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About Modeling of Removal of Pollutants from the

Territory of Irrigated Lands with the Development of


Ruslan Sh. Zhemukhov 1, Marina M. Zhemukhova 2, Marianna R. Kardanova 3, Mariana M. Isakova

Kabardino-Balkarian State University (KBSU)
Nalchik, Russia
1, 2, 3

Abstract – Currently, the task of irrigation development is of world food production and about 60% of grain production
relevant. Without the development of irrigation, the problem of are produced on irrigated lands.
food security of the country cannot be solved. At the same time,
the development of irrigation is accompanied by the emergence At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the
of environmental problems. Therefore, it is impossible to solve importance of land reclamation for the Russian Federation,
the problem of irrigation development without assessing the where 80% of arable land is subject to dry phenomena, and
impact of irrigation on the environment. The article deals with about 20% – to excessive moisture.
the problem of assessing the removal of pollutants from irrigated
land. The Russian Federation, as we know, is among the
countries of the world with the most abundant water resources.
Keywords-Model; surface runoff; removal of pollutants; runoff; The total volume of fresh water in Russia is estimated at about
infiltration; runoff; drainage runoff 90 thousand km3 [6, 7]. But despite the significant water
resources, a number of regions of the Russian Federation are
I. INTRODUCTION experiencing a shortage of water. This is due to the uneven
The development of agricultural production is directly distribution of water resources across the country. The
related to the anthropogenic impact on the environment. European part of Russia, where almost 80% of the population
Especially, it becomes relevant in the development of irrigated lives, accounts for about 12% of water resources.
agriculture, in which the nature of natural processes is radically
changed (water-salt regime of irrigated soils, the formation of The process of water scarcity is exacerbated by the onset of
surface runoff in catchments, the migration of elements to low-water years. Moreover, low-water years may affect several
them, hydrogeological conditions, etc.).It is also known that in river basins. In this case, there is a significant decrease in the
many areas where irrigation has been developed, there is a volume of water resources. In some low-water years or periods,
secondary salinization of soils, pollution of rivers-water this decrease can be up to 40 – 50% of the average annual. If
receivers with drainage from irrigated lands. As a result of the we consider that on average , the needs of irrigated agriculture
washout of nutrients, fertilizers and pesticides from irrigated require about 12 – 13% of the water resources intake in Russia,
lands and their ingress into watercourses, the quality of the it becomes an urgent task of optimal water management. In
latter changes. At the same time, the need to provide food to particular, the task of reducing the volume of wastewater and
mankind leads to a constant expansion of the volume of land improving its quality arises.
reclamation activities aimed at the involvement of new lands in According to some experts, the total discharge of
agricultural production. It should be noted that both irrigation wastewater into natural surface water bodies is about 43 km3.
and drainage have a significant impact on the natural water Of these, about 34% – contaminated water. The rivers, which
resources of the reclaimed areas, although the nature and include the largest volume of the fence, include the Volga,
intensity of these effects are different. Kuban, Don, Terek, Neva, Amur and others. At the same time,
The problem of land degradation due to the development of the largest volume of contaminated wastewater enters the water
negative processes is acute throughout the world. According to bodies of the Volga, don, Ural, Neva, Terek rivers.
experts, about 10% of the earth's surface of our planet has been In the middle years, the highest water load is on the rivers
transformed by human activity from forests and pastures to the of Stavropol Krai, Krasnodar Krai, Karachay – Cherkess
desert, and about 25% is at risk. Republic, and in low-water years they are added to the Rostov
Losses of agricultural land in the world from erosion reach region, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Republic of Kalmykia,
from 6 to 7 million hectares due to waterlogging, waterlogging, etc. [7, 8].
salinization and salinization [1]. At the same time, about 40%

