problem solving and design;
5. Limits decision making to area of current competence;
6. Reason about and make judgment on ethical aspects in case study context;
7. Discerns boundaries of competence in problem solving and design.

How this attribute will be assessed

This will be assessed through laboratory projects and assignments.

Graduate Attribute 11: Engineering management

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making.

Range Statement: Basic techniques from economics, business management; project management applied to
one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

How this attribute will be assessed

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 12

Rev. 2024-S1
This will be assessed through laboratory projects and assignments.



A student who fails to pay his/her fees may not be allowed to write the examination and if allowed, the results will be
withheld until all outstanding fees are paid in full.


There are a variety of services which you can use at the NUST. These services are to your advantage – Use them!!! They
include the following:

 Student Counselling and Career Development – Department: Students Services

 Writing Centre and student academic problems – Academic Support and Teaching and Learning Technology
 Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) - Student Services/ NUST Clinic

This course outline is authorised for use by:

___________________________________ __________________________
Head of Department Date

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 13

Rev. 2024-S1

(To be completed by all students on the course, detached from the course outline and kept on record in the

I, ………………………………………………………………………………………………, of Student number: …………………………………………………,

(First name(s) and Surname)

hereby acknowledge that I have received this course outline for EEF511S – Electrical Engineering Fundamentals and that
I have familiarised myself with its content, in particular the statement about academic honesty and integrity adherence
clause. I agree to abide by the Policies and arrangements spelt out in this course outline.

………………………………………………………………………….. ……………….……………
Signature of student Date

Course Outline: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 115 (EEF511S); Semester 1 – 2024 14

Rev. 2024-S1

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