191 978-1-5386-6757-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

II. PROBLEM STATEMENT calculations to assess the removal of nutrients by surface and
As follows from the above, the problem of water resources soil runoff, changes in the salt regime of irrigated lands and
management, taking into account the assessment of changes in the mineralization of water resources of rivers-water
anthropogenic load on water bodies, is relevant for the Russian receivers. The technique is based on the following ideas about
Federation. This task is particularly relevant for regions that are the mechanism of removal of nutrients from the soils of the
densely populated – the Central Federal district, the southern catchment area:
Federal district, the North Caucasus Federal district.
The total removal is formed due to the combined action of
The above substantiates the relevance of the problem of erosion and diffusion processes during the movement of water
modeling anthropogenic load on water bodies. One of the main on the surface and in the interstitial space of the soil;
sources of anthropogenic pressure on water bodies is irrigated
Erosion removal occurs as a result of washout and
transportation to the reservoir (on the stream network) of
Irrigation has the most significant impact on the water particles of the surface layer of the soil together with the
regime and water resources of the territory. Under its influence, biogens contained therein;
the average annual runoff and its intra-annual distribution
Diffusion removal includes the transition of mobile forms
change. Together with drainage waters, salts and pollutants are
of nutrients from the soil to the runoff (under the influence of
carried out, which lead to an increase in salt mineralization and
the difference in concentrations in contact with the volume of
an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the rivers-water
runoff from the ground on the surface or in the interstitial
space) and transportation of dissolved nutrients in the water
It should be noted that the impact of irrigation on the above surface or groundwater flows.
characteristics of river flow is different for small rivers, mainly
The following hypotheses and assumptions were made in
fed by surface runoff, and for large river systems, draining all
the construction of the mathematical model:
categories of groundwater.
The total removal of biogens is the sum of independent
The decrease in runoff under the influence of irrigation
processes-erosion and diffusion removal (superposition
varies significantly in different water years. In wet years, this
decrease is insignificant, and in dry years, river flow decreases
more intensively. The leaching of chemical elements from the soil depends
on many factors. However, the first place should be put
The impact of irrigation on the annual distribution of runoff
climate, causing the amount, frequency and intensity of
is as follows-reduced runoff during the growing season and
precipitation, and determine the degree of moisture of the soil,
increases runoff in autumn and winter, when there is an inflow
evaporation and condensation of moisture in it.
of water from irrigated areas in the hydrographic network.
The next important factor is the type of soil, the nature of
The change in the chemical composition and water quality
the soil cover, which determines not only its inherent
of rivers in the areas of irrigated agriculture is due to the
composition, mechanical and mineralogical composition, but
removal of salts and nutrients from irrigated areas. Number of
also the processes of other exchange and diffusion, absorption
salts, for example, entering the river is ten or more tons per 1
and release of gases, the value of microbiological activity. The
ha. This greatly increases the salinity of rivers inlet.
quantity of substances to be washed largely depends on this
In determining the biogenic load on water resources, one of factor.
the main approaches is to create predictive models that would
To assess the removal of pollutants by surface water flow,
describe the behavior of pollutants and nutrients within the
the authors propose the following dependence:
catchments with a quantitative assessment of their entry into
water bodies. All models developed to date differ from each
other in the structure and objectives of research, input and 1−e П h mψ
Pв = a , (1)
output characteristics, the degree of universality in relation to H Пh
the input information and the indicator used in them. 10П
where P в – removal of nutrients for the estimated time
The use of mineral and organic fertilizers and pesticides interval, kg/ha for the i-th interval;
increases the fertility of irrigated lands. But at the same time,
they increase the anthropogenic load on the environment. H – a layer of precipitation falling over the i calculated
Therefore, the prediction and assessment of nutrient and interval, mm;
pesticide removal from agricultural lands with surface,
infiltration and solid effluents is important and necessary. To П – porosity of the arable soil layer, in fractions of one;
solve this problem, the method developed in VNIIVO [9] was
used. X ,a – calculated parameters depending on the initial soil
moisture for the calculated interval;
Consider the main provisions adopted for the calculations.
The technique is based on the idea of joint use of the results of

h − a layer of surface (water) runoff for the estimated t – duration of the i-th calculation interval, day;
time interval, mm;
X – rate constant of pesticide disappearance from the soil,
h – the depth of the arable soil layer in the calculation of day.
nutrients or removal depth of pesticide localization layer;
Removal of pollutants by infiltration waters outside the
m – number-soluble metabolic and absorbed arable layer is calculated by the formula:
argumentativ contained in the topsoil at the time of formation
of runoff (precipitation-effective precipitation) in the current инф
Q =mψ 1−e П , (6)
interval, kg/ha;
ψ – share is able to move in the pore solution of where Q – removal infiltration soluble agrochemicals
agrochemicals of the total share units. beyond the arable layer in the i-th calculation interval, kg/ha;

The removal of pollutants by solid flow is calculated by the O – irrigation rate for the i-th interval, mm;
ω – coefficient taking into account the fraction of
Mm precipitation and irrigation water required for infiltration in i-th
P = (1 − ψ), (2)
10 γ h calculation interval, determined experimentally, the fraction of
a unit.
where M is the module of solid flow in the calculated i-th The task of choosing a method of assessing the removal of
interval, t/ha; pollutants from agricultural catchments is important in the
formation of a system of mathematical models for planning and
γ is the volume weight of the soil of the arable layer, justification of the development of irrigation systems. In our
g/cm; opinion, the model of pollutant removal should identify with a
high degree of reliability the trends of the impact of the
10 is the recalculation coefficient. chemicalization of agriculture on land and water resources, and
be quite universal.
Evaluation of pesticide removal by solid runoff is made by
the formula: The model was used to assess the removal of pollutants
from irrigated land for the Left-Egorlyk irrigation system of the
2M m Stavropol territory. Irrigation area is 10 thousand hectares, the
P = (1 − П). (3)
10 γ h Territory system is divided into 4 chambers. Mineral, organic
The amount of soluble and exchange–absorbed pollutants fertilizers and pesticides are introduced annually. The results of
contained in the arable layer in the calculated interval is calculations are given for the 30 year period since 1956. on
determined based on the balance of these substances for the 1985. Removal of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and
previous interval according to the formula: pesticides for the entire irrigation system was considered. The
calculation results are shown in figures 1 to 4.
m = m − Pв − PТ − Q ∙ (1 − α ) + φ D
+ φ D . (4) 9
For pesticides:
инф 8
m = m − Pв − PТ − Q ∙ e ∆ + D e , (5)
where m , P в , P Т and Q – the number of
agrochemicals available for removal and submitted in the
interval preceding the calculated, kg/ha; 5

α – coefficient, taking into account the consumption of 4

nutrients by plants in the i-th calculation interval, the 3
proportion of one;
D , D , DП – the share of mineral application of the active
substance, respectively, organic fertilizers and pesticides in the 1
i-th calculation interval, kg/ha; 0

φ , φ – coefficients determining the part of mineral and

organic fertilizers remaining in the soil in soluble and
exchange-absorbed form, the fraction of one; Fig. 1. Chronological series of nitrogen pollutant removals for the whole
Left-Egorlyk Irrigation system for 1956 – 1985

The results of the calculations are consistent with similar
0.5 results of other authors and with the data of design studies,
which indicates the applicability of the model for the
0.4 assessment of pollutant removal in the development of
irrigation and in solving the problem of water and land
management of the irrigation system.
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Fig. 3. Chronological range of pollutant discharges potassium from the

territory of Left-Egorlyk Irrigation system for 1956 – 1985


Fig. 4. The removal of pesticides over the years 1956 – 1985 across the
Left-Egorlyk Irrigation system


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